Katy Perry's Sexual HealingOriginally published in July 2013. 
December 31, 2011
I came down to the hotel lobby 15 minutes before I was to be picked up. I could have driven to the New Years party, but I wasn't chosen as the designated driver in my group. So I would longue here until my friends arrived, then come back/stumble back after midnight without endangering my rental car.
But I had time to kill before they got here. So one warm up drink wouldn't hurt.
I got to the hotel bar and made my order, then checked my phone for any text updates from my friends. When I didn't see any, I put it down -- then saw in the corner of my eye that someone else was checking their phone three seats away.
"Waiting for someone too?" I asked before even making out who or what was there.
If I had had time to guess, I might have predicted it was a woman. I wouldn't have guessed a celebrity, though.
And I certainly wouldn't have guessed Katy Perry.
Or Katy Perry in a light blue dress to impress. One that highlighted a few....impressive things about her.
But there it all was anyway. And I had to grip the bar to avoid falling off my chair when I saw it.
A second was all it took to realize that wasn't the smoothest move. So I sat up straight again, tried to laugh it off and said, "Sorry, my mistake."
I figured she had bigger things to do than answer my questions. Besides, we were the only two people at this bar, since the hotel's own New Year's festivities hadn't started yet. She obviously came here for some quiet before her more extravagant New Years' night started, so she probably didn't need me bothering her/gawking.
Yet she still answered, "No, you got it right. Just waiting around too."
So celebs are just like us. That sounded good in my brain. But when I saw Katy chuckle, I wondered if I only said it in my brain. It seemed I didn't.
But my slip up led to her coming over and sitting in the empty seat next to me. Which let me see all of her blue dress and the figure it clung to. And since her hair was regular brunette -- her best color -- instead of one of her other colors, there was less to distract me. All in all, it could have been worse.
There was no need to introduce herself, since I made it clear that I knew who she was. So I just introduced myself, telling her that friends would be picking me up soon. For Katy's part, she was waiting for her husband, Russell Brand.
Despite all the tabloid rumors, it appeared they were actually still married. That thought I wisely kept in my brain. Fortunately, my drink arrived to help me push it back further.
Katy received her drink a moment later, which kept me from downing mine right away. Taking a shot, I took my shot up and raised it, to which Katy raised hers as well. Now that I actually had to think of a toast, I improved, "To....to a New Year that's worth the wait."
"Here's hoping," Katy toasted. I would have expected her to say another here, but I shrugged it off. I clinked my glass with hers, and we drank away in comfortable silence and small talk. Yet the comfortable silence got interrupted by a ringtone.
"Is that your ride?" Katy asked, once I recognized the tone was mine. I got my phone and read that my friends were driving up to the hotel soon. Of course by now, they seemed more like intruders.
Yet even if I could tell them to go, Katy and her occasionally funny husband wouldn't have room for me on their big night. Therefore, I'd have to be the fifth wheel with my friends after all, instead of a third wheel with a gorgeous singer and a crude comedian.
But as a compromise, I got up and asked Katy, "Do you mind if I....get some proof you were here? I promise they're not talented enough to hack my phone. And this wouldn't be TMZ worthy anyway."
"If you put it that way," Katy commented, then got up as I raised my phone to take our picture. She stood next to me, though I wasn't sure if I should get any closer. But with little time to waste, I carefully put my arm around her, ignored that I was touching her bare shoulder, and concentrated on angling my phone the right way.
When I got it right, I snapped the picture, then got myself to break from Katy. I really had to go by now, so I thanked her and concluded, "Good luck. Happy New Year," with nothing better to say.
"You too," she replied with a smile anyway. I filed that smile away for memory, then left the hotel. When the coast was clear, I actually checked my phone, seeing that it got both of us -- and her cleavage -- in the same frame after all.
Still, when I got outside to my friends' car, I didn't brag about my encounter right away. In fact, I didn't talk about it the whole night.
I snuck a peek at the photo a few times when no one was looking, but I put it away when they could see. I supposed I wanted to keep it private for me -- or something that wouldn't get me bombarded with snide comments, or questions on whether I looked down her dress.
In any case, I got back to the hotel an hour after the ball dropped. Though I wasn't the designated driver, I was more sober than he was. Perhaps thinking about what happened made me too distracted to get drunk.
