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Author Topic: Sophie Marceau’s Lonely Days  (Read 4326 times)


Sophie Marceau’s Lonely Days
« on: September 11, 2019, 07:17:21 PM »
Codes: MF, Oral, Feet, Foot fetish

Disclaimer: Not to be read by anyone under 18 and this is a work of fiction. I have never met Sophie Marceau or even taken up horticulture and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t cheat on her life partner.

Author’s note: This story is for Lucullus. I know it took a while for me to write, but I hope you like it.

This story was originally published on July 4th 2006

I had done an apprenticeship in horticulture and once I had finished I joined up with a company to try and earn money until I had enough cash to
set up my own private company. While I worked at the agency they sent me off to different clients to preserve their gardens around the suburbs in London. I would work on a clients garden for a week or two before I’d go onto the next client. Once I had enough cash saved up I decided to go over to France. The currency rate from pound to euro was brilliant and nearly doubled my money, so it would be cheaper for me to set up there. One of the main things was that the French had better gardens so it would be more of a challenge.

I had started work around the city of love, Paris. I had been there for nearly a year, the first six months was spent the same way as my time in London. On the fifth month there I got a call that changed everything. It was a phone call from a Ms. Marceau. I didn’t think anything of it, I went to the address as normal, she told me over the phone that she got my number of a friend and I came highly recommended. Once I got there my jaw dropped open when I saw that Ms. Marceau was in fact Sophie Marceau.

She did the entire interview in about 5 minutes in a red silk robe and hired me on the spot, I had spent most of the time staring at her legs, she sat with her legs crossed. She had nice, big, toned calves that looked beautiful and she had gorgeous feet, with long slender toes.. She offered me a bedroom at her place, which was huge house, that even after 6 months, I still sometimes find myself getting lost in there. I found it strange that she wanted her gardener living at her house, but I found out why instantly. I was more of a helper around the house. When I wasn’t taking care of the garden, I was doing odd jobs around the house.

I wasn’t the only one there though. She had a live in chef, Marcel and a butler, Jean. She was going to hire a nanny but her son took a liking to me. Whenever he didn’t have school he would spend his time following me around. He spoke fluent French and his English wasn’t too bad, although at times I did find him mixing the two languages together. Sophie Marceau was happy with that, mainly because she didn’t have to hire a nanny but because the kid was a bit of a brat. He didn’t like any of the help and made their lives difficult but was a nice kid around me.

Her son, Vincent had taken a shine to me and always followed me around. So she’d come out to see what we were talking about and usually we’d end up talking for hours about nothing and everything. She always took a keen interest in anything you’d say to her. I tried to get her to talk more about herself, as I tend to end up staring at her and I start to trail off with whatever I’m talking about. She had actually noticed that and thought it was a cute little thing that I did.

Over the six months we built up a good relationship and her partner Jim Lemley, who she met on a film set, would hang out with me, we’d have a couple of beers. He was a movie producer so he would be constantly going to meetings and flying out of the country. If he cancelled on Sophie Marceau he would tell her to spend the evening with me, whether it was going out to dinner or the opera, which I have to say I hated but I went any way. I would spend the time staring at Sophie’s beautiful face. I found myself wanting Jim to cancel on Sophie so I could spend the evenings with her and I was starting to get the feeling that I was falling for her, but I knew nothing would happen as she was in a serious relationship, with a baby already involved and I think she saw me as a friend more than anything.

I was out in the garden, Vince was following me around as usual, talking about a girl he really hated at school, obvious that she was his first crush, when my cell phone rang. I looked at who was calling and it was Jim. Wonder what he wanted.

“Hello.” I answered.

“Kash! How’s it going?”


“Good, good…” He paused.

“Is there anything you wanted?”

“It’s just that… Sophie was talking about how today marks exactly 6 months that you’ve been working for us and she wanted to.. well you know… go out and celebrate. You know the three of us. Except for…”

“You can’t make it.” I was kind of happy, but slightly annoyed for Sophie.

“Yeah. I’m sorry but I have a meeting in L.A with Johnny Depp for my new project ‘

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly’.”

