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Author Topic: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)  (Read 42337 times)


A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« on: March 06, 2019, 10:28:16 AM »
A Party Like No Other

Chapter 1

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

Taylor Swift was stood before a full length mirror in the luxury master bedroom of her large Beverly Hills home, her full, pouty lips puckered like they’d been shot full of Botox as she applied a thick layer of shiny pink gloss.  It was just coming up to 2 on a hot late May afternoon and Taylor had not long returned home from a lengthy gym session intended to flush out the excesses of the night before.

The 2018 Billboard Music Awards had been held the previous evening and, having scooped gongs for Top Female Artist and Top Selling Album, the blonde-haired popstar had been in the mood for celebrating.  She’d hit the after party, then the after after-party; swigging Dom Perignon straight from the bottle and necking shot after shot of God-only-knew-what until the sun came up.

To say she’d felt a little worse wear when she woke at 11 that morning would be putting it mildly.  But Taylor had been plagued by worse hangovers in the past, and knew it was nothing that a smoothie, a workout and good old sweat session in the sauna wouldn’t take care of.  And, sure enough, the young singer was feeling right as rain by the time she’d left her local health club.

The celebrations the evening before, however, had only been the beginning.  Taylor had never needed much of an excuse to throw a party and, true to form, the sexy songstress had organised a get together for her nearest and dearest that very afternoon.  She'd jumped in the shower when she returned home and got to readying herself for the day’s proceedings.

The party was to be a casual affair and Taylor had dressed accordingly.  She'd scoured her walk-in closet; sifting through the dozens upon dozens of designer garments hanging up within, the singer finally landing upon a navy and white striped summer dress and eased her lithe, athletic frame into the tight-fitting garment.

The dress clung snugly to her body, showcasing every one of her delectable curves in equal measure- most notably, her perky B cup chest and round, peachy backside.  The expensive garment cut off around an inch or two below her ass; displaying her smoothly waxed legs in all their long, slender glory. A matching set of designer flats adorned her dainty little feet, rounding off the sexy outfit.

With her clothes taken care of, Taylor got to dolling herself up for the afternoon get together.  There was a small oak table to her right; with upturned designer makeup bags sat on all four sides, all manner of costly, top of the range beauty products spilling out across the varnished surface. 

Taylor’s lightly curled hair fell gracefully about her shoulders; all kinds of expensive shampoos and conditioners giving the golden locks the shine and bounce of an actress in a L’Oreal commercial.  Her neatly styled bangs were swept to the side and held in place with enough hairspray to single handedly eradicate the Earth’s ozone layer. Her freshly lotioned skin had been dabbed with various powders and foundations, while all manner of shadows and mascaras brought out the bright ocean blues of her eyes.   

All in all, Taylor didn’t look but a cent short of a million bucks, and once her lengthy makeup routine had been completed, the pretty popstar headed downstairs to check on the preparations for her party.  The singer had hired a team of caterers to organise her little shindig and by the time she’d made it downstairs her lavishly decorated lounge had been kitted out for a soiree that would put Prince Harry’s wedding reception to shame.

Two white, ceiling-high speakers capable of deafening an Indian elephant had been wheeled in; Taylor’s pre-made Spotify playlist playing quietly in the background.  Every available surface had been covered in pristine white cloths; neatly displayed buffets stretched out across them as far as the eye could see. Boards of the finest French cheese.  Bowls of freshly picked strawberries, raspberries and cherries. Bunches of grapes. Olives, smoked salmon, shrimp, oysters, caviar. Every luxury food item known to man had been carefully prepared and set out in wait of Taylor’s guests.

What’s more, her bar had been re-stocked with more liquor than a 1920’s speakeasy.  Bottles of vodka, whiskey, gin, rum, brandy, tequila and everything in between lined the freshly varnished surface, while the finest Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs this side of Paris filled shelf after shelf underneath.  Countless bottles of champagne lay in adjacent mini-fridges, while more still cooled in ice buckets dotted throughout the sizeable room.

Taylor surveyed the scene, the blonde beauty marvelling in the work of her diligent band of caterers when the doorbell chimed.  She uttered an excited ‘eeek’; realising it was her guests starting to arrive, and went to answer the door. Over the next quarter an hour, famous glammed up young women flooded through Taylor’s front door in their pairs and threes, and before long the singer’s guests were numbering into the double figures. 

They were; Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland and Ariana Grande.  All were dolled to the nines with nothing but the finest beauty products and kitted out in casual designer summer wear as they congregated in Taylor’s lounge; the scene a veritable ocean of tight fitting tops, skimpy denim short shorts, expensive sneakers, shiny jewelry, exquisitely styled hair and smooth, beach bronzed skin.         

The ladies took to the plush leather couches- scoffing costly hors d'oeuvres and sinking glass after glass of Dom Perignon; laughing, joking and chatting about all the things girls like to talk about.  Work, shopping, exercise, yoga, dieting, beauty. They complimented one another on their outfits, hair, makeup and accessories. They compared manicures and exchanged tips for a host of expensive procedures; like spray tans, facials and teeth whitening. 

It didn’t take long for the ladies to drain each of the champagne bottles and as Taylor fetched more from behind the bar, the conversation moved into more risque territory; boys.  They talked a lot about boys.  In fact, they were sharing their cellphones around like some kind of invasive parlour game; the girls exchanging photos of shirtless hunks and grainy, anonymous dick pics like vintage baseball cards. 

As the fizz continued to flow, the conversation heated up even further; the girls discussing their respective blowjob techniques and swapping pointers on how to make a guy erupt in their pretty young mouths.  Some of the girls even demonstrated their sucking style on the necks of empty champagne bottles and received whoops and hollers of encouragement from the surrounding crowd. Before long, the girls had ran out of champagne and Taylor called through to the team of caterers waiting patiently in the next room. 

“Ladies!” she yelled.  “We’re out of champagne!”

“OK, Miss Swift,” one of them called back.  “I’ll send the girls out to get some more.”

“Thanks, girl,” Taylor replied.  “My card’s on the table in the hall.”

“Well, ladies,” said Selena Gomez, “what are we going to do in the meantime?”

“I know just the thing,” Taylor declared.  She hopped up from her black leather couch and skipped over to the bar, returning with a bowl of sliced lemons, a salt shaker and a bottle of tequila, a devilish smirk stretch across her cute, heavily made up face.  “How about some slammers?”

The girls cheered as Taylor sat back down.  “Me first,” she said, turning to Selena. “Hand,” she ordered, holding her own soft, dainty paw out before her. 

Selena offered Taylor her hand; the naughty blonde taking it in hers and locking eyes with the young Latina as she licked slowly, sensually along the smooth, lotioned skin of her right mitt. 

“Whoooo!” cooed the crowd of girls in unison as Taylor laid out a line of salt across Selena’s hand and licked it up.

She took a swig of tequila straight from the bottle, then took a lemon segment from the bowl in her lap. 

“Open,” she instructed, and with a playful grin and roll of her pretty dark brown eyes, Selena parted her thick, luscious lips, Taylor placing the lemon slice between the Latina’s rows of perfectly regimented, pearly white teeth. 

Taylor put her mouth to Selena’s and bit into the lemon, sucking away at the succulent, though extremely sour flesh; her pretty face screwing up as the bitter lemon juice seeped into the mouth.  When she was done, Taylor removed the remaining yellow skin from Selena’s mouth, before meeting the gorgeous actress for a kiss; the dirty duo exchanging tongues as their soft, glossy lips pressed together.

The crowd cheered once more as Taylor and Selena broke from their kiss; the pair giggling and blushing like schoolgirls.

“OK,” said Taylor, holding up the bottle of tequila, “who’s next?”

“Me, me, me!” yelped Sarah Hyland excitedly from the adjacent couch, and before anyone could object, the slender brunette was on her feet, collecting the ingredients from Taylor across the room. 

“Hand, Ariel,” Taylor ordered as Sarah sat back down beside Ariel Winter. 

“Nuh uh,” Sarah protested, “I want to do mine off these big ass boobies!” she declared, putting a hand to one of Ariel’s large cans and giving it a squeeze. 

The crowd whooped.

“Oooh, you bad girl!” laughed Taylor.

“Mmhmm!” Sarah agreed, licking the top of her onscreen sister’s bulging, canyon-like cleavage.

The girls laughed.  Sarah laid out a salt line across the smooth, milky white flesh of Ariel’s right breast.  She licked it up slowly and took a hit of tequila.

“Push those puppies together please, honey,” she grinned, segment of lemon poised between her neatly painted fingertips.

Ariel did as asked; the raven-haired starlet using her dainty little hands to squish her magnificent 34D mammaries together in wait for her naughty co-star.  Sarah placed the lemon in the opening of her bust and, rather unceremoniously, buried her cute face into her girlfriend’s cleavage. She sucked away the sour yellow flesh like she hadn’t eaten in days, and didn’t stop there. 

Sarah burrowed into the depths of Ariel’s bountiful young bosom, licking and tonguing at any stretch of silky, lotioned flesh her somewhat restricted movement would allow.  Eventually, she came up for air to a chorus of hoots and cheers; lemon peel in hand, hair dishevelled, red faced and out of breath, as she handed the bottle onto the next party.   

The girls passed the bottle around like a homemade bong as they did shot after shot of the amber liquid. They licked the salt from various parts of one another's anatomies, took hits of the strong tequila and sucked the lemon segments from each other's mouths.

Ariana Grande was the last to slam and Miley Cyrus observed as the young Latina set out a line of salt atop Victoria Justice’s silky smooth hand.  The thin white trail conjured up images in Miley’s naughty mind of a certain other white granular substance which the party had thus far been lacking.

“You know, girls,” she smirked, “I have a different kind of white powder in my bag if anyone's interested?”

The girls fell silent. Shiny young mouths fell agape, every pair of pretty eyes in the room trained on the blonde singer from all four corners. Oops, she thought, too much!

After what felt like an eternity, Taylor spoke up; the host grinning across at her fellow popstar as she finally broke the ice.  “And it took you this long to tell us, bitch?”

Bursts of laughter and raucous cheers sounded out across the room as Miley delved into her Louis Vuitton clutch bag and produced a small baggie of cocaine.

“You,” she said, pointing a lengthy nailed finger at Demi Lovato, “down here,” she ordered patting her toned, sunkissed thighs to let actress-singer know where she wanted her.

Demi understood and lay face up across Miley’s lap. The naughty blonde lifted up the hem of her friend’s skimpy black top, revealing her midriff in all its taut, toned majesty and racked up a series of lines across her soft, beach tanned flesh. Miley lent over the supine songstress, as Elle Fanning knelt on the other side; the fair-haired duo taking rolled up $50’s to Demi’s midsection and hovering up trails of expensive cocaine in perfect unison.

“Whooo!” Miley exclaimed, rubbing her dainty, perfectly formed nose as the drug rushed to her brain.

