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Author Topic: Captain America: American ID  (Read 3104 times)


Captain America: American ID
« on: August 09, 2023, 07:33:03 PM »
This is a work of fiction; all characters and places are above 18 years of age and the intellectual property of Marvel studios.

Captain America: American Id.
Chapter 1

In the center of a dark warehouse, five men stood around a table lit by an overhead lamp. Four of the men wore black business suits, the head of an up and coming crime boss in New York with his three bodyguards looking over the goods presented on the table. Across from the table was a man wearing a full body hazmat suit, a representative of Advanced Idea Mechanics. His face was unreadable behind the black tinted face visor in the mask as he spoke.

“Gentlemen, I greet you on behalf of the AIM science and weapons division, I take it you’ve had a keen interest in purchasing some of our…”

 “Just shut the fuck up and show us what you’z got to sell alright?” Blurted the man in charge, straightening his tight with his ring encrusted fingers. Despite not being able to see the AIM representative’s face, the yellow clad man looked like he was breathing in before continuing.

“We have brought a collection of weapons that you may be interested in. Please tell us your feedback during the demonstration.”

Picking up a small pistol from the table, the AIM representative cocked back the trigger and stamped his foot on a pad on the floor, at that moment a trio of target dummies popped up not 30 feet away.

“This is one of our more popular items amongst buyers; standard 9mm pistol but the ammunition is made up of these.” Pulling out one of the bullets in the chamber, he let the thing get passed around, amused that one of the guards pocketed the circuitry etched bullet in his pocket, with no intention of returning it. “Memory bullets; you pick a target…” Aiming the pistol at one of the dummies, the man fired, boring a hole in the dummy’s head. “And the entire clip only hits THAT target no matter where you fire.” Waving the pistol wildly and firing out into the open, the group of men watched as each bullet whizzed and banked like tiny homing missiles to hit the exact same spot as the original, turning the dummy’s head into a perforated mess. Looking back at the guard who pocketed the bullet, the AIM representative aimed the pistol up and fired, the man screaming when the bullet shot out of the man’s pocket to join the others in the dummy’s head. “I said the entire clip!”

“YOU MOTHERFUCKIN…” Getting a wave from his chuckling boss to calm the guard down, the man nodded to the other items on the table. “What else you’z got?”

“Let’s go a little more shock and awe, shall we?” Hoisting what looked like a cattle prod with a trigger, the AIM arms dealer aimed it at the second dummy. “THIS is our patented neutrino taser, fire this at a target…” Pulling the trigger, the weapon fired a bolt of electrical energy at the dummy to the right, where nothing happened. “Wait a few seconds and…” The buyer and his guards backed off when the dummy exploded. “And you turn your target into a walking, talking hand grenade with a 5 second count down.”

Going over the entire list of items and weapons on the table, the demonstration continued until the buyer pointed to a vial on the table. “Hey, what’s that thing?”

“Hmm? Well now, THIS is a favorite back at HQ, it’s a… Wait a minute, this is the wrong vial!” Picking up the vial, the AIM arms dealer let the vial turn back and forth between his fingers. “This is something of a failed experiment by my peers, a bioweapon my superiors called they id-beast virus.”


“It’s design was to drop it in the middle of a warzone, a water supply, the backyard of a hated enemy and the infected would become indulgent rampaging monsters fueled by their id.”

“Their what?”

“Sigh… The id; the Freudian concept of the baser side of men and women that just want to indulge and act without consequence.” Pulling out a digital pad from his pocket, the AIM arms dealer scrolled down to the project to a series of drafts and pictures. “THIS is what they would have turned into had they reached a certain peak in their… Shall we say, indulgent roller coaster, they become this weapon state and the change becomes permanent.”

Looking down at the picture of the creature shown on the pad, the buyer whistled out loud, his bodyguards suddenly looking sheepish. “How much for it?”

“Oh, its not for sale sadly.”

“What? You think I cants afford it?” Barked the mobster, getting agitated at being denied.

“No, its because it doesn’t work! We ran dozens of tests and the subjects never reached their weapon stage, every time we tried to push it further, they just passed out from exhaustion, reverting to normal and having to start all over again. So many incinerated subjects…”

“So… How much for the REST of the table?”

“For all this I can sell for…”

A sudden crash from the sky light forced the men to look up just as three squads of SHIELD agents landed on the ground from grapple cables, followed by Black Window, Falcon and Captain America to join them at the ready.

“This is a bust, I want everyone on their knees with their hands over their heads!” Barked Steve Rogers, raising his shield ready to throw the thing as a discus. The AIM arms dealer slowly raised his hands and fell to his knees, as did the buyer and his crew, until he got up and grabbed the neutrino taser off the table. “FUCK YOU pigs! Aiming at the star-spangled hero, the man smirked and pulled the trigger, only to realise too late that he was holding the baton upside down when the charge went into HIM.

Realising what he did, the AIM representative kicked up the table and curled himself into a fetal position as the goons scrambled to run towards the SHIELD agents for safety.

“Awww, fuuuu…” The explosion sent everyone to reel back and guard themselves from the red paste of the man’s remains, the only one not painted in human goo was Captain America with his shield up.

Fifteen minutes later and cuffing the remaining men still huddled on the ground, the SHIELD team brought in the transports to have the men arrested while a clean up crew picked up what they could for evidence.

“I don’t think this stuff is going to come out…” Complained Natasha, being handed a towel and grimacing that her favorite cat suit was greasy with mobster remains. “If I were you, I’d I’ve get tomato juice to scrub out the smell.”

Giving Steve a screwed look on her face, Black Widow rolled her eyes and turned to leave, heading to the others to check their reports. As she walked away, Steve found his eyes trailing over her heart shaped rear as it swayed with each step. Shaking his head with a smirk, the boy scout in him cleared his mind and turn to check on the others when he heard something crack on the ground and a sharp pain stabbed at the arch of his foot. “Ow..” Looking down he found a broken vial of fluid under his boot, pulling up his foot he found a shard of glass had pierced the rubber soles and stuck his foot. Pulling the offending shard out of his boot, the man gave it a look over before calling for sanitation to clean up the mess, waving over a SHIELD agent wearing medical pins. “Give it to me straight, how bad is all this?”

One SHIELD agent holding the pad the AIM representative brought with him looked over to the ruined vial on the ground and checked the manifesto of items. “Please tell me this isn’t going to kill me.”

Finding the item on the list, the medical agent blinked at the item listed. “Uhm… No… if I’m reading this right, this stuff is deemed harmless to human life, just plants.”

“So what’s it doing at a weapons sale?”

“Scrolling over the list of desired items for the sale, the agent fell on an item that stood out. “Ah, according to this, that was SUPPOSED to be a bioweapon that turned plant life into man-eating fly traps, it has no effect on human life if it enters your blood stream.”

Letting a sigh of relief escape his lips, Steve lowered his boot to the ground and let the rest of the agents clean up the mess. After this whole event all he wanted to do is get cleaned up for tonight and just forget all about being splattered by a dead mobster… Tony would never hear the end of it! Back on board the SHIELD Helicarrier, Steve Rogers grimaced making his way back to his quarters and still wiping off the grease of the mob boss off his uniform. “I hope this comes out… The cleaners are going to have a nightmare with this.” Everyone he passed by gave the super soldier a look of disgust, pinching their noses to block out the smell.

Looking down at the pink paste that splattered across the star on his chest, Steve stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed he nearly bumped into someone in front of him. Looking up he found agent Sharon Carter guarding herself with a clip board and pinching her nose with her hand. “Oh! Sorry, mind the mess.”

“Peeyew… What IS that?!” Asked the blonde in front of him, pinching her nose to the smell Steve gave off. “What is that? Rotten hamburger?”

“It’s dead mob boss…”

Screwing her face in disgust, Sharon Carter quickly side stepped and passed down the hall. “You should really toss that uniform afterwards; I don’t think you’re gonna get that out.” Turning to leave, Steve found himself staring at the woman’s rear and long legs from her skin-tight SHIELD uniform, shaking his head and looking back down at his own suit, the man shrugged. “I don’t know… You’d be surprised what you can do with tomato juice.”

Making it back to his quarters and managing to take off the uniform and get cleaned up, the man had to scrub hard just to get the gunk off him. Fifteen-minutes later with a can of tomato juice and with a towel around him waist, Steve Rogers stepped out of the shower and sat heavily in the couch of his quarters, tired after the day’s events. “Man, what an ugly day, all I want to do is sleep.” Thinking back to Natasha’s skin-tight leather body suit with the top left partially open, Steve shifted in his seat. More than once he found himself staring at her toned physique or caught himself staring when she would bend over a table or counter, giving a full view of her cleavage or skin-tight rear. Then his mind wandered to Sharon Carter; his co-worker, again his thoughts falling to her figure, long legs, and blonde hair. His imagination got the better of him, Steve found himself fantasizing about the two women in bed, wearing the skimpiest underwear he could picture them in and gesturing to him to join them while they kissed. “Heh, what I wouldn’t do to sleep with…”

His eyes going wide and his heart booming in his chest, Steve lurched forward when he felt his cock suddenly spring to life under his tower. “Wha… Hnnngh…” The towel falling off his nude body, Steve looked down to find his erection throbbing painfully from his crotch. Grabbing hold of his length he tried to calm it down only to find the more he struggled with it the larger and longer it grew, until it was well past 12 inches in length and as thick as a beer can. “So hot!... Can’t think, need… Need…” Staggering away from the couch, the man never noticed a sheen of blonde fur sprout from his back, spreading down to his arms and legs and grow from his chest. A beard formed on his face as his hair grew longer and unkempt from his skull and brow.


Grunting like an animal, Steve’s muscles throbbed along with his booming heart, his finger and toe nails growing thick and sharp as he struggled to pump his massive cock in both hands, his testicles swelling to the size of apples as he was forced to stand bow legged. “Yeah… Fuck me some horny bitches until they cry out my FUCKING NAME!” Growling out with fangs growing from his upper and lower teeth, his ears grew to points and his nose flattening and bulged to merge with his eyebrows. Steve Rogers groaned out when he reached his limit and fired off a torrent of cum against the opposite wall of his quarters, spraying thick seed in a patch over the walls that dripped in thick droplets onto the floor. shivering once his orgasm had run its course and looked down at his hairy form.

Looking down at his clawed hands with a fanged smirk, the creature chuckled and looked around. “Free! Free at last from that fucking boy scout! Now its time for some REAL fun!” Stomping heavily over to the refrigerator nearby in the small kitchen, the beast flew the door wide open and grabbed at the first thing he could find, biting into the strips of raw bacon and lunchmeats. Biting into a head of lettuce, the creature spat out the leaves and tossed the offending vegetable over his head. With nothing left worth eating, the living ID of Captain America looked around and pumped at his still erect cock, wondering what else to do. Looking down at his arm he found the solid muscle and hair slowly begin to diminish, the claws in his fingers slowly returning to normal.

“Oh no you don’t, I’m riding this out longer.” Stomping out of his quarters and looking across the hallway to find it empty, the id beast sniffed the air and smiled a toothy grin. Running as fast as he could to the source of the scent that made his erection go stiff again. Storming through the hallways of the Helicarrier like some terrible monster, the creature that used to be Captain America sniffed the air and grinned, his fangs showing as he pumped his shaft to keep his arousal going. He was free; free of Steve’s dignity and self restraint, the id had completely taken over, and was trying to fight for every second it could get to stay longer.

“Grr… Come ON, where is she?” Sniffing the air again, the creature grinned when he made his way unseen towards Sharon Carter’s quarters. “Ah…’Sniff’, here we are.”


Sitting on her couch with a glass of bourbon in hand, Sharon Carter read the report in her other hand. Going over the details of the duty roster on the helicarrier while taking a sip. Finishing her drink, she was about to pour herself another when she heard a knock from the door to her quarters.

“Hey Sharon? It’s me… Steve, can I come in?”

Smirking to herself, Sharon got up to her feet with the bottle in hand and went to the door. “Only if you don’t smell like crap like last time.” Opening the door, she was caught off guard when a strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her in close, her mouth pressed up against a fanged mouth that darted its tongue into hers for a hungry kiss. Shocked and stunned, she almost did not know how to reach until she felt a strong hand grope at her ass and squeeze. Pushing away, she gave Steve a hard slap across the face, only to recoil when she got a better look at the fur covered beast man smiling a toothy grin back at her. Covered in thick honey coloured fur and grinning with sharp fanged teeth, the creature standing in front of her looked like some terrible wolf man. A hot blush forming on her cheeks when she looked down at the wine bottle sized cock bobbing at his crotch. His pointed ears darted back and his eyes sharp, leering back at her after rubbing the bruise where she struck him.

“Ooh! I LIKE it when you play rough!” Grabbing her by her waist, Sharon yelped when she was pulled in close again and felt the monster’s claws grab at the hem of her pants and rip them open to reveal her underwear before he ripped them clean off her.

“Get the FUCK off me, monster!” She yelled, punching at his barrel chest and broad shoulders, and making the beast smile wider. “Grr, fine! But you’ll be singing a different tune when I do this!” Dropping her to the ground, the monster grabbed hold of his still erect cock and began to beat himself furiously, grunting and snarling until he went rigid and grunted out his release, his cum spraying out in a deluge that splattered thick and lathered over Sharon’s face and into her mouth. Spitting out what she could, she was unable to expel all of it as much of it went down her throat. Looking up she found the monster grunt and growl, his body shaking as his muscles began to swell and grow larger, his teeth becoming more pronounced as more changes occurred, looking more savage than ever.

“You fucking animal, I’m going to kick your…” A sudden heat rushed through the blonde woman as she caught herself falling to her knees, so flushed with arousal she was forced to pry her top open until in desperation she practically ripped her shirt apart to free herself. With every boom of her heart, strawberry blonde fur began to spread across her skin, her ears growing into points as her mouth lolled with a moan of arousal. Staggering to her feet, they burst out of her shoes, peeling off her ruined shirt and pants as she grew bigger, stronger, and more curvaceous. Her thighs growing wider as her bra snapped, giving up trying to contain her now full DD cup breasts. Fully naked, the she-beast growled and roared out as an orgasm claimed her. “RRRaaaaaargh! What a rush!”

Looking down at the bottle of bourbon still in her clawed hand, the she-beast that was Sharon Carter smiled before downing the bottle into her open mouth, letting the excess spill down her furry body and larger breasts before they were captured in Steve’s mouth, licking up the bourbon just as she tossed the bottle aside. “That’s right, lick you fucking carpet muncher!”

“Oh you want me to munch carpet? Fine bitch!” Hoisting her off her feet and making the she-beast laugh out loud. The two collapsed onto the coffee table, destroying it under their combined weight as Steve dove between her legs and lapped away at her nethers, leaving her to moan and claw at his back and hair until he brought her to a second orgasm. The results making her shiver as her muscles throbbed larger still, her chest heaving as she grew two cup sizes larger and her thighs and rear swelled with new mass.

“Come here you fucker and FUCK ME ALREADY!”


2 hours later…

“Ugh… My aching head…” Slowly sitting up and looking around, Steve blinked his eyes heavily and looked around the room he found himself in, scratching his head in confusion. “Wait… THIS isn’t my room.” Sitting up, Captain America looked around and found himself completely naked, making him even more confused.

“Wow, what did I drink last night?” Called out a woman’s voice beside him. Looking over his shoulder he found Sharon sitting up along with him, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and meeting his confused stare on the floor. “What are YOU doing in my quarters?”

“What AM I doing in your quarters? And why are you naked?”

“Why are YOU naked?!”

Both agents looked at themselves and quickly turned away as they tried to find something to cover themselves up and get to their feet. Finding her clothes and quickly putting them on, while Steve found a spare towel, the two stood in the middle of Sharon’s quarters without an idea of how things led to where they were. The living room was in shambles with a destroyed coffee table and torn fabric that Sharon swore were her clothes from before, except she did not remember what ruined them or what led to what happened. “So…”

“Yeah…” Steve looked away bashfully, scratching the back of his head. “I think I’ll head to my quarters and try to figure out what happened.”

“Yeah, same here…” As soon as the man left, Sharon looked over to the small liquor collection she had near the kitchen. Picking up a bottle she sniffed the bottle cap to check if it had been opened or not. Looking down on the floor she did not see any glasses, broken or otherwise but she did find her bottle of bourbon left empty in the rubble.

“Maybe its time I cut down on the booze.”

Returning to his own quarters and bashfully holding a towel around his waist, the man finally made it to his personal quarters and closed the door behind him. The moment he did…

“What the hell happened here?”

Looking around his quarters to find a mess, Steve Rogers stumbled pass the emptied contents of the fridge scattered around the floor to get to his bedroom and get dressed. After putting on a clean pair of his costume and finding his shield, the man cleaned up his quarters, scrubbing down everything he could see… Which was essentially everything.

Getting a knock from the door, Steve opened it to find Natasha there waiting for him. Smiling back at the man as he held a couple bags of trash in his hands.

“Did I interrupt some spring cleaning?”

“I… I don’t know, I just woke up in Miss Carter’s quarters smelling of bourbon, can’t remember why I was there or… Never mind.”

Peaking over the man’s shoulder, Natasha noticed a few stains on his walls. “Looks like the party started here, didn’t think you for an angry drinker.”

“I don’t remember being able to get black out drunk!” Answered the man as he stepped outside his quarters to empty his trash in the nearest waste bin.

“Well if you want, I could have the SHIELD crew investigate your quarters, check out who trashed the place.”

Wiping his gloved hands, Captain America nodded, liking that option. “Okay good, maybe Sharon’s too, damned if I know how we ended up there.”

“Shame, I would have liked the details.”


Meanwhile, back in the quarters of Sharon Carter…

Sharon had quickly gotten herself cleaned up and dressed after waking up nude and on the floor with Steve Rogers hours earlier. Once that priority had been resolved, the next was cleaning up her quarters.

“Yuck! Please tell me this stuff is melted butter…” Complained the woman, scrubbing away at the waxy slime that was caked on the floor and walls. After she had cleaned out her ruined furniture and the waste from her emptied out fridge AND emptied all her liquor bottles down the drain, the woman was now cleaning off the rest of the damage to her quarters, finding quite a few stains that caked the floors and walls. It also did not help that her place still smelled of spilt bourbon and sweat.

Finally disposing the trash and getting herself ready for the meeting, Sharon walked down the halls to the main cafeteria, seeing as her personal stock of food had all mysteriously been consumed without her knowing it. Getting herself a plate of food, the blonde woman ate and was lost in thought. “What happened last night that had her and Cap black out like that? And who trashed her quarters? Was it an intruder? Was it HER?

“Feeling out of sorts?”

Hearing a voice snap her back to reality, Sharon looked up to find Bucky take the opposite seat of the table from her. A tray of his own filled with the day’s lunch option as he sat and picked at the bread on his plate.

“Yeah, had a REALLY weird night.”

“well, can’t be any worse than Cap’s night, he had a mobster explode all over him.”

“I know…  I could smell him across the hallway.” Smirked the woman, remembering bumping into the man still covered in red bits.

Looking across the table, Sharon found herself eyeing Captain America’s long-time friend, noticing the gruff scars and the metal prosthetic arm that fumbled with the spoon to his soup. She liked Steve; the man was so squeaky clean like his shield she swore she could see her reflection on his costume, but with the Winter Soldier there was a bad-boy image that she found attractive, especially the longer hair, five o clock shadow and… Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Sharon went back to eating her meal. Taking a sip from her drink and nibbling at her salad, Sharon tried to divert her attention to anything other than what she was looking at  just a few seconds ago. She was hoping for a distraction to help cut out her wandering imagination when she heard the overhead intercom chime in.


“Phew… Saved by the class bell.”

Joining the rest of the field agents of SHIELD and the Avengers on the Helicarrier meeting room, Steve and Natasha sat at the table just as Sharon and Bucky took their seats, along with Falcon, Songbird, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Captain Marvel and Thor. Standing at the head of the table, acting-director Maria Hill slapped the report on the table while showing holographic pictures of the thugs and AIM weapons dealer they arrested the day before.

“So, this is the third weapons sale we stopped in the last two weeks, AIM appears to be trying to get some funding for a big project of theirs, but so far the three culprits we arrested aren’t saying too much.”

“Not a good idea coming from a group that boasts they have ADVANCED ideas.” Chuckled Stark, sipping from his drink.

“We’re going to see if we can find more of these weapon peddlers to get the whole picture, but for now we’ve got nothing.”

As the woman continued her meeting with the SHIELD agents and Avengers, Steve’s eyes wandered between the copy of the report in his hands and Maria’s svelt figure in that skin-tight body suit she wore. The way it drew focus to her long legs and tight rear or the bulge of her bust at the front that looked like it would spill out so much as if she were to pull down the zipper. Shifting in his seat, Steve drew his attention back to the report and the list of items recovered from the raid, the image of the woman’s figure still in the back of his head even as he read the report. When the meeting was over, the group of agents and Avengers exited the meeting room and went their own ways, some returning to their posts while others made their way to the hanger to leave. Before Steve left the meeting, Mariah Hill called him to meet her in her office, leaving the pair to go down the hall and Tony to leer at her ass on the way out, sipping his finished drink and leave the glass on a garbage bin.

“So, what you got planned today Thor?” Asked Tony Stark swaggering out the meeting hall shoulder to shoulder with the tall Asgardian as they made their way to the hanger bay. Passing the airlock door, the two walked down the quiet runway where SHIELD staff prepped and checked on the nearby aircrafts.

“Aye, friend Stark, I intend to sample some of the mead being brewed at the local taverns in the city, they claim to be strong enough to rival the meaderies of Valhalla… I shall hold them to that blasphemous proclamation!”

“Ooh, a kegger, mind if I tag along?”

Laughing out loud and slapping Stark across the back, Tony was taken back when Thor slung him under his arm and swung his hammer in a circle in his hand. “No wait! Lemme…” Unable to finish the sentence, the hanger bay was filled with Tony’s cries when the two hurled out the bay doors like a rocket, darting out and down towards the city.


Following Maria Hill into her office, the man did not know what to expect when she told him to lock the door behind him.

“So, want to know why I brought you up here?” Asked the woman, leaning back against her work desk and reaching for a folder at her side. “Natasha requested a DNA check on the substances we found in your quarters, to see who had broken into your place and thoroughly trashed it.”

“Oh good, what did they find?”


Blinking in confusion, Captain America was handed the folder and the report made on the fluids the SHIELD research team came up with.

“Seems who ever decided to smash your place, eat your food and cum all over the walls and floors was… You.” Getting up from her spot, Maria moved up to almost press up against the man, glaring into Steve’s eyes. “So maybe you can explain why the squeaky-clean boy scout decided one night to turn his place into a fucking stable!”

“I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Well I do, because we found the SAME fluids in Sharon Carter’s quarters.” Stabbing her finger against his chest accusingly, Maria’s eyes narrows. “So, the macho Captain America better come up with an explanation fast or maybe I’m going to have to send him up to scrub the flight deck while we’re in mid-air!” Pressed back against the wall, Steve was forced to stare back at the smouldering glare of the woman as she pressed up against him, one finger jabbing his chest while the other rested at her hip with the report in hand. During those few seconds, Steve found himself staring back between her angry glare and down her neckline, which lead down to her tight form-fitting costume where he could just picture the curves of her chest.

Suddenly her eyes went wide and darted down when she noticed something jab against her leg. Finding a bulge tent at the man’s pants. “Are you getting a FUCKING ERECTION?!” Furious beyond belief, Maria sneered back at the man. “What? This shit turns you on?”

Caught off guard again, the woman felt a pair of strong hands grasp at her rear from behind and pull her in close, forced into a languid kiss that had the man stick his tongue into her mouth, the bulge at his waist suddenly feeling like it was getting bigger as it ground between her legs. Growling into the kiss, Steve Rogers grunted when he pulled away, his costume getting tight as his face began to sprout fur and fangs. “Damn right that fucking turns me on, some raging bitch in heat thinks she can give me orders?!”

Looking up, Maria was shocked to find Steve’s eyes become fierce, his teeth becoming sharp as his costume burst and tore open from his muscles growing too large for his cloths to contain. Hoisting her up and keeping her ground against his throbbing cock, Steve sat her onto of the desk and ripped open the front of her pants, exposing her underwear which he pried off easily.

“Heh, thought you’d wear a fucking thong!” Grunted the monster, sniffing at the red laced undergarments before eating them, then reaching for the front of his pants and rip open the front to free his now foot-long erection. Ignoring the woman’s struggling to get him off, the creature grunted out a roar when he thrust hard into her, making Maria arch her back from the sensation of being filled so fully. Beating her fists against his barrel chest as the front of the costume fell away to a furry blonde chest, the beast chuckled, grunting louder to increase his thrusts. She was going to kill him! Rip his balls off and shove them down his throat! Then a strange heat began to flush into the woman as she too felt her muscles ache and throb. Wrapping her legs around his waist, Maria moaned and growled. Fangs sprouted from her lips and black fur crept down her neck. Her gloves and boots tore and ripped open to reveal clawed finger and toes, shirking the offending garments off as she ripped open her suit to reveal her chest, her breasts growing larger and struggled against her red laced bra before Steve ripped it off of her. Her mind began to cloud, her sense of self restraint melting away as something else took control, something dark and base.

“Grrrraaaaaarrr… Is that all you have? I ride rodeo bulls that buck harder than you.” Smiled the she-beast, pulling Steve into another fierce kiss, raking her claws against his back, and making him jolt and tense up inside of her. “Come on! Fucking dominate me already you fucking limp-dicked boy scout.”

Roaring out like a bear, Steve erupted into the dark furred she-beast, her back arching from the sensation and shivering as she felt her own orgasm crash through her. Then they felt their bodies grow again; muscles throbbing larger as the hair on their bodies grew thicker. Steve grunted when he felt his ears flick on the sides of his head and his nose flatten into something almost feline. Maria did the same as she grew larger, basking in post coitus as her hips grew wider and her breasts swelled anther cup size.

Separating briefly, Mariah turned around and faced the desk, presenting her rear to the still aroused brute behind her. “Well? Come on! Fuck me!!!” Gasping into a laugh, the she-beast felt him thrust deep into her from behind, gripping her hips and ass possessively as she bucked back and forth on the desk, swiping the desk light and papers out of her way. Rising on her elbows and feeling her now E cup breasts swing heavily with each thrust, she gasped and purred when she felt the male behind her bite her shoulder, going tense again for a second time and sharing another explosive orgasm. Moaning, the two felt the surge of growth and change hit them again, each time they orgasmed, it triggered another bout of transformation, the two getting larger to the point that what scraps of their cloths remain on them snapped and ripped off, leaving them bare. Looking down at the she-beast he was balls deep into, the honey furred monster grunted when his fangs poked out of his sneering lips and his face push forward partially into a muzzle. He could feel her inner muscles squeeze and coax him to keep thrusting even as he saw her hips and ass grow rounder and push him back with their increased mass.

“More, MORE MOAR!”


After the meeting, Sharon Carter had gone to the exercise section of the Helicarrier, wanting to clear her head from the morning’s events. Getting changed into spandex workout cloths, she tied her hair back into a bun and stepped into the gym.

“What the hell happened this morning anyway?” She asked herself as she crossed down the gym to find several SHIELD agents in their off hours working out, her eyes wandering to some of the men lifting weights and getting a flushed look on her cheeks, before snapping her attention back to her thoughts. Did she invite Steve over to my place? Did he just show up? And why where they naked? Her thoughts ran over every possible idea but no matter how hard she tried; her mind came up blank. “Damn I need to quite drinking…”

“Hi Sharon, having a rough day?”

Turning her attention to the woman next to her, Sharon smiled when she found Bobbi Morse standing next to her with a yoga mat in her arm. “Yeah… Had a very weird morning.”

“How weird?”

“Waking up naked with Steve covered in booze.”

A little taken back, Bobbi smirked, grabbing Sharon’s hand and dragging her with her to one of the private rooms, grabbing a spare yoga mat from the rack and shoving into Sharon’s arms before locking the door behind her. “Girl! You have to share the details, what was he like?” Bobbi asked, unrolling her mat and putting on some music from a nearby MP3 player.

Unrolling her own mat on the ground, the two began to flex and shift, making stretches while Sharon thought about the morning. “Well… That’s just it, I don’t remember how he got in my room, neither does he really.” Breathing deeply and stretching her arms over her head, Sharon sighed, looking back to Bobbi to find the woman looked deflated by that revelation.

“So what? You both got shit-faced drunk and passed out?”

“Maybe… Neither of us know.”

“Huh… Shame, there are a few things I’d CERTAINLY would do in that position.” Smirked the blonde woman, twisting herself over her mat and reach down to touch her toes.

“Really? Like what?”

Rolling her eyes, Bobbi laid on her stomach and arched her back, watching as Sharon did the same. “Please… You act like your one of the only women on this ship that hasn’t thought about getting tangled up in the star-spangled boy scout.”

Thinking on that, Sharon did have to admit she found the man attractive, VERY attractive. Closing her eyes and sighing out another breath, Sharon found her mind wandering over the times she found herself staring at Steve’s arms, that barrel chest, his abs, his… “Hnnnnnngh…” Letting out a low growl, Sharon felt flushed, a wave of heat began to grow within her that couldn’t be ignored. Rolling onto her back, the woman began to grope at her chest and bring a hand down between her legs, the heat becoming more intense.

