Written as a commission. One Lucky BrotherChapter OneStarring: Sophie Turner

Also featuring: Maisie Williams
George Williams was buzzing with excitement as he boarded the train at Bristol Temple Meads, bound for Northern Ireland. It was going to be a lengthy journey, spanning numerous trains and ferries, but boy would it be worth it. After bugging her for several years (pretty much since she’d first been cast), George’s sister Maisie had finally relented and had booked him in for a tour of the
Game of Thrones set.
GoT was his favourite show, and not just ‘cause his sister was on it. George loved everything about it, from the writing to the acting, from the battle scenes to the theme tune. But most of all, he liked the women. Sophie Turner, his sister’s best friend, was George’s favourite, but he loved Emilia Clarke, Natalie Dormer and Nathalie Emmanuel too.
George settled into his seat and popped his headphones into his ears, a smile stretching across his face as his music started blaring. His mind was whirring with all the things he’d get up to once he docked in Belfast. He thought of all the people he’d meet and all the things he’d see on set. But honestly, his tour of the set was only the beginning.
George would be staying in Maisie’s hotel and if all the stories she’d told him were true, the production always put her up in the very finest establishments. But the best thing about it? Maisie’s co-stars would be staying there too. So not only would he get to meet all his favourite actresses, he might get to hang out with them after they’d wrapped. It would be a dream come true.
After several lengthy train rides and an even longer ferry journey, George touched down in Belfast. Maisie had arranged his transport for him and a car was there to collect him from the dock. His anxiety started kicking in as the driver whisked him through the centre of Belfast and on to Maisie’s hotel. He was about to meet not just one, but
four of his favourite women. Given that he was pretty shy around girls, he had plenty of cause to be nervous. He felt his phone buzz inside his pocket and he fished it out to take a look, glad for the distraction.
Maisie: Hey loser. You here yet or what?
George: I’m on my way to your hotel.
Maisie: Awesome. Text me when you get here. I’ll come out and meet you.
George: Will do big sis.
Maisie: I told you not to call me that [angry emoji]
George: I know [wink emoji]
A grin stretched across his face as he put his phone away, proud of his accomplishment. He’d always enjoyed annoying his sister and he took a certain pride in his work. After all, winding up their brothers and sisters is what younger siblings do best.
The car pulled up outside Maisie’s hotel and sure enough, his sister was there to greet him. George stepped out of the car and fetched his suitcase from the boot.
“Hey, little bro,” said Maisie, holding her arms out for a hug which George chose to decline. “Ah, too cool to hug your sister now, huh?”
“Yep, pretty much,” said George, wheeling his case behind him as he followed Maisie through the hotel doors.
The first thing that struck him was how big it was. The lobby alone was bigger than the house they’d grown up in.
“Damn, sis, nice digs,” George exclaimed as he looked around, scanning his new surroundings.
“Right?” said Maisie. “You should see my room.”
The two of them crossed the busy reception area and Maisie called for a lift, which whisked them up to the seventeenth floor. George had never been in a hotel with seven floors, nevermind seventeen. They stepped out into the hallway and George followed Maisie towards her room. With a swipe of her keycard the door unlocked, and brother and sister stepped inside.
“Phew!” George whistled as he looked around her room. “I see what you mean.”
Maisie’s room was more of a suite, with two separate rooms and an en suite bathroom. He was the guest, of course, so he’d be sleeping in the lounge. But that didn’t bother him in the slightest. He was just happy to be surrounded by so much luxury.
Maisie laughed. “I told you. You hungry, little bro? I can order us some room service. The burgers here are pretty good.”
George was starving. All he’d eaten was a sandwich on the train.
“Sure,” he said, and Maisie picked up the phone and quickly started dialling.
The food arrived in double quick time which, George surmised, was one of the perks of having a famous sister. George wolfed down his burger and chips, and washed it down with a tall glass of coke, belching loudly when he finished his meal.
“Charming,” said Maisie, rolling her eyes. “Glad to see you’re still as gross as ever.”
“You love it really,” her brother quipped. “So what are we doing tonight, sis? Whatcha got planned for me?”
“Nothing,” said Maisie.
George almost choked on his drink. “Nothing?! Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“No, I’m not fucking kidding you!” Maisie snapped. “I’ve got to be on set at nine. I’m having an early night.”
“So, I don’t get to hang out with any of your friends?” asked George, sounding dejected.
“No,” said Maisie. “Not until we wrap. I need my beauty sleep and so do they.”
George checked his watch. “Oh, come on, sis. It’s only nine. You can’t tell me your friends will be going to bed now.”
“Well, no, probably not. But they’re not gonna want to go bar hopping before a long day on set. Me and Soph turned up with a hangover once and the director nearly killed us!”
“Who says we need to go bar hopping?” George replied. “We can just hang out here. Come on, Maiz. I didn’t come all the way here just to hang out with you.”
“None taken.”
“You know what I mean. Even if we could just hang out with Sophie for a bit. She’s your best friend, right? I’m sure she wants to meet me.”
Maisie thought for a moment. Of course, Sophie was her best friend and she did say something about wanting to meet George when she told her he was coming to visit. It was getting kinda late, but she’d much rather bother Sophie at this sort of time than Natalie or Emilia.
“Fine,” she said. “I’ll see if she’s available.”
“YES!” said George excitedly, pumping his fist in celebration.
“BUT,” said Maisie, “we’re just popping over there so you can meet her. We’re not going to the pub, or out to see a film, or anything else you might have been planning. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“OK. I’ll see if she’s free.”