I was certainly more sober than the people I passed in the hotel bar. I almost thought I saw a woman drinking in Katy's old seat, but I didn't look closer. I just headed to the elevator, anxious to rest and maybe think harder about my encounter in private -- since I wasn't too drunk to do that.
Or maybe I was. Maybe that's why I saw someone run into the elevator before it closed. Maybe that's why it looked like Katy. A tipsier looking Katy than I saw earlier.
"What are you...." I asked for starters. I looked around and saw I was really alone with her, then asked, "Where's your husband?"
"In Hell! I'd send him there myself if he wasn't...." Katy said with a semi-slur. This was suddenly getting dicey.
"I'm sorry to hear that," I said without any real idea what was going on. "Um, what floor are you on?" I offered.
"I got it," Katy insisted, then pressed the number 9, though she almost hit 6 first. Somehow, this made her laugh. "6...9...." She chuckled, "Not anymore! Not with him!"
"I'm...sorry to hear that," I settled on saying again.
"What about you?" she said. "You getting that with anyone?" That left me much more unsettled.
"Uh...." I trailed off, then just said "No" in a truthful but joking matter, still thinking this was a drunk joke. I couldn't afford to think it was anything else.
"Good. Makes it better," Katy stated, just as we reached her floor. I grit my teeth, waiting for her to leave so I could get back to my floor and....think about a few things by myself. Instead, she took my wrist and led me out of the elevator, showing a pretty good grip for someone her size.
Imagine what that grip....no, probably wasn't best to do that now. Was it?
"Where are we going?" I asked while trying to keep up.
"To my room. Best place to fuck," Katy declared.
Unlike anyone else in my position, the first question through my head was, "Which one of them spiked my drink?" If I wasn't drunk enough to imagine this, then I must have been roofied by at least one friend. But the feeling of Katy pulling me towards her room felt quite strong and real.
Right as she opened the door, it dawned on me there was a 50 percent chance this was real. It went up to 70 when I entered her suite, and shot to 85 when she kissed me. The alcoholic taste of her mouth made up the last 15 percent -- then harsh reality hit.
"Wait, wait, hold on!" I came to my senses -- kind of. "You're not seriously doing this, right? You....him....and you're...." I couldn't finish.
"Like hell he'd care. Why should you?" was her answer. Semi-convincing, but still. I wasn't drunk enough to take advantage of a bigger drunk -- even if it was Katy Perry.
Even if it was Katy Perry, I repeated louder to myself when she bent down in front of me. First she did it with her back turned, as she took her heels and threw them away. When the image of her quite undervalued ass sunk in, she turned around and bent down again.
When the image of her somehow not valued enough cleavage sunk in, I noticed her panties were on the ground.
I was sober enough to be conscious and alert, but not sober enough to question this anymore. That was handy to know.
But even if I was able to perform, was she? If she was too drunk to be coordinated and....as skilled as she might be sober, that might take something out of this.
Then she walked over and grabbed the front of my jeans, and there went that theory.
After torturously fondling me for a moment, Katy nodded and dropped to her knees. She didn't even wait to unzip me before she attacked my groin with her mouth. I barely steadied myself, and that was before she stopped licking my pants and started unbuckling them.
Once my zipper was down, she stuck her tongue through the open hole. As she licked, she unbuttoned my pants, pulled them down and exposed the rest of my underwear. But she kept licking the covered bulge, even when she put her hand inside my briefs.
Katy suckled my brief-covered balls while stroking my shaft inside my briefs. Yet in the end, she exposed the whole package and went back to sucking my balls -- only now they were directly in her mouth.
With great will power, I looked down to see Katy rubbing her face against my shaft and all but gargling my balls. She looked up at me and then kept eye contact as her tongue rapidly went up my base. Before I could savor all those sensations, she dropped her whole mouth halfway down my cock.
She just bobbled as fast as she could, with no real technique. Whether she was too drunk or too out of her mind for other reasons, I could analyze later. The suction of her mouth and lips, and the occasional lick from her tongue, was overpowering reason.
Reason was outright slaughtered when Katy popped her mouth from me, rose her chest up and rubbed my head against her cleavage. She then pulled her dress down to expose the rest of her tits, then hit her nipples with my cock before I could take them in.
When I could focus enough to study her tits -- and study how Katy dropped my cock between them -- I stepped backwards in shock and awe. Of course, with my jeans still around my legs, the step became an outright stumble.
