Part ThreeStarring: Rosamund Pike, Hayley Atwell, Vanessa Kirby & Rebecca Ferguson
My visit from Gemma was off to a flyer and only got better as the evening progressed. After finishing up in the games room, Gemma went back to her bedroom to freshen up while I went down to the kitchen and fixed us something to eat. She came down to join me an hour or so later, wearing a backless black dress that sent my jaw straight down to the floor. We fooled around a little while I finished up dinner, then got to know each other better while we wolfed it down, going halves on a bottle of wine.
Things started off again pretty soon after and I ate her pussy on the couch before taking her up to the bedroom. We fucked a couple more times before the night was through, finally passing out in the early hours of the morning. We woke up late the following day and had a quickie in the shower before going downstairs for brunch. We went back to her room to pack up her stuff and I walked her out to her car, seeing her off with a kiss goodbye.
My next two guests were producers that Hayley knew from British TV. Both were gorgeous, great to talk to and amazing in bed, but don’t worry…I know you’re not here for them. Thursday’s guest was a famous actress who has since been to visit me at my place in LA. Frankly that visit was a lot more story-worthy so let’s skip ahead to Friday and Rosamund Pike. I’d been a big fan of hers ever since
Gone Girl, so I was very excited when Hayley texted me, letting me know she was on her way and giving me a little idea of what I was in for.
Hayley: I should let you know…she’s kind of intense.
Now, a warning like that might have worried some men, but once you’ve spent an afternoon buried to the ears in Bryce Dallas Howard’s ass you feel like you’re ready for anything.
Me: I’m sure I can handle it [wink emoji]
Hayley: Well don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I was braining infected on
The Last of Us 2 when the doorbell rang. As I went to answer it, Rosamund was waiting in the doorway, dressed in a white crop top and a black leather skirt with a split on her right leg.

“Hi, Miss Pike,” I said, offering her my hand. “Lovely to meet you. I’m Tyler.”
She slid her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose and peered at me over the frames. “Hi,” she said, no hint of a smile. “My case is in the boot,” she added, dropping her keys into my hand as she came inside, swanning in like she owned the place.
“Of course,” I said, stepping out onto the driveway and heading for Rosamund’s car.
I fetched her suitcase from the trunk and locked her car as I wheeled it inside. Rosamund was waiting for me, impatiently tapping a black stiletto heel.
“Here you are, Miss Pike,” I said, waiting for a ‘thank you’ but not receiving one. “Would you like me to give you the tour?”
“No,” was how she replied.
I was a little taken aback by that and wasn’t sure how to respond. “Hmm?”
“Nope, I don’t want the tour,” Rosamund clarified, hiking up her skirt a little and sliding a hand under the split on her leg. “What I want you to do…” my guest continued, shimmying her hips a little as she peeled down her panties, “is get on your knees…” her panties fell to her floor and she stepped out of them, kicking them aside, “and eat my pussy. I hear you’re good at it.”
I was stunned. Even Bryce hadn’t been as brazen as that. “Hmm?” I said again, still a little lost for words.
“Are you deaf or something?” Rosamund snapped, the split of her skirt pulled up her hips, her pussy completely exposed. “I said ‘I want you…to get on your knees…and eat…my…pussy.”
Well, I guess Hayley was right. She is
kind of intense. You know, like how Michael Jordan is
kind of good at basketball. I took a step forward to close the gap in between us then dropped down to my knees. I took a brief moment to look at her pussy. Or at least I would have, if Rosamund hadn’t grabbed the back of my head and pulled me straight into it.
“MMPF!” I exclaimed, eyes bulging in surprise as my lips pressed against her pussy.
She wasn’t even wet yet. Something told me that it took a lot to get her moist and I found out soon enough that that was definitely the case. I poked my tongue out from between my lips and licked along her pussy, settling at the nub of her clit. Rosamund clung to the hem of her skirt, holding it out of the way as I swirled my tongue, spinning it around her clit. I put my hands up to offer my assistance, pushing her skirt up as I grabbed her hips.
“Ahem!” said Rosamund, clearing her throat loudly. “Did I say you could touch me? All I want to feel is your lips and tongue. Got that?”
She gripped a fistful of hair, pulling me back so I could answer. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Good,” she said as she pushed me forward, shoving my head back from whence it came.
I quickly continued from where I left off, returning my tongue to her pussy and spinning it slowly around the nub of her clit. I looked up at my guest as I ate her pussy. Her expression was stony, giving no impression that she was enjoying it at all. I opted for a change of tactics, peeling my lips from around her clit and moving my head back a little. My tongue came out and I put it to her pussy, licking slowly from the bottom of her slit, right back up to the top. I managed to get in a few of those before my guest lost patience, peering down at me with a look of contempt.
“Bloody hell, are you serious?” she said, her voice so stern it was almost scary. She gripped my head possessively and squished my nose against her pelvis as she pulled me back into her. “Get your face in there. Lick my pussy like you fucking mean it.”
My tongue came out and went back to her pussy, licking like my life depended on it. Honestly, I think that it probably did. I still wasn’t sure what she actually wanted, so I tried a few different things to see what got a reaction. So far, everything I’d done had got a reaction, but unfortunately all of them were negative. I started by licking her quickly, flicking my tongue against the nub of her clit. Then I wrapped my lips around it, sucking on it deftly as I teased it with the tip of my tongue. Finally, I was starting to get somewhere and the lightest of light moans began to spill from between her lips, some gentle heat starting to waft from the lips of her pussy.
“Stay there,” she instructed, her voice starting to soften.
She gripped my head tighter and started grinding against my tongue. I rolled my tongue out from between my lips and kept it still and flat, allowing her to use it however she pleased. She quickly fell into a very smooth rhythm, making sure my tongue touched all of her pussy, from the bottom of her labia, right up to the nub of her clit. Finally her pussy was starting to moisten. It had taken a while but it was well worth the wait, fluids trickling across my tongue that sent my taste buds ablaze.
Her movements began to slow as she got more into it and it was then that I started licking, running my tongue slowly up her pussy as she ground up against it. I kept my licks long and slow to begin with, tasting every inch of her pussy before they became more focused, concentrating solely on her stiffening clit. Her grip on my head got even firmer and her moans got louder as her body fell still, allowing me to return to the tried and tested method. I swirled my tongue around the nub of her clit, ringing it in concentric circles.
“Yeah. Come on, boy,” Rosamund snarled, her voice still steely even as her breath rate began to increase. “Make me cum. Think you can do it?”
She looked down at me with those piercing eyes, staring a hole through me as I ate her pussy, my tongue spiraling this way and that.
I nodded as I stared straight back at her, trying to match her intensity but probably falling short. I always give my all when going down on women but this time it felt like I was going the extra mile. I’d never had to work this hard before to make someone cum but the payoff was more than worth it. Her orgasm was (perhaps unsurprisingly) a lot more reserved than what I was used to. Tipping her head back slightly, her eyes clamped shut and her mouth came open, soft, almost silent moans spilling from between her lips.
Rosamund’s O face may have lacked intensity, but her internal reaction did anything but. Hot waves of fluid gushed from the depths of her pussy, nearly drowning me alive as my tongue swirled faster, licking her through the throes of climax. She pinned me in place as she tensed all over, one final full body shudder signalling that her climax had run its course. She loosened her grip at the back of her head, looking back down at me as she opened her eyes.
“Right,” she said, sighing heavily, “where’s my room?”
I rose to my feet as she tugged her skirt down, leaving her panties on the floor.
“Erm…this way,” I said as I grabbed her case, wheeling it through the hallway and across the lounge.
I lifted her case and carried it up the stairs as Rosamund followed me, mumbling a few ‘mmhmm’’s as I showed her the various rooms.
“And this is you,” I said, stopping outside a room at the end of the hall.
Rosamund pushed past me without saying a word. She took a quick look around the room then ushered me inside.
I wheeled her case into the room and she closed the door behind me, pointing at the centre of the room.
“Leave my case there.”
I left her case where she requested and took a step back, awaiting further instructions. I didn’t have to wait very long.
“Take off your shirt.”
I undid my white dress shirt a button at a time then slid it down my arms. She placed a hand up against my chest and traced a line from my pecs to my six pack, continuing without comment or change in expression.
“Now your trousers.”
I unbuckled my belt and kicked off my shoes, unclasping my pants and zipping them down. I removed my pants then pulled off my socks, leaving me in naught but a tight pair of boxers.
“Take those off too.”
I slipped my fingers under the waistband of my boxers and whipped them down, my cock still half-hard after eating her pussy. She looked down at my cock as I pulled it out, again refraining from commenting as she gave me her next instruction.
“Lay down.”
I climbed up onto the bed and laid back across it, looking at the ceiling above. I heard the sound of her case unzipping and I craned my neck up to sneak a peek as she started rooting through it. She plucked something out of it and I quickly dropped my head back down before seeing what it was. I heard her walk around the side of the bed but I kept looking upwards until I heard her speak.
“Hands out.”
I stretched my arms to the sides of the bed, glancing in her direction as she wrapped a silk tie around my left wrist, securing it tightly to the bedpost. She walked around the bed and tied my other wrist, then secured my ankles to the foot of the bed. She still had one tie left after she’d finished binding me and I guessed it was going in one of two places: over my eyes or in my mouth. She gripped the silk tie with both her hands and gave it an intimidating tug, a devilish grin stretched across her face as she walked back around to the headboard.
“Head up,” she said and I did as instructed, lifting my head from the mattress. “Open your mouth.”
Called it. Gaping my lips as wide as they’d go, Rosamund slid the centre of the tie straight into my open mouth, securing it tightly in between my teeth. She tied it in a knot at the back of my head then fetched a pillow from the top of the bed, stuffing it beneath my head. She placed a finger underneath my chin as she bent over the edge of the bed, leaning in close until her face was just inches from mine.
“Stay there,” she said, like moving was an option. “I’m gonna go and get changed.”
She planted a kiss on my half open lips then put her hand on my face, pushing me down onto the pillow. I watched as she gripped her case, wheeling it out of the room and closing the door behind her. Where she went next I can only speculate, but the master bedroom was directly opposite so there’s a good chance that she went in there. I had little to do but watch the clock above the door so I know exactly how long it took for her change her clothes, fix her hair and do whatever else she did during her absence: 43 minutes, which is a long time when you’re tied to a bed, stark naked with a silk tie in your mouth.
Finally the door creaked open and a transformed Rosamund wheeled her case back into the room. Her neck-length hair had been slicked back wetly to the back of her head, adding to the intimidating air she had already cultivated. Her eyes were laden with shadow and mascara, her lips adorned with a dark shade of red.
All these changes caught the eye, but what really got my attention was what she was wearing. Her frame had been squeezed into a crotchless and open-cupped latex bodysuit, leaving her breasts and vagina completely exposed. The open-toed heels she’d worn on arrival had been discarded, in favour of an elaborate pair of red-laced stilettos. Stretching up from those was a set of thigh high latex stockings, with a matching pair of gloves then went up to her elbows. But that wasn’t all. So incredible was her choice of attire that it took me a minute to spot what she was holding. Tightly clutched in her black-gloved hands was a thin-stemmed cane, with a leather riding crop tongue at one end and a cluster of fluffy red feathers at the other.
