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Author Topic: Gwen Stefani Story (featuring Gwen Stefani)  (Read 5836 times)


Gwen Stefani Story (featuring Gwen Stefani)
« on: November 24, 2020, 04:51:23 AM »
Originally posted on C-S-S-A.com in 2007

Author: thechazz

Gwen Stefani Story

Chad must have thought himself to be the luckiest guy alive. The local radio station was giving away not only free tickets to see No Doubt, but also the chance for four fans to each give a private, on camera interview to their favorite band member after the show. Up against over two thousand people, Chad was a winner, and as his prize, he would get to interview Gwen Stefani on the bands tour bus after the show. He was ecstatic.

The night of the show was intense in so many ways. First off, the show was awesome. While not quite up to the front row, Chad got pretty damned close, close enough to see
the beautiful Gwen Stefani in all her radiance, to see her lovely abs, her lovely eyes and lips, the shining perspiration all over her body. He was in awe of her, his angel as he thought of her.
He wanted to reach out and touch her, but he was too far. Oh well, it really didn’t matter, he was going to get to meet her later, and no one else was. He smiled to himself at the thought.

The show went on, the beautiful Gwen singing with her beautiful voice. She cussed and swore, ran around the stage, gyrated her hips, did push ups, karate kicks in the air, anything to get the crowd going. The band even came out and did TWO encores. Soon though, the show ended, and it was Chad’s time to go and meet Gwen. What had originally been excitement was now replaced by intense nervousness. He made his way to one of the security guards, and flashed his special back stage pass. The guard nodded at him and said “this way”. After leading him down a number of hallways, he eventually brought Chad to the tour bus. He went inside. It was empty, but there was a camera set up, and two chairs, one for him, and one for Gwen.

On the camera was a note that said, “When ready to record, just hit this button”, and it pointed to a red button. The whole spiel was all set up, now all that was needed was Gwen.

After about fifteen minutes, he heard the doors of the bus open. Footsteps up the stairs. He turned and looked towards the door, and there she was, Gwen Stefani, the angel of his dreams, still in her concert clothing.

Chad was nervous as all hell, and Gwen could see that, so she did her best to make him feel comfortable. Chad started the camera, and began to interview her. While extremely nervous at first, Chad began to get more comfortable as the interview went along. In fact, both were starting to get along real well, and both were starting to laugh, a lot. Unbeknownst to them, a disgruntled roadie, angry at not being paid what he though he should, called up a friend in the area, and was able to order a couple large canisters of nitrous oxide. He was able to get them snuck into the venue a few weeks earlier at a Rammstein show as modified propane for their on stage flame throwers. Before the No Doubt show was over, he had secretly snuck them into the luggage compartment of the bus, and turned them on via remote when Gwen entered.

The interview went on, both were getting more and more high, and the questions started getting more personal, but neither seemed to mind.

“So, what age where you when you lost your virginity?” Chad asked.

Gwen thought back to herself,

“You know, I don’t remember, it was a while ago, but I think it was with Tony”.

Chad thought to himself, and then made an observation,

“So, if you lost your virginity to Tony, and were with him for many years, them switched over to Gavin, who you’ve been with up til now, then you’ve only slept with just TWO guys in your life!”

Gwen thought about it for a second, “Yeah, I think your right. You know, I always wondered what it would be like to get with someone else.” Suddenly, an evil grin
came over her face, and she looked at Chad.

“You know, YOUR someone else.” She said, and with that, got off her chair and climbed onto Chad’s lap.

Chad was in shock, the unbelievable was happening, his angel, kissing him, stroking his face and putting her hand down his shirt. He wanted to ask,

“What are you doing, we cant do this, your married” like the good person that he was, but, at the current moment, he was high off of nitrous oxide, and didn’t care.

“So, you ever fucked a rock star?” Gwen asked. “

No darling, no I haven’t”.

“Well guess what” Gwen said “your about to”.

Gwen put both her hands to Chad’s pants, and then slid off his lap. She proceeded to unbutton his jeans and pull them down to his ankles, exposing his stiffening cock. She grabbed it in her hand and wrapped her beautiful lips around it. Chad’s dick wasn’t the largest dick there ever was, but it was average, about seven and a half inches in length, almost all of which Gwen sucked down, all the way to her throat. Up and down her head bobbed, sucking and sucking as hard as she could, until Chad almost blew his load.

Before he could do that however, he stopped her, and told her to go sit on one of the chairs. Once there, he hit the recliner, until she was lying all the way back, and pulled off her pants. From there, he grabbed her sweaty panties in his mouth and pulled them off. He then stuck his face deep into her pussy, and began eating her as hard and as fast as he could. He shoved his tongue deep into her, caressing the insides of her, and then began sucking her clit. He also began using his fingers as well, rubbing and licking and sucking, while Gwen was lying there, moaning in pleasure,
arching upward, tearing off her clothes.

