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Author Topic: All Harlot's Eve 3 - Midnight Dreams: Season of the Witch  (Read 6316 times)


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All Harlot's Eve 3 - Midnight Dreams: Season of the Witch
« on: November 02, 2022, 01:17:36 AM »
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All Harlot's Eve 3 - Midnight Dreams: Season of the Witch
Starring Elizabeth Olsen
(MF, Oral, Anal, Creampie)
By MaxwellLord

You know, a lot of these dreams I've shown you tend to have strong connections with what people were doing just before they nod off, huh? I mean I'm not trying to have that be the case but  it's just a fact that when it comes to your kind your mind holds on to what's the most fresh to construct this dreams. For the most part. Tonight however, you're going to get something different. The two parties in this dream aren't passing out on the couch or the floor or at a desk. Nope, they've managed to make it to bed perfectly safe and sound to end their day and join me for a little dream dalliance.

However just because they made it to bed peacefully doesn't mean their desires aren't just a little bit chaotic.

Alex Lipton lives a fairly normal life as a motel manager. It's not half bad. It pays well and he saves on rent as the owner lets him live on grounds in a nice little one bed, one bath built back when the owner was just starting the business and wanted a place to live and save money. Now it was a perk for anyone who wanted to be the manager at his motel that was well on the road to the middle of nowhere. It wasn't quite located on a lonely road. There was a Wendy's, a Taco Bell and a 7/11 all around him in case he decided to kill sometime be feloniously assaulting his own stomach. The lax dress code was nice to. The Errol Flynn facial hair he sported got no complaints from the motel owner nor did his attire of T-shirts and jeans. He even pushed the line a little bit further when he'd play his favorite films on the TV at the front desk. They were always fantasy films or shows of some sort. The Lord of the Rings, Willow, Game of Thrones, anything with swords and sorcery he was ready to ingest. Well, most nights. On this particular night it'd been reruns of Impractical Jokers on in the background while he made some late night supply orders. It'd been a few months since anything with swords or sorcery, let alone both. It was however, getting close to switch things over to the assistant manager when she came in at two in the morning.

Elizabeth Olsen too had not been watching anything that would wind up influencing her dreams, at least not directly. She'd been reading a book about as far away from adventurous as a person could get before she felt the droop of her eyelids. They almost felt like theater curtains before she finally decided to give in and take a bow. The leggy blonde put the book down on the night stand, laid down, turned off the the lights and the curtain dropped.

Now, what makes people dream of the things they dream about? Is it really just as simple as what  you were doing before bed or even for most of the day? Or do those desires wait, ready to spring like a tiger when their moment is at hand? Let's take a look and see what desires both these two had that drew them together in dreams...and just what their heads created.


Alex had lost track of how long he'd been in the dungeon. He was the last one standing and at this point he feared his wrists would feel odd with out the clasp of the cold metal chains that kept him. The days, or was it weeks and perhaps months, he'd spent here had all melded together from the sameness. The same dripping moisture, the same sounds of various nightbeasts that prowled outside his barred window and the ever present red light that shined through the same window. A scarlet tinge covered everything in the witch's tower, whether they wanted it or not. it was the color of her chaos and none could breach it unless she chose is. Elizabeth Olsen's sorcerous powers were legendary and none in the world dared challenge her. Which is what made Alex's imprisonment all the more mystifying, he hadn't been challenging her.

Alex was a ranger, wandering the free lands and doing what he could to keep them that way. The Scarlet Blonde Witch known as Elizabeth Olsen was never an issue for him. She kept to herself as long as others did as well. Or that was the official line. Still, he'd never encountered her before and never had reason to. Which made it all the more surprising when he came across her at the River of Night's Dreaming. It was almost as if she'd been waiting for him. She'd sat among the rocks and she either formed them into a makeshift throne with her powers or the Earth willingly formed it for her. Given how much power Elizabeth wielded, both were viable possibilities.

Her beauty was legendary even in a world of legends. The kind, enchanting face of an angel yet she dealt primarily in sin. Her long legs were crossed and she was dressed in her familiar black and red garb or leathers and linen.

