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Author Topic: Pre-Oscar Night (Amy Adams)  (Read 5838 times)


Pre-Oscar Night (Amy Adams)
« on: December 16, 2020, 03:57:09 AM »
Pre-Oscar Night

Originally published February 2014

March 4, 2006

An Academy Award nominated actress was fucking me in the back seat of my car. On the day before the Oscars. Or so she told me at my favorite café this afternoon.

She said her name was Amy Adams, but it didn't ring a distinctive bell. If I'd seen that red hair and those big blue eyes on a big screen, though, I probably would have recognized it, but I didn't. She said she was nominated for a movie called 'Junebug' but that didn't ring a bell either.

She said that she was a big bundle of nerves the night before going to the Oscars for the first time. And she needed to unwind. Or at least give herself some hot memory to compose herself before millions of people.

That part I did get. Especially when I drove her to an alley and she started kissing me.

I had enough composure to get us into my backseat first, where 'Amy' got into my lap. She lifted up her light blue shirt, but there was no bra covering her two firm breasts. Once I bunched up her skirt, I did feel underwear on her ass, though.

As I felt her up, she went on to unbuckle and unzip my pants, pulling my cock out into the open. She pumped it quickly, so I tried to distract myself by kissing her tits and feeling around her ass and underwear. Yet her hand and thumb got me way too distracted before long.

This woman seemed like a sweet, kind of mousy girl next door when I talked to her in the open. Now she was a red headed vixen doing wonders with her hand. "You gonna cum for me?" she asked eagerly, seeming to enjoy her sexual power over me.

"Do I have to now?" I asked, trying to buy time.

"I guess I should catch up first," she concluded, taking her hands off me and putting my hands on her below. She gave me room to lower her skirt, then she removed my shirt as I put my hands into her panties.

'Amy' kissed and suckled on my neck and upper chest, as I felt around and inside her pussy. She didn't touch my cock, yet her lips -- above and below -- helped me stay hard and throbbing. Once her upper lips got on mine again, she lifted her hips to line her lower lips onto me.

Relief came when she lowered herself down, although I didn't want to feel that much relief so soon. Then again, if she really was an Oscar nominee, how much free time did she have? Then again again, why would an Oscar nominee need to fuck me to feel ready for the Oscars?

But she was fucking me now. Might as well figure out the rest later.

Before then, I went back and forth kissing her breasts, while keeping a hand on her ass and another into her hair. They both felt smooth and soft, and I gripped both of them harder once she started playing with my nipples.

My head laid back, giving me a full view of her beautiful body riding me. The full view of her filled pussy inspired me to rub it while I fucked her, as my other hand went up and down her back. When it got to her ass, she slammed her hips down on me faster.

"Fuck me...now I want you to cum," she urged. I felt like following her orders any second now. However, she only let me have a few more pumps before she lifted her hips up and came off me.

Once my cock was in the open, she covered it up with both her hands. I was entranced by her as she concentrated on my cock -- then when those baby blues focused like that on me, I was a goner.

Somehow, my cum didn't shoot on me, or on her hair or eyes. It got on her chest and as high up as her chin and right cheek, but no higher -- and nowhere too hard to clean up. After we caught our breath, Amy picked up her skirt and got out a tissue, then wiped her cum off me -- although she rubbed some of it on her upper chest.

"There. That should get my mind off a few things tomorrow," Amy praised. Still not completely believing her, and still in a bit of a daze, I just smiled and nodded.

The next night, when I indeed saw Amy Adams on TV and on the Oscar red carpet, I couldn't even do that bare minimum for the rest of the show. Even when she lost.

February 21, 2009

I never expected Amy Adams to be back at that café, the day before her second Oscars. I just went there as an inside joke on myself. Then again, me fucking her before she took off as a household name -- a fucking live action Disney princess at that -- was enough of a joke.

And yet there she was for the encore. She had sunglasses on and was a bit more inconspicuous, now that she was more famous. But the red hair and the clear shock she had at seeing me gave it away.

Nevertheless, she made herself go to my table anyway, although we obviously had no words at first. I tried with, "I wasn't following or waiting for you, I swear. This was just an inside goof."

"Same here," Amy told me. After that irony sunk in, all we could do is laugh.

With the ice broken, I brought up, "So now you're a Disney princess. And you're back at the Oscars for playing a nun." There were too many jokes I could make about that, considering things, but I had too many ideas to pick from.

"Nothing I haven't thought about already, believe me," Amy jumped ahead of me. "But the audiences buy it anyway."

"Or you make them suspend their disbelief very easily. Trust me," I tried to compliment.

"You haven't gotten married or had kids since...then, right?" Amy asked. I said no -- and didn't bring up her own still ongoing, long time relationship she forgot about that day. "And you still went to see Enchanted?"

