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Author Topic: Serious Moonlight (Ashley Graham)  (Read 10050 times)


Serious Moonlight (Ashley Graham)
« on: October 02, 2024, 04:37:21 AM »
Serious Moonlight
Starring: Ashley Graham

Themes: Romance, Seduction

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This was a commissioned story for a reader. If you would like to get your own custom story, check me out on Patreon.

Galliot Cay, Bahamas

Clear blue skies filled the horizon with only tiny clouds far away. The crashing of waves combined with the wind blowing to make a peaceful ambience. No signs of seagulls in the distance to interrupt the noises created by nature. Galliot Cay had several miles of white sand covering the beach to walk for privacy. The waves of water poured in, almost in a rhythm as the minutes passed by. Behind the beach were palm trees and other greenery that offered shade for anyone. The Cape Santa Maria Resort was within walking distance for any tourist staying there to make a short journey to the beach. The water was crystal clear with blue shades above the rocks and sand for anyone to see once they made it knee-deep from the shore.

Under the blinding sunlight was the figure of a woman standing. Her feet were dug into the sand, with the water rising slightly above her ankles. Long, brown hair flowed behind her as she slowly moved closer. Her feet slightly sunk into the wet sand as her brown eyes gazed into the lens of the camera. Her lips were curled in a soft smile, showing a small hint at her pearly white teeth. Ashley Graham posed gracefully as she continued to walk. Her big tits shook in the yellow top barely containing them. Every inch of her curves was on full display for the photographer standing under the light shade of a tree above. The extended branch barely blocked the sunlight out that brightened her tanned skin. Joel was handpicked for this photoshoot by the model herself for the sole reason of how he worked dynamic lighting into his pictures.

Sand was felt around his toes, sinking in around the pair of black flip-flops he was wearing. A simple white T-shirt and matching shorts made up his outfit for this photoshoot. Ashley decided on the bikini back at the hotel. It was a short trip for them walking from the resort and down the beach to find a proper location. As one of the highest paid models in the country, she had complete control over all the creative aspects of the photoshoot. Joel was lucky to be chosen by her. He was contracted to an agency with photographers who worked on various fashion magazines. The trip was bought and paid for at the expenses of People magazine. An interview was already done, along with the cover shoot. It was Ashley who wanted to have a short trip to Bahamian island with her cameraman of choice to do her own photos.

No other model Joel had ever worked with had that kind of power over a company. It was an impressive sign of her success in the industry. At thirty-three years of age with no family or committed relationships, Joel had taken to enjoying the good things in life that came with having a high paying job. Maybe one day he would find the right person, he believed. Until then, he kept his eyes focused on the path ahead of him. He didn't have the ambition to become the next Herb Ritts or Matthew Rolston, but he was fine with that. With one eye in the camera station, he focused on Ashley's thick body in front of him. The wind blew strands of her long, dark hair to the left side, making for a good still shot of her body. Joel focused on her figure, trying to capture full body shots. When he first met Ashley, she mentioned to him multiple times that she liked his attention to detail for showing her entire body.

The bikini bottoms she wore clung to her body from the short trip she made in the water. Joel could see the outlines of her pussy, making a good cameltoe picture. He wondered if she would want to edit that out in post-processing. All of his photos were done on a digital camera and edited on a laptop. After checking into the hotel yesterday, he made the proper requirements to turn his room into a mini-studio. The laptop was already sitting on the kitchen table with a place for his camera to be plugged in. As he snapped more photos, Joel was already thinking about how she would want them edited. Ashley raised her arms, flexing them above her head as she posed with her legs spread. He adjusted the camera, zooming in slightly as she turned slightly to the right, giving him the view of her side profile.

Ashley remained silent as the waves continued to crash on the shore. The water flooded past her ankles, then fell back into the wet sand. Some models preferred to talk the entire time of a photoshoot, but not her. From the moment they began shooting, Joel felt as if Ashley was the one in control, guiding him with her allure and wandering eyes. She was already in charge of this expedition, having picked Galliot Cay and this beach for the photoshoot. The way she looked at the camera and expressions she made were those of a woman who knew what she wanted. There was a sense of hunger in her gaze. Some of the models Joel had previously worked with were skilled with using expressions to convey emotions. The vibes and emotions Ashley gave off were seductive in nature. Joel was reminded of this as she turned to face the waters, giving him the complete view of her backside.

He adjusted the camera, zooming in on her plump booty. The bikini bottoms were stuck to her skin, bringing out the finer details of her amazing ass on full display. Ashley leaned forward, slightly bending over to spread her ass cheeks a little bit. Joel felt his cock hardening at the sight of beauty in front of him. His right hand gripped the camera while he used his left hand fingers to slightly turn the dial, zooming in even more. More waves crashed onto the shores as he snapped several photos, capturing the imagery of water rushing between her legs. He wanted to praise Ashley, but chose against breaking the silence of this perfect moment. His cock was beginning to grow into a noticeable bulge in the front of his shorts, all thanks to the sight of her booty. Joel managed to go all this time without embarrassing herself, but his body was reacting to her glorious figure now. Ashley turned around, smiling at him as she finally stepped closer and spoke.

