Celebrity Story Site

Author Topic: Hard Bumps, Hard Cash [w/h Mandy Rose, Velvet Sky, Mandy Leon, & more]  (Read 4850 times)


WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own the NWA or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Velvet Sky (NWA, former Impact Wrestling/TNA Wrestling)

Hard Bumps, Hard Cash – Velvet Sky

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal.

* * *

Now bare with me, because this is still a lot to take in without me laying out all the details. I’ve been a wrestling fan for a long time. Seeing the modern era with the WWE and NXT 2.0, AEW’s emergence and even delving into promotions in Japan. Along with all the independent promotions across the States. But to be brutally honest what caught my attention the most was the fine as Hell ladies in the business. Different shapes, sizes, looks and backgrounds. Nicely fitting into ring attires or dresses. There was a lot to like even if I didn’t care too much for the bout outcomes or how many ‘star ratings’ the matches got.

So fast forward to the here and now and I was finally in a financial situation to go out and attend, well, any wrestling show I wanted to. Again, I’m gonna skim over the history here to give the short story. I’m fucking loaded. And I mean real rich, set for life level. I got into the whole cryptocurrency thing real early on, and then cashed out at the right time. Guess the phrase about ‘having more money than sense’ applies to me! But bragging aside, it allows me to have fun and go check out these shows, buy merch, then kick back in a hotel or enjoy a good meal after the shows.

Now somewhere along the way, just sitting back in the front row and being a fanboy, it finally occurred to me. Why am I just using all this damn money to watch some shows when I could use it to try and score with some of these hot wrestling babes? I mean, they don’t go putting their bodies on the line for free and these days plenty of them have their ‘exclusive content’ sites and the like to earn extra money alongside regular merch. Surely I could slide a couple hundreds under their nose to tempt them like a carrot to a donkey. And if I had to bring out some thousands as well? Well, maybe I see how well I can handle them like I’ve been able to satisfy ex partners and one night stands in the past. OK, that one is most certainly a brag. I’m most certainly not one who is one pump and done, minute man like some guys are. Don’t get me wrong! I’m no muscle bound hulk of a man like some wrestlers and Superstars are, but I like to think that I’m better than the average looker in more ways than one.

Alright, that’s enough wasting time about my boring history. Let’s talk about the good stuff. Like the time I attended a taping of the National Wrestling Alliance promotion in 2022 for its online series of programming. A small studio setting like back in the territories era with a modest but vocal set of fans there. Couldn’t really tell ya anything about what actually happened match wise on the show, but I damn well remembered what I got up to before and after the taping. Nothing like a little meet and greet session before the show to put a smile on faces, including mine as I approached the desk where the commentators for the matches sat. There wasn’t even any security near the desk but a few of the wrestlers on the roster were about in the room so no one would be silly enough to mess about. One of the announce team being right there behind it with a gorgeous smile as she gave me a polite look over.

“Well then! Someone got all dressed up for the show today!” Velvet Sky remarked with a sexy laugh. I could say the same about the stunning retired wrestler and former Impact Wrestling/TNA Knockout. Filling out a tight, silver sparking dress perfectly and making a long sleeved, blazer top stretch with the NWA logo on the front by her large, rounded chest. The current colour commentator for the promotion having her shoulder length hair a mix of dirty blonde with dark streaks with the gold, and died purple at the ends. She might be years retired from competing but she still looked as stunning as always.

“Well, I figured I’d make an effort while I’m in town, you know?” I said with a handsome smile as I pushed the picture for her to sign across the desk. Nice to know that she approved of seeing me in smart pants, shirt and jacket compared to the usual ‘uniform’ of wrestling fans of merch T-shirts and shorts.
“I hope not just for my sake!” Velvet teased with a glance up at me, still smiling as she signed the picture and even personalised it for me.
“Well, I’d admit that I’d be wrong if I said I wasn’t here to shoot my shot, you know?” I boldly said, drawing a raised eyebrow from the former TNA Knockouts Champion. “I mean, you are a single woman from what I hear… And I figure that a lovely lady like you could appreciate a nice night out and a dinner after the show.”
“Easy there!” She laughed again, pushing the picture towards me. “I respect but your guts, just coming up and saying that. But sorry, I’m gonna have to respectfully decline that one, kid.” Sky said.
“Can’t blame a guy for trying though, right?” I said, still smiling since I expected that response from her. “But tell you what…” I said, reaching into an inside pocket of my jacket. “As a way of saying sorry for offending you, here. Take this. On the house.” I said, pulling out a little pre-banded small stack of notes before I pushed it over to her to check out.

“Hey now, I wasn’t offended. I just…” She started to say, before her eyes caught a look at the 100 that topped the corner of the top note of the little bundle. “Woah…” Velvet said with a slight widening of her eyes. Curiosity making her flip through it and seeing all the notes matched and were legit. I wasn’t dumb enough to try and fool a veteran with any sort of fake money when I had plenty of the real stuff to work with. “Well that’s… I mean, sure! I can accept your apology.” She said, looking up to me again with a lot more interest than the polite refusal moments before.

“Well I’m happy to hear that, Miss Sky.” I said. Still smiling as I saw that she’s taken the bait rather easily. A part of me laughing inside about how I’d probably put down more cash there than she got in a pay-check from this announcing gig. “And you know? My offer still stands. I’d happily take you out for dinner tonight after the show. Honoured to in fact! And of course, it would be rude for me to not pay for it all myself.” I added to make sure to sweeten that already tempting deal.
“I, well…” Sky was taken aback again by not just the boldness, but this new offer (well, still the same one really). Glancing between me and the money that tellingly she had safely under her hand. “I mean, you’ve got some real balls, kid… Coming up and talking to me like this…” She was musing over the offer clearly before looking up to me. A moment of staring as if this was some sort of set-up and she was just waiting for the punchline. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”
“Absolutely. And if you don’t want to take me up on this? Then just keep the money.” I added. Avoiding wanting to make a joke about how a woman like her could find a way to spend it on new dresses or shoes. Or that I’d probably handed her about more than what she might earn for calling one episode of wrestling.

Her fingers traced over the money before she looked again to me. “Got to admit… The idea of a free payday and a free dinner just for giving you some of my time? Sounds like a real good deal for me…” Velvet admitted as she leaned back. Scooping up the cash and slipping it into one of the pockets of her NWA-branded jacket. “OK then, kid. You’ve got a deal.” She said as she kept eye contact with me. “Pick me up after the show. And if you try any funny business or try fooling me with some drive through or junk food place? I’ll kick your butt.” She warned as she glanced me over again. “I might be retired, but I know I could teach you a thing or two if you mess with me.”

I held back from saying that’s what I’m hoping for, but not in any wrestling way. “Then I’ll see you later, Miss Sky.” I confirmed as I acted like nothing had happened, picking up my signed picture from the desk and giving a nod as I stepped back. Seeing her eyes narrow slightly like she couldn’t believe my boldness, but she’d given her word to take up my deal. Setting into motion my own plan to get a piece of this stunning woman, and not afraid to splash a lot more cash in order to do it.

* * *

And I proved that after holding up my end of the bargain. Picking her up after the end of the taping and taking her a certainly pricey restaurant for a full course dinner. I noted the wide eyes she’d had when she saw the total of the bill (not forgetting the tips of course) that I paid with easily with my card. No doubt there might have been eyes raised at why I, a young, handsome and smartly dressed man was taking a woman just a few years under being twice my age out to dinner, even with her being dressed I’d say far more stunningly that I was. But all that mattered was that Velvet, despite her concerns and the hint of being mad at me for persisting, enjoyed being wined and dined. Even going along with the small talk between courses.

Now being a true gentleman (and by that I mean pretending to be one) I even made sure to escort Sky back to her hotel room after the meal. After all, I couldn’t just let her take a mere taxi back or take a risk with a drive app, or so my excuse said. But I could tell that she had her suspicions about where this was heading as I walked with her to her door.

“Now this is where I’m afraid we’re going to have to say goodbye…” Velvet told me and already with a firm tone as she turned to face me. “I’ll give you credit, kid. You didn’t try anything too funny, aside from wandering eyes once in a while.” She told me off.  “But you did pay handsomely… But don’t think that this is going any further than you just coming with me to my door.” She told me as if she’d read my mind, which wasn’t too easy to guess with my insistence to escorting her.

“Guilty as charged, Miss Sky!” I said with a shameless grin as I jokingly held my hands up like a stick-up. “But in that case? Perhaps I might make you a last offer?” I said, reaching into my jacket again to the inner pocket and this time taking out a single piece of paper.
“Are you even listening to me??” Velvet said with a snap in her voice. Clearly, me taking no for an answer was getting on her nerves. “You show up to my promotion, the job I love, try this sweet talking act and basically bribe me with money!” She listed off my sins as I handed her the next part of my plan. “Give me that!” She snatched it out my hand. “I’ll show you what I think of… HOLY SHIT!”

It was like an emotional switch was flipped as her eyes saw what she was holding just as her hands were ready to make her statement and tear it in half. Going from an angry glare to a wide eyed, mouth opened shock. Seeing that it was a pre-written check made out in her name, and seeing the amount of zeros in the amount she’d be getting. A lot more than the evening meal cost and the earlier ‘gift’ put together and then some.

“Are… A-Are you serious??” Velvet sounded like she was trying to convince herself as her looked over the amount before eventually looking over the cheque to me.
“Oh, very serious.” I confirmed. A smile still on my face. “And if you had any worries that it might bounce? I can show you the card that’s linked to that account. The same one you saw pay for your meal tonight.”
She narrowed her eyes a bit as she looked me over. “You’re got some real nerve doing this… Not taking no for an answer and now? Now basically paying me to have sex?? That’s like I’m a damn hooker or something!” Sky pointed out.
“Or, you could see it as a deposit? You get they payday if I end up disappointing you… Or maybe you’re just so good you finish me off with ease.” I dared to say, getting a stare from her at my more less polite and blunt remark. “But if you don’t want to take up my offer, the I’ll gladly take this little thing back and do the tear up myself…” I said as I slowly, intentionally so, reached forward to take the cheque back.

“Hey there! Hold up now!” Velvet tellingly pulled it away from my hand. “You really have some some balls! Propositioning me like this!” She put her hands on her shapely hips, looking me over. “I’ll give you credit, you’ve got guts… And you’re not too bad looking, for a young guy…” She admitted and that alone kept the smile on me face. She shook her head a little, leaving me to wonder if it was directed at me or at herself for even thinking this offer over. “Fine…” She said. Stuffing the cheque into her handbag and taking out her room key. “But no funny business! When I say no, you back off. Understand?” She laid down ground rules as she opened the door.
“Crystal clear.” I nodded as I followed her into her room. Moving in as I let her close the door behind her. Allowing me to check out the standard hotel room she had. With the price of this and how much she’d likely be ‘making’ for her commentary gig, then no wonder she’d snatched up my high priced offer.
“Good.” Sky said, putting her bag down on a chair along with her jacket, leaving her in her tight silver dress and heels. “Well?” She questioned as she approached me. “Let’s get this over with then. Or have you got more money to try and bribe me with?” She teased as she took a seat on the edge of her bed, her eyes locked onto me as I stepped towards her.

“Well, let’s see if I meet your standards first…” I teased even as I got a glare from her as I began to pull loose my belt. Sliding my pants and boxers down before I kicked off my shoes. Letting the retired wrestler get a close up look at my size and while my looks and body might be above average, the shaft I was packing was certainly a lot longer and thicker than my appearance might indicate. Her surprised stare indicating to me that not only had I pleasantly surprised her (to say the least) but I was likely a lot bigger than what she was used to seeing. Allowing me to continue undressing while Sky invited herself to take a hold of my hardening shaft as I saw the look of approval that already softened that glare she’d had towards me a couple minutes before.

“Guess this matches the size of your wallet, huh?” Sky said with a sly little smile as she looked up at me, stroking my length as she did so. “But I think your ego is even bigger… So let’s see if you can back up the sorts of cheques your mouth has been writing.” She said to play off my high paying ways. But clearly my cash was well invested here as I watched the stunning wrestler turned announcer guide my dick into her mouth. Making us both groan out as I felt her soft, nicely full lips wrapping around my meat. Her hand holding me steady as she pushed down for the first slurp before lifting back up. Pulling away and off of me for a moment as she glanced up. Spitting down onto my pole to use her hand to stroke over me before she moved back down to stretch those lips around my thickness and keep me smiling.

“Mmmmmphh… Mmmmm… Shhhhlllrrrppp…” The former TNA Knockout began to bob her head, sliding her mouth up and down along my shaft with a smooth and already steady pace. Clearly this was far from her first time sucking some cock and I had a feeling there was a hint of her trying to see if I really could handle what her warm, wet hole could offer with how quick she was pumping along my size. All the better for me as I stood moaning, completely naked in front of the still dressed beauty as she bobbed along my length. “Mmmm! Shhhlllppp… Mmmmmphhh… Hhhhmmmphh…” But she was finding out that this wasn’t my first time ever getting sucked off as I got to enjoy that soothing mouth. Feeling not just her saliva starting to run down my inches but the odd flick to my underside as it passed between those glossed lips. Her eyes occasionally glancing down at the shaft she was blowing but mostly gazing up at me. Showing me that her glaring and annoyance at my boldness was already a bit distant as she got the feeling that I wasn’t quick the minute man that she’d assumed me and my ego made me out to be.

“I guess I do have a big ego… Mmmmm!” I said, smiling down at that face moving along my rod. “But I think I gave you a big incentive to give me some of your time… Ahhhhh… Pretty sure I’ve given you more even before the cheque than you make in few months working for the NWA!” I dared to joke, even as it got a bit of a glare from her while she kept working me over. Still letting out muffled groans around my size as she slid back and forth along me. One hand still gripping my base to keep me in line with her stunning features so she could move onto me with that smooth rhythm. The free hand reaching up, brushing back her dirty blonde hair as it swayed as she put in a lot more energy into blowing me for a woman who had been so pissed off at me not that long ago. My moans still filling the air as I let her mouth sink down before raising back up. Leaving me slick with her spit as it started to drip off her chin. Hitting onto the tops of her tits with the hint of skin that her attire exposed, while others hit onto that sexy dress itself for a clear staining.

“Mmmmmphh!! Mmmmm… Hmmmmphhh…” The long time pro wrestler was showing me that her mouth was way more suited for this kind of naughty activity than for doing colour commentary. I could see why she had her doubts that I’d be able to handle being between these lovely, soft lips of hers with how expertly she was gliding them along me without missing a beat. Slipping an extra inch of my size into herself as she shifted her hand down so her fingers just held me at the base. “Mmmmm… GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! Mmmmmphhh!! HHHHHLLLKK…” To my own surprise she let out a gag as she took me far deeper than she was used to handling cock into. The crown of my tool connecting with the back of her mouth when she pushed down before lifting back up. Our expressions clashing as I just grinned away, getting nothing but pleasure while she narrowed her eyes a little like she knew this was getting one up over her. Even so, she kept on working me over with that fantastic, damp mouth of hers in between lusty slurps to give me a sign that she was getting a thrill out of blowing a younger man’s shaft.

“Mmmmphh!! Mmmmm… GAHHHHH… Shhhlllppp!!” The former member of The Allure and The Beautiful People was trying to measure her dick sucking pace now to keep herself from sinfully choking away on me each time she sent her lips down along me. Only partially working as that gagging still occurred but now only during every other slurp along me. A nice test for me as well, staying rock hard between the soft lips of one of the hottest (now retired) female wrestlers out of any promotion. “HHHHLLLKK… MMMMMPHHHH… Mmmmm! GAAAAAAHHHH…” Another loud choke and this time she pulled up. Keeping the crown inside her mouth so she could grind her lips around me with a turn of the head, sending her tricoloured hair swaying from the side to side motion. Lifting right off and letting out a gasp of desire before sucking in some air. Then spitting down onto my dick and using her hand once again to stroke me off as she locked up at me again as I groaned from her touch.

“Like that, huh?” Velvet asked with a hiss as she pumped me. “Like me choking on this big fucking dick of yours?” She said, gritting her teeth as her gaze up at me had more than a slight seductive edge to it.
“I think you were enjoying this a whole lot more than you’re letting on.” I countered as I grinned down at her. “But I think you’ve made quite a mess on that lovely dress of yours… Maybe you should take it off before you stain it any more.” I suggested in a far from subtle manner.
“I think even if I did? You’d be easily able to buy me a new one.” Sky stated the obvious as she let go of me. “But I guess since you have shown me yours…” She reasoned as I stepped back to allow her to stand.

I just watched as she slipped her dress down that curvy, tanned frame of hers. Little out a whistle of approval as I saw those big, rounded tits of hers encased in a plain bra. Perhaps her more lusted after asset being shown off soon after as I saw that thick, rounded backside of hers as she stepped out of her clothing. Noting how the panties didn’t match her bra so that if I hadn’t come along with my big bucks offer to pay for sex with her, she wasn’t planning on taking any lucky guy, wrestler or otherwise, back to her hotel room here. But my attention was far more on seeing her curves on display after she’d taken off her heels. Nodding with a grin as she peeled off the bra first, showing those lovely, sizeable tits in all their glory. The panties soon following for a full look at that outstanding ass of hers. Even in that moment I held my tongue as I noticed that her completely, smoothly shaved pussy appeared to be a little wet.

“Very nice, as expected Miss Sky.” I stated the obvious as I watched her hop back onto the bed. “I suppose it’s my time to show you that I’m not just a bunch of bragging, right?”
“Damn right it is!” Velvet responded as she moved back, laying on her side on the bed and resting her head in one hand to look back across herself at me. “You’re the one who wanted to fuck me after all… So there’s no point me doing all the work here when you’re the one paying me for this honour.” She pointed out, and doing so with quite the sinful smirk on her face as well.
“Now that is a fair point!” I said, moving up close and positioning her legs so that one was raised up as I held it close and draped it over my shoulder. The other spread out to the side as it the lower half of that limb dangled off the edge of the bed. All in all providing me with clear access into her as I lined my cock up with her entrance. “But I think you’ll find I’m well worth every cent, Miss Sky.” I said with a confident tone as I pushed forward to enter into what even I thought might be an untouchable piece of pussy.

“MMMMM!! OH SHIT!!” A new gasp escaping the former TNA Knockouts Champion as I pushed my dick into her wet pussy. I wasn’t even halfway into her tunnel and she was moaning out as I felt her inner walls stretch around my thickness. Clearly putting former partners to shame with how I was able to spread her as I began to ease my dick in and out. The combination of her slight dampness down here and how her saliva was still coating me from the blowjob allowing me to move smoothly in and out as I groaned myself. “MMMM… Shit! That’s… MMMM! That’s not half bad, kid! MMMM! But I need… AHHHHH… A lot more than that to make this worth my while, kid!” She told me, clearly enjoying this ‘pet’ nickname she had for me. Perhaps due to barely actually knowing my name at all from just the brief look at my signature on the cheque that’s essentially bought me this sexual encounter with her. Not that I was bothered about what she called me. She could curse me out to high heaven and I’d still be over the moon with how fantastic it felt to be inside of her snug pussy already.

“Oh, I’ll give you all of that and then some, Miss Sky! MMMM…” I vowed with a smile as I pumped away. All too happy to give her and her stunning body what she deserved as I thrust into her folds. Gradually working more of my size into her as we both got used to the feeling. My pace stiff enough that while she was laying on her side on this hotel room bed she was still able to shake a bit back and forth in response to my thrusts. Her long hair swaying as the dyed tips either rested on or brushed just above the bedsheets. Even if my gaze was more on her big tits as they jiggled nicely from my pumps. A fine sight to check out in between staring right down to watch my dick vanish forward into her slot before I pulled a few inches back just to repeat it.

“MMMM! OH FUCK! MMMM… You’d better, kid! MMMMM! Just because you handled a blowjob… MMMM! Better than most guys I’ve hooked up with? MMMM! Doesn’t mean… OOOOOOOH! FUCK! Doesn’t mean you’ve won me over yet!” She claimed, even as she made perhaps more of a dirty admission about past nights of sex over her career than she planned to say. Getting caught up in the moment as she found out how skilled I was in my own right at pleasuring even a total stunner like her. My inches burying further into her snatch as I pumped away and kept her leg held against my toned frame. Her jolting making the lower half of her limbs shake as they hung off my shoulder and from the bed I was taking her on. “MMMMM! This is… MMMM FUCK… Not a bad bad start so far, kid! MMMMM…” She admitted with a groan as her eyes kept staring across at me with glances between my smiling, handsome face and down to my crotch as she too had more than a newfound craving to watch her pussy get stuffed full with a big, young cock. Especially as it was feeling more and more like she was built for this kind of action. Being filled up nice and deep to make her groan out in pleasure every time my cock pushed firmly in to hit far deeper than she was used to feeling men reaching into her.

We were so caught up in the moment that I’d only then started to realise that I was actually fucking her bareback. A sinful thrill there as she was getting nailed by a man she didn’t even know, let alone being paid to be fucked by, and there was a clear risky element to this sex if I didn’t back up all my claims and thrust myself into an early finish inside of her. No such worry on my part as I knew my own experience in being balls deep in hot, tight and wet pussy. None of my experiences in the past however feeling quite as good as being rammed into this mature, stunning snatch of the retired pro wrestler and now colour commentator. Putting her curves to work as well as I made her breasts shake back and forth as I thrust into her, while the slap of her ass hitting into me as I drove in (even as this side-on position) now rang out.

“MMMMM FUCK! Yeah, that’s it, kid! MMMM! Fuck me good! OOOOOOOH FUCK! Get that fucking dick right in me! MMMMM FUCK!!” The former TNA Knockouts singles and Tag Team Champion locked onto me with a seductive look in her eyes. Her tone alone sounding halfway between giving an order and making some begging for more of my fat cock deep into her. As if I was going to turn her down as I continued to ram in and out of her needy slot as I felt her forming juices coating me. My hips working like a machine to send my dick in like a piston working in overdrive into her hole. “MMMMM SHIT! That all you got? MMMMM! Come on! Give it to me! MMMMM! Yeah, that’s it! AHHHHH FUCK! Fuck me like you mean it! MMMMM! Like I fucking wish you’ve been dreaming of fucking me… MMMMM!! For fucking years! MMMM!!” She let her dirty talk flow out between loud and far from shameful sounding moans as she let me do all the work for us both with this part of the sex. Stuffing right into her slot as my balls smacked off her tanned skin as the sweat began to form across her. I had the feeling already that at this stage of the action I was going longer than she was used the fun to lasting with any man, even the few who survived being in her mouth. All the more reason to keep impressing her and seeing what else that a fired up, stunning woman of wrestling might be down to offer up, persuaded with cash or otherwise.

For now, I was getting a whole lot as I kept her curvy frame bucking along the bed as she kept herself propped up on her side to watch me work away at her snatch. Already stuffed in to the hilt into her box but both of us wanting more as we both moaned away. Loving this hook up that was almost no strings attached if you didn’t count the big payday I’d used to make her spread her legs. Those limbs being where I was stuck between as I pounded in deep and stuff into her snatch. The juices starting to drip down from her crotch and hit the sheets she was laying and moaning on. Having to toss her head back for a moment in order to shake her hair away from across her face so she could continue staring at me with a look that was even more seductive than during any cock-teasing photo shoot or entrance she’s performed during her in-ring career.

“MMMM… So, you want some more, Miss Sky?” I seized on her dirty talk as I made us both groan as I pulled out of her twat. “I think that a new position is in order, don’t you?” I suggested as I let go of her leg.
“Only if you can handle it, kid…” Sky easily agreed with a smirk, licking her lips as she moved up and off from the bed. “Lay down… Let’s see if you can handle it when I really let loose.”
“Should I make a joke about you really letting this pigeons loose, or not?” I joked as I moved down and took my tun to lay on that hotel room bed, but doing so on my back as my cock pointed up to the ceiling.
“Figures you’d be a long time fine of mine to remember that line…” Velvet teased as she moved back up, mounting my crotch as she reached down under me. “Maybe I should fine you for bad jokes…” She added as she eased down. But hearing that line gave me the idea that maybe she still might be tempted to go all the way, in a different way, if I flashed more cash to her.

For now, we were both back to loudly moaning out now as she pushed down and made her body connect with mind. Her slick, snug snatch taking my shaft with a single stroke. Her head tilting back in delight before she got that blonde and dark hair with the dyed tips swaying back and forth as she began to rock on my shaft. Her hands forward, resting on my chest for support as she kicked off the riding motion and gave me a wonderful view of those big tits as they jiggled above me. Holding onto her slim waist to keep her supported so she could get to work on my prick. Pushing her pussy down with a firm pace so stuff herself full before moving upward to about the halfway point and then driving back down to make a smack ring out as her ass hit into me. Showing already that even with being retired from competing in matches she still had ability and stamina in other, erotic areas that matter.

“MMMMM! OH FUCK! MMMM… Like that, huh? MMMMM! Like that tight, wet pussy? MMMM! Squeezing this big fucking cock of yours? OOOOOOH! MMMM… Feels fucking good to me, kid! MMMMM!” She licked her lips again as the former two-time TNA Knockouts Champion bounced on my dick. The answer clear to us both from my own moans escaping me as she glided her twat along my rod. Giving back as good as she’d gotten moments before to go from taking a pumping balls deep to delivering a red hot ride. Working her hips back and forth as she handled my cock in a way that easily blew any experience I’d had before with far lesser women clear out of the water. Not to mention how she was going at me at a pace more expected of a woman half her age as she rode away on my dick and kept me soaked with her juices. “MMMM! What’s the matter, kid? MMMMM! This pussy too fucking good for you? MMMM! Don’t just lay there and take it… MMMM! See if you can really impress me, kid!” A clear challenge from her and a wicked smirk to match as even getting me inside of her balls deep wasn’t enough for her and her lusty needs. Wanting to make the most of both the biggest cock she’s evert had and the one she’s finally found that can handle a world class, drop dead gorgeous beauty like her.

Who was I to argue against that? Seeing as how I was planning on getting my money’s worth, literally, out of her as well. My grip on her moving around to her thick backside before I began to thrust upward into her slot. Much to her moaning delight as her head tilted back and her tits stuck out a little more to make their swinging even more delicious. Timing my pumps perfectly as I sent my dick up into her at the exact moment she rocked back towards me. So that slap of my crotch hitting into her tanned skin was extra sharp with our combined force. Sure, she was still getting me as deep to the hilt as she’d been doing before but the extra thrill of getting pounded while she rode me was clearly one she was loving. Not even caring about brushing away a loose strand of her her hair from off her face as the forming moisture over her left it sticking.

“MMMMM FUCK YES! AHHHHHH! That’s fucking it! MMMMM! FUCK! Fuck me good! OH FUCK! MMMMM! Nice and fucking deep! MMMMM!!” The Connecticut-born beauty groaned out in delight as she kept shifting that outstanding body on my crotch. Showing off her own skill that I got the feeling has finished off with ease many a red blooded man, wrestler and otherwise, in the past. Bouncing away at me with a porn star pace that would have easily brought us both top notch pleasure alone even if I didn’t even thrust once up into her. “MMMMM SHIT! Feels so fucking good! MMMMM! So fucking deep! MMMMM FUCK! Yeah, come on! Don’t stop! OH FUCK! OH FUCK!!” She gasped out as she closed her eyes and rocked away on me. Missing her timing just a little as the pleasure began to build up but still driving down sharply into me again and again while I drove up to meet those pumps. Seeing her body shine from the energy and effort she was putting in to handling all of my thrusting inches. Making me wonder if she was working harder at this hook-up than she ever has for any match she’s had in her long career in and out of TNA Wrestling.

I still wanted to test my luck with her, despite how this right now more than felt like an incredible victory to have one of the hottest women in pro wrestling history riding away on my prick while I stuffed her full with my man-meat. Getting a test in my own right as I laid under her with drops of sweat forming on my own head as I had to both handle that soaking wet, still tight pussy pumping along my rod while I stuffed in deep into that love tunnel. Deciding to catch her off guard as I slid a hand across her stunning, juicy backside that I’d been gripping onto her. Spreading her cheeks a bit as I explored around her. Finding her asshole and boldly pushing a finger against her. Making her body freeze as she gasped, staring over her shoulder with a look of shock as I pushed in, causing her head to tilt again as she groaned out. A hiss escaping me as in response to the invasion she ended up dragging her nails down my chest and nearly left a mark in the process.

“MMMMMM YOU MOTHER FUCKER!! AHHHHH FUCK! SHIT!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Now she was getting bounced on my dick instead of riding me under her own power. Apparently having to handle take my dick in her twat while her booty was fingered too much even for her to handle as she panted out. Staring down at me with another, starting to be familiar actually, mix of desire and being pissed off at me taking advantage of her lusty state. “FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK FUCK MMMMMM FUCK!!” Her tits shaking above me, slapping into one another once in a while, as she bucked back and forth while I pounded away into her dripping slot. Working my finger with a different timing than my thrusts were. Sliding in and out of her and I shouldn’t have been surprised by how incredibly snug she felt back there. Managing to work over both her lower holes at the same time keep her moaning out in delight, just with a hit of annoyance at me inviting myself into that much lusted after backside of hers.

I had a feeling at least in that moment I’d made it worth her while when her eyes closed and her head hung down. Moaning out as she began to orgasm hard all over my thrusting shaft. Further soaking me as the juices dripped down over my crotch to trickle off me and soak her bedsheets a bit more. Her body bucking as I did the gentlemanly thing and made sure she got to enjoy every moment of this peak by delivering more stiff, deep pumps into her slot. Eventually her frame moving down to slump into mine as her tits squished into me as she panted as she came back down to Earth. Groaning with a glare up at me when I first pulled my dick out of that well fucked pussy before I pulled my finger out of her butt. The look through her strands of hair showing me that I’d easily banged her brains out already and we both knew it. But I wanted a lot more from the many dollars I’d put down to buy this encounter with her.

“Nice… Nice job, kid…” Velvet admitted, using a hand to stroke her hair back but a couple strands still over her sweat-coated face. “You got tricks as well as cash I see…” She said with her voice having that hint of being pissed off as she clearly referred to how I’d fingered her ass.
“Well, you wanted to see what I could bring, right?” I said with a shameless smile. As any man would having made this high quality woman cum nice and hard. “And I think you can feel that I’m still ready to bring you a lot more.” I stated as my dick was still rock hard and pressing against her. Making her gasp again when I used my hand to deliver a light slap to her juicy ass, and even that shot alone was enough to make a clap ring out.
“M-My ass is off limits!” Sky said, reaching back with a hand to grab onto my wrist. “I don’t give up my ass that easily!” She added as she moved my palm off from her and, remembering the loose rules about this, when she said no I obeyed.
“I think you’ve just never had a man that was up to your standards, Miss Sky.” I countered as lifted her leg up. Her grip on me releasing as I moved out from under her and off the bed. “Or maybe I’m just the first who has lasted with you to the point where your fine ass was finally up for grabs?” I questioned with a smirk as I loved across the room over to my jacket.

“T-That’s not the point!” Velvet clearly was avoiding my question as she glared over at me. “Hey! Are you even listening?? I said…” When I returned over to her, that angered look and voice faded when I acted as if this was a private room in a strip club. Tossing up a bunch of notes into the air so that they fell across her and the bed she was up on her hands and knees on. One resting on the top of her head and a couple others down her back and shoulders. But the ones at her sides and in front of her showing her that this latest boost to her bank account was again even more than the first piece of bait that had hooked her hours before in the day.

“I think that’s more than you make from the NWA and the autograph circuit over a few months… So? May I proceed, Miss Sky?” I asked as having made it rain on her it had distracted her from seeing that I had a small bottle of lubricant in my hands. Showing that I had this all part of my plan all along. Looking back over her shoulder at me with wide eyes and a lust once again in them, she nodded that multi-coloured haired head of hers. “Excellent…” I said. Resisting the temptation to break her out of this return to a state of desire by asking her to shake her ass like she’s done so many times for ring entrances as she was sticking it out. Instead, applying some lube to my finger and bring it back to the ass I’d been invading minutes ago. Making her groan as her rump pushed back a bit as I slipped in. Slowing working it back and forth as I prepared that tightest of her holes. In that moment I was showing her a sure sign that this isn’t the first time I’ve gotten to enjoy a woman’s ass before (but never one as stunning and thick like this). While I had a feeling that despite her claim to not offer up this particular hole to many lucky guys before, it didn’t seem like from those slight shifts back that she was any kind of novice either to anal action.

Keeping her gaze locked back over her shoulder, she watched me step up after I’d stroked some lube over my own cock and put the bottle aside. A hiss escaping the veteran of pro wrestling when my hands clamped onto those fantastic, juicy cheeks to spread them as I stepped in. Pressing my big cock against her entrance and even with all the lubing up done and my previous fingering of her this squeeze into was the tightest hole of any woman I’ve gotten to fuck in my relatively still young life. Both of us soon moaning out when I got into her and my inches eased into that vice-like clutch. No choice but to go at her with a steady, smooth pace until that back passage spread out some more as clearly even if she hadn’t been telling the truth about how many times she’s offered up this amazing backside of hers? This was by far the thickest, longest cock that she’s ever attempted to take.

“UUUUUUH FUCK! HOLY SHIT! AHHHHHH FUCK!! M-MOTHER FUCKER!! OH FUCK!!” She yelled out as she unleash moans and cursing far more suited for a skin flick production than the commentary for a pro wrestling show she’s known for these days. Seeing her state of arousal now as  stayed on knees and up one arm as she clutched a tight handful of bedsheets as if hanging on like her life depended on it. Her other hand right down between her legs for more evidence of her experience in anal action as she rubbed away at her pussy in a quick motion. Fingers easily sticking within moments as she moaned out and kept her juicy ass raised up and sticking out towards me. “MMMMM FUCK! YES! UHHHHH! FUCK MY ASS! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM!!” She begged for more as I pumped her from behind. Seeing her body shifting back against me to show her need again. Making the dollar bill from her head float off as she shifted and made not just that dirty blonde hair of hers sway, but make those big tits shake underneath her as she pushed back against my dick.

All I could do was moan out and stare down. Being hypnotised by that same fat ass that had shaken so seductively during her ring entrances over the years now jiggling as she rocked back and forth against my pumping dick. More of my thick inches sliding into her as her passage slowly and surely spread apart so accept my shaft. Keeping me groaning with that intense grip that even with all the lubing up still was clutching more not just than her snatch had been, but tighter than any other woman I’d been with before finding a slice of, pun intended, sky-high heaven with this thick rump. Her cheeks even clapping now before my crotch was able to smack into her stunning body but I had a feeling she was built for this kind of huge cock action. After all, I’d been patient enough to spend a whole night wining and dining her just to reach this moment. A minute or two spent stuffing her booty full with dick would be easily worth it to get a big payday of my own to get her butt slapping off my skin.

