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Author Topic: In The Groove (Britney Spears)  (Read 32228 times)


In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« on: March 25, 2024, 02:35:41 PM »
In The Groove by C.H.
Celeb(s) – Britney Spears
Codes – FF, Lesbian, Romance
Originally posted on August 25 2002

Part 1

"And five and six and seven and eight….." the choreographer recited, matching the dancers step for step. Clad in a red sports bra, white bandana, and red/white Adidas sweatpants, Jasmine sweated and grinded in the air-conditioned studio. Half of the dancers were running through the routine while the other half were stretching out their limbs on the barre. The instrumental blared out of the speakers, vibrating Jasmine’s soul.

"Dum Dum Dum Dum-Dum-Dum"—- for the fourth time, they ran through the routine, all smiles at what two days of practice had evolved into.

Jasmine watched herself in the mirror intently until it was time for the other half of dancers to rehearse. She ran her steps through her head again, looking down at the floor, biting her lip in concentration. She started bouncing around in place, energized, singing to the instrumental: "Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night…"

"Hey, that’s my line!" a voice said, laughing.

Jasmine, slightly blushing, looked at Britney who had joined her in front of the mirror.

"They’re ALL your lines!" Jasmine laughed, fighting an urge to towel off Brit’s face; it was glowing from her exertions on the barre.

"Man, you’ve been working it, girl! Here, use my towel."

"Oh, that’s okay. I don’t mind sweating when I’m having fun," Britney said, wiggling her eyebrows, peering into Jasmine’s eyes. "You’re all sweaty too!" she continued, touching Jasmine’s arm. They both made a confused face and backed away from each other, shocked at the jolt they both felt from the physical contact.

"Alright, ummm, see you. I’ll be over there, okay…." Jasmine said, blushing again.

Britney nodded, blushing as well, trying to cover it up with her famous megawatt smile. Jasmine waved a goodbye and ran over to the barre where her group was, images of Britney running through her head.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2024, 02:38:14 PM »
Part 2

Britney couldn't concentrate on her choreography. She was frustrated about it, and it showed. She threw everyone else off twice. After the second mess-up, the choreographer came over and pulled her to the side. 'Yeah, like I could tell him the truth,' Britney thought as she apologized. She made herself concentrate on "the effort", as Nigel Dick had put it to her. She was happy to be doing a show after this shoot; it would help ease some of this tension she couldn't place. She looked at herself as she danced, noting her hard nipples and heavy breathing pattern. It was almost as if she couldn't control herself. 'But duh, Britney,' she told herself as she went thru her routine perfectly. 'Guess who'll be at the show tomorrow? Jasmine. Guess who's been at the last few shows? Jasmine. It won't get any better for you, kid,' she thought, sighing under her own wailing voice blaring out of the speakers.

"Okay, that's a great run-through, take 20!" the instructor said, patting Britney on the back. She went over to get a bottle of water, and sat down on the floor to watch Jasmine. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it all, and wanted to take her time about it, yet and still......

Britney recalled the moment when she first met Jas a few weeks ago:
"Hi, everyone, this is Jasmine, our new dancer," the instructor said, presenting her. Jasmine smiled shyly and said hello. The other dancers welcomed her first, then Britney, who tried her best to make her feel comfortable.

But Jasmine had never let her guard down completely, which perplexed a few members of the entourage. When they were on the tour buses, they joked around and had bull sessions on topics like art, movies, and relationships. Britney noticed that she and Jas often laughed at the same things and shared views on shopping and love. But, for the most part, Jasmine stayed in the background, glowing only when she was onstage, and when she wasn't even aware of it.

Britney yearned for Jasmine when she was glowing. When she had that sexy, intense, pouty, 1/2 asleep expression on her face. Jasmine would curl up and listen to everyone wearing that expression, sometimes joining in. Britney could not help but become quiet and study her from behind her shades. At those times, she wanted to go over next to her and curl up around her. Why, she wasn't quite sure. But she knew that Jasmine turned her on. And maybe she turned Jasmine on, too. Justin was great, but this was something else, something deeper. Britney thought about one enlightening conversation the girls had had last week about media images of women. Jasmine had become very vocal then: "I think women should feel beautiful about their fullness. Sticks are for brooms!!!  Women need weight on them just like men do; we need weight to remain healthy and bear children. Women with actual SHAPES are beautiful to me, women like Jennifer Lopez, Tyra, and Britney Spears."

Britney was surprised. "Wow, thanks Jasmine! I feel so strong now. It's never been put to me like that before."

"Well, it's the truth. You're welcome," Jasmine said sincerely. Jasmine and Britney looked at each other for a minute, then Jasmine started talking about guys. During the show that night, Britney shook everything that her momma gave her proudly, smiling at Jasmine often. That night after the show, in the hotel room, she touched herself all over, wanting to dial Jasmine's extension so bad......

But she hadn't, she'd kept her feelings below the surface, and still they flowed like a current. How she wished she could swim in Jasmine's current........
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2024, 02:42:29 PM »
Part 3

Jasmine concentrated on her barre positions, but her mind's eye was on Britney, whom she saw sitting on the floor out of the corner of her eye. 'Umm, she looks so good,' Jasmine thought, pointing her toes. She wasn't sure what to think about her feelings for Britney. They were so underground, like a drum beat inside her, speeding up and slowing down just below the surface of everything. From the beginning, she'd felt something for her. At first, she'd brushed it off as stargazer's lust; but as time went on, Britney became more human to her through her voiced opinions and expressional face. No, Britney wasn't happy all the time. She was serious and passionate about a lot of things, confiding honestly in her dancers about her problems. This made Jasmine admire her even more.

Jasmine recalled a few times when she thought she was gonna burst if she didn't express some of her emotions to Britney. Like the day she'd been bold and let her know she'd admired her figure. That courage had just crept out of nowhere, and it bothered her. Professionalism was her thing, but she hadn't been able to help herself.

Besides, Britney's response to it had made her sing inside. After smiling at Jasmine and shaking her bon-bons all night, she'd accidentally walked in on Jasmine while she was changing out of her costume. Both were speechless, waiting for the other. For a second, Jasmine thought Britney would stay. But she hadn't, just looked for a long minute, licking her lips, and said "You have a nice body, too", and left.

And just a few minutes ago, when she'd wanted to towel Brit's face off. Jasmine wondered if any of the others had picked up on anything. Several of the male dancers had befriended her, some insinuating that they wanted to be more. But Jasmine didn't have time for that, she told herself. She had only time for her dancing, her craft. She hadn't been in a relationship in 2 years, because of her dancing tours and a personal search for her sexuality.

She'd finally recognized that she was bi, but...where does Britney fit in? She'd encouraged and distanced Britney on purpose, giving them both time to figure it out. 'Oh, come on, give it up,' Jasmine thought. 'I have to know. It's too many innuendos going back and forth.'

As the day wore on, the girls rehearsed like crazy until it was time to shoot the video. First, they all went to hair and makeup. Jasmine and Britney ended up sitting next to each other, chattering about the shoot, meeting each other's eyes in the mirror. They danced around scintillating topics, like how labored their breathing was, and how they were fanning themselves in the cold room. Jasmine watched Britney strut away to wardrobe, wondering what she would be wearing.

Later on, at the shoot, when she saw what she had on, Jasmine thought she'd faint right on the spot. Her mouth became dry as sand as she slowly counted to ten. Britney had on a tight sparkly green top that hit right below her full breasts, which were outlined perfectly.

She had on tight black pants that molded her round, tight ass like a second skin. Jasmine moaned out loud softly, and drank some water quickly. Both of their hair had been waved and curled, with sexy bangs that sometimes falling over into their eyes. She was fixing her hair when Britney came over and said, "So, woman, let's raise the roof on this video!"

"Hey, I'm with you!" Jasmine said, hugging Britney quickly. "Good luck."

"Yeah, you too. Remember, we're in this together. And you know how Nigel notices everything!!!"

"I love your outfit, you look hot...." Jasmine said, testing the waters.

"Thanks, I wanted to get away from the pink for a while. Plus, I know green is your favorite color." Britney said, touching her arm again.

"You, get away from pink?!? Go, Brit!" Jasmine joked.

"Oh, whatever Jas! A woman can change her mind about what she wants. Isn't that what you say sometimes? Don't you think so?" Britney queried, looking into her eyes.

"Yes, I do. Especially in matters of the heart," Jasmine said slowly, smiling as awareness banged her on the head. She moved in closer to Britney.

