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Author Topic: Don't Leave So Soon Pt. 6 (Christina Hendricks, Emily Rata, Bianca Beauchamp)  (Read 24910 times)


Don't Leave So Soon Pt. 6
Starring: Christina Hendricks, Emily Ratajkowski, Bianca Beauchamp

Themes: Slave Training, BDSM, Mystery/Suspense

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This series is dedicated to Psylent21. The idea and celeb choice were his. If you would like your own series with your celeb of choice and ideas written by me, check out my Patreon.
Before reading this chapter, I strongly recommend going back and reading the previous chapters. If you are coming here and have only read the first or second chapters, you won't know what the hell is going on. Find the other chapters here: Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3,Pt. 4 and Pt. 5

Rays of light brightened the cold, grey concrete walls in a pattern that cut out the steeled bars from a cell. Christina Hendricks sat on her bed, wearing a white robe that covered her curvaceous body. The silky white robe was tied around her waist, offering a subtle view of her busty tits in a V neck pattern. Above her cleavage was the stainless steel collar Brent had locked around her neck only a few days ago. The piece of metal did not hinder the movement of her neck by any means. After a week of affairs and one night stands, all of it had caught up to Christina leading up to her initiation. The grand event had left her fatigued with her body aching in places she did not think was possible. Muscle cramps had made the simple task of walking difficult while her cunt and ass were sore. It was Brent's suggestion to give her two days of rest, leaving Christina to get lost in her own thoughts.

She had learned some truths about this strange hotel, but not enough to feel satisfied. More than anything, she was still shocked to know that every man she encountered leading up to the initiation, had been planned. Everything had been planned, calculated and put to the test as she walked directly into the spider's web. Brent must have been a true mastermind, at least now she had to admit it. Christina still could not wrap her head around the fact Toby was there. Of all the men, finding him again in this dungeon had surprised her more than anything. She spent the first day in her cell remembering the strange things that were out of place in the rooms she indulged her sexual acts in. Never could she have guessed that she was being filmed and recorded, all for someone else's pleasure. Christina had to wonder how many other guests or residents at the hotel had also been filmed unknowingly.

Was it all planned from the beginning or after her meeting with Toby? So many questions left her guessing for more answers. Brent had done more than one thing to prove to Christina he was cunning. She did not want to stroke his ego by telling him, but then again she would be doing that every time she called him by master or sir. Through curiosity, she had found herself in this place knowing she would be locked in for the training that came. Deep down, she knew this was what she wanted. With no care of the outside world right now, Christina was determined to learn more about what seemed to be a secret society running the Miracle Light Inn. Like Brent told her, everyone starts at the bottom and has to climb the ladder. Christina was a slave in training, confident that as time went on she could rise to the role of mistress.

The initiation remained fresh on her mind through the hours. A gang bang was something Christina had never experienced before. The aches and pains in her ass and pussy told the story, as she felt completely overwhelmed by the five men on that day. Too many orgasms for her to count had done a number on her body. She thought about how worn the padded surface was, considering how many other women and possibly men were also chained to that table. The strange symbol or emblem that covered that padded surface had only made her more curious. She remembered the first man who escorted her beyond the lock doors and blindfolded her. He had a similar symbol that decorated the back of his red robes. Perhaps it was a logo of sorts to what she believed to be a secret society. This was just another question she would have Brent when the time came. For now, Christina sat on her bed and gazed back at her reflection in a mirror across the small cell.

Her bright, red hair was fixed up in a ponytail. Light shined across the cold steel of her collar as she studied her appearance. The room was a standard prison cell, complete with a toilet and sink combo in the corner, a decent bed and a mirror. A wooden stool was across the room for her to sit on and a bag of beauty necessities. The hairbrush was left on her bed, near the pillow. Life in the dungeon seemed to follow a fixed daily schedule. Lights went dark around midnight and turned back on the next morning at six o'clock. A vintage clock was hanging across the hall where Christina could see from beyond the bars of her cell. An alarm went off, waking everyone in a cell. Just like standard protocol of a prison, a roll call started the day before the barred doors were open. Brent greeted Christina at her door before unlocking it. She began the day with him escorting her to the showers.

It seemed she was the only inmate residing in a cell on this wing of the dungeon. Christina imagined that there had to be another corridor leading to other cells that housed other women. So far, she had been kept isolated from any other inmates. She expected to see other women when judging the immense size of the showers. Ten faucets covered the walls in a room large enough to contain at least a dozen people. The floor was made up with white walls that matched the walls keeping true with the vintage touch of the hotel. Christina had an hour to shower, shave and do as she pleased for a beauty regimen to start the day. After that, she was escorted to what Brent called the canteen. It was a small kitchen where she had the choice to be served whatever food she wanted. The food was no different than what was served in the hotel above ground. Christina joked that at least it was not a diet of prison food.

Since the day of her initiation, Christina had not seen Brent wear a suit. Every time she had seen him outside her cell, the master wore his fancy blue robes with gold lining. She at least was alerted to when he would approach her cell from hearing the stomping sound of his boots across the concrete floor. The thunderous booms caught her attention in the past few seconds as she heard a door open. As she sat on the bed, Christina crossed her legs and loosened the heel on her left foot. The stomping sound became louder with each passing second. Christina was unfazed by Brent's entrance. She licked her lips, still studying her reflection across the mirror. His walk ended when he reached her cell and she could see his towering figure emerge from the right corner of the mirror. Since she did not rise from the bed after a few seconds, Brent cleared his throat to get her attention.

"I know you can see me."

With a sigh, Christina stood from the bed. She turned to look at Brent through the steel bars of the locked door. Her hands gripped the bars, leaning in as a smug grin moved across his lips. True to form, he looked so proud standing there in his blue robe.

"What do you want, master?"

Brent chuckled at the tone of her voice. Christina knew how to make herself sound annoyed without much effort.

"I came to check up on you."

"Really? How sweet. Maybe you would like to offer me some wine too."

His eyes locked on her after the snarky reply.

"I thought you were supposed to be all sore and achy? Yesterday you couldn't walk straight, but I don't think you've got a sore throat. It hasn't prevented you from running that mouth of yours"

Smirking at him, she stopped laughing and began to twitch her fingers around the steel bars. Brent broke eye contact when he noticed the movement of her left hand. Christina knew how to tease him as she began to slide her hands up and down, stroking the cold metal bars as if she were gripping something else.

"My mouth is fine, thank you very much."

He slid a key into the lock, prompting Christina to move her hands so the barred door could properly slide open. Licking her lips, she thought of another way to tease him.

"When are we going to begin the training? I figured that would be the real reason you came to visit me."

The barred door was no longer preventing them standing face-to-face in this personal meeting. Brent smirked at her before replying.

"Your training will begin soon. I sure hope you are ready to be challenged."

"My legs still hurt, but I've been looking forward to it."

He reached for her mouth, gripping it with his left hand and forcing her lips open in an 'O'. Christina looked into Brent's eyes as he curled his lips into a smirk.

"I know just what we can get started with. Your mouth looks fine to me."

When his hand left go of her mouth, Christina gasped before swallowing her breath. Brent took a step back and reached into his robe to reveal a chain and a shiny pair of handcuffs. Christina raised her wrists, ready to feel the cold metal cuffs across her pale skin. He locked the cuffs on first, then attached the chain to her collar. The chain links rattled and clanked as Brent led her out of the cell and walked in front of her. Brent led Christina by the chain as a leash, guiding her down the corridor as her heels and his boots echoed down the hall.

"We'll begin with what I like to call a throat-fuck session. I told you before that you need to work on that. There's some other things you need to think about. You need to consider the sexual needs of your partners and how to meet that desire."

His words sent her heartbeat racing. Christina could recall the fuck session they had in his office last week. Brent knew she would remember, as it was a subtle hint back then for what was to come. As they walked, the conversation continued.

"I remember telling you that I prefer big ones."

Brent chuckled.

"And I remember watching you put in more effort when you were sucking off Toby."

Taking a deep breath, Christina did not expect him to mention Toby. She could not argue with his statement and knew it was best to stay quiet on that subject.

"You've already shown some real potential. After we're done, you'll be one of the best cocksuckers in Hollywood."

They arrived at a black metal door. Brent turned to smirk at Christina before grabbing the knob.

"Our training methods are very thorough. You'll see it and believe it very soon."

As he laughed, Christina sighed as she pondered about her first trial. Brent enjoyed taunting her to see those frustrated expressions move across her face. He pulled at her chain, leading her beyond the door and into another small room. Two benches sat against the walls facing each other on the far left side of the room. Wooden posts were on the right side, lined up in a row of three with mats down on the concrete floor. A small table was visible near the benches, blocked in view by a tall, bald man in a blue robe. Christina was distracted by the presence of this other man. His arms were covered entirely in sleeves of tattoos and his face sported a trimmed black beard. She guessed that the rest of his body had to be decorated in art after seeing his arms. The man stood silently as his cold, dark eyes gazed back at her with a blank expression across his face. Light shined across the back of his head, distracting Christina until Brent spoke.

"Take off your robe."

This was an order to strip in front of a stranger. Christina rattled the cuffs as she loosened the robe and dropped it to the floor. As she stood there naked, the man crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes scanned her voluptuous body, studying the size of her famous breasts while Brent unhooked the chain from the metal ring at the front of her collar. He flung the chain across the room in an attempt to put it on the table, but it slid to the floor with several clank sounds. Brent ignored the sound as he put the key in her handcuffs to undo them. With her hands free again, Christina raised her arms and folded her hands. She noticed the man's wandering gaze studying her pink folds below. Christina was hesitant to see if she was wet, afraid to begin feeling nervous tensions before the training sessions was to begin. Brent motioned for her to turn around, as if to reveal her buttocks to the observing man.

"Hands behind your back."

Another spoken order told her that she was doing more than modeling for the other man. Christina did not hesitate to cross her wrists. She soon felt the same metal cuffs sliding back over her wrists. She let out a sigh as they locked.

"Wouldn't it have been easier to just handcuff me from behind the first time? This seems like a waste of time taking them off only to put them back on."

A slight chuckle was heard from the mysterious man.