Rosamund stood there for a moment so I could take it all in, her feet shoulder width apart, the crop-cum-tickler held out in front of her. Taking a step forward, she placed the red tickler against the tip of my toes, drawing a sharp, tingling sensation as she ran it across my foot and up towards my knee, strolling slowly around the side of the bed.
“Do you like my outfit?” she asked, a grin starting to form as she ran the soft tickler along my thigh, prompting a stir from my half-hard cock.
I nodded my head, staring at it appreciatively as she came in closer, stopping at the centre of the bed. Rosamund scoffed and rolled her eyes, peeling the feathers from my sensitive skin.
“Don’t make me use this end,” she said with a scowl, tapping the riding crop against the palm of her hand. “I said, ‘do you like my outfit?’.”
I was confused. Did she want me to…speak? Either she vastly overestimated my oratory talents or she’d forgotten the part where she stuffed a piece of satin in between my teeth.
“Yes,” I said, or tried to at least. Unsurprisingly my diction wasn’t up to its usual standard.
“Yes, what?” Rosamund prompted, clearly having heard me just fine.
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied, the words coming out as a muffled slur.
“Better,” said Rosamund, placing the tickler back against my thigh.
She ran it up my chest, then tickled it against my chin, laughing sardonically as I squirmed across the bed. She dropped the cane down onto my chest and left it there as she went to her case, returning to the bed with a bottle of lube.
“Let’s get that cock nice and hard, shall we?” Rosamund declared, her smirk growing wider as she climbed up onto the bed, kneeling between my thighs.
She squirted a puddle into the palm of her hand then rubbed it in, greasing up her long black gloves. Gripping my cock with both of her hands, she kept one clenched around the base as she jerked it with the other, stiffening it further with every stroke. I was incredibly thankful for the use of lube, as the rubbery texture of her latex gloves caused quite a lot of friction. Though even whilst wearing such an abrasive garment, Rosamund’s handjob style was second to none, each stroke timed to faultless perfection. It didn’t take many to get me hard and my dick started throbbing as she wrapped both hands around the base. Fingers interlocking, she pumped her fists up and down my pole, my helmet twitching as she upped the tempo, jerking from base to tip.
“Hmm, you’re enjoying that, huh?” she asked, staring at me heatedly as she stroked my cock.
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied, mumbling in my usual manner.
“Definitely looks like you’re enjoying it,” Rosamund declared, noting the large bead of precum that had formed in the tip of my penis.
Slowing her strokes, she clamped both hands around the base as she leaned in closer, unfurling her tongue and lapping at the slit. Licking out the precum, she slid her lips down onto the tip, swirling her tongue around the ridge of my crown. Rolling her tongue out from between her lips, she lapped at the underside as she pushed down deeper, plunging towards the base. I felt my tip touch the back of her throat and she held me there for several seconds before pulling back up to the tip, leaving a thick mess of spittle smeared along the length of my shaft.
Uncurling her fingers from the base, she placed her forearms down onto the mattress, cupping my balls in her hands and caressing them tenderly as she bobbed her head, guiding her lips up and down my shaft. Her blowjob technique was (perhaps unsurprisingly) very fierce and aggressive, and she sucked my dick with a ruthless intensity that was only topped by Aubrey Plaza. Cheeks hollowed inward, she slurped at my shaft with ravenous greed, siphoning precum as she went down lower, sucking down inch after inch.
My tip pressed against the back of her throat and she kept it there assiduously as she poked her tongue out, spit dripping from her mouth and down onto my ballsack. She kept that pose as her head moved faster, sinking down deeper with every pass. I could feel the tip of her tongue as it brushed against my scrotum, licking it as best she could as her lips wrapped loosely around the base of my shaft.
My head sunk down into the pillow and I unleashed a muffled moan as my crown pushed into her throat, fingers clenching at the ties on my wrists. The silken ties had been tightened securely though I could have broken free from them if I’d wanted to do so. The temptation to do that and grab onto the back of her head was almost overwhelming, but I managed to resist it, happy for her to maintain control.
She pulled back up to the ridge of my crown and popped it from between her lips, spitting a thick glob of saliva onto my twitching shaft. A hand reached up and gripped my cock, stroking it slowly as she dipped her head down, wrapping her lips around one of my balls. Dousing it in spit, she let it fall from between her lips, switching to the other and drenching that too. Both of them were dripping by the time she was done and she moved her hand to the tip of my penis, winding her fingers around it as she gave a slow lick along the length of my shaft.
My dick started leaking as she reached the tip and she wrapped her gloved hands around the base of my shaft, cleaning up the precum that had already pooled there. She slid her lips down my swollen crown, sucking out a few more drops as she sank down lower, moving both hands to the tops of my thighs as she plunged right down to the base. I felt my cockhead spasm as it pushed straight past her tonsils, my whole body clenching as my dick slid down her throat. She sucked my dick with tremendous vigour, slurping up a mixture of spittle and lube as she held it tightly in between her lips.
My knuckles turned white as I gripped my restraints, biting down so hard on the gag in my mouth that I’m surprised I didn’t chew straight through it. My cock was throbbing with potent force, feeling like it could blow at any given second. Rosamund noticed and she pulled back up to the tip, releasing my crown with an audible pop.
“Uh uh,” said Rosamund, shaking her head back and forth. “Don’t cum yet.”
She moved up slowly to the top of the bed, pulling the pillow out from under my head and tossing it across the room.
“Head up,” she said as she straddled my chest, beckoning me up with her hands.
I lifted my head off the mattress and she reached underneath it, loosening the knot on my gag. She pulled it down to my neck and let it hang there as she moved up further, planting her feet either side of my head. Hopping up onto her feet, she clasped onto the headboard as she dropped into a squat, parking her ass on my face. My tongue came out and found her asshole, licking with immediate vigour. A strong gloved hand slid into my hair, gripping it possessively as she stared into my eyes, egging me on in aggressive fashion.
“Yeah, come on. Lick my arse. Get your tongue in there.”
I did just as she told me, keeping my tongue nice and stiff as I pushed it into her asshole.
“Mmm, yeah,” Rosamund purred, putting two fingers to the nub of her clit. “That’s it, baby. Get in there deep. Fuck me with your tongue.”
Her grip on my hair tightened significantly, and I bobbed my head as much as I could as she pulled me into her, tonguefucking her ass just as she’d requested. I could feel her asshole contracting as she rubbed her clit, squeezing tightly around the width of my tongue. I kept that up for a good long while, tonguing her ass until she pushed down against my forehead, shoving me down onto the bed. Sliding her fingers back into my hair, she kept a firm grip on the top of my head as she ground her hips, rubbing her pussy up against my face. I kept my tongue nice and flat, licking her ass and pussy as she ground up against me.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! Come on,” Rosamund snarled, staring down at me with those penetrating eyes. “Keep going. Make me cum.”
She started grinding faster and I flicked my tongue a little as she did so, applying further stimulation to her asshole and clit. She came surprisingly quickly, slowing her movements to a standstill so I could focus on the nub of her clit. Again her face stayed largely stoic, but there was no hiding the shake in her arm as she held onto the top of my head, her grip relaxing as the feeling raced through her. Her features softened and a faint smile spread across her face as she gazed into my eyes, combing gloved fingers through my thick locks of hair.
“Good boy,” she said with a sigh.
A hand stayed gripped at the top of my head as she reached for my cock with the other, winding her fingers around it and stroking it up and down.
“Mmm, still hard,” she noted, grinning a little as she tightened her grip. “You want me to sit on that cock?”
I said nothing, responding only with a simple nod.
“Hmm? Cat got your tongue, love? Do you want me to sit on this cock or not? ‘Cause I can go and find another one if you’re not into it.”
“No, no,” I said quickly. “I’m into it.”
“So you do want me to sit on your cock then?”
“Yes, come on. Sit on my dick.”
Rosamund laughed. “Hmm, getting bossy, are we?” She released her grip on the top of my head and put her finger underneath my chin, angling my head up as she leaned in closer, our faces now inches apart. “Tell me you want it.”
“I fuckin’ want it,” I said assertively, wanting nothing more than to grab her hips and pull her down onto my cock. “Come on. Gimme that pussy.”
“Oh, yeah?” said Rosamund, her grin growing wider as she stroked my cock. “Think you’re man enough, do ya? Huh? Think you can take it?”
“Yeah, I can fuckin’ take it. I’m gonna tear that pussy up.”
“Ooo! Big words! Let’s see if you can back them up.”
Rosamund leaned down further, kissing me vigorously and biting my lip, reminding me who was in charge. She shifted down the bed a bit further, keeping a grip on my cock as she rubbed the tip against her pussy, teasing me a little before she lowered herself onto it. Her face was expressionless as she eased down onto it, uncurling her fingers from the base of my shaft as she slid straight down to the hilt. Her ass touched down on the tops of my thighs and I could feel my tip press against her cervix.
Watching her closely, there was a very slight twitch of her full set of lips, a tiny,
tiny flutter of her thick, long lashes. She was trying to mask how good my cock felt, but she couldn’t hide it entirely. She started riding me, taking long, slow passes down the length of my shaft, making me feel every inch of her pussy. My fists clenched tighter around my silken restraints, feeling myself throb as she worked her pussy up and down my cock.
She started going faster and loud smacks filled the expanse of the room as she beat her ass down with greater force. She began to lose her stony facade, a few deep grunts spilling from between her lips as she rode me harder, ass cheeks slapping against the tops of my thighs. I tugged extra hard at my wrist ties and gave a groan of frustration, wanting nothing more than to grab onto her peach of an ass and slam into that hot, wet pussy. A wicked grin crept across her face as she heard me groan, seemingly mistaking it for a moan of pleasure (not that I wasn’t enjoying it, of course).
“Yeah, you like that pussy, huh,” she said, breathing heavily. “You like that tight pussy wrapped around your cock.”
“Fucking love that pussy,” I spat back at her, locking my eyes on hers.
“Yeah? You want it faster? Huh? You want me to bounce on this big fucking cock?”
“Yeah, come on. Get this fuckin’ dick.”
Rosamund leaned forward and grabbed onto the headboard, clinging on tightly as the pace increased. Her eyes were ablaze as she stared down at me, riding my cock with increasing vigour. The skin tight grip of her latex clothing kept her tits from moving and jiggling, but I could see her rock hard nipples start to poke through the tough material. She brought down a hand from the bedframe, pulling at the tie on my left wrist.
“If I take these off, are you going to behave yourself?”
“Uh uh,” I said back, shaking my head with a grin.
“Good,” she said, smirking back. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
She united the restraint and tossed it aside and I moved my hand to the small of her back as she reached for the other, holding her in place as I started thrusting. The teasing and restriction had really gotten to me and I went at her hard from the very first thrust, drilling up into her pussy with everything I had. She loosened the tie on my other wrist then hooked it around my neck, pulling my head up as I grabbed her asscheeks, holding her steady as I threw myself into her.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Rosamund hissed. “Gimme that dick. Fuck me like you mean it.”
