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Author Topic: Holiday temptations (Jennifer Love Hewitt)  (Read 14999 times)


Holiday temptations (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« on: December 13, 2024, 10:59:11 AM »
Disclaimer: This FICTIONAL Story Contains Sexually Graphic Situations. If You're Under Age or Easily Offended STOP READING NOW!!

A/N For anyone who hasn't read any of the previous entries this is a continuation to the story so you might want to go back and check out the earlier stories before diving into this one.

I hadn't been back from work when I heard my door ring. I was never sure if that was a good or a bad thing half the time. I was almost tempted to ignore it and just go and have the shower I had been looking forward to. A second ring however had me sighing and making my way over to open it. A figure welcomed me, just the hint of a smile on her face. I just stared my eyes drifting down over the festive clad beauty stood there, taking in the view. She was smirking at me now. Calmly she reached for a bag beside her and took out a notebook and pen. Bemused I just watched as she dabbed a finger and opened it to an empty page.

Mrs Claus was now stood in front of me looking studious as she looked at that note pad. It made me want to dive right on her there and then something I was entirely sure she knew from the measured smile she had. I couldn't say Jennifer didn't know how to make an entrance. The last time she'd turned up at my place like this unannounced she had been wearing a coat and nothing else but lace lingerie. This time she had ditched the coat but dressed up more. I wasn't sure which was worse. She fluttered those pretty eyes at me as I watched and licked her lips.

"Why sir, are you going to let me in? We've important matters to discuss." She spoke softly that beautiful accent of her just alluring.

I looked at her a moment more not sure whether to close the door or just drag her in there and then and take her to bed, or the nearest surface I could place her on. I knew she was fully aware of what I was thinking. "Well as long as it doesn't take too long. I had things to do you know which didn't involve gorgeous temptations turning up on my doorstep. They have an annoying habit of being a distraction."

She half smiled at me again reaching up to poke the pen against my chest already nudging me back inside. "Oh, but sir this is very important business at this time of the year."

"Hmmmm, well then, only if it's very important business. You'd better explain what you need to do then." I stepped back as she pushed me and then watched as she turned around to close the door behind her. I watched her move eyes drawn to the red stockings I could see clinging to her legs. I wondered how far they went up, about the same time I wondered what other surprises she had hidden away.

Now sir let me introduce myself. I'm Mrs Claus." She began and then offered me a hand. I looked at her hand and then took it in mine shaking it briefly before I let it go. She went back to her notebook again as I slowly started to circle her just taking in her outfit. It was a full-length dress, tied across her waist with a leather belt and bright silver buckles. The edges were all lined in soft white fur little gold trim around some areas as highlights. It had a hood to pull over your head none of which attracted to much of my attention. As I circled around it was the glimpse of her stocking clad legs peeking out from beneath what was a tempting short skirt, and even more fun was the deep v shape neckline that showed of her cleavage and the hint of more lace that was clinging to her breasts. In short, she looked like the perfect Christmas treat worth snacking on. Which she probably knew as she watched me from the corner of her eye as I studied her.

"If I could have your attention for a moment, thank you sir. This won't take long at all, I'm sure you can appreciate it's a busy time of the year for us all." She spoke softly that innocent little smile on her face again as she looked at me. I grinned back moving back around until I was stood in front of her.

"What can I do for you then Mrs Claus?"

"Well, you see obviously we have the holiday season in full flow now. Christmas is coming soon, and Santa obviously is going to very busy delivering all those presents. So, I'm helping out, checking the lists making sure all the information we have is correct.  It says on my list here though that you haven't been very good this year. In fact, it seems to suggest you've been very, very bad."

"Hang on very bad? That doesn't sound right at all. I think I've been very good this year."

"So, you're saying our list is incorrect?"

"I think it must be that doesn't sound like me at all."

"Oh, but I don't know sir." She continued along just enjoying being playful. "It says here......well I don't want to get into the specifics obviously, but it seems you have been very very naughty, we have witnesses."

"Witnesses! I demand proof of this, that doesn't sound like something I'd do at all."

"Oh, we can't name our witnesses sir. That's very improper. No, we're merely here to check if you had anything to say before we submit the list."

"Huh." I murmured studying her closely. So, this other person, this witness I take it she's on the naughty list as well then?"

"Oh no sir, not at all. She is always very very good. Of course she's on the nice list."

"That doesn't seem fair, or right to me. How does that work out?"

She looked at me glanced around like she was listening carefully for anyone else and then beckoned me closer. I obliged sliding forward and leaning down towards her.

"Well, you see sir, I can't get into details. Of course, this is all secret we don't divulge information about these things. But if a person like that was involved in such activities, shall we say, why then anyone indulging in them with her, well they'd be so pleased and so satisfied that she couldn't possibly be on the naughty list could she?" She spoke softly that drawl in her voice just a seductive tease. She always knew what she was doing to me.

"Hmmmm I'm not entirely sure that's fair. It might be true, but it still doesn't seem fair." I muttered after a moment. I let my gaze dip for a moment dropping down to take in her cleavage, that hint of lace that just held it all in place.

"So, I'm on the naughty list right?"

"So far yes, it looks like it."

"Hmmmmm and what about you then Mrs Claus?"

"Me?" She murmured sweetly.

"Yeah, what list are you on?"

"The nice list of course! I'm always ever so helpful working where I can, like this making sure Santas lists are all up to date."

"Hmmmm checking the lists I can see yes. But turning up at people's places in outfit like that? Isn't that at least a little bit naughty?" I queried her softly.

"Why sir this little thing? How could that be naughty?" She laughed softly and spun around showing it off. I watched the hem of her skirt dance around her body as she moved. I saw the flash of the lace at the top of her stockings just on her lower thigh, and then another layer above it higher up her leg. As she faced me again, I pressed in closer finding it harder to resist her.

"I mean an outfit like that might make someone want to do some awful naughty things though. Did you consider that?"

"Sir that doesn't sound likely at all though. Who would do such a thing?" She had that innocent little smile on her face again as she looked at me and fluttered her eyes.

"I don't know, someone who's already on the naughty list maybe. Someone who has nothing to lose and everything to gain from exploring such a naughty wicked outfit more closely. Someone who's about to find out exactly how naughty Mrs Claus might be." I murmured softly pressing in close against her tempting body.