"She's got some mouth. I like that."

His voice was deep, nearly a gravel tone that led Christina guessing if he was a hard smoker. Had she been turned around to face him, she would have asked for his name. Brent led her a few steps forward, walking to the wooden posts on the floor. His thumb slid into the ring of her collar where he carefully turned it behind her head.

"It's a good thing you've already pinned your hair up in that ponytail. We don't want any strands getting in the way while you're busy sucking dick, right?"

That comment led to both men chuckling as Christina glared at Brent. He motioned for her to lower herself down on her knees. With her wrists cuffed from behind, this position was already proving to be difficult since she did not have her hands to balance herself. Brent helped her slowly lower down fully. Her giant breasts shook, slightly bouncing until his finger pulled from the collar ring. Christina swallowed her breath as she felt the collar move again and heard a locking sound. She suddenly realized that Brent had locked her down to the wooden post, preventing her from moving.

"Is this really necessary?"

Brent smiled as he stood back up, now gazing down at her as he nodded.

"Yeah. We don't want to make things too easy now, do we? This is training, not an afternoon blowjob."

He stepped aside to allow the other man to move in front of Christina. His towering presence cast a shadow across her figure as her big blue eyes gazed up at his face. The man pulled his robe off, finally revealing his nude body. True to Christina's guess, his entire body was indeed covered in tattoos. A six pack of abs and other muscles bulged, giving her the impression he was some sort of bodybuilder. The tattoos covered every inch of his chest and legs. Only his cock was not covered. She noticed he had visibly shaved all his pubic hair, leading her to make more quiet assumptions of his identity.

"Who are you?"

A few seconds passed and the man did not answer. He wrapped his right hand around his cock instead and began to stroke his member. Christina's eyes followed his movements as she gazed upon his hardening cock.

"His name is not important."

Brent spoke loudly, answering her question.

"What is important is what you're staring at between his legs. That is all that should matter to you right now, slut. It's been a long time since this gentleman has been able to test a whore's gag reflexes. Are you gonna rise to the occasion or be an epic disappointment to my friend?"

Strong words had an effect on Christina. She took a deep breath before gritting her teeth. Brent knew how to bring a rise out of her with his taunting words. She wondered to herself if this was kind of a fantasy for him. Did he have a desire to watch her suck off a stranger who would not even tell her his name? It probably turned Brent on even further over how the man looked unlike any type of person Christina would be caught in public with. Her eyes leered towards his cock. She licked her lips while watching it grow to full length. If she had to guess, Christina figured that this man had a size similar to Brent, if not slightly bigger. His cock was huge, bulging in thickness with a blue vein visible from the left side. Her eyes gazed up at the man's face as she licked her lips. It was time to begin this training session.

"I'm ready. Feed me that cock."

"Open wide and say ahhhh."

She did not expect a reply from him like this in a low voice. Christina parted her lips, obeying his command as she exaggerated her 'ahhhhh' with her tongue extracted. He placed the head of his cock on her tongue and watched as she enveloped her lips around his pole. Christina closed her eyes as she felt him thrust his shaft down her throat. Her hands shook, chain-link rattling to the cuffs from behind as she was unable to properly move her neck at all from within the locked collar. Being locked to a wooden post had truly made this a difficult task for her as she began to choke on his entire length. Christina did not consider that he would begin by sliding his shaft completely down her throat. She choked loudly, eyes watering up as she tensed up.

"Relax! Breathe!"

Brent yelled at her like a coach. Once the cock was all the way down her throat, the man did not move. Tears streamed down her cheeks from the corners of both eyes. The chain attached to her cuffs rattled again as Christina desperately attempted to move her hands to no avail. She was desperate to touch herself as she felt her pussy burning and dripping in desire. Brent carried on with his speech.

"Breathe out of your nose. Just breathe. You're panicking over how big he is. That's why you're choking on it right now."

He was guiding her with his words, delivering the proper instructions for Christina to relax. She took a few seconds to gather herself before opening her eyes. A blurry vision caused her to blink a few times. The man slowly withdrew his cock from her lips, allowing Christina to breathe from her mouth. She immediately took a deep breath and closed her eyes again. A grunt was heard before the man pushed his cock against the right side of her face. Christina could feel his wet pole sliding over her cheek. The head touched her ear, giving her a subtle hint of how long his length truly was. His thick, long tool left a trail of her saliva across its path. She kept her eyes closed, desperate to touch herself. If not for her hands being cuffed, she undoubtedly would be squeezing her tits and playing with her own erect nipples. Brent knew how proud Christina was of her all large, natural breasts. The cleavage she showed off in her red carpet gowns was very deliberate.

It only made sense to her that he would take away the reach of her hands like this while she was sucking cock. The man knew her instincts well, undoubtedly from watching the hours of tape he had of her fucking and comparing it to his own experience. This was all a show for him now, at least before he would join in. Or would he interfere? Guessing Brent's motivations was a difficult task for her. Christina could not make her mind up what he truly was going to do here. The massive cock occupying her throat wasn't exactly helping her think straight anyway. So far, it seemed he was going to stand back and coach her up, as if she were preparing to go several rounds in a ring with a strong opponent. If she had a puncher's chance of sucking this cock properly, then so be it. Christina opened her eyes as she felt the rod move from the side of her face. More spit was dragged across her beautiful features. She was determined to try her best, regardless if she failed in embarrassment or miraculously succeeded. Gritting her teeth, she gazed up at the tattooed man to give him a lustful expression.

"Open your fucking mouth."

A stern order was the reward for her display. Christina did as she was told, opening her mouth wide. She focused her sights on his chest in an attempt to study the many tattoos around his belly button as he pushed his cock into her mouth again. He quickly pushed it to the back of her throat again, causing her to close her eyes and begin gagging. Her head was pushed back into the post as he drove his massive cock down her throat. Christina instantly retched out a gag as his balls pushed against her chin.

"I thought I told you to relax and breathe? There you go, tensing up and panicking again."

Brent sounded frustrated judging by the tone of his voice. If he sighed or grunted, Christina could not hear it over her own gags and slobbering sounds. The man was no longer testing her gag reflexes. He was bucking his hips, jamming his cock to the depths of her throat to fuck her face. She kept her eyes shut as she felt his hairless, heavy ball sack hitting her chin with each full thrust. She felt his bulbous cockhead plunge the depths of her throat then pull back to sit on the soft wetness of her tongue.


The slobbering and sucking noises became louder with each passing second. Christina no longer cared about Brent watching or anything else. She balled her hands into fists, rattling the chains of her cuffs as she tried to maintain herself. Brent had given her clear instructions, but Christina did not react to his words as if it was background noise. The man slowed down to bury the head of his cock to the back of her throat. He grinded his crotch into her as his cock was buried in the depths of her throat. Excess drool trickled from both corners of her mouth. Christina could not so much as squirm around thanks to her collar being locked into the wooden post. Her eyes watered up again with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, down both sides of her nose.

"Look at me, bitch! Look at me!"

Her eyes opened wide at the sound of the man's voice. Her vision was a blur as the tears streamed down her face. The man began to thrust into her mouth again at a slow pace. Over and over he slowly fed Christina nearly nine thick inches of cock until her nose pushed into his pelvis. Christina finally took Brent's advice and began to breathe out of nose. Her breath blew from her nostrils into his skin.


Strings of drool broke from the corners of her lips, falling down to her big tits below. It was driving her mad that she could not touch her boobs, yet feel her warm saliva falling on them. Christina exhaled deep breaths, finally maintaining herself as he continued to fuck her mouth in this slow pace. She opened her eyes wide, unable to wipe the tears to clean her vision. Christina made her best effort to give eye contact to the man as he continued to thrust inch after inch of his mighty cock into her mouth. Her lips squeezed around it hard, slightly muting the sucking noises until he came to a complete stop. When he did not pull his cock from her lips, Christina knew what to expect. The time had come for a third round of testing her gag reflexes. She closed her eyes in anticipation of the moment his cock slammed to the back of her throat. The man flexed his cock a sher throat muscles massaged his cock with her gags.

Like the other times, she gagged and choked. Christina tried to relax, exhaling deep breaths from her nose as he kept her there in the position. The tears reflected shiny spots on her face, illuminated from the light above. A chuckle was heard from Brent's voice, but Christina did not open her eyes. Even if she wanted to look in his direction, her blurry vision would prevent her from seeing that smug grin on his face. Since the tattooed man did not pull his cock from her lips yet, Christina tried to suck as hard as she could. Her efforts managed to make him groan in his deep voice. He finally began to slowly extract his cock from her lips, pulling it out with his fingers wrapped around the base. Her eyes opened widely and she immediately gasped for breath as her saliva overflowed from her lower lip and fell to her tits below.

"Oh my god..."

The only words she could muster between swallowing her breath. Christina was completely out of breath, desperately trying to catch herself. Her voice was barely audible, almost a complete whisper. Strings of saliva dangled from her lower lip and chin before breaking off. She wanted to wipe her eyes so badly, still unable to properly see. Her massive tits coated in saliva gleamed from the fluorescent lights.

"You tried. I give you that."

Hearing Brent's voice made her look up to see her true master now standing before her. She recognized the body before her lacking of any tattoo designs. The entire time she was getting face-fucked, Brent had removed his robe and started jerking himself to this wonderful exhibition. Christina did not have to be told to open her mouth by Brent. She waited for his cock, knowing that he would pick up where the other guy left off. Brent wasted no time pushing the head of his thick shaft into her mouth and feeling her lips tighten around it. Christina had merely seconds to brace herself as Brent wasted no time bucking his hips to drive his cock between her lips.

"You see Christina. The key to becoming better at something is through practice and repetition. No one is a born winner."

His hands gripped the side of her head as he began to thrust his cock deeper in her mouth. Christina would have gasped if her mouth was not stuffed with his cock. She kept her eyes open, trying her hardest to look up at him as his cock pushed to the back of her throat with each full thrust. It took merely seconds for her slobbering and sucking noises to echo loudly in the room.