“MMMMM FUCK! YES! HARDER! DEEPER! AHHHHH FUCK YESSSS! HARDER! UHHHHH!! FUCKING FUCK ME!! OH FUUUUUCK!!” Squeals of need were escaping her as she kept gazing back over her shoulder to watch me pump away into her rear. Multitasking as she self-pleasured with rapid strokes over her dripping pussy and rocking her body back and forth while I thrust deep into her shaking cheeks. Sweat dripping down her stunning face while she looked at me through strands of hair, and didn’t even seem to care that she’d left a few notes of my latest bride clinging to her tanned frame. More concerned with getting rammed full with my cock as she groaned out as another thick inch made it past that tight asshole of hers to stretch her back passage that little bit more. “UHHHHH!! FUCK!! FUCK YESSSSSSS… BIG… MMMMM!! FAT FUCKING DICK! UHHHH!! DEEP… MMMM!! DEEP IN MY FUCKING ASS!! OOOOOOOOOH FUCCCCCKK!!” She panted as her eyes went half closed. Her mouth hanging open as those moans carried on pouring out. If anyone walked in on this action, they’d hardly believe that she was just a fraction under being twice my age as she fucked like a barely legal woman. Only now at this late stage the arm she was using to keep herself up starting to buckle as the energy from keeping up this wild hotel room sex was draining from her. Not stopping her from shifting back and forth into me however while keeping her juices dripping down from the furious work her digits were doing over her folds.

Seeing that slump, I reached forward with a hand and gripped her wrist, almost reversing how she’d lifted my hand off her butt what already feels like a lifetime ago. Pulling back firmly as I kept her upper body raised off from the soaked sheets but most importantly, kept her thick booty sticking up and out at me. Allowing me to keep pumping away deep into her asshole while my free hand had some fun too. Lifting up to deliver a sharp slap down onto those already jiggling cheeks as the crack rang out along with out moans. Just making her groan as I saw her lick her upper lip from the spank. All the invitation I needed to deliver another firm smack to her as she groaned her approval. Making me see exactly why she didn’t just offer up this world-class backside to just any man she took to bed. Only the best rounds of sex with the biggest dicks would do for this stunner and this juicy rump. I had a feeling I was ranking easily in the best of her list of hook-ups, if not in a category all on my own.

“FUCK YES! YES! FUCK MY ASS! FUCK IT HARD! OH SHIT!! AHHHHH! IT’S FUCKING SPLITTING ME FUCKING OPEN!! AHHHHH!! AND I FUCKING LOVE IT!! AHHHH FUCK!!” More loud screams of delight coming from her as the former TNA Knockouts Champion went from just rubbing her slit to full on driving two fingers up deep and to the knuckle into her own soaking pussy. Her latest peak clearly approaching head on as she gasped out and while her body might have been held up thanks to my clutch on her arm? Her head was sunk down to moan into the sheets while her tits swayed back and forth as her body now more jolted than was able to push back against me. “UHHHH!! GONNA CUM! YES! FINALLY!! AHHHH FUCK!! GONNA FUCKING CUM FROM… MMMMM FUCK!! A BIG… FUCKING… COCK! UP MY ASSSSSSSSSSS MMMMMM!!” She was able to yell out as I felt her body shuddering on me and the telling squeeze of her back passage, even as vice-like as her grip already was, finding a notch to turn back up to as her body reacted to the pleasure. The smile wide on my face as it sounded to me like I was finally giving her the hard, deep anal action she’s craved for years but never found a stud to be able to give it to her.

So with her thick ass clapping off my waist as I fucked her balls deep, I got to enjoy the feeling of Velvet Sky orgasming all over again. Not seeing enough of it as I would have liked as her sweating frame hid how her hand was going to town on her pussy underneath her but along with the slap of her butt into me and all out moans, I was sure I held a squelch of juices as well. Indicating another flood of her juices to drip down her thighs and also off her hand and wrist as she kept finger banging herself through that peak. Leaving me just having to groan out and gasp as I held off from my own release, even as I began to throb while stuffed into the hilt into her backside. More than completing my own tour of the stunning retired wrestler’s pleasurable holes by the time I pulled out of her and witnessed that sinful, gaping wide state of her asshole thanks to this wild round of sex.

All that was left for me was to get off and I did so with my free hand still holding onto her arm as her other, now slick with juices went onto the bed to help keep herself raised up. My palm furiously working over my member as it pulsed before I started shooting my load. Making her groan as she felt my hot seed splash down across her. Having to just take the sensations as she didn’t even have the energy left to look back and witness it. Thick ropes of my jizz landing over both of those plump cheeks. Dripping down her and at both sides for a more than generous glaze. Even I was surprised by the amount I’d dumped onto her to make it look like two or three guys had finished off onto her but I guess that just proved how good she was to have brought the best out of me.

When I let go of her wrist, it was like cutting a cable as instantly Sky slumped down onto her front onto the mess of juices, sweat and couple discarded dollar bills that were over her sheets. Stepping back with a smile as I enjoyed a stretch after that round of action. “I think that’s earned your payment in full, don’t you think Miss Sky?”
“Y-Yes… Yeah…” Velvet panted out, barely lifting her head up as her glazed over eyes looked in my direction. “T-Thanks… For the e-evening, kid…” She managed to say, flashing a naughty smile before that head slumped down with her eyes closed. Just heaving for air with my load across her ass as I’d left her fucked so hard she needed a full rest up before she could recover.

As confident as I’d been in my ability to handle Velvet Sky? Even I was impressed by the sight as I shook my head with a smile. While a part of me felt bad by just doing a hit and run here, I felt no need to outstay my welcome and make this anything other than a one night stand. Going around to pick up my clothes and get dressed again and doing do without stealing back any of the money, including that cheque, that I’d given to her. She’d more than earned that money after all! I didn’t even think about taking any ‘evidence’ for the fun on my phone either. Just leaving her to sleep off the orgasms as now dressed, I slipped out of the door and left it to close and auto lock behind me to leave her safe and sound in post-sex bliss and slumber.

I only stopped off down at the reception desk on the way out. A curious, but knowing, look from the man behind the counter as I explained that she’d need a set of towels delivered to her room to be left outside. Taking the moment to also pay in advance for the amount of unexpected ‘house keeping’ as I put it that her room would need considering the state her sheets were in. With the amount paid, no other questions were asked and I was free to walk away and out of the hotel. Leaving behind just the wonderful memories of having scored with one of my all time favourites and one of the hottest women in all of pro wrestling.

I suppose that after it was all said and done? I’d found out that money talks even for a colour commentator… And cold cash was just as hard as the bumps that wrestlers take.

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas for free for any future stories/chapters to write. However, feel free to leave any comments or feedback etc as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2024, 03:36:57 AM by daxg2001 »
Please consider supporting my stories on SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001

Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Viri, Calibur009, Nikko


Re: Hard Bumps, Hard Cash [w/h Velvet Sky]
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2022, 04:43:16 PM »
That was great! Plus it is always a plus to read a story with Velvet. Also is the guy the same person in your Big Book of Wrestling Babes series?
The following users thanked this post: daxg2001, Nikko


Re: Hard Bumps, Hard Cash [w/h Velvet Sky]
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2022, 05:10:32 AM »
That was great! Plus it is always a plus to read a story with Velvet. Also is the guy the same person in your Big Book of Wrestling Babes series?

Different character/OC, just that the story commissioner requested the first person style of writing. Thanks for enjoying!
Please consider supporting my stories on SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001

Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
The following users thanked this post: Calibur009, Nikko


Re: Hard Bumps, Hard Cash [w/h Velvet Sky, Mandy Leon]
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2023, 07:10:11 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own ROH, MCW or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Mandy Leon (former ROH)

Hard Bumps, Hard Cash – Mandy Leon

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal, inter.

* * *

It had been a while since I last took in a wrestling show and this time I didn’t even go ‘big league’ and I don’t mean sports entertainment. This was far more down in the lesser known indies as it go without a major TV deal or anything like this. This company was MCW Pro Wrestling and to be brutally honest? I knew very little about it and its roster. The only person I had my attention on was a beauty nicknamed The Exotic Goddess who was formerly a part of the roster of Ring of Honor before it was bought out and became more a sideshow than a real promotion.

So, with the money to burn to come out to this show, even while the opening match was underway I’d made a direct course over to the merch table. Seeing the target in question in Mandy Leon. Clad in her black body suit attire with plenty of sparkling studs and the front zipper down, showing off her huge rounded tits in a black bra. With black boots and tights on as the attire hugged nicely to her thick ass. Proudly showing off her MCW Women’s Championship on her shoulder as the woman with jet black, long hair was showing plenty of her dark toned skin of her mixed race heritage including Puerto Rican and Cuban background.

“Hope you don’t mind a minute or two for a meet and greet?” I said to strike up some small talk as I looked over the photos and shirts.
“Oh, I’ve always got time for my fans.” Mandy said with a no doubt well practised smile on her lips, nicely coated with a thick amount of black lipstick.
“Such is the life of the champ’, right?” I said to pander to her.
“Well, I wasn’t going to say it but let’s be honest, we all know I’m the biggest deal around here.” Leon bragged as she stroked a hand across her title gold. Nicely shined up and clean as expected of a woman with her own ‘exclusive content’ site to look at her best. She paused for a moment as she gave me a once over. At that moment I’d just assumed was her noticing that I was a lot more dressed up for the occasion than most wrestling fans. Wearing dark pants, a shirt and a jacket over the top rather than any sort of T-shirt and shorts combo as some of the other fans were clad in.

“Well then, let’s see… I’ll take that picture please, the one with the kiss on it.” I said to get my foot in the door. “And I think this should cover it, right?” I said, pulling out my wallet and slipping out a note from it. Seeing her eyes widen as it was a crisp hundred so well over the price of one photo, even with it being a ‘kiss card’. “And don’t worry, keep the change.” I said, putting the note down and taking my picture.
“I, uh, are you sure?” Leon was taken aback. “I mean, I’m not complaining!” She smiled as her hand quickly took the bill. No doubt needing the boost of cash since she wasn’t getting guaranteed contract money these days.
“Oh absolutely! I’m a big fan of yours.” I said and that wasn’t exactly a lie. “But you know, Miss Leon? If you’re not going to complain about that? Then maybe you won’t mind me making another offer?” I said to try and cast out my bait to her.
“OK now, hold on a second.” Mandy cut me off, and I wasn’t exactly surprised. “Let me guess? You’re gonna ask me out for dinner or something, right?” She guessed correctly as I gave a smile and a shameless nod. “Well, while I appreciate the offer? Being flattered and all…” She held up her free hand. “I’m a taken woman after all.” She stated, showing off her engagement ring. Something that honestly I was already well aware off. But it didn’t hurt to push my luck.

“And a lucky man you must have!” I stated the obvious as I glanced along the ‘merch row’ with the other wrestler at one end busy checking their phone and the other person, likely either the show’s booker or just a member of the show crew watching the ongoing match. So I wasn’t going to be hauled off. “But you can’t blame me for trying. So how about I give this a shot.” Leon was staring at me with a hint of disbelief as I took out my wallet again. This time bringing out a couple of notes so that a wide eyed expression returned to her. “How about I sweeten the deal? I pay you to go out to dinner with me tonight after the show? And I’ll pay for the whole meal as well. Does that sound a little better?” I said for a deal that even alone sounded not just too good to be true, but very one sided with benefits for her.

I’d left Leon looking bewildered at my refusal to say now. Her mouth open in part shock, part outrage at my instance but the notes were legit as I placed them down for her. But at that point as she looked over me again, her hand came down and clamped onto me for a moment as she stared at me. “...You…” She said, before standing up as she took the notes from me. “You’re that guy…” She said locking eyes with me. “The one Velvet talked about.”

Now it was my time to be taken aback. Ah yes! Velvet Sky. The former wrestler turned colour commentator who I’d taken out to dinner after a show quite a while ago and then enjoyed a steamy hotel room encounter with. All thanks to proving that money talks to basically pay her for sex. It had slipped my mind that back in the brief time Sky and Leon were both in ROH they were part of a trio called The Allure, which shifted to just being a tag team when Sky left the promotion. An unintended coincidence that I’d scored with one member of that stable and then went to try and bang another.

“Well then, guess I’m caught out!” I admitted, still smiling. “I didn’t think news spread fast, considering how she wasn’t in your group in ROH that long.”
“Well, yes, but it’s not like she left on bad terms.” Leon adjusted her title on her shoulder before folding her arms across her sizeable chest. “We’re still friends… And my friend had managed to buy a super expensive purse that she showed off not that long ago…” She explained as she kept her eyes locked onto me. “And I didn’t buy the excuse she came up with for how she was able to buy it… Until she finally fessed up with admitting she hooked up with some rich playboy who wined and dined her before taking her back to her hotel room… And didn’t seem to regret it one bit that she was paid for the whole thing… Well, that… And Velvet claimed that this guy ‘knew what he was doing…” She added.

“I’ll take that as a compliment…” I don’t think I was able to hide my grin going wide at hearing that last part. Since I rather let Sky in a ‘hit and run’ fashion after the action.
“Oh I bet you would… And I can see that you fit the description… At least with the bank balance.” Mandy remarked, glancing at the notes in her hand then back to me.
“In that case? I think we can skip the whole dinner deal since you know what I’m actually after here then, right?” I rather bluntly said as I put my wallet away, but reaching into my other pocket.
“Now hold on, I already told you. I’m engaged.” Leon said as I showed off a cheque book along with a pen. “I’m not like Velvet who wasn’t tied down… Hey! Are you listening to me? You… Whatever your name is?” She said. And indeed, much like with Velvet I hadn’t even told Mandy my name.

Instead, I talked with what actually matters to a beauty like this. Writing down an amount of money onto the cheque with a solid amount of zeros at the end. Stopping Leon’s next attempt to speak by putting it into her hand. Seeing her eyes go so wide they nearly bulged out along with her draw dropping. “Holy…!” She had to clear her throat before looking to me. “That’s… That’s fucking more than I made in a whole fucking year working in ROH!” She admitted.
“Well, if you want to earn that? You can meet me outside the building after the show is over.” I said to tempt her. “If you’re game? I’ve got a nice, spacious hotel room we can enjoy and you can see for yourself what Velvet was bragging about.” I laid out the offer as Mandy’s eyes darted between me and the cheque. A brief moment glancing to her engagement ring, no doubt telling herself to remember she’s a soon to be married woman, before back to all the zeroes on the cheque. “But I’ll leave you to think about, Mandy. Hopefully, I’ll see you soon.” I said, turning around just as Mandy opened her mouth to perhaps protest at this sudden, potentially money making but certainly incident proposal. Walking away from the merch table but sensing her glaring into the back of my head as I left her mulling over the offer.

* * *

The wrestling show carried on and not to be rude, but I didn’t recall too much about the matches. Aside from the MCW Women’s Champion successfully defending her title in a match just after the intermission of the show. Leon certainly didn’t seem to be fazed by my offer as she worked the match. As she left the ring to the jeers of the fans, Heeling it up as they say in the business, I took a last risk to see if I could sway her. Able to yell out “Think about it, Mandy!” and even with all the cheers from the fans she heard it. Managing to stay in character to just give me a yell back to “Sit down, shut up!” as she played up to the fans.

So, the show went on and I just enjoyed myself. That was, until one of the building security guards walked up to me. “You. Follow me.” He gruffly said, as expected. I was expecting to be kicked out, perhaps Leon or another wrestler had ordered it. I was at least being taken to the backstage area, off limits for normal fans but with a match going on no one noticed it. I was led backstage to a locker room door where, as indies as it gets, a piece of paper was stuck with tape to the door to mark ‘WOMEN’S ONLY’ in marker pen. The guard knocking on the door. “No funny business.” He warned me but sort of gave me a knowing look before he walked away. I wondered, with the benefit of hindsight later on, if maybe he’d been slipped one of the bills I’d given Leon earlier on to pay him off.

Regardless! I stepped into the small room that looked more like just a room used for storage than a proper locker room. With just a couple of chairs in it and a table that had not just a little make-up mirror set up but a travel bag of a leopard-skin design on it. No guesses to who that belonged to, especially with the only woman in the room being Mandy Leon. Still in her ring attire and with her title belt on her shoulder.

“Don’t say a fucking thing.” Mandy said, locking eyes on me as I closed the door behind her. “I’m gonna do this. I need to pay for the kind of wedding I deserve.” She claimed, much to my pleasant surprise. Although the irony of her being willing to fuck another guy to make her special day perfect to her actual fiance wasn’t lost on me. “But! I want another 5k… No, fucking 10k.” She added. “I want to one up Velvet for all the bragging she’s been doing about that handbag.”
“Ah, of course. I’ve seen your page. Selling off shoes and so on, right?” I stated. “Well, if that’s so? Then I’m changing the deal a little.” I said as she gave me a ‘go on’ look to continue. “Basically, nothing is off limits with you. I can fuck you in whatever hole I want to, and without having to pay anything extra for it.”
“I…” She hesitated, like she was worried that free use might come back to haunt her. “Fine. I want more, so you get more. It’s a deal.”

She watched as I pulled out the cheque book again and wrote up a fresh one with that extra amount before tearing it off and handing it to her. “So, shall we go then?” I said, motioning to the door. “Or should I wait for you until the show is over?” I asked, excited to get a piece of this dark skinned stunner after it had seemed like this was all going to be a bust.
“No.” Mandy said, shaking her head. “We can’t do it after the show. My… My man will be waiting at the hotel for me after this show.” She explained. “He’s doing a seminar, training deal in the next town. He’ll know something’s up if I’m late to show up.”
“So… You’re saying there’s no time like the present, right?” I just smiled. This was all fine by my book as I reached down for my belt. “Guess we’d better get started then?”
“Damn right.” Leon said, walking over to her bad and tucking the cheque away. About to put her belt down as well.
“No no, Mandy. Bring that belt back over here with you.” I said to her as she gave me a stare. “I said anything goes, right? I’ve never fucked a wrestler with a title on before.”
“...You make it sound like you’ve been going around paying women to fuck them.” Mandy said, but did as she’d been told as she put her Women’s Championship up on her shoulder before approaching me.

I gave her something new to get all wide eyed about when I lowered my pants and boxers down. Letting her get a good look at the thick slab of long, white man-meat that I was packing. “T-That’s…” Mandy started to speak before stopping herself. Something told me from her look that she might have been about to say ‘bigger than my finance’s’. “That’s a lot bigger than what Velvet told me you had…” She came up with and part of me wondered if that was true or not.
“Bigger than you can handle?” I challenged as I slowly stroked myself off, getting my cock aroused for her.
“If I want to earn all this fucking hooker money you’ve tossed my way, I guess we’ll find out.” Leon said, pointing out herself that she was about to give up the goods for some sex. And not trying to put a hold up on things either as, without me even ordering her to, she moved down to get onto her knees in front of me.
“Yes we will, Mandy…” I stayed grinning as I let go of my shaft. Letting her get a good look at my length as she reached up to take a hold of me. “So let’s see what you can do… And see if that sexy lipstick of yours is the kind that smears or not.” I bluntly ordered as she gave me a couple of pumps.

“And I’ll see if Velvet was over hyping you or not…” The Exotic Goddess mused before she parted her coated in black lips and guided my fat cock in between. Already that sexy contrast clear to see of my pale, white shaft and her darker toned skin. Of course, my moans were more from the fantastic feeling of her warm, wet mouth around my pole. Her lips tightly wrapped around my prick as I heard her groan as she looked up at me with that half-glare. It felt like her lips were stretched right out to a limit she never knew she had before, trying to deal with my size of cock. Her fingers still gripping my base as she kept me straight while her other hand kept her prized championship belt on her shoulder. Leaving her head free to start moving and keep my moans going as she slid down before lifting up. Perhaps teasing me by letting her lips run half-way up my mushroom head like she was going to pull away but instead sliding back down as she got the motion going.

“Mmmmmphhhh… Mmmmm… Shhhhrrrlllppp… Mmmmmphhh hhhmmmmm…” Whether it was the money on offer or something more sinful inside of her, Leon soon got going with a nicely smooth and steady rhythm. Taking my big dick in and out of her mouth as I enjoyed how damp her mouth was. Already her long black hair starting to sway from her head shifting back and forth along me. This sure wasn’t her first time sucking dick with how well she was working me already. “Mmmmmphh! MMMMM… Hmmmmphh!! Hhhhhrrrkkkk… Mmmmmphhh shhhrrrllpppp…” For a woman happily engaged to another man, she sure didn’t seem to mind getting noisy as she sucked on my cock. Feeling her saliva getting applied to my inches as she dragged her lips along my length again and again. Her eyes still locked up at me too with the kind of filthy look, mixed still with the edge of being mad at being paid to give a blowjob, that alone would make a man cum in a second.

She was getting to find out first hand though that the story she’s heard about her fellow member of The Allure enjoying me wasn’t just a fairytale. My shaft rock hard as she bobbed along me, leaving my rod slick with her spit as I handled what she could deliver and all with a big smile and moans to match. Even able to stare down and enjoy the jiggle of her tits as she worked steadily on my manhood. Those full lips sliding further along my size as her fingers, one of which ‘proudly’ showed off her engagement ring, unwrapped from my length. Reaching up to brush her hair back away from that pretty face and only going back to my thigh as she took a bit more of me inside. The repeated motion starting to make that thick lipstick smear as her saliva dripped down her chin. Resulting in a wicked branding along my dick of rings of her lipstick from the points she’s focused her slurps on.

“MMMMMPHHH… MMMMM… Hmmmmmphh!! SHHHHRRRLLLLPPP…” It was rather like a porn star performance but without the camera as the former ROH and Stardom wrestler worked away on my man-meat. Looking like she was enjoying being able to have some fun with a dick that could last, let alone was way bigger than she’s used to dealing with. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, I could get the sense of that from how often and repeatedly her moans were vibrating around my pick as she plunged her mouth down onto me. “MMMMMM… HHHHMMMMPHHH… SHHHHRRRLLLLPPP… MMMM MMMMPHHH MMMM…” The drool seeping down, landing on her juicy tits and staining the bra she had on as she kept up the loud, slobbering oral fun. More than impressing in her own right as she took me in nice and deep between her talented, and obviously experienced, oral hole. The grin plastered on my face as I let out my own shameless moans so she knew as well that she was already earning a good chunk of the money I was offering her. Of course, it was going to need more than just a dose of head, even as damn good as this was, for her to properly earn all of her major payday tonight.

The Brooklyn, New York born beauty knew that herself. And she even surprised me when she suddenly lunged that gorgeous face of hers right down onto my cock. Her eyes shooting wide as she let out a loud, dare I say orgasmic-like moan, soon followed by a raspy choke as she deep throated my cock. A moan escaping me from the unexpected, but very welcome, new sensation of feeling her hot, wet and very tight throat gripping my prick. What did I say about her being a porn star in the making? Holding her face down as her chin pressed into my balls, making more of a mess with the saliva off both of us mixing together. Another gag from her as she pulled up and again to my smiling surprise rather than pulling off to get in air she just raced back down. Driving my cock into her air pipe with a lot more lust than a bride to be really should be displaying.

“GAAAAAAAAAH! HHHHHRRRRKKK!! MMMMMM! GAAAAAAHHH SHHHHRRRLLLL HHHHLLLLKKK!!” Her eyes were half narrowed now as she went from merely blowing me to a full-on, willingly administered face fucking. I even had to help out with a hand to reach down and stroke her hair back as it flew around at the shoulder wearing her MCW Women’s Championship to keep her face clear. Her free hand taking care of the other half of her long hair so she could keep throating my prick again and again. Even at the expense of not just making a drooling mess over her own shaking tits but leaving a few splats of her spit hitting her title belt as well in the process. “HHHHMMMPHHH! GAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK… MMMMM! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Even as she choked away on me, her eyes didn’t seem to water up for a moment like she was a natural Size Queen. Handling my fat, white inches past her throat and darting me in and out of her throat like it was second nature to her. Leaving her mark on me with a noticeable, thick ring of her bewitching lipstick now around the base of my dick.

“HHHHHLLLKKK… GAAAAAAAHHH HHHRRRKKKK… MMMMMM…” Another plunge down right into me, pressing her nose into my crotch and the closeness meaning her hand and title belt rested against my leg as she enjoyed the feeling of my thickness stretching her oral tunnel out. I had the feeling this might be the first time in years, if not for her whole life, she was finally getting to show off what her mouth could really do with a massive slab of dick. I even saw a drop of sweat rolling down her cheek from the effort she was using to put on a session of sucking dick like she was more a lusty demon than the Exotic Goddess she’s supposed to be. “GAAAAAAAAAHHH… SHHHHLLLKKKK… MMMMPHHHH… GAAAAAAAHHH HHHHHLLLKKK…” Eventually though, and perhaps for her own good to not explain to her fiance why she suddenly had a raspy voice from just a regular weekend of wrestling shows, she lifted off from my dick. Another loud moan ripped out of a skin flick soundtrack leaving those smudged lips as I saw both the soaked state of my cock and the multiple rings of lipstick now left along my inches. Even spitting a thick wad down onto my shaft for good measure as she sat back and took a moment to draw in some long overdue air. All while her eyes stared with some clear need down at my prick.

“…Get a fucking rubber on.” Mandy eventually said, putting down her title belt on the floor. “You want to fucking pay me to get some of me? Then let’s fucking do it…” She decided with more than a hint of desire in her voice as she stood up. Just so she could start sliding her wrestling costume down off her shoulders and pulling her arms out of it.
“Oh, we’re going to do it alright…” I followed suit. Undoing my shirt and stepping out of the pants already at my ankles as I watched her slide her costume down those thick, smooth, tights-covered legs of hers. Leaving her in a matching set of bra and thong with her leg wear and boots. “But uh, I’m not paying for a half-experience here, Mandy…” I said, making her pause as she’d just gone to reach back and undo her bra. “So I’m not gonna be paying you to give up the goods if I can’t feel it raw.”
“E-Excuse me??” Leon’s eyes were wide again but this time with a mix of outrage and fear. “Are you serious?? I don’t even let m-my…” She tried to compose her, clearing her throat as she glared at me with hands on her hips. “Not even my future husband gets to enjoy me without wearing protection! I mean, look at me! You think I want to risk losing all of this getting knocked up before I’m ready for it?”
“Then I guess I’m gonna just have to tear up that little cheque of yours I wrote out.” I stated as I looked her over. My tone showing I wasn’t kidding around. “We either do this bareback or we don’t do it at all, Mandy. Besides… I don’t know about your lovers past and present? But I don’t have any worries about finishing earlier than I plan on… As I’m sure you already know from what your friend Velvet has told you.” I pointed out, since my ‘reputation’ (even at just one conquest that she knows about) already precedes itself.

“...F-Fine!” She eventually relented, but whether it was the thrill of wanting some good sex with a big dick even with the risky element to it, or from not wanting to miss out on a payday more than she’s usually earn in a year, I wouldn’t know what really swayed her. “But you’d better pull out if you even start to fucking throb inside of me!” Mandy warned with a snap as she went back to removing her underwear.
“Oh I will if I need to…” I confirmed as I let out an approving whistle as she peeled her bra off and let those big, rounded, dark skinned tits bounce free. Grinning again as she didn’t even properly know my name but was about to let me raw dog her, something her fiance wasn’t allowed to do.
“You’d better…” Leon tossed the bra away and moved across the room. Pulling over a chair before she put a leg up on it on half-kneel. Sticking out her rounded backside out at me before, with a flip of her long hair, she looked back over her shoulder at me. “Well?” She raised an eyebrow. “I think I’ll be able to afford a new set of tights after this.” She pointed out, and I saw a hit of a rather smug smile to her when she said that. Knowing full well she was about to be fucked for money like she was glammed up hooker.
“Oh, my pleasure…” I said with a chuckle as I approached with my dick rock hard and slick with her spit. Pausing briefly as I scooped up her championship belt from the floor and carried it over with me. Kneeling down for a moment, and not just to admire that big, juicy butt of hers, before I reached up. Making her gasp a little as I easily tore a hole in her tights before I stood up behind her. Making her grit her teeth as I took the time to put her championship belt onto her and strap it around that slim, toned waist of hers. Not making her wait too much longer though with one hand guiding my prick in while the other reached to slide her thong to the side. Seeing her smoothly shaved pussy and the hint of dampness already there.

“Yeah, I fucking bet it’s your ple… AHHHHHH FUCK!!” Her words cut off with a loud moan and already a tilt back of her head I slid my shaft into her box. Feeling the full on contact of her snug walls against my thick cock as I took her from behind. My hands taking a hold of those shapely hips of hers as I began to get to work at last onto her. Thrusting firmly into that wonderful, tight pussy of hers before easing back. Leaving the crown and an in or so still within her so I could pump back in. Going steady at first so we could both get used to the sensation but for me at least so I could savour this moment. Fucking a stunning female pro wrestler as she wore a championship? An engaged woman to another man? Backstage at an ongoing wrestling show? And all while I’m paying her to offer up this snug twat so I could nail her bareback? So many items ticked off the bucket list I never knew I had before!

“OH FUCK!! MMMMM… FUCK! FUCK… That’s fucking big!! MMMMM!!” She kept looking back at me as her hands gripped the chair she was on so she could keep herself steady for me. Nothing like a good slab of fat dick to make a beauty forget about the worries of being in some risky sex with a man she barely knows. Her moans leaving those freshly smudged lips no matter if I was sliding into her love tunnel to make her walls spread and accept me, or if I was pulling back to give her that brief feeling of being empty already. Knowing that this was the biggest dick she’s ever had before, including blowing her unsuspecting husband to be clear out of the water. “OOOOOOOOH FUCK! MMMMM… I can fucking see… MMMMM FUCK… What Velvet was fucking bragging about now! MMMMM SHIT…” She groaned as the former wrestler in ROH let me pump away into her box as I felt her walls dampen more with each round I sent deep into her slot. Already making her body rock a bit towards the chair she’s kneeling on as her title belt around her midsection clicked from the jolts. Her long dark hair swaying a little while those big, lovely breasts of hers jiggled nicely.

I was almost tempted to brag at that point, since I doubted there were many men if any others at all who could lay claim to having banged two members of The Allure trio in their lives. But my wide smile told it all as I shamelessly moaned out and worked my fat dick in and out of Leon’s snugness. Her inner walls clamped around me as I briskly slid into her. Hitting in deep and picking up the pace a little now that both of us were used to the feeling. Plus, I knew from how she took this same cock into her throat minutes ago that she could likely handle all of me in this hole as well. A glance down to watch her more than peachy backside jiggle from the stiff force of my thrusts, along with seeing my dick vanish in and out of her snatch. Before looking up to enjoy that look of pleasure across her face as her own eyes were similarly darting between my own handsome, smiling features to down to watch herself take all that cock.

“MMMMM! FUCK… Like that, huh? MMMMM… Like that… UHHHH… Tight fucking pussy, squeezing… MMMM! Squeezing all that big fucking cock of yours, huh? MMMM FUCK…” The former sports entertainment eye candy as a ‘Rosebud’ for the WWE purred out the dirty talk as I felt her actively, and very willingly, pushing her plump backside back towards me. Working that stunning body of hers against my thrusts as she eagerly helped slot in more of my dick into her needy box. That worked just fine for me as I pumped firmly in and out, and matched my motion with her shoves back as the slight squeak of the chair moving on the floor was barely heard once the sound of her dark skinned cheeks connecting with my crotch rang out. The tights she still had on not masking the clap one bit as my cock was buried perfectly into her tightness. “AHHHH FUCK! Yeah, come on! MMMMM… Fucking make me earn all that fucking money… MMMMM FUCK… Fuck that fucking pussy… Nice and… MMMM! SHIT! Nice and fucking deep! MMMM…”  She encouraged as my dick spread her open and hit into her deeper than she’s ever felt in her life. The ripple of her butt cheeks now constant as they smacked off my body before she shifted away and not just from the stiff impact of our bodies meeting either. Driving her snatch sharply back into me to keep the slap echoing around the locker room and then doing it all over again to meet the next incoming thrust.

I couldn’t help but smile at seeing how quickly she’s gone from being worried about fucking without any protection on to acting like getting railed bareback was something she was more skilled at than any in-ring competition. Never mind how she was acting like anything but a faithful bride to be as she took my dick from behind. Giving me a reason to start breaking out in a slight sweat of my own now as I had to match her pace and make sure to drive my shaft in when she backed herself up to take me. Easily staying balls deep inside that snug, wet love tunnel that really felt built to be fucked. Not even the jolting way that MCW Women’s Championship was moving up and down her stomach putting her off as I fucked her in that prized title. The beauty bent over in front of me only clad in that strap, yanked to the side panties and her tights and boots as I fucked her not just after she’d had a match, but while a wrestling show was still going on the building around us.

“AHHHHH FUCK! YES… MMMMM FUCK! Come on! Is that… AHHHHH FUCK! All you fucking got?? Come on!! MMMMM!” Her lusty tone was daring me now. Clearly just being taken balls deep and even by a big cock wasn’t enough to satisfy a beauty who proudly boasted at being the Exotic Goddess. A sexy shine of moisture now covering her mixed-background body that already looked more than she’d had after competing earlier in the night. Only briefly raising a hand off the chair she was kneeling on to stroke her hair back but even so there was one loose strand across her cheek as she got more focused on getting pleasure out of this sex than her own appearance. “MMMMM! I fucking thought you said… UHHHHH! You fucking wanted your money’s worth, huh? MMMMM SHIT! Then come on! Fucking… AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! Start fucking me and make me fucking earn… MMMMM!! Earn that fucking hooker money!! MMMMM FUCK!!” She almost panted out as she shoved her rump back into me to make us both groan as I felt how much force was behind the actions of her curvy body. I held back a chuckle from her own admission about knowing she was fucking for money. No complaints from me as this already felt top notch and money well spent. But is she was now making her own offers for me to test my luck and see what else I could get from her? Then who was I to complain?

“MMMM… If you insist, Mandy…” I smirked as I moved a hand off from her hips, popping it into my mouth for a quick swirl before heading back down her backside. A moment to tug at her tights and tear a hole a little more so my finger could slip under and tug her thong a bit more. Giving her a new reason to gasp now when I invited myself to explore her asshole. Pressing my finger against her backdoor, and finding the not exactly unexpected resistance there, before I pushed into her. Technically double teaming her or at the very least taking both lower holes at once as I pushed my digit in and out of her backside while fucking her snatch at the same time. Sure, my pumps of my finger were well off the timing I was using to drill her pussy with as she kept shifting back and forth to meet me. But the effect was working from her groans out as she narrowed her eyes at me, and not exactly with fury either at the invasion of her juicy rear.

