Definitely Miami Ch. 3
Starring: Kelly Brook
Themes: Big Tits, Virgin/First Time, Cougar, Romance, Comedy, Dirty Talk
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.
This story was written for my friend Galva82 as a
Patreon request. All of the Definitely Miami series are his ideas and I am grateful to write them for him. If you would like to read the previous chapters, here they are:
Ch. 1 and
Ch. 2.

Miami, FloridaThe winter sun washed away the cool breeze that came within the morning hours. By the time the sun rose, the icy frost had melted from the palm trees and grass outside. Cold weather in southern Florida was a far cry from what Kelly Brook experienced back home in England. This was her first trip to Miami to begin the new year with a fresh start. The forty-three year-old glamour model carried herself with a sense of pride in a single life away from home. She planned another trip after Christmas, ready to soak in the hot Florida sun and to spend nights away from her home. Sometimes, one needed a break from everyday life to refresh their mind. She had arrived on a Sunday and quickly booked a reservation at a five-star luxury hotel Downtown. Since this was not her first time in Miami, she had no desire to hit the usual hot spots for tourists.
Memories of her last vacation were still fresh in Kelly's mind. She found herself thinking about Captain Julian and his friend Adrian within hours of stepping off the plane in Miami. It was hard for her to forget a threesome since they came along so rarely by this point in her life. When she could see the open waters in the distance and saw boats, Kelly thought of Julian. It was easy for her to guess that he may be out on his private yacht alongside his friend. Any time she traveled to the States, Kelly had to take a nap and adjust herself to a different time zone. Jet lag was always an issue, as she could recall the many restless nights from years past. Better still, she found herself climbing aboard the same yacht from her last trip in a deep slumber. The strange dream had made her awaken in a cold sweat, leaving her to wonder if there was a reason she could not get the two men out of her head.
After one day of resting, Kelly decided to call her old friend Lori to inform her that she was back in Florida. She had recently turned forty-nine years of age. That was something the older woman had to remind her friend since Kelly was back home in time for her birthday. Lori had moved to the States after retiring from the glamour industry. She still had many connections back in England with trusted photographers and managers. Since moving to another country, she claimed to have met new photographers and agents who worked for fashion magazines. None of this interested Kelly since she had already made enough money to live comfortably back in the golden age of glamour modeling. One thing that always did spark Kelly's curiosity was the question of why Lori would leave London for a place like Miami.
Lori always gave the excuse that she planned on leaving England after retirement. That was not always the case, since Kelly could recall Lori living in London over ten years ago with her family and having no desire to leave. Lori had divorced her husband several years ago, and now her son had grown into a man at the age of twenty-one. Kelly had heard all about young Daniel through the years, but she had never met him. Lori demanded that Kelly visit her after telling her over the phone that she was home all week with her son. There was much they had to talk about since Kelly wanted to spill the beans about her affair with Julian and Adrian to her one friend who had hooked her up with them. By the time the afternoon hours had come, Kelly had called a taxi to escort her across town into Coconut Grove. She brought nothing with her except a purse that contained her phone and some spare money in case she wanted to stop at a store later.
Lori had bought a luxury home in Coconut Grove. Five bedrooms and five bathrooms were more than enough for her family home, but Lori only shared the estate with her son and a butler. Kelly arrived dressed in a casual outfit made up of a purple blouse and black mini skirt. Her high heels were white, sticking out from the rest of the outfit, but she did not care. Her long brunette hair was fixed up, revealing small diamond ear rings. She stepped out of the taxi, clutching her purse, before she was greeted at the front gate by the butler. Beyond the gray walls and gate was a home that resembled a European villa to Kelly's eyes. Her old friend awaited her inside. A day of reminiscing was in store for both of them, as Kelly could easily guess Lori would want to talk about the memories they shared together. Other than tales of the old days, Kelly had much to talk about regarding the captain and his first mate.
The good captain was Lori's nickname for Julian. A smile ran across her lips as she sat back in a chair and thought of the young man. Lori had deep blue eyes, a slim body, and dark hair that was beginning to show a touch of gray. She joked that Kelly was aging like wine while she did not have the same luck. That remark was enough to make the model blush before grinning smugly. The two friends laughed together before stepping outside to the backyard, where Lori wanted to show off her garden. A sprinkler sprayed water in all directions while moving in a counter-clockwise rotation. The sun would have blinded them if not for the row of palm trees against the house. Lori's home had a nice oceanside view and a port for a small boat. The deck was unoccupied, leaving Kelly to joke about the good captain making a visit. Lori laughed before changing the subject.
"I had my fun with him once. I believe you may have had a little too much fun with him for your own sake."
Kelly smirked. Rays of sunlight split from the palm tree above, illuminating half of her face and hair in a pattern. Lori took one look at her friend before turning to gaze at the open ocean. The sound of seagulls and water waves could be heard in the distance.
"This is a nice view. No wonder you don't want to go back home."
Lori chuckled before she replied.
"It's nice until the summer, when we get pelted with storms. Maybe we'll get a lucky break this year."
Her big blue eyes gazed back at Kelly as she continued.
"Since you're here, I've been meaning to ask you about something personal."
"Yes. Something of a family matter, if you will."
A puzzled expression moved across Kelly's face as she quietly blinked. Since she did not say anything, Lori felt the need to carry on with her speech.
"My son recently turned twenty-one. Since he chose not to go to Uni and stay with me, I think it's time he at least became a man."
