All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a single word of it occurred, nor would it.Triple Revenge starring Victoria Justice
by Maxwell Lord
(MMF, oral, DP, DVP, DAP, cons)

"I'm tired of playing around with her," Victoria Justice hissed to herself. Sh was furious and had finally reached her breaking point. Frankly, no one who knew why could blame her. After all, she'd been dealing with the problem almost all her life.
That problem of course, was Victoria sister Madison. There were sibling rivalries, then there what Madison did to Victoria. See, Madison knew Victoria's biggest weakness. Hell, anyone who knew Victoria for five minutes knew it. Victoria was just too nice. Nice to the point people could walk all over, which Madison had done multiple times.
What most people didn't see was what would happen if someone pushed Victoria too far. When that happened, it was pretty for the perpetrator. And Madison had crossed that line big time.
The thing about Madison, compared to the other people who seemed to enjoy walking all over Victoria, was Madison seemed to get a kick out of it, out of pushing her sister to the brink and getting no repercussions. Now Madison would have justice served to her. Victoria could take a lot, and in Hollywood you have to expect to take a lot, but her own sister fucking her boyfriend in Victoria's own bed and making sure Victoria would walk in? Maddie crossed a line.
Victoria did what anyone would do. She started putting together a plan. Her plan had many advantages to it. Chief among them, having the element of surprise. The only one of the two who knew she saw was Madison, and Madison would never dream of her actions backfiring.
Another advantage Victoria had was knowledge. Simply put, she knew things that Madison didn't think anyone knew. Like, for example, Madison had another side guy that her boyfriend didn't know about. Which of course meant, to those keeping count like Victoria was, that Maddie was cheating on her man with with two other men. And the kicker was that none of these men knew about each other except Victoria's own boyfriend, the third man in this situation.
Essentially, Victoria didn't have to wait long for the plan to come together. The puzzle pieces were all there. The two men, spurned without their knowledge, a burner smart phone and an ex she was still close with who was also a tech guy. The plan was all too perfect. Now it was a matter of putting it together.
The first stop was the tech guy ex. All she had to do was pick up the phone and pay the man. His payment was oh so simple, just a blowjob. Victoria had no problem with it. She liked him enough to have dated him for a bit, and she downright loved sucking cock.
That's what brought her to her first stop of the day. Fate was on her side, too. Traffic was amazing, meaning she was a good ten minutes ahead of schedule. That made her happy, which in turn would make her tech guy happy. A Happy Ms. Justice gives better blowjobs then one that's on the clock.
Victoria parked her car in a nearby garage. She wasn't trying to be secretive, but she also didn't want any unnecessary attention. From there it was a short walk to the man's apartment. She didn't have to wait long before being buzzed in.
“Victoria, how are you doing,” Reilly said. He grinned wide, knowing why she was there and what was in it for him. The smile was returned, and it was very genuine. “Here for the pick-up?”
“And payment.” Victoria replied. Before walking in, she checked her lipstick in a compact mirror, licking her lips. “Believe me, you're going to be paid in full...and maybe a little interest.”
The grin on Reilly's face grew to the point it was almost hyena-like. But hyena's are scavengers at heart, sustaining on what predators like Victoria toss to them.
Victoria walked through the door, heading right to Reilly's computer desk and leaned her ass against it. Her posture was inviting, but never for a moment did it betray who was in charge. “You've tested the program?” she asked.
“And retested,” he said. “It's good to go on both devices. You have one playback one each device before the data is erased, so make sure the cameras are indeed on for whatever you're planning.”
“I think I know how a camera works.” she replied. “I know how a lot of things work, pretty well actually. Like a barter system. You provided goods and services. Now, in get a service that will be beyond good.”
Before Reilly could respond, the hyena was silenced when Victoria back him into a wall. Her eyes locked on his, the lioness telling the scavenger who was in charge before she fell to her knees.

Much like any seasoned predator, when it was time Victoria pounced. Reilly panted were pulled down to his ankles in a flash and he let out a moan that morphed into a laugh of relief as soon as Victoria's mouth closed around his cock. His hands reached down to hold back her brunette mane as he hardened in her mouth.
