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Author Topic: Hotel Hangout (Jennifer Love Hewitt)  (Read 24874 times)


Hotel Hangout (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« on: September 05, 2024, 10:19:38 AM »
Disclaimer: This FICTIONAL Story Contains Sexually Graphic Situations. If You're Under Age or Easily Offended STOP READING NOW!!

A/N For anyone who hasn't read any of the previous entries this is a continuation to the story so you might want to go back and check out the earlier stories before diving into this one.

It was another call on a Thursday that changed the end of my week. It was a few weeks after the last time I'd seen Jennifer at her house. I wasn’t expecting anything from her again and certainly not quite like this but then she continued to be full of surprises. It was the end of the day when my phone rang, her soft sultry voice was soon in my ear.

I almost hung up and cancelled it. For some reason I answered instead.


"Hello!" I heard the soft drawl of Jennifer's voice on the other end.

"Jennifer?" She must have heard the surprise in my voice as I heard a soft bubble of laughter on the other end.

"Who else?" She teased me gently still laughing. "What are you up to?"

"Just a few more calls to make and then I’ll finish up for the day."

"And tomorrow?"

"The same probably. The usual really working for the day, quiet weekend.

"Well, I think we can do better than that." I almost heard the smile in her voice as she spoke.

"Can we?" I asked, amused as I listened.

"Oh, I think so. You see I'm going to be staying at a hotel for a few days tomorrow. Spend a little time pampering myself that kind of thing. But it occurs to me that pampering myself might include a few other things as well as getting my nails done, a nice massage and a good facial."

I choked back a laugh as I listened spluttering into the phone.

"I guess you could help with that one now that I think of it. We haven't done that yet." I heard her amusement as she continued.

"We had last week of course and that was rather entertaining, but I think we can both agree it wasn't enough for either of us. So, you could pack a small bag and join me for a few days."

I licked my lips thinking. I wouldn't be able to get away until I finished work and I'd need to make some excuses. But I could make it work, I needed to make it work. "And we can?" I spoke softly as I pondered my choices.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to spoil the fun to much but I'm sure between your imagination, and your memory you can think of a few possibilities that we could manage given we'd have an entire room, several days and no possible interruptions to disturb us. Maybe I'll even let you help me with my facial." She teased softly.

There really wasn't anything else to say I couldn't resist Jennifer. She'd proved that more than enough at this point. The prospect of all that time alone together especially after we had to be so careful the last time made it one, I wasn't going to say no to. We ended the call trading details her hotel, address, room number and then signed of knowing we'd be seeing each other soon enough.

I'd gone to work as normal the next day. The only difference was a bag in the back of the van, packed and ready to go as soon as I finished. I would head straight there after I was done. It would be another hour at least to drive there, maybe longer if traffic decided to be a nuisance. The day itself dragged. I had more than one eye already on the end of the day counting down time until I could finish and just head of to meet Jennifer. I had a few jobs to get done and I worked as fast as I could just to get through things as quickly as possibly.

The lingering thought of Jennifer was constantly on my mind. Something I couldn't forget, couldn't shake from my thoughts. A stray moment, a slight distraction, and a memory of what we had done would rise up, and I was rock hard already imagining exactly what we'd be able to get up to. She was right, the other day as fun as it had been wasn’t enough.

When I finished the relief was almost tangible. Partly down the fact I was free and could do and meet Jennifer. Partly the fact that meeting her was consuming every thought I had. The need and desire knowing what was going to happen tugged at me. It was a decent drive, more than an hour to get to her hotel. Plenty of time to think about what we were doing. She was a married woman, what we had, what we were up to. It was a borderline full-blown affair at this point. It didn't make me stop. It didn't make me turn around. I wanted her too much.

Instead, I drove there as fast as I reasonably could while making sure I didn't do anything stupid. The last thing I wanted to do was miss out on enjoying her because I was pulled over. I made my way to the hotel, found the car park left the van there and grabbed my bag locking it behind me before I went to the elevator.

I knew her floor, I knew the room, I made sure I avoided being seen and used the buttons waiting and watching the floors tick over, not running into anyone the whole way up which was a nice bonus. When I emerged onto a landing I careful made my way down the corridor checking the numbers until I reached her door and then rang the bell and knocked. I stood there breathing deeply waiting suddenly tense, a dose of anxiety to curling through me while I hoped it was the right one and we hadn't messed up our communication. Just when I felt it spike, I heard a sound and the door cracked open. I saw a figure outlined by light behind them and then the door opened, and Jennifer was stood there.

She looked me over and then her face broke into a broad grin as she stepped back letting me enter. I stepped through hearing her move to close the door. I dropped my bag and pounced moving in behind her and pushing her up against it. Her palms slapped against it, the door banged shut and I hissed out a breath feeling her body soft, and tempting trapped against it. I'd thought it would be fine. We could enjoy ourselves, take our time no fear of being interrupted or being caught. Just indulge and play and make the most of our time together. Not a chance of that, not even remotely. Just being close, the scent of her being alone with her. It triggered everything.

I closed my eyes burying my head against her hair as I held her pinned there against the door and groaned against her neck. "Jennifer...." I hissed out the word grinding against her rear already achingly hard. It didn't help that she ground back against me panting as well lush and tempting as I nipped at her neck.

Aren't we even going to say hello first today?" She panted softly.

I half laughed. "I was going to. Just take my time enjoy being here with you and not being rushed. But fuck it, I don't want to wait. I want you. I want to fuck you right here against the door while you beg for more. I want to hear you moan and pant for me hot and hungry for more. I want to feel you take me and enjoy me, make me finish so I can think straight again." I groaned against her the need just swamping me.

I heard her panting even as I pressed against her. That body curvy and lush squirmed grinding back into my straining hips. She was wearing another one of her dress’s good news for me as it meant it would be even easier to get my hands on her and right then that was what I wanted most.

"Don't you want something to eat first? And no, I didn't mean that you should put that talented mouth on me first, we’ll get to that in good time. We could order room service enjoy a meal, some wine, relax and enjoy ourselves?"

I wasn't sure if she wanted that. I did in a way, the main problem was I wasn't thinking any more I was reacting to my body and what my body wanted right then was her. Or at least for her to pleasure and satisfy that aching need I had. I nipped at her neck groaning as I shook my head.

