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Author Topic: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]  (Read 11845 times)


Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« on: December 01, 2021, 05:22:45 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own ROH or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Mandy Leon (ROH)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Mandy Leon

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter, anal.

* * *

The video started up, showing off the view from the passenger’s window out the window at the Miami, Florida sunny day and some generic looking streets and vehicles. “Another beautiful, sunny day ain’t it?” The familiar voice from behind the camera said. “Perfect day for cruising, checking out the sights… And picking up some hot bitches for a good time, am I right?” The ‘Dirty One;’ remarked as he put out his free arm to the driver, as he didn’t even turn around but briefly brought the hand up to touch fists. “My man!” Dirty said as he brought the camera back, showing that he was in the back of the infamous van with several graffiti and other slogans and signatures across the roof. “Yeah, this guy knows it!” He said, reaching out his free arm to extend it.

A fist bump delivered by the smiling, handsome and toned pornstar Tyler Steel as he sat on the back seats. Clad in shorts, a sleeveless top and wearing a snapback. “Damn fucking right it is.” Tyler said. “So who we cruising for today?”
“OK, now this is a long one… And nah, I don’t mean what my man Tyler here is packing.” Dirty chuckled. “Now, everyone knows the deal. That not every time we pick up a chick here in the van its just a ‘random’ shall we say. The folks know the deal about what we do.” He began to explain. “So Tyler, you might not remember this, but like a few years ago, like two or more I can’t fucking remember… But we were like sending offers out, pitches and that to all these sort of wrestling hotties. You know, the real hot babes in skimpy clothes, built to high hell, getting all hot and sweaty and shit.”
“Sounds like my kind of party, man.” Steel said with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah… So like you know, we were sending out offers to women, to promotions. Promising the big bucks for them to come on down and get down and dirty in the good old van like we do with the, you know, fucking real porn babes. Not the basic rate we give the one and done sluts we get on here usually.” Dirty One continued to explain. “And like, none of them accepted which ain’t no surprise. Some coming back with the old excuse of…” He started talking in a high pitched, mocking voice. “Oh I got standards, I’ve got a career, this isn’t how you respect women.” He said before speaking normally again. “All that crap. Which hey, we’ve been knocked back before for more money offered to like, real more famous celebs than them. So no big deal. Buuuuuuuuuuut…”

“I’m liking the sounds of this ‘but’ bit…” Tyler said with a nod as he stayed smiling.
“Buuuuuuuuuuut… Then the fucking pandemic happens, right? And there ain’t shit of any wrassling shows fucking anywhere unless you’re one of the TV show promotions and even then, they’re all taking a hit. So then? All of a fucking sudden we’re getting emails back and shit, asking if the offers are still on the table and shit. And then I’m all like ‘Well, you know, times are tough so the rate might be a little down, we need to talk things over’… So basically, I’m getting messaged by these smoking hot, wrestling babes who are now fucking down to get down! And it’s fucking great! Except now I’m making changes to the deal.”
“You had me at down to get down my man.” Steel said, laughing as he again leaned forward to accept another fist bump.
“Yeah, fucking right you are! But like, these chicks? Now we’re getting them for like half the original money we offered, well like maybe a quarter distance or whatever. That’s what the accountant’s there to work out. So a little less cash, but they got to agree to go all out. None of these fake ass, just rubbing their pussy kind of celeb video shit. And I’m talking they’re going aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall out. Fucking money shots, hair pulling, titty fucking… Fucking getting fucked up the ass, all that shit.”
“Nice, nice!” Tyler kept grinning. “Explains why you packed lube for once and not just the rubbers.”

“And that’s why we’re heading out today my man.” Dirty One remarked, panning to look out of the window as it showed they were heading out into the more rural, less populated side of the town. “Now look, let me break it to you. The chick we’ve got today she ain’t like one of the big wrestler chicks. Not like the WWE or that. But she’s like from, you could say like a second or third tier promotion here in the States. They like got a TV deal or some shit. And I kinda maybe gonna pass on her you know, since I wasn’t sure if we were gonna get the attention and that shit from using her. But when I did my research on this chick? Damn… This bitch?  She’s got a fucking body like a pornstar, man. And I mean fucking stacked! Front and back! And she’s one of these like, exotic bitches. Mixed race and that.”
“You got me hyped up with this, man! I’m ready to fuck her!” Tyler said, sitting back.
“Yeah you are! And you need to go all out on this whore. We’re getting our fucking money’s worth with this chick. Every damn cent, you know.” The cameraman said. “You’ll like, warm her up and shit and then we’ll…”

He was going to say more when the driver up front tapped onto his dashboard a couple times. The camera then pointed out a window as the van slowed down. Focusing in on a long raven-haired woman clad in snug black pants that hugged nicely to her thick backside. Dark toned skin shown off by the short sleeved red top she was wearing. The woman seemed to be finishing off a selfie video or Vlog as the van pulled up at the sidewalk as she waved goodbye.
“Yo yo, Mandy Leon? Here she fucking is!” Dirty One said as he filmed her as the ROH wrestler turned around. Showing off nicely deep cleavage in her top as she put her phone into the handbag she had. “I actually didn’t think you’d fucking show up for this!”
“After all the trouble just to get here, let alone set this whole thing up? Damn right I showed up!” Mandy Leon said, raising an eyebrow as the woman who calls her self the Exotic Goddess looked up at the camera filming her. “And you guys better not screw with me during this. We got a deal, remember?” She said with a confident look, but her voice having a shard of nerves to it knowing what was expected of her.
“Yeah yeah, we got the contract and shit. You’re good babe, as long as you hold up your end of the deal. Hold up, let me open the van up for you.” He said, putting the camera down on the floor as he was out of sight and the sound of a door clunking and sliding open was heard.

Tyler’s reaction clear to see of a jaw dropping as he scanned over the woman who would be his ‘co-star’ for this porno. “The fucking tits on this chick! Holy shit!” He said looking out the window with a grin as he watched her climb in and she was back on camera again, an expression of more than disgust as she saw the inside of the infamous vehicle and likely more than a hint of the scent of sex in the air. The door closing up and secured as the van started moving off again, and Leon was left sitting on the floor as she looked back at him, giving a glance over and a little wave as he smiled and gave a thumbs up. But when she turned around Tyler was again being far from gentlemanly as he made a motion to the camera in front with hands at his chest, marvelling at the size of her ripe tits.

“Alright alright alright! Big star finally here on the big old Bus for us all!” Dirty said, zooming in a bit on Leon to have her centred in shot with Steel behind her. “A real celeb in the wrassling world, and the first woman of wrestling to take up the challenge of staring in some real, hard hitting, far from fake action!” He said, playing things up as Mandy sat and squirmed a little with another unsure glance back. “So, babe… Since we can you know, skip past the BS that you aren’t some ‘random’, unknown chick we’ve picked up from the sidewalk. How about for all the folks out there who don’t know who you are, how abouts you give a nice little introduction so we can get to know your fine ass a little bit better, huh?” Even off camera, the smile was clear on his face just from the tone of his voice.

“Oh God, we’re going all the way with this fucking thing, aren’t we?” Mandy laughed nervously as she sat looking to the camera with a little smile, trying to poker face her way through this. “OK, so… My name is Mandy Leon, and I’m a professional wrestler, obviously. Alongside being a former model, actress, that kind of stuff alongside from Vlogging and influencer stuff. And I go by the nickname of the Exotic Goddess.” She said, motioning to herself and giving the cameraman an excuse to get a zoom in on those juicy tits of hers. “I work for the Ring of Honor promotion and I’ve been involved in wrestling for like, over five years now. I’ve done a little bit of work for the WWE in the past, I’ve toured Japan… And yeah, I call ROH my home promotion and in the ring and on TV, well… I act like kind of a bitch.” She joked with a laugh. “I’m part of a duo called The Allure. We used to be a trio but, well, we don’t talk about that any more.”

Unknown to Leon, behind her Tyler continued to be blown away by the curvaceous body of the dark toned beauty as he made a wide hands motion to dirtily compliment her rounded backside as he grinned. “The stuff about being a model and actress sounds like a typical CV for the babes we have in the van to be honest!” Dirty One made his own back handed compliment, drawing a narrow eyed look from her. “Hey, chill! Just joking, babe! Besides, we know why you’re here… But I guess the question is why? Sounds like you had a pretty sweet deal just being in ROH, you guys being like a small promotion with TV time and all.”
“W-Well yeah, but like…” Leon sounded a little embarrassed as she brushed her long, dark hair back to unintentionally keep showing off her bust to the camera. “For months we haven’t had a champion or a title for us women to fight for? And not getting the matches or time on screen, well… Combined with everything else? Kinda hits a girl hard when I need to keep looking my best, you know? The gym membership, clothes and make-up don’t pay for themselves!”
“Yeah yeah I bet… You were pushing hard for the upper rate of what was being laid on the table! A businesswoman, I like it!” The cameraman claimed. “So, let’s really get to know you! And I mean on a personal level since me and my man Tyler here… Oh shit, I never introduced you two yet! Tyler, this is Mandy? And Mandy? This is my man Tyler, and he’s a real expert. A total pro, veteran of porn. I got you the fucking best for your big day!”

“N-Nice to meet you, Tyler.” Mandy said, hesitating a bit before shaking his hand as he smiled at her.
“Right back at you, babe.” Tyler replied, and when she looked back again he made a lewd gesture as well as mouthing about ‘Gonna fuck the shit out of her!’ with a double arm pumping motion.
“Like I was saying… It’s all about you know, Mandy. Let’s talk about boyfriends! You ah, got one right now?” Dirty One went right for the big questions as he focused in on her again.
“Well, ummmm… You could say that’s a worst kept secret, me being in a relationship.” Leon said, brushing her hair back again. “Things are well, a little complicated on that front I guess… He wasn’t happy with me coming out for this. But he’s not exactly the kind of, shall we say, backstage influence he once was when we first started dating. So he owes me I guess.”
“Oooooooooh, I see! I see!” One said, as Steel behind made an assumption as well as he rubbed his fingers for the money gesture as her words made her sound like a woman who fucks her way to the top instead of earning it. “Well I’m sure he’ll enjoy watching you in action! So, a boyfriend huh? But uh, you know there’s stories about you women wrestlers. That maybe you, you know… Sleep around while on the road. Talk of babes earning their spot on the card in the locker room and so on. Shit like that. How true is that? You fuck a lot of dudes on the road?”

“W-What? No! No way!” Leon gasped, sounding a little offended by the claim. “I mean, who would I have… I mean, not that I ever would have! No! I’m not that kind of girl. Hard to believe with me being, you know, here in this fucking van and all.”
“Oh come on, babe! You expect us to believe that? A hottie built like you? You’ve got to have at least fucked some lucky guy a time or two? Maybe taken a couple fans back to your motel room for a good time after a show!” Dirty claimed without proof, enjoying riling up the stunning wrestler.
“I do not! Fans? That’s just some made up, forum stories right there. W-Well… Ummmm…” Mandy shifted again, glancing out the van window as the vehicle was still moving on. “OK, maybe once… A couple times… We did a big Supershow event a year or so ago and there was this cute Japanese hunk… And m-maybe that time at that convention, backstage counts with that stud who was cosplaying… But I’m allowed a couple free passes, right? I mean, I’ve walked in on my fucking boyfriend ‘evaluating’ a new girl for the company before! A girl like me can have some fun, can’t she?”

“Yeeeeeeeah!! That’s what I’m fucking talking about, babe!” Dirty was grinning behind the lens from his approving tone. “I mean, fucking look at you! You’re made for fucking porn! Built like the Goddess you said you are!” He said, buttering her up. “And we know you’re down for some fun! That’s why you’re here. Hell! You actually showed up, and showed up looking fine as fuck as well. One of the boys back at the office didn’t think you’d show up. Your fine ass already won me a bet before you’ve even gotten going on my man Tyler.” He added, as Tyler himself had to move his hand off his crotch to give another smile when she looked back. Having started to play with himself and get aroused as he used her body as the motivation. “In fact, here. For being such a good sport?” The camera aimed down for a bit as he fished into his pocket. Pulling out a crumpled note and flicking across to just land in front of her. “Here, he’s a bonus for showing up.” He said, and able to sneak a down top look at her bust when she leaned over to scoop up the note.

“Woah… That’s no cheap bonus either!” She remarked, seeing the hundred dollar bill. Not seeing Steel behind her giving the camera a wink as they introduced the familiar influence of cold, hard cash to get what they wanted from a new whore. “But like, aren’t I already getting the payment we agreed for all of this already?”
“Yeah, well you know… A guy like me, in charge of this whole situation has got to have a couple extra dozen notes or so in order to help ‘encourage’ a new gal into having some fun.” One claimed but not being exactly subtle with his meaning. “And you know, if you want some extra dollar dollar bills? You can do little bonus favours for us and give us a show…”
“That’s more what I was worried about…” Leon said, wisely slipping the note into her handbag. “What kind of favours?” She also however tellingly asked, taking the easy bait laid out in front of her.
“Well, babe? All the viewers at home, and especially my man in the back there, want to see that fine ass body of yours you got hiding under all that.” He said, scanning over her attire. “So before we get down and dirty, and I know all about that, let’s see you show off what all the wrestling fan boys have been lusting over for years. And I’m talking a nice, long a slow show, you know? Real strip tease shit.”

“I… I guess I can do that.” She said, putting her handbag to the side. “Oh boy.” She sighed, like she’d been hoping to put off the inevitable here yet at the same time knowing exactly what she’d signed up for. Reaching down as she started to slowly pull up her red top up and over her head, showing off those big tits some more in a bright yellow bikini top rather than a bra. A costume seen in some of her Vlog videos in the past that shows off even better what a more than impressive cup size she possesses. “Just like this, right?” She asked, dropping her top down beside her bag. The answer pretty obvious by Tyler alone leaning around and nodding with approval at her orbs.
“A good start babe, a good start… God those are some great, big fucking tits!” Dirty One stated, although perhaps a little disappointed by not seeing a set of naked tits already from the get go. “Now ditch those pants for us. Lets see if the thickness matches downstairs.”
“Thickness? You guys like them with a little meat, huh?” Leon laughed at bit at the bluntness but did as asked. Moving around, getting to her knees as she hooked the leggings-like pants she wore. Easing them down nice and slow so that her rounded backside, clad in some skimpy matching yellow bikini bottoms was shown off. Making her ass stick out when she rocked back in order to shift them down, them lifting one leg up then the other to further remove them and ditching her footwear for good measure.

“Little? Ain’t nothing little about you, babe!” Tyler spoke up, grinning as he gazed over her. “I fucking love chicks like this. Nice and fucking thick… Juicy with plenty to grab onto… And nice, dark skin too being all sexy… Surgery can’t copy this kind of body!” He showered her with filthy compliments.
“Well uh, I guess you’re used to dealing with girls with a bunch of plastic in them?” Mandy joked with a smile back at him. “You could say the same for me, considering some of my opponents in the past let alone who I work with now.”
“Oh yeah, my man Tyler here knows all about how to handle a babe built like you!” Dirty stated the obvious, but also acting as a distraction as with her looking to the front, she doesn’t see Steel ditching his cap as he took off his top to reveal his own toned, naked upper body. “But come on, Mandy. Don’t be holding out on us all know. We know what we want to see, and we want you to show it off. Show it aaaaaaaaaaaaaall off!” He said before teasing her again as he used his free hand to wave another note in front of the camera like a bribe.

“Didn’t think that would be enough for you all…” Leon admitted before pressing her lips together. Knowing that even while in a moving vehicle there’s a major chance of being caught in the act, even though she knows she’s going to be filmed fucking and footage will be posted online. Brushing her long black hair back as she reached down and this time showed off the goods. Unleashing her large, rounded breasts as they bounced free once her top was lifted up. Tyler behind her mouthing ‘Fuck yeah!!’ with approval as he was doing his own undressing as well to push his shorts down. “I take it you like these?” Mandy managed to smirk as she even held her mounds from underneath to push her big breasts up and out as the camera zoomed in on them.
“Like? Fucking love them! Holy shit!!” Dirty said with loud shamelessness as he got a good, close up shot of her rack and the jiggle of her tits when she let go of them. “I know a surgeon or two who would love to copy those twins to be able to stick on a porn babe or two!”
“You’ve got a funny way to compliment a gal, you know that?” Leon raised an eyebrow before she shifted position. Back onto her knees but this time leaning forward so more on her hands and well as she looked back. Missing how Tyler was sitting nude, stroking his hardening cock to enjoy the show and her naked body. Especially when reached to the bottoms, and peeled them down her thick hips. Showing off that juicy, plump and dark toned backside of hers along with a completely smooth and shaved pussy.

The cameraman let out an approving whistle seeing her sex on full display. “Holy shit… God, you are worth the money we’re paying already. Fucking Hell… That’s the best damn body we’ve had on this fucking van in a real long time! Even more than that reverse pick-up shoot we did with a real pornstar!”
“God, you guys aren’t making this easy for me!” Leon looked behind her as she bit her lip, letting her body be on display. “It’s bad enough I’m fucking naked in the back of a van! Let alone being fucking filmed like I’m, you know, some kind of slut.”
“Relax, relax babe…” One didn’t show much concern for her nerves, having dealt with plenty of chicks having concerns deep into a shoot. “Besides! Not like you’re the only one here rocking out in your birthday suit!”
“I’m what? I… Oh my God!!” Mandy laughed when finally looked to the back seats, and saw that Tyler was also nude like her and had his hand slowly pumping along his perfect for porn, long and nicely meaty white cock. “Shit! How did I not notice that thing just flopping out??” She said, staring at that more than impressive piece of cock. “And… Shit… That’s the cock I’m gonna be fucking tonight?” There was a slight hint in her voice now from gazing at his rod that maybe this might not be so bad after all.
“Fucking, sure babe!” Dirty One was still clearly grinning, even off camera, at her reaction. “But first, you gotta give us our money’s worth. We need some sucking before we get to the fucking. And my man here loves some nice, hot, long cock sucking from a hot babe like you.”

“R-Right! Shit…” Mandy nodded as she moved around and got down to kneeling in front of the hunk as he spread his legs. The cameraman moving up close at the side, sitting down so he could capture her being right in front of that big cock. “Actually doing this… OK, give me a sec. Never fucking done this before…”
“Shit, never sucked a dick before?” Dirty teased as he filmed the already red hot sight of the contrast between Steel’s pale skin and the smoking hot, dark toned body of the babe in front of him.
“Shut up! Of course I’ve fucking sucked a dick before!” Mandy shot a glare, not caring about how bad that unplanned confession sounded. “I meant I’ve never fucking done it on camera before!”
“Yeah, we get it babe…” Tyler said, a well practised tone and smile cast done at her to show he’s done this many times before. “You got the old nerves holding you back. But come on, you’ve come this fucking far… What’s another step or two? Come on. Just take a hold of this nice, big fucking dick here and give me a couple pumps. Then bring those big fucking sexy lips of yours in and get a taste of me.”

Although still nervous, Mandy had to let out another giggle at the directions. “As simple as that, huh?” She hesitated before bringing up her hand to grip the base of him. Starting to run up and down his pole with her soft palm. “Just like this, huh?” She said, smoothly stroking him off as her eyes darted from up at his handsome, smirking features to down to the prick she was handling. Slowly leaning in as she pushed her tongue out. Sliding against the tip of him briefly before she paused. Watching as he used a hand to stroke her long dark hair back over her shoulder so the side of her face closest to the camera wasn’t obscured. “R-Right…” She went back in, running her tongue across the crown to get a taste while her hand still pumped the shaft. Making her tits nicely jiggle from her arm brushing against the mound as she slowly swirled over the fat head of his dick. Getting low murmurs of approval from the stud she’s only just met – it would take a lot more than just some simple tongue work to get him going.

“That’s it, that’s it… Get into it, babe… Nice and slow… Then give my man Tyler here some real loving with those sweet fucking lips of yours. And I ain’t talking just smooching or shit like that!” Dirty chipped in as he recorded the sight of a smoking hot women’s wrestler lapping at a big, hard cock. But something even better soon happening when she took the sinful encouragement and moved in a little bit more. Now parting those lovely, plump lips of hers as she took half the head inside and sealed around him for the first proper slurp on his size. Finally getting a full moan out of him that made her pull back as she let out a laugh at the reaction. “Yeah, like that babe! You know you can do it… And it’s not every chick that comes along that can make my man moan like that either!” He claimed as she fed her whatever line was needed to get what they wanted out of her. It worked as she smiled before going back in. Pushing further onto him so his whole bell-end was taken up into her oral hole as those lips wrapped once again and this time, she didn’t pull back when he groaned in approval. Starting to slide her head downward then back up, keeping the crown contained within her warm, wet mouth as the ROH wrestler went to work on his cock. Still pumping with one hand as she now put her oral hole to work for a double team already on a pornstar’s cock.

“Mmmmm… Fuck yeah, Mandy… Suck that fucking dick, babe…” Tyler stayed sitting back, smiling down and using his hand to brush her hair back when it fell out of place with the side effect of acting as a form of reassurance for the nervous babe performing oral sex for the first time on camera. Let alone in the back of a moving van as she knelt and bobbed her head smoothly up and down. Enjoying those gorgeous facial features of hers moving along his cock as she stared up, stroking off his dick at the same time with some nice timing to almost match the slide of her lips along his length while jerking him off. “Mmmmm shit… Yeah, that’s some good stuff, babe… Just relax, and let it happen, babe… I know you can handle a big, fat fucking dick like mine, right?” He smirked, giving his own wicked form of encouragement as he enjoyed the best seat in the house. Getting to look at her pretty face pumping along his size and further down as her tits rippled nicely as she got more into the act. His cock rock hard and while as good as this felt already and how stunning the beauty was blowing him? He was well experienced to take a whole lot more than this.

Perhaps fortunately at this point, Leon hadn’t considered about maybe taking the risk of going all out to try and drain this hunk quickly to get this all over and done with. Caught up in the moment and swayed by the words being thrown to her as she gave in little by little. Her mouth easing down further while her hand just have shorter but still steady strokes along the shaft. Starting to get her saliva trickling down his pole now from her oral work as she slipped in more inches to that damp, soothing oral hole. The glances to the side at the camera recording her blowing a man she’s only met today, despite having a long term boyfriend herself, getting less frequent now as she got used to having a big cock shoved between her lips. Stretching her out to leave her groaning around that meat in a way she’s clearly not been used to dealing with before.

“Yeah, that’s fucking it! Get that big fucking cock down you! Yeah…” One’s sinful and shameless encouragement kept coming as her bobs became deep and steady onto him. Her hand still gripping his tool but handling half of his size now between those pouty lips as she kept them wrapped all around his rod. Loving the sight of the stunning former model turned wrestling getting down and dirty on a huge cock. The smooth way her mouth was gliding along him showing she was getting more into it. “Shit, look at this fucking shit… Yeah, you’re a fucking natural at this… Taking my man’s big fucking dick nice and fucking deep in that sweet, hot little mouth of yours.” He said as he was also beginning to change his tone as well to go from sweet talking her to being more foul mouthed and honest with his intentions as she gave in. Loving seeing her mouth pumping down and the flex of her cheeks as she sucked with more determination that the prior licking minutes before. The sound of her loud slurps adding to the moment as well as she made her saliva drip down, catching onto her hand gripping the bottom part of him to work over his shaft in two ways at the same time.

“Mmmmmphhh!! Mmmmmm… Hmmmmmmphhh…” Her groans were muffled, feeling the crown of his cock hitting the back of her mouth as she bobbed up and down. Now not even fazed that her hair is being brushed over the shoulder as her lips move along that thick shaft as she takes the encouragement from the perverted men in front of her, although only directly pleasuring one of them. “Mmmmm!! Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmmmphhh!!” Her eyes stare up, still with a conflicted look as she knows how wrong it is to take part in a skin flick which already might end let alone ruin her wrestling career. Yet still willingly, if not far from eagerly, sucking on a big dick that she knows has felt countless mouths like hers over the years long before this point. The smile on the stud’s face she’s kneeling in front of along with his moans however showing she’s already ranking far, far higher in the list of babes he’s been blown by from her more than impressive cock sucking technique.

“Mmmmm… Come on, babe… Lift that hand off from me… Let’s see what your mouth can really do…” Tyler said as he guided this busty beauty further down the path of sin with a charming smile that’s worked magic on many a woman in the past. The sweet talk (at least as sweet as it could be considering it was delivering while he was been blown) working as she slowly moved the fingers off, resting on his thigh as she kept her head moving back and forth. Distracting her not just from the fact she’s sucking dick in the back of van, but making her lose track of time so that if she was more focused, she’d easily realise this is the longest that any man has lasted in her hot, wet mouth before during some sex. And more to come as he smirked and watched those gorgeous, dark skinned features of hers move further down closer to his base.

“HHHHHLLLKKK… Mmmmmmphhh!! MMMMMPHHH… HHHHHRRRKK…” Leon started sexily gagging around the fattest, longest cock she’s ever gotten to feast on as she continued to smoothly and steadily pump up and down with those full lips of hers. Hitting the back of her mouth with his prick not being enough for either of them as she tested out what her snug throat could handle. Resulting in her saliva drooling down nastily as the pro wrestler showed off oral talents just perfect for a porno like this. “Mmmmmphh!! HHHHLLLKKKK… GAHHHHHH… MMMMMM…” When she tried to raise up and catch some air, she was left groaning when the stud enjoying that soothing oral hole went from brushing her hair away to gripping it with a big handful of the raven-coloured locks. Catching her off guard as he took control for a round, thrusting that fat cock up into her mouth to keep her gagging while he moaned out. Making the wet, slopping sound ring out as his dick fired up and her chokes and saliva poured down.

“Fuck yeah! Take that fucking dick! That’s what we want to see! Hot fucking bitch putting her mouth to real fucking good use!” Dirty didn’t even tried to hold back his intent as he continued to give commentary on the filthy sight in front of him as the Exotic Goddess got her mouth fucked. Her eyes closed as she groaned and gagged around that big dick as Steel pumped and made himself moan, loving banging a mouth that while not used to such a size like his, clearly had plenty of potential to take a rough pounding like this. “Oh yeah, look at her fucking go… Hot fucking slut in action! Making out with some big fucking dick.” He said as Tyler kept a hold on the hair but allowed Mandy to go at her own pace. Resuming slurping nice and deep, making herself choke sinfully but not looking to be in much place as even with the heavy eyeliner and sexy make-up she had on her eyes weren’t even watering for a moment as she plunged her face down nice and deep on his tool.

“GAHHHHH… HHHHHRRRKKK… MMMMMMPHHH…” Her huge tits jolted as her body squirmed, not used to deep throating but showing a natural talent for handing a vast cock like this. Keeping her lips pressed as much as she could around his thickness between her chokes as she bobbed up and down. The spit dripping off her chin, landing onto those shaking mounds as she went to town on his cock. Already looking far from the hesitant beauty who had gotten into this van half an hour ago. “MMMMPPHHH… SSHHHLLRRRPP… MMMMM… GAHHHHHH…” She found her hair gripped again as her eyes widened before closing as her face was brought right down into the pornstar’s crotch for a balls deep entry. The camera getting in close to capture the sight of her throat flexing and the sounds of muffled groans from her as she was held down. Sinfully not making a move to lift up as she was held until she eventually stared up as the drool seeped past her lips and the grip of her locks was released.

Lifting back up, she groaned out loudly before spitting down onto the prick she’d been choking on. “FUCK!!” She exclaimed, letting out a laugh as she rubbed her throat and sat back on her knees. “You fuckers always treat your whores like this??” Mandy questioned as she recovered from her first big cock oral encounter.
“Only the ones who can take it, babe…” Steel said with a grin, as his cock was still rock hard and ready for plenty more. Now dripping with her saliva from sampling her first hole.
“Heh, or we face fuck the sluts who can’t to get something out of them at least.” Dirty more bluntly said. “And since you bring up being a whore? Time to really get our money’s worth out of you.” He said, leaning over as he grabbed a condom from the corner of the van at the front seats where the sex aids were. “Get this show on the road!” He said, tossing it over to Steel.
“I’m not a whore… Just because I’m fucking doesn’t mean…” Leon tried to defend herself but ended up staring as Tyler all too quickly opened the pack up and slid the rubber down over his tool. “D-Doesn’t mean I’m slut, because I’m fucking for money!”

“Let’s have some fun, babe…” Tyler smirked as he helped lift her off from the floor of the still moving van, but not made her lay on her back along the back seats with her head just tilting up against the vehicle side. That allowed him to spread her legs, leaving one hanging off and holding the other up high against the seating. A free route into her pussy as he pushed his cock into her pussy without too much ceremony, leaving her gasping and staring at the entry as he moaned. “Oh shit! Mmmmm… That’s nice and fucking tight! Mmmmmm shit… Oh I fucking owe you one already for getting me involved in this!” Steel glanced across to the camera, giving a wink before he started to thrust. Already stiffly working his tool in and out of her slot as he wasn’t giving her the same courtesy of letting her go at her own pace when she’d been sucking this same dick before. He was in control here, and was already giving it to her nice and firm to make her body shift back and make those big, ripe and rounded tits bounce for the camera to record and enjoy along with the sex getting underway.

“OH FUCK!! MMMMM!! OH SHIT!! F-Fuck!! Fuck that’s big!! MMMMM!!” The long time Woman of Honor barely had time to process that she was getting banged stiffly as she felt her love tunnel being spread apart by those deep pumps. A cock so big it was already hitting parts of her that she’d never felt stimulated before by any lover, including her current boyfriend, and this stud wasn’t even fully inside of her yet. “H-Hey! Isn’t that a big… AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMM… Oh God!! OH FUCK!! Ooooooooooh! You’re fucking spreading me apart! MMMMMM…” Whether she planned it or not, her moans were answering the questions of if this was the biggest cock she’s ever had, let alone giving the dirty talk expected of this kind of van-based hook-up porno. Her eyes locked down to her crotch, watching that meaty pole plunging in and out of her pussy and making her rock back. The slap of her big titties along the erotic soundtrack as her rack bounced away from the more than firm way her box was being resized.

“Oh yeah, I bet this bitch is tight as fuck! No tiny, dicks stuffed into spandex trunks here!” Dirty mocked as he got in close, getting her loud moans clear into his camera and her look of shock mixed with pleasure from the stuffing her. So caught up in the already building, strong pleasure that she didn’t even register the lens up close to her capturing her in such a shameful state. Scanning down for a long look at those delicious, rippling titties of hers and clearly seeing how hard and aroused her nipples were. All before going down to where the action was and taking advantage of her legs being spread to record how well her dampening slot was taking the huge prick she’d been choking on minutes before. A red hot sight of a fat white dick ploughing into a mixed race beauty’s pussy.

“OH SHIT!! MMMMM FUCK!! OH FUCK YES… MMMMMM… Fuck!! FUCK!! Fuck that’s so good! MMMMM FUCK…” Leon groaned out with a growing lust in her eyes as her arms were out at the side and to the back of the seats she was being fucked on, like she was trying to grip onto anything. Her stunning body made to jolt back and forth as she took this pounding and moaned out as a new slapping sound starting to echo around the enclosed space of this van. His toned crotch connecting with hers as he filled her up, making her tight tunnel take all of his inches as he rammed in and out smoothly and stiffly. “MMMMM SHIT… Yeah, fuck that pussy baby! MMMMM FUCK… Fuck it real good! MMMMM FUCK!! OOOOOOOOH SHIT!!” She encouraged. In a high state of need far removed from how hesitant she’d been at the start of this all. All it took, alongside plenty of cash, was a nice big cock stuffing her full to turn her view point around. Licking her lips as her gaze switched from up at the smirking face of the hunk banging her with such a commanding, experienced pace and down at her pussy to watch that hypnotic sight of a slab of man-meat working like a piston into her dampness.

“Mmmmmm… You’ve got it babe… Gonna give you all of this big fucking dick, right here… Mmmmmm! Nice and fucking deep like… Ahhhhh… Like a slut like you deserves…” Steel said, making it look all too easily even with the swift way he’s driving his cock into such a snug, wet piece of pussy as he moaned himself. More than enjoying a stunning babe whose body looks far more suited for skin flicks than competing in a wrestling ring. Showing off his experience at both banging red hot beauties and at sex itself with how perfectly timed his motion is. Pumping forward to drive in to the hilt when her body shifts towards him along the back seats, then pulling a few inches out when he sends that stunning, dark toned frame up with a jolt from the force of his pumps. “Ahhhhh… What do you say babe? Huh? Mmmmmm… Feel like getting fucked like the juicy porno bitch you are?” He added with plenty dirty talk of his own. Even helping himself to lean in, copping a deep feel of those rounded tits of hers as he pumped away to further make her groan in pleasure.

“MMMMMM… You think I’m a fucking slut, huh?” Mandy purred, sounding more seductive than she’d been before sucking his dick what feels like a lifetime ago. “Think I’m just another of your throw away bitches you hit and run on, right?” She teased back before groaning, already feeling an emptiness in her twat when he pulled out of her.
“Oh I don’t think you’re gonna be a babe I forget in a long while, Mandy…” Tyler said, showing how to sweet talk and seduce a hottie he wants to be balls deep in. “But I think you can fuck better than this… Like you’re a real nasty, filthy, dick riding bitch.” He said like it was a challenge as he sat down on the van’s back seats.
“Oh yeah, my man’s got a point.” Dirty One held back a snigger as he played along to get her even in more into this. “You’ve been holding back since the start of this shit. We want to see you getting real fucking slutty all over my man’s dick right there! Ain’t that right?” He panned back, showing the front seats as the Driver just raised a hand with a finger to briefly wave in agreement. Keeping his eyes on the road for a safe, all too casual drive as he kept the vehicle rolling along the streets of what was, if any of the three in the back cared, now a far more built up area of the city than they’d picked her up at.

“We’ll see what I can do…” Leon wasn’t offended now by the sexist terms tossed at her, unlike earlier on, as she moved over to mount Steel’s lap as she faced out. Smirking as he gripped her toned midsection while her hands went up, able to press against the roof of the van for support as she faced outward. So that not just that juicy chest of hers but her wet, snug pussy were on display to be filmed as she eased down onto that already familiar cock. “MMMMM SHIT!! OOOOOOOOH FUCK YESSSSSSSSSSS…” She groaned, tilting her head back as she didn’t stop her movement until her thick body was resting onto his. Grinding down for a moment before she was giving a kick start in the form of a sharp spank onto her backside to get her to work. Lifting up his cock until the midway point, helped out by his grip, before she slammed herself down firmly with the push off from the ceiling to help drive that stunning, curvy body down and fill herself up with a long, loud moan.

“Fuck yeah… Look at this thicc fucking bitch go! Fucking like a damn pro!” Dirty marvelled as he knelt on the van floor and got the perfect shot of all of the ROH wrestler’s gorgeous frame shifting up and down. Working like an elevator on overdrive as she lifted up on that fat, long cock just to drop right into the lap of the stud underneath her before repeating the motion. Those lovely, rounded breasts of hers jiggling wildly and freely in time with her motion. A look of lust plastered over her dark toned face as the mixed race beauty bounced away on that meaty white cock of the man holding her in place on his rod. Letting her go wild on his member to make him moan as he played his part for this skin flick. Just staying nice and hard for her to put on a show with as he groaned and enjoyed such a snug, dripping wet snatch sliding up and down on his shaft over and over. “Ride him, bitch! Let’s see what a dirty fucking slut you really are! None of that weak shit! Fucking ride that shit, you damn thick slut!!”

“MMMMMM FUCK!! OH YESSSS… MMMMMM… I am a damn, dirty fucking bitch!! OOOOOOOH FUCK!! MMMMM… Riding a big, fat fucking dick!! Making me feel… AHHHHH SHIT!! S-So fucking good!! MMMMM!!” Tossing her long black hair back, she wasn’t denying what was being recorded as she happily and now eagerly bounced herself up and down on the dick of a man who wasn’t even her long term boyfriend. Gritting her teeth as she gave a sinful stare to the filming camera, although that gaze breaking to look like she was staring through it as she lost focus thanks to the intense pleasure flowing through her. “MMMMM FUCK YESSSSS… SO FUCKING BIG!! MMMMM!! FUCK!! F-Fucking love it! MMMMM… Oh God it’s true!!! MMMMM… I’m acting like a major fucking… AHHHHHH!! Fucking slutty bitch!! MMMMMM…” She groaned out as the sweat started to form over that already stunning enough body. Caring little that with the way she was lifting up nicely high on that lengthy shaft it was clear that her upper body was high enough so that if there were any curious drivers in vehicles alongside the one she was fucking in, they’d easily know she was getting down and dirty as the latest pay to fuck whore to ride on this infamous Bus.

“Fuck yeah, babe! MMMMM! Fucking get it! Ride that fucking dick!! Get real… AHHHHH… Fucking nasty on it!” Steel encouraged too, unable to resist that juicy, curved frame of the pro wrestler as she bounced away on his prick to easily make him moan out. Hands sliding up, reaching around to make her gasp out when he deeply groped those huge tits of hers, easily sinking his strong, white fingers into the ample, darker toned flesh. The touch making her pause her ride, grinding down instead on his cock before he got back to gripping her waist again. Not letting her resume the action on her own however as he started to piston his rod right up into that wet, tight box. Making them groan out all over again as she impressively didn’t just sit and take it. Getting back to work on his pole to lift herself up before slamming back down to time the motion just right.

“God, this fucking slut is a fucking natural! Like finding a fucking diamond in a haystack.” Dirty One was shaking his head but grinning as he filmed the action. Seeing how she was using her hold on the roof to push her body sharply down, matching the timing so her pussy was dropped just as the big cock was stuffed on rammed upward to drive into her familiar but still snug tunnel. The smack of their bodies meeting nice and loud in this enclosed space to mix with their moans. “Yeah, fucking take that dick! I can fucking see why you’re called the Exotic Goddess here! Fucking like a damn Goddess alright!” He back handedly complimented as he had his pick of what to zoom in on as he kept his camera perfectly steady. Focusing in either on that filthy expression of pleasure across her face, down at a favourite of both men of those ripe, jiggling titties, or down at the main event of her dripping, tight pussy taking and handling a hammering from the pornstar hunk she’s mounted on.

“MMMMM SHIT YEAH!! FUCK!! I’M A FUCKING GODDESS!! FUCK!! MMMMMM… I’M A… FUCK!! FUCKING DIRTY FUCKING BITCH TOO!! MMMMMM!” She was howling in delight here. Although unseen from this angle, her thick backside was slapping down over and over onto the lap of the man who was barely sweating himself even from both this intense ride and his own rapid pace to bang her deep and hard. Showing off his skill and experience to handle this one of a kind beauty and make her body shine from the effort needed to enjoy and take the hardest sex in her life so far. “AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! GOD I’M A FUCKING SLUT… FUCKING IN THE BACK OF… MMMMM!! A FUCKING VAN!! FUCKING FOR MONEY! AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMMM!! I’M SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!!” She moaned out loudly, and sounding shameless as she insulted herself with the terms the two perverts involved in this have gotten her to echo back to them as they easily pull the strings to get the most of out her. Along with the best value for the money they’re paying her, as she all too happily admitted, to perform in this sex tape. Seeing that cash in action from her lifting up towards the autographed and graffiti-covered ceiling before pushing away to drop down onto that meaty dick ramming into her.

“FUCK…” Mandy gasped, having to come to a stop on that cock, but even then she was left jolting as her body bucked from the force of those pumps still firing off into her slot. So her arms when they left the roof just had to go onto to her tits, clamping hands onto to squeeze and grope as she let the hunk under her have his fun with her soaking wet but still very pleasurably tight pussy. “OH GOD… Too much! Too… FUCK!! Too good! MMMMM…” She groaned, looking like she needed a break as ground her snatch down into his crotch to leave the stud smirking as he pulled out. Making her gasp as he rather rudely shoved her forward, making her get onto her hands and knees on the van floor.

“No time for fucking breaks, slut…” Tyler smirked, getting behind her and giving her thick backside a spank to make her gasp again. “Shit, pass me another rubber, man. This bitch rode me so hard she broke it.” He chuckled, pulling off the condom from his rock hard shaft to toss it rather rudely over onto the pile of her clothes at the side to stain for more evidence of her sin.
“Oh God just get fucking back in me!” Leon demanded, glaring back over her shoulder. “Get that big fucking dick back in me! Fucking now!” She snapped with a lusty glare.
“Ha! You heard the whore! Get slamming her silly!” One said with a laugh as he knelt at the side of her to again capture her whole body. “I’m sure there was something in the fine print that covered this anyway.”

“Hell yeah! My kind of slut! Fucking desperate and needy!” Steel laughed as he happily got down up behind her, and had no problems to push his cock this time bareback into that soaking wet pussy. Still moaning out just as loud as before as he plunged in and got in balls deep into with a single stroke. Helped out by the indeed begging for it beauty in front of him already rocking back against his pole now it was filling her up wonderfully again. But before she could get into the motion, he was the one taking control. Grabbing her waist but this time using the hold to haul that stunning, sweaty body back onto his rod as he ploughed forward. “Fucking Hell! MMMMM… Look at all that fucking ass! So fucking thicc!! It’s… MMMM!! Fucking amazing!” He grinned, watching as he pulled her onto his sharp thrusts and made her fat ass clap back hard into his toned waist. The slap sharply ringing out as he pounded in balls deep as he more than enjoyed having his wicked way with a willing, horny beauty.

“AHHHHHH HOLY FUCK!! OH FUCK YESSSSSSSS MMMMMM!! FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME!! OH FUCK!! LIKE A FUCKING SLUT!! MMMMM!!” Leon begged loudly and without any hint of shame. Caring little for her boyfriend or how her wrestling career would likely be irreversibly changed because of fucking on camera for a big pay day. Her big tits hanging down, swinging back and forth as her body was almost rag dolled onto the fat dick slamming into her pussy from the back. “FUCK… FUCK I’M A FUCKING BITCH… UHHHHH!! DIRTY… FUCKING SLUT!! MMMMMM SHIT!! FUCK!!” She gasped out, her head hanging down as the pleasure she had demanded was overwhelming her. Sweat dripping off that stunning enough already body as she took a pounding to make it look like she was deep in a skin flick career like the hunk behind her was, instead of this being her first time ever fucking while every moment was being recorded.

“Hey, no slacking off you thicc bitch! You wanted this dick, so you’d better take it! Pull her fucking hair! Make her fucking feel it!” Dirty One ordered as he stayed at the side so he could easily lean towards either end of her. So when Steel reached down, grabbing a handful of her long black hair and gave a sharp tug, he could lean over and get a close up look of the shameful, eyes rolled up expression of lust on her sweat-dripping face as her mouth hung open to let moans pour out. Groaning when he now used the hair pulling to bring her voluptuous, dark skinned framed back hard onto his fat white dick. “Yeah! That’s the fucking shit! Fucking use this bitch! I want her fucking begging to be a porno slut!” He added for more mocking, but fitting, commentary as he moved back to the other end of the wrestling beauty. Filming her rounded backside rippling wildly as her rump was made to slam back hard into the hunk drilling her. The camera getting the rapid glimpses of that length moving in and out of that dripping hole.

“FUCK!! FUCK YES!! MMMMM I’M A FUCKING BITCH!! FUCKING SLUT!! I FUCKING NEED THAT BIG FUCKING DICK!! OH SHIT!! AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMMM FUCKING USE MEEEEEEEEEE MMMMM!!” Her eyes were flickering as the pleasure continued to build. That already fucked silly look on her gorgeous features contrasting with how impressive for a first timer doing this she was able to take such a huge cock balls deep into her tightness. Staying up on her hands and knees in the classic position as her big tits swayed back and forth in time with the shifts her body was doing. Not even feeling a jolt of pain either from her thick cheeks hitting off of the toned waist of the man fucking her, or from her long hair being sharply pulled. “UHHHHHH!! FUCKING… I’M FUCKING CLOSE… OH FUCK DON’T STOP!! AHHHHH GOD PLEASE!! MMMMMM!! KEEP F-FUCKING ME!! LIKE I’M A FUCKING DIRTY WHORE!! MMMM!!” She kept begging as the Exotic Goddess put on a display more expected for a desperate bitch needing a fix of dick after a whole month of no action, or perhaps better for this talking like she was reading straight of a porno movie script. Even gasping in approval when Steel used his free hand to give her already jiggling rump a firm spank as he revelled in tugging on the hair while pounding her from behind.

Best of all, he was only now building up a healthy sweat himself like this was just a mere workout for him, even with giving it to a red hot beauty from the world of professional wrestling. So when she begged for to be able to cum, he just gave the camera man a knowing smirk as he clamped his hands onto her waist and hauled her back onto his prick. This time not just pounding her, but giving a relentless, jackhammer-like pace that left her howling and actively tilting her head back without needing to be pulled. Her tits flopping wildly as she got completely slammed like all she was good for was being a set of useable holes. Made even worse, or better all things considered, by him shifting position for more of a spread legged squat as he pounded in. Drilling her twat again and again like a man possessed, but all with a confident grin of an experienced porn star who knows just how to get a beauty like this addicted to some dick.