Mercy was not something to expect from Brent. Christina knew he was going to give her mouth an equal fucking as the other man, if not harder. She closed her eyes upon feeling the head of his cock slam to the back of her throat, over and over. His hairy balls rubbed against her chin, smacking loudly with each full thrust.

"Suck that fucking cock, you whore! Show me what your mouth was made for!"

He grunted and groaned, still bucking his hips to pump his cock back and forth down her throat.He gazed down at her beautiful features as he pummeled her throat. Christina closed her eyes and curled her fingers into fists once again. The chain attached to her wrist cuffs rattled and shook from the intensity of Brent's thrusts. He did not take his time like the other man. Christina had never been skullfucked before, until now. Never had she been treated in such a primal manner. Her eyes watered up again as bubbles of drool developed around the base of Brent's cock from each full thrust. When he came to a halt, his cock was shoved all the way down her throat. He held his position, groaning at the feeling of his entire length shoved into her mouth. Christina's red lips were buried in his ball hair completely devouring his massive cock. Brent could feel the collars pull around his cock in her throat. Every little gag and sputter massaged his thick tool divinely.

"Fuck yeah..."

The other man stepped closer, his right hand gripped his cock tightly as he was jerking it back and forth. If only her eyes were open, she would have time to prepare for two loads to her face. Or maybe not. Christina was in deep concentration, giving her best efforts to suck Brent's shaft. She did her best to stimulate him with her tongue as she tried to control her worn down gag reflex. When he was ready to finally explode, Brent snatched his cock from her mouth by the base. Christina's eyes flew open as she gasped in an attempt to catch her breath. She could hear Brent and the other man's voice groaning and moaning, but no words were spoken. Each cock was aimed directly at her face, leaving her with the choice to close her eyes or bravely keep them open in anticipation for the sticky mess that awaited her. It was only two loads, she thought to herself. By this point, Christina had been drenched in much more cum than that recently.

She kept her eyes open, blinking when she felt the strings and wads splattering onto her forehead and cheeks. Brent groaned while the other man made slight grunting sounds in his low voice. She kept her eyes opening with a flinch, proving that she was not scared to get her face wet and sticky. Out of breath and exhausted, Christina kept her mouth open in hopes of catching some jets of their seed. The majority of both loads went on her forehead, right cheek and with strands in her hair. What did not decorate her face fell to her great big tits below already drenched in her spit. It was so funny that during all this time she had been denied touching her tits. The mere thought of stuffing one of those thick cocks between her boobs would have been a sensual reward for her pleasure. Brent had neglected her of using her tits in such a way that Christina truly felt the next time she was able to give a tittyfuck, it would indeed be a reward.

"Eyes up here, whore."

Brent called out to her, wanting her to look up at him one last time. The blurriness of her vision had cleared up, but Christina was seeing doubles now. She knew Brent only wanted her to see that smug grin across his face. It was the look of a winner. He was so proud to have her as his slave in training. Maybe he was proud of her efforts too.

"Did I do okay?"

He crossed his arms over his chest, slow to reply. The other man turned his back and stepped away, revealing his back to be covered in tattoos to match his front. Christina kept her focus on Brent, watching as he slowly nodded his head before replying.

"You tried, but you still have much to learn."



Sunlight remained absent through the passing days as Christina's training began. She never did learn the name of the tattooed man who she had serviced as part of the first day training. It did not matter, as Brent told her she would be serving only the biggest cocks that were measured on record among the blue-robed masters. He did not mention the color of their robes, but Christina figured it out based on the few she had seen dressed in blue. Brent kept her locked in the cell, isolated from any other slave girls or masters. If she were to share a room with someone else, it would only be possible with his permission and guidance by the chain. At the start of each day, Christina wondered where he would take her for the next tests in her training. Brent teased her by having Christina open her mouth wide to see if she truly had a sore throat.

She gestured that her throat may be sore, but in a playful manner, just to be a smartass towards him. After the first day, Christina spent time with Brent in an exercise area. It wasn't the most glamorous workout situation she'd ever seen but fitting for an underground sex dungeon she thought. She had her choice of running on a treadmill or working out on a stationary exercise bike. Three hours were spent in this room, complete with blue exercise mats and other equipment. Small weights were lined up on a rack across the room. Brent chose to lift weights while she rode the bicycle naked. Christina tried to joke with him but the man never dropped his guard. He was reveling in this new position as her master and made a point to remind Christina of it every chance he had. Her eyes noticed a strange marking that had been painted over the concrete floor. The blue mats covered the art, but not enough for her to see fragments of it. It was a circle painted white with what seemed to be points in the corners to make a pentagram. As Brent went through his sets he stared down Christina's naked body as she rode the bike. Her pale skin littered with beads of sweat. He got hard as he pondered the trials that awaited her shortly.

The next day, she was able to see a clear pentagram as another piece of art on a wall. Brent escorted her across multiple corridors and into a large room that contained small cells with barred doors. At long last, Christina saw the other slave girls who were also serving in the dungeon with her. Whether these other girls were in training or not was a question best left unanswered. All of them wore a white robe and a metal collar around their necks, just like her. That was until the robe fell to the floor, and they were positioned on their knees. Four women were locked in cells, with the middle room empty and waiting for Christina. Brent fastened metal wrist cuffs to lock Christina's hands to a chain that dangled from the ceiling. The cuffs and chain locking her in this position with her arms stretched up were the least of her concerns. Brent saved the best surprise for last when he revealed to Christina that a small black vibrator would be shoved into her juicy cunt.

Her first thought was that if she could keep the toy for herself. This was the first thing to feel inside of her since being collared. Christina moaned when he revealed a remote in his hand that powered the vibrator from a distance. It was black, matching the toy itself, with three buttons. What she did not know was that the other slaves also had the same vibrator pushed inside them. The one remote powered all five devices in unison. A fact Christina learned when he held it up and pressed a button to increase the speed of the vibrators. What followed was a chorus of moans from all the chained girls in their cells. Her own voice led the others in a serenade when he pressed a button to increase the pressure. Christina closed her eyes in frustration that she was unable to touch her body. The vibrator was in the right place it needed to be. Where Christina preferred to have her hands was on her tits. The other women screamed, begging for him to unlock their cells and fuck them.

"Please, Master, please fuck me. It's been over a week since I've had your cock stretching my pussy. I want to be fucked like a whore... one of your loyal whores."

After one girl begged, the others joined in. Their voices were an array of desperate pleas. They begged in pleasure even as the vibrator speed was reduced.

"I'm so horny, I need something to suck. Please master, let me suck on your cock. You have no idea how badly I need it. I need your hot cum all over my face."

"I want my ass fucked! Please, please, please, Master! It's not fair that I have to wait like this to feel you pounding me in the ass."

Sighs and groans were heard among the other women. Their cries were so specific, leaving Christina to consider joining in to complain about the fact her tits had not been fucked in several days. She could not even touch them due to the handcuffs.

"Let me suck on some fucking cock! If not yours, then someone else's. Let me suck on something!"

The anger in that voice speaking would irritate Brent, Christina thought to herself. All he did was shake his head, grinning and laughing at the girl's frustrations. He had his girls right where he wanted them. Locked up, chained, and unable to touch themselves while their eyes were focused on him. Within a few minutes, he brought a sixth woman into the room. Another slave girl, judging by the white robe she wore and the chain attached to her collar. She was slim, with long brunette hair and impressive natural breasts. The first thing Christina noticed about this slave, apart from her obedience, was a different collar around her neck. Green sparkling jewels and a gold ring were housed in the stainless steel container. She smiled at Brent before turning her attention to the other girls and giggling. Perhaps she had seen the frustrated expressions on their faces.

Christina knew at that moment that she envied this other girl. No cuffs covered her wrists when she was escorted into the room. A chain was connected to her collar and used like a leash. The different collar was enough to tell Christina that this girl had been down in the dungeon far longer than her. She must have been a higher-level slave who had completed her training. The other girls moaned, with one voice echoing loudly in a cry as she seemed to realize what was about to occur. The girl kissed Brent passionately before disrobing him and falling to her knees. Christina gritted her teeth and watched as the girl fell to her knees without being ordered in his stern voice. She kept her eyes focused on Brent, whispering dirty words to him that could not be heard over the chorus of moans and cries from the locked girls. Christina was not bothered by the sight of another slave pleasuring her master until his cock was plucked from those pink lips.

When the girl placed his shaft between her tits, Christina sighed in frustration. Brent turned to look at her, grinning smugly as the girl proceeded to tittyfuck him. Brent laughed loudly. He knew this sight alone was enough to torture Christina mentally. She did not have to tell him, for he had seen enough evidence to know how greatly she valued using her tits as weapons of pleasure. Now she was chained and locked up, watching another woman give him that pleasure. This girl's boobs were nowhere near the size of Christina's bust. If it were her in the position, she had no doubt that she would be working that cock up and down with such ease. Closing her eyes, she could not bear watching. Brent managed to open her eyes when he clicked a button on his remote, raising the pressure of her vibrator that moved at a faster speed. The other girls began gasping and moaning uncontrollably. One girl could not handle her emotions as she began to yell at him.

"Oh, my god! Ohhhh, god! I think I'm gonna cum, master! Master, please! Pleaseeeeee unlock this door and unchain me! Please, FUCK ME!!I NEED YOUR BIG FUCKING COCK AND I NEED IT NOW!!"

So far, Christina had managed to hold herself back from screaming any words of filth. She was tempted to demand that he fuck her tits, like the other slaves had spoken similar requests. Knowing Brent, she did not expect him to unlock the door to any of their cells any time soon. He had chained them in each cell for a reason. The other girls were his audience, watching him fuck this higher-ranked slave. After the tittyfucking ended, the girl assumed a position on all fours, facing the cells. Christina gazed into those dark, brown eyes before the girl grinned smugly at her. Since Brent did not bother unhooking the chain from the metal ring of her collar, the shiny links dangled to the floor. They began to shake and rattle in a clanking noise when he got behind the girl and began to thrust his cock into her tight pussy.

"Ohhhh, ohhhhhhh yes! Fuck me while these other whores watch!"

