Author's Note - Okay Gang, The Squad Leader here. I'm transferring my works over from the old C-S-S-A to here so they don't get lost to history. One thing I'd like to say though is it is a little bit embarrassing and humbling to go back and reread these earliest works of mine. I've never had a job where I write for a living or anything like that I'm just a normal dude who enjoys writing smut. I'm quite proud of the creativity and the ideas I had but the sex scenes in this series and my earliest works are just so short and frankly not great. It wasn't until I started reading the works of writers such as Carnage Jackson and TRL and especially the king KMB who is not only the best smut writer out there but a great friend that I was able to start (pun intended) fleshing things out a bit more. Modern day writers such as MTL and Cadeauxx and so many others are keeping the great tradition alive.
I say these things not to be tough on myself but hopefully to be encouragement to any aspiring smut writers out there...You WILL improve if you just keep writing. I look at this series and compare it to my most recent works and I am vastly improved. Keep at it guys and gals!

The Bod Squad (Episode 9) – Probing Questions
by The Squad Leader
Starring – Jennifer Love Hewitt, Britney Spears, Kirsten Dunst and Rachel Stevens.
Special guest stars – Jules Asner, Elisabeth Filarski and Eliza Dushku.
The Bod Squad is a top secret team of four highly trained, sexy young women, who in the tradition of Charlie’s Angel’s are led by their oft heard but never seen director, Jimmy. The members of the Bod Squad are Love: the oldest member of the group and their unofficial leader, Britney: the party animal with a killer body and a mean streak to match, Rachel: the British bombshell and Kirsten: the baby of the group who uses her sweetness and innocent looks to accomplish things the others can’t. Their purpose is to go undercover and use any means necessary to solve crimes and protect humanity.
Episode 9 – Probing QuestionsLove sat on the red eye flight from New York to Los Angeles feeling absolutely exhausted. She had endured a whirlwind of interviews in the past 24 hours, ever since the final episode of Survivor: the Australian Outback had aired. The barrage of questions she had endured from the reunion show, to CBS This Morning, to The Howard Stern show all focused on the same thing: “Why would you switch your alliance from Colby and Amber so late in the game and cost yourself a shot at the million?” they all asked. Love gave every interviewer the same song and dance about how her conscience had been getting to her, and all of that. What was she supposed to say “Oh, I was there investigating the producer of the show, and I didn’t want the scrutiny that the winner would receive. Oh yeah, and there was this really hot chick there with me who I wanted to fuck.” No, that simply wouldn’t work. She smiled to herself as these thoughts passed through her head. Luckily, she only had one more interview to do with the E! channel, and then she could go back to her far from normal life. Love looked around the first class cabin and saw Rodger sitting up front, and Elisabeth sitting across the aisle from her. Since they were the only three left on the final show, they were also the only ones who had to do this particular round of interviews. Love finally fell asleep, and dreamed of Elisabeth fucking her brains out on that day in Australia. Elisabeth looked over at Love who was fast asleep. She wasn’t quite sure what it was, but something had been bugging her since she returned home. No normal person would do what Love had done for her, and Elisabeth was sure that there was more to her than met the eye.
One week earlier in SacramentoKatie and her group were sitting around in the house they had converted into an operations base for their illegal activities, discussing their plans.
“It would be so much easier if we knew where their new headquarters were” Eliza remarked.
“I agree” Tiffani said. “But they moved so fast, that we didn’t have a chance to find out where they were going.”
“Well, if we can’t find ’em, how are we supposed to get rid of them?” Jessica asked.
“I’ve got it!” Katie said, snapping her fingers. “I know that Love has to do interviews for Survivor next week, and if pattern holds, she’ll be in New York on Friday and Los Angeles on Saturday. Eliza, I want you to find out where she’ll be doing her interviews and where she’ll be staying and then take her out! Once Love is disposed of, the others will be easy targets!”
“Sweet!” Eliza remarked. “Looks like I’m headed for L.A.”
