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Author Topic: Twin Magic - Ariana Richards and the Bella Twins  (Read 10118 times)


Twin Magic - Ariana Richards and the Bella Twins
« on: October 24, 2022, 09:14:28 PM »
        "Is someone here?" Ariana calls out, starting to panic. She was supposed to be the only person in the empty arena, or at that's what her friend Shelton Benjamin had told her. Ariana Richards had been invited to a WWE event by her friend and WWE wrestler Shelton Benjamin. After the show ended he  was showing her around the arena, one thing led to another and the two of them had sex right in the middle of the empty ring. Thinking she was done the New Day showed up, and Ariana once again ended up having sex with the three of them and Shelton. It was a wild, out of control gangbang, filled with blowjobs, anal sex, your normal DP action, and even some double vaginal and double anal penetration. Exhausted, Ariana had made her way to the showers to get herself cleaned up before leaving the arena. So when she heard running water as she approached the showers, she was more than a little concerned.
         "Yeah someone's here. Actually there's a couple of someones here," a woman's voice answers back, followed by the sound of not one but two distinct voices laughing. "Come on in. We won't bite," a new different voice says, both voices laughing again. Nervously Ariana, covered only by a thin towel, peeks around the corner into the shower. Standing there, soaking wet under the running shower are two brunettes, twins if Ariana had to guess. Judging by their looks, they were identical twins, or at least they had been at one point. She could tell that one of the twins must of had a boob job at some point, her breasts several sizes bigger than her sister's. "I'm Nikki and this is my sister Brie. We're the Bella Twins," the busty twin says. Ariana had heard of them in one of her past conversations with Shelton. They had retired from WWE a few years ago, but Shelton had said that old wrestlers would sometimes come to the events to see their old friends.
           "Nice to meet you. I'm Ariana Richards," she says, clutching the towel tightly around her body. "Yeah you're Shelton's friend. We know a lot about you," Brie giggles. "What does that mean?" Ariana asks, beginning to get a little angry. "Nothing," Nikki replies. "Aside from the fact that we saw your 'Battle Royale' out there with Shelton and the New Day," Nikki continues, also giggling. "Why would you do that? No one else was supposed to be here!" Ariana exclaims, blushing. "Hey, just relax. We didn't mean to see, but it just kind of happened," Nikki explains. "Yeah, and it was really hot too," Brie laughs. "Why don't you set that towel down and come join us?" Nikki asks in a playful tone.
             "I bet she's never been with another girl before," Brie giggles. "As a matter of fact I have been with other girls before. It may have only been one time but it still counts," Ariana snaps back, irritated. "It does. But I guarantee you we'll be more fun than she was," Nikki purrs. "Yeah, especially since there's two of us," Brie says, walking over to Ariana. She grabs Ariana by the hand and tugs hard, Ariana letting the towel fall to the floor. She follows Brie over to the closest shower head. The room is wide with over a dozen shower heads lining the room. Brie and Nikki stand on either side of her, watching Ariana begin to wash herself. It takes Ariana a few minutes to realize that both of them have a hand between their legs, rubbing themselves furiously as they watch her. She blushes, trying to cover her breasts and crotch. "Don't be shy. We don't bite...hard," Brie laughs.
         They close in on Ariana, each of them taking one of her arms and gently pulling it off of her body, leaving Ariana completely exposed once again. Before she can protest the Bellas are on her, each of them focusing on one of her breasts. Brie takes Ariana's left breast, her tongue flicking up and down across the tip of Ariana's nipple as Brie squeezes the breast hard. Nikki's technique with Ariana's right breast is completely different but feels just as good. Nikki drags her tongue slowly around Ariana's nipple as she softly cups the breast in her hand. She moans and groans as the twins suck and lick her breasts. As they go to town on her tits Ariana secretly begins to wonder if she's bisexual. While it's true that she loves cock, especially big black ones, Ariana had to admit that she was really enjoying how great the twins hands and mouths felt on her body. It was like a mix of the gentleness only a woman would have, but at the same time, the passion and eagerness of every man she'd ever slept with. Ariana tries to hide her disappointment as they both stop playing with her breasts, staring at her intently.
