« on: January 13, 2019, 11:33:00 AM »
Summary and Disclaimer
This is set in a version of the MCU. But with the addition of some new characters, concepts, and other franchises. Including all of the MCU movies AND TV shows and a few other things too. I DO NOT own any characters that I myself have not come up with and the rightful owners are Disney, FOX (for right now), Warner Bros., and others. No copyright infringement intended.Chapter 15
Wonder Woman Arrives Part 3
“Are you sure it was a good idea to turn down Captain America’s help?” I asked Diana. After he had told us about this Dr. Deborah “Debbie’ Domaine he said he wanted to help us take her down. But she told him no and insisted that she and I go alone.
“This is supposed to be MY enemy. I want to take this one down myself,” Diana said.
“If that were the case why did you want me here?” I asked.
“I don’t know why, but when I’m with you I feel that I’ve finally found something that I’ve been looking for, for a very long time. I don’t even know when I started looking for you. But now that I’ve finally found you I’m not going to let you out of my sight.” she said with a loving smile.
We entered the facility as quietly and as quickly as we could. It was the dead of night so no one saw us. “Because who would notice a woman in a red, blue and gold bikini and giant man made up of living metal.” I joked when we came up with this plan to sneak into the facility to see what was going on. If we were caught Steve said that he would pull the Avengers card to get us out, but we hoped that he wouldn’t have to use it.
We found Dr. Domaine’s lab pretty easy enough. We then went to work on what connection she could have to the cat creature. We found all the equipment that was needed to create a creature like that but that wouldn’t be enough to call the local cops. Diana looked through some of her papers that she had lying around. “S-Class what does all this mean?” she asked, handing me the paperwork. We had discussed this before we left. She would call me S-Class and I would call her Wonder Woman when we were in the field.
I looked over the papers. “Oh my god,” I said reading what it says.
“What does it mean?” she asked again.
“I can understand why you couldn’t understand it. I can barely understand it myself. It essentially says that she is trying to make the perfect super soldier combining the DNA of cats and humans. But there was always a problem.” I said.
“What was that?” she asked.
“Their brains were underdeveloped.” this female voice said. We turned around and there stood Dr. Debbie Domaine.
“So before me stands S-Class and his lady love, Wonder Woman. How...unimpressive,” she said taking several steps to the wall and flicking a switch and the lights popped on. And around us were cages and cages of cat/human hybrids.
“Why would you do all of this?” Wonder Woman asked as they started to lash out from their cages.
“The Avengers are ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’. Well, I think that the Earth can do so much better. And with my work, we can replace these ‘HEROES’ . Replace them with something better.” she said fondly.
“Better?!? Going by these reports 90% of these creatures die a painful death!” I yelled.
“They were weak. But my work WILL produce the ultimate super soldier.” Dr. Domaine said.
“Who would’ve funded something like this?” Wonder Woman asked.
“My guess no one. That’s why you’re using your own DNA isn’t it?” I asked.
“People have yet to see the error of their ways. But one day this program will be the thing that saves the world. It’s a pity that neither of you will be able to see it.” she said as she flicked another switch. And about twenty cages opened and the hybrids came out after us.
We started to fight. And like before we could tell where the other was and if the other needed help. This time there was more going on than just one hybrid attacking us. We were doing our best but when one slashed out and cut Wonder Woman’s arm. I telekinetically grabbed the five of them that were attacking her and slammed them up against the wall. That slam also caused everything on one of the tables to fall down on top of Dr. Domaine. This caused a moment of unsureness among them.
“It’s just a scratch,” she said to me as I checked her arm while they were standing around.
“I don’t like this. We need to stop them now.” I said as Dr. Domaine stood up on uneasy legs. They started to come at us again. The two of us fought them off one after the other. I had grown my extra arms and covered them in my Colossus mode too. And I was pounding four at a time until I had an idea.
“Group them-” I started.
“Together.” she finished as we started pummeling them into one big group.