Kelly laughed.
"If he's twenty-one, then he's legally a man."
"Yes, but not quite. What use is a young man like him with no woman in his life?"
That question raised major implications for Kelly. She knew what her friend was suggesting. Lori was never someone who could hide subtly in her words.
"Your son has never had a girlfriend?"
"Girls, yes, but not a woman. Not someone like you who knows about life."
Lori corrected her while raising her left hand index finger. Kelly took a moment to consider her words before smiling widely and attempting to laugh it off.
"You're asking me to date your son?"
Slowly nodding her head, Lori smiled.
"I am. He needs a woman to show him the way. I would not trust to ask any other friend besides you."
Stunned by this admission, Kelly needed a moment to gather her thoughts. She had never met Lori's son but remembered that his name was Daniel. Was she supposed to be flattered or offended by such a request?
"You can't deny it to me that you enjoy the company of a younger man. If you didn't, then you would not talk so fondly about the good captain and his first mate."
Finally, Kelly began to laugh as she shook her head.
"I'm afraid you've gone mad. This has to be some kind of joke, right?"
Deep down, Kelly knew that Lori was not kidding. Her friend would have at least smiled if that were the case.
"My son needs help with women, Kelly. He needs a woman, not a girlfriend."
"And what makes you want to hook him up with me so badly?"
Those big blue eyes locked on her face before Lori began to speak again.
"You're the only woman I would trust for this. Daniel has a thing for you."
"He does?"
When Lori finally cracked a small grin, she nodded her head slowly.
"He certainly does. I discovered his stash of lads mags before we moved to Florida."
Kelly blushed as she tried to contain her smile.
"You were on the cover of what appeared to be his favorite. An issue of Nuts magazine."
"Oh Lori, stop it!"
Unable to hold herself back from laughing, Kelly erupted in loud giggles. She took great pride in her accomplishments as a glamour model. It was always a funny feeling to know that somewhere out there was a man like Daniel wanking to her photos. Kelly bit her lower lip, thinking quietly to herself as Lori spoke again.
"If you don't want to see him, I suppose I could ask you to sign some pictures for him."
"I don't think I will put you through that trouble."
Lori chuckled.
"I would prefer asking you rather than the model he seemed to be the most mad over."
"So I wasn't his favorite?"
"No, you were in his favorite issue. At least, that's what I believe, given how worn and wrinkled the pages were."
Once again, Kelly giggled. The thought of this young man wanking himself at her photos printed in such a magazine did give her a sense of satisfaction. She often wondered how many men across the world were turned on by her racy photographs. Lori carried on speaking.
"Judging by the several issues he had with one model on the cover, I'd say Lucy Pinder was his true favorite."
Hearing that name made Kelly's heartbeat jump. Many years had passed since she had last heard of Lucy. A rush of memories flooded her mind as she remembered when they had something of a rivalry back in the day.
"Now that is a name I have not heard in a long time."
With a nod, Lori chuckled. The older woman knew Lucy, just as she knew other glamour models from back in the day. There was a time when it looked as if Lucy would have a career in hosting. She may have had a true chance to challenge Kelly as a media personality, if only she had more connections in the industry. Kelly licked her lips as she began thinking of her memories with Lucy. They had only met a handful of times, but rumors often floated around the photography studios.
"I would much rather you be the woman to show my son the way than her."
Kelly began to step away from the palm trees as Lori spoke.
"I haven't heard about Lucy in what seems like a lifetime ago. Do you still keep in contact with her?"
"In person, no. But I have received some emails from her in the past few months in regards to photoshoots."
The two women exchanged looks. Kelly could tell Lori was not lying by the stern expression on her face. As a photographer, Lori still had contacts with many models from the industry, so it did not surprise Kelly that she still spoke to Lucy.
"She is having a bit of a comeback."
Kelly giggled, eager to mock that statement.
"I don't think that's possible. Without the magazines, she won't be making much money. I certainly haven't heard anything about her in ages. It sounds to me like she has become desperate."
Lori raised her finger again to correct Kelly.
"With the emergence of FansOnly in the past few years, you'd be quite surprised at how much someone can earn."
The older woman opened the door for them both to go back inside. As they walked together, Kelly thought to herself about the possibility of Lori fixing a date for her son with Lucy. It may have been some years since she last saw Lucy, but Kelly remembered the sense of rivalry they had. If the young man had a crush on Lucy, then Kelly was compelled to prove herself a better choice. All of that depended on whether she liked Daniel in the first place. Kelly found it difficult to make a decision when she had never met the young man. Lori led her back into the living room, where the lights of her lamps shone brightly to illuminate the cream-colored wallpaper and beige furniture.
"So where is he? I believe I need to meet him if I'm going to be his date tonight."
"He's upstairs. I guess I need to yell for him."
Lori clapped her hands and began to yell in a stern manner.
"Daniel! DANIEL!! Get off your lazy arse and come down here right now!"
On the left side of the room was a staircase that undoubtedly led to the bedrooms. Kelly kept her eyes on the stairs as she awaited him. Within seconds, the stomping of feet could be heard in the distance. Daniel entered Kelly's line of sight as a tall, skinny man. His skin was tanned by the Florida sun, fitting with his short brown hair and a cleanly shaved face. He came down the stairs with his hands shoved into the pockets of his blue leisure shorts and a set of blue eyes locked on her. A white T-shirt covered his chest. Lori stepped aside before speaking again.
