"El Hoyo Negro"by
DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of absolute fiction, based on nothing real or plausible at all. Fantasy is legal and this shit is ridiculous anyway. Thanks for reading.---
Selena Gomez and Theresa Mingus, her ex-assistant and best friend, had arrived that day in Mexico for Selena's cousin Priscilla's bachelorette party. The 26-year old singer and actress was tired from the flight and all of the swimming she'd done at the beach. She wanted to stay in that night to rest and be ready for the celebration the next day, but Theresa --in typical fashion--, couldn't wait to start partying right away.
After an hour of nagging, Theresa finally convinced her famous friend to go out with her, on the promise that they would call it a night early. Selena left her room wearing the same thing she'd had on for most of the day: A red, one-piece bathing suit with ample cleavage made decent enough to wear outside the beach by a tiny pair of white shorts.
"So where are we going?" she asked, finishing pulling her hair up into a simple bun.
"Oh just a few places I like to visit when I'm in Vallarta..."
"A few places? Theresa! You told me we were gonna take it easy tonight!"
"We are! We're just gonna have a couple of drinks and come back. I promise!"
Three and a half hours later, the two women had already been to 4 different bars and lost count of how many margaritas they each had in them.
"Okay, now just one more place. This place is fucking awesome. You're gonna love it" Theresa said, tripping over herself both in walk and talk.
She drunkenly stumbled across the street while Selena, a bit less wobbly than her friend, followed closely. The sign of the shoddy-looking cantina Theresas was heading to read, "Welcome to El Hoyo Negro". Upon setting eyes on the shady establishment, Selena immediately felt uncomfortable and unsafe. "Theresa! Theresa!" she shouted, catching up to her blonde friend before she could enter the cantina.
"This place looks really dirty... and dangerous. Are you sure you've been here before?"
"Fuck yeah, many times!"
Selena followed her curvy friend into the smelly cantina, where the shady-looking patrons made no attempt to hide their thirst for the two young women that had just walked in. But as they walked up to the bar, Selena realized their attention was almost entirely set on Theresa, whose breasts bounced recklessly, barely contained by her tiny lime-green bikini top.
Having been the center of attention of every spot she'd visited for the last decade, the hot Latina couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy, much to her own surprise. She then caught herself thinking that she should've worn something more revealing before immediately setting those strange notions aside.
'What the fuck am I thinking' she said to herself, pulling up her bathing suit to to get her own huge tits in check as she struggled to get on a bar stool without falling. Theresa ordered two shots of tequila and leaned on the bar, shamelessly pushing her fat ass out for the men to salivate over.
The place was run down to say the least. The long-gone white of the walls had been turned into a canvas for every dumb fucker that came through to write or draw whatever profanity came up to mind. In the far corner, a couple of middle-aged women in skimpy and sparkly dresses and Tecate cans in their hands, fake-laughed to a group of customers. A thick musk of armpit and vomit permeated the air and Selena's hands jumped back right after touching the sticky surface where her shot glass sat on.
"So why do you like this bar again?" she asked, a look of disgust painted all over her lovely face.
"It's not a bar, it's a cantina. You should know this since you're half-Mexican and all."
"It's the same fucking thing, Theresa," the Latina said, rubbing her temple.
"Oh... Well, anyway... it's not much to look at but I've been in worse places."
"I haven't."
"I know, and that's exactly the problem."
"What problem?"
"Your fucking attitude, Selena. Look at you, you're fucking drunk and you're still being all prissy and shit!"
Selena gasped, "Prissy?!"
"Listen, I know you've been through a lot these last couple of years, but you need to start having fun again."
"I have fun."
"Not like you used to."
"That's not my fault. The doctor said I can only drink every so often. And with moderation," she said, holding back a hiccup.
"You call this shit moderation?" Theresa laughed, before downing her shot of tequila. Selena followed her lead, wincing after swallowing the warm liquid. "I'm making an exception this weekend, for Priscilla."