The pair scooped up the powdery residue with their manicured fingers and rubbed it into their gums, making sure that not a single particle of Bolivia’s finest went to waste. Miley handed the illicit substance around the room like a game of Pass the Colombian Parcel.  Each and every party guest separated thin white portions atop flat midriffs and bulging busts with golden credit cards, before snorting them straight up their cute little noses.

With the large scale narcotics consumption in full flow and the place somewhat resembling a mob boss’ mansion in a Scorsese movie, Taylor spoke up above the laughter, excited chatter and loud snorting noises, holding the nearly empty tequila bottle aloft like a sports trophy.

“OK girls,” she announced, pausing to down the last of the booze, “who wants to play Spin the Bottle?”

End of Chapter 1
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2019, 10:30:38 AM »
Chapter 2

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

“OK,” said Taylor Swift, the glamorous popstar addressing her party guests as they prepared a game of Spin the Bottle, “here's how it's done.”

As was custom, the girls were sat in a circle; passing around a small silver tray- a mini-mountain of cocaine piled atop the shiny surface, alongside a rolled up $50 dollar bill and Taylor’s platinum Amex card, as they helped themselves to glasses of vintage Chardonnay and Merlot. An empty tequila bottle was laying side down in the middle.

“I spin the bottle,” Taylor demonstrated, reaching into the centre of the circle and giving the empty vessel a hearty spin, “and I kiss whoever it lands on. Now…”

“Yeah, we know how to play Spin the Bottle, Taylor,” declared Hailee Steinfeld, the cute brunette looking up from the mound of coke, as she chopped it into lines like a Mexican drug baron. The girls laughed.

“BUT,” Taylor went on, “whoever is up has to remove an article of clothing beforehand.”

“Ooooh!” cooed the gathered ladies between swigs of fine wine.

“And seeing as you're such an expert,” said Taylor turning to Hailee, “maybe you should start us off.”

“OK,” the brunette replied, handing the tray of coke onto Selena Gomez, “I will.”

Hailee leant into the centre and gave the bottle a good spin. It rotated on its axis; quickly at first before gradually slowing down. The girls watched with bated breath as the bottle span slowly, agonisingly so, before finally stopping, the long glass neck pointing in the direction of...Chloe Moretz.

The girls whooped and hollered. Hailee smiled across at her fellow actress, her pretty hazelnut eyes gazing longingly at the gorgeous young blonde. “Hmm,” she murmured, “well this is a turn up.”

“That it is,” Chloe agreed, the fair-haired starlet blushing slightly as she awaited her brunette counterpart.

“Come here you,” Hailee grinned, the pair leaning into centre if the circle; eyes closed, lips puckered, ready to kiss when…

“Hey!” Taylor exclaimed. “Not so fast there, girls.  Chloe has to take off an item of clothing, remember?”

“Oh yeah!” said Chloe.

“Wow! I totally forgot about that!” Hailee giggled.

“See,” Taylor grinned, “not so easy after all is it, bitch?”

The crowd laughed.

“Well,” the blonde continued, looking across at Chloe, “quit stalling, girl.”

“Does a sneaker count?” Chloe asked, reaching down to untie a pink-trimmed Nike hightop.

“Absolutely not!” Taylor replied, everyone else murmuring in agreement.

“Come on, girl,” said Demi Lovato from her seat beside Chloe, the Latina tugging at the hem of the blonde’s pink and white summer dress, “get this sexy dress off already!”

“OK, OK!” Chloe exclaimed. “You guys really are a bunch of pervs, aren't you?”

“Uh huh!” said Taylor. Everyone laughed.

Chloe reached down and took the hem of her dress in her soft, velvety hands.  She pulled the tight-fitting garment up over her pretty head, leaving her in little more than a white set of frilly French knickers and a matching bra, her erect nipples nearly bursting clean through the thin, lacy fabric. Wolf whistles and catcalls sounded out from the encircled women as they marvelled at the flatness and tone of the young lady's midriff, those beside her delighting in the shape and peachiness of her ass.

“Damn!” Taylor commented. “My girl’s been working out!”

More laughter. Chloe blushed.

“OK, can I make out with her now?” Hailee asked, impatiently looking across at Taylor.

“I wish you would,” the blonde quipped.

“Bitch!” Hailee grinned.

The pair leaned into the centre once more; Demi giving Chloe a light pat on the butt as she did so, while Taylor lifted up the hem of Hailee’s skirt to steal a glance at her own pert little ass.  This time, nobody put a stop to their embrace and the duo met for a soft, sultry kiss. Their soft pink lips locked together, their moist tongues encircling one another. The crowd watched on, getting hot under the collar from the heat radiated by the sexy girl on girl kiss.  Their hands rested on each other’s hips; Chloe even allowing a smooth, silken paw to roam under the hem of Hailee’s skirt and lightly squeeze her backside. The brunette reciprocated; softly cupping one of her friend’s perky breasts as they passionately made out. Finally, and with every spectator in complete awe, the pair broke from their kiss.

“Whooo!” cheered the impressed onlookers as the girls rejoined the circle.

“Wow!  That was freakin’ hot!” Taylor gushed.  “Your turn now, Chloe.”

Chloe span the empty bottle and looked around the circle of beautiful, glammed up women.  Whenever she’d plaid Spin the Bottle in high school there’d always been one fat girl or acne-spotted boy pepperred in amongst the hotties, and the unfortunate young blonde invariably drew the short straw of having to stick her tongue down a 300 lb tub of lard’s drooling cake hole. 

But today she would have no such problem and a scan of the room unearthed nothing but flowing hair and piercing eyes, pouty lips and flawless skin, athletic bodies, pert breasts and shapely rears.  There wasn’t a pimple, upper lip hair or roll of flab in sight. It really was a win-win situation. Eventually, the bottle fell still; the slender neck pointing to Zendaya Coleman.

“Ooooh!” the girls cooed.

“Don’t forget your clothes,” Taylor called across the room; the singer seemingly hell bent on getting every one of her pretty young party guests bare-assed naked by the end of the game.

Zendaya removed her top.  The baring of her smooth, milky coffee skin, perky, bra-covered tits and taut, toned midsection drew a fresh series of wolf whistles from the baying crowd; the mixed-raced starlet feeling like she was strolling past a construction site with the amount of leering eyes ogling her half-nude frame.  Chloe and Zendaya crawled into the middle of the circle to make out; their smooth, dainty hands exploring one another’s slender young bodies as they swapped tongues like neatly wrapped Christmas gifts.

And so it continued.  Lots of spinning, lots of stripping, lots of kissing; the game soon resembling every adolescent boy’s ultimate fantasy as a host of scantily clad girls locked lips with one another in the name of fun.  Zendaya got Victoria Justice. Victoria got Elle Fanning. Elle got Selena Gomez. And on, and on, and on.

Many bottles of wine and numerous lines of coke later, and the game was in full swing.  The ladies were sat around the circle in varying stages of undress. Some had removed just a single item of clothing, some were in their underwear and others just their panties.  Ariel Winter had somehow found herself naked as the day she was born before some girls had removed as much as their tops, but the busty actress didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she appeared to be relishing the additional attention it brought her; the stacked starlet playfully jiggling her big, bulging breasts and twerking her thick, round butt for the surrounding crowd as she took off her underwear. 

It wasn’t long before Ariel was up once more; with Miley Cyrus’ spin of the empty bottle pointing at the buxom beauty for a second time- a fact quickly pointed out by the party’s ever vigilant host.

“That’s the second time, Miley,” she noted, with a grin.  “I think you’ve gotta suck on those big titties now!”

“I can do that,” the singer replied, crawling into the centre of the circle.  “Come here, honey,” she added, beckoning the chesty starlet toward her with a lengthy nailed finger.

Miley knelt on the glazed porcelain floor, allowing Ariel to straddle her slender frame.  They began by making out; wildly, passionately- Ariel’s satin smooth hands exploring Miley’s expensive bleach blonde hairdo, while the sultry singer caressed her thick, juicy ass.  Miley moved her hands up to Ariel’s breasts; the randy popstar kneading the large, pillowy chest mounds like balls of dough.

Then, her mouth joined the party; the naughty blonde still fondling Ariel’s chest as she sucked at one of the big, jiggling juggies like an infant at feeding time.  Ariel closed her eyes, groaning and tilting her head back slightly; running her hands through Miley’s hair as the sexy songstress feasted on her epic rack.

For the first time that evening the room was silent.  Every display of lesbian loving up until that point had been met with a series of hoots and hollers from the surrounding females; the ladies cheering in encouragement as two of their girlfriends locked their thick pink lips together.  But not this time. No- by now the girls could do little more than watch; lusty, longing glints in their pretty eyes as they looked on at the hot chick-on-chick action. Some nibbled on their lower lips with desire. Others reached up to lightly caress their bare breasts; feeling their puffy pink nipples stiffen as they watched.  Some even delved between their thighs; discreetly rubbing themselves through their scanty underwear.

For Sarah Hyland, it had all become a little too much.  As a matter of fact, the brunette was getting horny beyond words watching Miley Cyrus suckle on her onscreen sister’s big, fat juggies and couldn’t help but join in the fun.  She crawled around behind Ariel; kissing her neck and looking down over her sculpted shoulder blades at the lusty popstar chewing away on her tits.

In the game of Spin the Bottle this very much constituted a foul move, but Sarah heard little in the way of complaint from her encircled girlfriends.  In fact, many had started making out amongst themselves; plump, juicy lips pressing together in all directions. Hands roamed up firm, beach bronzed thighs, and cupped perky young breasts.  A chorus of light feminine groans started to fill the lavish room. Nipples hardened en masse. Vaginas began to moisten.

The threeway action in the middle of the circle was very much the centrepiece of the all-girl kissfest, and some were reaching into their panties, rubbing their stiffening clits without shame as they watched.  By now, Ariel Winter had turned her pretty head to lock lips with Sarah Hyland; the petite starlet reaching around to cup her young co-stars breasts, while Miley Cyrus tongued avidly at her bullet-like nipples.

Just then, Taylor’s front door closed.  The caterers who had stepped out for a drinks run had returned and they headed to the lounge to let their A-list client know of their arrival.

“We have your champagne, Miss Swi-,” one of them announced; the young lady freezing like a deer in the headlights as she caught sight of the scene unfolding in the plush living room.  “Oh my God!”

There were women making out everywhere they looked.  Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. Selena Gomez and Hailee Steinfeld.  Elle Fanning and Demi Lovato. Breasts were cupped. Thighs were squeezed.  Chloe Moretz and Victoria Justice were cradling a small silver tray; the pretty pair vacuuming up lines of cocaine with $50 bills.  Clothes were strewn everywhere; designer dresses and denim cutoffs, French knickers and frilly white bras. Zendaya Coleman was completely nude; her brown legs akimbo as she teased her stiffened clit.

The four pretty young caterers stood open mouthed in the doorway; each cradling two bottles of vintage champagne in their neatly manicured hands, their long hair flowing over the shoulders of their matching sand-coloured trench coats. 