Maisie fished her phone from her pocket, punched out a text message and set it back down on the table. Both Maisie and George sat staring at the phone, waiting for it to buzz. The screen lit up after barely a minute and Maisie grabbed it as quick as she could, through fear that her brother might go for it first. And if George was totally honest, the thought had crossed his mind.
She unlocked her phone and read the new message. “OK, she’s free.”
“YES!” said George, leaping up from his seat on the couch and punching the air excitedly.
“BUT,” Maisie said, pointing a finger at her baby brother, “I want you on your best behaviour, OK?”
“And when I say it’s time to go, you’re coming with me with no complaints. Do you understand?”
“Yes, ma’am,” said George, grinning as he saluted his sister.
Maisie tried to stifle a grin, but failed to hide her amusement.
“OK, come on them, dumbarse. Let’s go and meet Sophie Turner.”
Brother and sister got up from the couch, and George followed Maisie as she crossed her hotel suite. George opened the door and the two of them stepped out into the hallway, with Maisie locking it behind them. Sophie’s room was just down the hall and the siblings found it in a matter of seconds. Maisie knocked on the door, waiting for her friend to answer.
“Come in,” came a faint voice from inside the room.
Maisie looked at her brother and shrugged. “Must’ve left her door unlocked.”
Maisie turned the handle and sure enough the door swung open. Maisie stepped in and George followed, closing the door behind him. Sophie’s room was pretty much the same as his sisters, but with one very notable advantage: this room had Sophie Turner in it, which as far as he was concerned, made it the best room in the entire hotel.
Though, for all intents and purposes, the room appeared to be empty. Sophie Turner was nowhere in sight.
“Sophie?” called Maisie.
“I’m in here,” a voice called back.
It sounded like it was coming from the bedroom, which was slightly odd ‘cause Maisie figured that her friend would be in the lounge, if she knew she was entertaining. But as Maisie knew better than anyone, Sophie Turner didn’t always do things by the book. She felt a little awkward, leading her brother into her best friend’s bedroom, but she figured, since Sophie was calling them in, that she wouldn’t be finding her in a compromising position.
George hung back a little as Maisie pushed open the bathroom door.
“Jesus, Sophie!” Maisie exclaimed. “Why didn’t you say you were in the bath?!”
George stepped forward. He knew shouldn’t peek in on a girl without her permission but this was Sophie fucking Turner! And besides, she
did call them in. He took a peek over Maisie’s shoulder and, sure enough, there was Sophie fucking Turner, sitting in a fucking bath, naked as the say she was born. He could scarcely believe his eyes. The bath was filled with foamy bubbles so he couldn’t really see too much, but even so the sight was astounding, and Sophie looked like a freakin’ goddess as she sat in the porcelain tub.
“What?!” said Sophie. “You’ve seen me in the bath before.”
“Yeah, but not when I’ve had my brother with me!” Maisie replied.
“Oh, come on, Maiz, we’re all adults here. Hi, by the way,” Sophie said as she spotted George over Maisie’s shoulder. “You can come in. I don’t bite.”
George practically pushed his sister out of the way as he stepped into the en suite bathroom.
“You must be George.”
George could feel his heartbeat racing. This was
actual Sophie Turner he was talking to right now. And not just any Sophie Turner;
naked Sophie Turner.
“Erm…yes,” he stammered nervously. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Turner.”
“Aww,” laughed Sophie, “well aren’t you cute? You don’t have to call me Miss Turner, hon’. Sophie will be fine. But it’s nice to meet you too. Maisie didn’t tell me she said had such an attractive brother.”
Maisie rolled her eyes. “Oh, Jesus. Really, Soph?”
“Yeah, he’s cute,” Sophie declared, fluttering her lashes at a nervous-looking George.
“Oh, fucking hell,” Maisie cussed. “This is getting too weird. Come on, George. Let’s leave Sophie to her bathtime.”
Maisie turned on her heels and marched towards the bathroom door. She’d expected George to follow, but when she didn’t hear any footsteps, Maisie stopped and turned her head.
“Geooorge,” she said, sounding like how their mum used to speak when she was about to tell him off.
“Erm…I thought I might stick around here for a bit…” George replied, looking down at the floor as he nervously shuffled his feet.
“You can’t be serious?” Maisie asked him.
“He sounds pretty serious to me,” Sophie grinned back. “Don’t worry, Maiz, I’m not gonna corrupt your little brother or anything. He’s just gonna keep me company for a bit. Isn’t that right, Georgie?”
Maisie sighed then pointed at Sophie. “Fine. But if I find out you’ve taken advantage of my brother…”
Sophie laughed. “Take advantage?! What do you think I’m gonna do? Roofie his drink or something?!”
Maisie waved her hand dismissively. “Fuck this, I’m outta here. George, don’t wake me up when you come back to the room.”
And with that Maisie stormed off, slamming the door behind her.
“Phew!” said Sophie. “Someone's on the rag. So, you gonna stand there, honey, or are you gonna join me?”
A nervous gulp left George’s throat as he lifted his shirt up over his head, revealing his somewhat scrawny-looking torso. He kicked his shoes off and unbuckled his belt, opening the clasp on his tight pair of jeans. He eased them down his slender legs, pulling them off along with his socks, leaving him in just his boxers. Sophie looked at him as he moved towards the bath.
“Not gonna leave those on, are you?”
“Erm…no,” said George, blushing. “But I…”
“Don’t fret, honey,” Sophie interrupted. “I’ve seen it all before.”
