Author's Note - Okay Gang, The Squad Leader here. I'm transferring my works over from the old C-S-S-A to here so they don't get lost to history. One thing I'd like to say though is it is a little bit embarrassing and humbling to go back and reread these earliest works of mine. I've never had a job where I write for a living or anything like that I'm just a normal dude who enjoys writing smut. I'm quite proud of the creativity and the ideas I had but the sex scenes in this series and my earliest works are just so short and frankly not great. It wasn't until I started reading the works of writers such as Carnage Jackson and TRL and especially the king KMB who is not only the best smut writer out there but a great friend that I was able to start (pun intended) fleshing things out a bit more. Modern day writers such as MTL and Cadeauxx and so many others are keeping the great tradition alive.
I say these things not to be tough on myself but hopefully to be encouragement to any aspiring smut writers out there...You WILL improve if you just keep writing. I look at this series and compare it to my most recent works and I am vastly improved. Keep at it guys and gals!

The Bod Squad (Episode 15) – Dirty Little Secrets
by the Squad LeaderStarring – Jennifer Love Hewitt, Britney Spears, Kirsten Dunst and Rachel Stevens
Special Guest Star – Halle Berry
The Bod Squad is a top secret team of four highly trained, sexy young women, who in the tradition of Charlie’s Angels are led by their oft heard, but never seen director Jimmy. The members of the Bod Squad are Love: the oldest member of the group and their unofficial leader, Britney: the party animal with a killer body and a mean streak to match, Rachel: the British bombshell and Kirsten: the baby of the group who uses her sweetness and innocent looks to accomplish things the others can’t. Their purpose is to go undercover and use any means necessary to solve crimes and protect humanity.
Episode 15 – Dirty Little Secrets:“I still don’t understand why we don’t just kill her!” Tiffani exclaimed. “Then there’s one less Bod Squad slut out there to mess things up for us.”
“I already told you, Katie thinks this hypnosis stuff is going to work” Jessica replied. “And if it does, we can destroy the whole Bod Squad rather than just one of them.”
“She’s the boss I guess, but I’m still not sure how the whole thing works.” Tiffani said. She could tell that Jessica was getting annoyed by having to explain the process again, but persisted anyway. Besides, Jessica looked rather cute when she was flustered.
“O.K. One more time for the listening impaired” she said. “Katie is going to work it so that anytime she hears a certain sound, like a bell or a particular song, she will obey our every command. She said each session should last about twenty four hours. That’s plenty of time to do our dirty work, and what’s best is that when she snaps out of it, she won’t remember a thing.”
“Sounds pretty good.” Tiffani replied. “But do you really think it’s going to work?”
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough” she answered.
“Which reminds me, Katie wants us to get out of here for a while. She said the process is very delicate, and any distractions could cause it not to work.”
“Let’s hit the road then” Tiffani chirped, and they headed out the doorway.
A little while later:“Kirsten” the soft voice called. “Wake up sleepy head.”
Kirsten lay still for a few minutes, as the dreamy fog in her head slowly cleared. Unaware that she had been sleeping for the last three days, she expected to open her eyes and see the familiar surroundings of her bedroom.
“Kirsten” the voice called, a little louder this time.
When she finally opened her eyes, she did not find the familiar pink walls she was used to. Nor did she find her teddy bear, Ben lying next to her head. Instead she found herself in a plain white room lying on a soft white couch. Across from her sat a woman in a chair who looked very familiar to her. She tried to place in her mind where she knew the woman from, but the drugs and sleep would not allow her to give a name to this acquaintance.
“Been a long time girlfriend” Katie said cheerily when she noticed that Kirsten was awake. “I thought you were going to sleep for another week.”
As Katie talked, memories that seemed to be from another lifetime flashed through her mind. She saw the two of them busting the bad guys in case after case, she saw Katie betraying the rest of the squad on that fateful day last July, and finally she remembered small bits of being drugged for the last three days since Jessica had brought her back from Salt Lake City. Kirsten sat up quickly, which only served to make her head spin and her legs wobble.
“Why haven’t you killed me yet?” she meekly asked.
