During the last night, the Doctor and River had together they had a child together. Now that child has grown up and is having adventures of his own after his father, the Doctor gave him his TARDIS when he retired and became the Curator. I DO NOT own Doctor Who it is owned by BBC. No copyright infringement intended. Hope you enjoy.
Like with some of my other works have "cast" my celebrity crushes into roles in here too. For Jessica Pellegrini, it was Hayden Panettiere, for April Matsumoto I used Yano Yuuka, Alicia Long is Chloe Bennet, and Goto Eri is Ichimichi Mao. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 5
I stood there and watched as the spaceship flew off with my mother on it. She was heading to The Library and to her death. I had known that she was going to die but I couldn’t tell her. “Spoilers,” I said to myself as I watched the ship getting smaller and smaller. But I never hated that rule more than I did right now. That was when a man came up to me. “You couldn’t tell her you know,” he said somberly. Without even turning around I knew it was my father. “I know. It’s just never been so hard to keep a spoiler in my life.” I said turning to face my father.
That was when I noticed the face that he had. “Wait that’s your forth face,” I said noticing that and that he was as young as he was in all the photos that I had seen of him in that face. “Yes, I just regenerated a couple of days ago,” he said with a smile. “So father, you’ve become the Curator haven’t you?” I said looking at him with a slight smile. “Yes, I have. Come with me,” he said leading the way to his TARDIS. We entered and I smiled at the console as I went to the controls.
It reminded me of the first time I saw the console when I was boy hundreds of years ago. And the moment that the TARDIS filled my head with how to fly her. She taught me how to stabilize her...and how boring that makes her. How I should only remove the breaks in the case of emergencies. And how to make an anti-grave swimming pool in a library. Which on paper doesn’t sound like they go together but they actually go really really well together. I smiled at him as he flew the TARDIS to someplace I didn’t know where. “Would you like some tea?” he asked after he landed. “Very British,” I said with a smile as we exited the TARDIS. He smiled at me as he fixed some tea.
That’s when I noticed where we were. “We’re in the National Gallery in London,” I said taking the cup from him. “The Under Gallery to be more precise,” he said with a smile. “You know there are some people that know who you are, think that the Under Gallery if not the entire National Gallery is actually the TARDIS,” I said with a smile after taking a sip. “Yes, I’m having them put in the round things as we speak,” he said with a smile. “What are the round things?” I asked with a smile. “No idea,” he said with a smile.
“So why did you bring me here father?” I asked him setting down my cup on a bench. “I’m an old man now I don’t need to be traveling the universe to save it. I have you, my companions, and even a few-” he started to say. “Spoilers!” I said with a smile. He smiled at me. “Have you ever thought about talking to them?” he asked about Jessica, April, and Alex. “It never seems like the right time,” I said to him. He then took something out of his pocket. “Maybe this will help,” he said tossing me what he had pulled out.
I looked at what they were and was shocked. “These are-” I started. “My own personal keys to the TARDIS,” he said as I took a seat on the bench. “Why?” I asked him shocked. “Son the TARDIS should always be traveling. That’s what she has been doing since I stole her. Or she stole me it’s hard to tell which some days.” he said looking at me. “My time traveling the universe is done. Your time traveling the universe is now. And it may help you with your fears about those girls.” he said looking at me.
“You’re making me face my fears and passing the torch at the same time,” I said with a smile. He gave a look that clearly said yes without saying it. “I hate you sometimes,” I said standing up and giving him a hug with a smile. “No, you don’t. I love you, son,” he said with a smile. “I love you too dad,” I said with a smile. “Now get out of here and make sure whatever you do with the TARDIS you have the time of your life,” he said with a smile. I smiled at him as I entered TARDIS.
I went to the controls and took off. I landed someplace in the United States and just walked around until I saw a car pull into a parking spot in front of an apartment complex. It was the girls I didn’t know if I could talk to them especially after everything that I had just been through. Seeing my mother just before she went off and died and then my father surprised me and gave me his TARDIS. But Jessica had one of her bags slip from her hand and I just grabbed it without thinking and hoping I was ready for everything that was to come.
* * *
“Okay correct me if I’m wrong but I think there was something off about that sentence.” the guy that spoke before said. “Wait I know who you are. You’re Captain Jack Harkness aren’t you?” I said looking at him. “How do you know him?” a man asked and I recognized immediately as the Tenth Doctor. But because River was here too I knew that he had to be the other one. “The same way I know that you are the product of a two-way biological meta-crisis. With the Doctor and Dana Noble.” I said looking at him. “And how do you know that?” Rose asked.
As soon as she asked there was a flash of lightning and two people appeared. “Where are we?” a red-haired woman asked. “Mother?” River asked rushing to the woman’s side and then she looked at the man that was standing next to her. “Father?” River said. She hugged both of them as I rushed back inside the TARDIS and dug the one thing I knew Amy Pond was going to need now. “What’s that?” Jack asked me seeing that I was holding a bottle of dark liquid. “It’s incredibly old scotch. She is going to need this after I say the following sentence.” I said handing him the bottle.
