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Author Topic: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 15 posted]  (Read 28181 times)


Re: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 10 posted]
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2020, 06:37:18 AM »
Chapter 11

Starring: Taylor Swift


Jeff was sat at a prop-up bar on Neptune’s Nest’s plush golden beach, sipping nervously from a bottle of Kalik beer as he geared himself up for his impending meeting.  His prospective clients hadn’t even arrived yet and already this meeting differed immensely from the great many business powwows he’d had in his 20+ year career in construction. 

Jeff had been scouring the Internet at his home in Trenton, New Jersey, in search of his next project, when one particular job posting caught his eye.  The project consisted of the construction of a number of cabins on a remote Bahamian island owned by an A-list celebrity. The person’s name had been withheld for security purposes but, given that the job paid more for 6 months work then he’d earned in the last three years combined, the 45 year old contractor wouldn’t have cared if the mystery star had turned to be OJ Simpson and his colleagues Amanda Knox and Casey Anthony.  He applied for the job and awaited the response.

A few days later, Jeff received what was without a doubt the strangest piece of correspondence he’d ever gotten in all his years in construction.  It was from a Mr Justin Reed, who claimed to handle the affairs of the celebrity in question (name still not given). Once the usual pleasantries were out of the way (I hope this email finds you well, thank you for showing an interest in this project, etc), Mr Reed requested, on behalf of his employer, that he provide him with the details of his height, weight and physical build and, most curiously of all, attach images of his face and body. 

Jeff found it most irregular.  There was no mention of his previous experience in the field of construction, no request of specific projects he had completed in the past or contact details of former clients.  In fact, the email contained almost no reference to his career as a contractor whatsoever. Ordinarily, he would have disregarded the prospective project right there and then, the construction veteran chalking the odd request up to part of some form of Internet prank or scam.  But with such a large sum of money on the table, Jeff wasn’t about to walk away from what could turn out to be the project of a lifetime, even in light of such a strange demand. 

He replied to the email, asking Mr Reed to ensure him that the job was genuine and that his images weren’t going to end up somewhere on the dark web offering up his services as a hitman or male escort.  Reed responded almost immediately, guaranteeing him that the job was indeed legitimate and that his photos would be passed onto the celebrity in question (name STILL not given) and disposed of straight after.  It was, after all, a very high-profile project and Mr Reed and his A-list employer had to be sure that he was in the required physical condition to complete it. He even gave Jeff his phone number and business address to pass onto his lawyer, should the images be used for any other purpose.

Still a little reluctant, but willing to take the risk, Jeff snapped the requested photographs and sent them to his prospective clients.  Two days later, he received an email from Mr Reed. Success! The mystery celeb approved very highly of the images and stated that they would like to meet with him.  Dates and times were discussed and after an arduous wait of three further days, a pre-paid first class ticket from Newark International to Lynden Pindling Airport in Nassau, Bahamas dropped through his Trenton letterbox. 

When the time came, Jeff boarded the flight and touched down on the Bahamian mainland, a shiny silver Jaguar on hand to ferry him to a nearby private airstrip.  From here, he was ushered into a two seater, fixed winged aircraft and flown to the secluded paradise of Neptune’s Nest. Upon arrival on the island, he was greeted by a 6’6” black man of an impossibly powerful build, wearing nothing but a tight red speedo; the bulge in the crotch so large that even Jeff, a man so devoutly heterosexual he practically radiated testosterone out of his eyeballs, had to force himself not to stare.   

“Ah, you must be Mr Blandisi,” said the tall black man, shaking Jeff’s hand so firmly he nearly crushed it like a soda can.  “Welcome to Neptune’s Nest. My name is Kenton. Mr Reed has told me to inform you that he and Miss Swift will be touching down on the island shortly.” 

Jeff had finally learned the identity of the mystery star.  Miss Swift. Taylor Swift. He swallowed heavily. His mouth dried.  Those strange requests during the application process were starting to make sense.  After all, like every other man on God’s green Earth with an Internet connection and a pulse, Jeff was more than familiar with the singer’s online exploits.  He tuned into the Internet orgies regularly when his wife and kids were out of the house, and knew full well of her penchant for the muscled gentleman. In fact, Kenton, the big black guy who’d welcomed him onto the island, was a prime example of the build of man featured on her online streams.  Jeff only hoped that he matched up. In more ways than one.


“Another beer, Mr Blandisi?” asked Kenton from behind the bar, his Bahamian accent so think that Jeff could barely understand it. 

Kenton hadn’t even awaited Jeff’s response before he’d popped the cap off a second bottle of Kalik and placed it beside his first.  Jeff looked down at the first bottle, seeing that he’d taken no more than two swigs of it and politely declined.

“I’m OK with this one for now, thank you.”

“Suit yourself,” said Kenton, picking up the second beer and chugging it down in a single go, tossing the empty bottle into a nearby trash can.

Just then, the faint sound of a helicopter could be heard in the distance.  He looked out to the shore as the distant figure of a whirlybird hovered over the Caribbean Sea.  Kenton popped on a pair of sunglasses, and as the chopper drew nearer, it became apparent why. The rotor blades kicked up an ungodly swirl of sand like a desert storm as it passed over the beach, coming into land on a nearby helipad.  Jeff wiped the grains out of his eyes and tipped out the rest of his now incredibly sandy beer as the chopper door opened. 

A smartly dressed man stepped out, his tie billowing over his shoulder, his impeccably styled hair somehow unaffected by the whir of the rotor blades as he exited the chopper.  His hand extended to the open portal; taking a second paw, a carefully manicured feminine one, in his as Taylor Swift climbed out from inside. She wore a distinctly form fitting navy blue suit and a white cotton blouse; the knee length pencil skirt and buttoned up jacket hugging her ass and chest like they’d been made to measure (and, in actual fact, they probably had been).  Miss Swift and Mr Reed crossed the tarmac and carried on to the bar, the singer’s silky blonde hair blowing across her gorgeous face as she went. 

“Mr Blandisi,” Reed announced, speaking loudly over the whir of the rotor blades, his hand extended as he approached the prop-up bar.

Jeff hopped down from his barstool and shook Reed’s hand.  “Mr Reed.”

“Please, call me Justin.”

“Thank you, Justin.  I will.”

Jeff looked across at Taylor, expecting the popstar to introduce herself, or possibly for Justin to do it for her, but no such exchange was made.

“Please, follow us, Mr Blandisi,” said Justin, ushering him in the direction of a large house in the distance. 

Taylor and Justin led Jeff across the island; the singer’s assistant asking him all the usual questions as he guided him to the distant building.  How was your flight? What do you make of the island? And so on. When they reached the house, Justin opened the door and ushered Jeff through, he and Taylor following in behind.  Four more black men; every bit as chiseled and scantily dressed as Kenton at the bar, had just finished setting up the lounge for the meeting. A long oak table stretched nearly from one wall to the next; the desk surrounded by enough chairs to hold an entire board meeting.  A stack of paper had been neatly piled in the centre of the table, a gleaming glass jug filled to the brim with water and three large tumblers stood beside it. 

“Thank you, gentlemen,” said Justin.  “That will be all.” The men dispersed.  “Please, take a seat, Mr Blandisi.”

“Thank you,” said Jeff, parking his ass at the centre of the table. 

Justin and Taylor sat opposite.  Justin poured his employer a glass of water and then offered one to Jeff.



Justin filled Jeff’s glass and then his own.

“So, Mr Blandisi,” Justin began, taking a sip of his water, “you’re aware of the general outline of the project?”

“Yes, Justin, I am.”

“Great.  Well, just to refresh your memory, allow me to go over it once more.  Miss Swift recently received the island of Neptune’s Nest as a birthday gift from some very close friends of hers.  And a very generous gift it was too, I’m sure you’ll agree.”

“Absolutely,” Jeff replied.  “Wish I had friends like yours, Miss Swift,” he added, looking across at Taylor.

She offered him a half-smile by way of response, but did not speak a word.  In fact, the world famous singer was still yet to open her mouth one single time since touching down on the island.

“Well, Miss Swift plans to repay friends’ generosity by throwing a party on this very island on the weekend of August 1st,” Justin went on.  “Just under seven months from today. Now, as I’m sure you noticed, stunningly beautiful though it is, Neptune’s Nest is not exactly equipped to host a party of such magnitude.  This, Mr Blandisi, is where you come in.”


Justin reached down to the chair beside him and produced a large scroll of paper.  He unrolled it on the surface of the table, weighing down to the edges with his and Jeff’s drinks.

“We had these blueprints drawn up by an architecture firm in Miami.  Here is what require;” Justin explained, pointing to each of the sketched out items in turn, “fifteen identical cabins, complete with exterior wooden decking and to be lavishly decorated and furnished to our stipulations; a spa, consisting of a reception area, five massage rooms, three rooms for beauty procedures, a sauna and a jacuzzi; a gym, with an outdoor swimming pool and tennis court; a restaurant and a bar.”

“And the deadline is…”

“July 1st.”


“A little under six months, yes.”

“Wow!” Jeff exclaimed.  “That is quite a project.”

“That it is, Mr Blandisi.  But one you are very capable of completing, I’m sure.  Speaking of which, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself.  What makes you the right man for the job?”

Jeff took a sip of his water and took a deep breath before beginning.  “Certainly. Well I’ve worked in the construction industry for over 20 years.  I have been involved in a number of high profile projects back in New Jersey, including…”

“No, no,” said Justin, cutting the interviewee off mid-sentence.  “I’m sorry, Mr Blandisi. We are already well aware of your experience in construction.”  Jeff disputed this claim. If they had indeed learned the ins and outs of his career as a contractor, they certainly hadn’t come from him. “The information we are looking for at this juncture is a little more, shall we say, personal in nature.  I passed on your information and the photos you sent to Miss Swift, and she very much liked what she saw. Isn’t that right, Miss Swift?”

Taylor nodded.  Justin picked up a clipboard from the chair beside him and placed it on the table, Jeff’s application attached.

“Let’s see here,” said Justin, reading from the sheet of paper.  “Neatly styled black hair. Bronzed olive skin. Gorgeous deep brown eyes.  Nice chiseled jawline.” He looked up from the clipboard. “Don’t worry. Miss Swift’s words, not mine.”  Taylor grinned at Jeff, making him blush slightly. “6’4”. 210 lbs. Body like an Armani model. Still her words.  But what we don’t have in our records is your most important measurement of all. Though from the look on your face it appears that Miss Swift may be learning that as we speak.”

Indeed, Jeff’s “bronzed olive skin” (a feature he, like many in his home state, had his Italian ancestors to thank for) had suddenly turned white as a sheet, those “gorgeous deep brown eyes” nearly popping clean from their sockets as something untoward took place under the table.  Justin took a peek under the desk, spotting that Taylor had slipped off one of her expensive heels and was rubbing her bare foot against his crotch. 

“Ah, yes, the patented Taylor Swift Through the Pants Footjob,” he remarked.  “Don’t worry, a regular portion of Miss Swift’s interview process, I can assure you.  I was given the same treatment during mine. I hope you’re not wearing your best trousers, ‘cause I ruined a $200 pair of Calvin Klein suit pants when she did that to me.  Anyway, I’m guessing as you’re still in this room and not on the chopper back to the mainland that Miss Swift likes what she’s found.” 

He looked across at Taylor.  Her sly grin told him all he needed to know.  Jeff’s cock was indeed huge. So large, in fact, that it stretched down his thigh like a concealed shotgun; the oversized wang finally terminating just a few inches short of his kneecap.

“OK, so let’s move onto your sexual history.”

Ordinarily, Jeff would have thought that an incredibly strange topic to bring up during an interview for a construction job, but considering he had a popstar’s foot running up and down the length of his dick, there wasn’t a lot about this particular meeting that wasn’t.

“Are you married, Mr Blandisi?”

“Y-yes,” Jeff replied as best he could.  “15 years.”

“Congratulations,” said Justin.  “And not necessarily a problem. I had a girlfriend when I joined Miss Swift’s employ.”  Jeff noted the use of past tense. Had.  “Any history of erectile dysfunction?”


Justin grinned, ticking a box on his sheet of paper.  “I figured. If Little Jeff was failing you now, you’d be long out that door.  Believe me. Premature ejaculation?”

“N-no,” Jeff replied, his voice a little strained as Taylor’s tootsie traversed the length of his hardon.

“Not yet anyway,” Justin quipped.  “Oh, about that; if you’re really serious about this job then I’d hold off on that for dear life, if I were you.”

Jeff didn’t need to be told that.  He’d been clinging onto his load by a thread from the second Taylor’s pedicured toes started snaking up his thigh.

“OK, so obviously you’ll be given a full sexual health assessment upon acceptance of the job but, just so we know, any history of STDs?”

Had he not been focusing all his attention on retaining his load, Jeff would have had a little chuckle at the word ‘obviously’.  Like getting checked for herpes was standard procedure when taking on a construction gig. “No.”

“Any orgy experience?”

Jeff breathed heavily, his dick now throbbing in his pants as Taylor jerked him off with her foot.  “Err...no.”

“That’s OK,” said Justin.  “I didn’t have any before I took this job either.”  Again, the use of past tense was highly suggestive. “Do you perform cunilingus?”


“How often, would you say?”

“Umm...I...uhh...I don’t know.  Maybe three or...uhh...four times a week.”

Taylor looked at Justin and raised her eyebrows.

“Wow!” Justin said.  “Your wife must love you!  How about analingus? Ever engaged in that, Mr Blandisi?”

“Once...uhhh...once or twice.”

“OK.  I was a novice too when I began this job.  You’ll soon pick it up. Do you enjoy blowjobs?”

“Who...uhhh...who doesn’t?”

“A point well made.  Rimjobs?”

“I...uhhh...can’t say I’ve ever had one.”

“Yeah, neither had I.  But they feel great. Trust me.”

“Have you ever had anal sex, Mr Blandisi?”



“N-not really.  It’s...uhh...something me and my wife do on birthdays and...uhhh...anniversaries.”

“Ah, lucky you.  How about double penetration?”


“So I’m guessing no double anal, double vaginal or triple penetration either?”

“Err...no,” Jeff replied, unable to fathom how the latter of the three acts would even be achieved.

“Would you be open to engaging in any of these?  I know some guys are a little squeamish about their dick rubbing up against another.  I certainly was.”

“Err…” Jeff murmured, not really sure of how to answer.

“Don’t worry.  You don’t have to answer now,” Justin smirked.  “Frankly, you don’t look in much of a state to be thinking too hard about anything.”

He wasn’t wrong.  In fact, Jeff looked to be in the midst of some form of trance, the construction worker clinging to the edges of the table to firmly his knuckles had turned white, his cock throbbing to such a degree that it was testing the material of his pants.

“What’s the most times you’ve had sex in one day?” asked Justin.  “Obviously a high sex drive and tremendous stamina are of the utmost importance.”

“Ermm, about four...uhhh...or five times, I think.”

“Wow!  Impressive!  I think he’ll fit in very well around here.  Wouldn’t you agree, Miss Swift?” Taylor looked at Justin and hoisted an eyebrow in agreement.  “Provided that he passes the footjob exam, that is,” he went on. “He seems to be doing a pretty good job so far.”

Indeed, Jeff was more than holding his own as Taylor’s skilled foot roamed up and down his dong.  He shook all over; his trembling hands clamped to the sides of the table, making the polished counter shake along with him.  But still he managed to retain his load.

“So, should we choose you for the job, you’ll be taking on the role of foreman,” Justin explained.  “As stipulated earlier, there is a lot of work to be done on this particular project and not a lot of time to do it, so we’ll need you to assemble a large team of contractors.  We’ve done some calculations and feel that 40 should be more than enough to complete the work by our chosen deadline. Each of these men will be paid handsomely for their part in the project and we have reserved an entire wing in a luxury first class hotel in Nassau for the duration of their stay.  All accommodation and transport to and from the island comes courtesy of Miss Swift.” 

