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Author Topic: Demon's Delight: Prologue  (Read 3169 times)


Demon's Delight: Prologue
« on: September 12, 2024, 10:01:55 PM »
Demon's Delight: Prologue

Hello there!

It appears you’ve discovered my journal, whomever you may be. Before I go any further, allow me to introduce myself and get to the heart of the matter; My name is Lucian, but I also go by Luke.

…And I am a demon. To be more specific, a demon lord. I’m one of a few who has the privilege of being a close confidant, and friend, to the demon king.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, because like almost all people, you’re skeptical. “Bullshit; This is just some character sheet and biography made up for a D & D character”, or, “This is just some fantasy LARP junk someone dropped out of their bag.”

Except it’s not bullshit. As a matter of fact, what you didn’t realize when you opened this journal was the pages were initially blank, but the writing appears quicker than comprehension permits. This journal is one of many artifacts like it, directly connected to me. As I experience things, they are transcribed in real time here as entries…You’ll understand why in a bit.

So demonfolk are as real as the air you breathe; Without getting into the semantics or specifics, we have always existed among your kind. Fire? We helped with that. The wheel? One of my drinking buddies helped smooth it to the circular shape you know. We’ve seen you all messing with those ouija boards, and trying to summon us for rituals. We ignore them like you ignore a text message from your needy sibling. All the way up to the present day, present time, we have been an integral part of humanity and society. A lot of what you have now is thanks to collaboration between humanity and demons.

Now, if you want a general history of demons, I’m not going to bore you here with that. My journal is not a history lesson or a text book for you to sit and study like a mid-term. Humanity has long since developed this technological wonder called the internet if you want to read up on the misconceptions of what people “think” we are: Malevolent, vile. Horrific and harmful. Just know that what you're reading is not what demons are.

I will at least give you a reality check and put these assumptions to rest. Most all of us are not, and I repeat, not, malevolent hellspawn bent on wiping out humanity and making the world some red landscape of blood and despair. The ones that are like that never see the light of day. We have rules too, and violence against humanity is a huge taboo, unless it’s in self defense. We don’t enslave people, rip them apart. Popular culture and the media has seriously warped your kind’s perceptions. I don’t know where anyone even got these ideas from…Besides a bad trip on some mushrooms or something.

You likely also have a preconceived notion of what a demon might look like too. Let me guess… Giant horns, red skin, hooved feet (We’re not minotaurs…Those guys are hard laborers, don’t give them a bad image). and a nasty looking barbed tail along with some other abominable caricatures you cooked up during your last Diablo run. Most demons are human-like in appearance when we are in our normal form. The majority of us do have tails but they are typically smooth and feel no different than skin. Depending on the race, the tip is rounded, or ends similar to a mouse tail with a triangular shape. Before you ask the stereotypical question…Yes, we have horns, and they vary in shape and size. My horns angle close to my head, and up slightly. They are not large, but rather frame my head like sleek wings. Our natural state has us adorned with markings best described as “gloves” and “boots”. They are birthmarks of sorts, and typically unique to each individual. You could liken them to being tattoos, if you wanted to; The color can vary. We don’t alter our appearances too much when we are cloaked to maintain secrecy besides hiding the stand out features…Sorry, I don’t transform into Brad Pitt or Humphrey Bogart for the ladies, but I am one handsome son of a bitch if I do say so myself.

Now the other million dollar question, which relates to us being human in appearance, and I can read your thoughts on this one. Yes, demons have sex organs, and yes they are the same as yours. No monster cocks, no weird female appendages. Stop watching hentai or those weird artist renderings. Also, if you want to complain using the logic of women’s dildos that they market? That’s the fault of demons who got jobs working in that industry. They thought it would be a brilliant prank, until women started buying them like crazy. Needless to say, the demon king wasn’t amused when he started reading reviews on the internet of women fantasizing about being impaled on the demon king’s giant cock that isn’t remotely close to what R & D came up with.