George slid his boxers under the waistband of his boxers, freeing his half-hard and above average-sized cock.
“Ooh, my,” said Sophie, raising her eyebrows. “Well, aren’t you a dark little horse? Maisie’s been keeping a lot from me, hasn’t she?” Sophie patted the edge of the bath. “Alright, honey, in you come. The water’s lovely.”
Sophie shifted forward in the bathtub, making room for George as he took a step forward, lifting a leg above the porcelain rim and stepping into the bath, feeling its warmth as he submerged his foot in the water. He pulled his other leg in behind him and the water level rose dramatically, threatening to spill over the edge of the tub as he sat behind Sophie, going chest-deep in the soapy water. His body was pressed up right against hers and he could feel his cock get even stiffer as it pressed into her asscrack.
“There, that’s not so bad, is it?” Sophie asked as she looked back at him, blowing some suds off her shoulder that fluttered into George’s face.
Sophie giggled then fetched a bar of soap from the edge of the bath.
“Couldn’t wash my back, could you?”
George was stunned. He honestly couldn’t believe this was happening. He’d only sex the one time with a girl at his school, and here he was, naked in a bath with Sophie Turner!
Sophie scooped her hair out of the water and draped it over one of her shoulders. George brought the soap up to Sophie’s neck and began to massage into both her shoulders, smearing suds across her pale flesh. He dunked the soap down into the water and rubbed it across the rest of her back, covering every inch of skin.
“Mmm,” said Sophie, closing her eyes, “you’re really good at that.” She flung her hair back over shoulder, letting it spill down her soapy-fresh back and back down into the water. “Do my front as well.”
George wrapped his arms around Sophie’s body, rubbing the soap across her abs, over her ribcage and up towards her chest.
“Erm…would you like me to…?”
Sophie didn’t let him finish his question, simply grabbing the young man’s hands and pulling them up to her chest. George felt his jaw unhinge as one of Sophie’s perky tits promptly filled his eager hand, the other still clutching the bar of soap as he ran it across her chest. His mind was blown. He couldn’t believe he was touching one of Sophie’s tits! It was literally a dream come true.
“Yeah, that’s it, honey,” Sophie encouraged. “Get them nice and clean.”
George smeared the soap across both her tits, making sure that he got every inch of them. Dipping his hand into the water, he used it as a makeshift cup to scoop some water onto Sophie’s chest, rinsing the soap from her perky breasts.
“Mmm,” Sophie purred as she felt the warm water rush across her chest. “OK, I think that’s enough. Why don’t you go a bit lower?”
George moved his hands down lower, running the soap over Sophie’s ribcage.
“Lower…” said Sophie and George did as the actress told him, moving his hands down to her flat, toned tummy and rubbing it into her abs.
“Lower…” she said again, and George started trembling slightly as he ran the soapbar past her navel and down between her thighs.
He rubbed the soap onto Sophie’s pussy and he felt her head press down as his shoulder as she tipped it backwards, closing her eyes as she moaned towards the bathroom ceiling.
“Yeah, that’s it. Right there. Use your fingers.”
George let go of the bar of soap, letting it sink to the bottom of the bath as he put his fingers to Sophie’s pussy. Even submerged in the depths of the bathtub, he could tell that her pussy was already wet. He may have only been with one girl so far, but George had seen enough porn to have at least a rough idea of what he should be doing. He ran his digits along the slit of her pussy, feeling how wet she was before he moved his fingers higher and placed them against the nub of her clit.
As he started to rub in a circular motion, Sophie turned her head towards him, pressing her lips against his. Sophie pushed her tongue into his mouth and Geroge returned the favour, feeling her tongue swirl around his own as his dexterous fingers encircled her clit, making it throb and grow even larger.
Sophie moaned into George’s mouth, then pried her lips away from his, keeping her head turned as she moaned out softly, “mmm, yes! You touch me so good!”
George could feel his ego growing, along with his cock as it pressed against the small of her back, swelling up to such a size he was surprised his crown hadn’t poked out of the water. His fingers kept rubbing at Sophie’s pussy, feeling her clit throb harder and harder until it became clear that she wanted something more.
Sophie shifted forward in the bath, forcing George to retrieve his hand as she reached down into the water, pressing her hand against the bath plug.
“We better let some of this out before we flood the bathroom,” Sophie declared. “The producers won’t be happy with me if the hotel keeps their deposit.”
Sophie pushed down on the bath plug and it popped out of its slot, the level dropping as soapy water rushed the gaping plug hole. While they waited for the bath to drain, Sophie ran her hands down George’s legs, and the boy reciprocated by pressing his lips to the back of her neck and kissing it in several places. Sophie closed her eyes, moaning as she felt his lips press against her flesh. He may have been young, but he certainly knew how to treat a woman, and every touch of his body on hers made goosebumps form on her pale skin, even in the warmth of the water.
Once the level had dropped about halfway down, Sophie pushed the plug back in, leaving them submerged to half way up their stomachs, both sets of knees poking out of the water.
“That’s better,” said Sophie, as she pushed herself out of the water, giving George a quick view of her ass before she turned around to face him.
George’s eyes nearly popped out of his sockets as he found himself staring at Sophie’s pussy, freshly shaven and visibly moist. Sophie placed a hand on the top of his head, raking her fingers through George’s hair then pushing his head back so he met her gaze.
“You wanna eat my pussy?” Sophie asked him.
George nodded, scarcely able to think coherently, let alone formulate speech.
“You ever done it before?”
George blushed and shook his head.