I heard laughter as I laid on the floor. Normally, I'd think she was laughing because my pratfall made her come to her senses. But under these circumstances, it could go either way. However, it went the way of Katy lying in front of me, getting on her stomach and putting her mouth back on me.
Katy slurped and licked away, stroking me with her right hand and reaching back with her left. She pulled her dress up to reveal her bare ass, then tried to finger the area below it. After a while, she somehow managed to suck my cock while fucking herself at the same time, all on her stomach.
Her drunken blowjob, the sight of her fingering herself and the sight of her supple ass gyrating....it made me want to join in. Preferably before I blew up.
I barely managed to pull Katy off my crotch, then brought her in to kiss her deeply -- regardless of the various tastes in her mouth. Once our ferocity increased, I got myself on my feet and brought Katy up as well, then led her to her bed.
I put her on her back, her legs hanging off the side of her bed. This allowed me to stand up and slide inside her. Once I was all the way in, I held her legs until they wrapped around me, then held onto her tits as I started pounding away.
"Fuck....squeeze those tits," Katy commanded. I was way ahead of her, jiggling and rubbing them together for the millions they were worth. Katy bucked back against me with her lower half, as I held her tits for dear life.
"Fuck me harder, fuck it all out of me," Katy ordered. Whatever that meant, I tried to do it by going faster. In addition, I bent down and covered as much of her left breast as I could with my mouth. It only looked like there wasn't much in there because it was all so big. Regardless, I suckled away and bit down lightly -- then a little harder when she tightened herself around me.
"Oh yes! Fuck, come on baby," Katy reacted, grabbing my face and shoving it deeper into her chest. She rubbed her tits and her pussy harder against me, bucking underneath until she grabbed me and rolled me onto my back.
With my legs hanging off the bed and Katy riding on top of me, I tried to get situated. But Katy was still going, humping me harder than I was humping her. I attempted to fix that by grabbing her juicy ass and holding onto it as I fucked her right back.
My left hand slid down to her filled opening, as my fingers tried to circle around her worked over pussy. When they joined in with my cock, Katy groaned, kissed me deep and then kissed down my cheek and neck.
She went over to my ear and started nibbling, then whispered, "Come on, I really need some cum right now." I instinctively slammed all the way in her, which made her groan right into my ear -- which made me repeat the pattern.
"Yeah....I'll give you mine if you give me yours," Katy promised. After suckling my lobe, she got off me, crawled to the center of the bed and stuck her ass and pussy in my face.
Well, now I might last long enough to fit that position in.
I got on my knees behind Katy at the center of the bed, gazed at her peach-shaped rump, then pressed my face into it. My tongue dove right into her vagina as my hands grasped her hips, bringing herself deeper onto me. Katy moaned and pushed back against my face, until I licked up and down her lips and then licked all the way up to her ass.
I brushed my tongue past her asshole, stopped at the top of her crack, then sat back up and put my rod back in her pussy before she knew it. The sudden sensations made her tighten and almost explode then and there, but I didn't want her to go before I got a few more strokes in.
I stopped and held her hips, giving her the message not to push back. I calmed down and looked at Katy, on all fours with her tits hanging down below. She finally looked over my shoulder, flushed for many reasons, daring me with her eyes to go on.
I took that look out of her with one big thrust, making her throw her head back. My hands left her curvy hips and went down for her curvy breasts, holding onto them for balance again. "Yes, that's it, gimmie," Katy pleaded. "I want that cock going off...."
Even now, I had enough sense to know better than to make a "Firework" joke, although I was thinking it. At least until I pinched her nipples and Katy responded by slamming her ass against me -- then by almost pulling out before slamming against me again.
The final firework set off inside me, causing me to pound her even harder and faster. She did the same to me, as we could both only groan and say "Fuck" every few seconds. We even muttered "cum" at a few points.
Pushed to the edge, I only had time and sense left for one more move. I pulled out, placed my cock in between her ass cheeks and tried to fuck them like I would her tits. It wasn't as tight of a fit, but the sensation of her ass on my cock was getting me closer.
To get her closer, I put my right index and forefingers inside her. When she moaned and clenched around my fingers enough to sound close, I put my cock back inside her to trigger her explosion.
After four thrusts, she went off and did her best to make me go off as well. But I stood still and let her drench my cock, not looking at anything that'd make me drench us further.