"Son, I want you to meet a friend of mine. I'm sure you recognize her, yes?"
He approached Kelly, who was still smiling as she studied his face.
"She looks familiar."
His voice still carried an accent from back home. Kelly chuckled before speaking.
"I'm Kelly Brook, does that ring a bell for you, dear?"
Daniel's face lit up, eyes widening as his lower lip fell and eyebrows raised.
"My god, it really is you, wow! I guess you could say I'm a big fan. I knew my mother worked with you, but I can't believe I'm meeting you today, Kelly. This is quite a surprise for me."
He smiled, trying not to blush as he extended his hand out for her. Kelly shook his hand, grinning widely as she checked him out.
"Miss. Brook is going to take you out today. It's about time you had some fresh air out of the house."
Kelly rolled her eyes at Lori. Just because she was the young man's mother did not give her the right to talk to him like that.
"I don't think he needs a babysitter. You have quite the handsome young man for a son, Lori."
Her flirtatious quips were enough to make him blush. Daniel was unable to hide his cheeks turning red as Kelly's eyes scanned his body. For a young man like him, she was already thinking of him as fresh meat. He would be easy to seduce since he already had an attraction to her from his mother's words.
"What do you say we meet up in an hour and go for lunch or something?"
"Yeah, that would be nice."
He flashed a smile while nodding.
"I need to get changed so we can go out."
Kelly grinned.
"You aren't the only one who needs to get changed. Since this is a date, I will go back to my hotel and change into something a bit more... enchanting."
She needed a moment to think of the right word for him. Kelly did not want to come off too strong in her seduction while standing next to his mother. On first impressions, Kelly figured that Daniel would be easy for her.
"I'll leave, and you can call me within an hour, and then we can arrange our date. How is that?"
The young man nodded at her.
"That sounds fine by me."
"Good! I trust that your mother will lend you my phone number. Don't be too shy to text me."
Back at the hotel, Kelly wasted no time changing her clothes. The dress was taken off in exchange for something a bit more revealing. She wondered to herself, what would be the best way to tease Daniel? Among her packed clothes was a pair of Daisy Dukes-style denim shorts. Kelly was proud of how high they went up to her thighs, completely revealing her legs. A white crop top covered her busty chest, with straps on each shoulder and enough cleavage spilling out to truly distract the young man. Kelly had packed a black push-up bra for good reason. The dark color was barely visible beyond the thin fabric of her white shirt. She tucked the shirt into her shorts and then chose the final piece of her outfit as a pair of gold stilettos. Her toes were exposed thanks to the design of the shoe, which revealed her feet. Before leaving, Kelly fixed her hair with curls behind her shoulders and then waited for Daniel to call or text her.
The young man did not leave her waiting for long. He called within an hour and wanted to pick her up from the hotel. That led Kelly to tease him about driving an American car on the opposite side of the road. His voice was striking in confidence when he demanded to pick her up. Daniel had changed his shorts to a pair of blue jeans and fixed up his hair with gel. He did not put much thought into his appearance, based on what Kelly could see. The car he arrived in was a yellow Dodge Charger. A typical American muscle car, as Kelly told him it was. The young man blushed, smirking wide as they left the hotel and ventured through the Downtown streets. Daniel told her about a diner close to the hotel that would be ideal for them to have a date in privacy. Kelly knew that photographers rarely found her in Miami, unlike back home in London, where they knew her daily routine in town.
When they arrived at the diner, Daniel insisted on getting out of the car first so he could help her out of the passenger side. Kelly could not help but tease him for acting as such a gentleman. She was amused every time he blushed and tried to hide that cute smile. Inside the building, Latin music was heard from a jukebox on the far right side of the room. Checkered tiles covered the floor, matching with black cushions on the stools lined up to the bar counter. The interior designs told the story of a vintage business. Daniel wanted to sit in a private booth next to a window with seats on both sides so he could be face-to-face with Kelly. He paid for a meal of her choice. The diner served fast food, leaving Kelly to go for something simple with the choice of a hotdog and fries. Daniel's choice was a burger meal with a drink.
"So, my mum tells me that you come to Miami often. Is that true?"
Daniel wasted no time striking up a conversation as they ate. Kelly noticed his wandering eyes moving from her face and down to her massive cleavage. She smiled at how easily he could be distracted by her boobs.
"Indeed it is. Sometimes you need a good break from home. I guess your mother told us about how long we've been friends."
"She did a little bit. She wants me to get out of the house and do something with myself."
"I guess she thinks you just want to lock yourself up and play video games all day, huh?"
Her remark made him blush, trying to hide his smile as he gazed down at the table. Kelly sat back and sipped from the straw of her drink as she studied his reaction.
"I'm not much of a gamer. I like to paint and draw."
"Oh, you do?"
"Yeah! You should see some of my oil paintings. They take me weeks at a time, but I love painting. It takes my mind off things."
His face lit up in surprise that she was interested in his hobby. Kelly tapped her fingers on the table, smiling back at him.
"Do you have any pictures on your phone for me to see?"
Daniel nodded before sliding his hand into his pocket. When he revealed his phone, he tapped the screen a few times to pull up the photo album.
"This is what I finished last month."
He revealed his phone to her, showing Kelly a photograph taken of a canvas in blue and green oils showcasing what appeared to be a winter night over plains.
"Wow, that's marvelous."
"I try to paint like Van Gogh. I doubt I'll ever create anything as iconic as him."
She made eye contact with him, softly smiling.