"I must make a note of this so I can make sure I avoid such things." She murmured again lifting her notebook to write.

I plucked it from her fingers and let it drop to the floor. "To late for that now Mrs Claus." I chuckled softly. "You're about to be very very naughty." I teased her again I reached out snaking a hand around her waist as I spoke, watching her head dip to look at me as I did.

"Oh dear, that doesn't sound good at all. I'm not sure I could ever be that naughty." She teased me softly that innocent little smile, the flutter of her eyes. It made me ache just watching her.

"I think you're about to be. I think you're going to be exceptionally naughty right now in fact." I continued to press closer fighting that instinct to just pounce all over her and enjoy that curvy figure of hers especially as I watched her breasts heave inside her outfit.

"And what exactly are all these naughty things you're going to do with me?" She murmured softly her voice huskier. It was good to see I wasn't the only one worked up.

"Hmmm well I want to see exactly what kind of surprises you have going on with this outfit of yours. I'm going to explore you and tease you and enjoy every inch of your tempting figure while you stand there and moan for me. Then I'm going to make sure you get a good hard workout taking care of me as well. If I'm on the naughty list already.....well, I guess it doesn't matter what I do with you. So, I'm just going to enjoy hearing you moan and beg for more while I fuck you right here against the door like the needy little tease you are."

I groaned as I spoke my hand tracing it's way slowly up her body as she leaned back her eyes fluttering as she felt my touch just wonder and slide it's way across her figure. I watched her slowly lick her lips stretch and arch her back to lift her breasts showing that cleavage of even more. My hand found it's way there and cupped her through the front of her outfit.

"That doesn't sound all that naughty really." She breathed out slowly.

"It doesn't?" I murmured back pressing my face into the curve of her neck drawing in her scent as I smiled.

"Oh no, not really. I mean of all the things you could do and make me do there are probably far more naughty ones than that." She teased me back.

"Well feel free to elaborate then." I chuckled softly nipping at her skin playfully.

"Hmmmm well if you were being bad, I mean being really bad you might push me down to my knees make me run my hands over what is probably a very hard, and very trapped erection. Slide it free slowly kiss and lick it gently before taking it into my mouth only for you to take hold of my head and just start fucking it." She fluttered her eyes again, but they swirled with colour now, just heated.

"Hmmm fuck that teasing mouth while you moaned around it taking it all, until I was so close I couldn't resist doing anything other than pulling back and making you finish me all over that pretty face? No, that doesn't sound like something I'd do at all." I chuckled softly nipping her shoulder now.

"Doesn't it?" She drawled softly her voice just taking on an extra edge to it now. "In that case I bet you'd never do something like have me down on my knees either, my hands under my breasts, lifting them up for you to slide and edge across before you just buried yourself between them and enjoyed how good that felt. I just bet you wouldn't be able to help yourself from finishing like that and exploding all over them, just to watch it drip and cascade down all over." She smiled innocently.

I growled softly my hand tightening on her breast sliding my thumb across the curve. "Mrs Claus if you keep on suggesting such wicked naughty things you might end up leaving her today looking awfully satisfied, and awfully messy. But only if your very bad, or very good. It depends on your point of view."

"Didn't you know? I am very good, and very, very bad." She teased me softly licking her lips and flashing me a slow teasing smile.

I couldn't resist that, couldn't resist her or any more teasing for that matter. I let my hand glide up from her breast to her face stroking a finger across her chin and turned her head to face directly now moving in close.

"Then Mrs Claus your about to be both and you can take your pick which list you put yourself on."

I kissed her, hard and deep hungrily tasting her eager tempting mouth as she moaned against me. That barrier broken she responded her hands gripping my body tight and pulling me in against her as she kissed me back, our tongues duelling with another lips, teeth mouth nipping and sucking at each other. We fondled and caressed each other like horny desperate teenagers, I ground into the soft curves of her body moaning at the friction.

Given full freedom to explore that curvy figure I was going to make the most of it. I broke away from her mouth just to let my head fall and slowly slide between her cleavage my lips skimming across the top of her breasts. I heard her panting above me her hands in my hair running through it as she let me enjoy her soft tempting curves. My hands squeezed her breasts lifting them so my mouth could nip and lick across the exposed slopes and I traced my fingers over the lace of her bra that just peeked through.

"I've wanted to see what you had on underneath this thing since you showed up at my door." I groaned softly pulling away to just drink in the sight of her. She was looking flushed now, rosy red cheeks as she looked at me hungrily.

"I've wanted you to see what I had on since I showed up today. I had a feeling it would appeal to you. Looks like I was right." She smiled at me swaying just to make her skirt flutter around her legs.

I couldn't resist exploring her, not looking like that. I turned her around, so she was facing the door placing her hands in front of her and used a hand on the small of her back to nudge her a little making that body arch. "Stay like that." I muttered, sinking down to my knees behind her. As I did, I ran my hands down her body over her back, across her hips, running down over her curvy rear until I was kneeling.

I placed my hands on her ankles and then slowly began to work my way back up a hand on either leg. I explored the stockings she was wearing the bright festive red colour a sharp contrast to the background door. The material hugged her shapely curves up her calves to her knees. As I rose higher, I slowly pushed up that skirt with me already groaning as I found the tops of her stockings just above her knees.

She looked to good, too tempting especially as I found the garter she was wearing. That little strip of fabric stretched around her muscled thigh. I traced my fingertips lightly up the inside of them and heard her whimpering above me moving restlessly as she felt me exploring and enjoying every inch of that delicious figure. I slid a finger underneath it watching the line of pale flesh it left behind and then pulled it free as it snapped back afterwards slapping against her skin. Then my hands just moved back to the bottom of her skirt, and I slowly pushed it up an inch at a time just to see her lower body and everything she had on.

She was wearing a tiny sliver of lace I turned her around slowly and almost just moaned. The front was semi-transparent which would have been a tease in itself. But on top of that the entire middle section right along the line of her entrance had been cut away just leaving her bare and exposed. I felt her squirm above me moaning as she saw me looking hungrily at her. I reached out slowly let my finger caress down her entrance tracing across her bare smooth lips feeling them already damp. I turned her around again, so she was facing away. Any more of that and I might just have taken her there and then. Instead, I let my hands enjoy that curvy soft rear instead.

