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Author Topic: Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)  (Read 62441 times)


Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)
« on: July 18, 2023, 09:32:59 PM »
It was a cold spring night. Jimmy found himself driving to Post Ranch Inn. A place known as the perfect romantic getaway. Nevermind the occasion: Honeymoon, anniversary or wedding. “Spending our vacations at this resort hotel will be memorable” That’s what Jimmy had thought 2 months ago and 1 month before his girlfriend dumped him. The worst part about the breakup was that the trip was meant to be surprise, he had already paid in advance and now he was going to spend his vacations all by himself.

“I am sick of relationships” – He thought to himself. Jimmy might as well be considered a geek. Skinny contexture, 5 Foot 6 inches, pale skin and wore glasses. Nevertheless, he wasn’t a loser. He had graduated from college 5 years ago and got himself and good job. That was one of the reasons he could afford to stay at such resort and he had chosen to do so just because he knew that holidays can strengthen the feelings of loneliness and sadness. He wasn’t going to stay at his apartment in Mill Valley and curl into a ball. He knew that would lead to a “relapse”. After all the time and effort he invested overcoming his craving, he couldn’t allow that to happen…not again anyway.

He had been driving for 3 hours, so he knew he was close. That’s when he saw it: The luxurious resort located on the Big Sur Coast off highway 1, 1200 feet above the Pacific Ocean. It truly was a Sanctuary for the soul. Ideal for romance, relaxation and rejuvenation. The 40 rooms and private homes blend rustic elegance, comfort and privacy with panoramic ocean or mountain views. As soon as he entered it, Jimmy parked his car out in the open and went straight to the lobby to check in to his hotel room. The lobby was wide enough, it had been built with wood, steel and stone and luckily for Jimmy, there weren’t many people back then.

“The keys to your room.” Said a female employee.

“Thank you.” Jimmy had been planning on spending his and Vanessa s time jogging, sun bathing, even driving across the coast during the sunset. As he was turning around to leave, he didn’t realize he was about to bump into some woman. She was wearing a big black winter coat with a hood trim, baggy jeans and a couple of high heel platform pumps. Such clothes hid her body shape, so Jimmy couldn’t tell who she was until he picked her shade glasses from the floor and handed them to her.

“Sorry Madam. I didn’t see yo….you…you are Lucy Pi…- He recognized her as Page3 girl Lucy Pinder. Suddenly, his mind was flooded with memories he had sworn to forget so long ago.
“Shut up. Just shut up. You are going to blow my cover. Fine, what do you want?” But he wasn’t listening to her. For he was still immerse in those memories from his college years. Somehow he regained control over his brain again. “What do I need to do to keep you quiet?”

“I wanna…I wanna…I wanna…” Unfortunately for him, Lucy realized he was staring at her chest area and she let out a sigh.

“You want me to flash you, don’t you?” She sounded so monotone. As if she had been told the same thing too many times.

“No, no…I…just want a selfie, a common selfie with you. Lucy opened her eyes wide. She clearly was astonished by his response. Given that there weren’t too many  people at the lobby, she accepted. Jimmy handed her his phone and they posed together. Their faces were so close, he could smell her perfume. “Roses”. He thought to himself.

“There you go”. She was giving him his phone back but stopped just as he was about to grab it. If I look through your phone right now, I won’t happen to find any naked pictures of me, will I??? She asked with an evil smile.

He blushed, which made her grin grow even bigger. “I have nothing to hide.” He was able to say with conviction.

Lucy took a peek at his files: Images, videos, downloads and favorites, safe and even his files from the Cloud. She couldn’t find any dirty pic. ”Ok, you are clean.”
“You have no idea.” He said while taking his phone back.

“You are full of surprises, young man.”

“The name is Jimmy.”

“You are a fan Jimmy. I could tell that by the way you were staring at my…” She said while covering her chest area with both hands. Even though Jimmy couldn’t see her cleavage underneath her clothes, he was already picturing it.

“Look…I am sorry if I acted like a guy a moment ago. I promise I won’t stare at your chest again.” He said, looking embarrassed.

“So you haven’t seen any naked pictures of me before???” She said still grinning.

“Look…I have to go do…stuffs” He was leaving but almost immediately returned to hand Lucy her glasses. ”Thank you for the picture, Lu…Ms. Pinder. I am sorry if I weirded you out.” He turned around and went straight to his room. He dropped his suitcases as soon as he had closed the door, he grabbed his face with both hands. He was aware of his body reactions: His sweaty face and heavy breathing. He had bumped into her. “If only I could have felt her.” He was starting to get dizzy only by remembering that moment. His pants were starting to feel tighter as well when… “NO!!! NO! I won’t start this shit again. Never again!!” He took some sleeping pills with water and proceeded to lay on his bed. He didn’t even bother undressing before he dozed off.