"I pretty much had to," I told her -- forgoing the temptation to joke about her lyric that lips were "the only thing that touched." Which would also reveal just how much I had seen that movie -- more than a regular single, childless man in his early 30's would see a Disney film.

"You didn't seem like you recognized me in Junebug. But it was a small movie. Doubt was kind of small, but you saw that?" Amy checked.

"I'll save time and say I've seen all your movies now. All five of them since three years ago," I recalled. "Don't worry. You don't have to return the favor by watching my accomplishments. Once I actually have them, however..."

I had to backtrack, since I didn't want her to think she fucked a bum before Oscar night. Telling her about my job got me through the next few minutes, then Amy took over with some much more interesting Oscar season gossip. Yet I actually kept her interested for a good half hour more, before she had to go.

"The funny thing is I actually need a ride," Amy informed. "Let me guess...you still have our car."

"No. Tried to keep it as long as possible. But the engine wasn't as nostalgic as I was," I lamented. "My new ride's in the parking lot over there."

I walked her over to the nearby parking lot, to show off my slightly nicer new car. I even opened up the backseat, to which Amy took the invite and got in. After I joined her, I closed up and said, "As you can tell, the seat's a little more comfy."

"I wouldn't know. I had a different kind of seat last time," Amy remembered. Fortunately, it seemed we could laugh about it.

"Still, even if some things stay the same, some do change. Right?" I asked. While we were at the same place, at the same time period as three years ago, this was a different car with different destined results. I knew it had to be.

And yet Amy leaned closer to me. And yet I closed the rest of the gap myself.

She couldn't have been nervous about the Oscars this time. She had to have regretted cheating on her long time boyfriend back then. I couldn't have made that much of a convincing case for her to do it again. And didn't she just say she had to go somewhere?

But when her tongue curled against mine and my hands went back on her, I just figured I should really move this along.

While some things were the same, some were indeed different. This time, instead of her riding my lap, I would lay her on her back and do the job. Given that we were in an open parking lot, there wasn't much choice, really.

I also had to keep kissing her so we didn't get too loud, although this wasn't the worst idea. In addition, I had the bright idea to get those sunglasses off, putting me right up close with the eyes that haunted my brain and my TV/movie screens for three years. This meant I could see them turn hot and hungry as my hand went on and under her skirt.

Amy once again unbuckled and unzipped me like a pro, even in this new position. After getting her panties down just enough, I inserted myself in her once again. Unfortunately, another big difference is that none of us could get undressed this time.

I could only fondle Amy's breasts over her purple shirt, and I couldn't kiss or nibble her neck too hard. I could lay my head down against her stunning red hair, but if she had to be somewhere, I couldn't mess it up too. However, Amy was more liberal about grabbing my ass and pushing it forward -- hell, I didn't have anywhere to be.

"Fuck me, that's it...come on, come on," Amy tried to plead quietly. Just hearing her voice get that worked up, in any volume, was enough for me. To help her along, I had to fit my left hand between our bodies and under her bunched up skirt, while my right hand held onto the backseat cushion.

We went like this for a few minutes, before we hit another dilemma. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum...where am I gonna cum?" I asked, knowing cumming on her naked body wasn't an option. Or cumming anywhere near her body.

"Fuck...hold on, first things first," Amy cursed, then put her own hand between our bodies. She tried to get herself off first, as if I hadn't been trying already. Yet the added hand, along with her hips bucking harder against me, seemed to help.

"Fuck, a little more...hold on a little more," she was likely telling me, not her. If she was, then she disobeyed her own advice when she tightened on me and let herself go.

A few deep breaths into Amy's neck, and a somewhat successful attempt to stop fucking her, kept me right on edge. When Amy was done, her hand went back between our crotches, before she backed up and took my cock out herself.

"Sit up. Quick, quick!" Amy urged. With no choice, I got off of Amy and sat up, hoping no one could possibly look through the window and see my cock. If they could, they'd see Amy sitting up, grabbing my cock and aiming it right at the car floor.

Between Amy's hand, the fact she was rubbing her cum on my cock, and the need to really hurry up, I didn't last much longer. When I finally gave out, I shot all over the floor, thankfully missing my pants, shoes and Amy.

Once I completely made a mess of the floor, I let myself exhale and enjoy myself for a few moments, until I had to stuff my cock away again. Amy straightened out her clothes and slipped her panties back on in the meantime.

"Well...you're certainly not sitting in the back," I reasoned. After Amy opened the left back door and went over to the front passenger's seat, I got out on the right -- careful not to step on my cum -- and went to the front driver's side to drive her away.

Some things really don't change after three years.

February 26, 2011

After five years, I was finally having sex with Amy Adams on a bed. Of course it happened the night before another Oscars show, and right after I thought the streak would end. After all, she just had a baby in May 2010 -- and it was sure fun working out the math on that one.