"You never know if you don't try. I like your painting, dear."
"Thank you, Kelly."
Now was the ideal time to shift this conversation into more personal territory. Kelly licked her lips as he sat the phone down, and then she nodded.
"So, have you ever had a girlfriend?"
His lower lip fell as he gazed away from her and slowly nodded.
"Yeah, I've had girlfriends before. Before you ask, I've been on dates."
Kelly giggled at him.
"I'm sure you have. Maybe I should ask you a more specific question. Have you kissed a girl before, Daniel?"
"Please, call me Dan instead."
Her lower lip fell before she grinned. Kelly was happy that they were now getting on a more personal level with each other.
"My apologies, Dan."
"But to answer your question, I've had a kiss."
A vague answer to her question. Kelly arched her brows and bit her lower lip as her gaze fixed on his face. Once again, he struggled to maintain eye contact, glancing down at her busty cleavage.
"I could teach you how to kiss. I could teach you a lot of new things, Dan."
Taking a deep breath, he could not hide the nervous expression that now washed across his face. All this time, Daniel had been cool, calm, and collected. He showed a remarkable level of confidence throughout the date, but Kelly was now turning up the heat. It was apparent to her that he was a virgin with a complete lack of experience in the bedroom. For all she knew, he likely had never seen a woman naked outside of magazines or from a computer screen. She reached across the table and laid her right hand over his left fingers. Daniel turned his hand, revealing the palm, before she laced their fingers together. When his eyes gazed back at her face, Kelly quietly nodded before speaking again.
"Don't be nervous, Dan. I want you to take me back to my hotel. We need a little more privacy to really get to know each other."
Whatever was going through Daniel's mind on the way back to the hotel, Kelly knew he had to at least feel some excitement. She tried to imagine his feelings. He was a young man who was living a dream come true by meeting a famous glamour model he had undoubtedly wanked to in magazines for years. The confidence he displayed at the beginning of their date had somewhat returned when he sat behind the wheel of his muscle car. Kelly's leering eyes studied him from the passenger seat, watching as he drove with style and speed. Daniel was somewhat of an aggressive driver on the way back to the hotel. Maybe that was a sign of things to come once she unlocked his full potential under the tense attitude he displayed. Kelly could not wait to see the expression on his face when she stripped. She lived for that moment when a man's eyes became enlarged and they were truly wowed by her nude beauty.
Daniel rubbed his shoulder against hers in the elevator, as it was a quiet ride up. He still appeared as shy as before, ready to sprint out of the elevator once the doors opened. Kelly laughed and grabbed his hand. She held his hand as if they were star-crossed lovers, marching him to the door leading to her suite before giving him the honor of unlocking the knob. Daniel's laughter signaled to her that he was beginning to relax. Inside the suite, Kelly wanted to call room service to order them a bottle of wine. Daniel shook his head, insisting that he have a few glasses of water while venturing around the living room. She put the phone down, respecting his decision to avoid the wine. He took his shoes off to get more comfortable after noticing Kelly had taken her heels off. Their boom had been muted by the beige carpet of the living room. She left him alone while venturing into the bedroom, where she called for him.
"Dan... come and find me."
Kelly found a way to test him. If he was truly shy about this situation and unable to handle her seduction, he would likely take his time before venturing into the bedroom. Beyond the open doorway, she had fixed up the bed's white sheets and blankets. The pillows were stacked against the wooden headboard, blending in with the light-colored wallpaper. She placed her hands on her hips, feeling firmly in control of this situation. A smile ran across her lips when he entered the room. Daniel looked away from Kelly only to grab the doorknob and quietly close the door behind him.
"I'm glad I didn't have to drag you into this room. I know you're nervous, but I also know you must be excited by now."
"Oh yes, I am."
When he smiled, Kelly knew it was time to make the first move while he least expected it. She stepped forward, shoving her body against his skinny chest as she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. This being Daniel's first time locking lips with a woman, he immediately opened his mouth. She slithered her tongue past his lips and felt him tense up, moaning into her mouth. It was a hard, tender kiss to begin. Something she knew the young man would never forget. She pulled away after a moment, gazing into his deep blue eyes as he began panting.
"Did you like that, Dan? Did you enjoy kissing me?"
"Yes, I did."
"Would you like some more?"
He exhaled deeply before answering her with a question of his own.
"Some more what!?"
She laughed.
"Some more kissing!"
"Oh, yeah!"
With a grin, Kelly grabbed his wrists and raised his hands to press against her clothed breasts. His gaze shifted to her cleavage, allowing Kelly to move her hands and cup the back of his neck.
"Don't be afraid to start touching, Dan."
Her lips pressed against his again. This time, she felt his tongue sliding into her mouth. Kelly closed her eyes and moaned as they kissed. His hands roamed up her crop top, squeezing her breasts hard enough for her to moan into his mouth a second time. After the kiss ended, Kelly took a step back and pulled her shirt over her head.
"Sit down on the bed for me, dear. Have you ever had a girlfriend strip naked for you?"
"No, I haven't."
When she pulled the shirt off, Kelly grinned while flipping her hair around. She stood in the black push-up bra that was underneath her crop top. Daniel obediently sat down on the bed as she commanded. Kelly turned to face him as she moved her hands behind her back to loosen the bra.
"Just sit there and watch me strip for you."
His eyes never glanced at her face. Kelly easily guessed he would lock his sights on her breasts, anticipating the moment they would be unveiled. Daniel did not have to wait for long, as she dropped the bra to the floor and watched his eyes become enlarged.