"I was going to. I told myself I'd enjoy this, enjoy you. Take my time and savour just being with you without any interruptions." I breathed out slowly the scent of her swirling around me. "I changed my mind. I can't think around you, you make me half-crazy where we're close. I want nothing more than to fall on you and just hear you moan and beg for me to enjoy you."

She made a sound, a sound that tugged at what control I had which wasn't much and I was rapidly losing even that. I swallowed hard brushing against her my hands on her hips and then her rear squeezing and pulling her back against my aching cock. I thrust forward sliding against her.

"So, no I don't want to wait. You are too tempting and to wicked. A married woman inviting me here knowing she wants nothing more than to just get fucked. So if you want it.....prove it, work for it show me how much you want it. Make me cum right here right now. I'm not taking another step inside until you've finished me." I groaned against her.

I held her there and watched as her head fell back her hair brushing my face as she arched and moaned squirming and sliding herself against my hips. Then she pushed back against me. I over balanced momentarily, enough for her to spin around me and she slipped in behind me pushing me against the door. I felt her body soft and tempting suddenly pressing against my back. I felt her mouth biting and kissing the back of my neck as her hands just found my body sliding along my back and then reaching around to stroke my chest. I felt her fingers spread out sliding down my body and I groaned again a shudder rippling through me.

"Show you how much I want it? Oh, I want it but I’m not sure I want it as much as you do right now. I mean this....would tell its own story." Her hands continued down my body over my waist and down until her hand cupped me through my jeans pressing and teasing my straining erection.

Thankfully she wasn't teasing. After rubbing and tracing her fingers along my rock hard shaft she began to free it. She popped open my jeans and then tugged the zip down. Her hand slipped inside running across my boxers and I heard her moans as well as mine as she pressed herself against my back. I scrambled pushing her back enough that I could turn around. In an instant she was on me again, all soft and warm, her mouth wicked and tempting. We just kissed nothing more than that. Her hands rubbed my chest, mine wrapped around her body and held her close.

I needed her so much I was practically combusting. Her mouth nipped and teased me. Her curvy figure pushed and ground against my body just making me ache wanting to get her naked, wanting to get my hands and mouth on it. Wanting me to enjoy every inch of it. Then her hands sank down again pressing into my straining erection massaging and rubbing making my cock leap with desire as she traced the hard throbbing length. Her fingers crept up gripped my boxers and tugged down. I softly moaned my erection finally free, as I did my head fell back and she bit my throat again.

"This is what you want right?" She hissed quietly her hand wrapping around my shaft. "You're so fucking hard right now. Just aching for attention. It's a good thing you know someone who knows how to take care of this. It's a good job you have me, who knows better than me what you want."

I pulled her in close groaning against her mouth as her hands stroked and tugged on my aching cock. Her thumb caressed the swollen head and my hips already bucked, thrusting against her touch eager for even more. I let my hand slide up brushed over her cheek through her hair shuddering at the closeness of her body.

Growling I kissed her again hard and deep thrusting against her hand almost fucking it just aroused beyond belief aching with a raw desire that surprised even me, and I already knew I couldn't get enough of her. It was an almost territorial urge to enjoy her, take her, claim her. My hands edged from her cheek to her shoulder. I found the strap of her dress and pushed thrusting it of her shoulder. On the opposite side I repeated it feeling her dress give way. A hand to her chest dragged it down to her waist and another growl escaped my lips. Delicate lace contained the heavy swells of her breasts, and I wanted that gone as well.

I didn't wait around for it. Two more quick movements of my hands and the straps of her bra followed as well. I didn't get it of her. I needed to get behind her for that and I was currently too impatient. I worked enough slack that I could tug it down though and gleefully did spilling out her heavy full breasts. I covered them with my hands filling them with the abundant mounds of soft flesh watching as they spilled around the edges even as I tugged and pinched her nipples. She groaned again, this time against my mouth as I continued to fondle and squeeze them. But it still wasn't enough I was aching for more.

I broke away from her mouth cursing and nudged her back shaking my head. "Knees, on your knees." I stammered out finding it hard to even think at this point. Jennifer looked at me briefly but then sank down her hands already reaching for me as she did grabbing my waist. She hit the floor between my legs and just tugged pulling my jeans and my boxers down in one move freeing my erection. Stiff and hard it leapt out twitching and pulsing freely. She tilted her head back and looked at me even as I grasped her head guiding her forwards my straining hard cock brushing and sliding against her cheek.

Her head turned, her mouth parted and then that warm eager teasing mouth enveloped my cock taking the head and swirling her tongue around it as I began to throb with pleasure. She edged back lips gentle and teasing kissing the head little light licks just focusing on the underside making me quiver. I swallowed hard my eyes fluttering feeling her lips and tongue just teasing me light and soft making me throb. It still wasn't enough though. I was too hard, too worked up and aching too much to hold back at that moment. My raging hard erection was driving everything, and I needed more.

I reached for her hand tangling in her hair sliding through it until I tightened my grip and pulled her forwards guiding myself to her lips. I heard her surprised moan then it was cut off and muffled as I just thrust forward and sank inside plunging deep and driving myself inside her mouth. I went all the way listening to her gag briefly around me before I pulled back and I felt her take a breath before I thrust again working my hips to drive myself deep inside her. That was I needed. Just the mindless pleasure, her mouth warm wet and tempting wrapped around my cock and her muffled moans echoing around the room.

I started to fuck her mouth my hips bucking as I thrust in and out just making her take it all. Jennifer, it had to be said was more than up to the challenge. Her eager moans were muffled by my cock, but they still spilled out greedy and hot. Her hands found my thighs gripping and squeezing them holding herself steady. I held her head tight against me leaning back against the door behind me using it to support my body as I enjoyed her mouth. My hips rocked and bucked and I worked myself in and out of her mouth pumping steadily feeling her eager tongue sliding against me as her lips closed around the very base.

I held her there feeling her gasp and quiver fingers clenching and releasing their grip on my legs. I pulled back and heard her gasp spluttering before she dived right back on me, and I enjoyed her all over again. This time I held her head two handed fucking her mouth deep and hard plunging myself between her lips as she groaned softly. The next time I slipped free my cock bounced against her cheek twitching and pulsing. Saliva dripped down onto her cleavage leaving it glistening as her hand wrapped around my cock and start to stroked pumping along my shaft as she looked back at me just hot and eager for more.