“I don’t have any intention of harming you” Katie replied with a genuine look of shock on her face. “All I want to do is help you get what you want, but we’ll get to that in a minute. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Is there anything I can do for you?”
“You can let me go” Kirsten answered.
“Certainly my dear” she replied. “In due time of course. Now, how about some tea?”
“Sounds good” Kirsten replied in spite of herself. She knew the tea was probably laced with something, and meant to turn it down, but for some reason she found herself accepting.
“Good” Katie said, and smiled as she poured the tea. The inhibition reducing drugs seemed to be working so she didn’t have to force the tea down her throat.
“Here you go” she said as she handed the cup to Kirsten. “How’s that?”
“Mmmmm. It’s really good.” Kirsten answered.
Katie eyed the clock nervously as Kirsten continued to drink. “In fifteen minutes or so, she should be in a state of hypnosis” she thought to herself. “I’ll give it twenty just to be sure.”
Katie and Kirsten engaged in some mindless chatter as Kirsten finished her tea, and soon enough, Kirsten felt her mind seeming to split into two parts. One part was her voice of reason which was telling her to find some way out of here. The other part, which was growing in strength was what she was saying out loud and doing.
“Get out of here!/But it’s so comfortable./She’s trying to trick you!/Maybe she’s changed and just wants to help.” The voices floated in and out of her mind, dueling for control, but still she sat.
Katie watched in fascination until she felt confident that the tea had taken it’s full effect.
“Kirsten can you hear me?” she asked. Kirsten could hear, but her voice seemed to come from all directions and echoed in her mind.
“Yes, I can hear you” she answered in a monotone voice.
“Good” Katie said. “You see this syringe?” Kirsten nodded.
“It has the antidote for all of the drugs in your system. I’m going to let you have it soon, but only if you answer some questions for me. Is that fair?”
“Yes, that is fair” she replied.
“All right then” she said as she set the syringe down on the desk next to her. “We’ll start with some easy one’s to see if you are lying or not. What is your name?”
“Kirsten Caroline Dunst” she answered.
“When were you born?”
“April 30, 1982” she said.
Katie continued in this manner until she had asked her enough facts to convince her that Kirsten was telling the truth. Then she walked over to the stereo and put in a CD.
“Do you like the Beatles?” she asked.
“Yes, that is my favorite band” Kirsten answered.
“Good” Katie replied. “Here is the deal. Every time you hear the Beatles, you will listen to me or Tiffani or Jessica.”
“You or Tiffani or Jessica” Kirsten repeated. Once again, she felt that something was wrong, but couldn’t seem to refuse.
“We will give you instructions, and you will carry them out. If we aren’t around, you will be free to fulfill whatever desires you may have. Laws do not apply to you. But you must be careful not to get caught. When you wake up each time, you will not remember what you did. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand” she answered.
“Now let me ask you a few questions about the Bod Squad” Katie said. “Why did you and Britney and Love dislike me so much?”
“We never hated you Katie” Kirsten said, still in a monotone voice. “You left because you brought everything on yourself.”
Katie seethed inside, but kept her cool. She still blamed the others for turning her into a criminal, and deep down inside, she wished she were still one of the good guys.
“What do you truthfully think of your co-workers?” Katie asked, trying to find any weaknesses she could use to destroy the Bod Squad.
“Jimmy is great” Kirsten began. “He is always so nice to us. I love him to death, but I think he wants to jump all of our bones, which creeps me out a little. Rachel is super cool. I haven’t gotten to know her as well as the others, but she is always there for me when there is a problem. Britney is also a sweetheart, but sometimes her jokes go a little too far. I want to tell her that she hurts my feelings sometimes, but part of me thinks that she wouldn’t care anyway. But even with the bad times, I still consider Rachel and Britney to be my sisters. And then there is Love.”
“What do you think of Love?” Katie pressed.
When she asked the question, the turmoil in Kirsten’s mind was almost too much to handle. For a brief second, the rational part of her mind was winning and she sat silent. Because what she was about to say was a secret so deep that she admitted it to no one, including herself, except for in fleeting moments when her most primitive emotions surfaced.
“I’m in love with her” she finally answered in spite of herself.