"Holy fuck..."
She grinned, flashing her pearly white teeth. Kelly was so proud to see a man's stunned expression when he saw her busty, natural breasts for the first time. It did not matter if Daniel had seen her nude photographs or old modeling sessions printed in magazines. Nothing could compare to witnessing their glory within reaching distance. Kelly stepped closer and grabbed Daniel's wrists again to plant them on her boobs.
"Go ahead and squeeze them. Don't they feel good?"
He still could not look into her eyes as he squeezed her soft, firm tits. Daniel moaned at the feeling of her hardened nipples pressing into his palms. His fingertips sank into her skin as he squeezed her tits harder. Kelly purred soft moans as she caressed his face.
"You like these tits, Dan?"
"Oh my god, yes, I do. They're so fucking big."
"Yes, they are. The bigger the better, the more the merrier."
Kelly pushed his face between her tits and began to shake them around. Daniel closed his eyes as his head was smothered by her firm boobs. He grabbed at them from the side and rubbed her tits on his cheeks. Kelly moaned again as she watched his mouth find her left nipple. His big blue eyes gazed up at her as he slobbered on her nipple until she pulled away from him. Their eyes met again as Kelly bit her lower lip. She waited until he broke eye contact to glance down her body again. That was cue for her to unbutton her shorts and slide them down. She stepped out of them to reveal a white pair of panties with a visible wet spot. His eyes locked on the panties, eagerly awaiting her to reveal her pussy. Kelly knew this would be his first time laying eyes on a womanhood, so she wanted this moment to be special.
"Mmmmmmm, see how wet I am for you, Dan?"
She spoke in a low, seductive tone while dropping her panties. Kelly watched the expression change on his face, but it was not the same as when he first saw her boobs. That was fine with her, as she expected to use her tits on him anyway. Since he was still gazing at her wet folds, Kelly ran her right hand down and played with her clit. Her pussy was freshly shaved without a single hair in sight. After stepping out of her panties, she turned around to show her booty.
"Let's not forget about this."
Spank! Her hands smacked her own plump ass cheeks before shaking them. When Kelly turned around, Daniel had already pulled his shirt off. She grinned at the sight of his skinny, hairless chest.
"I would like the honor of taking your pants off."
"I'm not gonna say no to that."
"I knew you wouldn't, dear."
Winking at him, Kelly fell to her knees. Daniel stood up from the bed and took one step forward as he gazed down at a goddess ready to relieve him of his virginity. Her hands tugged at the front of his jeans until the button came undone. Kelly bit her lower lip as she slid the zipper down and then began tugging his pants down to his ankles as her eyes fixed on his erect cock poking forward in a pair of white underwear. Kelly made eye contact before she pulled his underwear down. His cock flopped free until her right hand fingers wrapped around it. Daniel exhaled a deep breath at the feeling of her warm fingers twisting around his shaft. He twitched slightly, stepping out of his pants and underwear so they were no longer hindering him.
"Mmmmmmmm, look at this. One big hard cock all for me."
Kelly spoke as she slowly stroked his cock. Her eyes glanced over it, measuring his size quietly as her hand pumped it to full length. He was breathing heavily, no doubt nervous about this moment. With a smile, she giggled softly.
"Hey, don't be so nervous, honey. Just relax and let me take care of you."
Her eyes gazed back at his face as she stopped wanking. Kelly knew to take him slowly. The last thing she wanted was to make him cum before he was ready, and that would be a strong possibility when she had his cock in her mouth.
"Relax, Dan. It's gonna be okay. I will make sure you enjoy every second of this. I know it's your first time, and I want this to be so special for you."
Biting her lower lip again, Kelly let go of his cock and pressed her hands against his legs. Once more, he took another deep breath before speaking.
"Yeah, it's my first time. I guess you could say I'm a bit frightened."
"You have nothing to be afraid of, honey. I'm gonna take care of you. Did any of your girlfriends ever give you a handjob before?"
Daniel shook his head.
"Okay then, what about a blowjob?"
When he shook his head a second time, she giggled. Kelly already knew the answer to both questions, but she wanted to humor him.
"Don't worry, you're about to get one of the best blowjobs you'll ever have in your life. Just relax and enjoy yourself, dear."
After those words, Kelly wrapped her right hand fingers around his cock again. Daniel swallowed his breath as he felt her hand jerking his shaft back and forth. Kelly licked her lips before kissing the head of his pole. Once her hand slid down to the base, Kelly opened her mouth and gazed up at his eyes. She made sure Daniel saw her big brown eyes when she enveloped her lips around the head of his cock. There was no point in waiting any longer. She had been craving this cock long enough. 'Mmmmmm', a soft moan was heard from her as she sucked the first few inches.
"Ohhhhh, fuck..."
He took another deep breath while closing his eyes. Kelly decided to close her eyes too, still sucking his cock at a slow pace. She twisted her fingers from the base, rustling her hand among his pubic hair as she began to bob her head up and down. When Daniel opened his eyes, he saw the movement of her head and exhaled again.
"That feels so good."
If he thought this felt good, the young man was in for a true surprise soon. Kelly was already thinking about shoving his long shaft between her tits. With a cock like this, her boobs would easily swallow it up for some fun action. She opened her eyes and gazed up at him as she withdrew his shaft from her mouth with a pop sound.
"Mmmmmm, I love the taste of a young cock."