Soon, she could no longer stand it, and began to shout,

“Fuck me Chad! Fuck me HARD!!!”

Chad got up, off the floor, and removed all his clothes. He pulled Gwen up off the chair, and took his time, licking her breasts and squeezing her ass. Gwen was getting impatient,

“Fuck me!! FUCK ME NOW!!!” she screamed.

Chad laid her back onto the reclining chair, and stood above her, savoring the moment, then shoved his rock hard cock deep into Gwen’ pussy.

“Oh, ohh yes, oooooh yeah, fuck me good!” Gwen shouted, and Chad began fucking her.

He shoved his dick in and out, in and out, getting harder and fasted with each stroke. Gwen began to wail with pleasure, until they both heard a knocking sound on the side of the tour bus. It was the rest of the band, finished with their interviews.

“Hey Gwen” Tony called, you finished with your interview yet?” Gwen opened up one of the tinted windows a bit, and stuck just her head out.

“Yeah, I finished my interview a long time ago, why?”

 “Well” Tony said, we were just wondering what you were doing in there, and if you wanted to come with us downtown to go and party”

While Gwen was trying to think of an answer for them and a reason not to go, Chad came up under her and began kissing her ass. Gwen’s heart began fluttering again, which negated the fresh air she was getting from the open window, and confused her band mates.

“Look guys, I’m getting some me time, do you understand?”

As she said that, Chad once again inserted his cock into her pussy, and began fucking her nice and slow, so as to avoid her band mates noticing.

“What do you mean by me time?” Asked Adrian.

Tom turned to him and whispered “Dildo”.

A grin came over his face”Aah, I see, we got ya.” Adrian said.

“Well, catch ya later then” Tony said, and they turned and walked away.

“Oh shit, that was close” Gwen said as she closed the window. “Now lay down on the floor and let me ride you” she said.

Chad did what he was told, and Gwen turned around, and got on top of him. She gently lowered herself onto Chad’s cock, and began bouncing up and down, trusting herself downward as hard as she could. The aid her even more, Chad grabbed her by her waist and began lifting her up and down as she rode his cock. Both moaned loudly. Soon, they changed positions once again, and Chad began to fuck her doggy style. Gwen moaned and gasped, and panted as she sat there on all fours, getting hammered from behind her. Once more, they changed positions, Gwen on her back with her legs all the way back to her ears, and Chad on top of her, hammering away at her juicy pussy as fast as he could. His hard cock went in and out so fast it was a blur, and the force of it pounding against Gwen’s pussy was so hard that Gwen was getting thrown around just by the force of it. They continued to fuck, and Chad began hammering Gwen’s pussy even faster and harder than before. The sound of flesh on flesh smacking was deafening, but that compared little to Gwen’ moans.


She screamed as both Gwen and Chad began to cum. Thier bodies became rigid, and Gwen threw back her arms and arched herself in the air, while Chad began
kissing her breasts. Soon they both started to cool down, and lay next to each other, when they heard a load banging on the door.

“This is security, you need to exit the bus now! Some one has put nitrous tanks on the bus, and you need to leave asap!”

Both Gwen and Chad got dressed as fast as they could and got off the bus, where they were both taken to the hospital and examined for high nitrous oxide levels. After a little while of being off the bus, both came to their senses and realized what they had done.

Chad went home from the hospital both thrilled, and a bit sad, about what he had done. The next day, he got a phone call; Gwen wanted to see him, back at the concert hall. He went down to the concert hall, and met Gwen in the bus-loading zone.

“Only you and me know what we did in there” Gwen said. “You’re a great guy, and your were a really good screw, but I love my
husband, and will do anything to keep him from finding out. If you want, I will pay any expense to keep this a secret.”

Chad thought to himself and told her “don’t worry about it, I’ll keep it a secret. You’re my angel, and I’d never do anything to hurt you. And besides, who the hell would believe me!”

With that, they said their goodbyes, and she left. As Chad wondered around the bus-loading zone, he spotted something in a corner. He walked towards it as fast as he could, then broke into a run. It was the camera from the bus. When he got up to it, he was again as nervous as he was when he first saw it. He opened it up. Inside was the videotape. He looked on the camera for a playback option. He found one, and played back a few seconds of it. Yep, this was the tape all right. He took it out of the camera, put it into his coat pocket, and walked away. As he got into his car in the concert hall parking lot, he thought about his wild night with Gwen Stefani, looked at the tape, and smiled.
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.
The following users thanked this post: Shane81uk


Re: Gwen Stefani Story (featuring Gwen Stefani)
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2020, 06:19:32 AM »
She was hot in the hollaback girl video.


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