I put a hand on each cheek and just squeezed that muscled flesh watching and feeling it move under my touch. I couldn't resist just spanking her lightly watching her quiver and bounce, hearing her moan as she stood there still bent over with that delicious rear pointing straight at me. I pressed in close and let my face slide all over her skin the stubble on my skin scraping across her. I kissed and took greedy little bites out of her as I went just feeling her move, hearing her eager sounds of pleasure and hungry little noises all sounds that wound me up even more. I couldn't resist her, couldn't resist what I wanted to do with her, not when she looked that tempting.

I moved lower used my hand to grasp the edge of her underwear and pulled it aside exposing her bare sex from behind. Enough for me to press forward and run my fingers against it again. She was soaking wet, I could feel it under my fingers, could feel hot she was, her skin radiating heat. She was pushing herself back onto me trying to get more and more and I was happy to indulge her. I traced my fingers along the damp folds of her entrance rubbing and teasing as I heard her moan, pushing back onto me. Then I slowly pressed harder spreading those lips open and sinking a finger inside her, just the tip at first and then as she continued to push back onto me gradually sliding more and more inside her.

She whimpered softly still rocking as I ran a second finger down her folds and then guided that inside her as well stretching her further, filling her, feeling her squirm as she pushed back onto me trying to take more and more. I moaned with her still nibbling and taking little bites out of her soft rear, but I wanted more of her now. I pulled my fingers free, feeling her slick arousal coating them. Before she had the chance to complain about losing their touch, I pressed forward using my hands to nudge her thighs further apart giving myself more room. Then I pushed my head between then and flicked out my tongue, running that down along her folds as well the hint of her taste making me want more.

I pulled one hand back and gripped her rear with it steadying us both as I dived in and went for more. I heard her groaning as my lips and tongue started rubbing and sliding against her damp folds. She reached a hand back behind her gripping my hair to hold me tight against her making it clear she wanted more. The two of us knew one another well enough by now to know what we were doing. I licked up and down her folds teasing her a little more feeling her arousal seeping out coating my lips. Then I pushed forward using my tongue to part her folds and slide inside her tasting her even more. Hot greedy moans spilled from her eager mouth as she ground herself back against me her delicious curvy rear just bouncing and sliding against my face.

I kneaded and squeezed her with the hand that clasped her cheek filling my hand with that gorgeous, muscled flesh enjoying her tempting body. My other hand I worked around to the front of her body and attacked from the other side. While my tongue thrust it's way between her eager folds, I used my fingers to slowly rub and tease her clit from the front making her moan even more. She continued to moan for me, eager sweet noises spilling from out. That delicious curvy rear continued to grind and edge itself over my face while my hand kneaded and squeezed it. Her hand in my hair held me close against her while she stood there leaning against the door using it to support herself as I enjoyed her. She was too tempting like this, hard and aching as I was, I wanted nothing more than to enjoy her every way possible.

The taste of her filled my mouth coating my tongue as it slithered between the spread lips of her pussy. It coated my fingers and just helped me tease her even more as I used the tips to circle and rub and press her clit stroking and playing with that little nub of flesh listening to those sounds of pleasure grow and increase. I wanted her to cum, wanted to hear her groans of pleasure right there as she fought to stay upright. I pulled my tongue back lapping at her juices and alternated using my fingers to thrust inside her giving her a taste of what was to come while my tongue teased her clit. It wasn't the best angle to enjoy her like this, so my hand manoeuvred her slowly around again, so she was stood facing me leaning back against the door.

I shoved her skirt up and took a moment to admire the view. The lacy stockings covering her muscled legs, the little garter on her thigh, then the wicked added tease of her lacy underwear the cut-out section exposing her pussy. Then that gorgeous, flushed face looking down at me hungrily as I licked my lips watching her. Her hand was still in my hair, and she pulled me forward eager for more. I dived in eagerly this time my hands sliding around to grip both her cheeks while I buried my mouth hungrily between her waiting legs. There was something wickedly teasing about her showing up wearing something like that. I couldn't get enough of it, and she knew full well how to tease me properly at this point. It worked for us, as neither of us went away unhappy.

She wouldn't now either. I heard a thump above me, the sound of her head falling back against the door as she muttered an oath. One of her legs was raised and ended up draped over my shoulder as she opened herself up giving me more room in which to enjoy her tempting curves and that delicious slick wet pussy as she ground it against my mouth. I moaned against her the sound muffled but we drove each other on. Her hands in my hair, my mouth pressed tight against her dripping pussy. I thrust my tongue inside her again using it to tease all those sensitive nerves while my lips closed around her clit, and I just sucked hungrily hearing her strangled moans and urgent cries of pleasure grow and build above me.

I knew she wasn't going to last. The moans increased hot, frantic, greedy. Her body bucked and squirmed grinding her luscious tempting flesh all over my mouth. I gripped her more tightly, moaning with her and redoubled my efforts. I wanted to push her over that edge watch her explode with pleasure, and then the real fun would begin when I got to enjoy her even more. She bucked against me twisting and turning one hand tight in my hair while the other was flat on the door behind steadying herself. My tongue moved in and out of her faster, deeper and I moaned against her body sucking hungrily on that little throbbing bud of pleasure listening to her moans grow louder and more intense second by second.

Finally, her head just fell back completely, crying out as she came still grinding and thrusting herself onto my mouth. I let her ride it out grunting from the effort of holding myself in place until the hand that had been clutching at my hair slowly fell away and slipped back to her side. Once I felt that I eased myself away from her and stood back up. We shared a brief heated looked look. She was all flushed, slightly dazed, incredibly tempting. I fell on her then pinning her against the door and captured her mouth with my own, letting her taste herself all over my lips. She moaned against me still limp from her orgasm, but I held her there grinding my erection against her aching more myself.

I was hot, hungry and aching for her now. My hands roamed over her body while I continued to grind into her lush tempting figure. I needed more of her, I wanted it. Her own hands were pulling me into her moaning against my mouth just greedy and eager. I broke away drew in a deep breath and just studied her.

"Well, it looks like I have what I need. I'll just be on my way." She drawled smiling innocently at me.

I pinned her hands against the door and growled a warning before she could even more. My lips curved their way back up her neck and brushed lightly against her lip teasing. "Try it." I muttered softly.