I gave a few more thrusts then rolled over onto my knees, taking her with me as I switched up positions.
“Ooh, yeah!” she shrieked excitedly, gripping the back of my head. “Come on, baby. Take control. Show me what a man you are.”
The change in positions didn’t break my stride and I kept on thrusting at a furious place, railing my cock into her tight pink pussy. With a charged up look of passionate lust, Rosamund pulled off her latex gloves, tossing them uncaringly onto the bedroom floor. She pulled my head down and kissed me viciously, wrapping her tongue around mine and wrestling it into submission. I slammed into her pussy a few more times, then buried myself inside her as I kissed her back, throbbing in the depths of her pussy. Mouths melded together and tongues entwined, I lifted my ass up high in the air, pulling right back to the tip of my penis. Rosamund knew what was coming next and she gripped a big handful of hair, pulling my head back with a sudden yank.
“Yeah? You gonna do it? Huh? You gonna slam that fat cock into my pussy?”
“You want it?” I asked back, unable to hide my teasing grin.
“Yeah, I fucking want it,” Rosamund sneered. She slapped her free hand down onto my ass, nails digging into one of my cheeks. “Drill that big cock into my tight fucking pussy.”
She didn’t have to tell me twice. I threw myself forward as hard as I could, sheathing myself inside her with a firm, authoritative thrust.
“Oh, FUCK!” Rosamund cried.
She released her firm grip on the top of my head, looking simply stunned as she fell back into the pillows.
“Hard enough for ya?” I teased, peering down at her with a shit-eating grin.
Rosamund nodded with her eyes glazed over, every ounce of attitude seemingly fucked straight out of her body. She nodded again, looking half-unconscious as I pulled back to the tip, holding it there for a fraction of a second before slamming back forward, driving my cock into her deepest parts. I fucked her like that for quite some time, keeping my thrusts slow and sharp. I kept my eyes on her as I pumped into her pussy, her initial shock giving way to a blissful look of pleasure that continued to intensify with every passing second. Her eyelids fluttered and her mouth hung open; soft, gentle moans now pouring from between her lips.
Rosamund’s arms were around my shoulders, lightly grazing my back with her nails as I fucked her slow and hard, hitting her cervix with every stroke. A hand came down and reached for her clit, rubbing it slowly as I slammed into the depths of her pussy. I felt her pussy start to grip me tighter, her muscles contracting as the feeling spread. I started going faster, maintaining the force and depth as the pace increased, the headboard slamming against the wall behind it.
“Oh, fuck! Yes!” she breathed out softly. “Yes, yes, yes. Keep going. Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.”
I answered the call and then some, unleashing a flurry of thrusts that sent my hard cock rocketing into her pussy. Her eyes clamped shut and her breaths turned to screams as I kept on pounding, railing into her pussy with hard, unbridled thrusts. Her fingers stayed glued to the nub of her clit and she didn’t stop rubbing until she reached her peak, a hot rush of fluids surging from deep inside her. Her features screwed as she rubbed herself harder, her body tensing until a blissful look of ecstasy spread across her face.
I slowed my thrusts until they stopped entirely, staying in her pussy as her muscles relaxed, loosening its grip on my cock. I gazed down at her pussy as I pulled out slowly, noting how wet my cock was as it slid out from between her lips. I gripped my cock with one of my hands as I reached out with the other, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her up off the mattress. I stroked myself slowly as she dropped to all fours, unfurling her tongue and lapping at the tip of my penis. A fresh pool of cum had formed in the slit, but Rosamund made light work of that, scooping it out with the tip of her tongue.
She parted her lips and sunk down onto it, sliding them down to the ridge of my crown. Her eyes gazed up at me as she sunk down further, and the subservient look she gave me as she sucked my cock was a far cry from the penetrating stare she had sported when she arrived at the house; the tables had turned in spectacular fashion. I combed my fingers through her slicked back hair, getting a firm grip on the back of her head. Rosamund’s lips stayed nice and loose, and she poked her tongue out as I pushed her down deeper, lapping at the underside as my crown nudged past her tonsils, touching the back of her throat.
I felt her tongue slide back to the tip, closing her lips around the base of my cock. My grip got firmer on the back of her head, holding her there tightly as she slurped and sucked, cleaning her wetness from the length of my shaft. I heard her gag as my crown went deeper and I let my hands fall down to my sides, releasing my grip on the back of her head. Rosamund’s lips made a hasty retreat, pulling back up to the tip. She popped my head from between her lips, releasing my cock in a wave of spittle.
Curling her fingers around the base, she pumped her fist up and down my cock, smearing saliva along the length of my shaft. She licked my crown several times then went down lower, wrapping her lips around one of my balls. Keeping her ass thrust high in the air, she rested on her forearms as she gobbled my swollen nuts, handling them one at a time and drenching them both in spittle. I let my cock rest against her face, feeling it throb as she sucked on my balls.
Winding my fingers around the ridge of my crown, I plucked a ball from between her lips as I stepped down off the bed, planting my feet on the bedroom floor. My cock was now level with Rosamund’s mouth as she crawled to the edge of the bed, parting her lips invitingly. Slotting my crown between them, I placed my hands at the sides of her head, brushing back locks of product-rich hair as I gripped it firmly, slowly thrusting into her open mouth. Rosamund’s mouth stayed nice and loose; loud, wet squelching sounds pouring from between her lips as I pushed my cock inside it, sinking to the base each time. I kept that up for several minutes, plunging into her mouth until my dick was wet with spittle.
“Turn around,” I said assertively, pulling back slowly from between her lips.
Rosamund did as instructed, sticking her ass out behind her as she turned one-eighty degrees. Gripping the tops of her thighs, she let out a yelp as I pulled her towards me, bringing her ass to the edge of the bed. Wrapping my fingers around the base of my shaft, I pressed the tip against the slit of her pussy, entering her with a single thrust.
“Uhh!” she groaned as she tipped her head back, moaning towards the ceiling as I sheathed myself inside her.
Latching onto her shapely hips, I proceeded to bang her hard and fast, driving my cock into her pussy with very little self-control. Her asscheeks rippled as I pounded her out; heavy smacking sounds echoing around the room as our bodies collided. Any last trace of her ice queen facade had completely melted away and at this point in time she could barely speak, reduced to little more than a series of wordless screams as I drove my cock into her pussy, bottoming out inside her with every thrust I took.
Feeling particularly bold, I lifted a hand up into the air, bringing it back down with potent force and delivering a hard smack to Rosamund’s ass cheek. An action that would have been met with scorn just an hour before, the spank was followed only by a shriek of pleasure, a further indication of her change of demeanour. In fact, she liked it so much that I did it again, harder this time, leaving a red hand print on one of her cheeks.
I spanked her once more then reached up higher, placing my hand at the back of her head as I shoved her down into the pillows. Keeping a firm grip on the back of her head, I wrapped my free arm around her torso as I leaned right over, drilling into her pussy with a series of savage thrusts. She growled into the pillows as I pounded her pussy, loud screams muffled by the expensive stuffing. I gripped a fistful of slicked back hair and I pulled her head from the pillows, wrenching it backwards as I thrusted harder, giving her all I had. Rosamund screamed at the top of her lungs, her unsuppressed cries nearly rattling my eardrums.
A few more thrusts and I pushed her back down again, gripping both her arms and pinning them behind her back. Grabbing a silken restraint, I wound it several times around Rosamund’s forearms, securing them tightly together. Kneeling face down with her ass up high, arms tied together just below her shoulders, she was now entirely at my mercy. Turning her head to the side, the screams got louder as I drilled into her pussy, slapping her ass every five or six thrusts. I could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter, soaking my shaft as I sheathed it inside her. She was getting close now and I knew what was needed to finish the job.
Smacking her ass one final time, I grabbed onto her upper arms and pulled her up off the mattress. Rosamund yelped as I yanked her upright, using her arms for leverage as I threw myself into her, going in hard with powerful thrusts. Turning her head as much as she could, I put my lips to hers and kissed her aggressively, asserting my newfound dominance as I wrangled her tongue with my own. Placing a hand against the side of her face, she moaned into my mouth as our lips fused together, smacking her ass with my pelvis as I slammed into her pussy, pounding with little restraint.
Wrapping an arm around Rosamund’s torso, my hand slid downwards until I found her clit, deftly strumming it with a pair of fingers. Rosamund’s lips broke free from my own, a garbled mess of desperate-sounding words streaming out from between them.
“Ohhh, fuck! Yes! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Pound my fucking pussy!”
I redoubled my efforts, railing into her pussy at maximum speed. Moving my hand down, I clasped her throat and squeezed it gently, adding the finishing touch. It worked like a charm and Rosamund came in explosive fashion. Warm, sticky juices drenched my cock as I drove it in deep, keeping my pace and rhythm as a powerful orgasm coursed through Rosamund’s body. A wordless scream flew forth from her lips and I felt the muscles contract in her pelvis, squeezing my cock like a vice. Her body started shaking as I held her in my arms and I didn’t stop thrusting until the tremors subsided.
Releasing my grip on her quivering frame, I placed a hand at the top of her back and pushed her back down to the mattress, prying my cock from her pussy. Rosamund knew that was coming next and she turned as quick as a flash, kneeling on all fours with her head right in front of my cock. Eyes gazed upward as I stroked my cock, knuckles shuffling from bellend to base.
“Mmm, yeah!” she purred excitedly, rolling out her tongue and lapping at the slit. “Come on. Cum for me.”
“Yeah? You want it?” I asked, visibly snarling as I jerked my cock. “You want my fucking cum?”
“Yes, come on. Gimme that cum. I want it all over my face.”
A few more strokes and she got what she asked for. Eyes locked together as I pumped my shaft, a heavy grunt flew forth from my lips as my cockhead erupted, a thick rope of spunk spurting from the tip of my prick. It hit her full in the face, leaving a thick white line that stretched from her chin to the top of her head, even messing her slicked back hair.
“Oh my God!” said Rosamund, laughing with gaping lips, stunned by the force of my blast.
I kept on jerking and fired a few more times, leaving shorter but equally thick streaks of jism on various parts of her face. Rosamund grinned and pushed her tongue out, licking out the last few drops.
“Phew! Bloody hell!” Rosamund sighed, feeling the weight of my cum on her face.
“My sentiments exactly,” I panted in response, drawing a laugh from my cum-soaked guest.
I offered her a hand and helped up. Her face was covered with so much spunk that I wasn’t sure she could see properly, so I led her across to the en suite bathroom. We got in the shower together and Rosamund used about half a bottle of shower gel to wash all the cum from her face and hair. Once she was clean, I lifted her up and thrust my still hard cock into her, fucking her again beneath the streaming water.
We fucked once more when we returned to the bedroom then went downstairs to eat. I was on dinner duty and knocked up a batch of my famous stir fry, despite my guest doing her best to distract me by sucking my cock as I stood at the stove. We ate at the dining table with a bottle of wine then finished it off in the garden, returning to the bedroom where we banged twice more- once with bondage play, once without (*I* tied
her up, in case you were wondering).