“GRANDMA!!!” I said throwing my arms around her. Then I turned to him. “And Grandpa Roranicus Pondicus. I’ve always wanted to meet you two.” I said smiling at the two of them. “River is he your son?” Amy asked her. “Yes, and the woman standing next to him is his parallel universe version of him but born a woman and not a man. And there dating each other.” River said. I grabbed the bottle from Jack and handed it to Amy that looked like she could use a drink.
“And with the fact that my father is my grandmother’s imaginary friend from when she was a little girl. My grandfather died like six times. And my mother was kidnapped really before she was born so that she could grow up and kill my father. That is not weird.” I said with a smile as Amy took a swig from the bottle. She had just been made a grandmother to a grown man in under a few seconds so it was understandable. “You got to love our family of time travelers,” Amy said after she took another swig.
“And who is your father?” the Meta-Crisis Doctor asked. “Well for lack of a better word, you,” I said looking at him. “Wait, what?” Rose asked. Amy then looked at the suit that he was wearing. And she recognized it. “He does look like the Raggedy Man. Is this the face that he had before ours?” Amy asked looking at him. “Yes, he is a human version of him.” River said and she explained what had happened to create him. “Then is she his wife?” Rory asked. “Maybe but it doesn’t matter because he is not the Doctor. He is the Meta-Crisis Doctor.” I said. “Then we don’t have to call her ‘Mom’ right?” Alicia asked. “No.” River, Rose, Meta-Crisis Doctor, and I said at the same time.
“I want to hear all of this from the Doctor he is inside yeah?” Meta-Crisis Doctor asked. “Actually no. He gave it to our son when he retired and became the Curator.” River said. “How could you know-” I asked then I looked into her eyes and realized what I was looking at and I was shocked. “They had one of those lying around The Library?” I asked her. “One of what?” Rory asked. There was a click and Rivers head started to rotate 180 degrees to reveal that the back of her head was spoon shape.
“This version of her is what is known as a Spoon Head. It’s a walking WiFi bay station that can hoover people in if they connect to them.” I explained as River turned her head the right way around. “You see father never told you but...the first time he met River Song she died saving his life,” I said looking at my grandmother. “But you know that man. He can never give up and he saved me to the biggest hard drive in the universe. I happened to find the portal to these old relics. And I was walking around The Library when I found myself here.” River said. “And where is here?” April asked.
Alicia and I looked at the girls. They had kept quiet as we had this family reunion. But now they looked nervous about meeting my family like this. “Why are they nervous?” Amy asked looking at them. “Because they’re my girlfriends meeting my family for the first time. Which they didn’t expect.” I said looking at everyone. “And as for where we are. I think that will give him some clues.” I said pointing at a wall. On it was two words that looked like they were blasted into it: NO MORE.
“We can’t be here,” he said looking at it. “Where are we?” Rose asked him. “Arcadia.” a female voice said. When we all turned around and saw men with guns being lead by a black woman. Eri turned into her Cyberform pointing her weapon at them. “General if I may. You brought all of us here. You even brought the TARDIS here, granted it was on random, but that is still an amazing feat. But if you don’t want to regenerate again. Don’t sneak up on my girlfriend who has a Cyberform carrying guns.” I said come up to stand at Eri’s side. “Noted,” she said giving the indication to her men to put there weapons away.
Eri taking there lead returned to her normal form. But like before she was now naked and the Meta-Crisis Doctor gave her his coat to wear for the moment. “Who are you?” Jack asked eyeing both the men with guns and Eri. “They are members of the army here on Gallifrey,” I said looking at everyone. “Gallifrey?” everyone asked. “Yeah, Gallifrey,” I said almost nonchalantly. “But Gallifrey was destroyed.” Meta-Crisis Doctor said. “Were you created before that face was a driving force for what happened?” the General asked. “Several years before,” I said looking at her.
“A few years after you were created. The Doctor was pulled into the final day of the Time War.” I said. “The entire war is time locked,” he said. “Yes. But the weapon that the Doctor had tried to use to end the Time War by killing both Time Lords and Daleks alike was powerful.” River said looking at him. “So powerful that it opened up windows throughout the Doctor’s life bringing them together and they saved Gallifrey and the Time Lords. And because there was the Progenitor Arc the Dalek race was resurrected too. So the Time War ended without either side having to be destroyed.” I said with a smile.
“Really?” he asked looking at River and me. “Really,” I said with a smile knowing what that means to him. “But why are we here?” Rory asked her. “There are many reasons,” she said looking at him. “Let me guess one. You want to know if the Doctor is coming back because of the Hybrid prophecy right?” I asked. “That is a part of this but there is more,” she said. “‘Hybrid prophecy’?” Rose asked. Meta-Crisis Doctor looked at her and took a deep breath.
“Years before the Time War there were echoes of the war to come. One such echo was that of the Hybrid,” he said looking at Rose. “Two warrior races were going to come together and crossbreed a Hybrid. And the Hybrid will stand over the ruins of Gallifrey and unravel the Web of Time, breaking a billion billion hearts to heal its own. And Rassilon himself searched for information about the Hybrid with no luck.” I said to everyone.