“Believe me girl, some of us have even considered dragging him into the lady’s locker room for some show-and-tell.” Commented Bobbi, her back turned to Sharon as she flexed and posed, stretching out her leg muscles. Hearing the woman groan behind her, Bobbi smirked and continued. “Heck if I were in YOUR position, I’d have had him riding him like a bronco horse for hours if he weren’t so timid.”

“You… You don’t say.” Hissed the woman, gritting her fanged teeth as her chest began to expand, blonde fur creeping down her neck and arms as her fingers and toes sprouted dark claws. Her muscles throbbed larger.

“Oh, for sure, I hope he isn’t taken, because there’s a line forming around the hall for who wants to spend a night riding HIS baloney pony, and I certainly want next in line.” Suddenly caught off guard, Bobbi found herself pulled back and rolled onto her back with her arms pinned over her head by Sharon Carter. The woman had become almost unrecognisable; Her nose had flattened and swelled with her brow into something almost feline, sporting pointed ears and sharp teeth in a wicked grin leering down at Bobbi like a cat that caught a mouse. Her strength was incredible, keeping her pinned easily to the ground. Her entire body was covered in honey blond fur and was completely solid with muscle, her massive chest threatening to tear the spandex top in half with her now melon sized tits pressing down against Bobbi’s modest breasts.

“Grrrr… He’s MINE! I saw him first.” Sneered the beast woman down at the struggling SHIELD agent. “But if you want to be second bitch you have to earn it.”

Kissing the woman hard, Bobbi’s eyes went wide when she felt a rough tongue dart into past her lips and explore her mouth and teeth. A clawed hand reached down and ripped away the bottom of Bobbi’s spandex gym suit where a pair of clawed fingers shoved themselves into her nethers. Growling into the kiss, the creature Sharon had turned into smiled down at Bobbi, watching her struggle and squirm against the bonds of just her one clawed hand. “SHARON! What… huh… What are you doing?!” Leaning back down to bite her on the neck, Bobbi cried out, arching her back when she felt a heat rush through her. Spreading over her entire body, Bobbi squirmed from the bite, her face going flush until her eyes went wide and her blue irises became slit and feline, her mouth yawning wide with teeth becoming pointed and sharp.

Renewing the kiss, the id beast grabbed hold of the spandex suit she wore and ripped it clean off, tossing the fabric to the side and doing the same to the woman transforming underneath her. “Hot! So hot! So fucking HOT!” Cried out the she-beast that used to be Mockingbird, finally let go, her hands instantly went to her now larger chest and down to join Sharon’s fingers in her pussy.

“Damn RIGHT I’m fucking hot! Now let’s put that tongue to good use…”


“Ugh… What, what the hell?” Slowly waking up and looking around, Maria Hill and Steve Rogers found themselves in her office, completely naked. Darting her eyes around her office, she found all her possessions smashed and ruined, papers covered in sweat and cum splattered across the floor and utterly unreadable. “What happened?”

“I… I don’t know.” Waking up himself, Steve looked around to find he and Maria on the floor leaning against the wall. Smelling the air, Steve looked down at the dark-haired woman in his arms as the two quickly separated. “Did, did we?”

“Did we?” Wondered Maria, scratching her head as she tried to cover herself. She couldn’t remember now. She remembered getting a report from the lab and calling Steve to her office, but after that? Nothing. Checking the time on the nearby clock on the wall, she was surprised to find that 4 hours had passed since she ordered Steve into her office. Just what did the two do for that time to wake up buck naked in each other’s arms? Looking around she found her office completely totalled, making the woman blink and shake her head. “Did I do this?”

“I wondered if I was the one who did it.”

Confused, the two got up and looked around for their clothes, shocked to find them torn into scraps. Going over a nearby locker, Mariah pulled out two spare SHIELD overalls for the two to get dressed in. Making his way to leave her office, Mariah grabbed his arm at the last second, a curious look going over her shifting eyes as she tried to figure out what happened for the last four hours. Pulling the man down, she pecked him on the lips, then closed the door between them.


Returning to his quarters, Captain America leaned against the door and shook his head, still not understanding what the hell had been going on lately. So far in the last 2 days he had two black outs. Was it the scratch he got on his boot? Maybe he had been stressed out lately? “Maybe I should see the physician, give myself a look over to make sure nothing is wrong.” Looking down at himself, the man winced as he tugged at the SHIELD standard issue coveralls Maria Hill gave him after the two woke up together. The stares he got from the other SHIELD agents were a little embarrassing as the man looked like the ship janitor after having tried to clean the piping, the stains under the cloths more than apparent.

“Then again… These black outs have been hitting other people too…” Thinking back he woke up with Maria, and Sharon the day before. “Maybe there’s a bug going around.” Shrugging his shoulders, Captain America went to the built-in washroom and pulled his clothes off, deciding to shower to clean off the mess he still had on him after waking up. After a few minutes of scrubbing off the dried sweat and fluids that stained his body, Steve wrapped a towel around himself and sat at the couch in his living room, yelping when he sat and found the frame had broken. “Right… Someone broke into my quarters.”

He was going to have to find some new furniture, which was a shame because he loved that couch. Sighing to himself and tugging the towel tightly over his waist, the man was distracted when he heard a knock at his door.

“Who is it?” He called out, waiting for a response.

“It’s Sharon, can you open up? I wanna talk.” Called the woman’s voice, along with a giggle and shushing sound that made him curious. Moving up to the door, the man made to open the door when it was kicked open, forcing the man back just as a large form jumped and pinned him to the ground. The sound of the door slamming shut behind it.

HELLO lover… Mmm, I LOVE that look in your eyes!” Purred the female creature looming over the prone man, her hands pinning his arms to his sides while her large breasts pressed down on his chest. Whatever it was, whomever it was, the creature smiled down at Steve like a cat that caught the canary, straddling his waist and grinding against his towel covered crotch. Her body weas covered in honey coloured blonde fur, where he could see was corded with wiry muscles strong enough to match him in strength, keeping him on the ground. Her eyes and nose were almost feline, along with the sharp fangs poking out of her lips and the long ears that tilted and swivelled when another creature saddled up next to her, nuzzling into the other’s shoulder and kissing her roughly, acting like a pair of wolves.

“Stop HOGGING him! You already had fun with him last time, its my turn.” Husked the other blonde furred beast woman, pouting her fanged lips.

“Shut the fuck up bitch, he’s MY man, you want him? You gotta SHARE him!” Prying the towel off his body with a single pull and tossing the garment across the room, the two female creatures smiled and laughed when Sharon grabbed hold of Steve’s shaft and began to stroke him, all while Bobbi claimed the startled man’s lips in hers, licking the roof of his mouth with her rough tongue. “Ooh, candied kisses! I just wanna GOBBLE you up!”

“Pin him down, I want some of this!” Taking Sharon’s spot pinning Steve’s arms down as he struggled to get free, Sharon lowered herself and began to lick and suck at his cock, coaxing it into hardness against Steve’s will. “G-get… Get off of me!”

“Ooh, I LOVE fighters! Their squirming makes me SO hot.” Purred Bobbi, letting her full G cup breasts dangle over Steve’s face.

“Hnngh… You… You GRRRrrrr… You want a FIGHT?!” Growled Steve, his teeth gritting and forming fangs, just as a sheen of rough blonde fur spread down his neck and chest, his corded muscles growing stronger and making him grow bigger. Thrusting against Sharon’s mouth, the she creature laughed and straddled his waist, aiming his now solid erection into her folds and sinking down on him, wailing as his cock grew and changed, his balls swelling larger as the rest of his body caught up. No longer needing to hold him down, Bobbi rolled to the side and let the male beast sit up and grab hold of Sharon’s waist possessively, her cries echoing in the room as the two got tangled in each other.

“YES! So good… Almost missed this, come on you fucker! FUCK ME!”

With a guttural roar, the male creature tensed and shuddered firing off into the she-beast who arched her back and presented her large tits to his face as an orgasm rocked through her body. The moment the two found release, they began to shudder, their bodies swelling larger with muscle and size. Looking over her shoulder, Sharon moaned and gasped when a tail grew out behind her, growing long and swishing back and forth.

“Me next, ME NEXT!” Hissed Bobbi, trying to tug Sharon off Steve only to be pulled in for a fierce kiss by the she-beast. “Fine… But I want another round.”

Biting her fanged lip and sliding off Steve’s cock slowly, the hairy brute grinned at the smirking she beast just as Bobbi scrambled to take her place. Rolling her onto her back, Bobbi laughed and wrapped her legs around him, raking her clawed fingers down his back as she felt him already thrust deep into her moist folds. Grunting and snarling, the male beast growled when he found his limit several minutes later, rearing back and firing off hard into the she beast who arched her back and howled. Shuddering again, the two swelled larger and stronger, a tail forming above Steve’s rear just as a tail poked out from under Bobbi.

“Grrr… Not enough!” Slowly separating from the panting, she beast who lay splayed out on the floor, the lumbering creature got up to his clawed feet and looked around, still pumping his cock to keep himself aroused. Even so, he could feel himself getting tired, loosing the pleasure high he was experiencing as his muscles began to relax and shrink. “Graaargh… FUCK! Gotta find a way to stay out longer, keep fucking!”

“Can’t… S-so tired…hmm…” Closing her eyes, Bobbi began to fall asleep, her body almost instantly beginning to shrink and transform back into her human appearance.

“This is fucking stupid.” Growled the brute, taking a swipe at the wall and knocking over a bundle of army pictures. “I finally get back out and I’m gonna go away again!”

“Yeah, FINALLY free of that prissy bitch and… And…” Fluttering her eyes, Sharon grew tired and slumped down, becoming too tired to stay awake. The moment her eyes closed her body began to change, becoming slimmer and leaner, her fur receding and her mutations disappearing.

“I’m gonna find a way to stay, and when I do, you can kiss that fucking boy scout goodbye!”


A few days later…

Since the meeting regarding the AIM weapons dealer sting. Steve Rogers continued to have this nagging feeling at the back of his mind. The black outs had been happening a lot lately, he had gone to the medical wing of the helicarrier but the best they could offer was fatigued related to the mission. Seemed he wasn’t the only one either. Sitting at the same table at the cafeteria, Maria Hill, Sharon Carter and Bobbi Morse ate their meals quietly. Each of them had made comments of strange blackout and had been put on temporary leave

“Has anyone else been having trouble with clothes?” Asked Bobbi, picking at her fries and looking to the others. Rolling her shoulders as her bra tugged at her back, the woman squinted.

“Kinda, I’ve also been having trouble with someone stealing all my food out of my fridge, so far its been three days in a row and I still haven’t found the asshole breaking into my quarters.” Huffed Director Hill.

“Same here… Every morning I find the fridge wide open and wrappers everywhere.” Nodded Sharon, pointing her fork at the director, then back at her meal.

“Ever thought you guys were sleep eating?” Asked Natasha as she joined the four at the table, a tray of food in her hands as she sat. Looking them all over, the Black Widow shook her head with a smirk. “I mean, look at you Bobbi, that’s like your third plate.”

“It is?” Looking down at her plate of fries and grilled chicken, she had not really noticed since she began eating with the others.

Picking at her salad with her fork, Natasha took a sip from her coffee and observed the others double check how much they have eaten so far. “Honestly, what have you four been doing that has been leaving you all starving in the morning?!” What she did not ask was why some of them looked thicker over the last week. Maria had the top of her costume open, exposing her neckline and noticing her bust seemed larger, as did her hips which seemed to take up more space at her chair. Bobbi and Sharon looked the same, like they had put on some weight over the week.

“Maybe… Maybe I had enough.” Nodded Sharon, sliding her plate away from herself and simply drinking from her water. Her cleavage showing in her half open suit top as she bent to take a sip.

Bending forward with a smirk, Natasha made sure she wasn’t overheard by the rest of the cafeteria. “By the way, Nick Fury is FURIOUS! Seems someone trashed his office and took a dump in his trash bin last night.”

“Hey! I’m eating here!” Complained Maria, shaking her head and pushing her own plate forward, her appetite now gone.

“These activities have been getting worse, have they found a culprit yet?” Asked Steve, suddenly realising he was staring down Nat’s top and quickly darted his eyes away. Smirking up at the man, Natasha noticed and bit at her salad. “No, not yet.”

Getting up from her seat, Maria Hill huffed and waved off the other agents. “I’m heading to the gym; I suddenly feel like I need to work off lunch now.”

“Same here, I’ll come with you.” Answered Bobbi, getting up from her seat and leaving with the other woman. Looking up, Steve found himself drawn to their curves as they walked out the door to exit through the hallway.

“I think I’ll head back to my quarters, still have a lot to clean up.” Exiting the table, the woman left Steve and Natasha to eat alone, the man slowly inching himself away out of embarrassment when the red-haired woman leaned towards him with a sly grin.

“SO! Since when do THEY sit with you hmm?”

“Recently really… There were a couple times we woke up together after blacking out, its been going around lately.” Taking another bite of his food, Steve kept his eyes diverted away from his co-worker, finding every time he didn’t, his eyes found themselves looking down at the v-cut of her top, or her backside as she leaned down with a coy look back at him, obviously teasing him.

“Well, between you and me, you’ve been pretty popular lately, I’m starting to think you’ve been making yourself available.” Giving the man a sly look, Nat smiled more widely when she spotted a blush on Captain America’s face. Taking another bite of her salad, the woman giggled when Steve stood up and took his tray with him, making an awkward attempt to walk away and hide the fact that he was not affected by her proximity. Watching him leave, Nat finished her salad, getting ideas on how to capitalise on some more fun with the man.

Making his way into a men’s washroom, Steve Rogers found himself panting as he gripped at the sink in front of him. Looking up at his reflection, the man squinted when he thought he found his eyes changing. Dizziness overtook him when he felt his muscles throb and tense, the tent in his pants becoming painfully tight as his erection threatened to burst the zipper. “Hnnnngh… What… What’s happening… to ME?” He growled, his fingernails growing sharp as blonde hair grew up his arms. Gritting his teeth, fangs formed, and his ears grew to points. Shifting his feet, his shoes burst just as the front of his pants ripped open and his foot-long erection finally sprung free, growing to over a foot in length and getting harder by the second. Looking back at his face one last time, Steve suddenly fell back and collided with the wall behind him, jacking himself off until his eyes went wide, and his grimace turned to a smirk.

“THANK you, Natalie, you slinky Russian minx you.” Chuckled the id-beast, finally free and in control of Roger’s body. Still jacking himself off, his body continued to swell and change, becoming stronger the longer he pleasured himself.

“Just you wait, you and I are gonna get REAL acquainted!”


Making her way down where she spotted Steve Rogers run to, Natasha smirked as she already knew the man would have run to the washroom after spotted the tent in his pants. Leaning against the door frame of the men’s washroom and cross her arms under her chest, Natasha tapped the back of her hand against the locked door. On the other side of the door, the woman could hear heavy breathing and grunting, almost as if the man were struggling with something. “Hey Steve, are you doing okay in there?”

“Hnngh… H-hey Nat, I’m having hnng… Having some trouble here, can you help me out?”

Rolling her eyes, Natasha did not know what was going on inside, but it did sound like the man was in a lot of pain. “Alright, just unlock the door.” Hearing the click, Natasha stepped inside and closed the door. The moment she did, she realised the room was pitch dark. “What happened?”

“Damn light hnngh, went out, now I’m stuck here with my zipper caught.”

Reaching out into the darkness, Natasha found it difficult for her eyes to focus. “Where are you?” Gasped, she felt him press up against her, pinning her against the wall and began kissing her deeply. His hands roaming over her back and down to squeeze at her rear possessively. Moaning into the kiss, Natasha was surprised by how bold the man was, never once believing he had it in him, but since she was the one that coaxed and teased him, she went with it. Feeling him kiss his way down her neck and into her cleavage, she sighed and leaned her head back as he unzipped her top and roughly pulled her cat suit down her shoulders to free her arms. Shirking off the catsuit down her smooth legs, the woman moaned and giggled feeling him cup and lick at her stiff nipples in the dark.

Letting her own hands roam over his back as he fell to his knees and began to lick between her legs, Natasha gasped, hoisting one of her legs over his shoulder to give him more room, and was surprised at how hairy he was. “Wha… What has gotten IN to you…?” Black Widow husked, feeling his tongue dart into her pussy to lap at her juices, and gasped when the grip on her thighs tightened. Feeling him stand and kiss her fiercely once again, she was left off guard when he hoisted her leg up again around his waist and thrust deep into her folds, bucking into her fast and hard.

Wrapping her arms around his hairy shoulders, Natasha moaned and bit her lip as his thrusts rocked through her. Feeling her other leg lifted off the ground, she wrapped both legs around his waist and arched her back, feeling him go harder and with more intensity. It was not long until she felt him go rigids and bite down on her shoulder, making her cry out as an orgasm crashed through her, along with a torrent of hot cum fire into her nethers. Panting and sweating, Natasha moaned and lolled her head back, basking in post coital bliss. “Wow!... Who knew the boy scout had it in him…”

Suddenly the lights came back on and Natasha squinted her eyes to the intense light, just before they went wide with horror. Leering back at her with feline eyes, the bestial Steve Rogers grinned back at her with fanged teeth and thrust into her deeper to keep her from moving. “Sorry Nat, the boy scout isn’t here right now!”

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!” Screamed Natasha as she tried to struggle free, squirming and flailing under the creature’s grip, and finding him inhumanly strong. Then she stopped if only because she felt him began to shudder, his eyes closing as his muscles began to throb larger, growing stronger by the second. She even felt his cock inside of her increase in length and girth as the changes progressed, a tail sprouting behind him and his ears changing shape to triangular points. “MONSTER! Get off of me!”

“Nope, believe me slut, your gonna sing a different tune in just a minute!”

Not understanding the monster’s taunt, Natasha tried to free herself and found him to be even stronger than before. Then she felt it, a rush of heat flow through her just as her heart began to pound in her chest. Every muscle in her body felt like they were on fire as they began to surge with strength, growing firmer and stronger. Her skin going flushed as red fur spread up her arms and legs and up her neck. Yawning her mouth open, her teeth turned to fangs and her ears grew to points. Chuckling at the changes, the ID-beast felt her breasts swell larger, pushing his chest back to make room. When the changes finished, the she-beast yowled in arousal, gripping his back with sharp clawed fingernails. Leering up at Steve with feline eyes and a feral grin.

“So Nat, whatcha wanna do?”



At the gym…

Breathing hard and getting exhausted hitting the punching bag, Agent Coulson stepped back and caught his breath, leaning down to prop himself up with his hands at his knees. Having been working out for the better part of an hour or more, the man slowly regained his strength and stretched a bit to get the stiffness out of his limbs. Moving to his towel, the man found himself eavesdropping on some of the other SHIELD agents working out, some complaining of having fatigue after hours or even black outs. He didn’t suffer from that himself, but he did hear that the medical teams told them all to stay on the ship just in case it gets off into the mainland so they could find a cause. At the very least he had not heard of anything serious, but the complaints had been increasing over the last couple of days.

Smelling under his arm, Coulson winced and wrapped his towel around his neck, making his way to the steam room to get cleaned off.

Heading into the steam room, the man undressed and wrapped his towel around his waist, entering the enclosed space and taking a bench in the steam thick room. The steamy mist was so heavy he could not even see a foot in front of him. Leaning his head back against the wall, Coulson sighed and let the moisture in the air relax his muscles. Leaning back, his eyes slowly opened when he thought he heard kissing from across the steam room, followed by giggling.

“Hey! Is anyone else in here?”

Hearing the giggling again, he swore he saw a pair of blurry forms in the fog, hearing them whisper together before hearing one of them answer back.

“Coulson? Is that you in here?” Called out Maria Hill, her voice sounding somewhat deeper, like she had a cold. A little embarrassed, the man bundled his towel tighter across his waist and tried to get up to leave, when he heard the steam room door click, being locked.

“SORRY! I didn’t know this was already occupied; I’ll leave.”

“Oh, don’t leave handsome, please stay.” Purred another voice he thought sounded like Bobbi Morse, but she too sounded a bit deeper. “We’ve been in here a while trying to get… Hot.”

“Yes, but now that You’re here, we might get that.”

“Get what?” Asked Coulson, slowly making his way through the thick steam to see the two women. Only to find himself ambushed and pinned to the warm stone floor by a pair of creatures that smiled with fanged teeth down at their prey. “Get Hot!” Looking up, he found Maria Hill and Bobbi Morse, or what used to be the two women smiling down at him, covered in fur and sporting larger physiques and curves. Their strength was inhuman as they kept him pin despite his struggles. He felt a clawed hand grip at his towel and pull it off him, throwing the towel across the steam room with a giggle.

“You won’t be needing THAT!”

“So sister, heads or tails?”

Grabbing hold of his growing erection and giving him a fierce stroke, Bobbi purred before lowering herself and shoving Anthony’s legs apart, positioning herself at his crotch. “Tails!”


Re: Captain America: American ID
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2023, 07:33:57 PM »
Captain America: American Id.
Chapter 2

“Is everyone paying attention?” Asked acting director Abigail Brand, frowning as the group of SHIELD agents stopped whispering and paid attention to her report. The woman repositioned her green tinted glasses and huffed in annoyance as she went over the reports of the still active SHIELD agents from todays briefing. She had taken over for Maria Hill when the woman started showing the same black outs the rest of the crew had been suffering from. With a posed look and wiping down her one-piece uniform, the woman looked over the members at the meeting and continued.

“Well, seems we’ve cracked down on two more weapon sales from AIM in the last week, AND managed to capture a few more of their crew to get answers, though we would have had MORE if ‘the all mighty’ Thor hadn’t used his damn hammer to flatten the last sting.

“Tis a pleasure to assist Lady Brand!” Boasted the giant man at the back of the meeting, hefting Mjolnir over his head triumphantly.

“Right… We’re still interrogating him for answers but so far he’s pretty tight lipped.”

Looking around the meeting room, Brand frowned in frustration as whatever bug had been getting to the staff had pretty much given her the B and C teams of the SHIELD staff to work with. Then something caught her attention, or more specifically someone NOT present for the meeting.

“Where’s Natasha Romanov?”


“Ow… My aching head.” Rubbing the ache out of her eyes, Natasha sat up and looked around, blinking sleepily. She found herself naked and sweaty on the tiled floor of the men’s room… Realising this by the urinals on the wall. Looking down she wrapped an arm around her bust and a palm at her crotch while she looked around for cloths, finding only tattered remains to her cat-suit and gear on the floor. “What the hell?”

“Sigh… Not again…” Sitting up and shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, Steve looked around and found himself on the floor just as undressed as Natasha, looking around for anything to cover himself with as he staggered to his feet, covering himself as Natasha did leaning against the sink.

“Is THIS what you guys have been going through?!” Wondered a baffled Black Widow as she looked down to find her clothes in shreds, picking up her one-piece suit with confusion to find the seams ripped open like it had burst.

“Yeah, and from what I’ve been told, its been spreading.”

“How long have we been out?”

“I don’t know… Usually goes on for hours.”

Frowning at that admission, Natasha brazenly walked over to the locked door of the washroom and unlocked it, opening the door a crack to look outside. From her vantage she found the hallway empty and the running lights of the hall showed that it was the night hours. Closing the door and locking it again, Natasha spun around and crossed her arms. Forcing Steve to avert his eyes to avoid seeing her nude.

“Oh, get over it Steve, you’ve seen me like this before.”

“Not in THIS situation!”

“Right…” Rolling her eyes, Natasha looked around, trying to figure out what happened to the two of them. She tried to remember what she could before she blacked out but all she got was her playfully following Steve to the washroom, then nothing. “What did we DO in here all this time?”

“I don’t know… Are you hungry?” Steve asked, finding himself feeling starved, despite his last memory being at the cafeteria.

“Yeah, me too.” Looking down at herself, Natasha noticed she was practically sticky with sweat. Lifting an arm to her nose, she gave herself a sniff and frowned.


Looking back at Captain Rogers, Natasha maintained her frown and moved up close to the man, forcing him to lean back against the wall as she came uncomfortably close and began to sniff at his neck and chest. Then a look came over her, like she had figured out something. “We had sex.”


“Like… A LOT of sex!” Looking down on the floor, it just dawned on her that there were puddles of sweat and other fluids mingled with their ruined clothes on the tiled floor. “Yeah, we bumped into each other, and had sex until we passed out.”


“Why indeed… Didn’t think you had it in you boy scout.”

Rubbing the bridge of his nose with his free hand while his other still covered his privates, the man was for a loss for words. But now that he thought about it, it made WAY too much sense now, especially how he kept waking up with one or two others in the same position as him. “So… What do we do?”

“What I’M doing is getting out of here to get a shower and get changed! Then I’m informing the medical bay.” Picking up what she could, the woman tried to make herself presentable with what was left of her clothes. Looking over her shoulder down at Cap as he rummaged for scraps of his cloths and grimacing at their condition, the woman found herself staring at his physique, her nostrils flaring as his scent still filled her senses. Natasha then found herself turning to approach the man again, catching him off guard when she nearly pressed up against him again and kissed his lips, lingering there until she pulled away.

“Next time… My place.”

Unlocking the men’s room door, Natasha stepped out in what could best be called a strap bikini with what remained of her suit, leaving the man to stand naked in the men’s room still stunned by the kiss. Picking up the pieces of his clothing and bundling it up in his arms, he was caught off guard again when the door opened and Tony Stark stepped in, whistling to himself as he went to the sink and washed his hands. Stopping when he looked up at the mirror, the man slowly turned to find a naked and bashful Steve Rogers looking back at him.

“Hey Cap, Catch you at a bad time?”



The next day…

With another meeting over, Bucky Barnes stepped out with the rest of the remaining agents. He was informed that he would be the one to lead the next raid on the weapons deals being made by AIM in NY, if he was lucky, he might be able to dissuade the criminal group from doing any more dealings in the city. Still the strike was not until tomorrow or so the sources said. If that was the case, he wanted to head back to his quarters and get prepared.

Making his way down the corridor back to his place, he paused when he heard a crash in a nearby storage room. Seeing the door slightly ajar, the Winter Soldier checked to find that the lock had been smashed with incredible force, like it had been broken open with a sledgehammer, a sledgehammer that left finger indentations on the metal. Getting his side arm ready, Bucky silently opened the door the rest of the way and stepped inside, keeping his eyes peeled as he heard rummaging deeper into the dark room.

“Aright, I don’t know who you are, but I think a few days in the brig will help you see the error in your…” Caught off guard, Bucky was slammed against the wall and his pistol swatted out of his hand by a claw. “What the hell?!” Pinned with his back to the wall, Bucky found himself staring eye to eye with some creature, smiling back at him with fanged teeth and pressing up against him. Darting his eyes around he looked down to find the masses pressed against him were actually a pair of furry breasts the size of ripe melons.

“Oooh, another tasty morsel? I hope you’re CREAM filled!”


Sitting in his quarters and going over the paperwork from the meeting he could not attend, Steve Rogers drank from a mug of coffee when he heard his door ring. “Come in.” Hearing the door open, he was surprised to find Sharon Carter enter his quarters, a strange look on her face as she stood almost fidgeting at the door. “Hello Steve, mind if I come in?”

Shrugging, he moved aside and offered her the other side of the couch while he went over paperwork. Sitting down, the woman leaned forward and looked at the stack of papers splayed out on the new coffee table. “I’m curious, do you remember that day when we… Blacked out in my quarters?”

“Yeah, why?”

Turning around slightly, Sharon pulled up her long hair to expose the back of her neck. “Do you see a scar behind my neck? An old one?” Guiding his hand, Steve was a little taken back by how gentle she was being, pulling his hand to press his fingers behind her neck to touch her skin. Feeling the area at the back of her neck, Steve shook his head. “No, I don’t see a scar there, no.”

“Neither do I, nor did the examiner when he gave me a physical to find out why I’ve been having black outs.” Pulling up the sleeve of her right pant leg, the woman exposed her ankle, rubbing her fingers over smooth skin. “I SHOULD have a nasty scar here too, one I got when I was attacked by a dog when I was eight.”

“What do…” Before he could ask his question, another knock at the door stopped him. “Come in?”

Seeing the door open, the pair were surprised to find Maria Hill and Bobbi Morse sheepishly enter the room, now finding it surprisingly crowded with the four of them there. “Uhm… Hi, can we come in?”

“S-Sure, I don’t have a lot of seating.” Getting up, Steve offered his side of the couch like a gentleman to the two women as he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. Joining Sharon at the couch, the two looked to each other and back at Captain America.

“I think there’s something weird going on with us.”

“Yeah, agent Carter was just showing me.”

“You mean you’ve got missing scars too?” Asked Maria surprised, undoing her jacket and showing off her bare shoulder to the other three. “I got a bullet wound in the shoulder a few years back, but after our blackout together it disappeared.”

“Wait a minute… Together?”

Redoing her jacket over her shoulder, Maria Hill stood up from her seat and moved to stand next to Steve, crossing her arms and eyeing the man before answering. “We blacked out together in my office, I don’t know what happened, but we woke up in my office naked and my office was trashed.”

What did you two do?” Asked Bobbi, blinking back at the two standing against the wall.

“We had sex.” Answered Steve, making the three women look at him in shock, even Maria was taken back but deep down she had considered that was what happened. “Natasha and I woke up in the men’s room together yesterday, she concluded we had sex together… For like four hours.”

