Big Booty Bitches Ch. 34
Starring: Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kylie Jenner
Codes: MF, MFF, Interracial, Incest, Oral, Anal, Facial, Tit Fuck
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.
Thank you to my fans and readers. This is the first of two 'Kardashian edition' chapters I've always wanted to do. Enjoy!

Los Angeles, CaliforniaSilence had almost filled the dead of night, if not for the crickets and sound of cars coming and going through the distance. The clock from within one specific black car flashed it's white LED screen through the darkness, signaling 1:13 AM as it began to pull up across the street from a row of single apartment blocks. Once the car stopped, the trunk could be heard popping right before both doors came open and two men stepped out. They shut the doors quietly before moving to the sidewalk, taking a minute to glance around the building itself. The street lights shined down, softly adding a touch of hue to what was red bricks that made up the walls of each of the single apartments. All of them looked the same with steps leading up to a front door and a window off to the right side.
Steven Diaz found himself standing alongside his friend Sean. While he wore a black suit that almost blended in with the night, beyond the striking white shirt visible due to having his jacket unbuttoned. His slicked back long hair was curled up into a pony tail, as he didn't want it moving in his face during this job. Sean had went with a casual outfit, matching the disguise of an Uber driver for this small job. Wearing blue jeans and a regular purple colored T-shirt. He clutched an empty Burger King. While Steven stepped away from the door, out of view from the widow and small peep hole back at the white painted wooden front door. It was up to Sean to knock, as Steven stood close by. He reached into his jacket, pulling the buttons undone for his leather gun holster that contained a brand new SIG-Sauer handgun he had purchased.
Working for Kim Kardashian had come with it's perks, as Steven found himself with a good bit of money to spend on for himself. Tonight's job had required a more 'hands on' approach, as Kim demanded from the two men. For the past month, Kim and two of her sisters had been blackmailed by a hacker who had managed to acquire a video recording that he threatened to send to gossip magazines. What was on the video was of no concern to Steven, as he had been paid alongside Sean to handle this job and retrieve the computer. Kim had detailed out a thorough investigation, which had not been cracked until her own paid private investigators had finally found something of a loose end in the hacker's emails. A week was spent staking out the apartment homes until they were sure of which one contained their man by the legal name of Brent Russell.
Just a name alone was difficult to go by, as there were no recent photographs of him online or in personal records. Luckily for the private investigators, they were able to nab him due to looking at his financial transactions from the apartment and seeing he used his legal name when paying for Uber Eats service deliveries to his apartment. Steven and Sean had been given the task of intercepting one of these errands and now they had arrived at the apartment, prepared for what would be a quick job of smash and grab. The possibility was there to hold the man at gun point and seize his computers, but Steven had other plans. Kim didn't choose him for a clean job. On the drive over, he didn't inform Sean of what he had in mind for this. Now he stood clutching his pistol in his right hand as Sean raised his free hand and knocked on the door.
"Hey, it's Uber Eats! I've got your order right here. You wanna come out and get it?"
He knocked again, a total of four times his knuckles banged across the wooden surface of the door. Sean glanced back at Steven for a moment and then at the door. A few seconds had passed before a voice yelled out from behind the door.
"I gave instructions for you not to knock and bother me. Leave it on the fucking door step and leave!"
Letting out a sigh, Sean had to think quickly how to handle this. He was expecting the door to come open and then both of them handle this easily. He began to set the bag down on a black mat right outside the door. Steven stomped his foot to get Sean's attention. He quietly tilted his head off to the right, motioning for him to walk back to the car. Sean hesitated for a moment but once he sat the bag down, he turned around and began to walk his way back to the car. Steven waited until the door was heard opening and then he made his move. There was only a slight second for him to look at what appeared to be a young man with short hair and a long beard of facial hair. He wore a black shirt covering a bulging stomach and matching shorts. As soon as he bent down to pick up the Burger King bag, Steven stepped out and pointed the gun directly at his head.
"Don't move. Who else is in there?"
From where Brent stood, he was gazing up into the round black barrel of the SIG-Sauer handgun pointed directly at his forehead. Steven gripped the gun with both hands. He could see the expression of shock, horror and utter disbelief. The man appeared to be his twenties, matching the legal description that had been given to him. Since he didn't give a spoken answer, Steven responded with force. He moved in closer, forcing the man to step backwards back into the apartment. Meanwhile, Sean had turned around and came sprinting behind Steven.
"Who else is in your fucking apartment!?"
Steven screamed as he moved to hold the gun with just his right hand. He kept it pointed at Brent. The young man finally replied as he attempted to grab the inside door knob.
"No one!"
The door had pushed inward to the apartment with how it opened. Steven quickly realized the man was about to try and shut the door on him. He responded by lifting his right leg for a hard kick, sending the door flying back and slamming into the wall of the inner hallway. Brent slightly jumped back, turning his back from the door in an attempt to take off running. It was evident how he asked few questions in such a short amount of time, the man knew what was going on. Steven immediately ran behind Brent, throwing his left arm around him and then using his right hand to shove the barrel of his gun into his right ear. Steven shoved him, forcing the man to walk a few steps forward while he screamed at him.
"Where's your computer at, huh!?"
"Fuck you!"
"So you wanna be a tough guy, huh?"
Amused that that this man would hurl out an insult with a gun shoved against his head, Steven let out a slight chuckle. Sean had entered the apartment from the open door and now stood there as he watched his friend let go of the man and step back. Steven gripped the pistol from the barrel and slammed it across Brent's right temple. As the man shouted out in pain, Steven shoved the gun back into the holster within his jacket and now had both of his hands free to truly go 'hands on'. All Sean did was stand there and watch as Steven gripped the man by the shirt with his left hand and then used his right hand to rear back a fist and begin punching. Once, twice and then for a third time his fist connected with the man's face, busting his mouth and nose as they began to pour blood. Steven wasn't finished however until he let go. The man leaned over and then he was met with a hard knee shoved into his stomach.
"Where's the fucking computer!?"
Once again Steven asked the same question as Brent groaned in pain and fell to his knees on the floor.
"Ahhhhhh, it's in the... bedroom upstairs. Stop, please! I haven't done anything to deserve this!"
"Shut the fuck up!"
His plea for mercy was met with Steven rearing his right hand back and back-handing him across the face. His knuckles cracked hard across Brent's right jaw. Another groan in pain was audible as he fell onto his left side now down on the floor. Steven however was not done in his fury of violence as he pulled his right foot back and then kicked Brent in the mouth with hard power. He groaned again as blood spit from his lips down onto the floor between the sound of his jaw cracking. Sean was forced to swallow his breath after witnessing such fast-paced brutality. He ran past Steven from the living room, only glancing around the surroundings for a moment to see a couch, television set and a few chairs. Time was of essence and Sean wanted to get in and get out as fast as they could.
The staircase was visible from the living room and Sean wasted no time climbing his way up the stairs and hurrying down a short hall with an open door. Inside, he found Brent's bedroom, and a large screen computer monitor lit up. All he did was glance down to see the tower of his desktop unit. A simple black box with the power on. Sean snatched it from the floor, pulling several of the plugs undone and dragging the minor down on a simple white desk. Meanwhile downstairs, Steven quietly kept Brent subdued as he stood over him, listening to the young man breath and hack up blood that trickled from his open mouth, down his long black beard and onto the floor below. He expected words from him, but the young man said nothing. When Sean came running back downstairs with the desktop tower in his hands, Steven gave him a nod.
"Don't make me come back here. You fuck around with the wrong people and this is what happens. You know who I'm talking about. Don't fuck with her again."
Brent didn't respond to the threat as Steven walked backwards, still observing the man. Once Sean was out the door, Steven grabbed the door knob of the apartment and slammed it shut. They both walked around to the back of the car, Steven pulling up the trunk for his friend so he could throw the desktop tower in the back. Within only four minutes of time, they were back in the car and slowly pulling out of the street. Steven sat behind the steering wheel in the driver's side, gazing forward at the passing road and reflecting yellow lights down in the middle. As he drove, Sean fastened his seat belt and spoke up.
"Maybe we should actually go in Burger King this time. I don't know about you man, but I'm hungry after that."
Steven laughed. Before they had driven to the apartment, they had stopped at a Burger King close by and made up a story to ask for paper bags, which were used for the whole job. Trash from Sean's car were contained in the bags of rolled up paper towels and a disposed plastic cup.
"I guess we can do that. It won't hurt to have a bite before heading back to the apartment. You gonna call Kim and tell her we're done?"
Sean shook his head.
"Nah, she don't like phone calls this late at night. I'm gonna send her a text instead. You're gonna be with me to bring her the computer tomorrow, right?"
Glancing over, Steven nodded his head back at his friend. He turned his eyes back to the road as he replied.
"Yeah. I just hope the poor idiot didn't have another computer or some other device we didn't take, but should've."
"I wouldn't worry about that. After what you did to that poor bastard, he won't be a problem anymore."
A row of cars were lined up in the driveway of the secluded Mulholland drive mansion owned by Kim Kardashian. While she had her own compound home back in Calabasas that was used for filming her reality shows and sharing with her husband Kanye West, across town in a separate gated community, she had another home. The mansion was previously owned by a French fashion designer whom Kim shared a working business relationship with before he left the U.S. The luxury home was left to her as a gift of their inner-business partnership in exchange for her and another sister helping finance his later fashion line back home in France. Over time, Kim had begun to use the secondary home as she faced growing marital problems with her husband back home.
So far, Steven was only a week into his new job of handling situations for Kim. It didn't take him long to learn how she operated. While there was the famed side of her that the public knew as Kim Kardashian; tabloid queen and world class sex symbol, her family had long moved about behind closed doors with handling their businesses. Steven had previous knowledge of this, due to the help he had given Kim years ago and then when he was involved with a drug deal on her behalf not too long ago. She had an army of bodyguards around at all times, almost all of them black men wearing pinstriped suits. A fleet of slick black Cadillac Escalades were the choice of vehicle under the Kardashian payroll. Her bodyguards and others who worked for her, often were handed the keys to a customized, bullet proof Escalade.
The choice of an Escalade over a Coupe de Ville was one of the few things that didn't sit well with Steven. As he looked around at the other men employed as arm security for the Kardashian-Jenner family, it left him feeling as if he were simply a cog in a well oiled machine. Every man drove the same kind of vehicle, dressed the same way though carrying more wads of cash in their pockets than an average privately employed bodyguard. Sean was the only man who he socialized with, as he actively avoided the other men on Kim's payroll. With Sean, there was a level of friendship between him and Steven but it ultimately was meaningless at the end of the day. This wasn't a normal day to day walk in life and Steven knew better than to expect it. As time went on, the feeling of growing disillusionment with his current surroundings was a risk.