"So, you're here to help me with my facial then?" She teased softly fingers working my cock.

"Something like that." I agreed softly.

"How set on that idea are you exactly?" She continued, a playful smirk on her face as she looked at me. "I mean I'm sure there are a few things you'd quite enjoy covering if memory serves me."

I knew what she was going to do even as she spoke. We knew each other to well. Her fingers pumped my throbbing shaft and then pulled it down sliding the head across the slopes of her breasts. I groaned again my hips bucking almost automatically instinct as much as anything.

"You won't distract me from it. Probably." I smiled at her throbbing as I watched the head of my shaft sliding over the tops of her breasts.

"Really........" She drawled softly. "Maybe we put that to the test. I seem to recall someone really does quite enjoy something else. Enjoys it enough they've finished like that before. Let me see if I remember how, it goes exactly."

She stood up a little straighter released my cock and hefted her boobs in her hands squeezing them as she held them. Then she shuffled closer still gripping them and surrounded my aching cock with the big soft mounds and slowly started to slide them up and down the length of my cock. I groaned instantly my head falling back as all that big soft smooth skin surrounded my shaft and slowly began to slide up and down. I couldn't stay like it for long though. I loved seeing it. I loved how she looked with her flirtatious eyes watching me her mouth parted. Just that small teasing smile on her face as she enjoyed me.

"There now." She began softly. "You always seem to enjoy this even more though. Are you sure you can't be tempted by this instead? Just my big soft breasts, and that aching hard cock. See I can make you feel so good like this just sliding up and down nice and warm and snug. I always think you enjoy this."

She edged her breasts along my shaft up and down nice and smooth just making me ache. Her fingers held them tight just running them along my aching shaft. She wasn't wrong. I always did enjoy this, she knew me well enough. She knew everything I liked especially when it came to her. She pulled her breasts back still holding them, but just used her nipples rubbing them against the head of my shaft. It was less contact, but the friction was delicious. On top of which there was something wickedly tempting about watching her do it. Just her big breasts and hard nipples edging against my cock.

She toyed with me, a small little smile, a flutter of her lips. I ached as my cock rubbed against her. Her soft clever fingers and long nails stroked to the head of my shaft coaxing out a drop of pre cum which she smeared around the centre of her nipple leaving it glistening. She flashed another smile at me.

"I'm sure you always really like that bit. I'm sure we've done that a few times. Doesn't that tempt you to?" She softly murmured her voice as silky and as tempting as the rest of her. I swallowed hard biting back the groan that threatened to escape. Jennifer knew me far too well.

My hips moved rocking of their own accord and it sent the head of my shaft gliding against her breast pushing and rubbing against her hand and fingers. She squeezed me and laughed softly. I enjoyed sliding over them even more. Jennifer's sultry smile turned into a grin.

"Ah I always know what you like the best. Here let me help." She chuckled softly and edged my cock back across and nestled it back between her breasts. She pulled her arms tight and squeezed gently and her gorgeous soft cleavage surrounded me again making me ache. My hips bucked almost instinctively as much as anything. I began to push my cock between thrusting slowly absorbed in the simple pleasure of enjoying them. I groaned watching the engorged head of my shaft pop from between them. Something about it just made me want more.

I reached down just to put my hands on them squeezing her breasts brushing over her hands enjoying those gorgeous, lush tempting curves. I would never not enjoy them. Something she knew well enough. Pushing back and forth I thrust myself between them sliding smoothly.

"You know I always enjoy that. I won't ever not enjoy that. It doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy covering your face first. I think you said we have plenty of time. So, there isn't anything stopping me from enjoying that a little later and enjoying this right now instead." I muttered moving my hand up to slide through her hair.

"Unless you're too busy giving me what I want later anyway." She teased me softly.

"It really depends on what you want doesn't it." I replied softly.

"I'm going to want you inside me, taking me, filling me, giving me exactly what I want over and over again. I want to savour and enjoy you, I want to feel every last drop of you inside me today. Apart from this anyway. She teased me another dazzling smile lightening up her face.

I was gliding between her breasts still feeling the huge soft creamy slopes snuggled around my cock as she squeezed them tightly around me. I groaned as I enjoyed her. It was impossible not to. I let out a shaky laugh and shook my head. "I'm sure we can work something out." I muttered after a moment.

She smiled at me slow and wicked. It packed a punch, it hit right me right in the gut as I listened to her. "After the last time it was so bad. I could feel you dripping out of me all afternoon after that. It was so wicked right in the middle of my bed, right when we could have been interrupted at any moment and you did that to me. You spilled all that load deep inside me without any hesitation because you wanted it that bad."

I watched a shiver run through her as she looked at me. "I want it today, I want more. I want to feel it dripping from me, I want you to see it. I want you to know that I'm yours today to enjoy as we both want whenever we want." She continued her voice soft and electric in it's teasing.

I groaned again my hands around her breasts just squeezing and fondling them. I continued to lightly thrust and edge myself over them straining just listening to her tease me. I wanted nothing more than that. As bad as it might be I wanted it, I wanted her as much as she could take.

"You can get everything you want. Everything you need and everything you can take for as long as you want it." I growled the words my voice struggling to contain that raw need cutting at me. "But I'm still not moving from this door until covered your face as tempting as it is to do these to."

I pushed myself between her breasts thrusting again harder and faster pumping myself into her cleavage. I held them tightly wrapped around my shaft feeling it pulse, watching more pre cum drip out spreading across her skin before I just rubbed and smeared it over her.

I pushed through her cleavage felt her head dip down to meet me, a soft moan, before her tongue swirled around the tip and licked over me. I pushed forward popping into her mouth over her tongue felt it circle and rub sliding and playing across the head of my cock just making me ache with pleasure.

I shuddered feeling her lips close around me just sucking lightly on the head. Jennifer tilted her head back as she teased me all big breasts, soft cleavage and tempting eyes as she moaned around the head of my shaft. I ached as I enjoyed her only wanting more and more feeling that throbbing quickly. Her hands reached around me gripping my thighs holding tightly so I felt her nails pressing into my skin as her mouth hot and teasing continued to devour me. I groaned thrusting through her cleavage pushing and sliding myself deeper inside her mouth as her lips and tongue just teased me.