“Yeah...fucking suck it Vic...fuck that's right.” One thing Reilly knew from when he dated Victoria that the girl was a sexual Einstein. She knew a lot, developed a lot of interesting ideas and was never afraid to experiment with them. If anything broke them up, it was that Victoria was maybe a bit too wild in those experiments for him.
Still, he wasn't about to pass up one of her triple A, five star blowjobs. And Victoria was certainly well into the act. She knew his body very well, every tick, every spot that would drive him crazy. The slight teasing of his cockhead with her teeth, fondling and tickling his balls with her fingernails, making sure that even when his cock wasn't in it her mouth was busy either giving his nuts a tongue bath or spouting the filthiest things she could think of....well, almost the filthiest. She had to save something for the cameras later. Still, she had something to say.
“You always had such a nice fucking cock Reilly...I can tell it loves being inside me, no matter where it is,” Victoria said, her voice almost teasing Reilly. “I bet that fucking things wants to fill my mouth full of cum, doesn't it? Well you know the only way that's going to happen, don't you? You're going to have to fuck my face. Come on...come on you horny motherfucker, fuck my face!”
Reilly always took orders well, especially if he liked the order being given. He took hold of Victoria's head and began to thrust into her mouth, drool pouring from her mouth as he drove in hard and fast. He wasn't going to last and they both knew it. It was his payment and he was going to enjoy it.
“Fuuuuuuck,” growled Reilly, signalling his orgasm. He was all the way down her throat when he came, shooting straight into her gullet before pulling out and shooting the rest on her tongue. Victoria swallowed, making a show out of it. She licked her lips when done, then rose to her feet. She took out her lipstick and compact again, touching her lips up before exiting with the cameras.
“Thanks for the help,” she said, almost absent-mindedly. Reilly might have taken offense to the cold shoulder, but considering the suckjob he just got, he was paid more than in full for his work.
With the specialty cameras in hand, Victoria returned to her car and headed to a hotel. Again, she chose to park the car herself to remove any kind of unneeded attention. However, the parking was easy, since she did of course of a guest parking pass. With the room she got, she also got premium parking.
Once parked, Victoria went down to the hotel lobby and simply waited with a smile on her face. Other people, they might worry about what she was thinking going off. But not Victoria. She had a way of making things like this go her way.
When the two men she had been waiting to see walked in to the hotel, Victoria was once again reassured in her abilities to get what she wanted in this arena. The two men, without noticing each other, noticed her and came to sit down.
“Bruce, Michael, great to see you both,” she said to the two men. “Take a seat, we need to talk.” With Victoria's jovial tone and smiling face, the two men, strangers to each other, couldn't have imagined what Victoria was going to say to them. “Now, I'm going to guess you two are wondering why I brought you here, and exactly who the other guy is, right?”
“Well, the question had crossed my mind,” Michael said. “You said this was about Maddie?”
“Wait, you know Maddie?” Bruce asked. Mike nodded. “How?”
“Gentleman, please,” Victoria interjected, no longer able to hide her slightly sinister smile. “Allow me to be the bearer of bad news. And do keep in mind, we're in public so if either of you get out of hand you're probably spending the night behind bars. Understood?” The men nodded. “Good. Now, Bruce. How do I put're the other man.”
“I'm WHAT?”
“He's WHAT?”
“You heard me. My sister has been kind of a bitch. Actually, more of a full on bitch. Mike, she's been cheating on you with Bruce here for a good, solid five months. In Bruce's defense though, he had no idea. Frankly I wouldn't have even known about him if it hadn't been for my dear sister adding me to the pile of people she's fucked over. Well, me and Bruce.”
“Okay, hold on,” Mike said. "You brought me here to tell me, with a smile I might add, that my girlfriend is cheating on me, AND you brought the guy to me? And I'm supposed to be calm?
“Okay, I should go,” Bruce said. “If I had known about any of this, I wouldn't have even spoken to Maddie. Fuck, I thought I was coming here to get the big sister, 'be good to my baby sis or else' speech.”
“Before you go you might want to know that Maddie is cheating on you as well. Which is why you're with me on the dogpile of folks she's fucked over.”
“She's what?” Bruce asked. “With who?”
“And how did she fuck you over?”