Jimmy woke up at 7:00 AM. He felt better already. “I won’t lose control of my life.” He got up and took a cold shower to start his day. Thanks to the In-Room dining service, he enjoyed his breakfast next to his guestrooms fireplace. He knew most of the couples that attended the resort usually went jogging between 7 and 9 AM and because Jimmy didn’t want to be surrounded by any of them, he waited 2 hours for them to finish their run. ”I need to be alone right now. Just me and the beautiful sigh of…”

“Hi, stranger.”

“What the??? Ms. Pinder??” She was next to him, wearing a pink zip-up hoodie and black shorts. Her beautiful legs seem to glow. She truly was a goddess.
“Could you stop it with the Ms? Call me Lucy.”

“I am sure all your friends call you Lucy. I am just a commoner.”

“Wow, are you always like this or are you just in a bad place right now?”

“The latter but that s on me. I should be having a good time. I should be enjoying the view.” He said looking to the horizon.

“Run with me.”

“Do you really want a fan to keep you company while you are on vacation?”

“You never confirmed me you were a fan” Jimmy made sure to make eye contact all the time.

“By the way, you chose a pretty public destination to spend your vacation.”

“Well, I have my reasons” She said with that evil grin once again. “This is the perfect place for relaxation.”

Jimmy took a peek at her while she wasn’t looking, he could appreciate her figure then. ”Thank god she wasn’t wearing revealing clothes” He thought. They remained silent until they reached the beach.

“Wow, I wish I could go for a swim.” She unzipped her sweatshirt in the direction of the sea. Jimmy turned his head. He knew he couldn’t see anything from where he was standing but he didn’t take any chances either. Suddenly, an image flashed through his mind. He saw Lucy striping and walking into the ocean. The trail of clothes on the sand, her beautiful breasts shining under the sun.

”What are you waiting for?” She said.


“I said: It´s getting way too hot. We should get back.”

“Yeah, you are right.” Once again they remained silent until… “You know what? I think you are lying.”


“I think you do like to have your fans attention.”

“Aren’t you a bold one?” She was right. In fact, because he wasn’t feeling so nervous around her anymore, he could appreciate her beautiful accent as well. “Is that so?”

“For one thing, you went out in the same time slot as me.” He spoke boldly.

“Only because no one else was doing it and I don’t think I like your tone.-He had that defiant look young men usually have when they lose their shyness. “You could have asked me for anything yesterday. Why didn’t you do it?”

“I don’t take advantage of other people. That’s not who I am.”

“Your girlfriend is a lucky one” That caught him off guard.

“I don’t…I don’t have a girlfriend”

“You do have some pictures of her in your phone.”

“Damn it. I should have deleted those.”

“I hope our selfie doesn’t get you in trouble with her.”

“Her name is Vanessa and she dumped me.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“We were supposed to come here together. I had it all planned out. I probably shouldn’t be telling you all this.” They remained silent until they reached Lucy’s private home. “Thanks for keeping me company.”

“No problem.” He was leaving as she said with innocence. “Why don’t you come in?”

“I probably shouldn’t.” He said sounding tired.

“I’ll be sunbathing and I have 2 sun loungers.” He didn’t have any will power left to turn her down. “I ll be out in a minute” She said from the bathroom while he was resting on her sun lounger. He was back to being nervous.

“Why do you want me here anyway?”

“Whenever I come here, I tend to remain alone for obvious reasons. It’s good to have someone to talk to.” He could see her now. She was wearing a white bikini that could barely hold her attributes and her sunglasses. “You probably know a lot about me, so tell me about you.” She was passing in front of him.

“There really isn’t much to tell.”

“Seriously, stop considering yourself a commoner.” She was laying on the lounger next to him. He avoided looking directly at her. He didn’t want to get a boner in front of her.
“I am from Queens NY. I used to live there with my family until I finished high school.”

“Really, that far?”

“Yeah, I always wanted to move to California. I am currently working as a software engineer at Lockheed Martin Corporation.”

“You don’t say. Let me guess… MIT.”

“Yeah, exactly.”