“FUCK!! FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUCKK AHHHHHHHHHH!!” Mandy didn’t just howl out in delight, but near screamed as her body shivered and fingers clawed at the floor as her eyes went wide in delight and her teeth clenched. Showing his experience he pulled out at the right time and lifted a leg of hers up as the camera aimed down under her as he clamped his free hand onto the top of her pussy to furiously rub. Not just making her cum, but squirt out hard as the juices blasted out of her twat, splattering over the floor of the famous van. “FUCKING SHIT! FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Her body jolting against his strokes as she made sure she had no choice but to humiliate herself in truly slutty fashion while enjoying the hardest orgasm of her life. Leaving her panting and almost slumping down by the time the squirt finished and her head hung down and he pulled away. Proudly smirking and showing off the liquid on his fingers to the camera.

“Good fucking God! I ain’t see a fucking squirt like that from real porn sluts!” Dirty said with a laugh as he sat back, watching Leon slump onto her side as she gasped to try and recover. “Yo, you alive bitch? The contact doesn’t cover being fucked up by sex.” He said, hardly caring for her condition as Tyler sat back with a smile of his own. His cock impressively still rock hard and ready for plenty more.
“I’m… Holy fuck… Holy shit…” Mandy groaned, rolling onto her back as her big tits heaved as she took in air. Caring not that she was resting in her own juices from her orgasm. “I’m… I’m good… I just, shit… Need a fucking minute…”
“You need more than a minute!” Steel stated the obvious. “But I could fucking tell a thicc slut like you could cum like a water fountain gushing.” He smirked, proud that his skin flick instincts proved him right about how to pound her and when to pull out.
“But shit, if you’re still down, slut? You feel like fucking my man one more time when you’re good to go?” One said, filming her as the grin was clear in his voice. “Because we said you had to give us everything… And my man has been staring at that fat fucking ass of yours all fucking day since you got in.” He reminded her, while he actually moved to the side. Helping himself while she was recovering to open up her handbag and actually pluck out the money ‘tip’ he’d given her earlier on to encourage her. Caring not that he was filming himself stealing back the cash and pocketing it.
“I think… That sounds really fucking good to me…” Leon groaned, licking her lips as she stared across and saw he was still rock hard. “Just give me a minute, or three…”

* * *

There was sudden cut in the video tape, so it could have been five or maybe a few minutes more after the hard orgasm she’d just experienced. Now we see Leon still in a naked, sweaty and already more than well fucked state but now she’s laying on her front on the back seats, still in that infamous van. Her juicy ass raised up but, if those who used the pause function on the footage would notice, that her asshole was glistening from being lubricated during the ‘pause’. That similar shine shown on the lengthy slab of meat that’s been deep in two of her holes already as Steel moved up, a side squatting position to keep one foot up on the seating alongside her body while the other was planted on the floor.

“MMMM… Oh fuck yes! MMMMM… Fucking fat, juicy fucking ass!” Tyler marvelled as he pushed his prick down into her asshole to make them both groan out. Leaning over to clap both hands onto her waist as he began to dip his shaft in and out of her backside with a stiff but controlled motion. Showing off his experience once again to use a slow pace so they could both get used to the sensation but putting force behind the rhythm as just like he’d fucked her snatch, he wasn’t planning on going easy on her even after giving her an orgasm already. “MMMMM… Shit!! This thing is fucking built to take a fucking! I fucking love this… MMMM… Fat fucking ass! So fucking thicc!!” He grinned, glancing back at the camera filming his cock working in and out of that juicy rump before he turned back to get on with the work. Moaning out as she slid his shaft down into her tight tunnel before drawing back a few inches. Smoothly repeating the motion as he fucked that booty being raised up nicely. The sexy shake of her cheeks freely seen as the two men made sure to emphasise the more than ample ‘bounce’ her curves provided with his position to make that booty jiggle.

“AHHHHH… FUUUUUUCK!! MMMMMM!! OH FUUUUUUCK…” The ROH female wrestler groaned out as her head was raised, looking back over her shoulder to watch herself getting fucked up the ass. The way she was purring seductively even with such a huge size being stuffed into her tightest of holes showing already that there’s no way this is the first time the curvy beauty has let a lucky hunk tap her fine, fleshly ass. “AHHHHHH FUCK… OH SHIT… MMMMMM… Fucking stretching me the FUCK out! MMMMMM!! FUCK… So goooooooood… MMMMM!!” Even without being able to touch her dripping twat in this position she was still moaning. Getting off on the feeling of having a fat slab of man meat easing in and out of her back passage. No doubt the sensations more intense than they might usually be from her still being on a sexual high from the squirting orgasm minutes before. The sweat still caked over her body and more forming as she got used all over again and this time in her last, and tightest, of her pleasurable holes.

“Look at all that fucking cake! Shaking like a fucking Earthquake! God, thicc bitches like you are a fucking dream! I love it!” Dirty said, kneeling down at the seating between those squatting legs of the hunk as he got the shameless, close up shot of that wide, fleshy booty rippling back and forth as that thick white dick ploughed down deep between the dark toned cheeks. The sight of her snatch still dripping forming juices almost irrelevant compared to all that stunning jiggle as her rump shifted back and forth without her body even moving that much from the thrusts coming from above. “You’ve taken it up the ass before, right bitch? No way a thicc slut like you hasn’t let some lucky bastard bust down this huge back door of yours!” He said, at this point long past caring how rude or sexist he was as he revelling in seeing a stunning woman being fucked to a point of becoming a desperate, cock drunk whore. Especially when he was filming the proof of what a filthy whore this woman to let some stud she’s only met today test out her mouth, pussy and now her thick ass in order to earn a serious payday.

“MMMMMM FUCK… Oh yeah, I… MMMMMM… I love being fucked… MMMMM… Fucked up my fat fucking ass… AHHHHHH FUCK!! FUCK…” She gasped out, still watching with her eyes mostly locked down to see that big dick she’s already very familiar with driving down into her plump butt cheeks to keep them rippling. Just a brief glance upward at the handsome, smirking face of her co-star as he was clearly packing energy to spare to give her more of a pounding. His body looking like only now starting to noticeably sweat compared to the complete mess including her soaked through hair that she was in. “MMMMMMM SHIT… Just n-never… OOOOOOH FUCK! AHHHH SHIT!! Never this f-fucking big before… MMMMM!! Or deep in my fucking ass! MMMM!” She admitted to further insult not just past lovers, but her current long-term boyfriend as well. To her own credit, she wasn’t even hissing out in pain once from the vast size drilling her as his pumps picked up the pace a bit more than they, but mostly just him, was more used to the snug grip that was all around his member. Showing indeed that this was far from her first time engaging in anal action. Just never quite getting as much pleasure from her rear tunnel being used as she was right now.

Once again, the wicked clapping sound of her huge cheeks hitting off of his body was heard when he plunged down and sent his balls smacking into her as went deep into that tight anal passage of hers. Grunting himself in pleasure as he enjoyed the fantastic feeling of her snug walls gripping his size as he worked up and down. Not caring at all that his position of lifting up and down, let alone being naked, would easily mean that any pedestrian walking along and peering into the van would know he was getting his freak on. Smiling away as he moaned and stuffed that big cock into one of the thickest asses in not just the independent scene, but all of pro wrestling. Best of all, this current butt fucking topping off completing the hat trick of having been balls deep in all of her stunning holes over the course of this bang in the infamous Bus.

“MMMMMM FUUUUUUCK…” Mandy groaned, watching as he pulled out slowly from her ass so he, and the recording camera, could enjoy the moment of her asshole being left gaping before it closed up. “Don’t stop yet, stud… Make this fucking slut feel it…” She begged, licking her lips as she pushed up from the van’s seats.
“If you want it? Be a real bitch and come get it!” Dirty said, sneaking in a slap onto her rump himself when Steel moved off. “Ride my man’s dick with that fat, thicc fucking ass of yours and show us how a slut really works a big fucking cock!”
“Fuck yeah…” Leon said, not even waiting until Tyler was fully laying down on the floor before she moved down and swung a leg over his crotch.

Reaching back, she all too easily lined his fat, familiar cock up with her juicy cheeks as she pushed down and took that rod into her asshole to make them both moan. A couple shifts back to roll her cheeks, grinding down before she placed her hands on his chest. Shifting herself up and down, starting to bounce and quickly making that loud clap ring out as she made her booty smack and strike his toned frame. Yet again without even touching her own pussy she was moaning out as she worked that sweat dripping frame along that lengthy cock. Finding the lusty energy needed to deliver a pleasurable ride despite having taken a mind blowing orgasm almost a half hour ago. The impressive stamina appreciated by the hunk she was now mounted on top of as her tight back passage made him moan out as he laid back and happily took it. Not even needing to see the act itself to enjoy the snugness clamped around his prick.

“MMMMM FUCK!! FUCK!! OOOOOOOOOH SHIT!! BIG FUCKING COCK… UHHHHH!! DEEP IN MY SLUTTY FUCKING ASS!! MMMMM!! I FUCKING LOVE IT!! FUCK!!” She groaned out, smacking that wide, fantastic ass up and down to smoothly take it deep with ease up into her tightest of holes. Showing off that thickness from her Puerto Rican and Cuban descent as the flesh of her cheeks bounced like crazy no matter if she was shifting up or driving straight down to stuff her backside full with meaty, white dick. Her long raven-coloured hair managing to sway behind her but sending drops of sweat flying from the flowing as she shifted her frame up and down with an energy even veteran pornstars would struggle to keep up. “OOOOOOOH FUUUUUCK!! GOD I’M SO FUCKING WET! MMMMM!! I’VE NEVER… FUCK!! GOTTEN THIS FUCKING HORNY OVER… UHHHHH!! GETTING MY FAT FUCKING ASS FUCKED BEFORE! OH FUCK!!” She admitted and not caring how further slutty and shameful the confession left her. Driving herself and all her plentiful booty sharply up and down as she went at him with a swift and steady pace. The attention being all on her ass as she kept herself being filled up to a limit she never knew she had before. So even those huge tits, jiggling away as rocked up and down, were for once not getting the full focus at least for the moment.

“A filthy fucking slut like you has just never had the right dick before!” Dirty said, again reaching in to spank her ass as she worked it up and down to fuck that thick dick. Making her gaze over the shoulder with a lick of her lips like it was a challenge to get another strike onto her while she fucked another man. Getting just that with another sharp slap to that rump, making her jiggle again as she groaned and kept on driving up and down like a woman possessed. “Wasting your time in a fucking wrestling ring instead of making a killing in porn! So keep that fat fucking ass moving! Make up the lost time for taking Clotheslines instead of taking some dick!” He mocked her, shifting back so he could capture the full sight of her body bouncing away with that ass clapping down hard and swiftly over and over. Stuffing that dick in as far as the position allowed so only an inch or less was left out of her each time she dropped down and those glutes slammed down to make the sound ring out around the still driving fan.

“MMMMM FUCK YES!! MMMMM!! I’M A FAT ASS FUCKING BITCH!! A THICK FUCKING SLUT!! MMMMMM… WHO FUCKING LOVES A BIG… FAT… FUCKING DICK… DEEP IN HER FUCKING ASS!! MMMMM!!” She groaned out as she changed tactics. Leaning forward as she pressed her body and her big tits into the toned chest of her co-star while spreading her legs out for an angle. Tapping into her skills from her modelling and dancing days as she started to slam her ass up and down almost like she was twerking. Keeping herself and the stud underneath her moaning out as she used the new position to keep smoothly and with stiff speed fuck herself on that rock hard shaft. “MMMMMM SHIT!! FUCK!! FUCK!! OH YESSSSSSSSS… MMMMM!! FUCKING SLUT… I’M A FUCKING BITCH!! BUTT FUCKING WHORE! MMMMM FUCK!!” She yelled out as she tossed her hair back again to send more sweat flying but bothering neither the camera filming this lewd action or the lucky, hung stud she’s bouncing away on. She was far from caring about this being another round of bareback sex either as she hissed out in delight. Leaving juices dripping from her slot onto his crotch as she hammered herself up and down on that cock she’s not just very familiar with, but acting quite addicted to.

“MMMMM!! God fucking damn I love my fucking job! MMMMM!!” Tyler just grinned, once again showing the supreme skill and long term endurance that only a veteran pornstar could as he handled a red hot ride by a horny, exotic beauty. Only just hitting now a noticeable covering of sweat over his body but nothing compared to the intense state of being drenched the beauty mounted on top of him is in. No wonder that he was just laying back, his head all too casually in his hands as he watched the wrestler bounce away and make him moan from the deep jolts up and down. “AHHHHH… I might even become… MMMMM… A fucking fan of wrestling after this! Well, maybe… MMMMM…” He joked as he enjoyed looking over and seeing her butt bounce away as she moved up and down to fuck herself on his meaty inches. Helping himself to spank that ample rear as she worked away on him and he got the bonus treat of those huge breasts of her sliding against his toned chest from how she was pinning onto him.

“Hey, slut! Turn around on his fucking dick.” Dirty ordered, with a clear perverted smile in his voice even with being behind the camera. “Can’t let my fucking main man here get lazy on the job!”
“Works for me!” Tyler laughed as Mandy, with a groan dismounted his dick just so she could turn around. Leaning back with her arms and planting her legs either side of him for a squat but with upper body arched back so those big tits were sticking out. Allowing him to reach down, pushing his prick back into her ass before he grabbed her waist for full support. “Let’s see what our slut can handle!”

Once again, before the stunning female wrestler could get to work she left howling out in delight when that lengthy rod was slammed hard up into her backside. No holding back here as he completely went wild on her like he was attempting to resize her back passage for good. His crotch smacking off her thick cheeks and his balls connecting off of her as he pumped in hard and deep. Leaving her squirming in his grip as her head tilted back. That stunning bounce returning as the treat of seeing her tits jiggling away was once again seen as her already sweat coated body jolted in response to those hard, hammering pumps. Even after the well over an hour he’s spent using and enjoying her body appeared to be a pace even harder and faster than before during this sinful van ride.

“HOLY FUCK!! FUCKING SHIT!! AHHHHH!! HOLY FUUUUUUUUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Screaming out in delight, the gorgeous member of The Allure duo in ROH couldn’t stop herself from clamping a hand onto her dripping wet twat as she used his grip holding her up in place to her own wicked advantage. Allowing her to furiously rub away at her slot as she panted out and struggled to even keep her head up and stare down at the camera filming the butt fucking she was enduring. Not able to even see it herself from the angle of her body but easily feeling every hard, rapid thrust she was getting. “YES! FUCKING TAKE ME! USE ME!! UHHHHH!! LIKE I’M A FUCKING FAT ASSED FUCKING SLUT!!! MMMMM!! DIRTY COCK TAKING WHORE!! AHHHHHHH FUCK!!” She loudly groaned out. So perhaps that even with the engine going and the van driving, if they came to a stop the sounds of shameless fucking going on would still easily be heard even with them being down under the view line of the windows.

“MMMMM! No… AHHHHH… Fucking problem there, bitch! AHHHHH FUCK…” Steel was grunting now, put through his paces with such a wild, horny beauty that truthfully he and his fat pounding dick played a major hand in causing her. Some good dick and hot action turning her from a reluctant beauty into a horny slut desperate for her fat ass to be fucked hard and fast. Focusing just on driving his prick up deep into those fleshy cheeks, keeping them clapping like a rapid fire gun going off as he worked straight upward. Crashing into that rear over and over and keeping her upright and in position while he let her rub away at her pussy. “MMMMM… Fucking take it! Fucking hot… AHHHH… Thicc fucking slut! MMMMM!!” He groaned out, still grinning as he was loving her curvy, juicy frame just as much now as he did when he first laid eyes on her. Even better for him considering that he was getting paid to pound the shit out of her and that stunning rump, just like she was getting a big payday to be a porno whore for a day and taking this world class pounding.

“AHHHHH GOD!! FUCK!! FUCKING… FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUCK!!” Her head tossed her hair back again, for more sweat to fly around as she stared down like she was gazing through her own soaked body. Her juices dripping down those thick thighs all the way onto the van floor as well as landing on the stud underneath her. Keeping her fingers rapidly sliding back and forth to drive herself towards another huge peak. “UUUUUUHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!! AHHHHHH!! AHHHHHH SHIT!! FUCK!! FUCKING FUCK!!” She groaned out as her eyes were again rolling back, lost in the moment and barely registering there was a camera down between her spread legs filming the whole ordeal from her big booty being fucked to her almost possessed way of self pleasuring she was doing.

Once again, just like before, the hunk underneath her could tell when a stunning babe was about to hit a legit, and far from the usual faked in porn, orgasm. So he applied the same tactic as the last time of just going to town on her snug backdoor. Slamming her hips down onto his prick as he started to rapidly piston back and forth, leaving her squirming on his lap as she screamed out. That constant clapping of her thicc cheeks into his crotch almost sounding like one constant noise rather than several after the other. All accompanied by his own grunts as sweat rolled off his toned frame, just not nearly at the rainfall-like level the co-star mounted on top of him is going through as she jolted on his pole. Keeping the grip of her waist so her body was still arched up and her big titties bounced away that a video clip alone of them would be more than enough to get plenty of cash back in return for the payout they’re giving her.

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!” She yelled again as her head snapped back and her tongue flicked out. Another intense, hard orgasm that left her squirting out across the floor of the van. Almost hitting the camera filming her as the other pervert laughed out and dodged to the side. Able to keep recording one of the hottest women in all of professional wrestling reduced to such a cumming, quivering mess for the world to see. “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK AHHHHHHHHHH!!” Leon moan loudly and without shame. Far from her first anal action, but the only time so far in her life that she got her butt fucked and came from it. Feeling the difference between regular sex and getting nailed by a pornstar pro who has banged countless women. Getting to take every moment of it as well as the hunk under her kept slamming home into that ass, groaning himself from her back passage tightening around his member as he managed to hold off and fuck her through a speak even stronger than the first squirting one he’d already given her today.

Gasping, if it wasn’t for the hold on her waist Mandy would have likely collapsed down from exhaustion as her hand finally fell away from her pussy. But even then, she didn’t get too much of a chance to relax or recover as she was forced to kneel as Tyler had to squat with the height of the van. Holding her hair with one hand so she gazed up with a lusty, smouldering look as she pressed her lips together.

Soon rewarded for all her efforts as he grunted, blasting those stunning features with his thick cum. The money shot captured on camera with a nice close up as the ropes of white seed stood out sinfully on the dark toned skin of her face. Having closed her eyes anyway to take the load but luckily so as the first shot went high up onto the forehead over her eye and the lid. Stroking off as his spunk coated across her cheeks, nose, lips and chin. A little bit catching into the dark hair at the side of her face and the couple loose strands stuck to her cheeks from all the sweat. A more than generous amount of jizz, as expected from a veteran of porn, so that by the time he finally stroked out the last drips to flick down onto her there was a bit of jizz dripping down onto those big, heaving titties of hers.

“Fuck!!” Tyler laughed, moving back as he sat on the couch. “Fuck me! You got me all fucking worked up! Ain’t blown a load like that in a couple months!”
“Mmmmm… Lucky me…” Mandy groaned, reaching up to wipe away the spunk from her eye so she could look up, seeing the camera pointed right at her. Hesitating for a second before just shrugging her shoulders and popping the finger into her mouth. Sucking it clean with a groan to taste a pornstar’s seed which was already covering her face. “Fuck… Fuck that was something else… I’m gonna need another few minutes…” She said, brushing her hair back as her chest heaved for air.
“Yeah yeah, you’ve earned it I guess! Proved how much of a fucking slut you really are!” Dirty said from behind the camera. “I mean, damn! You’re in the wrong fucking career with a body like that, and able to fuck like that…” He stated the obvious before glancing back to the Driver. “Yo, man! Take us over to the spot, you know.” He said, as the man behind the wheel just again raised a hand to confirm the change of route from just circling around random blocks to pass the time and keep driving.

“So, say Mandy… Since we got some time to kill…” One said, still looking down at her though the camera. “Want to earn another bonus?” He said, not letting her know that the previous ‘tip’ she got had already been snatched from her.
“I’m listening…” Mandy purred seductively, still with spunk over her face as he took advantage of her still being in a heightened state of lust from two powerful orgasms.
“Well, we didn’t get to see those big, fat fucking juicy titties of yours in action.” He stated as he used one hand to reach into his pocket and he pulled out a wad of notes to show them off to her and to the camera. “So, and usually I don’t actually do this… But since you’re so down the fuck? How about one grand extra on top of everything else? One last fuck with those big funbags of your slutty self around my fucking dick this time.
“Hmmmm…” Leon mulled over the offer, giving the impression that maybe the guy behind the camera wasn’t quite as studly as the man she’d just been fucked silly by. “Fuck it, whatever.” She all too eagerly agreed, snatching the money out of his hand. “More money for me the better, right?” She said, dropping the notes into her handbag again.

“Fuck yes!!” Dirty almost cackled, like usually that offer never works as he moved over and now sat on the back seats. Still filming as he got a perfect Point of View shot as Mandy moved to kneel in front of him. Not even bothering to try and wipe off all the cum that was still over her face as she unzipped his shorts and lowered them. A cock that was rock hard and actually impressive in size, above average but nothing compared to the fat, long dick she’d just taken into all of her holes. However, as she was distracted by this latest task she never even noticed that Tyler who had moved off the seats faking like he was just dressing himself was also helping himself to fish out that stack of case from her handbag to once again rob her of a ‘well earned’ bonus.

Mandy simply popped his cock between her plump lips. Staring up into the lens knowing full well she was still being filmed as she slurped loudly and without any shame on her second cock of the day. Able to push her mouth right down into his base this time, making him sigh in pleasure as she started to bob. That lusty glare up at him coupled with the cum from a pornstar coating her as she sucked him off with a smooth, steady pace. Groaning around his meat and doing so hands free as her fingers just rested on his thighs. Already her long dark hair starting to sway as she went to work and moved that wet, soothing and now certified slutty mouth along another dick of a man who is basically a stranger to her.

“MMMMM… AHHHHH… Ah fuck yeah! That’s… MMMMM!! Fucking good shit! FUCK!! Nice and fucking wet!” Dirty moaned out, giving more running commentary but this of himself getting blown as she took his prick nice and deep into her mouth. Almost going in completely but holding back, making sure to not accidentally smear off the spunk branding her face onto him. Keeping her lips sealed tightly around his inches as she slurped up and down and making him groan out. “MMMMM… And you’re a quick fucking learner too! MMMMM… A slut like you needs to change careers ASAP!” He back handedly told her between his loud groans as he noted how she was now actively using her hands to brush her long hair back out of the way so he, and the camera filming her, got that clear view of her once again willingly cheating on her boyfriend with another man. Even after having done so with a stud who got to hammer all of her holes.

“Mmmmmphhh… Shhhhlllrrrppp… Mmmmmm! Hmmmmmphhh…” Spit was once again starting to seep past her lips from the repeated motion as the ROH starlet slurped up and down on a cock that while impressively sized was no problem for her to deeply suck on. Even able to run her tongue along the underside and flick up at as it passed back and forth between her pouty, stained with spunk lips. The saliva drooling down managing to not dislodge the cum on her chin so that the full, filthy sight of her painted face was there to be seen. “Mmmmm! Hmmmm… Hmmmmphh! Shhhhrrrlllpp…” She sucked away for another steady round of sucks, looking like she was made for porn once again with how easily she was taking this dick in and out of her talented, warm and wet mouth. Let alone still having the energy to blow him after this well over an hour session of sin and sex she’d been paid to take part in. Eventually leaning back and pulling off with a groan as if to say she was just as happy with the taste of him as she was the fatter, longer dick earlier on. Spitting down onto him before swatting her tongue at the tip as she stared up again with another slutty look. Like indeed two hard orgasms still wasn’t enough for this seemingly newly awakened whore.

“Come on, you dirty fucking bastard! Come and fuck these big fucking slutty tits of mine!” Leon demanded but got the next part of this deal started herself as she shifted in closer. Using her hands to press those ripe, juicy breasts of hers against his cock to make him moan even louder than he’d been deep in her oral hole. Showing already that she wasn’t a stranger to putting her fantastic rack to good use to pleasure a man as she began to pump. “Mmmmmm fuck… Yeah, you fucking like that? Like these fat fucking tits, fucking your fucking dick, huh? Mmmmm… Making be a dirty fucking bitch for your dick, right? Yeah, you fucking love this!” She purred like a true porno pro. Sliding her titties up and down his cock and the size of them meaning that his dick was barely seen trapped between her mounds. Just the tip and the top slit able to poke out from that deep cleavage as she worked him over with those sweat-coated boobs.

“Yeah, gonna make you fucking cum buckets with my slutty, big tits!” She grinned wickedly as the Exotic Goddess made her rack slap down into his crotch when she brought them down. Her mounds easily and wildly rippling even in the grip of her hands so that there was still a way to enjoy the very ample bounce her thickly curved frame possessed even with this position. “Mmmmm… Feels fucking good to me! Like I’m a filthy slut… A cum craving bitch! Fucking a dick with my fat, slutty fucking tits!” She kept the dirty talk going with a sinful tone alone that would make a normal man, wrestling fan or otherwise, cum within seconds. She wasn’t exactly acting like she was being paid by the hour here either as she firmly and swiftly pumped her boobs right up and down on his pole. Fucking his cock with just as much skill as she’d down when she was taking dick into any of her holes during this sex tape in the moving van.

Well aware of the fact she was being recorded fucking a man’s cock with her stunning, dark toned body as she stared up with lust at the camera. Making sure the glimpses of his white dick popping out from her mounds as seen as she shifted those mountains of hers up and down on his pole. “Oh yeah, you gonna fucking cum, huh babe? Huh? Gonna blow a hot, fat fucking load all over me and these dirty fucking tits, right?” She grinned again like she loved the sound of that, even with another man’s load already staining her features. “Yeah, give me that fucking spunk, babe! I want it all over these juicy, thick fucking tits you and that stud who just fucked me all have been staring at all fucking day… I wanna get fucking painted in your fucking load!” She purred as she moved her rack quickly and smoothly up and down, leaving the bottom of her big mounds smacking off his crotch whenever she drove down. Groaning herself a bit as even with his size not being the biggest she’s fucked today she was still getting a thrill from pleasuring a man with her own bust.

“FUCK!! SHIT!! Here it fucking cums, bitch!!” He was able to warn as he pulled out from her tits as she, showing again how far from novice she is at tit fucking, cupped her breasts to push them together and up to offer up a target for him. Stroking off with one hand and using the camera with the other to keep aiming down to record another money shot without her even known she’d been scammed to do this one for free. Grunting as he started shooting a nicely sized load out, sending shots of seed across her heaving, dark skinned tits so once more just like her already glazed facial features all that cum stood out sinfully on her mounds. Leaving her purring as the jizz dripped down not just the front to stain over her fingers but down into the deep cleavage she was making. Leaving her plastered over her chest and that face from two different loads, and all in all leaving her looking like a well fucked, filthy whore as she grinned up at the camera and took the cameraman’s load.

“Yeah, I’m a real fucking dirty bitch now, aren’t I?” Mandy smirked, sitting back on her knees as she looked over the mess over her breasts.
“I mean, you said it! Not just me!” Dirty said with a laugh, stuffing his spent dick back in his pants as Tyler, motioning with a pat to his own pocket now that he was fully dressed, showed he’d secured back the money so she while getting paid for all of this, wasn’t getting that extra grand bonus.
“Oh yeah, one red hot fucking wild and slutty bitch! I fucking loved it!” Tyler said with a smile. “Those juicy fucking curves, those tight hot holes. Damn, you need to match the switch over to our business right away and make a killing.”
“Well, no offence boys but I’m here to get my own payday. And I think I fucking earned what we agreed to, right?” Leon said, as after the high of her orgasms has now warn off she’s gotten a bit more composed to remember who she is. Even after willingly fucking on camera.

“Yeah yeah, the deal is a deal. We’ll transfer the cash over by the end of the day. Got my word on that.” Dirty One said like he was a little pissed that she wasn’t staying in a fully cock-drunk state. “OK, that’s us then. You got what you want, and we got what we do. Hey, we at the spot now or what?” He said, looking to the Driver.
Just giving a wave and point of a finger, the Driver made a turn and pulled into a more secluded street but still far from where they’d originally picked her up at. Pulling up at the side of the road.
“Thank God, I need some fucking air after all of that.” Mandy said, taking advantage of Steel opening up the door but not knowing it wasn’t exactly to be a gentleman as she stepped down.” Hey, can you guys pass me a fucking towel?” She said, looking back but only to have her handbag tossed out for to catch. “Hey, I didn’t say my bag! I said… HEY! Where’s the other money you fucking gave me??” She said, seeing that the extra grand wasn’t there.

Before she could get back in, suddenly Tyler tossed the rest of her clothes into her to make her have to grab them before Dirty slammed the door shut. Mandy screaming in anger as she’d been left naked, cum-coated and now ditched in public after being fucked. Clearly not thinking she’d be getting the same treatment as any other usual babe who takes a ride on this infamous Bus gets. A true ‘Hit and Run’ as after tapping her, she’s been dropped off and left as the van speeds off away from the street with her yelling in the distance now.

“And another fucking fine day’s work for the boys on the Bus!” Dirty said with a proud laugh as he took his hand out and extended it to fist bump Tyler. “Now give me my fucking money back. I ain’t paying you extra for all that shit.” He motioned as the other man smirked and took out the notes and popped them into that hand.
“Works for me! I got my payday and them some with all those thicc fucking curves that bitch had. Holy shit the bounce on that bitch was fucking amazing!” Steel said as he sat back.
“I meant all the money, jackass!” One demanded as Tyler chuckled, giving back the last note. “Yeah, nice try… But yeah, that bitch would be fucking amazing if she made the switch. But whatever. Ya win some, ya lose some and ya sometimes fuck some.” Dirty said. “Now we’ll see if all the cash we’re paying this slut will be worth it. Now let’s get fucking out of here. I gotta get back to the fucking office and check my messages.”
“What, more hot wrestling chicks needing some dick?” Steel said with a grin. “If so, I think I can find some spare time to work with.”

“Eh we’ll fucking see. Maybe this vid will spark some interest. Where there’s cash, there’s always gonna be bitches wanting to fuck. I just hope they’re all as fucking easy, and maybe even more dumb, than that slut was! But now? We’re done here! Say bye, Driver!” He said, scanning to the front seat but only getting a brief thumbs up from the man driving the famous van. “Fucking love that guy! Peace!” Dirty said, before the video ended with the standard post film copyright text and production notes.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 09:29:06 AM by daxg2001 »
Please consider supporting my stories on SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001

Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2022, 09:29:40 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own AEW, Gatoh Move or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Emi Sakura, Lulu Pencil, Mei Suruga (all Gatoh Move, AEW)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Killer Queens

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, MFFF, oral, inter.

* * *

The video starts off, looking outside of the famous Bang Bus at some bustling Florida streets for a moment before zooming back in as the camera turns in. Showing a veteran porn star in Sean Lawless sitting on the back seats in shorts and a plain top with a smile.

“Another day, another trip on the good old bus of infamy!” The Dirty One said from behind the camera. “Got my main man up front…” He panned back to the Driver who, without even showing his face, just raised a hand to acknowledge the remark. “Fucking love that madman! And we got my man Sean Lawless riding with us today, ready to pump some good fucking pussy!”
“Damn straight!” Sean said, nodding with a smile. “So, you gonna finally tell me who I’m screwing today? Some newbie looking to pay her way through college or what?”
“Nah man, I got you something special today.” The cameraman stated and even behind the lens, the grin in his voice was clear. “Now you know we’ve been doing some special shoots with some special guests, right? Getting some chicks who do pro wrestling and getting them to go down and dirty on the Bus here.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen that one with the hot, dark skinned chick with the huge fucking tits and ass.” Lawless said as his smiled a bit wider.

“OK, so it ain’t her, whatever her name was. But what’s better than fucking one bitch? Then fucking three sluts at the same time.” Dirty One said.
“And here I was gonna be mad you didn’t score me with that other babe!” Sean said. “You gonna let me in on the details.
“Well like one of them is like signed on contracted to some promotion that’s been running shows at Daily’s Place, you know?” The cameraman explained. “Not my issue if she gets fired by them over this. But like, she’s in charge or has her own like, indie company she runs back home in Japan. So like she wants to use this shoot to like make her brand infamous or some shit. So yeah, I’m paying her and she said she’ll bring some friends along for the fun.”
“Are they in on this too?” Lawless asks.
“Fuck if I know! But she’s bringing them so either they can just watch while you fuck the one slut, or you can charm your way into all their panties.” Dirty One says.
“I’ll just do the old whip my dick out and they can jump on me.” Sean says with a bragging smile.

“Right on!” Dirty One says, just as the van starts slowing down from its casual drive. “Ah! Yeah yeah! That’s got to be them. The older broad is the one masterminding this.” He states as he leaves his camera down on the ground to show off Sean looking out as the van door is open. “Yo! You Emi, right? Yeah, let’s fucking go.”
“Talk about a nice selection… Different looking babes, an older one, a nice lean one… And fuck, look at the tits on that cute one!” Sean nods in approval as he stays seated as the women start to enter the van.

We see that the trio of Japanese women in question are known as the Killer Queens in All Elite Wrestling, but each are familiar with the unique to say the least Gatoh Move promotion in Japan. Emi Sakura, the veteran and founder of Gatoh Move clad in dark pants with a jacket and blouse-like top to fit nicely against her thickly curved, MILF-like body. Then Mei Suruga, clad in a cute frilly skirt and a dark, short sleeved top that clings to her very impressively sized and rounded chest. Last and by no means least, the slender beauty more known for being a comedic character than a pro wrestler in Lulu Pencil. Clad in jeans and a T-shirt while wearing a trademark for her wrestling attire at least pink snap-back cap. Sean smiling as he leans back with his arms outstretched along the back of the seats as Lulu sits on one side, while Mei and Emi bunch up on the other as Lulu appears a little nervous at how casual he is while Emi and Mei smile.

“OK, let’s drive my man!” Dirty One says after closing the door as the Bang Bus starts driving off. “So, Emi Sakura, right? This here is my man Sean… And who are these babes you’ve got with us?” He says, pandering to her.
“This is Mei, one of my students.” Emi says with a smile. “And that is Lulu, again another of my pupils who also regularly helps me out here in the States these days.”
“So, ladies… Has your teacher here, you know, told you about what’s going on here? That this ain’t really a sight seeing trip or that kind of bullshit?” Dirty One bluntly says to shatter the mood.
Emi immediately narrows her eyes as the other women look confused. “That is not how we agreed this would go.” She said, sounding annoyed already.
“Yeah well plans change! Just like how I’m sure you two gals were told your teacher here was just taking you sight seeing, right? Before taking a taxi back to the arena?” Dirty One says.
“R-Right…” Lulu awkwardly says as she looks around. “This isn’t what this is?”
“Emi-Chan? What’s going on?” Mei asks.

“Listen, girls. Trust me.” Emi says, looking to them both. “We’re doing this for the benefit of us and for Gatoh Move back home. I wanted to do something that would make us, the Killer Queens, infamous before you both head back to Japan for a while.” She claims.
“And by that, she means all three you you babes getting fucking down and dirty doing some fucking porn!” Dirty One bluntly says, not helping things as Sakura glares again at him.
“W-What?? Porn??” Pencil stutters as she blushes. “What do you mean??” She demands as Mei blushes as well.
“Like I said, the old ways work the best…” Sean says, as he more shamelessly sits up. Bringing his hands to his shorts and shoving them down, exposing this thick, long and perfect for skin flicks cock to the three Asian beauties.

Seeing it up close being next to him, Mei and Lulu’s jaws drop with gasps and even as pissed off as she is, Emi even has to stare at seeing his length without even being fully hard yet. “And that, babes, is what we’re talking about!” Dirty One chips in.
“Girls! Don’t worry! You don’t have to go through with this.” Emi claims as she finally looks away from his shaft. “I’ll just handle this all, while…”
“Oh no, ya sneaky cougar you!” The cameraman cuts her off. “You promised me three babes in total for this and since you only brought two with you, that means all three of you are gonna get real close with my man here before this is all said and done!” He states. “Otherwise? No money! And we’ll be telling your Boss that you’re sneaking off to go hang out in a porno van.”
“Damn it!” Sakura snaps, folding her arms over her chest. “OK, fine! But I have to go first. I doubt this man of yours can even handle a true Killer Queen like me!” She claims with a somewhat arrogant tone.
“I love me a fucking challenge…” Sean grins, and he wasn’t just talking about proving Emi wrong either as he eyed up all three women with approval. “So let’s get this fucking party started, huh babes?” He said, making Mei and Lulu gasp when he slipped an arm around both of them to pull them against him, making them check out his cock even closer. “How about this big, thicc babe kicks things off by showing off the goods…”

“Damn pervert…” Emi hissed as she moved off the van seating as she took off her jacket to drop it down. A glare cast to the cameraman as she slowly peeled her top up, showing she wasn’t happy to do this now her plans have been completely exposed but knew to get the fame and attention she wanted, she had to follow through. Showing off a plain black bra that held her heaving, juicy tits before she began to lower her pants to show some matching panties, hugging against her thickly rounded ass.
“Nice, nice… Like a fucking MILF…” Sean nodded, motioning for her to continue as her cold stare now locked to him as she reached back. Undoing her bra much to the further shock of her students as she showed off those rounded tits, before she also pushed down her panties and showed off fully that thick backside of the mature stunner. “Yeah, I can dig some jiggle on an older babe… She’s got that whole cougar look going! I bet she knows her away around a fat fucking cock too.” Sean added as his cock was starting to harden from just seeing one nude babe out of the three.

“M-Must I as well?” Lulu bit down on her lip. Awkwardly fumbling with her jeans as she nearly slipped off the seats moving them down, showing off a set of plain white panties. Forgetting to take off her cap with her nervousness so when she lifted her T-shirt off to show off a sexy, flat stomach and modest chest in mismatching pink bra (she clearly had not planned on having sex today) she knocked her hat off her short haired head.
“Here, I’ll get that for you, babe…” Lawless smirked, putting her cap back on her head. “Don’t stop the show now…” He encouraged as Lulu blushed with a glance away. Timidly removing her bra to show off those perky tits, before she slowly rolled the panties down too while Dirty One reached in, scooping up the discarded clothes to chuck them to the side out of the way but deliberately near one another. “Don’t worry, I totally dig you awkward, inexperienced babes… Makes it more fun to make your tight, sexy fucking bodies go wild when I stuff you!” He said, hungrily looking over her as Pencil squirmed, not used to this sort of erotic situation.

Last was certainly not least as Mei perhaps surprisingly for her sweet and innocent appearing nature nodded as she shifted to the edge of the seating. Making the pornstar whistle with approval when she pulled her top up and over head, showing off her big, rounded tits in a white bra. Her skirt soon being lowered, and not exactly too slowly either, as she was like her friend with her panties black to not match in colour nor brand.
“Fuck yeah… God, look at those big fucking tits…” Sean nodded with a grin when she peeled her bra off and exposed those juicy, full tits. “That’s a killer fucking body alright…” He said, still checking out her rack when she shifted position to slide her panties down and show off more of her nicely thick backside as well. “You ever think of switching careers? A body like that with a cute face? I know a bunch of guys with big, fat cocks like mine who would love to stretch out those tight looking holes of yours…” He bluntly said, and combining the dirty talk by stroking off his big white cock, showing off its full, rock hard length and thickness to the three Asian stunners.

“Don’t get any ideas!” Emi snapped as she was sounding more and more furious about this all, despite not just being the one who arranged this all but had fooled her students and friends into taking part in a porno in the back of a moving mini-bus. “We’re here for one shoot and that’s it! Just for the attention and fame!”
“Oh you’re gonna get plenty of that, I’m sure!” Dirty One said with a tone that screamed ‘be careful what you wish for’. “So how about you show your students here how their thick, sexy teacher does things? Leading by example and all that shit.”
“Yeah, come on…” Sean lets go of the other two women as they move back off the seating completely as they haven’t quite settled into accepting this all quite yet. “Let’s see what a hot, mature babe like you can do with some good fucking dick.” He said with a grin as he let go of that rock hard cock, and didn’t seem worried one bit about having to fuck three different women, and not just in terms of bodies and attitudes, all in the same Bang Bus shoot. A sure sign he knew he could take them all on and give them some hard action as he tested them all out.

“Fine! I’ll be sure to finish this off before it starts!” Emi claims as moved down with determination to get between his spread legs before she gripped that big white cock. “That way you won’t even get a chance to even touch my students!” She vowed before made him moan when she guided his rod into her mouth and getting the porn star smiling again as she wrapped her nicely juicy lips around his length. Groaning herself at having to stretch around his vast size, a sure sign that she wasn’t used to handling this size of a dick back in her homeland. “Mmmmphhh!! Mmmmm…” Not letting that bother her too much as she kept her hand around his base and started to suck him off. Lifting her head upward until just the bell-end was between her lips, then sinking down as she established the motion. A slow and steady pace like she was getting used to the thickness of him. Staring up with more of a glare despite having willingly agreed to this all, especially the fact the sight of the Joshi veteran was being filmed up close and personal as she dragged her lips up and down him.

“Mmmmm… Don’t be so sure of that, thicc momma…” Sean teased as he grinned. Already reaching down to use his hand to stroke her hair back over the shoulder and out of the way. Making sure the view was clear as his fat cock got taken in and out of her mouth as she slurped on him. Letting her show off some oral skills as she smoothly worked him over, getting him moaning a little bit to show that as good as it felt? It would take a lot more than just a simple blowjob to make him bust a nut. “Ahhhhh… Still gotta give your cute friends some of this big fucking dick too… If you don’t spend all day hogging it for yourself.” He added as he watched her face slide up and down. The multi-time Champion across many Japanese promotions now showing talent of a far from in-ring sort as she bobbed back and forth. Her tits bouncing slightly as she worked her head along him and let out muffled groans around that thickness.

“Mmmmmphhh!! Hmmmmmphhh… Hhhhhhllllkkk!!” Sakura groaned around his meat as she worked up and down with that smooth pace. Her hand gripping the base still to keep him straight as she plunged her mouth up and down, handling the top part of his pole. It was when she tried, no doubt to try and finish him off to ‘protect’ her students, to take more of him in that her inexperience with this amount of dick showed in the form of wide eyes staring up at him. “GAHHHHHH… HHHHHLLLKK!! Mmmmmmphh!!” Choking on his prick when the fat crown (and not the sort of royal one she’s used to wearing) connected with the back of her mouth. Making her jolt back as she had to concentrate her sucking on the upper part once again. Trying once more to slurp on him deeply and getting in one motion of up and down onto him before she had to gag once again. Humiliating herself from the choke but putting on a sexy performance as she made the hunk in front of her moan out.

“Oh fuck yeah… See that, girls?” The cameraman panned over, seeing the two proteges of the woman currently dishing out a blowjob watching on as their Senpai bobbed along a fat, long cock. Mei in particular biting down on her bottom lip as they AEW star she and Lulu accompanied to the ring many times acted in a manner much more suited for a porn studio than any sort of wrestling ring. “Bet your sexy teacher here never taught you babes this kind of lesson, right? Watch and learn, girls!” He rather taunted before focusing back to Emi blowing that thick cock as she worked her lips up and down, even at the expense of making herself choke when she went down too far. The saliva starting to drip downward from the repeated motion and all the gagging, just adding to his pleasure as Lawless was rock hard and ready for plenty more off of the older of the three women he was taking on.

“GAHHHHH!! HHHHHLLLKK!! MMMMMMPHHH…” Sakura tried closing her eyes to focuses, fighting through the discomfort of a first big cock oral experience as she still used a smooth motion to raise and lower her oral hole along his weapon. Feasting on his big white dick as the thickly curved, mature Asian slurped up and down with loud gags escaping her each time she pushed down. “HHHHHRRRKKK… MMMMM!! GAAAAAHHHHH…” Not even the twisting of her hand on his base or flicking her tongue up at the underside of him could trigger the hoped early finish of this experienced stud. Just prolonging the first dose of sex during this Bang Bus ride as her head kept pumping up and down. Her hair still getting stroked back as she used her mouth to pleasure him as the spit began to drip down off her chin. Landing onto those rounded, sizeable tits of hers to further add to the shame of the founder of Gatoh Move more so that her dishing out some head to man she’s only just met already is.

“Mmmmm… That’s a good start, babe…” Sean eventually announced after showing how easily he could take one blowie. Pushing her head up and off from his now soaked cock. “Time for your sexy fucking students there to show me if they can beat the teacher at some dick sucking!” He more bluntly said, as he pushed Emi back.
“Hey! Watch it!” Emi snapped, folding her arms over her tits as she glared. “Damn it… Fine. Lulu, Mei? Get this over with. And don’t go easy on him.” She instructed.
“W-What?? That would never fit in me!!” Lulu protested with a blush but Mei, even as worried as she was too, pulled her friend across as the two of them knelt down now in front of the grinning man.
“Two-for-one special! Lucky fucking me…” Lawless said with a snigger. “Keep the hat on cutie…” He said to Pencil. “How about you two start sharing me… And then you can start of showing me what you just learned from watching your teacher.” He said to Lulu as he instructed the two younger women, only adding to the fire making Emi glare in the background of the shot at having to watch two of her prized students act in such a filthy way.