Since I dodged that minefield by about six-seven months, and since Amy was a mom with an even bigger career now, she surely had better things to do than this again. Yet she looked me up and actually called me this time, claiming she just wanted to talk this time.

She wound up coming to my apartment and talking -- mainly about the stress of being a new mom combined with awards season, the struggles in getting back on track with sex, and the usual pre-Oscar stress. Since she had an actual chance of winning this time, it added a whole new level.

I could sit there and let Amy get it off her chest, since I assumed she couldn't with her loved ones. I let her go on until she felt somewhat clear and better, then I made her a drink to further calm down. In short order, she looked somewhat okay.

At the least, Amy was pleased at my listening skills, and my good company. It turned out I had that with clothes on too, which I either wisely or unwisely joked about. Her laughter suggested it was wise for the moment.

It was wiser when Amy sat next to me on my couch, and started talking more fondly about the season, and "The Fighter" and joking about how David O. Russell and Christian Bale actually didn't yell at her. I carried on with my far less entertaining, star studded recap of my last two years, and she got more relaxed, which was wise.

I became a frigging guru when Amy started kissing me again. And telling me we actually had time to spare this time.

With more time on my hands, I could fill my hands up with Amy on an actual bed. I could get fully naked, kiss more of her naked body -- which seemed to bounce back from the pregnancy well enough -- and actually use more than my cock and hands on her pussy.

I had her get on all fours on the bed -- an image I couldn't get out of my head since seeing it in "The Fighter" two months ago. And again a month ago and two weeks ago. But in this case, there was no cutaway to a crazy Boston family, as I stayed and got on my knees behind her.

Ignoring that a baby came out of there nine month ago, I dug my tongue and mouth deep into her pussy while holding onto her ass. Amy moaned as loud as she could this time, which made me go as deep as I could.

"Fuck, yeah...oh, I missed this..." Amy groaned. Whether she meant me or this act in general, I didn't care to guess. The answer probably wouldn't have favored me, anyway. But I could be more of a favorite now.

I let Amy flip herself over, so she could lay on her back and relax as I kept feasting on her. My hands trailed over the top of her legs, then up her waist, over her stomach and chest and into her hair, making sure she felt worshipped everywhere. Yet my mouth gave her the most worship and attention, or so I hoped.

My hands finally rested on her hips, holding on as my head buried itself between her legs. The more Amy groaned, and the more I throbbed, the more impatient I got. So I stopped waiting and settled my whole body on top of her, like last time.

In this case, both our bodies were naked as I fucked her on a bed. Also, she could feel up my whole naked body for the first time. She certainly liked feeling my ass and pushing it forward, without pants or underwear in the way. I sure liked fucking her with no noise restrictions, and with her bare body below me.

"I want it from behind again," Amy panted out. "This time I want your cock there."

Getting myself to slow down, I took myself off her and let Amy get on all fours again. When I got off the bed and stood in front, she backed up until I could line up with her. Once I did, I got right back in there and didn't miss a step.

When I masturbated to Amy in recent weeks, I went back and forth between imagining our real life trysts, and imagining me as Mark Wahlberg in an NC-17 rated Fighter. At least in the latter, I could imagine fucking her from behind, fondling her peachy ass, holding her dangling tits below, fingering her as we got closer, and see her turn her head to me with a smoldering look on her perfect face.

A look she kept on as I pulled out, jacked myself off with my right hand and fucked her with my left. As such, we both saw each other cum -- her on my hand and me on her ass and back.

Once again, the movies couldn't accurately match up to real life. At least this real life fantasy would be enough to hold me for the next several years. Hopefully it was enough for Amy to go on too.

February 23, 2013

Once again, the movies couldn't top real life. In "The Master" Amy seductively jacked off Philip Seymour Hoffman. In reality, she added her mouth on me.

She already jacked me to the finish in our first pre-Oscar night. For our fourth, she gave me the same hot, detailed oral treatment I gave her on our third. Of course, I wasn't on all fours, although I was comfy lying in her hotel bed.

Unlike before, we were both on the same page of pretty much expecting this. She called me up for the first time in two years, and I cleared my Saturday in anticipation. After catching up and dishing on her movies and her last Oscar night, she invited me here and assured no one else would be there. When I saw she was right, I didn't take long to get in the mood.

My mood was bliss at the moment, as Amy stroked me, sucked me and teased me with her mouth and hands. Her luscious red hair was tickling my thighs, and those pretty blue eyes of hers bore into me while her tongue tickled my underside, and her hand cupped my balls. That was enough to make me start pushing into her mouth.

Apparently, that was enough for Amy to want me to push somewhere else.

She took herself off my wet cock, only to get up and sit herself down on it. She rode me in our first time, but this time I was flat on my back. I also had more room to fuck her right back, while my hands went on her pussy and tits.