"Why sir....." She continued, smirking at me enjoying being playful, teasing me, especially when she was having fun. "I have what I needed. I think you'll definitely be on the naughty list. I don't think we can change that now."

"Naughty list huh?" I muttered again.

"Oh yes I think so. Very, very naughty." She smiled flicked her tongue against my mouth as she spoke.

"In that case I may as well be really naughty then, right?"

"Oh dear, sir I don't think that's a good idea at all. How very wicked of you. Whatever are you planning to do now?"

I took one of her hands pulled it away from the door and guided it down to press against the front of me making sure she felt me. I didn't need to do anything else her fingers moved of their own accord rubbing slowly massaging my straining erection. "I'm going to make sure you are right there on that naughty list with me as well." I muttered again.

I skimmed my hand down her body once more sliding my fingers across her cleavage teasing the edge of her dress, the lace of her bra. I tugged and pushed down until her breast spilled out and I could see the darker peak of a nipple. The tip was hard already even before I touched it lightly. My head dropped and I fell on it licking it gently before closing my mouth around it sucking hungrily. Above me Jennifer moaned again. A short journey across, another tug of my hand on the delicate lace that encased it, and another breast spilled free, big soft and tempting. My mouth traced a lazy path across to it and I slowly edged my tongue across the nipple before sucking hungrily. She moaned again her one hand running back through my hair until she gave me a tug.

Reluctantly I pulled myself away just using my hands to caress her breasts, my thumbs sliding and rubbing her nipples teasing those hard points as I looked at her. She pulled me into another kiss groaning against my mouth one hand still firmly pressed against my erection rubbing it.

"You forgot one thing." She purred softly in between teasing kisses.

"What was that?"

"Even if I'm very very bad. I'm still very very good." She smirked at me her tongue curling and flicking sliding over my mouth as she slowly began to sink down in front of me. I was already twitching, already throbbing my hand pushing at her shoulder helping her on her way groaning at what was coming next.

"In that case I want you to be very very bad, and very very good." I breathed out watching her.

She smirked at me and snuggled closer against me her hands gripping my thighs while her tongue slowly touched the base of my cock. I ached and pulsed even as she slowly licked up the length of it making me twitch even more now. She was teasing and playful everything I loved about her. She had that flirty little smile back as her hands ran down my thighs and her fingers pressed and rubbed against my aching length. Fortunately, she soon went to work her fingers also proving to be deft and skilful. I watched as she pulled my clothes down and my hard aching erection sprang free twitching and bobbing just in front of her gorgeous face.

"So....." She purred softly. "Why......don't......you......show......me.....how bad.......or how good.........you want me to be." She teased softly. In between every few words that soft teasing mouth of hers kissed the head of my cock or just underneath it, each one had me twitching. I groaned just hearing her tease me, let alone actually feeling it as well.

My hand was sinking down even without thinking. I let my fingers slide into her hair and pulled her towards me guiding myself to her mouth. She knew what she was doing, she knew what I wanted. With a soft eager moan, the head of my cock rubbed against her lips and then plunged inside her mouth. I groaned at the sensation as I sank my way inside. I felt her nails press into my thighs as she gripped me holding herself steady as my head fell back just enjoying the sensation. I felt her tongue teasing me, swirling around the head making me pulse and throb instantly. She knew what she was doing sliding over all the delicate sensitive spots that had me twitching against her.

Reaching down I brushed her hair back just so I could watch her work. Enjoying the view of her warm tempting mouth sliding along my cock. I started guiding her onto me making her take it hearing the muffled sounds of pleasure that escaped her as she bobbed back and forth along the length of my cock sucking hungrily. She fell into a smooth easy rhythm her hands snaking around behind my thighs gripping and kneading my muscles as her mouth worked it's way along the entire length of my shaft. Her mouth pushed down to the base taking it all moaning as she did, only to pull back to the head and then slide her way back down once more.

I couldn't resist keeping still. She was entirely right, she was exceptionally good at this. It always made me want more of it. I thrust forward to meet her teasing mouth sliding and pushing my way inside guiding her onto me. Eager hot and worked up as she was, she took it. She knew what she was doing. She had from the moment she'd arrived here. Her hand gripped my thighs squeezing as she held me and her mouth glided along my length up and down. Hot eager muffled moans escaped her as she enjoyed me. I groaned with her just enjoying the feel of her warm wet mouth running up and down the length of my cock from the head to the base and then back again. It was too much to resist.

I gripped her head moaning her name and started to move thrusting myself forward into her mouth. I used it, I enjoyed it, I fucked it deep and harder just hearing her garbled moans spilling out as she held onto me taking it. She took it all greedily and the sensation of her sliding along my length like that hungry and eager had me leaking and dripping out. When I finally edged back she took a ragged breath of air and grasped the base of my cock in her hand stroking it lightly up and down. She squeezed around the head making me drip even more, drawing me forwards to rub it against her soft teasing cleavage leaving little glistening trails over her skin. It was enough to make me throb even more.

Her head dived forward again this time teasing more than anything. She held the base still and used her lips and tongue to play with the head. Her tongue ran up the underside of my shaft licking up more dripping pre cum before they kissed the tip, slipped around it and started to suck lightly making me groan as she teased me. I was hard aching and sensitive right then.

She released me with a soft pop and shot me a hungry look. "I want you inside me right now." She drawled softly slowly pushing herself to her feet.

"Why Mrs Claus that sounds awfully like someone who is very much going to be on a naughty list to me." I teased back.

She pressed in close her hand stroking me still. "Yeah?" She continued teasing softly. "I don't think so. Not when you know how good it's going to feel. How good you're going to feel pushing inside me hot, tight, wet. Not when you hear me moaning for you, wanting it, needing it." She smiled innocently at me again. "Not when you’re so hard right now that if I tried to walk away you'd probably just catch me anyway."

She made a move, probably to tease me rather than a real attempt to slip away. Either way I caught her waist spinning her around and pushed her back up against the door pressed in close against her curvy body. I could hear her panting squirming back against me teasing us both.

"See......." She murmured softly once more. "You just can't help yourself. How very naughty of you." Her head had turned watching me and she flicked her tongue out playfully. "So, give it to me. It wouldn't be the first time you've been awfully bad with me. So, you may as well do it again and then enjoy how good I can make you feel."

