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Author Topic: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)  (Read 44736 times)


Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« on: March 30, 2024, 11:05:43 PM »
This story is not real. It's just fiction. Don't read if you're easily offended.

Celeb - Lucy Pinder
Codes - MF, Romance, Oral, Cock Worship, Tittyfucking, Facial

Hard times call for desperate measures. Lucy Pinder found herself in a situation that required her to downgrade her once lavish lifestyle and move in with a complete stranger. Luckily enough for her, she felt that her star of fame had long faded and the average person may not recognize her.

She found a flat with a mate for cheap in London. A young man in his twenties was looking for a mate who could help maintain the place with cleaning and cooking. Tyler had a job across town at a shipping factory. Lucy met with him and she was relieved that he did not instantly recognize her when she told him her full name. Not trusting at first, she waited until they met more than twice before accepting the offer to move in. Tyler explained to her that he was not looking for a girlfriend, so she wouldn't need to worry about him hitting on her. At 28 years old, he had went through a nasty divorce with his high school sweetheart after he caught her with another man. He moved to London after the divorce and settled in with a new job. He was tall, skinny and kept his face shaved to go with his short brown hair. A nice looking bloke, Lucy once commented only to see him blush and try not to smile.

Several months later had become quite close. They had similar interests in music, movies, and photography. Tyler had once been an aspiring photographer, and he had a dark room set up in the basement where he kept all of his camera equipment and old magazines. He told Lucy that he used to snap polaroids of nature. Large fields of open grass, farmland and the occasional photos of trees. His dream job was to shoot for National Geographic, but never got any calls back from them. There was always old issues of the magazine kept around the living room. His interest in nature made him a good candidate for hiking trips where she introduced Tyler to some of her other friends. The one thing Lucy never told him was her own past as a glamour model. He never asked, which she found that to be strange. Nor did he ask when she left to go spend time traveling with friends or going to bars to get drunk. In many ways, their lives were separate as simple flat mates with no strings attached.

Life was normal with Tyler. He worked a job for 5 days a week, then had weekends off. He would randomly disappear seemingly leaving the flat and then appearing hours later as if he never left. That was strange to Lucy, but she would play it off by joking with him. It was his 'disappearing act', she would call it. This turned into a running gag between them, as he would vanish in thin air after going downstairs and hours later pop back up to tell her he had reappeared. They laughed about it occasionally. The one time she would see him mysteriously appear was when the mail came to deliver a package. It could have been minutes or hours since he left, yet Tyler always was there when the mail arrived. Strange, but funny. She never questioned what was in the packages that he refused to share with her.

What Lucy didn't know about, was the other magazines he had down in the basement. National Geographic was not the only thing he liked to look at. She thought they were just old junk that he kept for nostalgia's sake. Little did she know that he had been collecting something else and for another reason entirely.

One day, while rummaging through the basement, Lucy stumbled upon the dark room. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to take a peek inside. There was another door inside that was open to a smaller room. She could see a window nearby with sunlight peeling in to shine. To her surprise, she found several photos of herself printed out and hanging on the walls. They were topless pictures! The classic highlights of her career in Page 3, Nuts, Loaded and Zoo magazines. She felt a mix of shock, embarrassment, and a strange sort of thrill. It had been many years since she laid eyes on those old photos. Memories came flooding in her mind of all the good times she had with her glamour babe friends like Michelle Marsh and Holly Peers. Two girls she had not spoken to in over a decade now.

The walls were covered in every single calendar she ever shot. The pages were torn out and hung on the wall. Everywhere Lucy turned she was met with her own dark brown eyes gazing back at her hundreds of times over like a mini army of herself. All four walls were covered entirely. A large poster of her very first topless shoot in Nuts was just below the window. The rush of emotions was overwhelmingly as she turned around, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. In the dark room, she saw the copy of her Nuts shoot, dated April 2007. The first topless photo. He had two copies. One was in pristine condition with all the pages held in tact. The other had been ripped apart with a few of the pages sitting on a board where he had carefully edited out the interview sections on pages to make them perfect. This took dedicated work from him that left her speechless.