I stroked my hands through her hair again guiding her, stuffing her mouth making her take me but it still wasn't enough not for what I wanted, not for what I needed. I pulled myself free of her breasts as good as that always felt and instead reached up brushing her hair back from her face.

As I watched her turn to look at me, I guided myself forward brushing over her lips feeling her tongue tease me as she smirked playfully at me. The head of my shaft rubbed and brushed against her lips and then I pushed forward groaning again as I just thrust myself back inside her mouth.

I wasn't going to last I ached and throbbed too much, I didn't even want to. I wanted to cum, wanted to explode, wanted to spill myself all over that gorgeous face of hers as she enjoyed me. I couldn't resist it, couldn't get enough of it. I was just aching for her, aching for that mouth aching for how good she made me feel. She pulled back moaning and my cock slipped free brushing against her cheek smearing a line of pre cum across it before her head turned and mouth captured me again. She moaned as she took me inside once more sinking deep swirling her tongue against me as I groaned with her and thrust forward.

I fucked her mouth holding her head rapid fast strokes plunging in and out between her lips. She clutched my thighs her breasts squashed against them. I felt her nails, little pin pricks of pleasure sending little ripples of added sensations rushing through me as she dug them into my skin. I pounded her mouth as much as I could completely losing myself in the feel of it hungrily sucking away on my swollen hard cock until I couldn't take any more and pulled myself free from her lips as she gasped and moaned looking back at me hungrily with those hot eager eyes.

"Stroke it, just finish me." I called out my voice hoarse and strained from the exertion.

Jennifer didn't hesitate. She threw herself at me with wild abandon. Her hands snaked up my thighs her nails raking my skin as she did until she grasped my cock her soft fingers wrapping around the shaft and just started pumping working furiously along the length holding nothing back now. She pressed close moaning as she did. Her mouth teased me nibbling and sucking on my balls, planting little light kisses on the base of my shaft urging me on almost silently with her fluttering big eyes as they looked up at me. Her fingers just stroked up and down twisting around me sticky and wet as I dripped out all over them only for her to smear it against us both.

"Come on, give it to me, do it, cum for me exactly like you want just cover me I want to feel it all.

She was too tempting, to enticing. I couldn't resist the look she gave me let alone the urgent pleas or her soft fingers caressing my cock. I groaned watching her, feeling my cock swell the pulsing building to a peak as she held me close now feeling settling me directly in front of her pretty face. My hips bucked as I thrust against her too much, far too much to withstand and I began to come just exploding out as she stroked me while I stood their legs slightly spread.

I groaned as it hit even before the first sticky hot blast erupted out shooting thickly directly across the middle of her face covering the side of her nose across her forehead. More swiftly followed over her cheeks, across her mouth, pulse after pulse of sticky hot fluid splashing across her as she worked my cock pumping it all out over her pretty face and open welcoming mouth. With the view I had the image of it all was burned into my brain. My erupting hard cock, her heated eyes, soft fingers, glistening slick skin and hungry moans as more spilled into her mouth over her tongue.

I rode it out my hips thrusting against her hands pumping out every drop as she milked me, either over her face or else over her lips and tongue until she was a sticky hot mess with it dripping across her skin and down onto her breasts for good measure barely leaving any part of her unscathed. I sucked in air breathing deeply barely able to stand as she slowed down and then finally just wrapped her eager mouth around me instead. Her tongue slowly licked along my shaft and over the head and then she parted her lips drew me inside and carefully sucked out anything else draining me dry.

When she finally released me, she stared back one eye closed as my cum trickled down one corner shaking her head a wry smile on her face as she looked at me.

"Well, that was definitely my facial treatment for the day sorted out. I guess that means we can move onto enjoying ourselves properly now."

She pushed herself to her feet licking her lips as she did. "Come on you look like someone who needs a break." She chuckled softly and it was my turn to look at her ruefully.

"Give me a minute especially seeing you like that and we'll see who needs a break." I growled out hearing her light laugh as she smirked back. Her eyes drifted over me hungrily.

"I'm sure you could. Food first though, I need to clean up and afterwards I get what I want. You had your fun now it's my turn." The smiled turned hot and wicked as she looked at me still a glistening mess.

I looked at her and swallowed hard. I couldn't argue with that train of thought, although I enjoyed how she looked an awful lot right then. But it did work up an appetite and if we continued like this over the time, we had together I'd probably need the energy anyway.

I growled a little. "I like seeing you like this it almost makes me want to stop you and make you leave it there."

She licked her lips and grinned at me. "I know you do. I've enough experience to know exactly how much you like seeing me glistening and covered. I spent the whole afternoon after you enjoyed me the other day feeling you damp on my thighs dripping out. Do you have an idea how bad and how good that felt? But since it's my room I need to answer the door, I'll need to clean up and you'll need to rest while you can. I plan on keeping you very busy." She smirked at me playfully as she spoke.

She pushed herself to her feet and walked away towards the bathroom beyond. I tugged my clothes back into place and then moved around the outer room exploring and looking around until Jennifer returned. A quick call and we ordered room service a selection of food to share before we sat down and talked cuddling together on the sofa until it arrived.

A slightly tidier Jennifer answered the door while I stayed out of sight smiling at her bubbly chat with the staff. When they'd finished setting everything up and left, I re-emerged walking across to join Jennifer. The two of us sat down and enjoyed a perfectly normal meal by the window overlooking the city below. When we'd finished, she looked at me across the table smiling.

"Ready?" She asked smiling mischievously at me.

"For what?"

"Desert of course." She pushed herself up standing and I made to join her, but she stopped me.

"Not you." She chuckled softly. "I'm just going to get ready I call you when I am." She smiled dipped forward and kissed my cheek. Then she headed back of into the bedroom.

I took a breath, had some water, and then stood wondering around pacing the hotel room restlessly. I had no need for it really, but I was nervous. Despite all we'd done I felt my belly flutter. Nerves, excitement, anticipation, it was all there. Normally when we met everything was more spontaneous, more instinctively. It wasn't the case so much today. I didn't know what she had planned other than it was likely to be something wicked, extremely hot and ultimately satisfying. Encounters with Jennifer tended to be all those and more besides. We had spent enough time doing this now to know one another well enough. The sound of her voice broke through my reflective moment.