“Four hours?”

“Wow… Pff, might explain why you blacked out then.” Chuckled Bobbi, leaning back in her seat and elbowing Sharon at her side. “Heck, remember when the THREE of us woke up here naked? If we were fucking for that long, it must have been one hell of a night!”

“You had sex with THEM too?!” Asked Maria sharply, her hand waving to the pair on the couch while her other hand was at her hip, glaring up at Steve, looking almost hurt.

“I… I don’t know, maybe?”

“What do you mean MAYBE?” Accused Maria Hill, her eyes narrowing and her hands at her hips while she looked up at Steve Rogers in a cold tone of voice.

Taken back, Captain America leaned against the wall while being scrutinized by the former SHIELD director. Scratching the back of his head and keeping his eyes from looking into hers, he had never seen her like this, it was almost like she was jealous. “Well… It’s hard to say really, every time it happens, we black out.”

“Shame really, would have LOVED to remember that night together.” Piped in Bobbi before she got a cold stare from Maria and quickly went quiet.

“So what? What we had was not special for you? You had to go off and screw half a dozen other women too?”

“W-well now wait a minute, I didn’t remember ANY of those incidents.” He waved his hands defensively even as the woman looked angrier for it. “Besides, you didn’t remember that black out either.”

“Yes, Miss Hill, NONE of us remember anything.” Stood Sharon, trying to deflate the situation before it got more heated. “If we did, we’d know by now WHY these black outs were happening.”

Crossing her arms and tilting her stance with her hip out, Maria Hill darted her eyes between the two women at the couch and the man still fidgeting at the wall trying not to look like the bad guy in all this. For a moment, the three thought she was calming down before she stormed over towards Captain Rogers and slapped him across the face. “THAT’s for fucking me in my office, asshole!” rubbing his sore cheek, the man never had a chance to make a complaint when Maria grabbed him by the hem of his button shirt and pulled him down face to face. “And THIS is something you WILL remember.” Kissing the man hard, Steve’s eyes went wide as well as Sharon and Bobbi’s, seeing their director make out with Captain America after slapping him in the face. Struggling to pull himself free from her grip, Steve was not sure how to stop this.

When he tried to pull away, Maria’s kiss became fiercer, her tongue darting into his mouth to explore the roof of his mouth and teeth as she moaned out a growl. “Miss Hill, please! You’ve made your point.” Cried out Sharon as she pulled at Maria’s shoulder to make her stop. Pulling away from the kiss, everyone was shocked when they looked up at the woman’s face as she sneered back at the two women with her feline eyes and fanged teeth.

“FUCK OFF! HE’S MINE!” She growled before she began to go into convulsions, staggering away from the shocked man as her body began to grow and change. A sheen of black fur began to spread over her bare arms and up her neck, her muscles throbbing and growing taut with increased strength by the second. Her chest expanded, making her blouse tight to contain her swelling breasts and heaving chest. Eventually her shoes burst open to free her clawed feet, the ankles to her dress pants splitting open to free her stronger legs while her jacket split open at the back. Standing over 6 feet tall, Maria Hill looked like an animal woman, looking down at her tattered clothes and ripping them off with one clawed hand with ease, exposing her muscular physique and ample curves underneath a layer of dark black fur. “I SAW HIM FIRST FLOOZIE, YOU CAN HAVE HIM WHEN I’M DONE WITH HIM!” She growled, her pointed ears flicking as she leered back at Steve, wanting to finish what she started.

Backing away from the beast woman, Steve looked for anything to defend himself with while Maria smiled darkly. “Awww… What’s the matter Stevie? Where’s that stud that fucked me for hours in the office, bending me over my desk and calling me his bitch in heat?” She breathed, purring like some jungle cat. Blandishing her clawed fingers, Maria lunged for him and pined him against the adjacent wall, her strength was inhuman as she hoisted him off his feet. “Then again you DID need a little coaxing, maybe THIS will get you in the mood.” Grabbing the hem of his pants, Steve squirmed as Maria groped at his manhood possessively.

Struggling as best he could, Steve looked face to face with the leering creature, her black lips pulled back to reveal sharp teeth and a feline nose, her eyes still retained their green colour but now they were slit and thin. Whatever Maria had turned into she had become powerful, dangerous… And Salacious. That is until…


Looking over her shoulder, the ID beast of Maria Hill spotted Bobbi Morse holding up the remains of the glass ashtray in her hand, now a pile of glass chunks slipping through her fingers. Looking down at the chunks, Maria chuckled before her eyes rolled back and she collapsed onto her back, letting Steve go and having him drop to his feet, completely shocked by the turn of events as the trio gathered around the unconscious beast woman. Stirring after being hit, the large she-creature began to shrink back down to normal; her fur disappearing as her muscular frame became lean and slim again, her wide hips and large chest receding back along with the claws on her fingers and toes. When the changes had finished, she had returned to human form, her eyes fluttering while unconscious.

“So, I guess we got an idea of what we’ve been doing then.”



“Augh… My aching head…” Complained Bucky, slowly getting up from his prone state and looking around to see where he was. Seeing the dim lights and the empty containers and wrappers on the floor, the man was a little surprised that he found himself naked on the floor in one of the many storage rooms of the Helicarrier. “Okay…”

Hearing a swoon next to him, Bucky turned to the source and found a naked woman sleeping next to him. Daisy Johnson; the SHIELD agent Quake stirred in her sleep, completely naked on the cold tile flooring.

“Hey, get up, I think we…” Looking down at his left hand as he tried to stir the woman awake, Bucky stopped dead in his tracks, looking down at his very real and fully regrown LEFT arm!


30 minutes later in the medical bay…

“Okay… This is impressive.” Stated Tony Stark as he and several medical and science experts checked on Bucky Barnes sitting up on a bed in the medical wing of the Helicarrier. Thankfully given a fresh pair of clothes and rubbing an itch at his left shoulder as he sat looking up at the half dozen researchers looking over his severed mechanical arm and back to him. Looking over the cybernetic limb in both his hands, Tony found the thing still had its neural ports intact with no damage at all, almost like it simply… popped off Bucky’s shoulder stump when he grew a new arm to replace it. Turning to the man, Stark looked at the freshly grown limb and asked. “Does it hurt?”

“It itches…” Answered the Winter Soldier, scratching his shoulder again then turning his attention to Quake who was sitting beside him, the doctors giving her a check up after she and Bucky had stormed into the medical bay in the nude with the woman in his arms about an hour ago. “So, you two have NO memory of how you woke up in the storage bay together?” Asked one of the doctors checking over Daisy Johnson, the woman shrugging her shoulders and making a face of confusion.

“Last I remember was going into the steam room after a workout, then… Waking up in the storage bay with Agent Barnes over here.”

Gathering with the other doctors in the room, the lot looked skeptical to each other when they traded notes. “These blackouts on the ship were trivial at first but THIS?! I think we have something serious on our hands.”

“I presumed it was mono...”

“Mono? Really?!” Pulling away from the group, Tony Stark brought his hand to his mouth to call out to the others in the medical. “CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHO HIRED THIS QUACK?”

“That’s uncalled for Mr. Stark.”

“That TIE is uncalled for pal; burgundy should ONLY be used by car salesmen and funeral directors.” Shaking his head, Tony stepped over to agent Johnson who sat up on her bed only to be surprised when Iron Man took her samples from the doctor and brought them over to a table where the rest of the doctors gathered. “Honestly, Fury and I are going to have a chat after this.” Pulling a device from his pocket that looked like a metallic cube the size of a gold ball, the metal cube unfolded and began to show a 3D holographic display where the man waved his fingers through it like a keyboard. “Friday? Can you do a scan of these saliva samples?”

“Sure thing, boss.” Answered the disembodied AI. “Checking to make sure you didn’t get something at the bar last night?”

“Heh, cute, what have you got for us?” Going over the tissue samples, Stark and the doctors went over the cell and DNA work, finding much of it came back negative save for an increase in hormone activity. “Hmm, well, THAT’s not helpful, what’s with the amygdala?”

“Unknown Mr. Stark, by the looks of her bio read-outs her dopamine levels skyrocketed hours ago then went dormant.”

“That’s about the time of her black…” Waved off and shushed by Tony, Iron Man answered for him. “Yes, thanks Burgundy, looks like she was on cloud nine for a while then crashed.” Turning his attention to the confused woman, Tony could not help but smirk. “Whatever you two did together it must have been one hell of an explosive orgasm! The last time I took that much dopamine was back in college.”

Turning bright red, Daisy tried to hide her face in her hospital gown while Bucky just blinked back at the man’s total lack of tact.

Then they were all surprised when the door was opened, and four individuals stormed into the medical bay. The doctors finding Steve Rogers holding a nude Maria Hill in his arms, the woman wrapped in a bed blanket while Bobbi Morse and Sharon Carter were in tow behind him. “Do you have any space doctor?” Captain America asked just as he was led to a spare bed and placed the woman on top of the mattress, Maria moaning softly as she was carefully put down.

“What happened to her?” Asked Tony, looking down at Maria Hill still wrapped in a blanket while the rest looked around.

“We came to speak with Steve after we found out some scars were missing, then when Miss Hill found out we had… Well, sex when we blacked out, she got jealous and made out with Captain Rogers.”

“Yeah… Then she turned into a scary animal woman and tried to rape him until we knocked her out.”

Making a face, Tony looked down at the woman and back at Steve Rogers, spotting small scratch marks on his shirt and pants. “Huh…Kinky.”

Frowning, Captain America approached Iron Man in disappointment. “Tony, try to be serious about this, what if ALL these black outs are from people turning into what Director Hill had turned into? Who knows how many… STARS AND STRIPES! Bucky, you’re arm’s back!”

“My goodness, you’re right!” Gasped Sharon, joining Steve at Barnes’s bed to look at the bald and freshly grown arm. “It’s incredible, how does it feel?”

“It itches…”

“How did it happen?”

“Dunno, I blacked out with Quake and woke up like this… Wait, you’re telling me she and I had sex?” Trading looks, Daisy’s complexion turned redder as she tried to hide herself in embarrassment.

Watching the group, Tony shook his head, his arms crossed before he turned back to the doctors in the room. “Oh well, priorities I guess, lets see how we can fix this mess.”


3 hours later…

“This had better be GOOD Stark!” Huffed acting Director Abigail Brand, glaring back at the man after he had called for her to meet him in the brig. Standing in the middle of the brig with her arms crossed, the tall woman looked around to find each of the five holding cells occupied. “And why are THEY in there?” Demanded the green haired woman, pointing towards Steve Rogers, Carter Hall, Bobbi Morse and a groggy Maria Hill in the remaining cells, stirring awake and rubbing her head and wearing a hospital gown.

“Funny you should ask because I think we may have found out WHY people have been having black outs and you’re not gonna like it!”

“That doesn’t explain why you have three of my agents and Director Hill in the brig.”

“Actually… We asked to be put in here, just in case we might be dangerous.” Replied Steve, stepping up to face the director from his side of his cell.

“Dangerous to whom?”

“Well from what Cap and the others told me, Maria here got a little frisky with Cap and turned into a lion woman.”

“What?!” Asked Maria out loud, now lucid enough to hear what was going on. Getting up off the floor, she pressed her hands against the tempered polymer glass of her cell, finding the others in the brig with her. “I don’t remember that!”

“I’d be surprised if you did, you got clocked in the back of the head before you had Steve crying for an adult to save him.” Smirked Tony, ignoring Hill’s gasps when he pulled a device off the control table nearby and presented it to Director Brand. “It got me thinking that after what the others told me about the black outs and Hill’s transformation, their condition might be triggered by arousal, which leads to THIS fun little do-dad.” Showing the device to Abigail Brand, the woman looked it over to find it to be a simple stereo on a portable battery.


“It’s a device that gives off a low frequency sound wave that triggers a portion of the brain, specifically the pleasure centers of the brain, my R&D crew back on the mainland had designed it as a possible treatment for depression.” Tony answered, taking the device back and turning it on. “Personally, I’ve been using it when Pepper goes off on the weekends.” Setting the dial up to its lowest setting, everyone in the brig suddenly felt… Good, a pleasant warmth going over them as the device gave off a low hum, barely audible but the effects were obvious,

“Ooh, feels like… Feels like someone’s tracing their fingers up my back.” Cooed Sharon, hugging herself to keep from shivering. The others were in the same state as a soft warmth of pleasantness washed over them.

“Yeah that’s setting one Carter, I set it to three when I make breakfast, speaking of…” Increasing the strength of the sound’s effect, everyone in the brig cooed and moaned softly as that same pleasant warmth turned into a firebrand. Leaning against her cell and breathing hard, Maria Hill found herself wiping her forehead and clutching at her hospital gown. “WOW! That’s… That’s…”

“Yeah, that’s me making eggs and bacon at 7 AM Hill.” Chuckled Tony, unphased by the sound despite everyone else looking like they were getting a little too relaxed by the second. “I’m… I’m waiting to see a point to this Stark.” Panted Brand, a tint of blush on her cheeks as she looked sternly back at the smirking Iron Man, having too much fun to her liking. “Right, let’s just see how high it has to be to get a reaction.” Turning up the dial again, the two watched on as the four in the cells swooned and moaned to the increasing waves of pleasure coursing through them until it finally happened. Leaning against his cell, Steve Rogers gasped as a layer of fur began to creep up his neck and down his arms, his body growing in muscle and strength as his fingers began to develop claws. Gritting his fanged teeth, his clothes finally burst as he quickly outgrew them. Shaking off the remains of his shoes to free his clawed feet, the beast Steve transformed into grunted and growled, prying off whatever was still clinging to him and looking around with a salacious smirk back at the director.

“Well, look at you! Never thought I’d see the Queen Butch herself getting hot over ME!” Smirked the Beast, stroking his foot-long length with his clawed hand and licking his fanged lips.

“You’re telling me!” Growled Maria now just as changed as Steve and acting completely different from herself. Leering at Tony and eyeing Abigail with a hint of jealousy. “But don’t go thinking YOU get to have her Steve, your mine!”

“The hell he IS bitch!” Hissed Sharon, shaking her mane of hair loose now that she had transformed, pressing her large chest against the glass, and trying to see the others. “He had ME first, so I get first dibs on him.”

“Fuck the both of you, I’m having her first, THEN Steve!” Purred Bobbi, pressing up against the glass to see where the others were, her forehead pressed against the glass and leering back at Tony like he was a prized steak. “And maybe HIM too if I’m feeling generous…”

“My GOD...” Gasped Abigail, staring back at the four hulking beasts behaving shamelessly in front of her like perverse nightmare versions of their former selves. “What have they become?”

“I know, right? It’s the Tampa furry convention all over again…” Answered Tony, shaking his head.

Looking over to the lone AIM arms dealer they had contained in the far cell, Abigail noticed the man panic and try to get as far into his cell as possible. “You, you know what’s going on, don’t you?”

Moving to look at the cell, Tony and Abigail could see the AIM operative shake in his cell, despite the device’s effects giving him an erection in his prison cell. “It’s the ID virus, how did you all get the ID virus?! That wasn’t even supposed to be out!”

“What’s the ID virus pal, start talking.”

Looking back between the four imprisoned beasts and back to the two staring him down, the arms dealer finally opened up. “It was an experimental bioweapon we were working on; it was deemed a failure and shelfed until we could work on it again or dispose of it.” Standing up on shaking legs, the man kept to the far corner almost as if he were afraid of catching what the others had. “Originally it was designed for guerilla combat or cloak and dagger stuff; It’s triggered by the repressed desires of the host subject, transforming them into a creature designed for combat that would lash out at whatever their baser self would crave without a conscience or moral center to stop them.”

Looking back at Steve Rogers, Abigail gasped when she found him jerking off hard in his cell, grunting when he reached his limit and splattered the walls with his cum, then shivering as he suddenly grew larger, a tail sprouting behind him as his muscles grew stronger. Sharon howled after digging three of her digits into her pussy and pawed at her chest, creating a mess between her clawed feet as her breast and hips grew along with her muscles. Seeing them change and grow made the woman even more flustered as the device’s effects continued to course through her. Making her woozy

“So why aren’t we seeing more of these things out in the world?” Asked Tony.

“Like I said, it was a failure! The subjects could never reach the threshold needed to reach full transformation, and even if they did we theorised that the ID would become exhausted and the core personality would take over again, so we shelfed it until we could fix it.”

Looking over to the device on the control table, Tony realised what effect it was having on the others as they continued to grow and change, finally finding something that could keep them aroused longer than natural. “Well then, first thing’s first, I think its time to turn this thing off, second, lets see if we can screen everyone who’s been changed to…” Feeling something strong strike him behind the back of the head, Stark passed out and fell to the floor.

“Yeah, I’ve got a BETTER idea.” Smiled Abigail with fanged lips, her clothes ripping as green fur spread down her back and her body grew large rand stronger, making the AIM agent panic when she looked back at him with lustful eyes. “How about instead, I give you some company in there…” Moving towards the unconscious Stark, Abigail hoisted him up easily by her clawed hand and pulled him towards the cell, opening it and tossing him inside before closing the cell door again. “And I let the rest of us have a party.” Pulling off the remains of her tattered clothes, the green furred she-beast undid the bun in her hair, shaking her mane loose and opening the cells to the others.

“Everyone’s invited!”

Laughing as she was pinned against the wall, Abigail found herself kissed hungrily by Steve as he worked his way licking and kissing her neck and down her furry cleavage, coming back up to kiss her while hoisting her leg up to give his foot long cock room to thrust into her. “Grrrr… Welcome… Huff, hnnngh… Welcome to the pack Abby.” Grunted Steve, smiling back at the grinning she-beast as she arched her back and thrust her chest out. Nearby Sharon and Bobbi made out, tangled up in each other as they waited for their alpha to finish with the newbie in their group. When they finally reached their peak and orgasmed, Steve and Abigail roared out loud, shuddering as they felt their bodies grow and change, becoming more bestial by the second until they separated and kissed each other sloppily. By now, Steve’s nose and brow had merged, and his ears had become pointed and shifted higher up his skull.

“So… Who wants to go out and EAT?” Purred Sharon, pulling up against Steve and nuzzling his shoulder, her claw reaching down to stroke his length.

“I got a BETTER idea.” He growled, stomping over to the control desk where the device still sent waves of pleasure into the room, feeding their state further and keeping them present. Smiling more wickedly, he turned the device to its maximum setting, he and the rest gasping and moaning as they felt they would orgasm just by standing there. “Let’s wake up the OTHERS!” Turning on the intercom and setting the controls to broadcast through the entire Helicarrier, Steve pressed the device against the microphone and waited.


Across the ship, everyone stopped what they were doing when waves of intense pleasure coursed through them, some falling to their knees as the crotches in their pants immediately became soiled from the stimulation. But then things got worse when some of the crew began to change and grow, bursting out of their clothes and turning into beasts among their co-workers. Fight or flight kicking in and cutting through the near orgasmic pleasure, the remaining human SHIELD staff went into a panic and tried to flee or fight back as the ID beasts attacked, rampaging through the ship to either attack the ones that ire them the most or tackle them to the ground to rip open their clothes, having their way with them.

Opening the door to the brig, Steve breathed in the musk of the air and listened in on the screams and roars echoing across the ship.

“Well bitches, come on! Let’s join the party!”


“What the flying HELL is going on?!” Barked Nick Fury from his pulpit on the command deck, watching as a third of his bridge crew fell into orgasmic convulsions when the intercoms went up. It all started when he was sitting enjoying his coffee on the morning tour of the Atlantic ocean onboard the SHIELD Helicarrier, then the intercom went off with a strange noise in the air and Fury found himself REALLY enjoying his coffee when his pants pitched a tent like someone had put Viagra in his drink, sending his nerves into a twitching frenzy and made his one good eye go blurry while trying and failing to put down his raging hard on. Stunned and spilling his drink over his waist had managed to cut him out of his moment of involuntary arousal to look on his crew going through the same thing; either fanning themselves in flushed arousal or struggling with tight pants that pitched a tent at the front.

“Holy CRAP! Does anyone else FEEL that?!” Moaned one of the bridge officers, undoing her hair and undoing the top button to her uniform shirt to get some air. “I… I think I need to get to the washroom.”

“I think I need a clean-wipe.”

Then out of nowhere some of his crew gasped and fell into spasms, growing hair and swelling larger with muscle until their work uniforms burst, unable to contain their new frames as they started humping their control consuls. His helmsman grew an extra hundred pounds in muscle when he burst out of his shirt and pant leggings, lurching forward as his hair grew shaggy and teeth becoming fanged. “Ah don’t tell me Banner’s been screwing in the lab again!” At first Nick thought that he was ‘hulking out’ when he began to sprout fur the same colour as his hair and his ears grew to points. His hands sprouting claws and his shoes bursting to free his clawed toes. Turning around, and smiling like some perverse Chessar cat, the now beastly helmsman pulled off the remnants of his uniform shirt and chuckled.

“Helmsmen, you’d best be going through a bad hair day with a hard on like the rest of us…” Worried Nick, unholstering his pistol just in case.

“Well, well, well… If it isn’t the one-eyed ASS-Hole himself! Going to get on my ass about playing Galaga again at my station?”

“Gasp… YOU were playing Galaga?! I thought I sent a memo about that!”

“Yeah… We GOT the memo, we just didn’t give a shit!” Getting a shared laugh from the rest of the ID-beasts, Fury found himself flanked by two of the new creatures as they surrounded the scrambling crew.

“Hey! Do you have like a hole behind that eye patch or is it just like… GROSS and milky?” Laughed another of the turned crew, the female ID beast sizing Nick up like a prized steak and licking her fanged lips. “Because if you WANT, I can make the other eye match!” Raising her hand, her fingers brandished sharp looking claws to make her point.

“Yeah!... Been waiting a LONG time for this!”

“Oooh, same here!”

“I call DIBS on his eye socket; it’s just BEGGING for a skull fucking!!!” Lunging forward to body tackle the SHIELD director, the ID beast lurched back from a hail of bullets from the man’s side arm. Dropping the creature and stunning the others where they were. “Alright! No one is fucking MY muthafucking skull on MY muthafucking ship! Not unless they want another muthafucking clip up your ass!” Waving his pistol between the three remaining ID beasts, the monsters backed up with their claws up. The remaining crew struggling to get the door open while the noise over the intercom made them shudder from involuntarily ruining their underwear. Then everyone found the ID beast Fury shot stagger back to his knees, coughing and shaking his head.

“Oww…” To everyone’s surprise the ID beast got back up, rubbing his barrel chest as each bullet popped out of his chest to ‘ping’ on the metal floor of the bridge, the wounds instantly healing one by one. “Jeez… Has anyone told you you’re ALREADY an ass-hole?!”

“I’M NOT ABOUT TO HAVE THE CAST OF CATS HAVE THEIR GODDAMN WAY WITH ME! Simmons, get that damn door open!” Cornered against the door, Fury and his remaining crew fumbled for the door controls when one of the creatures attacked, dragging down one of Fury’s men just as they managed to get the door open and made their escape.

Still pointing his gun at the chasing ID beasts, Fury gave his remaining bridge crew cover as they ran the halls. “Any of you fucked up animals follow us I’m stuffing yo ass full of lead!”

“You think that’s a threat NOW? I just jizzed a bit in my shorts!” Laughed the cackling animal man as he and the others gave chase. All around, Fury was in horror of finding his crew overrun by vicious looking beast men, rampaging through the ship and either destroying what they could get their claws on or tackling the human crew to the floor. Making it to one of the secure wings of the ship, Fury shot out the controls to the door to lock it and keep the beasts from following, slumping down to the ground with his hard-on still tenting his pants before he pointed his gun at the intercom speaker and shot it. Making everyone sigh in relief when they were not at risk of cumming themselves at any moment.

“Just what the Mary Loving FUCK is happening on my boat?!”


Rearing up and bellowing out a guttural roar, Steve’s hips twitched as he came hard into Sharon Carter, bent over a table and crying out her own release as her claws raked against the metal surface. Collapsing heavily onto her back, the two creatures breathed hard, panting from the effort of going for over an hour. With Steve balls deep and still rock hard thanks to the broadcast over the intercom, the ID beast shivering as he continued to buck into Sharon.

“Heh, heh... Who would have thought that deep down underneath the surface of that prim and proper façade, you were a fucking closet nymph…” Chuckled Steve, grinding deeper into the beast woman and eliciting a moan from Sharon while she smirked back at him, wiggling her hips and smiling wider when he winced from the stimulation. “You gonna keep calling me a slut or are you gonna FUCK me again?”

“Why not? The more ‘hnnngh’ the merrier…” Grinding into her again, the ID beast began to thrust hard, going back into a rhythm while Sharon laughed and wailed out in pleasure. Her tail wrapped around his waist as she felt his orange sized balls slap heavily against her thighs. “Wonder… Hnngh… Wonder where the rest… Raaaargh… Ran off to.”

“Who ‘gaps’ who cares!... There’s plenty to f-fuck around here…”

For the past hour he and the rest of the ID beast who weren’t trashing the SHIELD helicarrier had gathered in the cafeteria. A horde of the altered monsters gorged on the foodstuffs in the storage room in the back of the kitchen while the others ripped apart the service table and grabbed what they could, eating and fighting over food like a pack of wolves.

With another deep roar, Steve’s balls contracted and pumped into Sharon again, his muscles throbbing and his fur slick with sweat when he slowly slid out of her with a wet pop of his cock, causing a deluge of fluids to spill onto the cold floor.

“Aww yeah… My FAVORITE part.” He grunted as he felt his muscles tense and throb, growing from the surge of pleasure he felt coursing through him. His ankles began to lengthen, all while his clawed toes grew sharper and bigger, splaying out like the clawed feet of some predatory reptile. Arching forward, his muscles grew as well as the rest of his body, his talons becoming bigger and sharper. His tail suddenly began to grow thicker, bulging with muscles and mass as it quickly became as thick around as his leg and twice as long, striking a bundle of chairs out of the way with inhuman strength. Getting back to his feet, the monster grinned at the results. Now over 8 feet tall, the blonde furred monstrosity flexed his talons and flexed his muscles. A massive brute of a creature, the ID beast snorted and thumped his chest triumphantly

Looking back to Sharon, the female creature gasped and cried out as her body changed along with his. Her muscles throbbed and grew, her claws growing into sharp talons while her feet shifted and splayed out. Rolling onto her back, she moaned as her thigh muscles grew larger as her hips grew, her previously feline looking tails swelled out longer and thicker until it dangled around her clawed feet. Pawing at her chest Sharon’s fanged lips moaned as new growths formed under her now melon sized breasts, a second and third pair began to bud and swell larger, slightly smaller than her original pair when they grew down her rib cage and mid-stomach. “Raaaaaarrrrgh…. FUCKING better than sex!” The female ID beast moaned out just as she slumped down from the ruined table, exploring her new body while Steve stomped up to give her an appraising look.

“You can FEEL it can you?” Steve asked, pumping his still erect shaft which had grown to almost two feet in length and as thick as a beer can. “We can CHANGE more, GROW more…”

“Yes… I WANT it, want to look in the mirror and not see that fucking prude in the reflection anymore!” She growled and got up to her feet, quickly getting used to her new height and mass.

“Same here! Arrrgh, to think that puny boy scout kept me repressed and locked up all those years… Now I’M the one calling the shots.” Looking down at his claws, the worst parts of Steve Rogers grinned as every act of self indulgence made him even worse, becoming a genuine monster! And loving every second of it. All those years as some puny asthmatic, being pushed around by bullies and looked down on. Now HE was the bully, and he was HUGE! Now he could do whatever he wanted, when he wanted, WHO he wanted. Let out some of his worst impulses… Only now they were his only impulses. Looking around to find so many ID beasts rampaging through the cafeteria of the ship, the beast grinned. Leering at the females as they changed. “Heh, I can’t wait to get to the mainland and REALLY fuck that place up.”

“Oooh…. I can’t wait either, so many new friends to make… And FUCK their brains out!” Giggled Sharon, pressing up against Steve’s side and stroke him off, giving the male creature a salacious grin with her fanged lips before she pulled away and sauntered over to the others, giving an exaggerated sway of her hips to entice him. “Shit I’m starving, there better not be nothing left but that coconut shit left back there!”

“Bleh… Yeah, I HATE coconut…”


Slowly opening his eyes and looking around with blurry vision, Tony Stark sat up from the cold floor and looked around, rubbing a sore spot behind his head and wincing from the pain. “Ugh… My aching head… What hit me?” He asked out loud, finding himself in a cramped metal cell and the overhead lights flickering.

“A back hand from a woman who is probably doing the vertical monster mash with five of her subordinates right now on top of a weapons crate somewhere.”

Looking up at the voice, Stark found himself in the same cell shared by the AIM arms dealer SHIELD had detained a week ago. The man laying on the floor across from him with his legs crossed to hide his erection and waving back nonchalantly. “Wakey wakey, hands of snakey…”

Remembering the last moments before being knocked out, and the man in front of him, Tony nodded. “Right… How long was I knocked out for?”

“About an hour, an hour where most likely a third of the crew are now rampaging through this floating tub like a horde of starving, rabid bears on Viagra, if I were you, I wouldn’t drink from the fountain any time soon… Or touch anything.”