Intrigued, she continued to look around the room and found several old magazines stacked on a shelf. The covers featured her face, and when she flipped through them, she realized that they were all magazines she had posed for years ago. The collection was massive, documenting almost her entire career as a glamour model. Many of the magazines were missing pages that he had cut out to plaster onto the wall. She was flattered at this level of dedication in his collecting. It was difficult for her to imagine how much money he was spending on this collection. There were dozens of newspapers sitting on the same shelf, and then she saw that it was all old Page 3 cutouts. Now she knew what the packages were being delivered every other week were and just why he would never reveal the contents to her. He was probably buying them from EBay for all she knew. She found him upstairs and confronted him in the kitchen.

"Say, Tyler? I went downstairs and found your stash in the basement. You didn't tell me you've been collecting seemingly every piece of printed paraphernalia that exists with me on it." she asked, a mix of confusion and anger in her voice.

Tyler looked down at the floor, his cheeks reddening and then his eyes widening. "I-I'm sorry, Lucy. I didn't know you were gonna go snooping down there. It's just... I didn't know who you were when I first met you. I searched your name on the internet, and I couldn't believe it. I remembered hearing about you. My brothers had magazines with you in them, but they were so long ago, I didn't know." He paused, gathering his courage. "You're not just anyone. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."

Lucy was taken aback by his confession. She had not thought about her own beauty in many years. The way he said it, though... it made her feel warm inside. "Tyler... I'm flattered, really. I'm somewhat disturbed too, I just don't know what to say."

"What do you mean you don't know? You're Lucy Pinder! The woman with the best boobs in the world! The hottest model in the country. You should own it!"

Her heart was racing, as she knew there was truth in his words. For many years, Lucy had tried to move past her era of fame when she was a major sex symbol in Britain. Deep down, she was proud and always wanted to own it. Reality had come to remind her on this day of who she used to be and who she was. It was days like this when she tried to talk herself out of returning to modelling. She wanted to do her own projects online, but kept trying to put in the past. It was a passion of hers she tried to deny.

He walked over to her and took her hand in his. "Lucy, what you saw down there is a shrine. I built it for you and your glory. I didn't mean for you to find it yet, but... I don't know how to say this. I'm in love with you." he begged, his eyes pleading with her. "I knew it the day we first met, there was something special about you. I don't believe in God or anything like that, but you walking into my life had to be for a reason."

Lucy felt her heart skip a beat. It had been so long since anyone had said those words to her, and she had never expected to hear them from Tyler. She had always thought of him as a friend, but now... maybe there was more to it. She was blushing, as this brought back memories of encountering fans and the old familiar male gaze. She used to be so proud. Maybe she should have figured that living with a man as a flat mate would eventually spark his curiosity. For years she tried to move on and forget about her modelling past, but now it was coming back to remind her like an old ghost. She looked deep into his eyes and saw the sincerity there. At his core, Tyler was a man with a wounded heart from the divorce of his wife. Lucy was aware that he never spent his time looking for someone else in the days since she moved in. She couldn't deny the feelings she had for him either, but was going to try to.

"Tyler... I-I don't know what to say," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm flattered, really. A bit creeped out by your room, but... The woman in those mags is just not me anymore. I don't think you understand, that's the past. That's not me!"

"Yes, it is! It's you, Lucy! Come on, you can deny all you want, but it's what you're known for. You're the most beautiful woman this country has ever had!" She shook her head at him. "No, it's not what you know me from!" Tyler shook his head at her, stepping back and holding up his hands. "No, but it is you. You are more than just a woman. More than just a pretty face too. I think someone needs to remind you that. It's apparent to me that you haven't had anyone remind you in a long time."

Rolling her eyes at him, she huffed her breath. "I get reminded online more than enough, thank you very much!" Tyler chuckled. "Lucy, I'm not some wanker sliding in your DMs. We've been living together for months and you know everything about me."

"Everything except what you do down in the basement!" She corrected him, raising her finger up.

He stepped closer. "Yeah, you're right. Once I found out who you were, I never bothered asking about your past. It's hard to believe that I'm living with you. Lucy, I know you say it's not you, and I'm not judging you. But when I say you're the most beautiful woman in the world, I mean it. Look, if you're creeped out by me, that's fine. You can pack up and move out tomorrow. I'm not going to make you stay if you're uncomfortable with me."

"No, no! I don't want to leave!" She shook her head in protest at him. "Are you sure? If you're bothered by me, I don't think we need to be living together. You weren't supposed to find my shrine."