Alex froze in place, both terrified and lustfully entranced by the bewitching beauty. And it wasn't just mortal beauty, it was extra mortal. Faint bolts of pinkish-red electricity would randomly roam over her body along with a faint red glow she seemed to give off. The supernatural sights didn't end there, as her hair seemed to shift colors from dark brown, to red to blonde depending on how the light hit it...or maybe it was her mood.

Being frozen in place by the site of such legendary and sinister beauty didn't just leave Alex motionless, but also speechless. There was no magic at play for this enchantment, it was all Elizabeth, which made her smile wider than she already had been. With Alex silent, she took the initiative to speak.

"Perfect," she said. "In every way." She snapped her fingers and a black smoke exploded from the sound, filled with glowing red embers and sparks. That was the last pairing of sight and sound Alex would experience for a bit, as he was soon out like a light. When he awoke, he was in the dungeon. And aside from the chains and the dripping and the lighting situation, he'd experienced worse. Frankly having an actual bed instead of a cot or nothing at all made this the Ritz of dungeons. Yeah, sleeping with one's arms chained up was a challenge but far from the hardest Alex had ever faced. Especially considering he didn't remember sleeping once since awoke. Or did he remember eating or drinking or even feeling the pangs of hunger or the thirst of a dying man. How long had he been here?

Before he could fully commit to answering that self-asked question, he heard the heavy wooden door open. First came the clinkety-clack of the lock unlocking, followed closely by the creek of imprisoned age. Behind the door was a spectral assistant; a vaguely humanoid, somewhat transparent being made of formless magic given the form of a mind. A simple one, designed mainly to follow the directions of their creator, in this case Elizabeth Olsen.

The spectral assistant waved it's left hand at his. While he was watching the smokey form he almost didn't notice his chains hadn't just fallen away, they'd faded away. That when the sound of gibberish echoes filled the room before focusing in and then out of the spectral assistant.

"You are to to meet our Mistress of Magic, now," spoke the spectre before condensing it's form to that of a floating green flame. Alex got to his feet and followed the flame out the door and up a flight of enchanted stairs. If Madame Olsen didn't want to see you, you'd never get to the top or bottom once started. If she truly wanted your presence you could go from the third step to the very top where her boudoir was located. If Alex were aware of that he'd be very flattered that for him it was halfway through step two. Step three led him right her door.

Alex's flaming guide exploded in silence, the green flame coating the oak door in front of him before turning it transparent.

"Come," Elizabeth's voice echoed from within. Alex stepped through the door, hearing a hiss of air when he was completely in the witch's lair.

Alex looked around the impossibly large room. There was even a spiral staircase within it leading to other floors. He didn't quite understand how it was possible but shook it off as his surroundings settling in. It certainly wasn't what he expected from a witch's lair. No live reptiles or familiars of any kind, no assorted slimes and rotting furniture. Instead it was all tidy book cases and shelves. Chairs and couches and all furniture were works of art in their form and were most certainly just as dreamily comfortable. All of it lit by floating, color-changing flames.

"Please, take a seat," Elizabeth said as she descended from the sealing, a cloud of black smoke with red sparks and embers trailing her down. She waved a hand toward's Alex's right and a light shown on a wonderfully ornate and fluffy-looking sofa. Alex sat on it, finding it to be almost cloud like, or what he'd imagine it'd be at the very least. "Make yourself at home, because hopefully that's what this is now."


"I'm getting ahead of myself." The sorceress had landed. She waved her hand towards a cabinet, the door gently opening and following that, a bottle of red wine and two glasses floated out and set themselves on a table made of solidified fog. "Your name is Alex, correct? I mean I know it is but I just want to make sure your brain is present."

"I know my name," he replied. "And yes, it's Alex. And you're Elizabeth Olsen, the legendary Witch in Scarlet."

"Thanks you for not using the term 'infamous'," she said while pouring herself a glass, then one for Alex. With a wave of her index finger in his direction his glass floated over to him, finding its place in Alex's grip. "Though I'm sure that's the more well known one."

"Well I chose that because I'm a guest. Or am I a tenant now?"

"Yes, I do realize I left you hanging with my choice of words. Apologies." She took a sip of her wine then beckoning Alex to follow her up the stairs, which he did. He was intrigued and no one could blame him. "I didn't find you by accident, Alex. Far from it. I've been searching for you for a long time. Mainly in books and reading the stars, trying to find the precise moment to find you."