“Yes.” the General said to everyone. “And you want us to help you stop this Hybrid?” Rory asked. At that River and I burst into laughter. Everyone looked at us. “Father dear, it has already happened.” River said with a smile. “How did it already happen?” Meta-Crisis Doctor asked. “Oh come on ‘Doctor’. You actually know the truth.” I said with a smile. “Prophecies, history, legends. What are they really?” River asked. “Idle gossip.” River and I said together.
“All the Time Lords got it wrong. He wasn’t breaking a billion billion hearts to heal his own.” River said with a smile. “Because it wasn’t his heart he was trying to heal. It was Clara’s the Doctor’s companion.” I said with a smile. “And yes the Hybrid IS the Doctor. Because his mother was a human from Earth.” River said smiling at the Meta-Crisis Doctor. “Why else would he show up on a backwater planet like the Earth as much as he does. He’s visiting his other homeworld.” I said looking at everyone. “And as for the rest of the prophecy, it is going to be fun.” River said looking at the General.
“I don’t know whether I should be scared or worried?” the General said looking at us. We just smiled at him. “But that is not the only thing we brought you here for. We need to get in contact with the Doctor,” she said. “Why?” I asked. “It has to do with another prophecy that has surfaced,” she said looking at me. I took a deep breath knowing what she was about to say. “The Union,” we said together. “You’ve heard about it?” Amy asked looking at me. “Yes, he has.” River said coming to stand at my side. “I’m fine mom,” I said to her.
“It was not that long ago we ran into a guy that talked about the Union,” Alicia said to everyone. “I’ve heard about them for a lot longer,” I said to her and everyone else. The girls looked at me confused about how I could have heard about them before. “I started hearing about the union hundreds of years ago when I still young. At first, I was excited about it because of all the stories about my father, mother, and my grandparents.” I said smiling at them. “Then when I got older and I started to think about everything young boys never think about and it got a little more serious.
“But like I said it’s still idle gossip. There is no way of knowing for sure what the union is going to do. And if you actually try and stop it you create the very thing that you fear. You can’t change history if you’re part of it.” I said looking at the General. She thought about it for a minute. “Do you believe that he already knows about this?” she asked looking at me. “I can guarantee that she does,” I said looking at her.
“Did you just say she?” Meta-Crisis Doctor asked. “Yes, she. She regenerated into a Time Lady here recently.” I said thinking about it. “How can that be?” Rose asked. “Regeneration, it’s a lottery. In fact, this is my forth face, I was born a boy but for my first regeneration, I regenerated into a woman.” I said turning to my girlfriends. “I was part of the first lesbian relationship on Earth. Man, she could tango.” I said with a smile. Then I saw the girls faces. “No, I mean actually tango. I took her to a dance contest in the 31st century.” I said.
“I thought we were the first women that you had taken to the TARDIS?” Jessica asked. “You were I got the TARDIS like an hour before I met you. But I did take her and others on dates throughout time and space. But before you four get jealous I was just trying to get in their pants. With you four, however, I want to have a future. A family. A life.” I said taking them into my arms with them warming up to me after finding out that I had traveled with other women before.
“So you brought all of us here to get into contact with the Doctor?” Amy asked. “My guess is they were going to call more but when they realized that both River and I were two of the six people they had called they hoped that one of us would know where the Doctor is. And came to talk to us right here and right now.” I said with a smile. “Correct,” the General said looking at me. “There is still one thing I don’t understand,” Jack said looking at me.
“Eri and her Cyberform?” I asked. “Yes,” he said looking at her. “We just got done with a Cyberman invasion in Japan. It resulted in Eri have gone through the beginning of Cyber-conversion. I was actually able to save her life thanks to you gas mask zombie.” I said with a smile. “The nanogenes?” he asked. “He brought the Earth the nanogenes?” Eri asked with a smile.
“Yeah, he wanted to con my father into buying space junk during World War II that had nanogenes inside it. He crash landed it next to the corpse of a young boy and they ‘fixed’ him and then tried to ‘fix’ everyone else. Then my father reunited the boy with his mother. The nanogenes realized their mistake and fixed everyone. The boy was alive again and a little old lady who came to the hospital with one leg left with two. There was a war on and she had miscounted.” I joked. And everyone smiled or giggled a little.
* * *
“Where to next?” I asked the girls as we had reentered the TARDIS after the General had sent everyone home. “Anywhere and everywhere,” Alicia said with a smile. I flipped a switched and we were off. The girls had smiles on their faces as the place shuck about. I pumped a handle as I flew her smiling. Then we came to a stop. “Where are we?” April asked with a smile. “Victoria Era England. Should we go get dressed?” I asked but at that moment the TARDIS doors opened. “I could kiss you.” a lizard lady I knew as Madam Vastra said seeing me. The girls looked at the both of us. “What?” they asked me together.