“O-OK! I will try…” Lulu said as timidly she and Mei leaned in. Getting him moaning when they stuck their tongues out and brushed up the sides of his cock, still coated in Emi’s spit from the blowjob moments before. Lulu recoiled with a cute whimper when he moaned but Mei stayed running her tongue up the side as the pink hat wearing of the two soon returned in to help slowly double team his dick. He sounded like the pleasure was already even better than just the one mouth from the sound of his groans as he rested a hand on each of their heads, one on the cap and the other on Mei’s dark haired head. Encouraging the licking as the two babes lapped at his cock with Lulu more gasping at the newfound taste of some big cock, while Mei was already groaning out like the sensations wasn’t as bad as she feared. Even as they both blushed in a sign this was certainly the first time they’d even shared a cock before with someone else, let alone taking on one of such a vast length and thickness before.

“I will try… Like this?” The woman more known for comedic style wrestling than anything physical said as she moved up. Slowly taking the fat head of him into her mouth as she stared up while pushing down. Leaving Mei to lean down and keep flicking her tongue at the base of him as her eyes went half closed, gradually enjoying herself as she tasted his man-meat. Sucking on the top couple of inches to keep him moaning as her own groans bounced off his dick. Her soft lips stretched to the limit like she wasn’t even experienced at sucking dick, never mind one of this size. “MMMMMPHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK… MMMMMMPHHH!!” She was choking already cutely as she wasn’t even a third of the way down him and it was too much to take. Determined though now she was already this deep into the action as she performed a quick round of short bobs onto that top part. Making her short hair sway a little bit as she suckled and groaned around him. Adding to the mess of saliva all over him as she gagged and bobbed while Suruga under her worked her tongue around the sides and bottom of his pole as far as she could reach.

“Not something we honestly see on the Bus! An actual fucking amateur! I love it!” The Dirty One bragged as he filmed Lulu bobbing slowly on the top part of Sean’s dick as she gagged rather adorably whenever she pushed her mouth down onto him. Like this was her first time taking on some dick with her warm, wet mouth. The feeling still good enough to make him moan out, but no doubt that helped by Mei still keeping his shaft stimulated with that increasingly eager tongue of hers. “Like we’re breaking in a fucking virgin! Better than some casting couch shit! Yeah!” He said as Lawless grinned away, still holding both women’s head to keep them nice and close to his prick and one sucked and the other licked. All as their teacher and the leader of the Killer Queens had to sit back and watch from behind. Emi gritting her teeth as while she’d lured her friends into fucking on camera, she didn’t seem to approve of seeing them being so willing, to an extent at least, in carrying out this oral tag team on the cock she’d just been blowing.

“Mmmmm… Nice try, babe…” Sean said after a couple minutes. Pulling the hat-clad head of Lulu off from his cock as she gasped for air with a bite of her lip. “Need some more practice with that… Now let’s see your friend try her luck.” He gave a wink as he guided the women down to new positions with Pencil’s hat brushing his toned body as she went down close to his crotch at the side. While Mei already was parting her lips as she all too eagerly took his dick into her mouth despite his shaft being lathered with the spit of two fellow wrestlers before her. “Mmmmm fuck! Now we’re talking…” He grinned as Mei went right to work. Groaning around his rod as she started to bob with a clear amount of speed than either of the beauties before her used. Making him moan out as she worked up and down and stared up without looking quite as ashamed, but still with an adorable blush, as she took on the first long, fat cock in her life. Leaving Lulu to get a taste of his nut sack as her tongue timidly brushed along the ball closest to her to continue the double team.

“Mmmmphh!! Mmmmm!! Hmmmmmphh!!” The woman nicked the ‘Biggest Apple’ showed off some impressive oral skill as she pumped her soft lips up and down, taking on that fat shaft with a smooth and steady pace. Making her long dark hair sway a big as he held her, just breaking off a bit to make the long ends at either side of her pretty face brush back for that clear view for himself and the recording camera. “Mmmmmphh!! Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmmm…” Mei slurped away as her hand stroked his thigh instinctively while pleasuring this stud with her soothing mouth. Working up and down already over the size her teacher had handled earlier on and not objecting to the taste of some fat American dick inside her eager, moist Japanese mouth. Keeping him moaning as she bobbed and slipped another inch inside of her oral hole to show her potential wasn’t just limited to a wrestling career either.

“Hey! What’s with the sour look, teacher? Your students are doing great!” The man behind the camera mocked, getting another glare from Emi even though she had been the one to sign up her students unknowingly for this sexual encounter. Seeing the results clearly herself as Lulu licked at his heavy balls and the inches at his base, while Mei all too happily sucked away on his prick to keep the saliva dripping down. “These little sluts got plenty of potential! Especially this babe, what’s her name? Mei? Yeah, she’s got a mouth that’s gonna be great for draining dicks I bet!” He said for a foul mouthed compliment as the double team oral continued on. Lulu’s signature hat brushing against his skin and his cock a little too, leaving a stain of spit onto the pink material as she groaned and tasted his nuts. All while Mei dined away with slurps along the rod, more than enjoying the taste as her rounded tits swayed a bit as she took on cock and made it look like this might not be her first time taking on a real cock if anyone had watched the video just from this point.

“MMMMMMPHH… GAHHHHH!! HHHHHLLLKKK… MMMMM!!” Suruga finally had her turn to start choking on that big cock as she pushed down with her cheek brushing against the pink hat the other woman licking at his cock was wearing. Her gags sounding a lot more lustful than merely of discomfort like the other stunners before her. Not letting the chokes faze her as she kept running her mouth up and down to service him. “GAAAAAHHHH!! MMMMMPHH!! GAAAAAHHHH…” The saliva drooled down as she kept gazing up while sucking on a long, thick dick for the first time. Showing off some talent at dishing out oral sex while clearly turned on as her rock hard nipples on her impressively sized chest showed. Bobbing away as the spit drooled from off her chin. Fighting through the discomfort when his crown hit the back of her mouth and tried to push past to her throat as she kept moving up and down. Groaning around him as her tongue slapped into the underside. Not even paying attention to the cute whimpers Lulu was letting out as her hat got little splats from Mei’s spit as a result of the eager, repeated cock sucking going on.

“Mmmmm… That’s some good shit right there…” Sean stated the obvious with a smile as Mei pulled off and let out a groan as she took in some air. “This one’s my favourite…” He added with a chuckle as Mei bit her lip as she sat back.
“Hey! Don’t get too attached to my girls!” Emi snapped as she moved forward.
“Oh ho ho! Sounds like teacher’s jealous her rookies are hogging all the good dick!” Dirty One claimed from behind the camera. “Well then, get your thicc ass up there and give my man Sean a good time!” He ordered.
“A queen always leads by example.” Sakura smugly claimed as she pushed her students back as she approached the porn star. Not even letting him get off from the Bang Bus’ back seats as she moved up and onto him, swinging a leg over before she reached down to guide him in. Even with the risk of doing so bareback as she seemed to be moving a little more eagerly than her attitude towards this all made her out to be.

“MMMMM!!” Emi’s head tilted back as she sank down. Facing him with her rounded, thick backside sticking out towards the camera that was now directly behind her to capture not just her rump but her lower lips sliding down on that familiar, fat cock. Her pussy, already a little wet, not offering up that much resistance as she pushed down and made her walls spread as she took his thick size up into her mature pussy. A nice, tight Japanese snatch matching up just right with some fat, long American cock. “D-Damn it! AHHHHHH… Don’t worry! MMMMM… It’s not too much for this Killer Queen to handle! MMMMM…” She claimed as her hands went onto his shoulders for support just as his clamped onto her sides. Letting her kick things off as she lifted herself upward until just a couple inches and the head were still inside her twat. Dropping down firmly so that when her juicy ass hit his legs a loud, sinful clap rang out around the mini van they were fucking in. That sound of course accompanied by clear and not exactly regretful sounding moans from her as she got the motion going as she began repeating the bounces.

“AHHHHH… Now this is some good fucking shit! MMMMM… Nice and fucking tight…” Sean grinned as he didn’t need to hold back with the volume of his moans, being truly shameless as he let the curved veteran wrestler ride his long cock to make them both groan out in approval. Getting a literal best seat in the house (or Bang Bus in this case) as he enjoyed her big, rounded tits jiggling in front of his face as she worked up and down. “MMMMM… She’s got to be fucking MILF or something with a snatch like this… Let alone these thicc fucking curves!” He claimed for his own brand of filthy compliment. Letting her show off her talents other than the in-ring sort as the AEW wrestler raised and lowered that gorgeous body up and down on his meaty fuck-stick. Showing off his own ability as even after three rounds of having his cock sucked, and two of those with his dick being doubled teamed, he was still rock hard and ready for plenty more from these Joshi stars.

“MMMMM!! D-Damn it! It’s so big! AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMM…” She gasped out as she pumped his rod with her wet, snug pussy. The woman who has held titles in Ice Ribbon, Pro Wrestling: EVE and Dramatic Dream Team showing off ability more suited for perhaps scoring pornographic awards as her motion was smooth and steady. Keeping her ass slapping down into his hunky frame whenever she dropped down and stuffed her own snatch full with his thick length. “MMMMM!! FUCK… AHHHHHH!! FUCK!! MMMMM./..” She gasped as her curly, dark hair bounced while her thick backside jiggled away each time her cheeks clapped down into him before she lifted up to repeat the motion. Able to focus on just taking that big dick in and out of her love tunnel as he held her by the waist to ensure her mature frame stayed in place, impaled on his prick.

“Fuck yeah! Look at this bitch go! Like she’s a fucking experienced MILF!” Dirty One raved as he filmed the sex, with the focus on her rounded backside rippling away and the glimpses of Sean’s big dick going in and out of her slot as the porno hunk here didn’t even need to thrust. Letting the leader of the Killer Queens show off her riding skills. Taking that dick in to the hilt to make herself moan out as she worked up and down steadily and stiffly in such a way that it was indeed clear that even with his vast size and length, this was far from her first time handling some dick. “Ride it! Ride that fucking dick, slut! Yeah! You fucking know your way around a big fucking cock, you dirty old bitch!” He said to both mock and encourage the action as he kept the camera perfectly steady for the best shot. Capturing that rounded backside and her wet snatch as she dropped right down before lifting up midway onto him and then doing it all over again and again. Already sounding from her loud and far from shameless moans that she was enjoying this a lot more than her attitude towards this all had been a few minutes ago.

Watching on, the women trained by Sakura as well as being part of her Gatoh Move promotion back in Japan knelt and witnessed their Boss in the Killer Queens riding away on a fat cock like this was an all too regular experience for Emi. Lulu’s hands fidgeting as her cap-wearing head nodded along in time with the riding motion Emi was doing to handle that big prick. Mei meanwhile licked her lower lips as she focused on that long shaft, seeing it vanish then reappear from out of her Senpai’s snatch. The idea that this is so wrong to be fucking on camera not so much bothering them now as certainly for Suruga she looked ready for her next turn. And with how still rock hard his dick was even taking a stiff and swift ride from the veteran wrestler, he had plenty left in the tank and then some to give the beauties watching on another good time as well.

“D-Damn it! MMMMM…” Emi groaned as she left herself being lifted off as sweat left a nice shine over her curved body. “I wasn’t done yet!” She snapped when she wasn’t so much dismounted from him, but shoved off to the side.
“And I ain’t gonna let you hog all this good dick for all this ride.” Sean bluntly said before he locked onto Lulu. “Come on cutie… Hop onto the seats here and lay back for me.” He ordered with a smirk.
“S-Sure! I mean, if you t-think it will work…” Pencil said as she cautiously approached, showing off the nerves she still had as she moved past Emi to move up to the back seats and as instructed, laid along the seating with her back on it and her pink cap still on her head.
“Don’t just let him order you around! Show him what I’ve taunt you!” Sakura said as she now had to sit by Mei, folding her arms over her chest as it heaved a bit from some clearly better sex than she was used to.

Lulu just bit her lip, staring across the seating as Lawless spread her legs apart to have one up against the back seats while the other hung off the side to dangle above the floor of the Bang Bus. Smiling again as he moved into that slim and attractive body of the less experienced, let alone weakest in size and strength, of the Gatoh Move competitors. No resistance offered when pushed his fat, long cock not just in bareback but fresh out of another woman’s pussy into her super tight but tellingly wet pussy. Lulu’s eyes widening as she let out a loud gasp, watching that fat dick slide into her snug hole as her hands reached out to either side of her, clutching the side and back of the van seating like the sensation was already mind blowing for the inexperienced beauty.

“MMMMM!! Fuck me! This is some good shit too! God damn!!” Sean groaned as he had to start working his cock in and out slowly. Feeling a vice-like grip from a pussy while moist, was clinging around his dick like she’d never taken anything less than some fingers inside of her. Slowly and surely sliding his shaft into her slick slot as he showed off his skill, letting her adjust to the feeling of her first huge American dick stretching out her Japanese pussy. It was clearly working from her own moans as she kept staring across like she was in a trance from the pleasure of getting filled up, and he wasn’t even halfway into her with his member yet. “AHHHHH… Fucking tight as fuck! MMMMM… Like I’m breaking in a damn virgin here!” He said with a shameless grin to show that he wouldn’t have objected if this was the case. More focused on putting the wrestler-turned-pro wrestler through a baptism of fire of sorts by thrusting his cock slowly but firmly in and out of her folds. His hands holding her nicely flat stomach so that even without being a wrestler himself, he was able to easily hold her in place as he pumped back and forth into the gorgeous woman as she moaned and gasped from every motion he delivered.

“AHHHHHH!! MMMMM!! SO BIG!! AHHHHHH… MMMMMM!! H-HOW CAN IT FIT?? MMMM!!” The woman who was once ranked in the ‘coveted’ Number 500 spot in the PWI 500 list of 2021 moaned out loudly as she stared down her slim and stunning body as that huge cock slipped further into her tightness. More than making up for her inexperienced and awkwardness with the pleasurable snugness she was offering around that meaty cock. All too happy to let a stud she’s only met for under an hour have his wicked way with her and her snug box as he introduced her to the world of sin and pleasure she clearly was not used to, but already was showing she was capable of handling. “MMMMM IT’S SO AMAZING!! AHHHHHH… THIS IS TRUE SEX! MMMMM! S-SO GOOOOOOOOD MMMMM!!” She moaned out, still with her pink hat on as her eyes still couldn’t be ripped from watching her own crotch getting stuffed fill as the sweat started to form across her thin arms. Her modest, perky chest starting to bounce as in line with her now handling more of his inches, his thrusts were getting firmer to further give her that full experience of proper, shameless intercourse with a massive shaft.

“Damn it Lulu! You’re not supposed to be enjoying this so much!” Sakura shook her head at watching her student taking that fat dick she’d just been riding. Her scolding not having an effect as Lulu was still lost in a new world of pleasure as she let her pussy take a pounding from a hung hunk. The slap of his crotch striking her body now ringing out as she impressively considering her inexperience and her slender frame took all his cock in to the hilt. Just keeping her moaning as she jolted back on the back seats. Matters not helped with Mei watching on too, stroking her thighs with her hands as she eagerly awaited her turn. Watching her friend and fellow student taking a big hard cock to make the wrestler more known for comedy than technical ability groan out in delight.

“AHHHHH YES! MMMM!! SO GOOD! S-SO BIG!! AHHHHHH!!” Lulu was already noticeably sweating, leaving that lean body looking hotter than ever as what she lacked in curves, let alone in in-ring talent, she more than made up with determination and tightness. All too happy to just let herself be used by a far more experienced in sex stud like this as he filled up her super snug but soaking box with his fat dick over and over again. “AHHHHH!! MMMMMM!! BIG COCK! SO GOOD! MMMMM YESSSSSSSS…” She panted as her eyes finally looked up at the shameless grin on the man pounding her with the look in her eyes matching her cries to show she wanted more from him. He was happy to deliver and give her clearly the best action in her life so far, even if with how deeply and stiffly he was drilling her she likely wouldn’t return to her original tightness for well over a week at this rate. That being of little concern to her now lust-drunk mind as her cap-wearing head tilted back when he drove his cock into her box and held it in, making her body grind against his crotch as she groaned out.

“Good shit, cutie…” Sean smirked, pulling slowing out of her and showing off a lewd, gaping state of her box already. “It’s always fucking fun to break in some new pussy…” He said as he sat back up on the seats with Lulu still laid out alongside him. “Best for last, right?” He then added, locking onto Mei.
That was all that the ‘Big Apple’ needed to hear as she quickly moved along the still driving Bang Bus up to him, barely giving him time to hold onto her waist as she moved to mount his cock but facing away from him.
“Fuck yeah! Little eager, fat titty slut!!” Dirty One raved and even behind the camera his smile could be heard in his voice as he stayed facing on as Mei’s big chest was indeed sticking out for him to film.
“Mei!! Are you trying to humiliate me here??” Emi gritted her teeth again as she had to pull an already tired Lulu off from the seats.

The complaint was unheard by the woman who also competes in TJPW as Mei Saint-Michel as she all too keenly lowered herself down onto that big cock as the hunk gripped her waist to help her get settled onto him. Soon enough she was starting to bounce as she took advantage of the vehicle they were in by raising her arms up, putting her hands on the roof to help push herself down after lifting up. Getting those fantastic and sizeable breasts of hers bouncing already as she worked her stunning, young body up and down on his fat cock. Her lust more than compensating for a lack of experience as she showed off talent of a more wicked sort by soon being able to take his inches in up balls deep into her slot. Making her and the porn hunk she was riding both moan out as she got to work pleasuring his cock, even after she’s watched that same dick already be slammed straight into two other women before her.

“God damn! MMMMM!! Yeah, this one’s got the fucking stuff!” Sean grinned as even though he was tempted to just let her ride away, her pussy and body felt so good on him that he couldn’t help but thrust up into her. Matching her bounces so when she dropped her nicely curved body down, his crotch slapped up to drill her deep and keep her snatch filled up with his meat. Helping her tits jiggle away even more for a hotter sight than seeing her slot stuffed full already was. “AHHHHH… And look at these fucking tits! MMMMM… God, porn is missing a star not having this chick!” He said for a lewd compliment as he let a hand roam up, firmly groping one of her mounds and making her moan out as her head tilted back in approval. Still jolting up and down so even with the new touch, she wasn’t put off as she kept bouncing on his now thrusting dick. The slap of his crotch meeting hers now ringing out and while loud, not nearly enough to drown out both their cries of delight from this latest round of sex.

“AHHHHH YES! SO GOOD! MMMMM!! YES!! F-FUCK!! SO GOOD!!” Mei gasped out as she looked back over her shoulder with desire for the stud she was riding. Enjoying the piston-like motion he was delivering straight up into her needy, wet and still very snug box. Pushing her chest out towards his groping hands while her own palms still held onto the Bang Bus roof so she could push herself right down sharply after lifting upward. Her long dark hair swaying with the motion as she ensured her curvy frame was starting to sweat as she enjoyed her first taste of fat American dick deep in her Japanese pussy. “AHHHHH FUCK!! BIG C-COCK!! MMMMM!! SO BIG!! FUCK!! MMMMMM… I LOVE IT! FUCK!!” She moaned, looking far from the sweet and innocent Big Apple she’s supposed to be as she goes wild on his fat and long cock. Showing off her potential as she takes his stiff pumps from underneath while still riding away on him. Ensuring her snatch slaps down into him whenever he thrusts up as she happily engages in sex without protection on with a man she’s only known for an hour.

“God damn! There’s a fucking gold mine with this little slut!” Dirty One says with a laugh. Filming as Mei’s tits jiggle about even as Sean fondles her breasts, before zooming back out for the full shot of that gorgeous body driving up and down in time with Lawless’ stiff thrusts. A pace already that would make it seem like she was just as seasoned with on-camera intercourse as the hunk she was mounted on top of was. “Yeah! Fucking ride it, bitch! Get those fucking big titties going!!” He shamelessly added as he enjoyed the sight of an Asian beauty getting stuffed full even without being part of the action directly. Seeing the sweat starting to form and then drip down her pretty face and those knockers of hers while she gave back as good as she got. Riding that cock just as stiffly as she was getting pounded by, so that the loud slap of their bodies connecting rang out around the van.

“FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMMM YES!! SO GOOD! MORE! MMMMM!! PLEASE, MORE!!” She begged as she gasped out when his hands finally left her rack, just to hold her slim waist as he focused on drilling her twat with an even harder and quicker rhythm to show how much she and her snug pussy have been driving him wild. Her eyes rolling upward in delight for a shameful expression to make it even more obvious that this was the best action from the biggest cock she’s ever had in her life. So lost in her lust that she didn’t even register the glare from her teacher just a short distance away or the lip-biting stare of envy from Lulu. “FUUUUUUUUCK!! MMMMM!!! AHHHHHH!! SO DEEP! SO HARD! AHHHHHH!!” She moaned out as her arms finally gave way, having to clutch onto his wrists for support as well as encouraging more of this hard, deep pumping sex from a man from another country than she’s from. Getting another round of that as he slammed his dick home into her snug and wet pussy to keep her nicely rounded ass crashing back into his crotch as she shifted in time with his slams.

“MMMMM… I could fuck this pussy all damn day…” Sean grinned, stroking Mei’s sides as the horny Joshi licked her lips, clearly liking the sounds of that.
“Hey! Now who is talking about hogging the same person all the time!” Emi snapped, using to use his words against him.
“Sounds like someone’s missing that big fucking dick!” The cameraman claimed with a mocking tone. “Go on Sean, let’s see what the head bitch in charge around here can handle.
“Oh, I’ll give her the works…” Lawless said, making himself and Suruga groan when he lifted her off of his cock. “See you soon, babe.” He gave her a wink as she was left sitting on the seating as he now moved down onto the flooring of the infamous Bang Bus.

Emi ground her teeth together again but wasn’t trying to resist when Sean moved up close to her and made her lay on her side on the floor so her tits were facing the camera. Taking her side on as he slipped his fat white dick back into that wet and snug Asian twat. This time, no holding back as he started drilling her and making his crotch smack into hers to set them both off moaning again. Holding her leg up and leaving the other spread out to the side so once again, similar to when he’d been fucking Lulu a while ago, the camera could get the clear shot of his thickness slamming home into her box. The sight and sound of skin hitting skin ringing out as he already made her juicy rack jiggle as she took a pumping in this side-on position.

“FUCK! MMMMM FUCK!! Is that… AHHHHH!! All you’ve g-got?? MMMMM FUCK!!” Sakura groaned but perhaps soon regretted her boasting claim, as if her clear, loud moans didn’t show how much she was loving this already. His grip on her leg allowing him to haul her along the floor, making her shift back and forth in time with his deep thrusts. Moving her thickly curved body to meet his pumps so when he pistoned in her snatch was driving back to make the smack of their sweating frames connecting ring out. “AHHHH FUCK!! I WON’T LOSE TO… MMMMM!! SUCH A D-DISGUSTING… AHHHHH FUCK!! BIG, FAT COCK LIKE YOURS!! OOOOOOOH!!” She groaned as the sweat dripped down her mature features, starting to leave strands of her hair sticking to her cheeks as she took this hard pounding. All the in-ring experience in the world not enough to try and fake that this wasn’t the best fuck she’s ever had as she moans poured out with every thrust in or out she took. Her eyes locked with that sinful glare at the smirking stud as he buried his cock into one of the wet Joshi holes he’s claimed during this dirty drive.

“Fucking cougar slut! Acting like this ain’t the best fucking sex she’s ever had!” Dirty One taunted as he stayed in position, able to capture the entire length of her thicc body as she jolted back and forth along the floor with her tits jiggling away too. Also allowing him to zoom in either on her moaning expression, or down between her spread legs as Sean’s cock pounded away to leave his balls slapping off of her sweat-soaked skin. “Yeah! Fucking drill her! My man is gonna make you fucking cream like the dirty MILF bitch you are!” He added as he watched the stiff action play out as even while groaning and sweating himself, Lawless showed off her porn star experience with the hard and swift pace usually reserved for actual, veteran skin flick starlets instead of a woman with over two decades of wrestling experience and several Championships to her credit.

“FUCK!! AHHHHH! SHIT!! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Sakura was looking far from the respected ring general she’s supposed to be as her head leaned back as the pleasure overwhelmed her. Being pushed and pulled back onto his thrusting dick like she was just a living sex toy for him to practice on, just with some thicc curves attached. Her pussy soaking wet but still nicely snug, more than enough to keep him moaning as he worked back and forth into her twat. “OH GOD! OH FUCK!! FUCK!! SHIT!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Perhaps even worse for her was in the background of the shot her own students were watching on with envy, and in particular Mei rubbing her pussy slowly at watching the cock she wanted to fuck her currently slamming in and out of another woman. Making the scene more shameful as Emi moaned away while the fellow wrestlers of the promotion she founded Gatoh Move were horny spectators for her as her body got thoroughly used with these deep, harsh pumps.

In fact, despite how this whole Bang Bus trip was of her creation, there was an irony that the leader of the Killer Queens became in fact the first of the three to hit their limit. Another gritted teeth expression but with Emi’s eyes rolled upward as her body shook while still being driven hard back and forth into his thrusts. Hissing out when she came hard, and soaked Sean’s big dick with her juices to leave him groaning and grinning but far from spent himself. Doing his part by making sure she had an orgasm to remember by keeping his pumps going nice and stiff, and only easing off when she panted and her head slumped down as she came down to Earth in a sweaty, worn out mess as he pulled out of her soaked box.

“And the next one, please…” Sean said with a smirk, as he rudely just rolled Sakura away to the side of the van before he took a hold of Lulu’s arm. “Don’t worry, cutie… I’ll make sure your mind is fucking blown just like your teacher’s was.” He said like a promise rather than a simple claim.
“S-Sure… Please, do!” Lulu timidly nodded her still hat-wearing head as she allowed herself to be moved down into position. Onto her hands and knees on the floor and facing the camera.
“Oh, I fucking will…” Lawless said, reaching down and guiding his prick back into her super tight pussy. Pausing to smirk at Mei as he saw her still stroking her snatch before he took a hold of Pencil’s lean midsection.

“AHHHHHHHH FUCK!!” Lulu’s eyes shot wide as her mouth hung open to moan when he didn’t just start fucking her. He hauled her tight body sharply back to impale her fully on his prick with a single, dominating motion to send her toned backside slapping hard into his crotch. And then again. And again. Not so much thrusting her as he was pushing and pulling her body onto his cock with a slight jolt against her of his own hips once in a while. Again using the fact that Pencil was the least skilled and experienced against her for a different form of lusty humiliation as he more used her and her tight twat like she was just a living sex toy. Plunging her down onto his cock like her love tunnel was just a first time use flesh-light before he pushed her back along his rod a few inches before hauling her back down to his base.

“FUCK! FUCK… AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMM!!” Lulu couldn’t even find the thought process to make her head look back as the stud controlling and using her. Just staring ahead with a glazed over look in her eyes as her cries of delight poured out of her. Looking through the lens recording her to perhaps unknowingly give it a lewd expression to enjoy as she got pounded from behind. The slap of her modestly sized but rounded ass impressively sharp considering her lack of curves as once again her tightness was more than encouraging such a hard pace that most normal women, let alone those with actual experience in the adult film industry, would struggle to take. “AHHHHH… AHHHHH!! MMMMMM!!” She gasped as the sweat dripped down her pretty face. That signature pink cap still on her head while her short hair was a mess with strands out of place across the forehead over her eyes and some sticking to her cheeks. Just about able to stay up in the classic doggy style position to take this hammering while her body was pulled sharply back over and over to get her snatch filled up to a limit she never knew she had before, let alone thinking she could take considering how earlier on she was gagging on just a portion of his prick before levelling up to handle him balls deep with her snatch.

“Hahahaha! Look at her! You’ve fucking broken her! Yeah, slam that tight little slut!!” Dirty One encouraged, loving the truly fucked silly expression on Lulu’s face as the journalist and writer turned wrestler was moaning out and looking truly drunk with desire for this kind of hard, commanding pounding she’s taking. “Best fucking dick she’s ever had! Got her brain turning to fucking mush or some shit! I fucking love it!” He added even as her arms began to give way as her head lowered shamefully while she still got hammered from the back. Her backside slapping against his toned waist as he used his vastly superior strength on the famously weak to comedic levels Joshi to slam her body back against his in order to leave her stuffed balls deep every time he dragged her back against his pumps.

“MMMMMM… I don’t know shit about wrestlers… But when it comes to Asian babes? FUCK… I love them fucking nice and tight like this!” Sean grinned, staring down to watch his cock vanish forward into her snatch as he pulled Pencil sharply against his thrusts. Still pushing and moving her along his pole as he now actively and firmly pumped away so it wasn’t just his crotch but his heavy balls now slapping off of her sweat-coated skin. Her Japanese pussy still very tight but now dripping wet all over his fat American dick. More than finding a use for her despite her awkward nature and lack of erotic experience with how pleasurable and tight her slot is. “MMMMM… I’ve had fucking co-stars for films… AHHHHH… Who weren’t this fucking snug even on their first shoot!” He said for a filthy style of compliment as he didn’t show any remorse to seeing Lulu’s upper body so slumped now her face was resting on the van floor as he tapped her from behind. Keeping her slim hips raised up so his cock could continue to slide in deep into her dripping box. Just adding to her shame as he was really just using her and her body for his pleasure even with the knowledge that she was barely a competitor in the first place.

“AHHHHHH… AHHHHHH… AHHHHHH…” Lulu panted out with eyes rolled back and her hat only now bumped a bit off her head from her cheek being stuck down on her floor, rubbing back and forth as her body was getting still yanked back. Her mouth open and shamefully drooling in pleasure as she got overwhelmed by the best sex in her life. Little surprise that her eyelids flickered and she grunted when her pussy (impressively considering how constantly tight she was being during all of this) clamped around that fat cock. Cumming hard as the juices dripped down, coating his dick further and landing on the floor as he kept drilling her, making sure she rode out all the waves of pleasure not just for added humiliation from being fucked into submission, but giving the camera more to film and enjoy from her hitting easily the hardest orgasm she’ll likely ever have.

When Sean pulled out of her, Lulu just groaned as she slumped down on the floor. Adding to the shame as she was limp and easily rolled out of the way. “And now, the main course…” He said, laying down on the floor now.
He didn’t even need to say anything as Mei quickly stopped her self rubbing and moved over, mounting him to this time face him as she reached down. Hungrily driving herself down onto his cock and not even caring about the exhausted, sweaty and panting state of her fellow Gatoh Move wrestlers, let alone one being a fellow student and the other her teacher.
“Yeah, this slut would make some serious fucking green if she switched to a real career!” The cameraman mocked. “Hey, teacher! Your prize student is about to earn a real fucking Easy A right here!” He yelled, looking over at the slumped forms of Emi at one side of this new position and Lulu at the other.

The former TJPW Princess Tag Team Champion had tunnel vision here now from her desire, driving her soaking wet Japanese pussy down onto the fat cock of this American hunk to make them both moan. Her hands sliding over his toned chest as she began to bounce and make her ass slap down against his body. Rewarded for her eagerness as he pumped up, matching her timing so whenever she dropped down he was sending a fresh, stiff thrust upward to make sure her box was stuffed to the limit. The pace leaving her tits swinging above him while her long hair flowed through the air behind her as she rode his cock. Gasping out as she was showing off a skill level at fucking some big cock to make her look like she was the most experienced out of anyone where, even with her actual Senpai laid out right next to her.

“AHHHHHH FUCK! SO GOOD! MMMMM!! SO BIG! MORE! MORE!!” She begged even as Mei was fucking that fat cock wildly as her ass kept crashing down hard into them but in such state of high desire that neither she nor her newfound fuck buddy felt any sting of pain. Just the pleasure from her snug, moist tunnel gliding up and down as she dropped onto his lap again and again to take him in to the hilt. Her tightness perfectly stretched out now to fit the shape of his cock like this member of the Killer Queens was a secret Size Queen all along. “MMMMM!! AHHHHH!! FUCK!! I NEED IT… MMMMM!! I LOVE IT!! FUCK!!” She gasped with a wide, sinful smile as she kept her big, rounded tits shaking as she shifted up and down on that thrusting dick. Getting rammed from underneath but dishing out as good as she was taking to ensure the stud underneath her was moaning out as he watched her gorgeous, curvy body slide up and down on his thick pole like she was built for hard fucking like this instead of pro wrestling.

“MMMMMM… God fucking damn! This chick is fucking wild! AHHHHH… This pussy is fucking dripping like a damn water fall!” Lawless grinned, finally now with a shine of sweat on him to show his veteran fucking skill to have lasted through three stunning in their own right women, and having made two of them cum hard. The third no doubt not that far off from the loud moans and rapid bounces that Suruga was performing on his rod. “AHHHHH… Guess I fucking found me a new favourite wrestler… Even if she’s just my first! MMMM!” He was able to joke, clearly caring more about how good her pussy felt and how impressive she was a fucking rather than any wrestling talent she might possess. Loving the feeling of that more than just moist, yet still wonderfully tight, pussy all around his cock as he pumped away up into her. Still matching her motion so he could slam home up into her love tunnel whenever the woman nicknamed the Biggest Apple drove herself down with wicked need onto his fuck-stick.

“FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK!! OOOOOOOOH MMMMMM…” As if her loud, constant moans weren’t proof enough of this new state of desire, far removed from her usual sweet and innocent attitude, she showed more her need for this big cock action by reaching down. Grabbing his hands and bringing them right to her large, rounded tits and not needing to be told twice, Sean deeply groped them to leave her head tilting back in delight. “FUUUUUUUUUCK!! MMMMMMM…” She dropped down onto his cock and stayed there as her hands stayed on his to encourage the deep fondling as her more than desirable chest easily spilled out over his fingers as he held her jiggling mounds. He still kept his dick ploughing up into her twat as she now rubbed her snatch down into his crotch, still pleasuring them both but letting herself take the fucking now while her tits got stimulated by his expert touch.

“Big fucking tits… Cute face… Nice ass… This slut is a fucking porn studio’s dream!” Dirty One stated the obvious as after a few moments of grinding down, Mei went back to bouncing away on that long, thick American dick to pleasure him with her soaking Asian pussy. More than familiar with his vast size now so she could easily lift up to the midway point on him before driving downward with a loud slap ringing out when her booty hit his legs. Repeating the motion as he in turn thrust his hips up to drive his prick into her box when she lowered down to give it to her balls deep like she was a fully fledged porn star rather than a pro wrestler. “I should have fucking paid double just to do a shoot with this bitch instead of the old broad and the slim slut!” He joked as he moved around and used his arms to hold out the camera for a close up of the shameless, pleasured expression all across Suruga’s stunning face while her long strands of dark hair from the top of her head were stuck in place from all the sweat.

“FUCK!! OH FUCK! OH FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Even as outstanding at filthy action as she’s been, Mei was soon enough driven to her limit as the stud she was mounted on toyed with her big tits with deep squeezes and hard thrusts of his big cock into her snatch. Her head tilting back as her bounces stopped, leaving her body just jolting upward when he pumped away as hit an unsurprisingly intense orgasm to shower his cock with juices. “FUUUUUUUUCK… MMMMMMM… AHHHHHH…” She gasped out as her hands stroked his arms as she found her hips able to rock back and forth, grinding her dripping twat as his cock got in a final round of pumps deep into her. Leaving her licking her lips with a still sinful but satisfied look on her face when he pulled out of her well fucked and left gaping pussy as he fondled those big tits again and she, despite such a strong peak, was still able to keep her wits about her as she dismounted him.

“Fuck! You’re something special, babe…” Sean grinned as he stood up, or at least bent over as much as the height of the bus would allow him. “Let me give you a fucking reward for fucking me so damn good.”
“Hold on my man! You gotta paint all three of these bitches!” The Dirty One intervened with a chuckle. “Ya fucked all of them, so you gotta give it to all of them.” He stated, before looking back to the front of the Bang Bus. “Yo, my dude! Start heading to that arena! We’re almost done with these sluts.” He said, and the Driver just raised a hand to motion as he started to change route from just the casual circling around the city.
“I already got a two for one today, so sure, I’ll take a triple shot of babes.” Lawless said as he moved over to first haul up Emi and then Lulu, making the tired out women lean against Mei as she stared up. Now in the middle with her fellow student and her teacher now with their already sweat-coated cheeks resting against hers as Suruga helped hold them up to kneel as he started stroking off.

Emi and Lulu just panted as the looked up, unable to resist as Sean let out a grunt. Making a slow turn of his aim across the women as he started to unload. The first shots fittingly for Emi, making her groan when the hot spunk hit across her mature cheeks before Mei took the next couple, leaving her licking her lips as the seed hit over her nose and mouth. Before Lulu got a helping too to make her whimper as the spunk hit over her cheek and chin. Sean smiled as he stroked off, aiming his last shots now just at Mei but at the sides, making it look like he was trying to leave the three Joshis stuck together by the cheeks by hitting Suruga on both cheeks resting at the other babes. Even allowing Mei to get a taste when he leaned in and placed his cock at her mouth, letting her tongue slide out as he eased the last drips out for her to sample as she sneaked in a swirl over the tip to clean up before she swallowed it down.

“That’s my man! Taking on three bitches like it’s a fucking walk in the park!” Dirty One said, making sure to capture the hat trick money shot across the faces of the Killer Queens. “And you’ve fucking earned your money babes… But you know… If you chicks wanna earn some extra bucks…” He started to offer.
“No! No more!” Emi snapped as she’d recovered enough to still be able to glare. “We’ve already done enough! The deal is done.”
“Your loss, MILF!” The cameraman shrugged as he glanced back as he felt and heard the van slowing down to park up. “Damn! Right on time. My man!” He said, pointing to the driver. “OK babes, we’re here! Daily’s Place, just as agreed.”
“Here? What you mean?” Sakura demanded as she didn’t see Sean behind them, bunching up their clothing into a pile. “We haven’t even gotten our clothes back on yet!”

Before she could argue more, the side door slid open when the driver had hopped out unseen. Seeing out that there was a line of fans, clearly with many in AEW merchandise of different wrestlers. The shock of seeing three faces from AEW Dark and Dark Elevator matched by the horror on Emi’s face and the shock on Lulu and Mei’s. Surprised enough that with a sudden shove, Sean from the back pushed Suruga and Pencil out from the van, sending them naked and tumbling down to the ground outside the waiting line as fans started snapping pics.

“WHAT THE FUCK??” Emi yelled but then got tossed out too with Dirty One lending a shoving hand to send her down onto the others for a Joshi pile. One more distraction while the Driver got back in as Sean then tossed the ball of clothes down and out too, hitting Emi to send her backwards and knocking over the other Killer Queens.

“Go go go!!” Dirty One yelled as Sean slammed the door back shut and the van took off, leaving the amphitheatre behind and Sakura screaming in Japanese as the other babes struggled to cover their naked frames up. “Oh boy! Those sluts wanted publicity? Well, they’re gonna fucking get it now!” He laughed as he reached over the front passenger seat to fist bump the Driver as he held a hand back while still looking ahead. Before doing the same gesture to Sean as he sat back down.
“Well what did they expect?” Lawless smiled. “I mean I dug that one chick with the tits, but not enough to not hit and run on her!”
“Exactly! Besides, they’re gonna get paid… Not my fault that the fans of that company one of them is actually signed to are gonna post up all the pics of them naked and dripping some hot fucking cum before this video ever goes out.” The cameraman stated. “Guess that means we’re gonna be the ones getting all the publicity after all!”
“And if those chicks end up getting fired or whatever? I’m sure we can give them a position or two in a film.” Sean chuckled.

“Yeah, that’s damn right. I got plenty of cash to splash for those kinds of sluts, and plenty more wrestling sluts if they’re dumb enough to want to make a quick buck.” Dirty One bragged. “But yo, let’s get you the fuck out of here! You’ve got to be tired out after railing three sluts all day. Let’s swing by the burger joint and get some mean eats… Yo, you wanting the usual?” He looked to the Driver who just made a thumbs up gesture again without even looking back. “The man loves his gherkins, what can I say? God I love that fucking maniac!”

And with that, another production of a Bang Bus featuring some gorgeous pro wrestlers comes to a close as the video fades to black before the production and copyright notices are shown.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2022, 05:03:23 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own  TJPW or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Maki Itoh (TJPW)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Maki Itoh

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter, anal.

* * *

The video started up, seeing a familiar sight not just to those who watch skin flicks in general but of this particular brand of banging in a bus type of film. Tyler Steel, the toned and hung porn star, smiling as he sits in jeans and a shirt. Sitting on the back seats of the famous vehicle as it was already driving.

“Alright alright! Another fine day on the damn Bus with my man Tyler…” The Dirty One remarked from behind the camera, leaning over to deliver a fist bump to the stud. “And surprise fucking surprise… My man leapt at the chance to do another one of our trips when he heard I had another smoking hot, tight pussy Japanese wrestler chick lined up for him and his big fucking dick!” he bluntly explained.
“What can I say? You had me at pussy.” Steel joked. “But yeah, the last time was fucking sweet. It was like, a hot stacked exotic chick with huge titties and ass? So I’m fucking interested in who you’ve got for me this time.”
“Damn fucking right!” The cameraman laughed. “So yeah, this chick was like doing some sort of tour with some American company and they like didn’t want to sign her, so she got like all pissed off or whatever. And she’s like wanting to be all world famous and shit, like any other slut in the world. So she got wind of us and our offers… And she’s ready to get down and dirty for some bucks! How that will make her a bigger star? I don’t fucking know! I’m just here to see some big dick in tight holes!”
“Well, she’s gonna get exposed for sure… But not in the way she fucking thinks!” Tyler said with a smile.

“Yeah, well… Wait, is that her?” Dirty One looked to the front as the van began to slow down and pulled up. Looking out to see a young, gorgeous Japanese woman with her flaming red hair styled with a big fringe over the forehead and tied into pigtails at both sides of her head. Clad in a fashionable jacket with a plaid red shirt and skirt combo underneath, along with a bag over the shoulder.

“HEY MOTHER FUCKERS!!” Maki Itoh yelled as soon as the door was opened. “You the assholes here to fuck or what??” She shamelessly said as the Driver, without even looking back, gave a thumbs up to confirm. “Let’s fucking go then, shit heads!” Maki said, inviting herself in and closing the door behind her. The van starting up once again and driving off as it headed off along a planned out route to circle around some familiar blocks to give plenty of uninterrupted time for the action to play out.

“Damn! This bitch for real?” Tyler said, stunned but grinning at how a woman looking so cute could have such a fowl mouth on her as Itoh dropped her bag down and took a seat next to him, slipping off her jacket.
“Real? Maki Itoh is real… Really fucking cute!” Maki smirked, looking to the camera. “The Cutest in the World!” She said, giving a signature middle finger gesture as well to the camera.
“Damn, this bitch ain’t fucking around!” Dirty One laughed. “Well Maki, this is my friend Tyler… And he’s gonna be the one who rocks your fucking world today, like we all agreed and paid you for.
“Him?” She looked over Steel. “He’s the mother fucker with the big fucking cock?”
“She’s read my CV, I see.” Tyler chuckled. “You know what? I think if this slut is down to fuck like she talks? I think we can skip over the bullshit intro…” He said, reaching down to unzip his pants.

Maki’s eyes widened with a mix of shock and approval when he pushed down his clothing, showing off a fat, long white cock to her that was made (and very experienced) in porn. “That’s… Yeah, that’s fucking big!” She stated the obvious. “OK, mother fuckers! Let’s fucking go!!” She announced, pulling her top up and over her head and showing just how down to fuck she really was without even having a bra on. Her perky, modest chest on display but not stopping there. The skirt soon following to show off a rounded ass and her completely shaved, tight looking pussy.

“Oh yeah, that’s gonna be right up my man’s street.” Dirty One filmed that twat as Itoh didn’t even wait for him to fully take his shirt off as she moved down to between his legs. Gripping his length and starting to stroke with a confidence as a sign this isn’t the first time she’s taken on a cock. Just not one always of this vast size before. “Damn! Wish all the sluts we had on the Bus were as into it as she is!” He added as Steel, now naked himself, smiled down as his cock. “Shit, I’m down! Let’s just fucking roll with it.” He said, as Tyler just nodded with a smile. Not objecting one bit to a hot babe jerking him off to get him rock hard in no time at all.

“You all fucking talk too much, mother fuckers…” Maki remarked with another confident smirk with her own crude brand of the English language as she leaned in. Sliding her tongue out across the fat crown of his cock, getting the first proper moan out of him as her hand twisted around the base. Showing a different set of skills to handle his ‘mic’ like she’s known from her singing work. Swirling around the head slowly and smoothly while staring up. Not bothered one bit by being filmed either as she teased his cock with the frisky tongue work. Groaning herself a bit as she enjoyed the taste of big fat American cock as her tongue lashed across the tip. A little bit of saliva applied from the already quite eager work.

Just as he was about to challenge her to go a little further, she moved things along herself as she controlled the pace. Parting her lips and sliding his meat inside as she groaned from her lips having to instantly stretch around his thickness. An early, sure sign that this size of a dick isn’t quite like anything she’s used to. Not letting that stop her as she began to rock her head up and down, passing him between her lips as she made him moan. Staring up with noticeable lust as she feasted on his big dick. Pushing along him to take just about half his size into her talented, in more ways than one, oral hole. Sending her flaming hair swaying back and forth in time with the motion as she showed she can use that head for more than just as a weapon in matches.