Los Angeles: the day of the interviewsRodger, Elisabeth and Love drew straws to determine the order of their interviews, and as luck would have it, Rodger went first, Elisabeth second and Love was last. That meant that Love would be stuck sitting around the studios while the others were doing their interviews. Rodger went in first, while Love and Elisabeth sat in the lobby chatting.
“Are you sticking around after your interview?” Love asked.
“No” Elisabeth replied. “The producer said that we could head back to the hotel when we got finished, and I’m tired, so that’s what I’m going to do.”
“I wonder if it’s going to be the same bullshit questions?” Love wondered aloud.
“I’m sure it will be” Elisabeth answered. “And speaking of questions, I’ve got one for you, and I want you to be honest. Why did you really give up the million?”
“You deserve an honest answer Elisabeth” Love said. “And honestly, I did feel like you and Rodger deserved to win, but there is more to my life than I can tell you. I’m sorry.”
“That’s cheap, but I guess I understand” Elisabeth replied, and then in a lower tone she said “I do want to thank you again for everything, and I’m not just talking about the money.”
“Oh, you mean the sex?” Love quipped, which made Elisabeth blush.
“Yes, that too” she said. “Maybe we can get together before we leave L.A., what do you say?”
“Sounds cool” Love said. “Hey I think they’re calling for you.” Elisabeth looked up to see the producer motioning for her.
“See ya” she said and gave Love a hug.
Outside in the parking lot.Eliza sat patiently in her car outside of the studio. She kept a close eye on the limo parked by the curb. The lot attendant had told her that it was for “that Survivor chick”, and Eliza assumed he meant Love. She planned on following the limo to wherever Love was staying, and sneaking into her room dressed as a maid, where she would finish her. As she sat waiting, she dropped the coke she was drinking and leaned over to clean it up. When she did, she failed to see Elisabeth get into the limo instead of Love. She simply saw it start to pull away and quickly followed.
Back in the studioIt was finally Love’s turn for her interview, and she made one last trip to the ladies room to see how she looked. Love checked herself out in the mirror, and boy did she look hot! She was wearing a tight black mini-dress and heels. She had her hair pulled back, and finished things off with a pair of glasses for that “intelligent” look. She entered the studio and sat down in a chair facing Jules Asner, the interviewer. Jules was quite the looker herself. She wore a bright blue blouse and a yellow striped skirt. The two exchanged pleasantries, and the interview began. The questions were very similar to the ones asked in previous interviews, and Love went through her usual responses. Except for this time, her answers did not seem quite as convincing. Love’s mind was on what Elisabeth had said to her, and she didn’t deliver her responses quite as accurately. Forty five minutes later, they were done, and Love excused herself to the restroom. Jules came in behind her as Love was fixing her lipstick.
“You know, I could have grilled you” Jules said.
“Your answers just weren’t holding water.”
“Think what you want” Love snapped. “I don’t have to answer to you!”
“Whoa, I’m not trying to be hostile” Jules assured her. “I’m just honestly a huge fan of the show, and I would love to hear some real stories from someone who was there for my own personal benefit.”
“O.K.” Love said. “I’ll give you an off the record interview, but you can’t tell anyone about it. Agreed?”
“You got it” she replied.
“Be at the Mariott, room 420 tonight at 8pm.” Love said and she walked out of the room. Jules couldn’t help but watch her ass as she left.
At the hotelEliza trailed the limo that she suspected of carrying Love to the Mariott.
“Shit!” she muttered when she saw Elisabeth get out of the limo. By the time she would get back to the studio, Love would probably be gone. Her only hope was to try to get Elisabeth to tell her Love’s room number. She trailed Elisabeth to room 419 before quickly ducking into the restroom to change into her disguise. Once everything was in place, Eliza knocked on Elisabeth’s door and called “Housekeeping.”
“Come in” Elisabeth answered. She was lying on the bed watching T.V. when Eliza entered the room. She looked up to see Eliza standing there in a French maid outfit.
“Wow!” she sputtered, in spite of herself. “Isn’t that outfit a little, um………..traditional.”
“Yeah, I guess it is” Eliza answered. “Management’s got all of us wearing them this week. I think it’s some kind of promotion, but I’m not sure, I just do my job.”