"How many shots have you taken?"

"I lost count."

Sunlight glared across the screen, making it difficult for Joel's eyes to read the number in the upper left corner. Ashley glanced down and saw.

"Thirty three. That's a lot. You must've been enjoying watching me."

He blushed as she smirked at him. Ashley stood close enough that her big tits were merely inches away from touching his chest. She noticed his eyes dipping from her face to take a glance at the heavy cleavage below.

"Yeah, I've had a lot of fun taking pictures of you today."

"I can see that."

Ashley's eyes narrowed down at the bulge in the front of his pants. Joel pretended as if he didn't notice this, fearing she may be offended. He looked at the camera screen again as Ashley spoke again.

"I think you snapped enough of me. We only need a few for the spread in the magazine, so you'll have all night and tomorrow to pick out your favorites."

"I'm picking them? What about you?"

"I'll look over them and choose a few too."

She winked before glancing down at his poking erection again. Joel swallowed his breath as Ashley turned her back to him and began to walk forward.

"Come on. Let's go back to the hotel. I could use a drink about now."

Her feet kicked around the dry sand as Ashley leaned over to grab a white towel she had brought. Joel stood there, watching her bend over and getting a much better view of her plus-size bum. He watched her, waiting until she moved before he reached down and grabbed the bag for his camera. He checked the sides, making sure there were no tiny pieces of sand to wipe away before putting it in. After zipping it up, Joel watched Ashley wrap the towel around her wet body and slip on her flip-flops. Their footsteps were still visible in the sand as tracks showing the walk they made to this spot. Ashley began tracing the path from the opposite direction, leading Joel to follow along behind her. Their first trip was quiet, so he didn't expect much of a conversation to develop from this one.



The humming of a fan prevented any chance of silence falling over the room. Joel figured every room came supplied with a standing white fan to plug into the wall. It stuck out from the beige colored wallpaper and dark carpet floor. Joel had stayed in more luxurious hotels in the past. Few places could top Paris or London, though he preferred New York since it was his hometown. Living in big cities for much of his life had given Joel an appreciation for traveling to low density towns. Most of the photoshoots he worked on were done in a studio room with colored backdrops. Had Ashley not chosen him for this gig, he would most likely be back home working on a project at the studio. This was his first trip outside of the US in three years. The simple fan was a reminder of life back home and the summer heat. He ran the fan on the highest setting for the sole reason of having noise in the room. He didn't like a quiet room. Some sound was needed to keep his concentration. The only thing he could hear beyond the fan was the subtle tearing of a razor gliding across his face.

In the mirror, he looked into his own blue eyes before following the razor, brushing another clear path through the shaving cream. Joel was sporting slight facial hair from neglecting to shave for the past three days. Ashley didn't comment on his physical appearance, but he felt the need to clean his face after today's successful shoot. He stood shirtless, wearing only a pair of blue leisure shorts. His skin was pale from lack of sunlight, another reminder of how average his body was. There was a time when he spent several hours in the week at a local gym, but those days were long over. The only hobby he truly had was watching baseball. Everyone back at the office followed a team and made MLB picks. As he carefully slid the razor across his face, Joel had a funny thought about sharing a date with Ashley to a game.

His last girlfriend worked at the studio where he was employed. It was a predicted disaster to get into a committed relationship with someone you saw every day at the office. He didn't like to think about the memories, as the years were now fading by since that last failure. When he first met Ashley, he noticed the wedding ring on her hand was gone. That was a sign to him that she had recently become a single woman. They met a week before this trip was set. Ashley surprised him with how interested she was in his photography. She gave a strong first impression that day, but it wasn't until now he was thinking about her beyond a work basis. She noticed the erection poking forward in the front of his shorts hours earlier. The way she smirked made Joel believe she was proud to turn him on. The temptations were strong from the body language and expressions she gave him throughout the shoot.

Joel was reminded of this when he opened the photo files on his laptop. After having dinner ordered from room service, he got to work in the kitchen area of his room. He spent an hour going through all the pictures, narrowing down a selection he felt was worthy for print. It was an unreal feeling to be sitting there, looking into her eyes from the screen. The looks and poses were enough to make his imagination run wild, and he felt another erection strike him. That was the sole reason he stopped editing on the laptop and went into the bathroom. It was a hard urge to fight off, to sit down and masturbate. Joel quit thinking about when he shaved his face. The last thing he had to do with straightening his image was to fix his short brown hair. He combed it back, revealing a line that split at the left side of his head. Grabbing a white robe, he slipped it on and stepped out of the bathroom when he heard a knock at the door outside.