"You can come in now." She called out.

I took a deep breath and headed towards her door. I paused just outside not entirely sure what I’d be seeing next and carefully took a deep breath before I reached up grasped the handle tight and then pulled it down watching the door swing wide to reveal Jennifer inside sat there waiting for me. She smiled as she saw me, leaning back as she sat at the foot of the bed, her hands just resting behind her on the covers. "Hi." She smiled at me not moving just watching me looking entirely pleased with herself as she did. She lifted a hand bent a finger and beckoned me over.

I began walking towards her. She was wearing a dressing gown, black silk I thought belted at the waist covering her entire figure apart from her legs. I shook my head reaching for her as I came towards her, but she caught my hands and lifted them to her mouth instead.

She kissed the tips of my fingers one after the other just teasing me as she smiled. "Not quite yet. Soon enough you can, first I just want to undress you and see how ready you are."

"Ready enough." I growled out drawing more soft laughter.

"I've no doubt you are. But I want to create a few fun memories of my own first. I just want to play a little and then you can do whatever you like with me for the next day which I'm sure you will do magnificently. But first my turn." She smiled at me just teasing and I stood and let her explore.

She looked me up and down and reached out palms flat as she stroked them up the front of my shirt and then slowly back down to my waist moving across to grasp my hips and drift around to squeeze my rear. They trailed down my legs over my thighs to my knees and then climbed back up my inner leg.

"The break for a good meal worked I see." She purred softly grinning at me her fingers tracing across the front of my body and rubbing my erection. "That's very good, I fully intend on giving this a proper and thorough workout over the next day." She continued to tease me her clever fingers unbuttoning my jeans.

She opened them up spread them wide and just brushed the tips of her fingers across the bare skin her nails lightly raking against me, little sharp points of friction as they scraped my skin. I moaned softly and she smiled at me just easing back just the tips sliding across my skin pushing the fabric of my shirt up. She leaned close and I felt her breathe warm and soft brush against my skin before her lips even softer than that kissed me lightly. She planted a line of kisses across my belly drifting down lower and then edged her way back up this time using her hands to push my shirt up as she went guiding it up my body until I reached down grasped hold and lifted it up throwing it away.

"There now, that's starting to look better. Although we've got some way until I'm fully satisfied yet." She teased softly that flirty grin fixed on her face as her lips brushed against me in between the words.

I shivered under her touch. She edged the tips of her fingers up across my chest always a light gentle touch just exploring and teasing. Muscles flexed and quivered especially as she drew them back down and brushed them over my abdomen creeping back towards my waist. She gripped the waistband of my jeans and began to tug them down over my hips and along my thighs until they fell to the floor. Hands on my thighs had me lifting my legs free, first one and then the other until I stood there in just my boxers. She smiled again playfully.

"Almost there and then we can really start to have some fun."

"I thought we started that earlier." I replied dryly.

"That was your fun, at least for the most part. This is more my fun. It's the part where I get to keep you like this for a few days merely for my pleasure and use you whenever I like. I hope you can keep up with me. I've been looking forward to this and I don't want any interruptions at all if I can help it." Her palm leisurely caressed me as she spoke, edging along the length of my cock still confined inside my boxers.

I swallowed hard watching her fingers casually gliding up the length of my shaft as it strained against my boxers. There was always something about her that tugged at me. Looking at her now her hand touching me, that playful little smile on her face I could never resist it. I reached down and slid a finger under her chin tilting her head back.

"It's something I am going to do my very best at. Since you've made the effort to make the time and invite me it seems like a waste if I didn't try to keep you entertained." I lowered my head to meet her and kissed her slowly. I heard a noise escape her as I did her hands moving across to my hips holding me as I savoured the taste of her lips and mouth.

"Really I didn't need any excuse to spend time with you anyway. You are addictive which I'm sure you realised the moment you turned up at my house and seduced me. The chance to enjoy you like this as much as I want without having to worry about being disturbed.......I hope you can keep up with me because I want us both feeling sore and drained by the time we're finished."

Her back arched another greedy hot noise escaping her as she flashed me a stare. She grasped my boxers and began to tug working them down my hips stripping them away and letting them fall to my feet where I kicked them away. Her hand wrapped around my shaft and squeezed as she looked at me eyes just hungry as she did. Fingers glided their way to the head and she smirked as her thumb rubbed across the tip just making me pulse in her grip. I wanted her again, I always wanted more of her, something I was sure she knew full well. The two of us couldn't get enough of one another.

"It already looks nice and eager again something I like to see. Even after it already enjoyed some fun it knows it's in for a treat." She bit her lip and smirked at me playfully. "It knows no one takes care of it as well as I do." She leaned forward and kissed the head slowly. I groaned again unable to resist the touch of her lips my hips bucking nudging against her.

"Soon, soon." She purred softly. "First I want some attention myself."

She released my shaft and then turned around pulling herself up onto the bed on all fours. She looked at me over her shoulder and grinned just bouncing her hips and rear looking even more tempting. I moved closer to the foot of the bed and reached out sliding my fingers along her calf. As I trailed my hand along her smooth muscled flesh I pushed the material of her gown back exposing more of her smooth skin. I caressed her thighs fingertips dancing over her skin and continued pushing her robe up until her rear was fully exposed. Lightly I traced my fingers across her bare cheeks.

There wasn't much else there just a thong bisecting the two soft curvy cheeks. I shook my head hearing a soft chuckle as I stifled a groan. I spanked her because I could, hearing her groan as I did. I stroked my hand over her cheeks caressing her gently hearing her soft moans as she enjoyed the attention. My fingers worked up higher stroking and squeezing until I reached her thong.

"May I?" I questioned lightly.

"You may." She was still looking at me over her shoulder grinning as she enjoyed my reaction.

I gripped the material not needing any more invitation than that. A second hand took hold of it as well and I gave it a tug slowly drawing it down over her cheeks and pulling it down her thighs. I couldn't tug them free not completely with her kneeling, but it was enough to enjoy the view of her exposed behind soft and tempting as she knelt there just watching me.

I groaned looking at her shaking my head. It was impossible not to do anything else. Watching me she bounced and jiggled just making her curvy rear bounce right in front of me. I sucked in another breath groaning. I wanted her then and there. Just to climb up behind her ready to enjoy her. Plunge inside her tight wet hole and pound myself in and out until we both collapsed together. Jennifer knew me well enough to know the look I gave her. She wiggled and shook her head as she looked at me.