Together with Sean, Steven had brought the computer desktop tower out to present to Kim in the mansion. Every room of the mansion contained security cameras with more expensive high tech surveillance systems outside. It made one wonder how much her security budget was, minus the number of men on Kardashian payroll. White marble stone floor reflected shadows cast in the living room with the lights shining from windows and a glass screen door in the back. The tower was sat aside on display atop a oval shaped glass table in the middle of two white couches stacked with pillows. When Kim made her entrance herself, high heels were heard clacking loudly in the distance. Sean had previously left the room, as Steven stood all by himself listening to her stomp her way into the room.
Turning to gaze towards her direction, Steven caught sight of the woman herself. Perfect legs and curves shoved into a pair of light orange jeans and a white shirt. Kim's long signature jet black hair was parted down the middle, lightly swaying with every step she took. She didn't greet him in spoken words, not from the distance. When Kim entered the room, a smug grin formed across her puffy pink lips. She turned to Steven, as if for him to wander his eyes down at her plump ass squeezed in those orange pants. Kim stepped around the couches, looking over the computer tower and then carefully running her right hand index finger across the black surface of the top. Her eyes glanced back at Steven and she smirked. The look she carried over her face was enough for him to know she arrived to today's news with a level of satisfaction.
"You know how to get results."
Kim spoke while tapping her left hand fingernails down onto the metal black casing of the desktop tower. Steven simply glanced back at her as he replied.
"I take it you're happy?"
Still smirking, she nodded her head and then stepped away from the table. Kim sat down on the couch across from Steven, leaning back and then crossing her right leg over her left one. She propped her leg, revealing her hot pick colored high heels down below.
"Sean told me what you did. There was a reason why I gave you that job and you didn't disappoint."
"So you like it when I beat someone black and blue for you? Is that it?"
Letting out a soft chuckle Kim leaned up from where she was sitting. Resting her hand beneath her chin, she responded to Steven's words.
"No, I think you like it more. You've got a lot of frustrations built up within you. Sometimes you just need to let it out to feel better."
Steven was a bit confused, as this response from Kim wasn't one he expected. He began to think to himself, if Sean had confessed the situation from last night to Kim, perhaps that man was bothered by his sudden burst of brutality. It was Steven's choice to go in and terrorize the man. The entire situation could've been handled without a call to violence by simply holding Brent gun point and taking his computer, but that wasn't what Steven wanted to do. Last night brought him enough joy to crack a smile, but he didn't answer Kim back. She carried on speaking.
"If you wanna get rough with someone else, I've got another job for you. Something that involves my younger sister, Kylie."
"She has a problem with someone?"
"Yes. A man is stalking her, but not online. He leaves her 'gifts', as he likes to call it. Some how, we can't figure out how he manages to get so close to her where he can drop his dirty pictures for her to find. This perv seems to know everywhere she stays across town when tending to business."
Shoving his hands into his pockets, Steven thought for a moment before replying.
"Is he getting into the same building as her?"
Kim nodded her head, carrying on with her spoken words.
"Yes, that's why she is spooked. She is scared he will manage a way beyond security and she'll find him in the same room as her."
"Well... that's interesting."
She got up from where she was sitting, now standing across from Steven. Kim continued to speak as she stomped her heels around the floor, moving towards him.
"We don't have anything to go by in terms of how he looks. Some how, someway, he's managed to avoid security cameras in hotels. I think he is someone on our pay roll, maybe a bodyguard or at least someone with connections from inside."
"That's a strong chance of that, I think."
"Yeah, I think so too. You're an outsider to Kylie's crew. It's why I think you could handle this best. No one around her knows you and you don't look like the other bodyguards."
Offering a smile, Kim stood face to face with him. She crossed her arms over her chest while gazing back into his dark eyes.
"Find him and put the fear of God into him."
"How much extra am I gonna get paid for this?"
Kim quirked her eyebrows, flashing her teeth in a devious grin.
"Don't worry about the money, honey. You do this for me and I'll restore a bit of happiness in your life. I promise..."
Stepping back, Kim smirked again before she turned her back to him. She began to stomp her way out of the room while speaking in the distance.
"I'll call Kylie and you can meet with her tomorrow."
Not wanting to stick around the mansion now with the meeting over, Steven began to walk his way out of the living room himself. There was no point in sticking around. Now he found himself about to take a job working for another woman in the Kardashian-Jenner empire. It was too late to back out of it, as Steven was now feeling that it may have been a mistake. The last thing he needed was to get too far caught up in this family with no easy way of backing at. At the bare minimum, at least he could look forward to a pay day with Kim, though she made grand promises of something better. As Steven turned down a hallway and began to walk past another man in a black pinstriped suit, he caught sight of a familiar face in the distance.
"Well... I didn't expect to see you again."

Khloe Kardashian spoke aloud as Steven came to a halt in his steps. She crossed her arms over her chest, standing tall in a pair of stone washed denim blue jeans hugging every curve of her thick legs and waist. A small black leather jacket was unzipped to reveal a sheer top, her bra and a bit of cleavage visible. Down below, her toes were visible poking out in a pair of black leather matching high heels. The outfit went along with her long blonde hair, split down the middle and dangling down to her shoulders. Steven took one look back at her face and replied.
"Yeah, I guess I can say the same for you."
"You look like you've seen hell lately. Your hair wasn't a mess the last time I seen you. You look like you haven't slept in weeks either, come to think of it."
Memories of their previous time together had begun to flood back to Steven's mind as he stood there gazing back into Khloe's eyes. He could remember it all, as the situation had unfolded back at Disco Fever and led to him being played a fool at the hands of his then girlfriend; Vida Guerra. The photograph he had snapped of her with cum dripping from her face and a cock shoved between her lips had also entered his thoughts. It was that one simple mistake he made that led him down a path of other difficult situations. Steven let out a sigh, trying not to think about the past now.
"Yeah, I've been through a lot lately... Look, sorry about the picture and all that. I should've known better. Shit happens, I'd like to move on."
She uncrossed her eyes and perked a small grin across her lips.
"It's nice to have an apology from you, but honestly? I'd expect better judgement from a man like you. I never would've guessed you would be led around to do work for a fucking whore like her."
Khloe didn't speak of Vida by name and from the tone of her voice on those last words, Steven could sense the utter disgust and animosity between them. She gave him one last look before turning her back to him and knowing his eyes would glance down at her giant ass stuffed in the pair of those denim blue jeans. Her hair flicked around as Khloe glanced at him from across her left shoulder, tilting her head slightly.
"Come on, let's go out for lunch."
Surprised by her leading him on, Steven was soon walking side by side with her. With each step he took, her high heels boomed across the floor below as they made an exit out of Kim's secluded mansion. Walking on the right side of her, Steven struck up a conversation as they stepped through the back doors and were now in the sunlight outside.
"What's the point of this? Why you wanna take me out for a bite to eat?"
"Maybe I'd like to get to know you better since you're working for my sister."
"I call bullshit on that."
Stopping in her tracks out on the paved walkway, Khloe turned around to face Steven. She began to step backwards while speaking to him.
"Let's just put it this way, I keep up with every man who gets the privilege to fuck me in life."
Steven glanced back at her with a surprised impression, still walking with her.
"A privilege?"
With a smug grin across her face, Khloe nodded her head.
"Yeah. You should feel fucking honored to have done it with me. I am a Kardashian after all and we ain't cheap. I've got your name next to the other lucky bastards in my life who've had me."
She turned her back to him, continuing to walk beyond the many black Cadillac Escalade vehicles in the driveway. Steven didn't reply to her confession, as he found it to be bizarre, but anything was possible with the behavior of the women in this family. His eyes narrowed down at her plump ass moving with every step she took. Khloe finally stopped as she had approached a white Range Rover and then turned to grin at Steven.
"Come on. I'll take you out to eat and we can catch up on things. I think you and I need to talk about some stuff since you're now working for Kim."
Still at the mansion as the clock had begun moving through the afternoon, Sean didn't plan on having anyone else's company for the day besides Kim. Since returning to L.A. and learning of her ongoing issues with Kanye and a potential divorce on the horizon, he was ready to make his move. Kim had long kept a list of men around her whom she could use for her sexual needs or when she needed a shoulder to lean on. Some men were merely fuck boys that she could easily dispose of and move on from. Others had special reasons that she kept them around, beyond the fact they were useful in the bedroom. At this point in her failing marriage, she kept a distance from her husband as she could no longer control him anymore. It was difficult enough putting up with his antics, but when Kim couldn't reign Kanye in anymore, she didn't want to waste her time with him.
That led to an opportunity for Sean to try his luck. He knew the risk, as Kim had been paying him for years as a bodyguard and later 'fixer' as he enjoyed being referenced by as a job title. Last night's job was nothing out of the ordinary for special situations that required fixing, apart from having Steven with him. Sean had a small bit of doubt and fear in the back of his mind with Steven's arrival in L.A. It didn't take long for the man to begin impressing her with his actions and reliability. After the events last night with the brutal beating of Brent, Sean thought for sure that if he confessed it to Kim, perhaps it would turn her away from Steven. He was shocked to see her smile and seemingly enjoy the second-hand account of Steven's display of cold brutality.
He didn't want to have to compete for Kim's attention with another man. It was difficult enough as one of the many black men she kept around for her affairs. Sean remained loyal to Kim figuring that some day she would come to realize he would be a better choice among the many other men she kept around. Hard work and honesty usually paid off in life, or so he believed. Maybe he was worrying too much, as Sean had to remind himself that this was a day of yet another dirty romp he was going to be sharing with Kim. To be back home in L.A. and fucking her again, he never wanted to take another trip to Miami or elsewhere. After making a few phone calls and arrangements, Kim took him upstairs for a bit of privacy. She dismissed most of her bodyguards downstairs, as she always kept her secondary home under high protection at all times.
Kim stood facing the bathroom doorway of her bedroom. She had just got out of the shower, ready for a steamy session with Sean. As he lay on the bed after taking his clothes off, his eyes drifted off to the side to see her figure standing there. Her back was turned to him as Kim allowed him to witness her beauty and world famous ass on full display. Her long black hair had been fixed up with locks of curls extending down her back. No clothing had been put on her body just yet, as she had previously dropped the towel after stepping her muscular legs out of the bathroom. As she faced the wall and kept her back turned to Sean, Kim began to slightly roll her hips. After a moment, she quietly popped her booty cheeks making them bounce slightly up against one another.