Before the other five women in the room could react, Brent pressed a button on his remote to raise the power of their vibrators. Christina squirmed in her chains as she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. The other women screamed and snarled at the sound of this lucky slave getting fucked. Her breasts bounced, shaking in a rhythm with the chain dangling from her collar. With her eyes closed, Christina felt the vibrator slow back down. She zoned out from listening to the other girls scream and cuss at him. It seemed to her that Brent was enjoying the way they became angry and screamed at him. The girl in action had enough nerve to smile as she gazed forward. That look on her face was met with vulgar words screamed at her by the other girls. Christina tried her best to block it all out and not pay attention to what words they yelled.

Taking deep breaths, she opened her eyes, and tried to glance down to see the vibrator. Her view was blocked by her giant breasts. She desperately glanced up at her hands, studying the shiny silver links of the chain that hung from the ceiling. The vibrator was on the lowest setting now, leaving Christina to concentrate all her strength in not reaching an orgasm. She did not know what her master expected, but she wanted to surprise Brent. One of the other girls had surely reached her climax by now. Would he be impressed if Christina could withstand the intensity of the vibrator? For all she knew, he was likely speculating that she would reach her climax in the following minutes. Brent kept the slave occupied with down on all fours after he made her cum. She panted and moaned while taking deep breaths, never once bending her thin arms to maintain the position.

"Face down, ass up."

"As you wish, master."

As the girl lowered her head, her eyes wandered to each cell, softly smirking. She bit her lower lip before resting her head on her hands and raising her curvy ass for Brent. Christina starred into those deep, dark eyes. Something about the girl's face looked familiar to her. Those eyes and that cute face had been seen somewhere before. Christina was unsure if she had seen this girl as another guest to the hotel, or perhaps from pages in a magazine or on a billboard. Something about her just screamed supermodel. Her body was thin, but with a plump pair of tits. Brent did not hold himself back. Despite the girl's obedience, she took inch after inch of his cock as he pounded in her ass. She did not weaken through all her moans and soft whimpers of pleasure. The strength she displayed to withstand his lustful onslaught was impressive. The sounds of their flesh colliding echoed throughout the dungeon.

"I've been a bad girl, master. I've been a dirty, little fucking whore. Pound me in the ass! Punish me like I deserve!"

Brent snapped his fingers with his free hand at her. He was still thrusting into her buttocks as he replied.

"Flip me your leash, slut."

He stopped for a moment, just to watch her obey the command. The girl grabbed the end of her leash and tossed it across her left shoulder. Brent grabbed it with his left hand. His right hand fingers still clutched the remote, powering the five vibrators for each woman still under lock and key. He yanked the chain hard, forcing her head up. The girl responded to his action by pushing her hands into the floor and raising herself on all fours again. Her body arched like a perfect submissive fuckdoll. As he began to buck his hips, Brent pressed a button on the remote to increase the speed of the vibrators once more. Christina clenched her teeth and moaned uncontrollably as she shut her eyes. The girl's cries and smacking sounds were soon drowned out in the symphony of carnal screams echoing from the cells. Whatever setting he had chosen for the vibrator must have been on high. Christina felt as if she were hanging on for dear life to prevent her orgasm.

"You're a good girl. Where do you want my cum?"

"All over my face, master. Treat me like your personal cum dumpster."

Hearing those words, Christina was hesitant to open her eyes. She could hear the other women out of breath, panting and crying out as the vibrators had done their jobs. Brent had pressed a button, turning it off since he was positive they had reached their climaxes. Based on the powerful chorus of screams, they all must have reached their climax. Christina believed it to be sheer luck that her pussy did not detonate at the power of his vibrator. Whether Brent would be proud or not, she did not care. She was proud of herself for outlasting that toy, and now she was sitting there to witness this slut get her face painted in cum. A few strands went into her long brunette locks of hair, but she never flinched or looked. Her eyes remained shut as she received her master's cum as if he had dropped a load on her face a hundred times before. The girl licked her lips before opening her eyes and speaking.

"Thank you, sir."

She kissed his cock before he motioned with his hand for her to rise. Brent was still holding the remote, but had dropped the girl's chain in his other hand. The jewels encrusted in her collar glimmered and shined. Christina exhaled for a moment. She was thankful he did not touch the remote, as she now felt she could last at least another minute before she needed her climax. Her eyes studied the movement of this skinny girl as she picked up his robe, gesturing to re-dress him. Brent blushed and smiled. That was something she had never seen from him, as he acted so playful and relaxed with this higher-ranked girl. The cum was oozing down her face and dripping down her neck and boobs when Brent playfully grabbed the chain. Her eyes wandered over to him as he gently tugged at the metal links.

"I think you need a shower. Get washed up and I'll see you at dinner later tonight."

"You know I would love that."

He slipped his hands into the robe and revealed a key for the chain attached to her collar ring. Brent unhooked the chain. She stepped back and winked at him.

"It's always an honor to be your whore, master. I hope your lesser whores enjoyed the show. I'll be waiting for you in the music lounge"

The girl blew a kiss to him before she walked out. Christina blinked, widening her eyes to do a double-take. Just like that, the girl was allowed to walk freely out of the room with cum dripping down her face. It burned the other women locked up, but Christina did not care about the insult she made in the end. So far, she had managed to resist his vibrator toy with all her inner strength. That was enough for her to raise her head and be proud. Brent fastened his robe and walked across the cells, looking over his precious girls in training. He stopped at Christina's cell and smirked. His eyes immediately looked down, and the smile fell from his lips when he noticed she did not reach her orgasm. So he was expecting it after all, Christina thought to herself. A smirk ran across her lips before she spoke.

"Were you expecting me to drench the vibrator? Are you disappointed I didn't leave a mess on the floor?"

His eyes remained locked on the vibrator for several seconds before he chuckled. When Brent looked back into Christina's eyes, he flashed his teeth in a full grin.

"That's impressive. You managed to hold yourself back while the rest of these whores couldn't. I wasn't expecting that from you."

Holding the remote up at her, Brent watched her facial expression change slightly. Christina whimpered a soft moan that made him laugh.

"Oh, look at you. You can't wait to let it out. I love it when you look at me like that. So desperate and willing to beg."

With a sigh, Christina swallowed her breath before replying.

"But you're impressed, aren't you? Right... master?"

She remembered to call him by that word in the end. Brent was still smirking as he nodded again.

"Yeah, I'm impressed. If you can hold back this long, then it just proves the potential you have. Imagine how many cocks you could take before you finally reach your breaking point."

"So, do I get to keep the vibrator for myself since I made it this far?"

Brent laughed, ignoring her words entirely as he unlocked the cell door and opened it. He snatched the toy from her pussy and then Christina finally unleashed love nectar. She screeched in a high pitch as torrents of her juices ejected from her cunt, splattering onto the concrete floor.

"You don't get to keep the vibrator.Can't have you having fun on your own can we now."

With a sigh, Christina pouted. She looked at him with such disappointment, knowing Brent would simply smirk in response. At least she knew that she had outsmarted him by outlasting the vibrator. It was a small victory, but Christina was still proud of herself. The other girls were quiet in their cells, with only faint whispers and moans heard. Christina closed her eyes as Brent unlocked the door to another cell to inspect another girl. She thought about the exhibition she had just witnessed with his willing, higher-ranked slave. At least she thought that girl had to be higher ranked based on the special collar she wore and how freely Brent let her go. She remembered her first night at the Miracle Light Inn and the journey she took in the music lounge. It was there that Christina witnessed her first odd sight, by seeing a woman dressed for a date wearing a similar collar. One small piece of the puzzle had been enough to answer one of her many questions.



Another day, another journey down the long, winding halls and narrow corridors into another dark room. The morning hours had come and gone. By the time Brent arrived at her cell, Christina was ready for another round of training. What did her master have in store for her today? She pondered the question quietly to herself when they walked together. He had given her much to think about last night. She wanted to know the identity of the brunette haired slim girl he had fucked yesterday. The more Christina thought about the entire incident, the more she knew the game Brent was playing with her and the other slaves. They were chained and locked up for an exhibition show, all at the expense of their jealousy. She could not deny the envy she felt when that girl had the privilege of placing his cock between her breasts. To go this long without the pleasure of tittyfucking was torturing Christina.

"Who was she?"

Christina asked the simple question as she stood in front of Brent. The door had slammed shut behind her minutes ago, and she dropped her robe. To her curious eye, this was just another small room to be used for training sessions. Behind her sat two wooden tables pushed together. A metal stool with a black padded seat was close by, matching two other stools near the door. Brent had already removed the chain from her collar and set it on the table. Her wandering eyes noticed a shiny, black latex bag sitting on the table. The contents of the bag were hidden under a zipper, but that was of no concern to her at the moment.

"Who was who? You need to be more specific."

"You know who I'm talking about. That fucking whore you wanted me to watch yesterday."

Brent smirked, flashing his teeth, before he looked back at Christina.

"Oh, you mean Emily. She's one of my good girls."

"One of your... good girls?"

She was unsure if he was honest or mocking her with the name of her last TV show. Brent nodded before continuing to speak.

"Yeah, she's a good girl. I trained her about four years ago. She stays here from time to time when she needs to duck the paparazzi."

Those last words made Christina stop and think. There was something about the girl's face that was oddly familiar to her. She gasped upon realizing that it was Emily Ratajkowski she had watched yesterday.

"Four years ago?"

He nodded, still smiling as he saw the shocked expression on her face.

"If it was that long ago, then why isn't she a mistress now?"

"Emily isn't cut out for the whip and black leather outfits. She is a natural submissive who embraces her role and knows her place. You saw that yesterday. Not everyone is fit to be a master or mistress. I see you've got your eyes on a prize."

With a chuckle, he took a step back. Brent's eyes locked onto the door behind Christina. He awaited it to open. She turned around to watch another woman make her entrance into the room. Light reflected across a black, one-piece latex bodysuit covering the curves of this tall woman. Her hair was blood red, her skin pale, and her eyes dark brown. Underneath her face, giant breasts were exposed in heavy cleavage, unable to be hidden by the gold buttons on her outfit. With one good look, Christina recognized her face from days ago. This was the same mistress she had seen when she first entered the dungeon. She remembered walking by this same woman before she signed her name on the contract. Her pink lips curved into a sultry grin as the door slammed shut behind her. Hands placed on her hips, she licked her lips while noticing Christina's eyes studying her translucent latex tights that covered her legs. The final piece of her outfit was a pair of translucent plastic high heels.