"But I'm not even talking about your drinking," the blonde continued saying as she signaled the bartender to pour another round for them, "you know we used to do plenty of crazy shit without being drunk."
"That was... back then. I don't do that kind of stuff anymore."
"Oh trust me, I know you don't. Everyone fucking does!"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"That some of us are a little bit worried you might be taking the church thing too far."
"What's wrong with me going to church?"
"Nothing, but you're walking around wearing old-lady dresses and carrying bible around like you're 70 years old. I kept quiet for a while there but not that you're no longer my boss I can say it. This new version of you annoys the fuck out of me. Have you gotten laid since you broke up with Abel?"
Selena lowered her head and stirred the liquor in her glass before swallowing it with one gulp.
"Holy fuck, Sel!" Theresa yelled, hitting the bar hard with her glass. "Honestly, that might not be my fucking business but... I miss the old you. It's like, you're twenty-six, Selena! For fucks sake, start acting like it and enjoy it!"
"...I guess I have been a little high-strung lately."
"That's what I'm fucking saying here! You need to fucking unwind. And that's the reason we came here."
"Oh, so there's a reason? I thought you just wanted to drink at the shittiest place in town."
"Shut up and listen... I have a confession to make."
"Oh here we go... what is it?"
"I've never actually been here before."
"I fucking knew it!"
"But you know who has? Marcela."
"The woman who cuts your hair?"
"Yes. She's the one who told me about this place. Her husband's family is from here and she said every time they come and visit she waits for her husband to fall asleep and then she scurries over here. The next morning she's happier, more relaxed, and ready to deal with her cunt of a mother-in-law."
"She's happier and more relaxed because she comes to drink in this place?" Selena asked with evident incredulity.
"Oh she doesn't come for the drinks. She comes for the bathroom."
"Wait, what?"
The busty blonde left her bar stool and offered her hand, "Come on, let's see it."
"See what?"
"Finish your drink before we go."
"No, tell me what you're talking about."
"Just drink it, pussy!"
"Fine!" the brunette singer complained, and downed her fourth shot of tequila in less than 10 minutes. "Now will you tell me?"
"I'll show you" she replied, and dragged her friend to the back of the cantina and into the tiny little bathroom.
"Oh my God it smells so bad in here!" the world-famous Latina complained as she stood in the middle of a badly lit and grimy room with a big cracked mirror over the sink and the kind of grease and smut on the floor and walls that could only be the result of many, many years of negligence and abandon. "It's part of the charm." Theresa smirked, looking around. "Ugh... so what did you want to show me?" the ex-Disney star said, watching a couple of big roaches crawl up the mirror and disappear behind it. "Those," the blonde answered, pointing at two holes that were cut out along the walls at waist-level, each one facing the other and covered with pieces of cardboard.
"I don't get it," Selena said, rubbing her thighs together as she struggled to get behind her friend with such little room to move. "Look, I gotta pee really bad so keep an eye on the door. The fucking lock is broken." Theresa chuckled at her innocence and stood by the door while her skittish friend pulled her white shorts down and folded them over the sink, before squatting above the cracked and blackened old toilet. "I'm still waiting to find out what's so awesome about this fucking place," the pop star complained, holding on to the wall for balance while she pulled the crotch of her bathing suit to the side. She held it against her thigh with her wrist and parted her pussy lips with her fingers, letting out a sigh as she began to relieve herself in front of her friend.
Theresa smiled, "There it is," and Selena looked over her shoulder. Her red lips brushed against something soft and warm. "What the fuck!" she cried out as she jumped to her feet, wiping cock-sweat from her cheek and wetting the inside of her thigh with the last droplets of pee.
"It's a gloryhole!" Theresa announced, clapping excitedly.
"Eww, Theresa, this is so fucking disgusting!
"Aww come on, live a little!"
"No way, you are insane!"
"Bitch, please, don't act like you've never gone down on a man you just met. Or have you forgotten about St. Tropez already?"
"This is not the same thing. It's completely fucking different!"