Tyler looked at her with shame and sadness. She panicked, now seeing that her reaction got the worst of both their intentions.

"Tyler! Please, listen to me! I'm not leaving tonight or tomorrow! I'm a bit disturbed, but I'm not offended. We can talk about this!" Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed her giant tits up against his chest, hugging him. "I'm sorry Lucy."

"No, you don't have to apologize. It's okay, Tyler." Her heart was racing, her breath caught in her throat. This was all happening so fast, but she couldn't deny the feelings welling up inside her. Last night she was thinking of how much fun it would be to go back to modelling and post batches of new photo sets online. She reacted harshly to the discovery of his 'shrine', but was beginning to second guess it. Tyler was someone she could confess her plans to and be willingly supported. She could feel the warmth spreading through her body as she looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity there. "Tyler...," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He leaned forward, his lips inches from hers, and then, with a gentle brush, their lips touched. At that moment nothing else mattered as their lips were pressed together. His hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. She could feel the heat between them, the electricity that seemed to spark every time their bodies touched.

She moaned into the kiss, her hands moving up to his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair. The feel of his tongue tracing her lips sent shivers down her spine. The taste of him, the scent of him, it was all so overwhelmingly perfect. She wanted more, she needed more. But then Lucy tried to fight off those feelings. She broke the kiss and moved away from him. "I'm sorry, but we shouldn't be doing this."

Tyler looked at her in amazement, feeling a slight of disappointment. Lucy looked as if she were about to cry and then she turned around and stomped off, running to her bedroom to slam the door behind her. He had just shared a kiss with the woman of his dreams and yet, he didn't know how to feel about it. Overwhelmed in emotions, Tyler wasn't sure how to feel. He thought about venturing down to the basement and destroying the shrine, even though it would be like flushing hundreds of dollars down the drain. He was embarrassed and almost to the verge of tears feeling the heartbreak.

Not wanting any pity from her, he marched to the bedroom and shut the door. Tyler exhaled as he walked to his bed and sat down. All he could think about was how awkward it was going to be live with her after this. In a few minutes time he was laying down flat on his back when he heard a knock on the door. "Tyler! Can I come in?"

It was her. Tyler thought about telling her off, but he didn't have the heart in him to do that. It was hard to stomach the thought of her, let alone want to look at her. She knocked again. "Tyler! I know you're in there! Are you gonna let me in or what?"

"Come in, Lucy!" The door swung open and he glanced up to see her standing in a black bra, thong and garter-belt that went above her stomach. Fishnet stockings covered her legs, running up to her thighs and black high heels. "Holy fuck!" He shouted as he leaned up in bed. Tyler didn't even notice Lucy was holding a camera in right hand. His eyes were focused on her huge boobs. She smirked at him. "Wanna take some pictures?"

He nodded, trying to contain his excitement. "I would love to!" There was that smile she wanted to see. When Lucy went to her bedroom, she gathered her thoughts in seclusion. Unable to express herself earlier, she thought about her own feelings towards Tyler and the discovery downstairs. It would be the wrong to do with throwing away their friendship after all these months. If there was anyone she knew who could potentially be her biggest fan, it was him. Tonight was going to be the beginning of her return to glamour modelling. She wanted him to snap the first pictures of her that would go up online in her glorious return.

Handing him the camera, Lucy moved to the bed. "Have you ever taken photos before with one of these?" Tyler shook his head, trying not to look at her tits as he studied the small polaroid camera. He stood up while she moved to the bed.

"I'm going to make a bunch of poses and you just snap as many pictures as you can."

Lucy began by sitting on the bed, spreading her legs and giving him a coy smile. "Do you think you can take a picture like this?" He nodded, trying to concentrate on the camera as he took the first picture. She then moved into a sprawled out position on the bed, one leg bent and the other straight, a hand behind her head and the other arm stretched out. He snapped several pictures, trying to get the perfect angle.

Next, she moved into a more seductive pose, arching her back and pushing her chest forward. Her hands were behind her head again, fingers intertwined. "How's this one?" She asked, giving him a sultry look. "That's the classic Pinder right there." He took a deep breath and took a picture, trying not to stare at her perfect cleavage. She then climbed onto the bed, kneeling in front of him and put a hand on her hip, tilting her head slightly. Her other hand reached up, playing with a strand of hair.