When the show appeared over, I could somewhat think about how I wanted to go. Yet Katy enacted her plan first.
She pulled out of me, got back on her knees, and bent down to lick her juices off my cock. When she got most of them, she put her tongue on my tip, but didn't put me into her mouth. She just visibly batted her tongue on my head, gazing up at me innocently with her big blue eyes -- which could still seem doe-ish even now.
Even with her mouth wide open, she still curved it into a smile as her tongue kept working, and her gaze got sexier. Then without warning, she dove her mouth all the way down my cock, and gave it one big swallow.
She then swallowed a few gallons of something else after that. And that was the last thing I remembered for several hours.
My next conscious memory was stirring awake, although I couldn't open my eyes. It was clear that it was morning, however.
I was lying on Katy's bed and just starting to remember that it was Katy's bed. When I remembered why I was in her bed -- and what we did on it -- I nearly shot up like a vampire then and there.
Yet I kept my eyes closed, trying to work out something to do before I opened them. I didn't feel Katy on me, so maybe she was gone. Then again, it was her suite -- I should be the one to leave.
I was about to peek my eyes open to look for her, until I felt the bed squeak. Then I heard a small gasp and a few "Oh my God"'s.
I should have showed her I was awake, but that might mean getting thrown out and yelled at. She wasn't pushing me out or asking me to wake up, so maybe I still had a few seconds left. I heard her get out of bed, which made me think I might have a few minutes left.
I listened to her walk around and breathe heavily for a while. Judging by the next few sounds, she was walking over to the bathroom. I heard her splash some sink water and brush her teeth, but after that there was nothing.
Not until I heard the sobbing.
Perfect. She was crying over her drunken, cheating mistake -- me. I just had to stick around for that. Well, that was as good a wakeup call as any.
I opened my eyes and got out of bed, trying to find my clothes before Katy noticed me. Yet I noticed her first.
She was standing next to the bed in a pink robe, in tears -- and with her cell phone in her hand. Was she gonna call the cops? Or Russell Brand to confess so he could finish me off? She wasn't saying one or the other -- or anything at all.
Saying words of my own would probably make it worse, so I found my pants and quickly got them on. When I found my shirt, I was ready to bolt, but Katy grabbed my wrist again.
What the hell was going on?
Yet when Katy showed me what was on her phone, I got a better idea.
It was a text message from Russell Brand the previous night. And the gist of it was that he wanted a divorce.
Fucking hell. That thought I just barely kept inside my head. The rest of it was filled with all the other jumbled, crazy pieces of last night coming together.
The newly single Katy needed a drunken hookup to get past that text, and I was the nearest target. Now a more sober Katy apparently needed a shoulder to cry on, and I was the nearest target again.
How much of this was over him, or her and me, was unclear to me. All I could do was let her cry as I awkwardly put my arm around her.
As surreal as all this was, the one clear thing was that her ex pulled a dick move. It made me relax my grip around her and make it more comforting.
Once she was comforted enough, she pulled back, wiped her eyes and muttered, "Sorry." I questioned why she would need to apologize -- or would have if my head hadn't started to hurt.
On top of everything else, there were the hangovers. Hers must have been 10 times worse. As she started to groan and hold her forehead, I impulsively offered, "I'll get some water."
She let me leave without a word, which would have been a golden chance to flee. However, if she wasn't going to kick my ass for taking advantage of her, she probably would if I didn't come back with water. Especially after showing me that on her phone.
With no real choice, I got two bottles of water from the nearest machine, and brought them to Katy's suite. We even toasted with them like we did last night, before drinking them down and feeling a bit better.
For all the countless things to talk about, neither of us would get the ball rolling. We probably both hoped we wouldn't have to. Still, we'd have to share at least one word.
I took the plunge and said, "You won't have to pay me off. To keep quiet about....that message. If you need it quiet, I mean," I semi-stumbled. I almost thought I'd been paid enough with the sex, but that didn't need to be said out loud.
"Thank you," Katy said quietly. After a pause, she said louder, "I shouldn't be shocked. I thought he'd at least...." she trailed off. "I knew this was one last gasp from the start. I thought he'd at least try to gasp with me!"
A few more puzzle pieces from the 2011 part of the night snapped in place. Why she was really dressed up, why she was waiting around, why she was "Here's hoping" for a better 2012, etc. And yet this was how she was starting 2012 instead.