A broad smile crossed Katie’s face. Of course, how could she not have seen it before. This was the key she needed to destroying the Bod Squad. Meanwhile, Kirsten sat expressionless, but inside, her mind was alive with conflict. She had finally admitted to Katie and to herself what her true feelings were, and they explained a lot. Why she hung on every word Love uttered and followed her around like a lost puppy. Why she felt so disappointed when she screwed up and Love had to correct her. Why she felt twinges of jealousy when Love would describe some sexual encounter she had had on one of her cases.
“You want her huh?” Katie said.
“I want her so bad” Kirsten admitted. “Every time I see her, I can imagine her kissing me and fucking me and holding me. And it kills me that I can never have her.”
“Why not?” Katie asked.
“Because. It would compromise the team” Kirsten answered. “If two of us were lovers, then emotions would get involved, and everyone would end up in danger.”
“Not true” Katie replied. “Want to know a secret?” Kirsten nodded. “Before I left the Bod Squad, I saw Rachel and Britney go into Britney’s room for what looked to be a pretty intimate gathering.”
“No” Kirsten said. “They wouldn’t do that.”
“They would and they did” Katie continued. “So if those two are willing to put themselves ahead of the team, why shouldn’t you be? If you want Love so bad, go get her. In fact, I’ll bet she thinks of you the same way.”
Kirsten said nothing. But the irrational part of her mind wholeheartedly agreed with everything Katie said. Even the rational part of her mind wasn’t sure she was wrong. The seed had been planted. Katie looked at the clock and realized that the effects of the tea would be wearing off soon. “I better get to the real good stuff” she thought to herself.
“What is Jimmy’s address?” she asked.
Kirsten knew that this was definitely a dangerous question to answer. She was getting her mind back slowly but, try as she might, she couldn’t keep from answering.
“115 Alexander Lane in Tampa” she said.
“Just one more question” Katie said. “Where is Bod Squad Headquarters?”
Just as Kirsten was about to answer, the doorbell rang.
“Shit” Katie said as she got up to answer it, leaving the syringe full of antidote on the table. As soon as Katie left, Kirsten used all of her will power to get up and walk across the room to the table. She picked up the needle and injected herself. The antidote started working immediately, and Kirsten hurried out the back door of the house.
Meanwhile, when Katie got to the door, she opened it to find a pretty black mail woman standing in front of her.
“Package for a Katie Holmes” she said.
“Yeah, Yeah” Katie said as she hurried to sign the paper. As she took the package, the young woman went to hand her some letters, but ended up dropping her mail bag, spilling letters everywhere.
“I’m such a clutz” she said as she and Katie picked up the mess.
Little did Katie know but as she wasted time with this woman, Kirsten was sneaking into the back of the mail truck and hiding herself in one of the large, empty mail bags. She had already forgotten the conversation she had had with Katie, and was only focused on getting as far away from this house as possible.
Katie thanked the mail woman and ran back downstairs.
“Now, where were…….” She froze as she spotted the empty syringe and the wide open back door. Katie bolted upstairs and out the front door, only to see the mail truck driving off down the road. She watched helplessly, since Jessica and Tiffani had taken the car. As Katie began to pout, she quickly realized that all was not lost. She hadn’t managed to get the location of Bod Squad Headquarters, but the hypnosis had still worked, and as soon as Kirsten heard so much as the first chord of a Beatles song, her plan would be set in motion.
Miles away:Halle, the mail woman drove through the Sacramento suburbs with a smile on her face. Work was done for the day and she was headed home. She hummed along with the radio, when suddenly one of the mail bags started to cough.
“Who’s there?” she yelled as she pulled to the side of the road.
“Just a stranger in need” Kirsten replied meekly as she stood up. Halle stepped into the back of the truck and confronted her hitchhiker.
“Tampering with the mail is a federal offense you know” she said.
“Please, don’t kick me out” Kirsten said desperately.
“I’ve been kidnapped, and I don’t even know what city I’m in.”
“You’re in Sacramento sweetie” Halle answered with genuine compassion in her eyes.
“Can you take me to the airport?” Kirsten asked.
“I guess I can help you out” she answered.
“Thank you so much” Kirsten said. “Is there anything I can do to repay you?”