"Well, well. The famous Christina Hendricks. I've been looking forward to this meeting for quite some time."

The woman called out to her in a seductive voice. Brent stood back, watching this interaction unfold.

"Who are you?"

"That's no way to talk to your mistress. You should get down on your fucking knees and show me some respect."

Christina obeyed, falling to her knees and looking down at the heels covering her feet. Brent raised an eyebrow, impressed by how quickly she assumed the position. She may not have done the same if he was ordering her. Christina had a clear motivation to eventually become a mistress. That was clear from the level of respect she had to this woman upon meeting her.

"That's a little bit better, Christina."

She did not demand to know the woman's name. Christina was curious about her identity, based solely on her voluptuous body and bright red hair. Bianca Beauchamp was not a name Christina would know. Brent and other masters down in the dungeon knew of her well. The forty-five year-old fetish model had earned the nickname of 'latex queen' after completing her training in the past. She had long risen to the status of mistress. Brent hoped that Bianca would take on the role of mistress for Christina. He found it amusing to put two busty red-headed women face-to-face with each other like this. Christina was able to see a stark reflection of herself in this woman. Bianca held the position of authority that Christina clearly desired more than anything. Brent was hoping that Bianca would be the ideal mistress to further motivate Christina to not only complete her training but also rise in the ranks.

"I hope you've had your beauty rest and are feeling like a horny little slut today. Are you in the mood to suck on some dick for your mistress, dear?"

Resting her hands on her legs, Christina nodded.

"Yes, Mistress. Master Brent here has been training my throat to take any cock."

The tone in Christina's voice made Brent roll his eyes. She could not make it more obvious that she was willing to submit to a mistress in hopes that she would some day be wearing the same type of outfit. Would she have the stride to take control when the situation deemed it necessary? That was one question he was currently thinking about. Bianca stepped aside, leaving Christina on her knees as she walked to the table and giggled loudly.

"He has, huh? You sound quite eager to indulge yourself."

Turning around, Bianca revealed a translucent red dildo attached to a leather strap-on piece. She wanted to see the reaction on Christina's face as she asked the next question.

"I'm sure you've had plenty of practice with real dicks, but what about one of these?"

The enthusiastic reaction she had reveled in merely seconds ago seemed to fade at the reveal of the plastic cock. Brent smirked when he saw the look on Christina's face. He could only wonder if she expected Bianca to start ordering him around in a show of authority.

"I've never sucked anything like that before. I prefer a real cock."

Bianca giggled as she began to fasten the strap around her waist.

"Of course, a real one is better but you need something that doesn't jerk around when testing your gag reflexes. I'm gonna help you take this big ten inch." Bianca gripped the strapon in one hand. Christina noticed that her fingers couldn't close around the girth of it.

The size made Christina swallow her breath and widen her eyes. A ten inch length would surely be enough to choke her and water her eyes. She assumed her hands would be cuffed from behind, as they had been in the previous training session. Bianca motioned with her right hand, twitching her fingers.

"Up, on your feet."

Rising up from the floor, Christina stood in front of her mistress. Bianca ordered her again.

"Drop the robe."

Again, she obediently followed the order without hesitation. Bianca's eyes scanned Christina's body, focusing on her giant natural tits. If not for the setting, Christina may have remarked to her that the boobs were real. It was obvious to her that the other woman had enhancement procedures done to increase the size of her breasts. Christina knew she was in no position to make such a statement, so she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Do you like what you see, mistress?"

Bianca nodded with a smug grin across her puffy lips.

"Yes, I do. Maybe if you do a good job, I'll let you rub your tits against mine later."

Bianca walked around behind her, eyes were still focused on Christina's body. She came to a stop behind the kneeling actress and reached a hand down to Christina's pussy. Bianca purred a soft moan before speaking again.

Bianca moved in front of Christina, brandishing her glistening hand.

"Ohhhhh, look at that. You're already wet. Can't get your mind off sucking dick? Or do I have that effect on you?"

Giggling at the remark, Christina shook her head while blushing. Brent moved behind her with a pair of wrist cuffs.

"Hands behind your back, Christina."

With a sigh, she followed the command.

"I just knew I was gonna get cuffed again."

"And I just knew you were gonna complain about it some more."

Brent mocked her with a level of sarcasm that made Christina cringe. He knew how to press her buttons when he wanted to. Once the cuffs were locked around her wrists, Brent guided her to lower herself back to her knees. Christina had to be careful since she did not have her hands to support the balance. At least this time, she would not have to worry about her collar being bolted to a wooden post. Her big, blue eyes gazed up at Bianca. Christina ignored the plastic red cock for a moment.

"I'm ready, mistress."

"Are you really? Show me you're telling the truth."

Without her hands, Christina could only open her mouth widely in anticipation for Bianca's strap-on cock. The latex-clad mistress giggled as Brent stepped closer. Christina should have guessed he was going to stand next to the woman to watch.

"Open wider for me. This dick isn't gonna bend or move around in your mouth."

Christina did her best to open her mouth wide in an 'O' shape. Brent crossed his arms as his eyes locked on Christina's face. As long as he was standing there, she was going to see him from the corner of her right eye. For the time being, Christina needed to ignore his looming presence. She closed her eyes momentarily when Bianca slid the crown of the plastic cock between her lips. The texture and hardness served as a caution to Christina that this would not be like sucking a real cock along with its intimidating dimensions.

"That's it, that's it. Let me see those pretty eyes. Look at me, Christina."

Bianca's voice was calm and soothing, as if she were guiding Christina through an act of love. Christina tried not to look at Brent when she opened her eyes, knowing that his gaze was fixed on her. Squeezing her lips around the plastic red cock, Christina began to slowly bob her head up and down. If she had to guess, she figured that at least four inches of the shaft were in her mouth. This was only the beginning, as she still had plenty of time to mentally prepare herself for the deep-throating that awaited her.

"You know what's the best part about sucking one of these? You don't have to stop and worry about the man cumming too soon. There's no need to spit it out and tease."

As if that would be of any use with her hands cuffed. The only thing that was surely to bother Christina at this rate was not being able to fondle her own breasts. That nearly drove her mad when she sucked cock days ago. Taking her time, she slowly bobbed her head up and down, sucking every inch that was between her lips. Bianca stood there and observed the action. She noticed that Christina kept her eyes locked on her, not wandering to look at Brent.

"Let's see how well you've been trained. I want to see how far you can go down on it."

Prompted by the new order, Christina came to a halt. The red cock was still in her mouth as she began to slowly push it past the back of her mouth and into her throat. This was a moment she was dreading, since she knew it would no doubt water up her eyes and make her gag. As she pushed it further down, she closed her eyes and then choked with seven inches of the dildo pushing down her throat. It was a valiant attempt, but Christina did not force it down to choke herself. As her eyes were shut, she could hear Brent exhaling a deep breath.

"Keep it there. I'm gonna help you now."

Hearing Bianca speak was enough for Christina to open her eyes. She still refused to gaze in Brent's direction as she felt Bianca's right hand reach behind her head. Her long, orange hair was not in a ponytail today. She felt the other woman's fingers twist, gripping at her hair, as she then began to push the remaining thick inches further down Christina's throat. Her neck pushed against the collar as the dildo made its way deeper into her throat.

"Look at me."

Brent cleared his throat after speaking. Once again, Bianca noticed that Christina did not seem to want to look in his direction. Maybe she was upset with him over something that occurred in the past few days, or perhaps it was something else. Bianca had trained other women before her. She was well aware of Brent's attitude toward his slaves and the trials he put them through. For the time being, Bianca focused on shoving the rest of the strap-on cock down Christina's throats. She did not gag initially but began choking when the entire length was properly inserted in her mouth.

"Now look at that. It went all the way down."

Bianca giggled after speaking. Christina kept her eyes open, hoping that they would not water up like last time. A blurry vision made it easier to look at Brent, but she did not want to struggle with her sight. Bianca began to buck her hips slowly, thrusting the strap-on cock further down Christina's throat.

"Just relax and breath. When you tense up, you make it harder on yourself. Just relax."

This was the same advice Brent had given her back on that first day. Christina listened to him over time, but now she felt better with the advice spoken by another woman. Her eyes had shifted away from Brent again as she looked up at Bianca as her rightful mistress. Bianca's fingers tightened around several locks of Christina's hair as she began to thrust the dildo cock in and out of her mouth.


Brent watched intently as she was face fucked by the thick plastic cock. His eyes focused on the action as he studied every second of movement. Christina wondered if he was ever going to drop his robe and begin jacking off at this sight. There was no question that his cock had hardened to full length. Bianca went slow, watching as she closed her eyes. Christina was no longer panicking as she was determined to suck this entire length. As Bianca thrust, Christina pushed her lips down further, proving that she could suck the dildo on her own.

"That's very good, Christina. It's okay to gag around the dick as long as it helps you take it deeper."

Bianca stopped thrusting, allowing Christina to take charge and move her head up and down. She pulled at her wrists from within the cuffs, desperate to be free to touch herself. A burning sensation could be felt between her legs, as Christina was now in the heat of her lust. If only she could finger herself or massage her own tits. She opened her eyes and gazed up at Bianca, who stroked her hair with one finger.

"Don't look at me, Christina. Look at your master."

She stopped bobbing her lips, keeping the dildo down her throat. Bianca then took over, bucking her hips to thrust that strap-on cock down Christina's throat.

"You need to learn to associate your partner's pleasure with your own. You should get off on them enjoying your body and talents. You should take pride in your skills and abilities when you use them."

Brent nodded at Bianca's speech. Christina kept her eyes focused on his face as she accepted the advice. Bianca stopped thrusting, just to see if Christina would suck on her own. She did not disappoint her master or mistress as she began to furiously bob her head up and down, slobbering and gagging herself on the length. Even through teary eyes she pushed on to fuck her own throat for her masters.