"Like I said, unless you wanna trash him in Vogue or something, I won't break the news early," I offered. "I didn't even show my friends our photo last night."
"You didn't? Why not?" Katy asked a good question.
"I don't know. Something about wanting to keep it private and just for me, or something. I can't remember that far back right now," I admitted.
"I get that. I kind of envy it too," she confessed, but then corrected, "Not that I wish I forgot those parts with you."
She technically could have meant the parts with our clothes on. But I wasn't brave enough to ask for clarification.
"I mean, I was thinking about our talk right when you came back," she went on. "I was thinking how that was the last nice moment I had, before he....did his thing. I thought maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if you stayed with me....and then there you were, passing by. How could I forget that?"
I kind of saw her point there.
"Well, it's.....nice to be thought of on New Years," I said.
"At least someone thought about me," Katy said not so subtly.
"I'm glad about that too. For a few reasons," I got comfortable to admit.
"I can imagine," Katy figured. Yet none of us still wanted to go any deeper.
But instead of referencing last night, Katy said, "Thanks for sticking around. Today, I mean."
"Sure," was all I had. This was a woman probably just as vulnerable, and just as afraid to be alone right now, as she was last night. Even without the alcohol or sex. Nevertheless, I told her I was okay with still being here anyway, and I meant it.
I wasn't thinking about getting another kiss out of it -- not consciously. My unconscious already had more than enough to go on. Yet she leaned over and gave me one anyway, for just a second.
When she broke, she said, "Guess that had to taste better than last time."
"Hard time remembering, remember?" I joked, not trusting myself to do anything else.
Katy paused, smiled a little smile, then leaned over and kissed me again. "In case you forgot," she commented afterwards.
"Not possible," I let out.
The water helped me with my hangover, but that cleared myself up even more. So did leaning in to initiate the next kiss. And joining in when she initiated the next.
Once again we were going at it, but not as aggressively as before. This time we had more of a head on our shoulders. This time we went slower and let ourselves relax. This time we took our time.
She clearly needed one more of these to ease her mind, before she started putting the pieces back together. If that's what I could do for her, then there was no need to give her the same performance. If I had one last shot, I was going to be even more thorough.
We just kept kissing as my hands went up and down her hourglass figure, hidden under that pink robe. Yet I untied it soon enough, then stepped back and gave Katy room to shrug it off. She was completely nude in front of me once again, but she was standing still long enough for me to drink it in.
I got my shirt back off in return, then had her lay down on the bed. I leaned over and started getting my pants off, while I attached my mouth to her breasts. As I slid my pants off, I worked over her tits slowly, kissing and nibbling whatever I could.
My tongue slid across the underside of her left breast, then licked between both, then went underneath her right breast. After suckling underneath, I suckled the skin to the left of her nipple, then to the right, and then below. Katy moaned, but it was softer and sultrier than the ones from last night, and I acknowledged it by finally biting down on her nipple.
I pressed her tits together and kissed them back and forth, rubbing my face harder against them. Katy pushed her groin up against mine, although I still had underwear on. As she grinded against me, I pushed my face into her cleavage once more, then finally left to go down the rest of her body.
I kissed down to her stomach, yet my hands remained on her breasts. Eventually, I made my way back to her pussy, although it was the first time I saw it from this angle. I dipped my tongue, dabbing it like she dabbed my cock to end last night, watching her moan appreciatively but impatiently.
I pushed her boobs up right as I sunk my tongue in deeper and let my lips join in. Katy parted her legs wider and lifted them up, then rested them on my shoulders. She had my head in a good grip, but I wasn't going anywhere -- not with all I was lapping up.
"Mmm....I'm glad I'm sober for this," I heard Katy purr. I nodded my agreement and licked her up and down at the same time. I looked up and saw Katy tilt her head back, before staring down at me with an insatiable look. Less wild than the one from hours later, but even more penetrating.
My thumbs worked on her nipples next, but I had to finally let go of her tits for now. I lowered my arms and Katy dropped her legs off my shoulders to make room for them. I promptly put my hands on her thighs, let my thumbs start rubbing again and let my mouth dive back in.
As my lips and tongue kept working, my hands went further up her legs and towards her pussy. When they were close enough, I lifted my head and put my right index and forefingers right in her. After only a few seconds, I took them out and put my left index and forefingers in. I switched hands back and forth a few more times, but Katy bucked into them and cried out for all of them.