I fucked her again the following morning and would have happily continued to do so during the course of the day, but something Hayley had said was running through my brain: ‘make sure you save some energy’. She obviously had something planned and I wanted to ensure I was fully prepared for it. Rosamund ended up leaving in the early afternoon and I waited around for word from Hayley.
She texted me two hours later, telling me her plane had just landed and she was on her way to the house. I was giddy with excitement and I went to the games room to kill some time while I awaited her arrival. At around 4.30 the doorbell rang and I tossed aside the PlayStation controller as I raced down to answer it. I opened the door and there she was, markedly dressed down in a black top, jeans and sunglasses, but still looking stunning all the same. We said our hellos and I took her case from her as she stepped through the doorway, greeting me properly with a hug and a kiss.
“How was your trip?” I asked, wrapping my arms around the small of her back.
“Long,” she said with a sigh, draping hers lazily across my shoulders.
“Glad to be back?”
“Oh, you have no idea.”
Hayley leaned in and kissed me again, following it up with several more. I plucked off her glasses and hooked them on the handle of her luggage, kissing her again before moving to her neck. She let me kiss her several times, finally stopping me when I reached her collarbone.
“Woah, woah,” she said, gently pushing me back. “Hold your horses, love. Remember what I said about conserving energy?”
“I have been,” I shot back quickly, kissing back up her neck. “Now I’m ready to use it.”
Hayley laughed then pushed me back again.
“Well, keep it in reserve until later,” she said, wheeling her case behind her as she took off across the hall. “I have some girls coming by who are dying to meet you.”
This came as a surprise. After a week of sharing me with Christina and palming me off to others, I thought that getting more women involved would be the last thing she would want to do, but of course, I had no complaints.
“They’re coming at six,” she said, disappearing around the corner. “Be ready.”
Oh, I would be.
I went to my room and took a shower, going through my grooming routine as I picked out something to wear. I landed on a light blue dress shirt and navy blue pants, slipping on a pair of light brown brogues. It was 5.45 by the time I was ready so I went back to the games room to shoot some pool. Hayley poked her head around the door about ten minutes later, peering at me with a grin as I lined up a shot.
“You’re getting some use of that thing, huh?”
“You could say that,” I replied, unable to hide my suggestive smirk.
“Ohhh, I know that look,” said Hayley as she stepped inside, looking simply incredible in a low cut red dress, the plunging V slicing delightfully across those utterly perfect tits.

“Pray tell. What happened?”
“Grab a cue,” I said, pointing at the rack on the wall. “I’ll tell you all about it.”
Hayley grabbed a cue and I racked up the balls, filling her in on my visit from Gemma. I then swung back to my trip to London and my unexpected detour to Sienna Miller’s cottage. I caught her up on the rest of my week and was halfway through my day with Rosamund when the doorbell rang once more.
“Oooh!” she said excitedly, dropping her cue onto the table. “Our guests have arrived.”
Hayley took my hand and led me out into the hallway, across the landing and down the stairs. She opened the door and my jaw almost hit the deck when I clocked the two beauties that were waiting on the porch: Vanessa Kirby and Rebecca Ferguson. Both had starred with Hayley in the latest
Mission: Impossible flick so their presence was no surprise; I was simply stunned by how great they both looked as they waited in the doorway of my rented home. Even dressed in casual clothing, neither woman looked anything short of stunning, even better in person than I’d seen on screen.
Hayley greeted them with hugs and kisses and ushered them both inside. She introduced the three of us and I shook both their hands, telling them how great it was to meet them and meaning every word of it. Hayley gave her friends the tour while I went to the kitchen and started on dinner. She came down to join me about ten minutes later, opening a bottle of wine.
“The girls are freshening up,” Hayley declared, pouring out a glass and handing it to me. “They’ll be with us soon.”
“Thank you,” I said as I sipped my wine. “Truly…thank you.”
A big, broad grin stretched across Hayley’s face as she brought her glass to her lips, taking a tiny swig. “For what?”
“What do you think?!”
Hayley laughed. “Ohhh. So you like my friends then, huh?”
“Thought you might. Think of them as a parting gift.”
“That’s some gift.”
She laughed again, louder this time and sidled up beside me, running a hand up my back. “Well, I’ve gotta see my boy off in style now, haven’t I?”
“Well, you’re certainly doing that.”
I turned around to face her and she threw her arms up around my neck, placing a hand at the back of my head as she pulled me in for a kiss. My hands went to her hips as I kissed her back, moving around to her ass and gripping onto both her cheeks. Our tongues entangled a little as our lips locked together and my grip began to tighten on Hayley’s ass, squeezing those muscular cheeks. I was already hard as our lips came apart and I kissed along Hayley’s neck, brushing aside hair as I moved up to her earlobe.
“How much time did you say we had?” I asked, whispering into her ear in the sultriest voice I could muster.
“Not long enough for you to re-cook dinner,” Hayley said back. She still sounded sultrier than me, even when she wasn’t trying to be. “So keep your eyes on the prize.”
She took my face in her hand and turned me back towards the stove. For here on out, my eyes were glued to the saucepan. Or at least as much as is possible when you’re in a room with Hayley Atwell. Of course, I snuck a look at her cleavage when she leaned down to fetch the plates. Then got an extended look at her ass as she searched for a decanter, claiming I’d forgotten where it was, despite knowing full well that it was on the other side of the room.
“It’s down there somewhere,” I said with a smirk. “Get down a bit lower and I’m sure you’ll find it.”
I pushed it a little far with that one, getting a whack on the arm that I deserved every bit of.
Finally the girls came to join us and Hayley fixed them two glasses of wine, pouring out top ups for her and myself.
“Smells delicious,” said Vanessa, who
looked very delicious in a slinky blue dress. There was a split on one side that went up to her hip, showing off one of her lovely long legs.

Rebecca wore a long-sleeved black number that went right down to her feet. Less revealing but just as sexy.

“Thank you,” I said. “It’s nearly ready now if you girls want to take a seat. I’ll bring it through in a minute.”
The girls filed into the lounge and I dished up some plates, taking through two for Vanessa and Rebecca then coming back for Hayley’s and mine. I took a seat at the dining table and the girls got to chatting, filling each other in on what they’d been up to and reminiscing about their days on set. I didn’t have a lot to contribute so I stayed largely quiet, chipping in with a comment when something came to me. It continued that way throughout the main course, but as I dished up dessert and Hayley cracked upon a third bottle of wine, things took an interesting turn.
“So, Tyler,” said Rebecca, scooping up a spoonful of tiramisu, “how’s business?”
See what I mean? Obviously Hayley had been talking about me and a little grin spread across my face as I considered the implications.
“Ah, so she’s told you about me, has she?” I asked her, talking about Hayley like she wasn’t in the room. Hayley sat there quietly, blushing a little as she sipped her wine.
“Has she?!” squawked Vanessa. “She doesn’t bloody stop! Tyler this, Tyler that. I feel like I’ve known you all my life and we’ve never bloody met!”
Rebecca laughed and I did too. “Why do you think we wanted to come here?” she asked with a grin. “We need to see if they’re true, all these things she’s been telling us. Don’t we, Nessa?”
“Oh, yeah,” said Vanessa. “She said you were gorgeous and that checks out, so we’re off to a good start.”
“Why, thank you,” I replied, now blushing a little myself. “Coming from you, that’s quite a compliment.”
“Aww. Well, ain’t that nice? She said you were a sweetheart too, so that’s two out of two so far,” Vanessa declared, then looked across at Hayley, exchanging little smirks.
“Well,” Rebecca chimed in, “she didn’t say he was a
total sweetheart, did she?”
“Yeah, that’s true,” Vanessa replied. “She said you can be quite nasty when you want to be. Is that true, Tyler?”
The grin on her face was now positively devilish and I returned one of my own as I sipped my wine. “Well, I guess you’ll have to find out, won’t you?”
“OK,” she said, throwing up her hands, “let’s do this.”
I nearly choked on my wine. Sure, we’d been flirting outrageously but I hadn’t expected that. “Right now?” I asked.
“Why not? I’m ready. Are you ready?”
I hadn’t even finished my desert yet, but fuck it, I’m always ready. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
She turned to Rebecca. “Are you ready?”
“Mmhmm,” she said casually, draining the last of her drink.
Vanessa looked at Hayley. “Well, I don’t have to ask you. You’re
always ready.”
Hayley gasped and Rebecca burst out laughing.
“Well, there you are,” Vanessa concluded. “We’re all ready. So, let’s get to it.”
I shrugged and rose to my feet. “Sounds good to me.”
“Good,” said Vanessa as she rose from her chair, gulping a mouthful of wine. “Then lead the way.”
Hayley and Rebecca both stood and the girls all clasped their hands together, walking in a chain behind me as I led them across the hallway, following me up the stairs to the master bedroom. We filed into the room and the ladies surrounded me, Hayley in front of me, her two friends flanking me on either side. It was Vanessa that kissed me first, gripping the back of my head and pulling me towards her.
In the corner of my eye, I could see that Hayley and Rebecca were also kissing, while four sets of hands were grabbing and groping at everything in sight. I had a handful of Vanessa’s toned ass and another of Rebecca’s, squeezing both buns through the fabric of their clothes. Vanessa’s free hand roamed across my chest while someone was stroking my cock. I couldn’t see who, but unless Rebecca was incredibly forward then I’m guessing it was Hayley. Besides, it seemed like Vanessa was the forward one here.
Our lips came apart and I turned towards Rebecca, making out with her as Vanessa kissed my neck. I could already hear Hayley unbuckling my belt as Vanessa moved behind me, wrapping her arms around my chest as she began to unbutton my shirt. Prying my lips from Rebecca’s, I placed a finger under Hayley’s chin as I leaned in eagerly, kissing her aggressively with lots of tongue. I grabbed onto Rebecca and pulled her in too, turning the kiss into a threeway. Tongues flicking this way and that, Hayley now had my pants unzipped and had pulled them down to the tops of my thighs. Her hand, of course, went straight for my cock, feeling me up as she kissed both me and Rebecca.
Vanessa, by now, had my shirt unbuttoned and I lowered my arms so she could remove it, kissing along my shoulders as she pulled it down. I pulled back reluctantly from the threeway kiss, leaving the brunettes to their own devices as I turned my head, kissing the blonde behind me. Her hands slid slowly down the length of my torso, starting at my pecs then down to my abs, finally stopping when she reached my pelvis. Hooking her thumbs under the waistband of my boxers, she peeled her lips from mine, posing a question to Rebecca and Hayley.
“Ready, ladies?”
The kissing stopped almost immediately and both of them turned towards me and Vanessa, her thumbs still poised underneath my waistband. Without awaiting an answer, she whipped them down as quick as a flash, freeing my rock hard cock. There was a roomwide cheer as my dick sprang free, flopping up and down as it throbbed excitedly, grateful for all the attention.
“Wow!” said Vanessa, peering over my shoulder.
“Three out of three, right, Nessa?” Rebecca smirked.
“Mmhmm,” said the blonde, grinning right back as she kissed my neck, curling her fingers around the base of my shaft.