And so it went. After a few more snaps, Lucy moved into another position. She crawled on all fours, letting him take a photo of her ass. Not as famous as her boobs, she did recall seeing photos of her bare bum hanging on the wall in his basement. She sat up on the bed and grabbed her tits, holding them up. Tyler moved in front of her and captured a perfect photo of her tits. Then she laid down on the bed, stretching out. He didn't even ask before climbing on the bed and snapping a photo directly over her. He was so eager, she knew she would not have to question his effort at this.

Lucy continued to change poses, moving gracefully from one to the next. She knew just how to work her body, and it showed. As the photos kept coming, she couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline and excitement. It was as if she were back in the spotlight, where she belonged. And Tyler was there, capturing every moment. This was a moment for both of them to share together. After what seemed to be the 30th or so photo, she got up from the bed and snatched the camera from him.

"That's enough for now. You did a good job I'm sure." Tyler grinned at her. "You're not gonna take the bra off for a topless shot?"

Chuckling at him, Lucy licked her lips as she watched his gaze move to her boobs. She stepped away and placed the camera down on the nightstand before sitting on the bed. When his eyes focused on her tits, that's when she made her move. Hands pulling at the shoulder straps, she loosened the bra and then peeled it off. Tyler's eyes widened. "Ohhhh, man."

"Don't act surprised. You've seen my tits at least more than a hundred times by now." His eyes were fixated on her perfect natural breasts. They were even larger than they appeared in the old lads mags. His erection stood straight up in the front of his shorts. Lucy took notice of that.

"I've never seen them in person. Holy shit, they're even bigger than they were before."

"I'm an F cup now." She proudly stated.

Tyler nodded, still staring at her breasts. Lucy pointed at his shorts. "Since I showed you my tits, how about you take off those shorts and show me your cock."

He smiled and pulled his shorts down, revealing his hard cock. She moved closer and reached out, giving it a squeeze. "Not bad." She teased, running her fingers over the length of it. Looking up in his eyes, Lucy fell to her knees as she began to stroke his cock. Her hand moved up and down at a slow pace. "I can imagine how many times you've thought of me doing this to you."

"Many times, babe." She leaned forward and took the head of his cock into her mouth, gently sucking as her hand continued its rhythm. She closed her eyes as she quit stroking and pushed his cock deeper into her mouth. As she sucked, Lucy made soft moans. She stopped for a moment and pulled his cock out of her mouth to be able to lick the underside. Their eyes met again as she reached the head and twirled her tongue around it. Tyler moaned as she placed his cock into her mouth again and resumed sucking.

Her hand continued to move up and down, her grip tightening slightly. She took him deeper into her mouth each time, her tongue swirling around his cock. Her other hand slid up his body, cupping his balls. She squeezed them gently, massaging them as she sucked. The double pleasure of her hand and mouth came to a halt when Lucy unhooked her fingers from the base. She looked into his eyes for a brief moment and then slammed the head of his cock to the back of her throat. Gagging and choking on the length, she pulled back and released his dick from her mouth.

"Are you okay, Lucy?" She nodded, grabbing his cock again to resume wanking. "Yes, I'm fine. Choked a bit, but that's only cause I haven't sucked cock in what feels like a lifetime ago."

That made him feel a little more special to know he was her first in what must've been years. Tyler moaned as she spit on his cock and put in her mouth again. Removing her hand again, Lucy started to bob her head up and down. She was sucking him more aggressively now, reveling in this hunger for his cock.

Her hand slid down between their bodies and began to rub at her clit. She moaned into his cock as she felt the pleasure build. She moved her head faster, her hand moving in circles, the friction almost too much to bear. She leaned forward, letting her hanging breasts brush against his thighs.

She pulled back from his cock, her mouth making a wet, sucking sound as it left him. "Ohhhh, god. It's been too long..." Her voice was almost in a whisper. Lucy gave him loving eyes as she placed the head back into her mouth and sucked it while using her hand to jerk him. Her fingers glided up and down, stroking his length as all he could do was smile at her. It was almost as if she were worshiping his cock. The idea was forming in his head.

"Lucy..." he moaned, taking a deep breath as she continued to suck the head while wanking. "I like how you worship my cock."