Ultimately, both my forefingers rubbed her and took turns going inside, as my tongue rejoined the action. The combined work made Katy lift herself up, grinding on my face as her hands held my head down.
Despite the humping and writhing, Katy seemed more relaxed than when I brought her overboard before. As soothed as she was, I had to make her lose control a little. So I put my right index and forefinger back in, slid the tip of a third in, and pushed the other two in as deep as I could.
Almost as soon as I did, I pulled out, shoved my tongue back in, and let it go deep for just a few seconds before taking it out. To top it off, I shoved my left two fingers in all the way, then pulled halfway out and let another tip go in.
"Oh! Uh huh...." Katy cried in appreciation. She hummed almost musically as I licked her up and kept my fingers in, wiggling around as much as they could. I even caught her off guard by moving my tongue over to her inner thigh, as my right hand rubbed the top of her leg and went down to her hip and ass.
My fingers fucked her harder and my tongue teased her thigh before finally going back to her pussy. That buildup helped do the trick, as Katy groaned, tightened up and started coating my fingers. Anything that escaped, I licked up with my tongue.
Before long, I took my fingers out and smeared what was on them on her left inner thigh, then licked it up. I suckled my fingers to top it off, then caught my breath and looked at Katy catching hers.
"Fuck, I missed that," Katy let out, which I could interpret in a number of flattering ways -- at least for me. Couldn't speak to anyone else, though.
I left Katy's legs and slid up right next to her as she composed herself. "You really took your time," she complimented. Before I could thank her out loud, she rolled on top of me and continued, "My turn."
She seemed recovered enough, as she proved when she kissed down my chest. Her tongue circled my nipples, then nibbled on them one at a time as I did with hers. She then licked down to my bellybutton, keeping eye contact with me the whole time.
As her eyes turned ever darker and sexier, if possible, her mouth found its way back to my cock. Yet for her encore, she just licked up and down my shaft, maintaining eye contact and teasing me with her tongue. It tortured me further when it got to my balls, licking them one at a time and then between them, before her mouth took them both in.
She jacked my shaft off and rubbed it across her nose and face while sucking my balls. In short order, Katy popped them out and went up to suck my head, then went back to my balls. She went back and forth between the top and bottom of my genitals, but stayed at the top to kiss my head.
Her lips slowly went down the side of my shaft, smiling wickedly as my hand went over to her hair. I refrained from grabbing the soft locks, even as her lips slowly slid up to the underside of my cock. She kissed it, licked it teasingly and then suckled on it, making me shove my hips up although I wasn't in her mouth.
That mouth went back to my balls, with both of Katy's hands on my dick. She stroked me up top and suckled down below, then her hands slowly slid up, followed closely by her lips and tongue. Katy bore a hole in my head with her big, stunningly beautiful blue eyes once more time, then finally took pity on me and plunged her mouth all the way down my cock.
But after swallowing it once, she popped her mouth off again and left it alone.
I was in agony for several seconds, which made me barely notice as she hovered on top of me. She lowered herself down on my cock and gave me sweet relief, which was almost too sweet.
Once I was all the way in, Katy stayed still and gave me time to contain myself. When I looked suitably calm, she sat up and slowly started to ride me. Before long, her tits were bouncing on cue and I was about ready to join in.
Her hands rested on my chest to steady her ride, with mine going back to her hips. She didn't need much of my help to bounce on me, but I tried my best. We established a slow but steady rhythm, which helped me relax and take in her bouncing breasts above me.
But soon, I knew even that wasn't enough for the whole show. So I sat upright, put my arms around Katy and met her thrusts right back. I went backwards so I could rest my back on the wall, as Katy was wrapped around me and I could wrap around back.
I savored getting to feel her entire gorgeous body against mine, gliding my hands all over her curves and hips. She rocked back and started kissing me again, and I eagerly joined in. Our tongues moved together slowly but passionately, as our bodies did the same.
"Mmm, you like that?" Katy asked when we broke apart and her thighs clenched harder on me.
"Fuck yes, I do," I honestly replied, leering at her from head to waist. "God, you're sexy."
I made up for that way too obvious line by kissing her breasts, then her neck, then her lips again. In contrast, my hands squeezed her ass harder.
"Ooh, you like that?" Katy pointed out. "Your tongue did for a bit last night."