"Listen to that. The sweet sounds of a whore who loves to suck dick."

Bianca grinned after uttering her words. Christina had to wonder just how wet the other woman was from this act. She could smell Bianca's arousal, somehow that spurred her on. She extracted the strap-on cock from her mouth, leaving only the head between her lips. Brent witnessed her shove the entire length of the red cock back down her throat. Christina gagged loudly, with excess saliva leaking from the left corner of her mouth. She felt the warm drool land on her tits, reminding her that she could not move her hands to play with her own tits. Pulling herself back, Christina finally extracted the plastic cock from her mouth with an audible gasp. Long strings of saliva dangled back to the shiny, translucent red toy and back to her mouth. Bianca removed her hands from her head, now done with her part. Brent grinned as he finally dropped his robe to the floor and revealed his hard cock at full mast. Before he had a chance to say anything, Christina looked him directly in the eye and spoke.

"Fuck my mouth, master."

Brent stepped closer to Christina while Bianca giggled at her remark. His right hand clutched his cock, ready to feed it to her.

"What did you say to me, whore?"

Closing her mouth for a moment, Christina swallowed her breath and focused her gaze on his face. The words she was about to speak were certainly the most filthy language she had in store for him. Unable to take it anymore, Christina was more than eager to gag on a real cock.

"I want you to fuck my mouth, master. Skullfuck me like the nasty whore I am."

His eyebrows quirked up. That was a sign to her that she had at least surprised him with her language. Whether it was calling herself a nasty whore or the use of the word 'skullfuck', Christina was happy to play along. He lowered his left hand down to her head, quickly snatching several locks of hair into a tight grip.

"I hope you enjoy this as much as I'm going to."

With a grunt, Brent slammed his cock into Christina's mouth. She closed her eyes but did not choke as she felt his length drive down the back of her throat. Gagging sounds could be heard throughout the room as he placed his other hand over her head and spread his legs out. He pulled her head down as hard as he could and grinded his fully engulfed cock in the hot tightness of her throat. Christina left her eyes closed, feeling his cock pound her throat with each full thrust. Brent gritted his teeth and grunted.

"You wanted this, so fucking TAKE IT!!"

Inch after inch of his hard cock pumped between her lips. Her breasts swayed, jiggling left and right with the movement of her head. After slobbering all over a plastic toy, Christina was grateful to have a real dick to suck right now. If only she could press her hands over her breasts, pinch her own nipples, and finger herself. To have her hands restricted like this had only driven her more wild.


While Brent fucked Christina's mouth, Bianca had taken off the strap-on. She set it back down on the table before stripping the latex outfit from her body. She sat her plump ass down on the table and stretched her legs out to glance down at her wet pussy. The fetish model began to finger herself at the sight of Brent giving Christina the business. With each full thrust, his balls rubbed against her chin. After a few minutes, Christina's eyes finally watered, and streams of tears ran from the corners. She was impressed in her own abilities that she could withstand enough pressure until now that the tears flowed from her eyes. Christina opened her eyes and gazed up at Brent. She saw his face scrunching up as he made eye contact with her.

"I knew you could handle it if you tried. That's my Hollywood cocksucker!"

He began to thrust again, prompting Christina to shut her eyes once more. She tried to pull at her wrist cuffs, desperate to touch her own body, as he began to pound his cock down her throat again. Bianca gasped and exhaled deep moans of pleasure at this sight. Her middle finger was pushed beyond the pink folds of her cunt. Each time Brent made a hard thrust, Bianca tried to give herself a similar pleasure by aggressively wiggling her finger in her cunt. She adjusted herself on the table, sliding into the corner where she was facing Christina and watching her body rock from the backside view.


Streams of drool leaked from both corners of Christina's mouth, trailing down her neck and to her tits. Her pale pink capped tits were coated in rivulets of spit. If only she could grab her boobs and make use of the spittle that was falling on them. Christina could hear the soft cries of pleasure in her mistress' voice. It had not dawned on her what the other woman was doing in the room. At this point, it was only a matter of guessing who would reach their orgasm first: master or mistress. Christina was going to be desperate to pleasure herself with her own hand when she was locked back up. Brent grunted before snatching his cock out of her mouth. Christina opened her eyes wide upon feeling the absence of his thick, mighty shaft.

"Cum all over my face, please! Please, master!"

Her voice was nearly hoarse from all the sucking, but Christina was still able to speak. She watched his hand glide back and forth across his slobber soaked shaft in a blur before the first string of cum went flying in the air. Christina kept her eyes open to see the cum briefly before it splattered across her forehead. Bianca was the one closing her eyes as she wiggled her finger faster at the same time Brent was dropping his load onto Christina's face. Two wads of cum landed on her left cheek, dripping down to her tits. She blinked once but kept her eyes focused on her master. Christina opened her mouth wide, parting her tongue in an effort to catch some of the cum. What did not end up on her face went to her tits below. Out of breath and slightly fatigued, Brent stepped away from Christina as someone else began to cry.

"Ohhhhh, that was so fucking HOT!!"

Bianca screeched and yelled at the top of her lungs as a powerful stream of her juices flew into the air. She shook her left leg, the heel coming loose and falling to the floor with a thunderous slam. Her pussy had become a fountain, gushing and squirting her love nectar that rained down onto Christina's back and into her hair from behind. The actress moaned, not expecting this at all. If only Bianca had been standing close to Brent, they could have both given her an epic facial together. Her eyes never left Brent's face. Christina was reveling in her display of filth. She no longer cared about the handcuffs restricting her hands. For she knew that once she was locked up in her private cell later tonight, she would be furiously fingering herself.



"We're almost ready. Just one more twist."

A new day but the same training room was Christina's destination for the day. Brent's voice echoed in the room as Christina sat on her knees. She did not look in his direction, instead focusing her gaze on a man who stood in front of her. Here she was, on her knees again, in the room where her throat training began. Brent told her she was ready for a true test. Bianca stood across from her, wearing bright red latex pants that matched a bustier with heavy cleavage. The mistress made her presence known with a striking outfit. Her job was to give guidance to Christina, just as she had done during their first meeting. Whatever advice she may have to offer would only be background noise to the actress. Christina was confident and determined in her abilities. More than anything, she was hungry for dick. If it was Brent's intention to stand around and witness her new skills as a cocksucker, then her partner would be in for a show to remember. Christina felt primed and ready, no longer intimidated by any size.

It no longer bothered her that her hands were to be restricted. As a small token of appreciation for her last performance, Brent chose something else instead of the handcuffs. Christina was positioned on her knees behind the same wooden post that she had been chained to on that first day. Only this time, her wrist cuffs were connected to chain links bolted into posts on the side. This raised her arms slightly but gave her access to push her hands down and grip something. That was enough to help Christina with the balancing issues she had from earlier experiences. Some great reward, she thought to herself. After all these sessions of getting throat-fucked, Christina felt a burning sensation between her legs. She needed to be fucked, more or less. There was only so much pleasure she could give herself with the touch of her hand.

Once more, she was unable to touch her breasts, but it did not bother her this time. She was confident that by the time she had the chance to tittyfuck a cock again, she was going to destroy a man. Christina felt as if she had learned more about herself in a single week in this place than in all those years of her past marriage. The single life had come to an end for her in a strange way. The collar locked around her neck carried more meaning than any fancy ring she could have been gifted. As she licked her lips, her big blue eyes gazed up at the man waiting for the order. The bald, tattooed man was absent today. Maybe it was Brent's choice to bring in another lucky guy or maybe this was standard protocol among the masters. Christina did not care. This man would be screaming his head off in delight at her newly developed oral skills in one way or another.

Blue robes covered the body of this tall black man. His name was meaningless to Christina, just as she did not care about the name of the first man she had sucked dry in this room. His head was nearly shaved, with a short line of hair. A mustache was visible above his upper lip, all while his big brown eyes were locked on her blue hues. Christina had never been with a black man before. If Brent fantasized about watching her take on a big black cock, his wish would soon come true. Christina was not going to let the collar and cuffs stop her from taking control. The lust she felt could not be contained. No matter how big this man's dick was, she was going to destroy it. The black man dropped his robe from his shoulders, freeing his massive erect cock right in front of Christina. He stood there with one hand wrapped around his pole, stroking it slowly as if he were taunting her. She watched as he pumped his cock from base to bulbous blackened purple tip. From an early guess, Christina could see his cock was longer than Bianca's strap-on dildo she had previously sucked. That would not matter to her. The bigger, the better.

"Alright, I think that's good."

Brent spoke after locking Christina's collar into the wooden post. The movement of her neck was restricted again, but that did not bother her. Christina refused to be intimidated by the size of this man's cock or any other limitations. She licked her lips, sitting in silence as she could feel a strange cold breeze across her pale, naked body. Her long, red hair was pinned in a ponytail to keep any strands of hair from accidentally moving into her line of sight. Brent cleared his throat before speaking.

"Are you ready, whore?"

"Yes master."

No hesitation was audible in her voice whatsoever. Christina was in another zone, locked in and ready for this. Brent gave the nod at the man, signaling that it was finally time to begin. He stepped forward as Christina opened her mouth wide, waiting for his dark pole. When the head pushed against her tongue, she immediately enveloped her lips around the head and closed her eyes. His fingers slid behind her head gripping the ponytail in one hand into a few locks of her hair, forming a tight grip. That feeling was not enough to break her concentration as she sucked his long dick. A grunt was heard as he then began to buck his hips hard, slamming his big black cock down her throat. Her head pushed back into the post keeping her mouth right where the man wanted. She did not choke or gag upon feeling the crown of his shaft rubbing at the back of her throat. Christina kept her eyes shut while feeling his balls rub against her chin and strands of pubic hair. He let her flex her throat muscles around his enveloped cock for nearly 30 seconds, staring down at her red lips ringing the base of his cock. The man grunted and groaned before pulling back. If this was a sign of things to come, she was prepared for a rough skullfucking.