“Oh thanks, girls,” said Taylor, looking over Arianna’s shoulder at the four women, her hands roaming up and down the Latina’s sculpted, fitness model-like back.  “Why don’t you go ahead and pop them in the buckets for me,” she instructed, shooting them a cheeky wink before returning her mouth to that of her young lover.

Somewhat hesitantly, the girls waded into the room; stepping over discarded underwear and threading between pairs of Frenching popstars as they distributed the costly champagne to the empty ice buckets.  The caterers couldn’t help but steal a glance here and there as they went about their business, and who could blame them? These were world famous actresses; half-nude and openly making out with one another in front of them!  It really was a sight to behold. A scene so hot that even a band of Catholic nuns would’ve shedded their tunics and frigged themselves senseless with wooden crosses had they stumbled upon it.
The ladies wanted nothing more than to stay and watch the all-girl orgy unfold but, being the consummate professionals that they were, they simply left the champagne bottles cooling in the chilled ice buckets and returned from whence they came.  With the caterers gone, the girls reached for the champagne bottles; half-naked singers and actresses alike popping corks like New Year’s Eve. They interlocked their arms and tilted their pretty heads back; the ladies knocking back glassfuls of expensive bubbly in single gulps.

Miley Cyrus clutched a champagne bottle in her dainty little hands; a mischievous grin stretched across her cute face as she shook up the vintage bubbly like a Formula One driver.  With a flick of her expertly decorated thumbs, the sexy songstress popped the cork from the rim of the bottle; propelling it across the room and out of the open French doors like a bullet from a gun. 

Champagne jetted from the bottle like a fireman’s hose, and Miley aimed the neck at Ariel Winter; the expensive booze spraying across her ample chest like a top of the range Super Soaker.  Whoops and cheers went up from across the room as Miley soaked her buxom counterpart in vintage champagne; she and Sarah Hyland putting their lips to Ariel’s big, wet tits to slurp up the frothy liquid. 

The girls were having the time of their lives.  They passed the bottles back and forth, chugging mouthfuls of Dom Perignon like tap water.  Some laid flat on their backs while others poured booze over their taut midriffs; licking it up like kittens and slurping fizzy rock pools of champagne from their pierced navels.  They kissed and licked, drank and laughed- a wild, X-rated all-girl gathering in full swing; getting hotter and steamier by the minute, until...

“Girls,” came a voice from across the room; a grave, sobering timbre that stopped the entire room dead in its tracks, like a pause button had been hit.  Lips separated. Nipples fell from mouths. Every eye in the room jolted across to where Elle Fanning was sat; the small silver tray held aloft in a smooth, feminine hand- a thin powdery residue dusted across the shiny surface.  “We’re out of coke.”

End of Chapter 2
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Slyguy, Calibur009, X42


Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2019, 10:33:30 AM »
Chapter 3

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

“We’re out of coke.”

The words hit Taylor Swift and her celebrity chums like slugs to the chest.  Her party wasn’t the first Hollywood bash to be plagued by these four bothersome words and it wouldn’t be the last.  In fact, a shortage of nose candy had derailed more So Cal get togethers than the LAPD and, judging from the anxious faces on display in Miss Swift’s lavishly decorated living room, it appeared to have claimed another.  The A-list partygoers needn’t have worried though, for the popstar’s afternoon bash had a saviour in its midst.

Miley Cyrus was knelt atop the gleaming porcelain floor; her shapely, round ass stuck out behind her as she buried her cute face between Ariel Winter’s thick, bicep-laden thighs.  Her lengthy nailed fingers dug lightly in the muscular appendages, her exquisitely styled bottle blonde hair shaking back and forth as she scoffed greedily at the busty starlet’s pink, shaven pussy.  The words pricked the sexy singer’s diamond-bedazzled ears; so much so that she was able to prise her pretty head from between Ariel’s thighs long enough to ease the woes of her agitated girlfriends.

“Don’t worry, ladies,” she grinned, reaching once more for her gold-trimmed Louis Vuitton clutch bag, “your girl’s got this.”

Miley didn’t have any more cocaine, but what she did have could’ve re-stocked the shelves at the nearby pharmacy.  MDMA, GHB, LSD, mushrooms, mescaline- enough narcotic substances to make Pablo Escobar blush, and it didn’t stop there.  No- in addition, the pretty popstar seemed to possess every variety of marijuana on God’s green earth. Black Beauty, Buddha’s Sister, Lemon Stomper, Wonder Woman, Blue Moonshine, Bruce Banner, Strawberry Diesel and many more to boot; a host of exotic looking green herbs sealed in little zip lock bags and tucked away inside her designer handbag for such an occasion. 

She delved into her bag of pills and potions, retrieving a clear knotted up baggy filled to the brim with small round tablets of varying colours.  She handed the pills out to her girlfriends; the ladies passing them onto one another with their tongues and swallowing them down with mouthfuls of champagne. 

By now, every last item of clothing had been shed and the party had descended into what can only be described as an all out orgy; the kind to put even the Ancient Romans to shame.  Kissing, tiity sucking, fingerbanging, pussy eating, ass licking, tribbing, 69ing. You name it, they were doing it and there was barely a square metre in the room not being occupied by some kind of sapphic sex act.  Taylor Swift was sprawled out across the tiled floor, her good friend Hailee Steinfeld busying herself between her thighs. Elle Fanning and Zendaya Coleman had formed a 69; the naughty duo clutching and grasping one another’s toned young thighs as they went to town on each other. 

Some had taken to the plush three seater sofas and comfy leather armchairs to watch the group fuck session unfold; their expertly decorated fingers little more than colourful blurs as they wildly strummed their throbbing clits.  A steady refrain of impassioned moans and groans filled the expanse of the room as orgasms came thick and fast throughout the luxury living space. In fact, no sooner had one woman come down from an intense, thunderous climax, had another sparked up elsewhere, and barely a moment passed without an actress or singer crying out in tumultuous ecstasy. 

Before long, the lesbian lickfest had escalated into something of a free for all.  Every glossy pink mouth was free to kiss, each perky set of handful-sized breasts available to feast upon, every pretty young face a potential throne for a pent up starlet in need of release.  Every same sex scenario conjured up by horny teenage boys as they pulled their pubescent pricks were being played out simultaneously. Ariana Grande was going down on Victoria Justice, Chloe Moretz tonguefucking Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez tribbing until their hearts’ content. 

And that was only the beginning.  In fact, there seemed no end to the all-girl shenanigans the ladies were capable of and soon bands of three and more were engaging in group mischief that even the most seasoned porn directors couldn’t have dreamt up.  Bermuda Triangles and pussy trains some three, four, five carriages long were cropping up all over the porcelain floor; horny A-listers tonguing and being tongued in equal measure as the debauched orgy raged on.

Taylor’s team of caterers were in the adjacent room patiently awaiting their next instruction; the screams and groans of the orgy across the hall carrying through to said room and beyond.  As a matter of fact, the ladies imagined there was nary an individual in a five block radius who hadn’t been privy to the near deafening orgasmic cries emanating from the plush living room.   

“I wonder what’s going on in there,” pondered Emily, a young blonde washing champagne glasses in a pristine white sink.

“What do you think is going on in there?!” snapped Ashley, a slender brunette drying the rinsed glasses with an embroidered dish towel. 

“God, Emily!” laughed Hannah, a pretty redhead.  “You’re so naive!”

“Girls,” warned Rachel, the slightly older team leader, “be nice.”

“Sorry, Rachel,” Hannah and Ashley replied in unison; the pair exchanging smirks, preparing to rib their ditsy fair-haired colleague further, when Taylor Swift’s breathy, quavering voice sounded out from across the hall.


“Yes, Miss Swift?” Rachel called back.

“I’m ready for my present now!”

"Sure thing, Miss Swift," Rachel replied.

"Could you be a dear and open it for me?" Taylor asked.  "I've got a feeling we're gonna need what's inside!"

"Well Emily," said Rachel, "you heard the lady."

A large box-shaped gift, wrapped in pink paper with a red bow sat at the far wall of the large room.  Emily turned off the gleaming metal faucet and strolled apprehensively toward it; the young blonde picturing all the weird and wonderful items hidden away inside.  A gift tag hung from the top and Emily turned it over to give it a read.  It said;

Dear Taylor,
Congratulations on the awards!
Lots of love,
The girls

Emily untied the bow, tore off the wrapping paper and opened the white cardboard box underneath; her bright blue eyes bulging as she caught sight of what was inside.  "Oh my Goodness!"

End of Chapter 3
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2019, 10:36:09 AM »
Chapter 4

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

Back in the lounge, the orgy was in full swing.  Slippery wet vaginas perched atop greedy young mouths.  Tongues flicked back and forth across pulsing, rock hard clits.  Fingers probed tight pink orifices in their twos, threes, even fours.  World famous singers and actress alike violently bucked and ground their toned, slender bodies together.  They came, came again, then came some more. Some took short breaks to peruse one of the many buffets or mix Vodka Red Bulls and Irish Monsters at the bar, before wading back into the fray; refreshed, recharged and hornier than ever.

With the all-girl fuckfest reaching its peak, Rachel and her band of caterers marched into the room- each one kitted out in matching lingerie, shiny metal trays held out before them; all manner of plastic sex toys spread across the gleaming surfaces.  There were Rampant Rabbits, vibrators, butt plugs, anal beads, double ended dildos, strap-ons and prosthetic dicks of all shapes, sizes and colours.

“You got our present then?” panted Selena Gomez, the lusty Latina grinning from ear to ear as the host of marital aids were ferried into the plush living room. 

“You guys are bad,” grinned Taylor, as Ariana Grande lapped at her vagina like a thirsty kitten.

Women looked up from between thighs and underneath butts, as the lingerie-clad waitresses squatted before them, offering a myriad of exotic plastic objects from the surfaces of their silver trays.  The girls grabbed for the phallic devices like hungry children around a takeout pizza. Some opted for a vibrator, others a strap-on cock. Some, discontent with a mere plastic penis, gripped the nearest caterer by the hem of her silk corset and hauled her, tray of fuck toys and all, down to the ground.

From here on out the orgy became little more than a blur for those involved; a swirling mass of beach bronzed skin, soft, perky tits, slippery wet pussies and colourful plastic.  Dildos slid in and out of vaginas. Beads disappeared into assholes. Harnessed up starlets drove their thick strap-on dicks into any hole that took their fancy; guests and caterers alike cumming over and over from the countless inches of artificial penis thrusted into their tight pink orifices.   

Some climbed onto the surrounding couches; violently strumming their aching clits as they worked fat prosthetic cocks into their various holes.  A loud, droning hum began to fill the room as a number of women took vibrators to their bulging lovebuds. They held the buzzing devices mercilessly against their aching clits, pausing only to spray their cum across the room; a squirt tsunami soaking those on the floor as they shot their girl-wads into the air. 