“By fucking my boyfriend and rubbing it in my face.” replied Victoria, her tone surprisingly even given how angry she was just remembering the smile on Madison's face when she saw what she saw. “See guys, our dear, dear Madison has stabbed us all in the back right through the heart. Mike, she cheated on you first. Bruce, she didn't even tell you she was dating someone when she began fucking you. Then she fucked both of you and myself over when she decided she just had to fuck my boyfriend. However...this doesn't have to be a bad thing if you both can suck it up for just an hour or two and be in the same room.”
“Why would I do that?” Mike asked. “I can barely keep myself from kicking his ass!”
“Revenge.” stated Victoria. “The best reason. See, you two have just been stabbed in the back by a simple girlfriend. I get it. It's bad. Real bad. Me? I've been fucked over by my man AND my baby sis. So in my book, that means revenge. We all want to get back at both of them. But here's my suggestion: why should any of it be violent? I have a room here. A suite. How about we three go up to that suite and have ourselves a grand old time? Record it for posterity and show both of them what happens when they fuck with us. You guys think you can pause any anger and maybe replace it with a big load of lust?”
The two men, once looked at each other, smiles on their faces. Victoria's logic was flawless. Sure, Mike could beat the crap out of Bruce as well as Victoria's boyfriend, and Bruce could kick the other other guy;s as right after...but that option simply did not sound as fun as fucking Victoria Justice.
“I'll take your silence and smiles as agreement,” Victoria said. “Smart boys. Follow me.” Victoria stood up, her two men of the hour(or more) following close behind. It took all the restraint the three had not to get started in the elevator. Even with that show amount of pent-up lust, it was enough to cause an explosion the moment the three entered Victoria's suite.

Bruce was at her back, Mike at her front, and she was trading kisses between the two of them. The men's hands roamed her body. Bruce reached around and slid his hands under her shorts fingering her while Mike pulled her shirt off and pulled the cups of Victoria's bra down, his mouth immediately going to her mounds.
As much as Victoria just loved that the two men had worked out a truce to ravage her, she knew things weren't set up quite yet. After a few blissful minutes, she managed to get her boy toys to pause just long enough to help her set up the cameras. Once they were rolling, so were the three afternoon lovers.
Now with electric eyes on the trio, things really began rolling. The men stripped Victoria, the woman moaning, a smile on her face as her body was licked, groped and caressed, but there was also an edge to it. Small bits between every lick and kiss, a smack on her ass between the cheeks being massaged. These men were as hungry as she was and she loved it.
“Boys, you two are wearing entirely too much clothing,” Victoria said. “Fix that.” Mike and Bruce hurriedly stripped. By the time they were both just as bare as the lady in charge Victoria was already on her knees, wagging them over to her with her fingers.
“Fuuuck,” Michael moaned as Victoria began to suck on his engorged prick. Not that Bruce was out of the action, Victoria still masterful stroking his cock while her mouth was busy. Still, even a great handjob pales in comparison to a blowjob, especially the kind that Michael was enjoying.
Despite how hard both men's cock were, they were utterly putty in Victoria's hands. Just when Mike had though the couldn't take anymore, Victoria switched her attention to Bruce, and then repeated the process. She even gave the men a few liberties with her they didn't expect, the men not realizing it all played into what Victoria wanted, which was to push them where she wanted to go.
That gentle pushing began when she stuffed both men in her mouth. It surprised the two of them, but that was short lived as Victoria made sure they concentrated on nothing but the pleasure. In doing that, they were hers completely, for the after noon at least.
Now, loving blowjob as much as all three clearly did, they also knew there was so much more to be done. With a smoldering look, Victoria got back to her feet and crawled on the bed. She didn't even have to motion the men over, as they promptly took position, Bruce at her mouth and Mike at her pussy, getting first crack at her glorious opening.
“No reason to hesitate Mikey,” she purred. “Fuck me. I want to feel that hard dick in me...fuck me....”
“Oh, you'll get fucked,” Mike said before slamming inside of Victoria, the force making Victoria both smile and yelp. She loved it when they were eager, and nothing makes a lover more eager than being spurned.
Bruce was just as eager, happily taking residence in the seductress's mouth again, fucking her mouth while Mike got her cunt. Now while Bruce couldn't wait for his shot at Victoria's pussy, enjoying her mouth was no slouch either. Even hands free Victoria was a force to be reckoned with when it came to sucking cock, plus the added moans she simply could not control added another layer that kept him right on that glorious edge.
