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Author Topic: Marvel Love Chapter 10  (Read 11511 times)


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Marvel Love Chapter 10
« on: January 08, 2019, 12:15:34 PM »
Summary and Disclaimer
This is set in a version of the MCU. But with the addition of some new characters, concepts, and other franchises. Including all of the MCU movies AND TV shows and a few other things too. I DO NOT own any characters that I myself have not come up with and the rightful owners are Disney, FOX (for right now), Warner Bros., and others. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter 10
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “The Secret of S-Class”

A couple days later I woke up to voices that I didn’t recognize. “Where are we Tony?” one said.

“I don’t know Steve but who are these three?” another said he must have been this ‘Tony’.

“My name is S-Class. And Skye is on my right and Star-Lord is on my left.” I said getting up. And taking a look around, we were in an all-white space of nothingness.

“What kind of names are: S-Class & Star-Lord?” the one wearing a fancy suit asked me.

“My name is Charles David Hall and he is Peter Quill. Why did you call us here...father?” I asked.

“Did you say ‘father’?” Skye asked as Quill and she was getting to their feet.

“Yes, ‘father’. Hello son.” this man said as he appeared in front of us.

“That’s rich a greeting coming from a Beyonder,” I said to him.

“You still haven’t forgiven your people for the mistakes we made have you?” he asked.

“My ‘people’, as you call them, destroyed the Marvel Multiverse. If it wasn’t for Mr. Fantastic none of us would be standing here right now!!!” I yelled.

“Okay I think some of us are missing some key points of this discussion.” the man in the fancy suit said.

“You’re Tony Stark or Iron Man and you are Steve Rogers or Captain America. And as I said before I am Charles David Hall or S-Class and he is Peter Quill or Star-Lord. And we are all heroes of this universe.” I said to them. I then told them both my story.

“Unbelievable. And your government sanctioned this?” Steve asked.

“Yes,” I said and let that sink in for a minute.

“And this is my father a Beyonder. If God had a god complex you’ll have a Beyonder.” I said to everyone.

“Thank you,” he said.

“That wasn’t a compliment asshole,” I said.

“And they destroyed the Marvel Multiverse?” Skye asked knowing what that would mean.

“Yes. I’ll admit it was NOT one of our better ideas,” he said.

“What does that mean? Tony asked.

“Simply put our universe is a branch universe off a seed universe. Collectively all the branch universes and the seed universes are called the ‘Marvel Multiverse’. And it was named after the comic book company that the seed universes were birthed from.” Skye said.

“Yes for the most part that is true. There are a few seed universes that were only helped by Marvel’s creativity. And the Beyonders are the beings that helped that along by creating universes both seed and branch. We then tied them into the minds of comic book artists, screenplay writers, and fictional novelists.” he said.

“It’s true. The Beyonders are nothing more than comic book nerds. Using their powers to create worlds where their fantasies come true. But then they tried to destroy everything they created just to see what would happen. But a few heroes and villains banded together and stopped you and Mr. Fantastic rebuilt the Marvel Multiverse. And you had to help me get out of that wormhole because the Marvel Multiverse collapsed while I was traveling from one Marvel universe to another.” I said.

“Why are we here?” Steve asked.

“Well, Skye is here because I wanted to meet the first woman who stole my son’s heart. The rest of you are here because during that time the Beyonders made a few mistakes. One of which was that we destroyed a DC universe.” he said.

“Oh. My. God. Does the Life Entities know that you did that?” I asked.

“Yes we do.” one such Life Entity said as she entered the room.

“Ok lost again,” Tony said.

“DC is a rival comic company that competes with Marvel. And the Life Entities are essentially the same as the Beyonders but far nicer but not as powerful. They found several universes that either had no life to begin with or all life in the universe was destroyed and brought life to it based off DC Comics. This clumped them together creating the DC Multiverse. And there is no way anyone, not even the Beyonders could fix a universe that they’re not familiar with.

“What are we going to do? And why did this take so long for this to come to this point?” I asked.

“We have been talking ourselves in circles for a long time. Until we decided that a Marvel universe will be the new home to the few people that we were able to save. Your universe was selected to be that new home.” the Life Entity said.

“Okay, we’re going to need to know exactly who we would be getting so that I could help them through this transition. This IS why you called me here. And the others are the only ones from this universe that I would trust that are in a position to help me right?” I asked. The truth is there was one more Phil Coulson and my father knew it. But my father also knew that he couldn’t call him because both Captain America and Iron Man thought that he was dead and he didn’t want to be the one that was the catalyst for them finding out that he was still alive.

“Yes my son,” he said with a knowing look and made a table appear with a bunch of files on it.

“Okay. We’re getting Superman, Superwoman, Supergirl, and Superboy. Are we going to get there villains and non-powered allies too?” I asked.

“The Fortress of Solitude, Lois Lane, Martha Kent, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, Lana Lang, Lex Luthor and a few others.” the Life Entity said.

“Next are Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, Nightwing and future Batman or simply Batman Beyond. Villains/allies?” I asked.

“The Batcave, Alfred Pennyworth, Commissioner James Gordon, the Joker, Harley Quinn, Catwoman and a few others.” the Life Entity said.

“Wonder Woman, does she have ANY allies or villains?” I asked unsure of the answer.

“Yes. You’re getting Themyscira and its people and her mother, Queen Hippolyta. Cheetah and Baroness von Gunther.” the Life Entity said.

“Finally...wait there only pictures of the Lantern Corp. Rings and there Power Lanterns?” I said.