As the sex grew wilder and wilder, so to did the levels of excess.  By now the girls were popping Mollies like tic tacs, taking hits of Smirnoff straight from the bottle and crushing up pills into shots of sambuca; knocking them back in a single mouthful.  And still the orgy raged on. Hailee Steinfeld had a black plastic dong strapped to her hips; the randy brunette driving the coal-dark wang into Victoria Justice’s hot wet snatch. Elle Fanning was plunging a big red dildo into a lucky waitress’ asshole; Ariel Winter squatting beside, stimulating her pulsing clit with a pocket vibrator. 

Thunderous orgasms were erupting across the luxury living space like landmines; the ladies jetting enough fluid across the room to water half of Africa.  Zendaya Coleman held a large vibrating wand to her pussy; a baby bue buttplug embedded in her anus as she sprayed her lady liquids across the room like a water cannon.  Miley Cyrus and Sarah Hyland were manning a double ended dildo- the randy duo making the two headed toy disappear orally, vaginally, even anally; their thick, juicy asses bouncing off one another as they fucked the long pink dong.

And so it continued.  Rampant Rabbits flicked at swollen clits.  Veiny, flesh coloured dildos probed snug, slick viaginas.  Glass buttplugs stuck out of anuses. Demi Lovato went wild with her strap on; the lusty latina thrusting the big man-made dick into any pussy or asshole within spitting distance.  Before long, Taylor Swift found herself bouncing her tight pink asshole up and down Demi’s dildo, when Selena Gomez stepped up, strapped-on shaft in hand, ready to stuff the horny blonde full of plastic cock.     

Double penetrations sprang up across the room.  Some were taking big, lengthy strap ons in each of their holes.  Others were wedged full with vibrators, Rampant Rabbits and anal beads.  Chloe Moretz was laid back on a leather couch. The twin ends of a long, bendy double headed dildo were inserted into her ass and pussy alike- the actress wildly kneaded her throbbing clit until she sprayed like a fire hydrant; her explosive ejaculate propelling the bright red fuckrod acorss the lounge like a rubber missile. 

And on and on it went.  The fucking went on into the early evening and finally, once the last sex toy had been inserted, the last ounce of girlcum sprayed, the ladies collapsed in a heap on the floor.  Lithe, athletic bodies were intertwined; popstars, actresses and caterers alike shining with perspiration, their expensive hairdos dishevelled and wet with sweat and squirt juices. 

“Wow, Taylor!” gasped Hailee Steinfeld.  “Girl, you sure know how to throw a party.”

“Oh, I know,” Taylor grinned in response.  “But don’t relax too much, girls,” she went on.  “That was just the beginning!”

End of Chapter 4
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2019, 10:39:08 AM »
Chapter 5

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

The sun hung low in the cloudless blue Los Angeles sky; the bright orange orb radiating its scorching rays into Taylor Swift’s lush green, expertly landscaped backyard, where her guests were winding down from a rampant all-girl orgy that had finally reached its apex not one hour ago. 

Once they were able to stand again, Taylor and her A-list pals had made use of her many large, walk in showers.  They piled into the lavishly tiled cleaning units in their twos, threes and fours; washing the sweat from each other’s bodies, before drying off in one of several luxury guest rooms.  When dry, the girls re-applied make up and re-did their hair, before slipping into the series of brightly coloured, near miniscule bikinis they were now wearing as they swanned around Miss Swift’s backyard.

Taylor’s yard truly was a sight to behold, and had it not been for the dozen or so half-nude celebrities frolicking on the sizeable grounds it would have looked like the back garden of an English Royal estate.  A long, professionally paved patio bisected two neatly trimmed lawns, and extended all the way to the rear of the yard, where a large mosaic pool capable of hosting an Olympic swim meet stretched from fence to fence; the freshly pumped water shimmering like the ocean in the early evening sun.

And it was this very yard that Taylor had moved to for part two of her celebrity get together; the sprawling grounds kitted out to host a garden party; the likes of which had never been seen before.  Two of the popstar’s hired caterers were manning a gas grill the size of a Tampa Bay food truck- the pair wearing little but a set of short, figure hugging aprons; the globular spheres of their peachy bare backsides poking out underneath for all see. 

A series of tables lined the exterior wall of Taylor’s luxury home; covered in white sheets and filled to near collapsing point with plates of juicy hamburgers, succulent sausages, chargrilled chicken legs, pork belly, ham hocks- stacks upon stacks of mouth-watering meat that would have even the most devout of vegetarians begging for mercy, and that was just the beginning. 

Peppered in amongst the plates of flesh were bowls of coleslaw, salsa, guacamole, grilled potato wedges, corn cobs dripping with butter and every type of salad under the sun; lined up and ready to eat.  What’s more, two giant tubs, large enough to dissolve a pair of corpses, had been hauled in. They were filled with enough ice to house a small Eskimo family, and stocked to the brim with bottles of Budweiser, Coors and Corona, cans of Miller, Busch, PBR and many more to boot.

The ladies themselves were spread throughout the sizeable yard.  Elle Fanning and Chloe Moretz had challenged Victoria Justice and Sarah Hyland to a game of volleyball in the pool; their pert young breasts jiggling gloriously as they leapt up to spike each high ball.  Ariel Winter and Hailee Steinfeld reclined atop man-sized inflatables, catching some rays as they floated slowly across the sparkling water.

A series of plush sunbeds lined the centre of the patio, and the remaining guests had taken to them; rows upon rows of half-nude women basking in the early evening sun.  Some laid back, taking in the sun, while others sat upright; nursing ice cool beers, swigging strong homemade punch from Solo cups and passing around joint, after joint, after joint.  Taylor Swift was laid out on her front; her friend Zendaya Coleman rubbing sunscreen across her smooth, beach bronzed flesh, while Selena Gomez helped Miley Cyrus out of her teeny string bikini top before slathering her handful-sized breasts in coconut oil.

It really was a sight for sore eyes; the extravagant yard a vast ocean of professionally styled hair, shimmering pink lip gloss, designer stilettos, expensive jewelry, skimpy bikini tops and dental floss-thin undergarments.  Not to mention bronzed, sunkissed skin, stiff, protruding nipples, heavily defined, panty swallowing camel toes, flat midriffs and bulging feminine biceps- the ladies boasting more effeminate muscle tone than the US women’s soccer, basketball and beach volleyball teams combined.

Taylor’s hired catering team were doing the rounds; cracking open beer bottles and handing them out, ladling generous helpings of punch into bright red cups, or offering up plates of piping hot meat straight from the grill.  Before long, those in the pool joined their friends at the recliners- the lithe bodied beauties emerging from the water like mermaids; moisture dripping from their silky smooth, beach tanned skin as they crossed the tiled patio.

As the liquor continued to flow, the empty Solo cups began to pile up, and someone had the ingenious idea of transforming Taylor’s regulation-sized ping pong table into a makeshift beer pong set up; the suggestion met by a raucous cheer from the surrounding women.  Without further ado, the net was taken down and the cups filled with punch; some of the ladies even adding an additional splash of tequila or vodka to the already alcohol-heavy beverages.

The girls split into teams and faced off; the bikini-clad A-listers taking turns to toss the white ping-pong balls at their opponents’ arranged cups.  Hitting, missing, missing, hitting. As the game progressed the cups started to dwindle down- actresses and singers alike downing beakerfuls of the strong red concoction like hard-partying college kids; the scantily clad onlookers whooping and hollering with every helping of punch chugged down like grape soda. 

As the game neared its climax, Team Taylor were left with two remaining cups, while their opposition, Team Selena, had one.  Ariana Grande was up for Team Taylor; small white ball poised between her neatly painted fingertips. The task was simple; get said ball into the remaining cup and they’d one the game.  Team Selena were well aware of this and, as such, Ariana’s opponent Demi Lovato and her pals were doing their best to put off the pint-sized popstar.

“She’ll choke,” Demi declared, her teammates flashing their breasts in an effort to distract the young singer, “I know she’ll choke.”

But it didn’t work and Ariana remained as focused as ever- utterly unfazed by both the bare chests on display and her opponent’s attempts at mind games; even allowing time for a witty retort before taking her shot.

“I never choke, bitch,” she smirked.  "Just ask your boyfriend!"

“Ooooh!” cooed the surrounding crowd; the remark met with boisterous laughter from both ends of the table.

And then, before Demi had an opportunity to respond, the singer launched the ball; the small white sphere flying through the air as if in slow motion.  It looked to those watching on like Ariana had overshot it; Team Selena grinning with delight as the ball soared past the first rim of the Solo cup. However, their smiles soon faded, when the ball clipped the second rim; falling slowly, agonisingly so, into the red cup, floating like a globe-shaped raft atop the pool of alcohol within.

Team Taylor cheered; the girls jumping up and down in victory; their perky tits shaking up and down as they did so.  They wrapped their arms around one another, huddling together, hopping up and down, whooping and shrieking like they’d won the Super Bowl.  Then, when the celebrations finally ceased, Team Taylor turned to their opponents, hands on their shapely young hips, cocky grins stretched across their pretty faces as team captain Taylor Swift addressed the losing side.

“Well, you know what means, girls,” she declared.  “Y’all gotta do a forfeit!”

End of Chapter 5
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Slyguy, Calibur009, X42


Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2019, 10:41:45 AM »
Chapter 6

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande reclined atop a plush sunbed; an almost indecently skimpy white bikini covering only the bare minimum of her beach bronzed, sun kissed flesh, a pair of Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses obscuring her pretty brown eyes, her long hazelnut locks dangling over her athletic shoulder blades.  A can of PBR was clutched in her neatly manicured hand, a thick, tightly rolled joint nestled between to expertly filed fingers. She took long, lung-bothering hits on the jay, between gleeful swigs of her beer; the demunative popstar still basking in the glory of her winning throw in the game of beer pong not 15 minutes ago.

As a result of her perfectly aimed shot the opposing team, Team Selena, had been made to do a series of forfeits and buxom actress Ariel Winter had been nominated by her teammates to go first.  Forfeit number one, it turned out, was to give a member of the triumphant side a lapdance and, as the game winner, Ariana was chosen as the lucky recipient.

Ariel was stood with her back to the sexy singer; every set of eyes in the lush backyard trained on her thick, curvaceous body as she ground and gyrated in time to the pounding music.  The stacked young starlet was kitted out in a black two piece every bit as scanty and revealing as that of her popstar counterpart, or arguably even more so, on account of her more ample frame.

Her bikini bottoms, such as they were, looked better equipped to the flossing of teeth than the covering of one’s modesty, and all it took was the slightest of leans forward for the hot pink ring of her asshole and glistening flesh of her labia to poke out from either side.  But if her g-string was fighting a losing battle to contain her sweet young charms, then her bikini top was getting shelled to kingdom come; the narrow cups of the skimpy garment struggling to shelter even her pink areolas, let alone the whopping set of creamy white D cup titties bulging from her chest.