Taylor could feel Jeff’s dong throbbing and pulsing against the arch of her foot.  He’d held strong amid a footjob so perfectly pressured and expertly timed, most women couldn’t have done better with the use of their hands.  But by now, his balls were swelling within the confines of his boxers; his bulging gonads brewing with what felt like enough spunk to knock up half the women in his home state, his dick twitching as it prepared to release it. 

One more pass and he did just that.  Taylor felt his cock spasm against her foot as a warm flood of gooey, thick seed shot from the hole in his dick; splattering across the short span of flesh from his cockhead to his knee, drenching his thigh and soaking into his pants.  Jeff clawed hopelessly at the centre of the table as his dick erupted; the handsome interviewee leaving deep marks in the polished surface as his fingers scraped across it. A wily grin stretched across Taylor’s face as she made him cum; the popstar still stroking his dick with the base of her foot until she was sure every last drop of spunk was drained from his balls.  Jeff looked down at his crotch; a wet patch soaking into his grey pants, so large it looked as though he’d pissed himself. 

Taylor looked at her expensive wristwatch; the singer finally uttering her first words since touching down on the island. 

“Six minutes,” she declared, looking across at Justin.  “Best we’ve had so far. He’s got the job.”

Taylor slipped her shoe back on and rose from her seat.  Then, without as much as looking at her new employee, she crossed the room and disappeared out the front door.  Amid all the pryings into his sex life and the rather hands on (or, more acurately, feet on) interview techniques of his new A-list client, it had only just dawned on Jeff that Taylor and her assistant hadn’t asked him one single thing about his career as a contractor.  A mere mention of it in his application was the only proof they had that he was involved in construction at all. For all they knew, he hadn’t built as much as a treehouse in his backyard in all his years on Earth.  Little things like experience, ability and expertise clearly weren’t high on their agenda when sourcing new employees.

“So, there you have it, Mr Blandisi,” said Justin.  “I believe congratulations are in order. We’ll send your contract and all the relevant paperwork to your address for you to sign.  Then, once that’s all been taken care of, you’ll be tasked with putting together a team to assist you on the project. Now, how you find these men is up to you, but just so you know, it would greatly please Miss Swift if a good deal of your co-workers were to possess the same...impressive attributes as yourself.  And Miss Swift is one employer that you definitely want to please, believe me. You have one week.” He stood. “Thank you again for coming along today, Mr Blandisi, and we look forward to working with you.”

Jeff stood too, the construction worker doing his best to hide his still erect penis and the wet patch that continued to soak into the fabric of his pants as he rose from his chair.

“Thank you,” he said, offering Justin his hand.

“Err...you didn’t use that hand to dab yourself dry, did you?” he asked, gesturing down to the dark blotch on his lower thigh.


“Wonderful,” said Justin, finally shaking Jeff’s hand.  “Kenton will escort you back to the helicopter. Have a safe flight and we’ll see you soon.”

Still wearing little more than his crotch-hugging Speedo, Kenton did indeed lead Jeff back to the chopper.  He climbed in and the helicopter took off. Jeff looked out of the window as the whirlybird rose above the tops of surrounding palm trees.  The distant figures of Kenton and his four muscled black colleagues appeared to be huddling around a sun lounger on the golden beach; their long, dark cocks clearly visible, even at such a high altitude.  As the chopper hovered over the shoreline and continued to rise, Jeff spotted the blonde head of his new employer, bobbing and dipping at Kenton’s crotch, her hands stroking vigorously at two further spans of coal-dark meat all the while. 

Jesus! Thought Jeff, sitting back in his seat as the helicopter cruised over the Caribbean Sea.  What have I let myself in for here?!

End of Chapter 11
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Re: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 11 posted]
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2020, 09:57:23 AM »
Chapter 12

Starring: Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Chloe Moretz and Ariel Winter


A Boeing 747 soared over the shimmering blue Caribbean Sea, its twin jet engines leaving behind long white trails across the cloudless sky as it cruised to its destination.  The jet’s passengers gazed out of the windows at the countless luxurious islands that came and went, chatting excitedly about the plethora of heavenly delights that await them at the terminus.  The men, who numbered some 40 strong, were none other than Taylor Swift’s new construction team; hired by the foreman, Jeff Blandisi, the previous week, and were headed to the singer’s private Bahamian island to break ground on the ambitious new project.

They were something of a ragtag bunch; the group of contractors plucked from all four corners of the United States and ranging in age from the early 20’s to the mid 40’s, and in race from brown to black, white to Latino.  But, in spite of their many differences, the men did also share a good deal of common attributes. They were all well over 6 foot tall and 200+ lbs of solid muscle; their tight white tanktops and unbuttoned flannel shirts doing little to obscure the slab-like pectorals, rippling six pack abs or bulging, trunk-thick biceps that lay beneath.

The men had encountered nothing but the best throughout the respective travels.  They sipped the finest French champagne and feasted on the freshest Japanese sushi in the first class lounges of various commercial airliners, and relaxed in the backs of shiny silver sports cars from one stop to another; their journeys paid for in advance by their A-list employer.  And now that they were gathered in the cabin of Miss Swift’s chartered plane, the guys bore little resemblance to a band of commuters heading to their first day at work. In fact, the scene looked more like the start of a big group vacation; the guys swigging from beers, tossing around miniature footballs and discussing the fates of their favourite sports teams as they cruised to their final destination. 


Miley Cyrus was laid back atop a plush leather futon in the lounge of Taylor Swift’s lavish vacation home; the actress-singer cooing like a ringdove, her long, slender legs stretched to a degree most Olympic gymnasts would have been proud of as Taylor’s pretty blonde head burrowed between her thighs.  Across the way, on a black four seater couch, Ariel Winter and Chloe Moretz were locked in a 69; the horny starlets lapping at each other’s pussies, while Elle Fanning knelt behind, plunging her slick red tongue in and out of the brunette’s puckered asshole. 

Kenton, one of Miss Swift’s five Bahamian butlers, knocked on the lounge door; the series of raps completely drowned out by the chorus of moans and groans continuing from within.  Kenton rolled his eyes, eased the door open and stepped into the lounge. He cleared his throat loudly; in part to attract his employers attention and in part to dislodge the words that had stuck in his throat upon witnessing the glorious sight. 

“Miss Swift,” he said, his first utterance receiving no response.

“Miss Swift,” he repeated, louder this time, but still to no avail.


Finally, his employer looked up from her friend’s crotch; a coating of pussy juice smeared across her lips as she emerged from between her thighs. 

“Yes, what is it, Kenton?” she asked, the popstar noticing the stir in her butler’s groin as the all-girl orgy continued.

“Forgive the intrusion, Miss Swift, but your construction crew has just arrived on the island.”

“Ooh, great!” Taylor yelped excitedly, hopping up the leather futon; Miley left somewhat miffed as the A-list singer abandoned her post.  “Hear that, girls?” she added. “Sounds like we’ve got work to do!”


The construction crew hurried impatiently down the narrow aisle of the chartered arliner; the muscled contractors practically barging one another out of the way as they filed out through the airplane door and down the long white stairwell.  Taylor was stood on the runway; the singer wearing little more than an indecently skimpy, wire-thin bikini and a pair of designer sandals as she awaited the team’s arrival. A wicked smirk stretched across her pretty face as the men traversed the stairwell and crossed the runway in her direction.

A seemingly never ending line of handsome men filed out from her chartered aircraft; each one bigger, burlier and better looking than the last.  There was light skin, dark skin, brown and olive skin. Black hair, blonde hair, short hair and long hair. Carefully styled side partings, freshly trimmed fades and neatly waxed slick backs.  Beards, designer stubble and countless tattoos. 

Biceps swelled from beneath t-shirts and flannels.  Pecs bulged under tank tops and basketball jerseys. They wore snapback hats and heavy duty work boots.  Tool belts ringed their waists; all manner of hammers and spanners, chisels and wrenches swinging from their suede loops.  However, their real tools, the ones Taylor was most interested in, were hung beneath in the crotches of their jean shorts; every one of the construction studs seeming to have the trunk of Indian elephant tucked away inside. 

Taylor thought she’d died and gone to heaven.  40 handsome, well hung, muscular men practically taking up residence on her Caribbean paradise for the next six months.  Forget the island. This was her real birthday present, right here!

“Hi, boys,” Taylor announced as the men drew closer, the crew gathering before her as she addressed them at large.  “Welcome to Neptune’s Nest. Now, I assume you’ve all met Jeff. Come up here, Jeff,” she added. Jeff Blandisi stepped forward from the front of the pack and stood beside Taylor.  “He’s the foreman on this project and we’ve put our trust in him to ensure that all work is completed by our required date. You’ll answer to him, but make no mistake, gentlemen, I’m your boss.  And as your boss, you’ll do whatever I tell you.  Understood?” She pointed an authoritative finger at the group of men, then flashed them a naughty grin.  “Come with me, guys.”

Taylor turned on her heels and marched across the runway.   The construction crew followed behind; some nudging each other on the arm and pointing at their new boss’ peachy, g-string clad ass as she led them to the centre of the island. 

“OK, so here we are, guys,” said Taylor, stopping at a large, plush green clearing.  “This is the site where you guys will be working. That’s my house you can see in the distance,” she added.  “That’s off limits. Unless I invite you up there, of course.” She grinned. “So, Jeff will give you guys your rotas and let you know which areas of the site you’ll be working on.  But before we break ground, I have a little welcoming gift set up for you guys on the south beach. Follow me.”

Taylor led the crew onto the south shoreline.  Waiting on comfy padded sun loungers were four of her celebrity friends; Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Chloe Moretz and Ariel Winter; each of the A-list babes every bit as scantily clad as the singer herself. 

“Girls, this is my construction crew,” Taylor explained.  “They’ll be working on the island for the next six months, so I thought it only right for y’all to get properly acquainted.  So, ladies,” she went on, “how about we give these guys a nice, warm Neptune’s Nest welcome.”

The guys strolled across the beach and Taylor’s friends rose to meet them, greeting some of the construction studs with a welcoming kiss as they began to gather around them.  Before long, all five women found themselves surrounded by rings of muscled men. Miley Cyrus was at the centre of a circle of studs, some seven men strong. Her arms were wrapped around twin sets of broad, hulk-like shoulder blades as she made out with the two chiseled hunks in turn.  Hands groped at her tits and slapped her supple, round ass, and it wasn’t long before the singer’s paws were taking a little wander of their own. Her skimpy little bikini was untied and tossed aside as she reached for the men’s groins; the blonde beauty stroking two of the guys’ swelling cocks through the fabric of their shorts.

Shirts were removed and shorts were dropped; Miley continuing to lock lips with the surrounding studs as they undressed around her.  Piles of clothing began to form every which way across the sandy beach; the golden coastline littered with tank tops, flannel shirts and discarded work boots.  As underwear began to shed and cocks were unleashed, Miley dropped to her knees; all seven of the meaty, thick prongs pointed at her face like flesh-toned arrows. 

A tall white man named Shane was stood before her, his girthy, nine inch wang clasped at the base in wait of her pretty mouth.  Miley didn’t leave him hanging for long. She parted her pouty pink lips and wrapped them around his dong; the randy songstress bobbing her blonde head as she worked them up and down the shaft.  But it didn’t end there and, as she sucked at Shane’s long, thick pole, Miley reached up and gripped two others; her hands little more than blurs of lily-white skin and expensive jewelry as she jerked away until her heart’s content. 

She looked up at Shane as she sucked his prong; her glossy, plump lips leaving behind thick trails of spit as they roamed along the shaft, an additional inch of veiny, thick man meat vanishing between them with each pass.  Six inches, seven, eight. One more plunge and her lips wrapped around the base, her nose nestling amongst his neatly sheared bush of pubes as she choked his wang right down to the balls. 

But she wasn’t done yet, and no sooner had Miley swallowed Shane’s dick to the hilt, had she moved onto the next; his long, girthy pipe dripping with saliva as she retrieved it from her maw.  Next up was a big, muscular black guy named Jamal. His cock was slightly less thick than Shane’s before him, but what it lacked in girth (relatively speaking, of course), it more than made up for in length; the giant, coal-dark wang measuring a cool 11 inches from tip to base.

But Miley wasn’t intimidated by such a large penis.  Oh, no. In fact, she seemed to actively relish the additional length; the actress-singer attacking the black man’s dong with even greater zeal than she had his predecessor.  She gaped her lips once more; the blonde beauty choking down half of the tar-black length on the first pass, and didn’t let up from there. She bobbed and dipped at Jamal’s crotch, vanishing every inch of veiny dark meat that came her way as she worked his lengthy wang.  By the time she was done, Jamal’s dick, too, had disappeared from sight; the randy songstress sucking the long black pole down to the hilt like it measured but the length of a cocktail weenie.

And that was only the beginning.  Miley worked her away around the ring of hunks; sucking, slurping, stroking and jerking any span of girithy, fat cock that came her way, swallowing each and every one down to the base regardless of length, girth or colour.  Once the last cock had been sucked and the last pair of balls pressed against her throat, the guys were fit to blow; their spit-slicked wangs pulsing in their hands as they jerked themselves off.

“Mmm, yeah!  Gimme those loads, boys!” Miley grinned, reaching up to fondle two pairs of heavy, cum-filled balls as she gazed up at the group.  “I want to drink all that creamy, hot spunk!”

The guys didn’t need a second invitation.  Two of them, a white man and a Latino, stepped up first; the chiseled pair pulling their throbbing pricks and firing twin jets of gooey, off-white seed straight into her open mouth; the gloopy mess pooling in her gaping maw like a murky lagoon.  Then two more took their place and did the same; the four wads of thick, warm spunk filling her mouth to the brim. Miley closed her lips; the fair-haired starlet gulping down the semen shandy in a single go and gaping her mouth once more in wait of a second. 

Jamal and a Hispanic stud named Gabriel went next; the muscled duo spanking themselves off until two further spunkloads, every bit as warm and creamy as those that had come before blasted into her open mouth.  That just left Shane, and as he stepped up to the plate; beating his throbbing meat like a man possessed, Miley gargled with the two wads of gooey, thick nut pooling in her gaping maw as she eagerly awaited the third.  Shane’s dick went off; the handsome contractor blowing a seventh and final helping of piping, off white seed between her lips. Miley closed her mouth once more, swallowing down a second gloopy cocktail; slightly less copious, but every bit as rich and potent as the first, straight down to her tummy.


Elsewhere, a second group of eight well-hung studs had formed two separate rows of four.  Each line was stood some five feet apart, as Ariel Winter positioned herself in the middle; the buxom brunette ready to handle two of their girthy, oversized prongs at once as she worked her way down both rows.  The first two were a white guy called Brett and a Latino named Miguel. Ariel squatted between them; the raven-haired babe gripping both of their thick, veiny cocks at the base. Her bikini had been removed and both men squeezed and groped her breasts; spands of pliant, creamy-white titflesh bulging through the gaps in their fingers as they felt her up.

Ariel started with Brett; the busty actress feeding his swollen cockhead into her mouth and working her lips up and down his dick.  She sucked down inch after inch; the chesty starlet guiding her plump set of shiny pink prickpleasers right down to the base, before switching to the next.  Ariel did the same to Miguel; the brunette choking down his own long, veiny rod with equal ease as she had his friend. Then, she worked her lips back up to the head; the buxom beauty releasing the thick, swollen crown with a loud *POP*, before doing the same to Brett.  Ariel rinsed and repeated this technique several times; her head little more than a glossy black blur as she switched back and forth from one prick to the other. 

Once the first two men had been taken care of, Ariel moved onto the second; a black man called Darius and a white dude named Evan.  She knelt between them; the stacked starlet tilting her head back towards Darius as Evan slapped his thick slab of juicy manmeat between her cans.  Ariel gaped her lips as wide as they would go; Darius dipping his heavy black balls between them like a teabag into water as Evan wrapped her whopping tits around his wang.