We were pressed close her breath tickled my skin as she spoke soft and seductive as ever. Her pretty eyes were hot and smoky as they watched me. "Fuck me." She told me finally, something I was never going to resist.

I growled against her ear my hand dropping down to hike her skirt up again bunching it around her waist. Then I pressed it on down her thigh stroking that silky smooth skin until I gripped it tight and lifted it up giving myself a little more room. I pressed forward against her grinding against her body trying to find that right angle cursing again as I felt the heat of her entrance.

I drew my hips back and pressed forward once more sliding along her folds. She whimpered grinding back against me even as I pushed against her. I shifted again this time feeling her hand drop down to grasp the head of my cock and slide it back against her entrance guiding me in. I pushed forward eagerly then and sank my cock slowly inside her soft wet folds.

As much as I wanted to pound myself inside her I took my time. There was something exquisitely erotic about being pressed up close together, watching one another, feeling her breath on my mouth. I got to enjoy her reaction as inch by inch I pushed myself inside her. Her eyes fluttered and I felt her quivering against me as I supported her weight with my body pinning her there against the door. She was tight still especially from this angle. I rocked against her drawing my hips back and sliding forward again slowly pushing and nudging more and more of my cock inside her until with a final firm thrust, I was pressed tight against her.  I held myself there just savouring how good that felt hearing her soft moan of pleasure as her eager mouth kissed me.

I still held her thigh with one hand, squeezing that shapely muscled flesh and holding her there to enjoy. I let the other slide up her back across her sexy little outfit before sliding around her side and then underneath the swell of her breast. I felt my fingers scrape lace and then bare skin before they closed around the soft big mound of flesh and began to knead and squeeze it. She moaned again, her breath wicked and hot on my mouth as I groaned against her. My hips drew back, and I thrust forward driving against the soft curve of her rear with my hips. The feel of her like this was exquisite. I began to move, steady firm thrusts sliding and working my length in and out of her. I felt her on me, slick and wet gripping my cock. Her pants and moans of pleasure made me ache.

I groaned against her skin scraping my teeth along the back of her neck as I did. "What kind of wicked temptation turns up on someone's doorstep looking like you do?" I groaned against her as I thrust inside.

"The kind of temptation you just love. Which is why you’re currently holding her against a door while you have your wicked way with her." She moaned softly and flicked her tongue playfully against me.

I groaned against her mouth. "I can't get enough of you. Even when I know I shouldn't, I still want you. Especially when you turn up on my doorstep dressed up and knowing exactly what you’re after. You feel too good not to enjoy. Which is exactly why you aren't leaving here again today until I've turned you into a glistening hot mess."

"Oh yeah?" She purred softly once more. "What exactly are you going to do to me?"

"I'm going to fuck you, and enjoy you and then after I've heard you moan a lot more, and after I've made you cum for me again I'm going to put you down on your knees so I can see that pretty face of yours looking at me while I push and slide myself between those gorgeous curves of yours until I explode all over you. I want to send you out of her with it on you still." I growled against her ear throbbing hard inside her.

She pouted at me. "Don't you want to spill it all inside me again, send me out of here knowing it's going to be dripping out of me, reminding me of exactly how bad we were?" She teased playfully.

"Don't tempt me. I could, but we'll be here longer and I'm not sure we have that much time, and I like the idea of sending you out of her with it covering you instead."

"Sadly, we don't, and that is exactly why you're on the naughty list. So, you'd better get back to enjoying me properly, and make me want to come over again so you can fuck me and fill me as well." She teased me softly.

I thrust against her again driving myself deep inside feeling my hips slap against her while my hand clenched around her breast kneading that smooth soft skin. I still had her other leg in my hand gripping her thigh leaving her exposed and open enough to plunge inside her slick wet heat repeatedly. It wasn't enough it was never enough. I pulled myself free of her spun her around to face me and groaned as I crushed myself against her mouth nipping, sucking, hungrily kissing her. She whimpered and moaned against my mouth her hands free to clutch at my body pulling me in close while my hands stroked down her curvy figure to grasp her legs once more slipping around beneath them this time.

I lifted her up pinned her against the door with my body and thrust inside her pummelling her body against the solid surface feeling the frame bounce under the impact of her hitting the wood. I didn't care if anyone would hear what was happening. All that mattered was drawing my hips back and then thrusting deep inside her, pulling back again and then thrusting again filling her up and feeling the length of my throbbing cock plunge back inside her. I kissed her muffling her eager moans with my mouth repeatedly thrusting in and out giving her every inch of my cock with every stroke I made. Every time I slammed my hips against her she moaned and clenched around me, her body bouncing and quivering under the impact. I dragged my mouth away from hers and instead she pushed it down into her cleavage.

It was my turn to muffle my moans of pleasure. Her soft breasts bounced and moved against my face, and I slid across them until I felt the touch of a hard nipple dragging across my skin. I captured it with my mouth and bit down hearing her gasp as I started to suck and tease it with my teeth. I pulled away just to admire how it looked, that delicious stiff peak glistening from my mouth. Hungrily then I darted across as she arched and straightened lifting her breasts up for me to enjoy the other one as well.

I captured that nipple as well swirling my tongue around it nipping, tugging and teasing it once more. This time I held us both there my cock throbbing inside her as she clenched and tightened around my shaft. But I couldn't stay still for long. I pulled away from her breasts just to drink in the look on her face as I started to thrust again driving my cock inside her once more. We moaned together watching each other as I enjoyed her. I pushed steadily in and out of her feeling my shaft gliding between her folds and her hot eager moans, the look in her eye as I did drove me wild. It was enough to make anyone melt seeing it, especially feeling her at the same time. It was a hard combination to resist. Leaning forward she bit my lip again and tugged playfully.

"Down, down, let me down." She muttered kneading my shoulders with her hands.

She must have seen the questioning look in my eyes as her head sank down and she kissed me again moaning against my mouth as our tongues teased and slipped against one another.

"Mister I want to see that look in your eye while I ride you, while I take you, while I make sure there isn't anyone else you’re thinking of right now but me and exactly how good I can make you feel. I want you to make me cum all over you like that before you have your own fun."

"Huh that sounds rather naughty to me." I muttered arching and eyebrow as I looked at her.