At first I didn’t know what they were talking about, but then I remembered something she said earlier, about me being cute and sweet or words to that effect. I guess Hayley must have told them that I have a big cock. She seemed to tell most people that so it shouldn’t have come as a shock.
“Haven’t seen that nasty side yet but I’m sure it will come out soon,” Vanessa declared, then made a little tiger face at me, biting the air near my face.
Her friends both laughed then dropped to the floor, kneeling side by side with my dick in the middle. Rebecca took my cock in her hand, lightly stroking it as Hayley cupped my balls, kneading them gently in the palm of her hand. Vanessa joined them on the floor and squeezed in between them, licking the tip of my prick as Rebecca stroked it. My cock was already leaking, but Vanessa’s tongue took care of that, scooping out the precum as it pooled in the open tip.
She licked my cockhead several times then slid her mouth down onto it, eyes gazing up at me as she bobbed her head. Her friends didn’t seem to mind the sudden intrusion and even made way for her as she went down deeper, sinking her lips to around mid-shaft. Hayley and Rebecca latched onto my balls, stretching the skin of my nutsack as they pulled them in different directions.
Wrapping her arms around their backs, Vanessa winked at me as she grabbed their asses, squeezing both bottoms as she sucked my dick. I’ve encountered some world class cocksuckers during my trip across the pond and Vanessa was no exception. Her cheeks hollowed inward as she worked me over, forming a vacuum seal that had me pulsating in a matter of seconds. Saliva was plentiful and a thick, warm glaze began to smear along my shaft as she sunk down lower, inching towards the base.
I felt my tip touch the back of her throat as her full lips puckered, kissing the base of my shaft. She kept me there for close to a minute, still looking up with total nonchalance, like throating my cock was the easiest thing in the world. Pulling back up to the tip, she left behind a thick mess of spittle that dripped from my shaft as she took it in her hand, pointing my cock at Rebecca.
“Share with me, Becky,” Vanessa instructed and her friend was happy to do so.
A ball spilled out from between her lips as she moved them higher, locking them firmly around the base of my shaft. Vanessa took the other side and the two of them worked in tandem, sliding their lips up and down my cock. My crown started twitching and it caught the attention of Hayley. She popped a ball from between her lips and moved in between her friends, wrapping them tightly around the tip of my penis. Her head started bobbing and my dick throbbed harder as they tripled teamed me, three sets of soft, plump lips sliding along the length of my shaft.
Hayley stared up at me as she sucked the head, coaxing out precum as she lapped at my winking slit. Rebecca and Vanessa looked right at each other, eyes locked together as they worked the shaft. For a while I just left them to it, standing there like a statue as they shared my cock, letting them do with it whatever they pleased. But after several minutes, my dick was hungry for more.
Gripping the back of Hayley’s head, I held her in place as I started thrusting, slowly at first but quickly gathering speed. Rebecca and Vaneesa poked out their tongues, lapping at the underside as my dick slid back and forth, sinking a little deeper with every pelvic thrust. Soon my crown was pushing right past her tonsils and Rebecca and Vanessa moved out of the way, clearing the gangway as I thrusted harder, driving my dick into the back of her throat.
“Ooh, yeah!” cooed Vanessa, a filthy grin stretched across her face. “There’s that nasty side. I knew you had it in you.”
She slapped my ass as I kept on thrusting and the next thing I knew, the blonde was behind me, shoving her face in between my cheeks. I glanced back over my shoulder, seeing nothing but eyes and hair as she buried herself in my asscrack, arms folded at the small of her back. Her tongue came out and she lapped at my asshole, making my cockhead spasm as it jabbed at Hayley’s throat. I placed a hand at the back of her head, pushing her in deeper as she stiffened her tongue, sinking it into my rectum.
Rebecca moved in behind Hayley and started fiddling with the clasp on her dress, kissing her neck as she slid it down her shoulders. Those lovely big tits came tumbling out and Rebecca grabbed hold of them, massaging them deftly as drops of spit rained down from my shaft, leaving a puddle in Hayley’s cleavage.
“Put your cock in between her tits,” Rebecca instructed, giving those boobs an enticing jiggle.
I didn’t need a second invitation. I pulled my cock from Hayley’s lips and pointed it down at her titties, slotting it neatly into the gap in between them. Taking those beauties in the palms of my hands, I squeezed them tenderly as I pushed them together, wrapping them around my shaft. With my dick locked firmly in between her tits, I kept them clamped together as I started thrusting, slicing like a knife through butter.
Rebecca leaned over and opened her mouth, catching my crown in between her lips each time it poked out, spitting into Hayley’s rack at regular intervals. It was already wet after fucking her mouth, but the constant stream of sticky saliva ensured my dick stayed nice and slick as it sawed through Hayley’s tits. Vanesssa stayed behind me, face still buried in the crack of my ass. Keeping her tongue outstretched, she rewarded each thrust with a plunge up my rectum, pushing it deeper each time I pulled back.
This continued for quite some time, my dick throbbing harder with every thrust I took. I didn’t know if I could take much more and I plucked my cock from Hayley’s titties, shoving it into Rebecca’s mouth. She took it to the base on the very first pass, and I placed a hand at the back of her head, thrusting several times before prying it loose. I aimed my cock at Hayley and repeated the process, giving a few deep thrusts then wrenching it free, giving it back to Rebecca. Vanessa slapped my ass again and came around to join her friends, slotting herself in between them. I added her to the rotation, switching back and forth from brunette to blonde to brunette with increasing regularity.
Once it had settled slightly, I left my cock in Rebecca’s mouth, allowing she and it to get better acquainted. Her blowjob style was different to Vanessa’s; slower and more methodical. Her lips slid smoothly along the length of my shaft, swallowing it inch by inch. The grip of her hands felt truly exceptional as she wrapped them around the base of my shaft, stroking the first few inches while her mouth took care of the rest.
But the highlight for me was the use of her tongue. She wielded that thing like a seasoned pro; lapping at the underside as she pushed down deep, swirling it around my crown as she pulled back up to the top and lapping at the tip as it started leaking. She sucked my dick so well, in fact, that her friends just sat and admired, rubbing themselves through their panties as they watched the master at work.
Pulling my cock from between her lips, she pointed it upwards as she dipped down lower, gobbling up one of my balls. A hand stayed clasped around the width of my shaft, stroking it up and down as she sucked on my nutsack, dousing both gonads in spittle. Releasing a ball from between her lips, she placed her hands on my hips as she moved up higher, letting my cock rest against her face as she lickled along my scrotum and up to the base of my shaft.
She licked up to the tip then her head moved back, letting my cock fall back into place and catching it in between her lips. Keeping her grip on my hips, her eyes stared into mine as she bobbed her head, steering her lips up and down my pole. Every pass took her one inch deeper and I felt my crown push into her throat as she wrapped her lips around the base of my shaft. She kept me there for several seconds, spit dripping down from my shaft as she pulled back up to the tip.
She repeated the trick on several occasions, holding it longer each time. By the time she was done my cock was sodden, coated in spittle from bottom to top. Curling her fingers around the width of my shaft, she stroked me up and down as she turned to her friends, posing a question that made my bellend twitch with excitement.
“OK, who’s going first?”
“Me!” said Vanessa, raising her hand like a kid in a classroom.
Rebecca laughed and rolled her eyes. “Why did I even ask?”
Vanessa stood and strutted across the room, grabbing my hand on her way to the bed. She kissed me deeply as she stroked my cock then pushed me down onto the mattress. I propped myself up on my elbows, watching intently as she stood at the foot of the bed. She pulled her dress up over her head and tossed it onto the floor, peeling down her panties and kicking them aside.
Hayley and Rebecca undressed themselves too and they all climbed onto the bed, flanking me from various positions. The two brunettes laid down either side of me, running their fingers up and down my chest as Vanessa climbed on top. Turning her back to me as she straddled my thighs, she stuck her ass out behind her as she grabbed my cock, rubbing the tip against the slit of her pussy.
The three of us watched as she slid down onto it, unleashing a heavy sigh as she sunk straight down to the hilt. Hayley grinned as she turned to face me, sinking her teeth into one of my nipples. Rebecca simply sat and watched, looking on longingly as Vanessa’s peachy ass cheeks sat flush against my pelvis, every inch of me embedded inside her. A hand pawed at her chest as she raked back her hair with the other, beautiful blonde locks spilling down her sculpted back.
And that’s when she started riding me. She started off slowly with her knees on the mattress, working her pussy up the first few inches. Her perfect pussy was tight and warm, and I could already see how wet she was as she rode me slowly, creamy moisture forming at the base of my shaft.
Hayley kissed down my stomach as she moved down the bed, kneeling beside Vanessa as she rode my cock.
“Quite a mess you’re making, ‘Nessa,” Hayley declared, noting the thick coat of fluids now coating every inch of my cock. “Mind if I clean him up?”
“Go right ahead,” Vanessa replied, sliding her pussy lips up the length of my shaft until the crown popped free from between them.
Hayley dipped down and sunk straight onto it, taking it down to the base. She kept it in her mouth for close to a minute, and when she pulled back up to the tip, the layer of pussy juice had been fully replaced by a thick coat of spittle. She gripped my cock at the base and lifted her head up, licking Vanessa’s pussy a few times before she fed my dick back inside it. Rebecca, meanwhile, had stayed at my side, kissing me occasionally but mainly just watching, fingers at her clit as she watched the action.
It continued this way for several minutes. Vanessa worked her pussy up and down my shaft, leaving a fresh coat of fluids smeared all over it for Hayley to clean with her mouth. After a while, Hayley grew tired of her role as cleaner and moved in front of Vanessa, grabbing her ass as they started kissing, blocking the moans now spilling from between her lips.
Their lips came apart and Vanessa’s feet went down onto the mattress, wrapping her arms around Hayley’s shoulders as she picked up the pace, performing textbook squats as she bounced up and down on my dick. Hayley latched onto her hips, pushing her down harder until her asscheeks were crashing against me; loud, dull smacks bouncing off the bedroom walls as they beat down on my stomach. Her moans grew louder, increasing in volume as she rode me harder, doing so at Hayley’s behest.
“Yes, come on, love. Ride that cock,” Hayley encouraged, slapping her hard on the ass. “Work that tight pussy up and down his dick.”
That was when Rebecca started getting more into it, kissing me more intensely. Soon the slick pussy sliding along the length of my shaft was merely an afterthought as I focused my attention on her, kissing her back with equal vigour. Peeling her lips from mine, she placed her fingers underneath my chin, looking straight into my eyes as she asked me very sweetly, “can I sit on your face?”
“Please,” I said back, pulling out the pillow from under my head and tossing it onto the floor.
Rebecca grinned, kissing me once before climbing aboard. She planted her knees either side of my head, grabbing the headboard as she straddled my face. My tongue came out and went straight to her pussy, swirling smoothly around her stiff pink clit. She placed a hand on top of my head, combing her fingers through my hair as she looked down at me, gazing into my eyes as I tongued her wet pussy. I looked straight back at her as she loomed up above me, her perky tits moving as her breathing increased; light, breathy moans tumbling from between her lips.