"Ah, ah, ah, not quite yet." She smirked as she looked at me. "You had a little fun earlier, now's your turn to repay the favour. Then you can do absolutely anything you want with me as long as it involves fucking my brains out again, and again and again." She smiled at me poking her tongue out as she wiggled her behind.

I shook my head ruefully, spanked her again because I could. Then I reached out and grasped her ankle tugging on it pulling her back towards me. Certain I had gotten the message she shuffled back bringing herself closer. I traced my hands up the back of her legs over her thighs and across her smooth soft rear. She rocked a little still looking at me over one shoulder.

I traced the smooth cheeks with the tips of my fingers and then drifted across between them before sliding down. I teased across one tight opening and heard her hiss out a breath as she felt my touch. I didn't linger, I continued making my way down between her legs until I found her opening. I lightly caressed her outer lips and this time she whimpered softly.

"Oh yes, just there." She murmured breathlessly.

I guided them along her entrance and then gently teased them apart slipping a fingertip inside her. She moaned softly wriggling and squirming trying to push back onto me as I touched her. I pulled them back just teasing listening as she whimpered and tried to thrust herself back even more. I circled her entrance with my fingertips just watching as she continued try and push back onto it. I edged back every time she did, so I never went deep focused more on just teasing her much to her displeasure. Her hips rolled, that juicy rear bounced, and she continued to push back.

When I finally held myself there it caught her by surprise. I watched her back arch and a deeper moan escape her as she impaled herself onto my finger. She squirmed again now just the slick wet arousal coating me as she rocked herself onto my finger back and forth. I added a second just to tease her more feathering it along her lips and then sinking inside as well hearing her gasp as she felt it. This stretched her a little more and greedily she moved faster pushing herself onto me until I added a third filling her even more drawing another moan from her even before I worked one back and used her own wetness to smear and rub against her clit.

Listening to her, watching her, it was all too much of an invitation to enjoy even more of her. I pulled my fingers free and listened to her whimper in protest. I moved around the bed and held out my hand watching as she glanced at it and then flashed a sultry smile before she leaned in close. Her mouth closed over my fingers licking them clean her tongue sliding over them as she looked directly at me just a tease. I smiled ruefully and gave that firm delicious rear a playful slap before moving back around to place myself behind her. She watched me over her shoulder and moved a little making that ass bounce as she did.

I settled behind her, nudged her slightly further forwards to give myself more room and then sank down behind her trailing my hands across that firm soft rear just squeezing her muscled cheeks and spreading them exposing her gleaming slit for my hungry mouth to enjoy. I covered her with my lips and heard her hungry moan pure satisfaction now as I began to taste her. She ground and rocked back sliding herself over my mouth, as I did the taste of her smeared across my lips and mouth. I used my tongue to lap up her juices sliding across her sex from top to bottom using her moans as a guide to what she wanted most.

Listening to her moan and quiver as I tasted her only made me ache even more. She was a temptation I could never get enough of. I teased her clit with the tip of my tongue sliding it back and forth against it as she whimpered and moaned continuing to push and grind herself back against my mouth. I moaned against her pulling my tongue back from her clit and thrusting it inside her instead. I closed my mouth over her clit and just began to suck on that wiggling and flicking my tongue short rapid strokes pushing it in and out of her as she quivered and moaned around me.

I knew she was enjoying it more and more she was almost bouncing her juicy round behind against my face. Her hand reached around behind herself as best she could to tangle in my hair and hold me against her, just grinding her slick wet sex onto my lips and tongue trying to increase the friction. I groaned against her lapping up her sticky fluids and just let her use me as she wanted. I gripped her rear fingers squeezing and digging into all that smooth abundant flesh kneading, releasing and finally spanking her again hearing the solid impact of my skin meeting hers, and the way it bounced under my touch.

Whether it was that final touch or just my mouth, or a combination of them all, it was too much for Jennifer to resist. Groaning she bucked against my mouth still holding my head and grinding against me as she came gasping and quivering as she rode out her climax. She was still moaning a moment later when after I'd finally enjoyed my fill of her, I broke her grip on my head and rose up smoothly behind her. Before she had any idea what was going on I positioned myself behind her the head of my cock teasing against her bare lips before I thrust forward and plunged inside.

Her back arched and she tossed her head a loud groan of pleasure escaping her lips as she felt me thrust inside. I pressed deep, my moans mixing with hers as my hips slapped against her rear and I felt her luscious tightness grip my shaft pulsing around me as I thrust deep. She turned and looked at me over her shoulder eyes wide and hot just squirming as she bit her lip her hands squeezing the sheets beneath her. I didn't move I just held her hips, my hands and fingers caressing her stroking across all that smooth skin soft and tempting in front of me.

Slowly she moved pulling herself forward treating me to the sight of sliding almost of the head of my cock. My shaft gleamed with her juices as I swallowed hard. Then she pushed back again taking me back inside. A quick glance up and I watched her shudder as she stretched herself enjoying my cock. I held onto her fingers just lightly grazing her rear as she moved pushing slowly back again then easing herself forward. It was a treat in so many ways. I could enjoy how she looked moaning softly as she backed herself onto my cock and then slowly pulled forwards. The way her lips were spread by my shaft and gripped it tightly as she moved.

I could enjoy how she felt smooth and slick gliding effortlessly along my throbbing cock especially when she gripped and squeezed my length every time she took me deep. It made me pulse inside her my eyes fluttering as it rushed over me while I listened to her soft moans of pleasure. I couldn't resist that for too long. She was too soft, to tempting and as she pulled forward and my fingers caressed and explored her rear they eventually settled on her hips once more as she began to push back. I gripped her tighter then and pulled her back driving forward to meet her.

I heard her groan as she felt me push to meet her. She arched her back those delicious round breasts hanging down, moving freely with her as she thrust to meet me and my hips slapped lightly against her rear as we met. I held myself there just fondling and exploring her lush tempting curves. I kneaded and massaged that delicious firm rear, down the back of her thighs and then back up along her hips and caressed her back my palms running along all her smooth silky soft skin. Finally, I reached around beneath her to cup and squeeze her breasts feeling them spill out around my hands as I held them.