"Are you kidding me? By the time I start bouncing up and down all over you, all you'll want to do is thank me for being that good. Just think about how that is going to look dressed like this, let alone how good it will feel." She teased me her fingers sliding across the tops of her breasts. She had a point.

"Fair point." I agreed softly.

Slowly I lowered her to the ground holding her steady as she found her feet once more and then found myself being steadily guided backwards towards my couch. When I felt it hit the back of my calves I sat down and watched as Jennifer slipped down to straddle my thighs rising smoothly above me. Even as she reached down to grasp my cock, I let my hands slide along the smooth silky length of her thighs. My hands disappeared under her skirt and worked around to cup and squeeze her ass just as she guided me back to her entrance. I rubbed against her dripping wet lips and then sank inside as she slipped herself back down onto me. We both groaned as she did, shuddering at the pleasure as I felt her close around me once more. Moaning she pressed back me back hungrily kissing me.

"I knew this was a good idea. I knew how much you'd enjoy it. Seeing me dress up for you all gorgeous and tempting. I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself, and it just feels so good." She moaned against me her voice soft and sultry as she spoke.

She knew me well enough by now to know I could never resist her. Especially looking that good. She moaned as she kissed me. I gripped and squeezed her rear and felt her breasts squashed against my chest. Her lacy clad figure just too much of a temptation for me. She stayed like that snuggled in against my body. She didn't move more than just gripping and squeezing my cock inside her. She just teased my mouth with her own, soft hungry kisses, teasing tongues, the feel of her fingers as she stroked and ran them over my body. I held her and did the same gliding along her legs, across her rear, up over her back and shoulders even as her hair spread around us like a curtain.

She finally broke away with a small moan and a satisfied smile on her face. She sat back and looked at me licking her lips as she rested on my thighs. Then she reached down and grasped my hand placing it on her side. The other one reached out to hold her as well and I skimmed them lightly along her just drinking in that sight as she sat there. There was only one thing that would make it better. I reached up and grasped her dress pulling so I could see the lace of her bra. Then I dipped my hands inside and scooped out her big soft breasts baring them to my hungry sight before caressing them softly and sliding my thumbs across the dark tips of her nipples as her head fell back and she moaned softly.

She started to move against me just rolling and grinding on my thighs, sliding herself along me so I squirmed and pulsed inside her as she clenched and squeezed my cock.  She didn't need to do anything else to drive me crazy. Biting her lip, her hands by her side, the subtle bounce and jiggle of her breasts as she moved was enticing enough as it was. My head fell back as I clutched at her breasts squeezing and kneading them while I tried to push up and thrust deeper inside her. I quivered under the onslaught of her body grinding on me like that. She undulated and moved in a way I couldn't resist. I throbbed inside her, every movement she made making me ache and pulse even more as I enjoyed her.

"Look at me. I want to see you watching me while I ride you." She murmured softly biting her lip as she looked down at me playfully.

I turned my attention back to her shaking my head as I drank in the sight watching and enjoying her. She began to move faster grinding on me sliding and moving on my cock as I continued to pulse inside her. My hands fell away from her breasts and moved to her hips and rear gripping her tightly and enjoying that curvy frame as she enjoyed me. She bit her lip focused entirely on her pleasure and watching me intently as she rode my body. I moaned beneath her clutching her tight ass, helping her to move faster and faster now. She picked up the pace lifting herself as she moved up and down on my cock which pulsed and throbbed even more inside her. I held myself back, as tough as it was. I didn't want to finish until she did and even then, I had something else in mind for that.

It was hard as she made me feel exquisite as she moved on me. I watched her rise and push up, her exposed breasts bouncing as she moved, watched my cock glistening with her juices, then saw her plunge back down onto me taking me deep once more, my hard shaft surging back inside her. I brought one hand around to the top of her thigh and reached across with my thumb to start to tease her clit again. She moaned as I started to tease and play with it. I rubbed small little circles around the swollen bud of flesh and watched as she bucked and quivered, her head tossed, hair tumbling around her shoulders. She grasped her own breasts cupping and squeezing them teasing her nipples as she put on a show and enjoyed herself at the same time knowing exactly what I had in store for her soon.

I groaned again squeezing her hip and thrusting harder towards her just watching her bounce and ride my swollen aching cock. Her wetness covered my finger as I teased her clit, smeared against her thighs as she moved on me, and I heard her own breathless moans of pleasure as she moved faster and faster against me losing herself in the pleasure. I let her ride it out just enjoying the view of her positioned over me sliding up and down on my glistening cock with her gorgeous breasts spilling around her hands and bouncing as she moved. I kept my thumb on her clit circling it, teasing it rubbing it feeling her quiver and shake as her climax built and the breathless moans that escaped her built and built.

"God you're going to make me cum. You're going to make me cum all over that cock, whatever you do don't stop, don't stop touching me." She moaned as she spoke panting and quivering as she surged along the swollen length of my cock.

I groaned just hearing her, arching up to drive inside and continued to enjoy her. Finally, I felt her stiffen as she plunged down onto me once more and I thrust up to meet her keeping my thumb pressed on her clit and I felt her shudder once more as her orgasm exploded through her. She bucked against me a strangled moan of pleasure spilling from her and then she arched her back completely silent for a brief moment until she cried out as she came, and I felt her tighten and squeeze me even more.

I thrust against her drawing out those hungry moans of pleasure as she bounced and rocked against me falling forward now, her hands pressed against my chest as she plunged down onto my cock her ass slapping against my thighs and then held herself there groaning. I moved both hands to grip those curvy cheeks and pulled her onto me to enjoy how she felt as she quivered and contracted around the throbbing length of my cock.

Finally, she collapsed against me panting heavily as she rested and caught her breath. I enjoyed it, I let my hands squeeze her rear again and then slide up her back and along her sides while I let my mouth press and slide against the soft curve of her neck. I couldn't help but continue to edge and push inside her. I felt her squeezing and contracting around my throbbing length which made me ache. She half turned her head to look at me brushing her hair back from her face as she did. I turned towards her and met that teasing soft mouth of hers in another kiss gripping her tightly and thrusting myself slowly against her. She gripped my cock again milking it and moaned against my mouth breathlessly.

"Are you sure you don't want to finish like this?" She teased me playfully. I bet it would feel really good right now. I mean you can feel how good I am, and I bet if you just thrust a little more and I squeezed around you nice and tight you'd just explode inside me all. Think about how that would feel slick and bare like that." She murmured softly and I growled against her neck.