“Well, considering that you’re broke, but cute, maybe we can work something out”. Halle said as she leaned in and kissed Kirsten on the lips. Kirsten did not refuse Halle’s advances, and soon was kissing her back. Their tongues intertwined and explored each other’s mouths as Halle leaned Kirsten back against one of the walls of the truck. Kirsten soaked in the feel of Halle’s soft lips as she began to unbutton her shirt.
“Oooooh that feels so good” Halle moaned as Kirsten slid one of her hands into her shorts and rubbed her pussy. The two girls fell to the floor kissing as they landed on top of the sacks of mail that littered the back of the truck. Kirsten quickly tossed Halle’s shirt and bra to the side before hungrily attacking her beautiful breasts. Halle just moaned as Kirsten worked her tongue over her hardened brown nipples.
She slowly worked her tongue down from Halle’s breasts to her stomach as she lightly circled her belly button with it. As she continued to tease Halle with her magic tongue, she slid her shorts off and was shocked to find that Halle had a lacy thong on.
“You always wear this when you’re delivering mail?” Kirsten playfully asked.
“A girl’s got to have her secrets” Halle replied. Kirsten went back to work on Halle, unaware of the many secrets that she had shared with Katie only an hour before. She peeled the thong down and dove into Halle’s pussy, burying her tongue and fingers in the warm folds of flesh.
“Yessss! Ohhh yesssss!” she moaned as Kirsten licked away at her pussy, rubbing her clit with one hand and fingering her asshole with the other. Kirsten rhythmically slid her fingers in and out of Halle’s asshole as she listened to her soft moans.
“Ohh yes! Right there! Yesssss!” Halle screamed as Kirsten worked her to an orgasm. Halle was catching her breath as Kirsten continued to lap up her juices.
“Come here girl” Halle begged as she pulled Kirsten up and kissed her hard. She quickly had Kirsten out of her shirt and moved down to get her jeans off.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good!” Halle whispered as Kirsten kicked her jeans off. Halle quickly ripped Kirsten’s panties off of her literally and tossed them away. She had Kirsten get on her hands and knees and got behind her, licking her pussy from bottom to top. Kirsten moaned as she felt the ticklish pleasure of Halle’s tongue wriggling in her tight cunt.
“Oooooh yeah! Halle, that’s so good!” she cried. Halle quickly flicked her tongue into Kirsten’s asshole as the young girl bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming. Halle continued to lick Kirsten’s asshole and pussy as she slid her fingers into Kirsten’s greasy snatch.
“Ohhhh! Oh yesss! I’m coming!” she cried as her come flowed out onto Halle’s tongue and fingers.
The two women collapsed in the truck and laid there for a while before getting dressed and heading towards the airport. On the way there, Halle was flipping through the stations when she came across the song “Strawberry Fields”.
“I love this song” she said.
“Me too” Kirsten said, but she sounded distant. The hypnosis had kicked in, and she now felt compelled to just steal the mail truck and leave. The only thing stopping her was the fact that she didn’t want to get caught.
“I think I left something back here” she said as she moved to the back of the truck.
With Halle concentrating on the road, she quickly slipped a small stack of paychecks she had spotted earlier into her pocket. Kirsten was quiet for the rest of the trip to the airport which made Halle uneasy. Just minutes ago, she was quite the little chatterbox.
“Thanks for the ride” Kirsten said as she got out of the truck.
“No problem” Halle replied. “Here’s my number.”
“Hey you were a good fuck, let’s just leave it at that” Kirsten said rudely as she left Halle still holding the piece of paper.
Halle quickly drove off and Kirsten entered the airport. She went to the bathroom and found the biggest of the paychecks in her pocket. She threw the rest away and cashed the one she had chosen. It wasn’t long before she had a one way ticket back home to Miami in her hand.
Eight hours later:Kirsten strode through the door at Bod Squad Headquarters and found Love, Britney and Rachel sitting around the kitchen table, all with somber looks on their faces. They had their backs towards Kirsten, so she listened for a minute.
“Where could they be keeping her?” Britney asked aloud.
“I don’t know, I just hope she’s all right” Rachel replied.
“If only I hadn’t been on that stupid case” Love said as she slammed her fist on the table. “Then none of this would have happened.”