"But see, the thing is, to know what you want and stick with it, Jas....to confront it," Britney insisted, moving in closer to her.

"Yes, I know.....Britney???"

"Um,......Jasmine???" the girls stammered.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2024, 03:08:50 PM »
Part 4

The semi-darkness of the set outlined their silhouettes. Britney  gazed at Jasmine, whose full lips were slightly open. Brit nodded over to a  dark corner. The girls walked over to it. "Yes?" Jasmine asked, a little  scared about her fantasies becoming a reality. Britney's expression was full  of promise and passion. Jasmine realized how much she wanted her, wanted  this. Slowly Jasmine pulled Britney over to her, looking dead serious until  Britney moaned, making her laugh. She wrapped her arms around her, moving  her hands down her back, stroking her bare skin. Britney pressed up closer  to her, and whispered, "Thank you for coming over."

"Anytime," Jasmine answered back, stroking the small of Brit's back. She moved her hands down to the waistband of her tight black pants, and toyed  with it, snapping it a few times. Then she moved from the waistband down to  Britney's round ass cheeks, massaging, cupping her, pulling her closer to her  body. Britney began grinding into Jasmine's thigh, caught up in her sexual  high.

"Can you handle this, us?" Britney gasped out.

"Yes," Jasmine said against Britney's neck, inhaling her perfume, hands  still roaming over her ass.  "Wait a minute.....are you wearing  underwear?" Jasmine asked, feeling......nothing.

"Yes, I am! I have on a G for these pants. But most times, I just wear  regular ones," Britney laughed huskily.

"Oh my god, you feel so good.." Jasmine began, only to be interrupted by a  loud blare of a megaphone.

"BRITNEY! CINDERELLA! WHERE ARE YOU?" Nigel shouted. The girls parted  reluctantly, and walked slowly out of the shadows. But before they were  within sight of everyone else, Britney pulled Jasmine into her arms and  kissed her soundly. Jasmine melted as Britney played inside her mouth,  outlining every area with her tongue.  It only lasted a minute, making both  yearn for more. They walked onto the set.

"Hi, Dick, how are ya?!?" Britney joked, almost bumping into Jasmine they  were so close together. Jasmine looked around at everyone. Everyone was  staring at them. Nigel moved in close to them and spoke softly.

"Now Britney, you're the one talking about how you have to be on that plane.  We have two hours to make magic here. Oh, no pink today? Thank god!"

"No...not today, Nigel. No dick today?" Britney joked back. It was well  known that Nigel was gay.

"You know, I could say something else, Queen B, but I won't go there!"  Nigel said, smiling at Jasmine. Jasmine smiled back, amused at their  comradery. Jasmine decided it was best not to say anything to him right now.  Maybe after the shoot. There was no way he could cut her out of the video  anyway. She would be dancing right up front.

The shooting of the video went off without a hitch. Britney danced, sang  and strutted around, hornier than she'd ever been in her life. Nigel loved  the emotion she gave to the camera, even though he had to stop her a few  times when she became too preoccupied with what everyone else was doing,  notably Jasmine. He rolled his eyes, and thought of moving Jasmine, but she  was a great dancer as well as a pretty visual aid to "the effort". He had to  admit this was the best Britney he'd ever seen.

Brintey rolled and jammed, thinking about what she wanted to do with  Jasmine, feeling hard and strong. All her emotion came from what had just  happened in the shadows, plus her desire to do the best video she'd ever  done. When she sang those words to the camera, she SANG them. She was so  proud that Jasmine made her feel so powerful.

Jasmine spun around, concentrating one hundred percent on her dancing,  feeling every bass beat, every moan Britney made in the song.

 "Sing it!" Britney sang, going into her chair routine. She pushed up  with her hands on the side of the chair, sat back down, and leaned forward,  and around, displaying her breasts as she gave a "fuck me" expression to the  camera.  "STOP!"

They finished the video, and Nigel declared Britney "A pumpkin". A  fireman on the set gave Britney his hat. Jasmine walked over to Britney and  whispered to her, "We're gonna have to play with that." Britney giggled.

"Yes, definitely."

Her manager came over. "Britney, your flight's in 30 minutes."

"Okay, cool. Let's go, girl," she said to Jasmine. "Ummmm...do you want  me to change out of this?" she asked Jasmine.

"Yeah, you may as well. Keep it as a surprise for the video. Besides,  there's always later," Jasmine said smiling as they walked off the set.

The dancers walked some distance behind the two girls, smiling at each  other, raising their eyebrows.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2024, 03:17:02 PM »
Part 5

On the plane to Monaco, the girls sat together with a large pink blanket covering them from their stomachs to the floor. The stewardess walked down the aisle, offering in-flight pillows to the passengers. The lights dimmed as the movie "Vegas Vacation" came on. Britney and Jasmine talked quietly under the movie.

"Nigel looked like at us like he knew what was going on," Britney mused.

Jasmine said, "Well, you almost knocked me over when we went over to the set to talk to him."

"Well, I wanted to. I wanted to push you over and make out with you on the floor right then and there," Britney said, sliding her hand over to Jasmine's left thigh. Jasmine shifted her gaze from the stars outside to Brit. Britney smiled at her, asking with her eyes.

Jasmine closed her eyes and and leaned back against the seat; her skirt rose higher and higher as Britney lifted it up with her index finger. Britney tapped Jasmine's inner thigh, and she opened wider, sighing in approval. The plane erupted in laughter as Chevy Chase made a funny face.

Britney was excited beyond belief. Jasmine was her first experience with another woman, and she couldn't wait to try out some things! She walked her fingers up Jasmine's soft, muscled inner thigh, luxuriating in its warmness and vitality. Her journey was momentarily stopped by Jasmine's underwear. She outlined it with her finger, feeling the wetness. Her mouth went dry.

Jasmine was racing inside as Britney slowly stroked her through her underwear. She wanted to lean over and kiss her, but knew it was better to keep this whole thing under wraps as much as possible. She leaned against Britney's side, knowing what was inevitably coming. Britney leaned over to her, and whispered, "Do you want me to go inside?"

Jasmine opened her eyes and looked into Britney's brown eyes, dark with desire. "Yes. Let me welcome you."

She met Britney's hand under the blanket and pulled her underwear to the side. Britney's hand waited, her fingers drumming against the skin. She put her hand over Brit's and opened herself as wide as she could underneath the blanket. She was so horny she could smell herself. Jasmine blushed a little, smiling. She guided Brit's hand to her pubes, then withdrew her own hand.

Britney began playing with her hair, combing her fingers through it. Then she slid her finger down to the puffy, wet v . She slid her finger down one side of Jasmine's outer lips, then up the other. It felt great! She did this over and over, not getting enough  of it. "Girl, I am LOVING this," Britney whispered softly.

The stewardess walked down the aisle, noting the two women "asleep", their heads tilted to each other's, slumped down in their seats.

Britney played and played, very relaxed. Jasmine was at peace as well. Britney poked around at Jasmine's opening, slightly darting in and out. She ran her finger around her clit, pinching it slightly, rolling it around. Jasmine began to buck in her seat. Britney's eyes got big as she realized the noise they were capable of making. "Jasmine, shhhhh!"

"Shhhhh, nothing! Like you're not part of this!" Jasmine said back.

"Ohhhh....yes," she said as Britney slid her finger inside her fully. She arched her back.  "Don't you...don't you want me to do anything to you?" Jasmine asked, thinking 'Anything to get this woman's hands off me!'

"No, I'm fine now. Right now, it's all about you," Britney said, adding on "This is your clit, right?" rolling it around and around.

"Yes...damn" Jasmine said as her pussy began throbbing. "go deeper," she added, and was rewarded as Britney's slender middle slid up inside her deeper than before. She flexed her muscles to pull her in. Britney gasped.

"You have strong muscles."

"All the more to hold you, my dear......oh god......"

small spasms began as Britney pumped in and out quickly, with one finger massaging her clit. "How......"

"Instinct, Jas. Instinct. Now just relax and let go. But...not too loud!" Britney laughed, speeding up her pace. One hand was in Jasmine's pussy while the other caressed her inner right thigh.

"Please.....come for me, Jas," Britney pleaded, feeling Jamsine clutch and
release her finger.

"Ungh..........I'm gonna......gonna......ungh........OMG!!!I'm com.....commming.......britney..." Jasmine cried out against Britney's neck, spasming like crazy.

Britney was amazed at how her finger was a prisoner inside Jasmine's pussy, feeling the vibrations surrounding it.Her hand was surrounded with wetness. She pushed more still, trying to prolong the orgasm for them.