She smiled around his dick, her tongue dancing against it. Pulling away from it, she grabbed his balls and gave them a heavy squeeze. "I know you do, baby. Your cock is marvelous. It's been a long time since I've tasted a cock." She licked the underside of his cock, running her tongue all the way to the base. Lucy then lowered her mouth to his balls and kissed the hairy sack before shoving it between her lips. Her right hand gripped his dick tightly. Tyler groaned as she started sucking his balls.

Her hand continued to stroke his cock as she sucked his balls. Lucy was not satisfied until her slobber covered the entirety of his balls. She leaned back up to face his mighty cock, parting her lips to slide it back in. "Ohhhhh, yeah. Worship that cock, baby..." Tyler moaned and placed his hand on her head. Her mouth moved up and down again, sucking him.

Her hands moved to her giant breasts. Tyler watched her begin playing with her nipples, pinching them and squeezing her tits as she sucked his cock. The sight of Lucy playing with her boobs made him think about how awesome they would feel wrapped around his dick. He moved his hand away from her hair as she drew his cock out of her mouth complete with saliva strings and drool dripping from the sides.

"Lucy, I want to feel it between your tits. Give me a titwank."

Lucy smiled at the mention of a titwank. It had been many years since she experienced the pleasure of having a real cock shoved between her breasts. She didn't even think twice about how he demanded her to do it. Her hands cupped her heavy mounds, lifting them up. She moved her left tit in a circular motion, rubbing it against the underside of his cock before moving it higher, over the head. Tyler grabbed his cock and saw what she was trying to do. Lucy pressed her tits together and then he rubbed the head of his dick against her right nipple. She moaned at the feeling before pulling her tits apart and letting him slide his cock between them.

She pressed them together, holding his cock between her breasts. Tyler moaned. Lucy knew men like him had the dirtiest fantasies about fucking her tits. "Oh my god, that feels so good." He was already moaning in how he talked. This was only the beginning. She began to work her tits up and down. The length of his cock vanished completely in her cleavage with only the head poking up when she made a full thrust. Working her tits up and down at a slow pace, Lucy moaned.

The feeling of having her breasts pushed against a hard cock was incredible. It was something she had not had in so long. Lucy moaned as she continued to work her breasts up and down, fucking his cock to a pulp. He had to be close to cumming, so she had to trust his instincts that he would know when to tell her to stop so they could fuck each other before that moment. Her big brown eyes looked up at him as she continued to move her tits up and down. Before she knew it, Tyler took charge and began to thrust between her tits. He bucked his hips, now in control and fucking her tits.

"That's it, Tyler. Fuck my tits." Her breathing was becoming more labored, her moans more desperate. The way he was thrusting against her chest only made it worse. She could feel his cock swelling in her grasp, thickening. Tyler was living the dream as he fucked her tits. He kept pumping his cock between them as he moaned. Lucy felt that it was only a matter of time before he came. She lowered her head and licked the head each time it poked up. When he slowed down, she saw the chance to make him stop.  "Are you about to cum?"

He nodded and stopped. Lucy let go of her tits and quickly grabbed his cock. "Not just yet. I don't want you to cum until you've fucked me." Rising up from the floor, she yanked at his cock, pulling him to the bed before she let go. Her hands moved to her thong, shoving it down and then moving aside to reveal her wet, shaved cunt to him. She kept the garter-belt on, not bothering to mess with the front that was adjusted slightly above her belly button.

They climbed onto the bed together. Lucy shoved him down to get on top. As she hovered over him, she grabbed his wrists and planted his hands on her giant tits. "Touch them. Squeeze them. I know you've been dying for this." It was true, and Tyler did just that as he squeezed those giant boobs with all his might. Lucy moaned at his touch and straddled him. She positioned her dripping wet pussy over his cock while he was still feeling her boobs. The head of his cock pressed against her folds and she leaned forward, guiding him inside. He groaned as she sank down on him, taking him to the hilt. "Ohhhhhhh, fuck," he gasped.

Lucy started to move, riding him hard and fast. Tyler let go of her tits so he could watch them shake in all their epic glory. She leaned forward, pressing her hands down into the bed around his head. Her tits bounced with each thrust, slapping against his chest. She rolled her hips, working his cock in her pussy in a rhythm.