"And what am I?" he asked. Elizabeth turned around, placing her glass of wine on a levitating book case.

"I believe I said it to you when we met," she said with a heavenly smile. "You're perfect in everyway. But, if you want a more drawn out explanation, are you familiar with the idea of familiars?"

"Yeah," he said, taking a sip from his glass. "They're those animals witches and warlocks have. Cats, wolves, rats, sparrows, all of that. No one quite knows what they're for because it's not like you guys are talking much."

"True enough on both counts. Slightly less though on the first. Familiars don't have to be animals and the term is a bit misused even by those who know what those creatures are for, if a magic user chooses to use them. I think the term assistant is far more accurate. A familiar is something else entirely. The confusion probably occurred because of some skinwalkers at some point. You see, what a familiar truly is is far more akin to a paramour. An eternal companion. A lover. Some members of my little guild decide to be a little reckless about this, hence the absolute glut of boring immortals in the world."

"Wait, the immortals?"

"Yes," she said before grabbing her wine and continuing the walk up. "Hastily picked normal humans chosen for no other reason that a fleeting crush or desire of the loins. As educated as some of my brethren may be in the realms of magic they really could stand to learn the lesson of looking before they leap. Because of their urges your world now has things like vampires and ghouls and and the occasional flat out horrible person who just won't die unless special conditions are met. Me? I tend to fuck and run. No problem with that as long as it's understood. Pleasure is a universal need, so why not satisfy it?"

Elizabeth led him to a set of double doors, impossibly high in a room already full of impossibilities. The door looked to be made of volcanic glass from the black shine of it. However, much like the enchanted smoke that seemed to follow his hostess around, there was an electric red glow within.

"Am I here to satisfy it?" Alex asked after his last gulp of wine, where upon swallowing it the glass disappeared into the ether.

"You don't seem put off of the idea," Elizabeth said, her tone inviting with just a hint the sinister.

"There are certainly worse fates. But why me? I've never met you before. Or...have I?"

"No. While I'm certainly capable mindwipes and mind control I'm loathe to use it in affairs such as this. You see, while so many of my peers are reckless with their familiar choices, I chose not to be. I looked to the stars and books of prophecy and waited so long for my promised ranger. I didn't know it'd be you...but I also wasn't surprised when I saw you. It felt right. The planets did literally align for this, after all. I'm guessing you felt it too."

"How so?"

"Well, you just froze. Not in terror. You didn't run. More shock. And I think you liked what you saw." With that word Alex looked over Elizabeth's body, seeing, maybe for the first time the slit in the skirt of her clothing, exposing the smooth flesh of her long legs. The way the black and read leather and lace of the corset she wore pushed her magnificent melons together. And her face...regardless of her being an enchantress it was easily the most enchanting face he'd ever seen.

"Perhaps I did."

"I'm betting the use of the word perhaps was superfluous. We were destined. I offer you eternity. Be my familiar, you with me and me with you every step of eternity. Your choice, of course. I can not influence you in any way but tell you what you get, beyond myself in body and soul. You would get the whole of tomorrow and more. Enchanted as I am to walk the Earth and glide on its winds. And you would walk independently of me if you choose. If you wished to travel without me you could and with a whisper of my name I'd be at your side. Of course the same rules of binding would apply to you as well."

"Laws of binding?"

"I wouldn't be your master, another misconception of what a familiar actually is. You'd be mine and I'd be yours. Companions eternal and chosen by the universe itself for each other. Thus, if you truly needed me and I wasn't there, just say my name and there I shall be. And the same will hold true for me. I don't want a servant, my dear ranger...I just want you."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then you'll wake up where I found you with no memory of this meeting and I wait another three centuries to find someone as close to perfect as you."

"If this is all on the level, then why have me chained up down there?"

"Force of habit for my golems," she replied. "I remembered to instruct them to give you the bed but forgot to lift the confinement spell. So I do apologize for that. I really don't want to hurt you." She extended her hand, her glass disappearing just as his had. she stroked his face. "I want to show all the sights and sounds and treats for all the senses I can offer you and take everything you can offer me. We are destiny, my ranger. I offer you everything with no risk. Nothing to lose. You won't even remember the experience enough to wonder "what if" if you say no. So...do you say no?"

Alex took a moment before he spoke next, "What's involved?"