“Yeah! Look at this little slut go! Fucking foul mouth to go with using it for sucking dick!” Dirty One encouraged as he got the great shot of that cock of Steel’s sliding up into her mouth as she worked up and down. Her hand just holding the base with a couple of fingers as her experienced mouth did the job, making him moan out while she let out groans to vibrate off his prick. “Fuck yeah! Ya had to know a cute little singer like her puts that mouth to good use, sucking a mean dick!” He nastily complimented as he watched on as Itoh slurped up and down. Getting her saliva running down that porn star cock as she kept her lips wrapped around him. The pace quickening now she’s more than used to such a vast length filling her up as that famously lewd and crude mouth was put to an even better use.

“Mmmmmhhh… Mmmmm!! Hmmmmmphh…” Maki continued to have her own groans of arousal muffled by all that man-meat deep between her lips. Her eyes widening when the fat head of his cock hit the back of her mouth to make her recoil slightly. Another indicator that this was far, far more inches than she was used to handling. Yet at the same time her repeated, smooth bobbing along his size making it look like she was used to taking on big dicks like this all the time. “Mmmmm! Hmmmmm… Mmmmmphhh!!” She only briefly glanced to the camera recording her, well aware this wicked act was being filmed as the gorgeous Japanese woman happily sucked on a thick white cock. Showing off some of her attitude as she played up to the camera and took her hand off the base of his rod, just to give a defiant middle finger to the camera. All for fun since she was willingly taking part in this oral sex.

“Mmmmm… Fucking feisty little slut, huh? Mmmmm… Let’s see how much the bitch can take then!” Tyler announced with a grin. He’d already been moaning out his approval at her dick sucking ability but wanted plenty more to make the most of this Bang Bus adventure. Reaching down as he took a hold of both of her signature red pigtails. Firmly gripping them both to tug on her, forcing a groan that for once wasn’t purely of lust as Itoh was pulled sharply down onto his dick. A gag let out when his cock went beyond just that hot, wet mouth. “Mmmmmm… Fuck yeah… That’s some good fucking shit…” He moaned as he enjoyed the feeling of her snug throat as he now took control of proceedings. Putting the Idol and wrestler through some firm, yet slow and steady face fucking to drive his prick deep between her lips. Bringing her face right down so his large balls hit off her chin and kept her gagging each time his cock invaded that oral passage.

“GAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHRRRKKK… MMMMMPHHH!!” Itoh glared up, but never made a move to stop this new rough edge to the action. Letting her red haired head by yanked sharply up and down on that huge cock to impale her throat over and over. The spit drooling down as her lips fought and failed to stay pressed around him. Her chokes constant around him but just adding to his pressure as she took an oral pounding. Getting her throat stuffed full while her tongue brushed up against the underside as it passed in and out. “GAAAAAAAAAAH!! MMMMM… GAAAAAAAAHHH HHHHHLLLRRRR…” Impressively as she took the face fucking, her eyes never watered for a moment like she was hurt worse in a wrestling match than with this. The sort of pace that would leave a normal newcomer to porn with an aching jaw if not worse from this stiff pumping. Her head being bobbed right along his size to make his balls connect with her chin for a sinful smack as the spit splashed about.

“Fuck yeah! Look at that hot fucking cock sucker go!” The cameraman’s grin was clear in his voice as he watched the saliva drool down as the talented TJPW grappler choked again and again on the porn star’s meaty rod. The hair being twisted and pulled like handlebars to bring that gorgeous face right down into the hunk’s crotch. Her fringe rubbing against his muscular waist as she got stuffed to the hilt but all the time gazing up with a look of part defiance, part desire like she was loving being abused by this. “Shit… Bitch putting that dirty mouth of hers to good fucking use! Yeah! Fucking love that shit!” He remarked as he kept the shot steady. Filming away while the van they were all in continued to drive about while she not so much gave some back seat head but had her mouth firmly and deeply fucked.

“GAAAAAAAHHH… MMMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAH!!” Her eyes were half closed, putting on a show of her own as she let her hair be tugged on to keep her groaning as she was made to bob along that length. Both hands coming up to give the middle finger gesture while she slobbered away all over that man-meat to make the hunk pounding her lips moan out in delight. The  hand sign just to add to the moment as at no point during this did she make any move to pull away, let alone make his hands release the grip of her red locks. “MMMPHHH… HHHHRRRK… GAAAAAAAAHH!” The chokes continued, sounding sinfully raspy with each new pull down into his crotch she took. The saliva drooling down her chin and neck as well as off those soaked balls and the shaft. Dripping onto her modest chest but a bit of mess far from her worries as she focused on taking this oral stuffing. A mouth more known for being foul and swearing, alongside Idol singing, showing off the perfect set of talents needed to make a killing in porn. A dose of face fucking that a mere minute off would easily finish off most men.

“Mmmmmm! Shit… Took that fucking better than most… Nah, than any of the sluts we usually have on here…” Tyler remarked with a moan as he let go of her hair.
Allowing her to pull off with a gasp, taking in some long overdue air. “Fucking asshole!!” Maki snapped but with a sexy smirk. “You trying to kill me? Sucking on that fat fucking dick?”
“I didn’t hear you fucking complaining, babe!” Dirty One chipped in. “But I guess you did have your mouth full after all!” He added with a laugh.
“So, what? We gonna fuck now or what?” Itoh bluntly said as she reached over for her jacket. Pulling out a condom wrapper and starting to open it up.

“Oh, using a rubber? Whatever, I’m down.” Steel shrugged as he watched her come back over and slide the protection easily, like she’s done this before, over his fat inches.
“Eh, don’t worry. Guess it’s because she’s an idol or whatever.” The camera man said, shrugging as he made the camera shift for a moment.
“It’s all good. I’m usually down to go bareback but I’ll roll with this.” Steel said as Itoh moved up onto him.
“Bareback? Huh? What is bareback?” Maki questioned as she mounted his lap, allowing him to reach down and line himself up with her.
“Heh, maybe I’ll show you later…” Tyler chuckled before he pushed up into her to get the Bang Bus ride really doing.

“MMMMM!!” Taking the first thrust, that red haired head tilted back as she showed off the slightly messy state her pigtails have been left in from that face fucking moments before. Showing the pleasure from being filled up as the hunk she’s now mounted on took a hold of her slim waist as he began to pump upward. Getting a feel of her snug Asian twat himself as he fed his thick American cock in and out of her tight box. Her arousal not quite enough to ease the friction so he had to ease up with a slow, but firm pace as they both adjusted to the sensations. Still a smoking hot sight regardless to watch some snug pussy getting filled up with a big dick as the beautiful pro wrestler began to jolt and move on that rod.

“OH FUCK… Fucking big! MMMMM… Big, fucking cock!! MMMMM… Yes!!” Itoh moaned out as she looked back over her shoulder. Not so much at the camera behind her filming this all, but to watch her own body shifting along that pumping cock as he worked those inches deeper into her love tunnel. Having gone from taking his member balls deep into her oral hole and looking like she’s fast approaching getting him stuffed into another as she rocks on his big prick. “AHHHHH! MMMMM… Going deep! MMMMM! Come on! Fucking asshole! MMMMM!! Fuck me! MMMM… Fuck me good… With that big fucking cock!!” She demanded as she licked her lips with a stare at the camera for a moment. A sign that she’s not just getting off on fucking a stranger, but doing so for a wicked porno as she acts in an extremely far from Idol-like manner, but completely on brand for her rebellious attitude and persona.

“Mmmmmm! My fucking pleasure, you fucking hot little slut!” Tyler grinned, not needing to be told twice to take such an open invitation. Never mind the fact that he was already thrusting away up into her snatch to begin with, but her moans encouraging the motion as he kept her steady and straight on his lap. Allowing him to drill upward as more of his inches stuffed up into the former International Princess Champion. Making her pigtails swing back and forth as he made her bounce on his prick from the stiffness of his pumps up into her slot. “Ahhhhh! God, got to love some… MMMMM! Hot, Asian pussy! She’s tight… MMMMM!! Tight as all fuck!” He moaned out so the audience got a hint of what he was enjoying and feeling as he worked like a piston into her dampening pussy. An experienced stud like him no stranger to trying to split open a tight hole from the far East, but clearly from his loud and shameless moans this piece of tail was ranking way high in his past conquests.

“MMMM!! Big dicked mother fucker!! AHHHHH!! Son of a fucking bitch!! MMMMM!! Fuck that pussy! Yeah!! MMMMMM FUCK!! Fucking fuck the pussy!! AHHHHH!!” She yelled out between her own groans as she shifted on his dick. Attempting to bounce on him but more being jolted upward from the more than stiff force of his motion. Filling her right up as his crotch hit off her skin, making the slap ring out around the enclosed confines of the moving vehicle they are fucking in. “AHHHHHH!! SHIT!! Mother fucker!! MMMMMM FUCK!! Fucking good! Yeah!! MMMMM!! Fucking good fucking shit!! AHHHHH!!” It was hardly poetic and certainly even more foul than her mouth usually is to begin with. Yet managing to sound even hotter and sweeter then any song the famously fired Idol has ever belted out. Moaning away as she rode his dick and took those pumps balls deep as the porn hunk she was mounted on rather easily claimed another of her holes for his wicked pleasure.

“Yeah! Fuck yeah! Look at this slut go! Hot fucking bundle of energy this bitch is!” Dirty One kept the running commentary of the action he was recording going. Positioned just right behind them to capture her cutely rounded ass slapping down into Steel’s legs as she got drilled from underneath. Not exactly showing any respect to the talented Joshi but rating her appropriately for the action she signed up for in the first place. “Yeah! Fucking railing her, man! Gonna break this bitch wide open with that huge dick! Deep in that fucking vice of a pussy!” He added with a laugh as those trusts from Tyler kept coming to slide in deeply. Keeping his balls hitting off her wet lower lips as he thrust in and out. Using her hole like he would any other newbie babe riding this Bus, let alone to other far more experienced porn starlets who would even struggle to keep up handling this kind of wild, pounding pace. Suitably getting their money’s worth out of the visitor from another country and this encounter is far from over yet.

That being proven when Steel eased her off his prick, making them both groan out already as he lifted her off his lap. “Oh man, that’s some good shit.” He said with a grin, moving to kneel as he had his co-star lay across the back seating of this infamous vehicle.
“You not fucking tired yet, huh asshole?” Itoh challenged, already spreading her legs wide expectantly for him.
“Oh, far from it, bitch!” Tyler replied, grinning as he was into the banter between the two as he moved back in and lined his cock, still covered with the condom, up with her wet snatch.
“Yeah! Putting this hot, Asian baddie through the works!” Dirty One said with a chuckle. “That’s my man right there! Gonna make this slut fucking cream nice and hard!”

The action got right underway as that big white dick was pushed straight back into her snug, wet Asian pussy. Able to slide right in to fill her up to the hilt and make them both moan out. Her arms reaching back to grip the couch as she stared across her gorgeous, tight body but not at the sweat starting to form across her skin. Her focus on between her legs as he held them apart at the thighs to watch that now very familiar dick starting to ram into her box. Making her shift on her back along the seating as she groaned out in delight. Clearly having more than an element of a Size Queen about her as the fired Idol turned pro wrestler showed off a set of skills more suited for a career in porn than the squared circle.

“MMMMM!! MOTHER FUCKER!! COME ON! MMMMM!! Harder! DEEPER YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!! MMMMM!!” Her dirty talk snapped out her demands as even as she was getting drilled exactly like that, it wasn’t enough for her filthy urges. Her hair sprawled out, dragging along the back seats as her body shifted from those stiff pumps. That slap of skin hitting different toned skin ringing out to mix with both of their moans. Showing the hunk slamming her full was loving this just as much as the babe taking all that big cock deep into her snugness. “MMMMM SHIT!! MOTHER FUCKER!! BIG COCKED BASTARD! COME ON! OOOOOOOOOOH FUCK!!” She licked her lips again as she glanced to the camera filming her getting fucked, clearly thrilled by that as she shamelessly played up to it before turning her intense, sinful gaze back to the stud ramming her twat over and over. Well aware that being in such a skin flick like this could ruin her career back home, but perhaps open up a whole new line of work that required her laying on her back like this.

“AHHHHH… God damn this bitch is something else! MMMMM… I’ve had co-stars who ain’t been able to take it this good!” Steel just grinned, keeping her legs spread as he pounded away into her slot with that stiff and quick pace. Keeping his balls slapping off her body every time he drove in and filled her right up. That love tunnel staying tightly wrapped all around his inches even with this sort of pace, let alone the vast size of his pole that she’s been repeatedly taking. “MMMMM… These wrestling sluts gonna make me want to check out their shows at this rate!” He joked before letting out another deep groan as he delivered a fresh, hard round of thrusts to make the former LinQ Idol shift against his thrusts. Never allowing her to move too far back so his cock never escaped from that wet snatch. Allowing him to drive back in quickly after pulling just a few inches out so he was back balls deep into her needy but still snug hole.

Maki grit her teeth as she stared across. Finding one of her hands down at the top of her pussy, encouraging more of this clearly intense pleasure as she danced her fingers quickly across her clit to enhance matters even more. Not making up for any sort of lack of action as his cock alone was more than giving her some of the best sex she’s ever had in her very eventful, in and out of the ring, life. Just racing herself even quicker towards a peak as she moaned out between her near constant swearing. Helping in a way to double team herself as she self pleasured and stimulated that nub while her box as a whole got pounded again and again by that fat, long and certainly experienced shaft.

“Shit… This slut is a fucking natural!” Dirty One laughed at his rude form of a compliment as he watched the Joshi rub away at herself and keep moaning out as the sweat coated her face. Making a couple loose strands of her red hair cling to her cheeks as she jolted along the back seats of the infamous Bang Bus. Clearly her tight and slim Asian frame was built for hard fucking like this, but never having got the chance before until she got a piece of his thick American dick that’s ramming away into her. “God, whatever companies passed on her must be run by total dumbasses! Their loss, our fucking gain!” He said, sounding like he was bragging and rightfully so. Getting to film one of the hottest women in Japanese pro wrestling getting some big dick action and taking it like it’s second nature to her. Her snatch dripping wet and still very snug to make the man ploughing into her keep moaning out in approval.

“MMMMMM!! OH FUCK!! YOU MOTHER FUCKER!! MMMMM!! CUMMING… GONNA FUCKING CUM!! OH FUCK YESSSSS!! Maki hissed in delight as she kept her hand furiously brushing away at her clit, nicely timed as that fat dick banged her deeply and stiffly. No need for any faking here as the deep groans from the porn star driving into her indicated as her tight enough already pussy clamped freshly around his size as she came. Her head tilting back slightly but not so far that the look of bliss across her face wasn’t seen. Shuddering on his prick as she sent more juices over that still condom-covered cock and the layer not being any sort of barrier from enjoying every moment of the peak for either of them. “AAAAAAAAHHH FUCK!! MOTHER FUCKER!! MMMMMM YESSSSSSS!! AHHHHH FUCK!!” She panted, rubbing her way through the pleasure even as his thrusts never stopped so they both worked to make sure she felt every moment of it. Plus, it made for some damn good wank material for the video as he skilfully made sure that her entire orgasm was recorded. And when he finally pulled out, showing his dick was still rock hard and ready for more? It might not be the only peak she hit during this journey they’re still on.

“Yeah, that’s my man! Fucking making it look easy!” Dirty One remarked, grinning behind the camera.
“Oi! I’m not fucking done either, asshole!” Maki snapped as she sat up. “Give me some more of that big cock, you fucks!”
“Oh, I got something in mind alright…” Tyler said. “Let’s give her some time to recover though with some rimming.”
“Rim… Rimming?” Itoh tilted her head. “What is this rimming?” She said, responding to a new word she’s not used to.
“Oh, I’ll do more than just tell you.” Steel replied with a grin as he took a hold of her and moved her into position.

The nicely sweating Joshi didn’t object as she was kept on the back seats, but now on her hands and knees with her nicely rounded ass sticking out, showing off that dripping wet pussy as well. Soon finding our first hand what that new word meant when she gasped out with wide eyes, looking back behind her as he spread her cheeks part. Leaning in and sliding his tongue already expertly across her asshole with a long, slow lick down her. Teasing going all the way to that well fucked slit but instead moving back up to focus on the last of her holes he’s yet to stuff his dick into. Getting a good sampling of her however as he lapped at her tightness, getting a sense that even as wild as she is, anal sex isn’t something she gives up so easily.

“MMMMM… You dirty mother fucker! AHHHHH… MMMMM…” She swore back at him, looking over the shoulder with half-closed eyes that rather than be filled with fury, seemed more lustful at having her ass eaten out. Already shifting herself back, moving her rump against his tongue as he flicked at her. Showing no issue with this warm up as she enjoyed his far from novice motion to slide against her entrance. “MMMM… Rimming… AHHHHH… Yeah, come on… Mother fucker! Mmmmm… Rim me…” She purred as even fresh from an orgasm she was still as down to fuck as he clearly was. Easily encouraged by him licking at her asshole, getting her nicely slick with his spit as he worked his tongue across her. What her booty might lack in thickness more than made up for with clear tightness as even with his vast experience in eating ass, he was meeting resistance in getting inside her back passage. And it might even be that while she didn’t know what the exact term of this was, this perhaps wasn’t her first time taking a rimming either with how eagerly she’s pushing back towards his mouth.

He wasn’t going to pass up a free chance to get balls deep in some hot Asian ass however, so the first step was properly warming up this beauty. Using a hand to give her ass a sharp spank, and rather than feeling the sting of pain she just groaned out and kept pushing her butt back into his handsome face. Leaving him smirking as he made sure to spread her cheeks and angle his head to the camera could film his tongue flicking out at her asshole. The saliva dripping down now from the repeated licks as he dined on the world travelled wrestler’s backside. Helped out by her ass being pushed back into his tongue as she moaned out. Not used to it, but clearly the idea of being rimmed was to her liking as she felt that tongue work over her.

There was brief break in the footage, coming back to still show Maki in that doggy style position on the back seats but now her asshole had gone from just a coating of saliva to looking like shining from some lubing up. The magic of editing leaving out the other preparation work done to her as Steel moved in behind her, half kneeling himself with the far leg on the seats. Now lining up his fat, white cock with her tight Japanese ass as he pushed the head of his prick, still wrapped in that rubber, against her asshole. Groans let out by both of them when he pushed firmly in, invading her backside and completing his own personal tour of the tight bodied wrestler as she moaned out with her head tilting back in approval. All adding in to the notion this might be far from her first time engaging in anal sex.

“MMMMM SHIT!! OH FUCK!! MOTHER FUCKER!! MMMMM!!” Her hand was back down under her body, rubbing at her twat while her other lower hole started to take that big cock she was now extremely familiar with. The same dick that’s been balls deep in her throat and pussy now claiming her tightest of holes. “MMMMM!! FUCK!! FILL ME UP!! COME ON, MOTHER FUCKER!! AHHHHH SHIT!! FUCK!!” She moaned out as her own shifting against his dick kept her red pigtails swinging once again. Feeling her asshole being wonderfully stretched out as he worked back and forth. Moaning himself and looking to see if this passage can handle as much thick dick as the rest of her obviously can. And it wasn’t like she was trying to even pretend to resist this. Actively shoving her backside back towards him whenever a new, firm pump entered between her rounded cheeks as he kept them spread. Once again ensuring that the camera got a great shot of his huge shaft invading that tightness.

“God damn! Look at this fucking hot slut go!” The cameraman marvelled, moving in for a close-up of her asshole taking that big cock as the thrusts into her were smooth and stiff. Anyone who tuned in and saw this without knowing who she was would just assume she was just as experienced a skin flick star as the actual stud behind her. His moans mixing with hers in the air as they used the moving van to continue fucking in. “I didn’t think a tiny, tight little fine ass like hers could even take half of my man Tyler’s dick! Man I love being proved fucking wrong by these sluts!” He added, pulling back for the full shot of all of the Asian beauty’s body moving back and forth as she took it up the ass from behind. More of those inches being eased in as even if she was super experienced with some back door fun, even she had a job to take such a massive size like this.

“AHHHHH!! FUCK!! MMMMM… FUCKING FUCK ME! OOOOOOOOH! MMMM!! FUCK MY ASS!! AHHHHH!!” Her groans demanded as she stared back and licked her lips sinfully. Impressing again by not even looking like she’s in pain at all despite the sheer length, never mind the thickness, of that porn star cock driving in and out of her asshole. “MMMMM YESSSSSS… FUCKER! AHHHH!! MOTHER FUCKER!! MMMMM!! FUCKING MY ASS!! MMMMM FUCK YES!!” She groaned out as sweat dripped off her gorgeous face. Her hands clawing slightly at the seating but still managing to shift back and forth. A different sort of timing than the previously fired Idol turned pro wrestler is used to doing. Sending her snug asshole back against the next thrust that big dick delivers to make them both moan. Managing to rock back and forth even on just one arm. Her other hand still between her legs, rubbing away wickedly at her already soaking wet pussy.

Steel just grinned as a healthy shine of sweat was making his toned body look better than ever. More than enjoying a workout with this beauty from The Land of the Rising Sun as his crotch finally started to hit of her tight ass. Fitting his big prick almost completely into her super tight back passage, with just an inch or so left out thanks to the angle he was using to both fuck her and make sure there was a clear view for the camera of the action. Keeping her cheeks spread but even holding them, her butt deliciously jiggled thanks to the stiff connection of his body hitting off of hers. More than showing off her sexual talents as she shows that if she made a switch from wrestling to a far more R-Rated career she would easily rise to an award winning rather than Championship winning status.

“OOOOOOOH FUUUUUCK!! MMMMMMM…” The only thing on Itoh’s mind right now however was that huge cock and taking it deep into her back passage. The slap of her butt hitting off the muscular frame of the stud behind her ringing out in the still moving van they’re fucking in along with both of their loud, shameless moans. Still managing to slide her fingers across her folds, leaving them coated with juices to drip down as she kept both lower holes stimulated. “AHHHHH SHIT! FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” She panted as her head hung low a little as the butt fucking, let alone all the sex she’d taken during this, took its toll on the former International Princess Champion of TJPW. Even so, keeping her eyes locked back over a shoulder with an intense gaze that alone begged without words for more of that fat dick stuffed into her backside. A display that many other women, even ones more used to fucking on camera than she is, would have left them walking with a limp for many days trying to endure this kind of anal pounding.

“Oh shit she’s getting tired! You’re wearing out little wrestler slut out, my man!” Dirty One commented at the sight of her. Clearly having seen plenty of sex and the vast majority of it with him behind the camera to tell when a babe is hitting a limit.
“Now we can’t have that, can we?” Tyler smirked, pulling out of that butt and letting the camera get a shot of the wickedly gaping state her asshole is already in.
“No! Not… Not fucking finished!” Maki said, glaring with lusty need as she sat up. “More! Give me fucking more, you asshole!”
“Oh, I fucking plan on it…” Steel said, seeing her coming close. “By the way? You said you wanted to know what going bareback was like, right?” He said, taking advantage of her sex-distracted state to slyly pull the condom off his fat cock.
“Shut the fuck up! Fucking fuck me, mother fucker!” Itoh snapped, not caring about the lack of protection now as she moved up to mount his lap but this time her back facing him so her sweat soaked frame was facing the camera from face down to her lower holes.

“Well if you fucking want it?” He smirked, scooping up her legs as his cock slammed up into her asshole again, driving in balls deep with the first pump to make her head tilt back in delight. Keeping her limbs spread but also pulled back, leaving her unable to even bounce under her own power on his dick. “Then fucking take it, slut!” He said, starting to drill her from underneath as she howled in delight from the new rough fucking. Her ass made to clap when he drove up into her and more made her just jolt up and down rather than make her properly ride his dick. A pace enough to get them both groaning out as he kept her impaled on his shaft and nicely straight on his lap. Allowing him to just slam right up and down as his balls hit off her sweat dripping skin.

Yet it still wasn’t quite rough enough as Itoh’s arms were back around his head for an element of support to keep herself stuffed on that thrusting cock. Made to groan out when his own hands came up but rather than holding onto even her body, they gripped those red pigtails of hers. Tugging her locks just like at the start of this encounter but not even for a proper means of working her on his prick. More to further leave her looking like a living sex toy to be used for his pleasure as he hammered his dick in and out of her already well fucked asshole. Leaving her hair even more of a mess so that even as her head bobs and shakes, it can’t make loose strands loosen from off her face to make it all the more sinful.

“FUUUUUUUUUCK!! MMMMM!! FUCK YESSSSSSS AAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Despite how rough and harsh this anal pounding was, the former member of the LinQ and now current Tokiwoikiru Idol group moaned out between loud begging for even more. That white cock more than having made a home for itself in her snug Japanese ass to leave her cheeks slapping off of him every time he thrust upward. “FUCK FUCK FUCK… MMMMMM AHHHHH YES!! YES!! FUCK THAT ASS MMMMMM MOTHER FUUUUUUUUUCKERRR!! MMMMM!!” She groaned loudly as she was made to shift along that dick, bouncing up a bit from the pure force of each new pump into her backside from underneath. Her legs spread but dangling as she jolted, and only letting out a hiss mixed of pain and pleasure when his hands gripped her red hair to tug away on those signature pigtails. Getting off on that hair play to go along with the near destruction level pumping her tight, modestly rounded ass was enduring.

“Jesus Christ! He’s gonna split her fucking open! Yeah! Fucking wreck that hot fucking slut!! Fuck her shit up!!” Dirty One just encouraged the sort of action that would knock a normal woman out from the level of anal abuse Itoh was not just taking, but actively encouraging. Filming her being rag dolled on that cock as it pounded away like a machine stuck in overdrive. The juices from Maki’s pussy dripping down even without her even being able to directly rub herself any more. “God damn! They make the sluts something fucking special over in Japan!” He added with a laugh sounding as close to respecting a woman as he got with how more than impressively she was taking this anal pounding. Let alone being strung up with her hair clutched like a trophy of war as she got rammed again and again.

Tyler underneath her grit his teeth, sweating hard finally now as keeping up this harsh level of thrusting began to drain him. Not making him ease up however as he still held onto her flaming red hair, gripping and turning like he was holding onto handlebars to really put her through the workout of a lifetime. His crotch slapping up into her butt, stuffing her back passage full with his member but even with this wild pace she was still pleasurably snug all around his fat cock. Another clear sign that she was built to take this kind of Size Queen anal action. And any concern she might have had about taking him bareback being far from her mind as her pussy continued to drip and her moan constantly flowed from that infamously fowl mouth of hers.

“AHHHHH! AHHHH!! AHHHHHH!!” She panted as her eyes began gazing upward while her lips formed a perfect shape of an O. The anal drilling she was enduring bringing her to another intense orgasm and hitting it hands free no less. Leaving the stud she was mounted on grunting deeply when her ass clamped around his dick as she came. If not for the grip on her hair still she likely would have her head rolled about as her body still jolted up and down as he got in a last round of hard pumps. Once again playing his part well by making sure a full show of enjoying her peak was enjoyed by that recording camera. Eventually pulling her down onto his lap, leaving her grinding into him as he stopped his motion. But smirking as he kept a grip of the pigtails, making her look over at him as he leaned up. Daring to smooch the Idol and wrestler as their lips met and she, with no objection, let his tongue slide against hers to make out. Even with his dick still buried up her backside as she came down from another huge high.

“Ahhhhh… Mother fucker…” Maki groaned when the kiss was broken and he finally let go of her hair. Just to pull hold her waist and lift her off his cock.
“Yo, my man! Head to the spot!” Dirty One said, looking to the front as the Driver raised a hand to indicate he got the message loud and clear. Changing direction from just circling the block. “Time we wrapped this shit up!” He said as he watched Itoh being set down on the floor of the van to kneel.

Pumping his throbbing cock, Tyler moaned as he stood up with a lean over to use as much height as the vehicle could allow. Moaning when he started to shoot his load and showing off even more potential in this line of work, Maki didn’t even flinch for a moment when the hot, white spunk started hitting across that pretty face of hers. Spunk ending up hitting high and to the sides, catching into her flaming red hair across her forehead and at the sides with one shot even hitting one of her pigtails. But plenty going over the cheeks, nose and lips of the Japanese beauty as that fat white dick that has been balls deep in all her holes unloaded a fittingly large amount of spunk all over her. Leaving her staring up with narrowed eyes when he finally let go of his spent dick and she was drenched in spunk like a personal bukkake party had been performed on her.

“Mother fucker! You fucking made a fucking mess all over me!” Maki said, smirking up at him as the camera got a good close up look of that money shot.
“No fucking shit I did!” Tyler said, his tone matching his shameless grin. “Your fine little tight ass got me real fucking worked up.
“And hey, you learned some new words today too, right? Rimming, bareback…” Dirty One said. “Never thought this fucking Bus would end up being educational!”
“And you learned why Maki Itoh, the Cutest in the World, is the fucking best at fucking too!” Itoh claimed as she looked up at the camera as well.
“Well I’m sure you’re gonna get plenty of contract offers after this… Just uh, none of them from any wrestling companies!” The cameraman remarked with a laugh.

“But uh, hey! Thanks for the fun, babe… I think this is where you get off, now that my man has gotten off.” Dirty One said as the van slowed down to a halt, parking up at a side walk.
“Wait, what? Now?? But I’m not cleaned up yet, asshole!” Maki stated as the door got opened up, making the mistake of moving over to look out at what was clearly just a random street in the city. “Where the fuck are we, even? HEY!!”

Maki yelled when suddenly Steel pushed her from behind when she was distracted. Making her stumble out onto the pavement and when she turned around to storm forward, she got her bundled up clothing followed by her bag tossed into her face. “YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!!” Itoh yelled when Tyler slammed the door shut and the van began speeding off. The used condom even tossed out the window back at her for extra humiliation to the naked, sweat and cum-covered Joshi. “I’LL FUCKING PISS ALL OVER YOU, SHIT HEADS!!” She yelled out in the distance with a furious middle finger gesture sent at them as the vehicle fled the scene in true Bang Bus ‘hit it and quit it’ fashion.

“Oh shit, would not want to be the next one coming across her!” Dirty One laughed as he sat back down. “Bitch was piiiiiiiissed!”
“God damn she was something else!” Tyler said, sitting down on the well used back seats. “You sure she was a fucking wrestler? That bitch was built for taking dick… Nice and tight holes, nasty fucking mouth… Bitch was even into the hair pulling!”
“What, you want to swing around and get her again for another round?” The cameraman teased.
“Fuck no! She sounded like she was ready to bite my dick off!” Steel said with a laugh. “I’m just saying, if that bitch calms down? Sign me up if she wants to upgrade her career to my kind of job!”

“Ha! Well, we’ll see. I heard that one of the bitches we’ve fucked before got some offer from another company or some shit. I’ll keep ya posted.” Dirty One remarked. “But for now? We got to drop you off and get this shit out on the website! You down, my man?” He asked, looking to the front seats as the Driver again didn’t speak but threw up a thumbs up. “Yeah, that’s my fucking man right there!” He laughed as he panned the camera to the window, taking in another random street as the video started to fade to black. Coming to an end as the closing notices played out.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low a $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2022, 05:34:09 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own NXT or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Scarlett Bordeaux (former NXT, Impact Wrestling, ROH)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Scarlett Bordeaux

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter, anal.

* * *

The video started playing and once again we see the inside of the infamous Bus, already driving along as we see the buildings passing through the side and back widows. A focus being on the dark skinned hunk lounging in the back seats. A seasoned porn professional in Ricky Johnson, clad in jeans and an open buttoned shirt.

“Back on the road again, ain’t that right my man?” The Dirty One, holding the camera so he’s as always heard but not seen, said as he panned over to the front of the van. Likewise, the Driver merely briefly raised a hand for a pointing gesture before he was back on the wheel to steer. “Love that mad lad! And we got our boy Ricky-to-the-J here along with us for the ride today.”
“Oh, we gonna be doin’ some ridin’ today… Making some slut ridin’ this D, right?” Ricky handsomely smirked as he made the blunt remark.
“Hell yeah we fucking are!” The cameraman said with a laugh. “And we got a fine ass babe lined up for you and that big black dick of yours. And I do mean real fine ass with this bitch.”
“Soundin’ good alright… Let’s get it goin’.” Johnson says.

“OK, so Ricky, you know how it goes on here. We line up the chicks, they’re usually one and done but it ain’t like we just randomly pluck up some bitch off the side walk and they just happen to be down to fuck.” Dirty One explains. “Well recently we’ve been like, expanding our horizons. We’ve been doing this thing where we get some hottie pro wrestler babes on here and they get down and fucking dirty. We’ve had some freaky Asians on here, that dark skinned exotic slut from the first time. Spending some of the budget to make sure we get the best out of these babes and their hot fucking bodies.”
“Ain’t my kind of sport to follow, but I’ll make whatever bitch you got lined up do a bit of tongue wrestlin’ I guess.” Ricky joked. “They can wrestle this fucking dick I know that.”
“My man! So yeah, we got this chick lined up. She’s like, well I don’t exactly follow the wrestling either, but she’s like probably the biggest deal we’ve gotten on here. Like, she’s been on TV a few times, she’s got one of those ‘exclusive content’ websites going… The bitch was signed with the WWE for like their, what was it called? NXT or some shit for a while?”
“I would have put on my good shirt if I knew I was takin’ on a Superstar today.” Ricky said with a snigger.

“Well she got fired or whatever, so I guess she’s down on her luck and needs to make that green…” Dirty One said, just as he notices the van slowing down to pull over to the side of the road. “We here already? Oh yeah yeah, that’s her! Let me go get her.” He said, putting down the camera to the floor as he opened the side door. Stepping out as the sound of a conversation is head.
“Oh damn! This chick is fine!” Ricky starts grinning, already eyeing up the woman as she stepped into the van, followed by The Dirty One as swung the door shut so the vehicle can start driving off again.

The beauty in question being Scarlett Bordeaux, perhaps more known for her brief time in NXT as simply Scarlett but has spent plenty of time in other promotions like Impact Wrestling, ROH and many others. The gorgeous blonde however clad in long but stylish coat, giving a hint that she might be hiding something underneath it as she took a seat. Crossing one tanned leg over the other as the bottom of the coat rode up to show off her thighs a bit like the well-seasoned cock-tease that she is.

“Cozy little place…” Scarlett said, raising an eyebrow as she glanced between the men. Giving an aura that she believed this would be easy and quick money. “Scarlett.” She introduced herself, offering a hand to Ricky as she saw him eyeing her up.
“Ricky… And damn, you an engaged chick?” He immediately noticed the ring on her finger. “Lucky man I guess who gets to tap you every fuckin’ night.” He bluntly said.
“Well, damn right he is!” Scarlett said, taken aback by being called out already for being in porn like this despite having a partner. “But don’t worry about him. After all, this is about me and not my man.” She tried to change the subject.
“Girl, I ain’t judgin’… A babe who knows what she wants and goes out to get it? It’s all good… Especially when she’s comin’ to get some of me and my big fuckin’ D, ya feel me?” Ricky teased her with a smile as he got a glare. Scarlett clearly being rattled already with things not going as she’d imaged right from the start.

“Hey, it’s a compliment, Scarlett!” Dirty One cut in. “I mean, we know why you’re here! You ain’t just here to look pretty like you’ve done for your wrestling ‘career’.” He dared to say.
“E-Excuse me?” Scarlett snapped a bit, now turning her stare to the camera.
“The babe known as ‘The Smokeshow’… You weren’t exactly signed for being able to do Headlocks and whatever star matches! You’re making green because of your banging body!” The cameraman stated with his smile being clear in his voice.
“And my talent, I’ll have you know.” Scarlett claimed. “But regardless… Sure, I know what I’m here for.” She said, glancing between the two men. “I’m here to promote myself… Get people subscribing to my socials and my exclusive content site… Although probably I’ll be getting a little more, well, wild here than on those.” She admitted as she took a moment to scan over the hunk she knew would be her co-star for this trip.

“So, what’s up with the coat then? If your fine ass knew you’re here to get fucked and all…” Ricky calls her out.
“Oh, well… I decided to bust out some gear from my recent ‘old’ job… Might as well get some use out of it.” Scarlett claimed with a smirk as she reached down, loosening the belt of her coat.

As much as the men had been teasing her, when Bordeaux ditched the coat and showed off the tight fitting, black with studs and loops fetish-like attire she had on? Ricky easily let out a whistle of approval. Seeing the curvy body of the blonde with her rounded, large tits shown off by a bikini-like top with more than a generous amount of cleavage. Her thick, juicy ass clad in a matching pair of shorts that were riding up just nicely to show off a hint of cheek as well, and not looking like there was any underwear underneath either. The look topped off with a sizeable choker around her neck with a ring at the front and long heeled boots that went to above the knee.

“God damn! What did I tell you about this chick? Smokeshow or what??” Dirty One raved as he scanned over her body as she dropped the coat down.
“Oh, I’m gonna be feelin’ this alright…” Ricky said with a grin. Shifting back as he went to reach down and undo his belt.
“Someone’s in a hurry…” Scarlett teased, shifting on the seats as she put on a deliberate show for the camera. Arching her gorgeous body back as she got onto her hands and knees, sticking her huge ass outward with a seductively sway before her hand slid up the porn star’s pants. Not doing herself too much favours with the finger baring the ring clearly seen as she smirked up at him. “Lucky, because so am I…” She purred with a smirk of her own.
“Oh yeah? Busy to run back to yo man and tell him you were out with the girls?” Johnson, not phased by her seductive technique, smiled back. “And not tell him you were out behind his back getting some big dick from another man?”

“Watch your mouth!” Again Bordeaux snapped, falling for the teasing as she was called out on her unfaithfulness. “I’ll have you know that…” Whatever excuse she was about to come up with was silenced. Hauling down his pants and left staring in awe as she saw the fat, long black cock that Ricky was packing. And from that stare as she sat back slightly, it was clear that this size of man-meat was considerably more than she was used to seeing.

“What? Cat got your tongue now?” Dirty One chuckled, having seen that look of cock-shock from other women before but enjoying it a whole lot from this beauty.
“N-No! I was just, well…” Scarlett stuttered as she brushed her hair back. Taking a hold of his cock and already starting to stroke him off.
“Gettin’ a look at some real big fuckin’ dick… Bigger than whatever yo man is packin’, right slut?” Ricky continued to mock her as she didn’t exactly stroke off his cock in any timid fashion.
“Shut up! I didn’t come here to insult my boyfriend!” Bordeaux said, even as her current handjob to get his cock hard was basically mockery just without the words. “And I don’t think you came here just to sit back and fucking smile at me either!” She snapped.

“Feel free to fuckin’ get down to business then, bitch…” Ricky challenged, not believing her excuses one bit. With a narrow eyed glare and despite her anger, she shifted forward and stayed in that kneeling position to show off her curves. Forgoing the undressing that usually kicks off these Bang Bus trips as she leaned her gorgeous face in. Running her soft tongue against the underside of his prick to make him moan before her tongue focused on the crown. Swirling slowly around while the hand pumped at the shaft. She wasn’t looking like a stranger to this sort of act either, and even making sure to toss her hair back so the view of her taking on his cock wasn’t missed out on. “Mmmmm… Business is fuckin’ boomin’ already I can fuckin’ see…” He added, still smiling as the tongue work with the combination of her hand, and yes the same one that was wearing what is supposed to be a sacred wedding ring, easily got his meaty rod raised up to his full size.

Still glaring at him, Scarlett leaned her blonde haired head in further and went from just licking to taking his prick inside of her mouth. Getting a moan out of him as despite his thickness she wrapped her full, glossed lips around his prick. Making herself groan from the stretching around him as she kept a hand around the base to keep him steady. Allowing her to go to work and begin lifting her head upward before smoothly pushing back down. Filling her mouth up already as she showed off a bit of her sexual ability with the steady slurps. Using her oral hole to pleasure a hunk she’s only just met as her hand was just keeping him in place. Already her long locks swaying a bit as she sampled his big cock, and had to use the free hand to brush it out of the way as she kept the motion going.

“Mmmmmphhh! Mmmmmm… GAHHHHHHH…” She was seductively gagging around his dick, perhaps in an attempt to get this skin flick shoot over with as soon as possible as she already made his fat crown connect with the back of her soothing mouth. The saliva starting to drip down as she didn’t exactly hold back on him. Making him moan out with a smile as he lounged back and let her bob away deeply on his cock. “GAAAAAAHHHHH… HHHHHHRRLLL… Mmmmmm! Mmmmmphhh…” Her eyes stayed locked onto him, but the more she blew his fantastic, fat prick and got used to his thickness the more than look of fury she had was softening. A growing desire forming while she put on a show in more ways than one. The former NXT Superstar shaking her juicy ass slowly from side to side while she worked her head up and down. Dragging her pouty lips up and down that big black cock as she the stunning white woman showed off the sort of skills expected from the infamously provocative beauty.

“Mmmmmm… Yeah, yo man got real lucky with yo fine ass… Mmmmm shit! That’s some good fuckin’ dome I’m gettin’ right here…” Ricky stated the obvious but made sure the camera filming this backseat blowie knew it, as if his own moans weren’t proving how good her oral skills were. The metal loops on her attire jingling slightly as she steadily sucked on his shaft. The spit oozing down his pole as her lips sunk down that little bit more as her hand went from gripping the base to holding his thigh for a different kind of support as she continued to put her mouth to work. “Mmmmm shit… God damn, this bitch got dick suckin’ down to an art! Mmmmm!” He gave a wicked compliment as he stared down. His thick pole still rock hard and ready for a lot more out of the former sports entertainer now back working in the indies. Letting her showcase the sort of skills that fit in perfectly with not just his line of work, but would be expected from a drop dead gorgeous beauty like her.

“MMMMMPHHH… HHHHRRRKKK… GAAAAAAAAAHHH… HHHHHLLLKKK…” The gagging continued all over his dick as Scarlett seemed to lose herself in the moment, enjoying not just a huge dick between her lips but one that can clearly last. Her mouth sliding right down until her chin was resting against his balls. Impressively deep throating all of that huge cock but still only enough to make the man getting slobbered on groan out without even throbbing. “GAAAAAAAAAHHH… HHHHHLLLKK!! GAAAAAAAAAHH…” She groaned and choked around him as she lifted up to the half-way mark before sliding right down and pressing into the base again. Closing her eyes while her hand dragged along his thigh as she filled up her throat with his member. Choking away but not looking like in any great deal of pain as she bobbed deeply up and down with far more skill, and seeming experience, than the usual one-and-done babes usually on the Bang Bus.

“Yeah, look at this fucking bitch go! Sucking dick like she’s the one staring in porn! Well, you get what I fucking mean.” Dirty One gave the running commentary as he filmed that skilled mouth slurping away along that dark cock, contrasting wickedly with her pale but tanned skin. The saliva coating his inches that got briefly seen when she lifted upward before her mouth pushed right down onto him. “I mean, I heard this chick was more known for looking good than good matches! But seeing is really fucking believing right here!” He remarked. The point being proven as even as she choked each time she pushed her mouth right down onto Ricky’s length, she kept going with her eyes not even watering for a moment as she dished out some top notch cock sucking.

“MMMMM… This slut lookin’ like she could switch careers and kill it…” Johnson chipped in as he reached down and seized a handful of her long blonde hair, and not just to hold it to keep it from falling across her face either. Making her eyes open up with a fresh glare mixed with lust as he began to thrust upward into her obviously talented enough already oral hole. Pumping in and out with a nicely stiff pace, causing his balls to hit off her chin to further make a mess with all the saliva already coating him. “MMMMM… Yeah, she got fuckin’ potential alright… MMMMM!” He rudely complimented. Showing off some of his own talents not just to last inside such a warm and wet mouth, but using the stiff pace to fuck her oral hole as he thrust upward into her while her own head sinfully bobbed away down onto him.

“GAAAAAAAH!! MMMMMPHH!! MMMM… HHHHHRRRKKK…” Even as she choked around his meaty length, Scarlett not only kept her head sliding back and forth along his length. She swayed her thick backside as her hands slid up his legs, craving more of his fat dick as he plunged into her throat over and over. “MMMMM… GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHLLLKK… MMMMMPHHH!!” The former star of ROH, Impact Wrestling and NXT slurped away nice and deep on the cock being rammed up into her oral tunnel. Looking like she was more suited to take this sort of action than any forgettable match she’s ever competed in. Not even objecting to the pull on her golden hair as her mouth was being used just as hard as the pace she was delivering onto him. Showing off talents in her own right to use a pace that would make any red blooded male blow a load in half a minute from this pace.

“Shit! I knew this bitch was smoking hot… Didn’t fucking think she was a dick gobbling fiend!” Dirty One stated as he got the close up shot of her lips pumping along that dick as it was fed up into her. Recording every moan, muffled and otherwise, along with all the raspy choking she was doing as she all too eagerly allowed this huge cock to fuck her mouth. The motion she was giving as well as the one being taken leaving her tits swaying in her top while she focused on using her head. Bobbing straight up and down to perfectly match his stiff and quick timing. Leaving her saliva drooling down onto his crotch and balls, dripping onto the back seats of the van they are on. “God damn! A fucking miracle that whoever she’s gonna get hitched too will last a fucking minute with lips that fucking good!” He dared to mock as he, along with the stud currently being blown, were keen to taunt her about her clear unfaithfulness in agreeing to fuck for money while still showing off that engagement ring on her finger.