“That’s OK. I’ll walk you through it. With the amount of times I’ve eaten your sister’s pussy, I kinda know what I’m doing.” Sophie paused then let out a laugh. “Oh, sorry, honey. You probably didn’t wanna hear that, did you? I’ve also eaten Emilia’s pussy if that helps at all.”
did help. That helped a lot.
“So…you ready?”
George nodded and the next thing he knew his face was smothered as Sophie pulled him straight into her crotch.
“MMPF!” the boy exclaimed, her eyes bulging as he got his first mouthful of pussy.
And what a pussy it was. Even with her pussy lips pressed against his still closed mouth, George could tell that she tasted amazing, and he couldn’t wait to savour every flavour that the actress had to offer.
“OK, honey, stick that tongue out for me.”
George rolled his tongue out from between his lips and pressed it against the slit of her pussy.
“Now lick me slowly, right the way up to here,” Sophie inscructed, pointing a finger at her already stiff clit.
George did as the redhead told him, giving a slightly tentative lick along the lips of her perfect pussy and all the way up to the top.
“Ooo, yeah” Sophie purred. “You’re a quick learner. Now keep your tongue right there, and just flick it back and forth a little.”
George started moving his tongue, letting it slide back and forth against Sophie’s clit.
“Mmm, yes. That’s it, baby,” Sophie moaned, closing her eyes as she enjoyed his tongue. “Right there.”
A few more licks and he could feel her throbbing, her clit twitching against the tip of his tongue.
“Swirl your tongue around it, baby,” Sophie encouraged. “I fucking love that.”
Again her wish was his command, and George’s tongue began to move in a circle as he spun it slowly around the nub of her clit, feeling her pussy get warmer and warmer as juices continued to ooze from her slit, smearing across the student’s lips and dripping from his chin.
“Yeah, keep going, baby,” the actress moaned, tightening her grip on the back of his head. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.”
Sophie’s words excited him and George’s tongue started moving faster, swirling like a tornado around the redhead’s clit, twisting and turning his way and that. Sophie was loving the feel of his tongue and the sensation started spreading through her, slowly engulfing every inch of her body.
A few more swirls of his talented tongue and Sophie made good on her promise. George could feel her arm start to tremble as she gripped onto the back of his head, her breath rate increasing and her moans getting louder as her orgasm hit her with full, unrelenting force. Cum gushed forth from deep inside her, pouring into George’s mouth as his tongue kept spinning around the nub of her clit, licking her through the throes of climax.
He kept on licking until the river ran dry, feeling her grip start to loosen as her screams gave way to deep, heavy breaths. George pulled back from between her legs as Sophie eased her eyes open, looking down at the man underneath her as a shit-eating grin formed on his face, his lips shining with the fruits of his labour. Sophie gave a contented sigh then sunk back into the bath.
“Mmm. Fuck, you’re good at that, baby,” the actress said, draping her arms across George’s shoulders. She’d wrapped her legs around the small of his back, now essentially sitting in his lap. “Better than your sister.”
George tried to stifle a grin. It was kinda weird that him and Maisie had gone down on the same girl, but now she’d said he was better than her, George could lord it over her until the end of time. Sophie leaned in and kissed him, tasting her pussy off George’s mouth.
“Why don’t you pop up on that ledge there?” Sophie suggested, pointing to the edge of the bath. “I’d like to return the favour.”
Sophie grabbed the sides of the bath and pushed herself back off of George’s lap. George stood up out of her bathwater, several drops dripping down off his cock as he moved right back to the edge of the bath and parked his ass on the porcelain ledge. He set his hands down on either side of him, his feet still down in the water.
Sophie fixed him with a sultry gaze as she waded through the bathwater, placing her hands on George’s knees and pushing them apart. She gripped his cock near the tip, angling it upwards as she dipped her down, going straight for the young man’s balls. Wrapping her lips around one of his nuts, Sophie sucked off the excess water, taking a second to spit it back into the bath then moving straight onto the other. Sophie suckled on that one too, replacing the water with her own warm spit as she popped it out from between her lips then slid her tongue back and forth between them, stroking his cock as she did so.
“Mmm,” she purred as she looked at George, her fingers roaming along the length of his shaft. “You’ve got a nice cock. Anyone ever tell you that?”
George shook his head. He knew he was a decent size but since only one girl had seen it before tonight, the chances of praise being heaped upon his penis were definitely not in his favour.
“Well you have,” said Sophie.
Her hand slid up to the ridge of his crown and she curled her fingers around it. Poking her tongue from between her lips, she pressed in between his balls then licked up slowly to the base of his shaft. George could feel his cockhead twitch as she continued up the length of his pipe, her tongue trailing a juicy vein as she licked right up to the tip. Keeping her tongue out, a grin pulled at the sides of her mouth as she flicked it sharply at George’s slit, lapping up the precum that had pooled inside it.
George tipped his head back and moaned, staring up at the bathroom ceiling as Sophie Turner licked his helmet. He still couldn’t believe what was happening. He thought he might bag his second lover when he went to uni or maybe at a party once he’d wrapped up sixth form. But getting head from a famous actress in the finest suite a luxury hotel was beyond his wildest dreams.
George looked down, seeing little more than a mass of red hair as she dipped her head down further, wrapping her lips around his helmet. Her hand slid down to the base of his shaft and Sophie took it with a vice-like grip, keeping it steady as she bobbed her head. Her lips slid past his swollen crown then began to move down the first few inches, smearing her spit around his bellened.