"Why? Because you can't see his face? Because you don't know if he's hot or rich? I'm pretty fucking sure he's neither of those things, but look..." Theresa left the door and stepped up to the hole where a tanned, semi-hard cock lay twitching. She grabbed it and stroked it, slowly at first and then a little bit faster. "See how hard he's getting for us?"
"What the fuck are you doing?"
The meat had grown stiff in her hand and they could hear the cock's owner breathing heavy behind it.
"I wanna try it. I wanna see what it's like."
"You're so fucking gross."
"Maybe I am, but at least I know how to have fun," Theresa said. She looked at Selena as she squatted down and wrapped her lips around the head, then, without losing eye contact with her friend, she began to suckle on it.
"Okay, I think I'm gonna leave now..."
"No!" the blonde shouted, pulling on Selena's arm as the cock slid out of her mouth. "Don't leave me alone in here, you coward! ...At least watch the fucking door."
"Ugh, I can't believe you're doing this, and that I'm helping you," Selena sighed, leaning on the battered door.
"Mmmnnn... mmnnnnm..." Theresa moaned loudly.
"Can you stop that?"
"Stop moaning like that, I've heard you suck dick before and you've never done that."
"I'm just trying to get you interested."
"Well, you can keep it up if you want 'cause there's no fucking way I'm doing it."
"Come on, aren't you a little curious?""
"I've seen penises before, Theresa."
"Oh look, another one!" Theresa said, grinning at the second cock that had just popped out of the hole on the opposite wall. "Come on, just put your hand on it. It's looks so lonely and afraid!"
Selena couldn't help but chuckle, "Shut up!"
"Poor thing. Just stroke it a little bit, don't be so mean."
"I'm gonna leave if you don't stop it with that shit."
"Oh, really? So you're gonna get in a Uber in fucking Mexico by yourself?"
"I'll wait outside."
"Out there, alone? With all those old guys staring at your tits and making you uncomfortable? I don't think you'd enjoy that."
"...I guess not," the girl admitted.
"So just come here, Sel."
"Just come down here for a fucking second!"
"I don't want to!"
"Oh stop it! You saw how they were checking us out when we walked in here. Didn't you think it was hot how they were all staring at your tits?"
"Eww, no..."
"You can't bullshit me, Sel, I know you like showing them off. That's why you wore that fucking bathing suit a size too small, isn't it?"
The brunette said nothing and looked down, the blush on her cheeks gave away the answer.
"Just be fucking honest. You didn't get a little turned on? 'Cause I know did, and there's nothing wrong with that."
"...Maybe a little, okay? Happy now?"
"So think about it... All those men checking you out there saw us come in here. That means there's probably a line out there fighting to get their dicks in these holes. I can't be the only one who finds that hot."
Selena bit her lip and on her expression Theresa could see she was getting to her.
"Come on, you party-pooper, show me you still know how to have fun and then we can go."
"I... I don't know..."
"Listen, how often can you engage in any kind of sexual act without having to worry about your reputation? That's why I fucking brought you here! What could be more perfect for you than this?"
"But they saw me-- us, come in here."
"So what? None of this old fuckers know who you are, they've probably never heard one of your fucking songs ever. They just know you're a hot piece of ass. Which means this shit is completely anonymous. You won't know whose dick you're sucking and they have no fucking clue you're famous. Like I said, it's perfect for you."
"But it's not even about that, it just... it feels wrong."
"Ugh, you're so annoying sometimes. What do I always tell you when you say shit like that?"
"Liking sex isn't bad and I don't have to pretend to be a saint when I'm with you," Selena said, begrudgingly reciting Theresa's favorite maxim.
"Exactly. So drop the fucking act and come here."
"Ugh, I'm only doing this so we can get out of here faster," lied the sexy actress as she squatted next to her friend.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now get your hands on that one while I finish with mine."
Theresa popped the dick back into her mouth while Selena stared at the veiny cock protruding out of the wall for a moment, carefully studying its shape and size as if she hadn't sucked dozens of different men before.
