Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 not following this rule is punishable by death. I imagine at least. I always love to hear some feedback as per usual so please feel free to leave me a comment in the thread!
Also, please don't post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I've had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don't want to bring it down again. Don't forget to add me on Discord too! My name on there is Swagatha Christie#2438.
Codes: MF, MMF, MFMF, Cons, Oral, Anal, Facial, DP, Creampie
Author's Note: So, while this isn't my first Christmas story, this is my first foursome/orgy, so that's fun! Because of this, I do feel like some of the smut is lacking somewhat, although plenty of my buddies on the IM services have said it looks fine so... Yaknow. Hope you all like it and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday period!
The smell of mulled wine and the sound of Hallmark Christmas movies were the backgrounds of the small, cozy Christmas cabin in the hills of Colorado. The scene outside of the window was beautiful, snow was lightly drifting down from the heavens. It was the sort of weather where you could take a photograph of it and you would be left with a picture-perfect image of a holiday card or just a beautiful computer desktop. Inside of the cabin though, there was a much more beautiful sight. On their knees and between two pairs of legs were some of the most notable, famous women on the planet.
Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez were both sliding their mouths up and down on the two thick, rock-hard cocks of their boyfriends. Both of them held onto the inside of their respective male's thighs but also held hands together as they sucked the cocks in front of them. The two men were moaning loud, loud enough to almost drown out the sound of the TV movie as the two women bobbed their heads up and down. The man on the left, Dylan, Selena’s boyfriend groaned in pleasure, his hand threading his fingers through the silky soft blonde hair of Taylor Swift. Lachlan however, Taylor’s boyfriend wasn’t groaning as loud but his eyes were locked on Selena’s eyes tight as she slurped up and down, making much more of a mess.
The two women were also in a state of undress, they had both opted for some variety of the ‘Sexy Christmas’ outfit, Taylor was the traditional Mrs. Claus outfit, a red with white trim bra and underwear but complimented with tall, knee-high boots. Selena however, was dressed in the far more ‘interesting’ choice of a sexy reindeer, another two-piece only it was brown, she had on stockings with a pair of black heels, she did however have on a headband of felt antlers and her nose and face had been painted with three whiskers on either side of her nose but the actual nose had been painted red. Taylor’s Mrs. Claus hat had been tossed onto the clear coffee table behind the two, but Selena’s headband was still on but was looking very lop-sided. It had almost fallen off of her head when she had gotten onto her knees but Lachlan had actually made the choice to keep it neatly knitted into her hair.
Selena’s deep, brown eyes were focused on Lachlan’s hazel, slightly golden ones as her mouth bobbed up and down. Spit slipped out of her mouth, running down to Lachlan’s heavy balls as she pressed her lips down and then opened them slightly. Moving her face all the way down, his dick hit the back of Selena’s throat, prompting a sudden gag from the woman before she moved her mouth all the way up and let his dick fall from her mouth with an audible popping noise. She beamed and leaned in, running her tongue from the base and all the way back up to the top. She moved her hand from the inside of Lachlan’s thighs and up to holding at his dick, running her tongue along the bottom of his fat monster of a cock. Tickling along the vein before reaching the head, she circled the tip before she moved her mouth right back down onto him.
Taylor’s mouth was working just as hard only in a little bit of a different rhythm. She was sliding her mouth up and down on Dylan’s cock, bobbing her head frantically but also her lips were practically screwed shut. She was fucking her best friend’s boyfriend's dick. She was throwing her face down and keeping her mouth so tight it was as if Dylan was fucking her tight ass, something she had always reserved for Lachlan. Her warm spit was pooling in her mouth and she was just bathing Dylan’s wider dick in her drool. Her fingers held onto Selena’s tightly, squeezing down on it as she looked over to her friend, and her boyfriend, as she worked on the man in front of her and Selena did the exact same thing.
The two women bobbed their heads up and down, almost in perfect sync with one another, the two held onto each other's hands all while they sucked on the cocks in front of them. The pair shared a look together and then back to the men they were giving oral to, both Taylor and Selena pushed their faces forward, forcing the two big dicks into their respective throats. Taylor’s bright red lips painted against Dylan’s lap as Selena did the same with Lachlan’s lap. The pair held themselves down until Selena was the first one to break and pulled her head up off of Lachlan’s cock. The big dick slipped from Selena’s mouth and the petite latina coughed at the more freeing movement. Taylor looked up to Lachlan and then back to Dylan before she brought her mouth up off of Selena’s boyfriend’s dick.