Once the grip on her locks was released, Scarlett smoothly raised her head up and off that dark dick as she let out a fittingly loud and erotic groan. Sucking in air as she sat back and licked her lips. “Fuck… That stretched my fucking throat out…” She said, gritting her teeth for a moment as she stared over the porn star.
“Gonna fuckin’ split open another of yo holes in a hot minute, slut!” Ricky smirked, still using the dirty talk despite how good it had been just being balls deep in her stunning mouth.
“If you can handle it…” Bordeaux challenged as she turned around on the seats. Sticking that famous, fat and rounded ass of hers out as she reached back with her hands. Sliding down the black material to show off her thick, perfectly tanned cheeks along with both of her snug looking lower holes.
“Bitch, you fuckin’ know your boy can handlin’ tappin’ some ass…” Johnson smirked as he made a motion towards the camera. Quickly, Dirty One tossing across a bottle of lube that he fished out from a pocket. “But damn, this some whole fuckin’ booty right there! I know some chicks in the biz who can’t get this kind of ass after a year of doin’ squats.”

“Mmmmm… The Smokeshow isn’t like your other cheap fucking sluts…” She said, looking back over her shoulder as she didn’t object too much to the insults she was taking. Groaning out when he poured out a bit of lube down onto her rump as the liquid trickled over her asshole. Usually in skin flicks the footage of lubing up would be edited out but here seeing a dark finger pushing into the white beauty’s full booty was too good to be missed. “Mmmmm shit… Even that feels big…” She groaned, licking her lips again and already shifting her hips back against the hand. Helping to get the fluid worked into her back passage as the hunk behind her firmly pushed in and out with his hand. Knowing just how to handle some juicy ass like this as he smirked down. Giving a quick round of finger banging before he pulled out, and took a brief moment to lube up his own cock like a true pro should.

Sinfully, Scarlett hadn’t even properly taken off her shorts, leaving them just around her knees as her legs spread out as far as she could while staying kneeling on the seats with her hands in front. Her back already perfectly arched like this was an all too familiar position to her as she looked back and watched. No objections not just to him going into her without any protection on, but to skip past her pussy and go straight to the main event. Making them both groan out as that big black cock pushed into her thick, white booty as he slid into her super tight asshole. A deep gasp escaping her as already just from a head and a few inches inside of her she was getting stretched. Hissing with her teeth grinding again from the sensation as she rocked back against his dick just as he started to pull back. Not showing any fear to take such a huge piece of man-meat either as she pushed her juicy rump into the next thrust, keeping the stud inside of her moaning out as he started to build the rhythm.

“OH FUCK!! MMMMM… FUCK… That’s fucking huge!! OH FUCK!!” The former NXT Superstar groaned out, her eyes wide and filled with lust that she shouldn’t have for a man that isn’t the one she’s engaged too. Watching that huge, dark slab of cock slowly work in and out of her vice-like asshole as even with all the expert lubing up, there was still a massive amount of friction thanks to her tightness and his thickness. “MMMMM… OH SHIT… It’s fucking stretching me out already! AHHHHH SHIT!! And it’s not even… MMMMM!! Fucking halfway in me! OOOOOOOH!” She moaned as she got fucked from behind. Still pushing herself back against his huge dick even as she gasped when another inch made her spread apart. Further proof that this size and length of cock was far from what she was used to taking. However, she didn’t appear to be any novice at letting her ass be tapped either. Moaning away when his thrusts worked in and out to fill her stunning booty up, even without her pussy being directly stimulated right now.

“Hot damn! This bitch is a fucking freak and I love it!” Dirty One said with a cackle. Positioned just right to film the porno hunk thrusting his member in and out of the pro wrestler’s juicy rump doggy style. Her ass cheek at the side held apart just right so that there was a clear shot of that rod working in and out of such a full and rounded booty. “Cheating on some pencil dick nobody, and going from deep throating the Hell out of my man’s dick to taking him right up her fat fucking ass! God I wish the world was full of sluts like this!” He revelled in what he was getting to film. Seeing already how he was getting more than his money’s worth with the Chicago native as she worked her backside back against each stiff thrust she was handling between those plump cheeks of hers. And from her loud moans it sounded already like she was more used to taking it up that fantastic ass of hers than any other sort of sex from the ease of her pushes back into Johnson.

“MMMMM!! OOOOOOOOH FUCK!! MMMMM!! Oh yeah… Deeper, stud! MMMMM… Make me fucking feel it…” It sounded like the woman nicknamed The Smokeshow was still daring for more, even with a big black dick already stuffed up into her fine white ass from behind. Getting part of what she’d begged for when Ricky used a hand to deliver a sharp slap onto her butt. Easily making the flesh jiggle as he pumped back and forth, gradually fitting more of his thick inches into her rump. “MMMMM… That was a decent start… Come on, you fucker! MMMMM!! Fucking stretch my ass out! Harder! MMMMM SHIT! Deeper!” She demanded, before being made to moan out when he slapped down into her ass with another, harder strike to make the slap ring out as she grinned wickedly. Not looking like a beauty engaged to someone else as she eagerly rocked back and forth. Her tits, still covered by her top, swaying in time with her stiff motion as she was pushing back just as firmly as the thrusts she was taking.

“AHHHHH… Yeah, you fuckin’ take it, slut! MMMMM… Got all this fuckin’ dick for yo fine, fat fuckin’ nasty ass! MMMMM…” Ricky was more focused now himself, seeing that this beauty wasn’t just a cock-tease that was all show. She could actually fuck on a high level that made her look more suited for action like this in front of a camera than any sort of in-ring performance she’s known for. Staring down and watching those plump to say the least butt cheeks of hers rocking back and forth. Matching his pace as he thrust forward and soon had his muscular waist hitting off those cheeks as they began to clap from the contact. “MMMMM SHIT… Some real good fuckin’ shit right here… MMMMM! And this slut ain’t even cryin’ once, takin’ all of your boy’s dick either!” He noted, coming as close to a compliment as it gets as he banged her booty from the back. Moaning out himself as he kept his body hitting off of hers to fill her up not just nice and deep but with the sort of hard pace than even more experienced women actually in the adult film industry might struggle to handle.

“MMMMM SHIT! OH FUCK YESSSSSS… MMMMM… Nice and fucking deep! OH FUCK!!” The beauty who handled duties as a valet and ring announcer in ROH moaned out as the sweat started forming across that stunning enough already body of hers. Unsurprising, considering that she was still pushing back to fuck the cock stuffed deep up her ass just as firmly and steadily as the pace being used to tap her from the back. Her full cheeks slapping off the hunk’s more than toned body as he drilled her smoothly to make her moan out. Even with her hands still on the seating, keeping her self in that doggy style position so her pussy was left wet with arousal from this anal sex without even being touched once. “MMMMMM! SO FUCKING GOOD! OH FUCK!! OH SHIT… MMMMM!!” She gasped out, tossing her hair back as she still looked back over the shoulder. Licking her teeth whenever another sharp spank was delivered to her already jiggling away butt cheeks. Perhaps another sign that the infamously provocative woman didn’t mind a bit of pain to spice up the action as the earlier rough deep throating already proved.

“Yeah! Look at this bitch fucking take it! She’s fucking wild! Anal loving slut!” Dirty One said as the clear shots of Scarlett’s snug asshole getting drilled with huge cock continued as Ricky alongside fucking that big old booty of hers made sure the cheeks were spread enough for the view of the action. Even as his hunky body slammed right into her while she drove her thick backside sharply back to meet his stiff pumps. “And I thought that Exotic slut Mandy could put her fat ass to good use! I think this slut has got her beat!” He laughed with approval, seeing how her ass rippled away as she slammed backward and took a just as stiff thrust into her. Despite having been far more used to cocks slimmer and shorter than this one, her and her world class backside were clearly built for this kind of rough, stretching action.

So when eventually he pulled out of that already well fucked butt, she just stared back with a look of need and desire. “Not fucking done yet, are you, stud?” Scarlett challenged as she sat up. Finally only now taking the time to reach behind her and unclip her top. Peeling it off to showcase her rounded tits, topped with hard nipples as she dumped the garment down.
“With yo fine ass? Hell nah, bitch…” Ricky smirked as he moved to sit down on the back seats that they’ve been using all the way during this sinful van trip. “Come get your cheating ass back on this big fuckin’ D… Show me and my man how a whore like you really works over a real fat fuckin’ cock.” He was the one daring her now.
“You’ve got some fucking nerve… Keeping bringing up my man like that…” Bordeaux stated but in this state of lust even she couldn’t glare at him. Moving over to mount his lap and facing him as he quickly reached up. Lining his cock up with her rear entrance once again a she lowered down. “Reminding me what a nasty, dirty, cheating slut I’m being for you… You and this big black fucking dick of yours…” She purred, sounding like she was getting off now on her own unfaithfulness like it was kink she never knew she needed before. Or just hadn’t found the right cock to unlock it before.

“MMMMM… ‘cuz that’s what your fat fuckin’ ass… Nasty, behind the back dick takin’ slut…” Johnson smirked as he stated the obvious before he got back to business. Showcasing what she and her stunning, thickly curved body were really good for and it damn well wasn’t wrestling. Holding onto her slim waist and making sure all that booty was sticking out as pulling her downward ensured his prick was right deep into that still snug back passage. Not stopping until her cheeks were resting against his legs. “Now let’s fuckin’ show off… MMMM! What a fuckin’ fine ass slut like you can really do…” He said before starting to thrust upward. Getting quickly stiff as both their moans started echoing around the van once again. The pleasure equal as he was loving how still nicely vice-like her tunnel was all around his inches despite the previous position, while she moaned out from behind stretched out as his cock hit deeper into her than any other lover, including the one she’s currently engaged to, has even hit before.

“AHHHHH FUCK! OH FUCK YES!! MMMMM!! FUCK THAT ASS, BABY! OOOOOOOH FUCK!!” Tossing her long locks back, Scarlett once again got into a motion as she gave back as good as she was getting. Bouncing on his lap, sending those white, juicy and round ass cheeks clapping down hard into the dark, muscular body of this porno stud. Taking him in balls deep and making her hair sway behind her as she shifted up and down. Once more matching his own thrusts perfectly so that whenever he delivered a firm pump upward, she was dropping her cheeks straight down to drive him up into her backside. “MMMMM FUCK YES… I’M SUCH A BAD… UHHHH!! BAD FUCKING GIRLFRIEND! MMMMM… CHEATING WITH… AHHHH FUCK!! SOME HUGE, FUCKING BIG BLACK DICK!! OOOOOOOH!!” She moaned out, not sounding like there was a hint of shame in that desire-drunk voice of hers as she rocked up and down on his piston-like cock. Only wearing her long boots and a sinful choker on so that her stunning body was shown off as the sweat continued to form across her.

“All that fucking cake and me with no fork! Shit! Thing is jiggling like we’re going through a fucking earthquake!” Dirty One remarked as he had the fine position behind them both. Capturing Bordeaux’s rounded ass shaking away as she dropped right down with a loud smack before moving back up on those inches being stiffly driven up into her. Her body hiding most of the hunk she was mounted on but the main focus being quite rightly on her outstanding backside as she shifted up and down like riding a huge cock with her snug asshole was second nature to her. “Geez! This bitch is testing out the suspension of the old Bus something strong! That Asian hottie Itoh could handle a big dick not too damn bad, but this? My man right here is getting one Hell of fucking wild right alright!” He added with a snigger, seeing quite clearly how the pro wrestler was all too eagerly taking this deep and stiff anal sex despite the fact she was in a relationship. Her hand showing off that ring as she held onto the top of the back seats for support so she could continued to ride away on that huge cock.

“MMMMM FUCK!! OH FUCK YES! MORE!! AHHHHH GOD I NEED IT! AHHHHH FUCK!! IT’S TOO FUCKING GOOD!! MMMMM!!” She groaned out. Her blonde haired head darting up and down as she worked along that cock stuffed up into her plump backside. So that if any passing car or pedestrian passing by the van looked in, they’d see her moving up and down and with the look of pleasure plastered across her stunning features? It wouldn’t take any sort of genius to figure out she was fucking in the moving vehicle. “OH GOD!! IT’S SO BIG!! MMMMM!! STRETCHING ME OUUUUUUUUT MMMMMM!!” The former Impact Wrestling Knockout moaned as she looked back down at her own jiggling ass. The lust burning in her eyes as she lifted upward only to drop right down with a loud groan. The slap of her booty hitting off his legs ringing out along with both of their moans as she backed up her status as one of the hottest women in all of wrestling with an outstanding ability to fuck.

Johnson just sat back and groaned out, letting the action speak for itself as he focused on driving his huge dark slab of man meat up into that fat white ass of the woman mounted on top of him. Showing off his own ability as he took this intense ride that was more than matching the level of his own experienced pumping up into her back passage. Getting to enjoy watching her nicely sized tits shaking in front of his handsome features while the camera behind them both recorded the deep anal hammering he was giving her. Only now starting to sweat himself as he pumped away into her booty for the sort of stretching out that would render any normal woman unable to sit without discomfort for well into a week from this kind of rough pounding.

“AHHHHH… AHHHHH!! FUCK!! MMMMM FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK…” She groaned out, head tilting forward for a moment as she took a moment to just slam down and leave her ass down on his lap. Attempting to grind down onto his cock like she needed to sneak in a break after all this wild action. Not getting it though as the stud underneath her continued to drill up into her backside that was already very familiar to him. Leaving her full cheeks shaking away as she was made to more jolt back and forth on his shaft than merely riding him. No complaints from either of them however as she still moaned out loudly while rolling her hips. Strands of her blonde hair starting to stick to her skin and across her pretty face from all the sweat. Little chance that was putting her off from how aroused she was. Moaning away while her tightest of holes was stuffed full like she was built for a hard, big cock, interracial butt fucking like this.

“Oh shit! My man’s tiring her out!” Dirty One sniggered, seeing her stopping the bounces. “She’s gonna pass out riding my man’s cock!”
“N-No! I’m not done!!” Scarlett panted out, before groaning when the man underneath her lifted her up and off from his still rock hard dick. “I can take more! Please! I was so fucking close!” She begged as she was set down.
“Oh, I ain’t fuckin’ done with yo fat ass yet…” Ricky stated. Making her gasp as he pulled the hair and made her get onto the floor of the van. Forcing her head onto the flooring and lifting her hips up for a true face down, ass up position. “Gonna wreck yo nasty fuckin’ ass somethin’ serious… Make yo man see what a cheatin’ hoe you is when he sees yo ass split fuckin’ open!” He adds, pushing his dick back into her asshole as he took up a squatting position behind her while gripping onto her waist.

“AAAAAAAAAAHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” The head of the former NXT Superstar only just tilted upward as her cheek still grazed the floor, shifting back and forth as she was getting jolted as she took another round of hard, balls deep ass pounding from a stud she’s only just met. Looking made to be Blacked as she took that long dark cock deep into her stunning, juicy white ass once again from behind. This time however, finally able to force a hand down between her legs. Furiously rubbing her pussy to get more pleasure out of this which was the only move her worn out frame could pull off at this point. “UHHHHH! FUCK!! SHIT!! AHHHHH!! FUCK!!” She grunted out each time a fresh, sharp clap rang out when his muscular frame hit off her curves. The metal ring of the choker she still wore dragging back and forth on the floor as her body jolted away as she got fucked from behind. Filling her back passage up with his meat as he enjoyed how still nicely snug her rump was even after being the hole that’s taken most of the pounding over the course of this skin flick.

“Yeah! She’s being fucked silly! She’s getting drilled like her fucking mind is breaking! Don’t fucking stop with this slut, yet!” The cameraman encouraged as she had to pick his spots for moving around her to film the action. Loving that eyes rolled up, open mouthed and near drooling look of pleasure across her sweat dripping face. “And I thought that time with those three Japanese sluts was something special! Seeing a hot bitch like this breaking is something fucking special!” He wasn’t forgetting to film the source of the action either. Going right around then both to where Ricky is squatting over her. Drilling his dick down into her booty as his grip kept her thick hip raised up and ready to take him. A slight shift to pull her upward just enough as he pumped into her very familiar cheeks. Ensuring he was stuffing her deep like she was getting her back passage resized from this harsh fucking.

“AHHHHH!! AHHHHHH… AHHHHH!!” She panted as her cheek stayed humiliatingly pressed on the floor, lacking the energy to even pull her face up as she was fucked like all she was good for was her thick curves and her snug holes. Her shameful state not helped by the fact that the hand currently furiously rubbing away at her soaking pussy was the one baring her engagement ring. Showing off how she was all too happily cheating on her man with not just a hung pornstar, but a huge piece of black cock too that was leaving her juices dripping down her fingers and wrist. “UHHHHH!! FUCK… FUCK!! AHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!!” The Chicago, Illinois-born beauty continued to loudly moan out with her eyes half-closed and already glazed over from the pleasure. Having to take care of her pussy herself since over the course of this skin flick she’s not been fucked once in her snatch. Just her mouth getting some deep throat action before it’s been her world-class backside getting hammered over and over in a few positions. Leaving her in a messy state, groaning away as she self pleasured while getting her ass drilled again and again.

The heavy balls of the porn star hunk behind her kept slapping off her tanned body as he thrust downward into her still jiggling booty. Her cheeks only now turning a different shade from the repeated contact with his body and all the slaps and spanks she’s taken during the repeated anal pounding he’d been delivering so skilfully. Grunting himself as sweat left a shine over his desirable, experienced body. Fully used to driving a stunning white woman while with his big black dick, but this would be quite the ass to remember as he nailed her in this wicked face down, booty up position to put her arguable most famous ‘asset’ to perfect use. Even at the expense of stretching her open so much it could well take a month before she’s back to her original tightness before this wicked van ride began.

Even as famous for cock teasing and for steamy photo shoots as she’s known for, there was only so much of this action than even The Smokeshow could handle. Her tongue hanging out past her moaning lips and her eyes rolled back into her head as she shuddered on her own fingers. Cumming so hard from this wild anal sex that she unleashed a full on squirt down onto the floor of the van. Her fingers furiously rubbing away onto her twat as the cackle of delight from the cameraman recording his all was heard even as he had to scoot back to avoid the spray. No choice for Scarlett but to experience it all as the cock stuffed deep into her rump continued to thrust away as she rubbed on her pussy and rode out all those more than intense waves of pleasure. Giving the stud balls deep in her thick ass a workout too as he grunted, having to take her passage clamping around him as she took her orgasm.

It wasn’t quite enough to set him off, but getting him close to the finish line as he pulled out of her backside. Allowing the camera to get a wicked close-up of the gaped wide state of her asshole which alone would be evidence to her actual boyfriend of her cheating even before this tape went live. The ordeal that she was willingly a part of far from done however as her body, like she was stuck as a living statue, stayed in place with her freshly used ass still raised up high while her face was left panting on the floor. Only her hand falling away, left limp at her side as she groaned. Not even registering the smirking man now kneeling down at her head as he stroked his cock off. Let alone seeing that the cameraman had tapped on the back of the Driver’s seat to give the sign to head to the final destination, for her at least, for this lewd trip.

A money shot delivered but in humiliating fashion as Ricky grunted and started shooting his load. Splattering across the groaning face of Scarlett as she still had one cheek pressed on the floor of the Bang Bus. Leaving the other half off her face to be splattered from cheek to nose, forehead to mouth as she barely closed her eyes in time as he coated her features. More than one shot of his load catching across the blondes’ hair as well for good measure as he dumped his load down onto her. The seed dripping off her face down onto the floor even before he’d finished onto her. Leaving just the last drips to be brushed out, further staining her hair so it would take a serious wash out to get the evidence out of her.

“Oh… Oh fuck… Oh my fucking God…” Scarlett panted as she felt the cum staining her face. “Mmmmm… Oh shit… I can fucking feel it… You fucking wrecked my ass…” She groaned, stating the obvious as she gasped for hair as the cum dripped off her.
“Just another day at the office for yo boy, slut…” Ricky smirked as he moved to grab her clothing, coat and all, to bundle up into a ball. “But I’ll admit? It’s a fuckin’ memorable one with a fine, nasty cheatin’ ass like yours.”
“Oh for real! This is one of the best fucking Bang Bus with one of you wrestling babes yet!” Dirty One chimed in. “You are right up there with that slutty Asian Idol babe, and that fucking Exotic Goddess whore we had the first time! You’ve fucking earned your money tonight, bitch!”
“Mmmmm… I’ve earned a fucking shower for sure…” Bordeaux said, only now starting to push herself up from the floor.

Sadly for her, her movement was right as the van started to pull up to a different area of the city than they’d picked her up at, but actually one that had been agreed to when she’d signed up for this Bang Bus adventure. Not quite ending as she’d wanted it to however as Dirty One pulled the side door open. Making a trio of women stood waiting outside, including one with flaming red dyed hair, gasp in shock seeing their friend Scarlett in a nude, sweat-soaked and now cum-covered state.

“W-What?? Wait, I can explain!!” Scarlett stuttered when she saw her friends. But soon made to yell out in shock when Ricky shoved her forward, sending her tumbling out of the van and onto the side walk in shame. Her clothing soon following to dump onto her as the other women rushed to help her. “YOU FUCKERS!! I DIDN’T AGREE TO THIS!!” Scarlett howled out in anger at this extra dose of shame. But it was all too late as the van was already driving off as the door was slammed close. Fleeing the scene now that The Smokeshow had been done and dumped like so many others before who had come onto the Bus thinking they were getting one thing, and receiving a lot more than they’d bargained for.

“Yeah!! We fucking got that bitch good!” Dirty One laughed as he sat back down and filmed Ricky again as he all too casually pulled up his jeans. “Oh man, that was a good one! I knew that bitch would be smoking hot with a fat ass like that… But I mean, damn! Damn, man! She might be one of the best yet from these famous wrestling sluts.”
“I’m tellin’ ya, man… That fuckin’ ass? Shit was built to be fuckin’ slammed.” Ricky agreed with a grin. “She needs to wise up and fuckin’ go full time in porn… That ass would make some real hard green.”
“Ha! For real. Especially with how down she was to fuck! I mean, she had her engagement ring on the whole fucking time! Damn near squirted over her own fucking ring! Tell me she wasn’t a fucking freak doing that, and doing her man dirty behind his back to take some dick.” The cameraman pointed out. “But shit, you did the work on her Ricky. Made real good use of her and that big old butt of hers.”
“My fuckin’ pleasure, Dirty One…” Johnson sat back with a rightly proud smile. “Sign me up any time to take on one of these wrestling bitches.”

“Oh I fucking will my man! But first? We gotta drop you off, then I got to clean this fucking squirt of a mess she left all over the van!” Dirty One noted, filming the streak of juices across the floor. “Unless… Yo, wanna bet for it, my man? Rock, Paper, Scissors to decides who cleans the van up solo?” He said, filming the front seat as the Driver, still unseen, just gave a thumbs up. “Shit! Alright, one, two, three…” He said, pushing out his hand to be seen with the flat ‘paper’ while the Driver briefly raised his but with two digits extended. “Aw damn it. Beat by Scissors again!” Dirty One laughed. “Ya got me again, you magnificent bastard.” He said, not sounding mad as the camera was turned to look out the side window. Filming the passing buildings and with that shot, after quickly and casually moving on from having fucked then dumped another gorgeous female from the pro wrestling world, the footage started fading to black as it came to a final end.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2022, 05:08:43 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own WWE or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Trish Stratus (WWE)

Bang(Bus)ing The ‘Indies’ – Trish Stratus

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, oral, anal.

* * *

The video started up, showing not just a familiar sight of the infamous Bang Bus interior, but one a porn star who has already featured before in filthy road trips like this in the handsome hunk, Tyler Steel. Clad in plain jeans and a shirt as he sits back in the seats.

“OK, now we’re fucking rolling…” The Dirty One remarked from behind the camera. “OK, so like I was just saying… This new venture with wrestling chicks has been OK so far. We had one nice whore already, decent stuff on film. But there’s been one snag. Basically, aside from looking smoking hot? The level of chicks we’re getting interest from, including that one we nailed before? They’re, well, basically as unknown as the one and done sluts we usually have on the regular edition of the Bus.”

“So, I’m here to bang another wrestling babe? I’m down.” Tyler bluntly replied with a smirk.
“Hell yeah you are!” Dirty One chuckled. “But this time? This babe? She’s not like just any sort of wrestling babe… She is like THE wrestling babe! I mean, fucking full on famous that’s gonna bring in the viewers and shit. The closest we’re gonna get to actually getting a real babe actually working in WWE right now to performing with us. Since like, she’s retired and shit from them. Part of their Hall of Fame or whatever…” He explained. “The ones on the roster right now are being all fucking prudish and shit. Worried about ‘getting fired’ and that bullshit.”
“Their fucking loss.” Tyler said.
“So anyway… We’re gonna get this slut, and then we’re gonna swing by and grab my man Johnny Love as well for this one!” The cameraman stated. “I sort of sent out a feeler for getting another big fucking dick to slam this slut since she’s like the most expensive bitch we’ve had on here. By a long fucking mile. So we’re gonna get our money’s worth out of this MILF.”
“Now you’ve got my interest.” Steel smiled again. “Can’t go wrong with a slutty momma.”
“Oh yeah! She’s like married, a grade-A MILF, nicely stacked and blonde! Plus she’s from up North, over the border so that’s another bonus I guess.” He stated. “Now I didn’t, uh, exactly tell this chick she’s now taking on two guys instead of one… But she’s supposed to be a pro, right? She’ll be fine with a sudden change in the card as those wrestlers say. Plus, I’m sure some good dick will...”

As he was about to say more, the van began slowing down as the camera looked back. Seeing the Driver, his face unseen, motioning to the side. Looking out of the window to see a blonde woman wearing stylish seeing glasses and clad in tight, black leggings that hugged nicely to a rounded, mature ass. Clad in a short sleeved top that was one of her own merchandise T-shirts, with a TS logo parodying Wonder Woman with ‘STRATUSFACTION GUARANTEED’ around the logo. Topped off with high heels and carrying a black handbag. But having a noticeable large ring, as granted to those in recent years who have been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame on one hand.

“Oh damn! That’s one fine fucking looking MILF…” Tyler said as The Dirty One opened the door, having put down the camera in order to jump out and check in with her. Soon enough Trish Stratus walking into the van as Steel scooted to the side to let her sit as the van door was closed up and he vehicle began to drive off.

“So, this is the Bang Bus, huh?” Trish remarked, putting her bag down and out of the way. “Cozy, I guess…” She teased before looking to the porn star sat next to him. “And you’ll be my co-star I suppose? Ready to give me a good time?”
“Damn right. I’m Tyler…” Steel introduced as he looked her over. “And yeah, I’ll be giving you a damn fine ride alright.” He chuckled. Playing along with the plan as Trish had no idea that, unlike what she had agreed to, the van was now driving to pick up another stud than simply drive around while the action unfolds.
“Well then, before we get to that… Let’s pad out the video with some chit chat.” Dirty One said. “Since you’re here and we’re kind of stretching out the terms of who classifies as ‘Indies’ to be banged anyway. I’m too lazy to change the series title anyway. Fuck it! More importantly, I wanna know why the most famous fucking wrestling babe we’ve ever had, and might ever have, on this Bus decided to come get down and dirty with my man Tyler here?” He asked rather an important question.

“Why indeed?” Trish gave a gorgeous smile, not fazed by the blunt question. “Well I am Trish Stratus, the WWE Hall of Famer and multi-time Women’s Champion. Guess it does sound odd that I’m doing a porno, right?” She said. “Well, I was in town anyway doing a Fan Expo that’s running, continuing the Team Bestie tour. And sure, I suppose I don’t really need the money you were pitching to me… But let’s just say I’ve got my reasons for doing this.” Trish vaguely claimed with a wink. “Maybe I’m doing this to get back at some exes who could keep up with my Stratusfaction level of needs? Maybe I’m doing this because I never took one of the Playboy deals that other, way less talented chicks leapt at doing? Or maybe I’m doing this because I want to promote my current projects? I’ve got my yoga studio, I’m got a feature film that’s coming out, I’m going to be a judge on a reality show…”

“OK, OK! Geez, if I wanted the life story I’d read your fucking Wiki page!” Dirty One cut her off, even as he got a glare from Stratus. “Let’s ask some real hot fucking questions we actually care about! So, you’re married and a certified MILF… How many guys you been fucking behind your poor unknowing husband’s back, huh?” He bluntly says, and even while unseen the grin is clear in his voice. “Any lucky guys you’ve taken for a personal ‘Meet and greet’ at one of these Expo things?”

“First of all, buster? I’m perfectly happy with my marriage.” She said sounding slightly defensive. “And if I wasn’t? I would be here if I wasn’t sure my husband would be OK with this if this footage ever makes it out.” Trish said, adjusting her glasses for a moment. “And I’m well aware of the rumours about me. That I used to have quite a few ‘road husbands’ during my career. That I had a fling or two and experimented with rivals or tag partners. That old ‘Stratusfaction Blowjob ranking’ rumour from when I first started. But as far as your question goes? Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t.” She said with another playful smile. “I certainly don’t have the evidence to prove it either way… But I will say this…” She turned to look at Steel. “You never told me who I would be starring with for this video… But I’m gonna assume that this guy is gonna give me a challenge, right?” She said, eyeing him up. “After all, no offence here? None of us came here to talk… And I’m pretty sure everyone will have skipped through until they saw some action even if they have the volume on or not.”

“I think that’s my turn to introduce myself…” Tyler remarked with a smile as he reached down, undoing then pushing down his pants. Showing off his fat, long cock that fits the bill perfectly for a career in skin flicks.
Trish’s eyes going wide behind her eyewear before she slyly smiled. “Oh, now that looks like a big old challenge alright!” She remarked with a laugh as she then surprised them both. Reaching out and without thinking gripping his dick with the same hand that wore her prized Hall of Fame ring. “That’s the biggest cock I’ve seen in a long time… I mean, outside of you know, usual situations.” She corrected herself, sounding like a cover up in case she just blurted out that this was bigger than her husband’s dick.
“Yo! You’re one freaky MILF!” Dirty One laughed. “My boy just whipped his fucking cock out you just went for it!”

“Well kid, I’m not here to just show off some sparking personality…” Stratus teased before she put her mouth to an even better use. Taking control of the situation, for now at least as she moved down to the floor of the van and got between his legs as he eagerly parted them to let her shift in close. Making the porno hunk moan out when she wrapped her full lips around his thickness as he began to harden inside her soothing, wet mouth. Impressively pushing down already without even looking like she needed to stretch that far around his prick. “Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmm…” Groans of approval at the taste of him, perhaps even just at the size as she began to bob along the shaft. Still showing off, whether she planned it or not, her Hall of Fame ring on her finger as she gave light pumps to the base as she blew him. Letting her oral skills be the focus as she slurped up and down, already getting into a smooth motion as she works over that big cock than in quick fashion got rock hard.

“Mmmmm… Fuck no you ain’t… You’re here to be hot, slutty fucking MILF…” Tyler grinned as he didn’t hold back with either his dirty talk or the truth of the situation. Moaning as the legendary WWE Diva and Superstar sucked his cock at a steady pace. Sinking down to take his inches up into that warm, wet and obviously far from novice mouth of hers. Not fazed by the insult either as she looked up with narrowed, seductive eyes at the younger hunk she was blowing. “Ahhhh… You’re here to suck on my big fucking dick… Showing off what a horny bitch like you can do with some fat, long fucking cock… Mmmmm! And doing it damn fucking good as well…” He added with a moan. More than happy to let Trish take the lead as she worked her mouth up and down. Slowly unwrapping her fingers from around the shaft as her plump lips slid further down and she already made the fat crown of his tool connect with the back of that sinful mouth.

“Mmmmmphhh… GAAAAAAAAHHHH… MMMMMMPHHH… HHHHHRRRRKKK…” Her gorgeous face pumping down closer to his cock, beginning to sinfully gag now around his prick as she took him down into her equally talented throat. Showing off the sort of cock sucking ability not just of a woman half her age, but of a beauty more familiar with a skin flick career than any sort of in-ring one. Proving that further by using her hand to brush back her blonde locks as she did the job to keep the view clear of her slurping on a fat dick. “MMMMMM… MMMMMPHHHH… GAAHHHHHH!! HHHHHRRRKK…” Yet her choking was of the wicked kind rather than any sort of painful type. Sounding like she was getting off on stretching her snug, wet throat out with this meaty dick. Adding into the naughty nature of this bus trip as the married beauty all too happily sucked on this younger stud’s cock to cheat. And every moment being recorded as she got her saliva dripping down his length as she bobbed along that vast size.

“Ho-ly shiiiiit! This bitch is fucking money! God damn!!” Dirty One raved as he recorded the oral sex going on. From those sucking lips to the muffled groans, and even the sight of poking nipples through her T-shirt to show how turned on she was by slurping on the prick of a man she wasn’t married to. “I can fucking see how she was the teenage wet dream for so many wrestling fans back in her day!” He said back handedly as Trish kept her head rocking up and down with a swift and steady motion. Keeping her lips gliding away to make the seated man moan out as he showed off his clear ability to be able to handle such world class oral from the multi-time former Women’s Champion.

“MMMMMMPHHH… MMMMM… GAAAAAAAHHHH… HHHHMMMPHHH…” Stratus only gave a side glance to the remarks, showing her own self awareness that she was being filmed while blowing a hunk she’s only just met, let alone in the back of a moving van. But soon turning her gaze back up to Steel as she sent her face up and down. Her chin brushing against his nicely sized balls while her nose grazed his skin. “GAAAAAAAHHHH… HHHHHLLLLL… MMMMM… HHHHHRRRKKK…” The wicked choking continuing as she deep throated that meaty dick for a lewd show in itself. The frames of her eyewear brushing into his shin from the close contact as they were pushed right up her nose as she bobbed straight down onto his crotch. The sight made better with her spit coating his rod while it dripped down her chin. Leaving splats across her merch T-shirt while she showed off that supreme oral skill that made her look just as much of a seasoned porn star as the man she was slobbering away on. The sight with an added thrill as the hand she was using to brush her hair back was the one baring her WWE Hall of Fame membership ring. Like she was revelling in shaming herself and her legacy as she sucked away on some dick, and didn’t give a damn what anyone thought of such lewd actions.

Her eyes weren’t even watering up despite deep throating his thick length, but it wasn’t taking a break that was on her mind as she slowly lifted up and off of his dick with an erotic gasp. Drawing in some air as she smirked up at the grinning stud. “Not bad, kid…” Trish teased, before reaching down. Keeping him smiling as she pulled her top over her head to toss it away. And quickly ditching the sports bra that was underneath. Showing off her big set of rounded, MILF tits before she shifted in close. “But let’s get you really warmed up…” She decided as she brought her breasts up and wrapped them around his dick. Getting no complaints from him as he moaned again from the tanned flesh being pressed against his rod, already slick with her saliva coating him from crown to base. The perfect set-up for her to start pumping him with rack and already making a slap from her tits hitting his crotch ring out as she worked him over.

“MMMMM… I think you’re the one who is all warmed up already… MMMM!” He accurately said, staring down to watch her breasts jiggle in her grip as she moved them smoothly up and down his length. Making his rod vanish as she lifted the famous chest that put the T into T & A up on his inches. Before sliding back down and letting the head pop out of her cleavage for a moment. The motion soon repeated to make him groan in delight as she put that ample bust to perfect use. “MMMM… No way I’m passing up getting a piece of some nice fucking tits though…” He added as he sat back. Once again showing he was a perfect match to put this stunning retired sports entertainer through the works. Handing a titfuck just as well as he did the round of deep throat minutes before, and his moans just as loud as when he’d been sucked off. Which either was a sign of how good both ‘warm ups’ had been, or that he wasn’t playing favourites to either get pleasure from her stunning, mature body or her sinful holes.

“Yeah! Big old slutty mommy tits! Fucking some big fucking dick!” The cameraman stated as he recorded the action. Once again deliberately picking the side of Stratus where the hand wearing that Hall of Fame ring was facing him as she moved her mounds up and down. The smack still heard whenever she dropped her tits onto his lap even with moans he was letting out. “Gotta fucking love some hot and horny MILF, down to fuck and fuck good at that!” He added with a chuckle as he followed the action. Seeing Trish staring up with a lusty grit of the teeth as she dished out the tit wank. Showing that this was far from the first time she’s used her big breasts, and even with them at motherhood enhancement, to pleasure some dick. But perhaps making the most of this time with getting a cock far longer and fatter than what she’s used to.

“Mmmmm… Fucking like that, huh? Like these big fucking tits?” Trish hissed seductively as she stared up through her stylish glasses at this man she’s only just met. That well practised motion sliding her mounds along his prick, smearing her skin with the saliva she’d left layered over that same dick. “Mmmmm… Feels fucking good to me… Big, young cock feeling… Mmmm! Fucking hot between my dirty fucking titties…” She kept the dirty talk going as she licked her lips and kept her gaze locked onto the grinning, younger man she was servicing with her mounds. Only breaking the look to tilt down, expertly spitting onto his crown when it popped out of her tits to keep it nicely lubed it so she could deliver that smooth and quick pace. Groaning herself from the feeling of a rock hard dick trapped in her breasts as it slid back and forth, while fondling her own rack to keep that cock sandwiched.

In fact, Trish was so lost in the sinful act that she didn’t even notice that the Bang Bus had slowed down. Pulling over to a side walk as even the cameraman had to double take when he heard the Driver tapping on the back of his seat. “Oh shit! Nearly fucking forgot!” Dirty One said, quickly moving across and opening the side door of the van. “Get the fuck in, man! Let’s go! Go go go!”
“What’s the rush??” Another handsome, young and studly porn star was quickly ushered in as Johnny Love stepped in. “Yo, we already fucking in here?” He grinned, clad in nicely fitting jeans and a shirt as he closed the door behind him so the van could start driving again. “What the fuck?? That’s fucking Trish Stratus!! Holy shit!” He remarked, his jaw dropping in a familiar, over the top expression.

“Huh? What??” Trish was snapped out of her trance, still with her tits around another man’s cock when she looked over the shoulder to see a new guy in the vehicle with them. “Hey! I didn’t agree to fuck two guys!” Stratus protested, even as she didn’t take her breasts away from Tyler’s dick just yet.
“What? Sure you did! It was in the fine print!” Dirty One lied. “Right next to the section about losing the deposit the moment your panties drop!”
“Hey, don’t mind me! I’ll wait my turn with the Diva of the Decade!” Johnny claimed but he was already pulling off his shirt, showing off his toned upper body.
“...Let me guess? You’re a ‘big’ fan of mine?” Stratus found herself distracted, looking over a desirable body of another younger man.

“Heh, guess you could say that… Me and any other teenager who watched you splash about in pudding bowls and gravy matches… Or barking like a dog on all fours…” Johnny said back handedly as he smiled. “I didn’t watch your shit for wrist locks anyway…”
Trish narrowed her eyes as she moved away from Steel, turning to face the newcomer. “We’re gonna have words after this, asshole.” Trish directed a glare at the cameraman, showing she didn’t sign up for a threesome. “As for you?...Let’s see if you’re really a big fan of mine.” She demanded, glancing at his crotch while behind him, Steel quickly removed his own shirt to get naked.
“Oh, I fit that billing!” Johnny the Kid remarked as he moved to loosen his belt. Shoving down his pants quicker than some of the Divas eras matches even lasted to show off his own thick, long porn star cock to the blonde MILF.

Trish’s eyes widening soon eased her anger at being tricked by this. “Well, guess you are… But I need to see if you… H-Hey!” She tried to say, but found herself being pushed forward, making her fall onto her hands and knees as behind her Steel grabbed her leggings and hauled them down, showing off a nice, tight pair of black panties. “I was gonna make a joke there about him lasting longer in my mouth than when he jacked off to my bra and panties matches!” Trish said, smirking with a look back as she didn’t completely object to the man handling.

“Oh, I think you can test out Johnny here real easily…” Tyler said, pulling her panties to the side for now as he invited himself, without even stopping to slip on a condom first, into that snug, already wet Canadian pussy of the gorgeous blonde. Making them both moan out as he pushed firmly in and took a hold of her waist with one hand. The other around her rounded, thick ass to keep one cheek spread so that when the camera moved to behind her it could capture the sight of his big, fat rod sliding in and out of that snug box. Along with the nicely red hot sight of Trish staring back over the shoulder with a look of pleasure and awe as she got stretched out by his big prick. “MMMM! Oh shit! That’s some nice, tight pussy right there! MMMM! Grade-A MILF shit! MMMM…” He filthily complimented as he moaned out already. Thrusting smoothly as he built up the moment and, telling, Stratus was already starting to push back against the moment to help work his dick into her snugness.

“OH FUCK!! MMMM… Fuck that’s big! FUCK…” Trish gasped as she was so caught up by how good it felt taking hot, young cock into her snatch she even forgot about the man stroking himself to hardness in front of her as she looked back. All too willing to let another man that she isn’t married to pump away into her snatch from behind, while she rocked against the motion to help work those inches further inside that tight passage as her dampness increased. “MMMMM… You like that, huh? Like how… MMMMMPHHH!!” Her dirty talk was cut off, leaving her to let out muffled moans as with a handful of those blonde locks her face was turned to the front. Promptly stuffed full with another equally long and fat member as Johnny began to pump in and out of her soft lips. Despite her brief rage at being surprised with the idea of a threesome that wasn’t part of the deal for this skin flick? That was already in the past as she looked up at this grinning man and began to bob her head along his size. Groaning around him to slurp away as she got fucked at both ends and made both hunks moan out with approval as she rocked between them both.

“MMMM… Sorry Trish! Got to make up for some lost time here…” Johnny claimed with a shameless smile. Watching that pretty face of the busty MILF sliding back and forth along his shaft while he deeply fed his inches into her talented oral hole. Feeling her start to gag around his length as she wasn’t holding back either, and likely that was encouraged by the pleasure she was getting by finally being fucked by Tyler behind her. “AHHHHH! I ain’t talking about me not watching that wrasslin’ stuff any more either since your prime…” He teased, still holding her hair to cleverly, whether she realised it or not, keep her face clear so when the camera moved along her jolting body to the head, the clear view of her lips sucking away on his pumping shaft was captured. Already saliva coating his prick and dripping down her chin as she rocked her head along his motion. Taking him in deep to stuff her throat once again with fat young dick.

“Hell fucking yeah! Look at this fucking slut go! We got a mega freak of a MILF here!” Dirty One raved as he had to either stretch his arm out or just move across the floor of the van as he switched ‘views’ to film the different halves of the action going on. Neither one less hot than the other as he moved up to watch the former seven-time WWE Women’s Champion bobbing swiftly up and down on a cock being pumped into her gagging, erotically drooling oral hole. Then back along her stunning, curvy and tanned frame to witness her snug and damp pussy getting filled up from the back. Her rounded ass cheeks already jiggling nicely as she took his thrusts and timed herself perfectly to push back against his thrusts to get Steel’s dick all the way into her snug twat. Even at the expense of mistiming her bobs along the dick she’s taking between her pouty lips.

“MMMMM FUCK!! OOOOOOOOH SHIT!!” Trish moaned when Johnny’s dick, coated in her spit, fell from her lips as she shifted stiffly back against Tyler’s thrusts, taking him balls deep into her pussy. Likely however a planned move on Love’s part since he was holding her hair after all. She tried to glance back at him but the grip on her hair kept her looking forward through her glasses as Johnny, revelling in this himself, teased her by slapping the fat crown of his dick against her cheek. Making her hiss seductively as she stared up, not even flinching for a moment as he slapped his fat dick against that stunning face. All as she kept pushing against the just as big dick ramming home into her twat to make her moan out even as her own saliva was smeared across her cheek. “Come on, mother fucker! Get that fucking hot young dick back in me! Show me how fucking bad you wanted me to take your V-card when you watched me strip down to fucking bra and panties in my matches!” Stratus snapped as she got cock smacked again and didn’t even give out a whine of pain from the slap. The filthy words working as when she parted her lips, they were soon filled up by Love’s dick thrusting in deep as he kept her blonde hair held. Allowing her head to stay in place to smoothly take his prick and letting her freely and deeply bob away to get her saliva dripping down her chin and off his inches one again.

“MMMMM… Oh, I’m living out a fantasy or two right now, you fucking… AHHHH… Hot, slutty bitch… MMMMM… Just without you in your hot ring gear and the cowboy hat…” Johnny was able to tease with a bragging smile. Staring down to see that stunning, timelessly beautiful face sliding down deep onto his pole as her chin met his balls as they swung into her, making more of a mess to send spit flying around. The lusty gagging, once again without any pain, that Trish was doing making it all the more better as he groaned out from her superb oral talents. “AHHHH… Granted, it wasn’t even a three-way fantasy either… But I ain’t gonna fucking whine about… MMMM! Finally getting to see if those old Stratusfaction oral rumours about you were true or not…” He added as he moaned out. Showing his own stamina and not just from the age difference between the two as he handled being so deep her talented, hot and wet mouth. Lasting against this sort of pace that would otherwise make any man, wrestling fan or otherwise, blow a load in a minute trying to survive this wild blowjob.