After going back and forth on them for a while, I settled my fingers on her pussy as I fucked it faster. Amy put her hands on my chest and leaned hard on me, keeping her balance and bouncing herself more furiously. "Oh...don't you cum till I get it in my mouth..." she dared me.

It was a taller order the faster we went. So I took my hands off her pussy and settled for holding her tits, yet Amy didn't seem any less worked over. Neither was I, really.

"Fuck...you're gonna need to get off now," I warned.

"If your cock won't help me do that..." Amy seemed to misunderstand. It led her to squeeze me once more and then get off me completely, which seemed to suggest she did understand. But instead of sucking me to the finish, she turned herself around.

Getting herself on all fours above me, I finally understood her. Therefore, I felt safe to grab her ass once it hovered above my face, and start servicing her. If I couldn't let my cock finish her off, my mouth would have to fill in.

Of course, once Amy let me fill her mouth again, I was a little distracted.

Needing to work faster, I nibbled on her lower lips and grinded my face against her center, then slid my tongue inside as far as possible. Amy moaned on me, but still sucked me painfully slow and sweet -- which might have affected me more than my rough stuff was affecting her.

Still, I let myself go faster on both ends, fucking her with my tongue while fucking her mouth faster with my cock. Amy bucked both her face and pussy against me right back, then I felt her take her mouth off and felt that I was fucking her hand now. I just kept going anyway, as she dabbed and teased my head with her tongue.

Nevertheless, I didn't stop thrusting my tongue and head against her. Maybe I was making up for not doing this before. Maybe I thought I'd better do it now in case this was the last time -- even Amy couldn't get Oscar nominated every year.

Whatever the case was, I was determined to give Amy at least one less reason to regret all these pre-Oscar nights -- when the regret eventually came.

Once my thumbs got into the mix, she came too.

Still, it was about a few moments after I came, so it wasn't all perfect. Well, it was in a few aspects, although getting to see her swallow me would have been nice.

Regardless, in case this was the last hurrah, I wouldn't ruin it by nitpicking out loud.

March 1, 2014

I knocked on her hotel door, but when it opened, it only opened enough for me to get in. I heard her say, "Just hold on a second," which stopped me from actually going in.

Since this was the shortest wait in between...pre-Oscar nights yet, perhaps this extra waiting now was karma. Besides, the stress of waiting now was nothing compared to my stress in the weeks before the Oscar nominations. At least I knew this stress would pay off.

"Okay, come in," I heard -- there was a pay off right there.

I went inside the room, looking for the next pay off, but she wasn't there. I looked around on the couch and in the kitchen, but waited until later to look at the most obvious place -- the entrance to the bedroom.

Then I got one hell of a payoff.

Amy had kept me waiting just so I could get the surprise of seeing her like this. Standing in the open bedroom doorway, wearing nothing but a buttoned white shirt -- which was unbuttoned down to the naval. Much like virtually every single thing she wore in "American Hustle" she made herself have virtually no neckline to speak of.

Unlike in the movie, however, the outfit was open enough to expose both her tits -- not just her side boobs.

In spite of having seen her completely naked, and having seen her virtually naked on screen at least...five, six times in the last few months...I still felt like drooling. I swore that she just got more and more gorgeous every time, every year and in every movie.

And yet instead of saying that, when it sunk in how she was making fun of her own movie to greet/seduce me, I laughed. Fortunately, she laughed at how I was laughing.

"Good, now I don't have to use the accent," she said before walking over. In spite of looking like sex on legs a moment ago, she reverted back to her sweet, equally heart stopping smile, looking genuinely happy to see me. I couldn't resist kissing her hello, and she didn't either.

After we got the making out out of the way, Amy went over to pour us a drink. She unbuttoned that last little button on her shirt, letting it stay open even though we weren't...getting to business yet. I went topless out of solidarity, however, yet we weren't in a rush to do more this time.

There was certainly a lot to talk about first. Like her movie, the fact she was nominated for Best Actress for the first time, her Golden Globe win, our respective stress leading up to the nominations, the odd Jennifer Lawrence story, and the chance that her movie might win big this time. Maybe it was even her own time too.

"Things are different and crazy this time, but they aren't that crazy," Amy answered to that. "Even if I win, it'll only be because Cate worked with Woody Allen. How's that gonna play?" Given that Cate Blanchett had won everything in sight up to now, perhaps upsetting her thanks to Woody Allen backlash wouldn't be the best way for Amy to finally win.

"At this rate, the movie won't even win anything either. It's been back and forth for weeks, and we might be out of time to get to forth again," Amy reflected. "Unless the pundits are wrong, this is gonna be the same as every other Oscar night. Sitting around while everyone else wins something."

"Is that...getting old for you?" I dared to ask. But if the same old, same old stuff she did at this time of the year was getting to her -- like losing and me -- I might as well know now.