“AHHHHH SHIT… Fucking Velvet told me about you… UHHHH!! Being a fucking ass man as well! MMMMM…” Leon hissed as she kept that gaze back at me from over her shoulder. No objections to me testing out her ass as I got my finger pumping slowly in and out of her. Even able to pull right out and spit onto the digit before I pushed back in for another dose of finger banging her. All while making sure her pleasure was sky high with my cock thrusting away to go balls deep in her pussy. “MMMM… Surprised you didn’t try and just… AHHHH FUCK! MMMMM… Go right after my ass from the start, if what… OOOOOOOH! FUCK… If what she told me was fucking true…” She added as clearly plenty of details of my encounter with her former stable-mate from The Allure in ROH had been passed to the beauty who I was currently fucking. Feeling her snatch being soaking wet around my rod now as I pumped stiffly in and let us both feel that direct, sinful contact of raw dogging her from behind. I was getting the feeling that she might be a lot more open now to trying out some action without any protection on now with how moist her slot was around me.

“MMMMM… I don’t think you can blame me, right?” I said, pulling my finger out of her. “A fine ass like yours is built to be fucked…” I more bluntly said. But before she could respond I pulled out of her snatch to leave her groaning from the empty feeling. Her snatch more than stretched out thanks to my thickness.
“I don’t think you can handle my fine ass...” Mandy boasted, but her words sounding more like a challenge as she stood up from the chair, looking at me as she licked her lips. “Although I’m fucking impressed… I can count on one hand the amount of guys who haven’t nutted yet after being in my mouth and pussy…”
“I can believe that…” I stated the obvious as I moved and helped myself to take a seat down on the locker room chair she’d been using. “Does that include your future husband as well?” I dared to ask and with a cheeky grin to match.
“Don’t fucking go there…” Leon warned with another narrowed glare, but even so she was the one who moved forward and swung a leg over to mount me. Not even thinking about how lewd it was to get into another position while still having her title belt around her waist as she climbed up on top of me. “Let’s see if you can fucking earn a shot at trying out my ass first…” She said, reaching down to keep her thong pulled to the side as she guided my dick up into her box.

“I’d take that bet…” I smiled again, not wanting to break the mood about how I’d paid more than enough money to her to already buy a piece of that ass. Happy to let her and her clear lustful urges cloud her mind as she dropped down onto my dick and got us both moaning out again. My hands having to reach around her and grip her fleshy butt cheeks through her tights since her waist was covered by that wrestling title. The shining front plate now resting against my toned midsection so that when she started to ride me, the metal brushed back and forth against my body. A first for me certainly but at the time my attention was at staring at the huge set of breasts that she was packing as they began to jiggle in time with her bounces.

“MMMMM FUCK!! So fucking big! MMMMM!! It’s like… UHHHH!! It’s trying to fucking pierce right fucking through me! AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMM!!” She groaned out, tossing her hair back as her hands gripped my shoulders for support as she raised up on my shaft just to drive firmly down. Doing the work for us both as we groaned out. That slap of skin hitting different coloured skin yet again ringing out as she sent her rump slapping down into my thighs. So not even my fingers digging into the ample flesh she was packing could stop her cheeks from shaking. “AHHHHH! FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM FUCK YESSSSSSS… Fucking give me that… MMMMM!! That big fucking dick! MMMMM!! Fuck me nice… UHHHH!! Nice and fucking hard!! MMMMM!!” She demanded with another intense stare down at me as she give me an already hot and wild ride. Easily putting more effort into this round of hard hitting action than she’d done during her match earlier in the night, and perhaps more than any other wrestling contest she’s been involved in over her career. Again making it look like she was far more suited for making a living in the porn industry with how smoothly and swiftly she was working her body up and down on my length.

“AHHHH… If you insist! Then I guess I could…” I grinned for a moment, again knowing that this really should be a situation I call the shots in since it’s my money that’s getting me balls deep in some fantastic wrestler pussy. But I was more than happy to let that slide and give us both what we wanted and then some. My fingers squeezing her rump a bit firmer before I timed my motion to wait until her slot was lowering down onto me before I pumped up. Her approving moan, combined with a fresh tilt back of the head and her eyes closing, showed it was exactly what we both wanted and then some. So I kept those thrusting coming. Matching her pace with deep groans of my own as I filled that snatch right up. Pumping upward as she drove down onto me and making that clap of her ass hitting me ringing out even sharper than before to mix with our shameless calls of delight. We were both damn lucky the show was still going on outside as if there were anyone passing by the locker room they’d know full well some fucking was going on between a fan and talent.

“AHHHHH FUCK!! OH FUCK! AHHHHH!! MMMMMM!! FUUUUUUCKK!!” I felt the brush of her engagement ring against my skin as her own fingers dug into my flesh a bit firmer now that the pace had picked up. All to her delight as she was more encouraged than before to fuck nice and hard as she worked that soaking but still tight pussy right up and down on my pole. The juices not even making the lipstick rings all around me fade away as she slammed herself straight down onto me. Happily accepting the stiff pump upward I delivered in return to ensure her love tunnel was stretched out to a limit she never knew possible. “AHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUCK!! GOD FUCKING YESSSSSS!! MMMMM! FUCK ME! FUCK ME FUCKING HARD… AHHHHHH FUCK!! DON’T… MMMMM!! DON’T FUCKING STOP MMMMMM!!” She begged as the sweat rolled down her stunning face and off that almost nude body of hers. So much lust behind her action that the tights she still had on now had a torn hole in the side to go with the one at the crotch from how much effort she was putting behind riding my dick like her life, let alone wrestling career, depended on it. All resulting in her long hair swaying in the air behind her while her big titties brushed against my chest as they jiggled away in time with her body shifting on my thrusting dick.

Of course, it wasn’t like I was being let off easy myself either. It had been quite an effort to put it lightly to handle fucking fellow member of The Allure in Velvet Sky in that hotel room encounter. But there was an extra thrill here with the risk involved here. Anyone could walk in and see me getting a smoking hot ride from a lusty mixed race beauty as she bounced herself silly on my thrusting cock. Let alone having convinced her to let me drill her bareback. So little wonder I was sitting and sweating as I moaned out and slammed my cock up into her wet box. My stomach rubbing against the front plate of her championship gold around that sexy waist of hers to leave my moisture along with her own and her spit across the strap and metal. But similar to the wild state of her hair and the wrecked lipstick she had on, being left in a little bit of a mess wasn’t the worry on this beauty’s mind right now.

“FUCK! YES! FUCKING CLOSE!! AHHHHH FUCK! COME ON! AHHHHH FUCK!!” The Exotic Goddess gasped out as her bucking on my dick began to miss the timing a bit. Leaving her being jolted up on my shaft as much as she was actively bouncing along me. The end result still the same of my prick still being buried in her snatch as her soaking walls still gripped me. Seeing her close to her limit, I couldn’t resist pushing my luck a bit more and seeing what my money could further buy from this lusty babe. My hand once again roaming across her plump backside and of course finding her asshole to stick the digit in. But this time I leaned my face towards her as she moaned out. Taking advantage of her open lips to steal a kiss from the happily engaged beauty, knowing I was making out with another man’s woman. Smiling into the smooch as, not exactly surprisingly, she willingly caved in as her tongue began to wrap around mine as our lips connected.

“MMMMMPHHH!! MMMMMM MMMM MMMMMPHHH!!! MMMMMM…” Her eyes rolled upward as her body tensed up on my cock. Leaving me to grip her while fingering her ass as I took over to pump away deep and hard up into her snatch. That lip lock being the trigger to set her off as I felt her juices flowing over my dick. The fresh clamp of her love tunnel around my dick leaving me groaning as she came. Leaving her moans flowing into my mouth as we swapped spit while I banged her through an intense peak. Just the slap of her ass hitting down into me and the slight clink of her title belt jolting being heard now our moans were muffled by one another’s lips. And, like any good man should when paying a beauty for some hot, fantastic sex, I made sure to keep my pumps going until her grip loosened and she came back down to Earth from the high. Leaving me to slip my still rock hard dick out from her twat as I leaned back to allow her to pant and recover.

“Fuck… Fuck…” Mandy gasped out, finally locking onto me. “God… That fucking bitch Velvet… She left out the fucking details on how… How fucking good you really fucking were…” She admitted as she slowly leaned back, before feeling my dick against her skin made her stare back. “And you’re still fucking hard??” Her eyes widened in surprise. Clearly not used to being with a guy who really could handle her.
“Like I said before, I don’t have any worries about an early finish…” I smugly said with a smile to match. “Especially when I’m getting my money’s worth…” I added, letting a hand slide around her ass to emphasise my point.
Leon bit her lip for a moment before looking back to me. “I d-don’t have any lube on me…” She said, like perhaps she’d been hoping to either bluff me or just finish me off to earn her pay before she had to offer up her ass.
“Well luckily for you?” I gave a chuckle as I lifted her off from my waist. Letting her stand before I did the same as I moved over to my jacket on the ground. Reaching in to pull out a small bottle of sexual lubricant before I headed back over.

“Oh, so you fucking made sure to bring lube but not a fucking rubber??” She narrowed her eyes at me and while she had a point there, I was more interested in finishing my tour of her holes. Turning her around and making her face a wall of the locker room and without even needing to tell her, she assumed the position to put her hands up against it. Showing off her engagement ring, a reminder of the cheating nature of this encounter, in the process. Sticking out her rump towards me while looking over the shoulder with a spread of her legs. The arch making her tits be close up to the wall as I knelt down and this time pulled down her tights along with her thong down her legs. Finally leaving her close to naked but her wrestling boots still on as while I’d been enjoying being bareback in her snatch? This time I wanted the full contact of her cheeks against me when I took her. Noting how once again she hadn’t bothered to waste time and take off the championship from around her waist before this next position got underway.

But first, I wanted to show her a dose of what I’d done to another third of The Allure a while ago and prove that this isn’t my own first time tapping some fine, juicy ass. Applying lube onto my finger before I slid it back into her asshole. Making her tense up and groan at the sensation as she kept her rump sticking out invitingly. Even with the previous finger banging I’d done to her here she was still vice-like so I needed to ease in the lube. Working it around her clearly rarely offered up back passage as I slid my digit in and out with a slow motion. Allowing her a bit of time to catch some air after such a hard orgasm as the sweat was still dripping off of her like she’d just been through the whole Stardom Five Star GP Tournament in one night rather than the many days back in 2017 when she’d toured Japan.

Her next challenge was soon up however as I pulled my finger out so I could apply some lube to my own cock before I set the bottle down. Pressing my cock against her backdoor and hearing her hiss, before a deep groan escaped the both of us when I pushed my cock forward and claimed her last, and certainly the most tightest, of her pleasurable holes with my man-meat. Leaving my hands to hold her hips as I began to thrust my cock slowly in and out of her anal passage. Needing to go easy with this motion to start with as clearly she hadn’t offered up her ass to a lucky guy, be they fan, wrestler or the man she’s planning to marry, many times before in the past. I wondered from the supreme grip on me if she might even be a straight up virgin when it came to anal action from this level of grip.

“OH FUUUUUUUUUCK… AHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUCK!! MMMMMM…” That idea went out the window with the moans escaping her as she enjoyed my fat, long white cock pumping between her thick, dark toned cheeks. Already having moved a hand from off the wall down to her crotch as she worked her fingers against those still dripping folds. Getting off on being butt fucked despite my vast size stretching her out in a way that even some seasoned porn stars wouldn’t be able to handle. “UHHHHHHHH FUCK! SHIT… AHHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM FUCK…” It sounded like her brain was frying from the pleasure as while her head was turned to look back, her lusty gaze seemed to be going right through me. Her body jolting towards the locker room wall as the top of her title belt scraped against the surface. Leaning in to make her tits squish in as they bounced a bit but the friction not taking away from the pleasure racing through her.

Not needing to tease or provoke her with words now in the sinful state she was stuck in, I just grinned and stared down at that thick backside as even without connecting with me just yet, she was jiggling away as my cock pumped into her asshole from behind. Easing in an extra inch as the time passed and we both got used to the feeling. More and more signs that this stunning, curvaceous frame of hers was truly built for fucking, and specifically for fat, long cocks like mine. Burying a perfect home for itself in this horny pro wrestler as I fucked her while she wore a prized title belt around her waist. Sweat dripping off of the both of us as I got tested to endure being in deep in one of the hottest asses in all of wrestling, while she had to quickly get used to a new sensation – getting banged even after already cumming which clearly isn’t something she’s used to.

“AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK YESSSSS! MMMMM FUCK FUCK FUCK!! OH FUCK YESSSSSSSS!!” The former Woman of Honor was a quick learner at going for a second round in the same session. Going from just rubbing her twat to full on shoving her own fingers into herself. Plunging in and out to her moaning delight to take care of that lower hole while the other got stuffed full with my manhood. Panting in delight as her sweat was now dripping down the wall she was up against as it fell off her body, along with the juices trickling down her thighs from the furious finger banging being done. “AHHHHH FUCK!! SO… UHHHHH!! SO FUCKING DEEP!! AHHHHH!! SO FUCKING BIG!! MMMMMM FUUUUUUCK!!” Not too far gone to not know what was going on as she keep staring back, licking her lips like she was daring me to do more. The raised hand by her head still showing off her engagement ring and surely if she ever got undressed in front of her man in the next couple of weeks he’d be able to see from her stretched out holes that she’s been having some fun behind his back.

I was more than happy to take an offer from a stunning pro wrestler, even though with the cash I’d given her I should be able to just freely take what I wanted. And in this case, I did as I reached forward and grabbed a handful of her long, jet black hair. Using the grip to shove her right against the wall as she moaned out. Her cheek pressed against the surface along with her tits and that title belt now clanging against the wall. My back pushing to rest into her back with just her hips shoved back as I began to stiffly thrust. Making her cheeks clap against my crotch as I drove in and filled up this hole just like I’ve been able to do with her throat and snatch earlier on. More than getting my money’s worth out of her as I grunted out and felt her anal tunnel still clamped around me. The perfect grip of an ass built for being banged just like the rest of her was as this session has already proved.

“UHHHHHHH!! FUCKKK… UHHHHH!!… AHHHHHH…” She was back to being in a state of her mind being blown so much that she could barely come up with proper words between her cursing and loud moaning. Starting to drool in delight against the wall as she gasped out and her eyes rolled upward. Bucking back and forth not from her own movement but just the force of my pumps making her jolt. The slap of her rump ringing out with our moans whenever my hips worked forward and slammed my dick into her asshole. Barely enough of a gap from her and the wall so her hand could still be between her legs and pump away near desperately at her dripping slot. Working herself towards another peak as she got off on not just taking it up the ass from behind, but taking a ravaging pace to further cement the fact that if she’d went the route of being a porn star she might not need to take a payday from a fan like me with the money her and her smoking hot body could make.

Just as I was wondering myself how much longer I was going to last between a set of such juicy, rounded and tight cheeks, thankfully my pumping pace helped race her towards her second orgasm of the day. I swore that alongside the slap of our bodies meeting and all the moans I heard the squelch of juices rushing out of her. It seemed like a full on squirt as Mandy had to pull her fingers out and just rub away at the top of her slit as her fluids ended up spraying the wall she was being fucked against. More wicked evidence of not just the fun but the best sex she’s had yet in her life as her tongue hung out of her mouth to further drool against the surface. Only coming back to reality when I pulled out of her asshole and she felt the emptiness of her now gaping wide passage thanks to my cock.

After all, true to my word, the moment I’d felt my dick throbbing I’d pulled out of her. I quickly had to reach in when she began to slump down the wall, exhausted from two orgasms in a row. Thinking quickly, I brought her over to the chair in the locker room we’d been fucking in and let her sit down as she groaned with her chest rising and falling as she hauled in air. And as I looked over her I considered how I’d finish up on her before a naughty idea sprung to mind. Reaching in again but this time to unwrap her title from around her waist and I brought it up, resting it above her big tits and under the chin as I made her hands come up and hold it, even as loosely as her tired limbs could only do, in place enough for me as I began to stroke my cock.

Maybe the sound of me jacking off brought her attention to stare up as she watched me. Her mouth opening out of instinct as she knew what was coming her way. A creamy reward to go with all the cash she’s well and truly earned tonight as I grunted. Shooting thick streaks of white across her stunning, exotic features. Coating across her cheeks, nose, those smudged lips and chin. Catching not just into her open mouth but into the loose strands of hair across her features. But her face only got the majority of my spunk. The last shots and final drips I stroked out aimed all the way down. Daring to stain the shining front plate of her Women’s Championship that she’s been wearing as we’ve fucked. Making a mess of it herself as my load dripped off her face down onto it as she groaned out and didn’t object to the sinful sight.

I was about to make a remark about that she’d gotten something on her face. But she just narrowed her eyes at me as I let go of my spent cock. First closing her lips as I heard a loud gulp followed by a moan as she willingly, without me even needing to toss more bucks at her to do it, swallowed down my spunk. Going the extra mile though in a further display of shamelessness as she lifted her title belt up to her stained face. Leaning down with a groan as she used her tongue to lap up my spunk from off the metal. Scooping it up just to swallow down as she took her time with a slow, dare I say savouring motion to dine on the majority of my load. Managing to lick up most of it before she had to slump back and leave her title across her lap. Panting with her eyes looking glazed over from a round of the hardest sex of her life and my load still across her face.

“I think that you’ve earned your pay tonight, right? Mandy?” I said with a grin.
“F-Fuck…” Mandy’s chest heaved as she stared ahead like she was in a sex-drunk trance. “I… I should be the one… Fucking paying you after how fucking good that was…” She admitted. Giving my already inflated ego another boost after saying how better I am than her own man is at dicking her down.
“I’ll take that as a yes then… And I’ll leave you to freshen up.” I said, stepping away from her. “Can’t let your future hubby know you’ve been fucking me for cash, right?” I was able to tease as Leon mumbled something to me as her head tilted back as she groaned out. Leaving her to sit and recover as I walked across and began to dress myself. Tempted to use the towel in the room to wipe the sweat off myself but I figured that Leon would need it a lot more than me considering she still needed to leave the building herself. And likely come across her fellow wrestlers in the process.

Just like before with Velvet, I did feel slightly bad about doing another hit and run with this beauty when I left the locker room and shut the door behind me. Then again, if Mandy was well aware of the fun I’d had with her friend? She’d know about how I’d left after the action as well so this shouldn’t have been a surprise. And with the coast still clear as the show was heading towards its main event, I just saw myself out of the building with the nearest exit. Heading off into the night and to my car as I left to go off to my hotel I’d booked.  A more than satisfied smile plastered across my face for having scratched another impressive and stunning mark on the bed-post. And I’m sure my conquest for the night would be similarly happy once the cheque cleared.

I suppose that after it was all said and done? I’d found out that money talks even for babe no longer on TV… And cold cash was just as hard as the bumps that wrestlers take.

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas either for any future stories/chapters to write, or for specific characters etc to feature in upcoming stories. However, feel free to leave any comments or feedback etc as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Hard Bumps, Hard Cash [w/h Velvet Sky, Mandy Leon, Angelina Love]
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2023, 04:14:55 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own ROH, TNA Wrestling or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.
Starring: Angelina Love (former TNA Wrestling), Mandy Leon (former ROH), Velvet Sky (NWA, former TNA Wrestling)
Hard Bumps, Hard Cash – The Allure
An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, MFFF, oral, anal, inter.
* * *

With cash to burn in my pocket and the intention of hooking up with a stunning female wrestler, I went around this wrestling convention (WrestleFest? Icons of Celebs? I don’t even remember what it was called) with no interest in any of the usual legends and the like for photo ops and autographs. No, my target was on getting some of the fine women. Would I dare to try and get with some from a big TV promotion, or the ones who used to be? Decisions, decisions…

But as it so happened as I mused my options, my eyes happened to focus on a banner above a table in one of the rows. ‘THE ALLURE’ was the words but I was far more interested in the picture accompanying it. Of a hat trick of stunning women, and two of them are more than familiar to me. What a coincidence that in the past I’d fucked Velvet Sky before after her ‘day job’ at the NWA doing commentary, and later Mandy Leon on her own at a wrestling show. And now joining them to reform, at least for one day only, the short-lived ROH faction was the other half of the original duo of TNA Wrestling’s The Beautiful People in Angelina Love. This? This was way too good of a chance to pass up trying to bag all three stunners at once, and I had the cash to try and do it.

I’d barely approached the table when I saw Velvet Sky lock onto me as her eyes widened. I was flattered that she remembered me and the hungry tint in her eyes showed it was for a good reason. Standing up at the table so I got a solid look at her outfit of a short, sparkling metallic skirt and a straining black top with a high heel print design across her large chest, while her long ‘dirty blonde’ hair hung down at the sides of her tits.

“Well hello there…” Velvet purred with a smile on her pink-coated lips, already treating me in a far more friendly fashion than she would any normal fan or convention goer. Angelina was busy sitting at the back a little looking at her phone while Mandy was shifting through a purse, counting out some bills. “What can I interest you in? An autograph maybe? We’ve got some very ‘special’ rates for meet and greets…” She claimed. Already leaning forward a bit on the table to show off her tits as I cleared my throat a little. I hadn’t even needed to splash cash yet and it was like her panties had dropped.

“What? We’re not doing…” Mandy Leon turned as she heard the conversation. Her jaw dripping with her lips opened with thick red lipstick on when she locked onto me. Remembering me vividly, but maybe not for the same reasons with a slight glare. The long, dark-haired beauty with dark-toned, exotic skin was clad in blue booty shorts that resembled jeans and a matching jacket, combined with a black tube top to cling to her huge tits. “We’re not doing meet and greets today, sorry.” She corrected her friend, pretending like she didn’t know me.

“Oh, that’s a shame…” I played along, glancing at Mandy and seeing her stare before I looked back to Velvet. “Guess I should have booked earlier then?”
“Maybe so! We are all three very busy women after all…” Velvet had some strands of hair in her fingers, playing with it as she was flirting with me with a smile to match. “But I’m sure I can spend some time… Giving you nice, well priced, of course, autograph or picture…”
“Oh, I’d like that a lot, please.” I smiled back, taking out my wallet and seeing both Mandy and Velvet locking onto it. So at least one thing hadn’t changed – even if they remembered how good my dick was, they’d like a dose of cold, hard cash just as much.
“Well, a picture would be great… Just a shame you don’t have your title from what was it? MCW anymore?” I looked over to Leon as she glared a bit again. “Hopefully you, you know, gave it a good clean-up before you handed it over to whoever beat you.” I said, giving her a shameless wink.

Mandy’s jaw dropped again, knowing exactly what I was talking about as she, speechless, slumped back into her chair with a deep blush. An awkward silence followed as Mandy gave a rather guilty side-eye look up at Velvet.
“...Oh, you bitch…” Velvet turned to her friend with a smirk. “Now I see… You fucked this guy too, huh?” She whispered as Love didn’t look up yet at them. “That fucking explains that expensive purse and shoes you shoved in our faces the last time! All that bullshit about ‘getting it from your fiance’!”
“Oh, you’re a fine one to talk.” Mandy stood up, narrowing her eyes. “Bragging about the fancy shit you’ve gotten! You made up the same excuses!” She said.
“Just information on a need-to-know basis! And at least I didn’t have an excuse to not fuck him! I’m single! You cheated on your guy!” Sky called her out.
“Oh like you’re any better!” Leon hissed.

“OK, what the fuck is going on, girls?” Angelina finally twigged something was up as she rose from her chair, without any idea what was going on or who I was. That let me get a look at the blonde Canadian MILF’s tight and sexy body Wearing low waistband black pants with a gold design around the see-through mesh at the sides, and a short basically bra for a top with a couple of belts looped around the bottom to pass for an outfit.

“Him!” Both women said a little too loudly as they looked at one another.
“Who? This guy?” Angelina just raised an eyebrow. Not impressed as she judged me by my cover. “A little overdressed than the usual fans I guess…” She shrugged and not even complimenting me. As expected from the woman who was billed as the badass of The Allure.
“Angelina, he’s not just ‘a’ guy…” Velvet explained, leaning in towards her. “He’s THE guy… With the money and, you know…” She wagged her eyebrows a bit suggestively.
“...Him??” Love figured out exactly what Velvet was on about. Showing that I suppose some women do enjoy gossip and sharing secrets or in this case hookups. “Bullshit. No way.” She scoffed as she folded her arms.

“OK, hand ladies.” I decided to interject. “I really only wanted to get an autograph here. I didn’t mean to cause a fuss.” Well, that was sort of true. I didn’t plan on a round two with Velvet or Mandy when I came here today.
“Suuuuuuuuure you did…” Velvet smirked, not believing me one bit. “You came over here to try and see if you could get lucky with me again, didn’t you?”
I blinked. Well, she’d sort of been flirting with me but to get such an open offer? And from a woman who wants some more? It was too good to pass up. “In that case? How about this…”

The women watched as I put the wallet away and plucked out a chequebook. Pulling one out, blank of course, but I wrote down a very enticing number onto it as I put it down. Not even needing to speak as I saw the wide eyes on them all, even on Angelina’s cold features. “I’ll pay that amount to you. Each.” I offered to make Velvet and Mandy’s heads shoot right back up. “You three and me. My hotel room tonight. How’s that sound?” I bluntly said as Love picked up the cheque.

“I’m down.” Velvet barely processed the offer. I wonder if I could have offered her one cent and she would have jumped on the offer.
“Damn it…” Mandy was more hesitant. “Shit… I mean, I already spent a big chuck from your last… You know, amount. And I don’t mean on the wedding… But nice little personal things…” She mulled things over.
“You know, a nice honeymoon someplace warm and sunny would be nice for you and hubby…” I suggested, twisting her arm. As well as reminding her that just like the first time, there’d be an element of her being very unfaithful to this fun.
“...Fuck.” Leon glared at me briefly. “Screw it. Fine.” She nodded her head. “And it’s not going to exactly undo the cheating from before…!

“Hang on a damn second.” Angelina butted in, slamming the cheque down on the table. “I don’t fucking believe for a minute that this guy? Looking like dressed up nobody? That he can handle any of us, let alone all three.” She bluntly said, staring a hole through me like she was trying to call my bluff and make me admit I was a fake. “There’s no way he can last against all three of The Allure.”
“You don’t know this guy like we do, Angelina…” Velvet tried to say defensively.
“Vel-Vel… I’ve known you for fucking years. You always tend to exaggerate.” Love said dismissively.
“No, seriously? This guy? He’s really fucking good.” Even Mandy chipped in, although I was wondering from her tone if her words now and from a moment before might have just been an excuse to fuck me again.

“How about this then, Angelina?” I cut in, making them look at me. “Let’s up the ante. Let’s say if you three can make me finish before I make all of you do? You get an extra… 10K. Each.” I said to once again get their eyes widening with interest from Love and a fair bit of lust from the others. “But each one of you that cums first? That’s 10K less. So all three go down? No extra cash aside from…” I tapped the check again.
“...Sounds like easy money to me.” Angelina claimed as she folded her arms under her chest. “Fine. Count me in. But I’m not doing any weird orgy. You want to fuck us all? Then fine. But I’ll take my turn after these two show me what the fuss is all about. If there is any.” She mocked, not believing the hype about me one bit.
“Guess I’ll leave you the details for my hotel room then…” I said with a smile. As eagerly, Velvet overturned one of her 8x10 pictures and offered me a pen.

* * *

Later that day…

A knock at my hotel suite door as I looked through the peephole. Opening up to let the trio of The Allure in. About to say something but Angelina just barged past me, barely registering me in the complimentary bathrobe, as she tossed her bag across onto the chair. Mandy more calmly walked in before Velvet followed with a lick of her lips as I closed the door. “Well, then…” I said as Velvet pulled me by the robe along towards the spacious bed in the room.

“Hang on! Where is the money, first?” Angelina spoke up.
“Oh, find his wallet or something! Besides! We need to earn it first.” Velvet said, making Angelina’s jaw drop when she shamelessly pulled her top up and over her head, showing off those big fake tits. “And ask Mandy! This stud had a big wallet and a big something else!” She added, continuing to undress. Intentionally doing a form of her entrance in front of me by bending over forwards. Swaying her fat ass as she lowered her skirt to show off those tanned cheeks and no panties on either for a look at her pussy. And with her bent over, I could see a hint of wetness on her lips already. Perhaps her flirting earlier on wasn’t just a teasing act after all and she was down bad for a round two with me.
“Very big wallet.” Leon confirmed, shrugging when Angelina glared at him.
“Guess we might as well get this over with. Fine. Go on.” Love agreed. “Fucking slut.” She added to mock her long-time friend.

“Sounds good to me!” I said, peeling off the robe. Making Mandy and Velvet’s eyes light up as they saw the familiar sight of my thick, long and hardening cock. “And like we said? I take you girls on one by one and if you cum, you don’t get the paycheck.”
“We remember.” Love coldly said. “And since Velvet is first up, it shouldn’t take long for her whore mouth to…”
“Oh, please! That would be too fucking easy!” Sky shot a grin back at her friends before back to me. “I didn’t come here to just suck some dick… I’m here to get fucked!” She said, licking her teeth.
“Wait, what? That doesn’t make sense! Vel-Vel! We’re trying to make this guy cum before we do!” Angelina said, sounding annoyed. “We had a plan!”
“I don’t mind skipping to the good stuff!” I grinned. Especially since I didn’t have too much of a plan going into this anyway, knowing my bank account could probably take a hit if I messed up and had an early finish. “So, I guess we should…” I started to suggest.

“Oh no, you ‘Money Mark’… Allow me…” Velvet said. The use of a usually mocking term turned into a cute nickname drawing a raised eyebrow from the other member of the original Beautiful People in the room. That look stayed as Velvet pushed me backwards and down onto the bed before she quickly followed me onto it. Deciding for herself how things were kicking off as she mounted my toned body and from my grin, I had zero objections. Watching as she reached under to line my cock up so I could the crown touch her wet folds. Aroused already to get a piece of me, or maybe just my big dick, once again. A moan soon escaped us both as she went right to work, taking me in bareback and easing down. The mix of her being super tight and, well, myself being hung like a porn star meant she had to take the time to adjust to being filled up in this way. A sure sign she hasn’t taken anything close to my length in the long while since we last hooked up.

“MMMMM! FUCK!!” I swear she almost came on the spot on me as her pussy clenched around my prick. Allowing me to gaze over that still stunning, mature body of hers but getting a better sight of her big fake tits shaking as she began to ride my cock. Even before my hands gripped her tanned sides as hers rested on my chest with a lean. “MMMM! Missed how… UHHHHH!! Fucking big this fucking dick is…” She hissed in delight, gazing down at me with a look that was more than lusty. She’d already forgotten that she was trying to just make me cum for a bigger payday and not hit a high herself. Then again, she did skip the foreplay to go right to fucking me like the stunning cocktease she’s always been. Working that wet, tight pussy on my length as she bounced and got me moaning as my inches slipped deeper into her slot.

“Fucking Hell, Vel-Vel! You didn’t even slap a rubber on first!” Angelina remarked, arms folded over her chest to watch her long-time friend and former tag partner bouncing away on a fat cock. I could feel her eyes burning into me with that clear edge of anger still towards me. Something about saying that made Mandy briefly bite her lower lip. My gaze however was on that curvy body mounted on me. Seeing the glimpses of my prick appearing out from Sky’s wet tunnel before she dropped firmly down. Going at me with a pace equally aggressive as it was needy for some decent action. Especially since we both knew I could deliver it to her. “Huh. Figured he would have blown already. I thought that’s why you skipped just doing the smart thing and sucking him off.” Love mused, as she’d picked up clearly that Sky hadn’t gone the route she would have to try and get me off easily with some oral. Going right to sex was a major indication that Velvet’s mind had something else on it than just making some cold hard cash here.

“MMMM! FUCK! Don’t worry, girls! MMMMM! FUCK! I’m sure… UHHHHH! There’s enough… MMMMM!! Of this fucking stud… UHHHH! For the rest of you…” The former wrestler turned commentator for the NWA moaned out but even while speaking to the others, her lust eyes were still glued to me with a matching, wicked grin. Her long dirty blonde hair swayed and those huge cans jiggled as I felt that fantastic ass of hers start to strike down into my legs. A nice clap rang out around the hotel suite to mix with our moans. My thickness was still wrapped by her soaking tunnel but now enjoying the feeling of her twat all around my member as she dropped down. “AHHHHH FUCK… Did this fucking dick… MMMMM! Get bigger than the last fucking time?? AHHHHH FUCK…” She groaned out, but I think she just wasn’t used to being filled up like a Size Queen as she handled that length nice and deep. I didn’t even need to thrust up once into her slot as she did all the work for us both. Like she was just working hard for the money as the old saying goes. Keeping me grinning as I enjoyed the red-hot sight of one of the hottest women in all of wrestling history going wild on my shaft.

“AHHHH… I think you’ve just gotten tighter, Miss Sky…” I teased, making her lick her lips like she got a thrill from me using that term on her. My hands slid up her sides, and showing how into this she was as I got a full, deep grope of her big tits as she rode me without any objections from her. Just as I was enjoying the squeeze of her flesh around my digits her hands clamped onto mine, encouraging me to grip even more. All as she drove her twat straight down into my crotch, filling herself up with my man-meat before smoothly easing upward just to do it all again. “Feels like… MMMMM! You haven’t had anyone match your high standards since… AHHHH! The last time we hooked up… MMMM… The last, first and only time in fact…” I added. A glance across and I saw Angelina narrow her eyes as I slyly referenced that, much like with Mandy, I’d only scored with the hottie bouncing away on me once before. That one night stand was more than enough to have left her wanting more and Sky was getting her fill of it here as she left my prick soaked with juices and this fun was only just getting started.

“MMMMM! FUCK… No one’s been… UHHHH! SHIT!! Fucking big enough to fucking… MMMM! Stretch me the FUCK out like you can! AHHHHH FUCK!!” Almost a growl from the New Britain, Connecticut-born beauty as she plunged herself down on my rod. That slap of her body hitting mine rang out as she wasn’t giving me the chance to stop playing with her funbags as she kept my palms pressed into those shaking tits. I was starting to get a bit thankful that I had experience with nailing her as this sort of swift, horny pace I could see easily making a lot of men cum early even before this point. Working herself away on my dick like she was better suited to be a skin flick star than a pro wrestler, and from many of her matches I’d agree that this sort of position was a more suitable fit than any in-ring action. “MMMMM… And I guess none of them… AHHHH! FUCK… Had as big a bank balance either compared to you…” She was able to smile, letting go of my hands as she leaned back. Keeping us both groaning as she stopped her motion, just to work her thick hips back and forth to grind her twat down into me.

“Doesn’t fucking look like you’re caring about his damn bank balance right now…” Angelina scoffed.
“Can’t say I blame her…” Mandy chipped in, drawing another glare from Love. “What? Look at that thing! Most men would have had their dicks broken off taken a ride like that.”
“So? Just means the guy can take it a little bit. Bet he’s the kind with no technique to back it up.” Love said rudely, although her eyes couldn’t help but briefly linger when his cock came into view as Sky dismounted him.
“You’ve got that wrong, Angie!” Velvet said with a wink. “Wanna show her, stud?” She purred, moving to the side of the bed as she laid down on her side, already giving the invitation to me as she lifted a leg high.
“Don’t mind if I do…” I wisely said, moving along the bed and standing at the end as I reached in. Pulling her a little closer as I lined my fat cock up with her entrance. Easily sliding in until I was gripping her limb myself before I started to thrust to get us both moaning out again.