“Grease those titties up, bro,” said Miguel, handing Evan a bottle of baby oil.

Quite where the bottle had come from, Evan wasn’t sure, but he flicked the cap open all the same; dousing Ariel’s rack in an ungodly amount of the clear, slick lube before tossing it aside.  Then he got down to business; the chiseled hunk working his dick back and forth between her cans. His swollen head poked out repeatedly from the depths of her bust; the construction stud giving his carpentry skills an airing as he sawed his dong between her tits like he was slicing through a 2X4. 

Meanwhile, Ariel was sucking away at Darius’ jet-black ballsack; the chesty brunette drenching each of the swollen, spunk-filled orbs in spittle before switching to the next.  Once his nuts were dripping with saliva, Ariel released them from her mouth and turned around so the guys could switch roles. Evan dunked his balls into her mouth, while Darius laid his long, dark pipe between her tits; the ripped black hunk plowing her rack with equal ferocity to that of his friend.

Next up were a Hispanic stud named Angel and a black dude named TJ.  TJ picked up the bottle of oil; squeezing out more of the greasy lube over Ariel’s juggies, before burying his cock between them.  This time she operated them herself; the chesty actress wrapping her hefty white cans around his girthy black prong like buns around a hotdog.  He humped away at her bosom like his life depended on it; his bulging brown head poking out from the alabaster depths with each pass he took. 

Once more, Ariel put her mouth to good use as TJ fucked her rack.  This time she turned her head to the side, parting her lips and taking Angel’s cock inside.  Angel placed a hand at the back of her head and worked his dong back and forth, guiding an extra inch of veiny, olive-toned meat between her lips with each pass.  Dicks sliced between her funbags and tunneled down her throat with equal force, but Ariel took both like a champ; the horny actress sucking and slurping greedily at every span of girthy Latin cock that came her way, while beating off TJ with her tits.  Again, the guys changed roles; TJ taking a turn in Ariel’s mouth while Angel fucked her tits, before she moved onto the final pair.

The last two were a pair of white guys named Casey and Seth.  Ariel squatted between them; gripping both men by the dick and pulling them in close, so close that their shafts were practically touching.  She clasped her hands around the base of each cock, gaped her full pink lips as far as they would go and fed both dicks inside. The men looked at one another a little uneasily as their dicks pressed together in Ariel’s mouth.  She moved her hands down to their hips, holding them in place as she bobbed at their adjoined crotches; her mouth roaming along their twin shafts and taking about half of their combined length inside with each pass.

Ariel coughed and gagged around the pair of cocks engorged in her mouth; the equally thick, equally veiny undersides throbbing against her tongue as she sucked them.  Rivers of precum oozed from their open tips and trickled across her tongue; the curvy brunette swallowing down ounces of the stuff as she worked their wangs with her mouth.  The guys began to thrust into her mouth in perfect unison, guiding their dicks back and forth between her lips; the chesty starlet accepting every dual inch with grace as they double teamed her gaping maw.     

Once Ariel reached the end of the line, the guys surrounded her; the chiseled hunks pulling their throbbing pricks as they prepared to hose her down.

“Yes!  Cum for me, boys!” Ariel purred, holding up her jiggling DD tits in wait of their loads.  “Drench my pretty face in all that gooey, hot seed!”

As if doing so on command, the guys started to cum.  Evan and Angel went off first; the construction studs blasting piping hot loads of creamy, thick nut over her face and chest respectively.  From here on, the loads came thick and fast. Dicks erupted in their twos and threes; the guys blasting their goo over any part of Ariel’s upper anatomy that took their fancy.  Some chose her face, others her tits. Darius fired ropes of gloopy, warm seed onto her glossy raven hair, while Seth dumped out a thick load on top of her head. By the time they’d finished, Ariel was utterly caked from the chest up; nigh on every stretch of soft, alabaster skin and every strand of shiny dark hair coated with sticky, off-white cum.


Meanwhile, Elle Fanning and Chloe Moretz had no fewer than 14 guys lined up beside each other; the row of studs seeming to stretch halfway across the island as they filed out along the beach.  The girls squatted by the first guy; a white man named Blake, and got down to business. Elle knelt before him; parting her glossy pink lips and feeding his dick inside, while Chloe squatted behind him; prizing apart his firm, muscular ass cheeks and burrowing her face in his crack.

Elle placed her hands on his thighs and bobbed at his crotch.  Her lips journeyed up and down his lengthy shaft; the fair-haired actress sucking down an extra inch of his girthy pole with each pass she took.  Meanwhile, Chloe’s face was buried in his ass; the randy starlet scarcely able to breath as she lapped at his sphincter. She shot out her tongue and plunged it into his anus; the blonde beauty rooting around in his rectum like she was hunting for her keys.

The remaining men watched on as the girls scoffed greedily at Blake’s various pleasure points; the guys pulling their pricks and hollering encouragement as they waited their turn.

“Damn! Girl can suck a dick!” said one man.

“Shit, man! Look at her eat that butt!” added another.  “They oughta call her Lick Ass instead!”

By this stage, Elle was bobbing at Blake’s groin at a frankly alarming rate; the horny actress choking down inch after inch of thick, veiny man meat as she went, dousing his wang in an unholy volume of slippery, wet saliva as she sucked his girthy prong.  Blake held off until he could no longer, his dick pulsing between Elle’s shiny, plump lips like it was fit to burst.

“Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” he blurted out, his voice quavering as he was feasted on from both sides.

Elle retrieved his cock from between her lips and, from seemingly out of nowhere, produced two sparkling champagne flutes; placing one on the floor beside Chloe and holding the other at the tip of Blake’s prick.  Chloe reached around and started jerking him off; the horny starlet still tonguing away at his asshole as she pulled his pulsing prong. Elle reached down to caress his balls; the head of his dong pounding away beyond the rim of the glass.  Blake was trembling all over; his nuts swelling in Elle’s hands, his cock throbbing like mad as Chloe licked his ass and tugged him off. 

Suddenly, it erupted; thick jets of creamy, off-white splooge shooting from his dickhole and into the bottom of the glass.  Quite how much of the vessel the load had filled wasn’t abundantly clear, but one thing was for sure; if the guys kept on ejaculating at such volumes, their collected cum would be spilling out the top of the glass by the time they were done!

“Wow!” said Elle, as she marvelled at the pool of cum, swirling it around in the flute like she was airing a glass of brandy.  “I think I’m gonna need a bigger glass!”

With the first guy done with, the girls moved onto the next; a big black guy by the name of Jarrett.  This man was facing in the opposite direction to his friend before him, so this time Chloe handled the penis while Elle took care of his rear.  Chloe parted her lips and Jarrett fed his dick inside; the dark-skinned stud placing a hand at the back of her head as he guided it back and forth in her mouth.  Elle stuck out her tongue behind him; the blonde beauty lapping at his stripwaxed ass every time he thrust back towards her. 

Before long, Jarrett was fucking Chloe’s pretty mouth like there was no tomorrow; his swollen black head tunnelling deeper into her gullet with each pass he took.  Soon he was driving his dick right down to the base; his big, heavy balls smacking against Chloe’s throat. All manner of lewd coughing and choking noises escaped her lips as he worked all ten of his girthy, dark inches down her esophagus.  By now, Elle was delving her tongue into Jarrett’s asshole with each counterthrust; his thick, wet dong twitching in response to each rectal probe, only to plunge into the darkest recesses of Chloe’s drooling mouth as he thrust back forward.

Several soft, wet anal probes and numerous deepthroating passes later, and Jarrett was ready to cum; his dick throbbing like an athlete’s ticker each time he thrust in Chloe’s gaping maw.  Chloe held the champagne flute at the tip of his wang; the ripped black hunk pulling himself off as Elle tonguefucked his rear. His dick erupted like Mount Vesuvius; a wad of spunk, every bit as gooey and copious as Blake’s before him, shooting from his slit and pooling at the bottom of the glass.

But Chloe and Elle weren’t finished yet and the girls made their way along the row of studs; sucking and slurping, lapping and tonguefucking each one to climax, gathering his load in their glasses before moving onto the next.  By the time the last guy had cum, the girls had no fewer than seven wads of gloopy, rich seed swimming about in their flutes; both vessels filled almost to the brim with a murky cocktail of thick, off-white man goo. 

Elle and Chloe clinked their glasses and interlocked their arms.

“Bottoms up,” said Elle.

“Cin cin,” Chloe replied, as both women brought their spunk-filled glasses to their lips and tipped them back; two rivers of gooey, warm spunk streamed past the rims and into their waiting maws.

The men gathered around the celebrity duo and watched on intently, some chanting ‘CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!’ like frat boys at a kegger as ounce after ounce of sloppy, hot seed flowed down their greedy throats.  Before long, every last drop had been drained from both vessels; the girls licking up the spunky residue from the rim of each glass as seven wads of hot, thick cum gathered in their respective tummies.


Elsewhere, Taylor Swift was laid out on a padded sunbed; her pretty blonde head hanging off the end, as the final nine of her newly hired, burly construction studs lined up before her, each one ready to take a turn in her inviting, A-list mouth.  A black man named Derrick stepped up first; the ebony-skinned hunk squatting before her and pointing the tip of his wang at her mouth, gripping it at the base as he prepared to take the plunge.

Derrick fed no less than half the span of his girthy, footlong cock into Taylor’s mouth right off the bat and didn’t let up from there.  He began to thrust back and forth; the ripped black stud guiding inch after inch of his veiny, dark pole between her lips and gaining momentum with each pass.  Soon enough, he was working it down to the hilt with each stroke; Taylor accepting every girthy inch that came her way with considerable aplomb, his big, swinging black balls smacking against her forehead each time he thrust inside.  Spit coated his dong; the coal-dark rod seeming to drip further with slippery, wet saliva with every pass he took, all manner of lewd and slutty noises escaping Taylor’s lips as she choked down his wang. 

Then, as Derrick took yet another plunge into the depths of her esophagus, Taylor reached up behind him and clasped his muscular brown buttcheeks; holding the dark-skinned stud in place as his girthy prong lodged in throat.  His heavy balls squished against her face; covering her nose and dangling in her eyes. Spit dripped down her face; making a mess of her makeup, going in her hair and plastering thick strands to her skin. Taylor held Derrick in this position until she could no longer.  She released his muscled black ass and Derrick rose from his squatted stance, his long, thick rod finally displodging from her gullet as he did so. Taylor drew in a deep breath, sucking in lungfuls of air as Derrick stepped aside, allowing the second man to move in for a turn. 

Next up was a Hispanic man named Hector and as he approached, Taylor gaped her lips in wait of his cock; the horny singer surprised to feel the waxed skin of his olive-toned ball sack press against her lips as he dipped his spunk-filled gonads into her mouth.  Taylor sucked away at one of Hector’s large, low hanging balls as he guided it between her lips, the second nut dangling down against her cheek as she dealt with the first. She slobbered and drooled over the cum-churning orb; dousing it in spit before switching to the next.  The first ball slipped out from Taylor’s mouth as she made room for the second; a mess of spit smearing across her mouth as she made the changeover. 

Hector pulled himself off; his hand roaming up and down his long Latin dick a mile a minute as he teabagged his new boss.  Once Taylor had handled each nut separately, she gaped her lips as wide as they would go, her cheeks bulging lewdly as she took both of the plum-sized gonads into her maw at the same time.  Taylor gobbled away at Hector’s balls like she was sucking on candies; drenching the giant gonads in spittle as she held them between her lips. By the time he retrieved them, Hector’s nuts were dripping with saliva, the swollen gonads brewing and churning with a fresh wad of spunk as he stepped aside.

After Hector came Logan; a dark-haired white guy, who, as he stepped up to the plate, adopted a different stance entirely.  Unlike the two men who had gone before, Logan turned around and squatted over Taylor’s supine frame; his asscheeks spreading open as he presented her with his spotlessly clean, stripwaxed rear.  She shot out her tongue and lapped at his anus; the blonde beauty reaching around and stroking him off as she tossed his salad. Taylor could feel his dick twitch and spasm in her hand as she tromboned him; her dainty paw roaming up and down the length of his member while she tongued at his asshole.     

But it didn’t stop there, and as Logan’s dong pulsed away in her hand, Taylor pressed the tip of her tongue against the rim of his ass and plunged it inside.  She puckered her lips against his sphincter; the popstar practically making out with his butthole as she sunk her tongue into his rectum. By now she was stroking his long, thick cock with both hands, precum trickling from the slit as she tonguedfucked his rear; the slick red flesh burying deeper into his back passage with each pass she took. 

Once Logan had taken his turn, another man took his place.  The another. And another. Some fucked her mouth, others dipped their balls between her lips or sat on her pretty face.  Some opted for a combination of two, while others went for all three. But regardless of their sex act of choice, Taylor executed her role to a T; taking inch after inch of veiny, thick schlong down her throat; gobbling on pairs of spunk-filled bals, no matter how large; and tonguing at a conveyer belt of male assholes, both hairy and smooth. 

And so it continued.  No sooner had one guy moved aside, had another taken his place; the dismounting party joining the end of the queue in wait of their next turn.  After a while, those at the back of the line grew tired of waiting. Two approached the supine popstar, one on either side; their long, jutting cocks thrust out and ready to be stroked.  Taylor obliged and reached out; stroking the girthy dongs two at a time, while her skilled mouth took care of a third.

It wasn’t long before the guys were ready to cum, and Taylor hopped down from the padded recliner; the horny singer kneeling on the sandy ground as they surrounded her.  Cocks pointed at her from all angles as the guys pulled themselves off; the blonde beauty kneading two sets of balls as swollen dickheads pumped and throbbed mere inches from her face.

“Yes!  Gimme all that cum, boys!” said Taylor, feeling the weight of their sacs in her hands as thick wads of cum brewed in their oversized balls.  “Paint my fucking face with all that gooey, warm nut!”

Three dicks went off at the exact same time; firing off-white ropes of gloopy, hot ball juice across her chest, face and hair alike.  Then three more followed suit, then another two. By the time the last man, a white guy named Luke, stepped up, Taylor had been glazed like a Christmas ham; the fair-haired songstress plastered with splooge from her chest to her brow.  But still she wanted more, and as Luke readied her final load, Taylor reached around behind him; the randy popstar jamming a finger up his ass as he stroked his throbbing cock.

“Come on.  Cum for me, baby!” she purred.  “Give your boss her thick, messy treat!”

Luke clasped his eyes shut as he pulled his prick, Taylor’s finger plunging into the depths of his rectum as he whacked himself off. 

“Oh, fuck!  I’m gonna blow!” he yelled, his hand travelling up and down his dong at lightning quick pace until a wad of spunk, possibly the thickest, warmest and gooeyest of them all, blasted from his winking tip and splattered across Taylor’s already cum-soaked face like blood on a bludgeon. 

Once the final drop of jizz had been squeezed from his dick, Luke took a step back, Taylor’s finger retracting from his asshole with an audible *POP* as he moved aside.  Taylor looked out across Neptune’s Nest’s golden coastline as her band of ultra-hung construction studs gathered in naked huddles, her A-list chums squatted between them; caked in nut and with bellies filled with gloopy seed. 

Wow! She thought.  This place gets better by the day!

Taylor went to join her friends; her handsome employees gathered before them as they lazed on the sandy beach. 

“Well, that was quite a welcome, wasn’t it, guys?” she said.  “I hope you enjoyed it, but now it’s time for you to get to work.”  She licked up a mouthful of cum from Ariel Winter’s chest and swallowed it down.  “Go on, boys,” she added, licking her pouty lips as she savoured the taste of the spunk.  “Off you pop.”