I could feel the slick warmth of Vanessa’s tight pussy as it gripped my cock, hear the loud noises of her peachy, round ass as it clattered against my abs. It was a shame I couldn’t see it but the tasty fluids now trickling across my tongue as I ate Rebecca’s pussy were a fine consolation. Her hand came free from the top of my head and she reached up slowly to paw at her breasts, cooing softly as she tipped her head back, staring at the ceiling above her. She started grinding slowly, gyrating her body with gentle movements as I kept on licking, trying to stay on her clit.
Vanessa moaned louder as she rode my cock, her pussy tightening with every pass she took.
“Mmm, yeah!” I heard her groan. “Yeah, yeah, yeah! I’m gonna cum on his cock.”
Hayley hollered encouragement as Vanessa sunk to the base, staying right there as her orgasm hit. She squeezed my cock to the point of bursting, soaking it in waves of fluid that gushed from deep inside her. I couldn’t see her face, of course, but if her high-pitched screams were anything to go by then Vanessa was cumming particularly hard. Her pussy kept clenching me harder and harder, like Hayley was rubbing her clit. And knowing Hayley, she probably was.
Vanessa’s screams turned to deep, heavy breaths and I felt her grip on me loosen as she slid her pussy up the length of my shaft, popping my crown from between her lips. I felt two hands latch onto my hips and a pair of lips enveloped my crown, plummeting down to the base of my shaft. I couldn’t see who it was but I knew what a blowjob from Hayley felt like and it felt a lot like that. Her lips stayed glued to the base, slurping up her girlfriend’s fluids as she sucked my tender schlong, dousing my shaft in saliva. I did my best to concentrate on licking Rebecca’s pussy, but as far as distractions go, blowjobs from Hayley Atwell are about as big as they come.
Her lips slid up to the tip and she plucked my crown from between them, gripping my cock at the base and stroking it several times. The mattress sunk underneath my ass as she planted her knees either side of me. My cockhead twitched as it touched her pussy then I moaned into Rebecca’s tight snatch as she slid down onto my shaft, engulfing my member with tightness and warmth. I couldn’t tell what position she was in, but if I knew Hayley like I thought I did then it was probably cowgirl (she likes me to look at her tits while she rides me, which suits me down to the ground). She sunk down deeper and her ass touched my thighs, confirming her choice of position.
I was suddenly hit by a sense of urgency. As good as it was eating out Rebecca’s pussy, Hayley was riding my cock now, and frankly, I wanted to watch It. I wrapped my arms around Rebecca’s toned thighs and her moans grew louder as I redoubled my efforts, spinning my tongue around the nub of her clit. I felt her warmth on my lips and chin, tasting her arousal as it seeped from between her lips. I had her teetering in a matter of minutes and a few more swirls of my famous tongue were all that were needed to push her over the edge.
She came with force, gripping a fistful of hair as a powerful surge gushed forth from within her, pouring into my mouth as my tongue moved faster, spinning around her clit like a whirlwind. Her head fell backwards and she gazed up at the ceiling, moaning in a mixture of English and Swedish as the pleasure took hold, coursing through her body like electric current. A few deep breaths spilled forth from her lips and her grip on me loosened as her eyes returned to mine, a satisfied smile pulling at the sides of her mouth. She combed her fingers through my hair, a look of serenity spreading across her face as I licked up and down her slit, gathering the last of her fluids. She took a few moments to regain her senses then climbed down from on top of me, leaning down to kiss me as she stuffed a pillow underneath my head.
“Enjoy the view,” she said with a grin.
And what a view it was. Hayley was riding me fast and hard, her face lit up in the throes of passion as those lovely big tits of hers bounced all around her chest. Vanessa was between my legs, hands gripping onto my thighs as she sucked on my bulging nutsack. I couldn’t see that, of course, but I could certainly feel it as she wrapped those plump lips around one of my balls, drenching it in spit before switching to the other.
Rebecca stuck her ass out as she crawled across the mattress, kneeling beside Hayley as she rode my cock. Hayley turned to face her and the two of them kissed, moaning into her mouth as their lips fused together, tongues tussling underneath their cheeks. Watching them kiss made my dick throb harder and I could feel my cockhead leaking as it touched Hayley’s cervix.
Their lips came apart and Rebecca moved lower, latching onto Hayley’s breast. Poking her tongue out, she lapped at Hayley’s nipple as she cupped her tits, slapping them together as they bounced and jiggled. I was happy to watch and take it all in, and for several minutes that’s all I did, laying there stationary as Hayley rode me, working her pussy up and down my shaft. Sure, the lesbian stuff was great and all, but the way Hayley’s pussy slowly swallowed up my cock had me completely transfixed. The tightness and warmth were one thing, but the sheer amount of creamy arousal juice left behind on my shaft as she slid back up to the top was truly exceptional.
It triggered something in me and my arms started moving of their own accord, wrapping themselves around Hayley’s back and pulling her down on top of me. I grabbed onto her ass as our mouths came together, getting a firm grip on her buttcheeks. Vanessa licked from my ball sack and up to my shaft, keeping her tongue out as I started thrusting and lapping at my balls as they flopped up and down.
Hayley broke the kiss, placing her hands either side of me as she lifted her head up, staring at me intensely as I drilled up into her, silently egging me on. Then something happened that broke her focus. Vanessa licked along my shaft as I thrusted into Hayley, then Hayley’s eyes bulged as her tongue went higher. Where it stopped I can’t say for sure, but from the look on Hayley’s face, I could give it a pretty good guess. I peered over my shoulder and Vanessa winked at me as she bobbed her head, pushing her tongue into Hayley’s asshole.
I made sure her cheeks stayed nice and wide as drove my dick into Hayley’s pussy, feeling her tighten as the gorgeous blonde fucked her with her tongue. I couldn’t see much of Rebecca in the position I was in but I could hear her beside us, hollering encouragement as I kept on thrusting, slamming into Hayley’s snatch.
“Yes, Hayley! That’s it, baby. Take that dick!”
Hayley’s face started to harden as she regained her composure. She leaned in and kissed me again, moaning loudly as I fucked her from beneath. I could feel her asscheeks jiggling in my hands, rippling and undulating with every upward thrust. It felt incredible and I lifted my hand up almost instinctively, fingers cutting through the air as I brought it back down again, landing a firm smack upon her supple asscheek. Our lips peeled apart and Hayley yelped as my hand made contact, drawing appreciative shrieks from Rebecca beside me.
“Ooh, yeah, baby!” she squealed excitedly. “Do that again. Smack that big ass!”
I did as instructed and raised my hand again, bringing it back down at twice the force. I gave a few more thrusts then rolled us over, switching from cowgirl to the missionary position. I leaned over Hayley as I pushed her legs back, kissing her again as I started thrusting. Vanessa stayed right where she was, burying her face in my ass, just as she’d done to Hayley. I pulled back out to the tip of my penis, allowing Vanessa to lick my ass a few times before I threw myself forward, railing hard into Hayley’s pussy. The position she was in allowed for particularly deep penetrations and I could feel me hitting her cervix as I bottomed out inside her.
It felt incredible, of course- Hayley’s pussy always does- but the feeling of Vanessa’s tongue lapping at my asshole each time I pulled back was the icing on the cake. In fact, it felt a little
too good and I could feel myself throbbing as I slammed into Hayley’s pussy, leaking my precum straight into her womb. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take and I straightened my back as I continued to thrust, making my asshole harder to get to.
Vanessa understood and pried her face from between my buttcheeks, licking along my spine as I grabbed onto Hayley’s legs, pinning them against my chest as I drilled into her snatch. I wasn’t going as deep now but her legs pressing together made her pussy even tighter and I could feel it gripping me with each new powerful thrust.
Rebecca moved from beside me and returned to her previous position, sitting on Hayley’s face this time instead of my own. Hayley reached up and wrapped her arms around her friend’s toned thighs, holding her tightly as she licked her pussy. I couldn’t see much of what Hayley was doing but Rebecca was clearly enjoying it. Full lips rounded in a perfect O, a deep gasp blew forth from her lips as Hayley got down to business, cooing into Rebecca’s tight pussy as I drilled my cock into hers. Gripping the back of Rebecca’s head, I pulled her in and kissed her as I slammed into Hayley, railing like a man possessed.
Vanessa wrapped her arms around me, kissing my shoulders and neck. Her hands moved slowly down my chest and abs, then she slid them back around behind me, slapping them down on my ass. She dug her long nails into my sculpted cheeks, whispering sweet nothings straight into my ear.
“How’s that pussy feel, huh? Nice and tight around your cock?”
“Mmhmm,” I muttered back, panting heavily as I bucked my hips, going in hard on Hayley’s snatch.
“Hmmhmm, I think he’s gonna cum,” Vanessa laughed, grinning as she licked my ear. “Aren’t you, baby?”
“Uh huh,” was all I said back. Truth be told, it’s all that I could manage.
Rebecca grabbed onto Hayley’s tits, grinning at me as she gave them a jiggle. I took her meaning and pried my cock from Hayley’s pussy, scurrying up the bed until I was straddling her chest. I slapped my cock down between her titties and Rebecca kept them moulded around it as I started thrusting, slicing my shaft through her chestal chasm. I glanced back over my shoulder as Vanessa crawled between Hayley’s thighs, taking up the spot I had just vacated. Her tongue rolled out from between her lips and she flashed me a wink as she put it to Hayley’s pussy, finishing the job I’d started. I turned back around and leaned into Rebecca, kissing her again as I rowed my hips, sawing my cock through Hayley’s cleavage.
A chorus of moans now filled the room, pouring from the mouths of everyone in it. I was moaning into Rebecca’s mouth as I fucked Hayley’s tits and Rebecca was moaning straight back as Hayley licked her clit. Hayley was moaning too as Vanessa ate her pussy. Even Vanessa was moaning as she went down on Hayley, either through sheer enjoyment or some sort of self-stimulation; frankly, neither would surprise me.
My cock was twitching as it cut through Hayley’s tits, balls swelling as they dragged across her tummy. Rebecca’s grip on them loosened as the pleasure increased and I took hold of them myself as I delivered the last few thrusts. Prising my cock from Hayley’s cleavage, I stroked it several times until my bellend exploded, roaring towards the heavens as I came all over her tits.
“UHH!! FUUUCCCKKK!!!” I yelled as I pumped my fist, working it up and down my shaft until I’d jerked out every last drop.
But it didn’t end there and my explosive climax had a domino effect, sparking further orgasms from all four corners of the bed. Hayley came next, a piercing, high-pitched scream muffled by Rebecca’s pussy as she grabbed Vanessa’s head, ensuring it stayed where it was as a powerful climax ripped through her buxom form. Rebecca came too about five seconds later, pawing at her breasts as her eyes clamped shut, moans spilling from between her lips as she rode the waves of pleasure. I’m not sure if Vanessa came or not but she was clearly enjoying the taste of Hayley’s pussy, moaning all the while as cum gushed into her mouth.