“Sigh… Look, I can understand your upset, I’ve tried the food here too, I’ve complained as much as the next guy.” Tony remarked, sitting up and noticing his own hard on. Then turned his attention to see his device hooked up to the PA system of the ship, the man grimaced. “I take it that wasn’t your idea?”

“No that was your Captain’s idea, turns out he’s a real monster as an ID beast.”

Crossing his own legs to hide his erection and resting his chin on his palm, leaning back, Stark shook his head. “Giving everyone on a military vessel a hard-on at work, that’s pretty lurid, didn’t think Cap had it in him.”

“Well his ID beast found a way where he could stay out longer, huh… I’m guessing the engineers back at AIM central wished they’d thought of that.”

“You kept calling them that when they changed, what was with your higher ups and going with THAT idea anyway when they made that bioweapon? What, did MODOK suspend your internet access or something?”

Shaking his head, the man shrugged. “At the time it was considered a clever idea; why send an army when you can turn a native populace into their worst selves unattached to their morals and self restraint, and give them a body that could take on a military force in their own right?” Waving his hands up over his head, the man made it look like a no-brainer. “Got a world leader you don’t like? turn his people into monstrous, sexually repressed deviants and just sit back and watch them burn the kingdom to the ground for shits and giggles.”

“So, it’s meant to be a shake’n bake calamity maker, still doesn’t explain Cap; I mean hell, the man’s a boy scout!”

Twiddling his thumbs and rolling his eyes, the AIM arms dealer looked away, deep in thought. “Well… I’m NOT a psychologist but I’m more than certain that the ID of a formally scrawny, asthmatic who’s been bullied his entire life prior to the military turning him into a handsome super soldier would be a sexually repressed, rampaging ass-hole with a massive inferiority complex.”


Meanwhile on another end of the Helicarrier…

Pinning a random ID beast against the metal hallway of the ship, Steve grunted as he speared into her from behind and roared out in conquest. Thrusting hard and practically drooling as he bucked hard and grunted with effort. “Raaaarrrrrgh… I’m gonna fuck you til my cum comes out of your mouth!”


Thinking on the description, Tony meant to object but slowly found himself agreeing with the man and shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah… You kind of pinned the nail on the head on that one, did the engineers create a cure?”

“Pfff… No point in a cure to a virus that didn’t work!”

“Yeah, well it works now, and by the sounds coming from the hallways, its REALLY working.”

Deep in thought, the arms dealer remembered more about the weapon. “Well… It DID have one other crippling flaw, reaching their weapon state would complete their transformation, but by then the amount of endorphins flooding their bodies would overload their nervous system. It would be the same as giving a drunk all the booze he’d ever want; eventually he’d throw up and pass out, it would be so taxing to their psyche, their ID would become exhausted and allow the ego to take root again.”

“So, what your saying is if we wait it out, they’ll snap out of it? Perfect! I happen to have a deck of cards in my pocket to pass the time… Somewhere.” Tony muttered, rummaging through his pockets.

“And for the only OTHER genius in the room, that’s pretty stupid! By the time they DO reach that state, this ship would have sunk into the Atlantic from their destructive tendencies or WORSE, crash into the mainland.” Catching Stark’s attention, the man paused in checking his pockets. “You think THIS is bad, wait until half the country ends up like this.”

“Hmm, well we can either try to escape or stay here and wait, at any rate… I found a deck of cards at least.” Pulling the deck out of his pocket, Tony began shuffling cards. “Unless you want to get out of this cell?”

Looking out through the open door of the cell block and back at the man shuffling cards, the Aim representative shrugged. “Fuck it, deal me in.”


Pressing a clawed hand against the bulkhead of the hallway, the ID beast that was Captain America lurched forward and grunted as his body twitched and changed. “Awww yeah… Come on…” The sound of crunching bones filled his pointed ears as his body swelled larger, shifting his weight as he felt the changes overtake him. Broadening his stance, he could feel his balls grow larger, heavier, his erection thumping against his stomach while his thigh muscles grew. His chest heaved as his rib cage grew out, his entire body growing larger by the second.

“YES! MORE! Bigger… Make me BIGGER!” Moaned Sharon out loud, her ankles lengthening as the rest of her shifted and grew until she was forced to fall to all fours, her stance like some predatory cat as the intense sensations coursed through her.

Grunting as he felt his erection throb, Steve’s vision went blurry, the pleasure of the change was just as overpowering as an orgasm, especially when it triggered one and he let loose a deluge of seed onto the deck between his clawed feet. “Yaww…. Biggah…” He yowled, unused to his growing teeth. His ankles soon began to lengthen too, forcing him to fall forward onto his hands as he became quadrupedal. More and more he became less human and more monstrous, his mouth lolling open while his tongue dangled out of his fanged mouth. His neck began lengthening until it was as long as his forearm.

When the changes ebbed, Steve shuddered and looked himself over with his longer neck, smirking a fanged grin at his changed body. He now looked like some overpowered hybrid of a wolf, lion and reptile all in one, a chimera of a beast that took up as much space in the hallway as a giant bear! But it still was not enough. He could feel it, he could become more, become worse. “So close… Need more!”

“Damn right!” Complained Sharon, pressing her body up beside Steve and nuzzling his face with her own. “I can feel it too, I’m so close, I want it! I want it BAD!”

Raising his head, he sniffed the air and smiled, quickly making his way through the corridor on all fours like some prowling jungle cat, with Sharon following eager to join what he had planned. Turning a corner, his heavy tail struck the side of the wall and smashed a bundle of pipes, making him chuckle at his increased strength. Now he understood how the Hulk feels every time he stomped through the Helicarrier; this ship was like a cardboard box fort to him now. Overhead he could still hear the white noise of the device hooked up to the PA system, broadcasting the sound that was keeping him and the others aroused and in their ID beast state. But it was not enough to progress the change, he needed more stimuli for that, he needed to indulge more, cause more mayhem, REALLY let loose if he wanted to reach his peak.

“Graaaargh… There’s gotta be something here that’ll do it…”

Occasionally he and Sharon would find gangs of ID beasts race down the halls, either chasing SHIELD crew who had not found a sufficient hiding place or fighting amongst themselves or rutting openly in the halls and corridors, finally venting out their grievances and lusts they kept bottled up for so long. Echoing through the corridors he could hear the strained grunts and moans of some of the more developed ID beasts grinding against each other to spur on another release, and all of it was music to his ears. Sniffing the air again, the ID beast licked his chops when he picked up what he was looking for.

Finding one of the locked doors lining the halls, Steve tilted his head to peer through the small window to find several SHIELD crewmen huddled inside, hiding in the hopes that they could avoid the beasts. Chuckling to himself, Steve gripped at the locked steel doors with his claws, his increased strength crumpling the metal with the ease of tin as it yielded and bent with a squeal. Ripping the steel doors off their bearings with the ease of ripping out packaged paper, the SHIELD crewmen inside panicked when they found a pair of monsters make their way inside and bar their only escape.

Three women and two men stared back at the two monsters as they stood to their full height and nearly bumped their heads on the ceiling, chuckling at their find as they penned them inside. “Well, well, well, look at what we have here…”

“Oooh, look at all the little humans.” Giggled Sharon, her smile almost predatory as she took up the other side of the room, pressing up against Steve.

“W-what are you going to do?” One of the SHIELD crewmen asked, huddled together.

Stomping forward, the five gasped and cried out when Steve pressed up against them and pinned them against the wall, his erection and grapefruit sized testicles pressing against them as he ground up against their bodies. “I’ll give you three guesses.” Smiling darkly at the small humans struggling against his mass and cock, the beast growled when it looked like one of them might squirm free when he shoved her back in with the others. “PLEASE! Just let us go…” Whimpered the one woman, his cock head pressed up against her face and dripping pre down her chin.

“You want out? Hnnngh… Stroke me off!”

Grinding against them again, the group of SHIELD crewmen hesitantly began to stroke off his two-and-a-half-foot length, making him grunt and growl as he felt their hands grip at its veiny surface and the heft of his balls. “Yeah… That’s it… Really work that thing!” Looking over his shoulder, he found Sharon watching the whole scene play out, groping her many breasts and fingering herself with her clawed fingers watching Steve dominate the humans for fun.

With their combined ministrations, the scent of their fear in the air and the arousing white noise going off on the PA, the ID beast did not last long when he stepped back and roared out his release. Spraying the five crewmen with his fluids. Coughing and spitting out the cum that splattered across their clothing, the five suddenly went into convulsions and fell to the floor.

“Oh yeah, now we’re talking…” Grunted Steve, still stroking himself off as he watched the infection take root. One by one the crew burst out of their clothes as a sheen of fur spread across their bodies, their hands developing claws while their shoes burst to splay out clawed toes. The moment they got up, they collided with each other, grinding and making out with each other in wild abandon.

“Come here bitch, for SO long I wanted to fuck you!”

“Stop TALKING about it and DO it already!”

“I want her NEXT after...”

“Fuck you, I want her! AND him!”

Smiling down at the new ID beasts fighting and fucking amongst themselves, Steve grunted when he felt his own changes continue, but these were different. Scratching at his scalp he felt growths form on his skull before they burst out into massive horns, branching out and becoming sharp until he now sported a rack of antlers like a caribou or stag. Then he felt spikes burst out of the back of his neck and down his back, reaching to the base of his tail to end in a cluster at its tip like a mace of boney spikes. The same spines grew out of his shoulders and thighs while he shook his horned head.

Looking over to Sharon she too had developed spines and spikes, her head sprouting horns of her own as they scrapped against the ceiling. “Yes! YES!!! MORE! MORE! MOAR!!!!!”

Tackling Sharon and tumbling out of the room, he didn’t notice or care when she wrapped her legs around his waist, her muscular thighs keeping him close as he positioned his still erect cock into her folds and thrust deep within her. “RRAAAAAARGH! Almost there, so close! SO CLOSE!” Breathing hard and thrusting even harder, the two ID beasts felt like they were reaching a threshold.

“I can FEEL it! Almost, almost THERE!”

“YES! Do it, fuck me, FUCK ME!!!!” Sharon’s cries turned into an aroused whimper when Steve bite down on her shoulder, making her shiver as he erupted again inside of her, filling her again and causing a mess. Practically drooling with arousal, the two massive beasts’ ground against each other, the changes still occurring as underneath their fur, thick scales formed toughened their skin. Then they both felt it, their shoulders shifting when two new limbs began to sprout from their backs and rapidly develop, growing feathers and flapping behind them until their wings had fully grown.

“I… I feel it… I’m complete…” Looking over his shoulder to his newly developed wings, the ID beast grinned, still grinding into Sharon and chuckling at his new body. “With this, I can spread the change to the whole country, the whole world, I can do whatever I WANT now, do WHOEVER I want now! And the first thing I am going to do is… Is…”

Blinking sleepily and shaking his feline head, Steve Rogers blinked and looked up, looking around his surroundings. Confused as he looked down and flexed an unfamiliar talon where his left hand should be.

“Where the HELL am I?!”


Re: Captain America: American ID
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2023, 07:34:52 PM »
Captain America: American Id.
Chapter 3

Looking around the hallway he found himself in, Steve shook his head to get his bearings, trying to remember what he was doing and why. He could hear screams and laughter off in the distance along with what sounded like animals growling nearby. But when he raised his head to look around, he was struck by a wave of vertigo when all his memories came rushing back to his mind. How every black out he had led to him acting like a monster and forcing himself on Sharon Carter, then his Director, Maria Hill, and so many others. He felt terrible… He wanted to throw up! Looking down at his right talon, he flexed the clawed fingers with a sense of sad resignation. He deserved this, to look just like the monster he acted like in those moments he blacked out. Then he was caught off guard when he felt something warm wrapped around his erect cock squeeze around him and a claw reach out and pulled his face towards Sharon’s, kissing him deeply.

The female ID beast moaned into his fanged mouth, her wings fluttering before she pulled away, her eyes lazy and sated until they blinked open in shock. A look of horrified realisation course through her as she looked down at herself and her current situation. Her legs wrapped around Cap’s waist with her tail tangled in his, her many breasts pressed up against his broad chest and stomach and the sensation of being deeply penetrated by his length made her gasp and whimper. Her own memories flooding into her mind now that the mental barriers had been lifted.



Slowly separating and eliciting a whimper from the female beast, the two continued to hold each other as they got off from the floor and stood to their full height, surprised to find their antlers nearly touching the high ceiling. “What… Oh GOD!... What have I…”

“I know Sharon… I…”

“I can’t believe I… How are we in control again?”

“I don’t know…”

Looking down at themselves, the pair of ID beasts gave themselves a look over. Surprised at their new bodies now that they could take stock in themselves. They were huge! If Steve had to guess, they were both 10 feet tall, mostly thanks to their now foot and a half long necks, not including their new horns. Sporting sharp clawed hands and feet with long heavy tails and feathered wings, it was almost like someone had tried making a dragon with the parts of mammals. “I’m a freak!”

“We’re… ID beasts… That AIM weapons seller called us that in the prison cells.”

Slowly nodding, Sharon remembered that, her missing memories returning to her. Then she felt woozy when a wave of arousal flowed through her. Looking up at the speakers overhead, the ID beast frowned.

“That device is still broadcasting from the prison cells.”

“I think its time we go there to put an end to this AND get some answers.” Getting a nod back from the beast woman, the two began to quickly make their way through the hallways of the Helicarrier, unintentionally falling to all fours and increasing their stride. Everywhere they could see, they found ID beasts in various stages of transformation rampaging through the ship like giggling psychopaths. Eating, destroying, and fornicating with wild abandon. If they could get to the cells and cut off the white noise fueling this, they might stand a chance of stopping this madness.


“You know, this game would go a lot smoother if you weren’t cheating.”

“Who says I’m cheating? Maybe you’re just terrible at poker.” Answered Tony, going over his cards in front of the AIM arms dealer sitting across from him in their shared cell.

“I know you’re cheating because its YOUR card deck in the first place.”

“You’re just sore because you didn’t bring one of your own. Okay, draw’em.”

Before they could play their hands, the two men felt a lurch at the locked gate of the brig. The metal of the door buckling from something strong denting the metal again and again until the doors snapped off their hinges and collapsed heavily to the ground. Making their way inside, two massive creatures padded their way into the brig like a pair of jungle cats until they stopped in front of their cell, their wings bristling behind them as the male of the two stood up and glared down at the AIM dealer sitting on the metal floor.

“You, start talking, how do we fix this?”

“Cap? Is that you?” Blinked Tony, looking up at the chimera of a monster and over to Sharon, the female ID beast giving him a quick glance before her attention fell to her chest and she quickly covered herself in her arms. Sneering down at the smirking billionaire. “Hey, the erection is because of the machine, not because of your tits!”

“That’s enough Tony, I said, tell me how to fix this, now!”

“Wow…” Standing up from his spot to give the pair a look over, the AIM representative looked deep in thought with his arms crossed and scratching his chin. “So, this is the complete weapon state, I take it the other abilities had kicked in also? Increased strength, rapid regeneration and acid breath?”

“Acid breath?!” Blinked Sharon, looking down at herself before looking over to an open area of the brig and taking a deep breath, when she exhaled, all that came out was air.

“Hmm…” Shrugged the man, making a mental note of it. “It was a FAILED bioweapon after all.” Seeing Captain America glare down at him from the other side of his cell wall, the man cleared his throat. “In all honesty, the weapon doesn’t have a cure, we never considered one since we never planned to put it to market, although the silver lining to all this is now you’re fully in control of yourself now, how do you feel?”


“That… WOULD happen when your deepest, darkest self is allowed to take the wheel, its why the weapon was created in the first place.”

“But why did I go around… Doing THAT?!” Roared Steve, gesturing out the door of the brig where the sounds of other ID beasts could be heard causing havoc.

“And why did I enjoy it so much?!” Decried Sharon, a pleading look in her eyes.

His arms out defensively, the AIM arms dealer tried to look innocent in all this. “Hey, don’t look at me, I’m NOT a therapist, your ID is the part of you that’s involved with your desires; whether its ‘I want cookies’ to ‘I want to bend her over the counter and screw her six ways to Sunday!’ The virus just kicks the ego and SUPER ego out of the front seat and lets the red-headed stepchild of your psyche take over.”

Looking over to the control table where the device was still broadcasting the erotic inducing white noise over the PA, Steve growled under his breath. “Then maybe its time to put an end to it.” Taking a few steps towards the table, the chimera clenched his clawed fist and raised it over his head to crush the entire table.

“WOAH! Don’t do that!!!”


“Right now that thing is keeping the ID beasts out there stable, they’re feeding off of it, take it away and suddenly you’ll have hordes of monsters clawing desperately to stay in control, they’ll be worse than ever until they return to normal.”

“Hey, hey, he’s got a point there, Cap.” Stepped in Tony as he quickly realised what the man was getting at. “You ever see a few hundred coke addicts lose their fix? Same analogy! They’ll be tearing this place apart for every second to stay in control.”

“SO, WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST I DO THEN!?” Roared Cap, slamming his fist into the floor and glaring back at the man with barred fangs.

Stepping back, the two men looked to each other, with Tony scratching the back of his head and the arms dealer looking more sheepish now that both ID beasts were glaring at him for an answer. “Well… YOU two are in control now, right? Give it another… I don’t know, an hour? And the others will reach the same state.”

Suddenly the Helicarrier lurched slightly, tilting 5 degrees to the side before balancing out again. Leaving Sharon to be caught in Steve’s arms to keep from falling. “We may not have an hour; we need to contain this or else this ship will be destroyed.”

“Or worse! If we manage to crash into the mainland!” Worried Sharon, holding herself tightly after regaining her footing.

“We’ll head to the engine room, see if we can keep the helicarrier afloat and keep the damage to a minimum.” Running out of the brig, the two ID beasts exited and left the two men still standing in their cell.

“No… We’re FINE, WE don’t need to be let out at all…” Huffed Tony, slumping back down to the floor and gathering his cards. “So, are we finishing this?”

“Yeah, yeah, keep your panties on Stark…” Sitting back on the floor, the two went back to their card game.


Darting their way through the halls, the two ID beasts quickly made their way to the engine room of the Helicarrier. Halfway there, Steve had to stop, staggering, and lifting himself off the ground to his hind feet to steady himself while panting.

“What’s the matter?” Sharon asked, standing to her full height to check on the creature that was Steve Rogers.

“It’s that white noise on the PA, it’s…” Following where his hand was going, Sharon found the man trying desperately to hold down his throbbing hard erection, its surface veiny and looking ready to burst from the blood pressure. “It’s okay… If I control my breathing, I can calm… Calm…”

Caught off guard, Steve felt Sharon gently press up against him, her clawed hand gently moving his out of the way to stroke his length. Surprised, he looked up to her only to be gently pulled into a passionate kiss. One where he felt her tongue dart into his mouth and swoon, causing his erection to get worse. “Remember what he said Steve? Repressed desires are what caused this, if we bottle it up, our IDs might take over again…” She husked, licking his chin before slowly making her way down kissing his neck down to his chest before falling to her knees. Cradling his swollen balls, her hand continued to slowly stroke him off, making him hiss when she licked at the head of his cock, then took his erection into her mouth.

Pressing his winged back against the metal wall, Steve winced and gasped. Feeling her fanged lips surround his length while she sucked and licked at his cock, her claws massaging his grapefruit sized balls to coax him to his peak. Not too long after, Steve grunted out his release, flooding Sharon’s mouth with a torrent of his seed, which she swallowed to keep up with his pace. Pulling his length free from her mouth, she continued to lick up his length and suck at his balls while looking up into his tired eyes. “Better now?” Slowly nodding back to her, Sharon quickly got up from the flooring, the two going into a full sprint on all fours to the engineering bay to try and prevent any further damage to the ship during this crisis.

Racing their way down the corridor, the two ID beasts found their way to the nearest elevator on their floor, with Steve gently taping at the ‘down’ button with his clawed finger and Sharon watching his back when they both heard a pack of ID beasts nearly, just out of sight but close enough that there was no doubt they could be attacked at any moment. Former SHIELD agents and crewmen twisted into bestial rape gangs and sadists that even now were tearing the ship apart. Still pressing the down button, the elevator did not respond. He even pressed the emergency response, only to get a dead signal from the control panel. Behind them they could still hear the hoarse growls and roars of other ID beasts rampaging across the ship.

“The elevator must be down, probably from all the damage the ship’s gone through.”

Feeling the Helicarrier lurch again, Steve winced when he and Sharon lost their balance and he managed to catch her before she fell, their bodies pressing up against each other when their motion was stopped by the wall behind him. A little taken back, Steve didn’t fail to notice her swoon and nuzzle under his chin with her nose when they were close, making his cock surge when he felt her hands slowly begin to roam down from his chest to down his stomach.

The words the AIM arms dealer stuck in her head after they both left the brig; her ID was all her repressed desires and needs. Her worst impulses she kept buried deep inside her psyche.  Still reeling from her actions when her ID was in control, Sharon had decided to never repress her desires ever again. Breathing in Steve’s scent and nuzzling into the blonde fur of his neck and chin, she swooned again. Deep down, she realised that her devoting herself purely to her work and leaving no time for herself had created this monster that wanted instant gratification to make up for all the years she kept herself abstinent and focussed. When that beast was let loose, all she could remember was hours and hours of her indulging herself with random men, all the while her humanity slipped further and further away until she became what she was now. She felt guilty, and horrible about herself. She now looked just like how she behaved, like some hedonistic monster. But now she was in control of herself again, now she knew how to keep that terrible beast in check. Nuzzling into Steve’s neck again, she began to kiss up his chin. If this is what it would take to keep her worse self at bay, then this is what she would do.

Steve gently push her aside, the female ID beast regaining her footing and holding herself tightly after being separated. Her wings fluttering behind her now that she did not feel his warmth against her. “There’s got to be another way down to the sub levels of the Helicarrier.”

“We’ll… We’ll have to take the stairs…” Looking down at herself and at Captain America, the ID beast flicked her tail with a grimace. “If we can still fit.”

Regaining their footing, the two galloped down the hall on all fours to the nearest stairway to the lower floors they could find. The trek taking only a few shorts minutes until they found an open stair well nearby. “There! The east wing staircase, we can head down from…” The doors to a room to the left of him burst open and a dark and large shape lunged forward, tackling Captain America to the ground with enough force that the metal of the adjacent wall buckled. Looking up at his attacker, he was shocked to see a female ID beast pinning him against the wall, a wild look of lust in her reptilian eyes, breathing hard and licking her fanged lips at her prize.

“Steve! THERE you are! I’ve been looking all over the SHIP for you…” The dark furred ID beast purred, licking across Steve’s face with her rough tongue, and giggling at his reaction. “Hmm, I can smell all the sluts and floozies you’ve been fucking behind my back, well those days are over NOW Steve, you’re Mine!” Despite looking like some hulking female bear with a saurian tail, thick and sharp antlers and feline features like him and Sharon, some strange part of him recognised the She-Beast smirking down at him.

“Director Hill?!”

Hearing the name caused a flutter in the ID beast’s eyes as she pressed herself more tightly against him, her many breasts mashed against his chest and stomach while she pressed her nose against his, forcing a kiss onto Steve Rogers that shocked him when she reached down and groped at his balls possessively. “Mmmm… So, you DO remember me! I LOVE it when you say my name like that! And here I was afraid with all the women you were screwing on the side you’d forget all about me.”

“Director Hill, please you have to help us…” Ducking at the last second, Sharon gasped at the flail end of Maria’s spiked tail thrashing over her horns and striking the wall, leaving gouges and scrapes from the spike end tips against the metal surface before she swung her tail again, forcing Sharon to back away and keep her distance for her own safety.

“FUCK OFF SLUT! He’s MINE you hear me? MINE!!!” Leering back down at Steve, the she-beast had a look of manic glee in her eyes. Gripping his shoulders, Maria pulled the beast man down to the ground, straddling his waist, and positioning herself over him. Her eyes so wild with lust the woman practically drooled with desire. “When I’m done with you, you’re gonna be SCREAMING my name Stevie, I promise you that!” Aiming his length with her clawed hand, she sunk down on his cock and roared out being filled by his length. The moment she sunk down on his erection; Steve instantly grabbed hold of her waist out of reflex when she began to ride him hard and fast, grinding her hips against his own and shoving his furry face into the abyss of her cleavage. Still pinned between the floor and wall and in a sitting position, Steve could only gasp and wince while the creature that was Maria Hill used him for her own gratification. Laughing and giggling in between moans of pleasure, the female ID beast rode and smothered Steve, taking as much as she could from the experience.

“Director Hill, please you have to stop…” Struck in the side by the dark furred ID beast’s spiked tail, Sharon winced and looked down at her wounded arm after colliding with the adjacent wall, surprised to find her wounds rapidly healing. Looking up, she found the director glaring back at her with a mix of contempt and eye fluttering bliss. “F-F-Fuck off! He is MINE! It is my turn, you’ve… You already had twe-twenty turns with him… You f-fucking SLUT!” Gasping and moaning, Maria’s tail snapped back and forth, striking the walls with enough force to buckle steel.

“Th-That’s what gets you off doesn’t it Stevie? Riding floozies and whores til your balls are empty!” Growling under her breath, Maria Hill reared back and let out a gurgle of lust as an orgasm crashed through her. Her body throbbing with renewed growth as her muscles throbbed and the boney stubs growing from her back suddenly grew out into a row of spines. Her clubbed tail becoming wickedly sharp and her horns splintering into a rack of sharp antlers. “Rraaaaaargh! Well… You are MINE now, I’m going to fuck you day in and day out from here on end!”

Sharon stood back, not knowing how to handle the deranged creature, what was worse was the white noise and the sight of the former direction dominating Captain America was turning her on to no end.

Suddenly feeling Steve lean forward, Maria was caught off guard. Feeling him swing her legs around his waist and pull her close to thrust back into her grinding motions. “Yesssss…. Finally seeing the big picture Stevie?” Purred Maria, her many breasts wobbling with his aggressive thrusts back into her, making her moan and grip at his shoulders to keep her position while he pounded into her like a jackhammer. At first, Sharon had no idea what was going on. Did he relent? Did his ID take over again? It was only when she saw Maria rear back in another screaming orgasm and transformer further that she realised what Steve was trying to do; She was close, her transformation nearly complete and riding Captain America for all he had was accelerating those changes. Slumping down to her knees, Sharon watched and kept her distance, groping at her many breasts with one hand while the other shoved three clawed fingers into her pussy, but watching the two fuck and not get involved was unbearable for her to watch.

“Yes! YES! YEAAAAAAGH…. I… I FEEL it…. So close, feel like my… My skin’s gonna… Gonna…. GONNAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!” At the very moment, when Maria Hill reared back to bellow out another earth shatter orgasm, a pair of black feathered wings burst out of her back to spread and flap behind her. Causing a gust of air to blow either direction of the hallway before she collapsed and slumped against the blonde furred ID beast holding her tightly, cooing, and moaning softly while nuzzling her feline nose against his long neck. “Mine… All mine…” She whispered, just when it looked like she had nodded off and slumped into Steve’s arms.

Sitting up and gently keeping the dark furred she-beast in his arms safe, he waited for her to stir back awake. Fluttering her eyes and kissing up his neck and chin before she snapped awake and looked around her in horror. Opening her mouth like a fish gasping for water, Maria darted her eyes between Sharon fingering herself nearby and Steve balls deep inside of her. A swarm of memories flooded her mind, making her hyperventilate before she felt Steve gently sit her up and cradle her in his arms. Making her moan when he gently pulled out of her.

“Oh my GOD! OH my… What have I…” Slowly lifted up to her unsteady feet, Maria continued to press up against Steve for emotional support as she reeled from all she had done over the last few hours.

“It’s okay Director Hill, it’s…”

“NO ITS NOT OKAY!” She cried out, gripping at his furry shoulders like a lifeline. “I… I… Why would I do all of those things?”

Sharon quickly managed to regain her composure and stood up to her feet, joining the two just as she was caught off guard by the other she-beast capturing her in a fierce hug. Pulling away slowly and hugging herself, the creature looked down at her altered body, flexing her claws and fluttering her wings behind her. She looked like the hybrid of some massive, towering cat, owl and reptile all in one. She didn’t have too good a frame of reference to go by but by the way her antlers scraped against the ceiling, she swore she was 10 feet tall or bigger, her transformed body now solid with muscle and completely inhuman. “Wha… What am I?”

“We spoke with the AIM arms dealer in the brig, he called us ‘ID’ beasts.” Explained Steve. “I was infected with a failed bioweapon that transformed me into a monster, fueled by all my repressed desires and needs. And so were you.”

Thinking hard on all she had done while in that state, Maria’s eyes looked down at her claws, deep in thought. A look of understanding on her face as she slowly nodded to the information. “I had a serious crush on you when you came out of the ice, I kept it bottled up because it wasn’t professional for a SHIELD director to have amorous feelings for an 80 year old super soldier…” She chuckled to herself, hugging her chest tightly.

Nodding, Sharon understood just what she was fighting against. “Guess that’s what your ID was going on about, she was pretty smitten with Captain Rogers.”

Exhaling with a slight smile, Maria slowly nodded. “Yeah…” Feeling the Helicarrier lurch and tilt, the trio of ID beasts grabbed what they could to steady themselves before the ship centered out again. “What the hell was that?!”

“That’s what we were trying to find out, with so many turned into shameless indulgent monsters, there’s no telling just what kind of damage is being done to the ship.”