End of Chapter 12
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Re: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 12 posted]
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2020, 04:57:14 PM »
Such a warm welcome!  These ladies are so generous!
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Re: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 12 posted]
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2020, 10:17:17 AM »
Chapter 13

Starring: Taylor Swift, Hailee Steinfeld, Miley Cyrus, Elle Fanning, Hayley Willliams, Carrie Underwood, Emma Watson, Cassadee Pope, Kelsea Ballerini, Kacey Musgraves, Saoirse Ronan, Anna Kendrick, Arianna Grande and Christina Hendricks


Taylor Swift was watching TV in the luxurious lounge of her Bahamian vacation home, kitted out little more than an indecently short satin kimono, when there was a knock at the front door.  She switched off her 72 inch television set, rising from her plush leather couch as she crossed the room. She opened the door. Her trusty assistant, Justin, and newly re-hired pilot, Joel, were waiting outside.

“You’re late,” said Taylor, shifting to the side and ushering the men through.

“Yes, sorry about that, Miss Swift,” Justin replied.  “There were technical issues with air traffic control.  We couldn’t take off until they were resolved.”

Taylor looked at Joel.  “So it was your fault? Why am I not surprised?”

It wasn’t, in fact, Joel’s fault in any way, shape or form, but before he could protest, Taylor was pointing towards one of the house’s many guest rooms; her mind whirring with the myriad ways in which the handsome pilot could atone for his apparent mistake.

“Go wait in there.  I’ll deal with you shortly.”

Joel hung his head and trudged towards the bedroom.

Taylor turned to Justin.  “Shall we?”

“Yes, Miss Swift.”

Taylor led Justin through to the office; a space so large and lavishly decorated it put most people’s living rooms to shame.

“Take a seat,” she said, gesturing to an agarwood desk at the far side of the room; all manner of tablets, laptops and desktop monitors lining its varnished surface.

Justin parked his ass on the impossibly comfy leather swivel chair and powered up a state of the art iMac computer.  “So, how did it go with the graphic designer?”

Taylor chuckled.  “He was a cute little thing.  Pretty big dick for a design geek, but I guess you know that already.” 

He did.  After all he’d hired him, and if the freelancer hadn’t measured up in the shorts department, Justin would have been waiting in line for his unemployment check right about now. 

“He came a bit early though,” Taylor went on.  “Bless him. I guess he was a little nervous.”

“Right,” Justin replied.  “And did he finish the template?”

“Oh, right, yes,” said Taylor, seemingly forgetting that the freelancer had even been hired for such a task.  “Yeah, he did. It’s on there somewhere.”

Justin trawled through the documents on the computer (mostly indecent images from wild celebrity parties of days gone by) until he found what he was looking for.  He opened it up.

“Ready?” asked Taylor.



Taylor untied the clasp on her kimono; the expensive garment falling open and revealing her nude body in all its toned, beach bronzed glory.  She slid it off and tossed it aside. She pulled Justin’s chair out from under the desk and climbed aboard; the fair-haired singer resting her knees either side of his muscular thighs as she straddled his seated frame.

Taylor Swift requests your attendance to her belated birthday bash,” Taylor began, unzipping Justin’s fly and retrieving his long, thick cock from the confines of his suit pants. 

Justin typed the words his employer dictated as best he could; his view of the screen almost entirely blocked by her gorgeous face and hot, naked form.  His hands trembled as she rubbed the tip of his dick against the moist slit of her pussy before feeding it inside.

Come celebrate my 30th year on Earth by joining me for a wild all-star bash on my private Caribbean island on the weekend of July 31st to August 2nd...”


“...Mingle on the lush golden shores of my Bahamian paradise with a host of my celebrity friends...” read Carrie Underwood, the flawlessly designed invitation clasped in her manicured hands as she relayed its words to the room. 

The kneeling bodies of her own A-list chums; Hayley Willliams, Cassadee Pope, Kelsea Ballerini and Kacey Musgraves, were barely visible amongst a huddle of ripped black studs as they bobbed and dipped at their dark, jutting crotches.


“...Feast on the finest West Indian delicacies and...uhh...sip glass after glass of the priciest French champagne as you...oh, Jesus!...party the night away with 30 of my burliest, best looking and...uhh...BIGGEST young hunks…” continued Emma Watson.

Her reading of the invitation was interspersed with a series of impassioned groans as she perched on a muscular man’s handsome, well-groomed face; the chiseled stud tonguing away at her slick, wet pussy, while her celebrity pal, Saoirse Ronan, hopped and bounced on his veiny, thick cock. 


“...Spend the night with the celebs and studs of your choice in one of my fifteen fully furnished and lavishly decorated luxury villas...” read Haillee Steinfeld as she donned a long black strap on, her Pitch Perfect co-star Anna Kendrick sprawled out on a king size bed and ready to receive it.


“...Dine at my Michelin starred restaurant and sink cocktails at my private bar, before doing it all again the very next night…” read Miley Cyrus and Arianna Grande as they sat side by side on a plush white couch; Miss Cyrus’ living room filling to the brim with a host of scantily clad women and impossibly jacked men.


“...Due to accommodation restraints, plus one’s have been limited...uhh...to a select few,” continued Christina Hendricks, the invitation clasped in her hand as she lay back on a king size bed.  “You know who you are…”  She lowered the invitation and looked down between her splayed thighs.  “Well?”

“Well, what?” asked her friend and Neon Demon co-star Elle Fanning, her mouth smeared with Miss Hendricks’ slick, sweet pussy juices as she emerged from between her legs. 

“Are you allowed a plus one?”

Elle grinned.  “Why, yes, Miss Hendricks.  I do believe I am.”

“I see.  And will a certain buxom redhead be attending this get together with you, Miss Fanning?”

“Hmm,” Elle pondered.  “Possibly. Or maybe I’ll take Dakota.  See if the girls are into the whole sister-on-sister thing.”

Christina gasped. “Mary Elle Fanning!  You filthy little slut!”

“I’m kidding!” Elle smirked.  “I don’t really fuck my sister!  Though I think she’d enjoy this party.  Hell, I think a convent full of nuns would enjoy this party!”

“Well, I know I’d enjoy it, that’s for sure.  Let me know if there’s anything I can do to grease the wheels in my favour.”

“Hmm, I’m sure I can think of something,” she said, grinning up at her friend as she burrowed back between her lilly-white thighs.

Christina read on; her voice carrying a distinct purr as Elle’s skilled tongue returned to her clit.  “RSVP by July 1st to confirm your attendance...”


“...I hope to see you all here,” Taylor Swift concluded, the singer now hopping up and down on Justin’s lap at such a pace that the leather office chair was creaking away beneath them. 

Justin had been cracking away blindly at the keys for the past 15 minutes, practically bludgeoning them with his trembling fingers as Taylor bounced on his giant cock; her handsome assistant gripping the mouse so firmly that he almost crushed it in his hand.  His usually impeccable written English had descended into a string of gibberish even the most skilled of CIA decoders would have had trouble deciphering. 

*SLAP* *SLAP* *SLAP*  Taylor’s peachy ass clattered repeatedly against his thighs; Justin’s wang throbbing and spasming with every pass she took.  He held onto the desk for dear life, making it shake so violently it looked like an earthquake was rumbling across the island.  Staplers, whole punchers and cups filled with pens fell from the trembling desk and onto the floor, the expensive iMac monitor nearly tumbling off with them as he gripped the wooden surface.

Justin had held off for an impressive length of time; withstanding a battering from Taylor’s bucking frame, so brutal and merciless it would have left most men comatose within a matter of moments.  But, finally, his resistance was starting to wane and as Taylor’s pussy lips sunk to the hilt of his wang one last time, her wet cooze sheathing it with its velvety snugness, Justin unleashed; firing rope of rope of scolding hot cum deep into her baby maker.

“UHHH!!!” Justin yelled, looking to the heavens as his boss’ tight, pink twat milked his testes dry.

Taylor retrieved his still quivering dong from her cooch, a sloppy creampie oozing out as she hopped down from the chair; a wad of nut so creamy and thick, the singer’s team of French maids would require a supermarket aisele’s worth of cleaning products and heck of a lot of elbow grease to sponge it from the carpet.   

“Phew!” Taylor exclaimed, blowing loose strands of blonde hair from her face as she slipped back into her kimono and re-tied the clasp.  “Now that’s what I call a hard day at the office!  Right, print those and get the sent out would you, Justin.  I’ll go see to our friend in the other room.”

Taylor opened the office door and marched out into the hallway.  Joel had known he was to be disciplined, and when Taylor entered the guest room, the handsome pilot was already knelt on the floor, wearing nothing but his tighty whities.  Just how the popstar had wanted him. 

“Oh, Joel.  Joel, Joel, Joel,” she said, closing the door and removing her kimono.  She fetched a paddle from a hook on the wall and tapped it against her palm.  “What are we going to do with you?”

End of Chapter 13
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Re: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 13 posted]
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2020, 08:46:49 AM »
Another excellent chapter and I do look forward to seeing what you're going to do with Christina Hendricks in the cast now.
Check out all my newest, hottest stories at www.patreon.com/kmb All my latest stories are there and you can order a custom too. I could use your support!
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Re: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 13 posted]
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2020, 01:19:29 PM »
Chapter 14

Starring: Hailee Steinfeld


Colton had just finished his evening workout at the local gym when a flyer pinned to the locker room cork board stopped him in his tracks.  CALLING ALL STUDS!!!  Read the opening headline; the forthright screamer stretching across the top of the page in giant block capitals.  Immediately that caught his attention.  Colton didn’t like to brag (well, actually, he did- he bragged all the time), but he liked to think of himself as something of a stud- so much so, in fact, that he thought the explicit headline had been directed squarely at him.  He read on.

Are you a shredded hunk with a body like a Greek god?  Uh huh, thought Colton.  6’3” tall and 215 lbs of solid bulk.  Do you have looks that make women go weak at the knees and moist at the crotch?  He sure did.  In fact, the young man had been responsible for more trembling knee caps than a case of vertigo.  Do you have genitals that would turn Ron Jeremy green with envy?  Yep.  Length= 10.3 inches (10.7 on a good day).  Girth= 5.7 inches.  Ball size= God only knew! 

Do you make your wife/girlfriend/fuck buddy scream the house down every time you bang?  It was a ‘no’ on the first two counts- he’d never been married and, in fact, had never had a girlfriend either (not through a lack of proposals, he just didn’t like to be tied down); but a definite ‘yes’ on the third!  And he could have added class mates, teachers and friends’ moms to that list as well.

Have you ever wanted to attend one of Taylor Swift’s wild celebrity parties?  Of course.  He and every other man with blood running through his veins.  Well this is your lucky day!  That’s right, guys, the Queen of Pop herself is on the hunt for fresh, new studs to attend her belated birthday bash.  Think you’ve got what it takes?  Send pictures of your face, body and, of course, those big, fat cocks of yours to (213) 509-5229 to be in with a chance.

Colton could hardly believe his eyes.  He keyed the number into his phone and raced home as quickly as his second hand Ford Fiesta and the Burbank speed limits would allow.  As soon as he got home, Colton rushed to the garage and hit the bench.  He’d just spent the better part of two hours pumping iron at the gym, but wanting his bis, tris, quads and whatever else popping like firecrackers before he took his pictures, the chiseled hunk got right back to it the second he walked through the door. 

Next, he went up to his room and got out his phone; the young man snapping more pictures than Bailey, Adams and Leibovitz combined as he posed for the lens like a model at an art class.  He took whole body shots in his stained full length mirror, followed by a series of close ups; his pecs, his rippling torso, his biceps- his bronzed and tattooed skin gleaming with perspiration. 

Then, Colton took a shower and got to grooming himself; the handsome stud making sure he looked his very best before he shot the pictures of his face.  He spent hours in front of the mirror; flawless sculpting his thick brown hair with a drug store shelf’s worth of expensive product.  He shaved his sculpted jawline until his skin was smoother than a baby’s ass, then slathered his face in moisturisers, oils, toners, and who only knew what else, until his tanned skin shone with a lush bronze glow.  He snapped pics in a variety of different poses, picked out his favourites and deleted the rest. 

Then it was time for the main event.  Colton climbed up onto his bed and sprawled out across the mattress, nude as the day he was born.  He took his seven inch flaccid penis in his hand and started jerking.  He closed his eyes and pictured himself at one of Taylor Swift’s wild celebrity parties; a number of explicit scenarios whirring through his mind as his dick grew and stiffened in his hand. 

At one point he was stood in an what appeared to be a 5-star London hotel room; Sophie Turner tonguing at his asshole, while Maisie Williams sucked his swollen, round cockhead and Hayley Atwell beat him off with her tits.  Then, he was laying back on a recliner in some giant landscaped yard; Carrie Underwood sat on his face, while Cassadee Pope rode his girthy cock, a host of other horny country stars pawing at his chiseled torso or grazing his rock hard pecs.  Finally, he was sprawled out on a giant beach towel on some sunny golden shoreline; Taylor Swift herself working her tight pink asshole up and down his dong, a host of her A-list pals watching on from the sidelines as they awaited their turn. 

By the time Colton re-opened his eyes, his dick was at full mast; the oversized wang throbbing in his hands, a rockpool of sticky, wet precum gathered in his wide open tip.  Veins travelled up and down the length of his pole; criss crossing one another like train tracks.  He picked up a tape from his nightstand (as what one might term a ‘measurer’, he always had one close to hand) and placed the end at the tip of his prick.  He unrolled it along his shaft for what felt like an eternity, finally stopping when he reached the tip.  10.9.  His best measurement yet.  He snapped a pic of the full length of his penis, then a close up of his crown, making sure the impressive measurement was clear for all to see.  Then, he wrapped the tape around his shaft (5.9) and took a photo of that too.

Next, he positioned his phone between his bulky thighs and shot a pic of his girthy underside; a long, thick vein trailing from tip to base like a blood-filled drinking straw, his enormous, plum-sized balls dangling right down to the mattress with the weight of the semen brewing away inside.  With the final picture taken, Colton gathered all his favourite images (some 25 in total) into a message, found the number from the flyer in his contact list and hit send.  Moments later, his phone pinged as a reply landed in his inbox.

Wow! Impressive! We’ll get back to you when we’ve heard from the rest of the candidates, but I’ve got to say, you’re in with a real chance! [heart eyes emoji].  In the meantime, keep your hands off that dick.  We want you fit to burst by the time you get here!

Whether the message had been sent by Taylor herself, one of her friends or some kind of assistant, Colton wasn’t sure, but whoever it was from, it made the young man very, very excited.   


After an arduous wait of more than a week, the chime of his phone woke Colton with a start.  He reached for his phone; his eyes jolting open when he spotted a new message from the mystery number at the top of the screen.  He opened it and gave it read.

Congratulations, sexy!  You’ve made the cut.  Bring that fine ass body and big, fat cock of yours to 1612 Lexington Road, 90068 at 2pm today and we’ll see if you have what it takes to party with us!  We’ll see you then.  Oh, and you better bring your A-game too.  You’re gonna need it!


Colton’s Ford Fiesta pulled up alongside a host of other similarly priced cars on the leafy and affluent Lexington Road; every one of the modest vehicles in stark contrast to the number of sparkling sports cars lined up in the driveway of house number 1612.  He stepped out of the vehicle and crossed the lengthy landscaped driveway, towards the luxury home.  He stopped at the front door and rang the bell, stepping back off the front porch.  Loud, clunking footsteps approached from within and the door swung open; the gorgeous face of Haillee Steinfeld meeting him in the open doorway.

She looked simply incredible in a short frayed denim skirt; the hem of which barely extended past the peachy, round spheres of her ass, and a thin white vest top; her nipples poking out through the light fabric like they could have sawed through a pane of glass.  A strappy set of spindy black stilettos rounded off the sexy ensemble.  Her face had been dabbed, powdered, glossed and otherwise adorned with an array of expensive cosmetics, her long, shiny brown locks hanging gracefully about her shoulder blades.