Moans gave way to laboured breaths and the girls climbed down from each other’s faces, tasting the cum from their mouths as they shared a threeway kiss. Then they turned to me, each one gazing at me with a different expression as they crawled across the mattress. I was still as stiff as a board, the last few drops of cum still pooled in the tip of my penis. Vanessa went for it first, licking up several drops as she ran her tongue across the tip, grinning at me and winking as she felt it twitch. Rebecca went next, cleaning up my slit as she flicked her tongue back and forth, lapping up the next few drops as they oozed from my urethra.
Then Hayley took care of the rest. Wrapping her lips around the head, her mouth formed an airtight seal as she sucked out whatever was left. Releasing my crown with an exaggerated pop, she turned to her friends and kissed them in turn, sharing the last of my load. Then their eyes were back on me, expectant looks plastered across their faces.
“Your turn, isn’t it?” I said as I looked at Rebecca, offering her a hand that she was all too glad to accept.
“Mmhmm,” she replied, as I stepped off the bed, leading the Swede to the edge of the mattress.
I grabbed my cock and it stroked it excitedly, pointing it at her pussy as she assumed the position. Lifting her legs and holding them up, her ass hung invitingly over the edge of the bed as I leaned over her, feeding my cock into her tight pink pussy. A breathy moan fluttered from between her lips and she pulled me down to kiss me as I rowed in deep, sheathing myself to the hilt. The first thing that struck me was how wet her pussy was; she’d had to wait a long time for me to get to her and was clearly very pent up. I did my best to relieve her suffering, pulling back slowly as our lips locked together then slamming back inside her as hard as I could, making her scream into the depths of my mouth.
I repeated it several times then slid my arms underneath her, remaining inside her as I rose to my feet, hoisting her into the air. Rebecca yelped as we broke from the kiss and she threw her arms around my shoulders, clinging on tightly as I lifted her up. Her eyes met mine in anticipation as I raised her slowly, pulling her up to the ridge of my crown. I held her there for a couple of seconds then dropped her back down again, impaling her pussy on my long, thick shaft. Rebecca threw her head back and she screamed towards the heavens as I speered her on my cock, holding her against me as I buried myself inside her. I gave her a second to recover then did it again, lifting her up to the tip of my cock then dropping her back down to the hilt, repeating the action on an endless loop.
Hayley and Vanessa climbed down from the bed and stood on either of us. Hayley came up behind me and her hands went to my hips, whispering encouragement as she gripped them tightly, licking and nibbling my ear. Vanessa did the same to Rebecca, speaking softly into her ear as she grabbed onto her asscheeks, helping her pussy up and down my dick.
Hayley kissed my neck then I felt her lips move down my spine as she lowered herself to the ground, kneeling down behind me. She grabbed onto my buttcheeks and pulled them apart, shoving her face in my asscrack. My whole body stiffened and a moan fell forth from my lips as her tongue found my asshole, making me twitch in Rebecca’s tight pussy.
“Ooh, what’s she doing back there?” asked Vanessa, peering over my shoulder. “She licking your arsehole?”
I nodded as best I could, straining all over as Hayley’s tongue pushed into my rectum, going in search of my prostate.
“Fucking slag,” Vanessa grinned, like she hadn’t already done that twice herself.
She flashed me a wink then her face disappeared as she moved down slowly, kissing down Rebecca’s back as she dropped to her knees. I next became aware of her presence when she wrapped her lips around one of my balls, dousing it in spit before she switched to the other. Letting it spill from between her lips, she licked up the underside of my thick, throbbing cock, letting her slick tongue glide across Rebecca’s asshole each time I pulled her to the base of my shaft.
I kept pumping Rebecca up and down my shaft, feeling my cockhead twitch in the depths of her pussy as Hayley licked my ass. I kept this up for several minutes then held her still as I started to tire, bucking my hips at a furious pace as I drilled into Rebecca’s tight pussy. Gripping her asscheeks and spreading them wide, I granted better access to Vanessa’s long tongue, which she promptly pushed into the brunette’s rectum. I couldn’t actually see what she was doing, of course, but the sudden contractions of Rebecca’s wet pussy told me all I needed to know.
Hayley emerged from between my asscheeks, but kept her tongue out as I started thrusting, lapping at my sphincter each time I pulled back. Rebecca’s face was skewed with pleasure and I could feel the sensation growing in the pair of us; her pussy squeezing tighter as Vanessa licked her ass and my cockhead throbbing harder as Hayley licked mine. All of it was building to a violent crescendo. The only question was who was going to climax first, Rebecca or myself? If it was her, I
might be able to slip out before the grip and pull of her hot, wet pussy dragged me over the edge.
With that in mind I thrusted harder, digging my fingers into her thick, toned asscheeks as I drilled in deep, hitting her g-spot with every stroke. It only took a few of those before her grip on me tightened, her head tilting backwards as she unleashed a deafening scream, trembling in my arms as I slammed into her perfect pussy. Her muscles gripped me extra hard and I clung to my load for dear life as fluid burst forth from within her, soaking my cock from base to tip. Her screams hit their peak and her body went limp in my arms, breathing heavily as post-orgasmic bliss began to wash through her.
I gave her a moment to enjoy the feeling then set her back down on the bed. I needed a minute for my cock to settle so I climbed up onto the bed before anyone could grab it, parking myself between Rebecca’s splayed thighs. I scooped her legs up and wrapped my arms around them as my tongue came out, licking the excess moisture from her sticky pink slit. She hadn’t quite recovered from the previous climax and her clit was still twitching as I moved up towards it, licking across it slowly with a long, smooth swipe of my tongue.
Hayley and Vanessa climbed onto the bed, kneeling either side of her as she writhed across the bed. Vanessa leaned down and kissed her while Hayley latched onto one of her breasts, deftly sucking at her friend’s stiff nipple. I watched intently as I settled on her clit, spinning my tongue around it and feeling it stiffen with each rotation.
“Oh, GOD!” she squealed, falling back onto the mattress as her hands came down, grabbing the back of my head.
“Ooo-hoohoo!” said Vanessa, grinning with amusement. “She’s gonna cum already!”
Rebecca’s hands began to shake as she gripped the back of my head; deep, heavy breaths now pouring from between her lips as my tongue swirled faster, twisting and turning around her point of pleasure. I licked her clit a few more times then lifted my head up, breaking free from her vice-like grip.
“Come and finish her off then,” I said to Vanessa, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards me.
“Yes, sir!” she said with a grin, promptly filling my previous position.
I climbed down from the bed as she moved into place, lifting her ass up as her head went down, burying her face in Rebecca’s wet pussy. A hand went to her hip as I gripped my cock with the other, pressing the tip against her dripping pink slit. I pushed myself forward and eased into her pussy, her moans deeply muffled as she licked Rebecca’s clit. I started thrusting slowly, taking in the scene in front of me as I sunk into her pussy.
Rebecca’s hands were clamped to the back of Vanessa’s blonde head, gathering her hair into a makeshift ponytail as she dined on her hot, wet snatch. I couldn’t see what she was doing, of course, but whatever it was, Rebecca was loving every second of it, moaning all the while as her mouth hung open, eyes rolling into the back of her head.
I took a glance down as I pushed in deeper, enjoying the sight of Vanessa’s ass rippling as I threw myself into her, going balls deep with every thrust. It looked incredible; so good, in fact, that I didn’t know where to look: at Vanessa’s toned ass as she took my cock or at Rebecca’s gorgeous cum face as the blonde licked her pussy. My mind was made up for me a few seconds later as Hayley moved towards me, kneeling beside Vanessa. Gripping her cheeks and spreading them wide, she rested her chin just above her ass, blocking my view of Rebecca. It was a shame to lose such a beautiful sight, but having Hayley’s mouth in such close proximity more than made up for that.
“Mmm, yeah. Come on. Gimme that cock!” Hayley instructed and I was happy to oblige.
I thrusted several times into Vanessa’s tight pussy then promptly withdrew my cock, pointing it at Hayley and steering it into her mouth. She took it down to around mid-shaft, closing her lips around it and sucking at it greedily. Hayley always likes sucking my cock, but when it’s been in a girlfriend’s pussy, she likes it even more. I placed a hand at the back of her head and thrusted slowly, plunging further into her warm, wet mouth. Hayley sucked and slurped as I fed her my cock, cleaning my shaft and then some as I pushed in deeper, sinking to the back of her throat.
My cock was dripping by the time I retrieved it, and I shoved it back into Vanessa’s hot pussy. I sunk to the base on the very first pass, drawing a deep, muffled moan from Vanessa as I sheathed myself inside her. I caught Hayley grinning as I started to thrust and at first I wasn’t sure why. Then Vanessa’s pussy began to contract, gripping me tighter with each new thrust. That was when I saw her fingers, naught but a blur as she strummed Vanessa’s clit.
Though the tightening of her pussy, significant though it was, was merely incidental. What Hayley
really wanted was Vanessa’s wetness, coating every inch of my cock for the next time I fed it to her. And if indeed that was her goal then she was passing with flying colours, extracting moisture in copious volume. My cock was sodden by the time I retrieved it, basted in juices from bottom to top.
Hayley grinned as she admired her handiwork, looking mightily pleased with herself as she parted her lips, wrapping them tightly around the tip of my cock. Head bobbing slowly, she sucked at my shaft as she went down deeper, moaning gently as she slurped up the sweet, sweet fluids. She took several passes down the length of my cock, making sure she cleaned every inch and leaving it drenched in spittle as her lips pulled back to the tip. I returned my cock to Vanessa’s pussy and the cycle continued.
I kept that up for several minutes, switching from Hayley’s mouth to Vanessa’s pussy with increasing regularity. It was a wonderful tease. I’d thrust nice and slowly into Vanessa’s wet pussy, bringing myself to the brink of climax, then pop it into Hayley’s mouth to cool myself off a little as she rubbed at her girlfriend’s clit. Vanessa’s moans started getting louder. Even with her mouth around Rebecca’s wet pussy, there was no mistaking the increase in volume or the change in pitch. Hayley knew what was coming next and she scurried around to the top of the bed, kneeling beside Rebecca and kissing her full set of lips. With Hayley out of the picture, I focused my energy on Vanessa’s tight pussy, throwing myself into her with wild abandon.
The orgasm hit her just a few seconds later and she all but screamed into Rebecca’s pink pussy as she kept her face in it, still licking her diligently as the feeling spread. Again, the first climax had a domino effect, only this time the order was reversed. Rebecca came next, clasping the back of Vanessa’s blonde head as she licked her pussy, not letting up for a second as I dicked her through the throes of climax. Hayley, by this point, had sprawled across the bed so she could watch the action, strumming her pussy as she took it all in. She came too in a matter of moments, screaming loudly as a clear jet of fluids sprayed forth from her pussy, soaking the bed sheets in between her legs.
Then, finally, it was my turn. A few more thrusts into Vanessa’s climaxing pussy and I buried myself inside her, voiding my sack in spectacular fashion. I gripped her tightly as I started to cum, making sure she didn’t go anywhere and ensuring my spunk went as deep as possible. And, well…it worked. As I pulled out slowly from Vanessa’s tight snatch, my cum was nowhere to be seen, and it took a few seconds for a small white blob to finally appear in the slit of her pussy. It started to trickle down one of her thighs and it was only then that I’d realised how hard I’d cum. My spunk had pretty much filled her womb, but even after shooting such a huge, thick load, I still had one more in me.