"That's so beautiful... nothing comes close to this."

Clap. Clap. Clap. Those firm thick ass cheeks bounced together, smacking back and forth as Kim had now placed her hands down onto her knees and bent forward. With her buttocks stuck out, Sean was enjoying a twerk show as he lay in bed. Kim eventually turned her head to glance beyond her right shoulder and see smirk across his face. Sean motioned with his hands for her to join him in bed. Coming to a halt with her twerk skills, Kim turned around to face him. Only for a moment did he get to look back at her perfect voluptuous body. Eyes gazing down at her amazing large breasts before trailing down below to see her freshly shaved cunt. The pink folds glistening wet, a sure sign that Kim was in the mood for loving.
"Come here, baby."
She stopped and smirked at him.
"You're telling me to come here when you're laying in my bed?"
Sean laughed, motioning with his hands again. Kim had given him her mischievous grin, now falling onto the bed and crawling her way towards him. From where he had been laying, propped up with pillows behind his back, Sean had covered up body from below his stomach. Kim pulled the yellow blankets back, revealing his long hardening black cock that awaited her. Sean leaned up, pushing his hands down into the bed as he soon felt Kim reaching out with her small right hand to wrap her slender fingers around his long pole. Her big brown eyes gazed up at him as she began to stroke it up and down in her hand.
"This is all mine today. That's all that matters."
Shoving his cock at her chin, Kim rubbed it across her lips like a tube of lipstick all while her eyes never left his. She parted her lips, kissing the head of his long black snake as she adjusted herself over the bed. Pushing her knees down and using her left hand to roam through her hair, Kim had prepared herself to indulge in the pleasure of sucking a big black cock for the day. Her eyes broke away from the gaze at his face, now glancing down at the thick shaft that awaited her hungry mouth. Kim slid her hand down to the base and parted her lips. She let out a soft moan as her tongue slithered down the head and she enveloped her lips around it. Sean sat back as the woman of his dreams was now blowing him for a second consecutive day.

Exhaling a moan, he cracked a smile. Kim had quickly released his cock from her mouth, only so she could slide her down the left side of his shaft and lick her way back up. Locking her eyes onto him, she pushed that long black pole back into her mouth and began devouring him. Sucking the first few inches of his dick, Kim noticed his eyes break away from her as Sean was distracted at her giant ass directly behind her. Due to the position she had made with her knees pushed down into the seats, her booty was elevated into his sight. Kim continued to suck, using her hand to jerk him in perfect sync with the movement of her lips. Muffled moans and slobbering noises were soon heard from her efforts made at sucking this big black cock.
"Ohhhhh, yes baby... yes...."
Sean called out to her in a low voice, as the only effect that had was to further encourage Kim to continue with her oral assault. She broke eye contact once again, shoving her hand down to the base of his cock followed by her pink lips. Gagging her way down, Kim attempted to deepthroat his shaft, eventually moving her hand away as she felt the head of his shaft poking at the back of her throat. Sean didn't bother her, as Kim soon pulled her lips back to the head and released his cock with a loud breath of fresh air. She glanced down at it and spit over the shaft, shoving it back into her mouth and now aggressively bobbing her head up and down. 'Mmm, mmmm, mmmmmm', she moaned against his shaft, sending vibrations through him. Kim wasn't going to hold herself back from the pleasure she found in sucking a long black shaft.
Loud slurping and slobbering noises were soon audible as Kim shoved her lips all the way down. Sean began to twitch, panting as he exhaled his breath and let out a growling groan.
"Ohhhhh, shit!"
Moving his hands towards Kim, Sean watched and listened as she pulled her lips from his shaft with a loud popping noise. It flopped down, slapping against his stomach since she had moved her hands away from it. Now using her palms to push down into his legs as she finished with sucking his cock for now. Lifting herself up, Kim began to giggle as she flashed her teeth in a devious smile.
"I'm ready to take a ride on you, baby!"
She spoke in that famous high pitch voice she was known for. Sean moved his right hand down below to grip his cock and tilt it up but Kim soon found her hand gripping it along with him. Taking her sweet time to line up his cock, she hovered her juicy waiting pussy above it and soon teasing him. Sean breathed in as she rubbed the head of his cock past her pink folds. Kim bit down on her lower lip, awaiting him to remove his hand and then she slid herself down onto his cock. Her knees bent down into the bed as she moved her hands over his chest and now listened to the moan he made as his cock was pushed inside her tight cunt.
"Ohhhhh, yeah. There you go, baby. Come on and ride it, Kim!"
Once again, Kim giggled at him. She found Sean amusing when he became excited in the heat of a moment like this. His dark skinned hands moved, smashing his palms against her breasts to feel her hardened nipples poking. Kim bit down on her lower lip, still grinning at him as she felt his touch and now began to roll her hips. Her phat ass cheeks bounced, clapping together slightly as his cock began to throttle into her cunt.
"Ohhhhhh, yeah! Mmmmmm!!"
Closing her eyes, she moaned out to him, moving her left hand to streak through her hair as those long black locks began to sway swiftly through the air. Sean squeezed her tits, laying back on the bed to make it easier for Kim to ride him. He moved his hands away from her boobs, grabbing the pillows from behind his back and suddenly tossing them away onto the floor. Never once did he break his eyes away from what he believed to be a raven haired goddess riding him.
"Ride it, baby! Yeah!!"
As Kim began to pick up the pace, Sean moved his right hand from behind and smacked it across her thick firm ass. The spank echoed through the room as she rolled her hips harder and faster. His cock pumped in and out of her pussy along with his fat nut sack slapping against the undersides of her massive ass cheeks. Kim leaned down, brushing her tits up against his chest as Sean then wrapped his arms around her and pushed his lips to hers. They began to kiss passionately as he took control, bucking his hips forward to drive that long black cock into her juicy cunt. Kim instantly moaned into his mouth as the sound of his balls smacking up against her thighs was soon heard loudly through the room in a steady rhythm.
Smack. Smack. Smack. The sound carried on as Sean was now moaning into Kim's mouth with her thunderous ass clapping down to his balls. Over and over, his cock pumped into her pussy and he knew within any moment Kim would reach her climax. She didn't like to stop and switch positions with him when they engaged in lustful love making. When the kiss broke, Kim panted while pushing her hands down onto his chest and elevating herself back up. Her long black hair sway through the air as she began to grind her hips once more, working them in sync with Sean's thrusts to nearly match his speed. She couldn't take it anymore. Her impending climax was more important than anything else in this passing moment.
Screaming to him, Kim raked her fingernails across his clean chest as she came to a halt in her movements. It was up to Sean to push her to that heavenly feeling now as he moved his hands to her hips and continued to thrust his cock into her pussy. Her great big tits began to bounce, swaying in every directly as he pumped his rod back and forth into Kim. She dropped her lip, gasping before clenching her teeth together and then opening her eyes upon belting out a loud high pitch scream.
Kim's legs began to shake as her orgasm gave in. Sean had to brace himself as he tried to hold back his own orgasm from within her. Grunting and crying out a moan with her, he leaned up and began to breath heavily while feeling the rush of her juices from within her cunt. When Kim moved her hands, Sean began to lean up and patted her ass from behind with his right hand. She knew what to do, quickly raising herself up and beginning to climb off him. Sean watched as Kim had raised herself up and then his long black cock fell from her pussy with a gush of her warm juices leaking out behind her thighs. As he leaned up from the bed, he spoke.
"Turn around, I gotta fuck that ass baby."
If not for attempting a fast recovery from such a sharp orgasm, Kim would've laughed at his choice of words. She let out a moan, fixing her hair beyond her shoulders as she quickly turned around for him as Sean was moving to stand up on the bed. With a soft giggle, Kim teased him with her words.
"You wanna fuck my ass, huh?"
"Yeah! That's what I want!"
Adjusting herself on all fours, Kim pushed her knees down onto the bed and began to grind her hips. As Sean stepped his feet down into the bed sheets below, he almost became hypnotized at the sight of Kim Kardashian's giant ass twerking. Those perfect firm ass cheeks bounced together, hitting in a slight harmony as she continued to roll her hips and force that ass to clap together. He licked his lips, fighting off the urge to shove his head down and eat it. Gripping his shaft with his right hand, Sean stepped his way over and then Kim came to an immediate halt. She knew what he wanted and she too held the current desire of having a big black cock shoved up her ass. Kim didn't have to wait for long as she felt his thick shaft sliding up the crack of her booty.
"Ohhhhhh, yeah! Get it up in there, Sean!"
She called out to him while using her right hand to playfully smack one of her ass cheeks and then wobbling it slightly. The immense size of Kim's ass was enough to swallow up his cock shoved between the middle, like a reverse Oreo cookie. Gripping it from the base, Sean slid his cock forward and found her dark entryway. When the head of his dick poked through, Kim let out a desperate gasp and called for him.
"Fuck my ass! Come on, baby!"
He didn't need any words of encouragement but to hear her voice begging, Sean wasn't about to disappointment Kim. He thrust his cock into her ass, listening to the soft giggle she made as he began to pump every inch of his long black dick into her phat ass.
"Ohhhhhh, yes... That's it... Ohhhhhh, yeah..."
Biting down on her lower lip, Kim closed her eyes and moaned. She curled her toes up momentarily while using her fingers to grip the blankets beneath her. Sean raised his right hand up, watching as her booty cheeks began to bounce with each full thrust he made into that phat ass. He brought his hand down, spanking her rump and causing Kim to moan.
"Ohhhh, yeah! Do that again!"
Spank! Once more Sean's hand came slapping down onto Kim's ass. She responded by pushing herself back to make his cock pump into her ass. Sean raised his hand again, once more smacking that ass with his palm for a third time.
"Best ass in the world! There's nothing in life that comes close to this!"
Sean yelled his words in the absolute spoken truth of what he believed. Together their bodies moved in sync before came to a stop and allowed him to pound her phat ass. Over and over, she could feel every inch of his thick black cock pumping into her. Opening her eyes, she felt her breasts bouncing and swaying from underneath with each full thrust. She gripped the sheets, panting and moaning.
"Ohhhh, ohhhhhh yeah! Fuck my ass, Sean! Fuck it hard!!"