He couldn't believe how great it felt. Sure, the girl he’d slept with had sucked his dick, but truth be told, she didn’t know what she was doing. Sophie here was a consummate pro. The way her lips wrapped around his width. The way her tongue lapped against his tip. The warmth of her spittle as she bathed his cock in it. Even the way her hand clamped tightly around the base of his shaft. The entire thing was out of this world. He couldn’t believe his luck.
Her free hand moved down to his thighs and he could feel her fingers sink into his flesh as her mouth went deeper, edging towards the base of his shaft. She’d already taken him much further down than the girl who stole his v-plates, and was showing no signs of stopping. He felt his tip slide past her tonsils and his knuckles turned white as he tightened his grip on the edge of the bath, nearly snapping off chunks of porcelain. She removed her hand from the base of his shaft and grabbed onto George’s hips, digging her fingers into his skin as her head pushed forward one last time, swallowing the last few inches.
“Oh, God!” George moaned out, his head falling back against the tiled wall as his cockhead slid into Sophie’s throat.
She kept him there for a close to minute, feeling his testes swell and churn as they pressed against her chin. Sophie drew her head back slowly, leaving behind a trail of spit as she worked her lips back up to the tip. He felt her tongue brush against his slit as she sucked at his swollen cockhead. Then, before he had a chance to properly prepare himself, her head shot forward as quick as a flash, swallowing every inch of his manhood as she pressed her lips against his groin. George could hardly believe his eyes, and he felt his member throbbing and pulsing as Sophie started bobbing her head, her lips taking full length passes along the span of his seven inch cock.
Sophie was impressed by the young man’s restraint. She thought back to the first few blowjobs she’d given to boys of a similar age, and the lack of self-control those guys had shown was frankly laughable. But George was more than holding his own, withstanding an onslaught from her expert mouth and doing so with relative ease.
She sucked his dick down a few more times then pulled her lips back up to the tip, releasing his crown with an audible *POP*.
“Mmm,” said Sophie, gripping his cock at the base again as she stuck her tongue out, licking the tip of the young man’s penis. “Such a nice cock.”
She’d said that once already, of course, but George didn’t tire of hearing it.
“Thanks,” George replied, gently breathing a sigh of relief that he’d made it through her world class blowjob with his cum still in his balls.
“You wanna fuck me now?” the actress asked him.
The words hit him like a bolt of lightning and a spasm shot through the length of his cock which Sophie immediately noticed as she held it in the palm of her hand, stroking it lightly from base to tip.
“OK, I think that was a ‘yes’,” the actress giggled.
Releasing her grip on George’s cock, she emerged from the bath like an aquatic goddess, drops of water running down her porcelain skin as she climbed up onto the edge of the tub, planting her knees either side of his hips. Draping an arm across his shoulders, she reached back with the other and gripped his cock, holding it tightly at the base of the shaft as she began to drop herself down.
George felt her pussy press against his tip and his cockhead twitched when he felt how wet she was. Sinking down lower, he felt his tip slip into her pussy as her lips spread around the width of his helmet. George wrapped his arms around her, promptly unleashing a breathy moan as her pussy began to slide down his shaft, engulfing him with tightness and warmth.
His only previous sexual encounter had been over in a matter of minutes and he hadn't had a chance to truly appreciate the feeling of slipping into a tight, wet pussy. The fact that it was Sophie Turner’s pussy made the feeling even better. The sensation sent shivers coursing down his spine and his entire body started shaking slightly as her lips slid down to the base of his shaft. He felt his tip press against her cervix, prompting a moan and a candid revelation from his famous lover. Brushing her hair back, she wrapped both arms around George’s neck, leaning in closer as she whispered straight into his ear.
“You’re bigger than my husband.”
George could feel his ego swelling, along with something else as Sophie began to push herself up, leaving behind a coat of moisture as she worked her tight pussy back up to the tip. He’d never thought of Joe Jonas as being particularly endowed (in fact, he’d never felt any emotion towards except him for insane jealousy), but the fact that he was bigger than a world-famous singer made his head expand to twice its size.
Sophie leaned in and kissed him again, moaning into George’s mouth as she dropped her ass back down to his thighs, a loud *SMACK* sound bouncing off the bathroom walls as their bodies crashed together. She proceeded to ride him hard and fast, lifting and dropping her tight, toned ass as she worked her wet pussy up and down his dick. Sophie’s pussy felt fucking amazing, even better than George had imagined in all the sexual fantasies that the actress had featured in. And there had been a LOT of them.
Sophie’s moans started getting louder, merging with the deafening smacks now filling the entire room as her perky ass beat down on his thighs, the wetness of their bodies making the volume even louder. Sophie threw her head back, damp hair spilling down towards the water as she unleashed a particularly pent up moan that fluttered right up to the bathroom ceiling.
Her chest pushed forward as her head tipped back, pushing her tits into George’s face. Of course he did what anyone would do and poked his tongue out from between his lips, lapping up drops of lukewarm water as he licked across her perky chest, dragging his tongue across both her nipples.
“Mmm, yes, baby! Suck my tits,” Sophie moaned out, putting her hands to the back of his head and pulling his face in closer.
Wrapping his lips around one of her nipples, the young man suckled like a famished babe, moaning into Sophie’s chest as she rode his throbbing cock. Sophie could feel his cockhead leaking, precum trickling form his winking slit as it pressed against her cervix. She knew what was coming next. Lowering her head, she looked straight down into George’s eyes as he peeled his lips from her nipple.
“Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” the actress asked him, a question that nearly finished him off.