“Does look even bigger than I remember him being…” Mandy mumbled a bit, ignoring the stare from the other woman just serving as an onlooker right now as her eyes were doing a little imitation of following a tennis match. A slight shift from side to side to follow my thrusts as I fed my thickness right in deep into Velvet’s eager, wet pussy. Making the retired wrestler slide on the bedsheets as I went balls deep, to make both the sound of my body hitting her curves ring out along with the sloppy sound of my rod driving into such a damp hole. Her jolts again making her tits bounce in time with the motion of her body as I saw the telling drops of sweat start to form across her already gorgeous frame. Seeing Velvet’s look of total pleasure as she groaned from my cock stretching her out was motivation enough. But knowing I had two other stunners still waiting for this kind of action was a new fuel I never knew I needed until today.

“OH FUCK! OH FUCK!! MMMMMM YESSSSSSSSS… Give me that big fucking dick! OH GOD! FUCK!!” The former TNA Knockouts singles and tag team champion moaned out as she stared across at me. Her eyes fighting to stay locked onto either my handsome, smiling features as I moaned from how good it felt to have her snatch clamped around me, and down between her legs to watch that fat length drilling her like a lust-powered machine. “UHHHH!! Fucking filling me up! MMMMM! Making my… FUCK! FUCK!! Tight fucking pussy… MMMMM!! Feel soooooooooooo fucking good! MMMM!!” Even squeezing her tits as she took this pounding and certainly didn’t appear to feel ashamed of acting in such a filthy way in front of her friends as she took my dick. Plus, the side angle I was using with her ensured that neither Mandy nor Angelina could miss the sight of my length as I drove in and out. Pulling out until about half of my size was still in that needy hole before I slammed home into a snatch I knew could handle me to the hilt thanks to the last time I’d paid her to be my prostitute for the night.

“Uh, hello? Vel-Vel? Earth to fucking Velvet??” Love shook her head, stunned by the sight and seeing that Sky was forgetting the ‘mission’ she was supposed to be doing to just make me blow before all of them did. “You fucking slut! Usually, you keep your damn head when it comes to fucking guys to use them like you did to your past relationships!” She snapped, referencing Sky’s previous stints dating fellow wrestlers but having no issues moving on. But now Velvet was having zero difficulties getting railed like a common whore and with moans escaping her open lips to match. Bucking along the sheets as I slammed into her soaking hole, feeling her snatch resized perfectly around my fat shaft to keep me moaning too as I stuffed in at a quick, smooth pace. Still holding a leg up against me to show off a bit like this was nothing special and just a workout. The look on certainly Mandy’s face as she gazed at my cock showed my buff was working as I’d need to finish off Velvet quickly if I stood a chance to making through this three-on-one against all the stunning members of The Allure.

“MMMMM! FUCK OFF!! MMMMM!! None of those motherfuckers… AHHHHH FUCK!! Ever made me fucking cum anyway! AHHHHH FUCK!!” Velvet hissed and while her rant might have been directed at her long-time friend, she wasn’t even looking across the hotel room at her. Her eyes still locked on me, like her statement was just meant to give me more encouragement to keep pounding that wet pussy of hers. It worked to boost my ego at least and keep me grinning as I thrust nice and deep, keeping that slap of our bodies meeting sounding out. “AHHHHH! SHIT! Had to fucking… MMMMM! Fucking fake it every fucking time! MMMMM! Not like… AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK! Not like with this big fucking dick! MMMMM!!” She gave the rave review even as her moans and those shifts against my rhythm proved how much she was loving this. Her hand captured a nipple, tugging to make herself groan before going back to squeezing herself. Seeing a couple of loose strands of her blonde and dark-streaked hair now sticking to her pretty face from all the shifting but not letting that faze her. Too drunk off the pleasure to be worried as she focused on taking my dick like she’s been craving another round with me for weeks if not longer since the last time.

“Oh please, we’ve all faked orgasms before…” Angelina rolled her eyes, perhaps without thinking making an admission about how her relationships, previous and current, haven’t been fully satisfying. And next to her Mandy bit her lip with a look that showed her partner might be lacking in the bedroom action too. “Doesn’t mean I just slut it up with some… Random guy… Who happens to have a bank vault in his pocket.” She added, still having her doubts about me even as she watched me rail her best friend damn well silly with balls-deep pumps into a soaking hole. Velvet’s juices not just coating me, but dripping down onto the sheets from the trickle along her inner thigh. I wasn’t offended since both the beauty I was currently banging and the dark-haired one across the room had both their doubts about me when I first met them. But nothing like some hard, big cock action to put a smile on their faces as they creamed hard. Even at the expense of a chuck out of my accounts but well worth it for this kind of fun.

“I think your friend still needs convincing…” I stated the obvious, making myself and Velvet groan as I eased back from her soaking twat to step away.
“You know what I think?? I think I need that fucking dick back fucking in me!” Velvet snapped with a grin as she shifted, assuming a familiar position as she stood from the bed to lean over it. Simulating her famous ring entrance by sticking her ass high up and out as her hands were planted on the already creased and stained from juices and sweet bedsheets.
“Oh, I plan on it…” I said, making Sky’s eyes widen with lusty glee as she saw me step back over with a bottle of sex lube. “But I think I know a way to finish you off for this ‘first fall'." I claimed, pouring some out onto my fingers.
“That’s… That’s not like the Velvet I know…” Angelina’s voice had a slight hint of sounding impressed as she remarked. “She doesn’t let anyone tap her ass… No one does in… Never mind…” She was going to make another admission but cut herself off. Giving a side glance to Leon but she was too busy watching me to notice.

“Come on! Hurry it up!” Velvet hissed as she stared over her shoulder with an expression mixed with lust and annoyance that the action had even paused in the first place. Cooling off her needs for a moment when my slick finger pushed into her super-tight asshole after more than a hint of resistance. “F-FUCK! MMMM… Forgot… UHHHH… How good that feels…” She groaned as already one of her hands moved off the bed and down between her legs. Rubbing at her slot to leave herself propped up with one arm and her spread legs. Even now doing a form of her ring entrance to entice me with a sway of those thick hips. I was a little busy fingering her butt, working the lube in as deep as I could but then again, I already knew what she and this stunning, world-class ass could handle from the last time. I wasn’t dumb enough to just rail her and risk my peak arriving too soon, however. I had two other pieces of fine ass to get through after all. So I gave Sky’s rump another round of pumps before I pulled out. Plenty of lube left in the bottle as I set it down after giving my dick a few strokes for good measure to prepare myself.

“That’s it! Put it in! Deep in my ass! Deep in MEEEEEEEEEE FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Ask and you shall receive as I think it goes. Pushing my big cock into that stunning, rounded ass as we both moaned out and even just as I slid in, her ass was shifting back to work against me. Keeping a grin on my face as I started to thrust and make her juicy cheeks shake already as she backed all that fat ass up into me. Again, it was almost like I could have just invaded her and her eagerness would do the job for us both. “AHHHHH SHIT! FUCK! SO FUCKING BIG!! MMMMM!! AHHHHHH GOD!! FUCK!! FEELS SOOOOOOOO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOD!! MMMMM!!” And her moans weren’t just the usual bluff you’d seen in porn either. Her fingers went from just a mere rub to curling into her soaking box. Stuffing in to ram back and forth at a quicker pace than even her rocking into me was. Ensuring she moaned out as her gaze was locked her over shoulder at me as I took her from behind. Enjoying that stunning ass one more time and dare I say it felt even better with that vice-like grip around my thickness than not just her snatch felt, but was more pleasurable than the first time long ago when I got to tap this legendary ass.

For the moment at least, Love was speechless as she watched a fellow former TNA Women’s Knockout Champion getting fucked up the ass. Her eyes were wide and her mouth a little open as she was glued in a brief trance to see my dick sliding in and out of Velvet’s thick rump as those cheeks jiggled away from both my stiff motion and Sky’s all too eager pushes back into me. This made me wonder if Angelina’s stare was an indication of if she couldn’t believe anyone’s ass, even one as fat and built for pounding as Velvet’s was, could handle all this cock… Or was she wondering if she could take it too? I hoped to find out, but I had to enjoy this booty first and to be honest, if I was a lacking sort of man I would have been happy to just be inside this tight, rounded butt and be done. My moans showed supreme pleasure as her back passage was clamped around me. But I wanted my fill of cake and to eat it all (or at least in this case pound it) so this would be just the first of three for me this night. And a damn fine way to kick things off.

“MMMMM SHIT! FUCK THAT ASS! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!” Velvet groaned out. The retired wrestler putting in a lot more effort now as she got drilled from behind than
 I ever recall seeing her put in for any match she’d had in her long career. Her huge tits hung to swing underneath her and her long hair swayed in time with her body’s shifts. Once again giving back as good as fuck as I was giving her and helped work my fat inches further into her rump in the process. That tightness told me that she hasn’t let any man get to experience her stunning rump since the last time (and first) I’d tapped her. “COME ON! YOU FUCKER! MMMMM! FUCKING STUD! MMMMM! FUCK THAT ASS! YESSSSSSSSS! MMMMM! NICE AND FUCKING DEEP! UHHHHHH!!” She was near yelling at this point, with sweat dripping down her face as I hammered her from the back. And as much as I would have loved to properly pace myself with the other two women still to go, I wasn’t getting a choice with how stiffly that juicy booty was being driven back into me.

I glanced over (yes, daring to check out the other just as stunning pro wrestlers in the room even with my dick buried in a curvy hottie right now) to check the reactions of the others while I kept my thrusts going. Angelina simply glared, keeping a poker face on like she wasn’t impressed yet. Mandy meanwhile mumbled something I didn’t quite catch thanks to my moans and those from the beauty I was butt fucking, along with the loud clap of Sky’s cheeks striking my waist. But I could tell from the hard nipples poking through Leon’s top that she was aroused and ready for her turn. Her eyes looked over me as I worked my toned body back and forth to thrust into Velvet’s fat ass and keep her moaning. Again it made me wonder that if it hadn’t been for the terms of this ‘deal’ to make them all cum before I did, perhaps Mandy would have joined in to share me and get action right off the bat with the look of hunger she was giving me.

“AHHHHH FUCK! CLOSE! FUCKING CLOSE! COME ON! YES! YES!!” Velvet panted as her head hung down and she moaned towards the sheets as she gripped a big handful to keep herself in position. Backing her rump into me time and time again like she was all too familiar with a lucky man getting to play out a fantasy of railing her like she was acting out her infamous ring entrance with this bent-over position. Only with a lot less clothes than normal along with her fingers shoved into her slot. I’d been so caught up in enjoying that booty that I didn’t notice she’d gone from a duo to stuffing three digits into her wetness. Further showing that she’d long forgotten the mission to try and get me to my peak before hers. “AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Hardly poetic but sounding a lot hotter and more interesting than any commentary she’s done for the NWA. Her eyes rolled upward and staring blankly through strands of her hair as she shuddered against my body. Backing up so I could reach down and grip her waist. Seeing the chance to finish her off as I used my strength to yank her back and take over from eager movement into me.

That was the trigger as Velvet squealed in delight with a tilt of her head to show off that shameful, fucked silly expression. Her fingers rammed in knuckles deep into her snatch to soak herself as she came hard. And while I might have helped her to ride out that wave of pleasure by fucking her ass through it, I wisely pulled out to avoid the clamping grip but still got to enjoy her asshole being left gaped wide along with seeing her fingers pumping. Giving her ass a spank for good measure as she purred in pleasure and finger fucked herself through the peak. “F-FUCK…” She gasped, falling forward onto the bed onto her hands and knees as she gasped for air. “Shit… I fucking needed that…” She admitted with a grin, looking over at me with a fresh hunger, seeing my dick was still rock hard as she turned towards me.

“Oh no you don’t! You stupid fucking slut!” Angelina stormed forward, grabbing her best friend by the wrist, snapping her out of that sex trance. “You were supposed to be fucking him to make him cum! Not the other way around!
“I… Oh shit!!” Sky’s eyes widen for a moment, but then, to Love’s annoyance, she shrugs her shoulders. “Oh well, I guess… I guess it’s not so bad…” She claimed, moving off the bed. “I mean, I’ve got plenty of cash already today… Missing one payday isn’t so bad after getting nailed that fucking good...”
“Fuck it!!” Mandy hissed now, making us all stare as the dark-haired of the three pulled her jacket off before she reached down, hauling her top off to make her big tits spill free. Much to my grinning approval “I’m not waiting! I’m gonna finish this asshole off!” She announced as her shorts followed next, and I got a look at how already moist looking her pussy was.
“That’s more fucking like it! That’s the attitude I was expecting!” Love encouraged, leading Velvet away from the bed so Leon could move onto it. “And you? You have a lot of fucking explaining to do about this all, Vel-Vel…” Angelina added as Velvet panted, brushing her hair back before grabbing a bottle of water for some much-needed recovery.

However, for someone who is also supposed to be just trying to make me cum without hitting a limit herself, Mandy also skips even trying to blow me to start this second ‘match’ of my Allure gauntlet. Laying back on the bed, not caring about the sweat and juices left by Velvet onto the sheets, she spread her caramel-coloured legs invitingly wide. And I saw her eyes particularly locked onto my dick as I tapped the crown against her wet folds. Eagerly waiting for me to fill her up and that reminded me of our last encounter in that locker room session. “Someone isn’t complaining about me not wearing a condom this time now, are they?” I taunted her, making her audibly gasp and likely louder than she’d hoped, judging from both her shocked expression and the stares from the other women in the room. “Guess someone likes being fucked bareback now, do they?” He said as I waited for the moment to strike with my dick pressing into her entrance.

“You Son of a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH MMMMMMMM!!” I cut off the rest of whatever she was going to say with a stiff thrust into her already wet pussy as I moaned out. Making me thankful at that moment not just to have lasted to sample the second red-hot, tight pussy of a stunning pro wrestler tonight, but that I wasn’t having to judge which hottie had the best love tunnel. Mandy’s feeling just as good as Velvet had been minutes ago which was something with how Grade-A it had been. Already my thrusts made Mandy’s huge knockers jiggle back and forth as her arms were back behind her, gripping the sheets as she again stared down, looking obsessed with seeing my prick sliding into her snatch. While I enjoyed how supremely tight she was around my length. Her husband (future husband? I honestly forgot if she’d gotten hitched already or not, and didn’t care either way since both options meant she was a cheating whore regardless) didn’t have the kind of weapon I was packing to stretch her out and make her moan nice and loud.

“So much for the FUCKING PLAN! FUCKING SLUT!!” Angelina lost it, yelling across the hotel room and almost making Velvet choke on the water she was drinking. Love glaring to see how Leon was moaning away, bucking against my thrusts and looking hypnotised by watching my length fill her up. “We’re supposed to be screwing him to make him cum and get more fucking money out of this fanboy! Not slutting it up!” Love complained with a shake of her head. Keeping that badass attitude going as she managed to keep her glare mostly at her friend getting railed and only briefly glancing to watch my cock thrusting to work deeper into the love tunnel of the Exotic Goddess. “With Velvet, I can fucking understand wanting some dick!” Angelina added and didn’t care about the glare she got from her friend because of it. “But you?? You’re gonna get fucking married! Ain’t your hubby’s dick good enough??” That is ironic too, since she was previously hitched and is now engaged to another.

“UHHHHH! It’s not… MMMMM FUCK! Not fucking that! AHHHHH FUCK!!” Mandy couldn’t even look over at the other members of The Allure watching her take this banging as I smoothly pumped in and out. Making her dark-coloured skin connect with my pale frame as I filled her love tunnel up. I already knew she could take it balls deep like the porn star she should be, but still, I let her tightness adjust to my thick length before I picked up the pace. “MMMMM! It’s hard to fucking explain! But fuck… FUCK!! MMMMM!! I fucking HATE this Son of a Bitch!! FUCK! This MOTHERFUCKER!! MMMMM!!” There seemed to be genuine insults here and not just dirty talk which caught me off guard. Not enough that I missed the timing of my pumps into her slot of course but still a surprise. And something told me it wasn’t just something to try and throw me off so I reached my peak early. This might give me an angle to get an edge over her and get her racing to the finish.

“Mmmmm… Got something you’d like to tell the class, Mandy?” I teased her, making her glare up at me as I stroked her legs before gripping those thick thighs again to keep those limbs apart. Thrusting firmly back and forth as the smack of my body hitting hers rang out. Enjoying the sight of her juicy tits shaking as I plunged in balls deep and got my dick coated now with her juices. Only at that point, I remembered this cock had just come from another woman’s ass and into this tight pussy so Mandy must have some burning kink about me or my big dick to crave getting railed like this. “Come on, you can… MMMM! You can tell us what’s on your mind… AHHHHH! Between friends and all that…” I mocked again, seeing her holding something back as she moaned out and once again stared down to watch my cock driving home into her box. Adding her juices to the splats already over the sheets as I fucked the former ROH starlet on her back. A pussy this good easily made me moan as I broke out into a little sweat since this was the second former Woman of Honor I was now aiming to satisfy on the same night.

“UHHHHH! No! I don’t wanna… FUCK! Say why! MMMMM! I just fucking hate you! FUCK! Not just keep… UHHHH!! Keep fucking me!!” Mandy snaps, making me think there was something of a hate fuck to this for whatever reason. Not that I minded too much since I was already paying to once again have the great pleasure of stuffing her holes, and her twat felt damn fine with a nice, tight squeeze of her dripping walls around me. “Fucking bastard! MMMMM!! ASSHOLE! FUCK!! With that big, fucking… MMMMM! SHIT! Stupid… MMMMM!! Fucking bareback dick!!” She groaned before her eyes widened and she clamped her mouth over herself, not just to try and muffle those shameful cries that a soon-to-be-married beauty shouldn’t be letting out when fucking another man. Curious looks coming from her friends still in the room but to be honest, I kind of missed that remark at the time. I was rather focused on drilling this curvy stunner as I did a resizing job to her snatch like I’d done to the other familiar former one-night-stand hook-up in Velvet earlier on.

“Did she say something about bareback?” Velvet leaned in, whispering to her friend.
“Fucking right she did… Little slut.” Love’s tone had a pissed-off growl to it. “Fucking always going on about wearing a rubber when she’s fucking guys…”
“Come on, you can tell me…” I tried to entice the answer out of her. Pulling out of her twat to leave her groaning as I moved just to lay down on the bed. “I promise I won’t tell your husband about this all…” I added with a smirk to remind her of her status of being an unfaithful wife-to-be.
“That’s the fucking problem! You asshole!!” She yelled, taking the bait as I watched her mount me. Unlike Sky, Leon faced away so I got to watch all that fat, rounded ass of hers squishing down into my body while she reached under and lined me up. Taking me deep into her wet slot before she started to bounce.

“MMMMM! PIECE OF SHIT! FUCKING BASTARD! FUCKING HATE YOU! FUCK!!” For a woman claiming to hate him, she was both loving his rod being stuffed into her snatch from the moans she was letting out and the fact she was doing this for a payday as well. Her long dark hair swayed while those plump, dark-toned cheeks of hers crashed down with a delicious jiggle into my pale, toned body. Her slot was built to take dick, as I already knew from the first time we’d fucked, and that passage gripped me perfectly as her juices dripped down over my crotch. “FUCK! Making me… UHHHHH!! Fucking want this… FUCK! Fucking dream about fucking doing this again! AHHHHH FUCK!!” She hissed out, staring over her shoulder at me as the beauty who has been the Women’s champion for a few indie promotions across the US glared back at me with that burning look of equal parts desire and rage. I was tempted to push my luck and grip her body, seeing the drops of sweat forming on her as this fired-up attitude was working against her to help me last against her lust. Just opting to let her vent some frustrations as I rested back with my head in my hands.

“AHHHHH… Can I at least know why you hate me? MMMMM…” I moaned as I enjoyed her wet pussy gliding along my rod as she expertly worked me over. Not surprising for a woman far more known for her looks than any true technical ability in the ring. Not as hypnotised as she’d been staring at my prick but enjoying seeing my manhood doing the piston-like motion to vanish up into her box and then quickly reappear as she shifted on top of me. That loud clap sounded out as her rump struck down sharply but neither of us felt a sting of pain. And even without needing to thrust up, I wasn’t exactly getting a break here thanks to such a quick and stiff pace. The sort that would test even the most seasoned of porn stars, let alone ones who didn’t have to last through one stunning female wrestler before getting a piece of this one.

“FUCK! Not you! MMMMM! This! FUCK! This fucking sex! Being… UHHHH!! FUCK!! Filled up bareback! No condom on! FUCK!” Leon finally admitted as she kept herself in position to sit up straight on my lap. Driving her twat sharply down before lifting a few inches just to repeat it all over again with a loud moan. “I haven’t been… MMMMM FUCK!! Able to get it out of my damn head since… UHHHHH!! Since we fucked in that locker room! MMMMM!!” Her lewd confessions continued as she panted out. Staring through a couple of strands of jet-black hair with that gaze of half anger, half wild lust and all while stuffing herself full with my meaty dick. “Do you have any fucking idea?? ANY FUCKING IDEA??? MMMMM! What it’s fucking like… Wanting to beg your fucking future husband… MMMMM!! To fuck me raw?? And I fucking can’t! AHHHHH!! FUCK!!” She hissed again, stopping her bounces to grind her pussy against my dick. “But I fucking can’t, can I? Fucking made a vow to him that we can’t until we get hitched! That’s why… FUCK! I fucking hate you!!”

“No, it sounds like a part of you fucking hates him you fucking slut!!” Angelina said from across the room as Velvet, with more of a smug smirk, nodded in agreement. The two watched as Leon glared back at them and resumed her bounces on my dick. “Bad enough you’re riding him like a hooker! Moaning out like this is a fucking porn scene or something!” Love calls her fellow former ROH roster member out on her less-than-holy actions. Angelina’s mind is still clear about what this encounter is supposed to achieve and not the kinds of high pleasure that Velvet had already experienced and that Mandy seems to be sending herself towards. “Get your fucking head in the game, you whore! God, you’re making it sound like you want to marry this fucker instead!” She mocked, although she wasn’t exactly a saint herself being engaged and watching two others fucking so shamelessly right in front of her. Perhaps she’d be more of her usual badass self however if not for the sight of poking nipples finally seen from her top.

“MMMMM FUCK!! WHO SAYS… FUCK!! THAT I’M LOVING THIS?? FUCK!!” Leon sounded like she was in denial as she rammed her curvy body right up and down along my rod to keep me groaning. If it hadn’t been for the previous time we’d fucked, then maybe this kind of wild pace would have rendered me into the early orgasm that she was supposed to be getting me towards. It was working against her here as I felt her soaking love tunnel as she gripped me and pumped along my thick inches. All as her cheeks slapped down into me for a red hot sight in its own right without seeing her stare back over her shoulder at me. “I JUST… FUCK! FUCK YOU! YOU DON’T KNOW… AHHHH FUCK! HOW BAD IT IS… GOING FROM SEX WITH A FUCKING RUBBER ON… FUCK!! TO A FUCKING RAW, BALLS-DEEP, HOLE-WRECKING FUCK! MMMMM!!” She yelled as the sweat rolled down her stunning face. She was getting close as she bounced on my rock-hard shaft but I needed to send her properly over the edge. And I had an idea of how to do it as I finally reached across. Giving her plump butt a spank to make her gasp and come to a stop with another glare cast down at me.

“Oh like you’re the only fucking one who misses his big fucking dick!!” Velvet this time yelled, tossing her now empty bottle of water over to hit Mandy in the arm. “You think you’re special because you’ve got a ring on? Or some kink about wanting to be screwed bareback??”
“It’s not the same!” Mandy claimed, lifting from my lap and moving off as I quickly stood from the bed. Snatching up the lube bottle from the floor. “I just need to scratch this damn it, since I can’t with you-know-who until we get married.”
“Uh-huh? Sure…” I mocked, making Leon gasp as I shoved her forward, making her get to her hands and knees on the bed. “Well, let’s see if fucking your cheating ass bareback can make you a nice, pure and faithful woman for you man, shall we?” I said, pouring some lube onto my fingers for the second time today.
“OK, I’ll admit. That was a good one.” Angelina remarked but with a clear reluctance like she didn’t want to admit it. “And he’s got some balls too. Going after the ass again, I mean…” She added, seeing me moving behind her Allure ally to give her the lubing-up treatment.

“Fucking bastard…” Leon hissed, once again staring over her shoulder but making no moves to stop me as I pushed my finger into her snug asshole. I made another assumption here that just like Velvet before, Leon hasn’t let anyone, let alone the man she plans to marry, get to tap this fat ass of hers. All the better for me as I worked my digit in and out of her to apply the lube, knowing how tight she would be. “I don’t love this! I just need this! MMMMM… So just fucking get it over with! I don’t even fucking care… FUCK… If I cum first or not!” She added, and that again gave another hint to her true intentions here. Much to the glaring dismay of one of the blondes across the room from us as I stepped back. Again applying a bit of lube to my cock as I glanced over. Making sure that Love, as she kept her unimpressed poker face on, saw that I had a good bit of the fluid left and fully planned on using it on her after I’d finished with Mandy.

“Mandy’s a slut! Mandy’s a slut!!” Velvet mocked with a sing-song voice, despite being far from wholesome here even without taking into account her naked, sweat-shining state. Watching as I pushed my thick white cock into the rounded backside of the Exotic Goddess to make us both moan out. Both of Mandy’s hands gripped the bed sheets like she was trying desperately to hold back as I started to ease my dick into her tight asshole. Feeling that grip like a vice around my tool as I pumped in and saw her cheeks rippling already. “Look at you! Fucking pushing back into him already!” Sky even called her out for the fact Leon was rocking against my motion, helping to work more of my dick into her booty. Sure, I knew she could take me all in but with how super tight she was from not letting anyone else fuck her in this hole since our last encounter? I needed to go fuck this fat ass carefully for my own sake and stamina. Knowing I had one more fine booty to rail after this one. “Don’t give us that ‘I just need this because I need bareback sex my man can’t give me’ bullshit! You’re a fucking slut like the rest of us!” Velvet claimed although Angelina’s raised eyebrow seemed to scream ‘speak for yourself’ at least at this moment in time.

“FUCK OFF!! MMMMM! I’M… AHHHHH! NOT… UHHHHH! A BAREBACK SLUT! FUCK!!” Mandy panted out but from that burning lust in her eyes as stared back at me, I could tell she was barely holding onto her senses and it wasn’t even the first time I’d seen that look from her. She just needed a little extra push as I thrust into that ass to spread her open in a way that her lover couldn’t pull off even with a rubber on. It didn’t happen when those plump, dark-coloured cheeks of hers finally met my body as she started to clap back into me. Nor when I delivered a firm spank to her rump that at least made her groan. “FUCK! AHHHHH FUCK! I JUST… JUST… AHHHHH FUCK!!” Sure unintentionally, but when she tossed her hair back to try and clear her vision and stare at me I got an idea. Reaching over, clutching those long, raven locks of hers and giving a firm tug to make her head tilt back and stay there. The clenching of her asshole around me told me I’d made the wise choice along with the howl of delight she let out as I kept fucking her ass with a big grin.

“A god damn cheating, cock-drunk, raw sex-craving whore! That’s what you fucking are!” Angelina yelled as the members of The Allure continued this back-and-forth mocking which had all helped me to drive the current beauty I was butt fucking wild. Although now she was doing a fine job of that herself as Leon stuffed a hand between her legs. Rubbing away furiously at her soaking pussy as she groaned out. I didn’t even need to say anything other than groan out in pleasure as I focused on ramming home to that stunning, built to be fucked rump of hers. “You’re like a damn bitch in heat! Good luck fucking going back to your husband with your ass spread wide after all of this!” Love added to continue her friend’s lusty torment. Although she was a soon-to-be-married woman herself, that was another matter. My focus right now was on sending Mandy to her peak and pulling on her long locks along the way. A sharp tug whenever she drove her booty into my waist to fill herself up as much as the stiff pace I was using did on its own.

“FUCK FUCK!! YES! FUCK IT!! OH FUCK! YES! IT’S TRUE! UHHHHH!! ALL FUCKING TRUE!!” Mandy howled out as sweat rolled off that already stunning frame of hers as I pounded into that thickness over and over. “I’M A SLUT! AHHHHH! A RAW SEX… BAREBACK CRAVING… FUCKING SLUUUUUUUUUUUUUT MMMMMM!!” Another long and loud moan before her tongue flicked out of her mouth. Barely giving me time to pull out of that huge backside of hers as she shuddered even as I kept a hold of her hair. Making her ride out her orgasm as she bucked back into her hand to soak her digits and leave more juices splashing down onto the bedsheets that had been long ruined before this point. My cock rested against her freshly fucked rump so she sort of hotdogged my dick with her shoves back. Gasping out by the time I let go of her locks and shamefully collapsed forward onto the bed as I stood back with a grin.

“Slut…” Both Angelina and Velvet remarked at the same time. Ironic considering one of those two was naked and glistening after her peak earlier on, and the other was about to join her.
“Two down… One to go.” I said with a grin. Not planning on losing another chunk of cash tonight but having made it to the final round of this gauntlet I allowed myself to brag. “Saving the best for last…” I tried a charm offensive as I beckoned the last of the women over.
“Oh please, don’t fucking try and flatter me.” Love rolled her eyes as she stepped forward. Leaving Velvet to haul a tired Mandy off the sheets. “Let’s get this over with.” She still had the attitude on. A tough cookie to crack but if I didn’t like a challenge, I wouldn’t be in this position to begin with.
“Suit yourself then.” I said, sitting down on the bed. “Ditch the clothes and let's see if you’re better than your friends.”

“Is that supposed to be a challenge?” Love raised a cocky eyebrow as she reached down. Undoing the buckles on her top before peeling it up and over her head, showing off those rounded and nicely sized tits. “Don’t act like you’ve won, just because you made those two… Those two sluts cum.” She gave a sort of back-handed compliment as the Canadian beauty slipped her pants down next, showing off her shaved snatch and despite her tone towards me, I could see there was a clear wetness down there. “I’ll make this quick, so get your chequebook ready.” She said, pushing me down to sit on the edge of the bed before she mounted my lap. “What? Thought I was going to blow you? Fat chance. That would be too easy.” She claimed, reaching down as she gave me a cold glare that in a way was quite a turn-on. “Guess I’ll join the ‘bareback club’ those two are so into…”

“MMMMM… Quite tough talk from someone… AHHHHH… Feeling so fucking wet down there…” I called the multi-time former TNA Knockouts Champion on the moist state of her tight pussy, let alone how she was moaning along with me as my thick rod pushed up into her twat. This gave me some telling signs to focus on to try and make this stunner, despite having never banged her before like the other two, cum her brains out. Formerly married and currently engaged to a different man, and being a legit MILF as well. So I had a strong suspicion that none of those guys, or perhaps any lover she’s had before, has been packing the size of dick I’ve got. “Nice and damn tight too… MMMMM… You keep this body of yours in fine shape by not letting them blow early in you?” I teased with a smile as I was in quite a state of sweating myself as I fucked the third of a trio of red-hot female wrestlers in a row. Moaning out as this one’s snug pussy gripped my shaft as I gradually stuffed in deeper into her box.

“MMMM… Maybe you need to worry about not fucking blowing… AHHHHH… I’ve already had one kid and I don’t plan on any more just yet! MMMMM…” The stunning blonde remarked but avoided my questions as she rocked on my lap. Controlling the pace so I had to match her motion and thrust up firmly into her tightness as she dropped down into me. Her grip of the hands on my shoulders just for support and nothing more which to be fair was the same for my hands on that ripped midsection of hers. “And me, being wet? AHHHHH… Don’t get big ideas! MMMMM… Any chick can get a little turned on… MMMM… From watching some half-decent porn!” She claimed as her long hair swayed behind her as she lifted on my shaft to just under the crown before driving down. Her tightness gripped me and gave the third different coating of juices that I’d had on me throughout the night as she rode me to try and finally fulfil the deal of making me cum before she did.

I could tell words weren’t going to phase this long-time veteran of pro wrestling so I put my hands to work. Making her arch an eyebrow like she was saying ‘Is that it?’ as I reached up to fondle her jiggling tits. Even with her bitchy expression she still couldn’t help but moan out when I captured her nipples, giving them a little rub and tug as a hiss escaped her with a glare to match. A flash of a smirk appeared on me before I leaned in. Capturing a nub between my lips and slurping on her to keep her moans coming. All while I thrust upward, burying my dick into her slot as she dropped down to connect that tight and tanned frame against mine to show she’s just as built as the other members of The Allure to take some big cock action. The feeling of her fingers gripping my shoulders a bit as I sucked on her tits showed me the resistance was fading just a little bit.

“MMMMM… Guess your smart fucking mouth ain’t got nothing more to say, huh? MMMMM! So you’re having to settle for… AHHHHH… Trying to suck my fucking tits off? MMMM…” The only woman out of the three who had been the ROH Women of Honor Champion had more insults to toss my way between her far from shameless moans. To her credit, she wasn’t fazed at all as I switched from one mound to the next to worship her. Still riding away on my fat cock as she firmly drove down to make a slap ring out when she hit my crotch before smoothly easing back up with perfect timing. This was far from the first time she’s given a hot ride to a lucky guy but probably never one as hung as I was. “MMMM! Guess that’s finally… MMMMM! Putting your mouth to some fucking good for once! MMMMM…” Another half compliment mixed with an insult as she worked away on my cock. Making me moan into her chest as her wet walls gripped me as she pumped up and down. She easily took me in to the hilt and still built for more which admittedly had me worried that I might not be able to finish her off before I hit my end. This pussy was damn good like Mandy and Velvet’s are, and I could see her able to make any normal guy blow a load early from this kind of pace alone.

“Hey! What’s the matter, Angelina?” The blonde’s attention was grabbed by Mandy’s voice mocking her across the room as she now had a bottle of water in her hands. “Thought you were gonna finish him off easily, huh? Earn us that fucking money quick as a flash!” Leon was leaning against the other naked woman as they both watched the easily best wrestler out of the three beauties rock and shift along that thrusting dick. Groaning as I feasted on Angelina’s nicely sized tits as they bounced against me from her motion. “I think it’s gonna take more than just a ride like that to finish him off! Trust us on that!” Leon added as Velvet nodded in agreement. That just made Love glare over at them not from being thrown off, but the implication that she couldn’t do what those two also were unable to pull off. My thrusts filled her up as I pulled off from her rack to take in some air and give another confident smile up at her.