"Room service?"

His question was met with no reply. Maybe they didn't hear him from the other side of the door, Joel thought to himself. He didn't call for room service, so it could've been anyone. Grabbing the door knob, he opened it to be greeted by Ashley.

"Hey there mister hot shot cameraman."

Her eyes fell from his face, looking down his body with his chest revealed in the robe. She stood there with her hair fixed in a ponytail, showing a set of gold hoops dangling from her ears. Below her face, her massive breasts were seen in a black bra thanks to the sheer, see-through top covering her chest. It was an instant distraction for Joel as he stepped back to welcome her into his room. Black jogging pants covered her legs with a slight hint of her stilettos below. They clicked and clacked across the floor as she entered and shut the door.

"Did you need something, Ashley?"

"No. I just thought I'd come by and see you. You're looking good this evening, Joel."

"That's a hell of a welcoming nickname you gave me."

She laughed as he smiled.

"What? No one has ever called you a hot shot?"

"Not until now. You're the first."

"Well, it's true. You snapped several hot shots of me. Have you done any work on the pictures? I'd like to take a look at them."

So that was the reason she came to see him. Joel was happy to be in her presence again. He guided Ashley across the room and into the kitchen area, where he had the laptop still open. The screen had shut off from going idle with no use for several minutes. Joel pressed his hand across the touchpad to restart it with the power still on.

"I've been going through all the files. Here's the ones I picked out."

She leaned down on the table, resting her forearms across the wooden surface as he made a few clicks to bring up the gallery of images. Ashley raised an eyebrow, smiling.

"Damn... You timed these good."

Ashley pointed at one photo with her right hand.

"I like how the water is coming up right there between my legs."

"I got lucky. That was just a perfectly timed picture."

She turned her head, smirking at him.

"You think so, huh?"

Her teeth were gritted as her big brown eyes gazed into his face. Whether she was trying to be seductive or not, Joel felt the temptations boiling in the room. Ashley glanced back at the flat screen as she moved one of her hands over the arrow keys to scroll through more photos. She went through a few, then stopped at one of the back shots where her ass was on full display.

"What do you think of that, Joel?"

Ashley knew what she was doing by teasing him with this specific question. She turned her head and leered down to see if there was a new bulge in the front of his shorts. That only made Joel want to reply with a bold answer.

"I think that's one of the best photos of a marvelous ass."

"Mmmmm, right you are. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here who thinks my ass is magnificent."

Leaning up to face him, Ashley looked into his eyes. She stood merely inches away from his face. They were both at a nearly identical height from this angle. Joel inhaled a strong whiff of her perfume. The intoxicating scent nearly overwhelmed him to the point he lost his train of thought. He managed to go without blushing for several seconds, but without speaking, Ashley carried on.

"I had a feeling you would be checking me out today."

"It's kinda hard not to."

"Have you ever photographed a woman as beautiful as me?"

Joel shook his head.

"No. You're the most famous person I've worked with too."

"Oh, really?"

He nodded, continuing on with his words.

"Yes, really. Do people ever recognize you in the street?"

"Sometimes, but not always. No one here seems to know who I am."

"Damn, that's a shame."

"People tend to notice me more when I'm in New York or L.A."

Exhaling a deep breath, she broke eye contact to look over his body again. Joel could see she was checking out his exposed skin from the robe. He didn't make an effort to hide his chest from her eyes.

"So Joel, I've been wanting to ask you something."

"What do you want to ask me?"

"It's unrelated to the trip. Something personal."

"Go ahead."

"Do you have a girlfriend back home?"

He shook his head.

"No, do you have a guy I don't know about?"

Ashley bit her lower lip, smirking.

"Actually, I'm single now. I'm not really in the mood to start dating while we're on this trip. So instead, I was thinking we could have some fun."

"What kind of fun?"

"Something adventurous. The real question is if you're brave enough to follow me."

Joel crossed his arms over his chest as he replied.

"Follow you where?"

She moved her arms over her chest, making the same gesture Joel was doing.

"It's going to be a full moon tonight. Have you ever been out on a beach when the sky is lit up?"

"I can't say I have."

"You have a chance tonight then. You can look in my eyes under the moonlight. The serious moonlight."

Moving her arms away, Ashley turned and began to walk away. Her hips swayed in motion as she glanced across her right shoulder to look at him.

"Midnight at the beach. I'll leave you a map with my feet so you can find me."