“Uh huh,” George said back, trying to keep a neutral face as the feeling built within him.
“Cum in me, baby,” Sophie said, sliding both hands around to his cheeks then leaning in to kiss me. “Fill my pussy up.”
Sophie sunk to the base of his shaft and no sooner had her ass touched down on his thighs than his cockhead violently erupted, sending several spurts of jism straight into Sophie’s womb. Her eyes clamped shut as she felt him cum and a chorus of moans flew forth from her lips as she felt the warmth of his load inside her, sparking a climax from deep inside her body.
“Oh, yes! Yes! Fuck, I’m cumming!”
George took that as his cue, latching onto one of her tits and sucking at as hard as he could in an effort to prolong her climax. It worked like a charm and Sophie’s tight pussy clamped around the width of his shaft, squeezing more cum from the young man’s balls. It continued that way for quite some time. Whenever George thought Sophie was done, her pussy gripped his cock even harder, wringing out more of his spunk. And when his cum shot into her pussy, Sophie’s muscles tightened reflexively, starting the cycle anew.
Finally, after what must have been close to a minute, both of them had finally peaked. Sophie’s eyes came open slowly and she pressed her lips to George’s mouth, both of them breathing heavily as they recovered from their mutual climax. Their lips came apart and Sophie’s hands moved up to his scalp, brushing back his thick brown hair.
“Wow!” she said softly, flashing him that heartwarming smile that had his now very tender cock twitching inside her pussy.
“Come,” said Sophie as she wrapped her arms around George’s back and leant back towards the water.
George tightened his grip on Sophie, taking her with him as he slid himself down off the edge of the tub and back into the bathwater.
“Mmm!” Sophie purred, the still warm water enveloping her body.
George watched as his load poured out of Sophie’s pussy, leaving creamy streaks in the bath water. She stayed in the water for less than a minute, dipping her shoulders underneath the surface and letting the warmth wash over her.
“Let’s go to the bedroom,” Sophie said, then raised her body up out of the bath, water dripping from her porcelain skin as she stepped over the side of the tub and placed her feet down on the bathmat.
She grabbed a towel from a hook on the wall, ran it through her hair a few times then used it to dab herself dry. Hooking it back up, she strutted through the bathroom and peered back at George when she reached the door, beckoning him to follow as she strolled into the bedroom. George drained the water as he stepped out of the bath and dried himself with Sophie’s towel.
By the time he’d joined her in the bedroom, Sophie was already on the king size bed. Using her arms to prop herself up, her naked body was stretched across it, those captivating eyes of hers staring at George as he entered the room.
“Come to me,” she said, and George promptly did so, crossing the room in double quick time.
Leaning forward, he rested his hands on the foot of the bed, looking ahead at Sophie as he started moving forward. But before he could move past Sophie’s ankles, the actress quickly stopped him, lifting her foot up off the mattress and pressing it against his chest.
“Woah, woah,” she said with a grin. “Hold your horses, honey. I’m not in a rush, are you?”
George shook his head.
“Good,” said Sophie. “Then you can start by kissing my feet.”
George looked up with his eyebrows raised. “Your…?”
“My feet, yes,” Sophie repeated. “Unless you’re uncomfortable with that.”
George shook his head again. He wasn’t particularly into feet but when Sophie Turner asks you to do something…well, you do it.
“Good,” said Sophie as she raised her foot, holding it out in front of his face. “Then get to it.”
George nodded and did as she told him. He pressed his lips against her heel then moved up slowly along the sole of her foot, kissing it in several places.
“Good boy,” said Sophie. “Now continue up my leg.”
George took her foot in his hand and massaged it gently as he started to kiss up Sophie’s calf, moving past her knee cap and to the inside of her thigh. He kissed right up her naked crotch and started to move his mouth to her pussy when again the actress stopped him.
“Uh uh,” she said with a teasing grin, holding out a finger and wagging it back and forth. “Not yet, baby. You’ve got to do the other leg first.”
George moved past Sophie’s pussy and kissed the top of her left thigh, slowly moving down her leg as he kissed right down to her foot.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby,” Sophie cooed, goosebumps forming on her perfect skin as George’s lips pressed softly against her, kissing every inch of flesh. “OK, now you can come up here.”
George climbed up onto the bed and quickly moved in between her thighs. He made another lunge for her visibly wet pussy when again the actress stopped him, pointing instead to the skin below her navel.
“Tummy first,” Sophie instructed.
George looked visibly disappointed but did as she told him regardless, planting a kiss just below her belly button, then another just above it. He continued to move up Sophie’s torso, kissing her in several places until he reached her chest. George moved towards one of her nipples but Sophie teased him once again, ordering him to bypass her breasts and kiss her collarbone instead. Again, he was crestfallen but did as she instructed, kissing where the actress pointed then continuing up her neck.
“Mouth,” said Sophie, pointing a finger at her full set up lips.
George laid on top of the famous starlet, slotting his cock in between her legs as she leaned in to kiss her, sliding his tongue straight into her mouth. He felt her arms wrap around his body and her soft hands slide down his back as their tongues entangled in a heated knot, lightly moaning as they passionately kissed. George pried his lips from hers and used his arms to push himself up as Sophie pointed to the side of her neck, telling the boy where she wanted him next.
George kissed her in several places, finally moving down to the starlet’s perky boobs. Kissing all over her perfect mounds, he wrapped his lips around one of her nipples, feeling it grow and start to pimple as he sucked her like a babe in arms. He switched to the other and did the same then moved down lower under Sophie’s direction, kissing her tummy in various spots.