“Get that damn smile off your fucking face…” Angelina hissed as she dismounted me. Briefly turning away from me but I leaned my head to the side. Seeing her adjusting her engagement ring as I briefly smirked. Thinking that might be something to remember but I went back to a usual smile when I rose. “Well? Don’t just stand there… About time you came up with a position! Since this is your money on the line and all.” She snapped, showing she was still the badass who walked in, just with a lot let clothes on.
“Oh, my pleasure…” I teased as I pointed to the bed. Making her roll her eyes as she expected it before she laid down on it. Only for me to pull her back so that only her upper back from below the shoulders upwards was on the sheets.
“OK… Didn’t see that one coming…” It wasn’t a full compliment considering her tone of voice, but watching as he kept her hips off the ground as I pushed back into her slot and gripped her waist so her legs dangled over my arms. “It’s still gonna take a lot, lot more to even make me… MMMMM!!”

Her latest insult was silence by a loud moan as I buried in to go balls deep into that tight, wet, MILF pussy. The motion of a piston made her tight frame jolt back along the sheets as she stared across at me. Still giving me that cold and confident stare but her eyes were unable to help and glance down between her spread legs to see herself getting filled up. My crotch meeting hers as the slap of skin hitting tanned skin rang out. Her long hair getting messy, sprawled out back along the bed and around her shifting head. Not even bucking down against my pumps as she seemed to have her plan to try and tire me out by having me do all the work. Although that still meant she got plenty of pleasure as her moans poured out and I saw the telling first droplets of her sweat forming on that already rock-hard and stunning body.

“MMMM! Come on! AHHHHH FUCK! Is that… MMMMM! FUCK!! All you’ve got! HARDER! Come on!!” She was daring me, and as much as I’d love to just assume she was now more into this than she was letting on? I had a feeling she was trying to bait me into wearing myself out. My pace was smooth and steady with nice force, keeping the smack echoing around the room as we both moaned out. Her eyes narrowed, showing off a hint of desire with the usual cold stare as she moved to prop herself up on her elbows to angle her body a bit. “MMMMM! It’s gonna take more than this… MMMM!! To make me even think about getting close… AHHHHH FUCK! Close to cumming! MMMM! So fucking bring it, you fucking Money Mark!!” Unlike when Velvet playfully called me that before, this was an intended insult from her even as she gave me a new angle to slam home into her wet pussy. My grip was still on her slim waist as I held her to bridge between the bed and my toned body. Letting me at least know from the grip of her slot around me that I was working some form of magic onto her even if she had her doubts. Lasting up until this point of the action and surviving the other members of The Allure still wasn’t enough for her seemingly high standards.

“Oh, trust us, Angelina… He’s gonna make you cum soooooooooooo fucking hard…” Velvet purred with a smile, making her Beautiful People partner look over with a glare like she’s suddenly betrayed her. “And a badass bitch like you is gonna fucking love it when you’re creaming your little brains out… All over his fucking dick as he fucks your ass nice and hard…” She added while Mandy, gulping down water, nodded in agreement. The two are all too happy to watch on after getting their orgasms and now watching as Love is stuffed full and jolted against the edge of the bed. The blonde had to grip the sheets to stay in place a bit while clenching her teeth. Far from admitting defeat just yet but a look in her eyes that shows she’s starting to see what the hype was about me and that I was more than just a big bank balance.

I needed to try and find an edge to outlast her as even with my fine skills in the art of lovemaking, I could do with an advantage to outlast this numbers game of surviving in this third tight and soaking pussy of the evening. Reaching over with a hand, I started to rub across the top of her wet pussy to make her eyes widen. I swear I briefly saw a flash of a small smile on her for a second before that familiar cold glare returned as he groaned out. Not even trying to swat my hand away as I rubbed away at her pussy and rammed her full to keep her moans nice and loud. Working at least to keep the shine of moisture building over her while I pumped away into that snug Canadian snatch. She still just used one arm to grip her body and keep her suspended between myself and the bed as I double-teamed her twat with thrusts and fingers.

“UHHHHH! You’ve got… MMMMM FUCK!! Fucking tricks, huh?? MMMMM! FUCK! You fucking need them against… UHHHH!! SHIT! A fucking pussy this good!!” The multi-time TNA Knockouts Champion groaned as that was about as close to a compliment as she was going to give me. Although I did feel her shifting against my thrusts, attempting to grind against my cock as I drove in but with her legs dangled over my arms she didn’t have the grip. My fingers still brushed away over her slit to enhance the pleasure as she moaned and stared across at me. “MMMMM! Maybe you can fucking… AHHHHH! Call my ex-husband! Let him fucking know… MMMMM! This is the kind of fucking sex he should have been giving me! FUCK!!” Again, I didn’t see that as a compliment but the sudden mention of her former marriage got me thinking about how I could finally break her down. For no,w though, I finished off this round of pumps. Groaning myself when I finally pulled out and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

“Fucking tired, huh? Done already? Gonna cum?” Angelina smirked, even in her sweaty state as she rose from the bed to stand.
“Not yet…” I bluntly said as I reached over to get the lube bottle. Only for her to grab it first and swat my hand away.
“Please. Let an expert show you how it’s done.” She mocked me, turning around to kneel with one leg on the bed. Not perhaps that huge of a surprise given how she was acting like I wasn’t on her level, but at the same time I got a very welcome break to get some air in.
“Since when did you take it up the ass, Angelina?” Velvet pointed out as Mandy also raised an eyebrow like they didn’t know the other woman was experienced in backdoor fun.

“Since SHUT THE FUCK UP, that’s when!” Love yelled over her shoulder at her friends as she reached back to her ass. Lube poured out blindly, making some go down into her ass crack as well over a couple of fingers. Bringing them to her asshole to first circle around and as I stared down to watch, I got the hint that she wasn’t bluffing about not being a stranger to this kind of fun. A finger slipped into her entrance as she groaned, bucking back into her hand as she eased in. Taking her time, and I wondered if maybe this was her way of trying to sneak a break from me railing her but then again, she was moaning in a way that didn’t sound like she was faking it. She even dropped the bottle to grip her rump as she fitted the second finger in, and that allowed me to lube up my dick for the more than impressive completion of the hat trick of tapping the asses of the members of The Allure that was about to happen.

Except that I had a fresh surprise for the beautiful Canadian when she pulled her fingers out. Pulling her fully off the bed as I hooked her leg. Making her back press against my toned chest as I pushed my cock up into her ass. Fucking her from behind, but on one foot planted on the floor as we both moaned out. Her face turned to mind with narrowed eyes, and a look of half desire, half cold and calm to show she wasn’t broken yet. Getting there as she used the position to still rock against my pumps as I groaned. Working my fat dick into her super tight ass as I got the clear feeling this hole was either rarely used or totally off limits to either her former or future husband. My other hand was around her side and over her tight stomach, still playing with her pussy to get the edge over her and keep her pleasure high as I knew I wouldn’t be able to last too long against this stunner.

“MMMMM! That it? MMMMM… I was expecting something mind-blowing, you fat-cocked Money Mark! MMMM…” She refused to give a real compliment as she bucked back and forth. Working her tight, rounded ass back against my dick as while she might lack the meat down there that the other women have, she more than made up for it with her aggressive motion and the tightness alone. If I wasn’t such an expert at stuffing my dick into tight holes, I might have suffered the early finish she was trying to make happen. “All those inches are you can’t use them?? MMMM! FUCK! I should have… UHHHHH! Brought a big fucking dildo to use on me instead and left you… FUCK! SHIT!! To those other sluts over there!” The MILF claimed despite her loud and constant moans as I pumped away into her rear and rubbed away at her soaking pussy. Noting how she was making no moves to stop this advantage I was doing by doing to her what the other two beauties had been doing to themselves when I fucked their asses. Plus, she had one hand gripping my shoulder for support to keep this position up like a part of her wanted to see what I could bring.

“AHHHHH… You’re not gonna do that, Angelina… MMMMM! You fucking know why?” I took my calculated shot knowing more money and just insults weren’t going to cut it. My free hand grabbed her wrist, making her stare with a narrowed look before I took hold of her finger. Her eyes finally widened to break her look when I bared to slip her engagement ring off the digit. “Because this? This is what you fucking want… You cheating slut!” I said, holding up her ring to her before I took it in my palm. Seeing a twitch in her eye when I spat onto that shining band while still thrusting into her ass. “Getting some big dick better than your man can give you! Than any husband you’ve had or are gonna have can!” I barked as I pumped away and made her stare at her sacred ring while driving up into her anal hole as I kept rubbing her snatch.

She didn’t respond instantly as I thought she would, which was a victory in itself. Her teeth gritted as she stared at her ring and my saliva on it like her brain was processing it all. Matters not helped, at least for me, with her body burning as I stroked away across her slit while pounding up into her tight ass from the back. Keeping her pressed against me as her cheeks finally met my crotch for that extra smack of her striking into me. A tightness this good made me understand why she thought that if a guy could satisfy her friends it didn’t make for an automatic pass to give her a great time. I doubted if a good many porn stars could last in an ass this vice-like, let alone in her snug snatch either.

They say actions speak louder than words. It wasn’t a full admission of her breaking or giving in but screamed more than any moan when her free hand grabbed her engagement ring and tossed it across onto the bed into the stains of sweat and juices, including hers, over the sheets. Before that same hand grabbed my hair as she stared with narrowed eyes, burning with lust and pulled me in forcefully into a kiss. Our moans exchanged instantly when I parted and got a reward of her tongue stuffing into my mouth to dominate the kiss. More than happy to let her control things while I kept on working over her lower holes. Best of all? Neither of us closed our eyes with just sinful stares to show this was nothing about love but filthy desires as she bucked against me and kept the lip lock going.

Even Mandy and in particular Velvet, knowing the blonde currently being fucked for the longest time, could only stare in awe as this horny MILF got her rocks off. Revelling in shameless, cheating sex without even having her ring on now as she moaned into my mouth. Making saliva drip down from our lips as she swatted her tongue around mine like some form of punishment for spitting over that band. Shifting on the one planted leg as juices dripped down her inner thigh there. Sending her ass back into my crotch with a nice firmness as her other hand down onto my wrist. Actively encouraging the rubbing now not exactly in a sign of defeat, but perhaps her physical way of saying ‘not bad’ as I finally pushed the right buttons to unlock a more sinful side of the multi-time Champion.

“MMMM! MMMMMPHHH!! MMMMM!!” It was a risk that ended up paying off as those glaring eyes started to glaze over and look through me. Giving me the chance to capture her tongue with my lips for a long slurp like it was a dirty porno scene as I continued to drive firmly into her ass. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to last too much longer with her ass this good and more than meeting the pleasure offered by the far thicker beauties I’d already butt fucked today. “MMMM! MMMMM!! MMMMMPHHH…” She shuddered against me as I finally could smile into the kiss knowing I might not have strictly out fucked her, but finding an itch to scratch gave me the edge that I needed. Focusing on reminding her what a cheating whore she is to fuck me in my hotel when she’s planning to be married to another man. Just like I’d provoked Mandy by making her admit she needed to be railed bareback, and Velvet… Well, she just needed the best dick she’s had and I was more than happy to give her and the rest of The Allure what they and their stunning bodies deserved.

That hat trick concluded when I felt Angelina tense up against me as I groaned into her mouth. Her grip on my hair meant I couldn’t break the kiss but as her asshole clenched around my cock I had to pull out to ensure my side of the bet was secured. Making this blonde bombshell orgasm over my fingers as I rubbed away at her slit to keep my digits soaked while the trickle travelled down her leg to the floor of this hotel room. Keeping her moaning into my mouth as her eyes regained focus as she came down from that intense high. Her attitude returned as she first lifted my hand from her pussy and then let go of my hair. Putting on a surprising, or was it just defiant show, as she took my slick digits into her mouth. Slurping loudly to suck them clean and taste her own snatch off from me before shoving me back with both hands.

“What??” Angelina glared, before glancing at my dick and then back to me. “Fuck it. Fine. You… You impressed me. That good enough?” She briefly smirked before that cold look returned. “You fucking won. Made me cum. Made us all cum. So I’ll give that to you. You aren’t as all fucking hyped up as these two made it sound.” She admitted and I took that, as backhanded as it was, as the best compliment I was going to get out of her today.
“Geez, sore loser, much?” Velvet smirked as she and Mandy finally walked over, getting a glare from her former tag team partner. “Admit it, Angelina? He fucked your brains out like did to me and Mandy!”
“No, he didn’t… Because he didn’t make me into a couple of whores like he did to you!” Love claimed despite her sweaty state and the juices running down her legs.
“You can say what you want, Angelina… All I know is that you just fucked us over on getting that big payday by cumming before he did.” Mandy pointed out.

“Well, about that, ladies…” I spoke up, making them all look at me. “You know, maybe there’s a way you can all earn that extra cash…” Which I know must sound odd since I spent this whole night out fucking them to stop me from losing a bet. But when there’s a chance to get some hot action and prevent the mother of all cases of having blue balls here, why not splash the cash?
“Go on…” Surprisingly, Angelina was the first to enquire.
“Well, there’s three of you…” I said, moving onto the bed and laying back with my head on the pillows. “There’s one big, throbbing cock here about to blow…” I motioned down at myself. “How about you all make me blow a big, fat load and then clean it all up to earn that reward money?” I at least made it an offer rather than a bragging winner’s demand, even with the size of the smile I had on right now.
“...Figures…” Love narrowed her eyes. “A triple team from The Allure? I guess…” She paused, stopping herself from just admitting out loud that he’s earned it. “I guess that’s worth the paycheck.” She said, but while she more calmly walked forward the other two women raced up to join me on the bed.

“No way I’m lasting long against this…” I remarked with a smile as I watched the trio move up, laying on their stomachs on the bed as they moved over my spread legs and angled in like a perverted triangle. Angelina is in the middle, with Leon on the left and Velvet on the right. My moan was perhaps the loudest yet when I got the delight of three sets of hot lips on my fat cock. Groans from all of them, although Love’s glare was still icy compared to the lust from the other two. I could already feel my dick pulse as they smooched at my dick, exploring over me as Angelina attacked the underside while Leon and Sky handled their respective sides. Having not planned it when I made that suggestion, but quickly, a sort of rainbow party formed on my cock. Mandy’s thick red lipstick, Velvet’s bubble pink and Angelina’s lighter rosy colours were left over my sick at various points for an autograph way better than the ones I’d paid for earlier on.

It was a slice of heaven contained in a hotel room. An entire smoking hot faction of babes all hungry for my cock (oh and the payday that came as a result) as Mandy slapped her tongue against my side while Velvet reached over to flick at my heavy balls. Perhaps a surprise that Angelina moved to my tip. Making me moan with a proper suck on the crown as she stared across at me. Bobbing along the mushroom head and the inch below with a quick burst. While Mandy licked at the base of my dick and Velvet still roamed over my balls. Seeing how Sky had a hand stroking up my leg as well with a must lusty stare than the one the blonde sucking my dick was giving before she pulled off spitting on my crown and dragging her tongue down to the base as she took over working over my nuts.

“MMMM! Holy fuck! MMMMM… FUCK…” I groaned as now Mandy wrapped her pouty red lips around my crown and slurped to moan into me. She added her lipstick to make rings go around the head and below with her eager sucks while Angelina hid her head, and not from any shame either, with my shaft in the way as she lapped at my balls. Leaving Velvet to carefully tilt in, flicking her tongue at the side of my rod with a little up-and-down motion. Even sucking on the edge of me before licking again as Mandy suckled on the head. “MMMM… I am fucking glad… MMMMM! You all didn’t just do this to start this all off! FUCK…” I grunted as even just feeling three sets of tongues on me was outstanding. Leon pulled away, swatting at my tip before she moved back to the side of my prick. Joining Love and Sky to lap at me before Velvet all too eagerly dragged her soft, wet tongue along my side to reach the tip and side over the slit.

Perhaps unsurprisingly for the woman who most forgot to try and out fuck me, Velvet gobbled down my cock with a loud muffled moan as she slurped down far further along my rod than the other two had gone. Making Angelina glare up from their heads nearly touching thanks to the bobbing as Sky’s pink lips rings were planted further down like she was trying to brand me even at this late stage. A brightly coloured mess was left on my pulsing dick as Mandy and Angelina kept lapping at my balls and the base of my dick as Velvet sucked away and got some spit left dripping down me. Pulling away eventually with a sinful ‘POP’ sound as she moved back to her side just as throbbed again and gripped the bed sheets. Oh, how I would have loved to last and enjoy a full Allure triple team but after fucking each babe to orgasm and now this, they finally earned that money as I reached my limit.

“FUCK! CUMMING!” I barely got the warning out as I didn’t so much cum, but simulated a volcanic eruption with how the ropes shot right up before landing back down. At least not just staining back over my dick and crotch, but even without aiming I managed to splatter over those stunning features of all three women. Helped by the fact they all, without any of them flinching at all, kept licking away at my prick to make sure I was milked dry. Making my hot seed hit over their cheeks and noses and a little catching in their hair from the close contact with my pole. Best of all? They stayed true to the quick deal I’d made them. Lapping away and groaning as they all, including Angelina and her badass stare over at me, licked off the spunk from my manhood. Not surprising for Mandy and Velvet who have already swallowed down my nut in the past but it was a more than pleasant surprise to hear Love groan in apparent approval, even if she wouldn’t verbally admit it, at the taste of my seed. Compared to the deep moans from the other two as they finished off cleaning my dick but left seed across their faces when they moved back from my finally spent (but victorious!) cock.

“Ho… Ly… Fuuuuuuuck…” I could only exclaim as I lay back, panting. “That was… Fucking amazing!!”
“Well, no fucking shit…” Angelina scoffed, back to her usual self even with my spunk over her pretty face. “You got blown by us three. Now where’s our fucking money?” She bluntly demanded.
“Geez, Angelina? Let the guy get a second to recover!” Mandy smirked as she moved off the bed as well. “Better yet? We’ll clean up. Using the shower before he gets it.”
“Smartest thing you’ve said all night.” Love said. “Don’t go anywhere. We won’t be leaving without our money.” She warned as Mandy had to tug her arm to get her to follow to the bathroom.

“Yeah, sure. Not going anywhere for a minute…” I groaned, laying back in sweat and juices as I wondered if housekeeping would be available at this late hour. But my thoughts were broken when I left a hand on mine. Seeing Velvet moving back as he put down a pen on the bedside table. Looking at my palm and seeing a piece of note paper from the room with… Her phone number on it?!

“I’ve been single for a while, stud…” She whispered to me as she backed from the bed, giving me a saucy wink. “And a girl like me has fucking needs…” She said, making a clear ‘call me motion’ just as the other two yelled from the bathroom she turned and hurried in, closing the door behind them as I heard running water.

I looked over the phone number with a grin. Dragging myself off the bed to hide it away safely in my pants pocket. All the money I’ve spent today has been worth every damn penny… And now bagging Velvet Sky as a possible fuck buddy with no strings attached? Talk about the bargain of the century!

But all going to show that when it comes to women with Allure, and even ones with a cold, badass attitude? Cold cash was just as hard as the bumps the wrestlers take!

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas either for any future stories/chapters to write, or for specific characters etc to feature in upcoming stories. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Stardom or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.
Starring: Megan Bayne (former AEW, Stardom).
Hard Bumps, Hard Cash – Megan Bayne
An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.
A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].
Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal.
 * * *

Sometimes it’s a solid strategy to try out something else than just merely waltzing up to the merch table, sweet-talking a babe and flashing a big wad of cash in front of her face. Plus, some shows don’t always have a good old meet and greet or even intermission. This was the case for this independent promotion called Beyond Wrestling that I had checked out. Well, to be honest, I was more scoping out a target to try my luck with rather than caring for the matches. So I had to bide my time and spend a good few minutes waiting outside the building at a parking lot out the back to get my proper moment to try and get into the pants of another stunning pro wrestler. And one with a lot less experience under her belt than the likes of Mandy Leon or Velvet Sky I’d railed in the past.

Seeing that when out of the back door walked the powerhouse beauty of The Greek Goddess and former AEW competitor Megan Bayne. The woman calling herself The Megasus, a name she’d be more known as when competing overseas for Stardom in Japan, perhaps naturally hiding her body after wrestling earlier in the night with some comfy travel pants and a hooded top as she wheeled a luggage case with her.

“Ah, excuse me! Megan!” I called out, seeing her roll her eyes as I approached her but she didn’t stop or change direction.
“Sorry, but no autographs after a show.” Megan said dismissively of me. Even if she noted that my choice of clothing – smart pants, a shirt and a jacket with shoes – wasn’t the usual merch T-shirt attire she was used to seeing from regular fans.
“Oh, that’s fine. I just wanted to give you some kudos.” I claimed, keeping a sensible distance from the stunning pro wrestler as I invited myself to walk alongside her. “You know, finally getting to see you back in action after that real long layoff and all.”
“Oh? Well, yeah, it was a damn long road.” Bayne glanced at me. “Worth it to come back better than ever. People are gonna be blown away when they see what I do this year. Hell, just from the next few months.” She even said, with a hint to her voice that showed she knew something big was in her future (and hindsight now told me it was that tour in Japan upcoming).

“Well, if you don’t mind me saying? You managed to find a damn good way to keep some, you know, incoming coming in.” I said with a smile as she stopped at her car. “Your shoots on that special ‘Fans’ site of yours are some top-notch stuff.”
 “You’re one of those fans, huh?” She smirked slightly, knowing exactly what I was talking about. “Well, thanks for the extra boost. Now I’m back on the road again I’m still gonna be posting on there from time to time if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will! And I’ll still be subscribed and looking forward to it.” I said, not exactly faking that remark. “Although it must have been tough, you know? Missing out on paychecks for so long, and doing all these shoots couldn’t have come cheap either.” I remarked to start to apply my plan.

That comment struck a nerve as she paused, gritting her teeth for a moment before she finally turned to look at me. “Listen, it’s getting late and I’ve got a crappy motel room to get to. Do you have a fucking point to all of this?” She snapped as she stroked her hair back.
“Yes, I do actually.” I said, reaching into my pocket. “And let me get right to the point then.” I said, letting her watch as I produced a chequebook and pen. “Now I could waste your time just asking for an autograph or some piece of merch. Or…” I flipped open a blank cheque and started to write in some details. “I could make it worth your while to make my night worthwhile.” I bluntly said.

“Excuse me?? Are you fucking seri-WOAH!!” Her angered look quickly switched to stunned surprise when she saw the amount I’d written out for her as I held out the cheque to her. Even letting her take hold of it to properly examine it. “That’s… That’s a whole fucking lot!” Bayne stated the obvious. “That’s like…”
“About as much as you made from selling those sexy snaps for a year?” I said with a smile, seeing that I’d now easily captured her interest.
“Yeah… A bit more than that…” Megan admitted before looking at me.
“Now that I have your attention, Megan? My offer is simple.” I said, glancing over her as popped that book away and reached into a different pocket. This time a hotel key card. “You and me. One night, back at this hotel room.” I said as she glanced at it. “And there might even be a bit more cash in it for you if you want to play along with me.”

“...You’re fucking serious?” She looked again at the cheque in her hands. “I could just run off and cash this in, you know.” Megan claimed.
“True. But where’s the fun in that? And at the very least you could get a better upgrade of a hotel room I bet by coming with me.” I said to already tempt her a little more.
She paused, mulling things over and giving me a look over. A slight hint in her eyes that she thought I looked better and more handsome than most wrestling fans, or at least the ones online who comment lustfully over her thirst trap snaps. “You realise if you try anything I could kick your ass, right?” She answered me and seemed to be liking the offer.
“Of course. I’m not gonna mess with a Goddess like you.” I said, still smiling as I teased her.

“Damn right, you won’t.” Megan paused again, before stuffing my bribe into her pocket. “Alright. You sound way too confident for this to be a bluff.” She noted. “Get in.” She motioned to her car. “What? You know your hotel. You can direct me there. Fuck it, pay for the gas as well as we get there.” She said, walking around the car.
“Deal.” I grinned, moving to the other side. “If you wanted to hit up a drive-through for something, we could as well.
“This ain’t a fucking date.” She snapped as she opened the door.
“No… No, it is not.” I chuckled. “But it will be worth your while.”

* * *

About a half hour later, we were now both in the nicely spacious, already paid-for hotel room that either was going to be my ‘walk of shame’ retreat if my plan hadn’t worked or, as it now was, just another bribe to get some action from a stunning pro wrestler. Currently, though I had my jacket off and over a table with my wallet at the ready just in a pocket as I patiently waited. A wad of notes in my hand as the latest piece of encouragement to convince her to go that extra mile for me. Since as good as she looked? She’d look a lot better in something more revealing than just baggy pants and a top.

A slight delay was well worth it alongside another expense when the door finally opened and Megan Bayne stepped out in almost full Megasus attire. A white with gold trim design set of her tight shorts that showed off her thick hips and juicy ass, and a matching short top over her rounded and nicely sized chest. Even putting on the wrist and arm accessories and a matching headband across her forehead as she stepped out.

“No headdress, my Goddess?” I chuckled, giving her a very approving look over.
“Don’t push your luck.” Megan said, and not just about me using her gimmick as a nickname as she raised an eyebrow as she checked me out. “I was surprised you weren’t waiting for me buck naked.”
“Where’s the rush?” I said, seeing her check out my hand as I put the notes down on top of her suitcase put in the corner of the room which further showed she’d made herself at home to take up this part of my offer already.
“Someone’s confident if they think this will last a long time.” Bayne said. Giving me a hint that she was maybe used to men not lasting with her. Only to be expected with a powerful young beauty like her I suppose.

“I guess it’s time for me to prove that’s the case then.” I said with a smile. “If you wouldn’t mind, Goddess?” I said, motioning to the spacious bed.
“I suppose so. We aren’t here just to talk after all.” She admitted as she walked over.
“Just kneel here. Or get on all fours if you want.” I offered.
“What? We’re getting straight to business already?” Bayne questioned but didn’t object as she moved to kneel at the edge of the bed. Sticking that shapely rear out towards me. “You’re not going to even get undressed? Kind of kinky I guess.” She said with a sly smirk. And that look told me that there was a part of her that was hoping to not just get some major cash out of this night. Just as I’d hoped I would see from her.

“Well, It’s almost a shame to take this lovely costume off, my Goddess…” I played up to her gimmick and attire, something she picked up on with another raised eyebrow. “But it would be rude to not go all the way…” I stated as I slid those tight white and gold shorts of hers down those thick thighs to get a good look at her juicy rump that looked even better up close and personal than it already did in those steamy ‘exclusive content’ site pics or in the ring. But I didn’t waste too much time as I left her shorts at the knees before gripping her cheeks. Keeping her watching me as I squeezed to make her tense up a bit before I spread them. And if she thought this was going to just be me eating her out then she was right in one sense, but the gasp that left her when I shoved my tongue against her asshole showed she expected a more vanilla, usual tongue lashing.

“Mmmmm! I called it! Fucking little freak, are you?? Mmmmm!” Tellingly, she didn’t object to me kicking things off with a rimjob as I ran my tongue around her tight entrance. My fingers dug slightly into her ample flesh as she stayed on all fours to keep that ass raised with a slight push out. Feeling the squirm as I held her and attacked her asshole with my not-exactly novice tongue. Groaning myself at the delicious taste of the young indies beauty’s fine backside. “Ahhhhh… Sick fuck! Mmmmm… Worshipping a Goddess me like this… Ahhhhh… You should be fucking ashamed of yourself…” To my grinning surprise, she was toying back with me to play my words against me like this was a kind of roleplay scene. Staring over her shoulder with narrowed eyes and a pretend look of disgust at me ‘daring’ to dine on her stunning ass but I could easily hear her moans along with seeing that hint of desire in her eyes. Like I was already doing a better job on her butt than she’s had in a long time.

It would be a shame to just quit now though as I swirled around that backdoor before pushing my tongue against it. Another groan left me as I finally entered her tightness and got a hint that she wasn’t the kind of woman who just let anyone tap this fine backside, as only expected from a beauty making some side cash with sexy snaps online. Hearing her moan get an extra bit louder as I properly rimmed her and tasted her ass as I pushed my tongue as far in as I could reach. Keeping one hand on her backside to keep it spread so I could suck in some air while eating her out. My free hand moved underneath her to ensure I was giving this stunner plenty of pleasure to go along with all the cash I was paying to get a piece of her. A fresh gasp left her when my fingers pressed up against her slit before I started to stroke back and forth while keeping my tongue buried between those full cheeks of hers.

“MMMM! Fuck! That’s… MMMM! That’s a fucking new one… FUCK…” Bayne’s moans and dirty talk compliment for my double team on her lower holes was motivation enough without me enjoying the taste of her ass. Now feeling her arousal growing as I got my fingers a little wet as I stroked across that smooth and snug feeling slit. But my smile into her booty was almost from how she was actively pushing back to work her butt into my face, craving more of my oral skill along with my fingerwork on her. “Mmmmm! But I suppose… AHHHH! FUCK… Befitting… Mmmmm! As a way to worship a true Goddess like me! MMMMM…” She reasoned to keep up the act like she was getting not just a kick out of it, but a thrill as well. A slight lick of her lips was seen while I brushed my digits over her box and felt that moisture grow between her legs. While I made my saliva drip down her ass crack as I swirled my tongue around inside that tight asshole.

As much as I would have liked to respond, my mouth was more than busy with being stuffed up against her cheeks as I darted in and out of her backside. Squeezing her ass cheek while the other hand kept on brushing along that dampening snatch to keep her moaning and rocking back. I got the feeling with the smoothness of her pushes against my face this is far from the first time she’s been on all fours enjoying some action. All the better for me as I pulled back a little bit just so I could perform a quick round of darting my tongue in and out of that slick asshole of hers. Hearing the moans and seeing that sinful stare back at me as I got in another dose of rimming with her hot ass. Capping it off with a pull back just to spit onto her and let the saliva roll down her until my fingers caught it and I smeared it over her lower lips with a quick brush.

“Well…” Megan took a moment to sit back on her knees as I moved away before she turned to face me. “I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to be honest… You might be something more than just a big paycheck.” She admitted as she didn’t even need to be bribed further as she reached down. Pulling her wrestling top up and over her head to show off her nicely sized and rounded tits.
“As much as I’d love to just make a joke about being a ‘big fan’ in other ways?” I said, with the irony of my tone meaning it was indeed an attempt at cheesy comedy anyway. “I think I’ll settle for showing that I can offer a bit more than just a well-deserved boost to your bank account.”
“Well deserved, huh? Still sweet talking after all of that?” Another raised eyebrow from Bayne as she slipped her bottoms off her legs to leave her naked aside from the headband and arm accessories. Her eyes roamed down as she took a look at me reaching for my belt. “I’ll be the judge of how much you can offer.” She said and I had a clear feeling of exactly what she meant by that.
“Indeed you will, my Goddess…” I smiled even as she rolled her eyes a bit. So getting on with it, I loosened the belt and pushed down my pants and boxers. So that expression of hers soon had the poker face shatter once she got a look at my thick, long and more suited for a porn studio than being close to a wrestling event cock. With the benefit of already being rock hard from my arousal from enjoying giving her a rimjob so she saw my full size right off the bat.

“Fuck me!!” Megan exclaimed with both shock and delight clear in her voice along with a smile creeping across her face. “No fucking shit you’re a ‘big fan’!” She stated as she moved again to be on all fours but now facing me with that big booty of hers raised at the back as her head leaned down towards me as one hand grabbed me at the base. “Oh, now this is what I’ve been needing… Something perfect for a Goddess like me…” Nothing like the sight of a big slab of meat to get a girl all fired up as she purred out that roleplay-like talk as she stroked my cock. “And if this thing can last? I might be getting more than my fucking money’s worth out of this…” She added with eager pumps along me, even though I was rock hard to start with. Maybe testing if I had a weapon that I could use and wasn’t just for show.

“Well, I’d say that we could… MMMMM… Ahhhhh damn!!” I was going to give her more of an ego-boosting compliment but she cut me off by making a moan leave me when she guided my dick into her mouth. Wrapping those nicely full and soft lips of hers to, as only expected from The Greek Goddess, give me something that wasn’t too far off from heavenly as she started to suck me off. Smoothly gliding her lips along my thickness as she stretched around me and moved up and down. Her hand gripped my base for the slight stroke and twist while her mouth worked over my length. Returning the favour of having taken some oral from me and now giving it back as I moaned out. Her eyes glanced up at me to briefly narrow before she looked back down at my crotch just ahead of her as she blew me. Maybe that look showed that I’d already lasted longer than some guys she’s been with to not just cum in an instant with a mouth this soothing and wet.

“Mmmmmphhh… Shhhhrrlllppp… Mmmmmmppphhh…” Muffled groans escaped the former AEW starlet as she bobbed along my dick and took me nicely deep into that hot mouth of hers. Her long dark hair swayed as she put in plenty of energy and made her lips press around me despite my thickness being a lot more than what she was used to handling. Her tits bounced underneath her as she rocked on her elbows and knees to feast on my dick. “Mmmmm… Mmmmm! Mmmmmphhh… Shhhrrrkkkk…” Getting not just sinful, but loud and messy with my fat dick as she got her saliva applied to me. Making me moan with the odd flick of her tongue up into my underside as she roamed over me. And not even skipping a beat when I reached down and swept her hair back over her head so I got a clear view of that stunning face moving along my prick as she stared up lustfully for a moment before gazing at my size once again.

“Ahhhhh… Big enough for a Goddess, I take it?” I smiled as I looked down at her. Getting a muffled response around my dick as she continued to blow me as she briefly narrowed those eyes to give me a hint. “Mmmmm… Maybe just lasting longer than most do when… Ahhhhh… Trying to worship you?” I assumed as she slurped away on me as I watched her hand leave the base of my tool. Allowing that stunning mouth to push a little further along me as her saliva continued to gradually seep down to coat me. Going hands-free to pleasure me just with that soothing oral hole and her full lips as she kept one hand gripping the edge of the hotel room bed she was on. Perfectly smooth and steady bobs along me like she was savouring finally having a cock that could last along with being a size fitting for a built and beautiful wrestler like her.

“MMMMM… Mmmmmphhhh… Mmmmphhh…” I already knew how worked up the East Haven, Connecticut-born stunner was from all the moans that bounced off my dick as she sucked away on me. But I saw another sign of that when the hand that had just been around my inches now moved down under her nicely curved frame. Taking over the task that I had been doing to her earlier on as she started playing with her damp pussy. The rocking of her body now allowed her to grind her snatch against her digits while still pumping her mouth along my dick to ensure we were both moaning. “Shhhrrrlllppp… MMMM… Mmmmmphhh!!” Her eyes closed, enjoying herself at both ends as she stuffed her talented mouth full of dick and gave herself a thrill with the self-pleasuring. Making a lovely, sinful mess front and back as her juices started to slightly drip down her thick thighs and the spit fell from off her chin as well as my length as she carried on slurping away on me.