“So…When was it that you heard about me for the first time?” As it was a reflex, Jimmy attempted to swallow saliva but choked on it. Not that it startled Lucy. She knew how to pinch men’s nerves and how to point men in the right direction. If she made the right moves, she could have her way with that young man.

“What??? I….I mean.”

“Maybe when you were younger. A Teenager, perhaps?”

“Why do you want to know that? Remember how I got all weird yesterday?”

“You wouldn’t be the first one. I want to know. Just tell me.” Jimmy was finishing rubbing his temples and took a good look at her for a few seconds. Furthermore, he was starting to breathe deeply. Clearly another attempt to calm himself down. ”This will be easy.” She thought.

“Not a teenager. It happened right after my freshman year of college.”

“Frat boy, right?”

“Please, Lucy. Do I look like the kind of guy you would like to invite to parties?”

“I rather go with you. You are far more interesting than half of the guys I’ve dated already.” She managed to get a grin out him. I was always studying, reading books, getting ready for midterms or finals. Not a party guy but you see…I had this roommate who had this piles of glamour magazines under his bed.” He stopped abruptly.

“I like where this is going, Jimmy. So keep going.”

  “He was…How would I put this…a chronic masturbator?” He pondered which words he could use before giving Lucy a direct answer.


“Don’t laugh, please. This is serious.”

“Your roomie couldn’t stop tugging himself. It’s kinda funny. He surely had some of my Nuts issues.”

“He did.” Jimmy sounded dead serious this time.

Eventually, curiosity got the best of me so I waited for my roommate to leave the dorm for one of his morning classes and carried out a research. A deep research. “For Academic Purposes.”

“Yeah, academic….I see what you did there. Really, Lucy?”

“Don’t get me wrong, Jimmy.  I am flattered to know that young men still cream their jeans because of me.”

“It makes you feel powerful. Doesn’t it?”

“I like to think I’ve helped them get through their teenage years.”

Listen Lucy…I should probably leave.”

“But we are getting to know each other.”

“You don’t understand, I used to have this thing with yo- what the??? LUCY!!!!”

“I don’t like tan lines” She was topless and clearly had no shame. “I know you’ve seen pictures of me like this.”

“BUT BUT…YOU ARE…” Her tits were glowing thanks to the suntan oil. They seem so soft, nice and look better than those pictures Jimmy used to have in his phone. Jimmy wanted to suck on them, he could feel his hands shaking, so he left without saying a word. It took him a few minutes to get to his room.

“Damn it! DAMN IT! “ He laid upside down on the bed. He had seen her beautiful breasts. ”I can’t take it anymore” He started undoing his belt and grabbed his phone. He knew where to find what he needed, meanwhile Lucy had dressed in appropriate clothes and was trying to find Jimmy s room. She was shocked to say at least. Of all the behaviors she could have expected, it never occurred to her that Jimmy would turn his head and walk away but he did and it intrigued her. She was about to knock his door and then she heard a noise coming from inside. She remembered his reaction from when he saw her topless and wondered if it would be a good idea to pay him a visit at such moment. Nevertheless, the noises didn’t stop and curiosity got the best of her. Fortunately for her, there was a huge window by the end of the sidewall. As she approached it, the noises became louder and it wasn’t long before she realized they were grunts. “Oh goodness” Lucy tried to suppress her chuckle after what she just saw.

‘Bizarre’ could be a word to describe it but Lucy was quite amused by it and for some reason, she couldn’t stop peeking and enjoying the view of Jimmy jerking off while staring at his cellphone. With such concentration and desire that his eyes were closed, his body suddenly stiffened as an iron bar and he had stopped what he was doing with his hand. “Damn it.” He was not wearing his pants and his t shirt was covered with cum. That made her laugh as well. She could see he was somehow annoyed as he wiped himself with some tissues and his breathing had normalized. “She looks amazing … even after all these years”. First, he grabbed his flacid dick and started stroking it. Then he used his other hand to grab his cellphone and started scrolling.

“Dear Lord, Lucy. You are too much for me and I still can’t believe I actually saw you.” Jimmy was having a little headache but he could feel rushes of blood making their way between his legs once again despite himself.