Jasmine's post-orgasm lasted for as long as Britney languidly stroked her wetness, like a kid with their favorite toy. "You're next," Jasmine said slowly, and the two drifted off to sleep.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2024, 03:25:10 PM »
Part 6

At the Monaco show that night, Jasmine said to Britney "Meet me in your dressing room before the Jive party." Britney nodded and got on the rising platform. Tonight she'd decided to wear the video version of her "Baby" outfit. The fans reacted to this with roaring approval, their cameras going into overdrive as Britney went through her oldest routine. Her eyes widened when spotted her ex-boyfriend, Nick, in the press area.

"OMG!" she almost said into the microphone. He mouthed the words to the song, surrounded by swooning girls. Britney thought, 'Hah! Those stupid girls. When they see him, they see Nick, godly BSB. All I see is just plain Nick, a man who's freaky, insincere, and self-enamored. But nevertheless, very sexual.' Britney hated the way her body reacted around Nick. He seemed to have some kind of power over her, just like with his many fans. After their short relationship, they still had a sexual repertoire going on. With them. Both being naturally sexy, they were usually drawn to one another.

But tonight was different. Britney didn't feel this way, but she could tell Nick did. She knew she was going to be tested. Nick was immune to the lusting girls surrounding him, unabashed in his attentions to Britney. "I must confess....that my loneliness..."  'Yah, he's all up in me, but it'll be someone else tomorrow night.'

Jasmine noticed the guy that was eyeballin' Brit, and became a little jealous. She realized it was Nick Carter, and whooped. Britney had told her about him. Yes, he was nice-looking, but a snake is a snake.

"Tonight, before we end, I thought I'd introduce my dancers," Britney said. She introduced them all, and paused before introducing Jasmine, looking right at Nick as she said, "And this is my girl, Jasmine!" He had a confused expression on his face. Jasmine smiled at him, and she and Britney laughed together. Nick all of a sudden looked relieved, and blew a kiss at them.

"Thank you! You all have been a great crowd!" Britney said into the mic, bowing. She finished her song, and it was over. She headed to her dressing room, being interceded by her manager, her mom, and others. She became impatient, anxious to be with Jasmine.

In the meantime, Jasmine was also being held up. By the other dancers. They stopped her as she tried to speed by. "Yo, Jas, come over here for a minute."

She went over. "Yes?"

"We were just wondering....are you and B like, together?"

"What do you mean....like, with each other?"

"Yes," they said, some of the guys looking angry.

"Yes, we are. We are."

"Oh, okay. We're cool with it. Some of us just wish you were into us!!

But remember to kinda keep it on the downlow. Not too many overt PDA's. She's only 19, and has a lot to do with her career," one said.

"Britney knows what she's doing. She knows where she is. And I'm fine with what I am, bi. Are you fine with what you all are?" Jasmine said calmly. She'd been expecting this. She continued, "Does it interfere with your dancing?"

 "No. And yes, I AM." some of the dancers said, some of the guys snapping their fingers.

Jasmine walked away slowly, feeling a little lighter. She opened Brit's door. "B, you in here?" She wasn't yet. Her perfume was in the air, and Jasmine inhaled deeply, taking off her jacket. She turned on the lights, and gasped as someone came up behind her. It was a tall, thick man, pressing his body into hers...his erection...what??

"Jas, you are SO hot...." Jasmine spun around, disbelief on her face.

"Nick, what the hell are you doing in here?"

"I'm waiting for Brit... I could ask you the same thing."

"She asked you to wait for her?"

"Yes," Nick said, lying.

"No, she didn't. Cause we're supposed to...." Jasmine almost told him to spite him!!

"Do what? Ooooo, can I know???? Are you really her girl??" He stared at her. "I thought so.....so, she's turned queer, hunh?"

"It's none of your business, Nick...go find a fan!!" Jasmine said.

Britney came in the door, "Honey, I'm here now...." she stopped, and glared at Nick, a little scared. "What do you want?"

"Not you! I've just been feeling on "your girl". I'm off to the party.

Hope to see you two "ladies" there....unless you decide to dine on one another," he sneered, unbelieving that neither britney nor jasmine didn't want him.

"Go fuck yourself for the 5th time today, Nick." Britney said.

Nick laughed. "There's plenty of straight girls that can do that for me." He walked out of the door.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2024, 03:29:41 PM »
Part 7

Once the door shut, the girls locked it, laughing loudly. Jasmine went over to Britney and hugged her close, warm skin against warm skin. "How did he get in here?!?" Britney asked.

"He was already in here when I came in. In the dark, Brit! I didn't see him.  He is a trip."

"Oh," Britney said, unbraiding her left ponytail, pressing up closer against Jasmine. Jasmine reached over and undid her other ponytail. Jas collected the barrettes and went over to the dresser, laying them down.

Britney walked over to her wardrobe and picked an outfit out for the Jive party. She unbuttoned her shirt as Jasmine turned around from the dresser, where she'd been looking throught Britney's barrette collection.

"No......don't change yet...I want to know what it's like to corrupt you." Jasmine said.

"What do you mean?" Britney asked, playing along.

"Oh, I think you know what I mean, Britney," Jasmine said sexily. She walked over to Britney, whose nipples were getting hard.

She stared into Britney's big brown eyes as she took off the grey cardigan, then practically ripping off the white polo.

"Hmmm..." she moaned thickly, gazing down at Britney's healthy breasts encased in a silk black bra."Do you have on black underwear, too?" she asked her, placing her hands on either of Britney's thighs.

Britney moaned, tossing her head back as Jasmine moved her hands up her hot thighs. "I......" she started.

"What?" Jasmine asked, hooking her fingers under the edge of Britney's silk black panties.

"I want you," Britney moaned quickly, gasping. "I want you now."

"I want you too, Brit...oh god, how I wish you didn't have to go to the Jive party," Jasmine said, sliding her fingers between Britney's thighs. She laid her head down on Britney's neck. "You are so wet, oh my fucking god...." Jasmine gasped, as she slid her fingers up into Britney's wet warmth, across her outer lips. She combed her fingers through Britney's bush, sighing.

Britney unhooked her bra and took it off, greeting Jasmine with rock-hard nipples an flushed, tanned skin. Jasmine smiled at Britney's obviously even tan. She leaned over, her hand still busy in Britney's pussy, to listen to Brit's heartbeat. It was beating wildly. She looked up at Britney, whose eyes were closed.

Jasmine moved over and flicked her tongue over Britney's hard left nipple. Britney moaned, opening her thighs wider. She pulled her black pleated skirt up, trying to fan herself with it. "I feel so feverish, but in a great way."

"You're right. All of you is hot...especially here," Jasmine said, sliding a finger up inside Britney for the first time. It was so tight and wet. Jasmine was in heaven as she made love to this beautiful woman.

Over and over, Jasmine slid her finger into Britney, both of them feeding off of each other's desire. "Oh yeah, OH YEAH!!!!" Britney yelled as Jasmine slid a second finger inside of her. She grabbed Jasmine's fingers with her muscles, aching to feel her inside as deeply as possible. "This is so..... I can't stand up, I've got to sit down...." Britney said, looking down at Jasmine sucking her nipples.

Jasmine asked, "How steady are your knees?"

 "My knees are fine, but my feet hurt, and my pussy is.... Is this how you....want it...????" Britney asked, disengaging from Jasmine. She took her panties off and got on her hands and knees, posing for Jas, her eyes dark.

"Oh my god," Jasmine stated, her mouth dry. Britney was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen in her life!!! "Yes, I want it that way."

She got on her hands and knees and got behind Britney. She fingered her from the back, driving deep inside Britney.

Britney bucked against her fingers, her pussy began throbbing out of control. It was unbelievable. She sat up on her knees, so that now she was parallel with Jasmine. Britney rode Jasmine's fingers like there was no tomorrow, grunting with pleasure.

Jasmine put her left hand on Britney's waist to hold her up against her body. Her body was so soft and smooth, and her hair bounced as she bounced up and down on Jasmine's finger. The smell of sex mingled with the smell of perfume and clothes. Jasmine leaned over and began to french Britney's neck.

That did it for Britney. "Oh my...fu......ohmygod......oh, Ja......Jasmine, Jasmine, I'M COMMINGGGGGG! Oh my god!" She yelled, her muscles spasming over Jasmine's twisting fingers. Jasmine's hand was soaked with Britney's juices. She played with Britney's clit, drawing out the orgasm for them, holding her against her body.