“You know it breaks Sophie’s heart every time you cancel on her.”

“I know. But she knew that was going to happen when she insisted that we live in Paris, I’ve always wanted to stay in L.A.” Sophie had chosen to live in Paris as that’s where all her family and friends were. “Any way that’s my call for boarding. I’ll see you in a couple of days and make sure you show my girl a good time tonight.”

“Will do.” I hanged up the phone. I could hear Sophie’s voice. I looked in through the kitchen glass doors to see her pacing back and fourth she was talking in French so I didn’t understand a word, but she sounded like she was annoyed, probably telling her mother that Jim had cancelled on her again. She was wearing a white dress, which was quite short and fell a few inches short of her knees. She stood with her back to me, leaning over a counter, giving me a good view of her tight, round ass and her gorgeous, toned legs. Her weight was on one foot and she was rubbing her calf with the back of her other foot. Her feet were really sexy, there wasn’t a single part of her body that I had seen that wasn’t perfect. I started to feel a stirring in my pants as I stared at the sole of her foot. It was a slighter darker shade, dirt probably from walking barefoot, but it was just a darker pinky/peachy shade. It didn’t look dirty, if anything it kind of turned me on even more.

She hung up the phone and turned around to see me. I noticed she was looking at me, but my attention were still on her feet. She looked down to see what I was staring at. She moved her foot up and down her calf and my eyes followed. Sophie realised what I was looking at and giggled, breaking my concentration. She waved at me and headed towards me.

“Hi.” She said in her strong French accent. “Do you know what day it is?” I knew she was going to say it was the six month anniversary of me working there, due to Jim telling me on the phone.


“No!” Sophie laughed. “It’s been 6 months that you’ve been working for us.” She said. “We’re going to go out to celebrate. Just you and me.” She said getting excited.

“What about Jim and Vincent?” Her tone changed.

“Jim can’t make it.” She said obviously disappointed. “I’ve got my mother to look after Vincent.” She added. “I’ll make reservations for 6, so be ready by half five.”

“What should I wear?”

“Borrow one of Jim’s suits. I’ll help you pick one out. Sophie walked off, her ass swaying side to side. The day seem to be passing by slowly and it was finally lunch time. I came into the house and went to the bath room to wash my hands off, before grabbing a bite to eat. I fixed myself a sandwich and drink, didn’t think there was any reason to disturb Marcel. I went over to the living room and sat on the three seater couch. I turned the TV on, there was actually no point as everything was in French and I didn’t understand a word. Six months in France and all the French I know is ‘bonjour’ and ‘au revoir.’ Pretty pathetic I know.

I finished off the sandwich and drink pretty quickly and was just flicking through the music channels, hoping to come across some descent music.

“Hi! what are you doing?” Sophie said as she took a seat at the end of the couch.

“Channel surfing.” I said trying not to look at her or I’d end up just staring at her.

“You know channel surfing is no fun if you can’t speak the language.” I laughed in agreement. “You know, if you wanted I could teach you some of the basics in French.”

“Really?” I said finding another opportunity to spend more time with her. “I’d really appreciate that.” Sophie smiled.

“You know what you could do in return?”

“What?” I asked

“Massage my feet.” She said spinning around, leaning against the arm of the couch and putting her feet on my lap.

“You know you don’t need to give me French lessons for a foot massage.” I have actually given her quite a lot of foot massages before, she always asks for them even when Jim is here. Which is quite surprising that he doesn’t object to it, as I think a foot massage is pretty sensual.

I picked up one of her foot and started to rub my thumbs up and down her sole, applying extra pressure on the balls under her toes.

“Mmm… You have such great hands!” Sophie moaned. She had been walking around bare foot all day and there was a very light shade of brown on the soles from dirt. Sophie had long slender toes that I gently squeezed the heads of, causing her to moan some more. I looked up at her face and she had her eyes closed. I looked down to notice that the way her leg was lifted, I could see up her dress and man what a sight that was. She had a tight, white panties the hugged her crotch tightly. I looked up to see her looking at me. She had caught me stealing a peak. A stab of pain hit me on the chest as I realised what had just happened Sophie sat up, her face inches away from mine.