Behind her, Tyler grunted as he kept his hold on her backside and waist as he drilled her doggy style. Helping to keep her jolting back and forth between the thrusts of both hunks to take her at both ends. His toned body hitting off her curvy frame as her ass bounced from the contact as she took him balls deep. Her snug, MILF pussy easily making him moan out as her tightness gripped his length like she was built to take fat, long shafts like his. Her tits hanging down and swaying in time with the motion of the rest of her as she moved between the two hunks. Slurping away on one in between loud gags, while driving her snatch backward to keep Steel stuffing in deeply to that needy twat. More than showing off that he wasn’t just here to take action like the deep throat and tit fuck he’d enjoyed before. He can give back as much as he got, and delivering it in kind now as he pumped away to groan out as he fucked the WWE icon from behind.

“MMMMMPHH!! GAAAAAAAHHHH… HHHHRRRKKK!! MMMMMM!!” With her eyes closed, Trish got lost in her own little world as she enjoyed being fucked from the front and back. Leaving both long shafts coated with her drool coating and dripping from the one being fed in and out of her pouty lips. Her juices of arousal layered over the other dick slamming into her snatch that she was now very familiar with. “HHHHHHLLLRRRR… GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! MMMMM!! GAAAAAAAAAHH…” But she wasn’t playing favourites here as she shifted that stunning body, especially for a woman retired from actual in-ring, between the two shafts. Her focus more on the dick directly giving her pleasure to match Steel’s stiff and swift pace, sending her snatch slamming into his shaft when he drove in. Not forgetting about the cock of the apparent fanboy of hers in front as she slurped along his rod as he drove in. Already her long hair becoming a mess from the constant swaying back and forth as she bobbed her head, let alone the firm grip on her locks Johnny was using as he fucked her mouth. Or at least as much as he could deliver considering her willing and eager pumps along that dick as he fed it into her.

Eventually, Johnny pulled out of her mouth to allow her to moan first before she even thought about sucking in some air. “FUCK!!” Trish yelled, looking up at Johnny again smacked her pretty face with the dick she’d just been deep throating. Nearly knocking her spectacles off her face from the strike with his manhood. “Like that, huh kid? Like my… UHHHH!! Nasty fucking mouth, deep on that big fucking dick?” She purred as Tyler got in another thrust into her snatch before he pulled out.
“Everything I fucking hoped it’d be, slut…” Johnny grinned, letting go of her hair. “Except for the part where you’re riding my dick like your career depended on it.” He said, being far from subtle with the invitation especially when he moved to lay down on the floor of the van as it was still driving around.
“I bet you fucking dreamed of that…” Stratus smirked, and took up the offer as she moved on top of him, reaching down to guide his dick up into her already well fucked and wet pussy.
“And I got some dreams of my own… Nothing like fan boy here though.” Tyler said with a snigger as instead of getting another round of head from her he moved behind Stratus. Waiting until she was grinding down on Johnny’s dick as he helped himself to grope then spread her rounded and tight ass cheeks.

“W-Wait! I’m not even… AHHHHHH HOLY FUCK!!” Trish howled out, her voice a mix of lust and a hint of pain as even with one cock lodged into her twat, she then had to take a cock basically dry into her tight ass. Tyler forcing his dick in with only her own pussy juices acting like the lube to make them both groan out. “MOTHER FUCKER!! MMMMM FUCK!! OH FUCK!! MMMMM!!” The blonde bombshell tellingly however didn’t scream out for this to stop. Her body working out of instinct as she rocked between the two dicks as they started to pump up. The one in her back passage at least using an easing pace to give her time to adjust to the sensation of being spread open with the blend of burning and pleasure from the sensations of taking it up the ass. The cock underneath her however attacking not just deeply but swiftly. Pumping up balls deep to make her jolt and get her rounded tits bouncing as she got double teamed in a whole different way than during any match she had.

“MMMMM… God damn! Better than I fucking thought it’d be…” Johnny grinned. Even more fired up now to pound the icon of the WWE Divas era than before now that his cock was getting smothered by that still tight but soaking wet now pussy. The previous fucking she’d taken allowing him to easily drive up and make his crotch smack against hers. Having to hold onto her waist to ensure she stayed planted on top of him as she jolted between the two cocks in her lower holes. “MMMMM… What’s up, Trish? Guess you’re used to a different kind of… MMMMM! SHIT… Three-way action than this, right?” He mocked as he moaned out. Watching her tits shake as he used a smooth motion to send his dick up deep into her slot. Pulling a couple inches out before going back in. Staying laid down so that the camera was still able to see his cock for the brief moments when she jolted upward before he made his length vanish in the next moment.

“MMMMM!! OOOOOOH FUCK YOU! MMMMMM!! SH-SHUT UP AND FUCKING FUCK ME, YOU BASTARDS! AHHHHHH!!” Trish lustfully groaned out, her eyes closed again as she could barely actively rock against the two studs as they pounded into her stunning body. Sweat starting to form across her tanned curves as she was made to shift up and down. The hunks thrusting away and making sure that at any one time, she always had some thick, long and young cock deep in either of her holes. “MMMMM!! COME ON! OH FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM!! FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME!! AHHHHH!!” It wasn’t just the outrage of being lured into taking a threesome instead of just a one-on-one Bang Bus trip that was long gone. The pain of taking some dry anal was easing as Tyler’s cock worked further into her tightest of holes. Her ass cheeks shaking as he pumped firmly in and showed her asshole no mercy even with this steady pace. Giving her the same sort of fucking he’s already delivered to her other holes as he completed his own impressive hat trick of testing out those snug and pleasurable MILF holes.

“AHHHHH… Like that, slut? Huh??” Steel smirked, taking his turn to grip Trish’s long blonde locks firmly, making her head both tilt back and look over his shoulder at him while he pounded her ass. Making her cheeks jiggle as he crotch smacks off the flesh, filling her up almost balls deep with just a little gap of an inch left by the way he had his body angled. Allowing the space so when the camera moved around to the back the sight of her super snug asshole getting drilled with meaty cock was easily captured. “MMMMM… Like being fucking stuffed like the nasty, slutty bitch of a MILF you are, huh? MMMM… Bet I’m fucking bigger than… AHHHH… Your dumb little husband you’re sneaking away to cheat on, right? MMMM… Let alone my buddy Johnny under you… Fucking stretching out your dirty, whore fucking pussy! MMMM…” He unleashed the dirty talk as well as insults. Not letting her forget that she’s agreed to this skin flick not only at the risk of ending any sort of media career let alone any WWE appearances, but putting her family life and marriage on the line to agree to be fucked on camera.

“MMMMM FUCK!! YESSSSSS… AHHHHH!! SO FUCKING BIG!! MMMMM!! B-BIGGER THAN HE IS! BOTH OF YOUUUUUUU MMMMMMM!!” Stratus stared over her shoulder with a burning look as she loudly moaned out. Shameless in her admission even as it insulted the man she’s actually married to. Not caring about that in the heat of the moment as her body was made to push back and forth as she took both of their cocks. The slap when either man hit off her body ringing out to still be heard even as they all kept groaning out. “AHHHHHH!! DON’T… MMMMM!! DON’T FUCKING STOP, YOU HUNG BASTARDS!! UHHHH!! FUCK ME!! MMMMM!! FUCK ME LIKE… AHHHHH!! THE DIRTY FUCKING SLUT I AM!! MMMM FUCK!!” She demanded as the sweat coated her face, with a couple loose strands of her hair left stuck to her cheeks. Her tits jiggling away as she still couldn’t really properly bounce on their pumping cocks. Not objecting to being thoroughly used however as she moaned away and her pussy left juices dripping down to cover the crotch of the stud right underneath her. Even letting out a naughty moan whenever Tyler tugged on her hair to show off another clear kink the stunning Canadian had as she took on two fat American dicks at the same time.

“Hahaha! Yeah! Look at her! She’s getting fucked silly! I fucking love this shit!!” The Dirty One bragged as he had to remind himself not to just stay focused on filming one part of this action, considering each area was smoking hot. From her snatch getting drilled from underneath, her ass tapped hard from the back, and even just the look of shameless, intense pleasure across her face. Every angle a winner and these two hunks had plenty left in the tank to give her the full works. Which said a lot, considering how she was already being double penetrated to leave her pussy and ass filled up all at once. “Yeah!! Fucking break her! Turn her wild! I fucking love seeing a MILF get all fucking nasty and slutty!” He remarked. Knowing that in terms of the Bang Bus, it was a rare thing to get more than some one against one action, let alone a scene like this. Two prime porno studs driving away into perhaps the most famous if not hottest female WWE star in history.

“AHHHHH FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUCK YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!” Already jolting between the two men and their stiff thrusts, Trish started shuddering against them in a different way as her eyes closed. Her head already tilted from her hair being tugged on so her loud moans hit right into the roof of the van as she started to orgasm. Coating Johnny’s cock even more as her snatch squeezed his prick to make him groan out. Testing both men against hitting an early finish as her back passage also gripped Tyler’s dick as they kept on thrusting away into her. Knowing just how to get the best out of a woman, especially one not faking their peak like they were more used to, as they made sure she kept moaning out. Experiencing every moment of that intense high that tops off a round of action that’s left her more spent than from any actual match she’d had in her career.

“MMMMM… FUCK…” Trish groaned when first Tyler pulled out of her ass, and soon Johnny lifting her off of his dick. “Fucking Hell… And you two boys are still fucking hard??” Her eyes widened with a look of not just pleasant surprise, but renewed desire knowing this was all far from over.
“Damn right…” Tyler said, gripping her hair again and pulling her back down to her hands and knees on the floor. “And we’re not done with your fucking slut mom body either…” He bluntly said. Presenting his cock, fresh from her back passage, to her gasping mouth.
“Oh yeah… Momma wants some more of these big fucking cocks…” Stratus purred without any hint of shame. Already leaning in as she took his dick between her lips and started to bob.
“Sloppy seconds for me again, huh?” Johnny said with a joking tone. Knowing there was no real second place here but just referring to how he was having to follow up on a hole already used. Spreading her ass cheeks as he now took his turn to tap her fine, rounded ass as he push in nice and deep thanks to the prior pounding she’d just taken.

“MMMMMPHHH!! MMMMM!! GAAAAAAAAAAHHH…” Trish began to moan all over again, even as muffled as the lusty sounds were as she started to briskly bob along Tyler’s cock while feeling another familiar dick now thrusting into her asshole from behind. Getting spit roasted just moments after having taken some DP action and looking like she was enjoying this just as much as she once again shifted her body, under her own power this time, between the two studs. “MMMMPHH!! HHHHMPPHH… GAAAAAAAAAHHHH…” Deep slurps delivered to Steel’s cock. Showing no concern about taking on some ass-to-mouth action as she sucked on the prick straight of her backside. Easily cleaning the taste of her back passage off from his length in between her sinful gagging as she took him back into her talented and still snug mouth. Showing off the kind or oral skills that even seasoned starlets from the industry these two hunks are in would pay to be able to pull off.

“MMMMM!! Holy shit… God damn this ass is fucking made of steel! MMMMM!!” Johnny grinned, delivering a firm spank to that rounded, more than nicely juicy rump of the woman once voted the WWE’s Diva of the Decade. Matching the ample flesh jiggle when he thrusting in and sent his crotch smashing into her tanned, smooth skin. The slap ringing out as she drove her booty backward to take his dick every time he delivered a new thrust into those stunning cheeks. “AHHHHH… Always was a fucking treat to watch this ass strut in a damn thong… MMMM!! But way fucking better to be balls deep in it! MMMM!” He stated the obvious as he stared down, watching his dick vanish forward into that much lusted after rear. Not forgetting in his own enjoyment of fulfilling this fantasy to remember his job in this. Keeping his toned frame at the right angle so that while still stuffing her butt nice and deep, he allowed the filming camera to witness the sight as well. His thick American man-meat sliding back and forth to stuff deep into that still tight asshole of the Canadian.

“MMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRRKKK!! MMMMMM!!” Despite not even having her pussy getting fucked in this position, let alone able to touch herself, Trish was moaning around the cock being thrust between her lips as she once again took it at both ends from two younger men. Neither one of them being the man she’s supposed to be happily married to either. Making an attempt to further her pleasure as she lifted an arm off the van floor to try and reach under herself. Instead having to groan when, seeing a chance to get rougher with the iconic WWE Diva, Johnny grabbed her wrist with a firm grip. Soon doing the same to her other arm when it, almost reacting in instinct, also moved up. “MMMMM!! MMMMMM!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH HHHHHRRRKKK!!” She choked and slobbered all over the cock she was getting fed, taking it in and out of her snug and soaking throat. But now getting fucked near suspended as just her knees were on the floor. Leaving her to jolt back and forth between the two studs and their cocks for a full on spit roasting. Leaving her tits swaying back and forth and her hair hanging down the far side of her body doing the same for the amount at least not currently being gripped by Tyler. Not even giving her the time to realise that he raised hand closest to the camera was showing off once again her prized Hall of Fame ring like it was just an accessory to this wicked action, flaunted whenever it was needed to remind the audience of how she’s throwing away a famed career just to be nailed like a common slut.

“Oh shit! They’re giving this stacked, hot fucking MILF the full fucking works! Yeah! Look at this fucking slut go! God damn!” Dirty One said as he sat back to keep filming. Getting in all of that sweat-dripping, curvy body shifting back and forth as she took pumps at both ends to make her let out constant muffled groans and raspy choking. Bobbing up and down one fat dick while trying to slam her rounded ass back into another. “I know long time sluts in porn who can’t take it this good! I need to fucking sell this as some training tapes to study!” The cameraman joke as he again have a very back-handed compliment but one that was perfect fitting for the moment. She’d been all too eagerly and happily doing the rocking between them herself. But now she was being gripped by the head and her arms so that they could take control of her. Easily and roughly pulling her against their motions to go balls deep into her front and back. Leaving one man’s set of heavy balls slapping off her saliva-drooling chin while the other hit off her skin from behind as he filled her ass up.

“Yeah, come on slut! MMMM!! Show us how bad a fucking bitch like you needs it!” Steel grunted, staring down as her pretty face pressed into his crotch over and over as he fucked her mouth. Her hair a mess not just from the moisture all through it but his hard grip as he kept her head in place. Allowing her to slurp away on his rod but still thrusting in deep, stuffing her throat again and again as her saliva drooled down his inches and off to the van floor below. “MMMMM! Nasty cheating fucking bitch… Slutty fucking MILF! MMMM… Bet you’d be fucking cruising for young fucking dicks like ours… MMMMM… To cheat on your tiny dicked husband any chance you get!” He grinned, seeing how intensely into this threesome Stratus now was as if her moans around his dick weren’t proof enough. However he wanted to hear it as he pulled out of her mouth, letting her perfectly lewd and loud moans freely spill out as she gasped for long overdue air. Not getting a break however (and not just because the stud behind her didn’t stop tapping her ass) as Steel used his free hand to give her a round of smacks with his dick. A few rapid hits with his bell-end off her cheek, before deliberately rubbing his dick against the side of the face to mark her face with her own spit from off those inches for a dose of humiliation.

“MMMMM FUCK YEAH!! I’M SUCH A BAD, NASTY FUCKING WHORE… MMMM!! FILTHY CHEATING FUCKING BITCH!! AHHHHH FUCK!!” It didn’t even sound like she was just taking the bait or merely parroting back the filthy slurs she was being called. Openly admitting to who she was and exactly what she was doing while the sweat poured off her already stunning enough, mature body. Tits swill swinging back and forth while she got her ass deeply pounded from behind. Her glasses down on her nose, almost falling off as they shifted back from her harsh bouncing. Hissing as she got her face slapped by the equally thick and long, let alone familiar to all of her holes, cock in front. Taking his stiff smacks onto her cheek on the other side of that gorgeous face. “MMMM!! I’M A FUCKING BAD, SLUTTY MOTHER… MMMMM!! CHEATING… UHHHH!! ON MY FUCKING HUSBAND WITH TWO… HOT… YOUNG… FUCKING STUDS AND THEIR F-FUCKING BIG… FAT… COCKS!! AHHHHH FUCK!!” She howled out before inciting that dick smacking her face to get back between her lips. Sliding her tongue out to flick against him as he hit off of her. Resulting in him switching to then slap the fat crown off that wet tongue, making them both groan from the quick round of pats into her. Allowing her a brief swirl around the head before he drove back into her mouth much to both of their moaning approval.

“MMMMM SHIT… Forget this slut being Diva of the Decade! MMMMM… She’s the fucking MILF of the Millennium at this rate! Holy shit!! MMMMM!!” Johnny the Kid marvelled as he grinned down. Watching how his cock was all too easily welcomed to make a home for itself inside of her still snug but filled to the limit back passage. The former multi-time Women’s Champion still impressively snug all around his thickness even after this being the second round of deep and rough anal she’s taken today. Taking full advantage of getting to live out the fantasy of many a WWE fan both past and present to pound away into her juicy backside. Her cheeks crashing into him every time he pulled her sharply by the arms back into his body to take a fresh pump. It would take a lot more than even this repeated, stiff contact to leave pain going through her for a beauty familiar with spanking matches and the like.

The eyes of the blonde bombshell were starting to roll upward. Looking like that if it wasn’t for the grip both studs had on her hair and body she might have started to slump down as the energy drained from her. Even being one of the hottest sex symbols in wrestling history, she had her limits that were fast approaching. Even though in this current position, her pussy was left untouched but still dripping juices as she took a spit roasting harder, as well as better, then women actually in the porn industry compared to her still being a first timer. Not looking out of place with a fat dick drilling her at both ends as her head still found the strength left to slurp up and down to gag away, deep throating the cock in front. All as her ass continued to clap back again and again against the thrusts between her plump butt cheeks.

“MMMM… Hey, Johnny! Want to give this… AHHHHH… Fucking slut fantasy of yours the real two-for-one special?” Tyler suggested with a smirk. Pulling out of Trish’s panting mouth.
“For real? Yeah, I’m down!” Johnny said, pulling out of her already well fucked ass with a groan. “I know she can take a double team.” He chuckled as the two hunks pulled the tired beauty up from the floor and over to the back seats of the still driving van they’ve been banging in.
“Ahhhhhh… God, you’ve still got fucking more for me??” Trish marvelled, not objecting as Steel sat down onto the seats first, before Stratus was moved on top of him but facing out towards Love.

If her mind had been clear to pay attention, she would have questioned what the two hunks, now only coated with perspiration themselves, where talking about. Seeing the first stage of it when Steel pushed his dick up into that more than well fucked asshole of hers to get her groaning as he gripped her toned waist. However, Johnny didn’t go for the easy option of going back into her twat as she expected. Making her eyes go wide and jaw drop when he boldly pushes his cock alongside the similarly fat and long shaft. Stretching her asshole out even more as he forced it in, making both men groan and like true professionals, neither were bothered by the feeling of another man’s dick grinding against their own as the gave the WWE legend a whole different level of double teaming.

“HO-LY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Trish howled out as the thrusts began. The men expertly working their dicks alongside one another inside of her back passage as their filled her up as deep as they could. Leaving her rear entrance being spread out to a limit that not only did she never knew she could take before. But one that even actual skin flick starlets would struggle to take. “FUCK!! SHIT!! HOLY FUCK!! HOLY FUCKING SHIIIIIIIIT!! AHHHHHH!!” Her tits bounced as her body was made to jolt up and down as the cocks pumped way into her double stuffed backside. In the midst of all of these new, intense sensations she somehow found the brain power to guide her hand down onto her pussy. Furiously rubbing away at her slit to balance the almost mind shattering burning her back passage was feeling with some pleasure.

“Jesus Christ! Someone call the cops! They’re gonna murder this slut’s fucking ass!” The Dirty One joked with a shameless laugh. Getting to film the double teaming of the blonde stunner, taking two dicks at once up into her rounded ass as Love made sure he was leaned at a slight angle so he didn’t block the view. Showing off his cock sliding in as Tyler did the same into her asshole from underneath. The two taking turns as one pumped in while the other drew back. Ensuring they got the pleasure from this while giving Stratus a working over to remember. “Geez! They ain’t showing mercy to this hot fucking MILF! Poor slut is gonna be left gaped over for a fucking month after this!” He said, but his tone showing a clear smile in her words as he didn’t care too much about what she’d be left like after this was all said and done. Just concerned with keeping the camera steady and the footage rolling to record the red hot seen of perhaps the most famous female Superstar and Diva in WWE being treated like a nasty, dick loving whore.

“OH FUCK YES!! AHHHH FUCK!! FUCK IT FUCKING HURTS!! MMMMM!! HURTS… SO FUCKING GOOD! OH FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Trish doing herself no favours either her loud yells of delight. Having already shown she was far from a novice at taking it up the ass, but this was on a whole new level even for her. No regrets here though, encouraging the rough pounding her booty was taking from two fat shafts at once. So lost in her lust that she wasn’t even wasting time, or more likely the energy, to brush away her hair from her face. Staring through her locks at the stud in front of her while he worked his dick alongside the other man to stretch out her back passage. “UHHHHH!! FUCK!! AHHHHHH FUCK!! FUCKING SHIT!! OH FUCK!! OH GOD!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Combining this all with wildly sliding her fingers back and forth along her dripping snatch. That same hand that, more than a few times now during the course of this Bang Bus trip, was unintentionally showing off the Hall of Fame ring that cemented her status as an all time sports entertainment great. Now left slick with her juices that coated her digits as she furiously rubbed away at herself to try and keep the balance of pleasure from a wild fuck and the pain from her ass being resized by two huge pricks.

At this point, both Tyler and Johnny were more than being tested too. Veterans like them to banging stacking and stunning mature women used to long scenes with red hot action. This was something special, giving it too the Canadian beauty with her meaty American dicks and in the same hole at the same time no less. Grunting as they timed their motion just right so one could thrust upward firmly as the other pulled out. Even this deep (not just in terms of filling up that back passage) into things, neither one bothered by the feeling of another cock brushing and pressed against their own. Too familiar with this business to let a small detail like that faze them as their focused on giving this blonde MILF the full works even harder than either of them alone would do to any newbie, let alone someone taking a trip on this infamous Bus.

For the must lusted after beauty once ranked as the Greatest Female Superstar of all time, she was barely keeping herself in some sense of reality here. One eye twitching from the sensations as her gaze was rolling upward. Her tits bouncing while her body jolted from the stiff thrusts working in combination into her rounded ass. Keeping her hand brushing back and forth over her dripping snatch at a rapid pace as she hissed in delight even with a small trail of drool escaping from the corner of her mouth. Showing that if she hadn’t made a legendary career in the WWE? Handling a double ass pounding like this was proof she would have earned her place in porn infamy if she’d taken a career in this sort of business.

All good things, and in this case wild intense fucking, coming to an end finally as Trish let out a loud, almost window rattling scream of pleasure. Unable even to warn the studs of her peak as she didn’t just hit a powerful orgasm, even stronger than the first she’d had earlier on. A full on powerful squirt, sending a burst of liquid shooting out of her pussy to force the camera man to pull back. Only the angle of Love’s body preventing him from being hit by it either as both studs groaned out. The wicked peak managing to find, rather impossibly, a last dose of tightness for her ass to cling against both their shafts as the got in a final round of pumping up into her. Stratus left exhausted as she slumped against Steel with her chest heaving as her hand, soaked Hall of Fame ring and all, fell to her side.

Of course, she was shown about as much mercy here as she’d been given all during this encounter. The men carefully easing their dicks out of her asshole, giving the camera moment to show that massively gaping state she’s been left in thanks to the double penetration. Trish being pulled down, forced to her knees on the floor of the van as the two hunks began to stroke off. Groaning as their cocks pulsed in their grips. Just about giving Trish the time to look up, but not bothering to wipe the messy hair out of the way. And with her more than distracted, Dirty One was able to signal to up front for the Driver to head towards the drop off point. And not the exact one she’d requested either.

It was a fitting, messy finish for the already layered with moisture beauty. The hot streaks of spunk from both hunks splashing across her stunning features. Hitting over her cheeks, nose, lips, chin and forehead. Leaving the lenses of her eyewear covered with spunk to obstruct her vision without blinding her as the seed dripped off the frames and glass down onto her features. Catching into not just the loose strands of her hair laying across her face, but landing into her blonde locks at the top and the sides of her panting face. That sight a money shot alone as they sent out the last drops onto her but it was now their turn to be surprised when she looked up, now that her eyes weren’t hit as she gripped their cocks.

Grins on the faces of the men as she gave one last slutty performance. Using their fat cock heads as she pushed them against her stained cheeks. Deliberately using them like paint brushes, rubbing the spunk across her face with a low groan. Smearing it about to further make a mess of herself and in turn, make the jizz drip off of her to land down onto the van floor below as well as onto her heaving tits. The two studs just happy to let her have her fun as the sight showed that the more ‘famous’ the whore they get to pound, the harder and further they’ll go to give her the treatment she deserves. Status even doing the kind job of leaning in. Giving each of their bell-ends a deep slurp to steal a taste of their spunk while cleaning off the mess of their own combined spunk she’d left onto their crowns.

“Oooooooh fuck… God… You assholes!” Trish let out a sexy laugh as she sat back, panting for air after letting go of their dicks. “You fucking wrecked me! And in more fucking ways than one!” She stated the obvious as the spunk still dripped from her cheeks.
“Yeah they fucking did!” Dirty One said, getting the close up of that spunk-glazed grin on her face. “Gave a banging, nasty MILF like you the full fucking workout!”
“And made one fan real, real fucking happy!” Johnny said with a chuckle as he moved. Knowing his part in the plan too as he bundled up Stratus’ clothes into a pile, away from the door.
“Don’t tell me you need an autograph, kid…” Stratus teased, not seeing her clothing being messed as she saw Tyler taking out a towel from a side pocket of the van. “Uh, no offence guys? But there’s no way I’m cleaning off in here. Not with the jizz on the floor that I could just get messy from again.”

“Oh yeah, our bad! Hey, let’s just quickly pull over to a quiet spot!” Dirty One said, faking like he was thinking out loud when this was all part of the plan to begin with. “Yo, my man? You know a place?” He called out to the front.
The Driver, unseen, just raised a hand to confirm as he drove into a secluded, quiet area and pulled up, parking at a side walk. Johnny faking like being a gentleman to open the door for her as Trish, forgetting what she was involved in with the afterglow of the sex, foolishly stepped out of the van with the towel.
“God, I needed some air too. That van is real…” Trish started to say before she was surprised when another towel was flung at her, barely enough to cover her up. Followed by her handbag being sent out as well as she barely caught it.

“H-Hey! HEY!!” Trish then yelled, glaring when the door was slammed shut. “My fucking clothes! GIVE ME MY CLOTHES BACK YOU ASSHOLES!!” She yelled out but it was too late at that point with the van already speeding off down the street as Stratus, trying to cover up, yelled out more curse words as the jizz dripped onto the ground.

“Sorry biiiiiiiiiiitch! Change of fucking plans!” Dirty One yelled out with a laugh before he sat back down. “Oh man… I got to stop giving these sluts my towels! I’m spending more of my budget booking these bitches without losing the cash with laundry!” He joked without any hint of shame.
“Just fucking sell her clothes!” Tyler said with a grin. “Bet plenty of guys want to buy her used panties… That’ll help get back her fee!”
“Damn, and here I was gonna try and swipe one of them to remember this day by!” Johnny joked as he sat back on the seats as well.
“You’ve had enough of her today, fan boy!” Dirty One claimed, poking fun once again. “And shit, sounds like a good idea! Yo, my man? Think we can like, set up some kind of auction page or something?” He said, looking to the front as the Driver tossed up a thumbs up to confirm it. “Oh yeah, easy money here we come! If only sluts like that fucking MILF hottie were just as easy!” He added with another laugh. “But for now? Let’s get you two fine, outstanding members of the community back to your homes! Now that you’ve done a good, honest day’s work now!”

The two porn stars agreed with chuckles of their own as they exchanged a more than satisfied high five between them as they sat back to relax after that wild, hot and heavy threesome. And it’s on that sight that the video footage fades to black for another successful road trip with a wrestling beauty. Even if the term Banging the ‘Indies’ was stretched out for her inclusion almost as much as her asshole actually was during all that pounding!

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2022, 06:37:31 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own TJPW or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Miyu Yamashita (TJPW)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Miyu Yamashita

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter, anal.

* * *

The video starts up showing the side door of the infamous Bus opened up as the arm of The Dirty One makes a waving motion. Encouraging male porn star Oliver Flynn to step inside and once he’s in, the cameraman reaches over and slides the door shut so the vehicle can start moving off.

“Bro, I fucking owe you one, man!” Dirty One remarks as he sits down and films Flynn as he’s in the back seats. Clad in a plain set of Jeans and a short sleeved T-shirt. “Well, I fucking say that but you’re gonna get some payment once we pick up this hottie.”
“Oh, so this ain’t just a taxi ride?” Oliver smiled. “Hell, I’m down. Just had a day off today anyway.”
“Oh yeah, we’re doing this Bang Bus style. Almost like the usual vids with the rando hotties, one and done. But this one’s kinda different… We got a nice, fine looking Asian hottie to pick up today.”
“Pussy is pussy, man. But sure, I’ll slam it!” Flynn said.

“Damn right!” Dirty One said with a laugh. “So yeah, basically? Everyone knows the deal here… About how we ditch the chicks at the end of these videos and they aren’t well, really ditched and all. People know what’s going on. So like, we weren’t even gonna be filming today but I got my DMs hit up by this one wild, freaky Japanese chick that we had on here a while back… One of those tough wrestler chicks that we’ve had on here a few times… And like, apparently this chick’s friend is over here in the States and she needs like a ride to a show or some shit…”
“Oh, she’s gonna get a ride alright…” Oliver said, patting his pocket. “Got a couple packets of rubbers here with her name on it, whoever she is.”
“Yeah yeah yeah! I managed to look her up just as me and my man up front were heading off. A real cutie, called like Miyu… Well, I ain’t gonna try and butcher the gal’s name but she’s got that nice, tight looking body that I bet is built to take a good time… So we’ll just give her the work over. Flash some cash, get her down to fuck, then we’ll dump her out at where ever.
“Sounds good to me! Let’s go get her then.” Flynn agreed.
“You heard the man, let’s get going!” The cameraman looked to the front, as The Driver just briefly raised a hand and motioned in agreement as he continued to drive.

With the powers of video editing used, the footage moved on to later on as the camera now showed looking out of the window as the van slowed down, pulling up the side walk. Showing a Japanese woman with shoulder length dark hair standing there with a travel case. Clad nicely in a set of Jeans with rugged style whores and tears on the legs in patches and a short sleeved black top. Miyu Yamashita, the multi-time former Princess of Princess Champion of Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling. And from her light smile, it seems like she’d expected the van to appear as she gave a wave as the van door was opened up for her.

“Yeah, Miyu, right? Come on in!” Dirty One invited as she walked in. Already Oliver checking her out and nodding with approval. Liking what he saw while the van door was closed so the vehicle could start driving off. “Welcome, please! Take a seat, babe! This is uh, my buddy Oliver. He’s pitching in for the ride shall we say.” He lied.
“Yes, thank you.” Miyu said as put her bag down on the floor at the side, before sitting on the back seats next to Flynn. “I am, how you say, thankful? Yes. Itoh-Chan said you were good for giving rides, yes?” She rather sweetly, contrasting with her hard in-ring style, said as she looked between the men. Her English sounding slightly broken like she could speak it well enough but not perhaps perfectly like those in the van with her.
“Oh yeah, I’m all about the rides, cutie…” Oliver said with a smile. Already sitting back and resting his arm back behind her like he was ready to pounce on her.
“Ah, yeah. Itoh said you needed help getting over to a show you’re doing or something right? Well, we’re here to help!” The cameraman claimed but his tone of voice showed his smile even from behind the lens. “But uh, you know? I’m afraid that we’re not just gonna be able to give you this little trip for free, you understand? We are gonna need some form of payment for our services.”

“Pay?” Miyu questioned. “Ah, I see. Itoh-Chan said something about you would need favour from me, right? You need autograph? Video message, right?” She pointed at the camera, seeing that she was being clearly filmed here.
“No no no! In fact, we pay you, yes?” Dirty One said. Reaching into his pocket and showing off a bundle of notes. “This is like an interview! We pay you, we ask some questions, and then, you know… Then we have some damn fun!”
“Interview? In a van? That sounds odd… Where have I heard that before…” Miyu said, narrowing her eyes a little. “And paying me when you’re helping me out is quite strange...”
“Not exactly, babe…” Flynn said as he sat up a bit. “Maybe I can, you know, break the language barrier with actions instead of words…” He bluntly said as Miyu looked over to him. Taken aback to say the least by seeing him start to lift off his top, showing off the American hunk’s toned upper body to the Japanese beauty.
“Hey! Hey hey hey! What’s going on here??” Miya questioned, glaring over at the cameraman. “What kind of video is this? One of those…” She paused, blinking as her eyes went wide. “HEY! You’re those guys! The ones Itoh-Chan bragged about! That adult video of her in the van!”
“Whoops! Busted!” Dirty One chuckled. “Guess some people actually saw that video and not just the free loaders who stole it off the torrents. Yep! That’s us! And my man here Oliver is ready to give you a real good time… Just like your hot little friend got the time before.”
“I have a reputation, you know…” She protested, folding her arms across her perky chest.

“You ain’t the only one, babe…” Oliver bragged himself as he continued to shamelessly undress. Giving Miyu another reason for her eyes to widen when his nice, long, thick cock flopped out as he shoved his Jeans down. “Oh, you like, huh? Tough wrestler babe wants to wrestle with this bad boy, right?” He smirked, not even fully taking his bottoms off yet as he took a hold of his prick and began to stroke. Getting himself hard and showing off more of that vast size.
“That’s so big!!” Yamashita stated the obvious as even with her anger at being tricked into this, it was clear she was checking out the biggest cock she’s ever laid eyes on in her life. “That’s just as big as the one Itoh-Chan took…” She admitted, before looking a little ashamed at the admission.
“Oh? Sounds like our cutie ain’t so innocent! Checking out what her buddy has been up to in the States, huh?” Dirty One called her out on that.
“Shut up! Of course I’d watch! I had to see it to believe it!” Miyu snapped but a little defensively.
“All I know is? You can come get the real close look at this big fucking dick right here…” Oliver invited, stroking off his rock hard shaft a little bit more before letting go as he sat back and left it free for her to get a piece of.

Miyu ground her teeth together for a moment, clearly hesitating as she knew that this footage would be across the world like the video Maki Itoh was in and already quite a few other female wrestlers from either side of the Pacific have starred in. But it seems like the temptation of some big white cock was too good to pass up as she moved over on the couch and got up onto her knees before leaning down towards his lap. Leaving him smiling already as she gripped his dick and gave a testing pump. “I guess… A little taste might not be so bad?” She sounded like she was trying to convince herself as she brought her cute face down. Making him moan now as she stuck out her tongue for that first sample. Stroking off the shaft while her tongue trailed over the top of the mushroom head. Followed by another slow motion around the crown as she explored and have a little double team with her tongue work and that stroking hand.

“Damn, and I didn’t even need to pull out the second wad of notes this time!” Dirty One chuckled as he moved up to between those spread legs of the hunk being serviced. Getting the close-up shot as the TJPW wrestler parted her soft lips. Bringing that fat cock up and keeping her sudden co-star moaning as she sunk down a bit. Taking the first couple of inches and the crown inside before she lifted back up and started to repeat the motion. Already her dark hair starting to sway back and forth, and having to be brushed back by one of Oliver’s hands to keep the view of this dick sucking nice and clear. “Oh shit… This chick has done this before! Man, these Asian wrestler chicks are hot fucking freaks!” He marvelled, seeing how smooth and steady Miyu’s oral motion was already as she slurped up and down. Taking a little big more up into herself as her lips got adjusted to being around such a thick size.

“Mmmmmmphhh! MMMMM… Mmmmmphhh…” The taste of some good, big dick seemingly working wonders as she didn’t have the sort of objections she’d been voicing moments before. Happily and willingly raising and lowering her head up and down on the lap of a stud she’s only just met. Filling her mouth up with his fat dick and groaning herself with approval as she took his inches in. Her body nicely raised, almost ass up, face down with her knees on the back seats of the van. “Mmmmm… MMMM… MMMMMPHH!! GAAAAAAAHHH!!” The first choke making her eyes widen as she made his bell-end connect with the back of her mouth. A clear indication that this was, as she’d hinted already, the biggest dick she’s ever taken on. Not letting the gagging stop her as she pushed on and made a fresh choke sound out as she forced those thick inches into her warm and wet oral hole.

“Oh fuck… MMMM! Yeah, fucking suck that dick, babe… MMMM! Fuck!!” Oliver groaned his approval as he sat back and took this blowjob. Just having to keep her hair held back with the occasion sweep so the camera got the clear shot of this deep, steady sucking she was dishing out. Feeling her saliva drooling down as she worked him over and stuffed him right in even at the expense of her choking. “MMMM… Best fucking day off I’ve had in a damn long time!” He added before moaning again as even while taking on someone who didn’t have anywhere like the skin-flick experience as he does? It was clear this was some top notch cock sucking already as she deeply bobbed away and got her spit layered over him from the tip down to the base.

“GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHLLLKKK…. MMMMMMPHH!!” Her eyes were closed like she was as focused as during one of her matches as she forced that member into her snug, hot throat. The choking louder and longer now but fighting through the discomfort as she ran her mouth up and down his thickness. The side-on position not an issue for her either as she kept herself perfectly angled, another sign that this was far from her first time performing some oral sex, so she could ram him up into her wind-pipe over and over again. “HHHHHHRRKK!! MMMMMMMMPH… GAAAAAAAAHH!!” She shuddered a little bit when she came close to stuffing him fully in but had to pull back, twisting her head a little and grinding her lips around his meat. But soon enough sending her face fight down with a loud groan. Her chin and nose pressing into his white skin as the Japanese stunner deep throated all of that fat cock.

“What did I fucking say?? Fucking freaks man, and I fucking love it!” Dirty One gave his own brand of compliments as he recorded the sucking as Miyu kept her face right down into Oliver’s lap. Gagging around him as saliva seeped past her lips as the fought to keep wrapped around him. Holding herself down for a sinfully long time so they both could enjoy the sensations, and making it look like she’d fit in right at home on an adult film set rather than the in-ring action she’s known for. “What do you think, my man? Think you can give this little hottie the wild ride we’re famous for here on the Bus?” The answer to this was pretty obvious. Especially as she lifted up just to go back to slurping away. Getting in another dose of pumps in and out of her lips with that fuck-stick before she finally fully lifted off of him. Gasping as she took in some fresh oxygen before using a hand to rub the mess she’s made on him further over his inches with a quick round of strokes.

“Oh, I’m fucking down… But this babe needs to show the goods first!” Oliver said as he watched the beauty that had just blown him sit back on her knees.
“Goods? You want some merchandise now?” Miyu misunderstood until Flynn reached over now. Helping himself as he began to lift her top upward. “Ah, you mean this.” She just nodded, helping by lifting her arms as those modest, perky tits of hers were shown off. Not needing to be told twice as she moved position and began to lower her own Jeans. Showing off her panties briefly before sliding them down too and showing off, to the surprise of no one, a very tight looking pussy.
“Now you’re getting it…” Flynn said as took the time as she got undressed to open up a packet. Sliding a condom down over his prick like this really was a ‘proper’ episode of the classic Bang Bus. “Now come over here and get on me, and I’ll make sure that you get it real good.” He boasted with a smile.

She merely gave a nod as she moved along the back seats. Moving onto his lap now and facing outward as he reached up and took a hold of her waist. Helping easing her down as the head of his dick pressed against her folds, allowing him to feel the slight slickness down there at her snatch already. The cock sucking clearly having been a turn on, and that just made this task easier as he pushed his dick upward and brought her slowly down. Making them both moan out as her position meant that once again a wide-eyed expression was captured on camera as she got her tight pussy spread open already by that thick dick.

“MMMMM! It’s big! MMMM… Yes! Very big… MMMMM!!” The woman nicknamed the Pink Striker began to moan out as she allowed her body to be lifted up and down. Timed perfectly with the thrusts she was taking as that fat dick, coated in her own spit, was worked up and down into her slot to build up her own arousal down there. Allowing for a smooth motion that was getting steady already as her snatch got used to being filled up like this. “MMMM! AHHHH… I’m sure that I can… MMMM! Take even more! MMMMM…” She stated as she leaned her arms back to get a grip on the back of the seats. Keeping her legs spread too as she got moved up and down. Being bounced on that thrusting dick without even having to move under her own power. A motion that was more than enough not just to make them both groan out in delight, but make her hair sway as she moved on that shaft.

“Oh, I fucking bet you can!” Dirty One chuckled as he got that nice, clear shot of her snug Japanese pussy being filled up with big white dick. Almost fully into her already as the stud underneath her delivered stiff, well timed pumps straight upward into her damp box. Her walls staying clamped around him to make Flynn moan out while his grip on her to work her up and down like a sex toy made her perky tits bounce just enough to add a bonus sight to this already smoking hot one. “Yeah! A fucking tight little cutie like you has fucking Size Queen written all over her!” He said for another, as expected, back-handed compliment from him about her clear ability to fuck. Taking this piston-like not looking like an issue to her as she moaned out and got bounced up and down. The repeated lewd activity resulting in his dick now getting a healthy coating of her juices now to replace the spit that had layered him when this position had kicked off.

“MMMMM! YES! More! AHHHHH! So good! MMMMM! Very big! MMMM…” Yamashita moaned out as the sweat began to form across that lovely frame of hers as she got the sort of deep, stiff fucking that her talented body was clearly made to take, but hadn’t quite gotten back in her homeland. No complaints here as she still let herself be moved up and down while now her crotch smacked down into the lap of the toned stud she was on top off. Getting it balls deep now and making those insults from moment ago look like they have some truth to them as she handled that porn star length better that the vast majority of the usual ‘one and done’ whores who star in these shot in the back of a moving van videos she’s now involved in.

For Oliver’s part, he just had to groan out and let the action do all the talking along with her dirty talk. Thrusting his dick right up into her twat as he pulled her down to make her take him in to the hilt. The crashing of their bodies together allowing the slight bounce back up to assist as he used his strength to bring her upward. Easing his dick out of her a few inches so that even at this point of the fun he was still half-buried or thereabouts in that wet pussy. Soon filling her back up all over again to both of their loud, shameless moaning delight as he pulled her straight down and delivered a firm thrust up. The slap of skin hitting skin ringing out when their bodies met to fit nicely with both their groans. And neither of them looking ready to stop now either even with sex being this good already, combined with how he’s just had his dick deep throated before going balls deep in another of her holes already.

“MMMM! You like? MMMM! It’s good! AHHHHH! YES! MMMMM…” Miyu continued to moan out as she jolted up and down on that thrusting shaft. Showing off her own ability as she handled this deep and hard pace into her snug pussy. Keeping herself angled back and her legs, usually put to work kicking opponents’ heads off, spread apart to show off her snatch being stuffed full. “MMMMM… I can handle it! MMMM! I can handle it all… YESSSSSSSS MMMM…” She groaned as she tossed her hair back. Briefly locking onto the camera that was filming her taking part in this sex and giving a narrowed eyed look, as if she’d been so caught up in the action that for a moment she didn’t even remember she was taking part in a sex tape. But that gaze then looking down between her limbs again with an approving moan to watch herself being rammed full deeper than any past lover has been able to reach.

“MMMM… Tough talk there, babe…” Oliver said with a smile, seeing an opportunity. “AHHHH… But I’m here doing all the work… So how much can you really take?” He said, starting to slip his cock out of that wet pussy.
“All! I can handle anything!” Miyu vowed as she looked over her shoulder at him with a determined look.
“Nothing like some down to fuck Asian hottie!” Dirty One chuckled, seeing her not even letting her sudden co-star get up as she just changed positions. “Oh damn! Nice fucking ass, too!” The cameraman remarked as Yamashita’s rounded, tight ass was now sticking out as she faced Flynn.

“You will see!” Miyu boldly said as she pushed her twat right back down onto that condom-covered cock. The previous position allowing to get straight back to business, dropping herself right down until her crotch was on his lap. Gripping his shoulders for a bit of support before she began to do the riding herself. Lifting up a few inches before sending herself back into him, making the smack ring out from their bodies meeting. “MMMM! YES! Good! MMMMM…” She moaned as the ride got underway. Her shoulder length hair already swaying while, more to the camera’s interest, her nicely meaty backside was jiggling with each slap down she delivered. Along with the sight of course of her pussy getting filled up as she was now fucking herself on that big cock to make them both moan out.

With all the work being done on her now, Oliver’s hands were free to explore the TJPW wrestler’s gorgeous body. Finding her booty and giving both cheeks a deep squeeze while she bounced away on his dick. A steady, nicely paced rhythm used to drive herself down onto his cock before lifting up and doing it all over again. His grip on her butt not even serving as a distraction as she showed off her riding skills and made it seem like this wasn’t the first time she’s taken on a cock like this. He wanted to push his luck however as he reached around a little more while spreading her cheeks apart. Making her gasp when he invited himself to slip a finger into that tight backside, forcing the digit into her asshole and working it back and forth to test her last hole out.

“AHHHH… H-Hey! Watch what you’re… MMMMM! Damn it! AHHHHH…” She tried to protest, but Miyu found herself moaning out still as she kept on bouncing away on his fuck-stick. The new sensation of having her ass finger fucked just acting as more fuel for this erotic encounter. The sweat forming across her tight Japanese body as she worked over the big white dick she was stuffing into herself. “MMMM… Dirty man… AHHHHH… Is this not enough for you? MMMMM!” She glared down with a sexy, narrow eyed look as she referred to how clearly he was moaning from her snatch pumping along his length. Her tits bouncing nicely as she drove herself up and down in a stiff motion. A pace as expected from the hard hitting striker but a performance more expected of an adult film star from her home land. Getting both her lower holes worked over at the same time and happily doing half of the job down there herself to ride away on his thick rod.