In short, Ariel was hoarding enough T’n’A for half of Beverly Hills, and she knew exactly how to show it off; the busty brunette dipping and strutting her way through a routine so sexy it would put most professional stippers to shame.  She twerked her ass; the naughty actress looking back at Ariana over her sculpted, fitness model shoulder, flashing a cheeky wink of a mascara-coated eye as she jiggled her big, thick butt cheeks like bowls of Jell-O.

Ariana raised her sunglasses to get a better look at her buxom dancer.  Her designer shades nestled atop her exquisitely styled hair as Ariel gyrated her broad, child-bearing hips before her; the starlet’s full, bicep-laden ass orbs clapping like seal pups as she writhed and bucked her alluring waist.  Then, she bent over to touch the tips of her expensive black stilettos; the crotch of her g-string cradling her puffy young pussy mound like an overbearing parent, the heavily defined slit of her teasing camel toe nigh on swallowing her scanty bikini bottoms whole like some kind of pink, fabric devouring monster.

The lapdance, of course, was full contact, and as Ariel bent over before her, Ariana sat up, set her beer down and reached up to squeeze the starlet’s ass globes; the smooth, milky white flesh spilling through the gaps in her lengthy nailed fingers as she did so.  Ariana groped her girlfriend’s butt; the singer’s plump, glossy lips forming an alluring O-shape of wonderment as she delighted in the layers upon layers of feminine muscle that made up her thick, round booty.

No Ariel Winter lapdance would be complete without a flash of her breasts, and with that in mind, the chesty starlet turned around and leaned over Ariana; cupping her bountiful bosom and jiggling her huge, milky mammaries in the singer’s face.  Ariana could do little but look up at her buxom counterpart; thick, shiny lips agape, lust plastered across her flawless young features, Ariel’s giant chest mounds mere inches from her face.

And then, she went in for the kill.  Ariel knelt atop the comfy recliner, her knees either side of Ariana as she straddled her slender frame.  Hoots and cheers went up from those watching on as Ariel placed a soft, dainty hand at the back of Ariana’s head; the singer’s silky brown locks flowing through her fingers as she pulled her cute face into the depths of her heaving chest, smothering the randy songstress with her big, bulging breasts.

Ariel ground her hips, gyrating her plump round ass like a seasoned pornstar; her strong, toned arm still holding Arianna’s face between her tits as the naughty popstar reached up to untie her bikini top.  With her teeny white bra undone, Ariel released Arianna from the pit of her chest; the singer taking a deep, gasping breath as she was finally let up for air. As she did so, Ariel removed her top; her huge tits falling free in all their gravity defying, creamy white glory. 

Ariana bit her bottom lip with desire.  The sight of Ariel cupping her giant jugs; kneading and fondling them like dough, had the brunette seeping down below like Niagra Falls- sticky, wet fluids flowing from her pussy like the Colorado River.  She wanted nothing more than to throw the busty starlet down, tear off her floss-like bikini bottoms and her bury her pretty face between those thighs. And she was about to do just that when Taylor Swift’s shrill voice called over the pumping music.

“OK Ariel, I think that’s enough,” she called, swigging from an ice cold Corona.

Ariana was incensed.  She was randy beyond words; her crotch burning up like a furnace as Ariel planted a teasing kiss upon her quivering pink lips, and climbed down from her lap.

“Bitch, are you serious?!” Ariana gawped across at Taylor.

“Uh huh,” she grinned back, “Ariel’s done her forfeit now.”

“Hmmph,” Ariana huffed, crossing her arms defiantly across her perky chest, like a child who’d spilt her milk. 

Ariel turned around, playfully slapping her big, spherical apple bottom before the angry singer as she made for an adjacent recliner, leaving Ariana horny and speechless atop her padded sunbed.

“Right,” Taylor went on, reaching below her plush recliner and producing a large, battery powered vibrating wand; a naughty glint in her glistening blue eyes as she looked across at Zendaya Coleman, “now it’s your turn!”

End of Chapter 6
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2019, 10:45:04 AM »
Chapter 7

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

A buzzing sound carried across the expanse of Taylor Swift’s sizeable, professionally landscaped yard; a whirring hum so loud it even drowned out the music blaring from inside the singer’s huge Hollywood mansion.  Taylor’s friend Zendaya Coleman was laid out atop a plush white recliner. The thin cups of her skimpy red bikini top were pulled to the side, exposing her petite little breasts, the dark brown buds of her nipples standing to attention like well drilled servicemen. 

Her legs were spread; the starlet’s miniscule, wire-thin bottoms laying discarded on the patio floor, exposing the smoothly shaven flesh of her crotch- her milk chocolate pussy lips split open slightly offering a teasing glance of her bubblegum-pink insides.  Clutched in her smooth, dainty hand was a large vibrating wand; the giant ball-shaped end held so firmly against her throbbing clit it would’ve taken the strength of an Olympic weightlifter to prize the buzzing device from her neatly manicured mitts.

Taylor’s remaining party guests manned the surrounding sunbeds; some perched on the end nursing cool beers or cups of punch, while others sat back, fondling their erect nipples or sliding fingers under the hems of their scanty little g-strings as they watched their young friend masturbate.  The activity had been meant as a forfeit, but from looking at the sprawled out starlet, holding the huge vibrator to her person like a precious family heirloom, one would never have guessed.

Indeed, Zendaya was having the time of her life frigging herself of with the big buzzing toy; her watching friends adding an exhibitionist element that only served to heighten her levels of enjoyment.  The evidence was clear for all to see; the actress’ pretty brown face lit up like the Fourth of July- a look of tempestuous ecstasy etched across her flawless features as she toyed herself lewdly for the pleasure of those watching.

And her face wasn’t the only part of her anatomy exhibiting the signs of the young girl’s arousal.  No- her vagina, in fact, was leaking like a sieve; a layer of moisture smearing across the darkened lips of her hot pink snatch, while thin trails of sticky wet fluid dripped down to her anus; the slick runoff easing the entry of the neatly painted index finger probing the tight little hole.

A mewling series of moans escaped her pretty mouth; her eyes closed, lips agape- the horny actress occasionally licking or nibbling upon the thick, glossy pair as she fucked herself.  Zendaya guided her finger back and forth, probing the dextrous digit past the second knuckle and beyond; the starlet by no means shying away from her puckered little asshole as the giant wand worked wonders upon her stiff, pulsing clit.

Before long the brown-skinned beauty was quivering from head to toe, her cute face screwed in ecstasy as the vibrator throbbed and hummed on her bulging bud, her lengthy nailed finger probing into the depths of her rectum.  Her freshly shaven legs started to shake, her breathy moans replaced by high pitched, agonised whines as the buzzing wand performed miracles upon her rock hard clit. Zendaya showed little sympathy for her sensitive young button; the actress holding the buzzing toy firmly in place, wildly fingering her tight pink butthole, squealing, mewling, until…

“AHHHH!!!” she screamed, pulling the wand away at the last second.  She used her expertly filed fingers to spread her pussy open; showing off the bubblegum-pink insides to everyone watching as she sprayed her girlcum into the air like a water feature; the crystal clear fluids raining back down over the neatly laid slabs of the patio.  The girls whooped and hollered. Zendaya collapsed back into the recliner; rubbing her slick young gash, panting like she’d run a marathon, the vibrating wand still humming loudly at her side.

“Wow!” exclaimed Taylor Swift.  “Good job, girl! OK,” she continued, turning toward the remaining members of Team Selena, “two down, four to go!”

End of Chapter 7
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Slyguy, Calibur009, X42


Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2019, 10:48:10 AM »
Chapter 8

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato were knelt at opposite ends of Taylor Swift’s regulation size ping pong table.  A crowd of three spectators were gathered around, watching on as the Latin duo fed the twin heads of a long, flesh toned double ended dildo into their pretty mouths- their matching sets of glossy pink lips roaming up and down the thick plastic shaft in perfect unison as they shared the two headed dick.     

Back at the recliners, Victoria Justice was sprawled out atop one of the comfy padded sunbeds, Elle Fanning laying atop her slender young frame in a sultry 69 position; her expensively styled blonde hair shaking back and forth as she buried her head between the brunette’s toned, beach bronzed thighs.  Muffled moans and coos filled the air as they went down on each other. The remaining three party guests manned the surrounding recliners, sipping punch from Solo cups or nursing ice cold beers as they watched the live lesbian lickfest unfold.

Elle had her arms wrapped around her lover’s thighs; her lengthy nails digging into the firm, muscular flesh as she lapped ferociously at her swollen clit.  At the other end, Victoria reciprocated; clawing like a wildcat at the blonde’s milky white apple bottom as she sucked at her bright pink pussy lips like an infant with a pacifier.  The groans continued, the girlcum flowed. The surrounding girls watched on intently, touching themselves through their wafer-thin bikini bottoms; expressions of lust and longing painted across every pretty face in a ten foot radius.

At the ping pong table, Selena and Demi were choking down their double ended dildo like a pair of swordswallowers; the horny duo trying their damndest to make the lengthy prosthetic dong disappear.  They sucked and choked, slurped and gagged. Both girls guided their lips up and down the two-headed toy in faultless synchronicity, slathering the plastic shaft in oodles upon oodles of slick, warm spittle until, finally, their plump, juicy lips pressed together, all 16 of the skin-toned dildo’s thick, girthy inches embedded in their skilled young mouths.

Meanwhile, Elle and Victoria continued to go at it; their athletic bodies intertwined, licking and sucking, slurping and tonguing at one another’s stiff pink clits.  Victoria had a hand rested in the small of Elle’s back; a dextrous thumb sliding back and forth inside the blonde’s tight pink butthole. Sweet, warm fluids dripped from each sopping wet vagina; trickling down thighs and chins and smearing across pretty young mouths as they ate each other out. 

Across the yard, Selena and Demi had changed up positions.  Now the ladies were laid out on their backs, their puffy, hot pink pussy lips wrapped around the twin ends of their double headed fucktoy; the volumes upon volumes of saliva from their double deepthroat session lubing the man-made dick up nicely as they ground and bucked their lithe, toned bodies together, riding the two-headed fuckwand with equal gusto.

They cooed and groaned, cried and bellowed until they were hoarse, screaming at one another to fuck the lengthy dido harder; their slippery wet vaginas meeting with each pass as they made the thick, plastic dickstick disappear inside them.  By now the double headed dick was lubed up like a greasy pole; the layers of spit and cunt juice smeared across the girthy shaft leaving it slipperier than a patch of black ice. As such, the ladies were able to slide up and down it with even greater gusto as they bucked violently against one another; the twin ends of the fat, long fucktoy probing the deepest recesses of their nether regions, bothering their g-spots with each pass and making them cry out in thunderous ecstasy as they banged the plastic dong.

Over at the sunbeds, things were continuing to hot up.  Elle and Victoria were going wild on one another’s clits, the randy duo lapping and tonguing at the stiff red buttons like there was no tomorrow; the brunette furiously fucking her fellow actress with her dextrous thumb.  Their pretty heads shook violently back and forth as they tongued each other; the ladies stopping only to look up from between a pair of tanned thighs or from underneath a peachy round ass, screaming in delight as an explosive orgasm tore through their slender young bodies.