Finally he settled in between her legs, his mouth almost watering as he set his eyes on her perfect cooch, her pink lips puffy and slick with arousal.
“Remember what I showed you?” Sophie asked him, pointing at her swollen clit. “Put your tongue right there at the bottom and lick right up to here.”
George nodded and got right to it, pressing his tongue to the skin of her taint and licking slowly all the length of her slit, gathering all the juice that he could get on his tongue. He felt his taste buds tingle in delight as he brushed his tongue across the nub of her clit, feeling how hard it was as it throbbed against his sensitive flesh.
“Ohh, yeah,” said Sophie, purring softly as she cupped her breast. “Put your fingers in me.”
George peeled his tongue from her clit and brought two fingers up to his mouth, slipping them between his lips and wetting them both with spittle. He rubbed the tips against the slit of her pussy then felt her muscles stretch around them as he pushed them deep inside her, sinking right down to the second knuckle.
“Mmm, yes, that’s it, baby. Curl them up like this,” Sophie demonstrated, curling two fingers in the shape of a hook.
George copied as best he could, hooking his fingers up until he felt the tips graze along her vaginal ceiling. Sophie’s walls were silky smooth, except for a rougher stretch of flesh that coaxed a yelp from the gorgeous redhead as he dragged his fingers across it. That must have been her g-spot. He’d never felt one before, of course, but he’d read about it online, and knew the pleasure it was capable of giving if properly stimulated. The moans that poured from Sophie’s lips and the way her insides tightened around told him he was on the right lines.
He poked his tongue out from between his lips and swiftly returned it to Sophie’s clit. He licked across it a half dozen times then returned to the method that he’d used on her earlier, remembering how much she’d loved it. He started to swirl his tongue around it, starting off slowly but gathering speed and changing direction at regular intervals. Sophie’s moans increased in volume and he could feel her pussy getting hotter and wetter as he kept his fingers hooked inside her, deftly massaging her innermost spots.
“Mmm!” Sophie purred. “Fuck, keep going, baby. Oh, yes, I’m gonna cum.”
A few seconds later, she did just that. Reaching down to grab his head, she kept it firmly in between her legs as a powerful climax was sparked inside her. George kept spinning and swirling his tongue, feeling her muscles clamp around his fingers as he kept them deep inside her. Sophie lifted her head off the bed, scrunching up her delicate features as a series of charged up, high-pitched squeals vaulted free from between her lips.
Her knuckles turned white as she tightened her grip on George’s head, roughly pulling at the young man’s hair as pleasured tore through her every inch, shaking her body right down to the core. Then once the actress had reached her peak, her head fell back against the king size bed, and her arms and legs dropped down onto the mattress, her entire body going utterly limp.
“Ohhh…wow!” Sophie panted, staring up at the ceiling above her with her trembling arms laying down by her sides.
George lifted his head up, retrieving his fingers from the redhead’s pussy. Sophie looked up, noting how wet his fingers were as he prised them free from her tight pink snatch. Sophie reached down and grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand up towards her mouth. George climbed up onto the bed, planting his knees either side of her body and clawing towards the headboard under Sophie’s direction. Sophie parted her full set lips and fed his fingers in between them, wrapping them around his knuckles and grinning as she sucked them clean.
“Mmm,” she said as she plucked them free. “I taste good, huh?”
“You taste amazing,” George replied as she curled her arms around the young man’s shoulders and pulled him down for a kiss, tasting her pussy off his lips and tongue.
Their lips came apart and Sophie kept her arms around him, her bright blue eyes staring straight into his as she gave him his next instruction.
“Put your cock in me.”
George moved quickly, reaching down to grab his cock as he pressed the tip against the slit of her pussy. Pushing forward, he felt her pussy lips peel apart as he sunk his crown inside her. Sophie moaned, batting her long dark lashes as she felt her tight, wet pussy stretch around the width of his shaft. Sinking in deeper, George fed her inch after inch until his dick could go no deeper, feeling his balls press against her taint as his cockhead touched her cervix.
He stayed like that for close to a minute, feeling how tight her pussy was and enjoying the wetness of her warm pink hole as it smeared it all over his shaft, lubing it from tip to base. Drawing out slowly, he felt her hands move down from his shoulders and slide down the length of his back as he pulled right back to the ridge of his crown, keeping it there for a fraction of a second, before he slammed straight back into Sophie’s pussy, sheathing himself to the hilt.
“Ohhh, fuck! Yes!” Sophie squealed, reaching down to grab his ass and digging her fingers into both her cheeks as he followed up his first hard thrust with a second one of equal force.
He proceeded to fuck her hard and deep, pumping his hips as hard as she could as Sophie’s hands clamped down on his ass, pulling his cock back into her each time he drew back out. George looked down as he thrusted hard, revelling in the look of pleasure that started to stretch across Sophie’s face, enjoying the way her titties bounced with every thrust that he put inside her.
George leaned in and kissed her again, hearing her moan straight into his mouth as he pumped his hips like it was going out of style, driving his cock into her darkest depths, touching parts of the redhead’s pussy that her husband could only dream of. George gave a few more thrusts then buried his cock in Sophie’s pussy, their greedy mouths still fused together as he slid his arms underneath her back.
Wrapping them around her, he took her with him as he rolled onto his back, his dick still buried in the depths of her pussy as he switched from missionary to the cowgirl position in a single seamless motion. His hands moved down and grabbed her ass and she leaned down to kiss him again as he began to buck his hips off the mattress, drilling his cock into Sophie’s pussy. Sophie moaned into George’s mouth as he pounded hard from underneath her, sheathing his cock into her tight pink pussy with every upward thrust.