“Oh damn… MMMM! That’s fucking good, Megan! MMMM…” I said as I watched that beautiful face slide along my shaft as she kept her hair swaying and those tits jiggling as she bobbed deeply along my dick. Making me wonder perhaps what she’d gotten up to aside from rehabbing an injury during her lengthy time away from the ring not that long ago to be able to dish out some head as good as this. Not complaining by any means as I got the feeling she was used to action ending rather quickly with oral skill like this as her saliva left me soaked from tip to base. “MMMM… Fuck!! What did you say about us both… MMMM… Getting our money’s worth out of this? MMMM… I think that’s fucking true and then some already…” I remarked with another deep groan. Just as I felt another thrill when my thick crown connected with the back of her soothing mouth as she pushed a little further onto me than she’d planned to do.

“MMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK!” The eyes of the woman calling herself The Megasus went wide as she choked herself on my big dick but in such a state of desire, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away just yet. Still rubbing away at her wet snatch while she bobbed along me and made herself gag. Causing more saliva to spill out and catch the edge of the bed she’s still kneeling on as well as the hotel carpet below. “GAHHHH HHHHKKK GAAAAHH! MMMMM!!” But there was a brief thrill of mixing pleasure with some discomfort as she sucked on too much cock than she was able to handle with that pretty face teasingly, not that I believe she planned it like that, a couple of inches away from my crotch. I was more than pleased as I stared down to enjoy the sight before she finally pulled away with a lusty gasp. Adding another wad of saliva as she spat onto the head and even used her tongue to slide around the crown for good measure.

“It’s a bit unusual I suppose… You being the Goddess here but you just did some damn fine worship to me!” I said with a smile as despite how good that blowjob was, I was still rock hard and ready for more out of her.
“Oh, you can fucking worship me right now!” Megan hissed, surprising me by grabbing my shirt and making the buttons fly off as she aggressively, showing her desire, tore it open. Before hauling me over almost with a wrestling throw as I landed on my back on the spacious bed.
“I don’t think I’m getting a choice!” I grinned, barely getting the busted top off my arms and tossing it away as she mounted me. And again showed the state of lust she had for me and my huge cock as she didn’t even pause to demand I put on a rubber before she lined my shaft up and began to lower.

“MMMMM!!” A loud moan left her when her tight, wet pussy took my thick rod in as the first few inches pushed upward as she lowered. Making her spread out already as she assumed a fittingly dominant, Goddess-like position with her hands gripping those desirable, thick hips of hers. Using her power and length strength to lift towards my crown before easing back down and making us both moan as we adjusted to the feeling. “No, you don’t! MMMM! You have no choice… AHHHH… Other than to worship your Goddess!” She said with a wicked smirk, getting back into the dirty talk element of this all as she worked that hot, snug pussy along my member. Guiding more of my inches in with each bounce and with her position facing me, I got to enjoy not just the sight of my dick vanishing up into her but the pleasure washed across her stunning face as sweat began to form over that curvy, tanned body of hers.

“In that case… MMMM! I’d better put in work too then!” I said between groans as I kept my hands at my sides to let her keep up that commanding pose mounted on top of me. Her spread legs with knees into the bed either side of me giving me plenty of room to work with as I began to thrust upward into her snatch. Matching her movement so as she eased down I was there to deliver a firm thrust to fill up that soaking tunnel with more of my cock. The combination of her saliva all over my prick and how damp her slot was allowed for a perfect, smooth motion as we worked with a steady, savouring pace. Knowing that she was making the most of not just getting paid to fuck but taking a cock that was designed to pleasure a built stunner like her.

“MMMM! FUCK… MMMM YES… Worship me! MMMMM!” Bayne, unsurprisingly, loved it as her bounces on my lap got that extra bit quicker with the new motivation of my big dick stuffing her even fuller than before. Resulting in the extra treats for the eyes as her long hair swayed behind her and those rounded tits shook in time with her riding motion on top of me. “AHHHHH! MMMMM! Come on! Think you can handle The Megasus? MMMM! Let’s see what this cock can do!” She dared me. Her moans were joined by the sharp slap of that thick ass coming down to hit my body and even while looking at her from the front, I could still witness the fantastic jiggle of her hips when she drove down into me. Impressing in her own right to take all my inches up into her slot in what was likely her first time, or at least just the first in a very long time, of taking a size way above average into her twat.

“AHHHH! My pleasure, my Goddess! MMMMM…” I played along with it, despite it being a roleplay element I’d introduced in the first place. Using whatever trick it took to get this gorgeous powerhouse all fired up to fuck more like a demon than anything heavenly even though I was sure I could splash some more cash to get her to fuck however I wanted her to. For now, though, I was more than happy to just let my skill at the art of pleasuring women get what I wanted from her as I pumped smoothly in and out of her soaking tunnel. Thrusting upward whenever she dropped down before pulling a couple of inches back as she rose along my size just to repeat the action. Getting quite the late-night workout in my own right as sweat started to form over me as it was taking plenty of energy to satisfy a woman like this.

“MMMM! Like that, do you? MMMM! Fucking a Goddess… Daring to charm and pay your way into enjoying me! MMMM! Such a sinful little man…” The former winner of the Women’s Super 8 Tournament licked her lips as she stared down at me with desire. Leaning forward as she let her hands slide over my chest but kept her hips working to drive her snatch right up and down along me. Showing skill to almost lift fully off my dick as the head nearly popped out from her folds but kept the pace going quick and stiff as that hard clap of her body hitting mine rang out when she dropped down to stuff every fat inch of me into that needy box. “MMMMM… Very few have made it… MMMM! Even to this… AHHHH FUCK… Point with me… MMMMM FUCK!!” She admitted as she tried to keep up the confident tone and act but was broken up by the loud moans. Those cries and that slap echoing around the room might likely be heard in the adjacent rooms or down the corridor from the shameless action we were enjoying.

“AHHHH SHIT… I can fucking believe that! MMMMM…” I stated the obvious as my eyes lingered between her legs to see my dick briefly reappear from out of her snatch as our bodies worked together before separating as she rode away on my thrusting shaft. Spoilt for choice really when I could also stare at those big shaking titties or up at the look of pure pleasure across her stunning enough as it is face. Knowing how caught up in the lust she was to be so shamelessly up for taking it bareback without even thinking it over. “MMMM… But I’m sure… MMMM! I can make this feel even better for you, My Goddess! MMMM…” I offered as while this ride was smoking hot and could likely last all night between us, I wanted to enjoy as much as I could out of her to see if she was as built for pounding as she appeared to be. That suggestion at least worked to make her slow her bounces down as I did the same, leaving her free to grind down against my lap and enjoy my length being buried into her needy twat.

“If you can? Then I would be very impressed…” Megan licked her lips, before making us both groan when she dismounted me.
“Then how about I make it worth your while?” I said, surprising her by not going right for a position just yet. Instead, moving off the bed as I went over to my coat again as her eyes lit up. Likely expecting me to flash some cash again. “Since you’re clearly a kinky kind of girl… Letting me fuck you bareback without even making a fuss about it!” I pointed out.
“I… I knew you could last! That’s all!” Her tone and the slight stutter showed that she had indeed been so worked up to finally get some good dick that she didn’t even think about making me put on protection.
“Sure…” I walked over not just with a handful of notes but a compact bottle of sex lubricant in the other hand. “Well obviously, as you felt from earlier on, I want to tap that fine fucking ass of yours… But since you’re so down to fuck? I think this cash here is gonna be an encouragement of a different kind.”
“Go on…” Bayne’s eyes darted between both my hands like she would have been OK with just the ass fucking anyway, but the extra cash is a welcome bonus.

“Well, I think now we have a little role reversal.” I decided for her as she raised an eyebrow. “You’re gonna start calling me ‘God’ and you’re going to be my little slutty ‘Fake Goddess’…” I said, to turn the roleplay talk we’d been doing around. “While I fuck that fine ass of yours. And? You’re only going to get to play with your pussy when I tell you to? Otherwise?” I waved the notes in front of her face as her jaw dropped a little in surprise at my suggestions. “You can kiss this bonus goodbye. Understand, my filthy little Megasus?” I said as I tossed the notes onto the bed at her side. Noticing her glancing at them before looking back at me.
“I…” She paused, looking over me then back to the notes before up at me again. “...W… What is your command, m-my God?” Impressively, she got right into the new character as she put on a stutter to fake that she was nervous and submissive sounding. Contrasting with the clear look of lust in her eyes at this turn of events.
“Get your fat ass ready for me.” He said, tossing her the bottle. “Then get those legs spread nice and wide for me and keep them there, you slutty wannabe Goddess!” I grinned at her eagerness.

Nodding, The Megasus moved to lay on her back on the hotel bed. Lifting her hips off the sheets before she popped the lid off the bottle. Applying some to a couple of digits before she reaches down and under that more than shapeless ass of hers while making her legs spread. A gasp soon left her as she put on a show and put a finger into her asshole which still had a slight shine from the rimming I’d done to her earlier on. Just enough that she could push the digit into her tightness and start to work it in and out. Her eyes locked up at me as we shared a mutual look of desire before I focused on her fingering. Seeing the digit go in to the knuckle as she applied the lube and made herself groan. The powerhouse beauty again played the part of being a sub surprisingly too easily like maybe there was a side to herself she wasn’t letting on as she lubed up her desirable backside for a good minute or two while I just stared on to enjoy the sight.

Eventually, she finished off and pulled out. Her hands then, just like I’d ordered, went to her ankles as she gripped them and kept those smooth, thick legs spread eagle to show off her soaking pussy and that lubed-up asshole. Leaving me to take a moment and apply some of the sex aid to my fat dick before I closed the bottle and dropped it just by the notes I’d tossed for her latest bonus. Her attention was staring at my shaft as I moved in and pressed against her entrance to make her tense up. A long, low groan left the both of us when I pushed in and felt how vice-like this hole was to further prove my assumption right that she’s very rarely let anyone get a piece of this fine backside. Alongside the fact even when she did, it’s never been with anything even half the size that I was packing.

“OH FUCK! MMMMM!! Y-You're so big, my God! AHHHHH FUCK!!” Megan groaned out as her wide, lust-filled eyes stared down between her legs as she held them apart. Watching that huge shaft complete a tour of having tried out all her holes, and well worth every cent to get a piece of a stunner like her. Gasping as my rod pushed in and made her back passage spreads to accept me. Needing to go in slowly at first even with all the lubing we’d both done. “OOOOOOOOH FUCK! So fucking big! MMMMM! YES! FUCK… Use me! MMMMM! T-Treat me like the… AHHHH! Fucking fake G-Goddess I am!” She purred and sounded a lot more into this than she should be to make me wonder again if I even needed to provoke her with more cash to act like this. All I knew was that her ass, just like the rest of her, was made for taking dick with how easily she was taking me in her tightest of holes and not even whining in pain once as I fucked her on her back.

“MMMMM! Yes, that you are! MMMM! A nasty, lusty, cock-drunk fake Goddess!” I fired back with some dirty talk of my own between loud moans as I stared down. Seeing her pussy dripping wet as she got off on being fucked up the ass without even touching herself as she obediently held her legs for me. “MMMM… More like a succubus than a Goddess! MMMM… You’re only good for taking… AHHHH FUCK… A thunderous, huge, Godly cock like mine into your… AHHHH! Your slutty holes! MMMM!” I said with a grin as I helped myself to squeeze of those delicious, thick and tanned tights as the sweat rolled off of her. Putting her through more effort and work here than she’d ever done in her match earlier in the night. Moaning myself of course as I enjoyed the snug squeeze of her anal tunnel gripping my dick as I slowly and surely worked more inches into that asshole.

“OOOOOOOH FUCK! MMMMM YESSSSS… I’m such a f-fucking SLUT for your big fucking cock, my God!! MMMMM FUCK!!” She locked eyes burning with desire up at me as she insulted herself in such a tone that I wasn’t fully sure it was purely ‘in character’ for this sex. Her rounded tits bounced and her stunning body jolted a bit as my crotch began to smack off her skin as I stuffed in deep into her back passage. Her long hair sprawled out and a mess back on the sheets to drag back and forth as she shifted. Keeping herself held apart by the ankles as she panted out and groaned as I fucked her ass. “AHHHHH! Don’t stop! MMMM! It’s soooooooo fucking big! MMMMM! The fucking b-biggest cock this dirty… Nasty! MMMM! Fucking WHORE has ever had up her ass!! AHHHHH FUCK!!” She added as her hands loosened the grip before clutching her legs again as she fought the urge to just start going to town on her aching pussy as she wanted the full pleasure from this anal action but knew her place and not just to keep the roleplay going.

I could believe her statement about me being the thickest and longest cock she’s ever had with how still vice-like her anal passage is even as I drove in to the hilt. Accommodating my inches perfectly with how well her ass has spread to accept me for another sign that unlike some women with a fansite page for ‘exclusive content’ this babe doesn’t just look smoking hot but can fuck like a porn star as well. Still not nearing any hiss of pain from her as I drove in deep and stiff into her booty to make her cheeks clap off my crotch as firmly pumped. Sweat rolled off my body as I needed to put in the work to keep her moaning and encourage her with more than just some cash to keep her in such a lewd state.

“AHHHHH! YES! FUCK! SO GOOD! MMMMM! FUCK MY ASS! FUCK IT! OOOOOOOH FUCK I’M SUCH A FUCKING SLUT! MMMMM!!” She wasn’t exactly disproving that remark between her loud moans as she let me, a guy she’s only met tonight, fuck that thick booty of hers and pay her for the filthy action. Seeing her look at me break off to stare up at the ceiling for a moment as her hands ran down her legs before gripping the ankles to keep that submissive position going. “FUCK! I’M YOUR FAKE GODDESS! MMMM! YOUR SLUT GODDESS!! AHHHHH! JUST KEEP F-FUCKING ME, MY GOD! MMMM!! FUCK MY ASS!!” She begged and not all of the crying was purely to keep the act up. Those rounded tits still shaking and her hair was a sweat-soaked mess sprawled around her as she gasped out in delight. Her snatch soaking without being rubbed as I made sure she was all worked up. Proving that with the long groan of disappointment that escaped her when I pulled out of that ass and stepped back to get a look at the brief gape her asshole did.

“Ahhhhh… W-Why did you stop, my God?” Megan groaned, but at least got to let go of her legs and lay back for a moment.
“Because I have another demand of you, my lusty fake Goddess…” I said with a smirk. “Get face down, ass up.” I bluntly said. “And this time? You may play with yourself… Just like…”
I was going to tease her more but hearing that order, she quickly rolled over to her front. Backing that thick ass up and raising it high with her legs spread. I wasn’t even in her yet and she had a hand down under herself to rub at her twat and make her moan as her face was turned with a cheek resting on the bed sheets to gaze back at me.
“...Just like the slut you are…” I managed to finish with a chuckle as I spread her cheeks and pushed back into that fine and very fuckable booty of hers to push in deep.

“MMMMM FUCK! YES! FUCK!!” The Greek Goddess licked her lips, moaning as my cock rammed in balls deep right from the start. Making her body jolt forward as I gripped her hips to keep her from moving too far away as I started to thrust. Making that loud clap of her tanned and juicy ass striking my waist ring out along with all our moans as I took her from behind. “MMMMM! FUCK ME… LIKE THE FUCKING SLUT I AM! MMMMM FUCK!!” She encouraged as her sweat dripped onto the sheets and was now joined by the juices from her snatch as she furiously rubbed away at her pussy. Having been almost edged from the first round of anal and now getting the full force of the pleasure from having her backdoor busted wide open as she worked over her lower lips. Helping in a way to double team herself as I handled fucking that gorgeous rump and she took care of her snatch.

The usually badass powerhouse known as The Megasus is now in a humiliating, submissive position to stick her juicy booty up high for me to fuck. Sure, there was nothing like some cold, hard cash to make even the most uptight beauty spread their legs but it took a nice, long cock like mine to thrill them and make them admit to what they wanted. And this babe wanted to be railed like her life depended on it. Her tits slid against the bed as she kept her face pressed down while her cheeks rippled away as I drove firmly in. enjoying the cushion of her cheeks slapping into me and neither of us feeling a sting of pain from the contact as I tapped that ass in a way few men had gotten to before and likely few if any would be able to pull off with her in the future.

“UHHHHH! FUCK! FUCK! MMMMM FUCK YES! YES!!” The former AEW talent and future competitor in Stardom groaned in delight as she went from just rubbing away at her pussy to shoving a couple of fingers into herself to enhance the pleasure. Her open mouth had left a bit of drool from the constant moaning she was doing but her focus was on both keeping that ass nice and high for me and finger fucking her twat. Doing a superb job of both as I smoothly rammed my dick into her snug asshole to make her cheeks collide hard into me. “FUCK! FUCK THAT ASS! FUCK ME! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME!!” Not exactly keeping up the roleplay any more but I wasn’t going to complain about how amazing her back passage felt still clamped around my dick as I tapped her from the back. A display here that if she put this kind of content out on her ‘exclusive content’ page she’d never need to wrestle again with the money she’d made.

“MMMM! FUCK! So fucking good! MMMM! FUCK!!” I wasn’t exactly keeping up the character any more either as I groaned out and had moisture dripping off my toned frame as I pounded away into that stunning rump of the indies wrestler. Staring down to watch the constant jiggle as her cheeks struck me over and over even as did all the work to drill her. Leaving her free to focus on driving her fingers in and out of her slit. A wide smile across my face as I made this Goddess act like more of a common whore and knowing we were both loving every moment of it. Just a question in my mind of how much longer I could last with an ass this good and seeing a beauty who should be untouchable acting in such a wild way.

Thankfully for me, she was doing a damn fine job of racing herself towards a well-deserved peak the likes of which she’s probably not had for a long time, even before her long layoff due to injury. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her tongue shamefully stuck out of that open, groaning mouth so more drool leaked out to stain the ruined with sweat and juices sheets some more. Her titties rubbed against the bed as even while lost in lust she still had her body up in that face down, booty up position like she was made for being railed just like this. Her free hand clawed at the sheets as well while the other drove fingers into her snatch knuckles deep. Leaving juices dripping down her wrist as she got off on my huge dick ramming into her butt to treat her more like a porn star than the pro wrestler she’s supposed to be.

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Megan’s body shuddered while in place. Kept her fingers rammed into her snatch as she started to cum hard, getting off on the stiff anal sex I was delivering to her. Groaning myself as that back passage found a renewed tightness as she rode out her peak but knowing better than to just pull out and disappoint a stunner like this, I continued to pump away into her. Making sure she got to ride out every moment of an intense high as I only slowed down my pumps but kept going as she moaned and jolted as I held her. “AHHHH… AHHHHH… MMMMMM… FUCK…” She panted out as eventually, her hand left her soaking pussy. The rest of her body followed suit as she slumped forward after I’d pulled out. Seeing that gaping wide state of her asshole made me wonder if it would need to be a week before she did any new shoots so the sight of her backdoor having been well and truly busted in wouldn’t be seen unless she covered that whole ass up for any snaps from the back.

“So… My dirty fucking Goddess…” I smiled, moving around the bed a bit as I reached over. Making her roll over onto her front to see her chest heaving from the action. “Want to earn a little bit more extra?” I offered, sneaking in a grope of her rack to make her gasp.
“Fuck… Do fucking whatever…” Megan panted out without even opening her eyes. “That was so fucking good! You fuck… Ahhhhh… Like a fucking God!” She admitted with a shameless smile to match.
“You’re lucky I’m a generous fan… Otherwise, I might take advantage of that!” I said, kneeling at her head and gripping my prick as I began to furiously stroke off. Aiming down at her groaning features as she stayed laying back.

Whether she figured this was what I meant or not, she soon felt it when I let out a deep grunt. Hot streaks of my spunk splattering over that stunning face of hers. Catching across her cheek and over her nose along with up over the forehead and the headband she still had on from the accessories of her ring gear she had on. Some getting into her dark hair as well as I unloaded over her face with the last drops left onto her chin and lips as she groaned from the feeling of being branded in a far from Goddess-like state. Smirking at the mess I’d left on her as I wiped the last drop onto that headband since I figured it was ruined beyond being used again so one more bit of staining wasn’t going to hurt.

“Ahhhhhh… Fuck…” Megan groaned, slowly opening her eyes to look to the side at me. “You’d better pay for… Wrecking my fucking gear…” She demanded but with a naughty smile to show she wasn’t too furious with me after giving her the best damn fucking in a long time if not her whole life.
“Oh, I think I’ve got that to spare, Goddess.” I said with a chuckle as I moved off the bed. Coming back over as I opened up my wallet and tossed down another few notes. This time over her sweat-shining body like she was just a freshly used slut from a Brothel. “And you earned them.”
“No fucking shit…” She said with a short laugh. “You fucking earned something yourself… That was so fucking good.” Bayne admitted again.
“My pleasure!” I said that and meant it in more ways than one as I backed away from the bed.

“W-What… You’re just doing a fucking hit and run??” Megan gazed over, watching me pull my boxers up along with my pants.
“Well, I gave you this room for the night? I can easily afford my own.” I said as I got the hint from her voice that maybe she was expecting a bit more. “And I’m sure your boyfriend if you’ve got one, wouldn’t approve of you sharing a whole evening with some random fan you just fucked after a show.” I teased, reminding her of her sins tonight.
“I…” She tried to defend herself but she couldn’t come up with an excuse to disprove any of what I’d just said. “You really just fucking paid me to fuck?? That’s it?”
“You said it, Goddess, not me!” I smirked, putting my shirt back on. “And don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy every moment of it… With the cash being a welcome bonus too.”

“...I did.” Megan admitted as she turned her head. Staring up at the ceiling and smiling again. “That was really fucking good… A nice fucking boost before I head to Japan in a month…”
I raised an eyebrow at that. I didn’t fully keep on promotions over that side of the Pacific but good on her getting a tour overseas so soon after injury. “Happy to help then!” I said, putting on my coat. “I’ll let the front desk know you might need a new set of sheets… And with that? I let you enjoy a shower…” I said, before pausing as I changed direction. Picking up a pair of panties from off the bathroom floor from her travel clothing she'd left when changing as I stuffed them into my pocket. Nothing like a little souvenir of the occasion since no one would probably believe me if I told them about this night. Not that I ever wood.
“Y-Yeah… This fucking dirty Goddess needs one…” Megan grinned as she looked over so we could exchange one last glance of mutual approval before I turned and walked away. Hearing her groan as I walked out the door and made sure to shut it behind me.

With that, and still wearing a big smile on my face, I headed down to the front desk. Making not so much a bribe (well, I did give the clerk a generous tip just to be on the safe side anyway) but a pre-payment for the extra cleaning that would be needed along with sending up that spare bedding to Megan’s room. After that though, I headed out from that hotel and took a taxi to head across town to where I was booked into for the night. I didn’t want the awkward fuss of locking eyes with a one-night stand the morning after or having to deal with the questions from a boyfriend of hers if she had one. A little extra expense being worth it after having scored with a stunning up-and-coming wrestler who by the sounds of it was going to be making plenty of waves for a long time to come in this country and beyond.

Another great night in the bag as I proved that even when dealing with a Greek Goddess? The only thing more effective than the Hard Bumps a beauty like her takes is some cold, Hard Cash…

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas either for any future stories/chapters to write, or for specific characters etc to feature in upcoming stories. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own MLW or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.
Starring: Salina de la Renta (MLW)
Hard Bumps, Hard Cash – Salina de la Renta
An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.
A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].
Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal, inter.
* * *

“No autographs!” The arrogant voice of Salina de la Renta cut me off even before I’d spoken a word when I approached her outside of the television taping of the MLW wrestling promotion. “You can wait in line at the next show! I’m a busy woman with things to do!” The feisty and arrogant Puerto Rican with dyed blue hair dismissively said. The body of the beauty far more known as a manager and valet than any actual in-ring ability was clad in a stylish black-sleeved dress that hugged to her thick ass with shining crystals down the sides and along the side gap that showed off her smooth leg. The front of the dress was intentionally low cut to show off a bra covered in the same gems that left her tits pushed nicely up and out.

“Too busy for a moment of your time and a paycheck to match?” I offered and whipped out the pre-written check, already made out with her name, to show her. I had hoped that my smartly dressed appearance of suit and tie would grab her attention right off the bat but when needs must, and they always did when it came to me when I wanted a piece of a hottie from pro wrestling, then some cold hard cash always did the trick.

It worked here when she glanced at the cheque but then nearly stumbled over her travel suitcase when she walked by. “The fuck??” She composed herself, straightened out her hair and turned to snatch the cheque from me. “A little old fashioned, who deals with cheques these days??” She glanced over the amount on offer and the several zeroes there before she looked at me. A little mumble in Spanish under her breath but I assumed it remarked about how much money was there.
“Well I do have some proper cash on me, but I figured you didn’t have a card reader on you for a contactless payment.” I joked with a smile now that I saw I had her interest.
“OK, roll things back a bit, smart ass.” Salina hissed and kept hold of the cheque while her other hand went to her hip. “What’s the fucking catch… I ain’t into signing my socks or giving you a lock of hair even for this kind of money.” She said bluntly, and it sounded like that was from experience too.
“Oh no, nothing like that. I’m not like one of your loyal Simps that follow your pages.” I stated, even though my appearance should have screamed that.
“You’ve got a lot more balls than those fanboys, that’s for sure.” She admitted with some reluctance before she glanced me over. “Well? Spit it out. What do you want?”

“A simple request, Miss De la Renta… Are you free for the evening?” I bluntly asked with a handsome smile.
“...You’ve got way bigger balls than all my Simps put together.” Salina scoffed with a shake of her head. “Bullshit. First off, I bet this cheque isn’t even real. Must be a fake or it’ll bounce or some crap like that.” She sounded like she wanted an excuse to ditch me. “And secondly? I’m not that kind of woman. Some of the whores on the MLW roster, maybe but me? I’m a woman of class! And if you’re a fan of mine you would have understood that from the start!”
“I know enough about you that you went with ‘no cash’ as the prime excuse rather than fucking a stranger as the lead.” I pointed out, making her jaw drop in shock at being called out. “But… If you want proof I’m not bluffing?” I reached into my suit and pulled out a wallet. “Maybe an extra bonus would convince you that I’m worth your time.”

“Enough! Listen, I…” Salina was about to mock me again, but when she saw the value of the notes I plucked out and waved in front of her face her eyes danced across them and she narrowed her eyes. Mulling over the offer.
“But if you’re such a busy woman, Miss De la Renta? Then the offer is only good for the next minute before I leave you alone and be on my way.”
 I left my hand out extended to offer those notes like bait on a hook, but after a few seconds, I slowly pulled my palm back like the deal was being taken off the table. It worked to provoke her when her free hand reached out and grabbed the notes and I, with no resistance, let go of the bottom so she could check over the stack. Her expression broke just briefly enough to indicate I’d just given her more in that bundle than she made at not just this taping tonight but maybe a good few put together.

“...Fine. No funny business, you understand!” She said to make me smile as she accepted the offer. “It’s not like you’re anyone special.” Salina rudely said with a glance over me. “It’s not like this will last long anyway…” She assumed, clueless that she wouldn’t be the first woman of pro wrestling I’ve gotten to rail. “And I’ve fucking done a lot worse for way fucking less.” She added with quite a passive-aggressive tone. Like it was still all a big inconvenience for her despite being paid. “...Well? Take my bag with you and let’s get this over with!” She snapped with a glare and wisely, maybe to still assume this might be a trick, she held onto the cash and cheque with her hands.
“My car is just over here, Miss De La Renta…” I offered with a smile before I took her bag. The hard part of the night was now done, and the fun could soon begin.

* * *

Later that night in a spacious, luxurious hotel room in the city…

“I-Is that supposed to impress me??” Salina said with a bitchy tone when she locked eyes on my fat, long, white cock when I stepped out of my pants and boxers. “So what? It’s maybe a little big but that doesn’t mean anything! Some moron like you I bet doesn’t even know how to use it! Let alone the fact you’ll probably end up blowing a pathetic load real quick!” She rudely said.
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience there, Miss De la Renta…” I stated and made a point to keep the formal title when I spoke to her to play off her arrogance. “Something maybe you’re used to with your clients?” I dared to joke.
Whatever she said next was lost on me since she snapped at me in Spanish but it sounded insulting. All I knew was that despite all of that, she was the one who moved to kneel in front of me and get her blue-haired head in line with my cock. A hand was placed on my cock to stroke me off with a firm, quick round of pumps that easily worked to get me hard. But not, as she’d hoped, make me blow a load right away. “You know, if you’re not convinced, I could whip out some more cash for you…” I offered with a glance across the hotel room over to my suit jacket that was over a chair with a bag on it that I’d left earlier in the day to make it seem like this room was only mine and that I’d planned this all out. Which, of course, I had but there was more to that small side of the story than even she knew about.

“Shut it! I bet you won’t even last five seconds in my mouth anyway! Let alone five minutes!” She snapped while she stroked my length. And while I was about to seize on that ‘wager’ to get more out of her she proceeded anyway and boldly, perhaps in that attempt to finish me off quickly for an easy payday, took my cock into her mouth. Those full, soft lips of hers contrasted with her arrogant attitude and bitchy expression to make me moan and give me plenty of pleasure just from the first push down along my rod. The groans I let out just made her narrow her eyes and in turn, not from any plan of hers, make the sight even hotter of the gorgeous manager with a fat dick between her lips. Those ‘five seconds’ easily passed and the muffled grumble she let out around me told the story that she knew without admission that she’d need to do more than just this to get anywhere close to making me cum.

“Mmmmm… So, want to try for those five minutes instead now, Miss De la Renta?” I teased to provoke her and while she kept that pissed-off look on her gorgeous face, the taunt worked to make her ease that blue-haired head back along my prick before she smoothly pushed down. The pleasure for me just increased now that those soft, plump lips could glide back and forth. A full dose of how warm and wet her talented usually for cutting promos mouth was at other tasks. “Mmmm… See? Now we’re getting along…” I couldn’t help but taunt again at the sight of her willing, but still furious, display of oral skill to service my fat cock. Her dyed hair swayed and she let out groans around my cock from the way her lips stretched around my size. I could tell that while she was experienced in this sex act, doing it with a dick of my vast size was something new to her. And I was more than happy to let her plunge that soothing mouth up and down on my rod at her own pace so she could get used to the feeling.

She briefly pulled off from my cock, using her hand to stroke away on my shaft so she could glare up at me again. “We are not fucking ‘getting along’, you moron!” Salina snapped and didn’t seem to notice how her arm’s movement made her tits nicely shake. “Stupid bastard! I’ll have you cumming in seconds! Just you wait!” She vowed before she again sent her mouth down and onto my cock before I got a chance to respond. Her eyes burned with fury and stared right up at me while her mouth plunged up and down with that smooth and steady pace. Her fingers just around the base to keep hold of me with a slight twist. Her bright blue hair swung about and caused her to use her free hand to stroke it back (which again was a sure sign of how much she’s sucked dick before to know simple tricks like that to keep her focus on this wicked task).
“Mmmmm… Not paid by the hour, huh?” I taunted her back, just without the harsh insults that at this point just amused me as much as they encouraged me to show this arrogant beauty a thing or two. For now, I just enjoyed a fantastic dose of oral from that hot, wet Puerto Rican mouth. The pace was sweet and swift to work over my thick white inches and apply her saliva to me in the process. “Ahhhh… Are these the kind of tricks… Mmmmm… You use in your negotiations to try and get new clients?” Well, if she wanted to just be rude to me then two can play at that game. Her reaction with wide, outraged eyes at the implication she’s put her mouth to good use like this for backroom deals seemed to hint I wasn’t off the mark. But it worked again to provoke her when her hands gripped my thighs and dug in fingers perhaps in an attempt to ‘make me pay’ from the feeling of her nails on my skin.

All I cared about was the sight of her gorgeous face plunged into my cock. More inches were taken in until the fat crown connected with the back of her mouth. So her eyes stayed wide for a different reason alongside that mad expression breaking to show a brief flicker of sin. Like it had been a long while, if at any time at all, that she’s been filled up to this limit with some dick. Groans muffled before a gag was let out by her but to her credit, she carried on and performed the deep sucks onto me. A bit slobbery now with the saliva that dripped along her chin and down onto her rounded tits while she blew me. Not that I had been keeping score at this point, but those ‘five minutes’ had long since passed and there was a hint in her stare at me along with the moans she let out around my dick that she knew I could last here.

“MMMMMPHHHH… GAHHHHHHHHH… MMMMMM…” She let out slight chokes whenever she pushed a little too far down onto me than she could handle. I didn’t even need to thrust between her pouty lips to fill her mouth up since she did all the work for the both of us. Even her fingers eased up on the hold on my legs and not just because she raised a hand to brush her hair back from her pretty face. “GAAAAAAAHHH! MMMMM… HHHHHLLLKKK! GAAAAAAAAHHH…” My dick was soaked with her drool now from all the chokes, but still rock hard for her to slurp away on and make only a bit more of a mess over my length than she did across her chest. Her attempts to keep a glare directed at me briefly broke up with the flexing of her face and her eyes going slightly wider. Inside that skilled mouth, I felt the occasional flick from her tongue at my underside for yet another silent (well, as much as it was with her groans and chokes) sign that she maybe enjoyed sucking on a cock that didn’t instantly blow a load way more than she let herself admit to.

While I would have been happy to let her slurp away for as long as she wanted, she had other ideas. No doubt pissed off that her master plan to just finish me off with a dose of head hadn’t worked out so she pulled away from my prick with a hiss. Some insults were unleashed in Spanish before she spat down a thick wad of saliva onto my crown. “Get that fucking smile off your face, you bastard!” Salina rudely said before she moved back. “What? You handled being blown for a little while and you think you’re some kind of sex God now??” She mocked before she got to her feet. “This doesn’t mean anything! And you didn’t even do any of the fucking work there! I did everything! Like some cheap, paid-off hooker!”
“Well, Miss De la Renta, you said it, not me!” I countered to make her jaw drop with outrage. “But you got me there, as only expected from a woman with your smarts… It’s about time I did some more of the work here, right?” He pointed out and moved to undo my tie.
“I…” She paused and glanced over me before she locked eyes for another piercing stare. “I doubt you even know what to do with a woman like me anyway.” Salina came up with. A sort of admission that this action would have to proceed further than just some oral.
“That’s another bet you’re about to lose.” I stated before I slipped off my shirt and noted a glance from her eyes at my toned frame. “But speaking of losing… You’re gonna have to lose the dress, Miss… We wouldn’t want that fine, expensive dress being ruined now, would we?” I said with a smile.