Once the spasms had completely subsided, Jasmine withdrew her fingers and slid them into her mouth. "Damn, you taste good, Britney." Britney laid on the floor, breathing heavily, smiling faintly.

"Thank you."

"Thank you." Jasmine replied, and laid down next to Britney.

Britney laughed. "Now I REALLY don't want to go to the party."

"Oh, yes you do."


"Because....we've already had our appetizer, per Carter's suggestion..the party can be dinner, and we can save the dessert for last."

Britney sighed. "You're right. But there's so much we haven't done yet! But I'm glad we did this, very glad.' She got up and stretched, yawning. She slid a finger inside of herself, and smiled at her girl.

Jasmine watched her, Britney's taste still in her mouth."Me too," she said.

Britney looked down at her. "Do you want to join me in the shower?"

Jasmine snapped out of her trance, stood up and said "Sure!"
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2024, 03:37:02 PM »
Part 8

In the shower, Jasmine and Britney purposefully stayed away from one another, with some protest from both parties.

"Come on, Jas," she'd moan, teasing her.

Jasmine would respond, her body on fire. "No, Britney...the party....."

But after their shower, Jasmine kissed Britney goodnight for a good ten minutes.

"Goodnight," she'd say, and pull her close. She'd mesh her lips with Britney's, tracing her toungue along the outer edges, tasting Brit's sweet lime lip gloss. Slowly rubbing on her nipples, they molded their bodies together. Jasmine would break loose, an Britney would start away, only to walk back again.

"Goodnight," Britney would say and melt back into her arms, kissing her, sucking on her tongue loudly. "Ummmm...ummmmm," Britney moaned. "Yeah...." she continued, rubbing on Jasmine's ass. "Look, I gotta go......Bye," Britney repeated four more times until finally, they walked themselves over to the door.

"Bye," Jasmine said quickly, laughing, and pushed Britney out the door, following her out. They took her suitcases to the limo, which dropped Jasmine and the luggage off to security at the hotel entrance. The limo sped off as Jasmine watched it, thinking. She went up to her room. She had a lot to think about.

On her way to her room, she saw a few of the dancers in the hallway, clowning around. They all spoke to each other, and she walked on. She went into her room, and locked the door. She sat down and looked around the room, seeing nothing. All she could see was the episode that had just occurred between her and Britney. Britney's hair. Britney's thighs. Britney in her arms, smiling.

Jasmine took off her clothes and got in her pajamas. Flopping down on the bed, she got the remote and flicked on the tv. Monaco tv was VERY risque, she soon discovered. It was no big deal to see a woman's bare chest, and this wasn't pay tv. Europeans were much more open about their sexuality and bodies than Americans were. She soaked up every image, nude and clothed, that she saw. 'Hmmmmmm....me and B, B and me. Sitting in a tree....' she thought, and leapt off the bed to grab her roller bag. SHe set and rolled her hair in Shirley Temple curls. It was a good thing they had this week off and could relax. Jasmine was tired, and had a lot to sort out.

Declaring her sexuality had been one journey, but now living out her decision was another one.

'Okay. The dancers seemed to take us okay enough. Nigel definitely knows, but he didn't really care. Nick definitely knows, but I think he's more insulted that we don't want him than the fact that we're into each other. But still, what if he tries to start something?' Jasmine dropped a roller she'd been putting in the middle of her head.

 Something about him just didn't sit well with Jasmine. She didn't like the way this was making her feel, uneasy. Maybe it's because he's the only person who's had a really negative objection to her and Britney being together. Jasmine was used to being in control. She tried to think it out, but it was only making her head hurt. She got up and walked to the mirror, staring at her image.

She spoke. "I am bi, and that's it. Beginning and end. And I just have to deal with it just like the next person would. I should have gone to the party like she wanted me to."

Jas had felt like hiding for a while. Britney had been sad, but knew that she HAD to go. They both knew this, when it came to things like this. Jasmine finished her hair. She turned the tv to "Dawson's Creek", perking up when she saw "Pacey". She looked at the clock on the wall and figured out what time it was in the States. It wasn't too late to call, she decided. She picked up the Princess phone and got in the middle of the bed with it.

"Hello, may I speak to Tima?"

"This is me."

"Hi, this is Jasmine Hall."

"Hey girl, how's the Barbie tour going?"

"I could ask you how the boy toys tour is going!"

They cracked up.

"It's going good, Tima. I'm so happy to be dancing to upbeat, happy music. You know how mostly I've ended up just doing ballet, slow stuff. And Britney is da bomb! She's the coolest cat I've met, so down to earth and everything, and I really-" Jasmine stopped herself. She could go on forever about Britney, but she didn't want to get into specifics with Tima about it yet. She just wanted to get her opinions on some things. She continued, "So, what are you doing home?"

"Because I'm never home! I've let everyone know not to bother me for 2 more weeks."

"Not even Kev?"

"See, why are you bringing up old stuff?" Tima asked.

They laughed.

"That was so long ago," she continued. "I'm flying single right now."

"Tima, let me ask you a question.."


"How did you deal with like, Kev and all, while you two were on the road together? The speculation and all? I mean like, did the other guys care?  The fans? Were you all open about it?"

"No, we weren't really open about it, to the full extent. Um, we were open about it to each other, to the other guys. Open to the fans? You must be kidding! The other guys didn't altogether care - except maybe for Nick, I remember. He was like, 17 then, and felt that I was taking his big brother away when he needed him the most. Umm, plus I think he had a little crush on me," Tima revealed, chuckling. She concluded," He's the jealous, snappy type. But once he realized how happy we were, it all dissolved."

"Oh," Jasmine replied, quirking her eyebrows. This was interesting.

"Who are you trying to get with???? Wait a minute.....Barbie???" Fatima asked casually.

Jasmine was faced with a dilemma now...she blew into the phone really hard. Lying, she said, "Tima, I got a bad connection....I gotta go for now....."

"Alright, call me tomorrow."

"Okay," Jasmine said, blowing air at the same time, and hung up.

She realized that she and Britney really needed to talk. After realizing this, she felt a huge weight fall from her shoulders. They could do this together.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2024, 03:46:40 PM »
Part 9

The moment Jasmine closed the limo door, Britney laid out on the seat, sighing in frustration.

She stared up at the plush ceiling, thinking 'Why wouldn't she come with me??? She acts like she's scared or something.....' she sighed again, twiddling her thumbs. 'But she definitely wasn't scared earlier...man, did she put it on me! But we were behind closed doors then.... when we're out in public..no, hold up, the plane episode...well, it was dark then..' she argued, tilting her head from side to side as she  pondered, messing her hair up. The city lights beamed through the lightly tinted windows on her frame. Britney ran her hands up over her chest, memories of their last sexcapade vibrant in her head. She moaned loudly, remembering how she'd rode Jasmine's fingers until she came all over them. She smiled softly to herself.

"Another first with Jas," Britney said out loud happily ,going deeply into thought...

*** She'd been attracted to other women. Her attraction to them became more pronounced for her when she'd joined Park Lane High's Basketball Team. The other girls would dress/undress in front of each other without thinking twice. But once, she'd been caught staring much too long at Tamara, the first female object of her affection.

Tamara possessed the biggest breasts on the team, and Britney longed to have them.

'Hey Spears, heads up! ' Tamara called out to her, laughing with a knowing expression on her face. Britney looked up, her mouth agape, and quickly raced into her uniform.

After practice that afternoon, Tamara ran smack into Britney, who was late meeting her ride. After their initial "Oh!" and apologies, Tamara pressed her chest into Britney's, pushing her back a little.

'You like these, huh Buttons?' Britney, stunned by the whole experience asked 'Buttons? Why do you call me that?'

'Because that's all you have-' Tamara said, pressing again into Britney '-for now. But not for long. But I like Buttons too....they're so sensitive....' Tamara had said, licking her lips. She backed from Britney, whose face was flushed.

'And plus, you're cute as a button..'she continued, backing away to study her figure.

'Oh..thanks, Tamara, thank you..' Britney responded. At this point, her mom came down the hall, looking for her. Britney joined her hurriedly, and her mom had looked back curiously at the young woman who was still watching her daughter.

Britney felt a talk coming on, of a different sort!

'So, Britney, how's Justin doing?'

'Who? Oh, Justin! He's fine, mom! I got a letter from him yesterday.'

They got into their car and headed home.

'What was he talking about in his letter?'