"I love going and I love the people that beat me, don't get me wrong. I've worked with a lot of them," Amy reminded. "But I don't know. I guess at some point, the same old routine gets boring. I thought for a while there might be a chance of pace this time. Maybe because I'm in a different category this time. But I might have been kidding myself."

"Well...even Meryl had a 30-year Oscar losing streak. You're not even at 10 yet," I did the math. "Now that they know you're not a supporting actress anymore, they should take the next step eventually. Even if it's not tomorrow night."

"Maybe," Amy admitted. "I can't control it, anyway. It's not up to me if Oscar night's the same as usual. Pre-Oscar night, on the other hand..." Now the excitement and nerves were blending in again.

"I made sure my schedule was clear tonight. Of everything. Told them I was more nervous about the show than usual. Since this is new territory for me and my movie might win, they bought it," Amy stated.

"But you're not nervous this time? Ironic?" I pointed out.

"This time I just don't want to be bored," Amy set up. "If I have to sit around all night, like usual...I want really good things to think about in the meantime. Keep my mind busy during the other categories, and when Ellen's not joking around."

"And...that's my job this time?" I caught on. To start her answer, Amy got herself closer to me on the couch.

"We don't have to hurry up this time. I don't want us to hold back, either. We can do anything we want," Amy offered. "No matter how slow..." she said before kissing me slow and deep. "Or hard..." She broke off and said, before shoving her tongue down my throat and then suckling my lower lips before pulling back. "I want it all this time."

"Is that right?" I technically didn't have to ask. But she knew I wasn't confused when I put my hand on her open shirt, then underneath it.

"You got it," Amy confirmed, guiding her hand to my belt and zipper. When she unzipped and unbuckled me, I felt safe to pull her onto me and settle her on my lap.

Once Amy got her legs around me, she reached into my open pants as I lifted the bottom of her shirt up. She pulled me out and started stroking me, all while my hands gripped her ass and my fingers started stroking her below as well. After a few pumps, I even started trying to outright fuck her hand, to which Amy just grinded on me harder.

Amy wrapped her left arm around the back of my neck, with her right hand wrapped around my pumping cock. With both my hands on her bottom, I started kissing her upper body.

"Shit...can't go all out here," I told us both. "You can't explain away love bites to E! on the red carpet." I went down and kissed her tits, muttering, "You'd probably get questions if they saw marks on here too."

"Yeah...but you wouldn't. You don't have to talk to E! tomorrow," Amy remembered.

On that setup, Amy tipped me over on my back on the couch, so that she could go down and kiss, nibble and suckle my neck and chest without holding back. She even kept her hand on my cock so I could keep fucking it, which she was driving me crazy enough to do faster.

My hands stayed on her ass and pussy, with her mouth inspiring me to go harder on them too. After pinching and rubbing her lower lips, I figured I could get away with one slap on her round rump. Amy moaned enough that I tried getting away with another.

"Fuck, that's it...they won't check down there," Amy said into my neck. Nevertheless, I settled for curling my right index finger into her, right as I jiggled her ass with my left hand. A few hard pumps on her pussy and hand really got Amy writhing.

She devoured my neck and went to my ear, putting her left hand to use in teasing my own chest. I let my face go into her perfect red hair, all as my finger went deeper into her.

"If we got all night, you can cum early now," I told her. "You got so worked up before I got here, you gotta be close. Come on, cum for me now..."

"Same here...same here," Amy dared.

I answered that dare by flipping her over this time, laying her on her back before putting my left finger into her. It pumped her deeper while Amy got a hold of my cock again, her thumb bringing it closer as well.

"Oh fuck...you know how hard it was waiting to jack off in theater bathrooms lately?" I gasped. "You know what you fucking did to me in that movie?"

"I'm ready to see it now," Amy answered.

Getting the hint, I sat myself up on my knees, letting Amy reach over and finish stroking me. In turn, I reached my hand down to finish stroking her. It was all I could focus on other than cumming, but soon enough, even that was no use.

By luck, I didn't get any cum on the open shirt she still wore. I did get some on those pesky, taunting side boobs that haunted movie screens all winter.

Still, it distracted me from watching Amy cum and seeing if any got on the couch. But she would presumably be long gone by the time the maids cleaned up this room. In any case, that wouldn't be for hours -- and now that we both came, we'd have to find other ways to kill the next half of one or so.

"Do you mind? With the..." Amy gestured to the mess on her body. Well, finding and using a napkin should kill about a minute. After that minute went by, however, Amy still didn't look satisfied -- I hoped it wasn't that easy for her to recover.

"Still not enough. I'll need to get clean some other way," Amy vowed. I had my suspicions about that, which she confirmed by getting up and finally throwing her shirt off -- then bringing her completely nude body over to the bathroom.

I still had my pants on -- even with my cock hanging out -- when I followed her. But when I got in and saw her stepping into the shower, I put an end to that.