The sound of their bodies smacking together was soon heard amidst the moans and cries of pleasure. Sean began to pant as he placed his hands at Kim's hips. He had watched his long black cock disappear into her ass with every full thrust and now he was trying desperately to hold off his own orgasm from coming. This always happened when he fucked Kim, as he never wanted the moment to end. Gritting his teeth, he grunted and the screamed to her.
"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!!"
"Yes, yes! Shoot that hot fucking load right up my ass, baby! Give me your cum, Sean!"
Kim knew just what to say at the right time to push him over the edge. Sean was panting, letting out a groan as he curled up his face. With one final thrust into her ass, he pulled his hands back, smacking both of her massive phat cheeks and then feeling explode from within.
"Oh shit! Ohhhh, OHHHHHHHH FUCK!!"
He called out, screaming as Sean couldn't stop himself from pushing one last time into that massive booty. Kim began to giggle, moaning as she felt his warm seed shooting into her ass. Sean had to catch his breath as he began to pull his cock from her ass, watching as his cum trickled out of her tight dark hole and dripped down the crack of her ass and onto the blankets of the bed below. Kim glanced at him from beyond her right shoulder. Her expression first was in shock but then those puffy pink lips curved into a mischievous grin. Sean didn't know what to say as he was still taking a moment to recover from such a hard orgasm. When he finally moved out of his daze, his left hand caressed her huge booty, giving it a playful spank.
It wasn't a plan set in today's events for Steven to find himself in the company of Khloe Kardashian. Staying true to her word, she took him out to eat across town. It was the first time he had ventured out in the downtown area of Los Angeles, as Khloe brought him to a fancy hipster restaurant close by street filled with luxurious stores for later shopping. She didn't have plans of taking him into any stores, which he was thankful for. It was already bad enough to consider he would have his next job working for a younger Kardashian sister. This wasn't what he had come to L.A. hoping to do, but for now, Steven wasn't going to complain. While having lunch with Khloe, she received a phone call from an agent who failed at a negotiation involving a photo shoot with a top paying fashion magazine.
As he sat there at the table listening to her argue and become animated in her dispute over the phone, Steven began to think quietly to himself. He had already made his mind up that if he was going to work jobs for Kim, he wouldn't hold himself back from potential affairs with Kardashian women. But there was something more he wanted and saw an opportunity here to stick his meddling hands into. Khloe could be manipulated and managed, Steven considered in his thoughts. He wasn't happy having to pull a job that involved Kylie, but now he had a change of mind regarding that whole situation. Given that Kim had a taste for how he handled situations involving other men, Steven figured it wouldn't be hard to continue his streak on her good side and attempt to wrap her around his finger as well.
When Khloe hung up the phone, Steven wasted no time inviting himself in by asking questions. As he could've expected, she immediately opened up and gave him all the details about how angry she was. The magazine deal had come down to a money situation, but her rage was more so directed at the agent whom she claimed had not done his job. Steven sat back, nodding as he listened and offered a helping hand to Khloe. All he had to do was reassure her that he could take care of the situation in due time. 'If you could do his job for him, I'll fire his worthless ass. All I want is a better payment. Is that too much to ask for?' With a fake smile, Steven simply nodded his head in agreement with her words. Never once disagreeing.
This would be easy, Steven thought to himself. A meeting with her agent and another display of the brutality he was capable of. Or perhaps he could take over the negotiations himself and get the woman what she wanted. In the end, this would be a fine step in the direction of having Khloe in his corner when Steven decided there was something else he desired. During the time spent with her for lunch, he quietly made these plans to go for such a power move with manipulating the sisters. After the phone call, Khloe wanted to discuss other personal matters with Steven. Questions regarding his love life around her hinting if he needed the company of a woman. When he asked her what she seen in him, the woman didn't hide her true opinion. Steven was told to his face he seemed like a man stuck amidst a life changing event.
He didn't want to think too much of her words, though he knew there was truth to it. Putting such thoughts to the back of his mind, he focused on Khloe instead. Leaving the restaurant, she wanted to take Steven back to her home in Calabasas. It was apparent to him that she was looking for a man to use for her sexual needs and Steven wasn't about to run away from such a thing. For now, he was in the mood to chase after some Kardashian ass, regardless that he had previously indulged himself with Khloe in the past. Back at her Calabasas mansion, Khloe wasted no time marching him to the bedroom. Steven felt the need to tease her about any boyfriend she may have had, but Khloe put that thought to rest quickly by informing him that she chose and fucked whatever man she wanted. Maybe this was payback for a recent 'cheating' story that broke in the media, or perhaps not.
None of that mattered after they had taken their clothes off. Steven was quite satisfied for a moment to witness Khloe's thick nude body before him. He licked his lips upon witnessing her shaved pussy down below, but she knew how to tease him by turning around and bending over to show her ass. The woman knew what the men wanted to see, even if he was tempted enough to smash his hands against her breasts and give them a decent squeeze. A passionate kiss was shared between them with Khloe taking a more aggressive approach as she danced her tongue deep into his mouth and gripped his chin with her left hand. For a slight moment, she flickered her fingers through his long dark hair. That was only a sign of things to come when she found herself down on her knees with his hardening cock gripped in her hands.
Khloe wasted no time stroking his shaft back and forth before parting her lips and shoving it into her mouth. Steven figured he was best to stand there and allow her to enjoy herself before he was prepared to take control. Her blonde locks of hair sway slightly down her back as Khloe quickly devoured his shaft by slamming the head to the back of her throat and shoving her lips all the way down to the base. She managed to catch him by surprise with some early deep throat action. Those big brown eyes gazed up at him, starring into his face as she gagged and choked on his length. Khloe pulled her lips back, releasing his dick from her watery mouth with an audible 'ahhhh' while saliva strings dangled from her open mouth back to his saliva soaked shaft.
"Mmmmm, you fucking like that, don't you?"
She spoke to him while pushing her teeth together to form a smug grin. If Steven had forgotten how nasty Khloe could be, he was about to get a full reminder. She slurped up the strings of drool from his cock, then licked the head while gripping his shaft with her right hand. Eyes still locked on him, she began to pump her hand back and forth to aggressively jack him off. Their eyes remained locked as her hand glided with ease across his cock. When Khloe finally stopped wanking him, she moved her head down to his balls. Moving her hands away, she allowed his cock to dangle across her nose as she parted her lips and began to slobber on his hairy nut sack. Steven responded by placing his right hand on the back of her head, encouraging her to further use her mouth on his balls.
His cock bounced across her nose, swaying to the left and right as Steven soon could hear her slurping and slobbering noises. He glanced beyond her face, gazing down at her giant phat ass sitting on her knees, but only momentarily. Khloe elevated herself up slightly, planting both of her hands down into the white tiled floor below to move herself on all fours. She continued to slobber and lick at his balls, finally coming to a halt when she felt his fingers pull away from her golden hair. Khloe glared her big brown eyes up at him, parting her lips and lapping her tongue across the head of his cock. When she slid it back into her mouth, that was the moment when Steven seized control for himself. He placed both of his hands on the side of her head, gripping her hair as he began to thrust his cock between her lips.
"Mmmm, mmmmmm, gwah...."
Moaning against his cock at first, Khloe made muffled gagging noises. Her eyes remained locked upwards at Steven's face as he began to fuck her mouth. Going slow at first, Steven exhaled deeply while listening to the slobbering and sucking noises Khloe's mouth produced. Once again he became distracted when he glanced beyond her face and looked at that huge round ass from behind. He didn't have to think twice about what he wanted to do next after giving her a proper session of skull-fucking. Thrusting his cock into her mouth hard, Steven moved his hands to the back of her head and began to buck his hips faster and harder.
"Suck it! Suck that fucking cock!"
Steven groaned, yelling at Khloe as she closed her eyes and he pushed her head all the way down for another round of deepthroating. She gagged, immediately choking on the length of his dick as his balls rubbed up against her chin. He gripped her hair, stepping back to pull his cock from her mouth. She instantly breathed in, catching her breath as a flood of saliva drained down her open mouth and poured down her chin. Khloe moaned and before he could react, she brought his cock back into her mouth and began to suck. Steven moved his hands out of her hair, gazing down into her eyes as she was now bobbing her head up and down inch after inch of his shaft. She was aggressive, easily devouring his long thick shaft as she sucked and slobbered her way down.
This was his kind of woman in the bedroom. The type who knew when to turn on the heat and get nasty at the first sign of control. Moving his hands back into her hair, Steven resumed control as Khloe came to a sudden halt in her moment. She didn't move her head again as he now began to buck his hips once more and thoroughly fuck her mouth. Inch after inch of his long shaft pumped between her lips as his balls bounced and hit up against her chin below. He gritted his teeth, groaning as he skull-fucked her mouth hard and fast. Once again Khloe's eyes watered up, smearing her dark eyeliner as it smudged around the corner of her left eye. Steven began to pant, breathing in heavily as he continued to slam his cock in and out of her mouth. Slowing down, he made a few more thrusts. Counting to three before stepped back and pulled his cock from her mouth.
"Ahhhhhhhh, yeah...."
Khloe spoke in a low voice, followed by a slight cough. Strings of drool dripped from both corners of her mouth, falling down to her tits below. She took one hard look at his saliva soaked shaft and then gazed up at his face. Perhaps she expected him to say something but he didn't. All Steven did was remain standing there, observing her every move. Khloe grabbed his cock with her right hand and then moved it down below, rubbing his wet dick up against her breasts. She bit down onto her bottom lip, teasing him now as she rubbed the head of his shaft across her left nipple. Smack. Smack. Smack. Khloe began to playfully smack his cock against her tit.
"You like that?"
He didn't reply to her in spoken words, only with a nod. Steven watched as she moved his cock to her other nipple now, only smacking it once. She managed to give him an impression that she wanted it between her tits, but only momentarily. Khloe let go of his cock, defeating any thoughts he had of tittyfucking. She wiped her lips, smirking at him as she began to crawl backwards. Turning around now to show him her ass, the Kardashian sister raised her right hand and brought it down hard on her plump phat ass. The spank sound echoed through the room as Steven stood mesmerized at the rippling wave of movement across her ass cheeks.
"You like this fucking ass, don't you? At least I remember you did."
Spank! Once again, her hand smacked across it. Steven responded by moving both his hands over her plump cheeks. Khloe glanced at him from her left shoulder as he replied in a low voice.
"Yeah, I remember fucking that ass."
