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Author Topic: The Kiss (Britney Spears)  (Read 16579 times)


The Kiss (Britney Spears)
« on: April 14, 2024, 02:33:56 PM »
The Kiss Part 1 by nappieheadedchica
Celeb(s) – Britney Spears
Codes – FF
Originally posted on August 25 2002 at CSSA

“Britney is shooting the last scene to her new video “Lonely” {there is nothing comfirmed about a making of this video} and we’re all gonna go home, all I have to say is that the ending is gonna blow your mind, and Britney is gonna show the whole world that she not that innocent.” Wade told MTV’s Making the Video.

I think of all the time that I wasted

Think of all the times that I took you back

Ain’t no way I’ll be lonely

I don’t wanna let you back in

Let’s just face it

Better off alone and I won’t turn back

You thought that I would be lonely

I don’t wanna let
you back in

During all this Britney is shown in bed with another woman, Nikki, her best friend who telling Britney all throughout the video that he was no good, they were kissing as her boyfriend came in and stared then left off pissed and Nikki and Britney started laughing.

(The whole video premiered and it was good)



“Nikki.” Wade called.

“Wade.” Nikki answered with a smile.

“Could you do me a favor?” Wade asked.

“What?” Nikki asked.

“Tell Britney that Justin is gonna be late picking her up, and if doesn’t get here by midnight, take her home.” Wade asked.

“Sure mmm, what time is it now?” Nikki asked.

“10:30.” Wade said looking at his watch.

“10:30?” Nikki said as in shock.

“Please.” Wade begged.

“Alright you owe me.” Nikki smiled.

“Thank you.” Wade kissed Nikki on the cheek and left.


{Britney’s Dressing Rooms}

There was a knock at Britney’s dressing room door.

“Who is it?” Britney said.

“Nikki.” Nikki said from the other side of the door.

“Come in.” Britney told her.

“Hey. Nikki enters the room and walks over to Britney, who was sitting down touching up her make-up.

“Hey.” Britney brush her hair.

“Wade told me to tell you, that Justin called and said he would be late, and if he doesn’t get here by midnight, he asked me to bring you home.” Nikki told Britney.

“What time is it now?” Britney asked putting her hair in a ponytail.

“10:45.” Nikki looked at her watch.

“10:45?” Britney frowned.

“Yup” Nikki smiled.

“Man!” Britney started to laugh.

“What are you laughing at? I’m the one that has to go out of my way to take you home if Justin doesn’t show up.” Nikki explained to Britney as she shook her head.

“I know, I’m not laughing at that.” Britney said.

“Then what are you laughing at?”

“The kiss.” Britney smiled.

“Oh.” Nikki said.

“I never really kissed a woman before, beside my mom, nothing sexual.” Brit explained.

“I know.” Nikki gave Britney a funny grin.

“I kinda like kissing a girl.” Britney smiled.

“You do?” Nikki said raising an eyebrow as she sat down on the couch in Brit’s dressing room.

“Yeah, well only if the girl is you.” Britney said walking up to Nikki and tickling her chin.

“Brit, you’re scaring the shit outta me.” Nikki said sarcastically.

“I can’t help it you are so cute.” Britney teased.

“Look you little pussy/cock tease, I’m not a lesbian.” Nikki told Britney.

“Who said you were?” Britney asked sitting down next to Nikki.

“Nobody, I’m just telling you.” Nikki told Britney

“I already know that.” Britney smiled.

“Good then stopped this foolishness.” Nikki shook her head and turned from Britney.

“Okay, only if you give me a kiss.” Britney said.

“Okay, and when I kiss you, you’ll stop this foolishness?” Nikki asked.

“Yes.” Britney agreed.

“Good.” Nikki then pecked Britney on the cheek.

“Not that kinda kiss.” Britney folded her arms and pouted.

“Britney what has gotten into you? Are you a lesbian?” Nikki asked scooting away from Britney.

“No!” Britney scooted over to Nikki. “I just want to see if I am the lesbian type.”

“Lesbian type! Brit what woman wouldn’t want to fuck you, what man wouldn’t want to fuck you at that?” Nikki told Britney as she stood up.

“Yea, but…” Britney pause. “Please!!!” Britney begged as she dropped to her knees. “Just a kiss… on the lips… like we did in the video.” Britney begged.