As good as the blowjob was, no one could deny that of the two men, Mike was in the more enviable position. His hands had more of an angle to roam Victoria's tight body, which he did with relish, slapping her spectacular booty more than a few times.
Still, keeping it all to himself wouldn't have been in the spirit of revenge, so Bruce was tagged in. And Bruce wanted a slightly different view. He flipped Victoria over on to her back and moved between her legs, kissing her before entering her. Mike decided to stand back a bit, jerking himself to the scene as Bruce enjoyed Victoria in his own way, kissing her, licking her, savoring everything there was. It was the kind of attention that Victoria certainly didn't expect during this, but surprises like that were always welcome in her book.
While it was pleasing, both as an experience for Victoria and Bruce and a visual for Mike, just watching wasn't quite as fun as participating. The first opening her got, Mike knelt right next to Victoria's mouth, and Victoria was more than happy to take it in her mouth.
The three were so deep into their debauchery that the memory of why they were doing it soon faded to the background...well, except for Victoria. Which isn't to say she wasn't enjoying herself, but she wanted more. Not just to get off, but to twist the knife later one.
“I need a dick in my ass, now.” she demanded. Bruce pulled out, hanging back while Victoria once again got on all fours, her ass presented to Mike. Mike chuckled, smiling at his luck. He stuck his cock in her pussy, giving her a few thrusts to make sure he was slick enough with Victoria's juices before pulling out and pressing into her asshole. “Ffffffuuuuuck yesssss!”
“Yeah that's right...take this fucking cock you dirty girl,” growled Mike. “All the way in...fucking take it...”
“Ooooh baby that's right,” she whined. “Fuck that ass...ohhh fuck it good....fuck it's so tight!” Victoria was showing herself to be such a dream Mike began to wonder why he even bothered with Madison in the first place. The girl got genuinely wet just by giving head and DEMANDED anal. And as far as he could tell, it wasn't a show.
And it wasn't Victoria never bothered hiding the fact she was heavily , heavily sexual. Sure, she was nice, bubbly, friendly, all of that. But the moment sex entered the picture, she had no problem embracing every possibility of pleasure, and she fully intended on getting as much as she could out of these two. The fact that she was also sticking it to her sister and her asshole soon-to-be ex was just icing on the cake.
While Mike happily took Victoria's ass driving harder and faster with every thrust, Bruce was now in the voyeur mode, jerking his cock, waiting for an opening. Victoria saw him, her mouth in an open half smile. “You boys do know I have more than one hole available, right?” she asked.
Mike and Bruce looked at each other as if surprised at the obvious truth Victoria spoke. “Dude, go for it,” Mike said, forgetting any previous animosity. Bruce nodded and slid on to the bed. Mike pulled out of Victoria just long enough for her to lower herself on Bruce's prick. With that done, Mike resumed his place up Victoria's ass.
“Oh FUCK yes!” Victoria yelled, a sneering smile on her face. “Holy shit I loved being fucked like this so damn much.” She wasn't just putting on a show for the boys, Victoria loved it. Feeling both her fuckholes being filled up, being the center of attention, it was amazing to her and she hadn't even reach the limit, as far as she was concerned.
After a few second to savor the moment, the two me began building up a hard and fast rhythm and Victoria loved being sandwiched between the two, smacks on her ass, nibbling on her nipples and being fucked in both her holes. There wasn't much that could improve the situation, but Victoria was pretty determined to get to those things.
Just when both men didn't think they were going to last much longer, Victoria halted them both. “Want to try something boys?” she asked, her breathing ragged.
“Yes,” Bruce said, his brain no longer the one in charge of thinking.
“I concur.” Mike agreed.
“That's perfect. Mike, why don't you take that hard dick and join Bruce in my cunt?”
“You heard me, and I know I didn't stutter, both of you are going to fuck my pussy, got it?”
“Yeah,” he said, both unsure but so far gone in the lust to even care, and Bruce was really in no position to argue. He removed his cocked from Victoria's ass slowly then pressed and pushed forward into her already-occupied pussy. Any feelings of awkwardness as he joined Bruce inside of Victoria's velvet sleeve eroded the more Victoria moaned in absolute ecstasy as she was filled completely in her cunt.