“You can’t blame yourself” Rachel assured her.
Kirsten had heard enough. “Why all the long faces?” she cheerily asked as she entered the room.
“Kirsten!!” They all yelled as they jumped up to smother her with a group hug.
She spent the next few hours explaining to them that she had been captured by Katie’s gang, and how she had escaped, but she neglected to mention anything about her hypnosis treatments.
“So where is their lair at?” Love asked.
“I don’t know” Kirsten said. “For some reason, I can’t seem to recall anything about the past three days except for what I’ve already told you. I’m sorry, I wish I could be more help.”
“It’s O.K.” Love assured her. “The important thing is that you are back, and you aren’t hurt.” She gave Kirsten a big hug, and Kirsten noticed how Love’s breasts felt as they pressed up against her. She could smell Love’s hair, and it was intoxicating. She knew that these were her feelings, but she also knew that she should try to suppress them. Unfortunately, something in her mind wouldn’t let her, and as a result, she was going mad with lust.
“Are you feeling O.K.?” Britney asked her. “You look flushed.”
“I’m fine” Kirsten assured her. “I’ve just got a headache.”
“Here let me get you some aspirin” Love said. Kirsten watched Love’s ass as she reached up to the cabinet to get the aspirin.
“Thanks” she said.
Britney stood up and stretched. “I guess I’m going to head over to Jimmy’s place” she said. “He wants to go over some strategies for tracking Katie’s movements with me and it’s gonna take me two hours to drive up to Tampa. I’ll let him know the good news.”
“Maybe you should take Rachel with you” Kirsten piped up as she schemed to get Love alone. “You can’t be too careful after what happened to me. Besides, don’t you sometimes feel like Jimmy is ogling you?”
Britney and Rachel just looked at each other, dumbfounded.
“Come on, it’s Jimmy” Britney replied. “But I agree that we should travel in pairs. Care to join me Rach?”
“My pleasure” she answered. “And you need to get some rest” she said as they left.
“Are you hungry?” Love asked.
“Starving” Kirsten replied.
“Good, I’ll make us some dinner.”
“While you’re doing that, I’m going to get cleaned up” Kirsten said as she headed upstairs.
A little while later:Kirsten sized herself up in the mirror. If she was going to seduce Love, everything had to be perfect. She had on a short, tight leather skirt with black pantyhose and a tight black tee shirt that said pussycat on the front in pink letters. And to make sure that she was met with very little resistance, she wore her sexiest “fuck me” red shade of lipstick which stood in stark contrast to her pale skin. Yes, there was no turning back now. She was going to find out soon enough if the woman she loved felt the same for her.
“Dinner’s ready!” Love yelled from downstairs.
“Coming!” she called back.
Love was stirring a bowl of pasta as Kirsten walked into the room.
“Holy shit!” she blurted when she looked up and saw Kirsten. “What’s that all about?”
“What, you don’t like it?” Kirsten asked.
“You look hot!” Love replied. “You just seem a little……..overdressed.”
“I can strip if you want” Kirsten teased.
“Very funny” Love answered, oblivious to her advances.
“How much spaghetti do you want?”
“Just a little” she replied.
“What do you want to drink, soda or water?”
“Let’s have wine” Kirsten said. “Don’t we still have some red wine?”
“I think so” Love answered. She went downstairs and emerged with a bottle, pausing to pop the cork before pouring each of them a glass.
The two women enjoyed a lovely dinner, as they reminisced about previous cases and the good times they had had since they met. Kirsten could hardly keep her eyes off of Love’s body through the meal. She had on the pink mini-skirt that Kirsten liked so much, and she kept fantasizing about running her tongue all over Love’s body.
Love had quite a good buzz going from the wine as she took the empty plates over to the sink. Kirsten watched her ass, and could take it no more, a voice in her head was saying “Take what you want” over and over. It was time to make her move.
She walked over behind Love and wrapped her arms around Love’s waist. She felt Love’s body tense up but she still whispered “I was so worried that I’d never see you again” as she kissed the back of Love’s neck.
“Kirsten what are you doing?” Love asked as she turned around to face her.