Kelly spit on his shaft before sliding her hand upward. She grinned as she began to wank him back and forth.
"I just love how it jumps around in my hand."
Her tongue lapped over the head, circling around it before she shoved it back into her mouth. It was a risk to suck faster, but Kelly was confident Dan could withstand her oral assault. She unwrapped her fingers from it and moved her hands to her breasts while pushing his cock halfway into her mouth. Kelly could not avoid the temptation of playing with her own tits while she devoured his cock by the inch.
"Ohhhhh, fuck!"
Daniel groaned, calling out to her as Kelly was now sucking his cock. She slid the head to the back of her throat, slyly deep-throating his entire length when he least expected it.
Every time he uttered a word in surprise, Kelly just wanted to suck more. She pressed her tongue against his shaft before pulling back and closing her eyes. Just when Daniel expected her to pop his shaft from her lips again, she went back down on it. Her hands moved away from her tits and pressed against his legs. As she slid her fingers up, Daniel pressed his hands against hers. Kelly moaned a muffled sound and continued to move her lips up and down his shaft, sucking inch after inch as their fingers laced together and they held hands in this wonderful moment. She trusted that he would not fill her mouth with cum if she continued to suck, so Kelly shoved her lips all the way down until the head of his cock slammed to the back of her throat. Daniel grunted, but no words were spoken as he let go of Kelly's hands.
She pulled her lips back to the head, still not releasing his cock entirely from her mouth. Kelly was not done sucking yet. If was going to explode in her mouth over this, then that was the result of her own lust. Kelly had no care anymore, just so long as she indulged herself on his pole. Her hands found the same place over her boobs again, squeezing them softly as her mouth bobbed up and down. Slobbering and sucking noises were audible, growing louder with each passing second as excess drool leaked from the right corner of her lips. So far, Daniel had impressed her by not tensing up and shooting a load down her throat. Kelly finally extracted his cock from her mouth back to the head, and gazed up at his face. When their eyes met, she winked at him before finally releasing his dick from her lips. She took a deep breath as the saliva strings dangled from her open mouth back to his shiny, saliva-soaked cock.
"Mmmmmmm, your cock tastes so good. I could suck on it all day!"
"I wouldn't stop you from doing that. I'd let you suck it every day if you wish."
Giggling at him, Kelly grinned wide. Her hands were still on her boobs, preparing for the next act. She wanted to catch Daniel by surprise, but not before continuing this dirty talk with him.
"That would make me your everlasting cocksucker, wouldn't it?"
Daniel laughed at her joke. So far, that was enough to catch him off guard. Kelly slowly pulled her tits apart, speaking again.
"You wanna see a magic trick?"
"A magic trick, you say?"
"Yeah! Watch this! I'm gonna make your cock disappear!"
Kelly raised her tits and quickly pulled them apart to smash his cock between them. Daniel gasped and yelled.
"Oh, fuck! Fuck!!"
His reaction made her giggle as she squeezed her breasts around his hard shaft, making the entire length disappear between the folds. With a playful smirk, she gazed up at his face and spoke.
"Ta-da! I made your cock disappear between my boobs!"
He did not laugh at her joke while locking his sights on her tits, as if he were hoping to see the head of his shaft lost between them. Kelly knew that expression all too well. He was far from the first man in her life to be totally shocked at the sight of his cock disappearing between her tits. She took pride in using her tits as a lustful weapon of pleasure.
"Oh my god, that feels so fucking good."
Daniel gasped as Kelly began to slowly pump her tits up and down his cock. She moaned while feeling every inch of his cock moving between her tits.
"Mmmmmm, yeah, it feels good. Do you like that, Dan? You like having your cock stuffed between my big titties?"
"Oh god, yes, I do! I fucking love it!!"
His voice was a whimper of soft cries in pleasure. Kelly grinned and finally glanced down to see the head of his cock poke upward. She stopped moving her tits, allowing the head to push up far enough for her to lean down and lick it when she was ready.
"Oh, look! I found your cock!"
He did not laugh at her playful joke, leaving Kelly to giggle alone. She leaned down and spit on the head of his cock before resuming her movement of thrusting her tits up and down. Daniel gritted his teeth and growled a series of moans as her breasts smothered his dick and pumped up and down. Kelly worked in a slow rhythm, allowing them both to enjoy this pleasure together. Her eyes locked on his face, despite his own view focusing on the action of her tits.
"I love having a big cock shoved between my titties. Let this be a lesson to you, that big titties are made for fucking."
"That is so true, Kelly. Oh my god, ohhhhhh yes! I love your tits! They're fucking amazing!"
"My tits sure love your cock, Dan!"
If not for this wonderful pleasure, maybe he would have laughed at her remark. Kelly did not care either way as she glanced down to watch the head poke up with each thrust. Her tongue flicked across it, then a second time after another thrust. Daniel groaned as he began to buck his hips, taking control. Kelly was impressed by this sudden move. She gazed back up at his face, ready to encourage him with more dirty talk.
"Oh, yeah! You wanna fuck my titties, Dan? Go on! Fuck these big titties!"
His lack of experience no longer mattered. Kelly was happy to see him make a move like this. She locked her eyes on his face, so any time he glanced away from her tits, he would see her dark brown hues staring back at him. Daniel moved his hands to her shoulders, gripping them to lock her in place as he began to buck his hips hard.
"Yeah, that's it! That's it! Fuck my titties!"