With a wink, she grabbed the doorknob and opened it to make an exit from his room. Joel was left alone with only the humming sound of the fan in the background. He took a deep breath as he considered her temptation. It was clear to him that she wanted to do something naughty on the beach. Would she be clothed when he got there? What if there were people watching from far away? Such pointless questions brought fears into his mind, creating doubts in regards to the risks at hand. It would've made sensational headlines on gossip websites for Ashley Graham to be caught on a beach getting intimate with a random man. On second thought, he wondered the chances of that happening. It was better to not let these distract the decision at hand. Joel knew better than to turn down this invitation. Chances like this rarely came for guys like him.



Cool winds replaced the scorching heat of the sunlight outside. The same sounds of crashing waves were still audible in the night ambience. By the time midnight approached, Joel felt a new energy coursing through his body. Maybe it was the effects of the full moon, as he wanted to believe. Ashley wasn't joking about the brightness of the moon. Rays of light fell across the black water, creating hues of dark blue and purple. The palm trees no longer offered shade, only darkness across the beach. No winds blew in the night, leaving only the crashing of waves as sounds in the distance. In the sand, Joel spotted the fresh tracks of footprints leading down the shore. True to her word, Ashley left him a trail to follow. His flip-flops kicked sand under soles. In the tracks, he could see the imprint of her toes as evidence she walked barefoot on this trek.

Walking next to her tracks, Joel gazed forward and saw nothing. Ashley led him down the beach, passing several of the houses on the other side. For some odd reason, he expected to encounter strangers along the way. His mind wandered to thoughts about star-crossed lovers sneaking out into the night to make love under the moon and stars. The more his imagination went wild, his cock began stiffening within his shorts. He wore the same pair from the first trip on the beach. Over his chest, he wore a simple, buttoned yellow shirt. The sleeves were pulled up across his forearms, all the buttons undone to reveal much of his chest, similar to the robe he wore earlier. What she would be wearing was a complete mystery to him. If he was to guess, Joel expected her to be in a bikini.

The longer he walked, he saw a figure far away. The silhouette of a woman standing near the edge of the water. The curves were enough to tell him it was Ashley. She turned and saw him walking her way. The closer he got, he could see the details of her figure within the rays of moonlight. She was indeed wearing a bikini in two pieces, a black top and matching bottoms. Ashley turned and planted her hands on her hips as Joel stepped closer. With each step, he could see more of her amazing body from afar. Her hair was straightened behind her shoulders. A glimmer of gold sparkled from her hoop earrings dangling. So far, it was the only piece of jewelry he saw on her body. Water rushed around her ankles, wetting her feet sunken in the wet sand. As he approached her, Ashley grinned and finally walked towards him. Joel smiled as he pushed his hands into his pocket, standing tall.

"I was beginning to wonder you wouldn't show up."

"Oh, really? That's pretty funny, cause I was wondering if you wanted to go for a swim."

Ashley shook her head as she smirked.

"You know just as well as I do that we're not here to get in the water."

She touched his chest with her left hand, pressing her palm against his flesh. Ashley's touch was cool, sending a cold chill through him. Her eyes fell, and then she noticed the familiar sight of a bulge in the front of his shorts. Joel noticed her raise an eyebrow, seemingly satisfied to have seen this a third time now. With her right hand on her hip, she grinned at him.

"Take off your clothes, Joel."

He followed her command, immediately pulling his shirt off and tossing it into the sand below. Ashley bit her lower lip as he unbuttoned his shorts. He gazed forward and watched as she moved her arms behind her back. When his shorts hit the ground, Ashley undid her top and threw it at him. He failed to catch it as he looked at her big tits falling free with a subtle jiggle. Ashley reached for his arms and brought his hands to her breasts.

"Here. I know this is what you've been wanting all day."

A direct reference to the many times she caught him looking at her busty chest. Joel felt the hardness of her areolas rubbing against his palms. Ashley maintained her grip on his wrists as he squeezed her breasts harder. She exhaled, breathing soft moans as he was now fondling her tits. She finally let go of his arms and then used both hands to reach down and untie her bikini bottoms.

"You have such strong hands. I love it when a man uses them to play with my boobs."

Joel found her words to be encouraging, so he squeezed her tits again.

"They're big and beautiful just like you."

"You really think so?"

He nodded in response as Ashley finally dropped the second piece of her bikini. Joel looked down to see her womanhood. She had a tattoo on her left hip, the view obscured from the dimness. What he couldn't make out of her body art, he could at least see the glistening wetness on her wet folds. Her pussy was freshly shaved with no strip in front. Ashley reached for his cock with her right hand, twisting her fingers around it as he let go of her tits. She squeezed his cock and grinned. The moonlight made her skin look dark with shades of blue and purple.

"Are you afraid, Joel?"

"Afraid of what?"

"Getting caught by some random person."

She twisted her fingers, stroking his cock as he responded with a slight moan.