“Liked what you saw?” She teased me. She didn’t seem angry or anything.

“Yes.” I smiled like it was nothing. Sophie stood up and headed to the stairs. She looked back at me.

“Don’t be late for dinner.” I don’t really know if that’s possible seeing as though we live under the same roof. But I was quite confused as to what happened. Maybe she wanted me to follow her upstairs? I got up and started to make my way up the stairs and headed towards her room. Everything in my head said to stop and get back to work, but my body wasn’t listening.

I knocked on her bedroom door and there was no answer. I slowly opened the door as she wasn’t there, but her white dress and panties was on the floor. I walked in and heard running water. I looked over at the door which led to her bathroom and the door was open. I slowly crept over and peaked in. Sophie had a huge bath room. A huge tub that could probably fit four people and a separate shower that could probably fit about ten people. Sophie was on the floor of the shower, with the water running. And what I saw shocked me. Sophie was sitting on the floor fingering herself. The sound of running water was drowning out the sound of her moans but I could’ve sworn I heard her moan my name. I couldn’t see her pussy as her thighs were in the way, but the water was flowing down in between her legs.

Different thoughts were running through my head. If she was thinking of me while masturbating, maybe she was turned on from me catching a peak up her dress. But my lack of self confidence was starting to win this argument. Why would she think of me when she has a life partner that she’s madly in love with? But then again we have spent a lot of time together in the last six months and she’s opened up to me, telling me personal things, flirting with me. But if I jumped in and she wasn’t thinking of me, I might end up getting fired. I decided to leave. I turn around.

“Kash!” I hear Sophie moan. I look back at her and see her hand reaching out for me. Was I dreaming? I walk over to her and she is starting to come down from her orgasm, one hand still at her pussy. “Mmm… Come in here.” She moans, her face looking angelic. I quickly take off my clothes and open the glass door to the shower. The warm water hits my bare chest as I stand over Sophie. My dick was standing to attention at the sight of Sophie’s naked body.

“Mmm…” She moaned biting her bottom lip as she stared at my wee endowed member. I noticed her fingers were wet and there was no water running over her. I squatted down beside her, took her wet hand and bought it up and into my mouth. It tasted warm and there was no doubt in my mind, that this was her cum. It was unlike any other I had tasted and I wanted more. I pushed her legs apart to reveal her cunt. She had quite a big, hairy bush.

“I haven’t shaved in a while.” She said with an embarrassed smile. “Me and Jim haven’t been together for a while.” She added. The poor woman. Here this guy had the most unbelievably gorgeous woman, who he wasn’t fucking.

“Don’t worry!” I said. I looked around and noticed a cabinet. I walked out the shower and over to the cabinet. I opened it and looked for a razor, I found a razor that a guy wouldn’t use so it had to be a woman’s razor, that’s used to shave their legs, well I assumed. I picked up a can of shaving cream and the razor and walked over to Sophie. I sat in between her legs and sprayed some of the cream on my hand and then lathered it onto her crotch. She spread her legs apart as I started to shave her bush off from the top. It took a couple of strokes on each patch as her pubic hair had gotten quite long and I rinsed the razor with the water that was flowing just in front of her crotch after every stroke. I kept on going until she had a bald cunt.

I held her by the hips and gently pulled her forward, getting her crotch directly under the water, washing off any excess cream or hair on her crotch, I moved my hand to where the water was flowing down. My mouth watered at he sight of her wet pussy and I couldn’t wait. I stood up and turned the water off and got back down onto my knees, in between her legs.

I licked along her slit, causing Sophie to moan. I looked up as I teased her with my tongue. Licking the top of her opening, gently caressing her clit. Sophie started to push her hips up, trying to get my tongue down towards the hole. I put her legs over my shoulder, wrapping my arms around her hips, my hands coming around, pulling her pussy lips apart. I darted my tongue out, poking her moist hole with the tip of my tongue.