“I’ll come with you then. Three’s better than two anyway…” Getting a nod from the two creatures, the three made their way through the corridor and down the stairwell nearby, it was a bit jarring for Maria to fall to all fours like some jungle cat, but she quickly managed. Heading down to the floor where the engineering bay was, it was a terrible eye opener to see a good portion of the crew turned into monsters. Some were destroying what they could get their claws on, for no other reason than to blow off steam or amuse themselves, others rutted and fornicated brazenly in the open. Each orgasm they relished transforming them further into what she, Sharon and Steve had become.

Turning a corner, Maria was caught off guard when a stray claw grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back, pinning her against the wall when she felt some male ID beast press up against her and slowly lick up her neck. “What have we HERE? Oooh, fresh meat, I’m gonna enjoy fucking YOUR holes gorgeous!” Smirked the monster, his erection thumping against her naval while he tried to hoist her leg up. Struggling against him, Maria Hill sneered at the would-be rapist, disgusted that her guard was down in this crisis. Then a stray thought lingered in her mind, that as horrible as this was right now, if she could turn him, he might regain his sense of wits and morality and help her and the others. Slowly no longer resisting, she heard him chuckle before the ID beast was roughly pulled off her.

“GET THE HELL OFF OF HER!” Roared Steve, punching the lurid creature in the face so hard, chipped teeth flew out of the beast’s jaws and his body tumbled through a collapsed door to land face down in the ruins of someone quarters on this floor. Surprised, Maria looked up to find the blonde furred ID beast help her up and check her over. “Are you okay Director Hill?”

“W-why? We could have turned him like you turned me.”

“Because no one has the right to do that to you!” He declared, a steel look in his eyes as he kept his attention on the battered door he tossed the creature through. Staring up at the man who saved her, Maria Hill felt a warmth bloom in her chest that made her six nipples go stiff and a heat burn in her loins.

“Now, lets get back to…” Never able to finish his sentence, Steve found himself being kissed fiercely by Maria, her black lips against his while she sucked on his tongue, pressing her body against his own and swooning to his taste. Pulling away in shock, Steve found her looking back into his eyes with utter devotion and need. Blinking at the sight, he found himself being turned around to feel Sharon do the same to him, cupping his chin in her claws and kissing him deeply while Maria peppered his neck and chest with kisses. Managing to keep them at arms reach, Steve found the two female ID beasts looking up at him not with lust but a look of longing. Their clawed hands still reaching to feel up his arms and chest before he gestured down the hall to the engineering bay. “We’ve… We have got to stabilize the ship, come on, we can… We can do that later.” He gasped, feeling his erection renewed and throbbing between his legs.

Biting their lips, the two creatures gave each other a quick look before nodding and following him down the hall.


Clutching his arm and kicking his legs to drag himself against the wall to be backed up to a corner, Falcon watched on as the ID beasts attacked the engine room of the Helicarrier. When the attack occurred, he had no idea what had invaded the ship… Or why he had a raging hard on. But all around him the ship had quickly become overrun with these monsters. It was like they all came out of nowhere! Heading to the engine room when the alarms went off, Falcone tried his best to face the creatures before he was struck from behind in mid-flight and pinned to the ground by a hulking ID beast who ripped off his mechanical wings and kicked him across the engineering bay to where he was now.

“Awwww… Poor birdy had his wings clipped.” Chuckled the massive creature, waving the torn wings in his hands mockingly before tossing them aside callously. Stomping towards Falcon, the bear sized monster brandished his claws and smiled a toothy grin down at the grounded hero. “Don’t worry, I know the feeling, this is what happens when you play second fiddle to Cap... You LOSE a limb or two…”

The creature stood well over 9 feet tall hunched over, built solid with muscle and covered in thick brown fur. His long heavy tail dragging behind him and his taloned feet clicked on the metal floor. Unholstering his rapid-fire pistols, Anthony unloaded on the ID beast approaching him. Surprising the creature enough to rear back as he shuddered from the gunfire until Falcon heard his weapons click empty. Blinking and looking down at his barrel chest, the monster smirked as one by one the bullets popped out of his body, his wounds quickly healing up the second they did.

“Don’t you just HATE it when you blow your load and she doesn’t even notice?” Purred a nearby she-beast, approaching the hulking male and wrapping her arms around his own, resting her head on his shoulder and smirking back at Falcon. Built just as tall and monstrous, the smiling animal woman purred as her ears flicked over her head. Leering down at Falcon’s crotch and licking her fanged lips. “Though I see one ‘gun’ still performing at max capacity.”

“I don’t know Bobbi…” Husked a third ID beast joining the pair, leering down at Anthony with a smug grin. “In this ‘weapons race, the biggest ‘GUN’ is the winner.” Purred Daisy Johnson, stroking off Barnes and getting a shared smirk from the male monster.

“Wait… Bobbi? Bobbi Morse?!” Gasped Falcon, sitting up and guarding his hurt arm after dropping his empty pistols. “What happened to you, to ALL of you?!”

“Pff, who cares? This is awesome!”

“Yeah, finally I can cut loose and make this floating tub of assholes PAY for leaving my in the hands of Hydra for decades, hell I even got my arm back!” Chuckled the monster, flexing his left claw.


Moving faster than he could react, Anthony found himself pinned against the wall by a claw at his shoulder, keeping him in place while his feet dangled underneath him. “Ding, ding, ding, give the man a FUCKING prize!” Laughed Barnes, enjoying the sight of the man squirm in his grip. Falcon struggled and fought as hard as he could, even trying to punch at the ID beast’s arm but to no success. “Heh, love to see you squirm like that, you know for all those times I wasted knocking out dumb-assed bullies to save Steve’s scrawny ass, I should have been one myself!”


Turning to look over his shoulder, Bucky’s fanged smile nearly split his feline face. There standing at the engineering bay’s torn open doors was the tall blonde furred ID beast he hated the most. There along with Maria Hill and Sharon Carter standing ready to fight flanking the winged beast man they stood behind.

“Hey there pip-squeek! Looks like someone finally grew a pair huh?” the Brown furred monster chuckled, dropping Anthony like a sack of potatoes as he turned to face Steve, his claws ready. “And can you believe it? I have TWO hands now… And I can’t make up my mind on which one to strangle you with.”

Taking up a stance, Steve raised his fists, ready to enter a fight and kept his eyes on his changed friends, nodding to Sharon and Maria behind him to take their places. Getting the idea, the pair rushed around and flanked the three ID beasts, the difference between the two groups almost night and day as the savage ones hissed and growled to the winged trio keeping their distance while circling each other.

“I’m sorry about all of this Bucky, this is ALL my fault…”

“Oh, so YOU are the one that freed me from that one-armed ass-hat? Thanks for that buddy of mine.” Chuckled the ID beast almost venomously, his tail snapping behind him as he and Steve circled each other.

Looking up from his prone position, Falcon found one of the winged ID beasts circle close to him and then quickly kneel down to check on him, surprising the man when the honey furred she-creature carefully checked on his arm. “You okay Falcon?” She whispered, keeping her eye on the rest of the ID beasts while she guarded the man.


Hearing a bellowing roar from Barnes, the dark brown ID beast lunged for Steve, getting cheers and cat calls from Bobbi and Daisy. Trying to get up, Anthony found the blonde she-beast bring an arm up to guard him, her wings surrounding him like a shield. “Stay behind me…

Looking up from his prone spot on the floor, Falcon watched on as the two ID beasts fought and tumbled across the engineering bay in front of him. Their combined mass buckling steel as they collided into walls or support beams, the darker furred creature attacking with sadistic glee while the winged one held up his arms defensively. Taking each blow again and again. It was like looking at a pair of giant bears thrash and maul each other across the engineering bay. But all the while, Steve Rogers never made a single punch, instead taking every swipe, punch and thrash the other beast had to throw at him.

“Come ON Barnes! Show him what a REAL man you are!” Chuckled Quake, leering at the two still fighting while Maria stood between her and them, hefting one of her large breasts to grope as the whole fight was turning her on by the second. Maria continued to keep the other two ID beasts contained while Sharon kept Falcon safe. Glaring back at the two female ID beasts ready to fight if they so much as made a move. The two ID beasts were hardly recognisable from the women they had transformed from. Looking like anthropomorphic lionesses standing upright with heavy saurian tails and swooping horns over their heads. Shamelessly fingering themselves or groping at their many breasts at the sight of the fight.

“Out of the fucking way bitch! We’re not done with the little birdy over there…” Hissed Mockingbird, pointing towards Falcone and making a move until she was cut off by Maria Hill, her wings outstretched, and her talons brandished.

“You’re not going anywhere Bobbi, you’re sick! This is for your own good.”

A bellowing roar from Barnes preceded a barreling lunge for Captain America, body tackling the winged creature before he was thrown over Steve’s shoulder and spun over onto his back, tumbling past the floor until he collided the adjacent wall. Regaining his footing, Steve brought his clawed fists up just as Barnes took a swipe at him, wounding his arms with harsh gauges which quickly healed.

“I can do this all day, Bucky.”

“God I am SICK of you saying that!”

Bringing his arms up again, Steve winced as his friend took a swipe at him with his claws, a jackal-like grin on his fanged lips the entire time. Keeping up with the creature, Steve managed to stay on his toes, backing up to keep the fight going. Despite the horror of seeing his friend acting like some terrible sociopathic monster, one thing he did notice when Bucky took another swipe and managed to get him in the shoulder. He was enjoying this. He had to keep that going, keep that sense of elation up for his friend while this monster was using his body. That was why he was not fighting back, he WANTED Bucky to feel like he was winning, keep the beating going. Only stopping when he found the dark furred ID beast suddenly go into convulsions. Gritting his teeth and breathing hard, Bucky grunted as his muscles throbbed. His feet began to splay out like the paws of a lion as did his clawed hands while his neck grew longer. With a growl, spikes jutted down his back and thick tail and when a spiky mass formed at the tip of that tail he came hard on the metal floor with a hoarse grunt.

Falling to all fours, the monster looked more and more bestial by the second as his long swooping horns splintered and branched out into jagged antlers. His transformation slowing once his high ebbed but remained constant thanks to the white noise over the PA. A terrible, savage chimera leered back at Steve just as it lunged for him with antlers ready.  Bringing his arms up for defense, Captain America cried out when he was gorged in the attack and pinned against the wall.

“Ha! This is fucking amazing! I wanted to do that to you for 70 fucking years, and NOW look at me!” Chuckled Bucky, pulling away to loom over the prone blonde furred beast as his wounds healed. Standing up to his new height and flexing his talons, the monster smiled from ear to flicking ear. “When I’m done fucking you up, I’m gonna turn my attention to your bitches and fuck them up even harder! Finally get some after all these years.”

Prone on the ground and clutching his wounded side, Steve looked up to find Maria and Sharon look back with worry, even calling out his name over Daisy and Bobbi’s cheering. Giving them a slow nod unnoticed by Bucky raising his powerful arms over his head in triumph, Steve looked up and kept up the act of being wounded. “You… You got me Bucky, they’re all yours then.”

Smiling at hearing his friend’s defeated words, Bucky turned his attention to Maria Hill, the she-beast shocked before turning her attention to the brute stomping towards her and pulling her close by her waist. Looking up at his cruel looking smirk and leaning away at his hot breath, Maria wanted to knee this monster in the crotch and dislocate his arm. But she also quickly realised what Cap had planned, the same as she did. If they could speed up their changes, overfeed their IDs, then they would be themselves again.

“Hmm… Such a big, STRONG brute you are.” She purred, putting on an act while she caressed his brought shoulders. “I bet you could fuck me twice as hard as that limp dick down there, he can’t even stand up after what you did to him.” Feeling her stout leg hoisted up, she bit her lip when he forcefully brought it up to wrap around his waist and aim his throbbing erection to her folds.

“Bitch when I’m done with you, you’re gonna forget his name and be screaming MINE!”

Pinned against the wall and yelping from the act, Maria Hill looked away as Bucky licked and nibbled at her neck, bringing his attention downward to grope at her upper pair of breasts, licking down her cleavage while thrusting hard into her pussy and forcing her to tighten the grip her legs had around his waist. The she-beast whimpered from his rough ministrations, biting her fanged lip while the monster took her, gripping at her thighs possessively while he fucked her. At the corner of her eye she could see Steve get pinned down by Quake and Mockingbird, the two having their way with the spoils of Bucky’s victory over him. On the other side of the engineering bay, Sharon kept Falcon safe, shielding him with her wings and keep a sharp eye on Bucky and the others.

She HATED this! She hated what became of her friends, who were rolling Steve onto his back and straddled him, mocking his inability to fight back while Bobbi pinned his arms over his head and Daisy had her way with him. All but raping him to get some short-term gratification in the act, being cruel and sadistic. She hated what SHE had become, a woman trapped in the body of a monster, having woken up after doing monstrous things. And she hated how this was the only way to stop it all.

Looking down she could see and feel Bucky go rigid, her insides flooding as he orgasmed hard into her nethers, making her shiver and clawed toes curl. Looking down his back she noticed spurs jut out of his back all the way down his tail tip, blooming as a painful looking mace of spikes at the end. His neck grew longer until it became as long as his arm, his face pushing outward, becoming even more bestial while his horns branched out and splintered. He was almost there. Another orgasm or two and he would develop wings, his transformation complete and his mind restored. All she had to do was occupy his attention and coax him to reach that peak. Seeing his muscles stiffen and twitch, Maria could tell that his changes finished and was panting for air, still rock hard and buried deep within her.

“Is… Is that all Bucky? Steve can do better.”

Seeing him dart his head up and lock his horns with hers, Maria smirked back at the snorting monster, his girth throbbing inside of her.

“Like… Three TIMES better!”

Hearing him growl under his breath and pull at her thigh to grind deeper into her, Maria Hill bit her fanged lip from the intrusion before she was pulled into a rough and aggressive kiss. Pulling away, the former director gasped when she was turned around and bent over, her tail hoisted up over Bucky’s shoulder when she felt him spear into her again from behind with his clawed hands gripping her hips tightly.

“Three times huh? Let’s see if you still think that way when I fuck you TEN times over!”

Thrusting hard and hoarse with grunts, the dark furred monster began to rutt and fuck Maria from behind, putting everything he had into making her moan out loud and cry out with each thrust. Squeezing her inner muscles and egging him on to let loose and slip further, it was only a matter of time now. Looking over her shoulder she could see Bobbi cry out, going into convulsions as her body grew and changed.

“HRNNNNGH… THIS is ‘huff’ For every… ‘Huuurgh’ FUCKING time I had to… to drop a date to save his scrawny ass!” Slapping Maria’s furring thigh hard, he smirked a fanged grin when she yelped, moaning and wailing from his violent ministrations.

Watching the horror show play out in front of him, Sam Wilson leaned back against the wall, cradling his arm while Sharon Carter crouched nearby to keep him safe. Her large honey coloured feathers acting like a partition to separate the injured man from the sight in front of him. The look on her feline face was a mix of worry and arousal.

“Why are you just sitting there? Why aren’t you helping them?!” Barked Falcon, leaning back against the wall with a wince, ignoring the hard-on tenting his pants to the danger in front of him.

“Believe me Sam, they’re not in danger, they’ve got a plan.”

“A plan? Director Hill is getting raped by Bucky and Cap is getting…” Feeling a talon press against his mouth with a ‘shhh’ Sharon eyed the smaller man in her protection and back at the others. “Just give it another few minutes, if we’re lucky…” Hearing Bucky roar out while he mounted Maria Hill, his body changed again, becoming more animalistic and larger until a pair of growths began to form on his back. Bellowing out a guttural roar of release, those growth burst out and stretched into a pair of brown feathered wings, flapping with growing strength before they folded up behind him and he staggered back, falling to all fours as naturally as a jungle predator while Maria Hill slumped down to the ground, panting from the experience.

Still feeling his orgasm reeling through him, his cock throbbing with the booming of his heart, the Winter soldier looked down at his large talons and smiled a fanged grin. With his now longer neck to give his new powerful body a look over, the sight made him chuckle before he looked down at the panting form of Maria whimpering from the multiple orgasms that she experienced.

“Heh, how do you like THAT bitch? NOW was I better than… Than…”

Feeling hazy, Bucky lowered his head, shaking his skull with a groan while his claw pressed against his forehead, clearing the fog from his mind, he found the strength to look up and around his surroundings, totally confused. Blinking sleepily, the ID beast looked down at his talons in shock. “Wha… What is… Where…?”

Looking down at the dark furred female ID beast by his feet just now recovering, the memories of his actions for the last few hours finally came crashing back to the man. “Oh God…” All the damage he had caused around the ship, the people he terrorised, assaulted, infected… And worse. “OH GOD!!!” Collapsing to his knees and clutching his antlered head, the Winter Soldier was paralysed with guilt, his mind reeling over his actions now that he could remember them.

“Glad to have you back Bucky…” Moaned Maria, managing to get to all fours and regain her strength. A warmth still coursing through her body thanks to the damn PA system broadcasting the white noise keeping everyone aroused. Turning her attention to Barnes, she was nearly caught off guard by his frantic attempt to check on her to make sure he did not hurt her at all. His claws gently cupping her feline chin while his eyes wildly darted back and forth as if searching for something on her. Grabbing hold of his talons, Maria calmed him down. “It’s okay, you didn’t hurt me.”

“No, its NOT okay!” Barked the dark furred creature, a grimace of guilt on his pained face, his eyes wide in horror until he heard a feminine roar behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he found Steve pinned to the ground by Quake and Mockingbird. The blonde and brunette furred creatures straddling his crotch and face respectively and grinding away at his cock and mouth.

“Get the HELL off him you-“ Cut off from leaping to action by a pair of strong arms around his, Bucky looked back to find Maria Hill keeping him from acting, shaking her head and bringing a clawed finger to his lip.

“It’s okay Bucky, its all part of Steve’s plan.”

“Plan?! They’re raping him!” Darting his eyes back to the two using his friend to get off, he heard Bobbi cry out her release, roughly squeezing Steve’s balls while he erupted hard into her nethers. Then she began to go into convulsions, clutching at his barrel chest and rearing up as a row of spines jutted down her back, her tail growing thicker in the process until she keened out from the pleasure pain of it all. Then Quake did the same, squeezing Steve’s face in her thighs while her body shifted and grew.

“No, they aren’t, he’s bringing them back… One orgasm at a time.”

Crying out with a bellowing roar, Bobbi Morse felt her body shudder from a mind blowing orgasm, her wings sprouting from her back and flapping as they grew until her transformation was complete and she collapsed on top of Steve Rogers, breathing hard and swooning from the experience. “Mmmm… Better than Candyland!” Her vision slowly clearing, Mockingbird hummed to herself and went to brush her hair out of her eyes and felt an antler poking out of her skull. “Wha… What’s this?”

Looking around, the blonde furred ID beast looked up to find Winter Soldier holding a distraught Quake, the massive feline creature had his wings wrapped around her shoulders like a blanket while she coped with some unsaid trauma. Nearby a still human Falcon sat on the ground across the engineering bay while Maria Hill and Sharon Carter knelt close to check on him now that he was not in danger.

“Oh my god!” Looking down, she found herself straddling Steve Rogers, his length still deep within her nethers even after the two reached climaxed. Slowly separating from her, Steve held her close while all her memories rushed back to her. An intense look of revulsion on her face as she recounts all the terrible things she did when she was totally uninhibited. “I… I think I’m going to be sick…”

Settling her on the ground and keeping her steady, Mockingbird looked like she was going to go into a panic attack. The only thing keeping her from doing so was Steve’s claws gently holding hers and wrapping a wing around her shoulders like a jacket. “There we go, just, breath slowly and it’ll pass.”

Slowly nodding, the blonde creature held herself tightly, reeling from the memories of her having her way with so many of the SHIELSD staff against their will, venting out her anger on the ship, so much so she looked around the engineering bay and sighed with gratitude that she was stopped when she and the others were. Looking down at her talons, Mockingbird looked confused, slowly looking herself over to find she was huge and inhuman. She looked like some anthropomorphic cat, one with spines lining down her shoulders, thighs and back to a thick saurian tail that ended in a mace of spikes. Her head had a pair of horns that splintered outward like crude antlers, her skull supported on a longer neck, granting her a better vantage to look herself over. Looking down her chest and mid stomach, she now sported 6 breasts that heaved as she breathed in and out in her calming panic. To anyone who would have seen her, they would have thought she was a chimera of myth. “What… What am I?”

“You’re an ID beast, and I am sorry, I am so very very sorry…” Answered Captain America, a sullen look on his face as he kept her still.

“I’m a what?”

“There’s a bioweapon on the ship, one that’s turned us all into monsters fueled by our most shameful desires.” Explained Bucky, now somber as he fell to all fours and knelt in front of the blond furred woman, not the least bit surprised when she moved forward and clutched him into a hug. “I’m SO sorry Bucky! I did…”

“No, I’m sorry, I’m the one who infected you, I’m…” Quickly joining the three on the floor, Daisy pressed up close to Bucky and Bobbi, just as distraught as Mockingbird now that she could remember what her worst self had been doing when she blacked out.

“We have to make sure nothing else happens to the Helicarrier, right now the white noise being broadcast over the speakers is keeping the infected in their present state but in time they’ll end up stable like we are.” Explained Steve, getting up and moving over to check on Sam, grateful the man was uninfected and despite hurt, was recovering.

“So, what’s the plan Cap?”

“We’ve already made sure the engine is safe, if this was destroyed, the helicarrier would have fallen like a rock into the Atlantic.” Hearing Bobbi whimper at the ramifications of her actions, Steve continued. “Right now, the next priority is the bridge, to make sure we don’t float back to the shoreline.”

“Otherwise this plague might spread to the East coast.” Realised Bucky, garnering the attention of the other two ladies clinging to him tightly.

“I need you all to stay here and make sure none of the other afflicted crew come here to finish what you almost started, Sharon, Director Hill and myself will head to the bridge.” With the two standing up to join him, Steve meant to leave when he felt a clawed hand rest on his shoulder. Turning to see who it was, Steve found Bucky giving him a sullen look.

“Buddy, I’m sorry for…”
Turning to shake his friend’s hand, Captain America nodded. “Hey, I understand, you had a lot on your chest about what happened back then.”

Getting a nod back from the Winter Soldier, Cap and his two teammates left the engineering bay to secure the bridge. Hoping they were not in for too serious a fight.


Looking out the portcullis of the sealed room the rest of the survivors were in, Nick Fury looked out with his good eye to find his ship overrun with monsters rampaging and fornicating out in the hallways. Some looked worse than the others, almost as if they were getting bigger and more vicious over time. Even now there were three trying to get inside the same room, barreling their bodies against the heavy metal but not getting any further than making the lights flicker and metal to groan in protest.

“Come ON! Let us in!”

“Yeah… We just want to nibble on your skin.”

Aiming his pistol at the feline eye leering back at him, Nick Fury glared at the monster smirking back at him. “Get the FUCK away from the door freak!”

“Oooooh, I’m shaking in my boots!”

“Yeah! Cumming in them too! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaa!”

Hearing chuckles and laughter from the monsters on the other side of the door, Fury glared back and stormed away from the door, the heavy thumping of the creatures attacking the door never ending. Sharing the space with him were the remainder of the bridge crew that managed to get inside in time before they were overtaken. Many sat on the floor, keeping themselves quiet or keeping an eye on the door that continued to thump with the ID beasts attacking it.

“This is getting out of hand, how the hell are we getting my ship back with this mess?”


Re: Captain America: American ID
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2023, 07:35:51 PM »
Captain America: American Id.
Chapter 4

Exiting the engineering bay, Captain America, Sharon Carter, and Director Hill fled down the halls of the helicarrier, heading their way to the bridge of the ship where they could regain control and make sure the ship would not crash into the shoreline. Running on all fours like a pack of wolves, the three darted from one hallway to the other, trying to avoid any other ID beasts skulking the ship on their way to the bridge. Ducking behind a bulkhead with Steve bringing his right arm back to keep the other two back, the trio waited as a horde of the monsters charged through the halls, onwards to another part of the ship, laughing like lunatics or worse before they disappeared after turning a corner. Thankfully, they were in such a hurry they never noticed them.

“Do you think Bucky and the others can hold their own if something like that might attack engineering?”

“I don’t know… But its better than how we left it a few minutes ago.” Keeping his feline eyes peeled at the corner where the horde ran off, Steve looked over his shoulder to the others. “I trust him to keep it safe until control is restored.” Checking to see if the coast was clear, it did not go unnoticed by him to feel Maria hold his arm more tightly or Sharon press up against him. Ever since they had regained their sense of selves, they seemed… Rather smitten with him. Shrugging and pulling himself free, Steve turned the corner and gestured for the others to follow him.

“Where are we going? The bridge is down THAT hallway.” Whispered Carter, Following Captain America as he made his way to the left hallway deeper into the ship. Heading towards the crew quarters section of the vessel.

“I know… But if we are going to stand any chance of a fight, I NEED my shield.” Following Steve down the corridor, the trio managed to get to the living quarters of the helicarrier. Most of the quarters they passed by had their doors pried open as if they were made of tin, sparks flying from broken control panels and flickering lights gave the halls an ominous feel while they skulked through. “Two oh three… Two oh four, there we are.” Finding his quarters, it did not surprise him to find the door torn open, the entrance made big enough for something as big as he was to enter. Deep inside he could hear grunts and growls from some creature inside. Looking back to Maria and Sharon, they too could hear what was inside and prepared themselves.

“Great… Please tell me there isn’t another one like me in there…” Groused Maria in a whisper, still embarrassed by her behaviour earlier.

Crouching down to fit through the gaping hole where his door used to be, Steve made his way inside the now cramped space with the two ladies in tow behind him. His living quarters were a mess, trashed and ruined furniture splayed everywhere, and all his possessions had been gathered up and missing. Narrowing his feline eyes, Steve moved deeper inside when he heard noises from his sleeping quarters.

“Hey, who’s in here?” Called out Cap, only to feel Maria grip at his shoulder tightly. Turning his attention to the female creature, she gave him a wince as if to scold him. Hearing something move, the three found themselves surprised when they found an ID beast hobble out of Steve’s sleeping quarters, its arms holding a collection of Cap’s belongings such as some of his clothes and medals. A wild look in its feline eyes lit up when it spotted the blonde furred ID beast in front of him.

“Gasp!... Look at YOU! You’re RUINED!” The creature sulked, throwing its bounty to the ground in frustration and scratching its claws through its hair and horns. “I was hoping to get my hands on your old uniform, your boots, your shield, EVERYTHING Captain America… But THIS?! You’re not even the same thing anymore! And I just got back my playing cards of you too!”

“Agent Coulson?!” Gasped Maria Hill, the creature rearing his head up upon hearing his name and smirking back at the female ID beast, wringing his talons together as if scheming a plot. Leaving the three at unease when he glared at Steve with an unreadable smirk.

“Well… If its all worthless now, maybe I’ll take what still IS…” Lunging for Cap with his claws outstretched, Steve managed to catch his wrists as they both tumbled out of the living room of his quarters and rolled out into the hallway with Coulson trying to pin him to the ground. “With a pound of FLESH!!!” Snapping his jaws at Steve’s face, the ID beast brought his arm up to guard himself. “Let me have your EYES, mint condition!”


Hoisted off their leader by the two female ID beasts grabbing hold of his shoulder and spines, Sharon and Maria tossed him across the hall where Coulson tumbled and rolled before snapping to all fours and growled back at the three.

“Mint condition… Mont Condition… Must have it! MUST HAVE IT!” Before their eyes, Coulson’s throat began to bulge under his chin obscenely, giving him a look of discomfort before his eyes bulged and he looked up, opening his mouth wide to unleash a spray of fluid that hissed and smoked in the air. Before Sharon or Maria could be sprayed, they found Steve had gotten in front of them and shielded their bodies with one of his wings. The moment the bile struck his wing and shoulder, Captain America cried out in pain when the acidic substance began to burn his feathers and flesh, making him tumble back and clutch at his injuries.


“Mint condition!... Only one LEFT!!!” Giggled Coulson before barrelling forward, seconds from attacking the three. Still clutching his wounded shoulder, Steve spotted his shield at the floor of his quarter’s door. Grabbing hold of it, he flung it towards Coulson in mid air, his talons out and his fanged maw open just as the vibranium shield caught him in the mouth and sent him flying the opposite direction and bounced back to Steve’s claw. Getting back to his feet, Captain America flung his shield again, the metal disk bouncing off the walls and striking Coulson across the face again and again, even chipping his horns off his skull before Cap grabbed his shield in mid air and charged towards the stunned and injured ID beast, slamming into him and running all the way down the hall until the two collided into the hall’s junction and against the wall, going through the doors of another officer’s quarters in the process.

Breathing hard and regaining his footing. Steve looked down to find the wounded Coulson ID beast injured and unconscious, but still alive. Going into twitching convulsions as his body swelled larger and spikes jutted out of his shoulders and back. Gratefully that the man was not dead. Steve crawled out of the room and clutched at his wounded shoulder, sighing with relief to find his injuries rapidly healing and regrowing fur and feathers. “So, I guess that was the acid breath that guy was talking about earlier, nasty stuff.”

“Steve! Are you okay?” Caught off guard, Cap found Maria and Sharon immediately press up against him and check over his injuries, the two frantically inspecting his healing wounds and following with kissing his shoulder before pulling his head down to kiss at his fanged lips. Their panic calming down, the pair gave him an intense look just as Maria cupped his chin in her clawed hands.