"Just remind me how many times did I do that the last time we were in the hotel?"

"I don't know I stopped counting after the first day, I recall you seemed like you couldn't get enough." She smiled.

"I wasn't the only one. I think someone was pretty demanding from what I remember."

"If I was it was because someone didn't seem like they could resist filling me up.....again and again......." She laughed softly and kissed me again.

I squeezed her rear and thrust against her again moaning against her mouth. "You’re tempting and it's hard to resist. But today at least I'll try. If I'm going to be accused of being bad at least I'll be guilty of it, partly anyway."

She laughed again and kissed me once more pressed tight and close against my body before she slowly lifted herself up. I gripped her hips and helped lift her up of my cock watching as it slid out of her and bounced against me. She regained her feet eyes running across me hungrily before she settled down kneeling between my legs as I spread them to give her room.

"One moment, I just need something else first, I always love how we taste." She swooped down grasped my cock and drew me into her mouth again sucking hungrily.

I reached and brushed her hair back from her face groaning as she eagerly tasted the two of us all over my cock. I couldn't resist thrusting against her mouth. I was hard aching and needed to explode. Her mouth was another teasing temptation, it was hard to resist especially when she was moaning around me, sucking and tasting me.

Her muffled moans ran through the length of my shaft, and I ached even more pulsing on her tongue as it slipped down, and she continued to hungrily suck. I couldn't stop my hips from bucking and thrusting against her making her moan even more as she took me deeper and deeper, and I felt the throbbing build even more. I had to pull myself free with a soft pop.

"Spoilsport." She teased me eyes sparkling. "I bet that's something else you'd have enjoyed right then. It is the holiday season as well don't I deserve a tasty treat to enjoy?" She smirked at me playfully her tongue sliding out to lick over the swollen head where pre cum was dripping out.

I groaned again and gripped her shoulders to push her firmly back while I sat myself up. I reached down to cup her breasts again lifting them up and making sure they were ready for me to enjoy. She rolled her eyes playfully and snuggled in close enough that I could edge across the soft slopes moaning as I did. Then I adjusted myself pushing my shaft down between her cleavage. Her soft round breasts surrounded me and I Iet out a breath as I felt it. "If this is my Christmas treat then you better believe I'm enjoying it naughty list or not. You’re still leaving here after you've been bad yourself, and you’re sticky and glistening after I've exploded all over." I moaned softly already moving my hips thrusting and pushing myself into her cleavage.

She gripped my thighs her nails lightly playing across my skin just teasing me as I started slowly pushing between her breasts. It squeezed her big soft mounds even more snugly around my cock and I ached with pleasure even without the added benefit of seeing it all happen as well. It was too good in so many wicked wonderful ways.

"You did forget though.......this really isn't that bad. It's actually really really good." She smirked at me again. "I mean who else can make you feel as good as this. Who else makes you ache like I do?" She purred softly her voice as ever a perfect sultry tease. "Who else is going to look quite as good as I do when you finally get what you want and explode all over me?"

She moaned her words ending abruptly as I leaned over and crushed my mouth against hers. Any more of that and I'd have exploded there and then, and I wanted to enjoy more of her first, more of those beautiful big soft breasts squeezed around me. I kissed her hungrily and worked my hips thrusting and pushing my cock between the gorgeous soft slopes feeling them squeezed tight around me.

She half laughed against my mouth as we kissed, and I pushed myself between her soft breasts feeling them squashed against my throbbing aching length. She broke away eyes still flashing playfully leaning back so I slipped free from between her breasts and just bobbed freely until she caught me in her hand and stroked her fingers along the rigid hard length. She guided the tip and pressed it against one hard nipple rubbing over it. I moaned at how it felt let alone how it looked. The friction was exquisite the sight of it, the glimpse of my swollen head weeping creamy fluid and seeing it smeared against her was just an extra hot wicked tease. I thrust against it painfully aroused loving every moment and left wanting even more.

"You like how that how looks? How it feels?" She teased me softly shifting me to rub me against her other breast as well. You're so hard right now just see how bad you are, how good I make you feel." She stroked me working her fingers up the length, so more fluid dripped out rubbing over her fingers being smeared against her skin. "We really had better take care of that."

She released my cock which twitched and pulsed briefly before Jennifer's hands grasped her breasts and lifted them up and pushed them around my cock surrounding me in all that big soft tempting cleavage. She began to move them squeezing them around my throbbing length which was even more slick now pumping slowly up and down. I groaned watching it, feeling it was even better. I let my head fall back and just let her glide up and down my length while I throbbed and pulsed with pleasure feeling that growing ache build inside me. I couldn't keep completely still, my hips bucked and rocked and I pushed myself against her thrusting into that delicious soft cleavage moving smoothly as the attention of her mouth and all the pre cum spilling out made it even easier.

"There we go." She teased softly. "That's better, nice and slick and smooth and that hard aching cock just ready to burst for me." She continued. "Are you going to do it for me? Are you going to cum, just thrust that aching length against me until you burst. I bet you want to, I bet you want to see me covered again." Her voice picked at me smooth and constant making me ache and quiver even more.

I loved how she felt, loved how she looked even more. My swollen hard cock pushed between her breasts even as she glided slowly up and down. As the head popped free of the top of her cleavage, I watched moaning as more pre cum spilled from the head and trickled down onto me, onto her and then was smeared against all her soft skin making me glide even more easily. She flashed that wicked hot smile at me dipping her head forward enough to flick her tongue out across the tip tasting me at the same time. I thrust up hard and aching just watching it brush over her mouth leaving another glistening trail across her lips and cheek. Her back arched she leaned and pressed in closer, and my cock continued to move straining between the delicious soft prison her gorgeous breasts made around me.

"Jennifer." I hissed out the word thrusting against her. She flashed another smile her tongue resting against the head lightly flicking and teasing against the underside until another surge of pre cum escaped and trickled slowly down the side and spread across her cleavage. She looked so good like that, so utterly irresistible, but I wanted more, I needed it.