“Oh shit! We got a real freak on our hands! A badass butt fucking bitch!” Dirty One chuckled as he filmed the red hot backseat ride going on. Miyu’s head and upper body moving up to the window height so that any passing car or pedestrians walking by would easily tell that she was getting some naughty action, if not just from the look of pleasure on her face and moaning being done. “Yo, hey! Let’s really get her ready to work that little fat ass of hers!” He moved across, fishing out a bottle of lube from a side pocket in the van. Tossing it over to the back seats as Flynn took a hold of it. Pulling his finger out of her just so he could apply some liquid to it, and then push it right back into that snug asshole as he resumed sliding it in and out. Now going from just teasing the horny wrestler to properly preparing her rump for more fun to come.

The former SHINE Wrestling Champion just groaned out, continuing to move her body like a jolting elevator as she sent her still jiggling ass sharply down into his lap before rising back up to do it all over again. Not demanding the ass play stop as she glanced back at her own rump with her teeth pressed together. Feeling the lube being smeared along her back passage, making that pump of the finger smooth as he worked past the tight resistance her hole offered. Perhaps a sign that while she might not be a stranger to letting her ass be tapped, it wasn’t a regular occurrence. Moaning as she kept on that swift pace to take his cock nice and deep into her soaking wet but still snug pussy. Not even minding that this man that she’s only just met was completing a trip around all of her holes as he finger fucked her rump.

“MMMM… Don’t worry, babe… A hottie like you I bet is fucking built… AHHHH… To get your cute little ass fucked nice and hard…” Oliver claimed as she pulled the finger out again, but now going further with the addition of a second lubed up digit now brought to her backdoor. Making her groan out with a slight tilt of the head as he made her asshole spread a little more as he pumped into her with both fingers. “Damn… MMMM! Real nasty little Size Queen right here…” He remarked as he moaned out, more than enjoying her bounces on his cock. Finger banging her now with two digits and still feeling how tight she was even with this expert lubing up being done. Able even to use his free and to give that nicely thick backside a sharp slap to keep the flesh jiggling while she delivered a more than impressive ride onto his huge dick.

The spank to her ass making her groan as she glared. “You want this, huh?!? Miyu caught the other men off guard as she pushed Oliver back, making his fingers leave her as she dismount.
“Woah, hey there babe! Easy!” Dirty One backed off as she moved to stand before lowering down. “Oh SHIT!!” He exclaimed as Miyu performed one of her infamous and feared Skull Kicks. Not just leaving her body angled with one leg raised high like a ballerina pose, but her foot leaving a noticeable dent in the roof of the Bang Bus where she’d struck.
“Come on!!” Yamashita demanded as her position now meant her hands and arms could lean against the side of the van at a window. Her ass sticking out to the side as she kept the leg raised up in a show of her flexibility. “Come fuck me! NOW!” She snapped before she naughty licked her lips.
“Better get to work, my man!” Dirty One said with a laugh as Oliver wisely quickly got off from the seats. “This freak is gonna kick your ass unless you fuck hers!”

“Oh, I’m fucking on it!” Flynn said, moving up to be side on with the horny Asian as he guided his fat American dick into that asshole. Making them both moan out as she pushed in and felt how vice-like that tight, nicely rounded ass was all around his inches. Her position making her cheeks be pushed out to look deliciously juicy, already jiggling as he began to thrust and got them both groaning. Letting her feel her back passage being spread out even more than his fingers had been doing moments before, and not even feeling a moment of pain from the invasion as she held her leg up. Rocking on the one foot back and forth slightly as he started to get deeper into her rump.

“Oh yeah, look at this freak go! Taking it up the ass like a fucking champ!” Dirty One raved as he filmed from the side with her butt facing the camera. Capturing the jiggle of her plump cheeks and the look of pleasure on her face as she stared at her foreign lover as he thrust his member in and out of her asshole. “Being a butt slut means she has something in common with that friend of hers we fucked before! Must be something in the water over there in the good old Land of the Rising Sun!” He joked as was able to lean in and get a full close-up of her tight ass shaking as that big cock worked deeper into her as the thrusts kept coming. A stiff pace now being used since they were both clearly adjusted to the pressure and sensations from this anal sex.

“MMMM! AHHHH YESSS! MORE! DEEPER! MMMM!!” It was impressive enough that Miyu was able to keep herself leaning over with her leg high up almost at the perfect straight angle. Taking that big white cock nice and deep into her tight Japanese backside as the sweat continued to drip down her body. Matters only helped further by her using one hand to rub away at her pussy while she got her ass tapped. Another sure sign she’s taken it up the ass before to know how to keep the pleasure nice and high. “MMMMM! AHHHHH… YES! YESSSSSSSS… MMMMM!” She groaned out. Experienced or not, she’d never taken such a thickness or length of dick into her back passage before like this. Yet was handling it like this sort of action, never mind the unusual position, was second nature to her. Especially as that cock slid further and further into that booty as she looked more and more like the title of Size Queen was more appropriate for her than the Pink Striker.

Flynn as he moaned out found the sweat rolling off his toned frame as well as despite this beauty not having the usual curves of the porn stars he’s familiar with banging, her tight rump was more than giving him a test as he pumped away into a booty clearly built to take hard action like this. Even hotter considering that her position and raised up leg meant there was no hiding the fact they were fucking at window height as she angled herself perfectly. Just holding onto her raised limb so he could keep in place and keep drilling her ass to make them both moan. Her back passage still spreading to accept him, but more fitting to the shape of his meaty dick as she was vice-like around him even with all the lubing up never mind the repeated thrusts she’s taken from him so far.

“Oh, this little slut is earning her fucking money!” Dirty One chuckled, taking a moment to stuff the wad of notes into the side pocket of her travel case. A reminder than already like many women before her, including a fellow TJPW wrestler who had set her up for this, she’s fucking on camera for money like any other Bang Bus slut. Expect even many of those ‘one and done’ whores weren’t able to take it was well as Miyu currently is. “These fucking Asian wrestlers, man! Fucking freaks and I love it!” He marvelled as he focused back on the action. Her rounded ass sticking out but now clapping off his crotch as he drives in to the hilt. Filling up her back passage with his dick making her cheeks jiggle away even wilder than before. The clap ringing out to mix with their moans and testing her a little more to keep that angled position held steady as she now dealt with the stiff impact of his body connecting with hers.

“AAAAAAHHH! AHHHHH!! MMMMM!!” Miyu was starting to pant as loose strands of her hair were now stuck across her face but she was too lost in pleasure to lift her hand away from her twat in order to brush them away. Not wanting to waste time by just lifting her soaked digits away for even a second and miss out on keeping the pleasure nice and high. The cameraman moving around the fun to see her expression as her eyes started rolling upward and her mouth hung open. Still getting fucked deep and hard up the ass as she got put through some action to leave her more drained than one of her Princess of Princess title matches she’s had in the past. “AHHHH! YES! MMMMM! YES YES YESSSSSSSSS!!” She hissed, head nodding a bit as she found herself reaching a hard peak while letting her co-star hammer away at her ass.

“Oh shit!! There she fucking blows!!” Dirty One yelled with a laugh as Miyu didn’t get the best sex in her life from this, but fucked so hard that she squirted as she hit her orgasm. Juices shooting from her twat as her hand furiously rubbed away, splashing down onto the floor of the van she was being fucked in. Leaving her groaning out as her tongue briefly flicked out of her mouth. “Yeah!! Fucking little freak! I love it!!” He said as got the close up of her eyes rolling back into her head like she was a hentai character in real life. And no choice but to ride out all of this intense pleasure as the stud pounding her didn’t pull out. Grunting as he pumped away and got in one more round of being balls deep in some tight Asian ass before finally slid that pulsing, fat white dick out of her now sinfully gaping asshole. A sight for the camera to move around and get a zoom-in shot off while Oliver finally pulled the rubber off of his cock.

A moment of good timing now as tired out to say the least by all the action, Yamashita finally lowered her leg down and nearly fell over, steadily herself to drop to her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Falling right into the perfect position as she looked up just as Oliver stepped in, stroking his cock and making her head tilt back as he aimed down at her. Leaving her groaning as she felt the hot, thick, streaks of spunk splashing down across her pretty face. Moaning her when her open mouth unintentionally caught some of the shots as well as it dripping down her lips as she swallowed it down without even being provoked to. The money shot all captured on film as her cheeks, nose and forehead got a generous coating with some catching into her already sweat-soaked hair for good measure.

“You two made a real fucking mess of the damn van!” Dirty One jokingly complained, making sure to scan over that painted face of the latest pro wrestling to get banged on the infamous bus.
“My bad man…” Oliver said with a shameless smile, showing he wasn’t sorry one bit. “But damn, this babe drained my fucking balls real good!”
“Mmmmm… Of course… I am one of the best…” Miya smirked as she made sure to clean away the jizz from her eyes. “Inside the ring of course… But maybe outside of it too…”
“Ain’t no fucking argument from me! You’re a wild freak and I love it!” The cameraman stated. “Yo Driver, my man? We uh, we there yet?”

The Driver up in the front seat just gave a thumbs up as he had been circling around the block of the destination she was going to be dropped off at for a good ten minutes or so. Allowing the van to pull up alongside the street close to where the front of the building was where already there were some fans waiting in line ahead of the event doors opening up.
“Alright babe! Thanks for the fun! The money is in your case!” Dirty One said as he pulled open the door.
“Excuse me? What do you mean?” Miyu questioned. “I’ve not even…”

Before she could remark about still being close to naked or being covered in spunk, Oliver played his role for this traditional Bang Bus ending. Shoving the unsuspecting Joshi out to send her rolling with a stumble as she got to her feet, but out onto the street to shocked gasps and yells from the fans close bye. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE… HHHHMPPPHH!!” Her yell was cut off when her clothing was thrown at her to hit her face, no doubt staining the material from the jizz. Her travel case soon following before Flynn tossed the used condom out towards her for good measure as the van started moving off. Just in time as the van door closed and Miyu yelled out in her native tongue to give the indies show fans even more a change to see the unbelievable sight of the freshly fucked beauty.

“Oh shit… Man I would not have wanted to be on the wrong end of one of her kicks if she’d caught us then!” Dirty One laughed as he sat down. “I mean, look at that fucking dent!” He panned up to the imprint left on the ceiling of the van. “We ain’t fixing that any time soon! I think my cock shrunk just thinking about if her foot had connected with me.”
“She’s a better ball drainer than kicker, that’s for sure.” Oliver said with a smile. “A damn good fuck too… You said some other babe she knows had set her up? Wish I had an in to hook up with tight fucking Asian ass like that any time I wanted!”
“Oh I don’t know who that babe is gonna be more pissed at… Us for fucking and dumping her? Or her friend Itoh for setting her up for it! Not like I fucking care what happens between them!” Dirty One shamelessly said. “But yo, thanks my man!” He reached across, giving Oliver a fist bump. “Owe ya for being our man for this one, on such short fucking notice and all.”
“You got a new video, and I got to tap some hot ass. I think we’re about even… But you’re still gonna have to pay me for this.” Flynn added with a smile.

“Yeah yeah, there’s always a fucking catch.” Dirty One said. “Alright! Let’s swing by that ATM… Fuck it. We’ll hit up that gas station. You know, the one with the killer slurpees?” The Driver just made a motion of drinking with a hand before he went back to focusing on the road ahead. “Yeah yeah I know, watch for the brain freeze. We’ll hit the ATM there and get our man here paid, then we can go get this footage in the can. Another fine day’s work, and another slut fucked and stuffed. Man, I love my fucking job!” He stated the obvious as he ended the video by once again looking up at the dent left by one of Miyu’s famous kicks. Mumbling something about needing a hammer or two as the video faded to black before the copyright notices played out.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2022, 05:11:12 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Stardom or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Giulia, Maika (both Stardom)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Crazy Bloom

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, MFF, FF, oral, inter, anal.

* * *

Another day, and another road trip out on the infamous bus as the video footage started to play. Showing the interior of that vehicle already driving as we see on the back seats a rather famous name in the skin flick world of British hunk Danny D, clad in a shirt and jeans.

“Pushing the boat out with this one! Got the world famous pussy slayer and hole stretcher Danny D in the house!” The Dirty One said as he spoke from behind the camera.
“Well, usually I don’t do stuff out of my contract with my company…” Danny admitted with a smile. “But I’m happy you guys struck a deal with my guys. Plus, I’ve been seeing this shagging wrestling babes stuff you’ve been doing lately so I’m interested to see who you’ve got lined up!”
“Oh, trust me! Nothing but the best for you, my man!” Dirty One said. “Because what’s better than one hot wrestling slut? But two of them at the same time!”
“Yeah, I knew this would be a good one!” Danny’s smile showed how much he liked the sounds of that.
“Fuck yeah, man! Because like, this one is wild, and…” The cameraman was going to say more, but he heard the Driver knocking on his side seat. “Oh shit, we’re already at the spot? Well damn, let’s get these chicks in!”

The van pulled over to the side of the road where there were two individually eye catching sights there standing, but together made up a tag team known as Crazy Bloom as part of the stable known as Donna Del Mondo. The leader in Giulia, the Italian-Japanese beauty with gorgeous dark skin with her shoulder length hair light with dyed ends of shades of purple. Clad in a more street-wise attire of slacks-like pants and a short, sleeveless top. Next to her, the powerhouse known as Maika with her skin a more pale shade but her longer hair jet black. Looking like she was more dressed for a workout or a daily run in nicely fitting short and a baggy T-shirt. Both women with bags with them as well over their shoulders rather like visiting tourists.

“Hey! You guys are late! What took you so long!” Giulia went right up to the van even before it opened up, and didn’t even wait to be invited in once the side door was open as she barged right in. With Maika more calmly following afterwards before she showed off her strength as easily with one hand she closed up the door behind her. “The nerve. Making two of Stardom’s very best wait for so long, and especially making me wait!” She complained with an arrogant tone as she put her bag down at the side. Maika doing the same as the women too a seat either side of Danny who had been grinning as he eyes up both women with obvious approval, as would any man even those who don’t even follow pro wrestling.

“Well well! Looks like I’m gonna have some real fun with you two!” Danny stated the obvious as stretched out his arms. Drawing looks from both women as he put a hand on each of their far shoulders. “I’m assuming we all know what’s going on here, right?”
“We came here to get fucked.” Giulia both boldly and bluntly stated as she folded her own arms over her chest. “Well, getting paid to be fucked as well. And we’re gonna do it way better than any of those other losers you’ve had on here before have ever done.”
“Tough fucking talk from a bitch who is gonna be a slut for my man here in a few minutes!” Dirty One said. “So, spill it! Why? And why did you demand such a big time name, let alone dick size, like my man is packing here?”

“Why? We’re part of Donna Del Mondo. The best that Stardom has to offer.” Giulia easily took the chance to hog the spotlight and run her mouth, while Maika just sat calmly and didn’t even seem bothered by the man she’s only just met wrapping an arm around her. “And that means we can get what we want, when we want it. And that includes bagging any man we want either. But sadly, back home in Japan? Well, it’s a problem that not only can we not find too many men who can keep up with us? But we can’t find the ones who are packing the sort of lengths that we deserve.” She said without any shame, and with a cocky smile to match. “So we decided that instead of just being the ‘Women of the World’ for once, I took my friend Maika-Chan with me to go experience some ‘Men of the World’ for once. And if it gets me paid like I deserve to be? And gets the spotlight all on me? Then that’s great news for all the fans of Giulia around the world.”

“Well damn… You don’t mess around, huh?” Danny said as he moved his hands off from them. “Guess I’d better let you see what a bloke like me is packing, right?” He said, reaching down to undo his belt. “See if I’m up to this high, high standards you two have got… Well, one of you at least.” He said as he started pushing his pants down.

Giulia’s eyes went wide as she locked onto the massive, thick and along shaft that he was packing and even with Maika’s cool and calm expression even she raised her head up a little in approval of his size. The two women able to gaze at his length as he kicked off his clothing and even took off his shirt for good measure since it was clear what everyone here was going to be a part of.

“That… Yes, that is absolutely the right size for me!” Giulia decided as she reached down and made him stay smiling as she began to stroke off his cock in rather bold fashion.
“Damn! You sluts don’t waste time, huh?” Dirty One said with a chuckle as Giulia shot him a glare. “Hey you’re the one who just fucking grabbed his dick without asking!”
“I take what I want, when I want it!” Giulia snapped, even as she jerked off this stud she’s just laid eyes on. “Doesn’t matter if it’s titles or a cock like this!”
“And your friend here is OK with you just stealing the first feel?” Danny said, looking across at the other woman.
“Oh, me and her have a deal… I get the first shot, she gets something better soon after…” Giulia claimed with a smirk as she moved down off the seating and got between his legs. All as Maika, still with that calm expression, just back and watched the scene unfold without any objection.
“Keep talking! That sounds like a deal I want to know the details of!” Danny said as he turned to look down at Giulia as she now gripped his rock hard dick, showing off his huge size.

“I didn’t come here to talk…” Giulia had that quite arrogant smirk still on as she leaned her head in. Getting a low groan out of him as she ran her tongue all the way up the underside of that massive dick. Keeping a grip of the base as she worked her tongue along the sides before circling around the tip. Just using her palm to hold him in place as she explored with her tongue and moaned a little herself at the flavour of such a huge dick. “I’ll show you why I’m the best Stardom has to offer!” She vowed before moving things along at her own pace. Parting her lips and pushing down further, getting a proper moan out of her co-star now as she sunk him into her warm and wet mouth. Her lips having to stretch around such a thickness as her eyes narrowed for focus. Pushing through as she began to bob her head along his length. Working over the upper part as she got into the motion and groaned around his thick member.

“Mmmmm… Feel free to show me…” Danny just sat back and watched that gorgeous face lifting and lowering along his dick. The dyed hair of the mixed race beauty always starting to sway as she pumped her mouth along his length and make him moan. Working smoothly up and down to give a hint that this isn’t the first time she’s given some head before. But she was well aware this was all being captured on camera, and not just from how she was looking to the side at the lens close up at her. Her free hand being used to brush back her locks so there was a clear view of her features as she sucked some cock. Thrilled by the spotlight being on her from the lusty look in her eyes and her muffled groans around that slab of dick she was taking.

“Oh yeah, this bitch is a real freak! Look at her! Sucking dick like a fucking champ!” The cameraman provided the shameless commentary as he filmed the multi-time champion in Stardom bobbing away as she took more of Danny’s inches into that talented oral hole. The saliva starting to drip down that vast length as she kept pumping away to fill her mouth up. Not even fazed by the dirty talk or insults as she kept her motion nice and smooth. Clearly wanting the show to be all about her even with another stunning woman in the van with her. “Looks like they got hot, nasty bitches all across Japan! Not just in the one company!” He added with a laugh. The slurps easily heard along with the moans, clear or otherwise, as the London-born beauty got more and more familiar with that huge British dick. Even pausing at the top to grind her lips against his mushroom head as she twisted from side to side before going back to the sucking pace.

All the while, Maika sat watching with a calm expression right next to this blowjob being given with one leg crossed over the other. Acting like this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary to watch her Donna Del Mondo teammate blowing a man they’ve only just met. Let alone in the back of a moving van. Only raising an eyebrow a little when Danny, even as he was getting sucked off, glanced at her to check her out before they both watched Giulia showing off her supreme oral skills. Getting his dick nice and soaked with the repeated bobbing. Only a few fingers left around the base as she took in an impressive amount of his shaft for a woman who claimed to be tired of the far more smaller size of dicks found back across the Pacific.

Sensing her friend was gazing at her however, Giulia soon lifted up as she sat back. “Not bad… It’s nice to have a real man who can last in my mouth.” She bragged, implying quite clearly that she’s not just experienced in oral but has finished off many a man with her mouth. “Hey! What’s that look for, Maika-Chan? Jealous I got the first shot at him?” Giulia said, with a tone that sounded like she was trying to provoke the other woman.
“Giulia-Chan… Time to share, now?” Maika dodged the insult as she calmly replied. But caught her ally and the stud involved with this off guard as she reached down and pulled her top up and over her dark haired head. Showing off the nicely sized and rounded tits the powerhouse wrestler was packing much to his smiling approval.
“HEY! What the Hell?? Trying to show me up!” Giulia snapped with a glare as Maika lowered herself down to her knees and rather easily shoved her friend to the side to get between Danny’s legs. “I knew it! You are jealous of me getting him first!” She claimed. Not wanting to be shown up as she also quickly took her top off, showing off her own sexy chest.
“Oh, there’s plenty of me to go around, ladies!” Danny said as he watched Maika take a hold of his shaft. “Feel free to come and share!” He even added, as quite rightly he was shooting a shot to try to have his cake and eat it with two stunning Japanese women.

“I’ll deal with you later!” Giulia said as she instead invited herself to yank down the pants of her teammate. Showing off the nicely shaved snatch of the lighter skinned of the two before Giulia moved down and shifted herself under her friend. No resistance as Maika all too casually lifted her legs up so Giulia could slip under. Maika only giving a brief glance down, as if this was an all too familiar occurrence for her, before she turned her attention to the fat cock she was pumping. Not bothered one bit by either the saliva of another woman over his dick, or the face now between her legs of a fellow female. Leaving Giulia free to show exactly how close the two former Artist of Stardom Championship teammates are as brought her mouth to Maika’s folds and began to run her tongue up into that pussy.

“Mmmmm… Giulia-Chan is hungry…” Maika commented with a brief, sly smile as she looked down again and felt that tongue starting to lap at her pussy to get her aroused. “Mmmmm… Me too…” She said, before turning her attention to that big shaft and opening her mouth up. Getting to take her turn at sucking this porno legend off as she sunk her own set of soft lips down onto his thickness. Getting him moaning now as she began to work up and down, establishing a nicely smooth pace as she worked over the same dick that’s already taken a more than steamy blowjob from another just as gorgeous wrestler before she got to guzzle him down. Letting out moans around his inches but not just from the flavour. The motion of her head fuelled in part by getting some oral satisfaction of her own as took a tongue lashing from her long time friend and stable-mate.

“MMMM… Was this part of the script?? MMMM…. Not that I’m complaining! MMMM FUCK…” Danny D remarked, seeing that the display of lesbian fun going on while he was getting his massive dick sucked was a very pleasant surprise to put it mildly. Having a tough choice on what to look at (much like the camera recording this all had to switch and move back and forth) between the two equally red hot sights. A gorgeous Asian face sliding along his thick white prick, or tilting his head to the side and get a bit of a look at the tongue worship the leader of Donna Del Mondo was performing on the long-time member of her team. “MMMM… Guess there’s a joke or two to make about… MMMMM… Tag teaming or something here…” He joked before groaning out. That perhaps surprisingly soothing and moist mouth of the former Future of Stardom Champion keeping him easily pleasured, and perhaps from his moans dishing a blowjob just as good as the one he’d been getting minutes before. More saliva added onto his length to drip down as she slurped away between her own groans.

On her back on the van floor, Giulia had a hold of Maika’s lovely, thick thighs and her head leaning up so she could press her lips against the dampening, lower ones of the other Joshi above her. Sliding her far from inexperienced tongue up and into that slot to make herself groan at a flavour she clearly wasn’t disgusted by. Juices starting to coat her lips as she lapped away and explored the familiar territory of the other woman’s pussy. Smirking as she heard the muffled moans being let out when she hit the sweet spots that she knew would thrill her long-time ally. Even able to make a show of things when she noticed the camera moving down to get a shot of her eating out another woman. Staring at the camera while trailing her tongue back and forth in a slow motion to make the most of the film time, and the spotlight, being all on her even with a fellow female involved in this.

“Mmmmmmphhh… MMMMM! MMMMMM…” Maika was focusing on dishing out some oral sex of her own but onto this hung stud. Filling up her mouth as she plunged down deeply, keeping just a few fingers around the base of him to keep that length straight so she could feast on him again and again. Lifting upward but even so keeping a few inches along with the crown still between her nicely plump lips. Then driving down with a nice amount of speed as the lewd sucking sound rang out as she let the crown connect with the back of her mouth. Making it look like if maybe a nickname of Size Queen should be awarded to her as she briskly fucked her own mouth with that meaty pole. All as she moaned from the pussy eating she was taking. Slightly rocking her hips a bit, grinding her snatch down onto that hungry mouth underneath her as she sexually multitasked between lovers of two genders.

“God damn! This shit is even better than that time we had those three Asian sluts on the Bus! This is some wild shit!” Dirty One raved as he captured the mini train of action going on with two doses of oral sex going on at the same time in this threesome. The moans from the women involved being muffled by the pussy eating and cock sucking being performed. Leaving the one hunk in this to show off his skill to handle a second round of a red hot blowjob that alone would have finished off a normal man, wrestling fan or otherwise, way before this point of the action. “Yeah! Fucking get it! Taking dick! Eating pussy! I love these kind of two-for-one specials!” He said rather back-handedly as he continued to film the action. Neither option here was a loser as either he filmed a stunning face pushing up and down on a massive shaft, or down at another equally gorgeous set of features getting a mouthful of juices as the frisky tongue work kept on lashing away.

“MMMMMPHHH! Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmphhh” Giulia had one hand still on Maika’s thigh to hold her. The other being busy now down between her own legs as she got off on eating out a fellow woman with the hand working up and down over her own wet pussy, with her bottoms just shoved down a bit for access. Not forgetting to munch away on her close friend’s carpet as Giulia’s mouth was coated in juices from her lips down to her chin as the fluids began to trickle down her neck. “MMMMM… MMMMPHH… Mmmmmm!” And even Giulia had to look up and watch Maika taking on that fat dick with such a skilled, smooth pace as the darker haired of the two beauties bobbed away up and down. Not for too long as she went back to work as that pussy she was dining on rubbed down into her mouth. Stuffing her tongue in and deep to explore around and drink down more delicious juices, and from how eagerly this oral fucking was being delivered this wasn’t the first time these two beauties have experienced one another’s sweet flavour either.

Eventually though, Giulia shifted herself out from underneath her friend. “You’re more wet than usual, Maika-Chan…” She claimed, using the back of her hand to wipe off some juices as she sat up. “This guy and his fat fucking dick got you worked up?”
Maika calmly lifted her head up and off from that meaty length. Turning her head to see the glare being given to her. “I could say the same… You were licking like you didn’t eat today…” She teased but her cool tone just made it sound like this wasn’t any sort of bother to her.
“I was just motivating you, like a good leader should!” Giulia claimed as she quickly shoved down her pants fully before she stood up. “Now let me show this hunk how the top of Donna Del Mondo handles a man like him!”
“Oh? We’ll see…” Maika smiled for a moment as she showed off her superior strength. Easily hauling Danny off from the seats and nearly making him stumble over into the cameraman as she cleared a space. Just so she could toss Giulia down onto the back seats, before moving onto them herself as she woman-handled her teammate into the position she wanted.

“Hey! I said I wanted… MMMMM!” Giulia tried to yell as she found herself on top of her friend in the classic 69 position, with Maika’s powerful legs keeping the other woman pressed down onto her body. Giulia’s words cut off when Maika invited herself in to return the favour from moments before. Running her tongue against Giulia’s wet snatch to explore around with a controlled, slow pace that was as much to savour the flavour as it was to dish out a little bit of teasing to the more arrogant of the two beauties. “I guess I can… MMMMM!! Forgive you this time, Maika-Chan!” Giulia claimed before she turned her own face down and went back to dining on Maika’s delicious twat. Shoving her face down before stuffing her tongue in to attack that familiar, and not just from today’s encounter, pussy of her friend. Giulia able to work herself back a bit as her darker skinned frame rubbed over the lighter tone of the beauty underneath her.

“Hey, go for it, my man!” Dirty One said to Danny, passing him a bottle of lube. “You know these bitches are freaky enough to be down for their asses to be tapped!” He claimed, and the lesbian display going on in front of them didn’t exactly make the Stardom competitors look like saints. Danny smiled with a nod, stroking some of the lubricant over his huge dick before he moved up behind the two. Making Giulia’s head raise up with a groan as she felt the liquid being poured down into her butt crack. Danny was going to do the job of preparing her himself, but seeing what was happening Maika took over. Reaching up with a hand and using her own finger to push into Giulia’s snug asshole to further make her moan even as Maika still lapped away at that wet pussy. Allowing the camera to film her working over both of the lower holes of the leader of the stable she’s a part off for a good few minutes. More sinful multitasking on display as Maika finger fucked Giulia’s nicely rounded and full backside while still munching away on her snatch.

The digit only being pulled out when Danny moved up onto the seating and carefully positioned himself with a sort of squat over that raised up booty so there was still the clear view of Maika’s face up against Giulia’s snatch. Now adding in a new sight as he pushed his fat, white dick down into that super tight asshole. Making both him and Giulia moan out as her hear tilted back again in delight. The sexy ass of the Italian-Japanese stunner getting spread open as he began to thrust and pushed through the resistance of that back passage clinging to his thickness. Working his hips down and back up to establish the pace as he now got his turn to give some action rather than just taking it. And his position meaning that if anyone peered in through the windows of the van they were all in, they’d easily know he was fucking someone from behind even if they couldn’t see the fun going on further below.

“MMMMM FUCK!! I guess this can’t be helped! MMMMM!! Everyone… AHHHH FUCK! Everyone wants a piece of Giulia!” The woman now in the middle of this threesome confidently bragged as she groaned out. Her body starting to jolt back and forth as she got fucked up the ass from the back while her snatch was eaten out from underneath. Tossing her hair back before lowering her own head down and resuming the task of dishing out more tongue loving to an already wet piece of pussy. “MMMMMPHHH… MMMMM! MMMMM…” She moaned into Maika’s slot as she plunged her tongue right in. Getting the full flavour of another woman’s juices already to lap them down and encourage more of the same sort of deep, quick and most of all shameless licks onto her own moist twat. Keeping her darker skinned body looking hotter than ever as drops of sweat began to form across her as the action started taking its toll even on a talented if not cocky wrestler like herself.

“MMMMM… MMMMMPHHH… MMMMM…” Maika’s hands now were helping out the butt fucking her former Artist of Stardom Championship winning partner was taking. Spreading Giulia’s nicely rounded cheeks apart so she could take that big, long cock deeper into her tightness. Leaving Maika free to keep on dining on the pussy she’s been actually having more of than the cock the two of them were supposed to be sharing. No complaints from any of them here however as she got to keep her mouth busy as her moans stayed muffled. Juices across her lips, mouth and chin while dripping along and down her cheeks and neck. A little bit of a mess not too much of a worry for the Fukuoka, Japan-born stunner as she kept her tongue brushing across that slit. The sight of that thick dick pumping away into her friend’s backside perhaps a nice motivation too as her gaze switched from off of Giulia’s snatch onto that prick on quite a few occasions.

“MMMMMPHHH!! MMMMM! MMMMMPHHH!!” The former Cinderella Tournament 2020 winner was getting a real workout here as she got fucked not just by a more than close friend, but by a hung stud who has slammed full tight holes like hers perhaps more times than she’s even had matches. The thick dick stretching out her tight back passage sinfully to make her groan out into the pussy she’s still eating out. Yet not looking like she was feeling any pain even as his crotch moved gradually closer down to connecting with her ripe cheeks. Groaning as she lifted her head off for a moment and glanced back, licking her lips. “MMMMM FUCK YES! MORE! Both of you! MMMMM! Show me how much you love Giulia! MMMMM!!” Even while being double teamed, she was still able to show off that trademark arrogance between her loud and lewd moans. Sucking in some air before she sent her face down between the thick, pale thighs of her trios titles winning teammate she was on top of. Her own lips applied to the slick, lower ones of the other beauty for another long round of tongue worship.

“Maaaaaaaaaaaan… You gotta love this crazy Japanese sluts! More fucking kinky than my own back catalogue of tapes!” Dirty One raved as he filmed the action. More of a focus on what was happening down at Giulia’s lower end to record the ongoing two-on-one pumping of tongue and shaft that she was taking. Giulia’s pussy staying dripping wet as she got licked away at with Maika’s steady, controlled pace for a masterclass of oral that many a seasoned lesbian porn star would pay money to be able to copy. Then the action just above of one of the most experienced cocks in all of skin flicks firmly drilling in and out of that tight booty. Making the flesh shake even in Maika’s firm grip to keep her cheeks apart as that fat, white dick pumped away nice and smooth into the rump of the mixed race beauty.

“MMMMM! OH SHIT! MMMMM! That’s a good… AHHHH… Fucking trick! MMMMM…” Danny groaned out when Maika shifted herself ever so slightly. Able to tilt her face up and stick her tongue out. Letting it run across the underside of his thick shaft as he pumped into Giulia’s backside. Even at the expensive of his balls dragging across Maika’s pretty face and forehead as she sneaked in a taste of that huge cock. Never mind the flavour of the other woman’s back passage for a hint of ass-to-mouth action from the licking. But not for too long before Maika coolly moved back into proper position. Her mouth returning to slurp loudly onto Giulia’s soaking twat in order to moan into those folds. Leaving Danny to just grin and keep on thrusting away as his dick made a new home for itself in that still tight backside of the leader of Donna Del Mondo.

However, much to Giulia’s groaning disappointment, Danny pulled out of her ass and stepped back. Giving the camera a moment to capture the gape left in her asshole for the moment before she raised her head up. “Hey! I wasn’t fucking done yet!” She snapped with a glare.
“What you’re trying to say is that you were trying to hog me all for yourself, right?” Danny said. “I think your friend here deserves a turn with me.”
“I’m the leader of Donna Del Mondo! And I think… H-Hey!” Giulia tried to rant, before she was rather easily pushed off and sent to the floor.
“My turn.” Maika calmly said, flashing a brief smile as she motioned for the stud involved in this to follow them down as she got onto the floor as well, but more so to pin down her teammate while invitingly showing her backside out towards him as he got the lube bottle again.

Danny was free to start readying up Maika’s nicely thick backside as the two Joshis once again got familiar with one another. The two acting like they were having a rivalry flaring up as they grabbed a hold of the different coloured hair of the other while sharing a stare. The reality clear however with their other digits slipped up into the snatches of the other. A couple fingers each and pushed up into the knuckles to keep one another moaning as their faces were just a breath away. Allowing Maika to noticeably moan that extra hint louder as she got her turn to have her ass lubed up. Feeling the man behind her pushing a finger coated in cool fluid into her snug asshole. Maika didn’t even glance back however as she kept her infamously arrogant leader ‘tamed’ with not just how own handiwork but an alluring stare that left Giulia biting on her lower lip. Perhaps not the first time Maika has been on top of her in this sort of erotic fashion.

“Guess where these sluts come from the pussy is for eating, and the ass is for fucking! Ha!” The Dirty One provided the lewd and rude commentary as Danny pulled his finger out after a couple minutes of work. Now pushing his cock into Maika’s asshole with a groan as he penetrated her, and already she was rocking her hips back against the motion like this too isn’t her first time engaging in some anal action. Moaning as she took his cock and he began to build into a rhythm to take her from behind. “The great Danny D! Fucking another hot fucking bitch, good old doggy style! My man making this shit look easy!” He added as it was certainly true he was now dishing out a pumping from behind to the second of the two Asian babes he was getting to sample, and another round of butt fucking at that. Helping to make the moisture leave Maika’s already stunning body looking hotter than ever as she got her turn to have both lower holes stimulated at the same time.

“MMMMM! Come on! Is that… AHHHHH FUCK! MMMM!! All you’ve fucking got, Maika-Chan? MMMMM SHIT!!” Giulia moaned out as bucked her own pussy up against the fingers sliding in and out of her twat from above. Despite her over confident tone and her glare, the former Wonder of Stardom title holder was all too eager to be woman-handled here and pinned down to take a finger banging from the former Future of Stardom Champion above her. Trying, but failing, to intimidate with her hold onto the long, dark locks of her friend. Especially when she groaned out when Maika used the hold on those shorter, dyed locks to keep Giulia pressed back onto the floor of the van they’ve been fucking in. “MMMM!! I taught you better than that! MMMMM FUCK!! HARDER!! AHHHHH FUCK! DEEPER! MMMMM!!” It was perhaps supposed to sound like an order, but the amount of lust in her voice along with all the loud moaning made it more like begging as Giulia panted and squirmed on her back. Working her snatch against Maika’s drilling digits as those skilled fingers easily plunged into the soaking hole over and over again. Adding to the stain of sweat on the floor.

“AHHHH… Such boasting, Giulia-Chan… MMMM… Are you sure you can handle me?” Maika confidently remarked like she was brushing off any challenge from her friend. Keeping her fingers pumping away while enjoying getting pleasured herself as Giulia drove her own digits in and out with a feverish pace like she was trying to prove a point to the woman on top of her. All as Maika smoothly rocked her nicely plump hips back and forth in order to take a nice, big, fat dick between her cheeks. Moaning out as she only briefly glanced over her shoulder to give a look of approval with her sweat-dripping face before turning her attention back to her Crazy Bloom tag team partner. Keeping up her own swift pace of filling up the snatch she’s been eating out over the course of this van ride with her powerful fingers. Giving a more than impressive showing for her first time fucking on film with a performance that was far from amateur looking.

In the midst of all that, the British hunk getting to sample these two stunners from the Land of the Rising Sun was moaning out with a more than healthy amount of sweat across his toned body. Pumping back and forth to work his fat cock deep into that rounded booty in front of him. Thankful he isn’t having to rate the two against one another as this piece of ass felt just as good to be stuffed deep into as the stunner of Italian heritage he’d gotten to fuck before this position. All he had to do was, as if that was any easy task, last against them both as he thrust his fuck-stick in and out of Maika’s still snug asshole. Able to focus on giving a display on how to drive into some hot, tight booty like this as the other Joshis took care of one another’s lusty needs.

“MMMMM! I can handle… AHHHH FUCK!! Anything! Anyone!! MMMM!! I can… MMMMMPHHH!!” Giulia tried to ramble more claims before finally Maika pulled her up and silenced her with a steamy lip lock. The grip at least that Giulia had on the other woman’s hair more turning to a tender, craving one to stroke through the raven-coloured locks while Maika continued to top her teammate with a controlling grip. Maika sliding her tongue into Giulia’s eager mouth as they did a different sort of wrestling than the in-ring kind they’re both supremely skilled at. The darker skinned of the two even trying to arch her chest up but still was held in place on the floor as she got her pussy stiffly pumped by Maika’s commanding fingers. Encouraging Giulia to return the favour with her own swift and deep drilling back and forth. No resistance offered as Maika took her time and explored around inside of her close friend’s mouth. All while getting fucked nice and hard up the ass from behind while take care of another woman’s needs at the same time.

In fact despite all her bragging and claims it wasn’t even cock that finished Giulia off first, but the talented fingers of her own Donna Del Mondo team mate as with a squirm she started to orgasm nice and hard over Maika’s digits. Her eyes rolling back a bit as she groaned out and didn’t even seem to register that Maika was capturing her tongue between her lips for a lewd slurp to enjoy the orgasm she was giving her friend. Perhaps enjoying that sight was itself the trigger that the powerhouse was waiting for (or she’d now proven a point against all that boasting) as she began to enjoy her own peak as well. Her body jolting back, working her ass still against the dick thrusting in and out of her backdoor to use it along with Giulia’s fingers to ride out a just as strong orgasm. Leaving both women groaning out and sweating as they finally broke the lip lock and took their soaked fingers out of one another. Giving Danny his moment to once again pull out of some fine, hot and tight Asian ass and show off the wide open state he’s left Maika’s asshole in.

“Like the fucking song said – That’s fucking teamwork!” Dirty One chuckled as he watched the two women move onto their knees. “I think these sluts were enjoying each other more than they were you, Danny!”
“I hope they’re into me enough for one last shot…” Danny said with a grin as he gripped his dick and began to stroke off.
“Only… If we share…” Maika said as she used a handful of hair to pull Giulia up to kneel beside her as they faces were close together.
“S-Sure, what M-Maika-Chan said…” Giulia all too easily agreed as her eyes locked onto his pulsing dick.

A naturally fitting end (well to the action at least) for this kind of lewd road trip. Danny letting out deep groans as he started to shoot his load. Sending thick streaks of spunk splashing across the stunning features of Maika and Giulia in generously equal measure. The ropes hitting over the cheeks, noses, lips and chins of both women with a little catching into their hair at the sides of their heads and up into the foreheads too. The spunk standing out for different reasons against Maika’s more pale skin while nicely sinful on Giulia’s darker features. The last drips flicked down onto the two before Maika finally let go of her friend’s hair, just for her to slump back a bit with a groan to show how much the action has taken out of her.

“Mmmmm… Quite a mess…” Maika stated the obvious as she reached up, making sure her eyes were clear so she could see.
“You fucker!! You got it in my fucking hair!” Giulia more loudly complained, even as she laid on her back for a moment.
“Hey, my man Danny here doesn’t do things on fucking half measures!” Dirty One said. “But relax! We’ll uh, get you cleaned up here in a sec… Hey, Driver! Can you, ah, you know, pull over for a second and I’ll get the towel out of the front?” He lied. All as behind them Danny scooped up the clothing and bags of the women.

The Driver just raised a hand briefly as he followed the plan. Having been going around the same few streets for the past ten minutes or so to burn up the time. So he was able to pull over to a more deserted street, far removed from the starting pick-up location but fitting for the usual end to a Bang Bus trip. “Hey, Maika? You’re a strong babe… Be a doll and open the door for me and I’ll hop out.” The Dirty One asked.

Maika bought the lie as she leaned over and easily, even after her own orgasm, opened up the side of the door. But as soon as she knelt up, Dirty One and Danny used a combine shove to send Giulia forward when she tried to get up. The collision sending both women tumbling out of the van and onto the sidewalk and when they tried to race up, their clothing and bags got tossed down onto them to further disorientate. The door being slammed shut as the vehicle took off, and perhaps right in time. Giulia yelling out some insults in Italian at the departing vehicle while Maika found the nearest trash can. Hauling it off from the pavement and tossing it down the road with a yell that would have hit the van a second or two earlier.

“Oh shit!! We got pissed off bitches after us!” Dirty One laughed as the van drove off, leaving a successful dumping behind them of the naked and cum-stained women. “Would not want to be on the other side of them in their next match!”
“I thought they said they watched this ‘show’? They should have known what was gonna happen to them!” Danny pointed out as he sat back on the seating.
“Who knows, man. And Hell, who cares!” The cameraman said. “We got some fine fucking tape in the can out of them and showed what they’re good for! And you got to slam the shit out of some fine fucking ass!”
“What can I say? All in a day’s work!” Danny chuckled. “A Brit coming over to fuck an Italian and a Japanese babe over in the States? A right man of the world I am!”

“Easy there, my man! You’re sounding like that bragging bitch!” Dirty One joked. “But let’s not waste any more time now we’re done with those sluts… We got film to upload, places to go, and I’ve got my fucking stomach to stuff full! Yo, my man? What was it again tonight?” He looked to the front as The Driver, still unseen without turning around, made a motion with his hand of a circle. “Yeah, deluxe pizza night, baby! I’m gonna get extra olives tonight!”

And with that, the camera went to look out the window as the van drove off. Bringing another successful adventure of the Bang Bus fucking stunning women of pro wrestling to a close as the footage faded to black before the film notes and credits played out.

* * *

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2022, 03:45:58 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own NXT, WWE or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Santana Garrett (former NXT, AEW, Impact Wrestling)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Santana Garrett

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal.

* * *

“So, what are we doing today?” The voice of seasoned porn star Danny Steele said as the video faded from black into the footage. Showing him on the backseat of the famous Bang Bus as it drove along. Clad in a short sleeved shirt, slightly opened up to show his toned frame, and a pair of dark pants. “Not that I need any excuse to go around for a drive in this nice, sunny Florida weather we’ve got going on today.” He added with a smile.

“Just some classic Bang Bus action, my man!” The familiar voice of The Dirty One said from behind the camera as he filmed. “We go cruising, we find some dumb bitch who needs some cash…” He lifted a hand up in front of the lens, showing off a wad of notes. “And then we offer even more for her to ditch the clothes and get freaky… Before he fucking ditch her! Just the tried and tested formula my man!”
“Sounds good to me! Let’s get it.” Danny agreed.
“Yeah. We’re gonna hit up the ‘workout block’ as I call it. See if we can’t score some nice, tight bodies chicks or some shit, you know? If not, I know there’s this neighbourhood in the South where…”

The cameraman was about to say some more before the always unseen Driver up front tapped on his nearside window. Making Dirty One look out the window down the street. Zooming in and seeing a gorgeous looking woman filling out a pair of blue workout leggings nicely with her thick, rounded backside. The beauty having her long hair tied up in a ponytail, but looking dyed a light red colour with a more natural dark at the top. Also wearing a matching blue no sleeved sport top, and carrying a gym bag over her shoulder.