"You gotta swear you'll never tell anyone about this. Not even Priscilla."
"Okay! Now for fucks sake stop staring and start working it, we both know you're no rookie!"
Selena chuckled at Theresa's carefree attitude and finally held the chocolate-colored cock in her hands. She stroked it a couple of times and when it began to swell, she pulled the foreskin all the way back and heard the owner sighing behind the wall. Something about making a man sigh like that without being able to see him got to her, and she found herself stroking it faster, listening closely to the grunts and exhalations of which her skilled hand was the author. "I can't believe you're making me do this," she laughed, her beautiful tits bouncing around in her swimsuit with every devoted stroke.
"Pfft, that's not a gun pointing at your head, honey..."
"Shut up."
"Oh, oh, look!" Theresa shouted excitedly. Selena turned to her friend and saw the blonde laughing as two long jets of semen hit her on the chin and neck. The third and last one was so strong that it missed Theresa entirely and landed across Selena's ear and cheekbone instead.
"Shit, it's in my hair!" she complained.
"So what? It's cum, not gum, stop being such a baby," her former assistant said. "Are you gonna stop playing around now and get that cock in your mouth?"
"I don't know... it smells bad."
"You mean it smells like cock, and that's never stopped you before."
Selena stuck out her tongue in playful defiance. She leaned in closer to the hole and opened her mouth while pulling the foreskin all the way back so that the swollen, purple head was exposed. Theresa gestured maniacally for her to continue and Selena smiled before carefully wrapping her lips around the tip, cringing at the initial bitterness. Slowly and carefully she began to bob up and down, getting 3/4 of it inside her mouth each time.
"Good girl..." Theresa praised her, with her hands caressing the brunette's soft and tanned arms. "Come on, get in in there..." she continued, encouraging her friend to swallow more.
"Imff geffingf inf therff!" Selena complained, spit dripping from her lips as she did so. She liked to take her time, ease into it, let her jaw get used to the strain and her tongue to the flavor. But Theresa was impatient, she fought against the toilet in the tiny space until she managed to turn her body so that Selena and her were facing the same way. She leaned on Selena's back and started to push the back of her head forward, forcing her brunette friend to swallow the full length of Mexican sausage. She almost fell down, but recovered enough by setting both of her hands on the dirty wall and widening her stance.
"Oh yeah, oh that's it, Sel," Theresa breathed softly into her ear, "Doesn't it feel so good hitting the back of your throat?". Selena nodded while she deep-throated the mystery cock, gagging loudly with her throat full for as long as she could hold on before having to breathe again. When she finally pulled back to catch her breath, Theresa's hand rose over her shoulder, grabbed the man's meat and stroked it fast and hard until, in a matter of seconds, it began to spurt thick shots of cum right on Selena's forehead. Her surprised squeal quickly turned into a giggle as the globs of cum dripping down her face tickled her nose. When the man was finally empty, she wiped a few errant droplets from her lashes and turned to look at Theresa.
"Wasn't that hot?" The blonde woman asked as she squeezed herself in between her friend and the toilet again to attend to the meat snake that had just come out of the hole on the right.
"A little..." Selena giggled, a drop of cum dangerously dangling from the tip of her nose. The now limp cock in front of her was pulled back and quickly replaced with another one that was shorter but much girthier, which she found very intriguing. "In for a penny, in for a pound" the curvy brunette said before getting another stranger's dick in her mouth and working her mouth magic on it. "I bet I can get him to cum faster!" Theresa exclaimed. The two friends looked at each other in tacit agreement and put their slutty mouths to work, sucking each cock fast and loose until a long and clear trail of pre-cum and spit dangled from their chins and wetted their tits.
Selena suddenly stopped moving and waved her hand up in the air to signal she had just won. "Dammit" Theresa complained as her pretty friend turned to her and opened her mouth to show off the creamy load swimming with her saliva. She closed her mouth and swallowed without thinking. "I win!" she said playfully.