“Your tits are amazing. I wish I could touch them, feel them, suck on them” His breathing was getting faster. “I love them.” Lucy bit her lip while she was listening to Jimmy’s moans. Normally, she would know better than to stalk someone. Specially, when it comes to her fans. She’s met fans of all kinds: Creepy, pushy, nosy, etc. But among them, there was a special kind of fan she had always been keen on encountering and she had the feeling Jimmy was that kind of fan. She was also mesmerized by the size of his dick. She could tell it was 8 inches at least, which made Lucy wonder: Why would any woman dump a guy like him??? He seemed sweet and humble enough to attract her attention. He clearly was earning success down the line and good looking in his own way. She thought to herself while she was staring at his now erect dick and listening to his dirty thoughts. “AAHH…Lucy…Please, let me put my dick between your boobs. I could last……..hours I swear. I know I already said this but I still can’t believe I got to know you. I ‘ve dreamt about this for so long. I rather not tell you. Please, just … just do me.”

“Wow” Lucy realized that Jimmy was way too into that fantasy. How long could he have been dreaming about that? That intrigued her even more. He wanted to know more about him, so she could tell if he was that kind of fan. If he was, then his life was about to become a lot more interesting. Suddenly, Jimmy started stroking faster and faster.

“Don’t stop…NO…I know…I can take it Hhmmm….Hhmmm…Hhmmm ” He closed his eyes again and stuck his tongue out this time. Lucy could tell he was more aroused this time when she saw his body trembling, because he was sweating after that last wanking session. He spent the next hour cuming all over himself and Lucy had been enjoying the whole experience.

She did start considering the possibility that Jimmy was too greedy for his own good as she remembered everything he fantasized about was blowjobs, handjobs and titty fucking. “Too nice to be true.” She was disappointed. “That was a nice warmup, Lucy. “ He had wiped once again and now his room’s floor was covered with cum-stained tissues. “You did me, so it’s only fair that I do you.” He scrolled for 2 different pics this time.

“I wish I could have you on top of me. I could stare at your tits and please you at the same time. “ He applied some lube to his dick and started jerking off again but there was something different about him this time. “I wish I could … fuck you from behind. Tap that ass of yours, cause it really deserves attention. Not just … your boobs. You are the best, Lucy. The best.” He kept wanking harder every minute but he didn’t cum this time. After half an hour he finally gave up, he clearly was exhausted. ”Damn it!!! I hate this. I hate all of this.” He got up and turned off the lights but Lucy was already hidden by then. She considered knocking on his door and talk to him about what she just saw but it probably wouldn’t be the best idea. He would have been embarrassed, so she simply returned to her own bedroom even though she couldn’t sleep. The image of Jimmy holding his erection came to her mind whenever she closed her eyes.

Meanwhile, Jimmy had worn himself out the previous night to the point that he needed to sleep till noon the next day. He had been thinking that meeting Lucy Pinder was either a blessing in disguise or most likely the beginning of his own demise as he had relapsed after all those years since college. He just wanted to pick up all the tainted tissues and move on and all he needed to do was avoid Lucy for the remaining holiday for that to happen. “That shall be easy” He thought “Famous model and successful woman. Why would she want to spend more time with someone like him?” He didn’t come out of his room for the rest of the day.

“Room service” He heard a woman saying behind the door.

“Another day, another night. All by myself.” He said as he opened the door only to find Lucy in a tight dress next to the tray cart full of food and drinks.

“Hi, stranger.” She said while having that sultry look that characterized her. Never in his life had he imagined he would be having dinner with Lucy Pinder. Let alone that she’d be dressed like that for him. “Are you ever going to let me in? The food is getting cold.”

“I…Lucy, I. What are you doing here?” He said and somehow sounded actually annoyed.

“Is there something wrong about us enjoying this meal together?”

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you are trying to seduce me but that would be considered self-conceited. Don’t you agree?” He said laughing at end.

“Absolutely. Why would I ever want to spend time with a fan?” She said sounding amused.

“Then it’s a good time to mention I am not a fan.” He said while staring at her chest without shame. “Please. Come inside. You must be freezing.” He said while opening the door for her, allowing her to push the tray cart into his bedroom.

“Such a gentleman.” She was grinning. Setting the table only took a few minutes but the silence was starting to get awkward and that was the last thing Lucy needed. Specially, because she could tell Jimmy had been troubled by his recent breakup. Knowing she could use that to her advantage but also wanting to know him better, she kept attempting to make conversation. “You know you can tell me anything.”

“I wouldn’t want to bore you with my dumb problems.”

“It’s not like we are friends or anything but you clearly know about me. You’ve practically seen me naked.”

“Don’t remind me.”

(Half an hour later)

“So you are telling me you had this romantic holiday all planned out and she just dumped you.” She sounded astounded.

“Perhaps, it was my fault. I’ve been repeatedly told I am way too much of a nice guy. Eventually, it gets boring.”