"I thought about it back at the hotel, but no. I'm not worried at all. You said no one usually recognizes you."

Falling to the ground, Ashley brushed some sand on his legs as she stroked his cock. Joel swallowed his breath and spread his legs at the feeling of tiny pieces of sand getting under his toes.

"Just take it easy. No need to worry. It's more exciting when you're sneaking around outside like this."

With a wink, she parted her lips. He felt her warm breath blowing across his cock. Joel looked down into her brown eyes as Ashley kissed the head of his cock. The ambient noises of the ocean were all he could hear as Ashley pushed his shaft further into her mouth. She closed her eyes, sucking slowly as her lips bobbed up and down.

"Ohhhhh, yeah..."

Joel moaned under his breath. Ashley slid her fingers down to the base of his cock, brushing her pinky and thumb along strings of his pubic hair. Her eyes remained shut as she sucked at this slow pace, savoring the taste of his hardened pole. Joel exhaled, embracing this moment with her. He glanced up at the moon as he breathed heavily. When he glanced back down, Ashley had opened her eyes and was looking directly into his. She unwrapped her fingers from the base of his cock and grabbed his balls below. Withdrawing his cock from her lips, Ashley pulled away and flicked her tongue across the head to tease him.

"Mmmmmmm, I'm just getting started. I'm going to make you feel so good as long as you don't cum too soon."

"I think I can hold myself back."

"Don't tell me you think so. Tell me that you can and will hold yourself back."

Another direct order spoken with strong words. She was in complete control, guiding him with her demands. Ashley lowered her head and pressed her lips against his hairy ball sack.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure I hold back. I won't be cumming any time soon."

His reply was rewarded by her tongue rolling over his nuts. Ashley used her left hand to aid herself, stuffing one of his balls into her mouth and using her other hand to grab his dick. She slowly stroked him, moving her fingers up and down as she sucked his balls. One after the other, she sucked them while gently pulling at his sack. Ashley quit wanking his cock as she squeezed her fingers directly under the head. She pulled his balls out of her mouth and raised her head, gazing up into his eyes as she kissed the purple tip of his pole. Her fingers slid down as she took it back into her mouth to suck again. 'Mmmmmmm,' she moaned a muffled sound as she pushed his cock down her throat. Joel moaned at her sudden act of deepthroating his length. It caught him off guard as he stood there, listening to the echoes of the sea close to them.

Ashley pulled back to the head and repeated the process. She concentrated all her efforts on pleasuring him with her mouth. She moved her hands, pressing them against his legs as she worked her lips up and down. Some slight sucking and slobbering noises were heard amidst the aura of the night. Her big brown eyes gazed up at him as Ashley pushed her lips all the way down, sending his cock to the depths of her throat. Joel gritted his teeth, growling softly. Ashley closed her eyes for a brief second, then reopened them as she extracted his shaft from her mouth. She released it with a pop sound and tiny strings of saliva dangling back to her tongue and lips. The moonlight made the saliva on his cock sparkle and glimmer. The threads of drool broke away when Ashley spit across his shaft. She wrapped her fingers around it to stroke him again.

"Mmmmmmm, nice and hard. I bet I've had you hard as a rock all day."

"I plead the fifth."

She giggled, moving her other hand down into the sand.

"We're not home, so you can't do that. Just be honest and tell me how hard I've made you today."

Taking a deep breath, Joel nodded.

"Fine. You've had me daydreaming about something like this all day. Just seeing you like this on your knees sucking me off is better than any wet dreams I could be having right now."

Her hand glided across his slick, wet cock at a faster pace. Ashley bit her lower lip, gazing up at him and showing the top row of her white teeth.

"Was that really hard to tell me? See, you can be honest when you want to."

Every word she spoke came out in a low, seductive tone. When her hand stopped moving, that was a cue for her to open her mouth and bring his cock back in. Ashley enveloped her lips around the head and let go of his dick with her hand. A wave of water crashed onto the beach as Joel shouted.

"God yes!!"

She devoured his cock, pushing it further down her throat for more deepthroating action. Joel groaned at the mercy of her oral sensations. He watched Ashley move her hands over her great big tits, pressing her hands against them. A muffled moan made him feel vibrations as Ashley bobbed her head up and down. The slobbering noises became louder as she sucked more aggressively. She stopped, pulling her lips back to the head and glaring up at him with her dark eyes. When she released his dick from her lips, a loud pop noise was heard. Ashley wasted no time pulling her breasts apart and surrounding them around his shaft. Joel witnessed the moment of her tits engulfing his cock. It vanished between her tits with only the head poking up.

"Ohhhhh, man."

His eyes widened as he glanced down at her. Ashley didn't utter a single word in response. She grinned and began pumping her tits around his cock. Joel blinked a few times as he gasped for breath.

"This feels so good."