“I win!” Taylor beamed, a wicked grin on the Mrs. Claus in the room’s face.
“It’s not my fault.” Selena pouted, wiping at her mouth with the back of her hand. “My antlers got in the way.”
Taylor snorted but she went back to stroking at Dylan’s cock with her hand, the two women stopped holding hands with one another as they looked at each other and then at the spit-slick dicks they had been playing with.
“Okay, so what’s next?” Selena asked, stroking Lachlan’s cock before reaching down and cupping at the man’s heavy balls.
“We need to fuck!” Taylor said, grinning at the question. She looked over to Selena and then up to the guys, actually quite impressed that the cock in her hand had hardened again at just the simple suggestion. She climbed up off of her knees, Selena followed the blonde, and the two looked at the men who were sitting on the couch.
“Should we swap again?” Selena asked, wondering if the two pairs should get together or if they should carry on fucking with the other partner.
The clock had clicked over to midnight a couple of minutes ago and it was officially Taylor Swift’s thirty-third birthday. The inside of the cabin was decorated perfectly, the whole place looked incredible and even her cats seemed to approve. Though she had no idea where they were now, she was quite happy to not hear them screeching and ripping something apart. Holding onto Lachlan, her new Australian boyfriend, by the arm, Taylor beamed as they walked inside.
“Lachlan, this is gorgeous!” She said, eagerly reaching up and pecking him on the cheek as if to thank him. Though the two already had planned for that later on.
“I’m glad you like it. I did try my best.” The man said, grinning at the comment from his girlfriend.
“Sel! Isn’t this amazing?” Taylor parrotted again, looking over her shoulder to her friend who seemed equally as starstruck by it all. The cottage was the sort of stylish old architecture, it was a single floor but it had big, thick wooden beams along the ceiling that ran from side to side. The beams had ropes of string linked from one side to the other, Christmas cards hanging off of them to give it some extra design. There was a large Christmas tree propped up in the corner, it was impossibly gaudy as most trees were, big and green with pines all dropping off of the branches with every passing moment but it was filled with rolls of tinsel and baubles hung off of the branches and a bright golden star sat atop the tree.
“I cannot believe you did this yourself!” Selena said, a wide grin on her face as she looked around the house. “Dylan, it’s incredible isn’t it?”
Dylan, Selena’s boyfriend, was looking upon the place with an equal amount of amazement.
“I had no idea you had such stylish ideas!” He said, smirking at the man who simply flashed him the finger. Dylan simply chuckled at the action but he had to admit, the whole place really did look incredible. The pair had their suitcases inside of the place, though they were still sitting at the entrance way, lightly dusted with snow on top of them. Taylor turned to look at Selena, the two holding hands as they spun and admired every little nook and cranny on display for the two. Taylor was quick to grab at her phone though, hammering the central button and snapping what sounded like a hundred photographs for a minute. She hit another button and the two pop starlets took a photo together in a cutesy selfie together, before they beckoned the men to come in. Another several clicks before Selena did the same. It was all very sweet and for every photo, every single person in the frame was grinning from ear to ear.
Taylor’s hands came up and clasped over her heart, looking at every little bit, studying it with wide, open eyes. She then clicked her fingers as if she had forgotten something though.
“Oh! Selena! We don’t look nearly as cute as this!” Taylor said with a giggle, linking her arm in Selena’s.
“I would say you do.” Lachlan said, arguing the point for his girlfriend. Dylan agreed, making the point for his girlfriend looking just as good, prompting the latina to giggle.
“Oh of course you would do. You get to see me naked.” Taylor said with a wide grin, matching her friend in a giggle. She snapped her fingers as if suddenly remembering something. “Oh! Didn’t we pack something?” She asked, turning to look at Selena.
“Ohhhhh we did! Let’s go check it out!” Selena said, almost instantly getting to what Taylor was suggesting. “Let’s go!”
The pair darted past their respective boyfriends and hurried to grab at their cases, pulling the handles out so that they could roll the large suitcases with them. The men tried to argue about letting them carry them but they were waved away from the offer. Lachlan and Dylan looked at each other before shrugging.
“Want to get a drink?” Lachlan asked, nodding towards the couch.
“Sure! I’ll see what’s on the TV.” Dylan responded, walking over to grab at the remote and he clicked at the power button, bringing up a colourful, wide screen TV.