I pulled her up against me her back sliding against my chest as I scraped my lips along her shoulder and neck. Finally she turned her head and we kissed again lips and tongues teasing. I clutched her tightly feeling her just bounce against me as I thrust and pushed grinding against her rear as she squeezed me. I fondled her breasts teasing her nipples groaning against her mouth as I drowned myself in the feel of her body. She quivered around me just warm and soft. Her sex gripped my shaft making me pulse inside her until I couldn't resist guiding her over once more pushing her back to the bed.

She propped herself up on all fours again her legs slightly spread whimpering softly as I positioned myself behind her. I teased the head of my cock against her entrance and pushed in again gripping her hips tightly as I enjoyed her once more. The whimper became a moan, and she quivered as I took her. I started thrusting inside her again holding her tight and pulling her back to meet my cock just enjoying filling her with the length of it. I heard her moans, felt her drive back onto me, the slap of her ass meeting me as she bounced against my hips. I leisurely stroked and caressed all that smooth soft skin and then spanked her my fingers leaving marks on her skin.

She gasped as I did, moaning as she looked back at me over her shoulder. I couldn't take my eyes of her. Every inch was such a treat to enjoy. The lush curves of her rear, those strong smooth legs, the plane of her back to the heaving bouncing breasts I always enjoyed. Right up to her gorgeous face flush and hot as she enjoyed the two of us coming together. I reached my hands beneath her massaging her breasts squeezing and kneading them as they bounced and swayed with every movement of our bodies. I teased her nipples with the tips of my fingers and then drew them back to grasp her hips once more pumping steadily in and out of her.

Her eyes rolled her body quivered and she fell forward against the bed just her hips and that delicious soft rear still raised up towards me as I continued to thrust and pound away at it. Her moans continued to ring out loud and clear great greedy gasps of pleasure as I fucked her and enjoyed her. When she pulled herself forward scrambling away from me, I groaned my cock twitching as it bounced freely. I watched her roll around ending on her back, her face flush and bright as she gazed at me her hand stretching up reaching towards me. Taking hold of it I felt her fingers wrap around mine and then tug me down to meet her.

I moved across her covering her body. She wrapped herself around me arms, legs, her whole body surrounding me as much as she could. Her mouth scraped along my neck and then my chin before she found my mouth and just kissed me deeply arching up of the mattress just pressing herself against me. I gripped her hip my fingers digging into her skin and slowly pushed them along her thigh gripping and squeezing it as I drew my hips back realigning the both of us. When I felt her again the heat and dampness of her sex brushing against me, I thrust forward parting her easily and pushed myself deep.

She didn't make a sound this time. I watched her eyes flicker, a soft sigh escaping her mouth and then she kissed me again slow and deep as I held myself inside her. Her eyes sparkled with pleasure and mischief. When she broke the kiss, I groaned feeling her clench and tighten around my shaft just squeezing and releasing me. She gripped my hips with her thighs holding me tight her hands free to roam and explore sliding along my sides and then around to my back. Her nails raked little trails across my skin, and I shivered under the touch of them just grinding our bodies together as I pushed against her.

I edged myself slowly back and then pressed forward gently pushing myself in and out of her feeling her spread around me with each thrust adjusting to take the length of my cock. Her eyes bright and hot watched me, alive with pleasure and need she let me see how much she enjoyed it with every thrust I made. Her legs crossed behind my back locking together and then she twisted and moved turning us over until I was on my back flat against the bed. She pinned me there her weight holding me in place the two of us still locked tightly together. Her fingers brushed slowly along my neck and then over my mouth before she gave it a bite and tugged.

She was pressed tight against my body grinding slowly just gripping and squeezing my cock as she did. I lazily edged my hands down her sides to grip her hips eventually working around to her rear and squeezed thrusting up a little more pushing against her as she smiled at me.

"Stay there like that for me. I like seeing how you look like that. I like feeling how hard and turned on for me you are. I love seeing how much you just want to enjoy every part of me but have to wait your turn, and I love seeing how much you enjoy watching me ride that thick hard cock taking you in while you just watch me bounce all over you."

She chuckled softly lips skimming along my neck until she kissed me a throaty chuckle spilling out as her hands brushed my chest before she slowly pushed herself up until she was just straddling my body her thighs either side of me as she held me deep inside her. I was already groaning at the sight. Just watching as she leaned back settling herself comfortably. My eyes drank her in roaming across her curvy figure skimming my fingers up until I could grip her hips and just help her move. I watched her lick her lips and squeeze my cock once more making me pulse inside her as she did.

I watched her lean back grinding against me, her hips sliding back and forth along my thighs. Her breasts bounced and moved, and my hand slipped from her hip to grip one squeezing it and sliding my thumb across the nipple to tease that hard tip feeling her groan softly as I did, her head tossing as she moved faster. I squirmed and rolled inside her as she moved over me feeling her grip me and hold me tight. I pulsed inside her feeling her slide and edge herself along the length of my cock soft little moans still spilling from her as she moved working up a rhythm now moving faster and harder just sliding along me.

She swayed a little more and leaned forward bracing her hands on my chest her fingers spread out and just looked at me as she moved bouncing now working her way up and down the length of my cock her body slapping against mine as her rear met my thighs. I gripped her hips again and worked with her pulling her all the way down onto me with every move she made before she rose up and then plunged back down. She leaned forward a little more her back arching enough for those soft breasts to brush my face. I groaned against them turning my head enough to just capture a nipple and suck hungrily sliding my tongue over it before biting and teasing it. She groaned with me panting as she bounced even more, and my body arched beneath her as well thrusting up to plunge inside her.

She rode me hard and fast as I sucked on her nipple. I pulsed inside her thick hard and aching just feeling her grip and squeeze my shaft as we moved. She was breathing in deeply, greedy rasping breaths as she sucked in air. My hands clutched at her hips, her rear and pulled her down to meet me trying to make her take me even deeper. She gasped and quivered her head falling back hair tumbling around her shoulders.

I lavished attention on her breasts, licks, little bites, enough to know I was sure there'd be a few bruises there by the time we were finished. I didn't care I laid back tearing myself away from her cleavage long enough to lay back and just drink in the sight of her riding me hot and wild and enjoying herself. As if sensing the attention her head came forward and she shot me a heated look moaning as she slowed and then just leaned forward covering me again. She ground herself against me as my hands came around her pulling her in close and her mouth nipped at my neck before she kissed me hard just moaning as she quivered around the length of my cock.