"Oh, you....ugh, remember that?" I asked, going a little faster.
"What other parts might like it?" Katy dared to question.
We had been going slow and sweet, compared to last time, but now Katy was starting to ride me faster. As the mood started to change into the home stretch, I took her hint and pushed it up a notch by gliding my left forefinger over her asshole.
"Uh huh," Katy approved. "My tits get all the attention, but...." I got the message, getting my finger closer to her backdoor.
I brought it back to my mouth to get it wet enough, but Katy beat me to it. She sucked it down and wet it, like she did with my cock, giving me the same seductive look along the way. I let my cock thrust harder into her for it, then slowed down and focused on getting my finger into her ass.
When the tip went in, Katy tightened around it and my cock at the same time. I almost went harder into both her holes for it, but contained myself. For every inch of my finger that went in her ass, my cock pushed deeper into her pussy. Before long, Katy pushed her ass back on my finger, adjusting and letting herself take it all in.
"Oh yeah.....that's just right....double fuck me now," Katy asked. I pumped my cock into her twice, then carefully pulled my finger out and pumped it back in her ass. With both items buried in her, I started DP'ing her slowly.
As my finger and cock got faster, my right hand clenched her ass and gave it an experimental slap. When Katy groaned in approval, I put my cock and finger all the way in and spanked her at the exact same time. Katy just rode me harder as I tried my best to keep up.
"Oh, shit fuck," Katy groaned, with an interesting combination of words. "You're fucking me so hard...."
"You too...." I answered. I fucked her deeper with just my cock for a few moments, then merely used my finger. Katy gritted her teeth and rested her head on my shoulder, jiggling her ass back to meet my finger.
"I want you in my ass when you cum," she whimpered in my ear. "Get it in there before you cum...."
The more she tightened, the harder that was going to be. But when she squeezed me extra good, I decided not to take chances, and had her get off me and turn around.
I fingered her pussy and wet my right finger so it could wipe more juices on my cock. For good measure, I fingered it and then used that finger to circle her ass. Finally, her back rested against me and she lined her ass up against my wet cock, leaving me to start putting it in.
I let the left finger that was in her ass rub her nipple, as my right finger returned to her pussy. My mouth was on her neck, helping Katy to relax as she fit my cock into her rear. With her pussy being worked over and being on the brink itself, it helped the pleasure outweigh the initial pain.
When she was ready, she went up and down on my cock nice and slow. Like much of this sequel, this final act went nice and slow, as I also fingered her, squeezed her tits and let her sultry body writhe in front of mine. But since the actual fucking was naughtier than anything we did last night, the combination was a perfect finale.
Katy leaned her head back and kissed me, moaning into my mouth as the sensations made me moan in hers. We quietly encouraged each other with low curse words and deep moans, egging us on to finish it all -- no matter how much we didn't want to finish right now.
But as my finger curled inside her and my hand pushed her breast up higher, it was clear we couldn't put it off much longer. One more look down at her perfect, round ass jiggling while being full of my cock, and it was extra clear.
Katy frowned and bore down, crying out hard as she came harder on my finger and hand. Her ass also bore down, squeezing my shaft just as it couldn't take any more.
"Fuck, yes, cum!" she babbled, and I babbled back in incoherent gibberish before I followed her orders.
As we released, Katy slumped backwards and rested her head back on my right shoulder, while I rested my chin on her left shoulder. After I took out my fingers and put both arms around her waist, the sight almost resembled a weird Heimlich maneuver.
Finally, I scooted forward so I could lie down on the bed again, with Katy still lying on me. My cock eventually got free from her ass, but the rest of her stayed put.
"A happy new year so far," I commented as I got sleepy. Perhaps too sleepy to remember that wasn't entirely true for Katy, despite my best efforts. But since she had no comment or tears, maybe I did better than I thought.
March 2013
I walked down the street with my newspaper, glued to the gossip section. Although I already read about the second breakup of Katy Perry and John Meyer online, I still couldn't put this down.
To the detriment of the person I banged into in the meantime.
Once I felt the impact and steadied myself, I looked around to apologize and/or avoid getting slapped or punched. Yet my gut was punched anyway when I saw who was there.
By some act of God, I was in Katy Perry's orbit right after a breakup, again.
I swore to myself I said "Fuck me" out of shock, not out of wishing.
But if New Years wanted to come for me two months late...