“When they had me captured, I realized how bad I want you” she began. “It’s always been there, deep inside, and I know that part of you feels it too.” She started to nuzzle Love’s neck, but Love stopped her.
“I think your emotions are just running high” she said. “Besides, even if we did want to be together, you know the rules. It’s not right.”
“Fuck the rules” Kirsten persisted. “I want you so bad. I think about you every day. What could be so wrong with being with the person you love.” She took Love’s hand and started seductively sucking her fingers. Love continued to waver.
“But what about the others” she said. “Is it fair to them.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, Britney and Rachel are pretty much a couple already” she said. “Come on, let’s stop pretending. Just kiss me, and admit you want me as much as I want you.”
Love paused as the realization of what Kirsten was saying sunk in. She was right. She did want Kirsten. But she was torn because of what the repercussions may be. She looked at Kirsten’s eyes one last time before finally giving in.
They leaned in close and locked in a kiss so deep with passion that the room seemed to drop away around them, leaving them alone to drink of each others lips. Love wrapped her arms around Kirsten’s neck as Kirsten wrapped hers around Loves waist and they continued to kiss for what felt like hours.
“I do love you” Love whispered to Kirsten between kisses. “I was just so scared.”
“Me too baby, me too” she whispered back. “Come on, let’s go upstairs.”
Kirsten took Love by the hand and led her up the stairs to her bedroom. They fell together onto the bed and once again locked their lips together in a juicy kiss. Kirsten hungrily slid the top of Love’s dress down, exposing her gorgeous breasts. As Love rolled over on top of Kirsten, she let her breasts hang down Kirsten’s face. This was more than enough invitation for Kirsten as she took one breast in each hand and squeezed them tight, lightly rolling her tongue across her nipples.
“Ohhhh baby that’s so nice” Love moaned as she felt Kirsten’s warm tongue circling her hard pink nipples. Kirsten rolled over, and ended up on top of Love as she moved slowly down, planting kisses all the way down. She took one of Love’s smooth legs and propped it up, as she slowly kissed it all the way up to her inner thigh. She pushed her skirt up and gently pulled her matching pink panties down, exposing her soaking wet pussy. Kirsten kissed her way up Love’s legs again, making her way to her snatch, where she gently slid two fingers inside.
Love moaned loudly as she felt Kirsten working her tongue and fingers in and out of her pussy. Her body was on fire and her nerve endings were all tingling as she made love with her friend for the first time. Things are definitely different when it is someone you care about, and Love was finding this out first hand.
“Ohhhh, Oooooh yeah! Please! Kirsten! Fuck me!” she cried as Kirsten worked her to an orgasm with her tongue and fingers. Kirsten crawled up and kissed Love deeply, allowing her to taste her own come which was dripping from her tongue.
As the two girls kissed, Love lifted off Kirsten’sshirt and lovingly took one of her breasts into her mouth.
“I’ve always loved your breasts” she said as she hungrily sucked away. Kirsten slipped out of her leather skirt as Love continued to lick and suck at her tits. She crawled over to Love and laid on top of her in a 69 position, allowing Love to inspect her pussy close up. Love pulled Kirsten’s pantyhose down and began munching away at her sweet pussy. At the same time, Kirsten started to eat Love out again, inserting her middle finger into Love’s asshole to intensify the experience.
“Ohhhh Love! That feels so good!” she moaned. The two girls continued to rock back and forth in passion, burying tongues and fingers into juicy flesh.
“I’m about to come!” Kirsten cried, and soon enough, she felt the waves of orgasm build in her abdomen and then rush through her body, as Love licked up her pussy juice. They sat up and kissed each other softly, allowing their bodies to recover.
“I love you” Kirsten said as she looked into Love’s eyes.
“I love you too” she replied. The two girls were at peace for the first time in years, as they drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning when Kirsten woke up, she couldn’t recall anything. Her last memory was riding in Halle’s mail truck towards the airport. She heard someone in her bathroom, and Love strode out clad only in panties and her pussycat tee shirt.
“Morning baby” she said as she leaned over and kissed Kirsten on the lips. “How about I make us some pancakes for breakfast and then we do some more of what we did last night?”
“Uh sure” Kirsten replied. She had no idea how things had ended up this way, but she wasn’t complaining.