Nikki looked down at Britney and huffed, Nikki actually liked Britney, but for more than a friend. Nikki is a black, 20-year-old, the exact same body figure as Brit, but thicker, and bigger boobs, and she’s a bisexual, but no one know but Nikki and Wade.

“Please Nikki.” Brit begged more. “Oh please, oh please, oh please, for me. Oh buddy, oh pal, oh friend of mine.”

“Promise me, this will be the only time we do this.” Nikki told Britney.

“Scoots honor.” Britney stood up and saluted.

“Okay.” Nikki smiled as did Britney. “Close eyes, take a deep breath.”

Britney closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Open you eyes, and relax yourself.” Nikki told Britney. Britney did as she was told. “Now kiss.”

The two embraced themselves into passionate kiss, with their eyes closed and their tongues were fighting. Britney began to moan in between breaths. Nikki rubbed Britney’s backside. Britney could feel her body weakening as the kiss went on. Nikki finally broke the kiss and rubbed the saliva from her and Britney’s mouth. Britney couldn’t believe what had just happened. The kiss wasn’t like the one in the video… this kiss was more passionate and romantic. Nikki smiled at Britney and said. “Happy now.”

Britney quickly shook her head and said. “Yes.”

Then there was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” Britney asked.

“Me.” Justin said from the other side.

“Justin?” Britney said.

“Yea.” Justin opened the door.

“Here I come.” Britney said getting her bags,

“See ya tomorrow.” Nikki waved.

Justin and Britney left the studio followed by Nikki.

In the car Justin apologized for being late, and Britney told him it was okay, and they shared a sweet, yet passionate kiss, but to Britney that night, her and Nikki’s kiss was better than hers and Justin.

Britney felt strange from then on, as she went to bed, Justin curled up under her, but she didn’t want to feel his touch, she wanted Nikki’s.

‘Britney we have a problem.’{Houston we have a problem}
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


Re: The Kiss (Britney Spears)
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2024, 02:34:50 PM »
The Kiss Part 2 by nappieheadedchica
Celeb(s) – Britney Spears
Codes – FF
Originally posted on August 25 2002 at CSSA

{At the Club}

“Britney.” Nikki said softly enough for Britney to here.

“Nikki.” Britney turned around.

What are you doing here?” Nikki asked looking at Britney in a funny way.

“Wade told me you worked here, and I just had to come by and see you.” Britney answered.

“I’m gonna kill Wade.” Nikki said to herself

“An “Alternative Club” you work here too?” Britney asked.

“Yea! Welcome to “Club Fareedun” I’m you bartender Nikki Jones.” Nikki greeted her the way she greets all her costumers.

“When’s your shift over?”

“In about
three more minutes.” Nikki told Britney. “What would you like to drink sir?” Nikki asked the man who sat next to Britney

“Sex On the Beach.” The man answered.

“Coming up.” Nikki turned to make the drink.

“Nikki, Georgina wants another Screaming Orgasm.” Susana walked up Nikki and Britney.

“Susana I am tired of the man, and I’m about leave so make the drink.” She told Susana. “Here you go sir.” Nikki gave the drink to man. “Bye.” Nikki jumped over the bar and told Susana it was her turn.

“Nikki!!” Susana called as Nikki and Brit left. “Nikki!!!” Susana saw that Nikki was paying her no attention she just huffed and puffed.

“Excuse me where’s my drink.” Georgina walked up to Susana.

“Georgina you gone have to wait.” Susana to Georgina and walked away.


{Outside the Club}



“I have my limo.”

“I can walk home.”

“It’s take an hour and a half to get to your house, I’ll have my driver take you.”

“It is getting kinda cool… okay.”

“Right here.”

Both girls got into the limo and the driver drove to Nikki’s apartment.

In the limo the girls were getting a little tipsy off of champagne, they were giggle at the songs on the radio, and then giggle at silly commercials. Moments later Britney turned off the radio and TV. Britney looked at Nikki a smiled.

“Ya know Nikki, you are one hot chick.” Britney said then laid her head on Nikki’s shoulder.

“I think you had a little too much champagne.” Nikki said taking the glass of champagne from Britney.