"Mmmmmm, it does, huh?"

"Oh, god yes! Your tits are amazing!"

Ashley had Joel precisely where she wanted him. She was using her body to pleasure not only him but herself. He could see in the way she moved her tits, she had past experience doing this. He stood there, watching the head visibly poke up each time she pushed her boobs down. Every inch of it was swallowed up between her soft, firm mounds of tits. Ashley locked her eyes on him and watched his facial expressions form and change the more she moved her breasts around his dick. Joel hoped he could last long enough to impress her, since it didn't seem that Ashley wanted him to cum yet.

"Ohhhhh, ohhhhhhh yeah. This is where you wanted your cock. Don't lie, Joel. You wanted it between my tits."

"Yes! Don't stop, baby."

She winked at him before finally looking away from his face. Ashley shifted her eyes downward, watching the head of his cock poke upward with each complete thrust she gave him. She continued to move slowly, parting her lips and licking the head.

"Do that again! Oh my god!!"

An adrenaline rush came with the excitement as Joel felt her tongue lapping across his cock while it was shoved between her boobs. Ashley did it a second time, licking the head while glaring at him. He snarled, gritting his teeth, trying to hold back from exploding. When she flicked her tongue across the head again, Ashley lapped up a drop of pre-cum. That was enough to make her completely stop. She let go of her breasts to allow his cock to spring free and then grabbed ahold of it with her right hand.

"I'm not ready for you to cum just yet."

Her left arm wrapped around her breast to form the 'hand bra' pose.

"I don't want to cum yet either. Not before I'm inside of you."

Smack. Smack. Smack. Ashley ignored his reply as she spanked his cock against her right nipple. She bit her lower lip, glaring up at him with a mischievous smirk.

"We're thinking the same thing, honey. As a matter of fact, that's where I want your cock right now."

Joel watched his cock bounce around after she let go. It was a miracle he was able to withstand the onslaught of her breasts as instruments of pleasure. Ashley got up from her knees, standing face to face with him. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him in to feel her boobs pressing against his chest as their lips pressed together. Joel moaned as he kissed her tenderly, dancing his tongue in her mouth. Ashley moaned, trading another kiss with him before pulling away.

"You seemed to be mesmerized by my ass earlier, but now I'm starting to wonder if you're more of a boob man."

Biting her lower lip, she turned around and showed him her massive booty.

"God, it's so big."

"Mmmmmhhhhhhhmmmmm. You can say that again."

Stepping closer to the wet sands, Ashley moved on her hands and knees. Joel stepped out of his flip-flops, leaving them in the stand as he moved behind her. Ashley flipped her brunette hair to glance across her right shoulder. His shadow cast across her body as she gazed forward into the open sea.

"Take me, Joel."

Ashley pouted, demanding action from him as a rush of water raced across the wet sand. His left hand caressed her buttocks, squeezing one of her ass cheeks while he used his other hand to guide his cock between her thighs. Ashley moaned as his cock brushed against her vulva lips.

"Right there, that's it."

He moaned as he thrust into her, wishing he could see the expression on her face as they became one. Ashley moaned again as she raised her head and gazed out into the ocean. The moonlight reflected a glow across the water surface. Joel was too distracted by her ass to take in the view of scenery surrounding them. He began to buck his hips, thrusting into her as Ashley sank her fingers underneath the sand.

"Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh yeah!!"

She raised her head, moaning as his balls slapped against the undersides of her thick booty. Joel placed his hands on her hips, gripping tightly as he tried to find a rhythm in moving. The warm tightness of her pussy was driving him crazy. He wanted to do this slowly to match the speed of how she pleasured him minutes earlier.

"Give it to me! Come on, Joel! Give it to me!!"

The excitement and need in her voice couldn't be ignored. Joel continued to thrust at this slow pace. Ashley pouted and pumped back, meeting his thrusts. Her breasts shook, swaying left and right as she took charge of this situation.

"Ohhhh! God, yes!!"

A smacking sound was heard as she slammed herself back, making her ass cheeks hit against his skin. A ripple ran across both cheeks as Ashley slammed back. She moaned, rolling her hips to make those thick cheeks shake against him. Joel tried to fight back the temptation to raise his hand and spank that ass. After the third time of seeing the cheeks smack against him, he couldn't help himself. His palm swatted the right cheek, making Ashley moan. She threw her hair back, leering at him from across her shoulder.

"You wanna spank that ass? Go ahead, hit it again!"

Once more, his hand spanked her ass. Ashley pushed back harder, pumping his cock deeper inside her. Her hips were still rolling as she worked herself back and forth. It was a funny experience for Joel to be standing here in this position with her doing all the work. She was the one making love to him, rather than himself being in control. He leaned forward, brushing his chest against her back as he reached around to grab her breasts. Joel whispered into her left ear.