"Did you just swallow that guy's cum?
"Ooops!" the ex-Disney girl said, before making a different, way longer cock disappear into her mouth. Not a minute later, the cock in Theresa's hand exploded and showered her tits with white goo. But after its owner pulled out of the hole, nothing else came through. Theresa sighed, used to Selena getting all of the attention. So she turned to her friend for a moment while she waited for another stranger to come out and say hi. She watched the church-going Latina devotedly stroking a maroon-colored sausage that was almost the same length as her forearm. Theresa smiled proudly when she noticed Selena was fingering herself. She looked so pretty with her eyes closed from pleasure and concentration, her full lips and chipmunk cheeks working hard for the same cause. The pop star popped the meat out of her mouth and held it over her head as she licked the scrotum, sucking one testicle into her mouth and bringing it to climax with just a few more strokes. The stranger's load spurted out with quantity but lacking in pressure, and the front of Selena's hair bun became drenched in cum.
"Next!" Selena shouted excitedly, before kissing the tip as a cute goodbye gesture. Theresa was finding Selena's spectacle too hot to resist, so she reached from behind to put her hands around Selena's huge tits, where her fingers soon found the rock hard nipples poking through the thin swimsuit fabric. "Hey, there..." Selena said. She bit her lip and then gasped when her blonde friend's hand traveled down her stomach and brushed against her pussy before caressing the inside of her cum-sprinkled, meaty thighs. A fourth cock came through the hole and Selena swooped her head down and giggled as she took the head into her mouth without even using her hands. Still groping Selena and kissing her neck, Theresa asked, "Having fun?" The cute brunette nodded even as she gagged with her forehead pressed against the dirty wall. Theresa grinned at her and pulled the crotch of her swimsuit to the side. The horny blonde lost no time in finding Selena's hole and shoving two fingers in her. With renewed enthusiasm, Selena jerked until the dick strained in her hand and fired several ropes of cream onto her chest.
"OOoomhhnnn, fuck!" she said, relishing the way her best friend was teasing her clit and pinching her nipple. A fifth cock came through the wall and she sprung to action again. Her big and juicy breasts swelling inside her bathing suit, thighs spread wide and throbbing from the strain, the horny Latina slobbered up and down the fleshy tube. She bathed the balls with saliva and ran her tongue over the veiny shaft, all the way up until her lips found the head and sucked on it in again.
"You're a sexy bitch, you know that?" Theresa said, biting her friend's earlobe until she felt her shiver in her hand. With one hand wrapped around the spit-smeared base, Selena began to moan and cry, her exclamations all muffled by the thick meat occupying her mouth and pushing her tongue down. The fingering turned feverish and Selena's walls soon began to contract around her friend's fingers. She came in Theresa's hand just as the man she was blowing came on her face. In the throes of lust, Selena pulled the blonde into a kiss and the cum shooting out of the stranger's cock found Selena and Theresa's mouths locked in a wet embrace. The two friends obscene and passionate kiss continued until Selena's orgasm passed and the man in her hand had no more to give.
The milk on Selena's pretty face dripped down onto her lips as she looked down to examine herself and she giggled when she saw the mess of cum and spit all over her sandals and bathing suit. Theresa pulled her fingers out and looked at Selena with fire in her eyes.
"You're so fucking sexy!" the curvy blonde grunted, licking Selena's juice off her fingers. "Am I? Never heard that before..." Selena laughed, licking cum off the corner of her mouth. Theresa jumped on her and pulled the brunette's straps down. "Let's free those babies," she said before she began lapping at her friend's cum-covered tits with the viciousness of a hungry animal.
With the back of her head against the wall, Selena noticed an eye moving behind the gloryhole Theresa had been using. "Are they spying on us?"
"Of course they are, that's part of the gloryhole experience!"
"But what if they--"
"Shhh," Theresa shushed her as she licked the cum off her ample chest. "Let them watch. Let's put on a show, give them something to remember."
"Theresa, I--"
"Just put that fat cock into your pretty little mouth and stop worrying."