After replying to her words, he raised his right hand and then brought it down hard, smacking her plump phat booty. Khloe bit down on her lower lip, while running her right hand through her golden locks of hair before placing it back down on the floor. She rolled her hips and began to twerk after he had moved his hands away from her ass entirely. For a moment Steven stood there, watching as her firm ass cheeks bounced and sway, crashing together with solid claps.
"You wanna fuck this ass, don't you?"
Khloe called out to him again, still rolling her hips and twerking that phat ass. Steven took a moment to watch those cheeks still clapping together before he gripped his cock and began to rub it up the crack. She came to a halt, grinding her hips one last time before letting out a soft moan. Khloe could feel his shaft sliding up the crack of her giant ass.
"I wanna feel your big hard cock in my ass."
"Is that what you want, babe?"
"Yeah and don't make me fucking wait for it! I wanna get slammed in the ass! And I want it RIGHT NOW!!"
Such a flair of attitude with impatience made Steven smile. He shoved his cock forward, pushing to enter her asshole between the cheeks. When Khloe felt the head enter her ass, she licked her lips and let out a soft moan. Catching him by surprise, she began to buck her own hips and push herself back to force that cock to move in and out of her ass.
"You have no idea how bad I want this. I haven't been fucked in the ass in months."
Steven chuckled at her words. Standing there, he watched as her ass cheeks bounced with each full backwards thrust Khloe made.
"Ain't that a shame? You poor, poor woman."
Shortly after his reply, he reached for her hair with his right hand to snatch up a tight grip. Khloe came to a halt in her movements, now allowing him to take over. Steven began by using his left hand to smack across her ass. She moaned at the feel of his palm striking down across her firm skin. Pulling her hair with his strong hand, he began to buck his hips and drive that fat cock into her huge ass. Khloe moaned, her breasts beginning to shake from underneath as Steven wasted no time putting on the pressure with hard and fast thrusts.
She screamed to him, growling upon gritting her teeth together. Steven pulled his left hand back and once more smacked that phat bottom with his palm. He moaned, enjoying every second of his cock pumping back and forth into that tight tunnel. Listening to Khloe moan, he snatched at her hair some more, resulting in her to begin screaming her lungs out to him.
Not the reaction he was expecting as she screamed louder with each passing word. Steven snatched at her hair hard enough to lift her head up as he used his left hand to firmly grip one of her hips. Over and over his hard clock pounded her ass, inch after inch. He grunted, gritting his teeth and growling as the man had almost lost complete control of himself. Steven didn't want to stop as he indulged in this pleasure of fucking a Kardashian woman in the ass.
Khloe continued to yell at the top of her lungs, her voice echoing from every corner of the room. Steven continued to buck his hips, pounding her ass again and again with his balls smacking down the undersides of her phat booty cheeks. He groaned, knowing he couldn't go much further without blowing his load deep within her. Slowing himself down, he let go of her hair and moved his hands completely away from her thick body. Steven began panting, breathing in and out heavily. Khloe glanced at him from across her left shoulder.
"Let me guess... you're gonna fucking cum soon, huh?"
The way she uttered those words in such a sexual taunt had only made Steven groan louder.
After replying, he quickly pulled his cock out of her ass and stepped back. Before he could utter another word, Khloe had stomped her hands down into the floor and began turning around to face him. She called out while gazing up into his eyes.
"I'll let you cum all over my fucking face! Come on! You've already mouth-fucked me and slammed me in the ass, so you better give me a face full of cum too!"
With a tight grip of his hand around his cock, Steven wanked back and forth As Khloe situated herself onto her knees, directly under him. She gritted her teeth, gazing up at him with the most slutty expression she could possibly make across her face. When he tilted his dick downward slightly, she opened her mouth, parting her tongue and groaning out a loud 'ahhhh'. Never once did she break eye contact with him as his hand glided back and forth across that thick, veiny shaft. Steven groaned, curling his face up as he finally felt the release coming.
His growling voice carried on as Khloe suddenly closed her eyes and felt the initial burst of his cum splatter across her nose and both cheeks. Steven immediately reached by reaching down with his left hand and gripping the back of her head. He didn't want her to move at all as he held here there and continued to wank his cock with his dominant hand. Ropes of cum splattered across her left cheek, dripping down to her breasts below. Khloe opened her eyes and mouth, beginning to giggle as she taunted him.
"Fuck yeah, there you go!"
Still groaning as he blew his load, Steven twitched his cock slightly as a spurt of cum caught into her left eyebrow. A wad of cum slathering across her left cheek followed after it. He felt nearly spent with his balls drained for this filthy woman. Setting the head of his cock onto her tongue, he let go of her hair and moved his hand away from the rod. Khloe squeezed her lips around it and began to suck. Bobbing her head a few times, she vigorously sucked the head to milk him of his final drops into her mouth. When she was done, she pulled his cock from her mouth with a popping sound and then audibly swallowed the excess of his warm seed that had entered her mouth. Steven took a step back and she pushed her lips together, blowing him a kiss before giggling.

"Damn, too bad I won't be taking a picture of your face today."
He laughed, teasing her about that incident from their past. Khloe wasn't expecting Steven to bring that up, as she laughed and then raised her hands to give him a double-bird. She flipped him off with both middle fingers, still grinning. All Steven did was laugh at her playful gesture.
"You know, there's something you can do for me right now and I'll forgive you for that whole ordeal."
"Is that your way of telling me we're not done for the day?"
Khloe giggled at his reply, still smirking as she began to raise herself off the floor from her knees. She licked her lips with the cum now dripping from her face, giving Steven a nod before she answered him back.
"I guess so."
Grinning with her teeth visible, Khloe took a few steps back and then surprised him by walking across the bedroom and to her personal bathroom. Khloe motioned with her right hand finger for Steven to follow along, leaving the white walled bedroom to enter her bathroom. The walls were of a grey color, sleek with metal bars near the shower and a large sink and counter. Khloe snapped her fingers, pointing down to her soaking wet pussy. Once she had Steven's attention, she spoke aloud.
"I want you to fucking eat me. Then I'll forgive you for that little stunt with that whore."
"Fine by me."
Shoving her hands down onto the cold metal surface of the sink counter, Khloe lifted herself up. Her phat ass slid across the surface as Steven leaned himself down onto his knees. Once she was properly sitting there on the counter, he moved his head between her thighs and attempted to move his hands underneath her. Since he didn't say anything, Khloe had little knowledge of the position he was going for. Once he had slid his hands beneath her ass cheeks to sustain a grip, he moved his mouth to her pink folds, flicking his tongue across them. Khloe exhaled her breath, moving her right hand down to his hair as she ran her nails through his long hair.
"That's it! You know where I want your fucking tongue!"
She was in control now, obvious from the commanding tone of her voice. This was not where Steven preferred to be in the bedroom with a woman. He was always more comfortable when he was in charge, but there was nothing for him to complain about. He had his fun with Khloe and all of this was better in the long run for the plans he had down the road. With her legs pushed over his shoulders, Steven slightly lifted Khloe up. She moved both hands now over his head precisely at the moment she felt his tongue slithering into her twat. Gasping, she let out a deep breath before moaning.
"Ahhhhhhh, mmmmmmmm yeah..."
As Khloe called out, Steven attempted to step backwards a bit. It was his idea to turn her around and shove her back against a wall in the room while he devoured her juicy cunt with his mouth. His tongue slithered back and forth, lightly shaking from within her. His left foot slid across the cold tilted floor and then he nearly lost his balance with her legs sitting over his shoulders. Khloe responded by squeezing her legs around his head, dangling her feet down his back and now Steven's knees came slamming down onto the floor below with a thunderous boom. If not for having his mouth embedded to Khloe's pussy, he would've likely groaned in pain as he could feel the shooting infliction going down his legs. This didn't stop the man however, as he still slithered his tongue back and forth into her pussy.
"Yes, yes, yessss!!"
For once, Khloe called out to him in a cry of sensual joy without her taunting voice of intimidation. She moved her left hand above his face, finding her clit as she began to furiously finger it back and forth. Steven had closed his eyes, concentrating entirely on the taste of her sweet honey pot. His fingers remained in place on both ass cheeks, gently squeezing at them to feel the firmness of her skin in his palms.
"Don't stop! Don't stop! Don't you dare fucking stop!!"
Gritting her teeth together, Khloe let out a growling moan after her demanding words. It was apparent to Steven that she was in complete control now. She moved her hands away from his head as he continued to snake his tongue through her entry hole. Softly caressing her own skin, Khloe squeezed her breasts and then brought her right hand up to her face. Steven wouldn't get to witness the sight of her scooping up the cum from her face and licking her fingernails clean one by one. Between her moans and cries of pleasure, Khloe cleaned her face up.
"Mmmmm, that's it! Yeah, keep going Steven! Make me fucking cum!"
If only he were in a different position, Steven would've reared his hand back and smacked her phat ass after those words. Khloe continued to scoop up the cum from her face, finally getting that bit of cum that splattered into her eyelash. As she licked her fingers clean, it was Steven's face that was about to be covered in fresh warm sticky juices. She panted, still feeling that tongue deep within, wiggling all about in every direction. Shoving her right hand middle finger into her mouth, she sucked it clean before panting and crying out.
Quickly pulling her legs out from his shoulders, Khloe stood on her toes and watched as her love nectar squirted from her busted cunt and splattered across Steven's face. Her gush came with a powerful force, spraying above his head and onto the glass door of the shower from behind. Khloe gasped her breath and slowly cracked a grin as she looked down at Steven, properly giving him a facial in return for the one she had received. They both had to catch their breath, now as Steven sat down on the floor and glanced up to see the smug cold gaze that Khloe gave to him. He licked his lips, wiping his face before she spoke to him.
"Now you're forgiven. I wanna see you again some time this weekend. I'll call you, just to make sure you aren't busy with Kim."
The meeting with Kylie Jenner had went over fast, as Steven was left with the impression that she was something of a cold young woman, much in the mold of Kim herself. It became evident with him after a series of discussions with both women that Kim was mentoring Kylie as something of a protégé to her in the way she preferred to handle business. With no interest of getting his hands into the fashion and makeup line that the Kardashian-Jenner name was known for. He still wasn't happy with the task at hand of having to work for the younger sister, but for the time being Steven looked for pathways to manipulate his situation upon completing the job. Once he had been properly briefed on the situation, he had already thought of ways to lure out her stalker.