Amy had the shower head on by the time I stepped in. She also managed to get a bar of soap and a sponge ready. "You made the mess, so..." she held them out at me.

"Damnit, you got me," I pretended to be annoyed. I hoped nothing else would be faked while we were in here, though.

I put the sponge under the shower water and started scrubbing it, so it would be wet and soapy enough to scrub Amy. She put her hands under the water and got her head and some of her body wet too. However, she let me soak it more when I began to scrub her chest and stomach.

By now, she had to be somewhat clean of my cum. Yet I couldn't be too sure. I rubbed her tits and stomach further, then wrung out the soap and soaked her with just water. In return, Amy glided her wet hands through my wetter chest as well.

Now that we were both pretty wet and the pretense of cleaning her was over, I took in her clean, glistening, shapely form. "Fuck...you're just so fucking gorgeous," I had to admire, feeling like I was taking it in for the first time despite all our other times, and all her movies.

I guess it was even more obvious what a lucky bastard I was. Even if the Oscars hadn't officially appreciated her yet, I was at least on par with the Golden Globes.

But the Globes couldn't kiss her and hold her wet, soft body in the shower like I was. I doubted she would let the Globes grope her and grope them back either.

I backed her up to the corner, kissing down to her neck and trailing down to her chest. I found the sponge again and had it soak up more water, then I squeezed it onto her tits and began suckling them from there. When I suckled one breast, I scrubbed the other with the sponge until I slid it down her body -- and teased it even lower.

Going down on my knees, I ran the corner of the sponge up and down Amy's lower lips, until my tongue took its place. Looking up at her, I took in her flushed, wet face and her other flushed, wet features while trying to make them writhe. Amy leaned her head against the corner, groaning and hissing, especially when I put my already wet fingers into her wet center.

"Yeah...you know I'm not soaked enough," Amy encouraged. Maybe another angle would help her along.

"Turn around," I requested. I got on my feet to give her room, and show I was willing to wait. That was harder to sell. However, it was worth it when Amy turned around, faced the wall, and put her round, perky rear into view.

Getting the sponge back, I went on my knees and put my face in front of her ass. I wrung more water from the sponge, pouring it on her ass -- and studying it to make sure it slid down just right. I then had to get a good grip to be sure.

My face and tongue went under her ass and resumed licking her pussy, all as I squeezed Amy from behind. After a few more tweaks, my left hand reached around her and worked on the front of her pussy, with my tongue teasing her in the back.

"Think about this when you're sitting on your ass all night," I said into her. "I know I'm not an Oscar chair, but..." I then did things with my tongue and teeth that she couldn't get from sitting on a chair.

Then I went and got daring enough to do them on her ass itself.

I took a little practice nibble on her left cheek, then when Amy didn't object, I did the same with her right. My left index finger and thumb worked harder on her pussy to balance it out, as my tongue got closer to right between her cheeks.

"Almost there..." Amy panted, giving me the green light.

I planted my face right against her ass, with my tongue sliding over the center. After going up and down and around it, I put the tip of my tongue against it -- digging my finger deeper into her other hole in the meantime. With both holes getting some stimulation, Amy's groans echoed in the shower while her hips wiggled between my little sandwich.

My tongue fucked her ass and my finger fucked her pussy in unison, then I let my thumb take over in front. "Jesus fucking...God, this is gonna get me through the sound categories for sure..." Amy vowed.

That was the opening I needed to drive my thumb and tongue as deep into her openings as possible. The sounds she made were as award-worthy as I expected.

Pulling my various tools out of her, I caught my breath and regrouped, knowing I'd have a hard time topping that. Hell, I'd have a hard time topping tomorrow night, when I'd see Amy sitting in her chair -- sitting on an ass I'd had my tongue in 24 hours earlier. Maybe even more later.

"Come on, up and at em," I heard Amy interrupt my thoughts. Even with all that, she was still perky and eager. When I got on my feet, she saw that I was up and eager again too.

At that point, she wasn't on her feet anyway.

With the shower water raining on my back, Amy rained her mouth and tongue down on my cock. Her hands went on the bottom of my shaft and my balls, with her mouth covering every other inch of my privates. However, her tongue was primarily focused on my head.

A few more minutes of this, and...well, if I went into her mouth, I wouldn't need a shower to clean that up. Nevertheless, the principle of the thought stood. Especially considering Amy's moans on my cock, her sweet eyes gazing at me with hunger, and her tongue satisfying that hunger on my underside.

To cap it off, she let go of me and put her tongue underneath my balls, then licked up and down as she steadily went up my shaft. When she got to my head, she settled for kissing it slow and deep, then dabbed her tongue on my slit almost teasingly.

That seemed to be enough for Amy, judging by how she got on her feet. I would have kissed her, even after her tongue was all over my cock, except I remembered where my own tongue had been. In any case, she got past me and turned off the shower.