Their lips came apart and Sophie allowed him a few more thrusts before she lifted her head up, placing her hands on George’s chest as she straightened her back, carefully straddling his supine frame. Planting her knees either side of his hips, George reached up and latched onto hers as Sophie lifted her ass up slowly, working her pussy along the length of his shaft and all the way up to the tip.
Staying there for a fraction of a second, her big blue eyes stared straight into his as she let her legs give way from beneath her as she slid straight down to the base of his shaft, ass cheeks slapping against the tops of his thighs.
“OHH, FUCK!!!” the actress screamed, flinging red hair in every direction as she threw her head back sharply, moaning towards the bedroom ceiling.
George felt his cockhead spasm as it hit the back of Sophie’s twat, tightening his grip on the redhead’s hips as she raised her pussy back up to his tip and repeated the process anew, a loud smack sound bouncing off the bedroom walls as her tight, toned ass crashed down on his thighs.
George was happy to sit back and watch as Sophie took the initiative, taking in all the sights and sounds as the girl of his dreams took a ride on his cock. His eyes went up to her gorgeous face, enjoying the look of pleasure now spreading across it, moans pouring out from between her lips. Then his eyes scanned down to her tits, watching as they bounced and jiggled with every pass she took. His eyes moved past her rippling abs, all the way down to Sophie’s pussy as it swallowed up every inch of his shaft, leaving behind a coat of moisture that got thicker and wetter with every passing second.
Her moans got louder and George could feel her grip on him tighten as she started to move at a faster pace. Sophie leaned forward, and she looked straight into George’s eyes as she laid her body back down on his.
“Fuck me,” she said. “Make me cum on your cock.”
She didn’t have to tell him twice. George reached forward and grabbed her ass, gripping both cheeks as hard as he could as thrusted into her pussy, just like he had before, kicking up to ramming speed in what was practically a blink of an eye. Sophie’s eyes stayed fixed on his and George kept pounding as hard as he could as he watched her eyes roll into her head, a deafening scream flying forth from her tips as her head jerked back with sudden force.
“Oh, fuck! YES! Yes, yes, yes! Keep going!”
Her words were welcome but entirely unnecessary; George wouldn’t have stopped if he’d been struck by lightning. He kept on thrusting as her muscles contracted, squeezing his cock to the point of bursting. Sophie kept screaming ‘til her voice went hoarse and a hot rush of creamy fluid burst from deep inside her, pouring over George’s cock as he sheathed it to the hilt in Sophie’s tight pussy.
George could feel his testes swelling, blood pumping through the veins in his shaft as Sophie’s pussy gripped and squeezed, her warm fluids dousing every inch of his cock. He couldn’t hold off for a second longer. Tightening his grip on Sophie’s ass, his eyes fell shut and he felt her lips as they fused against his, moaning straight into his mouth as a thick spurt of piping hot spunk shot from the tip of his penis, flooding Sophie’s womb. Her pussy gripped him even tighter, squeezing more cum from George’s shaft and milking his balls of every last drop.
For a moment, the two of them lay there, both breathing heavily as George pried his fingers from Sophie’s asscheeks. Sophie’s muscles began to relax, releasing their grip on the young man’s shaft. George opened his eyes as Sophie looked down with a contented grin, running her hands through George’s hair as she uttered just a single word: “wow!”.
Sophie gave him one more kiss then lifted her head up, a thick mess of cum dripping out her pussy as she climbed back down from on top of his body and laid beside him on the bed.
“Phew!” she said as she puffed her cheeks. “Maisie didn’t tell me you were such a stud.”
“I don’t think she knows,” George replied. He didn’t know how she would know;
he didn’t know until just now.
“Well, I’ll be sure to tell her,” Sophie laughed. “And my other friends, of course.”
George’s mind started whirring as he thought of all the women that would hear about his night with Sophie. Natalie Dormer. Nathalie Emmanuel. Emilia Clarke. And there wasn’t just the
GoT girls, of course. In fact, Sophie had friends across the pond as well. Jessica Chastain. Jennifer Lawrence. Hailee Steinfeld. Taylor Swift. Fuck, the list was endless. All types of scenarios were going through his mind and were only interrupted when Sophie tapped his chest and ushered him down off her king size bed.
“OK, honey, time for you to leave. I’ve got to be up early tomorrow.”
“Oh, OK. Sure,” said George as he stepped back down from Sophie’s bed and went to the bathroom to retrieve his clothes.
He dressed himself quickly and returned to the bedroom.
“Maisie’s bringing you on set tomorrow, right?” Sophie asked him as she climbed under the covers.
“Erm…yeah, think so.”
“Great, see you then. And turn the light out when you go, please. There’s a good boy.”
“Sure,” said George as he crossed the suite, a smile stretching across his face as he looked at the beauty now tucked up in bed, still scarcely believing that he’d just made love to her twice in a row.
He switched off the light and closed the door. By the time he got back to his room, Maisie was fast asleep. He was so excited by what had just happened that he thought about waking her and spilling the beans, but ultimately decided against it. She‘d be pissed enough if he woke her up, let alone to tell her he’d just fucked her best friend. George stripped down to his underwear and climbed into bed, reflecting once more on the night he’d had and thought ahead to his day on set and all the wonderful things that could happen when he met the rest of the cast.
Man, he thought as he switched out the light,
having a famous sister is awesome!End of Chapter One