“Stop demeaning yourself. That’s the one thing about you that’s getting boring by now. She was your first…”

“¿Girlfriend? Yeah, I met her on high school year.”

“I mean your first…first.” She asked intrigued.

“What kind of question is that? I mean, seriously. I don’t ask you about your sex life”.

“I’ll allow it.” She said as she put her fork down. “I have nothing to hide.”

“Who was your first boyfriend, your first time?” Lucy let out a sigh.

“It was with a friend from high school. A guy named Daniel.”

“Lucky him. Right?” He said lifting a glass of wine.”

“There was nothing related to love. I just wanted to get it over with and I wanted it to be with someone I trusted. Someone who wouldn’t blab it all.” She had a blank expression while she was talking.

“I am guessing, he didn’t keep his mouth shut.”

“He did it. At least… until I made it in the business of Glamour.” She said while drinking another glass of wine. “Not that anybody believed him and I didn´t confirm it anyways, so…”
“Now I am guessing he was a loser who just wanted his 15 minutes of fame.” Jimmy was annoyed now.

“I wouldn’t know. The last I heard from him was that he moved to Australia and worked making kayaks. Fuck him and your girlfriend too.” That last part made Jimmy laugh and she filled up both of their glasses.

“A toast to shitty partners. You can’t either avoid them or forget about them.” He drank the entire glass in one sip. “Was he good in the sack?”

“Daniel was just a boy back then.”

“Clearly, a needy one.” Now he managed to get a chuckle out of her.

“We were just…too young and he barely lasted 10 minutes. That’s what I remember. What about Vanessa? Did she satisfy you?”

“I would tell you she was a little too pushy in bed. As in greedy in bed.”

“Really??? That’s an interesting choice of words.” She laughed as she remembered what she thought about him last night.

“She knew exactly what she wanted and when she wanted it in bed. She once told me to cum on her stomach and then got mad at me.

“She asked you that and then got mad at you????

“In her defense, I did miss her stomach and …spilled it all over her hair. She was sooooo mad.” He was chuckling at his own comments.

“It would have come out with ice or peanut butter. Your ex is such a crybaby.”

 “It was just our second time and I was nervous. I’ve always been like that.” All the wine had made him tipsy and he was feeling a little lightheaded.

“I could tell. I had to get you drunk, so you could start talking.”

“As if you poured those drinks down my throat. Please, Lucy. Don’t underestimate me.” He stood up and started walking in the direction of his bed. Lucy did that as well and helped him to his bed as he almost trips over his own feet. “Thank you, Lucy. I am feeling a little dizzy.” He said as they sat on his bed next to each other. Once again, he started staring at her chest but this time he didn’t feel bad about it.

“You can stare, honey.”

“You don’t mean that.” He said while laughing and avoiding eye contact at the same time but Lucy grabbed his head and pressed it against her chest but only one side of his face so she wouldn’t smother him. “I hate when women feel sorry for me.”

“Are you complaining?”

“No, I just wanted you to know that.” He was snuggling her chest.

“Vanessa is just a girl and she doesn’t even know much more about relationships than you do, Jimmy.” She grabbed his head again and slowly pressed his lips against her own as they both closed their eyes. The kiss started off all sweet and tender but after a few seconds she could feel Jimmy’s tongue inside her mouth touching hers, tasting her. He was playing with her tongue as they were touching until Lucy said. “Stick your tongue out.”

“What?” He sounded needy.

“You’ll love it. Now stick it out.” She ordered him and he obeyed. “Ok, Lucy.”

“Don’t talk. Just enjoy it.” She said while she kept sucking his tongue, also getting hold of his hands and pressing them against her breasts. Jimmy s body also started to react. He could feel his pants getting tighter, the wine scent was filling the room as Lucy was sucking him. He kept moaning as she kept playing with his tongue but eventually tried to kiss her passionately. It took Lucy by surprise as they both laid down on the bed and Jimmy assaulted her mouth.

“I’ve been wanting to do that since yesterday.” He sounded exhausted.

“What’s been keeping you?”

“I’ve been too much of pussy all my life. Not anymore.” He started kissing her again, didn’t even give her a chance to talk back. They played with each other’s tongue, tasted their lips for a few more minutes until Jimmy stopped focusing on her face and started caressing her breasts through the dress fabric. “These are … Wow”
“Be careful. You are going to suffocate.”

“Who cares?” He said and she started smothering him with her breasts and left him like that for a few seconds before releasing him. He was breathing shakily and she helped him to get up from the bed.