“Hi, I’m…” Colton began, extending a hand in Hailee’s direction as she regarded him from the open portal.

“...late,” Hailee finished.  “Not a good start, dude.  This way.”

She turned on her high heels, ignoring his hand completely as she led him through the hallway and into the lounge.  Nine men were lined up in the spacious living room; standing straight and staring forward like a well drilled military unit.  Four were white, three black and two Latino.  They were all incredibly good looking and exceptionally muscular; the plush lounge a vast ocean of carefully styled hair, piercing eyes and sculpted jawlines.  Not to mention bulging biceps, chiseled pecs and cobblestone abs.  They wore nothing but tight pairs of boxer briefs of varying shade; their crotches sagging with the weight of the oversized dongs tucked away inside.

“You’re on the end,” she said to Colton, pointing at the far side of the line. 

Colton nodded and got in position; the young man adopting the same nightclub doorman’s pose as the others. 

“Right, boys,” Hailee began, the gorgeous singer strolling up and down the row of studs like a drill sergeant in ‘Nam, “you all know why you’re here, don’t you?  Over the past two weeks, Selena and I have received literally millions of applications from studs like yourselves, all hoping to attend our good friend Taylor’s giant birthday bash this summer.  You guys have been chosen as some of the burliest, best looking and biggest,” she stroked a man’s cock through the fabric of his undies, “of these hopeful young hunks.

“BUT,” she added, raising a finger like a sexy school teacher, “don’t go thinking that you’re anything special.  Like I said, you’re some of the hottest and most hung of the hopeful applicants.  I’ve had two groups just like you guys lined up in here already today, and there’ll be two more once you’ve gone.  Think of this as the screening process.  The first round.  Only two of you will advance to the next stage so you best bring your best moves.   

“I think I’ll start with you,” said Hailee, stopping at the first man in the line, at the opposite end to Colton.

She squatted before him and whipped down his boxers, the young man looking somewhat sheepish as his cock shot out from his waistband. 

“What the hell is this?!” Hailee exclaimed, taking the dick in her hands.  “How the fuck did this pathetic little prick make it into this room?!”  She looked up at the handsome stud looming above her.  “How long is this thing?  Be honest.”

The man looked down dejectedly at the floor.  “Seven inches.”

“Seven?!”  Hailee spat.  “Well clearly something has gone very wrong here!  What’s your name?”


Hailee fetched her phone from the pocket of her jean shorts.  “Alright, let’s see here.  Jake...Jake,” she said, a manicured finger scrolling away at the screen.  “Ah, here you are.”  She pulled up the young man’s information.  “Says you’re 11 inches here, Jake.  You wouldn’t have given us false information, would you?”

Jake stared at his feet.  His silence spoke volumes.

Hailee pulled up one of Jake’s submitted dick pics.  “Ah, I see what you’ve done.”  She turned her phone to show him.  “You cropped out the base of your cock to make it look longer, didn’t you?” 

Jake thought about denying it, but the evidence was staring him in the face.  The image had indeed been cropped an inch or two above the hilt, the measuring tape beside giving a false reading of 11.5 inches.

“God, that’s the oldest trick in the book!” Hailee exclaimed.  “This never would have happened on my watch.  You must be one of Selena’s.  Well given that you’ve wasted my time, you can kindly go and fuck yourself.  ‘Cause you certainly won’t be going near me, Taylor, or anyone else for that matter, with that measly little thing!”

Seven inches, of course, was far from measly and was, in fact, comfortably above average.  But Jake’s attempt at a ruse had not gone over well with Hailee and she felt it only right he be made an example of. 

“What are you still doing here?!  Get that teeny little pecker out of my face, get your shit and get the fuck out of here!”

On the verge of tears, Jake tugged up his pants and gathered his discarded clothing.

Hailee looked along the line.  “If anyone else tried to pull the same trick as this little dipshit, now would be a good time to own up.” 

The guys remained silent.

“Good.  Right, onto the next one.”

Hailee moved onto the next man and tugged down his pants, his long black cock uncoiling and dangling between his thighs like a clock pendulum.

“Now that’s more like it!” said Hailee.  She called over to Jake as he hurried out into the hallway.  “See that, Jakey?  That’s what a real dick looks like.  Even soft, it’s still bigger than yours!  OK, let’s get this thing hard, shall we?”

Hailee fed the spongy dark head between her lips and wrapped her hands around the soft, though still very thick, shaft.  She kept one paw clamped at the base, jerking the remaining span with the other as she sucked at the head.  She worked her hand up and down the shaft; the long black penis remaining flaccid in spite of her skilled strokes.

“Hmm,” she said, retrieving the crown from her mouth, “having a little trouble, are we?”

Hailee spat a thick jet of saliva onto his cock and pumped it faster; the dark schlong still not stiffening no matter how hard she stroked.  She looked up at him. 

“Oh, dear.  What’s wrong with you then, honey?”

“I t-think I’m a little nervous,” the black man stammered.

“Nervous, huh?  Well if you can’t handle me, how are you going to cope with three, four, even five A-list celebs gathered around your junk?!  I’ve seen enough.  Get out of here.”

He pulled up his boxers, picked up his clothes and followed Jake to the exit.

“Not bowled over yet, guys,” said Hailee, peering down the line as she moved onto the next guy.  “You’re not a time waster too, are you?”

“Oh, no, senorita!” this man said, regarding the actress with a cocky grin, a welcome change from the sheepishness displayed by the previous two.

“Ah, finally, a little confidence.  Let’s see if it’s warranted.”

She pulled down his boxers, the young man’s olive-toned cock shooting out as if spring loaded.

“Now we’re talking!” Hailee exclaimed.  “How long?”

“10 and a half thick Latin inches, mamacita!” the Hispanic stud proudly proclaimed.

“Ooh!  And nice and hard too!”

Hailee wrapped her hands around the shaft, guiding the head between her lips as she started jerking. 

“Oh, dios mio!” the man exclaimed, his dick already pulsing in Hailee’s hands as she worked her lips down the shaft.

Oh, Jesus!  It’s throbbing already, Haille thought as she sucked down another inch inch.  Please don’t tell me…

“Ayyy, chingada madre!!!” he yelled; his dick barely halfway inside Hailee’s maw when it erupted, firing ropes of boiling hot seed straight down her throat.

Hailee chugged as he continued to cum; the gloopy nut pooling in her belly when the spewing finally ceased.  She took his dick from her mouth, wiping her lips as she retracted its length.

“What the fuck?!  You fucking came already?!”

“I’ve got plenty of reserves, mamacita!”

“I should hope so!  If you’re as quick on the draw as that, you’re gonna need all the spunk you can muster!  I don’t think you’re right for our parties.  Me and my girls love cum, but holy shit, you didn’t even last one minute!”  She pointed at the door.  “Out you go.”

“But, senorita…”

“Nope.  Out.”

She carried on down the line, the Latin hunk pulling up his drawers in dejection and mumbling something in Spanish as he set off in search of his clothes.  Haillee knelt before the fourth man and took out his cock.

“Right, let’s see what you’ve got.”

She fed his cock into her mouth and started sucking; dousing the girthy dong in her slobber as she worked her lips right down to the base.  In no time at all, she’d made the entire thing disappear; all ten of its thick, veiny inches lodging in her maw as she choked it down to the hilt.  She sucked and slurped at his girthy dong like there was no tomorrow; slathering it in her spittle as ity lodged in her drooling mouth.  After some time, she came up for air; the lengthy rod dripping with saliva as she prized it from between her lips.   

“Hmm, not bad,” she declared.  “Still hard and you haven’t cum yet.  You’re one up one those last three losers, that’s for sure!  Now turn around, big boy.”

Knowing full well what was about to come, the young man remained rooted to the spot.

“Are you deaf?” said Hailee.  “I said ‘turn around’.  I want to lick your ass.”

She put her hands on his hips and attempted to spin him around herself, but the muscular stud retained his position.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Hailee cussed.  “You’re one of those guys who doesn’t like getting rimmed, aren’t you?  Well, I hate to break it to you, baby, but Taylor’s got no time for little pussies like you.  Out you go.”

The man departed and Hailee moved on.  She said nothing to man number 5 and simply swirled her finger in a ‘turn around’ motion.  He understood and spun around 180 degrees; assuming the position as he backed up towards her.  She pulled down his pants, parted his buttcheeks and, rather unceremoniously, buried her face in his crack.  And once she was in there she didn’t pussyfoot around.  Oh, no.  In fact, the brown-haired beauty was scoffing at his rear like it was her last meal; plunging her tongue right into his rectum and rooting around inside like she was hunting for buried treasure.  She reached around and started jerking him off; the young man’s cock already pulsing in her hand before she’d completed one single stroke.

Oh, God! She thought.  Not again!

And, just as she’d feared, his dick went off; the chiseled hunk blasting thick spurts of nut straight onto the carpet as he blew his beans. 

“Christ almighty!” Hailee exclaimed, as she emerged from his rear.  “You came even quicker than that other dude!  And all over my carpet as well.  My cleaner ain’t gonna like that!  If I were you I’d make myself scarce before she comes down and finds it!”

Hailee carried on down the line as the latest defeated party took his leave.  She rested her hands on her thighs and looked up at the next man. 

“Get that dick out.”

He lowered his boxers to around mid thigh; the chiseled stud pulling out his long black dong like he was unsheathing a cutlass. 

“Mmm, nice!” Hailee purred as she inspected his thick rod.  “Now fuck my mouth!”

She gaped her lips in wait of his cock.
He looked at her quizzically; the young black man taken aback by the lewd demand.  “What you say, girl?”

“You heard.  Fuck my pretty face with that fat black cock!”

He stepped forward somewhat tentatively, feeding a mere quarter of his coal-dark length into her mouth.  He worked his dick back and forth slowly between her lips, feeding an extra inch inside with each pass until he stopped around midshaft.

“Oh, come on,” said Haillee, retrieving his wang from her mouth.  “Is that really the best you can do?  Fuck it harder, you little pussy!”

The black man returned his dick to her maw, this time sawing it between her lips with more force and venturing deeper than he had before.  But still his facefucking left a lot to be desired; the dark-skinned hunk still only working about eight of his twelve girthy inches into her mouth with each pass.  Hailee put her hands on his thighs and pushed him away.

“Uh uh,” she said, shaking her head in disapproval.  “Just don’t have it in you, do you?  Off you go, sweetie.  Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

Hailee moved onto the next man.

“You, dick out. Now.”

He whipped off his undies and his dick sprung free.

“Fuck my mouth properly,” Haillee instructed.  “Right down to the balls.  Gag me on that fucker!”

The man placed two hands at the back of her head and guided his lily white cock into her mouth, plunging it straight down to the base on the first pass.  Hailee coughed around the swollen member as it tunelled down her gullet, his balls pressing against her throat as he sunk it to the hilt.  Then, he began to thrust back and forth, holding her in place as he worked his girthy pipe between her lips, burying his cock to the root with each motion.

“That’s it!” Hailee exclaimed, once the facefucking finally ceased.  “You guys take note,” she said, looking down the line at the remaining studs, “THAT’S how you plow a fucking face!  Now, let’s see what you’ve got in those balls.”  She reached up and gripped his nuts, gaping her lips in wait of his cum.  “Shoot that fucking load!”

He stroked his cock like a man possessed.  His hand roamed up and down his spit-slicked wang at an alarming rate of knots; the chiseled hunk roaring like a Bengal tiger as she shot his wad.  Though, much to Hailee’s disappointment, his ejaculate fell some way short of the thick, copious blast that his girthy ten inch prong suggested.  Instead, the young man shot but a few measly drops of watery, grey, lukewarm splooge; scarcely enough to cover the surface of her tongue.  Hailee closed her lips and swallowed, the diluted spunk barely bothering her taste buds as she gulped it down.

“Was that it?!  Jesus, dude!  I thought I told you to abstain!  Have you been jerking this big, fat cock of yours or did you stick it in some slut before you came ‘round?”

“Both,” he admitted, hanging his head in shame.

“I thought it tasted a little funny!  A high sex drive is very important, but we need these balls to be bulging with gooey, hot cum.”  She squeezed his nuts, so hard that he flinched a little in pain.  “If you can’t keep from blowing your load for more than five seconds in the lead up to one of our parties, then I’m afraid you’re no use to us.  Get out.”

The rejected stud went the same way as the others as Hailee carried on down the line.  She squatted before the next man- a handsome young stud of Hispanic origin; the actress-singer cooing like a ringdove as he tugged down his boxers and whipped out his wang.  Hailee was on it like a flash; the randy brunette giving the Latin hunk her full repertoire.  She suckled on his big, olive-toned balls, choked down his girthy schlong right to the hilt, turned him around and licked his ass; the young man making it through her stock of tricks unscathed and with his light brown dick stood stiff as a board.

“So far, so good,” said Hailee.  “Now let’s see what you’re like at shooting that load.”

The Hispsanic stud stroked his massive cock.  The tip winked lewdly, drops of precum dripping out and onto the floor below as he aimed it at her face.  Hailee reached up and squeezed his heavy balls, licking her lips at the promise of the thick load churning away inside.  However, when the Latin lothario blew his top, the resulting ejaculate was, once again, far from satisfactory. 

Though this time it wasn’t the volume or consistency that incurred Hailee’s wrath, but the young man’s aim.  Indeed, his dick had gone off like a rocket, juiced up with enough off-white juice to propel it to the moon and back.  The problem was the fiery ejaculate had shot from his slit and straight over Hailee’s head; the Latin stud somehow managing to miss the brown-haired beauty with every drop (no easy feet, considering he’d expelled enough fluid to extinguish The Great Fire of London).  Instead, his gloopy wad splattered across the floor in a trail that stretched halfway to the hallway door- a path he’d soon be following on his way to the exit.

“Uhh, dude...I think your sights might be off,” Hailee quipped, looking at the stretch of sperm trailing across the living room carpet.  “Work on your aim and try again next time.”

 Hailee moved onto the last remaining pair; Colton and one other.

“And then there were two.  Now, don’t go thinking that you’ve made the next round ‘cause you’re the last two left.  If you boys don’t shape up you’ll be headed straight for the door like those other losers.  Got that?”

“Yes, Miss Steinfeld,” they replied in unison.

“Good,” she said.  She stopped before the first of the two men, a young black guy, and regarded him with disdain.  “How the fuck did you make it into this room, with this puny, little body?” she asked, turning her nose up at his jet black frame- a measly 190 lbs of coal-toned muscle.  “And this face.” She put a hand to his face- a frankly laughable 8 out of 10 for looks- and gave his cheeks a squeeze.  “Ugh!” she exclaimed, sticking out her tongue and screwing up her flawless features in disgust.  “I don’t think we need any gargoyles just now, thank you.”  She looked down at his crotch.  “If you don’t have something special tucked inside those boxers, then either you ripped some pictures off of Google or Selena needs to get her eyes tested.”  She squatted at his feet and placed her hands on his hips.  “Well, come on then.  Whip it out.”

He pulled down his undies in one quick flash, his impossibly thick, ultra long cock leaping out like an uncaged beast.  That shut her up, he thought, grinning down at Hailee as she gawked listlessly at his manhood.  She couldn’t be sure of its exact length (it was so large, in fact, that the young man didn’t know himself), but whether it was 13 inches, 14, 15 or 20, it was, without a doubt the biggest dong she’d ever seen.  It’s girth was thicker than a soda can, its length seeming to extend for as far as the eye could see; the never ending jet black shaft entwined with an obscene amount of veins, some as thick as electrical cables.  Balls the size of clementines swung around beneath, so large and full of spunk that they dangled almost to his knees. 

Now Hailee was starting to see how he’d gotten his invite.  In spite of her disparaging words, the black man’s additional features were more than adequate- well above average, by most people’s estimations.  However, with that thing swinging between his thighs, it really wouldn’t have mattered if he’d been a 300lb tub of lard with a face like a British Bulldog.  Honestly, she doubted anyone would even notice. 