Her big eyes looked down at him, her expression one of pure ecstasy. Her lips parted slightly as she let out soft moans with each movement. Tyler could feel her tightness gripping him, her muscles flexing in just the right way. He reached up, cupping one of her heavy breasts, rolling the hard nipple between his fingers. Lucy raised herself up, moaning loudly as she threw her arms behind her head. The inked art covering her arms was on full display, but Tyler cared less about her tattoos compared to her perfect breasts. He shoved his face between them, trying to motorboat them but failing. He then decided to start slapping them. She continued to thrust downward, still working his cock in her cunt as his hands slapped her tits hard enough to make them clap together. Tyler did it again, moaning at the sight of her boobs clapping together as Lucy rode him.

She came to an abrupt halt as he grabbed her left nipple and squeezed it hard. It was music to his ears hearing her cry in pleasure. Lucy raised herself up, slipping his cock out of her pussy. He let go of her nipple, allowing herself to move off him. Tyler was uncertain if she was trying to hold back her own climax or prevent him from cumming inside her. She quickly fell to her hands and knees, creating a new position. "I want you to fuck me, Tyler. Please, fuck me!"

He got up from where he was laying and moved behind her. The first thing he did at the sight of her bare ass was spank it with his right hand. Lucy lowered her head, waiting to feel his cock slip inside her pussy again. When she felt him re-enter her, she closed her eyes and moaned. Tyler grabbed her hips and began to fuck her.

"Ohhhhh, that's it. Fuck me." Every time he thrust into her, he hit that sweet spot deep inside her, making her gasp and pant. Lucy reached back and grabbed onto the headboard, using it for leverage as she was now getting fucked. Her tits bounced with each thrust, swinging in various directions. "Fuck me! Fuck me!!"

Tyler reached around, cupping her right breast in his hand. He moved harder and faster, pounding that pussy like there was no tomorrow. She moaned and cried out. His other hand found place, squeezing both her tits as the bed was now shaking from their hard fucking. This was the woman of his dreams and the only way he knew how to fuck her was to give her everything. "FUCKKKKK!!" Lucy screamed. "OHHHHHHH, GOD!!"

Her muscles tightened around his cock as she neared her orgasm. She threw her head back, hair moving in her face as she felt his hands squeeze her boobs harder. "OHHHHHHHHH, GOD!! I'M CUMMING!!" she screamed, her voice filling the room. Her pussy squeezed him tightly, milking him as she climaxed. Tyler let out a long moan, feeling his own orgasm building inside him. He let go of her tits and quickly pulled out, barely preventing himself from blowing his load inside her. Lucy fell on her stomach, face first down into the bed panting and groaning. What he could not see was her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she experienced such a hard orgasm. Her cum splattered on the white sheets, staining them.

Fucking hell..." She muttered under breath, rolling onto her back to see him standing on the bed. Tyler was hovering over her as Lucy caught her breath and gazed up at him. "I haven't been fucked like that in years." Her eyes focused on his cock, seeing that he was still hard and had yet to cum. Her hands moved to her breasts, squeezing them as a way to tease him. When he didn't respond, she pulled her tits apart as an invitation.

"You wanna fuck my tits again?" Tyler nodded and sat down on her stomach. He slid his cock between her giant mounds and watched as she squeezed them together. "I want to make you cum. That's the least I can do to replay you for such a wonderful fucking you just gave me."

"Can I cum on your face?" She nodded, moving her hands to make sure her tits were squeezed together. He began to thrust, fucking her tits.

"That's it. Fuck my titties. It's been a lifetime ago since the last time they were fucked. Make sure you fuck 'em real good!" She moaned, feeling his cock sliding up and down between her tits. "You say that like you missed it."

Lucy smiled, giggling. "Oh, I have! I've missed having my tits fucked!" They both laughed as he continued to pump between her tits. Tyler tried to go slow so he could enjoy it longer. He was pumping harder with every second. Panting and taking deep breaths, he knew his time was short. "I'm so close..."

"Then do what you wanted to do. Pull it out and cum all over my face."

He did as she said, pulling his cock out of her tits and lining it up with her face. Her lips were parted, tongue out, waiting for his cum. He jerked it a few times. "Ohhh, Lucy!" His cock erupted, shooting his load across her face. Lucy moaned feeling his hot cum splashing across her skin. Three strings covered her forehead, nose and left eyebrow. Another string landed on her left breast. The final drops did not have the force of the first and only landed on her boobs. Some of the cum oozed down to her upper lip. He let go of his dick and watched as she licked his cum off her lips. "That's it. That's perfect."