The Empresaria rolled her eyes (and this time I deserved it for the cheesy lines) at my remark. “The money you’re paying could easily be a wardrobe of these things…” She casually remarked before she cleared her throat, perhaps admitting a little too much about how big a payday she could get here from me. “...Fine. Can’t exactly fuck with my clothes on, can we?” She bluntly said and while I could have argued against that, I wasn’t going to turn down a show that was even hotter than some of the photoshoots she’s posted online before. I stood back to watch with a grin as that stylish dress was eased down her nicely curved body. Showing off her rounded ass in a pair of small, black panties that showed from the mismatch that there had been no plans in her mind tonight to get some action like this tonight until I started to flash the cash. “Well?! Don’t just fucking stand there and drool over the sight of me!” She snapped with a glare when she reached back for her bra. “Lay the fuck down!”
“What? I was just enjoying a lot more than you show your poor Simps online, that’s all!” I teased but followed the order to move onto the spacious bed so I could lay on my back on it. Still able to look across the hotel room and nod with approval at the sight of her nicely sized and rounded tits being exposed.
“Fucking figures you’d be one of those pervs into my stuff like that…” Salina remarked before she finished off the undressing. Those panties eased down to show her smoothly shaved pussy which appeared to me to have more than a hint of dampness to them.
“Can’t blame me, right?” I simply said and watched her walk over. “Although I’m a little surprised here…” I began to say before she moved up and onto the bed and swung a leg over to mount me. Her back to me, maybe out of defiance or just from her cocky attitude, to stick her rump out towards me while she reached under to line my cock up with her entrance.
“What? That I want to be on top like I always am?” She looked back over her shoulder with a smirk. A little hiss let out when she worked the crown of my dick against her lips.
“More that… Mmmmm… You didn’t ask me to put on a rubber before we got to the real fun here!” I bluntly said with a grin, while she stared back with wide eyes like in her lust (that she kept hidden) she hadn’t even considered that. Especially with all the insults about how I wouldn’t be able to last so any load blown here would blast up into her snatch.

“S-Shut up!” She yelled. “It just means you’d better fucking warn me before you blow! Which won’t take long! She again attempted to make a vow that I was pretty sure the both of us knew wasn’t about to happen. What happened next was what I’d looked forward to. Her tight, wet Puerto Rican pussy eased down onto my fat white cock to make us both moan out nice and loud. A shift of her hips to adjust to my size before I reached forward and took hold of her slim midsection to help her stay mounted even with her lean forward and both hands on the bedsheets. “MMMMM… OK, so you didn’t blow right away… MMMMM… Just rookie’s luck!” She mocked me with a glare over her shoulder at me. Slight jolts from her to work her twat down into my fuck-stick that also let me enjoy how tightly wrapped around my rod her love tunnel was and I’d yet to be fully buried into her. “Well?? Don’t expect me to do all the work here for some nobody like you! Ahhhhh… I can barely fucking feel you inside of me anyway!” She lied and the way her pussy was clamped around me, let alone the moans she let out here, proved the real story.

“Oh, it would be my pleasure!” I stated the obvious and with that order from the wrestling valet and manager, I took that long-awaited chance to show her properly what I could do. It worked to perfection from the loud gasp of pleasure that left her when I delivered the first firm thrust up into her snatch to make my crotch hit her body from underneath. Then again as I established the motion to pump in and out of her wetness and enjoy the lovely jiggle of her ass when it smacked off my body. “Mmmmm… Pleasure being the key fucking word here! Mmmmm…” I said with a smile. My pace was more than enough to make her dyed hair sway and get gasps and groans out of her even with that furious look still on her features like she had a poker face gamblers would pay to be able to recreate. My moans were a lot more shameless when I pumped into her box to stuff in deep and enjoy her walls pressed all around my shaft with this bareback action.

“MMMMM! Don’t fucking push your luck, moron! AHHHHH…” She moaned and was made to bounce up and down on my dick just from the firm force I used to stuff her rather than any movement she made. “It’s going to… MMMM! Take… AHHHH! A lot more… MMMM! FUCK… Than this… MMMMM! To even make me feel anything inside of me!” The beauty far more known for being an on-screen talent than an actual in-ring competitor claimed despite the moans she let out that told a different story. Seemingly in denial thanks to her arrogant attitude about my skill but since I was nowhere near any finish unlike she believed, I could just plough away up into her snatch to enjoy her and that stunning body. A nice, tight pussy that now left my dick with a layer of her juices to replace the saliva from the earlier oral fun. Now it was my turn to show her that I could give some pleasure and not just take it. Doing just that with this swift and steady motion to make the slap of her ass when it hit my waist ring out sharply thanks to the firm, deep pumps into her sex.

“AHHHHH… And keep your… AHHHH! Fucking dirty hands… MMMM! To your fucking self! MMMMM! Feeling me up like I’m a fucking trophy or something!” The pro wrestling manager hissed before she moaned again when my hands enjoyed a slide along her waist before I renewed the grip on her again. All while my thrusts drove in deep and firm into her box with that machine-like pace. All that tightness still clamped around my dick and now her pussy was super slick for a smooth movement in and out of her. A body like hers was made for some red-hot action like this and I had just the fat dick to give her the pumping she and those curves deserved. “MMMMM… I’m fucking surprised… AHHHH! FUCK… You haven’t blown a load yet! MMMMM! C-Can’t be too long though! Not when… MMMM! You’re with a woman like me!” She bragged between groans. While stuck in this state of denial and with my huge dick buried up into her snatch, the first drops of sweat began to form across her pretty face. Perhaps not a major surprise for a woman far more famous for being involved in the wrestling business than any actual matches but if I had my way (and I had the bank balance to ensure it did) we’d be going all night long to see far more about what she could take than what my supposed level of skill was to her.

“MMMMM… Oh, I know exactly… MMMM… What kind of a woman you are!” I said to mock her and her pompous attitude. She glared back at me with more fury before she gasped in fury (and I thought a slight, low level of pleasure to it) when I used a hand to deliver a firm slap to her nicely plump ass. Just more jiggles performed by her booty along with the smacks down into me when I went balls deep into her slot. As outraged as she was, she could only stay mounted in position to be fucked for my display of how well I could match, and better, her talents in the bedroom. “MMMMM… It’s not every day a smoking hot babe… MMMM… Let’s a lucky, hung guy like me who can go all night… MMMM! Fuck her silly and pay her for the honour!” I reminded her with deep thrusts along the way. My eyes switched from up at her pissed-off stare back at me to down at those full cheeks as they shook. Seeing the glimpses of my cock being pulled out from her twat before I rammed back in firmly to fill her up quite unlike anything she’s enjoyed in many months if not longer during her years in and out of MLW.

“AHHHHH… AHHHHH… T-This is nothing! MMMMM! Rookie bullshit! AHHHHH… I handle sex like this… MMMM! For fucking breakfast! You ain’t shit compared to me!!” She ranted even though her hands had two deep clutches of the bedsheets while she stayed in the lean over position with her butt pressed down into me so her snatch was prime for the taking. Her dyed blue hair continued to sway and underneath her tits bounced with each rock forward her gorgeous body did. I didn’t even think she fully noticed that my grip on her waist hauled her back to meet the next firm thrusts I sent into her pussy and if she did, there wasn’t any clear objection from her. “MMMM! You’re just fucking lucky to have… FUCK… FUCK… To have not cum your stupid balls out just from… MMMM! Being inside me!” She ranted again to keep up this attitude and denial of my skills. I knew the opposite from those loud, constant moans and how wet her snatch was all over my cock whenever I pumped in or out. I questioned if maybe this was just a big game by her or some sort of unusual kink but regardless of the reasons, it felt damn good to be rammed balls deep into her hot, wet pussy and I wasn’t done yet with her as my loud moans made clear.

I also wanted to test her and see what else I could enjoy from her so I used my grip to ease her body forward and pull my cock out from her snatch. An action that made us both groan sinfully.
“I fucking knew it! You couldn’t last with me!” Salina assumed with a smug smirk when she moved off from me. Just for her eyes to widen in that mix of outrage and shock at the sight of my dick still being rock hard.
“You were saying?” I chuckled before I rolled off the bed to then move to the end of the bed. A reach across to take hold of her and pull her to the edge so her legs could dangle off and her back stayed on the sheets with her blue hair sprawled out around her head.
“Says the bastard needing to sneak a break! That’s all this is!” She claimed and her angered glare switched from up at me to down between her legs when I lined back up with her pussy. “This isn’t even a turn-on for me at all! I’ve gotten off harder with sex toys than I have so far with you!” She lied before she clenched her teeth to try and suppress a groan when I pushed back into her.

“Into sex toys, huh? I wonder what else you’re into…” I was able to tease her, but this time I was the one who cut her off with a motion instead of the other way around. A full, deep stroke to slam my cock into her wetness and make her lovely body slide on the sheets with a bounce of her tits to match. My hands went back onto her waist to pull her back towards me as I pulled a few inches out just to ram back into the stunning valet. Balls deep once again but with more force and speed than before now that the both of us were well used to the other. Her snatch was nicely stretched to match the size and length of my dick to keep my cock massaged by her love tunnel and soaked with the juices that continued to form with each new round of thrusts that I sent into her. No amount of rants or denial could mask how good it felt to her from the moans she let out as I buried my prick into her slot again and again.

“AHHHHHHH! FUCK YOU! MMMMM! YOU AIN’T SHIT! AHHHHH! YOU’RE NOTHING TO ME! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCKING NOTHING! FUCK! FUCK!!” She yelled and squirmed on the bed while her arms reached back and grabbed more deep handfuls of the bedsheets that were getting slightly stained with the sweat that rolled off her stunning body. “UHHHH! YOU THINK YOU CAN FUCK ME?? SOME… AHHHHH!! FUCKING NOBODY! NEVER! MMMM! NO MAN CAN MAKE ME CUM! NONE! NEVER!! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!!” She rambled while her legs dangled with a sway each time I drove into her twat. Her titties jiggled away and her dyed blue hair dragged back and forth when I yanked her back to take my dick. The loud slap of skin when it hit different toned skin rang out sharply to match both our moans. And for a woman who claimed that this didn’t pleasure her one bit (a pure lie from how soaked her twat was) she made an awful lot of loud and lusty noise for someone who should be dry as a desert right now. The only surprise here wasn’t how long I could last, since her claims made it sound like I should have blown a load twenty minutes or so before, but that we hadn’t gotten some curious knocks on the door from people the floor above or below with all this pounding sex going on.

“MMMM… Well if that’s true or not? MMMMM… We’ll soon fucking change that, Miss De la Renta!” I stated with a handsome smile. That sounded like a challenge made to be solved for a beauty like this so I carried on with the hard, swift pace to ram my big white dick in and out of this tight Puerto Rican pussy. My heavy balls smacked off her sweat-coated skin whenever I rammed in just to ease a few inches out and go back deep into her tightness. My dick was slick with her juices that also slowly dripped down from her folds along her ass and onto the sheets for more evidence that her denial of her pleasure was outrageous. But all I knew was that on my side of things, this felt dam good to pound into a stunning pro wrestling manager like this and put that body, often seen teasing in exclusive content website photoshoots, to an even better use than being eye candy at ringside or on TV.

“FUCK YOU! AHHHHH! I’M NOT… I DON’T… AHHHHH! I W-WON’T CUM! NOT EVER!” She continued to ramble and lie. Especially when her legs finally moved up and suddenly, but not unpleasantly, wrapped around my toned body to pull me in closer than before while I kept on with the pace to drill her twat. “D-DO YOUR FUCKING WORST, ASSHOLE! MMMMM! I’LL NEVER… AHHHHH FUCK! F-FUCKING CUM ON THIS STUPID… MMMM! FAT… BIG FUCKING COCK!! AHHHHH FUCK! NEVER!!” She glared up at me when I was pulled in to lean over her. Almost with a Mating Press now with my hands on either side of her but still able to drive my dick back and forth to stuff her wet pussy. So I just carried on and railed her deep and hard to make that body shift on the bed with my weight now used more to keep her in place but her legs around me to squeeze my body and her hands till with the clutches onto the sheets aided in that.

So I was free to just ram in and out and moan in delight at how good this Latina pussy felt wrapped around my dick. Squeezes onto the shaft with each pump I gave her to make the sweat roll off her gorgeous enough as it is body while I continued to prove her claims about me not being able to last were far from the truth. A porn star-like performance to suitably fill up the body of The Puerto Rican Power Broker. While she too proved that with an ability to take a deep, hard fucking like this she could easily make huge stacks of cash (and even more than what I had bribed her with to get a piece of her like this) if she went from mere teasing and draining the wallets of Simps to full on skin flicks.

“FUCK… FUCK… YES! FUCK… FUCK… DON’T STOP… FUCK… FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Her tone finally changed (well, still nice and loud but not with that crazed denial of how good this all was) to match how her hands let go of the sheets to allow her to wrap her arms around my neck with lusty need. I knew that she’d enjoyed this more than she let on but the switch of her moaning in delight with eyes closed just spurred me on to keep up the rhythm to ram her deep and hard. “FUCK! FUCK YES! SO GOOD… FUCK! FUCK THAT PUSSY… FUCK! FUCK! MMMMMM OOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUCK!!” She moaned in between cries in the language of her homeland which I assumed were just as filthy praise for my pumps. Her pussy remained soaked and snug around my shaft to go with the bounces of her tits and the messy sprawled state of her dyed hair. I could have spoken up at that moment to brag about rendering her into such a needy, highly pleasured state but why break the mood when I could enjoy such a stunning babe begging for some good dick up close and personal.

“UHHHHH! FUCK YES… FUCKING DON’T STOP! AHHHH FUCK! FUCK YESSSSSSSSS… FUCK THAT PUSSY! FUCK ME! OOOOOOOOOOH!! FUCK ME SO FUCKING HARD!! AHHHHH!!” The howls continued when her eyes finally opened but just to stare upward at the roof to further show how lost in the lust the usually arrogant stunner was. All good in my book since I still got off on her snatch clamped around me and she clearly was cock-drunk now in an even better way than I’d hoped. I didn’t even need an extra bribe to get her like this, just my fat shaft rammed into her bareback to stretch her snatch open. “DON’T STOP! DON’T STOP! OOOOOH FUCK! FUCK! GONNA CUM! YES! FUCK! GONNA CUM! GONNA CUM! FUCK ME! FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEE!!” She pleaded and if her brain wasn’t fried right now she might have regretted all those remarks about me not being able to last when she was the one being brought to a peak first while I had plenty left in the tank. Only now just starting to sweat and I wasn’t even a competitor in the industry she’s a star in. Not that she had too many matches to her credit anyway, but seemed to have even less experience with being properly satisfied in this kind of erotic manner.

“FUCK YES! YES! YES YES YES FUCKING YESSSSSSSSSSSSS AHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKK!!” Her legs squirmed around me and her fingers dug into my shoulders while her body arched and made her tits slide and press against my chest to go along with the tilt of her head. To say she came hard all over my prick was an understatement. My dick got soaked with more juices to drip down and leave more of a mess on the hotel bed sheets. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!” She panted in delight and I saw once her head had slumped back a very happy smile across her gorgeous face. That likely was helped by the fact that I continued to ram in and out of that moist tunnel with more stiff thrusts to fuck her through that strong peak. Sure, I was the one technically who got their money’s worth out of this Puerto Rican stunner but it didn’t mean I didn’t want to give her a damn good time too. I even noticed the hissing groan from her when I eased my cock out of her well fucked and now left gaped pussy. I also had to use my hands to peel her legs away from me as a sign that she wasn’t done yet with me either.

“So… What was that about me not being able to last?” I teased her while I sat back and allowed her a few moments to recover. “Or that I didn’t make you feel good? All that bullshit you were talking about before, Miss De la Renta?” I even rubbed it in with the use of that formal title for her.
“I… I’ve got… N-No idea what you’re talking about…” Her eyes narrowed while her chest heaved for air. Salina sat up a bit to look over me and despite her tone, when her eyes locked onto my still rock-hard dick her expression gave me a fairly solid idea that whatever she spoke in Spanish was something along the lines of ‘How is he still hard??’. “Y-You didn’t impress me at all! Not one bit!” She lied now that her mind wasn’t as clouded from the fantastic sex.
“Oh? Not at all?” I smirked and moved down the bed before I made her groan when I rolled her over onto her stomach.
“Not at all! And wipe that stupid smile off your face!” That familiar bitchy tone had returned with a stare to match, even though she didn’t object to me manhandling her slightly to move her onto her knees. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! You’re acting like you accomplished something?”
“Well I kind of did, making you cream your brains out all over my cock…” I bluntly stated and smacked the crown of my dick against her ass to reinforce the point.

She shook her blue-haired head while she looked back at me. “I d-don’t remember that happening!” Salina lied and didn’t even sound that convinced of her own words with the tone of lust that underlined her voice. “Women can fake it, you know! You haven’t done anything to even come close…” She paused and hissed when I slapped my cock against her rump. “C-Cum… I mean, come close to satisfying me…” She claimed while her hands moved up to be up on all fours rather willingly before I’d even demanded anything from her.
“That so, huh?” I smirked and locked eyes with her. “How about you prove it? Let’s go for a second round then.” I said and noted not just how her eyes went wide at that offer, but how her head tilted slightly to perk up and her ass pushed back ever so slightly to brush against my dick. “And you can try and make me cum before you do! How does that sound?” I challenged and didn’t even need to give her a bribe of extra cash for the offer either.
“You mean to try and make me cum at all, you fucking idiot!” She snapped with another push back to grind against my dick. Only for me to step back off the bed and make her openly frown at the unwanted pause when I walked a bit over the room “...Fine. I suppose I can grant you the honour of trying to impress me.” She all too quickly said and her head again moved up a bit in anticipation when I soon returned over to the bed after a quick stop at my bag. “But I hope you’re ready to… MMMMM!”
Before she could finish the latest empty threat or desperate insult, I spread her delicious, thick and round ass cheeks so I could spit down onto her asshole. Just the first action before she watched with a raised eyebrow when I used a hand to pop open the top of a bottle of lube that I’d gone across to collect. A sigh of approval from her when the cool, clear liquid got poured slowly down her crack and onto her tight asshole. A curse in Spanish soon followed when I used a finger to apply the lube to her entrance and met not exactly unexpected resistance when I pushed the digit against her. A woman with these kinds of very high standards likely wouldn’t let too many men, if any at all, tap this fine booty of hers. So it was a very wise decision on my part to take the time to slowly work the lubricant into her back passage with some smooth strokes in and out. All the while, she remained on all fours, not a position she seemed to be unfamiliar with, and gasped out with that half-pissed off, half-drunk with desire expression while sweat wickedly dripped from her pretty face and strands of her blue hair were stuck to her cheek.
“Come on, motherfucker! Get that fucking dick in me!” She eventually snapped, which made me chuckle before she glared and realised what she said. “I m-meant that for you to stop fucking teasing me! Not that I’m enjoying this or anything! Which I’m n-not!” She said without too much of any kind of convincing tone to her words. Her eyes stared back over her shoulder as I lubed up my cock then closed up the bottle to drop it to the floor. She backed all that fine ass up into me to hotdog my cock between her cheeks briefly before I gripped the shaft and aimed it down to line up with her asshole. More mumbled words in her native tongue and her hands gripped the bed sheets before I pressed forward. And despite her attempts to act like this didn’t thrill her, the long and loud moan that escaped when I penetrated her ass proved not that she loved this, but maybe had quite a kink for some anal fun with how she actively rocked back against him.

“MMMMM! MOTHERFUCKER! AHHHHH! S-STUPID BASTARD! MMMMM! F-FUCK YOU! S-STOP FUCKING SMILING LIKE THAT!” She kept the act up (and I was now damn sure she had some kind of fetish here to be in denial of how good a man was at pleasing her) even with my cock now stuffed in her snug asshole. Her booty pushed back into me when I began to thrust with both hands on her waist again to fuck her from behind. Her pussy had been super tight but this was something else and if it wasn’t for those skilled shoves back to work her rump against me, I would have thought she was a virgin with this kind of tightness. “I-IS THAT ALL YOU’VE GOT! FUCK!! THIS IS… MMMM! A FUCKING JOKE! COME ON! AHHHHHH… F-FUCK MY ASS! I FUCKING DARE YOU! MMMMM FUCK!!” She demanded and still tried to sound like it was more just insults than the clear beg for more that it was. One of her hands slapped the bed before she gripped the stained sheets again. Her tits swayed underneath her and her dyed blue hair, or at least the amount that wasn’t stuck to her sweat-covered body, flowed back and forth in time with her body’s very willing jolts to meet my cock.

“AHHHH… So, I need to bang you harder, do I, Miss De la Renta? MMMM…” I continued to grin, and not just because of how ‘mad’ she was by it, as I worked my thick, long white cock in and out of that juicy Puerto Rican behind. The jiggle of her full cheeks was delicious, topped off by the vice-like tightness all around my member when I pumped in and out. An almost hypnotic sight of the ripples of skin each time I pumped forward and she backed up to take me. A combination that helped get my inches stuffed in deeper over time to both of our groaning delights, even if only my cries were fully shameless compared to her denial. “MMMM! I think that… MMMM! Can be fucking arranged! MMMM…” I said and helped myself to lift a hand to deliver a firm slap onto her rump while I banged her. The strike made her groan in sinful delight rather than pain, followed by a hiss when she glared back at me but the look in her eyes didn’t even try to look pissed off. More like a stare that screamed ‘Is that all you’ve got??’ which is what I assumed she snapped at me in Spanish.

“MMMMM! FUCK! FUCK! C-COME ON! THIS IS… AHHHH! F-FUCKING WEAK! GIVE ME MORE! COME ON! HARDER! MMMMM! D-DEEPER! AHHHH FUCK!” At the moment she refused to admit again how good this was, but all the moans and the very eager way she pushed back to take my dick told the real story. Another fresh groan left her when I spanked her ass again. Not satisfied with just my dick being rammed so far into her that now her plump cheeks began to smack firmly off of my toned frame to add that sound of the slaps to the mix of moans and curses now in the air. “UHHHHH! FUCK! AHHHHH FUCK! T-THIS IS NOTHING! YOU’LL NEVER… MMMMM FUCK! NEVER MAKE ME FUCKING CUM ON THIS… STUPID… FAT… BIG… FUCKING DICK! AHHHHH FUCK!!” Her vow was far from impactful along with the fact her head hung down as she panted those words out. Another spank to her ass made her head tilt back with a moan and, like she knew deep down it was fruitless to resist how good this all felt, she moved one hand off from the stained bedsheets to pop it under her body and right down at her moist pussy. Quick rubs back and forth to fully get off on this anal action.

“AHHHH… Not quitting on me now, are you? MMMMM… I still have to make you cum nice and hard, right? MMMM FUCK…” I teased her and pumped briskly in and out of her tight asshole. For a woman who ‘hated’ this all and wasn’t pleasured she didn’t object to not just me being bareback and balls deep in her rump but the fact that I’d now completed a personal, and expensive, tour of her snug, pleasurable holes all in just one night. This hole might be the best of all with how super tight she still was even with a thickness of my vast size and length buried deeper into her rear than some porn stars might be able to handle. “MMMM… Make you cum your brains out… MMMM! Like no man has fucking done before, right, Miss de la Renta? MMMM FUCK…” I taunted, broken up by my deep grunts while a very healthy shine of sweat covered my body. One Hell of a workout with this beautiful woman from the world of pro wrestling and while she was basically unfamiliar with proper matches, even despite being a former Champion at one time in the indies, she’d more than finally met her sinful match against me and my fat cock.

“AHHHHH FUCK! YES! MAKE ME FUCKING CUM, YOU BASTARD! MMMMM! MAKE ME FUCKING CUM WITH THAT BIG FUCKING DICK! AHHHH FUCK!!” Her head nodded to make sweat go flying from her dyed blue hair as she confessed, even with a slightly bitchy tone, to how good this was. Like I didn’t already know that from the first orgasm I gave her and this second one that built up from my dick being rammed deep into her ass. Her fingers furiously stroked over that soaked pussy to keep the pleasure sky high and leave The Empresaria with an appearance more expected from a desperate cum-slut than the businesswoman she claims to be. “FUCK! FUCK THAT ASS! MMMMM FUCK! COME ON! FUCK ME HARD! FUCK! FUCKING WRECK THAT ASS! OOOOOOOH FUCK! MMMM! MAKE ME FUCKING FUCK, DAMN IT! FUCK!!” She howled and showed the effects of this very lengthy sex session when the arm that still propped her up to be in the doggy-style position buckled a bit to make her back arch. That ass stuck up and out towards me so it still clapped hard into me but now I have to actively yank her back than her being able to shove her cheeks into me like before.

Face down, ass up. I couldn’t say that it wasn’t a bad look for the former bitchy beauty who now had her cheek against the sheets to smear more sweat into them while she moaned and panted through her dyed hair. Her tits rubbed into the sheets from the position and jiggled back and forth. That gorgeous body yanked back to take my thrusts and keep her back passage filled up with dick, unlike anything she’s had before in her still young life. Still aware enough to keep a hand planted between her spread legs to furiously stroke over her folds to race herself towards a finish. If it wasn’t for the fact I knew she wanted things to go exactly this kind of way from the start of this round of action at least, I would have assumed she’d sabotaged herself with this kind of self-pleasure while I banged her ass from the back.

“FUCK! FUCK YES! DON’T STOP! OOOOOOH FUCK! YOU’RE FUCKING MY ASS SOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING GOOD! AHHHHH FUCK! YES! YESSSSSSSSS!” Once more her eyes were rolled back in wicked delight while I pulverised her fantastic, thick ass without any care that I might leave her ass even more gaped wide than her snatch currently is. Those full cheeks rippled away whenever I drove in and pulled her back into me to take the thrusts at the same time. Not even the odd spank to her butt broke her out of this sex trance she was stuck in. Left with her rear up high and face down to groan into the bed for the kind of sight that would send her Simps into meltdown but is a sight far more XXX-rated than any of the tamer cock-teasing shoots she posts online. “AHHHHH FUCK!! WRECK ME! FUCK THAT ASS! OH FUCK YES DON’T STOP! DON’T FUCKING STOP! I FUCKING NEED IT! OOOOOOOH FUCK! FUCK MY ASS! AHHHHHH FUCK!!” She begged again and again. At this point, I wondered if maybe I could have turned things around and tricked her into not just hand me back the cash and cheque I’d given her but make her pay me for the pleasure she felt. But I wasn’t here to play or trick anyone, just here for a damn good time and with the way I felt my peak slowly approach I could say it had been worth every dollar.

“FUCK! CUMMING! YES! YES! FUCKING YES! GONNA CUM! GONNA FUCKING CUM! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” She gasped with a wide and rather cock-drunk smile across that beautiful face. So lost in the zone that she didn’t think twice to switch her motion and go from rubs across her twat to get her digits stuffed into her snatch. The sloppy sound of juices that dripped out to go down her hand and wrist along with her thick thighs was another bonus to her loud moans. Just more evidence to support the idea that she could make a career change from being a wrestling manager to full-on porn and she wouldn’t have to look back with talent like this. “FUCK MY ASS! FUCK ME! AHHHHH IT’S SO GOOD! I’VE NEVER… UHHHHH! BEEN F-FUCKED… AHHHHH! THIS FUCKING GOOD… IN MY FUCKING LIFE AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” Another admission she’d likely deny but it kept the wide grin on my face and acted as the encouragement (like I needed anything else than her snug back passage all around my cock to make me moan) to rail her deep and hard like I bet she secretly wanted right from the start.

“CUMMING! CUMMING! FUCKING CUMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING AAAAAAAAAAAAHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKK!!” Her body shivered in my grip and her ass continued to clap hard off my waist while I pounded away into her asshole. The extra clench of her asshole around my prick was the extra sign I needed that she shit a second, perhaps even bigger orgasm than before. Her free hand at the side of her hand slapped the bed sheets almost like a tap out while her pussy gushed with more juices to soak her hand and drip down her arm. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” I could only tell the curses from her groans of delight in Spanish but I could easily assume it was all a glowing review of my ability to bang her. Just like before, I made sure to pump in and out to keep her thrilled so she could savour every moment of her mind being blown by this anal sex. To the point where her hand fell away from her twat so she was spent before I’d even pulled out of her rump to check out the gaped state of her ass.
“Y-You bastard…” Salina groaned when I moved her down to first lay on the bed, then pulled her over so I could position her and make her sit perched on the now soaked bed from all the sweat from us both and the juices from her. “Y-You think you’re something s-special??” She hissed. Her eyes blinked to get focus and stare up as she saw me grip my dick in one hand to pump while the other clutched her matted, blue hair at the back of her head to tilt her face and make a target for me.
“MMMMM… Yeah, I think so…” I grinned and stroked off. The pulses that my cock did signalled my peak was near. “Since I made you cum twice in one session… And got to fuck that fine ass of yours deep and hard along the way.”
“Y-You had to fucking pay to do it!” She tried to offer as an insult, but equally mocked herself with the admission she’d been paid to fuck a total stranger. “What kind of m-man pays for sex! Fucking sick bastard!”
“MMMMM… Guess we didn’t get along as well as I thought we had…” I said with a chuckle and continued to jerk off. “But here… MMMM! Here’s a free treat, on the fucking house!” I said with a groan to make her hiss before she closed her eyes. Not too lost in the afterglow of amazing sex to not know what was about to happen.
And it soon did with thick, hot ropes sent all across that gorgeous face. The spunk from me splattered over her cheeks, nose, forehead and lips to give her a massive covering. At the expense of some shots that got matted into her dyed blue hair to make her ruined state even worse (or better!) as I blew a huge load all over her. From the moans she let out when she took it without even a flinch back, and not simply from me hand that held her face for me to spray over, she didn’t exactly hate this either. Another mumbled few words in Spanish by the time I flicked out the last drops onto her and wiped my crown off her lips to finish the job. A moment was taken to admire the mess I’d left over her features before I let go of her head. Just for her to fall back slumped onto the bad to pant for air in a sprawled mess that spoke more than any words could about how good this had all been and no denials from her could possibly counter that.

“So… A lot more than just five seconds or minutes, right?” I taunted and gazed over her nude, sweaty and cum-covered body.
“F-Fuck you… Motherfucker!!” Salina hissed while still on her back. “Y-You didn’t prove anything! I d-didn’t even enjoy that! Not at all…” She fruitlessly claimed and I could tell she didn’t even believe this latest round of lies.
“Your leaking pussy and the load over your face screams differently, Miss De la Renta…” I pointed out before I moved over to the room and plucked up a towel from off a chair so I could use it to wipe myself down. “But sure, tell yourself whatever you want. You earned your money tonight!”
“I-If that cheque fucking bounces, I’ll put your balls in a vice…” She warned and squirmed on the bed as the energy slowly came back to her.

“Never had any complaints about that either…” I remarked as I dropped the towel down on a table. “Or with my ability in the other department either.” I added to which she snapped something back in her native tongue. But as she ranted at me with likely more empty words, I took the time to quickly slide my clothes back on. Just my jacket over my arm and the lube bottle tucked back into the bag I took into the room with me.

“H-Hey! Don’t fucking ignore me! I said…” Salina finally sat up and her eyes went wide when she saw I was dressed. “The fuck?? Where are you going??” She said with outrage.
“What? We’re done here.” I said with a confident shrug. “You got paid… I got some damn fine sex, and you get an upgrade of a room for the night to sleep it all off.” I motioned around the room with a smile. “Oh, right! I forgot to mention… This isn’t my hotel room. It’s yours. Already paid for the night. I’m sleeping at a place across town.” I stated to make her jaw drop again at this being a ‘hit and run’ almost. “But since you said you hated me and I wasn’t able to pleasure you, I figured you’d be cool with this all.” I added to use her words against her. “But I’ll check by the reception and see if they can come up and change the sheets for you while you go and have a shower.” I said before I moved to the door.

“W-Wait! What the fuck??” She rolled over onto her front and crawled a bit towards me while still on the bed. “T-That’s it? You fuck me twice and we’re done? Nothing else??” Salina sounded stunned with an expression that matched. “I don’t even know your fucking name! Let alone your number or anything!”
“Well, maybe we’ll see each other again… After all, I am a fan of your work… But it’s not like anyone is going to believe me if I told anyone about this anyway… Even your Simps or your clients…” I joked before I opened the door. “So maybe I’ll see you at a future MLW taping, Miss De la Renta… Or maybe sooner in your dreams.” I dared to taunt with a wink before I hurried out of the room and closed the door behind me. The loud thud of something being thrown against the other side followed by some yells in Spanish that encouraged me to make a fairly hasty retreat down the corridor. And with Salina naked and cum-covered I knew that she wouldn’t be able to follow after me for another ‘last’ round or more likely to try and kick my ass.

I did stop by the reception desk to put in the inquiry of bedding changes even at this late hour, but mostly to put in another bribe to cover for any ‘noise complaints’ that might have been heard from me and Salina. But after that, I took the rental car and drove across the city to where I’d booked in for the night to enjoy my own well-deserved shower and then a night’s rest as I assumed Salina had done too, just maybe not fully in the same fully pleased and shameless mood I was in right now.

Another stunning babe from the indies of wrestling bagged and banged with no strings attached and just some money out of my pocket to pay for it. But it had all been worth it and then some to prove once again that (although she wasn’t used to them) the bumps wrestlers take might be hard, but some cold cash was even harder to get what I wanted out of a babe like her!

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas either for any future stories/chapters to write, or for specific characters etc to feature in upcoming stories. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


Re: Hard Bumps, Hard Cash [w/h Mandy Rose, Velvet Sky, Mandy Leon, & more]
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2024, 03:37:23 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own WWE or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.
Starring: Mandy Rose (former NXT, WWE)
Hard Bumps, Hard Cash – Mandy Rose
An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.
A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].
Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal.
* * *

“Well well, Miss Saccomanno… Or should I just call you Miss Rose for simplicity’s sake?” I greeted with a smile as I saw the gorgeous form of the latest target for my lust approaching as I stood up from my seat at the hotel bar.

OK, I’m getting a little ahead of myself here. Allow me to first roll back and explain the not so much elaborate but certainly long set-up for this plan of mine. It had begun a month or so back at a wrestling convention, another usual stomping ground to try and pounce on women to pay off and get some sex from. And out of the many names there, one of the biggest to catch my eye was the former WWE and NXT Superstar Mandy Rose. It had been a couple of years or so since she’d been fired from sports entertainment for her ‘exclusive site’ content being far too racy for PG-TV and she’d made the easy switch to being an influencer and model to rake in the cash.

At that event, I’d just waited in line for the usual autograph and whatnot before I hit her up with my plan. A fake business card and the offer to talk about a potential opportunity and deal for her if she had the time. While she of course just gave a polite response at the time, the usual small talk about being a busy woman and all that, being smartly dressed compared to the rest of her Simps made me stand out more. The fact that she had accepted the card in the first place told me that I had a foot in the door. So I didn’t press matters more that day and we parted ways. She certainly didn’t have to know what kind of filthy ‘business’ I got up to elsewhere that night from another interaction at the convention, but that’s a story for another day.