Her eyes fluttered as she squeezed my length once more and I pulsed happily inside her just feeling her moving against me. Just enough to keep me throbbing inside her. Lazily she smiled and brushed her hands along the side of my body her nails lightly raking over my skin. Every touch made me shiver every movement of her body made me ache even more.

"I want you to cum inside me." She teased softly her lips brushing mine soft and gentle. "It might be bad, it might be wrong, but I want it. This time I want my fun. You had yours a little earlier." She smiled playfully dabbing at her lips with her tongue. "Now it's my turn and I want you inside me. I want to feel you explode, I want to feel it inside me, I want to feel it oozing out of me while we lay here being lazy." She smiled again nibbling on my mouth.

"Then I want to take my time and enjoy you with my hands, my mouth my body. Just take your cock work you slowly back up into wanting me again and I'm going to take you again while I'm still full of you and make you do it all over again so we can both feel it and remember what we did. I don't want one moment over the next few days when I can't feel it. I don't want one second when you aren't filling me up." She breathed out softly still milking my cock as she spoke.

I groaned against her scraping my mouth along her chin. "That sounds like a challenge to me. A tough one as well but we both know about customer satisfaction. The customer always gets what she wants. Especially when she has me in a high-end hotel room for a weekend of hot fun and especially after she greeted me like she did earlier." I gripped her tightly hands sliding over her back until they reached her ass and squeezed.

I rolled us over and pinned her us to the bed, the weight of me body holding her beneath me. I began to lunge against her driving myself in and out just enough room to see myself sliding against her soaked flesh. The sight of us joined together had me groaning even before she drew her legs up closer and hooked one over my hip.

"Give it to me, I want it. Fuck me." She urged me on arching as she spoke so that lush tempting figure undulated in a way that had me groaning again. I couldn't resist that, couldn’t resist her. I didn't even want to. Right then the only thing that I wanted was to fill her and fuck her and then empty myself inside her.

I pushed a hand up her body grasping her breast squeezing it, kneading it. Using it as a hand hold to grip her body as I drove myself on pumping in and out harder, faster, deeper, giving her the entire length of my cock just watching her take it as the sound of our bodies driving together rang out over and over again. She clutched at the bed hanging on, her breasts bouncing and then her head turned to meet me those heated eyes meeting mine.

Her look made me melt, even as the feel of her made me pulse and throb even more. She held me, a vice like grip that made me shudder, made me fight for every inch that I took inside her, but that only increased the friction, increased the pleasure for us both. Something about the way she looked, the way she felt, the way she was so hot and worked up made me ache like nothing else could.

I held onto that lush tempting figure and drove myself against her in and out plunging deep savouring her and knowing I couldn't hold back any longer. I didn't want to. That urge to fill her was irresistible. It might be wrong, but I wanted to feel it, wanted to see it dripping out of her. It might have been bad I didn't care. I wanted it to much then to resist, especially with her hot and eager and urging me on.

I pressed in closer hands gripping her tightly the weight of my body pinning her back while I fucked her deep and hard and felt the swollen engorged length of my cock shudder and pulse more and more until I crushed my mouth down on hers and kissed her hard moaning against her lips as I began to unleash and explode inside her filling her up feeling her squeeze and tighten around me contracting as her body worked to milk out every last drop.

I rode out the orgasm thrusting into her, ragged now losing all sense of rhythm but savouring how good it felt as I pulsed inside her completely bare and raw, nothing between us just her hot greedy soaked flesh squeezing my shaft. Her head fell back panting and my own head dropped into her cleavage sliding my lips up the side of her breast as I finally collapsed on top of her shuddering.

The two of us lay there panting softly sweat soaked skin glistening as we caught our breath. Slowly I pushed myself up and then eased my softening cock slowly out of her. I watched her pout at me as I did and then prop herself up on her elbows to gaze down. We both looked at her swollen pussy and slowly watched it oozing out a thin trickle of cum.

"That really shouldn't feel as good as it does." She murmured softly reaching a hand down to slide across her skin.

I watched her gather some up on her fingertips smearing and rubbing it into her swollen clit as she whimpered softly. I swallowed hard at the sight my cock twitching.

"I'm not sure which was better, filling you like that or watching you play with it as it drips out." I shook my head as she smiled at me.

"Well, you can think about it while we work on doing it again so you can see. Additional research so to speak." She was grinning at me her hand tugging me forwards and pushing me over onto the bed. I lay back thinking I was going to be able to catch my breath. Apparently, she had other ideas.

She swung herself over me again and slowly sank down flashing a wicked smile at me as her hands stroked my thighs and her soft curvy body pressed against me.

"As tempting as you are I think I might need a breather to recover a little." I smirked watching her.

"Really? Well, we just see about that. I wasn't joking earlier. I can feel you dripping out of me, and I want more. For the next two days you’re all mine so you just lay right there and let me work my magic. I know exactly how to take care of you." Her teasing voice made me shudder even before she grasped the base of my cock. It twitched again as she looked at me all hot and tempting. She edged the sticky head across her breasts, dragged it over a hard nipple and teased me. I was already groaning as her head dipped forward and her mouth opened to taste us both.

"Whatever you say Jennifer." I groaned softly my hands sliding into her hair as she teased me. "Whatever you say." I moaned again hips bucking as I thrust into her mouth. So much for a few lazy days away from work. Apparently, I really was going to be busy.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2024, 10:24:18 AM by Cadeauxxx »


Re: Hotel Hangout (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2024, 03:27:06 AM »
In one word: Brilliant. I wish I could write as good as you. This is a real masterpiece of erotica.


Re: Hotel Hangout (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2024, 04:13:25 AM »
Imagine being in a relationship, cheating on your wife this woman. We can imagine in stories lol


Re: Hotel Hangout (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2024, 03:21:31 PM »
SUPER HOT. WOW!!! I knew Jenny was a wild one, but this takes it to a whole other level.


Re: Hotel Hangout (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2024, 04:40:32 AM »
The wait is over. It was well worth it, as you write Jen so well. Thank you for another dirty tale. The start with the facial was only a sign of things to cum and it got even hotter as it progressed.  &|


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