Lachlan had actually prepped the kitchen with a nice selection of wines, with meat and cheeses sitting in the fridge, waiting to be devoured by what was supposed to be just him and his girlfriend. When it had come out that Selena and Dylan would be coming with her, Lachlan hadn’t minded it, he was just worried that he would need to get more stuff. With that, he poured four glasses of mulled wine, keeping the bottle on the tray and then balancing the whole tray. The man walked back into the room, seeing that Dylan had settled on one of those cheesy Christmas movies. Dylan looked at the man and simply shrugged his shoulders.
“What? I like them.”
Lachlan didn’t really say anything though, he placed the tray down on the fancy, clear coffee table in front of the couch they were sitting on and he took hold of his first glass of wine to taste the red alcohol.
“Damn… Man, I wish we had the older vintage.” Lachlan said, chuckling at the taste. “Still damned good though.” He said, nodding his head.
“A wine connoisseur and an incredible interior decorator. You really are an everyman huh?” Dylan teased, grabbing another of the glasses of wine. He took a mouthful and then he had to offer a sigh in agreement. “That is damned good.”
The men laughed together, looking at the booze and then over to the TV screen. The Hallmark movie was terribly cheesy and so by-the-numbers but that was pretty much what they were there for. As they watched the bog standard city woman home for the holidays and running into an old flame, their gazes were suddenly distracted by the sound of the two women rejoining the party. They had changed into their sexy costumes and were both beaming from ear to ear, grinning at the two men who were mouths agape.
“You’ve both been on the nice list this year.” Taylor said, sticking her tongue out at her boyfriend. The two walked over to the men, and climbed onto the laps of their respective men. Selena wrapped her arm around Dylan’s neck while Taylor simply shuffled onto Lachlan’s lap, fidgeting, and grinding, until she got herself comfy. The two women picked up their glasses of mulled wine and they both made an approving sound. The conversation between the couples picked up, many mirth and laughter had been shared before the conversation started to change.
“And that was pretty much the wildest thing I’d ever done.” Selena said between giggles, pouring herself another glass of wine.
“I can’t believe it.” Dylan said, laughing out loud as his girlfriend laughed about the sexual escapade.
“I can.” Taylor said, giggling as much as her friend had done.
“Is that something you’re into?” Lachlan asked, looking over to Taylor who had rearranged herself so she was kneeling on the floor. Taylor spun the glass of wine around slowly, as if thinking on the question before she shook her head.
“No. I’m not so much into the whole public thing, although… Well… Sort of.”
“Sort of?” Selena asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.
“Well, I mean, I think I could be into it? But the most I’ve ever really thought of is have sex with someone else in the room, you know?”
“We’re in the room!” Dylan said with a laugh, prompting a slap on the shoulder from Selena who was giggling as much as Taylor was.
“We couldn’t leave you out though!” Lachlan said, finishing off his glass of wine.
“No. No, I suppose we couldn’t.” Taylor said, tilting her head from side to side slightly. She looked over to Selena and then simply shrugged her shoulders. “I mean, if you wanted to?”
Selena smiled wide and looked over to Dylan, she could already feel him getting hard and she knew he was into the idea.
And now, the pair were on their knees in front of the other one’s man. Stroking and touching at the split-slick cock and balls, Taylor tilted her head slightly before shaking her head.
“No. I want to see you take Lachlan’s dick and I want to take this monster too.” She added, squeezing down on Dylan’s dick gently. The two women, and the men, agreed with wide grins on their faces.
“Doggy.” Dylan managed to breath out, leaning back so he could watch the blonde woman stroke his dick.
“What do you think Lachlan? You want to fuck Selena doggy style?” Taylor said, leaning in and spitting against the heavy balls, rolling them around her fingers.
“That… That sounds great.” Lachlan agreed, watching Selena jerk him up and down. The two women nodded their heads and left the two dicks alone, they stood up and both of them slide the shorts of Selena’s outfit and the underwear of Taylor’s Mrs. Claus outfit down. The women’s underwear were tossed towards each other, the pair giggling but still ready to go for their boyfriends. The girls stood up and then rearranged themselves, turning around and then getting on their knees in front of their men, who had also shifted their positions, standing up off of the couch and dropping to their knees behind the other man’s girlfriend. Selena’s ass was nicer than Taylor’s, the two had agreed on that earlier in their friendship and as they had matured, they had agreed it was the case even more. Lachlan nudged his way forward, having to hustle on his knees as he took hold of her by the thighs, making the black haired woman giggle in delight, rolling her hips up and down against the man as Dylan moved down behind Taylor and he took hold of her by her hips.