“Easy. Otherwise you are going to finish before we even get started.” Lucy started pulling the dress over her head and threw it into the corner. She had some difficulties, given that she filled it up nicely but it eventually came off and he could only stare at her perfect breasts bouncing freely. He couldn’t see her completely naked because she was still wearing a little garment but right now her boobs had all his attention. “You really showed some restraint in the past 2 days. What happened?”

“Less talk and more action.” He demanded while sounding thirsty and Lucy rolled her eyes. “Please?”

“You are a nice guy.” She was right in front of him. “Keep being nice and I’’ll be nice in return.” She got down on her knees and started undoing his belt.

“Ok, I get it. You are the one in control now. Ahhh.”  She chuckled.

“I am always in control, James.” She rubbed the visible bulge in his pants and the way she said his name only made him harder. She had started licking the bulge through the pants fabric too, which drove him crazier.

“Hhmm...I really need this...Hhhmm. Please, Lucy. Be gentle.” He could tell she wasn’t paying attention to his words while she unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down his legs along with the underwear, allowing him to step out of the clothing. Now he was just wearing a T-shirt.

“I knew you had a ‘thing’ for me. I just didn’t know it was so big. You should own up to this. How can you be so shy when you have this nice toy between your legs? ” She had him in her hands now and could feel him pulsating.

“I just don’t like to brag AAHHHH. I can’t AAAHHH Believe this. IT’S SO MUCH BETTER THAN LAST …. NIGHT.

“You don´t say.” She was making short pauses to talk while she kept licking his hard rod.

“I had to blow off some steam after I saw you yesterday.” He was lying back and leaning on his elbows now. He had to close his eyes again. For he knew what would happen if he stared into her eyes for too long while she had him in her mouth.

“I know. I was there.” She said without shame.

“WHAT?” He opened his eyes.

“I came to your room to check up on you and saw you through the window. Hhmmm...” She started deep throating him and he couldn’t stop staring now.

“AAAAAHHHHH….HOLY….HHHHMMM ….HELL.” She remained like that for several seconds. I AM GONNA ….. I AM GONNA COME.” Lucy’s throat was incredibly tight, the lower half of his body started twitching and jimmy could feel his knees like they were made of jell-O. “Don’t stop. I…I am begging ya.” He could feel his orgasm was building up under his stomach. Small currents through his toes, calves and thighs and suddenly, he felt something touching the tip of his dick. Lucy had taken him deeper and Jimmy could feel the back of her throat touching his dick. He couldn’t resist any longer, he had to stare at Lucy swallowing his entire length without difficulties. Somehow that made him harder and he attempted to caress her head. “I can’t. I just can’t.” Those were his last words before coming inside her mouth. He kept his mouth shut to avoid moaning. After letting out a few muffled sounds, he said: “I am sorry”. Jimmy slumped back onto the bed. His breathing was erratic and she joined him.

She had released his wet and sticky pole “Stop apologizing. I wanted that to happen.” She said while wiping her lips. “I would have been surprised, if you could handle that.”
“It was amazing. Sorry, I am too lame to last.”

“I already told you. It’s fine.”

“No one had done that for me like EVER. I feel amazing. Thank you.” She was cuddling him now. “What exactly did you see?”

“Whatever do you mean?” She was rolling her eyes.

“Tell me. I need to know.”

“I saw a hunk getting down with his bad self.”

“Tell me more. I want to hear it.”

“I saw you rubbing this dick and loving every minute of it. Your meat was so big, stiffy and veiny. Oh look, it is starting to grow again.” She started to rub him again with vigorous strength.
“Use both hands…hhmmm…you are so strong. I want to feel both of your hands on me.”

“HAHA. You need to grow more for that to happen and I see you keep doing it. I’ll indulge.” She kept the same pace for the next 2 minutes until she was sure he was at full length.
“You seem even bigger than yesterday.”

“It’s different if you are the one touching me….Ahhh…Ok, that’s enough.” James shed her hand away.” If you keep stroking me, we are not gonna get there at all.” Lucy was staring at his hard pole once again as she wanted to eat him.” Get on the bed. Face up and close your eyes. ” It was almost an order but she complied. She liked to see him take control.
Lucy was ready to feel him inside of her. He started caressing her knees. She was biting her lips, eager to feel his meat but it didn’t happen. He was taking his time until she felt him kissing her pussy lips. ”I thought you wanted to fuck me.”