Another grunt was heard as the man withdrew most of his cock before slamming it back down her throat. The chains on the post rattled with the force of his thrust.Christina started to gag, but did not choke. She guessed that the man was slowly finding a rhythm to fuck her mouth, still confident she could handle his best effort. Brent crossed his arms over his chest as he stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Bianca. Their eyes never glanced away from the action. The sounds of Christina gagging filled the room between grunts and moans from the man. When she opened her eyes, Christina hoped that she could taunt the man with her eyes alone as if daring him to give her everything he's got. She looked up at him, sucking inch after inch of his cock that was shoved between her lips. Over and over, she sucked inch after inch with ease. The man grunted and pushed his entire length down her throat again. Christina closed her eyes, gagging loudly as she pressed her palms against the wooden posts. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes as he pressed hard into her throat completely and stayed there.

Brent noticed that she did not panic this time. Christina breathed out of her nose, blowing air through the man's pubic hair. Thick ropes of spit were pulled up from her throat when he pulled his shaft back. She reopened her eyes. The man slammed his cock to the back of her throat again, making her gag louder. So far, so good, Christina was not choking on his length. She took every inch and sucked vigorously. Growling grunts were heard as the man gritted his teeth. It became clear in the passing seconds that this was not a challenge for the cocksucking slave. The man was struggling with Christina, who seemed to be on a mission to make him cum with her mouth. Brent was impressed. His eyebrows quirked as the man began to buck his hips hard, giving in to the temptation to skullfuck her. Christina was ready for it, despite her collar being locked into the wooden post.


Slobbering and sucking noises echoed from the floor as spit leaked from the left corner of her mouth. The chains attached to her wrists dangled and clanked loudly against the wooden posts. Over and over, the man thrust his cock between her lips. Christina not only took it; she was sucking as if she were in control. Brent's lips slowly curled into a smile with each gagging sound he heard. He was more than impressed by her efforts. By the rate of her sucking, she was surely going to make this man cum before he was ready. Brent leaned down and quickly began to loosen the lock of her collar in the post. He had seen enough. The time had come for Christina to take charge.

"Show us what you've learned. Take it all the way down, with no help."

Her eyes opened wide at the feeling of the collar ring loosening in the post. She did not need her hands to do this. All she needed was to be able to properly move her neck. Christina took charge, bobbing her head up and down at a fast pace. The man took deep breaths and began panting. With her hands dangling from the other wooden posts, Christina gripped them to help balance herself. The man removed his hands from her head, allowing her to devour his shaft the way she desired. Brent and Bianca's eyes widened as they smiled at this sight. The man was groaning uncontrollably. His voice elevated, but Christina refused to stop sucking. She no longer cared if this man wanted to blow his load on her face. She needed to taste his cum. She needed to swallow a hot load in front of her master and mistress. With a grunt, the man's face scrunched up.

"Oh, god!!"

The tone of his voice and loudness told Christina that he was close to blowing his load. She pushed his cock all the way back down her throat, finally choking herself with the length as her lips burrowed into his pubic hair.

"God DAMN!!"

He gritted his teeth and snarled as his cock erupted down her throat. At long last, Christina had a truly great reward for her efforts. The man wailed uncontrollably as she milked spurt after spurt of cum from his cock nearly straight down her throat. His screams echoed throughout the room, no doubt catching the attention of both Brent and Bianca. Christina continued to suck while swallowing every drop of cum she tasted. After grunting again, the man finally snatched his depleted cock from her mouth. Saliva strings and one thick rope of cum dripped from her lower lip. Christina gritted her teeth and exhaled as she kept her gaze focused on the man. No chains could hold back her lust anymore. She had learned to find ways to unleash her desires. The more cocks she sucked, the more Christina felt the urge to fuck. A sinister grin ran across Brent's lips, as he had seen enough to judge that she had passed the first trial of her training.

"Now look at that. It went all the way down."

Bianca giggled after speaking. Christina kept her eyes open, hoping that they would not water up like last time. A blurry vision made it easier to look at Brent, but she did not want to struggle with her sight. Bianca began to buck her hips slowly, thrusting the strap-on cock further down Christina's throat.

"Just relax and breath. When you tense up, you make it harder on yourself. Just relax."

This was the same advice Brent had given her back on that first day. Christina listened to him over time, but now she felt better with the advice spoken by another woman. Her eyes had shifted away from Brent again as she looked up at Bianca as her rightful mistress. Bianca's fingers tightened around several locks of Christina's hair as she began to thrust the dildo cock in and out of her mouth.


Brent watched intently as she was face fucked by the thick plastic cock. His eyes focused on the action as he studied every second of movement. Christina wondered if he was ever going to drop his robe and begin jacking off at this sight. There was no question that his cock had hardened to full length. Bianca went slow, watching as she closed her eyes. Christina was no longer panicking as she was determined to suck this entire length. As Bianca thrust, Christina pushed her lips down further, proving that she could suck the dildo on her own.

"That's very good, Christina. It's okay to gag around the dick as long as it helps you take it deeper."

Bianca stopped thrusting, allowing Christina to take charge and move her head up and down. She pulled at her wrists from within the cuffs, desperate to be free to touch herself. A burning sensation could be felt between her legs, as Christina was now in the heat of her lust. If only she could finger herself or massage her own tits. She opened her eyes and gazed up at Bianca, who stroked her hair with one finger.

"Don't look at me, Christina. Look at your master."

She stopped bobbing her lips, keeping the dildo down her throat. Bianca then took over, bucking her hips to thrust that strap-on cock down Christina's throat.

"You need to learn to associate your partner's pleasure with your own. You should get off on them enjoying your body and talents. You should take pride in your skills and abilities when you use them."

Brent nodded at Bianca's speech. Christina kept her eyes focused on his face as she accepted the advice. Bianca stopped thrusting, just to see if Christina would suck on her own. She did not disappoint her master or mistress as she began to furiously bob her head up and down, slobbering and gagging herself on the length. Even through teary eyes she pushed on to fuck her own throat for her masters.

"Listen to that. The sweet sounds of a whore who loves to suck dick."

Bianca grinned after uttering her words. Christina had to wonder just how wet the other woman was from this act. She could smell Bianca's arousal, somehow that spurred her on. She extracted the strap-on cock from her mouth, leaving only the head between her lips. Brent witnessed her shove the entire length of the red cock back down her throat. Christina gagged loudly, with excess saliva leaking from the left corner of her mouth. She felt the warm drool land on her tits, reminding her that she could not move her hands to play with her own tits. Pulling herself back, Christina finally extracted the plastic cock from her mouth with an audible gasp. Long strings of saliva dangled back to the shiny, translucent red toy and back to her mouth. Bianca removed her hands from her head, now done with her part. Brent grinned as he finally dropped his robe to the floor and revealed his hard cock at full mast. Before he had a chance to say anything, Christina looked him directly in the eye and spoke.

"Fuck my mouth, master."

Brent stepped closer to Christina while Bianca giggled at her remark. His right hand clutched his cock, ready to feed it to her.

"What did you say to me, whore?"

Closing her mouth for a moment, Christina swallowed her breath and focused her gaze on his face. The words she was about to speak were certainly the most filthy language she had in store for him. Unable to take it anymore, Christina was more than eager to gag on a real cock.

"I want you to fuck my mouth, master. Skullfuck me like the nasty whore I am."

His eyebrows quirked up. That was a sign to her that she had at least surprised him with her language. Whether it was calling herself a nasty whore or the use of the word 'skullfuck', Christina was happy to play along. He lowered his left hand down to her head, quickly snatching several locks of hair into a tight grip.

"I hope you enjoy this as much as I'm going to."

With a grunt, Brent slammed his cock into Christina's mouth. She closed her eyes but did not choke as she felt his length drive down the back of her throat. Gagging sounds could be heard throughout the room as he placed his other hand over her head and spread his legs out. He pulled her head down as hard as he could and grinded his fully engulfed cock in the hot tightness of her throat. Christina left her eyes closed, feeling his cock pound her throat with each full thrust. Brent gritted his teeth and grunted.

"You wanted this, so fucking TAKE IT!!"

Inch after inch of his hard cock pumped between her lips. Her breasts swayed, jiggling left and right with the movement of her head. After slobbering all over a plastic toy, Christina was grateful to have a real dick to suck right now. If only she could press her hands over her breasts, pinch her own nipples, and finger herself. To have her hands restricted like this had only driven her more wild.


While Brent fucked Christina's mouth, Bianca had taken off the strap-on. She set it back down on the table before stripping the latex outfit from her body. She sat her plump ass down on the table and stretched her legs out to glance down at her wet pussy. The fetish model began to finger herself at the sight of Brent giving Christina the business. With each full thrust, his balls rubbed against her chin. After a few minutes, Christina's eyes finally watered, and streams of tears ran from the corners. She was impressed in her own abilities that she could withstand enough pressure until now that the tears flowed from her eyes. Christina opened her eyes and gazed up at Brent. She saw his face scrunching up as he made eye contact with her.

"I knew you could handle it if you tried. That's my Hollywood cocksucker!"

He began to thrust again, prompting Christina to shut her eyes once more. She tried to pull at her wrist cuffs, desperate to touch her own body, as he began to pound his cock down her throat again. Bianca gasped and exhaled deep moans of pleasure at this sight. Her middle finger was pushed beyond the pink folds of her cunt. Each time Brent made a hard thrust, Bianca tried to give herself a similar pleasure by aggressively wiggling her finger in her cunt. She adjusted herself on the table, sliding into the corner where she was facing Christina and watching her body rock from the backside view.


Streams of drool leaked from both corners of Christina's mouth, trailing down her neck and to her tits. Her pale pink capped tits were coated in rivulets of spit. If only she could grab her boobs and make use of the spittle that was falling on them. Christina could hear the soft cries of pleasure in her mistress' voice. It had not dawned on her what the other woman was doing in the room. At this point, it was only a matter of guessing who would reach their orgasm first: master or mistress. Christina was going to be desperate to pleasure herself with her own hand when she was locked back up. Brent grunted before snatching his cock out of her mouth. Christina opened her eyes wide upon feeling the absence of his thick, mighty shaft.

"Cum all over my face, please! Please, master!"