         "Soooo, which of us did you like the best?" Brie asks. "And be honest. Especially since I'm the better lesbian," Nikki giggles. "You are not!" Brie shouts. "We've been over this Brie. Just because you're rough and fast like a man doesn't mean you're the better lesbian. Women want a gentler, more passionate approach," Nikki says. They both turn and stare at Ariana expectantly. "I can't pick one of you over the other. Both of your techniques were good for different reasons," Ariana replies. "Well I guess we'll have to go to round two if we want to settle this," Nikki says as she kneels in front of Ariana. Gently pushing Ariana thighs apart Nikki begins eating her pussy, once again using long, slow strokes of her tongue, occasionally throwing in a lap around Ariana's clit. "Oh fuck that feels great!" Ariana groans. "If you like that then you'll love this!"  Brie exclaims.
         Ariana feels Brie grab her ass, a cheek in each hand as the twin pulls them apart. Ariana gasps as she feels Brie's tongue run all around and across her asshole. She feels like she's in heaven, both of the twins pleasuring her holes at the same time, Ariana wishing she could feel like this forever. Unfortunately for her, her body has other ideas. The twins introduce their fingers into the mix, Nikki slipping a few fingers into Ariana's pussy as Brie sticks a finger in Ariana's asshole.
        Without warning Ariana reaches orgasm. "Fuck! Fuck! Don't stop!" Ariana screams as she cums, her legs trembling harder than the rest of her body, the twins never stopping as they finger her holes. As the last waves of her climax subside the twins remove the fingers from her holes, standing up. "So who got you off? Was it me playing with your pussy, or was it Brie fingering your asshole?" Nikki asks. "Sorry, but I just can't choose. You both felt amazing! I've never had anyone lick and finger both my holes at the same time before," Ariana replies, blushing, as she struggles to catch her breath. She can tell that both twins are a little irritated that she didn't choose one over the other. "Follow me," Brie sighes, taking Ariana by the hand.
         They lead Ariana out of the shower and back into the empty locker room. Ariana, still recovering from her orgasm, sits on the bench. Both of the Bellas walk over to a locker, opening it. Ariana lays on her back on the bench, closing her eyes. After a few seconds she hears the locker door slam closed. "Alright, we think we've finally figured out how we can pick a winner," Nikki exclaims. Ariana opens her eyes and gets a huge surprise. Both of the twins are standing in front of her, both wearing matching strap ons. "Ummm?" is all Ariana can get out before the Bellas spring into action. They come over to the bench, motioning Ariana to roll over onto her right  side. "You're taking her pussy right?" Brie asks. "Don't I always every time we do this?" Nikki asks, smirking at her sister. They lift Ariana's left leg, lining up their strap-ons with her waiting holes. The twins grin at Ariana at the same time, pushing their big rubber cocks into her, stretching her holes as they enter, Ariana moaning as they do.
         Both Bellas begin pumping in and out of the blonde's tight holes like pistons, Ariana groaning as both sisters begin picking up the pace, determined to outdo the other. "I bet that rubber cock feels great in your tight little pussy," Nikki growls. "Don't be stupid! She's moaning like that because there's nothing Ariana loves more than a cock in her ass," Brie snaps back. "They...ugh...both feel...ugh...so good," Ariana stammers, clearly enjoying the attention she's getting between her legs. They both stop suddenly, Ariana looks up at them with a look of confusion on her face. "That's what we've been doing wrong," Nikki says. "Yeah, we've be focusing on different things and that's why she can't choose," Brie says, agreeing with her sister. They pull out of Ariana, staring at each as a smile crosses their faces.  "We need to fuck the same hole at the same time!" both Bellas say at the same time.