“No seriously you are HAWT!” Britney said.

“I think you need to lay down.” Nikki smiled.

“Nikki you know what, ever since we kissed three days ago… I can’t get you off my mind… even when I’m having sex with Justin I have this urge to scream out your name, but I’m afraid Justin would kick me out.” Britney sat up and laid her head on Nikki’s lap.

Nikki looked at Britney and laughed.

“You are hot!” Britney yawned.

“Well Britney, you’re hotter.” Nikki smiled.

“I know.” Britney said then chuckled.

Nikki liked seeing Britney like this, which was her first seeing Britney like this.

“Mmmm Nikki I think I’m drunk.” Britney said.

“No you’re just having a good time.” Nikki rubbed her head.

“Nikki kiss me.”

“Okay I think you’ve really had enough.”

“No I’m serious.”


“I want to kiss you, I want our tongues to wrestle with each other. I have never felt this way about a woman.”

“Britney you’ve had too much champagne.”

“No! I want you and I want you now.” Britney sat up and looked Nikki in the face.

“Britney I don’t thin…”

Before Nikki could finish Britney shoved her tongue down Nikki’s throat. Their tongues caressing each others, Nikki couldn’t believe Britney, is this what she wanted? Does she really want Britney like this?

Nikki pulled away, both girls breathing hard.

“What? What’s wrong?” Britney said.

“Britney we can’t do this.” Nikki told Britney.

“Yes you can, Wade told me.” Britney said.

“What did tell you?” Nikki said restraining Britney.

“He said you were a freak.” Britney said.

“I’m not that type of freak.” Nikki told Britney. “and you have definitely had toooooo much to drink.”

“I think you’re right.” Britney said rubbing her forehead.

“Driver right here.” Nikki told the limo driver.

The driver stopped in front of Nikki’s apartment building.

Nikki got out of the limo and looked at Britney. “Britney take an aspirin and call me in the morning because I know, you’re gonna have hella hangover.” With that Nikki closed the door and the limo drove off.

Nikki watched the limo turn the corner and she went into her apartment building and went into her apartment and laid down on the bed and called Wade.

BRRRNG!!!!!! BRRRNG!!!!!!

“Hello.” Wade answered the phone.

“Hello Wade.” Nikki said.

“Nikki!” Wade got a big grin on his face. “How was Britney?” he smiled.

“I didn’t screw her yet.” Nikki walked around her room.

“What? I gave the opportunity to screw the hottest teen sensation, and you blew it.” Wade said.

“Look Wade I don’t need your help in that department.” Nikki shot back.

“Yea whatever.” Wade smacked his lips. “Why didn’t you fuck her?”

“She was drunk and shit.” Nikki answered.

“So?” Wade said.

“If I were to ‘fuck her’ as you say, I want her to remember our night.” Nikki smiled. “I want her to remember every single thing, every little detail, and more. I don’t want her to be drunk and forget everything.”

“Aww!!!” Wade teased.

“Shut up Wade.” Nikki shouted in a playing matter.

“Why’d you call?” Wade asked.

“I want you to come over.” Nikki told him.

“Really?” Wade smiled.

“Yea.” Nikki smiled. “I need you.” She told in a sexy wanting way.

Wade got a big smile on his face. “I’ll be over in a sec.”

“Wad…” Nikki was interrupted the by the dial tone.


“That was quick.” Nikki said as she walked to the door. Nikki opened the door and surprise it was Wade. “You weren’t kiddin’ when you say you’d be over here in a sec.”

“What do you need me for?” Wade came in Nikki’s apartment hoping.

“I need you to help me fix the toilet.”

Wade’s smile dropped. “The toilet?”

“Mmm Hmm.” Nikki smiled.

Wade huffed and shook his head.

“And some help me out.”

“With what?” Wade asked.

“This.” Nikki start kissing Wade and he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and they went into the bedroom. Wade laid Nikki on the bed still kissing. “Wait! Wait!” Nikki interrupted the moment.

“What?” Wade asked.

“On second thought… just fix the toilet.” Nikki smiled.

Wade shook his and closed his eyes he looked pissed. He opened his eyes and looked at Nikki and started kissing her. Nikki giggled and moaned between breaths as Wade continued to kiss her.

All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


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