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Author Topic: CSS Hall of Fame Induction 2021: donut_plains  (Read 9880 times)


CSS Hall of Fame Induction 2021: donut_plains
« on: March 12, 2021, 06:22:18 AM »
With great honor today, I'm happy to be the special one here today to induct donut_plains into the CSS Hall of Fame.

This is something personal for me on one hand, as donut_plains was the first person to ever give me feedback when I began writing back in 2015. That is something I have never forgotten. If there is one thing that we can all learn and take from donut, it is the respect he has towards fans and readers. He built a reputation for years as a writer by fulfilling many requests from his fans. This is an important piece of his influence I feel that we can all learn from. If you gain fans over time, respect them and embrace them.

For those who do not know of his work, donut_plains is mostly known for writing the Hotel Limbo series. A fantasy series that involved a number of different celebs and fantasy based themes. Focusing mostly on British celebs, donut shows a variety of choices in celebs by chapter to chapter in his work. Themes such as Britney Spears as an erotic masseur, Lucy Pinder as a busty cop and Jennifer Love Hewitt as a waitress. There are so many fantasy elements at play in Hotel Limbo, it's easy to get lost in the labyrinth hotel looking through various rooms with different women and themes! From here, we can see where donut_plains has had quite the influence over authors I feel whom were inspired by him, as he encourages us to take risks and play into fantasy elements for the sake of having fun.

A few years ago, he published a reboot for Hotel Limbo, as well as other highlight stories such as Kelly Brook, Holly Willoughby and a Leprechaun and The Best Christmas Gift.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
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Re: CSS Hall of Fame Induction 2021: donut_plains
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2021, 08:58:50 AM »
This is crazy kind of you all. Never when I started did I think anyone would ever show such appreciation for my work. I just want to thank everyone for their time reading my work, giving feedback and supporting me. This especially applies to cadeauxxx who I count as a true friend.

I know I’ve stopped writing, but I’m always thinking of new stories and if I write again I’ll be sure to put it on here. Maybe consider me semi-retired. I am always looking for a perfect Christmas story
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