The men lacked any real form of sync with each other but the two of them pushed inside of the women and brought out two long moans of the women. Then though, the pair moved together in perfect sync, moaning just as loud as the two women had done. Dylan was the first one to break, pulling his hips backwards and pushing inside of Taylor, which only made the blonde woman cry out in pleasure, pushing her hips to smack her hips against his waist. Selena had rolled her hips around on Lachlan’s waist, and as his big, thick dick split her open, she could only groan in delight and let him work on her. Her hands were digging in deep into the carpet, matching Taylor’s equally hard grasp, the two women were already enjoying themselves but as the men started to build up the rhythm in fucking them from behind, they both started to moan louder.
Taylor’s cheeks were clapping with each push inside of her, and as Dylan held onto her by her hips, he started to work out a good direction of how he should enter her. Pushing himself backwards and forwards, he angled his long dick inside her and aimed it towards the top of Taylor’s pussy for her but he was moving at a downwards angle, sliding in and out of her with a different penetration was difficult for the man but with how she was moaning and panting for him, he knew that he was hitting the right spots. Pushing himself in and out, his hips hit her rear with a loud clap and that seemed to even drag more of a noise out of her. Dylan smiled at every single noise coming out of the woman, it was letting him know that he was doing a good job. Just like how Selena was moaning for Lachlan, next to him.
Lachlan had a hold of Selena by the thighs, his fingers sitting just above the top of her stockings though he then moved his fingers down towards the lingerie, slipping inside of the material so that his fingers were trapped between the silky fabric but also her hot, toned skin. Lachlan hadn’t decided to try and hit Selena’s sweeter spots, instead he was just hammering her forwards, rocking her on her knees. His dick was a bit bigger than normal, or so Taylor had teased him. He always thought that that was so that he would just fuck her harder. Not that he had an issue with that either. Holding onto her by the thighs and stockings, Lachlan started to push into her, rocking her backwards and forwards on her knees. She looked over to Taylor who had the same look of bliss on her face as the two women were fucked together.
As the men rocked backwards and forwards, fucking their respective women, all of them were moaning nice and loud. Clearly with each push and shove inside of the women, the noises were that of sheer pleasure. The two women were being rocked backwards and forwards, the sound of flesh hitting flesh mixed with the moans and cries of pleasure from two of the most famous women on the planet was enough to make any man hard but actually being balls deep inside one of them, it was an entirely different experience. Taylor was already in the throes of pleasure and Dylan was holding onto her by her waist but rather than pushing himself forwards, he was slamming her backwards. The feeling of just how tight Taylor Swift was wrapped around him was almost enough to send him over the edge right away. Her blonde hair was shaking with each pull backwards and each time she was pulled backwards and his dick was buried inside of her, she let her head rock backwards a little bit and the blonde hair shook almost as if it was encouraging him to keep going.
Lachlan held onto Selena tight, keeping hold on her thighs and having the stockings over his hands hold him in place he was almost out of options on what to use them for. He could have just slipped his fingers out of the lingerie on her legs, but the feeling of the fabric sandwiching his fingers and her hot skin on the other side was enough to make the man go wild with pleasure. Pushing himself in and out, he made sure to keep going, sliding into her and just stretching her out while he held onto her. His hips started to beat against her fat ass and it was enough for him to pull his hand from her left leg, the stockings dropping back to her skin as Lachlan grabbed a hold of her ass. Squeezing down on the cheek, he slapped at it as she squealed at the touch, making the latina tighten down on him almost in perfect time for him pushing inside of her.
The two women, and the two men, were all in the throes of pleasure and while the women’s orgasm was building up, the men were so much closer. Having already gone through two tremendous blowjobs, the fact that they were fucking each others girlfriends who were enjoying themselves just as much seemed to encourage them to keep going. Lachlan’s dick continued to stretch Selena out while Dylan was pulling Taylor back onto him, making the blonde’s back arch while Dylan made sure to keep hitting the same sweet spot inside of her. As they pushed in and out, or pulled the woman backwards, Dylan growled in pleasure and before he could even offer a warning, his orgasm erupted. Firing some ropes inside of Taylor’s pussy, the blonde woman squealed in pleasure at the feeling of warm cum hitting inside her, Taylor cried out in pleasure and she came as well. She slapped against the floor, riding out her orgasm with an incredibly high pitched moan.