“Just WHAT did you think you were doing?!” Hissed the she-creature followed by Sharon pressing up beside her to glare into Steve’s eyes. “Yeah! You could have been killed!” She growled, even lightly punching Steve on his good shoulder.

“I was trying to protect you two.”

The look in their eyes intensified to a point that they looked like they might hurt him before Maria pulled him in to kiss him once more, but this time with more passion and intensity. The moment she pulled away, Steve found himself pulled towards Sharon who quickly took her place, kissing the ID beast while moaning into his mouth. During the kiss, Steve gasped when he felt a clawed hand grip at his hard erection possessively before gently stroking him off. Pulling him close, Sharon whispered into his pointed ear.

“Never, EVER do that again! You are OUR man! And I don’t want you getting hurt like that again!”

Taken back, Steve didn’t know what to say as the pair gently pressed him against the wall and continued to make out with him, Maria even pressed up against his erection and guided one of his clawed hands to squeeze at her rear. “No more repressing anything Steve, we WANT you, please don’t deny that; I don’t want to be that…. THING again.” Slowly nodding, Steve Rogers pulled Maria close and reciprocated the kiss, making her swoon and moan as he squeezed at her rump possessively and pulled Sharon close to do the same, making her giggle at the attention.

“We’ve got to get to the bridge, only then can we be sure the helicarrier is safe.”

Getting a nod from the two, the trio quickly regained their bearings and made their way out of the living quarters section of the ship. Heading out into the main hallway, the three tried to find a way up to the bridge route, with Maria and Sharon still giving Steve affection as his injuries almost completely healed. About halfway through the ship, they managed to find an emergency ladder to the higher decks. “There, you first…” Before they could climb, Sharon gasped when she found an ID beast thrown across the hall and slam into the adjacent wall near the ladder.

Ready for a fight, they looked up to find a fully formed ID beast stagger into view, with her arms up in a combat stance and her wings folded back to give her room once she spotted Cap and the others. Whoever it was, she was tall, toned, and curvaceous in her complete form. Like them, she was built strong and muscular but also broad with curves. Her wide hips framed stout powerful legs and her six full breasts heaved with each deep breath while she glared back at the three with her talons up defensively, her long saurian tail flicking behind her, betraying how anxious she was. When she spotted the blue and red spangled shield in the hand of the one leading the group, the red ID beast lowered her arms only slightly.

“So… I take it this is all your fault Cap?” It asked, her voice familiar.

“Oh my god...” Gasped Captain America, lowering his arms as did Sharon and Maria. “Natasha?”

“Yeah, its me… And who are you two?”

Slowly approaching the three ID beasts, the female creature gracefully stepped closer on her padded toes, her long saurian tail flicking behind her like a cat’s tail and her feathered wings bunched tightly behind her back. Even as a ten foot tall anthropomorphic feline with antlers, wings and spikes, she gave off an allure that made even Steve’s erection twitch when she sauntered up and crossed her arms over her chest, not that it did anything to cover her six full breasts from view.

“Would someone please explain what the HELL is going on here? Sigh… And why I remember doing some things I’d rather not WANT to remember?”

Looking to each other, the group of ID beasts exhaled and explained the entire situation to the red furred creature. “I’m agent Carter and this is Director Hill, the three of us just came back from the engine room, we were on our way to the bridge”

“It’s GOOD to see you’ve regained control of yourself Nat, this is good news, it means that the rest aren’t that far off from regaining control of themselves.”

“I can SEE that you’re happy to see me Steve.” Smirked the Black Widow as she looked down at Steve ‘s girth just as he tried to cover himself up with his shield. “Don’t cover up on my account, seems everyone’s gone wild around here… Well, wild and psychotic!”

“They’re being controlled by their repressed desires, but once their transformations are complete, they’ll be in control of themselves.” Feeling the ship lurch, the four looked around, wondering what the cause was.

“We’re moving…”

“Yeah, someone just changed course.”

“We have to hurry and get up there!”

The four made their way deeper into the ship to get to the bridge while explaining along the way the series of events that had led to now; how Captain America was infected with a bioweapon that turned him into a monster when ever he got aroused and had him infect others across the ship in his amnesiac episodes, and how Tony Stark’s device was used to find out who was affected or not, with devastating effects. The Black Widow listened on intently, surprised of the details Sharon and Director Hill gave her as they snuck past a horde of ID beasts running through the halls like a pack of wolves. Other areas of the ship had descended into a brothel to those afflicted, the group passing by one orgy after another and trying not to get noticed. Seeing that they were getting nowhere fast, Natasha helped lead them up to the upper desks without notice. Looking around, the four found themselves in an empty hallway two floors up, finding a brief reprieve as they gathered themselves.

“So, let me get this straight, we can regenerate?” Asked Natasha, helping Maria squeeze through the narrow ventilation shaft she guided them all through to make a clear escape.

“And vomit a corrosive acid, yeah… That was a shock when we dealt with it.”

“Like, how effective is it now? How much can we heal?”

Scratching her ear, Sharon thought on that before pointing a clawed thumb towards Steve Rogers pulling himself free from the vent port and reaching back for his shield. “Well, Coulson spewed acid on Steve’s arm when he shielded us from it, burned his arm and wings but it all grew back.”

“Yeah, and if you think THAT’s impressive, Bucky regrew a whole new arm!”

Taken back, Natasha looked down to stare at her three rows of breasts to press a hand at her naval, letting her clawed hand roam over her lower stomach as if she were looking for something. When her hand found something that she was looking for, her eyes lit up in shock, her other hand joining the first in confirming it to her. Then she turned her attention to Steve just as he pulled the shield free from the vent they all squeezed through to avoid the main halls, fastening the small metal disk over his forearm. Looking up, he found Natasha looking straight at him with an unreadable look on her face.


Caught off guard, Steve’s eyes went wide when she practically tackled him and pinned him against the wall, pressing up against his body with hers and pulling his antlered head down to kiss him deeply. Shocked at the beast woman’s actions, he was even more surprised when he felt her grab hold of his erection in one hand and brought his claw to grope at her rear. “Nat! What in the world is wrong with…” When he pulled her away from the kiss, he looked down at her face and saw desperation in her eyes

“PLEASE Steve, just this once! I NEED it!” Kissing up his neck, Steve looked to Maria and Sharon, the two just as surprised by the act and being just as aroused thanks to the white noise over the PA, he could see the two squirm watching Natasha try to seduce Steve, unsure of how to act. When he felt her try to lick up his neck, Steve had enough and gently held her by her shoulders and pulled her away. “Nat! Get a hold of yourself, what is this about?”

“I WANT YOUR BABIES!!!” Stunned silent, Steve’s fanged lips were captured in hers against when she leaned in to steal another kiss, bringing his hands down to cup at her breasts, all six of them before bringing them to her rear. “I can… I can HAVE them now, I want kids, I want YOUR kids! PLEASE!” By now there were tears in her feline eyes, pecking his lips with hers and pressing her chest against his. Combined with the arousing white noise, the warmth of her body against his own, her tongue darting into his fanged mouth and her admission… Something finally gave. Hoisting her legs around his waist, Nat instantly wrapped them around torso when he turned around and pressed her against the wall, finally reciprocating her kisses and groping her thighs until he positioned his throbbing length into her moist folds and thrust deep into her.

Grunting and heaving with each piston thrust into her folds, Steve winced and gasped feeling Natasha’s inner muscles squeeze and coax him to thrust harder. Her legs wrapped around his waist tightening their grip on him to keep him close. With her arms wrapped around his shoulders, Natasha lolled her head back, moaning out loud with each jolt and buck of his hips against hers. The look in her lust clouded eyes was all the evidence Steve needed to know just how much she wanted this. Pressing up against his chest, the stiff nipples of her many breasts grated against his chest and abs. “Please Steve, I need it, I NEED it!” She pleaded, pulling him in for another kiss and having her tongue explore his mouth. Gripping her thigh to keep his leverage, Steve growled into her mouth, his thrusts building up as he thrust harder and deeper.

He could feel his swollen balls slap against her thighs and rear with every buck of his hips, his tail thumping the floor behind him, with the noise over the PA keeping him aroused and with Black Widow practically wrapped around him, he had become too pent up to ignore his need for release anymore. He could feel it built up, his cock going harder as his rhythm increased. “They… They took… My ability to ha… Have kids… The RED room… To ensure loyalty… But now… NOW… NOW! Please, I want them! I WANT YOUR BABIES!!!”

Her please were driving him just as nuts as the noise filling the hallway, they were in. Deep down on some base alpha-male urge, he WANTED to knock her up just as badly as she wanted him to. Before, he would have bottled that part of himself up and shelf it at the back of his mind. Now? Now he realised how dangerous it was to repress his worst impulses, doing so allowed a monster to be born inside of him, no more and never again. Catching everyone by surprise, Steve let out a guttural snarl, making Natasha shiver as a micro-orgasm went through her. Squinting and gritting his teeth, Steve groaned as he ground against her, he was so close, he could feel his balls tighten, ready to fire their payload into her. He did not know when he would reach his limit until he felt Maria side up next to him and pull his feline face towards hers in a passionate kiss. “She’s not the ONLY one Steve, take me next! I wanted you before she did, I can give you kids too!” Blinking back in surprise at Maria’s please, Steve turned to look back at Natasha and found Sharon making out with her, the blonde ID beast moaning into the red furred she-creature’s mouth while pressing her thigh and rear against Steve’s waist, almost as if to try and tell him she was next.

That alone was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Clenching his eyes shut and gritting his fanged teeth, Steve Rogers grabbed hold of Natasha’s thighs and reared back in a roar of release better found in a grizzly bear as he fired off a torrent of cum into her gripping pussy, the Black Widow breaking off the kiss to moan out her own release as she felt him flood her insides again and again. His wings fluttered behind him as he jolted his hips against Natasha’s again and again. Panting and breathing hard, Steve looked up to have Natasha pull him in for a kiss, the two moaning into each other’s mouths before she pulled him close to whisper into his spaded ear. “I’m yours!... Any time, any where, I don’t care.” Feeling her nuzzle and kiss under his neck and chin, Maria did the same, swooning as the two fawned over him.

Slowly separating from Natasha and making her whimper when they separated with a slick pop of fluids, Steve wrapped his arm around Maria’s lower waist and pulled her close to kiss, the female ID beast eagerly reciprocating before he pulled away and turned her around to face the wall. Gasping, she felt him hoist her spiked tail over his shoulder and line himself up to penetrate her pussy from behind, gripping her hips possessively as he began to thrust hard. “YES! Me next, I… I want it! You’ll see, I… I can give you… You kids too!” She moaned and wailed, feeling him thrust over and over again into her. Siding up next to him, Sharon licked at his neck and ear, letting her hands roam between caressing his barrel chest and shoulder and Maria’s back.  She and Natasha fawned over him while he had his way with the former director.

“You OWE us for that spat with Quake and Mockingbird Steve.” Purred Sharon, pulling him in for a kiss and practically straddling his thigh, smiling into the kiss when she felt him reach around and grope at her rear possessively. “I’m next!”

Wailing and moaning louder, Maria’s wings fluttered behind her back, her pussy muscles gripped Steve’s cock tightly as if it would escape her inner clutches. Her six breasts swayed heavily underneath her as he fucked her rough and wild, no longer restrained and letting loose. Eventually the two reached their peak, with Steve giving off another roar of release as he flooded Maria’s insides again and again with hot seed to the point of overflow dripping between her shaky legs. Looking over her shoulder, the dark furred she beast gave Steve a pouting look of satisfaction, tightening her pussy muscles to coax more out of him. Tired but still eager for more, Steve was captured in another kiss by Natasha as she slowly guided him away from Maria and brought him to roll onto his back where Sharon quickly took her place straddling his waist.

The moment she did, Steve already had his clawed hands around her waist just as she guided his still erect cock at her pussy and plunged down on his length, squirming and arching her back to thrust out her chest. Looking up from his spot on the cold metal floor, Steve found Sharon tossing her long hair and gently raking her claws over her chest while Maria and Natasha took up either side of the couple, roaming their own claws over the two or making out with each other. “Hnnnngh, you… You want this TOO Sharon?” Grunted Steve, already thrusting into the beast woman out of reflex, her six breasts swaying from her chest with each collision of their hips.

“YES! I’m yours, I’ve BEEN yours even before we woke…” Interrupted by Maria leaning in to kiss her, Sharon leaned back into the kiss, moaning into her mouth and feeling up Maria’s thigh while their chests pressed up against each other. Pulling away, Sharon found herself making out with Natasha next, the two moaning into each other’s mouths, hissing when she felt Maria clasp her fanged lips around one of her stiff nipples. “I don’t CARE if this is sound induced or because of a damned virus… I want you Steve.”

“I think I’m… I’m…”

“Do it! Claim me, knock me up! Make me YOURS!!!” She moaned, grinding against him and squirming as his length delved deeper into her. Gritting his teeth in effort, and overstimulated from the three either kissing each other or fawning over his body while he thrust harder and harder, he finally reached his peak and went rigid, growling out a gargled roar of ecstasy as he came hard into the blonde she-beast rearing up and moaning out her own orgasm. Her wings splayed out and fluttering from the sensation before she slumped forward and rested on top of him, joined by Maria and Natasha swooning on top of Steve’s body.

Looking down he could feel the three nuzzle and kiss at his neck and chin, with Sharon squirming and squeezing her inner muscles to keep him inside of her while she licked at his chin and kissed at his fanged lips. Finally sated despite the white noise from the PA keeping him aroused. Slowly sitting up, Steve continued to be kissed and petting by the trio after separating from Sharon and regaining his footing. “We… We need to get to the bridge… Now.”

Slowly nodding in agreement, the rest of the ID beasts looked down the hall and continued their way, running on all fours down the corridor following the signs to where the bridge led.


“You’re CHEATING! I KNOW you’re cheating…” The man murmured, sitting on the floor of his cell across from Tony Stark. The two men had been playing cards during the entire ordeal in the brig to pass the time while Captain America and the others tried to restore order, but now the arms dealer was having doubts about the game he was playing. “There’s no way you are getting the cards you need at JUST the right time!”

“You’re the genius, counting cards should be YOUR expertise, I’m just a good player.” Smirked Tony, pulling a card from the deck and looking over to his opponent and back at his hand. Ending up with a two, three, eight, jack and five to his name. Despite this he retained his poker face and looked back at the AIM arms dealer. “Okay, play’em.”

Putting his hand on the floor, the Arms Dealer showed he had three queens and a pair of fours, smiling at the hand he put down. “Full house!”

Looking over his cards like they were a fence to hide his face, Tony looked over his hand before placing it too on the floor, rubbing his thumb under his hand of cards. “Four of a kind.” He answered, revealing four sevens and a three.

“What?! That’s BULLSHIT!”

Bringing his hands up defensively, Tony let the man pull back Tony’s cards to look them over, making sure they were real and that they matched the deck sitting nearby. Giving Stark a glare, the man shuffled the cards back together, still staring back at the smirking Iron Man.

“I’ve got my eye on you Stark, no funny business.”

“Right, smooth coming from a weapons dealer, just deal the cards”

Dealing a hand between the two of them, the man narrowed his eyes and dropped the deck to the side of the cell near his feet, pulling up his five cards and sorting through his new hand.

Looking down at his own hand, Tony found he had a pair of threes, a queen, nine and ace. Tracing his thumb over the card, the faces and numbers shifted one after the other until he had the winning hand he was looking for, the new LCD playing cards were working wonderfully. His smirk grew before he went straight faced again, spotting his opponent looking at him funny. “What are you smirking at?”



Moving their way through the main hall, the pack of four ID beasts looked up to see the directions overhead on the ceiling instructing them to where the main bridge was. Leading the way, Steve galloped on all fours while Sharon, Maria and Natasha followed slightly behind. They were close now, just another corner and they would be able to keep this nightmare from spreading out into the mainland, but as they ran, they could already smell smoke.

“Is there a fire?”

“I don’t know… This whole ship is a wreck now…”

“We’re almost there! Get ready for anything.” Called out Steve over his shoulder and getting a nod back from the others. The moment they turned the corner, they found they were not alone anymore. Occupying the hallway entrance to the bridge were seven ID beasts still in mid transformation, grinding against each other in an orgy until they paused to look up at the new arrivals. Separating from each other, the creatures gathered, slowly closing in and brandishing talons with hungry eyes and teeth. Leering at the four, the horde of ID beasts giggled and cackled like hyenas. Some even drooling at the prospect of having their way with the three females standing behind the lead male holding up a star-spangled shield as if to guard them.

“Ooooh! Look at THIS! These Bitches have WINGS!” Chuckled a brute, rolling his shoulders as spines ruptured and grew from his shoulders and back, the horns on his head splintering. As painful as it looked, the male beast grunted at the throbbing hardness between his legs, aroused by the pleasure pain of his continued transformation.

“Chicken legs, chicken legs… Heh, heh, heh…”

“Dibs on the red one!” Hissed one female with a spiked tail, licking her chops as she sized up Natasha.

Getting up to their feet and taking a combat stance, the four looked back at the horde of wild-eyed monsters and back to Steve. Shoulder to shoulder with each other as the seven or so creatures gathered in front of them, ready to pounce.

“So, what do we do Cap?” Whispered Natasha, eyeing the horde in front of her and certainly not oblivious to the couple of those monsters leering at her like a prized steak. “Because I DON’T feel like fucking them!”

“Same here!” Hissed Maria, her clawed fists up and the spines lining her back bristled in anxiety.

Before an answer was given, the Helicarrier lurched again to the side. Sending everyone off their feet and causing the wild ID beasts to laugh like they were in a funhouse. Bringing his shield up, Steve Rogers looked at what was ahead of him and looked over his furry shoulder. “We’re running out of time, and there’s no telling where we’re headed. Charge through them! We can figure them out after!”

Charging through, Steve’s pack barrelled into the horde of ID beasts, his shield up and plowing through them all out of his way like a bulldozer while Sharon, Natasha and Maria struck or subdued the ones that either got out of the way or were sent colliding into the nearby walls from Steve’s charge. With the last one sent careening out of the way, Steve turned to look back and found most of them had been subdued, but they were rapidly recovering. Some were even laughing as they rapidly healed their injuries. Seeing Sharon have one pinned to the ground in an arm hold, the creature chuckled before going into convulsions, twisting and growing under her grip before she had to pull back with a gasp and cry of pain when spines sprouted down her prisoner’s back and horns jutted out of his skull. Forced to back away and tend to the stab wounds in her chest and stomach.

“Are you as HORNY as I am? Ha ha HA!” Still surging from his transformation into a more bestial form, the dark furred monster chuckled as Sharon backed away, clutching at her healing chest. Just when the psychopathic creature leapt to attack, a vibranium shield struck it across the face with enough force to chip one of its newly formed horns off its skull and send it careening into the wall just a few feet over Sharon’s side, left limp and unconscious.

Keeping an eye on his shield as it ricocheted off the walls and other ID beasts, he grabbed it in mid air when it returned to him, fastening it back over his furry arm. Seeing that everyone else was okay and the enemy dealt with, Steve was about to turn and make down the hall when Sharon came up to kiss him on the chin and whisper a thanks into his ear. Finally stepping through the causeway of the bridge, they were all shocked to find the controls in ruins, billowing smoke overhead from the flames. “What did they do here?!” Gasped Maria, coming up from behind Steve as the others spread out.

Looking up, Steve grabbed hold of Maria by the shoulders and tossed her back with the others, crying out for them to get back when he was engulphed in flames. “STEVE!” Tumbling back, Captain America held his shield up to block the fires just as it finally died down. Looking up from his prone state, half his body had been scorched but was slowly healing as the searing heat died down. Looking up while his vision cleared, Steve thought he heard a sultry purr and laugh from a green furred creature sashaying into view. Almost fully transformed, the female ID beast stood almost eight or nine feet tall. Her clawed hand rested at her hip and her long, powerful tail swished behind her, sporting a clubbed tip with razor sharp spines that also lined up her back. Stopping with a tilt of her hip, the she-beast’s six breasts heaved from the gesture, her horned head tilting to the side when she noticed him looking up her body.

“I was WONDERING what took you so long getting up here, lover… Did I make you HOT enough?”

“Director Brand…”

“PLEASE handsome… Call me Abigail!”

Dragging himself back away with his good arm and keeping his shield up to guard himself from the former director turned monster sauntering up to him and checking his healing burns, Steve looked up to see her fanged lips, watching his skin and fur heal back after her attack. Looking around himself, he found the bridge in flames thanks to the former director’s actions, the terminals and controls burning as warning clarions screeched overhead. The fact that the ship had not fallen out of the sky was a mystery.

“Why are you doing this Abigail?” Steve asked, eyeing the others by the bridge entrance keeping their distance for their own safety.

Hugging herself more tightly and fluttering her eyes, she looked like she was shivering with desire. “Awww… Don’t tell me I don’t get you all FIRED up hot stuff.” Giggled Abigail, her eyes wild and manic with lust and pyromania as she stared at the flames she caused and breathed in sharply, hugging herself more tightly. “Mmmm… I’ve STILL got to thank you for letting me out, that stuck up bitch kept me under lock and key for years!”

Following his eyes to the entrance, Abigail looking over her shoulder and smirked at the others keeping their distance. Breathing in deep, the green furred ID beast exhaled a plume of flames that forced the trio to back off, creating a wall of fire separating them from the bridge. “Uh Uh uh...” Abigail purred, waging her clawed finger at them. “He’s MINE now girls, wait your turn!” Her spiked tail flicked back and forth like an aroused cat while she cornered Steve on the bridge.

“Abigail, you have to STOP this, if the ship crashes it’ll kill everyone!”

“Hmm, GOOD! So many NEW things to burn! Oooooh… Are you getting as HOT as I am right now?”

He suddenly figured it out, her ID, her repressed desires were all her darkest urges to let her pyrokinesis run loose. Coupled with her temper and current arousal, she was now a proverbial powder keg waiting to go off. Backed up to a corner, Steve managed to stagger up to his feet. His injuries almost completely healed now that he could feel his arm and wings return to mobility. Now that he saw her more clearly, he could see that her transformation was almost complete. Over 9 feet tall and built toned and fit like he was, she had already formed jagged horns, and a thick saurian tail tipped with boney spikes that lined up her back, shoulders, and thighs and up her foot long neck. She only had one last stage to her transformation to complete: her wings. All he had to do was bring her to that threshold and he could end this insanity.

Getting up and leaning against the metal wall, he eyed the fire suppression control by the wall nearby. If he could trigger it, he might be able to save the bridge, but not while Director Brand was in her current state. Rolling his shoulder and noticing he was almost completely healed, he hated himself for having to do this, but it was the only way.

“You know Abigial… You’re right!” He coughed, pulling his shield off his arm, and letting it drop to the metal floor by his feet. “You’re one of the few bitches in this place that could get my fires going.” Stepping forward, he could see her fanged smirk broaden when he approached her, practically giggling when he reached out for her waist and pulled her close to him. Her breasts pressing up against his barrel chest as she practically ground against him. “Maybe you’d like to get a REAL fire going!”

Her smile threatening to split her feline face in half, Steve used the moment of distraction to grab hold of her thighs and spin her around to press against the wall he was leaning against, her legs immediately wrapping around his waist as he ground against her in return. Pulling his head down, Abigail kissed him hard, driving her tongue into his mouth while he lined himself up to penetrate her. The moment he thrust into her as hard as he could, Abigail broke the kiss to lean her head back and moan out loud, her claws slamming against the metal wall behind her and causing flames to plume out and make the steel glow red before she wrapped her arms around Steve’s neck, giving him a smouldering look as she began to shift and grind against him thrusting into her. “Yes… Light my fire baby! LIGHT MY FIRE!!!”

Thrusting into her as hard and fast as he could, he watched as her breasts sway with each collision of their hips, leaning down with his longer neck, Steve captured one of her tits in his fanged mouth and sucked hard, making Abigail arch her back and thrust out her chest to give him access while she tossed her long flowing green hair. A sudden lurch of the Helicarrier losing its balance sent the two to the floor where she frantically crawled on top of him, straddling his waist and trying desperately to get back to where they left off. “More! Don’t stop now! I wanna go off like a fucking stick of DYNAMITE!!!!!”

Clawing at his chest, Abigail thrust her breasts out and practically smothered Steve’s face while she ground and bucked on top of him. Thrusting back to meet her hips, he grabbed hold of her waist. Moaning out loud, she breathed out a pillar of flame that caused the overhead lighting to spark and burn. She was losing it, slipping out of control as each jolt of pleasure had her burst with flames across the floor. As screwed up as it was, it meant it was working. Even now he could see her neck get longer, her muscles tense and grow, her horns growing longer and splintering out. Tossing her hair, Abigail cried out against, she was just as the peak and just needed a final push to bring her over the edge.

“More, MORE, MOAR! Give me MORE!!!!!!”

Finding his chance, Steve sat up, pulling her close as she was caught off guard and bit her on the shoulder. The sudden act was enough to send Abigail into a mind crashing orgasm, hugging Steve so hard, her clawed fingers cut into his back and a column of fire escaped her fanged lips. Feeling her pull him in as hard as she could, Captain America reached his own limit when he came hard into her. The moment he did, her transformation completed when a pair of green feathered wings sprouted from her back, flapping hard and sending smoke and soot across the bridge before she collapsed tired and sated on top of her lover.

He hated having to do this, but while she tried to gather her bearings, Steve separated from her and scrambled towards the fire suppression system at the wall, pulling on the lever so hard it nearly snapped off its hinges. Immediately the bridge was flooded with flame retardant water spraying over the controls and flames, putting them out and pulling the smoke out of the room. Turning around, he barely had the time to react when Sharon, Natasha and Maria pressed up close and checked him over, kissing his lips, face and chest then hugged him tightly.

“Wha… Where am I? What was I…” Looking up and drenched in water, Abigail looked around at the damage she caused and up to find a massive blonde furred cat creature with horns and wings standing over her, with a trio of female creatures staring daggers at her while clutching at his arms and sides defensively. “Welcome back Director Brand… Are you okay?”

Helped up to her feet and holding herself once she was standing on her own, Abigail Brand cloaked herself in her green feathered wings without realising it while rubbing her sore head. Her head was foggy, like she had just woken up after being knocked out or drugged. Looking around the bridge, she was shocked to find all the controls smoldering after the flames were put out by the fire suppression system, now dripping. “Did… Did I do this?”

“Yeah… Though really, this is all MY fault.” Sighed Steve, checking over the dials and control to make sure the vessel could still be operated. The others did the same, making sure the ship could stay afloat, almost ignoring Director Brand as the memories all rushed to her at once. The woman completely overwhelmed with guilt as all her actions in the last few hours came rushing in.

“Oh God… I can’t…” She remembered it all now. The last few hours of how she had become an amoral, pyromaniacal witch, how with sadistic glee she burned her fellow agents just to watch them sizzle and regenerate, spreading flames across the ship and leering at the flames and damage she caused. Hugging herself tightly, Abigail took stock of her changed body, feeling up her feline face and splintered horns with her clawed hands, she let them trace down to feel her extended foot long neck and to her shoulders where she could feel her new wings folded over to cover her nudity. Looking down she found that her body was huge, towering, toned… And utterly inhuman. Feeling down her chest and stomach she felt three rows of breasts starting from her original pair that were as large as ripe melons to the next pair which were slightly smaller and the third row smaller than them. Looking herself over, she could feel her long and heavy tail circle around her feet, tipped in a cluster of spines like the ones lining down her back. She was a monster! And she felt monstrous! “How… How do I live with myself after…?”

“Damn!” Cried out Natasha, backing away from the helm controls in frustration. “The helm’s locked in place, probably fried after burning up in the flames.”

“Are we going to crash into the water?”

“No… The controls are locked in place, thankfully enough.” Sighed Maria in relief as she read the telemetry from the screen on the one control panel, she had to crouch near just to read. “But it looks like we can’t steer.”

“Uhm… Guys, is this bad?”

Looking up from the controls to see Sharon look out the front window of the Helicarrier’s bridge, the rest of the ID beasts followed her gaze to find that New York city was coming in close over the horizon as the massive flying air carrier travelled at the speed of a tug-boat towards the Manhattan harbour. And at their current altitude… They WEREN’T going to fly over it.

“At our current speed, we’ll end up in the city in a matter of minutes.”

“What are we going to do?”

Deep in thought and scratching his head, Steve was backed into a corner. He had hoped they could get to the bridge fast enough to keep this catastrophe from getting worse. Now it looked like it was all in vain. Hearing Abigail whimper, he suddenly remembered what he went through when he regained his senses. Seeing the green furred female creature hug herself and shake her head, squirming on the spot as her taloned feet scratched at the metal floor. Approaching her, Steve pulled her close and was not surprised when she quickly wrapped her arms around him into an embrace, nuzzling her head against his chest and neck. “I know this has been a shock for you Director Brand, but we need you with us. Can you do that? I know you must feel horrible after all that you’ve done while afflicted.”

“There’s that, I DO feel horrible… But… I’m also so DAMED horny!” She breathed, leaning her head back to flutter her eyes as the warmth that bloomed in her chest did not go away. “What is causing that?”

