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Author Topic: Extreme1's question of the night  (Read 49456 times)


Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2340 on: March 27, 2025, 04:09:54 AM »
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check in!
How did March go for you?
Did you accomplish whatever goals you set out for yourself?


Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2341 on: March 27, 2025, 01:53:29 PM »
March was good for me I haven't got my fiance out of the hospital like I had planned but that wasn't my fault I'm working on it

Writing was hit and miss I got a few things done between doctor visits but the crazy weather didn't help
The following users thanked this post: extreme1


Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2342 on: March 28, 2025, 04:54:19 AM »
Here's your question for the night (From Vile, thanks!): You are accused of a serious crime that could put you in prison.  The judge decrees you must seek the help of a Hollywood starlet as your legal counsel. Who do you think would do the best job defending you in a courtroom?
I'm going with Stephanie March, she played a lawyer on Law and Order for long enough that something had to have rubbed off on her!


Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2343 on: March 28, 2025, 08:49:34 AM »
Hmmm a female celeb that could get me off in a court room? Let's see of all the celebs that have landed in court or done roles where they are in a court room I would have to go with Shakira given her legal battles over the years I'm sure she would do a great job helping me out plus she would have to dress nice so the look would be really great from the back for any fans sitting in the room
The following users thanked this post: extreme1


Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2344 on: March 29, 2025, 04:22:39 AM »
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I dunno, probably gonna be the usual of writing and catching up on wrestling that I've missed.


Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2345 on: March 29, 2025, 10:34:51 PM »
I'm going to spend time with my fiance as best I can if I run across some good material I can use in a project I'll put together a few sex scenes that should complete a few things

I'm also working out an orgy scene I have a few things in place but the sequence is wrong I'll try to write it 3 different ways and see which one works best
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Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2346 on: March 30, 2025, 04:43:15 AM »
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so have fun talking about whatever!


Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2347 on: March 30, 2025, 06:54:29 PM »
For my open space item I had this question of what 2 celebs aren't sisters but you really wish they were just for kicks?

For my version I'd always thought Florence Pugh and Hailee Stienfeld would make a good older/younger sister pairing

I'm sure other celebs would fit this lets see who we get from other authors no wrong answers here
The following users thanked this post: extreme1


Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Reply #2348 on: Today at 04:31:20 AM »
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Hopefully I can be productive this week, got quite a bit on my plate.


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