Selena’s own slit had been clamped down against Lachlan’s dick, it was bigger than she was used to, while it was close in size to Dylan’s, it was just a little bit fatter and longer. Selena was almost pushed forward by the raw power of the man who was hitting her from behind, her whole body was being rocked backwards and forwards and Lachlan kept going. Shoving himself inside of her, he pushed his body into her and her fat ass sounded so good slapping against his strong waist. Forcing his big dick inside of her, he leaned forward slightly, his hand reaching underneath her with his hand that he had freed earlier to grab at her chest serving as almost some sort of stability. Pushing himself into her, Lachlan braced as Selena let out a loud squeal and then her pussy clamped down on his big dick, her orgasm ripping all over him and she actually fell forward, her face dropping into the plush fluffy rug in front of the latina woman. As Lachlan rammed his hips forward, he grunted before he pulled backward and managed to slip out of her, just in time to fire his own orgasm all over the back of the woman.
The two men fell back on their heels, looking at the incredible women in front of them as both Selena and Taylor climbed up to a kneeling position. Selena reached behind her back and blindly scooped at the hot, sticky cum that had been fired over her back. Taylor slowly moved up as well, looking over her shoulder towards Lachlan and then back to Dylan, the two men had a thin sheet of sweat over their bodies and the women were close to it as well. Though they were much more used to such hard physical activity together with their dancing together and in general moves for their live performances. The blonde woman helped clean her friend’s back up, feeding the latina before she tasted her boyfriend’s cum herself.
“I hope you boys aren’t done?” Selena asked, turning to look at the two men, her boyfriend and then to Lachlan. The pair of boys were both already hard and that made the two women giggle.
“Okay, let’s go.” Taylor said, rearranging herself so that she was in more of a traditional missionary style, propping herself up on her elbows and looking up at the two men. Selena mimicked the motion, moving around so that she was playfully even lying on top of Taylor’s stomach, the two women forming an X style pattern. “Lachlan, come give it to me”
The man was all too eager, moving around and getting onto his knees before his girlfriend, he was ready to move inside of her before he got too soft but he noticed that she was leaking Dylan’s creampie out of her.
“Oh man… Sloppy seconds.” He complained, looking down at his beautiful girlfriend’s entrance.
“Really? You want me to go clean up?” Taylor teased, taunting her boyfriend who seemed to weigh his options for a moment before shaking his head.
“No! No, that’s good.” Lachlan said, moving forward and pushing his dick inside of his girlfriend with one push. His dick slipped back inside of Taylor, he moved through the creampie and while he would’ve grimaced in any other situation, he found that he actually didn’t mind. His hands held onto her hips in the way he knew she liked and he easily slid inside of her, making the blonde coo in pleasure, and slip upwards, although she was somewhat weighed down by the Latina on top of her.
Selena was looking up at Dylan, biting down on her bottom lip as she watched her boyfriend, the man she loved, push his dick against her entrance before he slipped all the way inside with a single thrust, making the woman dressed as a sexy Rudolph arch upwards and making her moan out loud. The sexy Mrs. Claus underneath the Latina cried out as well, the pair had settled into the sensation of having their boyfriend’s cocks back inside of them, and with how they were panting and moaning, it seemed like they were already riding the high closer to what was expected. As Dylan started to slide in and out, Selena was crying out in pleasure, her long, toned legs coming up to wrap around his legs, keeping him locked deep inside of her. He was staring into her eyes as he pushed in and out, her breasts were bouncing with each push inside of her. Dylan reached up and tugged the bra top down towards her stomach, her bare breasts spilling into the room and showing off her nice, hard nipples.
As Selena was undressed, Taylor reached behind her body and loosened the zip, reaching it down and throwing the top away so both of the women were topless. Taylor still had her mini skirt and boots on, just like Selena’s heels and stockings. Though the more petite Latina was still wearing her headband with antlers though with every push inside of her, Selena’s hair and head shook, the antlers were waving from side to side before they fell away completely. Taylor laughed as the felt accessory hit her in the face but the blonde was able to take hold of them and threw it over towards where the blonde’s Santa hat was sitting in the corner, close to the Christmas tree.