'Not much, just that he misses me and wishes I could come to Orlando again.'

'Oh, who was that girl you were with?'

'Huh? A girl? Oh, that was Tamara, she's really cool.'

'Oh, how old is she?'


'Does she like girls or boys?'

Britney almost spit out the water she'd been downing.

'Um, to my um, knowledge...mom, it's no big deal, I don't know!' she lied.

'You just be careful with her, BJ' her mom repeated, shaking her head.

Britney rolled her eyes, which her mom caught.

'Okay Linda.' Britney said in a sing-song voice.

'Don't Linda me!'

'Yes Ma'am.' Britney said. Her mom became silent again.

'Would you like to go see Justin over Christmas break?'

'JT? Sure!!! Oh, cool, I gotta write him tonight.'

Her mom sighed to herself, and both she and Britney knew a little more about Britney from that moment on.

That night, Britney wrote two letters: One to Justin, and one to Tamara. The second one took a lot longer to configure. But she'd done it, and knew it was the best thing to do. She had written to Tamara just three sentences:

Dear Tamara, thanks for the other day. I'm not ready for any of this kind of stuff yet, if you couldn't tell! But someday I will be, and I hope you're around when I am.         Love, Spears  ***

Britney smiled as she remembered, thinking 'My god, my life is not that simple anymore! But I sure as hell am ready!'

"Oh, yeah!! I'm ready!!!!" she said, laughing out loud. The limo stopped, and Britney sat up, a little disoriented after having laid down so long. Her door opened, and the chauffeur held out his hand.

"Miss Spears? Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm very ready, for a lot of things!" He looked at her oddly, waiting for her. She stepped out, and was practically blinded as she smiled and waved at the paparazzi who'd showed up. She strutted down the red carpet, and went inside, feeling very alone. She looked over the crowd, noting the other Jive labelmates: Nsync, BSB, and other assorted celebrities and semi-celebrities. Her agent hurried over to her.

"Britney, your hair's a mess!!" she whispered to her.

"It is?" She walked casually over to the ladies room.

She looked at it in the mirror, and said, 'NO, it's not really..' a few strands were astray,and she finger-combed them into place.

"It's fine now....see?!?" Her agent could get a little carried away sometimes.

"Did I tell you there were some tv people here tonight? That's why I want you to look your best. A few were talking to me about you...."

They walked out of the bathroom and into the party. Britney's agent mingled for a while, schmoozing and negotiating for 2 hours, and found her way back to her client, who was seated with her old friend Justin, now of the group Nsync...

Britney tried to ignore Nick's blatant stare as she talked and laughed with JT and the other guys, but they picked up on it.

"Yo BJ, Carter is hawking you!!! You go, girl!"

"Shut up, Justin!! So what? We all know what a snake he is....."

Britney said, with a dismissal of her hand, meant to end the topic. She thought to herself, 'I would have had a lot more fun if Jasmine was here...I wouldn't feel like such a grown-up Barbie doll, smiling on cue...Jasmine makes me feel human. Ye gads, we have got to talk....'
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2024, 03:55:23 PM »
Part 10

Several times throughout the evening, Jasmine rose to walk around her bed, looking down at it with arms tightly wrapped around her, imagining Britney was laying there. She didn't bother to turn the lights on while she paced. Jasmine loved the dark; it comforted her with its silence.

Britney was in the semi-dark as well, but it was manufactured. Below the clink of glasses and the roar of music and conversation, Britney chatted, thinking of nothing but Jasmine. Through the whole night, she stayed mostly with NSync, the people she was closest with inside the industry. Nick Carter continued to watch her, but now it wasn't just him. It was him and his bandmates. Britney wondered what they were talking about, and if it was about her.

A few times her agent walked her over to a few business people so she could smile and play pretty with them.

At the beginning of the networking, she gritted her teeth behind her smiles at the leering men, but after awhile, her smile became natural. As long as they didn't try anything beyond a handshake it was all right, her agent told her after one introduction "If they do, you come to me. Britney, you are an image, a product to sell to the imaginations of people everywhere. And that's all you should be to these men - a business venture, nothing more, nothing less. You keep your personal life to those you want to know about it."

"I know, Susan, I know," Britney responded, taking a deep breath.

"I know, honey I know. We'll just deal with them," Susan said, rubbing

Britney's back. They walked into the lobby. Susan looked at her watch.

"Well, I know we've done our time here, it's been successful. You gonna stick around???"

"Naw, Susan, I'm getting ready to go back to the hotel in a few," Britney said, looking at her watch.

"Alright, well, sleep tight Brit."

"Thanks." They hugged goodnight. Britney took her cellphone out of her purse and dialed the hotel. "Jasmine Hall's room please," she said, and felt someone brush against her. She spun around to find Nick next to her.

"Yes??" she asked coldly, backing away.

Nick just looked at her, his cold blue eyes searching hers........

"Yes???" she asked again. His eyes became warmer, and he began to speak.

"Brit, I'm...........I'm sorry for being such an ass. Tonight, and when we were together. Tell Jasmine sorry too. Forgive me?"

"I'll have to think about it, Nick. Oh, by the way, Jasmine and I did "dine" together, and it was delicious!!!"

  Brit wished she had a camera for the expressions that crossed his face
then. First, he looked stunned, then angry, then intrigued.

"Yes, Nick "Fuck and Chuck" Carter, I am a bisexual.. I am." she repeated for emphasis. Britney waited with a smile on her face for his reaction.

Britney had forgotten she was calling Jasmine, who had picked up and was listening to the conversation. Jasmine laughed in the darkness.

Nick looked at her intently. "Can I join you two?"

"No, Nick, we don't want you. Go find two bi fans to mess around with. But, I do forgive you. I understand you, Carter, and know where you're coming from."

"Alright, alright. Yo, Brian! Wait up for me!" Nick called over to his bandmate, wanting to end the conversation, but being held by Brtiney's intense, determined glare.

"Oh, and by the way, if you're spreading mess about me....so what??  Nick, I don't care. Who really cares in Hollywood?? I'm being true to myself." Britney said, feeling free. So she got on tiptoe to plant one on Nick's cheek.

"Bye, Carter. See you around," said Britney.

"Alright," Nick responded, feeling a sense of loss. Damn.

Jasmine hung up the phone at that point, feeling soft, and went back to sleep.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2024, 04:01:25 PM »
Part 11

Shortly before dawn, Jasmine was awakened by the trill of the phone.

"Hello?" she whispered groggily.

"Baby, it's me. Oh, I didn't wake you, did I?" Britney asked quickly.

"Yes, you did...I wish you were next to me, instead of...."

"In my bed, four rooms down. I just got back," Britney replied, undressing.

"Huh....wait a minute, B. You called a while ago..were you at the party then?" Jasmine said, more awake now.

"Yeah- oh damn! I forgot I'd called you. I ran into Nick and had to let him know what time it was. He apologized for earlier, by the way."

"Oh, that was nice of him," Jasmine laughed.

"But girl, he wanted a threesome."

"A three-what?!?" Jasmine yawned. "Oh yeah, I heard that, B...I'd picked up when you called, but you never said anything..."she trailed off, snuggling under the covers.

"Jasmine, are you listening to me? I should be the one that's sleepy, not you! I've been up all night!" Britney complained.

"Okay, Britney- well- come on over, then. Oh, Britney????"


"We've got to talk later today."

"I know, Jas. That's part of the reason I called," B replied, sliding a white silk teddy over her head.

"I am just too keyed up, Jasmine!" she exclaimed, leaping under her covers. Despite her best efforts, Jasmine was nodding off.

"Jasmine, are you going to sleep on me?" Britney laughed.

"Yes, B - a night of tossing and turning didn't help much!"

"Why couldn't you sleep?"

"It's all your fault, because you're so damn sexy."

"Well, I'll let you know, I'm jumpy because of you. I couldn't stop thinking about you tonight. So, it's even!" Britney stated.

"What time would you like to talk?" Jasmine asked.

"How about 3:30, on the roof of the hotel. By the swimming pool." Britney said without blinking. She'd been planning out the locale all evening; to find just the perfect spot to talk.

"Okay, cool, Brit. I'll bring something to eat."

"Oh, I'm not enough?" Britney moaned sexily, running her hands up her thighs.

"Brit, you must be horny..oh, excuse me," Jasmine said, yawning.

"Well, let me let you go, Jas," Britney said, pouting.

"Alright- bye, Brit."

"Bye..." Jasmine said, and hung up. She wasn't sure what to think of this.