“Fuck,” she grunted. “Fuck that's good!” Her fingers dug into Bruce's shoulders, holding tight as the two men got used to sharing the same space and really began giving it to Victoria.
“Fuck fuck fuck that it..fuck both of you take that pussy...ohhhh fuck yes FUCK!” A Victoria's face contorted with pleasure and the guys were having fun to. Now the reason they were doing this had completely left Victoria's mind, the absolute ecstasy completely taking over. Her long brown hair was soaked with sweat, energy was coursing through her body. Victoria could feel her orgasm on the horizon, but not quite there. Which of course meant she could do one last thing she loved, one thing she knew would do the trick.
“ idea boys,” Victoria said. “Double stuff my ass.” At this point, Mike and Bruce were too into the moment to hesitate. Both pulled out of Victoria's pussy. Mike hung back as Victoria sun around, her back to Bruce, and lower her ass down on Bruce's cock, slowly impaling herself. Bruce got a few solo thrusts in before Mike moved in and joined him up Victoria's ass.
“OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!” screamed Victoria. “Oh fuck I love that!”
“What, what do you love?” Bruce said, becoming surprisingly vocal.
“Mmmm I love two dicks in my ass...fuck it's so good...don't stop...don't you boys fucking close.” Mike grabbed Victoria by the head, pulling her face to his for a kiss, the two locking eyes , lustful smiles on their faces. Victoria's however, slowly melted away, getting lost in a fog of pleasure.
“Yes....oh fuck me...yes...harder...harder...fuck...fuck FUUUUCK!!!” A nuclear bomb of pleasure went off inside of Victoria, her asshole clamping down hard around the two cocks occupying it. “Oh fuck cumming....fuuuck....” The two men continued thrusting as best they could before finally, Victoria's ride was over, and now it was time for the men to get their's.
Mike and Bruce disembarked from Victoria's well fucked asshole while the sexy Puerto Rican slid from the bed to her knees, smiling and moaning for the camera as the two men stood to either side of her, jerking their cocks until finally, they coated her face in their hot jizz. Victoria happily opened her mouth, catching as much jizz in her mouth as she could before sucking off each dick, making sure she got every drop.
After a long three way shower, everyone said their goodbyes, Michael and Bruce surprisingly civil, but going through a threeway with Victoria Justice tends to ease any kind of tension, or at least that was Victoria's experience. Besides, they all knew there was more to what just went on than pleasure.
Later that night, Madison joined Victoria and her boyfriend at Victoria's place, wear Victoria had a new project she just had to show them.
With a big grin, Victoria hooked the cameras up to the TV and stood back and watched as Madison and Victoria's soon to be ex-boyfriend watched in horror at what was on the screen, Victoria switching between the cameras to give as many perspectives on the day's debaucheries.
When the video was done, Victoria shut it off, a big grin on her face as she looked at the faces of her crushed targets.
“Now, before any of you think about it, what you just saw was a one night showing. Footage erased itself as it played for you,” said Victoria, triumph beaming in her voice. “And to answer your questions, yes, they were both better fucks than you my dear.” Victoria chuckled at her boyfriend's discomfort. “And as for you my dear sister, I think we can easily say you're single again.”
“You bitch,” hissed Maddie.
“Me? Who fucked who's boyfriend first Madison?” Victoria looked at her now-ex. “You, go. Now.” He did, like a sad dog with it's tail between it's legs. Then Victoria focused on her sister again, getting right in her face. “Let me make on thing crystal clear Madison. You did this to yourself. You fuck with me, this is the result. So if you don't want this to happen again, the solution is simple. DON'T. FUCK. WITH. ME. 'Kay?”
Madison nodded. She was furious, but she got the point.
“Well, with that taken care of, I'm going to go to sleep. After today, I'm just plain tuckered out. I'll see you at mom's for dinner tomorrow.”
“Yeah, sure,” Madison said, still in a seething rage. She got up and headed out, slamming the door when she exited.
Victoria chuckled. “And there's the cherry on top,” she said to herself. Revenge may not be the most appealing thing, but damn it, it was fun.