The men were pushing in and out of them, hungrily sliding forwards and then backward, pistoning in and out of the two pop starlets. The two women blindly grabbed behind them, holding onto the other one's hand all while they both got bounced backward and forwards, being heavily dicked by their respective boyfriends. The men were eagerly pounding them both, both of their eyes locked on the bouncing tits, not only their respective girlfriends but also the other woman involved in the X pattern. Lachlan was the first to try something new, reaching over Dylan’s arm, he took a hold of Selena’s bouncing breast, rubbing his thumb over her nipple before squeezing her breast. Palming Selena’s tit, he watched as Taylor looked over to Dylan and then placed Selena’s boyfriend’s hand on her own tit. It seemed to make the two men very happy with the different feel and as they pumped inside of the women, they both were already familiar with how their respective girlfriend’s pussy felt but fucking them side-by-side with another man was just a different experience altogether.
The pair were fucking their girlfriends harder and harder, their first orgasm had helped them deal with their refractory period and as soon as they had entered inside of them it was like giving them a second life. Now though, as they caressed the other woman’s breasts as well as pushed inside of their respective women. It truly was something like out of a porn movie and neither man could believe the luck. The two women, almost in perfect sync with each other, arched up off of the floor, or the stomach of her friend, and climaxed again, cumming hard over their dicks. As the women climaxed, the two men held onto the breasts and part of the body that they had been holding onto firmly before they slowly pulled their hips back and let their dicks fall from their pussy’s.
“Fuck…” Selena managed to breathe, giggling as Taylor grinned and looked over to her, nodding her head in agreement. The Latina slowly lifted herself up, sweaty, just like Taylor, and spun around so that she was effectively in the middle of the two men. Taylor shifted over and wrapped her arm around Selena’s shoulders, her forearm was just a little bit over Selena’s chest as the two men moved up to their hands and knees, the pair of men and women looking into their respective women’s eyes.
“Okay… So, we were thinking of two more positions.” Taylor said, a wicked grin on her face as she let go of Selena. “What we were thinking is that I want is to see you two big, big boys both go inside Selena at the same time.”
“Okay! Sure!” Lachlan and Dylan were both quick to agree right away, Selena laughed and shrugged her shoulders. Climbing up to her feet, Selena walked over to Dylan, her boyfriend, and stroked his chest.
“You are getting my ass though.”
That comment was enough for both of the men, neither of them had any real issue with it and they were all happy to go along with it. But, as they moved for what they had assumed would be with Selena on her knees, she actually wagged her finger in a no fashion. She climbed up and then the two men followed, Taylor was the last one but she was just as eager. Selena stood between the two men, her hands stroking them both, the two dicks slick with not only their spit but also the two pop star’s cum too. She jerked both of her hands up and down slightly before she slipped around so she sandwiched between the guys. Both men almost instantly reached over to her and took hold of the petite woman and they settled into the idea that she was leading them. Dylan was holding onto her by the bottom of her thighs and as he hoisted her up into the air, she quickly wrapped her left arm around the shoulderblades of Lachlan and her right arm went around Dylan’s.
Lachlan leaned down between Selena’s legs and pushed his big dick against her pussy, slipping inside of her and making the Latina cry out in pleasure. As her back arched, Dylan kept hold of Selena’s legs with Lachlan helping to share the light load of the pop star. With his free hand, Dylan pushed between her ass cheeks, and with relative ease, he pushed his dick forward and slipped right back inside of Selena’s asshole, doubly filling the Latina up and making her cry out even more. As they both moved inside of her, the two men paused briefly, looking at their respective sides of Selena before she started to roll her hips around in place. She was clearly getting used to it, her fingers knitted themselves into the bottom of Dylan’s hair, using the shaggy hair almost as a handle for her. Her boyfriend didn’t mind so much though, she could scratch during their time between the sheets but it was never aggressive and more as a means to express just how much pleasure she was in. Dylan could see the side of her face, her eyes were screwed shut tight and her mouth was open as she was doubly filled by the two big dicks. Her back arched up in their grasp and she then pushed her ass backward toward Dylan, encouraging him to start to fuck her.
The two men held onto her, their hands holding on firmly to the bottom of her thighs, studying her face but the way that she was moving on them gave them all the hints they needed to keep going. Dylan rocked his hips backward and forward, his dick starting to slowly stretch inside of her rear and he could practically feel the sensation of Lachlan’s dick inside of his girlfriend’s pussy. His eyes drifted over from the side of Selena’s face and the two men made eye contact and a sly smirk was shared between the two men. Dylan watched as Lachlan pulled his hips back and then pushed his hips forward, and just as Lachlan pushed forward, Dylan moved backward, slowly pushing his dick inside of her as the pressure that had been inside of her pussy was relieved slightly.