Ten minutes and several orgasms later, Selena and Demi had changed positions once again.  This time the ladies were bent over; face down, ass up, the thick heads of the double ended dildo buried deep in their stretchy pink buttholes.  The slathering of spittle and pussy juices along the plastic dick allowed the horny duo to throw their shapely round asses back at one another; their twin sets of firm, musclebound buttocks clattering together as they furiously banged the long, two headed cock.

And on and on it went.  Elle and Victora tongue and fingerfucked one another to countless climaxes; each more violent and earth shattering than the last.  While Selena and Demi buttfucked the double ended dildo, their tight, greedy assholes swallowing down inch after inch of the girthy fuckwand until they’d made it vanish once more- screaming in ecstasy as the matching heads tunnelled into the depths of their snug young rectums.

Those crowded around the ping pong table and atop the surrounding recliners had long since ditched their teeny underwear.  Some had taken to the freshly sheared lawn; wildly kneading their stiff pink clits as they laid back across the grass. Others reclined atop the luxury sunbeds; feeding rampant rabbits and eight inch dildos into their slick, wet vaginas- having orgasm after orgasm as they watched their friends fuck but a few feet away.

Then, once the girls could lick and suck, fuck and buck no more (or so she thought), Taylor Swift slid a long Black Mamba from her slippery cunt and yelled out above the loud, thunderous orgasms of her humping, writhing party guests, to call a halt to precedings.

“OK, ladies,” she announced, “I think that’s enough.”

But her words fell on deaf ears.  The impassioned moans and groans and the hum of vibrators continued across the vast yard; the girls not as much as looking up at their A-list host as she called time on their all-girl fuckfest.

“I said ‘that’s enough’!!” Taylor repeated, louder this time.

But still her friends ignored her.  Vibrating wands continued to buzz against rock hard clits, assses clattered together, tongues delved in and out of hot, moist pussies.

“Suit yourself, girls,” Taylor grinned.  “I guess you guys don’t want your presents after all.”

That got their attention.  Vibrators were shut off, dildos pried from tight pink vaginas, as the girls looked across expectantly at their celebrity host.  Elle Fanning looked up from between Victoria Justice’s sun kissed thighs and over at Taylor as she cooly nursed a bottle of Bud Light.

“Presents?” asked Elle, her voice breathy from the near constant stream of orgasms bestowed upon her by her brown-haired friend.

“Mmhmm,” Taylor smirked.  “I thought since you guys got me such nice gifts I’d repay the favour.  But since you’re so busy fucking each other in my backyard, I guess you don’t want them.”

“No, no,” said Sarah Hyland, placing a long pink dildo down on the table beside her, “we want them.”

“Oh, you do, do you?” the host replied, grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

“Yes, we want them,” added Chloe Moretz, “please, Taylor.”

“Yeah, please, Taylor,” came a sea of soft, feminine voices, each one thicker with want and desire than the last.

“OK, girls, OK,” Taylor grinned, “since you asked so sweetly.”  She looked across at the tall garden gate standing adjacent to her luxury mansion.  “Alright, boys,” she called out, “we’re ready for you now.”

End of Chapter 8
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2019, 10:50:38 AM »
Chapter 9

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

It had been quite the afternoon for the male residents of Taylor Swift’s affluent neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills.  The local men had gathered at their windows; watching with intrigue as a host of luxury cars, from giant SUVs to flash convertibles pulled into Miss Swift’s driveway and up to the curb outside, each slicker and shinier than the last.  Then, the lucky guys were treated to what can only be described as a gift from the gods, as a plethora of glamorous young women clambered out of the sparkling rides, clutching expensive-looking handbags and nursing iced coffees as they traversed the lengthy driveway.

The guys were transfixed.  Sports games went unwatched on large plasma widescreens as men stared intently out of living room windows.  Trash bags were abandoned, lawnmowers hung in limbo; a multitude of weekend chores ignored- the neighborhood men watching on like voyeurs at the seemingly never ending stream of twenty-something beauties emerging from luxury sports cars, each one armed with the body of a professional tennis player and the looks of a Victoria’s Secret model.

But if the afternoon had been all about the men, now, finally, with the sun beginning to set in the Los Angeles sky, came the turn of their wives.  Just as they had several hours before, a second procession of cars started to crawl down the residential street; pulling up to the sidewalk at various spots throughout the leafy neighborhood.  While this second series of cars were considerably less flashy than the first, their occupants were every bit as eye-catching, and the neighborhood women were treated to one hell of a show as a mass of rugged hunks climbed out from within. 

Before long, a gang of handsome young men had amassed on the suburban street; each and every one sporting the kind of musculature to put Olympic weightlifters to shame.  The local ladies couldn’t believe their luck, and it only got better from there. The burly mob convened in the driveway to Taylor Swift’s giant mansion and, all at once, began to shed their clothes. 

The neighborhood women watched in wonderment as the chiseled youths shed an array of tank tops and t-shirts, gym shorts and boardshorts, before dousing their sinewy bodies in sunscreen and coconut oil.  Mouths dropped en masse up and down the affluent street. Nipples hardened and pussies moistened; a whole host of suburban housewives fighting the urge to rub one out right there at their living room windows, while their kids watched TV in the background.       

Taylor Swift’s party guests watched on with bated breath as her steel garden gate swung open.  The blonde singer grinned like a sly fox as she looked on at her friends; the gang of A-list beauties gawping listlessly as a seemingly endless line of handsome young men, aged 21-27, wearing little more than matching sets of skimpy red Speedos marched into the popstar’s vast green yard.  The ladies’ jaws dropped in near perfect unison; every set of pretty eyes in the luxury garden feasting on the collection of males their girlfriend has amassed for them.

There were eight in total, each bulkier and more muscular than the last; with every one of the young studs sporting the bulging biceps, firm pecs and well-defined cobblestone abs of top NFL quarterbacks, and their physical attributes didn’t stop there.  No- each of the gathered studs boasted the rugged good looks of a series of male models; the scene a rolling plain of chiseled jawlines, immaculately trimmed designer stubble and perfectly rigid, pearly white teeth. Their eyes ranged from deep, soulful brown to glistening sky blue and, between them, the group were sporting every carefully sculpted, cutting edge hairstyle known to man; from long, flowing blonde locks, to impeccably trimmed fades and everything in between.

In short, each one of the assembled men was nothing short of being an inch perfect male specimen.  Every single one had the beach bronzed skin of a California surfer, the toned, chiseled body of a Greek god and the panty-moistening good looks of a Hollywood heart throb.  Though, all of this, it turned out, was the mere tip of the iceberg. As the guys strode across the expertly paved patio, the girls couldn’t help but notice the girthy, snake-like bulges stretching their elasticated Speedos to the limit; every one of the young hunks appearing to have an especially thick Bratwurst sausage hidden away in their trunks.

The ladies couldn’t believe what they were seeing.  It was as if the handsome, well-groomed, well-muscled and well-hung men were some kind of mirage; an optical illusion caused by the blistering heat of Taylor’s backyard.  Or perhaps the pills they’d been popping like Smarties since the early hours of the afternoon had finally taken their toll; the A-list beauties hallucinating a bunch of hot, endowed guys who’d come to satisfy their aching vaginas.

Who were these guys?  Where had they come from?  The ladies didn’t know, and didn’t particularly care.  They were still utterly transfixed by the plethora of God-like studs marching across the garden.  Some were hauling two 20 packs of Bud over their Hulk-esque shoulder blades- the burly young men ferrying the crates of beer across the plush green yard like they weighed but the mass of a box of pillows.  Others were armed with bottles of oil and sunblock, others carrying bongs and baggies of cocaine. One by one, the girls started to realise that these men were no illusion. They were real, alright; and they were ready to party. 

The girls were reclined atop the twin rows of sunbeds; lust and disbelief etched across their cute faces in equal measure as the guys made their approach.  One young man; a tall, muscular, cropped haired Adonis named Josh set down two 20 packs of Coors Light and smiled across at Taylor as his friends gathered behind him.

“Hey, boys,” Taylor grinned, peering over the top of her designer sunglasses like a sexy school teacher.  “Glad you could make it.”

End of Chapter 9

Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2019, 10:53:42 AM »
Chapter 10

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

The sunset cloaking the Los Angeles skyline on this particular late May evening was one of the all time classics; a fiery beauty of red, orange and yellow that looked to have been plucked straight from a Van Gogh watercolour. The sort of breathtaking sight that bland singer songwriters pen chart-topping ditties about.  The kind of natural phenomenon that could turn even the most cold-hearted of souls into a hopeless romantic for the evening, and groups of people up and down the west coast were taking to rooftops in their dozens, nursing cool beers as they watched the sun disappear.

However, there was one particular neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills in which the setting orb was garnering little attention; the vivid red canvas a mere backdrop to the all-star oral extravaganza taking place in the plush green yard of popstar Taylor Swift.  Over the past few hours, the singer’s back garden had transformed into a vast plain of beach bronzed flesh; naked young men and women numbering 20 in total sprawling across the vast grounds and engaged in a number of sexual acts so lewd and indecent they’d make the folks at Brazzers.com blush.

Slender, lithe-bodied popstars were laid back atop plush recliners, an array of well-muscled hunks burying their heads between their silky smooth thighs.  Others were perched on the ends of padded sunbeds; a row of studs lined up before them getting sucked six ways from Sunday by the horny starlets- the celebrity gathering quickly descending into little more than an all-you-can-eat fleshfest buffet for man and woman alike. 

Chloe Moretz and Elle Fanning were sat side by side- the fair-haired duo chowing down on two big, fat slabs of man meat; drooling and slobbering like wild dogs as they sucked the oversized dicks.  Elsewhere, Hailee Steinfeld was sprawled out on her back; the randy brunette feasting on a thick, girthy cock while a burly blonde surfer dude scoffed like a famished wolf at her sweet wet pussy.

As was to be expected, the giant backyard orgy had amassed a small army of spectators, and Taylor’s neighbors were taking to their bedroom windows in their dozens to watch the celebrity suckfest unfold.  Middle-aged men were furiously beating off like horny young boys, while their teenage daughters held vibrating wands to their throbbing pink clits in the next room, and as the crowd of onlookers continued to multiply, the all-star suck session raged on; growing wilder and wilder with every passing second. 

Ariel Winter was knelt on the patio; the buxom beauty with her head turned to the side, sucking one fat, meaty prong, while another muscular man squeezed her giant D cup titties together; sawing his thick, lengthy prick between them like a master craftsman.  Meanwhile, Ariana Grande was sat at the end of a comfy recliner, her soft, dainty hands wrapped firmly around two large cocks, the naughty brunette moving back and forth swiftly from one to the other; sucking each one down before moving onto the next.