"When it's time, I want to cum with you. Both of us together. This is true love, baby.

Her movement halted entirely. Ashley sighed and breathed heavily. Joel saw that her eyes were closed, yet he didn't feel as if her climax was imminent. Something told him that they weren't close to that point.

"Let's change positions, Joel. I want to get on top of you."

"I would love that."

"I knew you would. I want you to lay down in the sand for me."

Ashley giggled as he moved off her. Once Joel was standing, he carefully pulled his cock out of her pussy. She got up from her hands and knees, kicking some sand around as he followed her instructions. The dry sand scratched his back, giving him an itchy feeling that was quickly forgotten about as he watched Ashley climb over him. Her knees bent with her legs positioned on both sides of him in the sand. Above her head was the moon, lightening his body in full view. Joel felt her hand gripping his cock. Ashley held it up, alerting him to shift his eyes and see the dark figure of her body. Her appearance was like a shadow. He watched as she pressed his cock against her wet folds, then slowly sinking herself down.

"Ohhhhh, yes, baby..."

He moaned at the feeling of becoming one with her again. This was the only place where he felt his cock truly belonged. She owned it. Ashley was in control once more. From the beginning to now, she guided Joel the way she saw fit in the acts of lovemaking she desired. His shaft was all hers to use anyway she wanted. Now he was laying in the sand, gazing up at the body of a goddess atop him. Her hands pressed against his chest, fingernails lightly raking across his flesh. Their eyes met from under the bright moonlight that made Ashley look like an angel in the dark. She took a deep breath as she began to roll her hips to make his cock move inside her.

"Ohhhhhhh, yes... Mmmmmmmm, yeah..."

She moaned in her seductive voice as her breasts began wobbling and shaking. Joel remained there, digging his elbows into the sand as he took in the view of her amazing body atop him. His fingers trailed the sides of her curves, softly caressing her body. Ashley barred her teeth, giving him that same hungry look he had grown to love throughout the day. She didn't have to tell him anything. The looks alone were all Joel needed to see how much she wanted him.

"Rock me, baby. Come on, Ashley. Keep rocking me!"

Her fingernails dug into his skin as she bit her lower lip. As her breasts bounced again, Joel reached and cupped them with his hands.

"Ohhhhhh, yeah. This is just what we needed. This is so much better than just talking all the time."

Ashley closed her eyes and raised her head. The moonlight was glowing across her face, revealing her little detail in her skin. Joel felt her nipples pressing against his palms as he fondled her breasts. He squeezed them again as she opened her eyes and looked down at him. The rays of light shifted to her forehead, casting into her hair to show the deep brown color. Now he knew the true meaning of what she referred to as the 'serious moonlight' earlier. Those words were at the center of his mind as they made slow love. Joel could no longer control his emotions as he blurted out the first words that came to him.

"You're so beautiful, Ashley. Under this moon, you look like an angel."

"Ohhhhhh, honey. You're just trying to flatter me."

"No, no, I'm not. You wanted to do this under the serious moonlight, remember?"

A smile ran across her lips as she slid her fingertips across his hairless chest.

"Mmmmmm, yeah. Full moons make people more freaky."

Joel grabbed her wrists, pulling them up so he could press his palms against hers. Ashley twisted their fingers together as she started to roll her hips again.

"Oh my god! Yes, Ashley!! Ohhhhh, yes!!"

Holding hands while she slowly rode him made this experience all the more personal for Joel. This was more than just a night under the stars between a photographer and client. He felt a personal connection with Ashley, as his heart was telling him she was the one. He closed his eyes and cried out to her.

"Ohhhhh, Ashley! Don't stop!! I've never felt anything like this before. Keep going. Ride me however you want. I don't want you to stop."

"Take it easy, Joel. Just relax, I'm not going anywhere."

Slow and steady, she continued to roll her hips. Joel groaned at the feeling of his cock moving inside her. He couldn't believe he had managed to go this long without errupting. There was one close call earlier with her boobs, but he was strong enough to hold back. That wouldn't be happening in this position. He was prepared to give Ashley his seed when she was ready. Opening his eyes, he looked up at her, still holding her hands with their fingers laced together. The moon was directly above her head, casting rays of light directly over him.

"Do you know what love is, Joel?"

"I wish I could say yes, but no. I want to experience that feeling with you, Ashley."

"So you're in love with me?"

"Yes, I can't lie to you or hold it back anymore. I want you to show me what love is. Let's be together, baby. I don't want this moment to end. I've never felt like this with another woman in my life."

She pushed her hands, forcing his arms into the sand as she leaned down enough to kiss him. Joel tried to let go of her hands, but Ashley refused as their fingers tightened together. He wanted to wrap his arms around her curvy figure. To hold her and kiss her passionately under this serious moonlight. One of his desires was granted as he was able to kiss her, but it was short lived. Ashley leaned back up, looking into his eyes as she finally released the grip of his hands.