With each push inside of her, it brought out a different noise from the woman, when Lachlan pushed all of his dick inside her, Selena would moan and when Dylan slid all the way inside, she would squeal in delight. The sounds were a lovely encouragement for the men and they kept going, looking to draw more of the noises out of the beautiful Latina. With their dicks pushing in and out of her, Selena could already feel another orgasm creeping up on her. She knew that her previous orgasm was already rushing down Lachlan’s dick, further coating his dick in her juices and she could only imagine what that must have felt like for him. The two men were in a simple, but effective, rhythm together.
As the men doubly fucked Selena Gomez, one of Taylor Swift’s best friends, the blonde had been busy. She had not only been watching them, but she had grabbed the bottle of wine that Lachlan had brought in and it was now nudged between her legs, settling in neatly in her dripping wet entrance. She watched as Lachlan started to push his way forward, seesawing with Dylan, making Selena’s boyfriend pull back, then Dylan pushed forward and Lachlan moved backward. Using the slow, and steady rhythm together, the men were starting to use the Latina popstar’s body for their own pleasure but it made everyone involved in the double penetration scene moan and groan in pleasure and as the blonde watched her friend, and the two men fuck her, she started to take a firm hold of the bottle of wine inside of her and she started to slowly pull it backward and forwards, fucking herself with the new toy she had created.
Lachlan pushed himself forward and it made Selena moan right into his ear. The ideas of what had happened so far were something out of the men’s wildest dreams, it had started with the blowjobs and it just kept rolling on and on. Fucking his way inside Selena Gomez and keeping hold of her strong, toned thigh, the man reached up and took hold of her right breast, squeezing it gently and teasing the nipple, while he could see Dylan do the exact same thing with Selena’s left breast. The pair started to fuck up into both of her holes as they held onto her thighs and also toyed with her breasts, the tits were bouncing up and down and the woman he was sandwiching was starting to bounce just as much. She was already getting higher in the octaves with each push the men made inside of her and as Lachlan hit one particular sweet spot, Selena actually screamed out in pleasure and both of her holes clamped down tight around the two dicks. It drew out a long, shared groan between the two men, but they didn’t stop fucking her. Shoving themselves inside of her one more time, her body trembled and she screamed again, her whole body practically exploded as she came again. The two men shoved themselves inside of her together with one big push, filling both of the popstar’s holes and as they filled her up, the woman on the couch suddenly made an announcement.
Taylor pulled the bottle of wine down from her wet slit, tossing the bottle to the side, a small trickle of the red alcohol mixed with her delicious pussy’s juices washing out onto the carpet. The men hadn’t even heard that Taylor had been fucking herself with the bottle of wine and that she had come all over it as well. With them buried inside the Latina, the men looked over to the blonde who slowly wriggled herself up onto the couch. Her legs were left spread and a thin sheen of sweat was painted on her body but she was still taking in deep, full breaths of air as she tried to settle down.
“We need one more position,” Taylor said, taking slow breaths and running her fingers through her now messy blonde hair. She managed to find her feet and slightly wobbled over to the Christmas tree, bending over at the waist, though steadying herself by planting her hand on the wall. She reached down and grabbed at the antlers and her own Mrs. Claus hat, rearranging it so that it had a decent grip on her head, she then looked over to Selena who had copied the motion, adding the antlers to her head and keeping it snug for the next position. Taylor walked over and planted a kiss on Selena’s lips, hungrily devouring the Latina’s lips before she broke the kiss and placed her hands on the two men’s chests. “Let’s go.” She added, looking to the men before leaning past Selena and shoving her lips on Lachlan’s.
Slowly, the two men pulled out from the petite popstar and their two dicks stood firmly, bobbing slightly from being removed from the tight holes. Selena, now relieved of the dicks in her pussy and ass was also just as wobbly on her feet as Taylor was, the two women managed to both collapse on the couch but the two women, legs spread, watched as the men walked towards the couch.
“Sit down.” Taylor said, tapping the cushion next to her with Selena mimicking the motion. The men obliged, climbing onto the couch next to their respective women. With them seated, the women looked over to each other and then down at the rock-hard cocks, moving over onto the laps of the men. The two women reached down and slipped the cocks inside of them, both of them sliding all the way in and hitting all of those sweet spots. The women cooed in pleasure and they leaned forward, their arms resting on their boyfriend’s shoulders. Taylor and Selena started to slide up and down, their asses slapping against the thighs of their man and the two were already crying out in pleasure. Their cunts were tight, squeezing down on the men even with their orgasms over both of their dicks, the spit from the blowjobs had since dissipated but the added orgasmic fluids over their dicks were more than enough to lubricate the riding.