Unfortunately for the girls, they were stronger in numbers than their male counterparts and, as a result, there simply wasn’t enough big, fat cock to go around (a disparity not helped by some of the particularly slutty young starlets bagging two of the well hung studs for themselves).  As such, some of the ladies found themselves ganging up one guy, in their two, threes or even fours. One man had Sarah Hyland sitting on his face while Miley Cyrus suckled on his oversized penis. Another had Selena Gomez and Victoria Justice sharing his cock, while one especially lucky bastard had Taylor Swift, Zendaya Coleman and Demi Lovato lined up at his feet; Taylor blowing him while her two friends sucked on his balls.

And on and on it went; the girls engaging in an all-out carnal suckfest that even the most prolific of Amsterdam hookers would have had trouble keeping up with.  Each of the A-list beauties sampled every piece of meat on display; the ladies reeling off every trick and technique in the blowjob handbook a hundred times over as they went.  They encircled swollen round heads with her tongues, lapped at dripping wet prickslits and sucked on big, bulging ballsacks. They shared dicks in their twos and threes; guiding their pretty pink lips up and down long, veiny shafts in perfect unison, and passed the oversized cocks back and forth like homemade bongs.   

But the girls weren’t the only ones showcasing their oral prowess, and the guys were giving every bit as good as they got; licking, tonguing and fingerbanging the famous starlets to countless powerful, earth-shattering orgasms.  And the cumming didn’t stop there. By this stage, most of the assembled men were holding onto their respective ejaculates by mere lengths of thread; some with their nutsacks swollen up to near twice the size, having been sucked mercilessly by a legion of horny young ladies for the better part of an hour.

One by one, the men began to cum and soon Taylor’s vast backyard was awash in a sea of jism; a pent-up band of sinewy hunks spewing their loads across any pretty face or perky young chest that took their fancy.  Sarah Hyland took one on each cheek, her fellow actress Chloe Moretz one upping her by taking two thick cumwads on her face and another over her tits. Miley Cyrus received a hot, creamy deposit straight into her mouth; the naughty blonde passing the rich, potent load onto Hailee Steinfeld like it was some sort of precious fluid.  Ariel Winter used her big, bouncing boobs to milk a warm load from a huge, pulsing cock; the thick, gloopy spunk spurting straight into her waiting mouth.  Taylor Swift took a load straight down her gullet, Elle Fanning took one to the face, while Ariana Grande took a blast to the chest. And so on, and so on.

After a quarter of an hour of near constant ejuculation, the last load was finally spewed.  But the fun didn’t stop there and the girls spent the next five minutes scooping up cum from one another’s cheeks, licking up thick dollops from each other’s tits and generally sharing and swapping gooey, hot cumwads until their hearts were content.  By now the guys were damn near spent.  Most had cum twice already; their usually big, swollen nuts shrivelled down to the size of grapes after expelling what felt like a week’s worth of ejaculate in under 15 minutes.  Their cocks were already tender as can be; the merest brush of one’s little finger against the rockhard shafts liable to send shockwaves through their musclebound bodies for weeks to come.  But from the devilish looks stretched across the girls’ faces, not to mention the smooth, dainty hands already coming back for more, the guys knew they weren’t done yet; not by a long shot.

“Damn!” one man exclaimed.  “This could be a long night!”

End of Chapter 10
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2019, 10:56:01 AM »
Chapter 11

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

“Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me!” mewled Taylor Swift; the blonde-haired popstar laid back atop a plush recliner, her chosen stud Josh’s tall, chiseled body looming over her, his well-muscled ass going like a jackhammer as he pounded his thick nine inch cock deep into her tight pink pussy.

It really was a sight to behold; a sweaty, intense, impassioned bout between two tanned, toned, athletic deities, with model looks, Olympian bodies and pornstar libidos.  Taylor’s pretty face was lit up like a Christmas tree, her perky tits jiggling delightfully as Josh drove his oversized prick into the darkest recesses of her vagina; his big, swollen dickhead probing her g-spot with every pass he took. 

And that was just the tip of the iceberg.  In fact, a quick scan of Taylor’s sizeable backyard would unearth countless other encounters of equal zeal and fervour; a whole host of A-list hotties being worked over by a rugged band of endowed young studs, climaxing repeatedly as they were ploughed into next July.

Ariel Winter was getting banged from behind; her juicy round ass jiggling like strawberry Jell-O as her chosen stud clattered repeatedly with her thick, voluptuous body.  Victoria Justice was squatted over a blonde hunk’s sinewy young frame; the randy brunette bouncing on his cock like she was taming a bucking bronco.

Some of the girls found themselves outnumbered by the well-muscled men; the horny starlets doing their level best to go toe to toe with two or more hardbodied studs at a time.  Zendaya Coleman was being worked over from both ends; the mixed-race beauty chowing down on a big, fat cock as she was taken from the rear. Elle Fanning was laid out on her back; gripping two dicks at the base and sucking them one by one as she was pounded deep in her slick, wet cunt.

As the orgy raged on, the flock of spectators continued to grow; each and every one adopting increasingly imaginative ways of getting a better look at the rampant all-star action.  Teenage boys had climbed up to their childhood treehouses; filming and snapping pictures on their cellphones, while people some four, five, six doors down had taken to their rooftops with binoculars and high-powered telescopes to watch the furious group fuckfest unfold.   

The phone networks were working overtime to deal with the vast bulk of grainy X-rated snaps being sent to friends and family members alike, and before long half of Hollywood had seen their favourite 20-something starlets in all manner of uncompromising poses and exotic sexual positions. 

Indeed, the ladies were going through the various positions like kids went through sneakers and one of the many observers could have re-written the Kama Sutra with the sheer number of impressive sexual poses adopted by the slender young starlets.  Doggystyle, Cowgirl, Reverse Cowgirl, Wheelbarrow, Seated Wheelbarrow, Spooning, Sporking, The Butter Churner, The Waterfall, The Hot Seat, The Lazy Man, The Pretzel, The G-Whiz, The Flatiron. They did them all and many more to boot; positions that would require the flexibility of a gold-medal winning gymnast and a professional yoga certification to even attempt.

And it didn’t stop there.  With some of the girls tackling two of the burly young studs at once, that left several of the A-list beauties free to gang up on any sinewy hunk that took their fancy.  And gang up they did. In fact, the ladies were surrounding unsuspecting young men in their three, fours, even fives; passing their dicks around like bottles of vintage champagne. 

One man was sprawled out atop a padded sunbed; Selena Gomez perched on his handsome face, Chloe Moretz riding his giant cock, while Ariana Grande gobbled at his swollen balls.  Another was positioned at the foot of a comfy recliner, four girls stacked up before him like homemade pancakes; Sarah Hyland at the bottom, Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus in the middle with Hailee Steinfeld perched on top.  He made his way up and down the four tier pussy tower- treating each and every stacked up starlet to a sample of his oversized manhood, before moving onto the next; leaving a pile of horny young women groaning and begging for more in his wake. 

After an hour plus of near constant fucking, many of the party guests were in need of a break and some headed to the overstocked ice buckets to chug down beers in a single go or neck a Solo cup of strong homemade punch before wading back into the fray.  Others knocked back Mollies with shots of vodka or tequila, while more still racked up lines of coke on any surface to hand and hoovered them up like Colombian Cartelmen.

Others leapt into the mosaic swimming pool to cool off, only to end up banging in there too.  Taylor Swift was laid out atop her neatly-paved patio, her feet dangling in the water as a half-submerged stud tongued at her dripping pussy.  Another man was stood in the water; Chloe Moretz’s bicep-laden arms cradled around his neck as he threw the horny actress up and down on his cock, while a third was floating across the pool on a giant inflatable with Miley Cyrus knelt between his legs as she feasted on his oversized dick.

And on and on it went.  Before long, many of the guys were ready to cum once more and greedy young starlets dropped to their knees across the plush backyard; eagerly awaiting a hot, creamy load to the face.  Cocks were going off across the vast patio like hand grenades; randy starlets taking thick, gloopy cumwads to the face and chest from all angles.

Josh was violently beating his prick; the lengthy member damn near glowing red after almost three hours of world class sucking and fucking.  Taylor Swift was knelt before him; begging the burly stud for his sperm, sticking out her tongue in wait of his huge load. Finally, and for the fourth time that evening, Josh erupted; shooting a spunkwad every bit as rich and virile as the first straight into Taylor’s mouth.

The blonde swallowed his cum down to her belly; looking up at him and parting her lips for proof that it had disappeared.  “Mmm, yummy!” she grinned, wiping the excess spunk from her glossy pink lips. “Now I want you to fuck my ass!”

End of Chapter 11
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Slyguy, Calibur009, X42


Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2019, 10:58:59 AM »
Chapter 12

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

“Now I want you to fuck my ass!”

The words rang in Josh’s ears.  Josh had banged Taylor Swift numerous times before and had always known the blonde-haired singer to have something of a relentless hunger for sex.  After all, it hadn’t been uncommon for the burly stud to produce three thick loads of semen during their lengthy encounters; one coaxed from his huge balls by the tightness and wetness of each of her skilled young holes. 

But on this particular evening, the lithe-bodied popstar seemed to be sporting a libido on par with the average sex addict and as she climbed onto the nearest recliner and thrust her peachy, round ass into the air, peering back at him as she parted her beach-bronzed butt cheeks with a neatly manicured hand, a loud, nervous gulp escaped the young man’s throat. 

He’d cum no less than four times already and by now his usually large, swollen balls were shrivelled up like dates, his big, lengthy cock burning red from overuse.  And he wasn’t the only one. As Josh looked around the vast backyard, he saw that many of his fellow hunks were in much the same state; each one gently handling a tender, bright red cock as a host of glammed up starlets adopted similarly slutty poses before them.   

Taylor however seemed to be showing little sympathy for the young man’s plight and as she looked back at him from behind her shapely, ripe apple bottom, the randy popstar purred out an invitation that no warm-blooded male; raw, inflamed penis or not, could decline.

“Come on, big boy,” she cooed.  “Gimme that fat cock!”

And so the orgy continued; the Hollywood bash devolving into an all-out anal extravaganza, with every horny A-lister in attendance leaving their backdoor well and truly open for business.  Selena Gomez was on all fours atop a plush recliner; a sinewy young hunk stood behind her, squeezing her thick, muscular buttcheeks as he pounded her tight pink asshole. Beside her, Demi Lovato was receiving a similar treatment; the randy brunette squatted astride a burly blonde stud, bouncing her snug little anus up and down the length of his eight inch wang.

And as the celebrity fuckfest raged on, its notoriety continued to spread.  By now, professional photographers had climbed up onto nearby rooftops and began shooting the raging orgy with lenses like black traffic cones.  Someone had even flown a drone overhead; the attached camera recording the rampant all-star romp straight to an Internet live stream which was spreading across cyberspace like a virus.  Soon enough, #TaylorOrgy was trending on Twitter, and Instagram employees were working double shifts to take down illicit images of the backyard romp that were being uploaded in their dozens with every passing minute.     