Stepping out into the rest of the bathroom, Amy picked up a towel and started drying -- and covering -- herself. This gave me the urgency to step out myself. "At least let me help with that," I offered.

Taking her silence as permission, I took Amy's towel and used it to dry her off myself. Despite the pleasure I got at making her wet, drying her off wasn't that bad -- especially when I brushed the towel against certain wet areas.

"Thanks," Amy said like it was nothing. "Now I just need one more thing from you." She led me to the sink and pointed to a specific item on it.

"Really? You're sure I can use that?" I made sure, pointing to the toothbrush on Amy's sink.

"You didn't give me much choice, did you?" Amy challenged. Shrugging, I found her toothpaste and put it to use as well.

Amy stayed next to me as I bent over, brushed my teeth while naked and got the taste of her ass out of my mouth. I could have asked her to brush the taste of my cock out next, but this didn't seem like the time for playful pettiness. Particularly when Amy brushed back up against my side.

When I was minty fresh again, I stood up straight and wiped my mouth on a smaller towel. In the meantime, Amy found a way to slide over and stand in front of me, with her back turned. Her head then turned, so she could test out how minty my mouth was.

Getting the hint, I wrapped my arms around Amy's waist as she bent herself over against the sink -- and against me. Our tongues wrapped together and I didn't taste myself at all. Feeling Amy's ass and pussy grinding back on me would have canceled it out anyway.

As it stood, I broke off and got myself lined up, then slid myself back into her for the fifth time in nine years. This was a slight change of pace, though.

Amy gripped the sink, watching the mirror in front of us and watching me settle in behind her. I rested my head on her shoulder to watch as well, though I couldn't see too much of her taking me in. I got a good view of her nipples between my fingers, though, as well as her gritting her teeth.

Picking up the pace, I gripped her breasts and nipples harder as my face went into her damp red hair. Kissing the back of her head, Amy picked up her own volume while my lips went over to her ear. Breathing my own sounds of satisfaction against her, I gave her a bit more by pumping deeper.

Finally, I stood straight up and settled my hands onto Amy's ass, as it backed up on me. I fondled and fucked her, getting a few new ideas in my head. "You know...if you liked both holes filled up in there..." I brought up.

Amy merely panted instead of giving a real answer. I would need one for this to go anywhere. "Start with the finger. Then gimmie the cock-finger combo," she requested.

After decoding it, I carried it out by teasing her upper hole with a finger. Soon after, I pulled my cock out, made sure Amy made it wet enough, and pushed the head against her in a trial run. To be completely safe, I fingered Amy's pussy for a few deep moments, then put what got on my finger on her other hole.

That finger went back into her pussy right as my head started pushing in above. Within moments, Amy had her cock-finger combo.

The deeper I went into her ass, the hotter I felt. Hopefully, it also meant the hotter I fucked too. Amy seemed to like it, anyway.

If thinking about Amy sitting at the Oscars tomorrow night, after having a tongue in that ass was hot, then this...

"Fuck," I said with actual remorse. "I can't do this too long, can I? You can't sit down weird tomorrow night..."

"Well, you're...confident," Amy got out. "But you're backing it up...damn it, that is a good point."

"Okay then..." I resigned myself to, slowing down my ass fucking. Still, I picked up my finger fucking to make it better. "You should practice sitting around anyway."

Before we got to that, I gave her a few final, rapid fire fucks as a grand finale up there. Amy moaned, then laughed a bit while I made my way out. She was free to turn around, which gave me room to take her wrist and lead her to the bedroom.

When I found a chair near her bed, I led her over and had her sit down. The view made me think there might be some logistical problems with this little plan. "Okay...I was supposed to fuck you while you sat on the chair. Like you'll be sitting tomorrow night. But...you'll be more comfortable than I would," I assumed.

"Oh, just get over here," Amy rolled her eyes. "I don't need it completely accurate. None of the movies are, anyway."

With that in mind, Amy got up and I let myself sit in her place. And while she wouldn't be sitting on anyone's lap at the Oscars, Amy let herself on mine. Admittedly, this was a lot easier.

Amy had more room and power to fuck herself on me, and I had more room to stroke and fuck her back. I could also run my hands over the rest of her, making extra sure I dried her off. Everywhere but one place, that is.

I fingered and pinched that place as Amy tightened it around my cock, riding me with even more fire. She leaned her hands on my chest while mine gripped her hips, helping them bounce harder on me. At this rate, she wouldn't have to do that much longer.

"Oh...tell me when you're gonna cum. Then I want it in my ass," Amy pleaded. "It wouldn't take too long then. Maybe some of it will stay in till tomorrow..."

On the one hand, that made me attack Amy even harder. On the other, I didn't know if I could make myself stop and pull out in time. Yet when I circled a finger around Amy's other hole and she bucked herself even harder on me, I knew it was now or never.