"No pain, I can promise you that," Elizabeth said. "Unless of course you're into it..in which case I will happily oblige. Am I to understand that you're agreeing to join with me?"

"Yes. I mean it hardly sounds like I'm a prisoner."

"Hardly," Elizabeth said finally kissing him, some of those glowing red sparks igniting around them, their own personal fireworks display. "My only recommendation is at first you stay on my grounds, in my realm for nothing more than getting used to things...and learn some magic."

Elizabeth waved her hand and the doors opened inward, revealing her bedroom. Once more the space within seemed impossible but Alex was already getting used to that. A chest of drawers with a mirror the size of a pond set in it's granite form. It seemed almost like it was growing from the walls itself.

More bookcases lined the walls and the room was lit by stationary candles and floating flames of various colors. In the center of it all was a large canopy bed, the kind of large where describing it as "king size" would be underselling it. It was covered by a red blanket with black pillows and like everything else he'd seen so far there was a bit of her red energy emanating off of it.

"It's rather simple really," she said, leading him in. "I need your essence, your seed in me. Three different times, three different ways. In short we make love. Raw, pure, passionate; a symbol of everything we're destined to be together." The sensual sorceress waved her hand again and the door silently shut behind them. Then her lips went to his again, sealing it all with a kiss. When it broke she licked her thumb and worked in a circle on Alex's forehead, making the willing ranger feel a small bit of heat.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"A simple stamina spell," she said. "Nothing to affect your cognitive abilities, more along the lines of something to give you an extra jolt when you need it. I know you rangers are the perfect specimen with stamina so great the gods themselves are jealous, yet you are simply human. Perfect, but human...this gives you just a little bit of an edge to help the eager body. Though I suppose a visual would also help, mainly for getting us started.

She took a few steps away from her soon-to-be and waved both her hands down her body and with that her clothing went into the ether, save for the dark red crown that instead of running around her head seemed to run down her face from where the crown rest on her forehead, stopping at two points on her cheeks.

Seeing her bare form, those succulent breasts and long smooth legs and a shaven cunt waiting for his touch made Alex ready to dive in. However, he was halted by a smirking Elizabeth Olsen.

"Halt my dear," she said, stepping towards him. "I do believe I owe for leaving you chained up, even if for merely half a day."

"Half a day?"

"Like I said, you weren't afraid. My knockout spell mainly works on the terror or fear within someone, or the one I used on you did. No fear means it wasn't as powerful. Which means...well, I think it might take a hundred years of us being together for the smile that will be on your face after our little ceremony to fade. So, with out further ado..."

Her fingers danced in the air but downwards towards Alex's crotch. The magic mistress used her abilities to have his belt unbuckle itself then pull itself from the loops of the pants. From their mystically aided gravity pulled his pants down. Alex finished the job my pulling his shirt off, the garment hitting the ground at the same time as Lizzie's knees.

Her grip was soft but firm on his hard cock. Alex moaned softly as Elizabeth slowly stroked him. Her touch was, perhaps unsurprisingly, nothing short of magic. It was teasing perfect and not just from her touch. The sensual smile one her face as her gorgeous green eyes looked up at him. The gaze held a promise of unimaginable pleasure and it was a promise she was going to keep beyond the imagination of mere mortals.

"Hmmm," he moaned from a simple kiss to his thigh. Several of them peppered Alex's skin, connected by a road of saliva. Small bites joined the tender kisses, something Alex didn't know he would like but it gave just enough of an edge, a burn like a fine spirit to be savored slowly with her hot breath cooling the saliva the perfect chaser.

Elizabeth went to the other thigh for the same treatment, all the while feeling his cock pulse and twitch in her hands. So eager for her magic touch, needing it. She knew the feeling well as her mouth was absolutely watering for his cock. The mage wondered if he didn't already have a bit of the otherworldly within him after looking at his cock. If this succulent scepter wasn't already enchanted then by the end of the night her familiar to be would have his own magic wand.

"Ohhhh Elizabeth," he moaned when the witch gave his balls some oral attention. Her tongue wrote poems and spells of lust in a language that could only be felt, not heard. Alex's fists balled up as his nuts were tenderly licked. While both liked things a bit rougher, neither were necessarily fan's of full on pain in place of pleasure. It was more pleasure spiked with pain. It was a big reason why Lizzie had thrown out that damn black and gold puzzle house.