Tyler moved off her, freeing Lucy. She reached for the nightstand and grabbed the camera. "What are you doing?" Lucy ignored him and held the camera up to her face and smirked. The flash lit up the room as she snapped a photo of herself, then handed the camera back to him. "There, that's a better picture for you. Put that one in your shrine."

He couldn't believe that she had just snapped a photo of her own face dripping in cum. Lucy looked so proud in this moment. He brought the camera back to his eye, and then she posed with a smile as the cum trickled down her face. He snapped another photo just for good measure. "I can't wait to see these photos developed. The cum pics are going in a special spot. I know just where I want them."

"Hmph," she grunted, sitting up and wiping some of the cum off her face with her hands. "That's not the first time I've been covered in cum." She smiled, trying to sound nonchalant. "But it's been a while. You should be proud. You made me forget about everything else for a moment there and just enjoy something. I haven't felt this way in years."

"I'm glad I could give you that, Lucy. You just made my night the best of my life."

She smiled, trying not to blush. "I had fun tonight too. Maybe we can do this again. If I ever go back to modelling, I'm going to need a new photographer. Do you think you can handle that for a side gig?"

He grinned, nodding. "As long as we're living together, I'd be more than happy to be your personal photographer." They sat together for a moment, just enjoying the silence. Tyler couldn't help but think how beautiful she was, even with cum all over her face. There was something about the way she held herself, the way she moved, that made her seem so alive and vibrant now. Gone was the sheltered, shy woman he met 5 months ago when she moved in. Something about her had changed that made him believe this was the real Lucy Pinder only the most lucky men got to experience a night with. Her confidence was back and with that, the magic only she was remembered for.

She got up from the bed and wiped her face clean with his shirt. Tyler motioned with his hand, gesturing for her to rejoin him in bed. After all this time they lived together, they had not shared a night in bed. That changed tonight as she climbed back in bed and cuddled next to him, drifting to sleep minutes later under the covers.


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2024, 12:31:07 AM »
Okay now this is a great story I'm going to have to up my writing game to top this I know Lucy is a site favorite so I'm going to have to do some serious writing

Overall a fantastic effort I'll keep my eye on this for future projects the sex was beyond hot for what I was expecting Lucy was a total minx in this I'm amazed she can still walk I'll be reading this again for sure
The following users thanked this post: Banshee


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2024, 12:52:35 AM »
I logged on tonight to leave a comment on this story. It was so good, I have to tell you now how much I loved it.

The set up with the roommate and his secret room was amazing. I've never seen anything like that before in a story on this site. Incredible unique setting.

The chemistry between Tyler and Lucy as friends with secret feelings for each other was a good start. Brilliant having her go to him with the camera to initiate everything. This was so good, I think you could do a part 2 and pick up where it left off.
The following users thanked this post: Banshee


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2024, 07:16:35 AM »
This was amazing to read. Great work bro
The following users thanked this post: Banshee


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2024, 08:42:34 AM »
Great work!  So good to get another Lucy fan writing here, she needs oads more stories.
The following users thanked this post: Banshee


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2024, 04:29:46 PM »
Great work!  So good to get another Lucy fan writing here, she needs oads more stories.

Thanks, I'm a big fan of your work. Lucy will be seeing plenty of action from me.
The following users thanked this post: Chlp


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2024, 09:23:55 AM »
That's one of the hottest Lucy stories I've read in a long time. A pretty good depiction of her too that is accurate to her personality.
The following users thanked this post: Banshee


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2024, 10:33:56 AM »
This was amazing. The romance felt real between them.
The following users thanked this post: Banshee


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2024, 02:05:13 AM »
Looks like Lucy brought out the wild side of this man.
The following users thanked this post: Banshee


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2024, 03:02:38 AM »
2 fantasies in one here. Who wouldn't love to have a shrine room dedicated solely to Lucy? I still have my old Loaded and Zoo copies with Lucy and Marshy. I think you are someone we can all relate to.

Romantic and dirty at the same time. This is one of the best portrayals of Lucy I've ever read.


Re: Pictures of Her (Lucy Pinder)
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2024, 09:05:51 PM »
I wrote about Lucy recently after reading your stuff. Hope you like this.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2024, 09:08:08 PM by James_scandalous »
The following users thanked this post: Banshee


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