As they slammed down onto the dicks, Taylor seemed to be going just a little bit faster though Selena was doing a different style by grinding her hips around before lifting her ass up and slapping it down. The men were both groaning in pleasure, Lachlan’s hands on Taylor’s waist with Dylan holding onto Selena’s thighs and encouraging the two women to go on them. The women were both moaning in delight, the two had their heads thrown back and their boyfriends were mauling not only their necks but the breasts in front of them as well, Selena frantically claimed Dylan’s lips and Taylor was just squealing in pleasure while she slammed her hips up and down. The women went faster and faster and then slowed down before throwing themselves up and down again. Their hips smacking against their boyfriend's thighs mixed with the moans from the four people in the house with the sound of lips smacking against skin tangled together as a symphony of pleasure between them all.
As the large dicks pushed inside the tight holes, the women were throwing themselves back just as quickly but with each pushup, it felt like the women were pushing back quicker. Taylor’s hair tickled the bottom of her spine, her head back and staring up at the ceiling of the room while Selena had her head forward, her black hair draped over her shoulders and her mouth squealing against the ear of the Latina’s boyfriend. Dylan growled as she was moaning, his hands running up and down her spine, his lips kissing and biting against the neck of his girlfriend. The woman was moaning in appreciation, her hands continued to knit inside of his hair with her other hand on his shoulder.
Taylor had her chest pushed forward, her hands planted on the knees of her man as she slid up and down. The sound of them both moaning so loud was mirrored by the couple to the left of them, her body slammed down and she started to grind on him but as she did so, her body tensed and she shivered on the spot before her eyes flashed open, her eyelids fluttering and then her pussy exploded. A mini, tiny orgasm rushed through her veins and she had cum over her boyfriend’s dick. Lachlan kept going, lifting himself up off of the couch, their position not changing but Taylor was a bit shakier with her position. He kept going though, pushing inside of her and pushing her through her mini-orgasm. It was strange that as soon as he took over the rhythm, her pussy trembled again and the blonde had another orgasm. Her boyfriend had seen her do this at least a couple of times in their relationship, it was nothing new to him, but it did give him a very smug sense of satisfaction in giving her a lot more orgasms compared to him.
Selena turned her head to look over to the men next to her, a wide grin on her face.
“Lucky bitch.” She said with a wicked smirk as Taylor seemed to just ignore her as she rode through her orgasm. But, just as Selena managed to cry out her compliment, she had her own mini orgasm strike. The woman’s body tensed and tremored, her nipples were rock hard and just begging for attention but they were neglected as the woman exploded all over her man. The two women were both frantically grinding on and getting fucked by their boyfriends and as they slipped inside of their respective women, they could feel their orgasms building up.
Selena was the first one to notice Dylan’s slightly more erratic thrusting and she smiled, kissing her man and nodding her head.
“It’s okay. If you need to cum, you can do it.”
“Wait! Together! Taylor cried out, her orgasms starting to settle down, gently. Selena looked over to Taylor and nodded her head, grinning. She reached over and took hold of Taylor by the hand, they both climbed up off of their boyfriend’s laps and got down on their knees in front of the couch. Facing each other the blonde and black-haired beauties started to kiss, this time much more ferociously, their mouths open slightly so that the men could see their tongues wrapping over each other and sucking on it. As they kissed, their boyfriends quickly got the picture and climbed up, each of them standing on either side of the hungrily kissing women. The men stroked their dicks, jerking up and down, and aimed them at the women, as they got themselves off, the popstar’s boyfriends shivered in pleasure and they started to explode. The first strand hit the side of Taylor’s face while Dylan’s hit Selena on the face, Lachlan’s next rope hit the two tongues together as Dylan came on Selena’s cheek. Another rope landed on Taylor’s forehead before one final one hit Selena’s cheek, doubly painting the same rope he had first fired.
Finally spent, the men staggered backward before taking a deep breath, recovering. As they watched the women clean the other one, they grinned at the sight of them.
“Merry fucking Christmas.” Dylan managed to mutter, prompting a series of laughs from everyone, including Dylan, in the room.