"I'll give you love... I'll give you something you will never forget tonight. When we go back to the hotel, things are going to be a lot different between us. Ohhhhhhh, yeah. Tell me you love me, Joel."

"I'm in love with you, Ashley!"

Biting her lower lip, she raised herself up slightly. Ashley leaned back and buried her hands down into the sand below. She arched herself, showing her body to him as the moonlight shined directly on her. Joel lay there, looking at her as if she were a divine being. She began to roll her hips again, moving faster as she gasped and moaned.

"Ohhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh yes!! This is it!! You and me, Joel!! Is this love? Is it? Love under the moonlight. Ohhhh, the serious moonlight!!"

He swallowed his breath, eyes locked on the swaying movement of her breasts shaking to the left and right. They moved around as he felt the surge inside him. Not once did Ashley glance away from him. She looked so angelic at this moment as he felt his cock beginning to erupt. Her inner walls tightened around his cock as she was seconds away from her climax.

"Under the serious moonlight, Ashley! I love you!!"


As he closed his eyes, Joel felt the mad rush with the warm release of his cum inside her. Ashley's screams of pleasure echoed across the beach. If anyone could hear them from far away, Joel didn't care. None of his past experiences with girlfriends amounted to this feeling Ashley had given them. Sharing his climax with her had brought him to a heavenly bliss that was unlike anything he had ever felt in his life. Never would he think about a full moon the same again. She climbed off him, slipping his cock free of her pussy. When Joel opened his eyes, he got to see his cum leaking out from her folds. Ashley sat in the sand, legs spread out to show him the creampie. It was his mark of love. He sat up in the sand, moving to crawl towards her. Finally, he was able to wrap his arms around her curvy figure and hold the woman he had just given his heart to.



New York City, New York

A cool breeze was felt within the room, all thanks to an open door to the balcony. The black curtains were pulled back from the glass wall to invite the sunlight in. Outside, Joel glanced down at the streets of SoHo. Cars moved at slow speeds while he could hear all the various sounds that made up the city. The ambience was a comforting reminder of the simple things in life. Home sweet home felt different when sharing space with another person. The apartment was Ashley's choice of residence for them in New York. They had just left her main residency in New Jersey, where they had been staying at her mansion. Ashley told him she enjoyed having a place to stay across state lines that made traveling easier within the Big Apple. Her schedule was always busy with moving from city to city and flying to and back from L.A. He had a new job now, which made him something of a freelancer not under any contracts. After leaving the Bahamas, Ashley made Joel an offer he couldn't refuse.

As the lead photographer and creative director of the official Ashley Graham Lingerie Collection, Joel was always busy. Most of the days he was occupied with her, other times he was sitting in front of a computer screen, editing the many snap shots taken of her. Various outfits were scattered across the black sheets of the bed. All of them had a designer name and multiple colors. Ashley typically chose black for her lingerie outfits. A typical day had her trying on a variety of outfits and then doing quick photo shoots with minimal background scenery. The apartment bedroom had seen heavy use for multiple photo shoots. After it was all over, she would dismiss anyone else in the room and share the night with Joel. When the next morning came, it was business as usual with a new day ahead. The intimacy they shared made the sessions all the more special.

As he stood on the balcony, his eyes wandered across the blue sky. When he was alone, Joel easily became lost in his thoughts. He remembered the wish he had of going to a baseball game with her as his date. That was still something he wanted to do, but it was not a high priority. Beyond the clouds, he imagined what tonight would look like. It wasn't time yet for another full moon, but he thought about when it was coming. The way Ashley had talked about the serious moonlight had given him a newfound appreciation for the shining light. The tracks they left in the sand that night were long washed away. That night was a memory he could never forget. It occupied his mind anytime he was alone for an extended period of time to be able to daydream to himself.


Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!

Blocboy VC

Re: Serious Moonlight (Ashley Graham)
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2024, 09:01:02 PM »
Nice job. You always find so many celebs I don't know. It's one of your many tallents.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx


Re: Serious Moonlight (Ashley Graham)
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2024, 11:01:13 PM »
Great story. Ashley is so hot
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Blocboy VC


Re: Serious Moonlight (Ashley Graham)
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2024, 08:00:11 PM »
Your type of woman. Would think you had wrote her before
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Blocboy VC


Re: Serious Moonlight (Ashley Graham)
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2024, 07:20:05 AM »
Plus Size thicccccc in the house.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx


Re: Serious Moonlight (Ashley Graham)
« Reply #5 on: Today at 02:24:47 PM »
Great work and nice to see Ashley Graham get a story and I hope to see more stories with her in them.


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