It was his belief all along that her security was compromised to let a man get so close to her. Steven had seen the evidence left behind by Kylie's stalker, with printed photographs splattered in a man's semen. Learning about 'cum tributes' as they were called had sickened him, though he still insisted to Kim that it had to be someone within security or at least a friend of a disgruntled bodyguard. Whoever it was, with no photo identification to know the suspect, Steven hatched a plan alongside Kim to bring out the man. The idea was to have Kylie stay at a hotel for a few days with relaxed security and only him close by her. This would hopefully throw off any suspicion from other members of the Kardashian security team since Steven was still something of an outsider.
Within the first day, he figured that the stalker needed ample time to learn of Kylie's whereabouts. Maybe they were simply lucky but the hotel plan began to pay off within the second day as Kylie received 'fan mail' as another cum splattered printed picture of her in a green bikini. Unknowing to Steven, the younger sister had hatched a plan herself by hiring a model who carried herself with a strong resemblance to Kylie. Changing his plans at the last minute, the hotel room had arranged with no security and the doors unlocked. Steven awaited in the bathroom, as the lookalike model had wandered down the halls and would come through the door hoping to be followed by the man stalking Kylie. With a bit of luck on their side, the plan paid off. A short man with long black hair wearing baggy pants and a black hoodie had invited himself into the hotel room. Steven came out of the bathroom pointing his gun at the man and offered a smile.
"Looking for someone else?"
Folded in the man's hand was yet another new cum tribute photo. He gazed back quietly as he was petrified at Steven's presence. It was clear that he had been caught by surprise. All Steven did was grin, flashing his teeth in a shark-like smile back at him. That was the only expression he needed to make for the next few hours, this nameless young man would feel a wrath of pain. The situation had unfolded at night and by the next morning, Steven drove his Cadillac Escalade down a lonely neighborhood block, stopping so he could open the passenger front door and kick out the broken and bruised body of the man whom had now been taken care of. He sped off, leaving his body in a ditch with multiple broken ribs, a busted nose and mouth. His identity was of no importance, as it would likely make news headlines due to where Steven had dumped him.
While cruising through the early morning, Steven had thought of what he would tell Kim about the young man. While he was beaten black and blue, the man swore to Steven he had been a cat burglar in the past and didn't know of anyone within Kardashian security. That was fine and dandy, as Steven at least had his own motives at hand. He decided to tell Kim a lie, that her security team truly was compromised but with no names to give. He planned to further his lie by telling him that no matter how viscously he tortured the man, he wouldn't give a name. Perhaps this would dispel trust Kim had for the hired security she had. Steven waited until he got back to his rented apartment before making the phone call. He was caught by a surprise to learn Kylie had already told Kim that he had taken care of the stalker.
Kim appeared to be satisfied, judging in her enthusiastic responses through the phone. Once again, she seemed to enjoy the tales of Steven's brutality. This time she went as far as to ask the details of what he did to the man. Not expecting such a question, Steven found himself blushing at Kim's giggling excitement when he spoke of breaking bones and inflicting such pain on a person she deemed an enemy to her family. Her tone shifted when Steven began to tell her about someone within her organization letting this man get close to Kylie. As he expected, Kim immediately asked if he could get a name to prove such accusations. She told Steven she would 'think about it' and consider advice from him. Hearing that made him smile to himself, as he believed himself a step closer to earning Kim's trust.
Such thoughts were put to rest after Kim reminded Steven that she promised him something good as payment for these troubles. Along with a high pay out, she gave him instructions for the next day to show up at a specific address across town around 10 AM. The address led to a mansion across Calabasas, yet another piece of real estate he was previously unaware of as part of the Kardashian business empire. With nothing more to go on besides the address, Steven was told that a surprise would be awaiting him. He went to bed early that night, catching up rest that was much needed before he got up the next morning to prepare for whatever Kim had in store awaiting him across town. Climbing out of bed and taking a shower, he wasted no time putting on a new black suit to start the day.
Upon arriving at the address, Steven was taken back as he noticed there wasn't a row of Cadillac Escalade vehicles sitting in the driveway. He got out and glanced around, noticing on a yellow Ferrari sports car and a pink Cadillac Eldorado that must have belonged to Kim. The front door leading into the mansion was unlocked, begging for the man to invite himself in. Steven entered, shutting the door behind him and noticing two pairs of black high heels down on the floor near a mat that had been taken off. This was a subtle hint he believed that he should take his shoes off and make himself comfortable. The floor in front of him was shiny in marble white stone, not unlike the flooring in Kim's other mansion. After taking his shoes off, Steven began to wander around the quiet mansion. His foot steps didn't create any noise across the marble floor.
"Mmmmm, that's the spot..."
A voice was heard from upstairs calling out. Steven wasn't sure but it sounded like Kim. In front of him was a spiraling staircase with padded white carpet pieces and a wooden rail. He gripped the rail and began making his way up the stairs as he soon heard faint moans. The floor above was of wooden tile, another white hall way and an open door to his left. When Steven stepped through the large bedroom, he was greeted with a sight to behold that he wouldn't have ever guessed. In the middle of the room was a large bed with a matching white frame and purple sheets and blankets down below on it. Right in the middle of the bed lay Kim Kardashian herself, naked. Her arms stretched out as her back lay on the bed and then down below her thighs was the head of another woman with long jet black hair. She too had no clothes covering her body, resting a plump ass down on the heels of her feet.
It took him a moment to realize just what he was walking into, as Kim could be heard moaning at the feeling of another woman eating her pussy. She moved her hands onto her large breasts, squeezing them to play with herself. Her eyes remained closed as she let out soft moans. Steven's eyes trailed down at the massive booty on display of the other woman whom appeared busy with her lips connected to Kim's vulva lips. Only when Kim began to open her eyes and gaze forward, Steven began to learn whom the other woman was. Kim leaned up, offering a smile and quirking her eyebrows up. Her slight body movement caused the other woman to come to a stop from eating pussy and glance beyond her left shoulder. Those dark brown eyes and familiar face was none other than Kylie Jenner.
"Oh, now you're here."
Kim spoke up as Steven stood there with a gaze of bewilderment across his mug. He didn't expect to walk in and witness a bit of sisterly love between Kim and Kylie. Kim wore little makeup, only with a slight bit of dark eyeliner that matched her hair split down the middle. Kylie looked almost the same, minus the eyeliner and soft blush to her face. Both of them had on pink lipstick and similar hair style parted down the middle. Swallowing his breath as he stood there, Steven watched as Kylie moved her head out from Kim's thighs and moved to sit on the head on the right hand side of Kim.
"If I were you, I'd go ahead and get naked and join us."
Kylie called out to him just before she began to climb over her sister. All Kim did was smirk at him.
"I did promise you something good, didn't I? We don't always share family secrets with just any man. You're a lucky man today, Steven. Now get naked and come join us."
So there it was, the million dollar answer to any questions Steven may have had. As he pulled his jacket off and tossed it to the floor, he began to wonder about that computer he had to retrieve earlier in the week. What was on it that was so valuable and important as a piece of blackmail from that man? Could it have possibly been pieces of evidence for such family secrets that were in front of him? It didn't matter as that was a closed deal and old business by this point in time. As he unbuttoned his pants and began to take them off, Kim snapped her fingers and gave her sister a nod. Kylie knew just what to do as she got up from the bed and Steven took a moment to glance at her. A smug expression was carried across her face.
"Here, let me help you get undressed."
His eyes scanned down, watching her big tits bounce as she moved her curvy legs with each step forward. Down below, her pussy was completely shaved and clean. She looked almost like a mini-me version of Kim in a way. When Steven looked back at the bed, he was met with Kim's eyes gazing down at him as her sister shoved his pants and underwear down. He stepped out of them, leaving a pile of his discarded clothes onto the floor as Kylie then moved her hands to the buttons on his shirt. She undid them one by one before shoving her breasts up against his bare chest and pushing her lips to his for a short kiss. Once he threw his shirt off, Kylie backed away from him. She turned her back entirely and let him see her massive phat Kardashian-built ass.
"Come on, let's get started already! I know I'm in the mood for some dick today."
Kylie spoke before giggling and then teasing Kim.
"What about you, sis?"
"Mmmmm, yes. Let's treat the man right to show him how much we appreciate his hard work lately."
Soon after Kim had spoke, she began to rise up from the bed. Kylie turned around and then Steven watched as the Kardashian-Jenner sisters moved in front of him. Kim was to his left side and Kylie to the right. A total of four deep brown eyes gazed back at his face before Kylie fell down to her knees and Kim leaned up close to him. Like her sister before her, she rubbed her breasts against his chest and leaned in to whisper into his ear.
"Let this be the beginning of something special between you and me..."
Steven responded to Kim's low voice by cupped her face with his left hand and then kissing her deeply. She moaned into his mouth as he soon felt the hands of Kylie gripping his cock below and wanking back and forth. Kim ran her fingers down his chest, caressing his skin as they kissed tenderly. Once the kiss broke, Kim winked to him before falling down to her knees. Steven spread his legs out, as he had not even as much glanced down to see Kylie. He soon felt his cock entering her warm watery mouth. Taking a gasp for himself, he let out a moan as she began to suck his cock inch by inch.
"Mmmmmm, Kylie hasn't had a man like you in a long time."
Kim smirked, flashing her teeth after speaking to him. She turned her eyes to watch her sister, as Kylie had shoved her hand down to the base of his cock and began quickly bobbing her head up and down. This flair of speed was enough to give him memories of Khloe earlier in the week, but Kylie didn't slobber all over his shaft for long. She pulled her lips back to the head, releasing it with a popping sound, then whispering to Kim with incoherent words Steven couldn't make out. Kim let out a giggle and then gazed up into Steven's face as she wrapped her right hand fingers around his cock. Kylie moved a bit out of the way, closer to his right left as Kim now took control. Her eyes remained locked upward at him as she parted her lips and flicked her tongue across the head of his cock.
Letting out a soft moan, Steven could see Kylie grinning at him from the corner of his eye as he tried to focus on this moment of witnessing his cock slip beyond the puffy pink lips of Kim Kardashian. She refused to break eye contact still as she began to suck his cock, moving her hand away from it and instead using them to touch up his legs. Kim began to eagerly bob her head up and down, sucking inch after inch of his cock in a steady slow rhythm. When she finally did close her eyes, she pushed her lips all the way down, beating out Kylie as the first one to deepthroat his long meat pole. This only lasted momentarily as Kim pulled her lips back and loudly moaned against his cock, 'mmmmmmm', feeling vibrations flow within him, Steven let out a soft cry as she pulled her lips away making a popping sound.