“I want to fuck you but… given that you did me. It’s only fair I do you, besides I want to taste your pussy as well.”

“I was convinced you were about to put that big dick inside me, James.”

“I am not greedy. I want this to be good for both of us.” He kept kissing her pussy but not her core this time. He was surrounding her pussy.

“Are trying to drive me crazy?”

“I am trying to make you feel good. You are such a sweet lady, Lucy. I am pretty sure your taste is just as sweet as you.” He started licking her sex again and heard her moan in satisfaction. Up and down until one of her hands went to the back of his head, pushing his face into her further. It was too soon for that so he kept moving his tongue in lazy circles around her sweet pussy as she couldn’t stop moaning. Her thighs were quivering, her hips bucking and her body shaking.

“Oh my god. You are doing great, Jimmy.” She was getting close and he could feel it. She attempted to full on grind her hips into his face. His lips closed around her clit, rubbing the flat of his tongue against it. “Dear lord…Not possible.” Her whole body stiffened and she quaked against jimmy. ”Oh, James. AAaahhhhhh.”

“Too good?”- He asked sounding a little too pleased but Lucy didn’t answer him. She just laid down on his bed with her eyes closed and silent for a few minutes.

“You’ve been holding out on me!” She still needed to catch her breath. “You didn’t tell me… what you could do with your mouth.”

“So you loved it.”

“Don’t play with me… You heard me moaning your name.” She had finally opened her eyes and was looking at him. Still making pauses as she was out of breath.

“I am a pleaser, Lucy.” He was touching her pussy with the palm of his hand. “I just love to give.” He started kissing a steady trail down her neck. “I love to help.” Over the valley between her breasts. “I love to play.” Licking her navel but Lucy pushed him back, forcing him to lay on his back.

“Not this time.” She was sitting on his lap now. “I want to play with your dick now.”

“I don’t think I will last.”

“I saw you, remember?” She said while grabbing his dick that was semi-hard. “I know you have the stamina.”

“I still can’t believe you were watching me.”

“But I was. It was quite a show and you have a nice dick, I might add.” He was growing as she kept stroking him now.

“This…Aahhhh…Hhmm…isn’t for anyone, you know?” He signaled his dick.

“I got that impression when I heard you fantasizing about my breasts all night long. Here I thought you weren’t like the rest.” She chuckled.

“Don’t judge me…Aaahh…please. I am in your hands now.” He was long and hard again and she was kneeling in front of him again. “I can’t watch this. I won’t last.” He was lying on his back now. He didn’t even try to lean on his elbows now."

“Oh, honey. You aren’t getting a blowjob this time.” She had an evil grin while she was pressing her boobs together.

“Oh no. Not those.” He let out a chuckle. “Anything but those.”

“What??? You don’t like them now?” She was pushing her boobs together. Jimmy couldn’t help staring at those beautiful breasts. 32J cup size. Probably even 32JJ. So big, so soft and soooo…well-rounded. She was such a beautiful brunette

“I love them but I am afraid I might not survive this. You might as well kill me.” Jimmy had grin on his face.

“Tell me that you want them.”

“I want them. I want them so much.”

“Be more specific.”

“I want to feel your mounts surrounding my meat. I want to feel the friction when you play with it, squeeze it and it gets even harder. I love your big tits, Lucy.”
She took him between her massive tits and started pumping them up and down. “Oh God, Oh God.” He would have been done for, if he hadn’t come already.

“Please, squeeze me. LIKE THAT!!!! I LOVE IT. I LOVE YOUR TITS.” The friction around his dick was driving him crazy.

“Is it exactly like you dreamed it?”

“NO! This is better. I would have never imagined tittyfucking could feel so good. It’s so rewarding.” He was gripping the sheets, he was trying to regain control of his brain but it was pointless. He knew he would come again if Lucy kept working him up.

 “Because your girlfriend never did this to you.”

“Her tits aren’t nearly as big as yours. You ‘ve seen her.” The heat between his legs was unbearable at this point. “AAHHH… I can’t believe what I’ve been missing. She never made feel like this.”
“She wouldn’t know how to handle a real dick.” She could feel him getting harder within her grasp if that was even possible. Now that she could get a closer look, she realized his length was way bigger than she anticipated. Probably, 10 inches.

