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Author Topic: The Agent: Fantasies  (Read 14888 times)


The Agent: Fantasies
« on: March 14, 2019, 07:48:00 AM »
Part 2!

The earth shook and Derek approached the college. Miles passed with each step of his gigantic frame. Far ahead and below, the students and faculty of said college were unaware of the approaching danger. His cock, a mere two feet long to him but miles long to onlookers, swung with every step; a trail of precum following in his wake. Finally he reached his goal. Seizing his massive member in both hands he began to pump his awakened beast with gusto. His balls bubbled and churned with a gigantic load of cum ready to coat the school. The university denied his application many years ago, and now he decided to have revenge. Derek was going to give it a taste of his power; a gush of cream that no faculty member nor student would ever forget. How were they reacting to his magnificent miles tall height? How would they react to his godly cum as it came splashing down upon the campus? It was hard to say, from his height he couldn’t make out individuals. Yet he pictured some fleeing in terror while other still ran towards his divine seed. Let them he thought as he neared orgasmic relief. The head of his cock flared in size as hands pumped even harder. This orgasm was going to be one for the record books.


“So you've never acted on this dream of yours?”

“No. Why would I?” Derek and Kat sat opposite each other in her house. He was always invited to stay there when he was in town and the busty starlet was his best girlfriend.

Kat said nothing. Instead she dispensed a helping of ‘cream’ into her coffee. The cream was no cream in the conventional sense. It was Derek's cum that Kat continually milked from his cock. After stirring it in she sipped and finally spoke. “It could be fun. I know people I'd get revenge on.”

“Coating a college in cum isn't exactly revenge.” Derek said between bites of food. One of the downsides to his abilities was he had to eat constantly to maintain his mass. 

“Sure it is, you just aren't thinking big enough. If I had your ability, I'd go fill lakes with milk.” Kat squeezed her bust for emphasis. “Displace a great lake, sunbathe against a mountain, fuck a building.”

“That sounds….painful….” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You've given this some thought?”

“Internet. You'd be amazed at how many pictures there are of me as a giantess, muscle girl, or just busty goddess of sexuality. Of course that last one is a reality.” That was true. After last night's sexual activity Kat was a person attached to boobs. A mountainous pair of tits that defied logic and reason. Each one capped with a oversized turgid nipple. Kat wanted Derek to make her even larger, grow her to even more unbelievable sizes but he restrained. They spent the night like that. Kat slept on her car sized tits with Derek’s monolithic telephone pole sized cock nestled in between.

He studied her body; now back to more realistic sizes. A little bit of her growth carried over and her white robe clung to her pumpkin sized milkers and wonderfully large ass. Gears started to turn in Derek’s head as an idea formed. “I have an idea.”

“Oh?” Kat’s interest was piqued.

“Yes.” Derek dropped his fork and headed to the bedroom. “I'm going to Canada.”

“Wait!” His busty girlfriend got up and chased after him losing her robe in the process. “I'm coming with you!”


“This is a crazy idea. Even for you.”

“Too much?”

“Nope. I love it.” Always an adventurous one his Kat. It had taken a bit of time and even more money but he was going to make his dream a reality. The pair were standing inside an oversized and nearly empty hanger in the middle of nowhere. Here's was where he'd act out his dream. At the far end of the hanger sat a house specially built for this experience.

“I'm surprised you didn't want to participate.”

“I do, I really do, but I'll settle for watching.” She said then added, “this time.”

“Suit yourself. Having too much of me lately?” Derek teased.

“Never. Between that incredible night and the mile high club, I'm beat. My pussy can only take so much. Not to mention my ass.”

During their private flight from LA Kat and Derek engaged in one constant sex session. He had little memory of the flight itself, only recalling Kat and her curvy body as it undulated up and down his mammoth pole. He felt a twitch down south as his member started to rise. “Careful.”

“Ahh, just what I wanted to see.” Kat’s eyes sparkled. “Looks like you’re ready to go.”

Her small hands wrapped around his growing member. It surged down his pant leg; the head already emerging from his shorts. “Mmmm. Well, I’m not going to fuck you but I can at least have fun.”

Kat got down on her knees, continuing to massage the member as it swelled ever larger. His shorts started to buckle under the strain of his growing form, as it was not just cock that was swelling, it was all of him. Kat jerked off the enlarging cock even as her hands could no longer encircle the beast. That’s when her tongue got involved. She sucked and lapped at the head, drinking down the copious precum Derek releasing.