But if the dark-skinned stud thought that having the junk of a Texas longhorn dangling between his legs would buy him a first class ticket to the Bahamas, he was sadly mistaken.  He’d have to prove his worth like everybody else.  After all, having a giant rod and knowing how to use it were two wildly different things, and Hailee reeled off her list of criteria to ensure that the young black man and, more importantly, his huge dark cock were to make the grade.  Frankly, she’d be crestfallen if it didn’t.

1- Could he get it hard?  Well, yes.  Definitely yes.  In fact, the jet black wang was so sturdy she could’ve hung her gym bag from it.

2- Does he remain erect?  Yet to be determined, but judging by the level of rigidity his dick was currently occupying, Hailee figured the young black man would need every ounce of blood drained from his person before he lost his virility.

3- Can he hold onto his load?  Well, there was only one way to find out!

Hailee gripped the dong around the base, clasping as much of its phenomenal girth as the span of her hand would allow.  She stuck out her tongue and lapped at the tip, making light work of the puddle of precum pooling within.  She parted her lips and fed the head inside; the popstar having to gape her plump pillows as wide they would go to accommodate his girth.  But once it was inside, she didn’t look back.  Indeed, the brown-haired beauty was bobbing and dipping at his groin like a woman possessed; choking down inch after inch of his colossal black meat and bathing it in spittle as she went.

Hailee began to fear the worst when she heard the black man start to coo and groan above her, his giant slab of coal-dark meat pulsing and throbbing against her tongue.  But he held strong, and no matter how much of his lengthy span she fed into her mouth, how greedily she slurped at his wang, how much saliva she slathered across his shaft; the dark-skinned stud kept his gooey wad churning away within the confines of his balls.

“Hmm, not bad,” said Hailee, as she retrieved his dick from her maw, her pouty lips peaking mere inches from the base.  “Half of those losers would’ve gone off already, by now.  And the other half would still be limp as a wet leaf.  Stay there.”  She moved onto Colton.  “Right, what have you got for me, huh?”

Hailee pulled down his undies and his dick shot out.  Colton had never once felt self-conscious about the size of his manhood, but compared to the guy next to him, it looked like he had half a 2B pencil sprouting from his groin.  And the look of indifference Hailee gave him upon sight of his wang didn’t exactly give his ego the inflation it required.  He knew full well that if he was at anything less than the very top of his game, the brown-haired actress would be showing him the door.  So, without word one from his A-list counterpart, Colton gripped the back of her head and buried his cock between her lips.

“MMPF!” Hailee yelped around his girthy wang as he stuffed her pretty face.

Her eyes bulged as he sunk his dick straight down to the balls right off the bat, and only grew wider as he started to buck his hips, guiding his rod back and forth ferociously in her drooling maw.  Soon, he was hammering away at her oral entrance with little restraint, plunging his dong repeatedly to the hilt and seeming to do so with increased speed and greater fervour each time. 
His swollen head soared past her tonsils and into her esophagus, his big, heavy balls slapping against her throat as he gagged her on his pole.  Finally, and with Hailee producing all manner of heaving and spluttering noises around his veiny shaft, Colton retracted; thick ropes of spittle raining from his wang as he prized it from her maw.

“Wow!” said Hailee, gasping for breath as she recovered from her throatfucking.  “You came to play, hu...HMMPPFFF!!!” she squealed once more, the actress barely able to finish her sentence before Colton spun around and pulled her into his ass crack.

And once she was in there, Colton showed no mercy.  He gripped a pawful of Hailee’s shiny chestnut hair; holding the popstar in his crevice with such force that all the files in all the land couldn’t have aided her escape.  Then, he proceeded to grind his ass against her face, doing so at such a speed and with such ferocity that he’d have been using her tongue as toilet paper, had he not given his rear a thorough cleanse beforehand, as per her request. 

Colton held her between his ass cheeks for some time, the actress gasping desperately for air once more when he finally released her.  But he wasn’t done yet, and as Hailee drew in lungfuls of much needed oxygen, Colton span back around, gripping his cock around mid-shaft and dipping his heavy, spunk-filled balls straight into her mouth.  Hailee yelped once more, her voice muffled by the large set of churning gonads stuffed between her lips, her cheeks bulging like a squirrel with a nut, as she held them in her mouth.  Colton rested his cock against her face; the dripping wet schlong pulsing against her delicate features as she sucked on his balls, bathing each of the weighty orbs in volumes of spittle.

By the time he retrieved them, Colton’s balls were just as drenched as his cock; long trails of saliva trickling from every inch of his junk.  A wily grin stretched across his face.  He’d put in quite a showing and was immensely proud of his performance.  Now all he had to do was give the brunette songstress a faceful of nut and a place in the second round beckoned.  Or so he thought.

“Come here,” said Hailee, still gasping for breath as she gripped both cocks and pulled them in close.  “You boys want those spots in the next round, you’re gonna have to earn ‘em.”

By now, Colton and his dark-skinned counterpart so close together their dicks were practically touching.  They knew full well what was coming next.  They looked at one another, not so much out of apprehension, but more shock and a little concern.  How on Earth was this girl gonna fit both their cocks in her mouth at the same time?!  It would take far greater minds than theirs to fathom how such a feat would even be possible, but they were both kind of excited to see if she could achieve it. 

Hailee gaped her mouth as wide as it would go, steering both of the girthy waps between her stretched lips until she had two swollen cockheads of wildly differing shade leaking over her tongue.  Then, she went for the plunge.  She gripped both men at the thigh, using their considerable bulk as leverage as she sunk down on their dongs.  Inch after inch of their combined girth disappeared between her lips; the two studs assuming they must have been in the midst of some form of hallucination as they watched the pretty popstar choke down their wangs. 

She could only manage about half of their combined length without rupturing the sides of her mouth, but it was still one hell of a feat; the singer’s mouth stuffed to the brim with a foot of change of fat, vein-encrusted meat.  Hailee released both cocks, rubbing her face slightly to nurse the pain in her jaw.

“OK, boys, I think you’ve proved your worth.  Give me a decent blast with all this thick cum and those spots in the next round are yours,” she said, reaching up and squeezing their big, brewing balls.

Both men pulled at their pricks with flawlessly timed strokes; their dripping tips winking as they pointed them at Hailee’s face.

“Mmm,” Hailee purred, licking her pouty lips in wait of their juicy loads.  “Come on, boys.  Gimme that cum!”

The two studs beat themselves senseless until their dicks went off.  Twin wads of pipping hot ball broth blasted from their tips at equal velocity, splattering across Hailee’s face and giving her a two man bukkake worthy of a group at least five times their number.  Hot, gooey issue plastered across her features in long, thin streaks and thick, sticky globs, coating high on every inch of her dome, from scalp to chin.  Hailee had long since lost track of her criteria, but it was pretty evident that both men ticked all the required boxes and more to boot; the pair of hunks reducing the A-list singer to a gasping mess of smeared makeup, saliva and semen as she knelt on the floor between them.

“Wow!” said Hailee, one of her eyes sealed shut with cum as she looked up at both men.  “I’ve gotta say, you boys were worth the wait!  It didn’t take much to beat those other dweebs, but you guys really brought your A-game.  We look forward to seeing what you can offer in Round 2.  But be prepared.  The competition will be a lot stiffer- so to speak- than it was today, so you better come correct.  Well done again, boys, and thank you,” she added, scooping a dollop of cum and slipping it between her lips.  “We’ll be in touch.”

End of Chapter 14
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Re: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 14 posted]
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2020, 05:37:03 PM »
Great to see this story back, I suppose Taylor can't do all the work herself!  But in all seriousness, I really dug the business-like nature of the audition.  Can't wait to see what Selena has in store!
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Re: Dirty 30 (Taylor Swift and friends)[Chapter 14 posted]
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2020, 10:28:22 AM »
Chapter 15

Starring: Selena Gomez


Colton was grinning like a pig in shit by the time he left Hailee Steinfeld’s luxurious Hollywood home.  He wasn’t exactly someone who lacked confidence at the worst of times, but his ego had been inflated like a Goodyear blimp by the time he’d returned to his second hand Fiesta.  The reasons for the surge in confidence and the spring in his step were manyfold.

1. He’d just been blown by Hailee Steinfeld.  That would make even the most gloomy of 80s goths crack a smile.

2. He’d beaten off the competition (not literally- that had been Hailee’s job) and made the next phase.  He wasn’t sure what that consisted of exactly, but he knew it involved    Selena Gomez.  Another reason to be cheerful.

And most importantly;
3. A spot at Taylor Swift’s big summer bash was in his reach. 

Colton headed home and awaited word on the next phase.  Days came and went without a single peep.  Hailee had told him to abstain as he left her home, and that had meant rejecting the advances of some fine-looking women while out with his boys.  Though as the days and weeks continued to pass, the need to get his rocks off was reaching intolerable levels.  Two weeks after that fateful first phase, Colton quit fighting the urge and gave into his raging libido.  Fuck buddies were texted in their dozens and the first to respond was around at his place in the blink of an eye.

The poor girl didn’t know what hit her, as a young man who hadn’t gone more than a day without tapping some ass for the past five years, took out two weeks of sexual frustration on her supple young body in a matter of minutes, practically filling her to the gills when he shot his wad.  Colton had termed his sexual encounter a ‘tactical bang’ and had justified it thusly: if he had to fuck Selena Gomez after two weeks, three weeks, a month of staving off sex, he’d be blowing his beans in seconds, kissing his invite to Taylor’s birthday bangfest goodbye.  Another week passed and he did it again; citing the same justification as he shot his load over his friend’s mom’s face.  Seven days later, another young woman succumbed to his well-rested frame and over-swelling ballsack.  Then finally, after five long weeks, the details for the second phase dropped into his inbox.


Hope you’ve kept those dicks clean, boys, cos it's time for the next stage!  Cum to 1130 Rexford Drive, 90068 at 3pm today, and be prepared to give it your all!

LA traffic being the unpredictable mistress that it is, Colton set off for the given address an hour early, arriving outside the opulent Beverly Hills home with some 30 minutes to spare.  He sat and waited patiently in his car until others started to pull up; a host of handsome, well muscled men climbing out and heading for the front door.  Colton joined them as they gathered in the entrance. 

The greetings and pleasantries were minimal, the assembled studs content with silently sizing up the competition as they awaited admittance.  Just as they had at the first phase, the men numbered ten in total; the gathered hunks a mixture of light skin and dark skin, clean shaves and sculpted beards, neatly trimmed afros and carefully waxed partings.   

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened and a small, middle aged Hispanic woman greeted them from the open entrance.

“Ola, gentlemen,” she said in a thick Mexican accent.  “Well, aren’t you a handsome bunch of hombres?  Miss Gomez will be very pleased.  There should be ten of you.  I better count.”  The woman pointed at each of the men in turn as she tallied them in Spanish.  “Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco...Yep, ten.  OK, come on in.”

She stepped to the side and ushered the men into the hallway.

“I’m Gabriela, Miss Gomez’ housekeeper.  She has instructed me to welcome you gentlemen and make sure you’re all supposed to be here.”  Gabriela picked up a clipboard with a sheet of paper attached from a nearby cabinet and gave it a scan.  “I have the list of names here, and if any of you aren’t on it, I’m afraid I’m going to have to invite you to leave.  And it would be in your best interest to do so.  Miss Gomez’ security team are waiting just through that door,” she pointed to the far end of the hall, “and they’ll be a lot less than gentle me, I can assure you.”

She looked down at the clipboard.

“OK, there should be a Bryce.”

“Yo,” said a cropped-haired blonde man, raising a muscled arm. 

Gabriela looked at his picture on the sheet of paper then observed him closely.

“OK, wait there, Bryce,” she instructed, pointing at the foot of a long, winding stairwell.

Gabriela called out the nine remaining names in turn and, once she was happy that each man was indeed who he had claimed to be, she allowed him to join the others at the bottom of the staircase.





Colton immediately recognised D’Angelo from the first phase, the black man’s giant cock looking as humongous as ever as it bulged in his baggy jeans.





“And Colton.”

Gabriela gave Colton the same close inspection she’d given everyone else, then turned and began up the stairwell. 

“Come with me.”

The guys followed her up the stairs and across the long hallway, the housekeeper stopping outside a door at the far end.  The man gathered behind her as she gave it a knock.

“Yes?” came a voice from within.

“Your callers have arrived, Miss Gomez.”

“Thank you, Gabriela.  Have them undress and send them in, would you, please.”

“OK, gentlemen, you heard the lady.  Down to your drawers, please.”

As the guys undressed, Gabriela fetched a laundry basket from one of the spare rooms and filled it with their discarded clothing. 

“Don’t worry, you’ll get it all back.”

Once the men were stripped down to their undies, Gabriela opened the door and ushered them inside.

“Good luck, gentlemen.”

The guys filed into the room, eyes bulging across the board as they caught sight of the wondrous vision laid out before them.  Selena Gomez was sprawled out across the plush silken sheets on her obscenely comfortable-looking king size bed.  She was wearing a loose-fitting and incredibly short shiny satin robe; the generous helping of cleavage and just the very slightest hint of groin on display indicating that she clearly had nothing on underneath. 

Her hair had been styled meticulously; the glossy dark locks spilling over her shoulders and across her silken pillow.  Her makeup was nothing short of flawless.  Dark mascara and smoky eyeshadow brought out the deep nut browns of her eyes.  Thin layers of foundation and blusher perfectly complimented her rich olive complexion, while a dark red lipstick made her suckers pop even more than their natural plump and pout already did.  Selena fixed the band of studs with the very sultriest of stares as they entered the room.   

“Hey, boys,” she cooed, every last syllable sultrier than the one before.  “Thank you for coming.  Line up for me, would you.”

The guys got in line and Selena inspected them from her bed; every piercing set of eyes, every chiseled jawline, every sculpted set of abs, every rippling pair of biceps and, of course, every swelling crotchal bulge making her nipples tingle and her pussy purr under the fabric of her robe. 

“Mmm, very nice,” she purred.  “So, boys, I’d like to start by congratulating you all for getting this far.  Every one of you made it through the first round with flying colours, or so I’ve been told, so well done.  But, let me tell you, guys, this is where the real challenge begins.  After all, you guys are the cream of the crop; the top ten studs of all the millions that applied.  I’d love for you all to be winners and, don’t get me wrong, the doors will certainly remain open to you if you impress me.  I’m always on the lookout for new studs.  BUT, as you are already well aware, there are only spots for two of you at Taylor’s birthday party, so...amaze me.  Prove to me that you have what it takes.  Now, whip out those cocks.”

Boxers were dropped across the board, no fewer than ten very large, very hard pricks springing out in unison like a professional stripping troop.  Selena licked her lips as a smorgasbord of varyingly toned dongs flopped up and down before her very eyes.  Veins throbbed, precum pooled, crowd swelled and balls bulged.  The singer untied the clasp on her robe and sat up on her bed.  She removed it and dropped it to the floor, grinning as the guys’ dicks spasmed further at the sight of her naked body.

“I’ll start with you,” she said, pointing at Wyatt as her head nestled back onto her soft pillow.  “Come here and eat this pussy!”

“Yes, ma’am,” Wyatt replied, practically leaping onto the bed and diving head first between her splayed thighs.

“Oh my God!” she gasped, eyes nearly shooting from their sockets as he wrapped his lips around her glistening cooze, devouring it like it with a ceaseless fervour. 

“Jesus, boy! When did you last eat!?” Selena exclaimed, squirming across the mattress as he munched on her drooling box.