Over and over, his cock pumped between her tits. Daniel moaned, concentrating on bucking his hips. He did not seem to care if he reached his climax with this act. As he leaned his head down, Kelly raised her head. No words were needed, as she knew he wanted to feel her lips against his. The young man closed his eyes, still driving his cock back and forth between her breasts as their lips locked together for a tender kiss. Kelly moaned into his mouth as she could feel every inch of his cock pumping between her boobs over and over. When the kiss broke, she leaned down to spit on his shaft. Daniel had slowed down to a near halt, allowing her the chance to take over. His eyes locked on her face as she gritted her teeth, reveling in lust. No words were needed, only the sound of moans and heavy breathing. Kelly finally looked away from his face when she leaned her head down and kissed the head of his cock.
She let go of her tits, freeing his cock entirely. The last thing she wanted was for him to cum before he had the chance to experience the sensation of being inside her. Kelly wrapped her right hand fingers around his cock and kissed the head again. She used her left arm to push underneath her tits with her forearm, holding them up. All Daniel could do was stand there as she rubbed the head of his cock against her right nipple. Gritting her teeth, she curved her lips into a mischievous grin while gazing back up at his face. From her years of modeling experience, Kelly knew how to get her point across in silence by using her facial expression. When she moved his cock to her other nipple, she bit her lower lip. Daniel was caught by surprise again when she began to slap his shaft against her nipple. Smack. Smack. Smack. The sound echoed throughout the room.
"Mmmmmmm, I love playing with your cock and my titties, but I think that's enough. I need to feel you inside me. Are you still nervous about doing this, Dan?"
With a sigh, Daniel shook his head before answering her.
"No, I'm not nervous at all anymore. I'm ready to fuck you, Kelly. I've always dreamed of fucking you. I'm ready now."
Her lips curved into a full smile as she let go of his cock. Kelly was proud to see his confidence return like this.
"You sound like a man with a plan, Dan!"
Slowly rising up from the floor, she locked her eyes on him to show the lust in her eyes. Kelly pressed her hands against his skinny chest and lightly raked her fingernails across his skin. Daniel did not hesitate to wrap his arms around her and pull her in for a passionate kiss. He moaned at the feeling of her breasts pressing into his chest. Kelly plunged her tongue down his throat, giving her best attempt at an aggressive kiss. She hoped that would be enough to motivate him into fucking her the way he desired. Daniel broke the kiss, pulling back from her as he wrapped one arm around Kelly and guided her to the bed.
"How do you want me, dear?"
After his arm unwrapped from her, Kelly leaned forward and pressed her hands into the bedsheets. She easily guessed he would be stepping behind her to make the position of doggy style.
"Just like this. I guess this is how I've always imagined doing it."
Kelly laughed. She flipped her hair to glance across her right shoulder.
"This is called doggy style, dear."
Daniel ignored her entirely. His eyes focused on her plump ass while he grabbed his cock with his right hand. Kelly licked her lips and gazed forward at the plain wall. She knew there were other ways to tease him if she wanted to. For now, she remained in position and closed her eyes. Luckily, she did not have to encourage him with dirty words to push his cock into her vulva. The warm feeling made Daniel moan. Kelly purred as she felt the first few inches of his cock slide into her tight cunt.
"Mmmmmmm, don't it feel good to be inside a woman, Dan? How do you like it?"
"Ohhhhh, god. I have never felt anything like this before."
His fingers trailed up the small of her back, gently caressing her skin. Kelly bit her lower lip, purring soft moans before she spoke again.
"You're not a virgin anymore. Fuck me, Dan. Fuck me like you've always wanted to."
As she raised her head, Daniel made the first thrust in her pussy. Kelly felt his hands grip her hips as he began to buck his hips and drive his cock inside her. She closed her eyes, softly moaning as her large breasts began to shake and bounce.
"I can't believe I'm doing this! I can't believe I'm fucking you!"
Unlike the previous times, Kelly did not reply back to him. She could feel his cock pulsating inside her with each thrust Daniel made. His balls slapped against the undersides of her thick booty as he began to fuck her at a faster pace.
"This is real, Dan! You're really fucking me! Ohhhhhh yeah!! Fuck me! Fuck me, Dan!!"
He grunted, still thrusting into her pussy as fast as he could. Kelly assumed since this was his first time fucking, he would likely continue until he reached his climax. If he could push her into an orgasm at the same time, it would be an unforgettable experience. Dan leaned forward and brought his hands underneath to grab her tits. Kelly gasped at the feeling of his hands squeezing and fondling her tits. Her hair swayed around, several locks moving into her face. Kelly brushed her hair away with a moan. The excitement overtook her, and she began screaming.
Kelly raised herself, no longer pressing her hands down on the bed. Daniel slowed down, keeping his cock inside her as he thrust slowly while playing with her breasts. He pinched her right nipple, struggling to maintain a steady grip over her beautiful mounds. Kelly kept her eyes shut as she felt his breath blowing down the left side of her neck and through her hair.
"Don't stop fucking me. Don't stop now. I want you to give me everything you've got."
Growling in response, Daniel planted his lips on the side of her neck and began to suck as he slowly thrust his cock into her pussy. Kelly opened her eyes, purring soft moans as she felt his hands squeeze her tits again.
"Ohhhhh, ohhhhhhhhh yeah! Fuck me, Dan. I want you to fuck me until I cum. Don't you want me to cum all over your cock? You would like that, wouldn't you? Mmmmmmmm, yeah..."