         While Ariana isn't thrilled about having them both in the same hole at once, she can't really complain. If she could have two of the New Day's huge black cocks inside her at once she's more than capable of taking a couple of strap-ons. "I think we almost forgot something," Brie says, laughing. "Oh yeah," Nikki agrees. Reaching down both Bellas hit a small switch as the fake dicks come to life, buzzing like crazy. Nikki penetrates her pussy first, Brie a second later. The feeling is like nothing Ariana's felt before. Sure she's had two dicks in her pussy but this is totally different. As the sisters pump in and out of her, the fake cocks shake and wriggle inside her, touching her in places a real dick never could. "Oh fuck! Shit! It feels so good!," Ariana cries. She can see the smirks on the Bella's faces as they drill her pussy as hard as they possibly can. Ariana wishes this feeling could last forever, but it's more than her body can handle. Once again she climaxes hard.
         With a loud scream Ariana cums hard, her body trembling. She grips the bench under her as hard as she can, her back arching as her climax washes over her. The twins go with, pumping in and out of her as though nothing has changed. As the final aftershock of her orgasm stop only then do the Bellas pull out of her aching pussy. They stand on either side of her, Ariana panting hard, each of them stroking her cheeks. "We're so proud of you," Nikki purrs. "Yeah, most women don't last that long," Brie says softly. " We know you're going to say that you can't pick a winner between the two of us and that's fine," Brie says. "But there is one problem, " Nikki says. "Neither of us have cum yet," the sister say in unison, laughing. "We're going to take care of that right now," Brie says.
         Ariana is feeling so good right now that she doesn't even care that it sounds like the sisters are up to no good. They help her stand, walking her a few feet from the bench. "Lie down on the floor," Nikki tells her, Ariana complying. Brie lies down in front of her facing Ariana. She opens Ariana's legs, sliding closer to her until they're pussies are pressed together. Brie begins rocking her hips slowly, grinding herself against Ariana. The clit rub hard against each other, both Ariana and Brie moaning loudly at the sensation. Brie speeds up, scissoring the blonde even harder, they're moans and groans getting louder by the second. Nikki gently pushes Ariana's upper body back a little bit, Ariana using her elbows to keep herself upright. Nikki positions herself so she's standing over Ariana, her crotch facing the blonde. Ariana, getting the message, leaps into action without needing to be told. She leans forward and begins eating Nikki's pussy. She feels Nikki grab her head from behind, gently pushing Ariana's face deeper into her folds.
         The sisters push Ariana to the limit, Ariana surprised to find that she's loving every second of it. She loves the feel of their pussies rubbing against her nude body. She loves the way Nikki tastes. She loves how good it feels as Brie's juices mix with her own as their hips smash together. Ariana has never been with two women until tonight, and she wonders if maybe she's more than a little bisexual. Without warning both sisters' bodies tense up at the same time. Both Bellas orgasm at the same time, the brunettes screaming loudly, as to Ariana's surprise, both of them squirting all over her. As they finish cumming they lie down on the floor, one on either side of Ariana, stroking and kissing her body. The three of them lay there in silence for a long time until finally Brie breaks the silence. "I can't believe Nikki and I spent all this time trying to figure out which of us was the better lesbian, and in the end it wasn't either one of us," she laughs. "But on the plus side if you ever want to come to another WWE event and Shelton's not around you have two new friends you can call," Nikki replies, all three women laughing.
        As they head back to the showers to clean up, Ariana reflects back on the events of the night: hooking up with Shelton, getting gangbanged by the New Day, and finally her impromptu lesbian threesome with the Bella Twins. The women finish up, drying themselves off and getting dressed before going their separate ways. On the way to the airport Ariana is exhausted, drained by her long night. As she begins to fall asleep on the plane ride home, Ariana decides that maybe it's time to finally go on a real vacation. Not many people knew it but Ariana was close friends with Britney Spears, having met her years ago at some Hollywood event. Britney had been asking her about taking a girls only trip for a while now. Ariana decides that once she gets home, the first thing she's going to do is give Britney a call...

The End?
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