“Yes we couldn’t save any of the Lanterns themselves but we could save the rings and Power Lanterns.” the Life Entity explained.

“Okay. I’m a comic book fan too so what I’m about to say is going to kill me too. But we’re going to have to...reboot them.” I said. And you could tell who was a comic book fan by the looks in their eyes.

“Okay, I feel like we’re missing something again,” Steve said and Tony and Peter agreed.

“In comics when you reboot it means that everything that that character has done or said means nothing. And that the characters have to start over from the beginning.” Skye said with a sour face.

“I don’t like it either. But they have to believe nothing is wrong. And this is the best way to do that.” I said.

“Why?” the Life Entity asked.

“Because they could come to our universe with their memories but then they won’t be able to interact with everyone without thinking that there better or different than everyone else,” I said.

“And the people that David named earlier are heroes. They shouldn’t think that. This way they can avoid that until all of us are ready for them to know. And thank you for treating them with the respect that they deserve.” the Life Entity said to me.

“Okay, I’ll leave it up to you about how and when they show up dad. But here are a few things that you need to do for this to work.” I said.

“You trust him with this?” Skye asked.

“Normally no I wouldn’t. But he IS a Marvel fanboy. And he can make this feel like Marvel did this and not that he messed up and we’re cleaning up his mess.” I said.

“What do you need me to do?” he asked.

“First you need to give him the complete chemical makeup of every type of kryptonite,” I said to the Life Entity.

“What’s kryptonite?” Tony asked.

“Superman and Superwoman are both from the planet Krypton. Which blew up and the chunks of their planet that can be found on DC universes Earths is called kryptonite. It comes in many colors and each color affects all Kryptonians in different ways. You need to make them all just as the Life Entity describes them to you. Also, this means you need to make a planetary location where Krypton once was.” I said to him.

“Next thing is that any Superman-related man or woman needs to be set in Kansas City, Kansas,” I said.

“WHY?!?!” the Life Entity demanded.

“I’m sorry. But for the most part, Marvel uses cities that can be found in the universe that it is only a comic book. So Metropolis and Gotham are out. But small towns and mystical places are in. So you need to make Smallville in Kansas and send his mother to Smallville. Within two hours outside of Kansas City, Kansas. And as for the Batman family, is Atlantic City alright for you?” I asked. The Life Entity reluctantly agreed.

“Next is Wonder Woman. Themyscira needs to be an uncharted island off of Greece. You can make it mystically hidden I believe?” I asked. And the Life Entity agreed with that.

“Then there is the Lantern Corps. You need to pick people with the qualities that each Corp needs. But then you, Life Entity, need to teach them the Oaths, how to power and use the rings.” I said.

“And for the time being you, two need to work together on this. This is because all of these guys deserve the respect or...fear that they had in there universe. You couldn’t do them justice alone. And you need to make sure he gets even the minor details right or makes a reasonable adjustment to what you have to adjust. And I have to be involved every time that these guys take to the main stage so to speak so I that I know that he got everything right.” I said.

“Alright.” they both said.

“Lastly this is directed at the three of you and S.H.I.E.L.D. need to keep an eye on them once they arrive,” I said to them.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone,” Steve said.

“Well...yes and no. The OLD S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone. But the NEW S.H.I.E.L.D. is very much alive and we are trying to avoid those potholes that the first didn’t. And we are trying to uphold to the standards that Peggy Carter set.” Skye said.

“She’s right about that Steve. We are trying to clean up the messes that HYDRA made right now.” I said to him.

“If you or S.H.I.E.L.D. puts one toe out of line, you'll have to deal with me,” Steve said to me.

“Why do we have to watch them?” Peter asked.

“That’s because the first six months will be tricky at best. Anything can trigger their memories and if that happens they might go off the rails, but if they make it this universe could be unique from every other Marvel universe or for that matter DC universe. We could have superheroes or supervillains that no one has ever seen before.” I said.

“Okay,” they said.

“Now can we be sent home or is there something else?” I asked.

“You can go now. And I’ll make sure he’ll listen to what you said David.” the Life Entity said.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Son, I know we may never have the relationship that most fathers and sons have. But one day I hope that we can have some kind of relationship,” he said to me. And with that, there was a blinding white light. And then Skye and I were back at the Playground. And we could only assume that Tony, Steve, and Peter were back where they started too.

* * *

“So that was your father?” Skye said coming up to me that night as I looked up into the night sky.

“Yup,” I said.

“You never told me about him,” she said.

“That’s because I didn’t know him growing up. Like I told you before, I was raised by my biological grandparents or should I say, my Mom and Dad. I never really thought about my biological parents much. Plus she was so sure that it was the guy that she had married who I didn’t like. So until I met him last year I thought the same thing as her.” I said.

“Why didn’t you tell me about him being a Beyonder?” she asked.

“Because I really don’t know what that means sometimes. And I hate what happens when I tell some people about it so I keep it to myself.” I said.

“And because what they did to the Marvel Multiverse,” she said knowing me too well.

“That doesn’t help,” I said.

“But it is nice to know that you got your love of comics from your father,” she said to me.

“Actually no I didn’t. I love comics because there is so much fun in escaping your day to day lives. It’s why I love Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Doctor Who, anime and even the Marvel comics and movies that made our multiverse. They’re great for escapes. And ever since I found out I was a mutant I needed that.” I said to her as I started thinking about some of the things that have happened to me.

“You talk a lot about this Super Sentai. Maybe you should let me join you when you watch it sometimes,” she said as she put my arm around her.

“I would like that,” I said giving her a kiss.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 10:05:16 PM by CaptainNinnin »


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