That’s when I changed from my Colossus mode to my Iceman mode. Another mode based on one of my friends, in this case, Bobby Drake or Iceman. He could turn his entire body into a living ice sculpture. And he could freeze things from a distance. I held out my four hands sending a cold blast at all the hybrids. Turning them into a weird ice sculpture made up of cat hybrids. While I was doing that Wonder Woman was grabbing Dr. Domaine before she could release anymore.* * *
“Nice work you two,” Steve said. Once we had everything under control we called Captain America for the cleanup. His crew had all of the hybrids taken to a facility that would put them down as humanely as possible. They also took Dr. Domaine into custody to await trial for her crimes against nature.
“Thank you,” Diana said to him. I had my arm around her and Skye’s waists.
“So you two are still dating?” Steve said to me.
“What do you mean?” Natasha asked.
“It’s simple Natasha I am dating BOTH of these beautiful angles and five others,” I said.
“You have seven girlfriends?” Steve asked.
“Yup,” Skye said with a smile as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Why would you let your man have another woman?” Natasha asked her.
“It wasn’t like either of us planned it. When we just started dating we found...Claire is one of the four isn’t she?” Skye said to me.
“That’s right, her and Laura,” I said.
“Excuse me?” Steve asked.
“You saw us fight here (thank you Sarah) and you saw the footage of the fight in New York. We only met two days ago. Yet we are in perfect sync. I’ve only been in sync like that with four women, all of whom I am dating right now. And me having so many girlfriends all started when we found Claire.” I said with a smile.
“And once we did find Claire it just felt right. I even helped him get ready for his first date with Stacy,” she said.
“I’m not going to say that I approve of the type of relationship you have. But as long as you are happy that is all that matters.” Steve said.
“Thanks, ya old fogey.” I joked.
“What?” Diana asked.
“Steve was born almost a hundred years ago. And he spent seventy years frozen in a block of ice.” I explained.
“I think you look great for your age,” Diana said with a smile.
“So how would you two feel if I were to offer you both a place on the Avengers?” Steve asked.
“Are you serious?” Skye asked.
“That is if you two want it?” he said.
“I’m game. What about you?” I asked Diana.
“I think it sounds like a great idea,” she said. He shook her hand and when he shook mine I realized something.
“Just so you know I may not be available all the time,” I said.
“Why?” he asked.
“Well, I’m also an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy,” I said to him.
“And what’s that?” Natasha asked.
“It’s a group of intergalactic criminals/heroes. Lead by...Star-Lord.” Steve said while trying to hold back a laugh.
“I can’t believe you run with Quill’s gang,” he said, still looking like he wanted to laugh.
“He asked me after the last time we all worked together,” I said as we shared a knowing look.
“But like with the Avengers, not all the time. If they need me they call.” I said.
“That’s okay. And I know that Tony will approve of my recommendations of the two of you.” Steve said.
“See you around sometime,” I said teleporting out of there.
Meanwhile, in her cell, Dr. Debbie Domaine was watching her hands. She was transfixed on her hand. Nothing and no one could get through to her. The reason why is because her fingernails were changing from the normal shade and shape of human fingernails. They were starting to resemble those of cats. She smiled. And you could see her eyes had also begun to change as well as she started to laugh outright.* * *
“I can’t believe that Skye is bringing this Wonder Woman and S-Class here,” Mack said to Hunter. Everyone else was silently laughing.
“Why mate?” Hunter asked, noticing that no one was keeping eye contact long.
“It’s just that this S-Class guy is so lucky to have a hottie like Wonder Woman,” Mack said. At this everyone started to laugh outright.
“What’s so funny?” Hunter asked.
“Well, it’s simple Hunter,” I said exiting the quinjet with Diana, Skye and the Director, who came out to give Diana the personal tour and welcome. I was still in my Colossus mode.
“It’s because I have so many more girlfriends than Diana,” I said turning back into myself.
“Oh my god,” Mack said as everyone else started to laugh again this time even Hunter was laughing.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 11:36:45 PM by CaptainNinnin »
