Here's your question for the night (Courtesy of Timelessly_So, thanks!): Which celeb do you think is most misunderstood by celeb erotica writers and/or frequently written in a way that is not true to their real personality?
Hmmm, this is a great question, the thing is that we don't really know a celebs real personality, just what they feed us, so an erotica writer might actually be getting closer to the truth or they might be as far away as you can get, we won't know until long after whenever they were at the height of their fame.
If we base it on the image they project then I'm not really sure I can answer that question because I tend to now really follow celebs in that manner (IE Following their social media), I mainly look for stuff on gossip sites and the like.
Through those channels, you find a lot of fascinating stuff.
Jennifer Lopez and Nicki Minaj, for example, are two celebs that I don't think I've heard a single good thing about on a personal level, so they tend to be more even keeled and kinder than what people have said, but those rumors usually come with agendas.
Ultimately, I'm not really sure I feel comfortable answering this because I'm realizing, as I write this, just how little I focus on the "official" image they project.
I'm eager to see everyone's answer to this one.