“Please!” Sophie moaned in her heavy accent. “Suck my pussy!” She pushed her hips up towards my mouth. I opened my mouth, placing it over her opening, pushing my tongue into her, penetrating her pussy. She threw her head back from the pleasure of finally having my tongue in her. I started to push my tongue in and out of her slowly, still teasing her.

“Mmm…” She moaned , starting to push her hips back and forth gently, fucking my tongue with her cunt. I pulled her pussy lip apart, showing her pink flesh, exposing her clitoris. I started to run my index finger side to side to side on her clit. I started to use the index finger on both hands, alternating between the two fingers, while I still tongued her.

Sophie was now moaning and writhing in ecstasy. I pulled my tongue out and pulled away, I reached over from the top and straight away pushed two fingers into her pussy and started to finger her fast and hard. “Oh God! Yes! Yes! That feels soo good! Don’t stop!” She moaned. Sophie was coming closer to her orgasm and I wanted to finish her off with my mouth, so I pulled my finger out and placed my mouth over her pussy and started pushing my tongue in and out of her as fast as I was with my fingers.

“Oh yes! I’m gonna cum! Mmm…” Sophie moaned. I started to finger her clit while I continued the tongue lashing I was giving her. “Mmm…” She moaned, slowly pushing her hips up. “AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She screamed as her pussy started to contract around my tongue, fast, as her orgasm finally hit and her hips started to buck back and fourth. I managed to keep a good grip around her waist as I continued pushing my tongue in and out of her, savouring the taste of her cum as it flowed into my mouth.

“Huh, huh, huh…” Sophie breathed hard as her orgasm started to subside. I pulled away, watching her beautiful face and body as she recovered. Her hips bucked and her pussy lips spasmed as a little cum pushed out of her moist hole. I leaned forward and licked her cum off and her hips bucked again at the touch of my tongue. She had one hell of a sensitive pussy.

I got up onto my knees and positioned myself, pressing my cock head on her pussy. “No!” Sophie moaned, so I stopped. “I’m not going to cheat on Jim.” She said. That shattered my hopes of ever being with her. I sat on the floor in front of her, my hard on softening. Sophie reached forward and placed her foot on my thigh. The touch of her foot against my flesh started to get me excited again. I looked up at Sophie to see if she had noticed. She had her eyes locked on my member and had a smile on her face.

She was teasing me and I think she took pleasure in tormenting me right now. She knew that I liked her and she used it to her advantage, getting me to do things for her by flirting with me. She always had confidence that I’ll do what she wants me to and with the kind of beauty she had, how could she not be? She had caught me on numerous occasions staring at her gorgeous face and caught me taking a peek at her sexy feet. That’s why she placed her foot on my thigh, but if she had no intentions on having sex why was she trying to keep me hard? was it because she’s use to seeing dicks being erect when they’re in front of her?

All these thoughts were running through my head and they were interrupted quickly when I felt Sophie run her big toe along my shaft, from the base to the tip. She got to the tip and spread her toes apart, my cock balanced between her big toe and the toe next to it. My cock was too thick to fit in between her toes and rested nearly half way in. Sophie started to slowly move her toes back down my shaft. My dick got so hard, it stood up vertically, pressing against my stomach.

Sophie opened her mouth, like she wanted to suck my dick as she pushed my dick back, pressing it firmly against my belly. She pressed the balls under her toes against the head, wriggling her long sexy toes before she slowly starts to run the ball down my shaft. My dick was harder than ever and any sort of stimulation will send me over the edge.

“What about Jim?” I asked. I don’t know why I asked, it just came out. Sophie might’ve forgotten about him and gotten lost in the moment.

“He doesn’t like my feet like you do.” She replied. “I not fucking you. I’m just touching you with my feet.” She said as she started to rub her foot up and down my shaft, faster now. A drop of pre-cum started to ooze out and Sophie stopped pressing my dick up. My member fell down half way and Sophie rubbed my pee hole with her big toe wiping the cum off. She started to rub the under side of my cock with her big toe, using my own pre-cum to lube my cock. I hadn’t even noticed that the water that hit my body when I first stepped into the shower had already dried off.

