Picked up the Max Payne bundle on Steam yesterday for just $4.30. I had never played these games before on PC, so playing them now is a new experience compared to playing them in the PS2 years ago and I must say WOW!
I think these games were developed and designed with keyboard/mouse in mind more so than a console controller. It makes the PS2 versions look inferior and I wonder how I even finished them years ago.
Max Payne 1 and 2 hold a special place in my heart when it comes to classic games. They were made before cover shooters became the norm and there was a sense of reckless fun that came with them. They are the closest shooter games I think exist in comparison to Doom. Doom is similar with how it's more fun to play recklessly, rushing into rooms and firing off BFG shots. Max Payne was meant to be played the same way; rushing into rooms, activating bullet time and spraying bullets everywhere. This is more fun than ducking behind something or hiding in cover taking pot shots.
Max Payne 1 has better level design all around. Playing this game for the first time in years and on the PC just made me remember how much I loved the levels. They are designed with a realistic style and are a joy to play through. The enemy AI isn't as smart as the second game, but they can do some damage once you get to fighting the mercs and killer suits.
Max Payne 2 has the better enemy AI. The enemies are actually threatening in this game because they're smart. The level design is weak compared to the first game, but better AI makes a world of difference.
It's also amazing to see how well Max Payne 2 looks on the PC today. The first game still looks good too but is a bit dated being 18 years old.