She couldn't sleep good without Britney?  And she had let her know this,too. Jasmine drifted back to sleep, thinking 'What kind of pull does this woman have over me?'

Britney looked over at the clock, and after setting the alarm, turned it away from her. She rubbed her thighs slowly until she fell asleep, only minutes after Jasmine.


Both girls had erotic dreams during their slumber.

Jasmine dreamt that they were on a bench in Central Park, on the first Sunday of Spring. Both wore pretty, pastel spring dresses and had flowers in their hair. They were plucking flower petals(lilacs and tulips) laughing and reciting an old, but revised chant: she loves me, she loves me not. Jasmine was disappointed when the last petal on her last flower read she loves me not.

"Britney ----Britney! You don't love me!" Jasmine moaned mock-seriously. Britney looked at Jasmine. "You're right, I don't," she agreed, scooting closer to Jasmine. She looked into Jasmine's eyes as she cupped her chin and kissed her softly. Britney deepened the kiss and pushed Jasmine down onto the bench, crawling on top of her......she unbuttoned Jasmine's dress all the way and settled her face between Jasmine's thighs.

"I want you," Britney moaned before she got into the groove. "No, you don't love me....." Jasmine moaned in protest, trying to move away, but Britney held her fast.

Jasmine repeated out loud in her sleep "But you don't love me, do you?" Britney dreamt that she and Jasmine had traveled to Jasmine's hometown, Las Vegas, for a weekend of erotic fun. They ended up at a lesbian strip club. To Britney's protest, Jasmine had persuaded the club owner to do a dance on the stage. Jasmine even went backstage to put on an outfit. It seemed forever to Britney before she came onstage. She'd wanted to run backstage and see what was going down, hoping it wasn't Jasmine! But, finally, she came out- bare naked, save the tiniest pair of purple thong panties, with a giant purple plume on her head, and purple glitter all over her brown body.

Britney's mouth dropped, and she rushed the stage with the rest of the previously seated audience. Jasmine preened and shook her body to "Human Nature" by Madonna. Money rained onto the stage as the women stretched to touch Jasmine. Britney pulled out a hundred dollar bill and shouted "Jasmine!" over and over. She didn't acknowledge Britney until the end of the song. When she did, she looked at her with distaste and snapped, "This is my show, not yours! I don't want your money, Britney." With that said, Jasmine went over to another dancer and they began kissing. Jasmine lowered the other dancer to the stage and slowly kissed her way down her body, the crowd getting louder and louder. Tears rained down Britney's face . She couldn't believe Jasmine! She briskly stormed her way out of the club and waited in the limo for Jasmine. But waiting for Jasmine was like waiting for Godot. When Jasmine finally came out, she was with the other dancer, and she purposefully ignored the limo shaking her head. The other dancer laughed with her, looking back at the limo.

In her sleep, Britney was fighting to try to "get the door open", saying softly, "No. No. Please, no."

All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2024, 04:41:52 PM »
Part 12

It was 3:45 pm, and Jasmine was tapping her foot nervously. Britney was fifteen minutes late. Was she still coming? 'Maybe that dream meant something,' she thought. She arranged the fruit in the bowl with shaking hands. That dream she'd had had soothed and bothered her at the same time. In it, Britney had made love to her but had not said that she loved her.

'But why should she...what are we, anyways???' Jasmine said out loud, sitting down on the lounge chair. 'We haven't really talked about that so far,' she realized as Britney stepped out of the elevator. She dragged herself over to Jasmine, looking exhausted.

"What's wrong with you, Britney?" Jasmine asked quickly. "You look like you've been fighting with somebody."

"No, I just woke up." she said flatly. To Britney's dismay, her dream had repeated itself over and over again, gripping her in her sleep. She flopped down next to Jasmine.

"Just now??" Jasmine asked. "Did you have a lot to drink last night?"

"Not really. Just 2 glasses of Cristal. I had a nightmare. I was so tired, and it just all caught up with me. You know, going right from the video to the performance to the party..." Britney trailed off, taking off her shades. She ran her tongue over her just brushed teeth.

"What was the nightmare about?" Jasmine asked cautiously.

Britney thought for a moment before answering her. Jasmine studied Britney as she related the dream with her head down, voice soft and deep. After she finished, there was a moment of silence.

"Britney, I had a dream too."

"Really?" Britney perked up.

"Yeah, but mine was kinda like a nightmare too." Jas said, and told her dream. But she didn't add that when she woke up, she'd found herself on the floor, from the attempts in her dream to get away from Britney!

"Wow, that was some dream you had of me, Brit. Wow...." she was floored.

"Do you feel that I would do something like that to you?"

"Baby, I don't know." Britney said.

"Britney, I wouldn't. You know me, or at least I thought you did. We've talked about our views on love often enough."

"I know, but what about in relations to each other?" Britney asked.

"Jasmine, do you think I would force you into something you didn't want, or ignore you...like in your dream?" Britney asked, feeling hurt.

"No, nor would I ignore you...how I acted in your dream was mind-blowing."Jasmine thought, shivering.

"I want us to always have open communication, Jas." Britney said.

"Me too. We're in this together."

The girls were quiet for a moment while the sun set before their eyes.

"Come here," Jasmine said, and Britney stood up and sat down next to Jasmine. "Come lay on top of me."

Britney did, laying her head on Jasmine's chest. Jasmine reached over and got some grapes out of the bowl, which she fed to Britney.

"Britney, you know I don't enter into anything half-way. That's why I wanted to talk to you on a serious tip, about us. I wanted us to clear the air. The dream I had this morning pointed out to me-"

"How much I love you!" Britney jumped in with a realization.

"Oh my god, Jasmine, that's why I was fighting to get out of that car in my dream. Because I love you and I never want to lose you. Baby, you make me FEEL. Sometimes I forget that I'm a human being, with cells and tissue... since I have become successful, very few people make me feel anymore...and..not many of them do I want to touch, except for my family and you." Britney propped her arm up, looking down at Jasmine.

"And I definitely don't want to touch my momma the way I touch you!" she added, bending down to kiss Jasmine slowly.

"Britney, there's something I have to tell you,too.. before I was so interrupted by ahem.. somebody!!!" Jasmine said, smiling softly.


"I love you too. I love you, I love you, I love you!" Jasmine repeated, feeling a freedom she had never known before in her life. She had always thought love could make one feel trapped; that no one could love her the way she loved them.

But now she knew it was possible, and oh, how good it felt!! Britney planted kisses all over her face, tears in her eyes. Time simply stood still for the two lovers in love.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2024, 05:07:15 PM »
Part 13

A week later, Jasmine was with Britney in New York City for her Christmas break and Britney's birthday party. She walked through Rockefeller's Center to where Britney would be, shivering in her lilac sweater dress and matching swing coat. She unbraided her ponytail as she walked, hoping her hair would help warm her neck.  'Damn, I should have just gone straight to the party,' Jasmine thought to herself, her teeth chattering. 'But I couldn't miss Brit.' Her teeth chattered as people surrounded her, the ceremonial tree lighting drawing closer.

She stopped shivering once Britney stepped onto the stage with a huge coat on. She looked like an ice princess in a dress of silvery, sparkling blue-grey, her hair curled loosely. She took her coat off and handed it to her mother Linda, who in turn handed her a tall mug of hot, sweet lemon tea. 

Jasmine watched Britney slowly sip the tea, listening to the cameraman's countdown to her performance. She watched her woman from the body heat surrounding her tightly, people yearning for warmth and celebration at the same time. Britney didn't know she was here; she thought she was already at the party.

"Okay, Ms. Spears...eight.....three....you're on....." Britney took in a deep breath of NY air and began: "Silent Night....Hoooooly Night....Alllll Isss Calm.....Alllll Issss Bright.....' her voice quavered in the cold air, slowly building up strength and volume.

Jasmine stamped her feet and flexed her mittened hands, trying to maintain circulation, her eyes fixed on Britney.


Since they had cleared the air about their feelings last week, things had gone wonderfully between them. Days of shopping, afternoons of relaxation, and nights filled with security. Between the both of them. Their week in New York preceding Brit's birthday party had picked up right where Monaco had left off.

Jasmine wasn't much of a shopper; she liked shopping, but she didn't hold a candle to Britney, Teen Queen Shopper. Britney could spend a whole day inside stores, pursuing everything. Especially if it was sexy and/or pink. The day before, they were in a Gadzooks, and Britney was inside one of the stalls, trying on a leopard print jeans set.  "Jasmine, come see!" Britney called out gaily. Jasmine went over to the stall.