"Mmmmmmm, just the perfect size for me."
Kim spoke in a low tone, grinning at Steven as she moved slightly to the left near his leg. It was Kylie's turn to suck him again. She smirked over at her sister and then centered her attention back on his shaft hanging in front of her. Spitting across it, Kylie shoved it back between her lips and then moved her hands down below to her big boobs. She began to squeeze her own nipples as she slobbered and sucked her way down his length. Taking her time, it appeared she wanted to impress her sister as she attempted to deepthroat him quickly. Kylie slammed his cock to the back of her throat, immediately gagging as she choked on it. Kim let out a soft giggle, watching as her sister pulled it out of her mouth with a few saliva strings dangling from the corners of her mouth.
"Use your tits on him, sis. I think he's ready to fuck 'em."
Once again, it was Kim uttering filthy words. Steven knew who was in charge now between the sisters, regardless that he was gazing down into Kylie's eyes. She lifted her breasts up, making for a passage way down the middle which his cock instantly filled. With a smirk across her face, Kylie spoke.
"You like to fuck big tits?"
"Oh yeah, I sure fucking do!"
Steven's reply caused both of them to giggle together, their voices echoing simultaneously into a chorus. As Kylie squeezed her busty boobs around his cock, he began to buck his hips. She leaned her head down, watching his cock thrust between them and then spitting down at the head. Kim leaned a bit closer, brushing shoulders with her sister as they both watched the action down below. Steven's cock slid back and forth between Kylie's breasts, but she didn't bother looking him in the eyes. Instead she glanced to her right side and soon Kim cupped her face. As Steven fucked Kylie's tits, he caught sight of the two sisters beginning to kiss. Kim shoved her tongue into Kylie's mouth and turned the touch of their lips into one of passion, all while Kylie was feeling his cock pump up and down between her tits.
Kylie moaned again and soon, she pulled her lips away from Kim. Her eyes glanced up at Steven as she bit down on her lower lip, giving him a goofy smirk. He continued to pump his cock up and down at a moderate speed between her tits. Kim followed suit with her sister, glancing at Steven and then gazing down to watch the action of his cock poking up between the folds with each full thrust. She leaned her head beneath Kylie's chin and parted her lips. Each time Steven thrust forward, the head of his cock shoved past Kim's lips and the pulled out with a popping sound. Pop. Pop. Pop. She finally stopped after three counts and then spit on the head of his shaft.
"Mmmmm, I'm in the mood to get my tits fucked too, so don't leave me out!"
Kim's voice was followed by laughter from Kylie. Steven perked up a grin as he made one last thrust between Kylie's tits, watching her lean her head down and twirl her tongue over the head. She let go of her breasts, allowing his cock to flop freely before Kim reached for it with her right hand. Gazing down into her eyes, Steven smirked back at Kim as she moved in front of him now. Kylie had crawled off to the side as Kim now moved in the center between his legs. Before she was ready to have her tits fucked, Kim shoved his cock back into her mouth. She aggressively sucked him, bobbing her head up and down as she loudly slobbered and slurped on it but only for a few moments in time. Kim released his cock with a popping noise and let them go of it.
"Watch this..."
Her words were meant solely for Steven. Kim grabbed her heavy breasts, moving her hands to the side as she shoved them around his fat dick and then squeezed them together. Still gazing up into Steven's face, Kim let out a sharp moan as he wasted no time beginning to buck his hips and drive his cock up and down between her tits.
"Mmmmm, yeah! Fuck these big titties!"
She gritted her teeth, still gazing up at him as Kim had the look of a hungry whore. Steven watched as the head of his cock poked up with each full thrust, meanwhile Kylie had moved to stand herself up. The younger sister took one look at the action involving Kim and then turned her back to them completely. She leaned over the bed, shoving her thick phat ass out. As Steven fucked Kim's tits, Kylie began to grind her hips and begin a twerk show right in front of his eyes. Her actions had created a distraction as Steven glanced away from Kim's face to watch Kylie's thick ass cheeks bounce and clap together. He continued to thrust his cock between Kim's tits, letting out a soft moan as she re-affirmed her grip over her breasts.
It became apparent to Kim within seconds that Steven was distracted, so she looked beyond her right shoulder, all while feeling his cock still thrusting between her breasts. Letting out a soft giggle, Kim grinned but only momentarily for a few seconds. She glanced back up to see Steven looking down at her, still pumping his cock between her tits. Dropping her lower lip, she teased him and moaned before leaning her head down to flick her tongue across the head with each full thrust he made. His eyes shifted forward again, watching the display of wonderful twerk skills that Kylie appeared to have. The younger sister had glanced beyond her right shoulder, grinning at him as she was battling to have his full attention. She didn't have to try for much longer as he quit thrusting between Kim's tits and then spoke aloud.
"I want both of you up on the bed now..."
Spoken in a stern voice, Steven felt he was in complete control now. Kim let go of her breasts, freeing his cock and then began to rise up from the floor. She turned her back to him, revealing her giant plump ass to the man for the first time in complete nudity. For Steven, this was a big moment for him. Having previously indulged himself with the booty of Jennifer Lopez and Vida Guerra more than once in the past, this was his first go at Kim. Another legendary ass he could quietly remind himself that he will have fucked after this day was over.
"How do you want us on the bed?"
It was Kylie who called out to him, offering a smug grin before she licked her lips. Steven didn't reply as he watched Kim climb up on all fours and gaze at him from beyond her right shoulder. She grinned before she began to roll her hips and twerk her phat ass, not unlike her sister who had been grinding her hips moments earlier. Kylie turned around, shoving her hands down onto the blankets of the bed behind her and scooting herself up on the bed. Steven finally followed suit, climbing on the bed from the left side, close to Kim. She caught him by a complete surprise, reaching with her right hand to grab his arm and pull him down on the bed. Steven may have thought he had taken control, but Kim quickly reminded him who was truly in charge.
Shoving her lips to his, Kim kissed him passionately as she rubbed her busty body up against his chest. Getting on top of him now, she reached her hands down below to grab at his cock, stroking it back and forth as she began to climb atop. Kim had to break her kiss with Steven as she felt Kylie tugging at her hair. From where he lay on the bed now, he caught sight of the two sisters kissing once again, but Steven was unable to get up and resume his control over the situation while Kim gripped his cock. She squeezed her grip tighter around it as he tried to lean up. Kylie kissed her sister once more and then leaned over to whisper something into Kim's ears. Steven watched as the two sisters giggled back at one another and then Kim finally let go of his cock, offering a wink now as both she and Kyle got up and began to move into a new position.
"Seems my sister would prefer it you took turns with us, so I'm gonna let you have it your way, baby."
Kim replied in her signature, almost high pitch voice. The two women moved together on all fours side by side on the bed. As Steven stood up, he noticed Kim to his right hand side and Kylie to the left. They both glanced at him from across the shoulder, offering a twin-like smirk before they both traded a soft kiss. Steven had to make up his mind fast who he wanted first. Choosing between Kim and Kylie was no easy task. For all the time he had wanted to crack Kim's massive booty, he had to at least play fair and choose Kylie first. Stepping his way towards her, he moved his hands up her phat ass and listened to her softly moan.
"Mmmmmmmm, I get to go first huh. I want you to fuck me real good and then take my ass. Don't worry, Kim will finish me off with her tongue."
A soft giggle was shared between the sisters as Steven ignored them for now. After all this teasing and having to endure the visuals of their sisterly love, he was in the mood to fuck them both. Shoving his cock down between her thighs, Steven began by teasing Kylie. He rubbed the head against her wet opening, causing her to moan aloud.
"Ohhhhhh, yes. Come on, I want you to fuck me. It's been a while since I've had a man like you."
Steven chuckled as he thrust his cock into her pussy. Kylie gasped, moaning aloud as she closed her eyes and soon felt his right hand coming down hard across her ass. When he spanked her, Kim giggled and glanced beyond her shoulder to tease him.
"Kylie likes getting spanked, but I think she prefers it when a sister does it."
"Oh really?"
A soft moan was heard after his reply. Kim bit down on her lower lip and now it was her turn to try and distract him as he was focusing on fucking her younger sister. Thrusting slowly, Steven gripped one of her hips with his left hand and then watched as her ass cheeks sway and bounced together each time their bodies. Kim continued to watch from where she was situated on all fours directly next to Kylie.
"Mmmmm, yes fuck me..."
Kylie called out while biting down on her lower lip. As Steven began to thrust his cock into her pussy, her great big tits bounced and sway from underneath. It was now time for Kim to prove herself as a distraction. Like Kylie had done before, now Kim was the one grinding her hips and forcing her titanic-sized legendary ass to begin bouncing and clapping together. Steven grunted as he could feel the tightness of Kylie's cunt wrapped around his cock, glancing to his right side to watch Kim's ass move back and forth. He reared his right hand back and brought it down for a hand spank. Kim moaned and then he used his left hand to spank Kylie's ass.
"Ohhhh, ohhhhhhhh yeah!!"
Biting down on her lower lip again, Kylie let out another series of soft moans. She could feel every inch of his cock pumping into her but she knew the man wouldn't fuck her for long.
"Don't forget about me over here!"
Kim called out to him and then Kylie could only sigh in frustration. This has not been the first threesome with another man between the sisters where she had to fight for attention with Kim in competition. Steven came to a stop and pulled his cock out of Kylie's cunt, but instead of giving Kim what she wanted, he slid his cock up the crack of Kylie's massive ass and then reared his right hand back before smacking his palm against Kim's booty.
"That's right where I want it! Right up my ass!"
Kylie called out to him, moving her right hand back to playfully smack her ass. While his cock was lodged in the crack she began to roll her hips, slightly bouncing her ass cheeks. Steven responded to this movement by moving his hands across both cheeks and squeezing them together. He thrust his cock between her ass cheeks a few times, hot-dogging her booty. Kylie moaned as she came to a halt with her grinding movement. Steven only teased her shortly before gripping his shaft and guiding it to her dark little hole. Once again, Kim glanced beyond her shoulder, this time witnessing the expression of pleasure across his face while the man felt his cock sliding into her sister's buttocks. Steven gritted his teeth, instantly groaning as he felt the tightness of her ass.
"Don't it feel good to have your cock in my ass?"