There is one very key difference however: We cannot procreate with humans. A male demon’s sperm does not interact with a human female’s eggs, just as a human male cannot impregnate a female demon’s egg; It’s in the genetics. The good news is we can have all the bareback sex we want without the drawback of accidentally siring a cambion.

So, what do we do, hiding in plain sight with humans?

We work jobs.We go out, eat, and even sleep (Even though we don’t really need sleep). We do everything you humans do because we live just like you. The only difference is our infinitely longer lifespans, of course. I’ve spent hundreds of years on Earth; I work as an executive for a well known company called Legion Enterprises that I helped start back in the 1800s with the demon king. Yes. He lives among humans as well. He’s the founder and CEO of our company . Our company takes care of a multitude of things: Jack of all trades, and master of them too. When I say a multitude, I mean it; We have divisions covering anything you can dream up. What does this mean for me? It means being an executive has me overseeing most of the operations. It gives me a freedom of movement to go different places and do different things, both for business, and pleasure.

Sometimes a lot of pleasure.

 I say this because there is one other thing we demons do that you humans do as well, which I hinted at earlier.

Demons have a high sex drive and insatiable urge to fuck. It is in our nature to be masterfully skilled at sex. Yes, demons have sex with other demons, it’s how we reproduce. But there’s something about humans that is more exciting. First, we don’t have to worry about an “accident”, as I’ve already explained before. It’s also because of the taboo; The belief of the unknown that gives people more of a thrill. Women secretly crave being taken by something that is unknown, mysterious, but erotic in nature. That’s why vampires are all the rage for some women.  Also, human females enjoy foreplay, the buildup, and the after. The number of succubi and female lords that just go right into getting plowed by one of us and then carry on like business as usual is appalling. Plus, your women have more submissive qualities and enjoy kinks. They’re more willing to be chained to a bedpost, helpless as someone has their way with them, or have a threesome. While I can’t speak for human men (I don’t swing that way, though I know some who do and I’m sure they’re having a blast), human women are much better fuck toys.

Now, for lesser demons, they have to rely on the same tropes you humans do, like getting to know someone, hoping they click…etc. Being decent looking helps as well. Higher demons, and demon lords like myself? Don’t have that issue. Our powers are more refined and stronger. We have a unique trait that our pheromones are dangerously potent. If a human catches our attention, we will seduce them without fail, thanks to this. We exude our pheromones through the pores of our skin constantly and we will easily begin the process to seduce and charm, but that alone does not do all the work. Our voices resonate with the ancient languages of Hell, a tongue that is beyond human comprehension. So as we speak, that ancient language is quietly being fed into your head to make you fall that much further into lust with us. Our words essentially become a pact, or sacrament of desire.

“So, what the hell is the book then, Gideon, and why is it just lying around?”

It’s something of a journal of memoirs of my recent escapades with some real beauties. Humanity has a plethora of amazing women. Absolutely sexy, gorgeous, and ripe for fucking. Your celebrities, models…You have some real winners that I’ve had the pleasure of indulging in. Even this social media that the human race clings to has produced some amazing fucks for me.  Naturally, I wish to relive these moments as I choose, and the journal allows just that. For you, this is simply reading a smut diary. For me, my powers allow me to visualize the encounter, like watching my favorite movie.

The journal just lying around is purely an accident, as is you finding it. I can be absent minded at times, so they get lost; It’s why I have so many that are connected to each other. Since you’re here, and you’ve already opened the book, however, you’re stuck with me. This book is bound to you.

…Besides, I’m sure you’ve fantasized plenty about what some of these celebrities and models are like in the bedroom. You humans are very much alike in that regard…

You’re just lucky enough to find the journal of the demon who can tell you.

With that being said, take care of the journal. Maybe I’ll drop by to collect it someday, but for now, just sit back, and maybe grab a box of tissues while you read about some beautiful women, and what they’re like in the sheets.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 10:20:02 PM by The_Sword_of_Frost_and_Flame »
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