"Open up, honey." she called out. To her surprise, more people were coming into her area. Jasmine guessed they wanted to see too.

She did, and Jasmine dutifully looked at the outfit; she'd seen so many today. It looked similar to one she'd seen a day ago-or was that a store ago? Britney pulled her inside, and closed the door.  They heard gasps and 'Britney Spears!', 'hmmm..', and 'omg!'

Britney laughed, asking "What Do You Think?"

"I think you should repeat after me: Hi, My name is Britney, and I have a problem."

She smiled, and began meowing like a cat, running her hands all over the print fabric. "Not really. I like shopping like you like dancing," Britney observed, pointing down at Jasmine's leg. Jasmine was subconsciously flexing her leg in and out. Jasmine kept herself limber by twisting her body while Britney twisted in front of octagonal mirrors.

"But why do you like clothes shopping so much?"  Jasmine asked.

"Why do you like dancing so much?" Britney asked back, avoiding her eyes. She took off the outfit, changed back into her street clothes, and they exited the stall. The curious waited by the stalls a few feet away, quieting as they ogled Britney and Jasmine.

Britney whipped out a credit card and paid for her purchases.  "Whoa, girl, it's like 3pm. I have to go to a mini-rehearsal for the Rockefeller performance in 3 hours," she said, as they walked out of Gadzooks and up to Chick Fil-A.

"Are you still doing Silent Night?" Jasmine asked, sensing people behind them.

"Yes...it's my absolute favorite Christmas song," Britney said, cocking her head as her ears picked up the words "Bitchney" and "Justin" and "thinks she's all that". She sighed angrily to herself. "Why can't SOME PEOPLE get their own lives and boyfriends, I just don't know," Britney said loudly, her fists clenching.

"Britney, what......???" Jasmine asked, oblivious to what was going on.

"Oh, it's just some stupid girls talking about me. Why are females so jealous of each other? We all go through the same shit," Britney vented, turning around to face the girls, who looked away as if nothing had been said. Britney and Jasmine turned back around and gave their order to the cashier, who, after getting their order, boldly asked for Britney's autograph. She complied. They found a table in a shady corner and sat down, stuffing all of Britney's bags under the table.

"To answer your question, Jasmine.....about my love of shopping....it has a history to it," Britney said softly, looking away, then looking at her.

"I love shopping because....well, when I was younger, I was always performing. But between performing, a lot of times I was lonely, anxious, and bored, so I was always dressing up. My mother and I were constantly on the road somewhere, going to another performance. I didn't see my dad a lot, but to be honest with you, he is the parent I love the most. It's easy to please my mom through my performing. I don't know why I love dad best, maybe it's because I saw him less. After a while, my parents relationship deteriorated, and the less I saw of my daddy, the more I missed him. I know it was because of me that my parents became unhappy with their marriage. I was in the middle, and my mom was playing tug-of-war by herself. Shopping helped me forget that I was the cause. When I was dressed up, I wasn't Britney.  When I ......" Britney choked, her eyes filling with tears.

"When I first became famous, my dad was pleased.  But when the Rolling Stone came out, he hit the roof, screaming at me that I looked trampy and saying that I had no proper influences, hanging around sleazy Hollywood people all the time. I do think it would kill him if he found out I was bi, on top of everything. He'll just blame it on Hollywood, my mother. He wouldn't believe that it was my choice, little Britney Jean from Kentwood, Louisiana."

"So you ask why I like to dress up, why I like to shop so much. That's why." Britney asked, sniffling. "I've never told anybody this."

Jasmine got up and went over to Britney, hugging her tightly.

"We all have our issues, Britney. I'm sorry about your dad, baby. Have you seen him lately?"

"Not really. I try to, but..." Britney faltered.

Jasmine thought to herself, 'Yes, we all do some sort of pretending, don't we?' as she ate her waffle fries.

"Why do you like to dance so much?" Britney asked. "What made you want to become a dancer?"

"Ever since I was little, I have always danced.  Dancing made me feel free. I've always been quiet, but when it came to dance.... Ballet, modern dance, you name it! But my family always made fun of how I danced. They said I was stiff. It hurt a lot, more than they'll ever know. They just didn't understand. I never insulted their passions. I don't know why they didn't support me, Britney. My teachers said I danced well, but I didn't know if I should believe them or my family, whom saw me every day. As I got older, I became more independent in my thinking. I moved out of the house when I was 16 to move in with an instructor whom I had known my whole life. It took me to move out of the house for them to take me seriously. It's sad, but I had to do it," Jasmine said, her eyes watering as she recalled the taunting.

"And you say you don't know why they teased you so?"

"I don't know why....oh, now I remember. I remember. My parents were the main thing. They wanted me to be a doctor. I wanted to be a dancer. They couldn't face it when I announced I wanted to be a dancer. 'There's no money in it..very few make it, they said'. They had such plans for their firstborn. But I held fast, doing passingly well in school. All of my concentration was on dance. They blew their top totally. And that's what started my sisters off. My whole family is like, control freaks. They want to make sure of where you are at all times. I couldn't survive under the pressure. So I moved out, even though I missed them deeply. But moving out was the best thing I could have done for myself. I was so free, Britney. And now I feel even freer with you."

"Do your parents know that you're bi?" Britney asked, putting mayo on her sandwich.

"No, they don't. Fatima does, and you do, and the dancers do. But that's about it."

"How do you think that they'll react?"

"I really don't care. I'm sure they'll be surprised, but there's nothing they can do about it. We're kinda close now, but we don't really talk," Jasmine stated shrugging her shoulders. The girls talked about parenting while they finished eating, then left.


"Sleep In Heavenly Peace.........Sleeeeep In Heavenlyyyyy.....Peaaaacccee," Britney finished the song. Her body was numb, but she felt so good, so next to God. The camera swung from her, as she thanked the cheering audience. "Jasmine!" Britney said into the microphone, and beckoned her out of the audience. Security came to escort her to Britney. Britney put on her coat and put the mike in the stand. "Girl, what are you doing out here?!? It is freaking freezing!

There's a Christmas tree at the party! I could have unplugged it and lit it up again for you. No one should be out here unless they have to be...like me!  Let's go to the party!"  Britney and Jasmine walked to the limo, got in, and sped off to Britney's Birthday party.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2024, 05:13:42 PM »
Part 14

In the limo, on the way to the party, Britney and Jasmine rubbed each other's hands until they became warm, silent. Once they were, they became more animated. There was a sense of anticipation in the limo. "Tonight, I become a woman!" Britney said, smiling big. "Twenty now." she joked.

"Just because you're twenty now doesn't mean I can't cuff you," Jasmine said.

"I'm just joking, baby. You know that!"

"Yeah, and you can't accuse me of rape now, either!" Jasmine said, shaking her head. "It looks like it's just full speed ahead now," she added, laughing.

"And you know this, man!!!" Britney said, scooting closer to Jas.

"Are you hungry?" Jasmine asked.

"Yes, a little...." Britney's stomach growled.

They laughed, and laughed even harder when Jasmine's growled in return.

Jas playfully moved to the other side of the limo, taunting "I'm staying away from you ---I don't want my stomach to growl all night long!"

"Well, okay then..all right...when you need some lovin', don't come my way either!" Britney laughed, moving over next to Jasmine.




"Are you ticklish?"

"No," Jasmine said with her best deadpan face. "Are you?" she asked back eagerly, hoping to sway Britney from tickling her.

"No, of course not," Britney said airily.

"Well, we'll see." Jasmine said reassuredly.

"What do you mean?" Britney asked.

"Don't worry about it."

"Believe me, I won't," Britney assured her, moving away. She began mock-pouting, sticking out her bottom lip.

Jasmine tried not to smile as she asked, "Why did you move way over

"I don't wanna "infect" you with my stomach." Britney took out her compact and touched her lipstick up. "We're here.....Oh my God, honey....look !"

Jasmine looked out past the tint at the club. In the front was a huge banner that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITNEY!" with blinking musical notes drawn all over it. There were limousines everywhere, and cameras as well. But Britney hadn't noticed that, but the banner. Jasmine noticed the people...famous faces, everywhere. She could feel herself becoming shy. The limo was pulling to a stop, and paparazzi was getting into position. Jasmine saw a woman who must be Britney's mother standing to the left of one of the ropes. The girls gathered their purses and looked at each other.

"Are you ready?" Britney asked her.

"Yes." Jasmine said.