Fast forward now a couple of weeks and she had reached out to contact me to arrange a meeting to discuss my plans. Some easily neutral ground of a classy hotel being the meeting point so I didn’t arouse too much suspicion (and, well, it allowed me to book and pay for a room in advance for the fun hopefully to come). Now, the former Mandy Rose, now otherwise known by her real name Amanda Rose Saccomanno, approached me at the bar with a dazzling smile. Clad in a sexy outfit of double denim with nicely snug jeans and a long-sleeved short jacket with a white top underneath. Her long hair hung down her shoulders, two-tone with blonde and brunette. Clearly, despite being ‘retired’ from wrestling with her focus on thirst traps and other shoots, she kept her tanned body in fantastic shape from the toned midsection her outfit exposed. Stylish and sexy, while I kept the appearance up in my own right with my smart, professional suit with a tie.

“Oh, Mandy is just fine!” Rose said with a smile. “I’m so used to it anyway.”
“Fine by me, Mandy.” I said with a nod and a grin of my own. “So then, shall we talk business? Or would you like a drink first or anything?” I politely offered.
“Oh, straight to business is just my style.” Mandy stated and took the nearest seat to me before she turned to face me. “I’m all ears. So, what are we talking about? Appearance? Endorsements? Adverts?”

“Not exactly, Miss Rose. Allow me to explain.” I said and reached into my inside pocket. “And I do hope I’m not being Toxic by saying this…” I couldn’t help but joke which made her arch an eyebrow a little. “You see, Mandy, I’m a big fan of wrestling. I follow a lot of companies like your old workplace of WWE and many others. And while there are a lot of women who do what you do, the ‘exclusive site’ content that you do so well, and some in the wrestling business too, you are by far the most famous one that I believe I might ever get the chance to shoot my shot at.” I stated to make her nod as she followed along. “So, Mandy, I’ll be blunt. I’m not interested in hiring you for any brand deal or the like. I want to hire you. Specifically, hire you for the night.” I bluntly stated with a cocky, handsome smile to match.

Her eyes went wide in shock and horror, accompanied by a wide-open mouth. “E-Excuse me??” Mandy stuttered and sat up straight on her chair. “Who the Hell do you think you are, talking to someone like that? Let alone me!” She snapped with a pissed-off glare. “First of all, I’m an engaged woman. And my man could kick your ass if he was here right now hearing you talk to me like that!” She stated and I was well aware of her relationship status but a woman with a ring on her finger had never stopped me before. “And secondly? Just because I do some sexy photoshoots or sell some pics and videos online? It doesn’t mean I’m some kind of whore!” She claimed as she moved off her chair to stand. “So I think you’d better…”

Before she could leave I slapped down a cheque onto the countertop and slid it along to her. Enough to a break in her rant to make her glance over and look at it. And the number of zeros made out to her easily made a different kind of shocked look come across her face to silence her. Just as I knew it would for a woman who openly bragged in the past about how she made more money in a month from her Simps online than she did from her WWE contract. Admittedly, I had to fork out a lot more cash for this babe than I have done in the past with women from the minor leagues with Rose’s level of fame and what she makes on her own.

“Again, my apologies for being so Toxic… But I’m sure you’ll find that this amount covers your ‘rate’ for an evening, right Miss Rose?” I watched as her fingers danced over the top of the cheque. The amount that I’d offered her had worked to grab her attention and with a woman driven by money in the first place it wasn’t that much of a surprise that my theory about Hard Bumps, Hard Cash would work even for an ex-sports entertainer like this. So I still smiled when she picked up the cheque and quickly pocketed it before she turned to me. “And I’m sure I can offer up something extra if you’ll.

“OK.” She cut me off with a blunt statement of her own. That shocked me (and it shouldn’t have with the kind of woman I had here) with how easily she accepted the offer. “OK, I’ll do it. A one-night stand but that’s all.” She confirmed to make sure that I grinned, even if her look was still understandably pissed off. “And no fucking funny business either! You don’t film this or take pictures, or anything else.” She warned. “I’m not fucking risking my image for this!” She said, which was ironic since she seemed happy to fuck a stranger in exchange for a payday. “Not when I could miss out on some gigs in the future, let alone my engagement would be over!”

“Follow me then, Miss Rose.” I said as I got off my chair. “I’ve got a room booked in this hotel…” I said and tucked my wallet away just to produce a room key.

* * *

Minutes later, in a spacious hotel room.

“Holy shit!!” Mandy Rose exclaimed with wide eyes but this time it was a pleasantly surprised look across her pretty face when she watched me step out of my pants. My thick, long and hardening cock was in full view as I left my pants folded on the rest of my clothes on a chair so I was completely naked in front of the former WWE and NXT Superstar. “Oh, there’s nothing fucking Toxic about that dick! That’s fucking huge!” She admitted as she brushed her hair back and gazed at my dick.

“I’m sure that we can make things real Toxic between us… And not just the fact that I’m making you fuck another man instead of your husband-to-be!” I reminded her with a smile as I let her approach.
“Oh, you had to bring that up again, didn’t you, motherfucker?” She narrowed her eyes before Rose moved and got down to her knees in front of me.
“You’re the one still wearing a ring…” I pointed out as she gripped my dick and helped get me rock hard with a round of firm pumps.
“Besides, making me fuck you? Pretty sure you’re paying me to do this…” Mandy countered with a smirk. “And handsomely at that… So maybe I’m the Toxic one here too…” She mused as she stroked me off.
“We can decide later… But I’m sure I can make this still worth your while, even without the paycheck.” I said since I still had to prove myself and not just waste the time of this former globally famous TV star.

“With a dick this big? Don’t worry about time wasting! If I’d known what you were packing this I would have cut you a discount!” She let out a quite erotic laugh and stroked her hair back with her free hand as she pumped my dick. Her eyes were locked up at me with the kind of look that would make most men cum in an instant before she leaned in and used her tongue for a motion that would easily do the same. A slow swirl around the thick crown made me groan while her palm worked me over. She took her time to move around the head, likely to test if I was just all length and thickness without any stamina. So she groaned herself from the flavour as she explored and slightly roamed down before she went back to swat at the tip. “Damn… Doesn’t taste half bad either!” She admitted and pumped along me again before she let go. Just to lean in further and flick her tongue at the base with a tease at my heavy balls. Her tongue pressed to my underside before she slid smoothly and slowly up to the tip to make us both groan. It went without saying that this was far from the first time that she’s dished out some oral pleasure to a dick from these kinds of tricks.

“Only half bad? That’s a little bit Toxic, sure, but I think we’re starting to get along now!” I joked with a smile before she made me moan with those plump, soft lips of hers finally wrapped around my thickness. Making those cushions stretch nicely so she still groaned when she sank down and still double-teamed me with her hand on my base. “MMMM… Oh yeah, really fucking getting along now! MMMM…” I groaned as I watched that gorgeous, model face of the former WWE and NXT Superstar smoothly pump along my shaft. A slight sway of her long, two-tone hair as she bobbed along me and I enjoyed the muffled groans around my dick as she slurped. Her eyes stayed locked up at me with a clear edge of desire to them while inside her warm and wet mouth, her tongue occasionally flicked up at the bottom and sides of my shaft. She didn’t hold back on me but I could tell that it wasn’t simply to try and finish me off quickly for an easy payday either.

“MMMMMPHHH! SHHHHRRLLLPPP… MMMMM… SHHHHLLLKKK…” For her remark about feeling like a porn star earlier, the loud and sloppy (but only in terms of the saliva being left on my rod) way she blew me made it seem like she was far more suited for going full Hardcore on her ‘exclusive content’ site than any sort of wrestling. Let alone the fact that she was all too happy to suck on my big dick despite being happily engaged to another man. “MMMM! MMMMPPPHHH… SHHHHLLLPPPP… MMMM!” She was so into it as she bobbed smoothly and with a steady motion that she let go of my dick just to slide her jacket off her tanned body. That gave me a good look at her rounded tits in her tight, white top and the sight of her rock-hard nipples that poked through the material. She brushed her long hair back again before her hands went to my toned waist to grip me as that beautiful face pushed deeper along my thickness.

“MMMM… Now this is my kind… AHHHH… Of Toxic relationship…” I dared to tease while the former leader of Toxic Attraction blew me, and the remark made her slightly narrow her eyes but I saw a brief smirk around my dick as she bobbed back and forth. “What? MMMM… Would you rather I made some joke about flowers? AHHH… Or Fire and Desire? MMMM…” I joked again while I showed her what I was made of by being able to handle being deep in that hot and soothing oral hole of hers. She wasn’t too fazed as she moved her head back towards my crown, just so she could twist her head from side to side and grind those big, juicy lips of hers against my dick for a different trick that still got the same result to make me moan. I was far from finished and she knew it as she went back to the slurps but this time pushed right down so my bell-end smacked into the back of her cavern.

“MMMMMPHHH! GAAAAAAHH! HHHHRRRKKK!” Mandy’s eyes went wide as she began to choke on my dick as saliva spilt past her plump cock suckers and dripped down my length. In her newfound lust, she didn’t stop just yet and dug her fingers into my thighs to block any jolt back that her head might try out of reflex. Deep slurps that made me moan as I got the deep experience of that talented mouth. “GAAAAAAAHHH! MMMMM! HHHHHRRRKKK… GAAAAAAHHH!” The chokes that left her made me wonder if this was far more cock than she was used to in her mouth which wasn’t a good sign for the so-called ‘Alpha’ that she co-hosted a Podcast with. Not that I cared about anything else than how fantastic it felt to be blown by a world-class stunner like this. My dick was nicely slick with her drool that continued to pour with each bob and gag that she did. Drips of spit fell from her chin and landed over her top to make those rounded tits stand out more.

After another deep round, she pulled off with a gasp and sat back. “Fuck!!” She lustfully exclaimed before she licked her lips and gazed over my dick. “Get on the fucking bed!” Mandy snapped with a filthy tone before she stood up and quickly unbuttoned her Jeans.
“Yes, ma’am!” I grinned and didn’t need to be told twice as I moved around and got onto my back on the suitably spacious and comfy bed with my saliva-soaked dick still rock hard and ready for some proper fun.
“You want fucking Toxic, huh??” Rose hissed and shoved down her pants and her panties too so I got a look at her smoothly shaved snatch that appeared wet just from that dose of oral. “I’ll give your rich ass something fucking Toxic!” She said and climbed back onto the bed to mount my crotch before she reached and hauled her top up and over her head with a toss of her hair to expose those gorgeous tits of hers.
“Be my fucking guest, Mandy!” I said and noted that in her strong desire, she didn’t even stop to make me put on any protection first before she eased her pussy down onto my cock and I took hold of her toned and tanned midsection to help keep her steady.

“OH FUCK!!” She gasped in delight when my thickness easily spread her tight pussy open. A sure sign that the man she was engaged to didn’t quite pack the kind of weapon that I had. Her hands held my shoulders as she all too happily, never mind eagerly, began to work back and forth to pump my cock into her twat. A smack of skin on skin even at this early stage was heard around the hotel room along with both of our moans as her ass began to ripple along with the squeak of the bed springs. “MMMM! Fucking big… OH FUCK! MMMM… Yeah… MMMM! Shit!! Really… MMMM! Really fucking big!” Her gaze was locked back over her shoulder to watch her butt jiggle as she shifted and plunged my rod into her wet and needy pussy. Her long hair swayed down her back and at the sides while I got a great look at her chest that bounced with her motion. So even being a couple of years removed from in-ring competition this stacked babe had all the important moves and technique where it mattered the most.

“MMMM… Bigger than your man, Mandy?” I dared to ask with a smirk to match, and it made her look back at me with a narrow-eyed glare mixed with lust and a bit of being pissed off at the question. Even as she knew full well that as she rode my dick with a smooth and steady rhythm this was unfaithful sex with a guy she’s just met, along with being paid for like a glamorous escort. I wasn’t going to let her just get away with just a stare, so I used my hand to reach around and give her ass a firm slap to make her gasp but not in pain before I squeezed that cheek. “I asked you a question, Miss Rose… MMMM… Is my big, fat, fucking cock… AHHHH… Bigger than your future husband’s dick?” I provoked her again before I started to thrust upward to match her shifts. My dick pushed into her snatch when she eased back, so I worked my inches deeper into that super tight and wet tunnel to answer the question for the both of us. All the while moans filled the air as I made the stunning former sports entertainer start to sweat as I showed I could both handle and deliver some red-hot action.

“AHHHH FUCK! Now which one of us… MMMM! SHIT! Is the one… AHHHHH! Being fucking Toxic?? MMMM FUCK!!” She groaned out with that still half-mad look down at me, just to moan when my cock pumped into her snug pussy that had spread all too easily to accept my vast size. Her talents were on display too from how effortlessly she eased back into my pumps to take me deep and didn’t miss a beat even with the firm force of my strokes. “AHHHH… MMMMM! Yeah, fucking spank that ass… MMMM! Make me fucking feel it! OOOOOOOOH FUCK!! MMMM…” That request caught me off guard but who was I to deny the request of a former over year-long reigning NXT Women’s Champion? My hand delivered a sharp, harder-than-before slap to her ass to make it jiggle even more and in turn, I got a long groan of approval from this tanned bombshell. Coupled with how her hands slid a little along my shoulders before I gave another smack to that world-class booty of hers and continued to drive my prick in and out of that slick box of hers.

“MMMM… If I keep this up, the only thing Toxic… AHHHH! Will be how your man reacts when he sees… MMMM! A big fucking handprint over your fine ass!” I pointed out, but I didn’t have any shame when I gave her what she wanted with another hard slap to her plump backside. A kinky side of this babe seemed clear from the moans that left her upon each spank, along with how she didn’t miss a beat from the shots and still rocked back and forth to slide her pussy right down on my prick. Her cheeks rested nicely on my body and jolted as I drove up to fill her love tunnel with this bareback action. The sort of action here that would rake in millions for her ‘exclusive content’ page if she made the full switch to this king of XXX-rated content instead of the usual cock-teases and thirst traps that she puts out.

“You fucking… MMMM!! You fucking think he won’t fucking know… AHHHH! What I’ve been fucking up to??? MMMMM! FUCK!!” She hissed and slid her hands across my chest as the first drips of sweat formed on my body from the effort needed to satisfy this beautiful former pro wrestler. A masterclass of how to ride some dick as she bucked perfectly with sharp and stiff motions to match whenever my dick drove into her slot. “MMMM! With the way, you’re fucking stretching me out… AHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! With this fat fucking dick!! MMMMM!” A final admission, even though I knew it beforehand, that this was a cock far bigger than what she was used to in her relationship. My cock had now made a nice home for itself in her love tunnel and in return, I was now slick with her juices from how deeply stuffed in I was. Helped by her eager bounces that admittedly could have done all the work for the both of us with how well she rode me.

“MMMM… That’s all I wanted to hear, Mandy…” I smiled and watched her come to a stop on my dick just so she could grind that wet pussy down into my crotch.
“Oh, I fucking bet… MMMM… You want to hear a lot fucking more out of me…” Mandy said as she stared down at me and put on a show when she stroked her long hair, which was now noticeably a bit out of place from all the sways it had done so far.
“I’d settle for more of this fine fucking pussy of yours…” I admitted as we both groaned when she dismounted my body.
“Then let’s fucking see what you can do…” Rose challenged and knelt on the bed. “Get on your knees.” She instructed and eyed up my cock as I did as asked.

I maybe assumed she’d suck me off for another round. Instead, the Westchester County, New York-born beauty gave me a pleasant surprise when she climbed onto me and wrapped both her tanned legs and nicely toned arms around my body so I had to clutch her with a grip around that plump ass of hers. So as her pussy eased right down onto my big dick I began to thrust and banged her off the ground and the bed as I leaned back slightly on my knees. A close position that meant her nicely sized tits brushed against my sweat to leave drips of sweat on one another. While our faces were right up close so I felt the hot breath along with our moans as I thrust firmly into her snatch and she bucked down for another red-hot but still different ride compared to the previous position.

“AHHHH FUCK! YES! MMMMM! FUCK!! MMMMMM!” She appeared just as thrilled to be able to carry out this unique position as she was being able to hook up with a guy who could handle not just it but a smoking hot beauty like her in the first place. Our bodies worked like a sinful machine so that I drove my thickness up into her tight, slick tunnel whenever she bucked down to take me in balls deep into that needy twat. “MMMMM! I’ve been… UHHHH! FUCK! Wanting… MMMM! To fucking try this shit out… AHHHH FUCK! For fucking months! MMMMMM FUCK!!” She admitted between moans. Her long, two-toned hair swayed in the air behind her and her ass jiggled even in my grip while the slap rang out when her crotch met mine. So even without the dirty talk and shameless admissions, the noise when our bodies hit would still be a red-hot soundtrack for this action on its own.

“MMMMM… Saving this for me? AHHHH… And not for with your man?” I couldn’t help but tease and jump on that remark to see if it could provoke her to do anything else. Sure, I was more than happy with the current situation, as any other red-blooded man would be to have a stunning former WWE Superstar bounce away on their dick. Able to ram up deep into her slot while I sneaked in the odd spank to her ass along the way. “MMMM… How very… AHHHH! FUCK… Toxic of you, Mandy!” I added to make her narrow her eyes sinfully at me but once again, she didn’t ease up on her motion at all. Deep and quick bounces to drive her snatch right down and take all of my inches now that her snatch was nicely spread wide to match the thickness of my rod. My moans were broken up with slight grunts as I had to keep up the position of being on my knees with a lean back, while I held the former NXT beauty up in my arms for one Hell of an erotic workout.

“YES! MMMMM! My man can’t fucking take it! AHHHH! He can’t fucking handle me… MMMM! When I fucking need to fucked hard… MMMM! Like the Toxic bitch I am!” Rose lustfully snapped with a glare to match as we locked eyes. Her bounces on my dick were still swift and smooth like that tanned and curved body was made far more for filthy fun like this than the pro wrestling she used to be known for. “Is that what you fucking want me to say?? MMMMM FUCK! That I’m a nasty, cheating Toxic slut?? MMMMM! Fucking a guy behind my man’s back… UHHHH! Because he can’t… MMMM! Give me the deep, hard kind of fuck… AHHHH! That I fucking need??” She hissed out while she drove her snatch sharply down to reinforce what I could see and feel for myself. This babe wasn’t just a master of teasing with her online shoots, she needed this kind of dirty, fat cock action to fill her up and stretch her out like the porn star she should have been all along. And with how intense her shifts were, I could easily see how she’d be able to wear out any man, wrestler or otherwise, in minutes with this kind of lust.

“MMMM… Damn fucking right I… MMMMMPHHH!” I was about to level another joke at her sinful expense, only for her hands to grab my hand and give a dose of Toxic in a new way while she cheated on her fiance. Her luscious, full lips pressed into mine and no sooner did I open my mouth to groan, than she shoved her tongue with desire into mine to control the smooch and explore around. I happily let her dance her tongue around mine but both of our eyes were open with just hers narrowed to show that this was merely another level of sin that needed to be scratched by this stunner. So now we exchanged moans along with some spit while we still rocked into one another. My cock drove deeply into her snatch and she dropped down to grind that pussy against my inches. Smooth movements aided by the sweat that was over us both as her round tits slid against my toned chest and she still clutched onto me with legs tightly around my waist.

“MMMMM! MMMMMPPHHH… MMMMM…” The former NXT Women’s Champion showed off even better bedroom skills here than any sports entertainment ones that she used to have a couple of years ago. Her ass jiggled in my grip and even when I spanked her, and indeed now a handprint had started to form on her tanned flash, she didn’t miss the timing on her shifts to drive her snatch right down onto my cock when I fed it up into her love tunnel. Loud slurps left her and muffled groans when she captured my tongue between her soft lips and sucked on me so even as I held her off the bed and stuffed her snatch, she still matched the pace to be as in control of this position as I was. Perhaps a little more so when she managed to catch me by surprise again and pulled back. Just to shamelessly spit into my mouth before she smirked, and when I let her watch as I played with the wad in my mouth before I swallowed it, I couldn’t help but notice her eyes going wide with approval for a moment.

“You Toxic motherfucker…” Mandy almost growled before she dismounted my cock and moved to get on her knees. “Fuck my mouth!” She demanded and got on all fours so her tits and long hair hung down. An open invite to part her lips and stick her tongue out with a gasp, much like how she’s shown herself off in a sauna video or two in the past on her content page.

“I mean, if you insist!” I smirked and reached down to grab a handful of her messy, two-toned hair before I slid my cock into that familiar and still warm and wet mouth. Her moan was muffled but mine was loud and clear as I helped her taste her pussy from off my inches with a couple of slow pumps to let her adjust and get the sensation of her juices onto her tongue that pressed into my underside before her tongue slipped back into her mouth. Just in time for me to make her lustfully choke when I began to pump her mouth with the same kind of firm pace that I’d just done to her snatch. So she now not so much cleaned off her juices from my length but had to slobber away over me as she gagged and the spit spilt out as those plump lips fought to stay pressed around me.

“GAAAAAHHH! HHHHHRRRKKK! MMMMMM!” It appeared that she got a thrill from the mix of pleasure and pain. Groans bounced off my dick as I pumped between those cushiony lips of hers and her thick ass stayed raised with a slight sway as I fucked her mouth. She didn’t yet touch herself with both hands down on the bed as the sheets now got stained with her spit to go with the splats of juices and sweat marks from the action so far. “GAAAAAAHHH! HHHHHRRRLLL… GAAAAAAHHH!” Her eyes remained locked up at me for the kind of filthy look that was even more profound than any thirst trap that she’s posted online for her Simps, be they wrestling fans or otherwise. Then again, I wasn’t exactly that far removed from them since I was paying, and handsomely so, for the pleasure (and in more ways than one) to fuck the face of this beautiful woman.

“MMMM… FUCK… Talk about Toxic… MMMM! You’ve been fucking this dick all night and you’re still hungry for more? MMMM… Toxic and then some, Mandy!” I grinned and used the grip of her hair like a leash to yank her gorgeous features, coated in sweat, up and down my dick as I rammed deep into her oral hole. The drool coated my rod and dripped to the balls while she rocked back and forth to make her tits jiggle along with her ass and her hair swayed as some got stuck down her back from her shine of moisture that was only a little more profound than the one across my body. Even so, we both still had plenty in the tank so that I could pump away and enjoy a mouth that could easily finish off men in seconds even long before this point of any encounter.

“MMMMMPHHHH! HHHHMMMM… GAAAAAAAAAHHH!” Whatever response she had for me was silenced by my fat dick stuffed between her pouty lips as the beauty who once led Toxic Attraction continued to show off that better-than-porn star ability to handle some dick. A mess was left all across my dick from her mouth as she gagged loudly but even so, she didn’t once have her eyes water up from the discomfort to show her kinky side. Along with the slaps of her tongue against my shaft when it worked like a piston into her still-hungry oral hole. “HHHHLLLKKK! GAAAAAAAHHHH! MMMMM! GAAAAAAAHHH!” Her fingers dug into the bedsheets as she held herself in place to be used by me and my big dick in a very willing fashion even though she was happily engaged to another man. I almost wondered if at this point, from the look of lust that burned in her eyes, she’d forgotten about the fact she’d being paid for sex here like a high-class escort. She sure had no regrets that I was making her hair more ruined with my firm grip and tugs to plunge her mouth down on my dick or for the handprint on her rump that would be evidence of her cheating ways.

Now, I could have just fucked that mouth some more but I wanted to test how truly Toxic this horny babe was. I pulled out of her mouth so she could gasp in delight and her gaze lingered on my dick for a moment. I tugged her hair to make her jolt forward and tilt her head to stare at me. Just for me to lean down and make her eyes widen wickedly when I spat into her mouth to return the favour from earlier on. She groaned at the sensation and I watched with a smirk as she put on a show with her tongue to roll the wad around in her mouth. No regrets either to swallow it down and then licked her lips before she helped herself to swat the tip of my dick with her tongue even when I let go of her hair.

“MMMM… You should just fucking spit on my face next time…” Rose shockingly said with a naughty smirk. “Hell, in my mouth… In my fucking hair… Treat me like the Toxic fucking bitch I am!” It sounded more like a dare than just a suggestion from her tone.
“That so, huh?” Naturally, I took the offer and clutched her face to make her look up again. Spitting down onto that gorgeous face to splatter her cheek as the saliva dripped to make her groan. Before she smirked again when I dared to do as she’d begged and spat this time into her long, usually stylish hair to make the spit get a little matted through her locks.
“Motherfucker!!” She hissed and reached up. Using her hand to smack her face where my spit had hit her just so she could smear it around. “Tell me you’ve got some fucking lube with you!” Mandy said with a lusty glare.

I responded more with my actions than words when I rushed off the bed and went to my travel bag to unzip it and haul out a bottle of sex lube from it. I raced back over to see that she was still on all fours to wait for me. “Give me that shit!” She demanded just as I’d opened up the bottle. Who was I to argue when I passed it over and she poured some out onto her fingers, so she could do the job of us both and push and finger right into her tight asshole to make herself groan. “SHIT! MMMM… It’s… Been a while…” She admitted and I could tell from her grunts that it was a snug, to say the least, fit to dip her digit in and out of her rear. No doubt a rarely offered up hole even for her fiance and with her level of sexual skill I imagined that very few men ever reached this point of the action to enjoy some anal from her.

“AHHHH! FUCK… MMMM…” She groaned and finger fucked herself while I sneaked in a brief break to enjoy the show with my cock still rock hard and ready for her. Snapped out of my thoughts when she tossed the bottle at me and I barely caught it. So I took a moment to lube my dick up while she finished off with the finger bang of her booty just to plant that hand on the bed. The other when between her legs to brush across her pussy in anticipation to match how she stared over her shoulder to watch me move in behind her and push my fat length into her stunning, tight and rounded backside. A vice-like grip that made us both groan as I got a whole new level of Toxic out of this stunner when she eagerly shifted back to push her plump rump against my dick. In return, I helped myself to reach down and grip her long hair to tug on her once again this time from the back to make her moan and still gaze back with the kind of look I bet she never even gave to her man before.

“AHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUCKKK!!” When Rose let out what loud and dirty moan of delight, I couldn’t tell if it was just from the anal sex, the hair pull, the spank I gave to her ass or just the entire combination of sensations. It all spurred her on to rock back and forth and push her gorgeous ass back against my cock to build up more of a sweat. Her hand between her legs brushed quickly against her snatch for a sure sign this wasn’t her first time in this kind of position. “FUCK! FUCK YES… FUCK THAT ASS! COME ON, MOTHERFUCKER! MMMMM! FUCK THAT ASS! UHHHH! GET FUCKING… MMMM! TOXIC WITH MY FUCKING ASS!” She demanded and still stared back to watch me tap her from behind. Her shifts against me did a fine job to make her ass ripple even before I slapped her rump again. An all too eager motion designed to help stuff my thick inches further into her rear and at this rate both of her lower holes would be left wickedly stretched out so she likely wouldn’t feel her man inside of her for well over a week.

I was spoiled for choice whether to just stare at her ass cheeks as they backed up towards me or at the look of lust across her sweat-coated features along with the loose strands of hair stuck to her face. My thrusts were firm and smooth to work my length deeply into her ass and match her movement so whenever she pushed her ass up and out towards me I worked in to slide my weapon in. Going as deep into this hole as I had with her mouth and snatch before I’d completed the tour and made sure that I’d gotten my money’s worth and then some. I still wasn’t done yet, even with how my chest heaved and the moisture dripped off of me. I gave her ass more firm pumps while I leaned over to give her more of that kink she’d loved before when I spat down onto her. The first dollop hit the small of her tanned back to make her groan before the next shot caught into her hair as I tugged on her to keep her head tilted. Even though her jolts back didn’t need any extra pulls from me, her moans showed she loved the thrill of pleasure and pain.

“OH FUCK YEAH! MMMMM! FUCKING GET TOXIC! FUCK! MMMM!!” She purred loudly as her free hand moved up and back to grab my wrist to encourage the hair pulls. The other set of digits stayed on her snatch to stroke away and leave juices down her thighs along with her wrist. Her plump cheeks finally began to smack into my waist as I deeply filled up her back passage in a way I bet her fiance couldn’t ever reach, not that I think he’d ever gotten a chance like this with her. “COME ON! GIVE IT TO ME! FUCK THAT ASS, MOTHERFUCKER! MMMM! MAKE ME FUCKING FEEL IT! FUCK!!” She still challenged me and leaned back and bit while she rocked on her knees. My hand now took hold of her wrist so I held that arm and used the other grip still on her hair while I thrust swiftly and stiffly into her rump. Her asshole was still vice-like around my length, as built to be fucked as the rest of her (and I’ve proven that with the rounds into her mouth and pussy I’d enjoyed before this just as pleasurable position).

With the hold on her hair and body, it was my turn to now pull her back and make her lean up while her ass was still pressed into my crotch. It allowed me to bring her until our faces were level just to tilt her head before I leaned in. She knew what was next when she opened her mouth wide and let me spit into her. A change of grip to let go of her hair just to cup her neck when she closed her lips to swallow my saliva. A deep moan left her when my next spit went onto her face before I started to drive into her ass from behind to make her jolt as her tits bounced and the clap of her cheeks rang out. Her eyes rolled back in delight as her free arm cupped around my head to crave this a lot more than a happily engaged woman should, and all while her other hand furiously worked over her pussy.

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” The former NXT Women’s Champion panted out in delight as she got bucked back and forth while I held her against my body and went to town on her ass. A piston-like motion to drill her and make her cheeks slap off me so that her rump would be left with a shade of pink to go with the handprint I’d left on her. “FUCK! AHHHHH! TOXIC… UHHHHH! TOXIC… MOTHERFUCKER!!” She hissed out and still clutched my head to crave more of this rough fun that a good many top porn stars might have second thoughts about trying to handle. She was built for it with a layer of sweat over her far worse than she’d ever had during any match in her former career and she sure took ‘bumps’ of a far more pleasurable kind here as my dick stayed buried into her rump.

“MMMMM! Not as Toxic… MMMM! As you are… You cheating, Toxic slut!” I growled into her ear. Whether it was that insult or another reminder of how she was fucking another man behind her future husband’s back, it managed to trigger her to groan and tilt her head against me as she shuddered on her knees. A sudden, hard but well-earned orgasm that left her fingers soaked so more juices dripped down her thighs onto the ruined bedsheets. Groans of delight left her as she licked her lips and took my pumps as I made sure to properly finish the job on her and bang her through that strong peak. A good thing that I clutched her arm and neck as when I pulled out of that now gaped asshole, she slumped a bit against me to show how well fucked she’d been even if she didn’t remember it was for a big old payday.

“C-Cum…” Mandy gasped when her eyes locked onto me after a minute to collect herself. “Cum… Cum all over my fucking face…” It was her turn to growl lustfully when she pushed me back. A slight crawl along the stained bed before she moved down to the floor to willingly get on her knees to stare up. Barely brushing back her hair as she watched me pump away at my dick that pulsed in my grip. “Yeah, you Toxic motherfucker! Fucking cum all over my dirty, cheating, fucking Toxic slutty face!” She begged with narrowed eyes for another filthy expression that would easily sell countless photoshoots for her ‘exclusive content’ site if she could pull off the look again just with a tad bit more clothing on than right now.

I didn’t need much more encouragement to unload onto a gorgeous former NXT and WWE Superstar. Thick ropes soon blasted out to make Rose groan in delight as her model face got plastered from cheeks to chin, nose to forehead and some stray shots caught into her long hair for good measure. She didn’t flinch for a moment as I pumped and milked out the spunk to stain her and even before I was finished she licked her lips to steal a taste of me. The cum slightly dripped from her face onto her tits when I let go but I wasn’t done just yet. A last moment to test how truly Toxic she was when I spat down onto her face for another wad to join the seed over her features. Making her smirk up at me before she opened her mouth up to dare me, and gladly I delivered another spit down into her. Just so she could top it off by scooping the dripped load from her tits and pop it into her oral hole to swallow the combination down with a satisfied gulp.

“Oh fuck yeah…” Mandy smirked and glanced down at her tits before back to me. “This is the kind of fucking Toxic relationship I could really get into…” She shamelessly said for all the praise I needed to hear about how well I’d just banged her.
“Better not tell your man about that…” I teased and admired the mess that I’d left on her face.
“I won’t if you won’t…” Rose stated and leaned back with her arms for a moment so she could recover. “I’m sure, you know, a Toxic motherfucker like you can get your silence bought, right?” She even added with a suggestive tone coupled with how she glanced at my dick.
“Oh, that sounds good. And speaking of buying…” I said and although it sounded like she’d forgotten about how this had all wound up happening, I moved over to get my jacket and pull out the wallet. “A little matter of payment, right?” I said when I walked back.

The look of shock across her face as after the glow of post-orgasm bliss had vanished, reality hit her like a wrestling move from her past career to remember the deal that had started this when I tossed down some more notes onto the bed. “O-Oh! Right! Yes, of course!” Mandy cleared her throat. “And well, I suppose you kept up your end of the bargain… You didn’t try and funny shit to film me, and, well, you didn’t disappoint me either.” She admitted while she used the bed to help herself to stand.
“Money well earned I’d say!” I stated the obvious. “And besides, it’s not like your man would ever believe me anyway, right?”
“You… You’re one real smart-ass, Toxic motherfucker aren’t you?” Mandy narrowed her eyes as she stepped forward towards me. “Inviting me over with some fake deal… Bribing me with a shit-load of cash… Then banging my fucking brains out so I cheat on my man…” She hissed and locked onto me with a stare.
“Guilty as charged!” I smiled back. “Any other glowing reviews for me?”

She paused and surprised me again with a little show that she still had some bit of her wrestling skills in her to trip me and make me fall back onto the bed. Her hands grabbed my mouth to make it open before she spat down into my mouth, and then shoved me back with a lusty glare. “I’ve still got your number from that card…” She remarked as indeed, unlike some women I’d screwed in the past she had my cell number. “Don’t go changing it any time soon.” She said as half of a threat along with some advice. But to show a Toxic side of herself, she promptly turned and walked out from the bedroom area to the bathroom with a firm slam of the door behind her and the turning of a lock. A rather impressive hit and run of sorts by the well fucked beauty that left a smile on my face when I swallowed down her saliva.

“Pleasure doing business with you, Miss Rose…” I said to myself before I picked myself up and moved over to open the cupboard in the room to pluck out a towel so I could wipe myself down. Since from the sounds of water being run on the other side of the bathroom door, Mandy was going to be busy freshening up in her own right. So I had plenty of time to wipe off, get dressed and make sure her money was left out in clear view. A Toxic departure for sure without any proper goodbye, and whether she would make good on her threat (or was it a promise?) for another good time in the future would remain to be seen.

All I knew was that I had done my job for the night and scored with another stunner from the pro wrestling world. So I was happy to leave behind the room key for her by her cash and exit the room with my travel bag. A straight route to the lift, downstairs and then out of the hotel completely with the room having been paid for earlier on. A simple cab ride took me across town to where I’d be staying for the night for a well-earned rest.

Another satisfying night that proved that Toxic or otherwise, some cold hard cash can always get a babe back into the action even if she’s ‘retired’!

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas either for any future stories/chapters to write, or for specific characters etc to feature in upcoming stories. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


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