Somehow, I stopped and got Amy to stop riding me too. Somehow, she got herself off and on her feet first, giving me no choice but to do the same. When I was up, Amy went in front of the chair and bent herself over, and I knew what to do from there.

I fingered Amy's pussy and got more juices on my hands, smearing them over my cock and ensuring I stayed close to finishing. I then fingered her ass for extra preparation, then put a bigger appendage right back in there. Wasting no time, my finger returned to her other hole and started working in tandem with my cock again.

Indeed, it wasn't going to take too long. When Amy backed her ass up against my hips and asked, "Come on, cum inside me..." I finally did so for the very first time.

My fingers worked erratically on Amy as I came, but eventually, she joined me over the edge. She gripped the chair harder so she didn't fall on it, and I kept myself on my feet so I didn't fall on her. It took some effort, but we both stayed steady through our orgasms.

When they were over and enough time passed, however, it got more tiring.

I pulled out of Amy and walked backwards, collapsing onto a bed at long last. Within moments, Amy fell overboard next to me. That was the last I registered for a while.

The next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes after...well, I didn't know how long it was. I still didn't have enough energy to get up and find my phone, though. I probably should have, since Amy needed to keep track of time more than me.

This led me to find out that Amy was actually still here. For the first time in all this, Amy had slept next to me after one of our...ordeals. We had officially slept together, and she was still sleeping. Naturally, she still looked incredible to go with it.

Maybe I was too sleepy and too hung over from sex. Yet something made me reach over and touch Amy's cheek and sleeping face. I likely knew I'd never get a chance like this again, whether Amy got Oscar nominated again or not. This made me savor the feel of Amy's still, beautiful face, and her now dry, luxurious hair.

I got bold enough to kiss her still lips once, before she finally began to stir. My face stayed still, an inch from hers, unable to move as Amy opened her eyes. I kissed her lips again right there, almost out of panic, and she didn't react either way.

Yet the little kiss she gave back was a good enough answer. I gave her one back, and then we were off and running -- not like the other times, though.

I rolled Amy onto her back and laid on top of her, putting both hands on her face before we kissed again. We just kept kissing, as I ran my thumbs over her cheeks, her hands went on my back, and our groins slowly but surely rubbed together. I felt my erection more clearly on Amy's skin, but I wasn't in a hurry to deal with it, although I should have been.

I kept my hands on Amy's face as I went down to kiss her chest. After cumming on her side boobs last night -- and cumming over them so much while American Hustle was in theaters -- I finally got to kiss and lick them. When that was enough, I went up and inserted myself in her without another thought.

My right hand clung to the back of her head while my left went back and forth on her boobs. Yet our hips were going nice and slow, unlike before. Maybe we were out of energy to go wilder by then -- if it wasn't anything else.

Once my left hand went between our bodies, my face rested in her neck and was content to stay there. Her hands went on my ass, but they just rested there instead of squeezing and pushing. Her quieter moans this time should have made me concerned, but I wasn't concerned about anything now.

Several minutes of this pace went by before I got concerned about something. Since we hadn't gone overboard yet, I could better ignore how close I was and take care of it. When I pulled out of Amy and slid my body down, I started trying to get her closer too -- or at least my mouth did.

I did go a little faster with my eating than fucking, but Amy sounded fine with it. She sounded finer when my fingers lent a hand. Minutes later, she showed me how fine she was as vividly as possible.

My face stayed in place as Amy released herself on it, and I drank and licked down anything in range. After she was finished, I all but laid my head down on her, catching my breath -- though not as strenuously as she was. However, by the time I got the both of us clean, Amy had some energy left.

At least enough to slide down my body when I laid back down.

As I did for her, Amy used her mouth to take me the rest of the way. Unlike in the shower, she wasn't planning to stop midway. Unlike in the shower, I wasn't equipped to hold back myself, since I last came hours ago -- probably.

When Amy repeated her trick of licking up from my balls to my tip, I knew the wait was nearly done anyway. Suckling my head and cupping my balls also helped. Using both hands on me while she sucked my head and looked at me, and my hands went on her hair and face...that helped just enough.

Amy took her mouth off me and still stroked me, but sucked me back down just in time. That little break must have helped, since she didn't come back off until I was completely drained -- and Amy was completely full.

Once more, I laid back on the bed and struggled not to fall asleep again. Once more, Amy came off me and plopped back next to me. Once more, Amy looked set to just lay on me and rest. Oscar day be...


And now she remembered what day it was. If it was actually day time. After she leapt off me to check, I finally got on my feet and looked at a window -- just shy of sunrise, it looked like. For someone with the kind of day Amy had ahead, it was probably way late.

From the way I heard her stomp around, I could guess I was right. I could also guess she'd have to rush out before saying goodbye, or at least a detailed goodbye.

Oh well. Next time.
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