"Mmmmm" she hummed on his balls. She sucked on in, rolling her tongue around the orb before moving to the next. Soon his shack shimmered with fresh hot saliva, and it would be the only area of his joy division to get that treatment. After all, the pump had been primed by this point.

"Oh my word..." Alex grunted as Elizabeth's lips wrapped around his bell-end. Her tongue slowly ran in circles around the tip, giving special attention to the underside. She stifled a devilish giggle when that intense oral attack made him shiver.

The words continued to elude him with Lizzie taking more of him in her mouth. She began to bob her head on his dick, slow and sensual slurping while her right hand played with his slick balls and her left raked his thigh with her dark red nails.

"Oooh Elizabeth....oh...," he groaned, Alex's jaw quivering as the man awed at the sorceress' mouth magic. She seemed to know just what to do to make him week in the knees, right on the verge of begging her to stop and pleading with her to keep going. He didn't know anything about planet's aligning but the way she knew his body was not short of supernatural. "Fuck!" he blurted out when she felt Elizabeth's to teeth gently scrape against the very edge of the crown before going to the root once more. With that movie Elizabeth wasn't just sending him pleasure, but a message, one she needed to make sure he got with a special "P.S.".

Her hand left his balls and thighs and went to Alex's hands, grabbing them at the wrist then pulled her mouth off of his cock.

"My Perfect Ranger," she said while taking in deep breaths, brushing her face against his slick cock and getting a mix of precum and her own spit on her face. "You won't break me. Don't be scared of that...fuck my face...show me what your delicious prick has in store for my pussy..."

Elizabeth's mouth once engulfed his rod, tongue once more giving special attention to the mushroom cap while his hands took hold of her head, getting big handfuls of her ever changing hair. He began to thrust into her mouth, hearing this seductive sirens moan as her mouth was being used. The Ranger looked down, thrusting harder once he caught a view of his hostess playing with her clit. He then took a look at her hair and it's oscillating colors; red, to blonde to brown and back again, each shade showing of her hunger and desire. When he went al the way in until Elizabeth's nose was pressed against his pelvis it went to a sandy blonde and stayed that way once her removed it after a minute, though sparks of red streaked through it in big strands, almost like the hair was becoming illuminated.

While his beautiful benefactor took her breaths he slapped her face with his cock, making her moan in between those deep breaths along with a few very sexy laughs and giggles Then she took hold his dick once more, definitely stroking him into near oblivion before she stopped and gave it a light slap.

"Mmmmm as I said...planets have aligned my dear Ranger," she said. "So now, i want that first taste of you...your essence....your seed....your cum....feed me...I am you lady and you my lord..."

"Oh my Lady," he groaned when she took him thrice into her mouth, this time ready to push him beyond whatever mortal limits of stamina he though he had just so she could create new ones with hi.

Faster and faster she slurped and slobbered on his cock, making a splattery mess of spit on the ground beneath. But soon that sound faded away, everything faded away except for Elizabeth Olsen. Her body, the sensations she was giving to him. Her nude form on her knees, the vibrations her own moans were creating through his cock and just the pure desire for his jizz to be on her tongue were the only things in the world or any beyond for him.

"Yes...yes yes yes," he grunted as the witch's tongue worked marvels and miracles on his knob, edging him closer and closer until that one last swipe of the tongue made him cry out to the heavens "YESSSSSSSSS!"

Lizzie didn't flinch once as her mouth was filled with his creamy load. Though she was surprised at the sheer of amount of cum that was filling her mouth she had no issue in swallowing it, savoring the flavor of her new eternity right until the last drop, for the moment at least, dribbled out and was swallowed down soon after.

With every drop gone she rose to meet his face and the two kissed, tongues dancing a wedding waltz before it breaking. And once it broke Alex looked around and below to realize the world had melted away, from a certain point of view. He and Elizabeth were floating well above the floor and the bed, though he could tell by the look in her jade eyes that the bed was to be their next destination.

"Come, my dear Ranger," she said, grabbing him by his still hard cock and leading him down from where they were hovering and onto the bed. As she lay on the bed with him on top of her, she broke the flurry of kisses and stroked his face. "I like the fact that your first unconscious use of magic didn't alarm you...though maybe the blowjob had something to do with it." She laughed, which got one from him.