Daniel came to a full halt and pulled his cock from her pussy. This was the last thing she expected him to do, as he moved away from her and then climbed onto the bed. It took her a moment to realize what he was doing, wanting to suddenly change positions.
"You must want me to get on top and ride you like a cowgirl."
Her tone of voice showed a level of annoyance. Kelly could not believe he had so suddenly pulled out to change positions. Daniel nodded and gestured with his hands for her to get on top. He rested his head over the pillows stacked beneath the headboard.
"Yeah! I want those big tits shaking in my face when I cum!"
Kelly was not laughing as much as she had earlier in the day. No giggling was heard from her voice in reaction to his statement. Now that she was in control, she only cared about reaching her sweet release. Since Daniel insisted that she ride him, she was going to make sure this was a ride he would never forget. He was done fucking her, and now it was her turn to fuck him. Kelly bit her lower lip and smirked before she climbed onto the bed. Her tits jiggled and bounced around as she straddled him and reached for his cock below.
"Since this is what you want, I am not going to ride you easy. You best be ready for a bumpy ride, dear."
He closed his eyes for a moment as she lined herself up, carefully sliding his cock beyond the pink folds of her pussy. When Daniel glanced down, he moaned at the sight of his cock disappearing into her pussy. Kelly leaned forward and pressed her hands down onto his chest. When he closed his eyes again, she raked her nails lightly across his skin.
"Look at me, Dan."
When his eyes locked on hers, Kelly flashed her teeth in a devious grin. She slammed his cock into her pussy, watching the look of shock that washed across his face.
"Ohhhh, fuck!"
Kelly felt firmly in control now as she began to roll her hips, working his cock in and out of her pussy as she leaned down far enough that her great big tits were bouncing and shaking. The bed started squeaking from the movement of her body as she was now riding Daniel.
"Ohhhhh, god! Fuck!! Ride me, Kelly!!"
His eyes widened at the sight of her great, big tits jiggling around. Her brunette hair sways into her face, blocking her view of his hands reaching for her breasts. Kelly moaned at his touch and grabbed his wrists, encouraging him to fondle and squeeze her tits again.
"Squeeze those titties! Show how much you love them!!"
Clanking and rattling noises became louder than the cries of pleasure from their voices. Kelly continued to roll her hips, moving his cock in and out of her pussy in a fast rhythm. She had no plans of stopping until they both reached the height of their pleasure with a hard climax. Daniel attempted to raise his head, but fell back down on the bed. He was overwhelmed by her lust, with nothing left to do but lay back and enjoy every second of the ride.
She slid her hands up his chest and found his shoulders, feeling his hands let go of her boobs. Her fingers found a place on the back of his head, rustling through his hair as she guided his face between her tits. It was the second time Daniel was smothered between her tits. He shook his head, slobbering on her boobs as he made his best attempt to motorboat them. Over and over, Kelly slammed herself down on his cock. The bed rocked, shaking and slamming into the wall from the headboard. Daniel scrunched his face up with his teeth gritted, trying desperately to hold on for a few final seconds before blowing his load inside her.
Closing her eyes, Kelly cried out as she felt her climax commence. Daniel could no longer hold back. His cock exploded, filling her with his cum from the pressure of her inner walls tightening around him. He closed his eyes and wailed, screaming loud cries of pleasure. She had finally come to a halt, enjoying the heavenly pleasure of her orgasm. This was a moment Kelly had not shared with another man for some time. When the climax was shared together, it always felt different, with more personal affection. Daniel's head fell from between her tits when she leaned up. His eyes blinked before widening as his lower lip fell. It was one final delight to see that expression of shock and joy painted across his face.
"Oh man, that was so good. I've never felt anything like this before. This is like heaven or something, I don't know what to say, Kelly."
Slowly catching her breath, she nodded.
"Feels good, doesn't it? You're not a virgin anymore, Dan. I guess you can go home and tell your mother that you're the man of the house now."
That comment made him smile. The cheeky smirk made Kelly giggle as she began to climb off him. Daniel's eyes fixated on watching his wet, sticky cock slide out of her pussy and flop against his stomach. The mixture of their cum leaked from her pussy, trailing down her thighs.
"I hope you're not too tired to drive home. I know I've probably worn you out."
She spoke while stepping off the bed and stretching her legs. Kelly was already thinking about jumping in the shower or taking a hot bath. Daniel took a deep breath before leaning up and scratching his head with one hand.
"Don't worry about that. I'm going to need a nap when I get back home."
Turning her head to grin at him, Kelly quirked her eyebrows. He managed to impress her more than once despite his inexperience in the bedroom. This young man had great potential to become a wild man in the bedroom. All he needed was more time to learn and grow stamina to last more than just one orgasm.
"Tell your mother that I said it was a pleasure to meet you."
Another romp in Miami was complete for the day, leaving Kelly completely satisfied. She knew Daniel would not tell his mother what they really did in this hotel room. It was their secret, just as it was a secret between Kelly and Lori that this arrangement happened. The thought of taking this young man's virginity had made Kelly more proud than ever. This was a better day than bumping into the good captain and his first mate again. As the day went on, she had forgotten entirely about her previous adventures aboard that yacht. Once Daniel departed from the hotel to go back home, Kelly would be alone again. She was already thinking about how she would spend her night unwinding with a bottle of wine. If not jumping in the shower, perhaps a quiet bubble bath with wine and music would see the night unfold.