“She never did. Besides I rather be fucking your tits. It’s so much memorable” He wasn’t lying. For he had never experienced such kind of libido. All those nights she spent with her ex GF, all those moments he had tried to make her feel loved and special were absent from his mind by now. Perhaps, it was the fact that he attempted to do everything right by her and that didn’t stop her from breaking his heart. Perhaps, it was the fact that he could feel his brain was about to be fried and explode at the same time due to all the sensations that were emanating from his dick at that point. His bad experience in love, however, wouldn’t stop him from treating Lucy fairly. He still wanted that day to be memorable not just for him but also her.   

”You are doing all the work. Let me help you.” He got up and grabbed Lucy by her shoulders.

“First, give me a moment. Don’t move. I need to get used to this sensation.” She could see his dick poking out of her cleavage.

“You are really good at this.” She encouraged him.

“You don’t have to lie to me. I am barely holding my own during this.”

“I meant it. She doesn’t deserve you and you are a gentleman, Jimmy.”

“DO I deserve you? Because, I won’t be able to erase this image from my mind like…ever.” He was still holding her shoulders and almost looked like a sad puppy at that moment but it was over almost as fast as it started.

“I think you do. Just take a look at how your dick fits perfectly between my giants boobs.” He started bucking his dick against her breasts again but he was doing all the work as she encased his appendage within her chest.

“Ha-ha. That’s because…your big tits were made to handle big dicks like mine. I can almost feel how your gigantic breasts are loving my dick. Caring about it. Unlike Vanessa and her lame cup A size. I am glad she’s gone. I am glad Vanessa is gone. Ahhhh … I am getting close”. His breathing was erratic and her eyes started to flutter. “I told you so: Big tits were made to fuck.”

“Big tits were made to fuck.” She repeated after him and he chuckled.

“Your big tits love my big dick.”

“I love your big cock just as much. I bet Vanessa never blew you like I did. She never showed the proper love to your big cock.”

“She certainly never deep throated me. Gag reflex much. She could only choke on it. If you get what I mean HAHA.” Jimmy kept pushing his dick between lucy’s breasts.  He was finally managing to keep his head after all the initial tumbling.

“Thank you for your patience. Otherwise, this wouldn’t have worked.” Lucy released him after hearing those words. “What was that?”

“Like you said. I’ve been thorough with you until but I think it’s been long enough. I should teach you what happens when I go for it now. “She stood up and pushed him on the bed. Her body falling on his while they were still kissing. “You are going to love me and hate me for this.” The next sound he heard was her thighs slamming on his pelvis. Lucy had taken his dick deep into her pussy with such skill that it had barely taken two seconds and now Jimmy was enclosed in a whole new sensation. Lucy’s breasts were amazingly soft but now he was trapped inside her tight and wet pussy. Not to mention the fact that Lucy had started to ride him with reckless abandon wasn’t helping him to keep his head. He could see her magnificent breasts jumping up and down. Another dream that had come true but that was enough to rail him up to the point of no return.

“I can’t… Lucy… I just can’t OOOHHH OOOOHHHH OOOHHHH.” He unloaded everything he had and felt particularly lightheaded after that. He wanted to say I am sorry but it’s not like could even speak at that time. His brain couldn’t connect with his mouth. All he could do was lay under her, all sweaty and nervous after that last performance. Eventually, Lucy grabbed him from his shoulders and started smothering him. Pushing his face into her boobs. “Aren’t you mad?” His eyes were still closed.

“Why? You weren’t that bad.”

“I just wanted you to have a good memory of this. I know I will.” Lucy actually expected him to get mad at her after forcing him to cum so fast but he was still nice to her after all that.
“You should rest now.”

“No, I can keep going. I just need a second air.” She forced him to lay on the bed.

“You did well. Now get some rest before I can mount you again. We are not done. Not even close.”

« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 10:08:13 PM by Cadeauxxx »


Re: Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2023, 10:37:40 PM »
Awesome beginning man. Love that Lucy was the alpha and yet very sweet at the same time.


Re: Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2023, 01:41:53 AM »
That was great, you are a hell of a writer!


Re: Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2023, 02:28:52 AM »
Nice work. That felt deep and personal. Will be looking forward to part 2


Re: Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2023, 02:37:25 AM »
Brilliant to have someone new wrting Lucy!  Great work look fwds to more.


Re: Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2023, 06:33:55 AM »
Well done, very steamy.


Re: Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2023, 06:10:33 AM »
Congrats on your first story, this is quite impressive. You captured the feeling of a regular joe with the ultimate fantasy of this busty goddess.


Re: Break Up and Lay Down Ch. 1 (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2023, 07:37:17 PM »
This was a great start. When can we expect Chapter 2?


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