She placed a hand at the back of his head; strands of his long, product-rich brown hair flowing from between her fingers.  He wrapped his rippling, heavily tattooed arms around her slender thighs, his hands resting on her toned tummy as he went down on her.  Some of the men looked at one another a little nervously, every one of them thinking the same thing.  Their competition in the first round hadn’t been the stiffest (literally in some cases), but they sure had their work cut out for them now.  This guy had only been buried between Selena’s legs for a matter of moments and already he had the popstar thrashing around the bed like she’d been possessed, a steady slew of swears and cusses escaping her pretty mouth as he tongued at her sopping cooch.

Wyatt looked up at the singer from between her spread legs, his sharp brown eyes meeting hers and locking onto them as he scoffed at her pussy.  Sweet, warm fluids oozed from her gash and smeared across his face, coating his lips and dripping from his chin.  Selena was on cloud nine, shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her system as Wyatt ate her out with well-honed precision; his lips swathing her dripping cooze, his tongue lapping at her clit with short, sharp strokes.  He had her on the verge of orgasm within minutes, and as Selena clawed at his flowing brown locks, an intense, writhing climax tore through her system.

“Uhh! FUCK!” she cried, one final gush of girlcum flowing into Wyatt’s mouth as he tongued her to orgasm.

She released Wyatt’s hair and he emerged from between her thighs, sticky juices coating his grinning lips.

“God damn, you eat pussy good, boy!” Selena panted.  She sat up and turned around, thrusting out her peached-shaped ass as she knelt on all fours.  “Let’s see what you’re like at eating ass!”

Selena turned to face the headboard, ready to coo in delight as Wyatt stuck his tongue right up her sphincter.  But no such approach was made.  She turned her head, looking back at the long-haired hunk as he gazed in apprehension at her bleached, winking anus. 

“Come on,” she said.  “I haven’t got all day.  It’s clean, don’t worry.”

She placed a hand at the back of his head and attempted to guide him in herself, but it didn’t budge, his strong neck muscles stubbornly repelling her advance.

“Oh, for God’s sake,” she groaned.  “Don’t tell me you don’t eat ass.”

Wyatt looked back at her sheepishly, his silence speaking more volumes than the complete works of Shakespeare.

“Well, that’s too bad, ‘cause I know for a fact that Taylor loves getting her ass licked.  Especially by me,” she said with a grin.  She pointed at the door.  “Out you go.”

Wyatt climbed down dejectedly from on top of the bed and trudged towards the exit, looking utterly despondent as he opened the door and passed on through.  He hadn’t even got his dick moist yet and already he was heading home.  Selena looked back at the remaining studs.

“OK, you.”  She pointed at Wendell.  “You eat ass, don’t you, honey?”

“Uh huh.”

“Good.  Then get over here and show me what you can do.”

He didn’t need to be told twice.  Wendell sprung up onto the bed and squatted behind Selena’s kneeling frame.  He wrapped his strong arms around the small of her back; the chiseled young black man holding her in place as he burrowed his face in her crack. 

“OH!” Selena yelped as his tongue shot out and invaded her puckered rear, the slick red flesh tunneling deep into her rectum right off the bat.

Wendell bobbed his afro-topped head as he immersed himself in her shapely behind, sinking his skilled tongue as far into her anal passage as it could reach. 

“Mmm, yeah!  That’s it!  Get in there good,” Selena cooed, reaching back and clawing at his dark, nappy hair.  “Wear that ass like a friggin’ gas mask, baby!  Come on!”

She set her head down on her pillow and looked back at the dark-skinned stud, rubbing her aching clit while he tonguefucked her ass.  Wendell reached up and gripped her ass cheeks, stretches of firm, light brown flesh spilling through his fingers as he prized them apart, wagging his tongue around in her anal cavity.  Selena kneaded her pulsing bud until she came again; her furious strumming and Wendell’s expert analingus quickly igniting a second orgasm that ripped through her body as violently as the first. 

“Mmm, shit!” she purred, recovering from her climax as Wendell re-emerged from between her ass cheeks.  “You guys really are the pick of the litter, aren’t you?  Now get that dick in my pussy!”

Wendell gripped his dark rod at the base, rubbing his twitching head against her slick, light brown lips, before guiding it inside.

“UHH!!!” Selena groaned, his phenomenal girth stretching out her snatch as he entered her.  “Fuck, that’s a FAT COCK!”

It really was, and Wendell sure knew how to use it; the young black man already working his thick dong steadily back and forth inside her cooze, his swollen crown venturing deeper into her velvety pink innards with each pass.  Before long, he was driving it to the hilt; his bulging black head hitting Selena’s g-spot and making her cry out in ecstasy with each thrust.

“FUCK! YES! Fuck me!” she screamed, still strumming her clit as his coal-dark wang tunnelled into her depths.  “Pound my tight fucking pussy with that big black cock!”

Wendell reached down and gripped her ass cheeks; moulding the olive-toned orbs with his strong dark hands as he plowed her ever harder.  His throbbing dickhead bore in deep, her snug little snatch sheathing his shaft like a gilded scabbard as he drove it into her darkest parts.  But soon, the ultra-tight grasp of her slick, burning twat was proving too much for the tall black hunk, and his dick was pulsing and spasming more violently with each pass he took.  Selena, sensing the stur in his genitals, looked back at him, her piercing brown eyes staring a hole through his chiseled dark form as he drilled her from behind.

“Don’t cum yet,” she said with fierce, unwavering eye contact.  “I mean it, if you cum before me, you’re out the door.”

There wasn’t a doubt in Wendell’s mind that the Latin songstress meant every word she said, and to make matters worse, Selena stopped thrumming her clit, meaning that he’d have to hold out for even longer to match her orgasm.  He resisted for as long as possible; the black man staring at the wall ahead and imagining that his dick was ballsdeep in a host of different people, from his friends’ grandmothers to his very own sister, in an effort to delay his climax.  But as he drilled his jet-black pole deep into her piping hot snatch, he soon accepted that resistance was futile.  Trembling violently from head to foot, Wendell let loose, firing a thick wad of burning baby batter deep into her unguarded cooze; his long black hose practically filling her to the brim as it sprayed copiously into her depths.

“Oh! JESUS!” Selena cried, cumming once more as the thick spunky deposit spurted into her womb.  “What did I say?!  I gotta admit, that dick of yours erupted like Mount Vesuvius but, dude, a little self-control would’ve been nice.  Tell you what, since I’m feeling ultra generous and that was one heck of a load you just gave me, I’m gonna give you a reprieve.  You can have another crack.  Provided, of course, that your dick’s still nice and ha...oh dear.”

She looked back at Wendell as he retracted, his lengthy black penis hanging limply in his hands, the lost few globs of seed dripping down onto the bedspread. 

“I don’t think that thing’s gonna be ready again for a while, is it?  Going off early isn’t something we encourage, but you may still be of use to us if you can keep it hard.  What we don’t need is someone who's gotta take a break for 30 minutes every time he dumps his load.  Which, I’m afraid, puts you shit outta luck.  There’s the door, buddy.”

Wendell gathered his boxers and trudged dejectedly towards the exit, his long flaccid cock swinging between his thighs as he went. 

“Right, you,” said Selena, looking back at the shrinking line of studs and pointing at Julio.  “Come clean me up.”

Julio gazed down at the thick mess of spunk slopping from her pussy, then back up at Selena’s face; a slight, telltale smirk tickling her otherwise deadpan features, before she burst into a fit of laughter.

“Jesus, I’m kidding!” she said through bouts of wicked cackling.  “Man, you should’ve seen your face!  Don’t worry, you won’t have to lick the cum out of my pussy.  I’ve got plenty of girlfriends who’ll be more than happy to do that.  Hope you don’t mind sticking your dick in there though.”

Julio looked down, still a little apprehensive as another man’s cum dripped from her sticky cooch.  But, he reasoned, sticking his dick in there was a lot better than his tongue.  Besides, the amount of times he’d blow his load in an A-list vagina at Taylor Swift’s birthday party would more than make up for it.  A little tentatively, he steered inside, flinching slightly as the remnants of Wendell’s nut squished against his light brown shaft.  Sensing his reluctance, Selena looked back at him, the Hispanic beauty now visibly annoyed by the young man’s restraint.

“Oh, come on, dude!  It’s just a bit of cum!  It’s not gonna hurt you.  If you don’t wanna fuck my pussy, kindly fuck off and let me find someone who does.”

That got him going.  In spite of his hesitance, Julio wanted to pound the popstar’s snatch more than anything in the world, and finally, a good two minutes after initial entry, he finally started showing it.  He reached down and gripped Selena’s hips, holding her in place as he bucked his muscled frame, driving his cock deep into her spunk-filled cooze, and probing her pleasure points with his crown.   

“OK, yeah, that’s it,” Selena purred.  “NOW we’re cooking with gas.”

Julio went at Selena with all he had, throwing every ounce of his 220lb frame into every thrust, his meaty things clattering against her ass as he pounded her from behind.  Selena was impressed with his pace and rhythm; the hard, brutal force of his fucking, but he’d have to do a lot more than just give her pussy a pounding to book his spot on Taylor’s island.  She looked back at the humping Latin stud, eyes aflutter as she prepped him for phase two.

“Roll over, big boy,” she instructed.  “I want you on the bottom.”

Placing a hand on Selena’s stomach and gripping one of her thighs, Julio performed a perfectly executed barrel roll; taking the actress with him and keeping his dick buried in her pussy as he turned over onto his back.  With Selena now on top, Julio wrapped his hand around her waist, suspending her above his chiseled form as he bucked up into her.

“Uh, fuck yeah!” Selena growled, her voice harsh and raspy as Julio threw his dick up into her cooze.  “Damn, this boy can fuck!” she exclaimed, looking forward at the guys lined up before her in an ever shortening row.  “But you guys should know that one isn’t enough for me.  I need another!  You!”  She pointed at Cory.  “Come fill me up.”

Cory stepped forward and knelt on the edge of the bed, looking at her already occupied snatch with a degree of unease.

“Well?  Come on then,” said Selena, staring back at him impatiently.  “Get it in there!”

“Err...is he gonna go in your ass?” Cory asked anxiously, the question posed more in hope than expectation. 

“Nope.  You’re going in there together.  Unless you’re too much of a little bitch, that is.”

“Errrr…” Cory murmured, trying to weigh up whether an invite to Taylor’s birthday party would be worth the homoerotic rubbing together of dicks.

“Errrr…” Selena replied, mimicking the young man’s indecisive drone.  “Fuck off!  I mean it, get the fuck out of here and stop wasting my time.”

Looking disappointed, but also a touch relieved, Cory climbed down off the bed, picked up his discarded undies and headed for the bedroom door.  Selena looked back at the remaining men and addressed them angrily.

“Any more of you dipshits too pussy to double stuff my holes?  ‘Cause if you are you can get the fuck out now and do us all a favour.”  Nobody moved.  “No?  Good.  OK, you,” she went on, pointing at Enrique.  “You know what I want.”

Enrique climbed up onto the bed, the Latin stud the final ingredient in a three tier Mexican sandwich as he pushed the tip up against Selena’s already full coochie and guided it inside.

“Uhhh, yeah!  That’s what I fucking wanted!” she groaned, her twat stretched lewdly as a second thick Latin schlong was thrust up inside.

Enrique gripped her ankles, holding her legs apart as he and his fellow Latino went to town on her elasticated twat, both men driving their dicks in with little restraint, their twin round cockheads mining into her depths in perfect unison. 

“Yeah, that’s it,” Selena growled.  “Fuck me, boys!  Share that fucking snatch!  Drill that pussy with those fat fucking cocks!”

Julio and Enrique were doing just that and more, every joint, perfectly synchronized plunge of their almost matching brown dongs mining deep into Selena’s cooze and hitting her g-spot.  Selena reached around and clawed at Enrique’s back, three glistening, olive-toned torsos pressing against one another as the Latin trio fucked furiously on the giant king size bed.  The headboard hammered against the wall behind, each smack against the plasterboard accompanied by a high-pitched squeal from between Selena’s lips as two equally large Hispanic cocks bore into her stretched out cunt. 

Selena strummed her clit as the two men fucked her; her hand little more than a blur of rich olive skin and colourful nail polish as she frigged her pulsing bud.  Her pussy clenched even tighter around the two fat cocks as she thrummed herself, each deep double plunge into the bowels of her twat bring her ever closer to an orgasm that promised to be the most earth-shattering of the evening (so far, anyway).  Sensing her climax was close at hand, or perhaps just wanting to retract his wang before Selena’s ultra-tight snatch snapped it off at the base, Enrique pulled out, the actress-singer hosing his rod and muscled torso with a sluice of ladyspray as she squirted all over him.

“Uhhh, FUUUUCK!” she screamed, strumming herself senseless and emitting further blasts of clear, sticky fluids that drenched Enrique further as they jetted from her cunt.  “Oh, sweet Jesus!  God damn, boys!  You sure know how to work those rods.  You fellas are really gonna have to bring out the big guns if you’re gonna beat these guys!” she panted, looking out at the lineup of studs. 

“I want your cum, boys!” Selena declared, once she herself had finally stopped spewing.  She climbed down from atop Julio’s frame and knelt on the mattress.  “Do it in my mouth!  Come on, guys.  Fill me up!”

Julio and Enrique stood either side of her and started jerking; their long Latin cocks pointed at her gaping mouth as they pulled themselves off.  Julio went off first, blasting a fiery torrent of creamy, thick jism that shot straight past her open lips and plastered across her cheek.  Some of the off-white splooge even missed her face entirely, splattering across the mattress and leaving a murky streak across the once immaculate bedspread.  Enrique followed up moments later, but unfortunately for Selena, he had even worse aim than his competitor.  His own jet of steaming hot goop soared past her altogether and trailed across her duvet, forcing Julio to dive out of the way, before the wayward seed struck him across the thigh. 

“Ermm...what the hell was that!?” Selena asked.  “Who taught you boys how to aim?  You missed with every freakin’ drop!  Me and my girls ain’t got a lot of time for guys that waste good splooge.  And as you two just wasted a stomachful, I’m afraid this is where we part ways.  Better luck next time.  Gabriela!”   

The bedroom door opened and Selena’s housekeeper stepped inside, squeezing past Julio and Enrique and their still rock hard cocks as they trudged out into the hall.

“Everything OK, Miss Gomez?” she asked.
“Apart from the fact that I still have five of these losers left to fuck,” Selena replied, pointing at the remaining men, “yes, everything’s fine.”

Gabriela looked at the five still standing studs, their giant multi-coloured cocks jutting from their groins like long steel girders; the elderly Hispanic woman practically drooling at all the thick, searing meat on display.  What the first five men had done to incur her employee’s wrath, she didn’t know.  But one thing was for sure, if the popstar was tired of fucking this gang of studs, her housekeeper would happily have taken her place.

“Those two dweebs you just saw soaked my sheets with their stupid stray spunk,” Selena declared, gesturing down to the streaks of semen stretching damn near the entire length of her luxury bed.  “Be a dear and clean them up for me, would you?”

“Certainly, Miss Gomez.”


Selena climbed down from the bed and let the help get to it.  She approached the five guys lined up against the wall.  She squatted before the first man to her right, Bryce, and gripped his cock firmly at the base.

“Mmm, very nice,” she said, inspecting his long vanilla rod.  “You know how to use this thing, boy?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, trying his utmost not to flinch as the Latin starlet squeezed his girthy base.

“I hope so.”

Selena wrapped her lips around his crown and guided them along his shaft, sinking right down to the base on the first pass.  She kept his huge white schlong clasped in her hand as she retrieved it from her maw, scooting along to Treveon and gripping his equally large, though distinctly darker pole, in a similar fashion.

“Wow!” she exclaimed, brown eyes popping as she examined his coal-black schlong.  “I’ve never seen a dick that black before!  Holy shit!  You been rubbing this thing with boot polish or what?”

“No, ma’am,” he replied, paying no heed to the singer’s casual racism as she choked his dick down to the balls as well.  Frankly, if she kept sucking his dong like that, she could have endorsed slavery and denounced the BLM movement whilst dressed as a minstrel for all he cared.