Once again, Kylie spoke aloud to him while glancing beyond her left shoulder with one of the most smug grins Steven had ever seen from a Kardashian-Jenner woman thus far. As he began to slowly pump his cock through her ass, Kim became quietly frustrated at the lack of attention she was receiving. Figuring that Steven chose Kylie's ass to fuck first, she wanted to have her fuck with her sister. Laying down on the bed, Kim rolled onto her back and begun to climb underneath Kylie.
"What the fuck?"
Steven called out as he was forced to stop. The two girls made a new position together with Kim climbing under Kylie head first, to shove her head down between her sister's thighs and find her sweet womanhood. If only for the size of Kylie's booty, Steven perhaps could've witnessed Kim's face down below. Instead, he had the sight of a massive phat ass and looking forward he could see Kylie shoving her head between her sister's thighs. They had made an awkward sixty-nine position as his cock was still slid up Kylie's ass. From this position the two sisters engaged in darting their tongues into one another' juicy pussy. Steven gripped Kylie's hips as he began to thrust his cock into her ass, working in a slow rhythm as he listened to the moans and coos from their voices.
Kylie wasted no time snaking her tongue into Kim's cunt, shaking it around while she could feel her older sister rubbing at her clit as she licked and sucked at her own labia. Such a display of sisterly love in front of him had made Steven begin to wonder. How common did this occur between Kim and Kylie? And perhaps there were more family secrets within involving the other sisters of this family. Whatever it was, he quit thinking about it as he concentrated on the pleasure of pounding his cock into Kylie's thick round ass. Moans and cries were heard with muffled sounds as they continued to each other out. From where he was standing, Steven witnessed Kim's feet in the air, her toes slightly curling up a bit. Kim was trying her hardest to give her sister a quick release of an orgasm, all while she felt the pleasure of a cock pounding into her ass at the same time. Kylie lifted her head from Kim's pussy.
She screamed in a similar high pitch voice that Kim was known for. Kylie closed her eyes, panting as she moved her hands across Kim's muscular thick legs. Steven slowed down, taking one last thrust into her mighty ass before giving it a hard spank. Whether it was the striking of his palm across her rear or the quickness of Kim's tongue, Kylie had finally reached her climatic breaking point. She belted out a scream and then fell quiet, catching her breath as she needed time to recover. Steven took the time to grip his cock from the base, slowly easing it out of Kylie's ass and then stepping backwards from the bed. He was done with Kylie for now and wanted to focus on Kim. Climbing off the bed, Steven clapped his hands together.
"Kim! Get over here, I've been wanting to fuck you for years and I ain't passing it up today."
Kylie had to crawl off Kim, who's hard work with her tongue had gifted her the reward of a mouth full of love nectar. She swallowed sister's juices down her throat and then grinned over at Steven as she saw him standing near the bed.
"For years, huh? Your brother knew how to fuck my ass, so I wanna see if you can do it."
His heart began racing with each passing second as Kim had brought up Tony's name to tease him. Steven exhaled in his breath as he motioned at Kim with his hands, impatiently waiting for her to rise up from the bed. Once she set her feet down, she turned around and bent over the bed, shoving her world class giant ass out before him.
"Come on and fuck me in the ass, baby!"
Rolling her hips, Kim teased him by shaking her ass after speaking. Kylie was all but forgotten as she was laying on the bed now, crawling around to witness the moment. Kim had laid her arms down onto the bed, glancing forward at her sister as Steven's shadow cast across the bed through the light and he moved in position. He had to take a moment to silently admire the immense size of Kim's powerful booty. Steven caressed it with both hands, causing her to begin twerking and forcing those plump cheeks to wobble around within the grasp of his hands. Fucking Khloe the other day was one thing, as was experiencing Kylie but the ass of Kim Kardashian? That was something his dreams were made of. When she stopped shaking her ass, that was when Steven watched his cock get lost down the crack of it.
"Holy fuck, this is the biggest ass I think I've ever had..."
Steven's words were enough to make both Kim and Kylie bust up giggling. he thrust his cock up the crack of Kim's ass and then carefully found her dark little hole. When he thrust into her ass, he moaned followed by Kim herself letting out a soft groan. She began to shove her ass back, forcing his cock in and out of it as her thick booty cheeks hit up against his skin with thunderous booms. Steven swallowed his breath as he watched the ripple waves of movement through her ass cheeks. Kylie had crawled towards Kim, resting her head close by to begin kissing her sister as Steven gripped Kim's hips and began to buck his hips. She came to a halt with her movements, allowing him to fuck her ass the way he wanted now.
"Oh my fucking god!!"
Once again, Steven called out as he began to thrust his cock into the ultimate ass of Kim Kardashian. He moved his hands away, using both of them to slap her plump ass cheeks. Kim moaned into her sister's mouth, dancing her tongue along to kiss Kylie passionately as the sound of her body and Steven's smacking together became a solid rhythm. Over and over, he pounded every inch of his long shaft into that phat ass. Kim broke the kiss with her sister, now screaming to Steven with just the right words he wanted to hear.
Kim's screaming voice was all the encouragement he needed to pump harder and faster into that thick ass. Kylie had moved away from her sister's face, now sitting up on the bed and gazing forward to see the movement of Kim's ass with each full thrust Steven made into it. His face curled up as he gritted his teeth, growling out his moans as the man did not want to stop and could not control himself. between the thrashing of his hips meeting with the undersides of her mighty booty, Kim slid her right hand down between her legs. She began shoved her middle and ring finger into her pussy, desperately fingering herself as she moaned. She needed to feel him inside her so soon, despite how much fun he was obviously having with fucking her ass.
"Steven, STEVEN!!"
Flipping her hair across her back, Kim glared at him from across her right shoulder.
"I need you to fuck me! I want you to FUCK ME!!"
He didn't reply in words. Softly catching his breath, Steven had slowed down to a complete halt only to take one last hard thrust into that ass. Kim studied him from across her shoulder, making sure he stepped back and pulled that long cock out of her phat thick ass. It was a worthy break, as Steven knew if she didn't stop him like this, he would've fucked that ass until he blew his load deep within her. Kim swung her legs, turning around to face Steven as she sat on the edge of the bed now. Behind her, Kylie could be seen rising on her knees, though his focus was entirely on Kim at this point. Steven wasn't wasting any time even gazing at Kylie.
"Get back over here and fuck me, baby! Fuck me real good!"
Offering a nod, Kim had spoke aloud in that high pitch voice she was known for. Making eye contact with her, Steven immediately stepped forward, gripping his shaft with his right hand as he shoved it towards her pussy. He knew better than to tease her in the heat of the moment like this, listening to the breathing sounds from both of them. As his cock entered her, Kim had spread her strong legs out, wrapping them around his waist and then moving her arms to wrap around his back. Once again her big tits were shoved up against his chest. Steven shoved her back down onto the bed as he took charge, bucking his hips to drive his cock into her.
"Ohhhhh, yeah! That's it, fuck me! Fuck me!!"
His lips moved to the left side of her neck as Kim pushed her palms down across his back. All Kylie could do was stand on her knees over the bed, dropping her lower lip at the sight of this hard fucking between Steven and her older sister. Kim closed her eyes, gasping as she could feel every inch of his hard cock pounding into her pussy now. Steven couldn't hold himself back at all, not for this woman. He bucked his hips, pumping his cock in and out of her while kissing down the side of her neck.
"Ohhhhhhhhh, god! Yes! YESSSSSSSS!!"
Gasping in breath after screaming aloud, Kim began to curl her toes up as she shoved her heels down into his buttocks. Steven continued to pump his cock into her pussy, trying his absolute hardest to hold back his own orgasm. Sweat had begun to force through the front of his hair, dripping down his forehead and to his eyebrows but he didn't let it bother him. His arms remained wrapped around Kim as he felt her hands slip to the cusp the back of his neck.
Finally moving his lips away from her neck, Steven withdrew his arms from across Kim's back and sunk the palms of his hands down into the purple bed sheets below her. He gazed down into her big brown eyes, gasping as he looked her in the eyes all while the sound of their bodies smacking together continued in a solid rhythm. Smack. Smack. Smack. Her arms remained around his neck, still with her fingers cupping the back of his neck. The noises echoed through the room before Kim began to speak to him in a low voice.
"You've been waiting to fuck me for years, huh?"
"Ohhhh, yeah? Waiting to fuck me like you're doing right now, huh? Is that it, Steven!?"
He didn't reply to her second question as he began to slow down his movement. Kim knew he was close to the breaking point but it wasn't him she was concerned with. Her own pleasure was more important to her and she couldn't wait to have this release while feeling every inch of his long shoved into her pussy. Still gazing up into his eyes, Kim called out to him in her low tone of voice, all while Kylie climbed over the bed to obtain a better view of the action.
"Make me cum... Make me cum for you, baby..."
Still gazing into her eyes, Steven breathed in as he had almost slowed himself to a complete halt. He thrust into Kim's cunt again, still gazing down into her eyes. After a few more slow thrusts, she whispered to him.
"That's it... that's it... I'm almost there.... almost... ALMOST!!"
When Kim screamed, he moved his head down to kiss her, taking the last thrust deep inside of her. Steven felt her inner walls collapsing, leaking her love nectar right as Kim slid her hands down his back and then raked her fingernails hard against his skin.
For a moment, Steven was convinced with himself that he could hold back his own climax and give Kim a sticky mess across her face. When her fingernails ripped through his skin, that thought was all but forgotten as he was lost in the pleasure of feeling her warm juices. Unable to pull out and finish himself off under his own terms, Steven's cock exploded within her. He nearly collapsed onto Kim as she moved her hands away from his back, leaving stinging lines across his skin. Gritting his teeth, he groaned and cried out in pleasure while closing his eyes. Kylie sat on the bed, gasping in shock as she witnessed this hard climax between her older sister and this new man in their life. For a moment, he felt he had become lost in another world of pleasure deep inside of Kim after busting his nut.
Slowly opening his eyes, Steven swallowed his breath as he found himself gazing back at her deep brown eyes. They both need a minute to catch their breath, all through the lustful silence as neither Kim or Steven could utter a word to one another. Kylie remained in the background from the corner of his eye, not that she had anything to say regarding the end of this hard fucking. When he finally moved off Kim and pulled his cock out from her pussy, the two sisters back at him and embraced one another. Kim eagerly kissed Kylie's lips, showing Steven once more the sisterly love between them within the family. He needed a moment to come to terms with everything they had just done together, not that he had any regrets whatsoever. Deep down, he knew he had now taken his first steps towards a new life within Kim's family that could not be walked back.