"Well, the planets and stars aligned, like you said," he answered. "No reason to feel anything close to in danger."

"Very correct. Shall we continue?"

"Of course, my Sweet Sorceress." They kissed, a tender hunger fueling it. Soft and savage, sucking each other's tongues while they felt each other up. Elizabeth was waiting, on the verge of begging even, to feel his cock within her. It wasn't as if she'd been in a dry spell. Whenever she wanted sex, she got it. But there was an anticipation here, a yearning written in the stars to feel his passion tonight. Alex had other plans, but there were going to be very agreeable to his witchy woman.

The first sign of Alex's new path began when his lips went from Elizabeth's own to her chin, then her neck. He took some time there, nibbling and licking her, tasting her enchanted flesh before moving down further. He grabbed her breasts, kneading them like clay before getting a taste of them as well. The seductive sorceress cooed and moaned at the touch of his mouth and hands, the perfect combination of sweet and tender and savage and rough. She she felt his teeth take hold of her nipple, just enough to tug and pull her eyes shot open and she had a request to make.

"Harder," she gasped. "Bite harder...mmmmAlex...sweet Ranger...have your way..."

Music to his ears, a spell if he didn't know better. However he did know that sorcerers and witches all were people of there words, which was why it was so important to pay close attention to what they said. Still, magic or not the words were enchanting as well as inspiring.

As tantalizing as Lizzie's tits were, there was so much more this witch of wonders had to offer with her curvy body. And what curves the were! As he moved down her form he could help but deeply admire her body. From scent to feel to taste to sight Alex found Elizabeth's body to be everything he craved in a woman. Regardless of whether or not it'd been too long for him this still would have been an experience beyond compare and he wanted to savor it.

He licked down the center of her stomach, kissing her navel. The flesh their was ticklish, making his newfound lover giggle. The laughter however turned to a moan once Alex found his head between Lizzie's legs.

The moaned, sucking on her on finger and biting down on it when she felt the gentle caress of his hands on her thighs. It was a almost a phantom touch; she knew it was happening with the trail of goose pimples that popped up in the wake but it was almost a glancing blow. The kisses he placed on either thigh though continued the tradition despite being anything but phantasmagoric with a few delicate nibble there as well, getting creaking moans to escape her lips.

THe creaking soon turned echoing when Alex finally got to his destination and the moment he got to work it was as if both had taken a bite of ambrosia and the power of the gods began to course through their veins.

"Yes...by the gods YES!" Elizabeth moaned, back arching and toes curled. Alex wasted no time showing of his skill. He was a Ranger after all. Her fingers curled and waved as if she was casting a spell, thought he mind was on something even more magical than magic. His tongue, his fingers, his hunger, he was using them all to take on a journey to another realm. It was enough to make Elizabeth lose herself completely to instinct.

And while she that wouldn't happen completely, the wondrous witch did feel the need to give into that instinct. She reached down and gripped Alex by his long, dark hair and pulled him up. their tongues licked at each other before their mouths sealed together with a kiss. When it broke, Elizabeth spoke.

"Fuck me," she said. "Give me your cock, my Ranger." That final word was followed by a prolonged moan as his cock filled her, the perfect key for her lock. He looks down on her, the witch's beautiful face contorting in pleasure as he slowly pulled out and pushed in. "Deeper," she whispered. "More...deeper...deeper my lover..." She wrapped her limbs around Alex, thighs closing around him and her nails raking up and down his back.

Soon Alex was making complete and full strokes all the way in, the sensations making Elizabeth his "Yesssss....," every moment. It was exquisite, and obviously not just for Elizabeth.

Alex had never experienced a woman like Elizabeth. Oh he'd fucked plenty, including a few other sorceresses and witches. That was the thing though...he'd fucked them. And while many times it was rather good, none of it was an experience. He was tasting her, watching her writhe beneath him with his cock pistoning inside of her. Hearing the addicting sound her her moaning, cooing and begging for more. Feeling her pussy squeeze and milk his cock, the velvet vice like nothing else he'd ever heard. He moans of passion more enticing than a siren's song, and Alex would know as he'd both and resisted the call of such a being. Her touch...unlike anything else. The taste of her truly was like the food of the gods.