Feeling her press up a bit more intimately, Steve looked around and found the PA system had survived her pyromania and were still broadcasting the arousing white-noise. “It’s Stark’s device, it stimulates the arousal portion of the brain and… STARK!”

“What?” Asked Natasha as the others noticed Steve’s outburst.

“Iron Man! His suit should have the thrust to steer the Helicarrier.” Explained Steve, staring up at the PA still giving off a feint sound that made his heart boom in his chest and his erection throb back to life.

“But he’s still in the brig.”

“Then let’s get him OUT!” Looking over to the entrance of the bridge, the group became tense when the horde of ID beasts they faced earlier staggered inside. But where they were cackling and salacious, the group of creatures looked around confused and sheepish. Some were hugging themselves while others sluggishly looked about as if waking up from a hangover. But what everyone noticed was their transformations had completed.

“What’s going on? What happened to us?” Asked one of the ID beasts, its sadistic glee and salacious demeanor gone, and replaced with confusion as it looked around and down at itself and the others. This was a good sign; it meant that most of the crew were now in the final stages of the change and were regaining their sense of self. Turning his attention to the others with him, Steve had a plan.

“Director Brand, can you keep the bridge secure? We’re going to free Stark and HOPEFULLY steer the ship away from the city.”

“Yeah, will do.” Abigail replied, crossing her arms under her chest, and regaining her composure.

Making their way past the ID beasts now in control of themselves, Steve and the others followed him back to the brig. IF they were lucky, they could make it.


Tumbling around the floor of the brig cell and at each others’ throats, Tony Stark struggled to keep his attacker at arms reach and keep his cellmate from strangling him. They had been playing cards for the better part of an hour or so, waiting patiently for the proverbial shitstorm of monsters still rampaging across the Helicarrier’s decks to finally blow over. Sitting on the floor playing cards while a device near a PA speaker gave off a white noise that gave them both a boner was an interesting story to tell in a bar someday… Until the part where the AIM arms dealer discovered Tony was cheating this entire time. Looking at his hand, the man was confused when his ace of clubs flickered and transformed into a three of clubs. Paused in silence, he flipped his cards back and forth and did not notice anything had changed until his three became an ace again with a static flicker like a television screen.

“What?” Asked Stark innocently.

Rummaging through the cards in the deck he did not notice anything off until he spotted a card, or two switch faces before his eyes. Plucking a card from the deck, he folded it in half to find it was not paper at all, but a thin sheet of circuitry that once revealed turned all the cards into a static blurry mess on the floor. Glaring back up to the smirking man, Tony shrugged back in response. “It’s still in Beta…”

“You CHEATING son of a bitch!” Yelled the arms dealer, rolling around on the floor with Tony Stark and his hands around the billionaire’s neck. “I’ll fucking KILL you.”

“Oh boo hoo! Most people would be honoured to be the play tester to my new inventions.”

“You pompous ass-hole!” Taking a swing at the man, Tony ducked at the last second, the arms dealer reeling back and cradling his hand after punching the metal flooring.

“But hey, if you want a deck of your own, I can send you one for Christmas, I can even put your logo on the back so you can take credit, JUST LIKE THE OTHER SHIT YOU CLAIMED TO INVENT!”


Body tackling Tony to the ground, the two tumbled across the cell, trading blows back and forth until the pair heard a knock at their shared cell. Looking up, the two found they were no longer alone as a pack of ID beasts stared down at them from the opposite end of the barrier before one of them pressed a button at the wall and the barrier was lifted.

“Do you love birds have a minute or do you want to hash it out a bit longer.” Smirked Natasha.

Separating himself from his cellmate, Tony straightened his suit and walked out to be surrounded by the others. The arms dealer made to do the same until a massive arm separated him from crossing out if the cell. “Not you…” Answered Steve, gently shoving the man back and closing his cell again. “You stay here until we figure what to do with you.”

Taking a good look at his friends all twisted into giant monsters, Tony made an appraising face as he looked them all over. Easily 10 feet tall, they towered over the man. Each one of them looked like a hybrid of some feline predator, reptile, and owl all in one. Many if not all of them were self conscious of their appearance and obvious nudity but were unable to do anything save cover themselves up with their hands or simply forget about it all. “I know this is too soon, but you ladies would make a killing at a furry convention.”

“Oh, ha ha!” Sneered Maria, crossing her arms and glaring back at the man in contempt.

Turning his attention to the honey furred male beast in the group, Tony noticed he had his shield strapped to one arm and the other holding a red, metallic briefcase. “We need your help Tony, we managed to secure the ship but the controls are stuck, we’re heading into the bay of New York and if we don’t steer clear now, we’re going to do a lot of damage.” Lifting the briefcase up in his clawed hand, Tony recognised it as one of his portable suits.

“So why don’t one of YOU wear it to get us out of this mess?”

Trading looks and acting sheepish, the four ID beasts did not know how to respond to that, keeping silent as they squirmed on the spot or scratched the back of their heads. He even spotted Sharon hug herself and turn to the side while Natasha rolled her eyes and crossed her arms with Maria. The two female beasts trading looks before looking back down to the man who only stood as high as their elbows. “You really have to ask that?”

“Riiiiiiiight… One size does NOT fit all apparently.” Taking his briefcase from Steve’s clawed hand, Tony pressed his thumb on the lock, hearing the device beep before the entire case opened and unfolded. An orchestra of metal plating and whizzing gears wrapped around Stark’s body, enveloping him in plated armor that shifted and connected as one until it completely enveloped his head with a metallic ‘clank’ before the core at his chest lit up and so did his optical sensors. “SO… You need me to be an over glorified tugboat to move thing away from the city, not the FIRST time I’ve been asked to collide with heavy objects.”

“If we head down the hall towards to front observatory, you can probably…”

Waving his metal clad hands dismissively, Iron Man stepped away from them and made his way to the exit. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don’t need directions in a ship I helped rebuild.” The moment he was finally out of the brig, Iron Man set off his afterburners and instantly flew through the halls at sub-sonic speed. In the corner of his eye he could make out several ID beasts that had completed their transformation and had become docile, either trying to cope with what they had done or what they had become. He gave quite a few of them a scare as he darted one corner after the other and blew out the entrance to the inner hanger bay before increasing his speed and blowing out a hole on the hull, and shooting out like a bullet.

Now that he was clear of the ship, he had a better view of the situation at hand. The Helicarrier had already floated past Coney Island and was slowly drifting deeper over the New York bay where Governor’s island and Manhattan were just up ahead. At the speed the vessel was going it would eventually reach the financial district in 5 minutes.

“Okay, basic physics… A body in motion stays in motion until another force is applied.” Flying over to the far front of the ship and pressing up against the corner of the landing pad that made up its surface, Tony checked his power feeds and put them all to his foot and back repulsers. A column of heat and light ignited behind him as he put everything he had into pushing the ship as hard as he could to bring it into a U-turn.

“Power drain increasing, now at 85 percent.” Chimed the onboard computer, giving Tony a readout of just how much energy he was burning just to try and move the massive vessel. Looking over his shoulder, he found that the Helicarrier was drifting towards the Manhattan pier and showed no signs of turning. The hull of the Helicarrier buckled under his grip as he continued to push with everything his suit had. “Power drain now at 70 percent and dropping.”

“Oh COME ON! If some pot-bellied tugboat captain can nudge a damn cruise ship, I should be able to do the same with a suit worth five Ferraris!”

Looking over his shoulder he could see the residential and business buildings were coming closer by the second, and he could feel the heat off the thrusters in his legs build up. Looking up he could see a skyscraper come into view, coming closer. He could even see through the windows to see a group of people inside watching the vessel creep closer before they went into a panic and tried to flee to the other side of the building. “Power Drain at 60 percent.”

“I can see the meter; you don’t have to give me a reading.” Tony barked, the hull plate bending to his hands as he pushed harder. Then he felt it. A slight lurch in the massive air carrier as it began to shift and tilt to the left. “That’s right, just a little bit more…” Ever so slowly the vessel began to turn, turning more and more to the left until the right rotor blade just barely missed the corner of the tall banking building and the Helicarriar began to shift further to the left. Turning a full 180 degrees to the left, the ship was now facing back out the bay, just when Tony felt his suit’s leg thrusters finally give out and he was forced to propel himself by his hands to keep himself aloft. “Power at 5 percent…”

Feeling his thrusters spurt to keep him in the air, Tony fumbled over the landing pad and collapsed in a metallic heap on the surface, rolling himself onto his back and pulling the face plate off to breath the fresh air and chuckle. “Well… Hard part’s over… Wonder how Cap is handling things down in the brig.”


Standing together in the observation deck of the Helicarrier, Steve Rogers breathed out a sigh of relief to find the ship had been successfully turned away from the city and was now on its way out the bay where it would not collide with anything else. Looking over to his shoulder, he found Sharon hugging his arm and resting her head against his shoulder, nuzzling it. “Well, looks like we’re safe then.”

“Mhmm…” Looking down his physique, Sharon found that his erection had sprung up again, hard and throbbing when he too noticed it and tried to keep it down with his free hand.

“Sorry, the PA system is still giving off that noise, its been difficult keeping it down.”

Feeling her trace a delicate clawed hand down to stroke at his length, he was surprised until she gently pulled his horned head down by his chin to kiss his lips. “I don’t mind.”

“Neither do we.” Purred Maria, taking up his other side and kissing his lips when Sharon pulled away, feeling her gently bring his other hand over to rest over her rear and eliciting a fanged smile when she felt him grope at her thigh.

“Now that the calamity is over…” Natasha purred, leaning over Steve’s shoulder to whisper into his pointed ear. “Maybe we should celebrate?” Followed by her licking his ear affectionately and massage his broad shoulders from behind and between his furled wings.

“What, HERE? Now?”

“Why not? Everyone else has, it seems…” Getting the same look from all three transformed women, Steve was surprised but found himself smiling despite himself. Pulling Sharon closer, he reciprocated the kiss, making the massive feline creature giggle into the kiss as her wings fluttered behind her. Playfully pushing Steve down onto his back as the trio of female creatures crowded around him.

“Well… I think we have some time to ourselves now.” He smirked, pulling Sharon up to straddle his waist, and making her laugh at how bold he had become. “Let’s enjoy it.”


Re: Captain America: American ID
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2023, 07:36:49 PM »
Captain America: American Id.
Chapter 5

Nick Fury and the rest of the command staff waited patiently in the safe room they had managed to lock themselves into for the better part of 4 hours. They were unsure what was going on outside, especially when the Helicarrier lurched back and forth as if someone was drunk behind the steering wheel. But now the vessel was steady again and there was not even a sound outside the heavy doors. Which made the director VERY worried for what would come next.

“Director Fury, are we going to be okay?” Asked one of the pilots sitting on the floor, her knees to her chest as she sat on the floor, almost rocking back and forth while the others either sat on the floor or stood against the wall.

“I don’t know…” Looking out the porthole of the heavy metal door, the hallways outside were empty, the ruined lighting flickered and gave the impression the ship had been attacked or ransacked. But where before he was worried a horde of the monsters his crew had become tried to break into attack them… OR worse, now there was nothing on the other side of the door. Which only worried the director further. “I don’t know what they’re doing out there, damned would be easier if I could spot one of them.”

“Hey… Uhm… Does anyone else lost their boner?” Asked one of the men, looking down at his pants and finding the tent he had been pitching this entire time was gone.

“Really? That’s what’s important right now?” Scoffed one of the women on the floor, giving her fellow co-worker an incredulous look.

“No, he’s right; I lost mine too.”

“Yeah, same here…”

Confused, Fury even noticed his had gone away. Even after he had shot out the intercom there was still a lingering white noise from the halls that had kept them all aroused to a degree, but now that stopped. The change in the situation had the command crew on alert as they all got to their feet. Then they heard it. Snapping his attention to the door, Nick Fury could hear something on the other side pulling a panel off the wall and start to tamper with the door controls. “EVERYONE GET BACK!” Doing as their Director ordered, the crew of men and women stood opposite the door with firearms ready for anything to come through. A chime sounded at the door, signaling that the lock had been picked and the large metal door began to slide open. Not hesitating for a second, the moment the door opened, Fury took the shot and winged Maria Hill in the shoulder, just before Captain America bolted forward and grabbed hold of Fury’s arm and aimed the pistol up to the ceiling.

“That’s enough Director…” Prying the gun away and crushing it in his clawed hand, Steve looked back to Maria and found her wincing as her wound healed, but she was okay.

Looking up at the monsters entering the safe room, the SHIELD crew backed up as best they could away from them. Easily 8 feet tall and powerfully built, they looked like the manticore or sphinx of ancient folklore; they looked like a humanoid feline with long saurian tails, gnarled horns crowed their skulls and rows of spines lining down their backs to end in a vicious looking cluster at the tip of their tail ends. Their hands and feet sported powerful looking claws, and behind them fluttered feathered wings the same colour as the sheen of fur that covered their entire bodies. The one holding Nick Fury’s arm had blonde fur and feathers, wearing an oversized pair of blue shorts and brandishing Captain America’s shield over his right arm.

Finally letting the man’s arm go, Fury stepped back and rubbed his wrist, looking up at the monster that had decided to slowly crouch down to see the SHIELD director eye to eye. “So… Captain America I take it?” Getting a nod in response from the ID beast, Fury glared back at the others now entering the room, finding them wearing makeshift clothing to cover their dignity. Maria Hill wore what would best be described as a slip skirt from what appeared to be the remains of a blanket and with the same material a tie back top to contain her six breasts. The sight of the bullet wound healing rapidly and popping out the lead pellet like a zit disturbed him.

“Bruce still had some of his old clothes when he had more control of the Hulk, most of them could fit the rest of those changed… Most of them.”

Abigail Brand and Natasha came up from behind Steve to check on the others, with Natasha wearing a pair of shorts and top and Abigail wearing what could best be described as a tabard tied to her with a belt to keep it on her. Sharon Carter approached Steve and stayed closed after it seemed there would not be any more trouble.

“About a third of the crew have been changed, but by now everyone should be in control of themselves now… I hope they didn’t do anything permanent.” Sharon spoke, checking to see if Steve was alright.

“He shot me in the damn shoulder, I’d say that’s fucking permanent!” Scoffed Maria, still checking the wound that by now did not even leave a scar.

Realising the creatures in front of him were not going to attack or cause any harm, Fury eased up and put his hands in his pockets. “sorry Cap, but the last time we dealt with this, half my bridge crew turned into freaks and wanted to and I quote ‘Skull fuck my eye patch’, and believe ME that makes me a bit trigger happy.”

Guiding the bridge crew out of the safe room and down the hall towards the bridge, Fury was disgusted by the amount of damage the Helicarrier had suffered, but was just as equally surprised to find human and ID beast crew scrambling to put it all back together. Entering the bridge, the Director was taken back by the fire damage while a dozen crew repaired and rewired the controls. Hooking up one display board, the light to the bridge finally clicked in and telemetry displayed on the remaining controls.

“What the hell happened in here?!” Nick Fury asked out loud, still shocked by the destruction. Looking over to the pack of ID beasts, they did not reply, and the green furred Abigail seemed intent to avoid eye contact with the man. “Alright then… So tell me, what’s caused my crew to turn into, well… You?”

“Turns out it was a failed bio-weapon created by AIM, once we were sure everyone changed and regained their sense of self, we turned off the device I… That was placed in the PA system, which prolonged the damage.”

“Is there a cure?”

“We don’t know.” Answered Natasha, crossing her arms and ruffling her feathers before turning her attention out of the bridge and down the hall. “But we DO have an AIM weapons dealer holed up in the brig, and after today, I think he’d be in the mood to talk.”


Marching their way to the brig, Fury was still nervous as he was followed by Captain America and Winter Soldier, the pair of creatures practically towered over the man as they made their way down the halls, along with the rest of the effected Avengers behind them. By now the ship was back in working order with human and ID beast crew scrambling to make repairs. Making their way to the brig, they found an ID beast and SHIELD guard at the door, immediately spotted the group and stepping aside to let them in. Finding the one cell still occupied, Nick Furry approached the plexiglass plate and crossed his arms, staring down at the man with his good eye while the rest of the Avengers stood behind him.

Leaning back in his seat, deflated and tired, the AIM arms dealer sighed, looking up to find the front of his cell surrounded by a horde of ID beasts staring daggers down at the man. Folding his hands in his lap, the man knew what was coming.

“So… I take it you want to know where my employers are?”

“It crossed our minds, now that we’ve had time to think.” Smirked Tony Stark behind the mask of his Iron Man suit, looking behind him to see the horde of angry ID beasts glaring down at the man fidgeting in his cell.

“Well you can forget it!” Crossing his leg and leaning back in his seat, the man continued. “MODOK doesn’t take to kindly to former employees giving away company secrets, do you KNOW what he did to the last blabber mouth? Of course, you don’t… Poor bastard is probably still floating somewhere in a pocket dimension listening to 50’s showtunes for all eternity.”

Looking to each other, the group of heroes shrugged. “Fine.” Answered Nick Fury, just as he approached the cell and opened it. Confusing the arms dealer as the heavy plexi glass barrier slid down and left him open to leave the brig. “Then I guess there’s no point in keeping you here.”

Apprehensive, the man darted his eyes from one ID beast to the next, then back to Director Fury, unsure what he was playing at. Slowly getting up to his feet, and straightening his yellow and black hazmat suit uniform, the man slowly made to leave his cell until Fury raised a finger to get everyone’s attention. “By the way, one small detail before you leave…” Leaning over to the intercom, Nick Fury pressed the broadcast button and coughed so he could check his voice is being heard across the ship.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the Helicarrier, I’d like to announce that we are letting the prisoner go; the one responsible for unleashing a plague that turned a third of the crew into monsters and nearly crashed the ship into New York… Thank you.”

Sweating bullets, the man looked up to the ID beasts in the brig with him and the sounds of angry banter down the halls that sounded more like lions and bears out for blood. “Are you FUCKING crazy?! They’ll KILL me out there!”

“Probably in here too!”

Turning his attention to the gruff voice who spoke behind him, the man was caught off guard when a clawed hand grabbed him by the throat and pulled him towards the growling, sneering face of Winter Solider staring daggers into the man’s eyes. “Now… Let’s not do anything hasty… The vial was a mis-ship, it was supposed to be a Venus-flytrap virus…” Not hearing a word of it, Bucky opened his jaws wide enough to encompass the man’s head, causing the AIM arms dealer to scream and freak out as he looked down the Winter Soldier’s throat.


Seeing the man whimper, Fury crossed his arms with a smirk. Seeing the others just as amused by the man’s cries for safety while literally in the jaws of death. Feeling a mass lean down behind him, Fury found Maria whisper into his ear. “Should we let him off? I can already smell him pee his pants.”

“In a minute, I haven’t seen one of these egg-heads squirm in years, just enjoy the show Maria.”

Watching the man flail and freak out in the jaws of the Winter Soldier, Maria couldn’t help but agree, that is until they all witness Bucky’s eyes bug and he shoved the man away, throwing up acidic bile that splashed the floor and burned through the metal plating. Causing everyone to back up and avoid the bubbling mixture even as the floor gave way and a cry could be heard from the floor below.

“WHAT THE HELL MA?!” Called out a SHIELD agent looking up at the acid burned hole.


Looking over to the man now cowering behind Tony Stark, Captain America loomed over the two and stood with his claws at his sides. “So… Burbank, hmm? Do you have an address?”


Somewhere just outside of Burbank California… 500 meters underground beneath the mountains…

Advanced Idea Mechanics: for decades they had been at the forefront of scientific endeavor and research. Bleeding edge in terms of weapons design and manufacturer and pursuit if intellectual advancement… Without the burdens of morals or ethics. Advanced robotics, genetic engineering, explosives, smart weapons, artificial intelligence, and new age energies. All designed and built to be used in ways that would be the deadliest and most efficient weapons of war, assassination, domination, and subterfuge. They claim to be the Master of Research and development… A distinguished title for who are essentially gunrunners.

Underneath the mountain hidden from sight from the city nearby, the research facility and central headquarters of AIM was in constant motion. Laboratories, weapons factories, all of them were vibrant with activity. At the center of it all, watching all that was happening like the warden of a panopticon prison was MODOK. Designed, engineered, gene-grown, an intelligence like no other that was created for no other purpose but to kill. For over a decade the massive floating head sat watching the progress of his facility, his hate filled eyes darting from one video screen to the next of what was going on in his subterranean complex.

The mechanical doors to his observation floor opened behind him with a mechanical hiss, where a single woman in a yellow and black banded haz-mat suit entered with a clipboard in hand.

“I have our weekly progress report MODOK, the neutrino rifles are reaching their final quota for mass production to our latest buyer.”

“PRODUCTION HAS DECREASED BY 3% IN THE LAST 39 HOURS AS WE REACH OUR QUOTA!” Barked MODOK mechanically, turning his harness chair 180 degrees to look down at the woman with a permanent scowl on his massive face. His tiny legs dangling almost fastigial from his chair and his infantile arms clutching his seat’s controls to pivot his torso and merged skull to loom over her. “I EXPECT NOTHING SHORT OF 100% CAPACITY OUR WEAPONS MANUFACTURE.”

“Of course, MODOK.” She replied, holding the clip board up against her chest like a shield as if it would block the bio-mechanical abomination in front of her. “I will see to an increase in productivity at once.” Seeing MODOK slowly rotate back to observe the facility as a whole, the woman stepped over to stand at his side, watching his eyes dart from one screen to the next with such a hateful glare that she feared the worst for anyone he would catch sight of that would attract his ire, which would be anyone and everyone.

“Incidentally, the SHIELD raids on our weapons demonstrations and sales had some of our best and brightest captured, more than likely they are being detained and interrogated as we...”


“Indeed.” She didn’t need to be reminded of those ‘methods’, the last person she was aware of who crossed MODOK was killed in a way that could be best described as artful… If inverting a man’s emotions, then his mind, then his flesh until he imploded did not get the hint their leader did not like to be crossed, then they were not smart enough to be on the payroll anyway. “I have compiled a manifesto of our current products and their delivery; we should have them shipped and delivered by the end of the week.”


At that point the alarms began to blare overhead, alerting the entire facility of danger. Typing commands at his chair, MODOK switched the camera feed from the interior of the facility to the exterior of the mountainside that was their base of operations. On cameras 7 through 12 MODOK sneered at the video feed of the SHIELD Helicarrier flying overhead and parked right over the cliffside of the mountain, waiting.

“SHIELD?! How did they find us?” The AIM secretary called out loud, backing away with shock when MODOK slammed his childish arm against the armrest of his flying chair and sneered.

“IT WOULD APPEAR MY METHODS FOR LOYALTY AMONGST DISERTERS WAS TOO COMPASSIONATE! FAR HARSHER METHODS MUST BE MADE TO ORDER IN FUTURE EMPLOYEES!” Flicking a control at his chair, MODOK addressed the entire AIM facility. “AGENTS OF AIM, THE FACILITY IS BEING ATTACKED BY SHIELD, ARM YOURSELVES, ARM YOURSELVES!” Returning his gaze to the camera feeds, MODOK’s glaring eyes opened slightly in surprised when he and the AIM secretary spotted dozens of large creatures jump from the flight deck of the Helicarrier and circled the massive vessel like buzzards or birds of prey.

“What are those?”

Zooming in the video feed and pausing on a single frame, MODOK hovered closer to the screen and narrowed his eyes. The picture of what could be best described as an anthropomorphic cat with a long reptilian tail, feathered wings and spiked horns flew overhead, wearing skin-tight shorts with a prominent bulge in the front.

“VIRAL AGENT F30Y-D, THE ID-BEAST VIRUS.” Leaning back in confusion, MODOK looked like he was having trouble comprehending what he was looking at. “THIS WEAPON WAS DEEMED A FAILURE! FAILURE!! FAILURE!!!” He called out in an increasingly shrill voice, slamming his fist against his armrest again and again.

“The ID Beast virus?! How did it get out?”

“UNKOWN ERROR IN STORAGE! UNNACCEPTABLE! UNACCEPTABLE!! UNACCEPTABLE!!!” Livid in anger and confusion, the oversized head sitting in a flying rocket chair glared back at his video screens and fired a compressed beam of plasma energy that blew out several in his temper tantrum. Forcing the AIM secretary to escape the room before she too would end up in MODOK’s crosshairs.


Flying overhead of the Burbank mountains with the nearby city in view, Captain America looked down at the hidden AIM facility, hidden under the bluff of the mountains themselves. With his wings spread out, it still surprised him that he was now capable of flight. Nearby he could see Sharon, Maria and Natasha sharing the same updraft he was using to keep aloft a thousand feet in the air, their own wings spread out and keeping their arms and legs tucked in to keep themselves stable in the air.

“So, THIS is where they’ve been hiding?” Called out Maria Hill, looking down at the mountains the Helicarrier flew over. “Pretty inconspicuous; you’d never think to dig under a mountain to find a weapons facility run by smart sociopaths.”

Joining the group and flapping his black feathered wings to keep him aloft, Bucky Barnes nodded back to Cap and the others as he and his band joined them in the air. “Little haz-mat wearing ass-hats are using the nearby city as an unknowing hostage, I’m pretty sure if we put up a fight, they’ll try to threaten them to make an escape.”

“Then the best we can do is make sure we can contain them quickly before they cause any collateral.” Looking overhead, Steve smiled as he found Sam and Stark join them in the air, with Falcon’s wing harness fully repaired and Tony’s armor recharged after saving them all.

“Hey Cap, how does it feel having wings of your own?” Called out Falcon with a grin, seeing some of the other ID beasts falter slightly before righting themselves to keep from falling like rocks.

“Got another visor? I think I bug got in my eye.”

“You’ll get used to it, just try to breath through your nose or one will get into your mouth.”

“NOW you tell me!” Coughed and spat Mockingbird, shaking her head, and wiping her fanged lips. “So, are we just going to circle the place or are we finally going to do something?”

Sharing a look with Bucky, the two smirked before Steve raised his shield over his head and dived down.


Immediately as soon as the flock of ID beasts descended from the air, the mountainside erupted into plasma fire trying to shoot them down. Darting back and forth to avoid the energy bolts, by the time they reached the treeline, Cap darted forward and bent his wings to increase his speed and slam into a weapons turret hidden in the cliffside. Abigail Brand landed heavily on top of another turret and gathered a ball of flame in her clawed hands, focusing it until she slammed it down into the port where the turret was mounted and poured her pyromantic energies through the opening. The moment she did, the other turrets nearby exploded from the funnelled heat that erupted their cooling lines.

With the exterior weapons disabled, the main gates hidden by artificial stone and moss lifted to reveal over a hundred-armed AIM soldiers firing on the ID beasts on the ground. Unlike the turrets which were slow and methodical, the AIM soldiers managed to get a few hits in. Bucky winced as she was shot in the shoulder and ducked behind a nearby redwood, watching his burn rapidly heal as he nodded back to Cap for support. Exposing himself from his own hiding place, Captain America hurled his shield towards a band of AIM soldiers cornering Maria and managed to disarm several with well placed ricochets that bounced off several of them before returning to his outstretched clawed hand.

Getting smile back from Bucky for the help, Steve made ready to continue to the next fight when another band of armed guards left the mountain and began to fire at his exposed position. Bringing his shield up he managed to block their weapons fire and slowly approached the dozen or so men and women firing energy weapons at his position, his vibranium shield absorbing the impacts and drawing heat that caused the grass around him to wilt. At first the AIM soldiers that they had the massive creature where they wanted him, especially since he was so large the shield could not protect everything, taking minor grazes in the shoulders and ankles. But they had focussed so much attention on him…


They did not react in time to divert their attention to the blonde furred ID beast Sharon Carter barreling towards them like an angry grizzly bear and mauling through them with the same savagery and vigor. Even going so far as to grab one offending combatant like a sack of potatoes and throwing the screaming man across the battlefield while back handing others out of her way with enough force they were knocked out when they collided with nearby trees and rocks. Seeing more landing in front of them and other ID beasts flying overhead, the AIM recruits seeing a horde of winged monsters practically bulldoze through their forces and quickly making their way towards them sent the majority with common sense to drop their weapons and run back for the doors.

“Come on! COME ON! Close the door!” Slapping his gloved hand over the emergency switch to the exit, the AIM forces watched as the remaining crew outside were picked off one by one, the door closing just in time to see a star spangled shield towards them when it finally went shut and the loading bay shook from the collision.

“Is that going to hold them?”

“I don’t fucking know! Did you see what they did to Carl?

“Screw Carl, he still owned me money, just when the hell did SHIELD start using monsters?”

“Are you NEW?! Where you with us when the HULK rampaged through our last base?”

Hearing a loud thud at the steel plated door that guarded the entrance, the remaining AIM guards looked back to hear more impacts on the other side, causing dust and debris to rain from the ceiling, but for the most part the gate held. “Well, whatever these things are they are NO Hulks! They’re not getting through that.” More and more impacts resounded off the surface of the gate until it all suddenly stopped.

“Did they give up?”

Then the entire bay began to shake and tremble, the overhead lighting flickering and walls rattling as some terrible force shook the entire complex and the bolt bearings to the heavy metal doors shaking loose one by one. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” Then the gate finally came down in a heavy collapse of foot thick sheet metal plates and gears. On the other side was a black furred female creature that lowered her arms just as the others charged inside.

“Thanks for knocking to let us in Quake.” Nodded Cap to the female ID beast, the woman smiling as she joined the others. “Hard part’s over, NOW to get some answers.”