“Well I’m sure the guys love it” Elisabeth replied and thought to herself “And some of the girls.”
“I’ll just tidy up a few things and be on my way” Eliza said with a smile. As she cleaned, she purposely
teased Elisabeth by constantly bending over to pick things up, exposing her bottom. Finally, Elisabeth could stand it no longer. She had grown quite bold since returning from Australia and with a sly smile said “So, is cleaning rooms the only services you provide?”
“No, we provide our guests with any services they may desire” she answered, playing along. Elisabeth stood up and got right next to Eliza.
“Well, I have a desire you can satisfy” she said, and she put her hand up Eliza’s short skirt and started rubbing her pussy through her panties. Eliza grabbed Elisabeth, and the two girls locked in a juicy French kiss. Elisabeth and Eliza hungrily pawed at each other’s bodies, squeezing breasts or buns or anything else they could get a hold of. As their passion heated up the room, their breathing grew heavy, and Elisabeth could feel the sweat beading on her body. She kneeled down, reached under Eliza’s skirt and pulled her panties down. She propped one of Eliza’s legs up on the bed and thrust her tongue into her awaiting pussy. Elisabeth started by slowly licking Eliza’s slit from bottom to top.
“Uhhhhh!” Eliza gasped as Elisabeth slowly circled her clit with her tongue. Elisabeth eased her middle finger into Eliza’s asshole, as Eliza put her hand on a chair to keep her balance.
“Ooooh yeah! Keep going baby!” she whimpered in between breaths. Elisabeth sped her licking up and concentrated on Eliza’s clit, as she continued to finger her asshole.
“Oooh! Ooooh! Mmmmm!” Eliza cried, biting her bottom lip as she came all over Elisabeth’s pretty face. Eliza pulled her up and sucked her own pussy juice from Elisabeth’s tongue and lips. She pushed Elisabeth back onto the bed and attacked her clothes like a ravenous wolf. She pulled Elisabeth’s shirt over her head and unclasped her bra in a matter of seconds. The pants were another story, as Eliza was still shaking so bad from her orgasm, that she fumbled with the button and zipper before finally freeing them. She slid Elisabeth’s pants and panties down, and saw that her snatch was dripping wet. She swooped in and lovingly kissed Elisabeth’s pussy before jamming her tongue into her hole.
“Ohhhh! That feels soooo good!” Elisabeth moaned. Eliza continued to eat Elisabeth’s pussy for a few minutes before having Elisabeth get on her hands and knees. Eliza worked first one, then two, and finally three of her fingers into Elisabeth’s tight pussy, and slid them in and out.
“Oh yeah! Ohhhh! Fuck yeah!” Elisabeth squealed, listening to the squishing sound of Eliza’s fingers in her snatch.
“Oh my gosh! I’m gonna coooommme!” she cried as her orgasm hit.
“How’s this taste?” Eliza asked as she took her fingers out of Elisabeth’s pussy and put them in her mouth.
“Mmmmmm, yummy!” Elisabeth said as she sucked her juices off of Eliza’s fingers.
A little while later, as they laid there cuddling, Eliza asked innocently “So, are you the only one from Survivor here at the hotel?”
“No” Elisabeth replied. “Rodger is down the hall, and Love is staying in the room across from mine.”
“Interesting” Eliza said, barely concealing her smile.
MeanwhileJules Asner showed up at Love’s room precisely at eight. Love let her in, and they sat down at the table in the corner of the room.
“So, what do you want to know?” Love asked. “Again, this stuff is all off the record, so ask away.”
“Tell me about your alliance with Colby and Amber, what happened?” she asked.
“Well, to tell you the truth” Love began. “That alliance was purely sexual. The three of us used to fuck every chance we were able to slip away. It worked for me for a while, because I could get cock or pussy pretty much whenever I wanted. But as we got to the end, I just felt that Rodger and Elisabeth were more deserving, and I figured that Colby and Amber would vote me out anyway, so why not take third place to two people I like.” Jules just looked at her in amazement.