After using a Walmart shelf’s worth of cleaning products and all the elbow grease her weary, old body could muster, Gabriela had sponged Selena’s bedsheets until they were spick and span once; the two Latin hunks’ badly-aimed cumshots little more than a blotch on the housemaid’s cloth. 

“All clean, Miss Gomez,” she announced, gathering her things and heading for the door.

“Thank you, Gabriela,” Selena replied, rising to her feet, her hands still grasped around the two men’s cocks.  “Hear that, boys?  It’s your time to shine.”

Gabriela closed the door slowly behind her, watching as her A-list employer led the two men across the room by their yin and yang dongs.  Selena straddled Treveon’s chiseled black frame, his long dark rod pointed at her asshole as Bryce knelt before her, aiming his swollen pink crown at her slick, shaven pussy.  Gabriela puffed her wrinkled, old cheeks as she closed the door.

“Oh, to be young again,” she grinned, heading across the hallway as she continued with her duties.

Back in the room, Treveon’s cock was already submerged in Selena’s asshole; the Latin beauty cumming on the spot as Bryce pressed his round pink head against the opening to her slizz and fed it inside. 

“Ohhhh, fuck yeah!” she cooed, eyes a flutter as she was filled to the brim.  “Come on.  Fuck me, boys!  Pound those tight fucking holes!”

And fuck her, they did.  Selena was wedged snugly between their shredded light and dark bodies as they drove into her with flawless synchronicity; pink and brown cockheads boring in deep and bothering her pleasure points with each pass. 

“Come on, boys.  Don’t pussyfoot around!” Selena barked, staring ahead at Bryce as she egged him on.  “Fucking give it to me!  Fuck me like you mean it!”

The guys held her place as they banged her ever harder.  Treveon had a firm grasp on her hips, his strong dark thumbs digging into her muscled ass cheeks as he drilled her backdoor.   Meanwhile Bryce had reached forward and gripped a handful of her hair; the Caucasian hunk nearly pulling the shiny black locks out at the roots as he pumped her hot pink pussy. 

Bryce’s thick, round helmet tunneled into the deepest reaches of her snatch with every pass, his leaking tip hitting her g-spot repeatedly.  Treveon’s girthy black python seemed to slither further into her guts with every motion, his swollen, dark brown head mining deeper into her colon with each new thrust.  But it wasn’t enough, and no matter how hard they fucked her and how deep their light and dark dongs bore into her tight twin holes, Selena continued to berate them; the Latin songstress smacking Bryce on his taut steel buns as he urged him to further action.

“Come on, boys!  Harder!  You want those party invites, don’t you?”

The guys let out equally unintelligible grunts through their clenched, pearly white teeth; the muscled duo unable to utter a lot else as they went at Selena’s body with reckless abandon.

“What was that, boys?” she asked.  “I couldn’t quite hear you.”

“YES!!!” they bellowed back in tandem.

“Well, fuck me harder then, you little pussies!  You’re gonna have to make me fucking cum like I’ve cum before!”

Bryce and Treveon refused to accept that there was a single being on God’s green earth who could pound the singer harder than they were.  But they tried as best they could to bend to her will; the two studs hammering away at her slender frame like their lives depended on it. 

“Harder!  Harder!  HAAARRRDDDEEERRR!!!”

The guys were beginning to wonder if Selena’s appetite could ever be sated.  They’d given it to her in both her holes with all they had and more; every move in their extensive sexual arsenals, every inch of their girthy black and white rods, and it still wasn’t enough.  The duo had long since given up any hope of booking their spots at the party, but at least they’d get to blow one hell of a load inside Selena Gomez.  Not many men could say that, they thought (though as regular viewers of the popstar’s online antics, they should have recognised the inaccuracy of this statement).  But then, just as they were preparing for release, Selena pulled the ultimate bitch move, denying both men the mighty, rapturous orgasms that he’d been brewing inside them since minute one.

“We’re done here, boys.  You’ve got some nice big cocks, but you ain’t got the first clue how to use them.  Out you go.”

“But, I’m gonna…” Bryce protested, his usually breathtakingly handsome features contorted in all manner of unsightly ways as he prepared to blow his beans.

“NO!” Selena barked.  “Get that dick out of my pussy right now, bitch!  You’ve wasted enough of my time with your pathetic, amateur fucking.  You don’t deserve to cum.  Out!”

With his head hanging low and his balls bluer than the Logan Sapphire, Bryce retracted; his dick spasming violently as he pulled it from her pussy.  Selena climbed down from atop Treveon’s trembling jet-black frame and showed both men the door.  And just in case they were looking to enact a little revenge by emptying their ever bulging balls into something valuable in the singer’s hallway, her hulk-like security team were waiting outside the door to escort the defeated studs off the premises. 

Selena hopped down from her bed and approached the remaining men; Ernesto, D’Angelo and Colton. 

“Looks like we have our final three.  One vanilla, one chocolate, one olive.”  She stood before Ernesto.  “Now, don’t go thinking you’re gonna get any preferential treatment ‘cause we’re both Hispanic.  If you think you’re getting a spot on that island ‘cause our grandparents both speak Spanish, you’ve got another thing coming.  Frankly, I could give a fuck what skin colour any of you have.  You could be purple, blue and green for all I care, as long as you know how to work those cocks.  Besides, those other two bozos didn’t exactly make our people proud now, did they?”

She moved onto D’Angelo. 

“Damn!” she exclaimed, reaching down to grip his monstrous wang.  “I gotta say, dude, you’re gonna have fucked up royally if you don’t make the cut with a dick like that.  Honestly, I don’t think the girls would ever speak to me again if I denied them a go on that thing, so I’m counting on you here.  OK, you,” she said, moving onto Colton and taking hold of his cock.  She reached back to Ernesto and gripped his too.  “And you.  Come with me.”

She led both men across the room penis first and they slathered their dicks in lube.  “Up on the bed,” she said, looking at Ernesto.

He climbed aboard and laid out across the mattress; thick olive schlong standing tall like a flesh skyscraper as he assumed the position.  Selena clambered up after him and squatted over his body.  Ernesto aimed his large, swollen cockhead at her puckered, winking asshole and guided it inside.  Colton completed the trifecta, his dick pointed at her vacant snatch in hope more than expectation.

“Nuh uh,” Selena said, pointing down to her asshole to the surprise of absolutely no-one.

Colton pushed his dickhead up against her sphincter; his oiled up dong rubbing up against his competitor’s as he attempted entry.  Even with what appeared to be half a bottle of lube greasing his wang, fitting the head into Selena’s already jam-packed asshole proved to be quite the challenge, and it took a good deal of exertion on his part to squeeze it inside.

“UHHH! FUUUCK!!!” Selena groaned as his head finally gained access, the second large crown stretching her anus to its limits. 

Colton began to rock back and forth slowly, his veiny shaft doubling the extreme girth already straining her elastic asshole.  Soon, he and Ernesto were guiding their dicks forward and back in flawless unison; their double barrelled dongs venturing deeper into her stretched out rectum with each pass.  Selena strummed her clit, her pussy leaking like a faucet as her seemingly limitless form underwent an obscene dual rectal dicking from a pair of oversized cocks.  Both men pulled their dicks back so only their heads remained, before plunging back inside, attempting to outdo one another but matching flawlessly as they sunk their dicks deep into her gaping rear.

But Selena wasn’t done yet and as a combined 20 inches of thick, vein-encrusted cock impaled her backdoor, she looked past Colton’s writhing, muscled body and summoned the last man standing.  D’Angelo climbed up onto the bed and, not seeing how the singer could possibly accommodate his gargantuan member anywhere else, stood up by the headboard in wait of her drooling mouth.

“Nope,” she said, drawing gulps from all three men as she pointed down to her dripping, hot pink pussy. 

“Oh, shit,” D’Angelo murmured nervously, fearing that adding his beast to the equation might actually see the trio hauled up on a manslaughter charge.

“Fuck,” Colton added, echoing the sentiment.

Ernesto pleaded with her in Spanish, an appeal that Colton (who, having bedded a fair few mamacitas in his time, was more than a little familiar with the Latin tongue [in more ways than one]) believed roughly translated to: “Oh God, Miss!  Please, no!”  But their vigorous objections ultimately fell on deaf ears.

“Too pussy, huh?” Selena asked.  “That’s fine.  If you don’t want to bang 30 celebs on a luxury Caribbean island, I’ll go and find some guys that do.”

No more needed to be said.  As far as motives went, that one was as strong as they came.  D’Angelo climbed up onto the bed, squeezing his burly black frame into the mix and steering his cock towards her vacant hole.  With a deep grunt, he pushed it in, stuffing her lithe body to maximum capacity. 

“Oh my God!  FUCK!” Selena gasped, strumming her clit and cumming in no time as yet another cock was packed into her trembling frame. 

She had two in her ass and one in her pussy, taking the Latin starlet’s accommodated phalli to a grand total of three (though D’Angelo’s midnight colour monster was so impossibly girthy, that it felt like four).  And once they were inside, the guys didn’t let up.  This is what she’d wanted and they were going to give it to her, just as hard as they could.  There wasn’t a lot of room to manoeuvre, but the men bucked into Selena’s plugged up frame with as much rhythm, force and fluidity as the limited space would allow. 

“Oh, yes!” she cried  “Fuck me!  Fuck me!  FUUUCCCKKK MMMEEE!!!”

Colton and Ernesto’s meaty twin prongs probed into the depths of her colon with perfectly matched strokes, while D’Angelo pounded away at her pussy; his massive crown not so much hitting her g-spot as hammering it like a big black battering ram.  For all her assertiveness and self-assurance, Selena was far from sure that she’d be able to handle such obscene penetrations from a trio of giant cocks.  She’d taken two in her pussy before and two in her ass, but had yet to tackle the big three.  She’d seen Taylor and Miley do it at parties previous and noticed the way her other friends stared in disbelief as the three meaty prongs drove into their A-list bodies.  Well, once word got out about this (i.e, when she told everyone), she’d be the talk of the town. 

Taking these three humongous rods was far more impressive than anything that had gone before, and as the trio of studs pumped away at her various orifices, Selena’s body was overcome by more jolts, waves and surges of pleasure than she’d ever experienced from penetrations past.  Each new threeway thrust seemed to ignite a fresh orgasm from with her slender frame; each climax more rapturous and bone-shaking than the last. 

Her legs were shaking, her toes curling.  Streams of sticky fluid seeped from her pussy, soaking D’Angelo’s cock.  Her eyes bulged, her lips fixed in a constant O of shock and rapturous euphoria as the three massive dongs plowed into her stretched out holes.   The only sounds were the smacking together of bodies, the pounding of the headboard against the wall, the squeaking of the mattress, the impassioned screams and animalistic grunts of sex.  All four frames shone with sweat.  Selena’s once pristine dark locks were plastered across her face and wildly disheveled.

The guys went at her for some time; sinking their trio of oversized cocks deep into her tight twin tunnels and giving the Latin singer more thunderous, teeth-rattling orgasms than her frazzled mind could count.  And while they were more than happy to work together to lavish her delectable frame with as much pleasure as they could, the three men hadn’t lost sight of their ultimate goal.  Indeed, every one of the endowed, young studs seemed hell bent on withstanding the velvet soft feel and tight, tugging grip of Selena’s holes for longer than his two competitors.  Had they been fucking for sport, all three of the hardbodied hunks would have pumped the actress full of semen long ago, but with the stakes as high as they were, the trio pounded away at her tight pink holes with little intent on stopping.

Though after triple-teaming the Hispanic songstress for what felt like an eternity and dishing out more orgasms than a factory full of vibrators, their resistance was starting to wane.  D’Angelo was first to surrender.  Unsurprising really, considering he had Selena’s sopping wet cooch all to himself, his dick so girthy that the burning snatch clenched his shaft like a soft pink vice.

“Fuck!” he groaned, looking to the heavens as he buried himself in her snatch.

His two rivals knew the quiver in his voice all too well.  After all, they’d uttered similar sounds when ballsdeep in a tight, hot twat more times than they cared to mention.  And once one man had signalled his intent and the remaining two were quick to follow.

“Gonna…” Colton added.

“...cum!” Ernesto signed off, all three voices gruffer and more rasping than the last. 

D’Angelo pulled out, swiftly followed by Colton.  Selena climbed down from atop Ernesto’s frame, kneeling at the centre of the bed as she readied herself for the big finale.  The guys lined up before her and started jerking; leaking tips winking lewdly as they aimed at her pretty face.

“Well done, boys,” Selena purred, reaching up to fondle two pairs of balls.  “All three of you have impressed me greatly, but I’m afraid there’s only room enough for two of you on Taylor’s island.  So one of you is gonna have to miss out.”  She looked up at D’Angelo.  “Obviously you’re already in with a dick like that.”  She switched to Colton and Ernesto.  “That just leaves you two.  I honestly can’t decide between you, so I think we’re gonna have to decide this bout with a good old fashioned spunk off.  Whoever cums first, claims the prize.  Off you go.”

After holding off with every ounce of their will for the better part of 15 minutes, the three men were suddenly pulling their pricks at lightning quick pace.  Colton and Ernesto were stood side by side, beating themselves off with as much force as their muscular arms could generate.  Even D’Angelo, whose spot at the party had already been confirmed, was tugging himself senseless, desperate to go off before his two rivals, just in case Selena pulled a u-turn at the last minute and sent him packing.

At almost exactly the same time, their dicks erupted; semen spouting from their wide open slits in such close proximity that it would require an Olympic freeze frame to determine which one had gone off earliest.  But not for Selena.  Had ejaculation indeed been an Olympic sport (which, if she had her way, it would be), the Latin songstress could have pinpointed down to the nearest nanosecond and with her naked eye alone, which pair of balls had been voided first.

“UHHHHH!!!” the guys bellowed, mere split seconds apart as three copious wads of piping hot splooge blasted from the holes in their dicks, coating Selena’s face, hair and chest in equal measure.

Cum splattered across her features; dripping from her chin, streaking her lips, cheeks and brow and sealing both her eyes.  Thick trails of the stuff trickled down her glossy hair, sluices of seed plastering jet black clumps to her nut-streaked face, while more still coated her perky breasts and dripped from her erect nipples.

“Phew!  Thanks, boys,” said Selena, wiping the cum from her eyes as she addressed the three men panting and wheezing above her.  “And a big well done to you two,” she added, looking up at D’Angelo and Colton.  “You’ve made the cut.  Those spots on the island are yours.”

“YESSSSSS!!!” the two men screeched in unison.  They pulled a high five; their hands slapping together with such force that it almost deafened everyone in the room.

Selena looked across at Ernesto.  He looked utterly crestfallen and even the fact that he’d just fucked Selena Gomez in the ass and drenched her face in seed didn’t appear to be offering him even the slightest modicum of comfort.

“Sorry, bud.  I guess it wasn’t your day.  Tell you what, since you impressed me so much, I’m gonna slot you in as first reserve.  That way if anyone pulls out, you can take their place.”

He didn’t hold much hope of that.  In fact, he figured the guys on the invite list would have to contract Ebola, SARS and the Spanish flu at the same time before they vacated their spot at the party.  He stepped down from the bed, picked up his boxers and headed for the exit, knowing that if he’d busted a nut just a fraction of a second earlier, a first class ticket to heaven on Earth would have been winging its way to his inbox.  So near, yet so far.

“Well, guys,” said Selena as Ernesto took his leave, “I believe congratulations are in order.  We’ll send you your plane tickets and further instructions in due course.  So all that’s left is for me to say well done again, boys.  You’ve earned those spots at the party and I can’t wait to see what you two will bring to the table.  Now,” she added, reaching up and gripping their still hard cocks, “who feels like celebrating?”

End of Chapter 15
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