Once Vanessa could move again, she crawled off to the side, allowing me to kneel on the edge of the bed. I wrapped my arms around Rebecca’s long legs, pulling her hurriedly towards me. Using her elbows to prop herself up, a look of longing stretched across her face as I rested her ankles on shoulders, aligning my cock with the slit of her pussy. I gripped it at the base and steered myself forward, sinking in deep on the very first thrust.
“Ohh, fuck!” Rebecca groaned, tipping her head back as I pushed it inside her.
Her girlfriends flanked her from either side, kissing her one by one as I uncurled my fingers from the base of my shaft, bottoming out in her slick, warm pussy. Pushing down on her shoulders, Hayley helped her down onto the mattress then moved herself forward, parking her pussy on Rebecca’s face. Gripping the back of her head, I pulled her in and kissed her as I rowed my hips, giving slow, deep thrusts into her friend’s tight pussy. Our lips came apart and I pushed her down further, shoving her head between Rebecca’s raised thighs.
Hayley poked her tongue out and put it to her girlfriend’s clit, starting to moan as Rebecca gripped her asscheeks, pulling them slightly apart. Obviously I couldn’t see what she was doing but it seemed to me like she was returning the favour, flicking her tongue against Hayley’s stiff clit. It was quite an image and only got better as Vanessa added the missing ingredient, kneeling behind Hayley and burying her face in the crack of her ass. Poking her tongue out from between her lips, she flashed me a wink as she steered it forward, licking several times across Hayley’s butthole.
I wrapped my arms around Rebbeca’s long legs, pinning them against my torso as I drilled into the depths of her pussy. Hayley’s tongue swirled around her clit, tightening it significantly and adding to the moisture now smeared along the length of my shaft. I could hear her moaning under Hayley’s ass, digging her fingers into those supple, round cheeks. I gave a few more thrusts then withdrew from her pussy, pointing my cockhead at Hayley’s mouth. She peeled her tongue from Rebecca’s clit and moved it to the tip of my penis, lapping up precum as she tongued at the open slit. Hayley licked two fingers and put them to Rebecca’s pussy, rubbing it gently as she opened her mouth, taking my cockhead inside it. Wrapping her lips around the ridge of my crown, her lips slid smoothly down the length of my shaft, sucking up Rebecca’s fluids as she rubbed her clit, making sure her pussy stayed nice and wet.
Mission accomplished, as Rebecca’s hot pussy was wetter than ever by the time I returned to it, and the slightest thrust was all I needed to sheathe myself inside her. Hayley’s tongue went back to her clit and she licked her swiftly as I rolled my lips, hitting her cervix repeatedly. Her moans got louder with each new thrust, my shaft caked with creamy fluids as I drove it inside her, touching her deepest parts. I could feel the climax building inside her, growing in intensity with every lick and thrust.
“I think she’s gonna cum,” Vanessa declared, prying her tongue from Hayley’s butthole.
A few more thrusts was all it took. Sheathing myself to the balls, I remained inside her as her orgasm hit, enjoying the feel of her tight, clenching pussy as the floodgates opened, soaking my cock in a deluge of fluid. Hayley kept tonguing at the nub of her clit, making sure she came as hard as possible. And boy did she succeed. She gripped me so tight I thought my cock was gonna burst, and it took every ounce of willpower to keep my crown from exploding.
I pulled out of her pussy in the nick of time and breathed a deep sigh of relief. Hayley noticed as she lifted her head up, peeling her tongue from Rebecca’s pussy.
“You almost came too, huh?” she asked with a grin, putting two fingers to her friend’s stiff clit.
I gave a quick nod as I gripped my cock, feeling it throbbing in the palm of my hand.
“You’re still gonna fuck me though, right?” she asked, giving me her finest puppy dog look, gazing up at me angelically as she batted her lashes. It was very persuasive, but why she felt that I needed persuading still baffles me to this day.
“Pfft! Come on,” I said as I rolled my eyes. “This is me you’re talking to.”
Hayley smirked as I leaned down and kissed her then strolled around to the top of the bed. Vanessa saw me coming and retrieved her tongue from Hayley’s asshole, hopping down from the bed so I could fill her position. And fill it, I did. Climbing up onto the mattress, I grabbed onto Hayley’s ass as I knelt down behind her, squeezing both cheeks as I peeked at her pussy, her lips wet and puffy as Rebecca licked her clit. Vanessa knelt at the foot of the bed, burying her face between Rebecca’s splayed thighs and licking her pussy with Hayley.
My cock was still pulsing from Rebecca’s hot pussy so I gave it some time to settle, shifting my knees towards the headboard as I bent at the waist, shoving my face into Hayley’s ass. Hayley moaned, lifting her head up as I poked out my tongue, licking back and forth across her puckered asshole. Rebecca licked along Hayley’s slit and up past her taint, our tongues flicking together as we shared her asshole. Gripping her asscheeks and spreading them wide, my tongue went stiff as I pushed it forward, plunging it deep into Hayley’s rectum.
“Ohhh my God,” she moaned, her soft voice quavering as my head bobbed back and forth, greedily tonguing her sphincter.
Plucking my tongue from Hayley’s rectum, I gripped my cock as I sat up straight, pushing the tip against her dripping pink pussy. She was burning up as I slipped it inside her, sinking straight down to the base. Latching onto her hips, I proceeded to bang her as hard as I could, going in deep from the very first thrust. Her pussy was warm and dripping with moisture, and I could feel it getting tighter as Rebecca licked her clit.
“Oh my God! Fuck!” Hayley screamed, tossing her head back as I drilled into her pussy, pounding hard and fast.
Vanessa emerged from between Rebecca’s legs and took Hayley’s face in her hands, staring her down with what I can only assume was some very intense-looking eye contact.
“Yeah, that’s it, babe,” I heard her say. “Take that dick. Show me how much you love it.”
Their eyes stayed locked together as Vanessa raised two fingers and put them in her mouth, wetting them both with spit. I couldn’t say for sure where she put them next, but given that Rebecca’s pussy was currently unoccupied, that seemed like the best place for them.
Gripping a fistful of long brown hair, I tugged it sharply as I slammed into Hayley, pulling her up from the mattress. It broke her eye contact with Vanessa, of course, but the blonde didn’t seem to mind, and she egged me on to fuck her harder as I curled my arms around her, holding her body against me.
“Ooo-hoo, yeah! Come on!” she shrieked excitedly. “Fucking give it to her. Fuck her like the slut she is!”
I put my hand around Hayley’s throat- gently, of course- but there was nothing gentle about the way I was fucking her. I put my full weight behind every thrust; loud, heavy smacking sounds now filling the expanse of the room as my body crashed into hers, driving my cock in as deep as I could. Which, as I’m sure you all know by now, is very,
very deep indeed. I moved my hand up to Hayley’s cheek and turned her head so I could kiss her, muffling the screams as they flew from her lips.
I saw Vanessa move in my peripheral vision and broke from the kiss so I could see what she was doing. Lifting Rebecca’s leg, she straddled her friend in dominant fashion, grinding her pussy against the brunette’s own. Rebecca started moaning as she licked Hayley’s clit, occasionally tonguing at my big, swinging balls. It was a hell of a sight, as I’m sure you can imagine, and it made my dick throb harder as I pounded Hayley’s pussy. I went at her harder, almost on impulse, railing into her pussy with all I had left in the tank. Hayley responded in kind, her screams getting louder and shriller with every subsequent thrust. Grabbing her tits, I nuzzled into Hayley’s neck, licking her earlobe as she took her pounding.
“Are you gonna cum?” asked Vanessa, putting her fingers to Hayley’s chin.
“Uh huh,” said Hayley, breathing heavily as she nodded her head.
“That’s my slut,” Vanessa grinned. She gave Hayley a kiss on the lips then moving her fingers from her chin to mine. “Make it a good one, OK?” she ordered sternly, then kissed me too for good measure.
Eager to please (and a little concerned about what would happen if I didn’t), I unleashed a series of savage thrusts, slamming into Hayley with relentless vigour. Her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks and a deafening scream flew forth from the bowels of her throat as the feeling rushed through her, shaking her down to the core.
I couldn’t see her face in the position I was in, but I’d seen enough Hayley cum expressions in my time to have an idea of what it might have looked like. Eyes closed. Mouth open. Skin red. Nostrils flaring. I dicked her hard through the entire duration, only slowing my thrusts once the final note of her resonant scream had faded out into the ether.
But the orgasms didn’t stop there, and Rebecca and Vanessa both came pretty much straight after Hayley. They didn’t cum as hard as she did, of course, but they both screamed loud enough to leave a ringing in my ears that didn’t subside ‘til the following morning. They took a few moments to regain their senses then moved towards the foot of the bed. I slid my cock out of Hayley’s pussy and the girls assembled themselves without planning or discussion; I got the feeling they’d done this before. Kneeling on all fours, one beside the other, their eyes gazed up at me as I stroked my cock, begging me to coat them with the contents of my balls.
“Come on, Tyler, cum for us,” said Hayley in the middle. “Shoot that load all over our faces!”
“Yes, come on, baby,” said Vanessa beside her, squeezing a hand around my bulging sack. “Empty these big fucking balls!”
A few more strokes and I did just that. Pointing my cock at Rebecca, the first blast hit her with an audible splat, leaving a shapeless blob on her lips and nose. Hayley got the second one, a long, thick rope that streaked across her cheek and brow, covering an eye in the process. Aiming my cock at Vanessa, her hand was still wringing my ballsack as I jerked out whatever was left, peppering her face with blotches of spunk.
All three of them were covered by the time I was done but the girls weren’t finished yet. Passing my cock back and forth, they each took turns to suck at the tip. Extracting the last few droplets, they shared a round of kisses to wrap things up. I watched them do that until my legs gave out, then collapsed back onto the mattress, completely and utterly spent. The same could not be said of my three horny houseguests, who got back to it within a matter of minutes. They started on their own, occasionally asking me if I wanted to join them. I declined several times but ended up caving, fucking all three of them at least twice more before finally passing out.
By the time I awoke the following day, Rebecca and Vanessa had already gone. Hayley was downstairs, fixing breakfast with a mug of tea. I’d slept so late that I didn’t even have time for a quickie before I left for the airport, barely even managing to eat, shower and pack up my things. Hayley came with me to Heathrow, seeing me off with a kiss goodbye.
“Hurry back, won’t you?” she asked with a smirk.
“Just try and stop me,” I replied sincerely, meaning every single word.
I fetched my case from the trunk and rushed through the terminal, making my flight in the nick of time. The return flight seemed even longer than the outbound one, and though I didn’t have any physical company, I had a whole host of images flowing through my head of all the women I’d met and fucked during the course of my trip. A smile pulled at the sides of my mouth as I gazed out the window, bidding London a fond farewell. I guess travelling ain’t so bad after all.