Taylor’s neighbors could scarcely believe their eyes.  They’d known the fair-haired songstress to be something of an exhibitionist and had caught sight of her sunbathing naked in her back garden on numerous occasions; sometimes even stopping to masturbate lewdly as she rubbed greasy sunscreen over her athletic young body.  They were also well aware of her intense sexual appetite, having been privy to the near deafening orgasmic screams that carried through the once quiet Hollywood neighborhood on a nightly basis.

However, Taylor’s neighbors were unprepared for the sheer levels of debauchery on display in the popstar’s backyard, and they weren’t the only ones discovering new things about Taylor and her pack of celebrity sluts on that early summer’s eve.  People across Los Angeles and beyond were trawling through the hundreds upon hundreds of professionally-shot pictures of the A-list gathering that were gracing the pages of countless celebrity blogs across the World Wide Web.

One such image depicted Chloe Moretz sprawled out on her back; the naughty actress sucking on a thick, nine inch wang, while Ariel Winter snorted lengthy lines of cocaine form her taut, toned midriff with a rolled up $50 bill.  Another showed Hailee Steinfeld and Selena Gomez transferring brightly coloured pills to another’s mouths via a passionate tongue-kiss, before washing down the colourful caplets with triple shots of Jagermeister.

And the prying didn’t stop there.  Indeed, some of the especially inquisitive individuals found themselves zooming in on the crystal clear, high resolution images; hopeful of revealing a myriad of bodily features that the disgraced starlets’ movie roles, music video appearances and carefully crafted public personas were quick to conceal.  And they weren't disappointed.  Colourful, highly stylized tramp stamp tattoos graced the tanned flesh of sculpted lower backs and flat, ab-lined midsections. Stiff pink nipples were spiked with shiny steel barbells. Gleaming metal rings dangled from throbbing young clits. Pierced tongues lapped at the bulbous heads of a multitude of oversized cocks, and before long every cell phone user the world over was aware of the A-list troop’s numerous anatomical adornments.     

Taylor and her guests, however, knew nothing of the orgy’s sudden universal fame, but wouldn’t have let it slow down their wild group fuck session even if they had.  In fact, it’s likely that a nearby natural disaster would’ve done little to derail the raging A-list orgy; the band of starlets seemingly capable of banging their way through a 9.9 Richter-rated earthquake should one occur. 

Zendaya Coleman was getting ploughed from behind as Sarah Hyland knelt at her side; the horny brunette ready and waiting to taste her girlfriend’s ass juices off the big, veiny prick before quickly returning it from whence it came.  Victoria Justice and Miley Cyrus were 69ing atop a flat padded sunbed; the naughty duo tonguing at one another’s clits as they were both drilled ballsdeep in their butts by nine inches of fat, pulsing cock.

Elle Fanning was laid out on her back, her expensive stiletto heels tucked behind her ears as a bulky young hunk drove his long, girthy wand deep into her tight little ass.  The randy blonde violently strummed her clit as she was fucked in the butt; spraying a soda can worth of clear, wet squirt juices into the air as she did so.

And that was just the beginning.  Before long, girls were getting stuffed full of dick from all angles.  Ariana Grande was sandwiched between two well-hung studs like a piece of meat; both of the burly young men slamming their fat, juicy dongs hard into her tight twin fuckholes.  Meanwhile, Hailee Steinfeld had been hoisted into the air; her slender arms thrown around twin sets of broad, hulk-like shoulder blades as two muscular men ploughed her ass and cunt alike. 

And on and on it went.  Celebrity whores were getting double dicked throughout the plush backyard; the girls taking turns to fill their hot, slender bodies full of cock.  Demi Lovato had a trio of huge pricks thrusting deep into all three of her skilled young orifices, only to be outdone minutes later by Ariel Winter as the busty actress took one in each hole and a fourth between her tits. 

The orgy was nothing short of legendary; a carnal, no holes barred, free for all fuckfest that made feature length group sex porno films look like child’s play.  A-list starlets were orgasming left, right and centre; cumming repeatedly over cocks and tongues alike and jetting enough squirt fluid to refill Taylor’s Olympic-sized pool in the process 

The better part of two hours and countless double penetrations later and the guys were ready to cum once more.  Taylor and her band of superstar sluts were squatted before the line of burly young studs; all eight furiously stroking and jerking their glowing red cocks- some working on what would be their seventh creamy spunkwad of the evening. 

One by one the guys came once more.  Cute faces and perky titties alike were plastered with cum for the umpeenth time that night, as yet more rich, gooey jism pooled in a myriad of open mouths, soon to be switched back and forth from starlet to starlet like an X-rated game of Pass the Parcel.  Taylor Swift received a hot, thick cumwad from Chloe Moretz; the blonde-haired singer gargling with the potent jizzload before swallowing it down.

“See, girls,” she grinned, turning to her friends as they licked up the cum from each other’s chests; a line of men huffing and puffing above them, some wincing as they handled their sore, reddened cocks and withered, drained out ballsacks, “now that’s how you throw a party!”

End of Chapter 12

Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2019, 11:00:44 AM »
Chapter 13

Starring: Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya Coleman, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Demi Lovato, Chloe Moretz, Victoria Justice, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland & Ariana Grande

Night had fallen over the city of Los Angeles and a full moon glowed radiantly in the starry sky.  A series of high powered 100 watt light fixtures placed strategically across Taylor Swift’s back garden lit up the plush green yard like floodlights at a football stadium and as the last climax was achieved, the final ounce of cum sprayed, the onlookers climbed down from backyard treehouses and nearby rooftops as the rampant all-star orgy finally came to an end.

A parade of taxi cabs crawled through Miss Swift’s leafy Los Angeles neighborhood and the local women were treated to one final glimpse of her band of muscled hunks as they slipped back into their clothing and climbed into the waiting cars.  Taylor and her guests took a dip in the pool to rinse the last of the semen and squirt juices from their athletic young bodies, before piling into the singer’s ornate mosaic jacuzzi.

The girls sat in a circle in the large round hot tub; their nude bodies half-submerged in the warm, bubbling water, nursing glasses of Dom Perignon and passing around hot-pink bongs as they reflected on the events of the past ten hours.  The ladies laughed and joked, snapping group selfies as they discussed the many merits of Taylor’s gang of studs; exchanging thoughts on who had the best body and the biggest cock as they sipped their vintage champagne.

Ariana Grande took a hit on a large pink bong, blowing the thick smoke into the air as she sang the praises of an especially well-muscled stud named Tyler.  “Oh my gosh,” she purred, fluttering her pretty brown eyes as she pictured the sinewy young hunk; his chiseled, hulk-like body doused from head to toe in coconut oil, “he was soooo sexy!  I swear he had the body of a Greek god,” she declared.  “His arms were like friggin’ tree trunks!”

“He was hot, yeah,” Demi Lovato agreed, pausing to take a sip of champagne, “but he was no Brandon.  Jesus, his pecs! I was pushing down on them when I rode his dick and, my God, they were as hard as rocks!”

“Speaking of dicks,” Miley Cyrus chimed in, “Zach, wow!” she added, holding her soft, dainty hands a good ten inches apart to indicate the young man’s size.  “He was hitting my G-spot with every Goddamn stroke! He must’ve made me cum like five times!”

“Yeah, he was so long,” Chloe Moretz agreed.  “When I sucked his cock straight out of your pussy, I swear it almost made me gag!”

“Didn’t stop you deepthroating him though, you little slut!” grinned Taylor Swift from across the tub.

“Oh, no!” Chloe replied.  “You know me, girls- I swallowed that dong like it was a freakin’ cocktail weenie!”  The girls laughed.

“He was long, sure,” said Sarah Hyland, “but, oh my God, Justin!” she gushed.  “His girth! He was pornstar-thick.  Holy Shit!  I’ll be feeling him in my ass for the next week!”  More laughter.

“Yeah, I mean...fuck, Taylor,” Elle Fanning exclaimed, “where did you find such a gang of hot studs?!”

Taylor grinned, swigging from her champagne.  “Oh, come on, girls,” she replied, “like you sluts don’t have eight well-hung guys stored away on your phones.”

The ladies exchanged suggestive glances; knowing full well that each of them had at least double the number of endowed young men gracing the contact lists of their expensive gizmos. 

“Exactly,” Taylor smirked, the girls bursting into a chorus of ear-splitting laughter. 

“Girls,” called Hailee Steinfeld above the raucous cackling; her phone clutched in a neatly manicured hand, the bright screen illuminating her pretty face, “we’re trending!”

The ladies huddled excitedly around state of the art cell phones; trolling through the hundreds upon hundreds of professionally shot, high resolution images of their A-list orgy; cooing and murmuring, laughing and giggling at the X-rated snaps, that were plastered across the Internet for all to see.  One such image depicted Victoria Justice laid out on her back; a well muscled man eating her pussy while Zendaya Coleman sucked on her titties. Another showed Selena Gomez and Ariel Winter sharing an oversized penis; the long, girthy rod sawing between Ariel’s tits as Selena slurped at the swollen head. 

Chloe Moretz and Sarah Hyland had been snapped shotgunning cans of Miller Lite; chugging the ice cool beverages as they bounced atop thick, lengthy cocks.  Miley Cyrus had been caught eating Hailee Steinfeld’s pussy while she was fucked in the ass. Ariana Grande was getting DP’d in mid air, while Elle Fanning knelt beneath her; ready and waiting to suck both of the fat, meaty pricks straight out of her holes.  The girls downloaded the pictures onto their phones in their dozens; saving them either as souvenirs or to frig themselves senseless to at a later date.

Countless bong hits and several bottles of champagne later, the party had extended into the early hours of Sunday morning, and after twelve plus hours of eating, drinking, smoking, snorting and, yes, fucking, the girls were finally ready to call it a night.  They climbed out of the hot tub and toweled themselves dry, putting their clothes back on before heading inside. Taylor escorted the ladies to the front door; seeing each of her guests off with a hug and a hearty farewell.

Selena Gomez was last to leave and as she and Taylor embraced in the open doorway, the Latina enquired as to when her blonde friend would be holding her next celebrity bash. 

“Same time next year, Taylor?” she asked.

“Next year?!” Taylor exclaimed.  “Bitch, try next week!  And this time you can supply the guys.”

“I can do that,” Selena grinned.  “Do you think the whole world’s gonna be watching again?”

“I would’ve thought so,” Taylor replied.  “And I hope they’re ready, ‘cause this time we’re gonna break the freakin' Internet!”

The End
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2019, 11:47:05 AM »
Thank you for joining and posting these wonderful stories, truly appreciate having them here. This is some great stuff!  :D
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
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Re: A Party Like No Other (Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and co.)
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2019, 05:14:56 PM »
I've said it before and I'll say it again.  I fucking LOVE this story!  That will be continually true with each re-reading.  Utterly fantastic. 
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