Selena turned to see the next dick she was going to pleasure that night and returned to her squatting position in front of it. It grew in her mouth as she casually sucked it before a sudden spank on her right cheek startled her. "Don't tell me you're getting tired!" Theresa yelled.
"Oomff!" Selena grunted when her other cheek was hit too, the sweaty balls resting on her chin getting coated with her drool.
"There's more guys waiting out there, get to work!"
"Hey, this is my sixth one!" the squatting singer complained, trying to catch her breath while she avidly stroked the stranger's meat.
"So what? You're a performer, aren't you? Act like one!"
"I'm trying!" the pretty pop star replied, turning back to bob up and down the length of her fellow Latino's cock. Her mouth slid up and down its length like a pro, taking more and more of the stiff pole into her greedy mouth, until she felt the head hit the back of her throat. "Good girl!" Theresa praised her. Her gaze had turned to her friend's butt, her two plump ass cheeks swallowing the thin strip of cloth, hiding it completely between those two lumps of delicious fat. The ripples on her ass cheeks after ever hard spank she gave them were lovely, and so were her muffled moans and her dog-like panting each time she tried to catch her breath.
"How long has it been since you got ass fucked?" the big-titted blonde breathed in Selena's ear while sliding a finger up and down her sweaty crack. "Mmmm, too long..." the Latina replied, turning her head to meet Theresa's mouth with hers. She felt Theresa yanking on her bathing suit until she finally pulled the crotch part aside, and then a shiver when she started to tease her sweaty asshole.
"What are y--"
"Shut up and finish him," Theresa said, pushing her friend's mouth back to the gloryhole. Selena obediently allowed the caramel snake to slide back down her throat and she groaned, kneading her tits as her friend pushed a finger slowly inside her rectum. The hot Latina's mouth flew up and down the wall-snake, her lips locked tightly to it. Her ass being fingered reminded her of Abel, the ex-boyfriend that had introduced her to all types of anal pleasuring, and soon she found herself pushing her tits together and handling them more roughly as she sucked the stranger harder and faster. After a minute or so, she felt the cock swelling in her mouth and another orgasm swelling up inside of her. She moaned and leaned forward, stroking hard and fast with just her lips until the unknown man shook and came with abundance in her mouth. Jizz began to spew and fill the singer's mouth. "Mmmnnn, mmnnnnm..." Selena moaned under the proud gaze of her best friend, milking every last drop of cum with her lips until the cock softened and she let it slip from her lips.
"That's the Selena I know!" Theresa exclaimed, spanking her friend again. The busty Latina started to giggle with jizz bubbling on her lips. "Thihg ihg sohg mugh fungh!" she said, holding a hand up to her cum-loaded mouth but still clumsily spilling some of the viscous body fluid as she did so. Theresa grinned and pulled the finger out of her best friend's asshole. She brought the finger up to Selena's nose, offering it to her while her eyebrows jumped up and down in a "How 'bout this?" manner. Selena hesitated, semen seeping out as she bit her lower, quivering lip. Theresa shrugged, "Oh well," and put the finger into her own mouth before sucking it clean of every last trace of Selena's flavor. Selena's knees weakened and her body turned into fire just by watching that. The famous Texan swallowed the thick load of cum in one gulp and jumped into the arms of Theresa. The two curvaceous women kissed and slobbered over each other, sharing between their sinful tongues the remnants of stranger's semen in each of their mouths.
"I'm so horny..." Selena said between kisses. The way she said it, like it was her dripping cunt talking instead of her, made it clear the sentence was more a plea than a declaration. Theresa turned her horny friend around and kissed her again, this time with her hand buried between the brunette's wet thighs. She brought her up without breaking their mouth's embrace and with one quick, hard yank, she tore off the crotch of Selena's bathing suit. The Spring Breaker's star gasped, then realized there was already another man occupying the hole and what Theresa's intention was.