“I noticed every time I brought your name up to Elisabeth, she would blush. Did you have sex with her too?”
“Guilty as charged” she answered with a smile.
“You know” Jules said. “I had no idea that you were bisexual, and I hate to admit it, but I’ve been thinking about you all day. Your hot little ass swaying from side to side when you walk, that short skirt, your beautiful breasts, and those gorgeous red lips.”
Jules half expected to get slapped and thrown out of the room, but Love just casually said “I guess it’s lucky for you that we ended up alone in this hotel room then, huh?” As she said it, Love leaned across the table to meet Jules and the two shared a long deep kiss. Love took Jules by the hand and led her over to where the bed was, giving her a playful smack on the ass.
“You’re so fucking hot!” Jules said as they tumbled to the bed, kissing. Love pulled Jules’ shirt off, and moved her kisses down to her neck as she removed her bra. Jules laid back as Love hungrily licked and sucked on the hardened nipples of her ample breasts. Jules quickly pulled Love back up and kissed her some more before teasingly nibbling on Love’s earlobes. At the same time, she was squeezing Love’s breasts through the top of her dress, and realizing that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Love turned around, and Jules unzipped her dress, allowing Love to wriggle out of it, and leaving her clad only in panties. Jules looked down at Love’s enormous breasts, and quickly wrapped her lips around one while squeezing the other, as she greedily sucked away. She gave one of Love’s
nipples a playful bite, and whispered “Your tits are fucking perfect!”
“Yours aren’t too shabby either!” Love laughed. Jules left a trail of kisses down from Love’s breasts to her stomach, and to the top of her panties.
“I don’t think you’ll be needing these” Jules quipped as she removed Love’s panties. She moved in close, and spread Love’s pussy lips open with her thumb and finger as she flicked her tongue into Love’s wet cunt.
“Ohhhh!” Love wailed when Jules slipped her fingers into her pussy while nibbling and licking her clit. Jules sped up the tempo, and Love’s moans of pleasure grew louder.
“Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Fuck me baby! Pleeeease!” she cried. Jules was really hitting the spot, and Love soon had a wonderful orgasm.
“Your turn!” Love said with a wicked grin. Jules quickly slid out of her skirt and panties while Love had her engaged in some heavy kissing. Jules rolled over on top of Love, and the sweat from her body dripped down on Love. Then Jules got on all fours as Love crawled around behind her. Jules’ pussy was already dripping wet, and Love easily worked her fingers into it. She continued to finger fuck Jules while slowly licking her pussy from bottom to top.
“Yesss! That’s soooo fucking good!” Jules cried. Love then turned her attention to Jules’ asshole, stiffening her tongue and jamming it into her brown eye. Jules rocked back and forth on her hands and knees while Love continued to lick her asshole and furiously rubbed her clit.
“Ahhhh, Ooooooh yeah!” Jules moaned as she came. She collapsed on the bed in a heap and rolled over on her back as Love crawled up to her. They swapped spit again with a series of long French kisses. A little while later, as the two women were lying on the bed embracing, someone quietly opened the door. Jules was softly kissing Love’s neck and ear, and Love had her eyes closed. Neither of them noticed Eliza sneak into the room. She raised her gun up, which was loaded with lethal darts, and pointed it at Love.
“Bye bye, Bod Squad!” she said as she went to squeeze the trigger. But as she did, a hand came up from behind her and misdirected the dart, which harmlessly hit the wall. It was Elisabeth, and she quickly knocked Eliza to the floor. Love jumped up, grabbed the handcuffs from her top drawer, and slapped them on Eliza.
“I knew there was something different about you!” Elisabeth said. “Bod Squad huh, that’s awesome!”
“Our secret though, right?” Love asked Jules and Elisabeth.
“Sure” they said.
“As long as no one finds out what you and I were just doing” Jules quipped.
Love quickly dressed, and led Eliza out of the room. “One down, three to go” she said.
As she led Eliza away, she heard Jules saying to Elisabeth “You know, I’ve been thinking about you all day. Your hot little……………..” Love just smiled. Another case solved by the Bod Squad.