I reached out and covered her hands with mine squeezing them around her luscious big soft breasts. I pressed on them making sure they surrounded my cock, all that delicious smooth soft skin surrounding my aching hard length as I pumped into it. I used the grip to make her move faster and further up and down gliding effortlessly along the length of my cock while I watched absorbed. Groaning I leaned back hips pumping as I thrust myself against her. My cock slipped against her rising up bursting free of her cleavage glistening with fluid which dripped out and ran down across us only to slide back down into the depths as she squeezed her boobs around me making me ache and throb even more. I squeezed her rolling them in my hands seeing the little smirk on her face as she watched me.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I moaned again bucking against her working my hips faster and harder watching my straining hard cock powering through her tempting curves. I couldn't get enough of her, and right then she was far too much for me to withstand. Not that I wanted to. All I really wanted then for Christmas or any other time was just to explode all over those soft tempting curves.

"Jennifer!" I hissed out her name my hands falling away releasing her breasts. "Don't stop, don't you dare stop." I moaned through gritted teeth and instead focused on thrusting, hard and fast pushing and sliding myself between those gorgeous big soft breasts of hers.

She moaned softly her eyes sparkling as she continued to work her breasts slowly up and down the length of my cock. I watched her bite her lip, flick her tongue out to tease and taste me once more. Her breasts magnificent and as tempting as ever glided along my sticky hard length and I groaned as she rubbed them against me, as I thrust between them.

"That's it." She teased me softly. "I know what you want, you know what you want. So just relax and give it to me. Enjoy how good it feels right here and now doing this. How good it looks pressed against me like this, how I look right now all dressed up for you. I want you to cum for me, I want you to cum over me. I want to hear you moaning for me as you explode all over me and I want it right now." She murmured softly that sultry teasing voice of hers combined with the delicious soft curves of her body far, far too much to take.

I couldn't resist that, even if I'd wanted to, and right then I didn't anyway. "Jennifer." I moaned again hips bucking as I thrust myself between her heaving breasts feeling her surround me with them. She squeezed them tight rubbed them up and down increasing the pressure and the friction as I pushed between them feeling my cock swell and pulse even more knowing exactly what was coming. I couldn't tear my eyes away. I wanted to see her, wanted to see what was happening as I drew my hips back, thrust forward once more and sent my aching hard cock thrusting up through her cleavage one final time. I watched her head dip the sparkling look of mischief in her eyes as she realised exactly what was happening as well and then I was groaning and thrusting and pumping my rigid hard cock between her breasts.

I pushed out the top of her cleavage even as she squeezed them tightly around my shaft and I erupted that first thick hot spurt blasting up against her chin as she looked on. I pulled back and then thrust again the next spurt erupting up her neck, before I let out the breath I'd been holding as I continued to thrust and cum. More followed shooting across the slopes of her breasts, into the soft sides, finally trickling out just to drip, rub and smear all over those gorgeous soft curves.

Even after I had been drained all over those lush tempting curves I still continued to rock and buck rubbing myself against her, watching all that cum slowly trickle and run down her heaving breasts. Jennifer edged me slowly gliding them up and down my length. It was a sight I would never get tired of. She finally released her hands pulling away, her breasts parting and my cock sliding free. I couldn't resist just edging the head across one hard stiff nipple teasing it with the aching tip as she smirked playfully at me and then slowly looked down to see the mess I'd made of her. Then her head sank down and she gently kissed the head of my cock and sat back with a soft laugh.

"Naughty or nice you definitely enjoyed that." Can you get me towel?"

I pulled my eyes away from her sticky cleavage and looked at her. "Oh no that wasn't what I said. I said if you came here looking like that and wanting what you wanted, you'd leave that. Covered and dripping in me." I insisted.

She shook her head at me. "Really.......that is definitely keeping you on the naughty list. I tried to help I really did." Her finger brushed slowly along her chin gathering up some of cum I'd spilled across her and she lifted it to her mouth and slowly sucked it clean.

I swallowed hard watching her. "If you carry on like that then I do know you wouldn't have to worry about it as I'd sort you a towel out, or a shower. It would just be right after I'd carried you to bed and enjoyed you all over again and you said time was short today."

She looked at me ruefully, very much like someone who was tempted by the idea. "It is, other errands to run. It's a busy time of year otherwise I'd do my upmost best to see if we couldn't get you back on that nice list." She licked her lips slowly gaze wondering across me as I sat there. Then she sighed and slowly started straightening herself out.

I watched as she lifted and tugged her bra back up over her breasts, and then adjusted her Santa suit to how it looked when she'd come in. It didn't quite mask all the glistening trails of cum, especially on her neck and chin. It was my turn to shake my head and groan as I looked at her. She half turned and glanced at me a small teasing smile on her face.

"There, how do I look?" She asked smiling again.

I let my gaze run across her again. Her outfit covered the worst of what we'd done but I could still see a few spots that glistened from where I'd exploded over her, and it made me ache for more. "Like someone who really should be taking all that of and spending some more time trying to convince me of being good or bad, it depends on your line of thinking."

She smiled as she came across and kissed me hungrily moaning into my mouth as I gripped her hips and pulled her against me. "You've been so very very bad. But I'll do my best to get you on that good list I promise." She laughed again her finger resting on my mouth briefly before she turned and headed back over towards the door opening it up.

I took a last look at her curvy figure all dressed up with her sexy little outfit on and she grinned as she watched me. "You know this isn't the only festive outfit I have right. Maybe next time I'll let you look at one of the others. While we continue to try and get you back into Santa’s good books and make sure you get a fun present." She blew me a kissed flashed a dazzling smile and then slipped out closing the door behind her.

More outfits I thought to myself. If she turned up in something else and it was anything like today it would be all the present I needed. I was already looking forward to it.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2024, 11:03:36 AM by Peronath »


Re: Holiday temptations (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2024, 05:22:59 PM »
Starting Christmas off with a bang.
The following users thanked this post: Peronath


Re: Holiday temptations (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2024, 07:07:42 PM »
Looks like we both wrote JLH at the same time. You're a far better writer than me, so tipping my glasses out of respect.
The following users thanked this post: Peronath


Re: Holiday temptations (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2024, 07:53:13 PM »
hard to go wrong with JLH
The following users thanked this post: Peronath


Re: Holiday temptations (Jennifer Love Hewitt)
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2024, 10:49:26 PM »
Amazing work as always. The way you write Jennifer's dirty talk is just music to my ears. I can envision things in how detailed you write, and hear it in her voice.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Peronath


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