"Do it," Theresa said excited, "Fuck that cock for me, I wanna see it." The blonde woman sat down on the dirty toilet and stared at the horny pop star's lustful eyes while she bent forward and placed one hand on her shoulder for balance, reaching back to spread her labia. "Oop!" she giggled when her wet cunt and the stranger's cockhead lined up. Theresa supported her friend as she pushed herself back, slowly getting her needy cunt full of meat until her butt hit the wall.
"Oh my God!" Selena grunted after the first few thrusts. The organ drilling into her was peculiar in that it was a lot wider in the middle, and she could feel the unusual difference in girth stretching her inner walls and flooding her with delicious sensations. "Unnh! Unnnh! Unnnhh!" she kept grunting while the lucky stranger pounded her. Her breath on Theresa's face smelled like alcohol and balls and her huge tits, freed from the constraints of the tight swimsuit that was now nothing more than a crumpled ring of red fabric around her waist, dangled below her trembling body like two melons in tanned grocery bags. "I can...
mmmmph! I can see someone...
unngh! ...watching us," she struggled to say, staring at the eye peeking behind the empty hole and feeling herself getting closer to climax because of it. "They're not watching us, they're watching you," Theresa replied with a satisfied grin. She grabbed Selena's shoulder and started aiding the penetration, pushing her back into the wall so that the unknown Mexican fucking her could get as deep inside as possible.
"Unnnh! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck! Uuuuunnnnnnhgg!!!" the sexy brunette panted, her massive knockers jiggling and flopping around wildly. She took one hand off Theresa's shoulder and brought it to the back of her friend's head to pull her into one last, delirious kiss. The ex-Disney star moaned in the blonde's mouth as she came one more time, and just as her climax began to subside the stranger's began. "Oh God..." Selena softly whimpered, being suddenly reminded of how much she'd missed the sensation of a thick cock twitching inside and filling her up with warm and creamy cum.
Finally, she separated her bottom from the gloryhole, and the strange cock slipped out of her, leaving a trail of cum and clear pussy juice smeared under the cut-out circle as it disappeared behind the wall. Selena sat on Theresa's lap and rested her head on her shoulder. "That was... I really needed that." There was another cock poking through the hole but she was completely spent. Her thighs ached from squatting down for so long, so did her jaw. Her asshole stung and her legs wouldn't stop shaking. She was done.
"I think I'm dripping cum on your thigh," the cute actress said, realizing there was no longer any cloth separating her wet pussy lips from Theresa's skin. Her chipmunk cheeks turned red as she giggled and hid her face behind Theresa. "It's happened before, I'll live," the friend replied. "You ready to go?"
"Yes, I desperately need a shower to get rid of this men's bathroom stench," the brunette said. She pulled the straps of her swimsuit back over her shoulder and jumped into her white shorts. Then, as she was about to open the door she stopped and added, "Thanks for letting me... you know,"
"Let your inner whore out?"
"I wasn't gonna put it like that but yes."
"No problem, honey. Oh wait, before we go..."
Selena raised an eyebrow while her best friend picked up a stepped-on black marker from the dirty floor. She took the cap off and scribbled on the wall in big, all-caps writing:
SELENA LOVES MEXICAN COCK, followed by a little heart. The bold proclamation made Selena laugh out loud. She took the marker from Theresa and signed the letters S and G inside the heart, just like she did with autographs.
The two sweaty women walked out of the bathroom looking like they had just rode a tornado and headed for the exit while trying to avoid any eye contact with the lucky patrons. But out of the corner of her eye, Selena caught a glimpse of a middle-aged man pulling up his pants as he came out from behind the wall. He too was sweating and breathing heavy, and the 26-year old pop star couldn't help but smile at the stranger who had just been inside of her. He smiled back and smacked a kiss in her direction.
The two women headed through the exit and disappeared from view right as the headlights of an Uber car flashed outside. Then suddenly, Selena's cute, cum-smeared face peaked in briefly to say, "Muchas gracias!" and the adorable giggle that followed soon trailed off in the distance.