"Unnngggg fuckkkkk," Lizzie groaned when Alex made just the right adjustment at just the right angle to hit just the right spot within her. Her nails dug in and raked Alex's back, drawing blood and adding another spike of pain to the cocktail of pleasure the two were mixing.

Elizabeth pulled her hands away, likcing them clean as Alex rose up on his knees. He gripped her firmly by the hips and began to jakchammer her, pumping her pussy fast and hard. He grunted and growled, almost an animal as her watched her tits and bounce and jiggle from the force of his fucking.

Elizabeth was lifted upwards by her hips, head and shoulders still on the bed while her legs  hooked tightly around Alex's waist. He slowed down just for a bit, pulling her to him instead of pushing into her.

"Oooh yessss," she sighed. "RIght there...oh my yesss..."

Alex's hands moved up her body, gripping her in the middle and pulling her up to face him. They kissed again, Lizzie pulling his face to hers as he began to thrust up into her again. The kiss only broke when the moans became too loud to contain.

"Yes yes yes YES!" Lizzie screamed. She was overcome by it all, now becoming every bit the animal the Ranger had become. Their lips collided again as they rolled over. With Alex now on his back Lizzie had but one direction for him. "Hands up, my dear Ranger."

He complied, his hand going above his head and near the mahogany headboard of her luxurious bed. With Alex in position, Elizabeth snapped her fingers and in a puff of red-tinged black smoke a scarlet silk scarf appeared. She grabbed it, smirking and cocking her eyebrow as she looked down at Alex who returned the silent sentiment. She pulled the scarf tight before releasing it. However gravity had no say in the destination of the fabric. It sailed down onto Alex's abdomen before slithering up his body, the silken serpent moving to his right wrist, tying one end around it before lopping around one of the wooden bars and over to his left hand, securing him in place.

"Trust me, my dear Ranger," she said softly, rubbing his muscular chest with her hands.

"Implicitly," he said. However the next words to emerge from his mouth was a prolonged gasp of "Yesssss" as Elizabeth began to ride his cock. Twisting and turning, up and down and all around she worked his cock and all the while Alex ached to touch the perfection his eyes were taking in. The was the sweat shimmered on her body, adding an extra layer to the ever-present glow his beautiful benefactor possessed. Her breasts swayed with her motion and though Elizabeth was indeed in control the look on her face was joyous intoxication; she was just as passion blind as he was. He ached to feel her on the outside as much as he was her inside.

"Cum for me," Lizzie demanded. "Cum with me and cum IN me my love," Elizabeth demanded, though there was a hint of pleading within. "The second offering....the second union...I need it...I need you..." Faster and faster, she leaned back, slamming and grinding her pussy on his cock. All Alex could do was moan and struggle against his restraints. It was a tempest of pleasure that was building into a shipwrecking storm.

"Elizabeth...oh my...oh...you want....you want my seed?"

"YESSS!" she said, her voice rumbling like passionate thunder. "Cum with me!!!" Lizzie lunged forward, still working her her hips as she kissed him, biting his lips and and moaning in his mouth. Her lips moved to his ear, licking them before whispering. "Fill me my lover....fill me..."

"LIZZIE!!!!" He cried out as the first volley of his love lava erupted right from his cock directly into the witch's womb. The first hot jet of his jizz hitting her from within set Elizabeth off as well, her own moan joining his in a chorus of coital bliss. Once more lips and tongue met, though in a far more tender manner as Alex's cock continued to pump semen inside of Elizabeth's cunt. When next it broke she looked at him, stroking his face. He soon returned the favor, which made Lizzie realize the scarf was gone and it wasn't her that had done it. His powers were already coming on strong, much quicker than any she'd heard of from other magic users when choosing their familiars. Though none of them had taken the time Lizzie had in find her Ranger.

She slid off of him to the side and the two tenderly kissed and caressed each other. Both were exhausted but far from tired.

"Time for the third my dear Ranger," she said, reaching between them to stroke his enchanted scepter. "Are you ready to begin something that shall never end?"