Sophie started to rub my cock again against my stomach and with her other foot, she started to rub my chest with the balls under the toes. She started to lose balance and leaned back on her hands. I did the same too, so there would be no chance of me losing balance.
“You like my feet?” She asked in a soft, sexy, seductive tone as she carried on caressing my chest, moving her foot up higher, stroking my neck with her beautiful toes.

“Yes!” I moaned my answer back, as she started to touch my cheeks gently with her big toe, slowly circling her mouth. I opened my mouth and turned my head, taking her big toe into my mouth.

“Yeah!” Sophie moaned. “Suck my toe!” I leaned forward, using my hands to hold her foot. I pressed my thumbs on her sole as I started to Suck her big toe hard, biting it gently. I decided to pleasure her by massaging her foot while I sucked her toes. I started to rub my thumbs up and down her sole, causing her to moan. The harder I pressed my thumbs, the faster she stroked my cock with her other foot.

I started to circle her big toe with my tongue, fast. I took the other four toes into my mouth at the same time. I started to circle her long sexy toes with my tongue while they were still in my mouth, while I sucked hard. I pulled her toes out of my mouth and they had a layer of my saliva on them. I ran the under side of the tip of my tongue down her sole and once I got to the bottom, I licked up her sole, up to the ball under her big toe. I circled the ball with my tongue and then gave it a kiss, which turned into an open mouth kiss and I started to suck it.

I kissed down her sole, down to her heel. I gave her little kisses all around her heel before sucking on it, hard. Biting her heel, causing her to moan even louder. I put her foot on my shoulder and started to kiss the top of her foot. After a couple of kisses, Sophie started to pull her foot back and I stopped. She lowered her saliva covered foot and started to stroke my cock, alternating between her two feet. Rubbing with one foot and then swapping to the other foot.

Sophie Marceau leaned back on her hands and held my dick in between her feet. She started to rub her feet up and down the sides of my dick, in sync with the other, the balls of her feet under her toes pressed firmly on my man hood.

“I want you to cum on my feet!” She said as she rubbed her soles up and down the sides, getting faster with every stroke. She was jerking me off when I was sucking her toes, but I was able to keep my mind occupied, but now I wasn’t doing anything but getting jerked off, so I knew I was going to explode any second.

“Yes! You like that?” Sophie moaned in her thick accent turning me on even more. Pre-cum was constantly oozing out, leaving a thick layer of cum on the tip of my cock. “You going to cum? Cum for me! Cum for Sophie!” She was now jerking me off so fast her feet were starting to turn into a blur.

“I’m gonna cum!” I moaned.

“Yes! Yes! YES! YES!” Sophie repeated as the first load shot up half a feet into the air, falling back down on to the top of her feet. She slowed down her feet strokes, to nearly a stop. She squeezed hard and worked the balls of her feet up my cock, keeping in rhythm with my cum. As the second load shot up, her feet worked its way up my cock, pumping the cum out of my throbbing member. After she drained out the next couple of loads, she carried on squeezing my dick milking it off any cum that may still be left in it.

She shuffled back, leaning her back against the wall, She lifted her foot up showing me my cum on the top of her foot. She lifted her other foot up and started to rub the top of her foot with the sole, rubbing my cum into her foot. Sophie laughed as she rubbed her feet together. She stood up and turned the water on and stood in front of the flowing water, washing her body, flowing down and washing my cum off her feet. I sat still sat there, leaning back on my arms.

“Here.” Sophie said extending her hand. I reached for her hand and pulled myself up. She stepped out the way so I could step in front of the water. The warm water hit my body, flowing down, washing off any cum that may have been on my stomach and dick.

“I’ll see you downstairs for dinner.” Sophie said standing close to me, her tits pressing against my chest. “Thank you!” She said kissing me on the cheek. I turned around and headed off to my room. This was one hell of an anniversary gift that Sophie Marceau had given me.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2019, 07:19:02 PM by Kash_The_Priest »
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