His shorts put up a valiant fight, but it was futile at best. A single tear formed and quickly ran the length of his shorts; splitting under the massive bulk that it struggled to contain within. They feel down in tatters. Now longer contained behind within a cloth prison, his cock seemed to grow even faster than the rest of his body. When his body surged passed 8 feet his cock was 3. When He was at 10 and Kat could no longer pleasure him, his cock was 4 feet longer. As he took off down the hanger, growing larger and larger with every step his cock grew with every single step and sway. His monolithic pillar was a beacon sticking out from his body. Supported by two massive balls that sloshed around his knees. Each one filled with gallon upon gallon of creamy, body altering cum. Derek didn’t look back at Kat as he walked on. Only forward as the house got both closer and smaller with every move.

Precum splashed to the floor as he approached the building. Shadows moved across the windows as figures struggled to get a glimpse of the approaching giant. At this point he was far too large for them to see all at once. Instead they were treated to the sight of his massive legs and tree trunk sized endowment.

“I’m coming for you!” He announced, grabbing the roof was a singular hand. The wood groaned and put up a fight, yet it was no match for his giant strength. The roof crumbled, revealing a bevy of busty beauties that scampered around the house away from the giant. Yet not every girl was interesting in running away from Derek. Some of the ladies cautiously approached where he stood; pieces of crumbling roof in hand.

The ladies were all his girlfriends, the entire situation set up so he could enact this fantasy. They gasped in awe at his massiveness, yet all eyes were drawn to his oversized member. It flaccidly hung past his knees but as they watched he grasped it with both hands and started pumping. The member grew suddenly in size as he pleasured his rod. Thick veins plumped on the surface and each stroke made it harder and harder.

“Stroke, stroke, stroke.” Some girls chanted from down below; cheering on their boyfriend as he masturbated to them. A few of the ladies broke down and started masturbating themselves; horny at the sight of the oversized god before them. Tops got lost as ladies lost control of themselves. A veritable orgy broke out beneath Derek and his member.

He pumped harder and harder; his hand a blur across his oversized member. The bulbous purple head constantly leaking a river of jizzum into the house. A house that was slowly becoming a swimming pool. Down below, some of the girls cheered him on; anxious for his seed. Derek spotted one girl in particular. The distinctive red hair of Arianne gave it away. She was standing right in the path of his cock; her hands working those oversized breasts of hers. If he squinted he could make out her licking her lips in anticipation of the cum storm that was approaching.

“Here it...cums!” He managed to stammer out. His cock flared even larger as an inhuman amount of jizzum pumped down his cock. Arianne caught the blast square in the chest; knocking her back into the pool of cum. Derek arced his shots high into the air, letting them cascade back down into his private house of busty babies.

Every girl got a shower as the shots landed; his magically seed filling the house to overflowing. Derek clenched his cock as he milked out the last few drops. “Ahhh….”

He let his member droop back down as he took a seat. His cock arched over the house and came to a stop just above his handiwork. Derek smiled in orgasmic release. The building was coated in cum. Remarkably, it was mostly intact save the roof his jizz filled up the former sorority house turning it into a pool. A pool that even now his girls jumped into and splashed around in. He spied Puma dive dramatically from his cock back into the pool; coating her compatriots with his seed.

The giant hadn't decided how his cum would affect his playthings. It didn't matter though; he was content to let them play around for now.

Derek abruptly straightened as something soft pressed into his back. Feminine hands covered his eyes. “Guess who?”

“Kat?” He guessed.

“Correct!” The hands released and he turned to look at Kat Dennings. Her figure was much more buxom that usual. More like it was last night with boobs that covered her entire torso capped with succulent red nipples. Her black hair had an almost unnatural shine in the hangar lights and her ass...well Derek couldn't wait to plow it again. There was one other thing as well.

She was giant. Derek had to guess she was as tall as he was. Some 100 to 120 feet tall. Every inch was perfection. “Umm, what happened?”

Kat’s giggle filled the room as she extended a digit to his member. It responded to her touch and started to engorge. “I discovered something….”

“I can tell.”

Kat picked up the cum covered Arianne, letting her rest on an oversized breast as she stroked Derek’s cock faster. “When you marched off you dripped cum. I couldn't resist and starting lapping it up. Then I thought about last night and how it would be awesome to be the size you grew too.”

“...and?” He asked dumbfounded.

“It happened.” Kat leaned in and kissed him deeply. “It can control it now. As long as I have your sweet nectar I can control everything. And right now dear, I'm very hungry.”
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Re: The Agent: Fantasies
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2019, 01:03:20 AM »
Excellent work, as Kat has been in desperate need of some stories.


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