Her voice was nearly hoarse from all the sucking, but Christina was still able to speak. She watched his hand glide back and forth across his slobber soaked shaft in a blur before the first string of cum went flying in the air. Christina kept her eyes open to see the cum briefly before it splattered across her forehead. Bianca was the one closing her eyes as she wiggled her finger faster at the same time Brent was dropping his load onto Christina's face. Two wads of cum landed on her left cheek, dripping down to her tits. She blinked once but kept her eyes focused on her master. Christina opened her mouth wide, parting her tongue in an effort to catch some of the cum. What did not end up on her face went to her tits below. Out of breath and slightly fatigued, Brent stepped away from Christina as someone else began to cry.

"Ohhhhh, that was so fucking HOT!!"

Bianca screeched and yelled at the top of her lungs as a powerful stream of her juices flew into the air. She shook her left leg, the heel coming loose and falling to the floor with a thunderous slam. Her pussy had become a fountain, gushing and squirting her love nectar that rained down onto Christina's back and into her hair from behind. The actress moaned, not expecting this at all. If only Bianca had been standing close to Brent, they could have both given her an epic facial together. Her eyes never left Brent's face. Christina was reveling in her display of filth. She no longer cared about the handcuffs restricting her hands. For she knew that once she was locked up in her private cell later tonight, she would be furiously fingering herself.



"We're almost ready. Just one more twist."

A new day but the same training room was Christina's destination for the day. Brent's voice echoed in the room as Christina sat on her knees. She did not look in his direction, instead focusing her gaze on a man who stood in front of her. Here she was, on her knees again, in the room where her throat training began. Brent told her she was ready for a true test. Bianca stood across from her, wearing bright red latex pants that matched a bustier with heavy cleavage. The mistress made her presence known with a striking outfit. Her job was to give guidance to Christina, just as she had done during their first meeting. Whatever advice she may have to offer would only be background noise to the actress. Christina was confident and determined in her abilities. More than anything, she was hungry for dick. If it was Brent's intention to stand around and witness her new skills as a cocksucker, then her partner would be in for a show to remember. Christina felt primed and ready, no longer intimidated by any size.

It no longer bothered her that her hands were to be restricted. As a small token of appreciation for her last performance, Brent chose something else instead of the handcuffs. Christina was positioned on her knees behind the same wooden post that she had been chained to on that first day. Only this time, her wrist cuffs were connected to chain links bolted into posts on the side. This raised her arms slightly but gave her access to push her hands down and grip something. That was enough to help Christina with the balancing issues she had from earlier experiences. Some great reward, she thought to herself. After all these sessions of getting throat-fucked, Christina felt a burning sensation between her legs. She needed to be fucked, more or less. There was only so much pleasure she could give herself with the touch of her hand.

Once more, she was unable to touch her breasts, but it did not bother her this time. She was confident that by the time she had the chance to tittyfuck a cock again, she was going to destroy a man. Christina felt as if she had learned more about herself in a single week in this place than in all those years of her past marriage. The single life had come to an end for her in a strange way. The collar locked around her neck carried more meaning than any fancy ring she could have been gifted. As she licked her lips, her big blue eyes gazed up at the man waiting for the order. The bald, tattooed man was absent today. Maybe it was Brent's choice to bring in another lucky guy or maybe this was standard protocol among the masters. Christina did not care. This man would be screaming his head off in delight at her newly developed oral skills in one way or another.

Blue robes covered the body of this tall black man. His name was meaningless to Christina, just as she did not care about the name of the first man she had sucked dry in this room. His head was nearly shaved, with a short line of hair. A mustache was visible above his upper lip, all while his big brown eyes were locked on her blue hues. Christina had never been with a black man before. If Brent fantasized about watching her take on a big black cock, his wish would soon come true. Christina was not going to let the collar and cuffs stop her from taking control. The lust she felt could not be contained. No matter how big this man's dick was, she was going to destroy it. The black man dropped his robe from his shoulders, freeing his massive erect cock right in front of Christina. He stood there with one hand wrapped around his pole, stroking it slowly as if he were taunting her. She watched as he pumped his cock from base to bulbous blackened purple tip. From an early guess, Christina could see his cock was longer than Bianca's strap-on dildo she had previously sucked. That would not matter to her. The bigger, the better.

"Alright, I think that's good."

Brent spoke after locking Christina's collar into the wooden post. The movement of her neck was restricted again, but that did not bother her. Christina refused to be intimidated by the size of this man's cock or any other limitations. She licked her lips, sitting in silence as she could feel a strange cold breeze across her pale, naked body. Her long, red hair was pinned in a ponytail to keep any strands of hair from accidentally moving into her line of sight. Brent cleared his throat before speaking.

"Are you ready, whore?"

"Yes master."

No hesitation was audible in her voice whatsoever. Christina was in another zone, locked in and ready for this. Brent gave the nod at the man, signaling that it was finally time to begin. He stepped forward as Christina opened her mouth wide, waiting for his dark pole. When the head pushed against her tongue, she immediately enveloped her lips around the head and closed her eyes. His fingers slid behind her head gripping the ponytail in one hand into a few locks of her hair, forming a tight grip. That feeling was not enough to break her concentration as she sucked his long dick. A grunt was heard as he then began to buck his hips hard, slamming his big black cock down her throat. Her head pushed back into the post keeping her mouth right where the man wanted. She did not choke or gag upon feeling the crown of his shaft rubbing at the back of her throat. Christina kept her eyes shut while feeling his balls rub against her chin and strands of pubic hair. He let her flex her throat muscles around his enveloped cock for nearly 30 seconds, staring down at her red lips ringing the base of his cock. The man grunted and groaned before pulling back. If this was a sign of things to come, she was prepared for a rough skullfucking.

Another grunt was heard as the man withdrew most of his cock before slamming it back down her throat. The chains on the post rattled with the force of his thrust.Christina started to gag, but did not choke. She guessed that the man was slowly finding a rhythm to fuck her mouth, still confident she could handle his best effort. Brent crossed his arms over his chest as he stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Bianca. Their eyes never glanced away from the action. The sounds of Christina gagging filled the room between grunts and moans from the man. When she opened her eyes, Christina hoped that she could taunt the man with her eyes alone as if daring him to give her everything he's got. She looked up at him, sucking inch after inch of his cock that was shoved between her lips. Over and over, she sucked inch after inch with ease. The man grunted and pushed his entire length down her throat again. Christina closed her eyes, gagging loudly as she pressed her palms against the wooden posts. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes as he pressed hard into her throat completely and stayed there.

Brent noticed that she did not panic this time. Christina breathed out of her nose, blowing air through the man's pubic hair. Thick ropes of spit were pulled up from her throat when he pulled his shaft back. She reopened her eyes. The man slammed his cock to the back of her throat again, making her gag louder. So far, so good, Christina was not choking on his length. She took every inch and sucked vigorously. Growling grunts were heard as the man gritted his teeth. It became clear in the passing seconds that this was not a challenge for the cocksucking slave. The man was struggling with Christina, who seemed to be on a mission to make him cum with her mouth. Brent was impressed. His eyebrows quirked as the man began to buck his hips hard, giving in to the temptation to skullfuck her. Christina was ready for it, despite her collar being locked into the wooden post.


Slobbering and sucking noises echoed from the floor as spit leaked from the left corner of her mouth. The chains attached to her wrists dangled and clanked loudly against the wooden posts. Over and over, the man thrust his cock between her lips. Christina not only took it; she was sucking as if she were in control. Brent's lips slowly curled into a smile with each gagging sound he heard. He was more than impressed by her efforts. By the rate of her sucking, she was surely going to make this man cum before he was ready. Brent leaned down and quickly began to loosen the lock of her collar in the post. He had seen enough. The time had come for Christina to take charge.

"Show us what you've learned. Take it all the way down, with no help."

Her eyes opened wide at the feeling of the collar ring loosening in the post. She did not need her hands to do this. All she needed was to be able to properly move her neck. Christina took charge, bobbing her head up and down at a fast pace. The man took deep breaths and began panting. With her hands dangling from the other wooden posts, Christina gripped them to help balance herself. The man removed his hands from her head, allowing her to devour his shaft the way she desired. Brent and Bianca's eyes widened as they smiled at this sight. The man was groaning uncontrollably. His voice elevated, but Christina refused to stop sucking. She no longer cared if this man wanted to blow his load on her face. She needed to taste his cum. She needed to swallow a hot load in front of her master and mistress. With a grunt, the man's face scrunched up.

"Oh, god!!"

The tone of his voice and loudness told Christina that he was close to blowing his load. She pushed his cock all the way back down her throat, finally choking herself with the length as her lips burrowed into his pubic hair.

"God DAMN!!"

He gritted his teeth and snarled as his cock erupted down her throat. At long last, Christina had a truly great reward for her efforts. The man wailed uncontrollably as she milked spurt after spurt of cum from his cock nearly straight down her throat. His screams echoed throughout the room, no doubt catching the attention of both Brent and Bianca. Christina continued to suck while swallowing every drop of cum she tasted. After grunting again, the man finally snatched his depleted cock from her mouth. Saliva strings and one thick rope of cum dripped from her lower lip. Christina gritted her teeth and exhaled as she kept her gaze focused on the man. No chains could hold back her lust anymore. She had learned to find ways to unleash her desires. The more cocks she sucked, the more Christina felt the urge to fuck. A sinister grin ran across Brent's lips, as he had seen enough to judge that she had passed the first trial of her training.

Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


I don't know how you do it. Each chapter gets better than the last one.

Emily down in the dungeon was a pleasant surprise. Will more celebs be showing up alongside Christina now?
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Blocboy VC


Just here to tell you more, more, more. Keep it coming lol
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


I don't know how you do it. Each chapter gets better than the last one.

Emily down in the dungeon was a pleasant surprise. Will more celebs be showing up alongside Christina now?

I don't want to spoil any surprises, but there are some more special guests waiting in cells.  ;)
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


I read this several months ago and meant to leave a comment.

I love Bianca and have been turned on to her more so in the past year.

I can totally imagine her in this situation lol. Christina has a new role model. Forget Toby, she has Brent and Bianca to show her the way of being a true fuck machine.
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


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