"Very," he said, running his hand over her cheek...then down her neck, over her breast, down her midsection to her hips...then to her ass, taking a big squeeze of her pretty peach. He looked at her and, a wordless question asked. Elizabeth nodded and kissed him before getting on all fours. Alex, however, didn't immediately get behind her. Instead, he moved to her front and lead her back up, his finger by her chin. He gazed at her, running his hands over her body. "Eternity huh?"

"Mmm hmmm," she said, sucking in his thumb as he stroked his cheek. She let it slip out before saying, "And that's just the beginning."

"Well, let's start the beginning," he said. He maneuvered around to her back and pushed her back down to all fours, the lovely lady downright purring as she felt his hands run down her back as she leaned forward until they settled on her round rump, giving it a firm but playful spank before he guided his cock back into her pussy for a few thrusts.

"Mmmm so good," Elizabeth said. "My ass...put that magic dick in my ass..."

"Of course my lady," Alex said, pulling out of her ass only to make way for entry into Elizabeth's ass. He pressed his bulbous head right at the tight opening, the sticky sweet sorceress tensing up at first before Alex reached around to play with her clit, relaxing her just enough for for the first few inches to pass through.

"Nnng," she grunted. "More...give me more..." Her words were breathless and soon turned to moans as more and more of Alex's prong was worked into her ass. Lizzie gripped her sheets tight and closer her eyes even tighter. The grimace turned into an open mouthed smile as Alex indeed gave her more than she could have imagined. His strokes were deep and full now and the ante was upped when he reach his hands up to grab her arms, pulling them both behind her back and using them to pull to to meet every hard thrust.

"FUCK!" she growled. "Yes....yes that's how i want...nngg how I need it...deep...hard...fuck me...FUCK ME!"

"Yess...fucking take it Lizzie...oh my gods...oh my s I want this...I've always wanted it...deep down...always knew...oh my gods..."

"Destiny....my destined beloved," she moaned. Alex then moved Elizabeth up by her arms, free them as she moved back up, her back to his chest. His arms wrapped around her with one hand going to her tits, squeezing one while the other worked her clit. She turn her face, looking at him.

"You like cock in your ass, my queen?" he said, thrusting balls deep into her ass.

"Uhh-huh...yesss...so much...never been like this...," she moaned, licking at his lips. "Please give me your cum...give it to me and we'll have forever to do this and more..." There foreheads rested together and their eyes met. "Cum...cum in my ass...cum for me and make us complete..."

"Yeah...yeah gonna fill your ass," the Ranger roared, going faster and faster. He pressed Lizzie back forward on the bed, prone and on top of her. His head rested on hers, mouth near Lizzie's ears. She heard every grunt and groan, every word of filth and praise of her.

"Cum...cum in me," she said in a dreamy tone. "Please..."

And with one last deep thrust he did just that.

"Lizze!!!!" he grunted as he pumped her full of cum. He continued to thrust and with every new thrust a new rope of hot jism rocketed from his cock up her ass. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Of all the women he'd bedded, Elizabeth was otherworldly. Fitting due to what she was, but he didn't expect the sex to be this much better. He felt something deep within, more powerful than any climax he'd experienced yet.

"Mmmm yesssss....yess my Ranger...every drop for me...forever..."

When the last drop leaked out he pulled his shriveled prick from her ass and slumped on the bed next to her. Elizabeth rolled on to her back and rested her head on his chest, cum trickling from her ass and pussy.

"You can feel it already can't you?" she asked, tracing her fingers on his chest. "The change in your heartbeat, your blood....even your teeth feel different. You're seeing new colors and feeling new sensations. It can be overwhelming at first, the power you can now wield. But don't worry my Ranger...I can guide you. I will guide you."

"Forever?" he asked, grabbing her hand to kiss it.

"And then some," Elizabeth replied. "And you'd be surprised how many of these thing involve sex."


Well, it was no Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, but entertaining nonetheless. Just goes to show what desires we have that can be unleashed in the dreamscape...and the magic that can happen when another mind has that same desire.

Well...I think I have one more story I can show you before, well, you've had enough. I mean there's the real world out there after all. But don't worry, I think you'll like what's next. But until then...

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Re: All Harlot's Eve 3 - Midnight Dreams: Season of the Witch
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2022, 04:34:59 PM »
Wow!  This was amazing.  All the magical set dressing made for the perfect ethereal and hot story with an equally hot and ethereal Lizzie.
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