They took a deep breath and the limo driver opened their door.

"And here she is now, the birthday girl, Britney Spears, who arrived with... Jasmine Hall, one of her friends and dancers..." ET's Mary Hart was saying as they got out of the limo. The girls held hands as they walked up to the red carpet and up to Linda, Britney's mom.

"Hi, mom."

"Hi, baby."

"Hi, Mrs. Spears."

"Hellooo...who are you?"

"I'm Jasmine, a dancer."

"Oh, nice to meet you..." Mrs. Spears said, looking at their hands linked. She joined them and they walked up the red carpet.

"Your father may be here, you know. I don't know. But he said he may come."

"Really, daddy will be here?" Britney said, love glowing in her eyes.

"Baby, I said I'm not sure. But he might."

Britney squeezed Jasmine's hand and smiled at her. Jasmine smiled back as they went inside.

The club was all decked out for Britney's party. Tommy Hilfiger, who paid for it, went all out. DJ Kid Capri was spinning records, and a cool house mix of salsa music was playing. Some people were dancing, and others were just lounging at their tables. It was semi-dark inside.

Left and right, people were approaching Britney to hug her and congratulate her, also introducing themselves to Jasmine. Jasmine couldn't believe she was here, among all these celebrities. It was too many at one time for her. She didn't mind them really, but were they real?

"What's your name?" Sarah Michelle Gellar asked Jasmine while Britney was chatting with Joshua Jackson nearby.

Jasmine almost said "Buffy," but caught herself and said, "Jasmine Hall."

"Oh, how do you know Britney?"

"I'm a dancer for her."

"Oh. I thought you might be something more than just her dancer.I saw how you two came in, and was just wondering."

"Oh." Jasmine didn't know what to tell her. Her and Britney hadn't talked about who they should tell and who shouldn't be told. She decided to change the subject.

"Do you have any movies coming up? I really loved "Cruel Intentions."

"I have a few things in the back burner. I so admire you. How long have you been dancing?" Sarah asked her, touching her arm.

"Um...about ten years, if you count in the bedroom." Jasmine stuttered, laughing nervously. What was this?

"Oh....would you dance with me if I asked you to?" Sarah asked her, smiling sexily.

"What?" Jasmine said, shocked. Sarah kept stroking her arm.

She stepped up close to her and whispered into her ear, "Unlike some people, I'm not hiding my sexuality." She kissed Jasmine's cheek.

"BITCH, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??????" Britney yelled.

The music stopped.

Brintey's father walked into the club.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: In The Groove (Britney Spears)
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2024, 05:25:03 PM »
Part 15

"SORRY!" Kid Capri yelled, holding his hands up, and the music began playing again as Britney stormed over to Jasmine and Sarah, Jasmine shoving Sarah away.

"I said, what the hell are you doing, Bitch?" Brit repeated, getting right in Sarah's face, uncaring that everywhere, guests had risen and were looking on with interest and shock.

"Why do you care, Spears?" Sarah challenged, smirking, waiting.

"I care because she's my girlfriend! Don't you have enough women, you slut?"

"Jealousy doesn't become you. Well, excuse the hell out of me. Your "girlfriend" told me she was "just your dancer".....private dancer is more like it. She needs to stop hiding, as do you." Sarah said, getting louder with each word. She walked out calmly, smiling, the crowd watching her every move. Then they all looked back at Britney and Jasmine.

Britney's father had found his wife by then, and watched in disbelief as his daughter argued with another woman over a woman. He threw his gift on the table and threw his hands up. Putting his hands to his temples, he stormed away, Linda running after him.

Jasmine's face flamed, aware they were the center of attention. Britney turned to Jasmine, her face reflecting fury and hurt. "Is that what you said?  That you were just my dancer?"

"No, I didn't. When she - can we go somewhere to talk?" Jasmine asked.

"No! Right here, right now. I don't care who's around," Britney said, looking down at the lower level of the club, and at the door...her father was there, arguing with her mother. Her heart sank. "Why did you let her kiss you?" she continued.

"Britney, I didn't LET her. She just did it. It was so quick...oh, damn baby! Didn't you see me pushing her away?"

"No," Britney said as her manager, Johnny Wright, approached her. His face was full of concern.

"B, are you okay?" He pulled her to the side. "B, this was not the best time to --ahem---come out of the closet."

"Johnny, there never is a "best time." I didn't mean for it to come out like this way either, but here it is. Now you know why I never took to your hooking me up with Justin."

Johnny looked at her closely, as if for the first time. "Are you aware of what this may do to your career? Baby, the whole town'll be on this before the party is over."

Britney gazed around the party, but no one seemed to be watching her now. She noticed Jas, alone and aloof, off to the side. She ached for her, feeling the same way. Swinging her gaze back to Johnny, she realised he was waiting for her answer, cell phone in hand."I'm aware of it, Johnny. I think my declaration of my sexuality, a key part of me, will only make my music stronger. We both know it hasn't been up to par." He nodded.

"Well, .....I'm behind you, B; I'm behind you." He hugged her, noticing the slight fear of the future in her big brown eyes.

"Thank you for caring, Johnny. Oh god, I'm getting tears in my eyes," Britney whispered, blinking them away quickly, looking for Jasmine. Johnny smiled and got on his cell phone to call her pr people, his arm still around her.

"It's almost time for the birthday girl to blow out the candles!" the emcee announced. Justin from Nsync came over to Jasmine.

"Hi, how are you?"

"Fine, and you?" Jasmine replied, looking into his surprisingly calm face.

"Um... a little surprised and shocked, like everyone else," he said, laughing.

"Oh, why?" Jasmine asked smiling, already knowing the answer.

"I didn't know that Britney was --" he looked over at her, saying goodbye to Mr. Wright --"bisexual-- lesbian?" He licked his lips. "And all this time, I never..well, I won't go so far as to say that . There were signs. She'd agree with me about how hot Tyra and Janet was all the time."

Britney walked back over to them, and hugged Justin deeply, Justin resting his head in her shoulder, comforting her. Then she want to Jasmine, smiling shakily. She took her hand and led her over to a table. She sat her down and pulled a chair over next to hers. She took Jasmine's hands into her own.

"Well, it's out now."

"Yeah, it's out."

They looked at each other, and smiled, sighing.

"Look, Britney. I didn't out and out say who I was to her because we hadn't discussed how open we were going to be about it. I know you are in the public eye, much more than I am!!!! That's why. Do you understand?" Jasmine said firmly.

"Yes, baby, I do. To you, I will admit it...I am scared. But hopefully, people will look at my work as an artist rather than my bedroom acts. If not......it's been a nice ride."  There was a pause.

Britney continued, "Of course, I didn't quite want it to come out this way. But I had been hiding for a while. Sarah was one of the few stars that suspected, more or less, even though I hadn't said anything about it. And of course, Justin," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"So are you not....caring about what this could do to your career?"

"I care about you more," Britney said seriously.

"I care about you too, but I don't know if I want you sacrificing your career in any way because of something beautiful that's viewed by others as scandalous," Jasmine said loudly.

"If not now, Jas...when? I'm not going to live my life half-cocked, uncomfortable. That has never been my style."

"OKAY, BIRTHDAY GIRL, COME ON OUT......" the emcee said.

"..... Of the closet," Britney added, laughing. She stood up, and held out her hand for Jasmine. "Come on baby, I'm cool with this. Really.  Are you?"

"Yes, I am. I'm cool with it, ice cold."

They hopped down the stairs and went over to the cake, which had a Britney's face on it. Britney's mom came up behind them. "Your dad is waiting for you at the hotel, baby. He couldn't come," she lied.

"It's okay, mom...I saw him come and leave. He was pretty mad, wasn't he?"

"Yes, he was, but I let him know it was your life to lead. All this - " she gestured around at all the celebrities and hoopla---" or not, you are still our Britney Jean." They hugged. Linda looked at Jasmine again. "Who are you again, young lady?"

"I'm Jasmine Hall....Britney's girlfriend."

"I'm Britney Jean, Jasmine's girlfriend."

Everyone started singing the "Happy Birthday" song. Britney looked around shyly at the revelers. None seemed to be looking down at her, but instead, with human respect. Sometimes she didn't feel famous, and this was one of those times. She leaned over the cake, closed her eyes, and made her wish. She wished for a long ,happy, unrestricted life with herself, Britney Jean Spears....and whomever was free enough to come along. She looked over at Jas when she came back up, the cameras blinding her. The cake was cut, the party continued, as if no confrontation had happened.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


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