From his observation room, MODOK sneered so hard his teeth ran the risk of chipping. Almost every camera display showed the creatures invading his underground research facility. Quickly and easily overpowering his armed staff and the weapons they had created. He watched one get gunned down by his smart ammunition, only for the green furred monstrosity to get right back and BREATH FIRE on her attackers.

Another video feed showed a dark furred ID beast barreling through a group of armed AIM guards like they were bowling pins before stealing a pair of their rifles and using them as pistols to fend off the others. His tactics and combat style very reminiscent of the Winter Soldier he helped program.


Still perplexed, MODOK watched on and fumed as more of the creatures invaded his facility, flailing impotently as the ID beasts drew deeper and deeper. Typing controls in his command chair, the massive, disembodied head rotated in the room and began to exit the control pulpit.



Darting from one hallway to the next with the rest of his team behind him, Steve Rogers kept his shield up to guard him from weapons fire. Even being forced to duck his head when one shot aimed high enough to clip his left horn. Behind him, he did not need to see the rest of his team follow behind him. Though a better title would have been his pack. Some ran on their feet, while others on all fours, the horde of ID beasts charged through the halls, making short work of the AIM security that tried to block their paths. Although the yellow and black haz-mat wearing men and women were brilliant engineers and scientists, they were not even close to fighters. Many of them were poor shots at best or… In the case of watching Black Widow grab hold of one by the scruff of his suit after shooting her in the chest and tossing him across the hall, drop their weapons and ran for their lives in sheer terror.

Stopping at a junction in the large corridors, Steve stood up to his full height and looked around, the others close and circling him like bodyguards. “These guys don’t put up much of a fight.” Scoffed Maria Hill, looking over her shoulder to find it rapidly healing after being shot.

“Don’t count them out just yet, they might not be soldiers, but they sure have some tricks under their sleeves still.”

Catching up behind him, Bucky got up to his feet with Songbird and Quake behind him. “The rest of SHIELD behind us are apprehending the AIM crew that attacked us at the front door, where to next Cap?”

“Dunno… This place is worse than the Helicarrier, at least we have signs on the walls up there to know where the bathroom is.”

Eventually he gestured for them all to split up and take a direction. Choosing himself and his pack to take the hallway in front of him while Bucky took the left and Abigail took the right. Making their way deeper into the facility Captain America kept his eyes peeled for anything that looked like the entrance to a control room for the facility itself. So far all he found were more AIM security and engineers he had to guard weapons fire against. The others ducked behind Steve as he focused on the enemy.

“Getting really tired of small fries around here.” Scoffed Natasha, rotating the bracelet she had around her wrist which hummed to electric life. Eyeing over Steve’s wing, she spotted three armed AIM security using a lab door as a cover and 20 feet further down was anther group of four doing the same. Aiming her widow sting gauntlet at the trio of AIM fighters from behind Captain America, Natasha fired three pen-sized darts at them, the small tasers hitting their mark and sending the AIM enforcers into a convulsive twitching mess before collapsing.

She was about to shoot at the four further down when she was pushed back by Maria, who charged forward on all fours and despite the gun fire leapt into the air and mauled the closest one. Steve, Natasha and Sharon stood back and watched as Maria swatted the gun out of one enforcer’s arms and grabbed hold of the front of his torn haz-mat suit, slamming him against the wall and backhanding another so hard into the other they flew back into the room they were hiding in for cover. The fourth dropped his weapon and ran for his life but did not get extremely far when Maria swiped her tail and clubbed the man over the head with the spiked end of her tail tip. Turning her attention back to the two quickly getting back up and scrambling for their fallen weapons, Maria pounced on the two out of sight from her pack. The sounds of panicked screams echoing out before it subsequently stopped, and Maria squeezed herself out of the door and rolled her shoulder.

Wiping her clawed hands and ignoring the gunshot wounds rapidly healing off her body, Maria turned her horned head to the others as they approached, a stunned look on their feline faces after watching her heal and brush off the dirt from her fur. “What?” She asked, shrugging.

“Gotten used to being a big cat lady with wings huh?” Snorted Sharon, her hands at her waist and smirking when Maria rolled her eyes.

“Pff… Why not? I’ve got claws now, might as well use them.” Looking down at the unconscious AIM enforcer and lightly kicking his leg and getting a murmur in response. “Honestly, these egg-heads are light weights, I was hoping for something with a little more oomph for an advanced weapons developer.”

“Right… Try not to jinx it Maria.” Scoffed Natasha, deactivating her widow stinger. “The last thing we need is…”

 Caught off guard by the floor and walls caving in, Maria cried out in surprise when a massive mechanical hand reached out through a corner of the floor and grabbed her. Pulling her back through the hole it made where the others could still hear her cry out in shock and horror.


Chasing after her through the hole, Steve nearly lost his footing finding open space on the other side before he spread his wings to slow his descent into a massive chamber below. What they found in the chamber was a massive bronze plated robot holding Maria Hill like an action figure in its mechanical grip with one hand while the other arm was a massive cannon, the electric hum of a generator filled the air as its barrel began to glow. But instead of a mechanical head, the sneering face of MODOK rested atop the mechanical frame, his control chair mounted over the machine’s neck and acting as its proportionate head looking down at the other ID beasts.


Looking straight up the barrel of the plasma cannon aimed down at them by the 50 foot tall robot, Sharon and Natasha ducked out of the way while Steve raised his shield just in time to take the full blast of the cannon fire from the war machine. Intense light filled the chamber as Steve found himself drawn to one knee falling to the floor, bearing the intensity of the plasma blast that left the shield growing red and dripping superheated matter to the ground like boiling lava. Looking up, Steve could see his shield buckle from the intensity of the blast as it continued to bore down on him. He was not sure what would falter first; the shield, or him.


“Get the HELL off him!” Called out Natasha, looking up at the towering mecha bearing down on Captain America while Maria struggled in its massive fist. Sharon had gotten to her feet and was at a loss to what to do next. Rummaging through her belt pack to pull a handful of small explosives and arm them in her clawed hand, Black Widow tossed them towards the mechanical frame of MODOK’s mech suit in the hopes of damaging the massive robot or at the least distract it from firing on Steve. The moment they made contact; they went off with the intensity of hand grenades. But even then, all they did was graze the chrome finish of the war-frame’s armor.

“YOUR STRUGGLES ARE FUTILE!” Rasped the digital voice of MODOK, not even giving the black furred creature a second glance while still focusing his assault on Captain America. By now a ring of intense heat and flame surrounded the kneeling ID beast as he held up his shield, absorbing and dispersing as much of the blast hitting him which continued to pour down on him like a fire hose. In MODOK’s other hand, Maria Hill struggled and fought against the hand that held her, punching, and thrashing to the best of her abilities. But failing to even budge a finger. “THIS EXOSUIT IS COMPRISED OF TEMPERED POLYMERS AND TITANIUM ALLOYS, BUILT SPECIFICALLY TO COUNTER EVEN THE IRON MAN SUIT, YOUR STRUGGLES ARE POINTLESS.”

Climbing up his leg and reaching up his thigh, Sharon slammed her fists against the thick metal plating of the exo-suit’s thigh, her strikes doing little but make noise that irritated the oversized head. Getting the same idea, Natasha joined the blonde ID beast and climbed up the other leg. Managing to get to his shoulder, Natasha brought her fists together and struck the back plating behind him. The metallic clang made the bio-mechanical creature sneer and turn its massive head to glare over his shoulder. Finding a smirking Black Widow catch his eye and continued beating her fists against his back. Slamming her fists into the metal plate again, she managed to cause the armor to buckle before MODOK finally decided to act. Ceasing his torrential fire from his plasma cannon, MODOK’s purple gem built into his forehead began to glow, firing a laser that struck the former assassin in the chest and sent her tumbling back across the test chamber while he used the cannon arm to swat Sharon off his leg as if she were a mouse.

“INSOLENT PESTS! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT MODOK!” Raising a foot to slam down on the floor, the tremor alone caused everyone to cry out as the floor gave way and the walls cracked. Compartments in the shoulders, thighs and chest opened to reveal columns of missile racks. The harsh hiss of missile fire filled the chamber before explosions obliterated the walls and caused the test chamber to collapse into the floor beneath them. Struggling in the grip of his mechanical hand, Maria watched on as her friends scurried out of sight under debris and the ruined structure of the complex. Squirming, she was unable to move her arms, her only ability to struggle was to strike the spiked tip of her tail against the underside of MODOK’s hand. She could see Steve had surprised the cannon blast, but the missiles had sent him back buried in rubble.

“Come on, come ON, there has to be a…” Remembering back on the Helicarrier, Maria grimaced as she remembered her ‘other’ abilities. Shaking her head, she tried to picture the most disgusting thoughts she could think of, bad enough to make her want to… “BLAAAAAAAaaaaarfff….” Intense acidic bile splattered over the upper fingers of the metallic hand holding her in place, burning the metal and plastic until it became soft and malleable. “That’s right, just a little more.” Finally, she managed to get her arms loose and kick open the robot hand’s grip. By the time she had pulled herself free of the melting digits, MODOK had turned his head to find her escaping his grasp, the look of intense rage ever-present in his stretched overside face. Bringing her closer to glare at her eye to eye.


“Yeah? Well FUCK you too!” Spitting into his eye, MODOK cried out as his grip finally loosened, his melting fingers finally fell off, giving her the freedom to jump out of the way and spread her wings to escape, just as MODOK waved his damaged hand aside to swat her away like a bee. Ducking and avoiding his strikes as best she could, Maria wasn’t fast enough and was struck aside by the back of his hand, sending her reeling in the air and land in nearby debris where Natasha and Sharon crawled free of their hiding spot to gather her up. Stunned and fluttering her eyes while the two tried to keep her awake.

“Maria? Maria!”

“Wake up, we have to get out of here.”

A heavy stomp behind them, turned their attention back to the giant robot where MODOK glared down at them, his right eye burned from Maria’s acidic spit. Aiming his plasma cannon down at the trio, they could see the cannon charge up through its barrel. “I HAVE TOLERATED YOUR PRESENCE LONG ENOUGH! I SHALL STUDY THE SECRETS OF YOUR DEVELOPMENT FROM YOUR CHARRED REMAINS IF I MUST!” The electrical hum of the cannon filled their ears looking up at the weapon build up to fire. For a moment they thought this would be the end for them. Just before the cannon fired, a blue and red disk was flung towards MODOK’s face, cracking the purple gem in his forehead before bouncing off his skull and ricocheting off several pieces of debris to return to Steve’s clawed hand. Radically changing the cannon’s trajectory to blast the floor meters away from the three ID beasts and leave MODOK to scream and cry out as his control over the robot exo-suit and much of the facility.

“STEVE!” Cried out Sharon, finding him alright save for clutching at a healing burn in his side. Smiling back at the three ID beasts as he staggered down the slope of debris to join them and be taken back when they practically pounced on him in relief for his safe being.

Collapsing onto his backside while the lights and operations of the entire complex went wild, MODOK’s digital voice cracked and blurred while he lost control of his mecha and the facility, reaching for the cracked gem in his forehead with his stubby arms and failing while feedback from the facility’s readouts caused him intense pain. “TOO MUCH! TOO MUCH! ERROR! ErRoR! ErRoRrrrrvvvvvv…!” The feedback was too much for his uplinked brain, the gem acted as his connected hub to the entire facility, feeding him direct control to its internal functions like it would an extension of his entire body, but now all he could feel was intense pain as it all felt like his entire body was going through violent muscle spasms. All around the facility, doors rapidly opened and shut closed, lights flickered, and machines went haywire. “MAKE IT ZZzzzsTOP! MEKIT SSSsssssSSTOP! MK…mkkk…”

A claw gripped at the cracked gem at his forehead and pried it clean off. The moment it was disconnected. The lights in the ruined test room flickered and returned to normal operation as did the rest of the facility, falling under emergency control. MODOK went limp in his command chair, the hiss of connector pipes and clamps dislodged from his seat and had the dwarven man disengage from his seat to tumble free and helpless, held down by the weight of his oversized head as he looked up at the four ID beasts looking down at his prone state.

“MODOK, I’d like to offer a proposition.” Declared Captain America, holstering his shield back over his arm while the others stood close to him. “YOU are going to come with us peacefully and quietly and your agents will surrender to SHIELD custody so that you can create a cure for this dilemma. In return… Maria doesn’t spit in your other eye.”

Looking up with his good eye at the four, MODOK watched as Maria Hill spat on the ground near MODOK’s helpless form and watched the concrete sizzle from the acidic fluid. Rapidly shifting his eye between the four and back to the burning hole in the ground, MODOK sighed and leaned his head back.

“Very well… Your proposal is acceptable…”


An hour later and several arrests at the front gates, SHIELD was already in the process of apprehending any stragglers left from AIM trying to escape. The groups of staff, scientists and guards under AIM’s employ sat on the ground surrounded by armed SHIELD agents and ID beasts looming over them menacingly. Having giant cat people with wings glaring down at them had the former weapons manufacturers silently keeping their heads down and huddled together.

Looking over the detainees and checking over a note pad in his hand going over the report from his other agents, Nick Fury heard cheering when he turned to the hideout entrance to find Cap and his teams exit with MODOK in hand. The cyborg hanging like a toddler in a harness in Steve’s hand as the rest of the ID beasts exited the mountain with their prize. Approaching the four ID beasts, Fury smirked up to the shield bearing creature and down at the former leader of Advanced Idea Mechanics looking down with both defeat and exhaustion.

“So, Cap, what do you have planned for the little egg head.”

Hoisting him higher to see eye to eye, Steve smirked and brought him over to the SHIELD authorities to process, brushing his clawed hands cleaned. “We managed to come to an agreement; He finds a cure for us, and WE don’t eat him.”

Looking over to MODOK while two of his agents struggle to cuff him and back to Steve, Nick Fury raised an eyebrow. “You… You weren’t going to, were you?” Looking to the other ID beasts, the lot of them looked away or tried to appear as sheepish as possible, with some scratching the back of their leg with the other and folding their arms behind their backs. Others rolled their eyes and scratched the back of their necks.

“Considering how screwed up today’s been, I’m surprised no one did during the rampage on the Helicarrier.”

A collection of murmurs echoed around the ID beasts, some shrugging in mild gratitude that their worst selves did not go that far. Leaving some of the SHIELD agents to grimace.

“Well… In any case, we have them now, and hopefully a cure.” Smirked Steve, looking to the others with the same hopeful gleam in his eyes. “How long could it take?”


Several months later…

“So, it seems MODOK is still working on that cure for the ID beast virus down in R&D, here’s the latest report on his findings…” Piped in Director Abigail Brand, making her way around the meeting table and passing note pads to everyone present. Half of the Avengers that were still human such as Falcon, Iron Man, Thor, Bruce Banner and Hawkeye looked over the manifesto handed to them in their briefing, while Captain America, Black Widow, Songbird, Winter Soldier and Quake sat with them, looming over their compatriots even while sitting. For almost half a year, those that were changed into ID beasts had to make do with their current form and size. At the very least it gave them enough time to tailor clothing that fit.

The new body DID have its perks mind you, increased strength and stamina, spontaneous regeneration, flight, acidic bile. The ability to regenerate had been an interesting and beneficial boon with their missions; hardly any ID beast returned requiring medical aid of any kind. The only thing that was annoying apart from the ungainly size were the horns and spikes that protrude from their bodies. Several had made attempts to shave them down or just chop the horns off, only for them to grow back minutes later. After a while they just stopped trying.

Sitting at his place at the table, Steve Rogers wore a version of his star-spangled suit now designed for his height and anatomy minus boots and gloves for him to make use of his claws and a few slits in the back for his tail and wings. The ocean blue, red and white of his scale armored costume contrasting with his feline physique and blonde fur and hair. the Sphinx man sat and waited for his pad from Abigail and blinked in surprise when she bent down over his shoulder and pressed her leather clad chest against the side of his face to place his note pad on the table in front of him, when she pulled away he could feel her trace her fingers over his back and shoulders with a smirk while continuing to dictate what was on the report. All the while Steve watched her sashay with an accentuated swivel to her hips as she walked away from him.

“He’s been working around the clock but so far the over sized egghead hasn’t come up with anything useful. It seems after the virus runs its course and completes the transformation process, it breaks down and became inert, leaving those changed stuck as they are. At the very least, we have the cold comfort of knowing that those who were infected and had their transformation completed are of no risk of infecting others. We won’t be making more of us any time soon” Abigail shrugged.

“Not unless it’s the NATURAL way, am I right Natasha?” Smirked Tony as he turned his attention to the red furred ID beast woman, the Black Window leaned back and rubbed circles around her beachball sized swollen midriff and gave Tony the evil eye in response to him gently nudging her arm with his elbow. “So, when’s the baby shower? Will there be liquor?”


“You’re right, you’re right, none for the mother to be, so when are the kittens due? Or is it puppies?”


“Hey if you’re looking for a babysitter, I’ve got an old robot arm I can put a mitten over and play children’s music… He’s clumsy though so don’t make him do anything too complex.”

“Tony…” Piped in Steve defensively.  “You don’t want her to throw up on you.”

Natasha smirked, leaning over to look down at the smarmy genius as he leaned back with an uneasy smirk of his own. Raising his hands up defensively with a light chuckle. “Okay, Shutting up.” Songbird and Quake giggled at Ironman’s reaction, sharing a knowing look with Natasha as they rubbed their own swollen middles.

“As far as he is concerned the worst of it is over, everyone infected are fully changed and are no risk to anyone else, but he did warn against possible carriers… People who have no repressed desires that might harbor the virus but so far, we have screened everyone on the ship for anything irregular. Apart from that, there have been mild complaints among the staff.” Sighed Abigail as she scrolled down the report on the note pad in her hands with a clawed finger. Screwing her face in disappointment when she went over the list. “Scratch marks on the walls, noise complaints, empty vending machines…”

“AYE! Many a time have I sought a honey nut trail mix bar only for them to be GONE on the same day the machines are refilled.”

Looking to each other, the ID beasts at the table murmured before Bucky answered. “They’re high in protein, have you seen the size of us?”

“They serve steak in the cafeteria Bucky.”

Snapping his fingers, even the other ID beasts dawned on that. “Oh yeah…”

“Then what of the raisin cookies?” Thor asked. “Surely there is no ‘protein’ in those.”

“A-actually that’s on me.” Murmured a nebbish Bruce Banner, raising a hand and looking almost regretful for it when the entire room’s attention fell on him.  “The big guy has a thing for raisins.”

Falcon brought a hand to his mouth to resist from breaking out into a laugh while everyone else traded chatter over the revelation. Trying to get everyone’s attention back on the meeting, Abigail called for a little more order while she went to the next detail in the report. “Okay, okay, on to the next order of business, seems Hydra is planning something big again, we’ve been getting reports of Red Skull building up resources in the mountain ranges of the Netherlands over the last few months. He was subtle for a while but… You know how that man thinks.”

“The only reason he doesn’t care about hiding anymore is because he’s going to strike soon.” Answered Steve, going over the picture provided on the digital pad in his clawed hand. Going over photographs of tanks and troops hiding in the countryside along with the blurry pic of a man leading then with red skin. “You can see him even these pictures.”

“Oh?” Asked Abigail, sauntering over to his seat and leaning over his other shoulder this time, pressing her chest against his cheek to look at the photo he was pointing at. “You’re right, I think our surveillance team missed that, good eye Steve.” She purred, letting her hand roam down his back before she pulled away, making Captain America shift in his seat uncomfortably.

“So were taking a trip to Europe to deal with the Red Skull, should be fun.” Slipping his note pad across the table to be collected, Tony Stood from his chair, and rolled his shoulder before going to his phone. “In the meantime, I think I’ll call up Pepper, its our anniversary and this time and I’ve got a reservation at our private island.”

“Oh, How sweet.” 

One by one everyone left the meeting, exiting the room to go about their duties on the ship. Natasha hoisted herself up to her feet and waddled her way to Steve who stood from his chair, the two kissing deeply as she guided his hand to her belly and whispered into his ear, turning to leave and look over her shoulder with a knowing smirk before closing the door behind her. Alone with Abigail, he watched her gather the note pads with her backed turned to him. She did not act the least bit surprised when he approached her from behind, spun her around and pulled her in for a kiss. If anything, she moaned pleasantly into his mouth with a smile and leaned back to sit on the table while he pressed against her.

“Didn’t think you wanted it that bad Abigail.” Grunted Steve, still kissing the woman while she wrapped her legs around his waist and scrambled to get her top off. “Surprised you didn’t just sit in my lap during the meeting.”

“Hmm, thought about it, would have thought it would be TOO subtle.” Abigail purred, finally peeling off her leather top and freeing her six breasts, flicking her top across the table, and helping Steve with his uniform shirt and undo his pants. Kissing her neck, he could hear her moan and her wings flutter behind her, raking her claws down his back while he joined her in undoing her pants and pulling them free.

Stripped of their clothes and making out again, Steve lined up his erection at her pussy and thrust deep into her folds, the beast woman moaning hungrily into his mouth before leaning back to moan out loud. “So, THIS is where the noise complaints have been coming from.”

“Shut up and FUCK me already!” Laying back over the table and arching her back to thrust out her chest, Abigail moaned and wailed as she felt Steve thrust into her over and over again, the male avenger grunting and growling as he captured one of her stiff nipples in his fanged mouth. Raking her claws down his back again, Abigail tossed her long green hair to drape over the other end of the table, her legs locked around his waist as his ministrations increased in intensity. Eventually he pulled away from her tit to rear back and growl as he finally reached his limit when he felt her inner muscles grip his cock in a vice grip, her own orgasm triggering when they both roared out in release.

Peppering his face with kisses and unravelling herself from him, the two were far from finished when Abigail rolled onto her stomach and raised her tail, smirking over her shoulder when Steve hoisted her tail over his shoulder and thrust into her again from behind. “More! Again! HARDER!” She moaned out loud, her cleavage threatening to hit her chin with his aggressive thrusts. Grinding and colliding with each other again and again, their second and third release came crashing after the other. When they finally reached their shared limit, Steve collapsed on top of Abigail, the two kissing and squirming against each other while his erect cock still plugged her nethers.

“You know, I’m surprised you never joined any of the packs that formed up after this whole debacle began, Bucky has had his eye on you too.”

“Hmm, he is a rough tumble in the sack, but no. As one of the directors I must set an example to the rest of the crew and show a little independence. I mean, what would the crew say when they find me swollen and waddling around like some big… Fat… BABYmomma?” She asked, accentuating her point by squeezing her inner muscles.

“Why don’t you ask Maria? She’s expecting her sextuplets by the end of the week.”

Giggling and shaking her head, the two slowly pulled away and got dressed, then helped clean up the table before leaving the meeting room.

“Okay, but if you ever want to join us, you’re more than welcome in my quarters.”

Going different directions, Steve walked back to his quarters, eager to see the others after his shift.


Stepping out of the meeting room first and making sure he was presentable; Steve Rogers made his way down the halls of the Helicarrier back to his personal quarters. Not too long after Abigail Brand did the same and left in the opposite direction. Passing by crew on his way back to his quarters, Steve waved to the occasional SHIELD staff who greeted him, whether they were a humans looking up to his impressive height to say hello before leaving or other ID beasts on their way to their shifts or their own quarters after their rounds had been made.

On his way there he could hear activity in the quarters of his crewmates as he walked by each door; low moans and growls from the quarters he knew were SHIELD crewmembers who were ID beasts. After the whole affair months ago that nearly sunk the Helicarrier, many of the ID beast staff grouped up into couples or more. And from all the noise they were making behind closed doors it did not take a genius to know what they were doing. Not that he blamed them, the entire experience although horrible was an eye opener for many of them. Repressed desires were what caused this in the first place and since then all those who were afflicted had been FAR more open with their desires and feelings.

Reaching the entrance to his quarters, Steve smirked before opening the door and stepping inside, knowing full well what he was getting himself into when several clawed hands gripped at the hem of his suit and pull him inside. Turning to face the inside of his living room, Steve chuckled when he found himself swarmed by his three lovers. Kicking the door closed behind him while they pried at his shirt and pants, peppering his face and chest with kisses by the time he managed to sit on the couch naked and end up with a nude Natasha sitting in his lap and leaning back against his chest while bringing his arms around to feel her swollen womb. “It’s about TIME you got back! If I had known she would have you for THIS long, I’d have stayed to join in!” Giggled Natasha, smirking over her shoulder and pecking Steve’s chin with the occasional kiss. Sharon and Maria took either side of the reinforced couch, with Sharon nuzzling his shoulder and Maria sitting on her knees to press her upper pair of breasts against his face.

“Yeah Steve, we were getting on edge waiting for you to get back, you can FEEL how eager our kids are to feel their father again.” Purred Maria, biting her lip as she felt her unborn kick from her womb against Steve’s arm. All three ID beast women were heavily pregnant with litters of children, most likely a result of their altered DNA since they now shared some feline traits. Those among the ID beast staff of the ship who were female and pregnant were expecting litters of triplets at the minimum.

“I’ve missed you too, at least until I get home to this.” Pulling Sharon into a kiss, she moaned into his mouth, sitting up to press against him before he separated and did the same with Maria. Her wings fluttering from the affection he gave her.

“By the way love, this is the third time Abigail has gotten into your pants, any chance she’ll be joining our pack?”

“Yeah, I know she’s been pulling Bucky into locked closets for an afternoon tryst or two.” Giggled Sharon, her right hand idly scratching at the back of Steve head to comb through his hair.

“Well… I DID offer her if she wanted to join, but with the three of you expecting, our quarters are going to get pretty crowded when the three of you are due and she joins in, what would we do then?”

“Live in a crowded living quarters, with more on the way.” Natasha responded with a coy smile, wiggling her ample hips, and grinding over Steve’s growing erection. Without much resistance, Steve could feel her clawed hand stroke at his length just as she repositioned herself to have him impale her pussy, her inner muscles gripping and coaxing him to thrust deep into her. “When my litter is born… I want another one, and another, and anther…” Natasha swooned, shivering as she felt him grow hard inside of her. “I want this deck CRAWLING with my kids.”

“Same here love.” Purred Maria, licking his ear and pulling him into a kiss. “Though… Maybe not as prolific as Natasha, could you imagine the effect it would have on our figures?”

“Maria girl, you’re an eight-foot-tall cat woman with horns and wings…” Chuckled Sharon, pulling Steve into a smoldering kiss then pulled away to nuzzle his nose. “I think your figure’s the least of your troubles.”


Hours later at Tony Stark’s resort suite…

“Hmm, gotta admit Tony, this was a GREAT idea!” Swooned Pepper Potts, cuddling up close to Tony in bed as they looked out their suite window to the beach at night. “I can get used to this for a couple of days.”

“A couple of days? I’ve booked the entire week Pepper.” Smiled Tony, pulling Pepper close so that she would be laying on top of him in bed. Giggling from the gesture, Pepper kissed Tony and smiled a toothy grin as she lounged on top of him, her feet kicking the air above her playfully. “So, an entire week ALL to ourselves on some resort island. What do you want most?”

Leaning up to tap her lip with her manicured finger, Pepper gave a coy smile just as she positioned herself on top of Tony and straddled his waist, positioning his erection into her folds and biting her lip when she guided him inside of her. Her long red hair cascaded down the side of her face when she loomed over the man and began to rock her hips against his. “Well, a RAISE would be nice.”

“Oh I think you’ve got one already.” Chuckled Tony, gripping at her hips and thighs as she ground her hips against him, sighing as she felt his hands cup and grope at her breasts.

“I mean a REAL raise… And I want my own office!” Moaned Pepper, pressing her hands against Tony’s chest as she gasped in her ministrations.

“You got it.”

“And I want my own company car! A BIG one!” Pepper growled, sweat slicking her skin as her muscles began to grow firm and toned. Glaring down at Tony with a predator grin that exposed fangs. “Better than YOURS!”

“Uhm… Kay?”

Rolling her shoulders and lolling her head, Pepper tossed her red hair over her shoulders, her moans becoming coarser and more aggressive as a sheen of red fur began to spread down her expanding body. Gripping Tony’s shoulders more fiercely, the man winced when he felt her fingers sprout claws. “And I want my own company boat, my own servant staff catering my hand and foot, hmm… Bunch of scantily clad Chippindale escorts in fucking bowties serving me cherries on a fucking silver platter!”

Looking up with worry, Tony could only look up in anxiously as Pepper grew taller, stronger, hairier. Her ears becoming triangular points and raising over her hair line while her chest heaved with each breath, her muscles throbbing in the transformation. Keen out loud in orgasm, Pepper reared back and roared like a lioness, causing the walls to shake with her intensity just as she pressed her hands against the headboard and raked her claws down the wall. Snapping her attention back on him, her eyes had become slit and yellow like a cat’s, her teeth now sharp as she smiled wickedly down at the man she was straddling. “I WANT WHAT’S MINE!!!” She purred, licking her lips.

“S-sure Pepper, its all yours, anything I can give ya, its yours.”

Sitting up and crossing her arms under her now larger breasts, the ID beast that Pepper had become tapped her clawed finger over her lip playfully in thought, then her smile grew. “Hmm, nice to hear… But I forgot one last thing I wanted to take from you.”


Brandishing her claws, she admired their razor tips before her attention fell back to the bearded man underneath her. “My pound of flesh…”

The end?


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