“Yo let’s try and score with this babe! Look at the fucking ass on that!” Dirty One said as the van slowed down to approach. Easily getting the woman’s attention by pulling up. “Hey, lady! Are you new around here? Looking kind of lost.” He claimed to set things up as an ice breaker as he spoke out the van side window.
“Oh, no! I’m from around here.” The woman explained as she turned around. Showing off a fantastic set of large, juicy tits encased in her top. “It’s gym day, like I’m sure you can tell. My place is literally just like a block down the way.” She said, pointing down the way she was heading.
“Yo, it’s all good! My bad. But yo, can we like give you a ride down there or something?” He rather boldly offered. “It’s pretty heated out here today, you know?”
“Uh, I think I’m good. No offence…” The woman said, eyeing up the van with suspicion. As if this all sounds familiar to her but she can’t quite place it.

“Oh not at all. Listen, let me explain…” Dirty One said, applying his silver tongue to influence things. “I know this sounds odd but here…” He reached in and fished out a crisp one hundred dollar bill. “Here, this is for just taking the time to talk to us.” He said, and seeing the sudden note even caught her attention as she rather eagerly took the bill. “See? We ain’t so bad! You know, and I’ll be honest here Lady, we’re like going around doing interviews. Amateur documentaries, you know, that kind of stuff.” He lied behind a smile. “Asking guys or gals like yourself for a moment of their time and we just, you know, ask them some questions. Talk about Florida life and that kind of stuff. Getting the word out, you know.”
“Well, I mean… You’ve got my interest now, I’ll admit that!” The redhead said as she had a smile on and tellingly stuffed the note into the pocket of her leggings.
“Right? So how about this, you hop in? We’ll talk to you for a few minutes and then we’ll drop you off at your gym. And in return…” If her eyes had widened from seeing the first bill, then seeing that too tempting to resist fistful of notes made her jaw drop. “We like, what’s the word, reimburse you for your time! How does that sound.”

“Well, I mean, when you put it like that…” She clearly was tempted by the offer as Danny moved over and opened up the door for her. “I guess it couldn’t hurt since I have the rest of the day off… And those WOW shows aren’t exactly paying the bills on their own… But no funny business you guys!” She said as she stepped forward. “I don’t want my husband finding out that I’m getting into a random van with a couple of guys.” She added as she climbed in with her bag.
“Oh sure, no worries! I’m sure he’ll understand…” Dirty One claimed, not bothered and neither was Danny by that comment on her relationship status. “And this won’t take long either.” He added before the door was closed up. The van soon driving off but the route it started to take didn’t even take the right turn down the block to head towards her planned destination.

“OK, OK!” The cameraman said once she was settled down on the backseat as Danny, playing up that this was all legit, still sat but at the other end for now to keep some distance. “OK, first of all this is my friend Danny. He’s like my tour guide around the city.” Dirty One continued to lie to her face as she and Danny exchanged smiled and nods. “So, first of all, since you’ve already told us about your hubby, tell us a little bit about yourself to kick this interview off.” He said, as his free hand fingered out a couple notes like it was cash for answers
“Yeah, sure!” She said with a nod. “Well, my name is Santana Garrett… I’m a Florida girl, born up in Ocala and raised here. I’m happy married, and I’m the proud mother of little boy… Well, maybe not so little now but still!” Santana said with a laugh. And hearing that this stacked babe was a certified MILF brought an even bigger smile to the face of Steele as he sat back.
“Well that’s just great!” Dirty One had to hide his joy at scoring a MILF. “So tell me, well, tell us Santana… You obviously keep your self in great shape, if you don’t mind me saying… What’s your deal? You one of these fitness coaches around here? Trying to keep guys like me all fit and in shape and all that?”

“Oh, no! I get plenty of coaching from my husband!” Garrett said. “I’m actually a professional wrestler! I’m a second-generation performer and I use the same name as my real name, if that makes sense.” She explained. “I’ve actually worked in a bunch of places in the past! I was in the WWE in their NXT brand for a few years… I’ve been in Stardom over in Japan. In AEW, Impact Wrestling, the NWA, WOW Women of Wrestling…” She listed off just some of her vast accomplishments. However looking across she noticed the look the cameraman was giving her. “Uh, is everything OK there?”

“No fucking way…” Dirty One laughed as his act slipped a bit. “You’re a wrestler?? No shit! I mean, hey Danny? You know what I was talking about before I started filming?” The other man in the van nodded in agreement. “OK, babe, listen… This is gonna sound messed up… But actually me and this van here? Well, we’ve been doing a little ‘business’ as of late picking up pro wrestlers here, and well… Taking them for one Hell of a ride. Maybe you’ve seen some videos we’ve put out staring the likes of Mandy Leon… Scarlett Bordeaux… The Legendary Trish Stratus…” He listed off the more than impressive scores that this van (and some hung porn stars) have gotten since they began ‘Banging the Indies’.

“Oh my God!!” The realisation hit her as she covered her mouth for a moment. Santana looking around the van for a moment as she now understood why this all looked so familiar. “I knew I’d seen this all before, and your voice sounded familiar! This is the damn Bang Bus!” She said.
“Yep! Guilty as charged!” Dirty One said. “And since you know the deal here, I think we can skip the small talk… But the offer still stands I guess…” He said, holding up the wad of notes to further tempt her. “You have some fun with my boy here and show the goods? A fat cash of quick cash is all yours. Just like you saw Trish and the rest get. You can’t tell me that you can’t handle what they did, right?” He said to further challenge her.
“Well of course I’ve seen the videos! I mean, where you hear that Trish Stratus got, well… Got fucked on camera you can’t help but watch!” Santana said rather defensively. “But I’m a married woman! With a damn kid! I can’t just go and fuck some random guy I just met!” She claimed. Until she watched as Dirty One plucked out a few more notes as her eyes widened and nodded along with the mental count she was doing. “But well, I mean… Some extra rainy day money wouldn’t hurt… And I can’t just rely on ‘exclusive content’ site paychecks now I’m not making WWE money any more…” She said, sounding already like she was trying to convince herself here.

“Then go ahead and by my guest, girl! Let’s see the fucking goods!” Dirty One encouraged. Santana biting her lip with a glance at the other man before she looked back and gave a nod. Knowing how wrong this was but, like so many women before her on the Bus and not even including fellow wrestlers, the temptation of a fat wad of easy money is too much to resist. Reaching first for her top, pulling it up and over head and her long ponytail as she showed off those fantastic, rounded MILF tits of hers. Caught up in the moment to not see that on the seats next to her Steele was eagerly stripping off to but her was pushing down his pants to show off his hardening, rock hard cock. Garrett too busy easing her leggings off as she revealed her thick, juicy backside and a completely shaved, snug looking pussy.

“That’s earned a good deposit!” Dirty One joked, putting down some notes by her gym bag. “But you know, you’re gonna have to do a lot more than just that to earn the rest.”
“Well I mean, this is a lot already, right?” Santana claimed with a slightly nervous smile. “My husband is already gonna be asking questions why I’m… OH FUCK!!” She then gasped, looking at the corner of her eye before turning to stare with a gasp. Seeing that Danny was now completely nude as he smiled. Stroking off his cock to get himself nice and hard as he eyed up that outrageous body of the pro wrestler next to him.
“Oh I think you’ve got a lot more to do…” Danny said as he shifted in closer and saw how her eyes haven’t left his dick yet.
“And if you want all of this cash? You’ve gotta go all the way… Just like you saw your heroes and other wrestlers doing when they went down and dirty!” The cameraman added.

“Well, I mean…” Santana bit down on her bottom lip as her eyes gazed over that big dick. A sign perhaps that this cock is by far the biggest she’s ever seen which isn’t exactly a compliment for the man she’s married to. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take, you know, a closer look…” She claimed as she slipped down from the seating to get to her knees. Danny just spreading his legs to let her shift in as he released his length so she could now move in and take a hold of him. Stroking him off to test his thickness as the camera moved in close to capture the fun about to get underway. Even if the cameraman hasn’t even set down most of the notes he promised on the floor for her.

“Feel fucking free to take a real close look, babe…” Danny encouraged as Santana shifted closer. Still stroking his fat cock as she leaned in. Staring up as she slowly stuck her tongue out, getting a low groan out of him as she began to work around the crown. A slow, testing swirl around the head combined with her palm still going over the shaft. “And that ain’t too bad a start…” He remarked as he allowed her to explore at her own pace for now as she roamed around the mushroom head. Getting a little bit of saliva onto him as she groaned herself from the taste of a nice long cock. But his words showing that it would take a lot more than a nice handjob with a bit of tongue work to finish off an experienced stud like him.

“Oh, trust me! We are only just getting started!” Garrett claimed, sounding already a lot more into this now that she’s got her fingers around a huge dick. Parting her lips as she let actions do the talking and putting her mouth to a better use. Sinking down onto his cock and making him moan out properly when she managed to wrap her lips around his thickness, even with him being a far bigger size than what she’s used to. “Mmmmmmphh!! Mmmmm!!” Her eyes widened for a moment, like she couldn’t believe she was handling even this amount of cock inside of her, but soon enough got to work. Her long ponytail starting to swing as she rocked her head up and down. Feeding his inches up into her cavern and giving him a sample of how much pleasure that warm, wet hole of hers could offer.

“God damn these wrestler chicks are dirty sluts! This chick’s married and she’s already blowing my boy Danny like she’s fresh off a divorce!” Danny managed to compliment and mock at the same time as he filmed Santana’s mouth sliding up and down as she used a smooth pace. Getting her saliva dripping down this vast length as she pushed down to handle over half of his size. Even her big, rounded tits were shaking as she blew him and kept herself down and kneeling. Allowing the camera to catch a nice shot of her thick ass sticking out and the sight of her pussy starting to dampen while that ponytail shook from side to side. Before he moved back up to view her slurping away as she showed off some clear experience at sucking dick with this steady motion.

“Mmmmm… Yeah, she ain’t half bad… No way this babe ain’t a first timer…” Danny added as he sat back and let the former NXT Superstar bob away on his meaty pole. Her gorgeous face sinking down before smoothly lifting back up, but never leaving his dick fully so she could race right back to repeat the motion. A pace that allowed her to groan around his meat like she was still adjusting to finally having a size of dick that can fill up her mouth. “Mmmm! But let’s see what she can really fucking take…” He decided, reaching down to take a hold of her long, light red dyed hair. “After all, if she’s a tough wrestler chick? Makes sense she can take the rough stuff!” He assumed as he caught her off guard and not just with the firm handful he now had. Starting to thrust his cock upward as he forced his dick both stiffly and deeply up into that already pleasurable enough oral hole. Garrett’s eyes widening but not resisting the sudden turn as her hand moved off from his cock rather obediently, moving onto her own thighs as she allowed her mouth to be used by a stud she’s only just met.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! MMMMMMPH!! HHHHRRRRKKK!! MMMMMM…” Santana began to gag when his cock hit the back of her mouth, venturing further soon afterwards as he pumped briskly with a pace that looked more suited for regular pussy pounding than testing out an oral hole. She just stared up, her cheeks flexing as she tried to suck on the now pumping cock but found her lips fighting to stay wrapped against his thickness for more than a second before the next choke sounded out. “HRRRRKKK!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! MMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Her saliva drooled down now, coating his dick sexily and leaving it dripping down her own chin as she took a face fucking. The grasp on her hair making her head not so much stay in place, but actually be tugged down onto his length to fit even more of those inches into her. Putting her through a deep throat initiation that seems to be more action than the MILF has gotten from the man she’s actually married to in perhaps years if not longer.

“Oh shit! Oh shit!! Yeah, she’s fucking on choking on that dick! Guess her hubby ain’t packing near half the goods my man Danny is!” The cameraman stated the obvious with wicked glee in his voice. Able to get in close and capture the bulge her throat is doing when all that porn star cock got stuffed down into the wrestler’s oral tunnel. Saliva lathered over that length and now drooling from off her jaw. Hitting onto her own large tits to give them a lewd shine as they jiggled from her body bucking slightly from the invasion. “Look at this bitch go! Taking it like a fucking champ! People are gonna fucking know her name now with this kind of skill!” He added, as if saying a multi-time former Champion like her is better off being a living cock sleeve is any sort of compliment. The beauty getting face fucked however unable to comment as she focused on enduring this action, alongside the fact any words and groans were currently being muffled by that fat rod stuffed between her lips.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHHRRRKKK!! HHHHHLLKKKK HMMMMMMPPPHHH!” Her fingers were digging into her own thighs while her eyes were half closed, like she was getting light headed from being made to have her skull rock back and forth while Danny’s cock rammed upward and deep into her mouth. Only now her eyes starting to water up from the almost abuse being down to her throat but having agreed to all of it, she just stayed kneeling and let her hair be tugged on to deepen the thrusts. Her nose pressing into his crotch while her chin left more saliva stains onto his balls as she was pulled right down by that ponytail. “GAAAAAAAAAHHH… MMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAHHH HHHHHRRRKKK…” Even as she got a full deep throat session that some seasoned porno whores might second guess about signing up for, it seemed like she wasn’t exactly only feeling discomfort from this all. Hardened nipples topping off her big tits, and her pussy continuing to look wet already just from this deep and rough blowjob. Maybe enjoying herself a bit too much getting a cock that’s not just the biggest she’s seen, but one that can clearly last far, far longer than she’s used to.

Thankfully, the hunk who was now her sudden co-star for this in-van sex tape wasn’t planning on merely using her mouth for the fun. Slowly pulling his dick out from her mouth to allow her to gasp, but keeping her on her knees with that grip on the ponytail as he kept his dick against her now panting features. Smearing a bit more saliva onto her gorgeous face before she ground her teeth together and gave a rather lusty stare up. “Like that, huh?” Santana said as she shifted up. “Like shoving that big fucking dick into my tiny little mouth? Making me choke like a fucking slut, huh?” She almost purred, like she’s fallen into being a bit more cock-drunk than even she thought she would as she brought her rounded tits up in line with his shaft.

“I think I’m gonna like this just as much…” Steele casually remarked as he let go of her hair. Allowing her to wrap her jugs around his shaft. The moan he let out as that soft, tanned flesh pressed against his pole just as loud as he’d been moments before when balls deep in her mouth. With all the saliva already coating his length combined with the shine over her tits from her drooling, it allowed a smooth motion as the Florida-born beauty began to work her breasts up and down along his manhood. Groaning herself as she dug her fingers nicely into her chest to keep her boobs pressed up and out for a more than generous amount of cleavage. Feeding his dick now in and out of the valley between her mounds as they jiggled from this swift titty fuck.

“Oh yeah! Just like a real, classic Bang Bus! Mixing it up with using the titties!” Dirty One said as he was able to film from the side at the back seats. Watching that big porn star cock popping out from between her tits before vanishing back down as she raised and lowered her chest. A couple little drops of sweat starting to form on that already stunning frame as she put her body to work, pleasuring this man without even using one of her holes. And it didn’t seem like she was any stranger to dishing out a breast fuck either as she pumped her mounds smoothly up and down with a steady pace. Finding herself groaning as she enjoyed the hot sensation of the dick she’d just been gagging all over now moving between her breasts.

“Mmmmm yeah… You like this bad mother fucking your fat fucking dick with her big fucking tits, huh? God, that feels so fucking good! Mmmmm!” The former World Women’s Champion of the NWA purred out as she stared up. Not even looking to the camera that’s right close by, recording her actions and dirty talk as she fucked his length with her nicely juicy MILF tits. The smack of her breasts striking off his lap heard when she drove her boobies down before bringing them up to make his dick hide from view before sending her rack right back onto him as his mushroom head popped out from her cleavage. “Mmmmm… Feels fucking good to me… Being a nasty, cheating wife… Mmmm! Fucking some other man’s dick with my fucking tits…” She added with a moan, as she was well aware of how wrong this all was, but was too caught up in the lust as she pleasured this big dick with her mounds. A round of pumps along his rod that alone would likely make any normal red blooded male, and including her actual husband, cum within just a few strokes. But with this man’s experience and stamina she can get in a workout even hotter than any gym one that she’d been actually planning for today.

“Mmmmm… You said it, slut… Not me…” Steele just smirked as he sat back and let her do all the work now. Not having to hold back with his own use of words, even as fitting as they are. Moaning as he got to enjoy her big breasts pumping up and down on his dick to feel just as fantastic, if not even better, than the pleasure he’d gotten from being deep in her throat minutes ago. Not even breaking out into a sweat yet though as he stayed seated and let her bounce her melons up and down on his rod. “Ahhhhh… But you know something? Mmmmm… I bet a dirty fucking slut like you can get a whole lot more nastier… Mmmmm… So how about we get to properly fucking you like the horny bitch in heat you clearly are…” It sounded more like an order than just a suggestion. And while most men would be more than happy to just get their cocks pleasured by the veteran pro wrestler’s juicy tits all afternoon long? He was skilled enough to know how to direct the flow of a ‘shoot’ like this with a newbie to skin flicks. Even if the way she’s working those great tits of hers over his length was ranking nicely high among his previous scenes with way more experienced, and even bustier, women over the years.

Garrett, in her lust-drunk state, easily took up the invitation as she let go of her tits. “I was wondering when we’d get to the good stuff.” She said, before not even letting him move from off the back seats of the van as she climbed onto his lap. No care either for the fact they weren’t stopping so he could put on some protection, not that he was exactly planning too anyway. That gorgeous MILF body shown off again with her ass sticking out and her ponytail hanging down her back as she reached down and lined up his cock with her clearly moist pussy. Slowly moving down as he took a hold of her toned waist. Pushing that fat dick up into her tightness as she fully cheated on her husband but with the sort of filthy moan that showed there was still no regrets as she got filled up with all that meaty cock.

“OH FUCK!! GOD! That’s… That’s fucking huge!! It’s stretching me out already! FUCK!!” The former Wonder of Stardom Champion groaned out as her head was tilted back just from the penetration alone. Showing again how much this size of dick was far thicker and longer than what she was used to either in her married life or perhaps in locker room encounters as she was feeling her love tunnel being spread open and he wasn’t even half-way buried into her. “MMMMM! Yeah, that’s it! Fuck me, baby! OH FUCK! Fuck me like the dirty… MMMM! Dirty, cheating slut I am!” She groaned as even before she’s gotten the chance to start riding him, he was kicking the action off with thrusts of his own. Getting straight to business with a stiff and steady pace that was matching how he’d been pounding into her throat. Still with plenty of the fuel in the tank to make the most out of this pro wrestling stunner even after getting some fantastic head followed up by a tit fuck from her.

All Danny had to do was just put his cock to work as a veteran like him only could. Thrusting smoothly up as he took full advantage of her being already very wet downstairs. Getting the balance perfect of allowing her twat to adjust to this thickness invading her but still feeding in more of his inches over his rounds of thrusts. Only moans heard up at him as he got the best seat in the house, staring at the big, jiggling tits he’d been stuffed between minutes before now shaking in front of his face. Only glancing up to see that rather intense look of desire that a happily married woman shouldn’t have for another man. But there’s nothing like a good piece of fat dick to make even a woman like this forget about a ring on the finger and focus on having her holes stuffed.

“These Florida sluts, man! They fucking kill me every time, I swear! Down to fuck as soon as they see a big slab of meat!” Dirty One cackled with shameless glee as he sat down right behind the action. Capturing the sight of that juicy, rounded backside shaking as it got bucked up and down from the stiff thrusts she was taking from underneath into her twat. Looking not so much riding but just bouncing vertically from the stiff blows of his powerful thrusts. Making sure his dick was stuffed in deep to her tightness to keep them both moaning out. “Or maybe it’s just these wrestler whores! We ain’t found any bitch yet who ain’t ready to take some dick!” He chipped in as he was able to record glimpses of that length appearing from out of the woman who has competed in AEW, WWE and Impact Wrestling over her career. Before those inches soon vanished with the next stiff thrust that was sent up into that snug tunnel.

“OH FUCK! MMMM YES! Fuck me, stud! OH FUCK! Yeah, I’m a dirty fucking wife, huh? MMMMM! Fucking cheating on my man… I’m a nasty fucking bitch!! Fucking some big, fat cocked stud I just fucking met! OH FUCK!! MMMMM…” Santana groaned out as the sweat life a gloss across her face to match the one forming over her stunning, curvy body. Sounding either like she was someone with a kink of her own for being unfaithful and fucking men behind her unsuspecting husband’s back, or had just discovered she had a lust for cheating she never knew before. “MMMM FUCK! It’s so fucking big! MMMMM! So fucking deep! OH FUCK!! Don’t stop! MMMMM!!” She moaned out. Regardless of why she was so fired up, the man she was mounted on right now wasn’t going to miss out on making the most of this. Drilling up into her snug box as her pussy, now more than used to his vast size, hugged his prick perfectly as it slipped in and out of her folds. Keeping her booty rippling when her cheeks were made to slap down into him as she took him nice and deep.

The long, dyed light red hair continued to swing back and forth as her ponytail moved from her body shifting up and down in response to those deep pumps her snatch was taking as even while mounted on top of him she never truly looked like she was the one actively fucking and riding. No issues with that from either of them especially when he used the grip on her slim waist to pull the beauty who has won countless Women’s Championships across several indies in America against his body. Making her thick ass stick out so he could deeply pump into her box with a rapid pace. Making her groan out in delight as her plump cheeks rippled away with each thrust he delivered. Nailing her balls deep like she was more suited for this sort of sinful career than any kind of in-ring one. Worst of all, she was doing nothing to prevent her or that stunning from being pulled about and shown off like she was a living sex doll. And this size of cock was the perfect kind of put her to a proper use as her loud moans proved.

“OH FUCK YES! MMMMM FUCK!! Fucking feel like… AHHHHH SHIT!! You’re trying to… AHHHH FUCK!! Fucking split me open!! MMMMM SHIT! Don’t… UHHHH!! FUCK!! Don’t fucking stop!! MMMMM!!” She moaned out as she gripped his shoulders, leaving her big tits to brush against his broad chest as she bucked against his frame from those powerful pumps. Staring back down over her shoulder to watch herself getting slam fucked and unintentionally allowing the camera recording all this action to see the look of pleasure, without any hint of shame either, all across her face. A couple of strands of her hair now fallen out of place, resting across her features and starting to stick from all the sweat but that being far from her concerns now. Bucking against her newfound lover, despite being a married woman, as he showed off that a curvy body like hers was a perfect fit for porn with how well she’s taking this rough, hard and rapid action. The sort of stuffing that most of the normal, one-and-done random women who usually appear on the Bang Bus would be left having to walk with a limp for over a week if they tried to take this level of intense pounding.

Her lusty state was further proven when he actually used his grip to lift her up and off from his dick completely. Making her hiss at the now empty feeling between her legs but smartly the brief break in the fun allowed the camera to get a nice shot of the already gaping state her pussy was in. So that even before this footage got published, if she ever got freaky with her actual husband before then he could tell she’s been in some nasty, unfaithful action with someone packing far more than his dick could offer from how stretched out this twat is.

“Don’t tell me you’re done now, right stud?” Santana purred, even forgetting there was a camera watching her as she stroked her hands over the broad chest of the man she was on top of. Even grinding her pussy down to try and encourage him to ram back in.
“With a slut like you? No way we’re done…” Danny more calmly responded as he smirked. Moving her off of him while he shifted back along the seats.
“Never met a MILF yet who wasn’t down to take some big fucking dick!” Dirty One remarked as he filmed the scene unfolding. The next position clear as Garrett was laying on her back along the van’s seating, with her ponytail hanging off the edge to just graze the floor but her legs already spread wide and willingly apart.
“Come on! Shove that big fucking dick back inside me!” Santana almost desperately begged as she stared across and had her eyes locked like a trance onto the dick she’s become addicted to. Watching as he moved back in and lined up with her entrance. “Fucking stuff me full and make into a nasty, dirty, cheating bitch!”

“Oh, you aren’t already that?” Steele got in some mocking of his own, considering her unfaithfulness so far has already been captured on film. But before she could respond, or more likely at this point just say more self-degrading dirty talk, he just got to work with her. Slamming his cock back home into her tight, wet pussy and able to drill her balls deep with the first pump alone. “MMMMM… Guess I got more work to do then to make you into that!” He teased with a smirk again as he started to thrust. Those big tits of hers now shaking back and forth as her body starts to buck in response to his stiff pace. Her head raised up to show another cock-drunk look of delight as her eyes stared between her spread legs. Her moans loud and echoing around the van she’s being banged in, but now joined not just by his own calls of approval but the slap of his crotch connecting with her tanned, sweat-covered skin as he filled her right up. Hitting in deep in a way that no man before, especially not the one she’s married to, could ever reach into her love tunnel.

“OH FUCK YESSSSSSSS!! MMMMMM!! FUCKING DEEP! FUCKING HARD! OH GODDDDDDD FUCK!!” She panted out as her body shifting left that long ponytail dragging back and forth along the floor of the still driving mini-bus she’s being screwed in. Her legs wide apart but only the far one really being held against the back of the seats while the other dangles with a shake in time with the rest of her body jolting. The gap proving the perfect view of his thick cock drilling away at that now extremely familiar, soaking wet now but still pleasurably snug MILF pussy of hers. “AHHHHH FUCK! MMMMM YES! MORE! DEEPER! HARDER!! AHHHHH FUCK YESSSSSS!!” The former Champion in Shine Wrestling, the NWA, Stardom and WOW near yelled out her demands for more of what she was already getting. A big, fat cock stuffing back and forth into her twat to fill up that pussy even as she was resized to the shape of his length in a way that she’d be lucky to get back to her former tightness even within a few weeks. Her desire for this cheating sex proven even more as, just like she was as experienced a skin flick star as the stud who was balls deep into her was, she had a hand down at her crotch. Rubbing away at the top of her pussy to not just further the pleasure, but get herself racing towards a peak that she desperately needed (but never knew how bad she actually wanted it before today).

As wild as a sight as it was to see a stunning, married mother getting made into a wild mess on his big cock, Steele kept his control and continued to pump away with a swift round of stiff strokes. Making sure his body was angled just right so he didn’t block the view of his fat dick ploughing into this veteran pro wrestler’s dripping snatch. Still able to drive in to the hilt and keep her body sliding along the back seats which was no doubt helped by all the sweat pouring off of her already gorgeous enough body. Getting a workout of his own here as well as he groaned out and the moisture left a nice shine of his muscular frame but as he’d bragged about before, he had a good amount left in the tank to be able to put her through the proper Bang Bus treatment. Able to in fact go a bit more harder with her seeing how her body was at a Size Queen level of taking a fat, long dick like his to make the footage even hotter than the usual tapes filmed here.

“It’s a fucking wonder why we don’t score more desperate MILFs here on the damn Bus!” Dirty One said as he more than enjoyed watching the show unfold as Garrett got nailed on her back over and over again by her co-star’s fat rod. Although from the look of pleasure across her face her thoughts were far from even remembering that she’d only agreed to be paid for an ‘interview’ when she first entered the van. Only in the space of over an hour she’s transformed into a busty porn star looking like she was more suited for a career of appearing on camera like this than any kind of in-ring performance. “But I guess this bitch is gonna be setting the bar real fucking high! This is the damn shit, right here!” He said, complimenting in his always ‘unique’ way. His only issue right now was making sure not to focus for too long on one particular area of her for too long. As her shamelessly moaning face and that look of lust were more than a distraction, let alone those shaking, rounded tits of hers jiggling away.

The main event being of course that tight, dripping wet pussy of the former NXT Superstar as he got drilled by his meaty, long cock. Even her tanned thighs rippling from how stiffly he was sending his length in deep to fill up her needy box. That curvy frame shifting along the seats each time he delivered a new, hard thrusts between her legs but keeping a hold on her so she couldn’t shift too far along the back seats. Ensuring he could fire right back with the next pump to keep them both moaning out. About as concerned about the state of her marriage let alone family relations this beautiful mother would have to deal with once this tape got published as he was about the state of her hair. The ends of her dyed hair becoming sprawled out from dragging along the floor as her ponytail just about stayed in shape from the constant swinging it was doing in time with her body’s jolting. Then again, he was fucking her balls deep and bareback right now so it would be no surprise that he wasn’t exactly thinking about anything other than putting on a fine show for the camera, and getting the most pleasure possible out of this MILF’s stunning pussy.

“AHHHHH FUCK! YES! CUMMING! FUCK! OH FUCK FUCK FUCCCCCCK!!” Santana eventually announced as her head tilted back with her back arching to make those jiggling tits stick deliciously up and out. Her hand still furiously working over her twat to aid her in cumming easily the hardest she’s ever done in her life over this porno hunk’s meaty dick; Still made to buck back and forth as she took his dick, as he made sure she rode out every moment of this sexual peak more for the camera’s enjoyment than to grant her that supreme pleasure. Perhaps a little bit of making sure the thrill of unfaithful sex was imprinted onto her mind as the sight of her current eyes rolled back, mouth open to moan and tongue flicking out expression was certainly one the world deserved to see even for just one time on film.

“Fuck… Fuck! Fuck…” Garrett panted out as she started to come back down to Earth from that intense to say the least high. Groaning out when that big dick got pulled out of her snatch and the camera got to see the gaping wide state her snatch was left in. “W-Wait, give me a second here…” She groaned again when she felt herself being rolled over before, rudely, she was shoved off the back seats with a thud as her body hit the floor.
“Sorry honey… But if you want to earn your money?” Danny smirked as he moved down and around her. Pulling her hips up so she was on her hands and knees even in her worn out state. “A tough wrestler like you has got to give up the works…” He claimed as he took a hold of her ass cheeks and gave the camera a knowing smirk.

One advantage of this being footage broadcast back was the ‘magic’ of editing, so that the scene only moved on to a few minutes later. That thick, rounded MILF ass now being spread again as it was viewed from behind. Showing a clear shine across her asshole, and not from the sweat layered all over her either, to show some lubrication has been done in that short break ‘off camera’. Santana just looking back over her shoulder as she bit her lower lip. Not resisting as that same fat, long cock that had rocked her world moments before was now lined up with her backdoor. Making them both moan out as he pushed his cock, briefly showing the lubing up done to it as well, pass that tightness and began to fuck her booty from behind.

“AHHHHHH FUCK! SHIT!! It’s b-been a long while! AHHHHH FUCK!!” She groaned out as she began to shift back and forth. Both hands planted to the floor so she couldn’t even rub at her pussy as she got fucked up the ass, but even so was moaning out as she felt her tightest of holes being stretched out just like her snatch and throat already have since she got picked up. Her plump cheeks jiggling now even as Danny’s hands were spreading them. Proving the clear view in to show him working his dick into her fantastic backside. “MMMMM! God damn it! MMMM! So fucking big!! AHHHHH!!” She groaned as her eyes were still locked back at the stud she’s allowing to ravage her. That cock still rock hard and able to pound her one more time as he claimed her rump with some more stiff thrusts. At least allowing this tunnel of hers to adjust to his vast size but much like the rest of her, it wasn’t going to be long before he was drilling her good.

“How’d you like that work out, huh slut?? Yeah, my boy is gonna be giving you all the pumping you need, and no iron required!” Dirty One said as he captured the scene. The focus of course being on those fleshy, tanned cheeks shaking as she pushed her booty back with nice timing to match when that big dick pushed forward into her. Able to witness that body moving including her big tits swaying underneath her along with her still dripping wet pussy. The former competitor in the Women’s Royal Rumble Match and Mae Young Classic tournament in the WWE looking like she’s been put through a harder challenge here than during any match she’s ever had. Groaning out as the moisture pours off her curvy frame, but still able to keep herself up on all fours and rocking back to take that cock into her tight ass.

“MMMM! I can fucking take it! Come on! OH FUCK! MMMMM! Fuck that ass! MMMMM!” She moaned out as she couldn’t help herself but move a hand off from the van floor and clamp it between her legs. A full on rub across those already soaked folds while skilfully keeping herself up with the other arm. A sure sign that this isn’t the first time she’s taken it up the ass before, but that should have been obvious from how much of that big dick her booty is handling already. “MMMM! You fucking want it, huh? MMMM FUCK! Want to fuck my… UHHHH! Dirty, cheating… MMMM!! Nasty, MILF ass huh? Then fucking take it! MMMMM YES!! FUCK MY ASS!!” She almost yelled the demand before she licked her lips. Her plump cheeks shaking nicely as she pushed her cheeks back when the next thrust was delivered. Fitting more of those fat inches into herself as the dirty talk continued to pour out of her mouth in between her moans. Getting off on much more than just her own fingers dancing across her twat.

“You fucking asked for it, slut! MMMM!” Steele wasn’t about to back down despite her lust. Reaching forward as he grabbed a hold of that long, dyed red ponytail of hers and using it for a sharp tug. Not just making her head tilt back as she let out a deep, perfect for porn moan for a few seconds. It made her body be hauled back against him as the sound of clapping cheeks then rang out around the van. Being stuffed balls deep by his dick and he pumped nice and hard into her. Using her hair like a leash to keep her rocking against his thrusts as her butt slapped into his crotch over and over. No pain felt by either of them as they kept groaning out as he gave that fine, thick rump of hers the kind of stiff fucking her and her body were clearly built to take.

“MMMMM!! OH FUCK YESSSS… MMMMM! I’M A FUCKING SLUT!! OOOOOOOOH FUCK!!” The former Shine Wrestling Champion was all too happy to admit as she groaned out. Already her eyes rolling upward in delight as her back passage was filled up to a new limit she never knew she had. Keeping her pussy stimulated all the while with furious rubbing to leave not just her fingers sticky but a mess dripping down onto the van floor. Her body jolting forward, keeping her tits swinging underneath her and occasionally slapping together for an added visual treat, before she was pulled back sharply to take the next deep thrust into her cheeks. “UHHHH!! NASTY… MMMMM!! CHEATING BITCH!! I’M A FUCKING DIRTY… MMMM!! DIRTY ASS FUCKING SLUT!! MMMMM!! OH FUCK YEAH!!” She groaned out as when not saying more filthy words and self-insulting, near primal moans were falling out of her mouth when it hung open. Looking like a trail of drool was falling from the corner of her lips like her brain was melting from this supreme pleasure. No amount of titles or matches she’s ever had in her long career could prepare her for the ass pounding of a lifetime from this porno hunk.

“Oh shit! Oh shit!! She’s fucking breaking! The bitch is gonna cum her brains out! Ha! I fucking love it!” The Dirty One was almost cackling in delight just watching this all unfold. The wild scene of this married mother getting her juicy booty rammed hard and deep with thick dick just from a random pick-up being textbook Bang Bus. But her performance, even in her dick-drunk state, would be hard for any of the normal, porno newbies to come anywhere close to matching. Her ass slapping back loudly when she was drawn back before made to rock forward as that cock got pulled out slightly. Just to be sent back in like a piston working in overdrive into her asshole as it slid sharply back and with force. But the beauty getting stuff not even letting out a hiss of pain from any moment of her ass colliding with this stud’s body, let alone those deep pumps or the pulling of her hair.

Switching tactics, Danny pulled onto that long red hair again to make her head tilt back but this time keeping her body held like that like a sexualised yoga position. Leaving Garrett to just moan out and self pleasure while he unleash a rapid series of quick thrusts, making the claps of her cheeks into him ring out like gunfire. His heavy balls connecting with her sweat-lathered skin to add to the moment as her ass shook like an earthquake was going off. All as her back passage was spread open by his length in a way that clearly no man before, including the one she’s actually married to, have even been able to do. With this kind of almost brutal pounding of her rear, any other woman might be rendered to having to sit down in pain for well over a couple of weeks. She on the other hand looked like she could still go for a full seven days with this kind of action.

Or at least until the moment her tongue hung out of her mouth and her eyes rolled right up to look even more cock-addicted than before. Cumming hard over her own hand to the point that juices didn’t just drip down, but full on squirted across the floor of the van as she got off on the hardest, deepest round of anal sex she’ll likely ever have. Her body would have frozen on the spot as she rode out that high if not for him still clutching her hair as he pounded away into her butt. Grunting himself as he showed off his own skill by not being forced into an early finish when her asshole clamped around his length. Her hand eventually not so much falling away from her soaking twat, but left dangling as she was spent of energy but with a wide, wicked smile that only a filthy whore could produce.

That maybe would have been enough for most to savour from such a round of sex. But this is the Bang Bus after all and it requires a specific finish to the fun that meant Danny used the hold on the hair to force the tired beauty around and make her get on her knees in front of him. Hunching over her as his other hand furiously pumped away at his shaft as he aimed down. Her tilted back face the fantastic target as I grunted. Spraying hot, thick ropes of his seed across her stunning features to leave her groaning out. The shots coating her cheeks, nose, forehead and lips to leave the load dripping off her features before he’d even milked himself dry. Drips landing onto those big, heaving tits of hers for good measure as he plastered her face and made her groan at the sensation of being used like a true cum dump. Fitting for the way she’s all too happily whored herself out and cheated on her man for some quick cash.

“Uhhhhh…” Santana groaned when the grip on her hair was finally released. Slumping onto her side on the floor and unintentionally giving the camera a full view of her wrecked state. Even more so as strands of her dyed red hair fell across her face, leaving her ponytail stained with the spunk across her for even more of a shameful mess. “I need… I need a minute… Just… Holy fuck! My fucking ass… Fuck!” She struggled to form words as she panted out and attempted to recover from such an intense banging.

Sadly for her, even despite being a pro wrestler, there was no respect shown to her from the men in the van. Dirty One showing himself stuffing a wad of notes into her gym bag, but perhaps the not the exact big amount he’d incited her with to get into the Bang Bus in the first place. While Danny scooped up her clothing into his hands. The van pulling up to the sidewalk but this being a part of the city that actually was a major distance away from where she’d been picked up in the first place.

“Hey, uh, no worries! Here, let me just open the door for you and you can get some air!” Dirty One lied as he opened the door up. “Yeah, it gets kind of stuffy in here.”
“Thanks…” Garrett said between her gasps for air. Buying the lie as she shifted over and sat at the edge. The foolish move as the cameraman then swung the bag for a full on toss. Making her tumble forward and hit the pavement with a groan. “WHAT THE FU-HMMMPHH!!” She tried to yell, before Danny tossed her clothes down onto her, probably staining her clothing with spunk in the process, before he slammed the door shut.
“Go go go!!” Dirty One yelled as the van raced away, leaving Santana getting the proper ‘hit and run’ treatment the women who ride on the Bus receive as she stumbled off from the ground in the distance. Already well out of sight by the time she got to her feet as another successful getaway was pulled off.

“Of all the fucking chances… How about ‘dem apples, huh?” Dirty One laughed as he sat back down and Danny did the same on the backseats. “We go cruising for some random babe to pick up and slam… And it turns out to be some fine AF fucking wrestler MILF! Fucking win or what??”
“I mean, to me? She was a random like the rest of them if that means anyway!” Danny joked with a smile. Still shamelessly naked with his now limp cock still on display.
“Ha! Fair point! But still, shit… Fucking lucky I guess because this is gonna make some damn fine footage… And how fucking dumb was she to know what was coming… And cumming! Her way if she’d seen this shit before?”

The camera panned back to see the Driver in the front, who made a motion with his hand. “I know, right? Her fucking fault… And good luck to whoever that guy is she’s married to when she has to explain all of this shit!” Dirty One joked. “But yo… I think we’re done for the day! So let’s go get the Hell out of here because I think I’ve had enough of nailing some hot wrestler pussy! Well, at least for one fucking day at least!”

And with that, the camera moved to film out of the window for some final footage before it faded out to black and the copyright notices played out.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2022, 05:18:18 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Prominence or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Risa Sera (Prominence, Stardom)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Risa Sera

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, oral, inter, anal.

* * *

While the interior of the infamous Bang Bus is still the same as ever, what’s different as the video starts up is the sight of not just one, but two porn star hunks sitting in the back seats. Both familiar faces with the dark skinned stud Ricky Johnson, and the pale toned Sean Lawless. Both men in casual Jeans and shirts that fit nicely against their nicely muscular frames.

“Alright, let me explain what’s going down today…” The voice of the Dirty One said from behind the camera. “It’s another of our special pro wrestling trips of the good old Bang Bus. A chick that’s signed up for the action only we can provide… But this chick is like one of these wild, Asian freaky chicks because she wants to take on both of you guys at the same time.” He explained.
“Sounds fuckin’ good to me.” Ricky said with a smirk. “I’m gettin’ paid, this slut is gettin’ paid. It’s all good.”
“And if it’s another of these hot as fuck wrestling babes? It’s gonna be a hot fucking time.” Sean added.
“Oh you know it!” The cameraman agreed. “Like, I sort of skimmed over the e-mail and shit… But apparently this bitch is part of some ‘Hardcore’ promotion or some shit over in Japan. And she wants to like prove how Hardcore she is, but in our more fun way, by getting nailed by you two studs all at once. And trust me, our way is a lot better than hers! They do this mad, violent stuff that ain’t the kind of wrasslin’ that’s on TV! Shit with light tubes, barbed wire and…” He was about to explain more when the Driver up front tapped on his window. “Here she fucking is! Can’t fucking miss her with hair like that!”

The van pulls up to the side-walk, with the camera showing the woman standing and waiting for them as she sized up the vehicle. “This the Bang Bus?” Risa Sera, the member of the Hardcore, deathmatch promotion and wrestling unit Prominence asked. The beauty with bright, dyed blue hair was clad in almost a version of the attire she wears in matches with a long, flowing blue dress that goes to her sandals. Up top a short jacket and underneath a white top that imitates old wrapping that was used as a form of underwear to cover the chest in ancient Japan. “Then let’s go.” She said as the door was opened up for her as the slim and sexy beauty climbed in and dropped the small bag she had to the floor.

“You two are going to challenge me?” Risa didn’t take a seat between the two men, instead just kneeling in front of them as she looked up. The two hunks smiling down as they gave nods. “Good. Let’s see what you can bring.” She said, and rather boldly reached up, running her hands across both men’s packages to make the smiles, and what they were packing, get a bit bigger.
“Geez! You don’t waste time!” Dirty One laughed as the van had only started pulling off to begin the drive around. “I ain’t complaining! I like a chick who is down to fuck right away!”
“I am here to show I am Hardcore…” Risa said, looking back at the camera as it moved around to get up close. “I will not hold back… And I expect the same in return.” She confidently stated.

“Skippin’ the small talk? My kind of slut…” Ricky said as he and Sean quickly disposed of their clothing. Getting Sera’s attention with their toned, nicely muscular upper bodies were shown off. But her eyes widening when their pants were lowered and see got to see the meaty, long white shaft of Lawless and the big black cock of Johnson.
“Those… Each one alone is far bigger than my husband’s…” Risa said and rather too openly as she shifted closer.
“Oh shit! This chick is married??” Dirty One chuckled. “I should read those fucking e-mails! This makes this shit even hotter! Another married babe about to cheat and get the banging of her fucking life!”
“And I fucking bet we can last a lot longer than your man can…” Sean said with a smile as he watched her reach across and take a hold of his and the other porn star’s cock.

“Perhaps you can… For now, we shall see how Hardcore the men over here can get…” Risa confidently says as she strokes off both men. Taking a few moments to pump them over to make sure they were rock hard and ready for her. A glance between the two and not just to size up their vast lengths before shifting with a lean over towards Lawless as she went right to work. Her red lips parting as she sunk down and got a moan out of him as she began to slurp along him. Getting that bright, dyed blue hair swaying already as she bobbed her head up and down. Groaning as she took him in deep, making her lips stretch around the sort of thickness that’s a lot more than what she’s used to handling from her husband. “MMMMMPHHH… GAAAAAAAHHH… HHHHHLLLKKKK…” Rather aggressively, the deathmatch wrestler was pushing so far down that she was making the big white cock hit off the back of her mouth. Choking around that prick in between groans, as if already she was getting off on the mixture of discomfort and desire that she was eagerly, never mind willing, doing all by herself.

“Oh shit! When she said she was a Hardcore kind of bitch, this… Well, this was exactly what I was hoping for!” The cameraman bragged with a smile clear in his voice. Able to lean around and capture how the Japanese beauty was multitasking with one hand pumping away at Ricky’s fat dick while she sucked away on an equally meaty dick with her mouth. A slight glance at the camera given by Sera at the remark before she went back to focusing on the tasks at hand. Pumping her mouth up and down, applying her saliva along Lawless’ shaft as the chokes continued. Not even looking bothered by the saliva starting to drip off her chin and hit onto her modest chest as she showed off the exact kind of Hardcore ability that was perfect for this skin flick, but a world removed from that style of wrestling, and even more extreme, that she’s known for.

“SHHHLLLPPP… MMMMMPHHHH… HHHHRRRKKK!” Her eyes weren’t even watering up as she deeply plunged her mouth along Sean’s thickness. Face fucking herself like it was second nature, although the constant gagging a sure sign that she’s not quite used to handling this sort of size on a regular basis. Taking that dick beyond just the confines of her oral hole and testing out her throat much to his moaning approval. “GAAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHHHLLLKKK… GAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Keeping her hand jerking off the other prick as well as she slid her full lips up and down with that smooth and nicely quick pace. Getting the feeling herself that this stud wasn’t going to be so easily sent packing just from her talented mouth like she’s more used to happening. That perhaps a motivation in itself to enjoy showing off her oral talents as she sent her mouth deeply down to loudly choke before lifting back up to groan out.

However she wasn’t showing any favouritism here in what was already an interracial threesome. Lifting her mouth off and sucking in some air as she shifted position. Barely any momentum lost as now she used a hand to stroke off that freshly slick with spit shaft she’d been sucking on. Sticky fingers not bothering her as her hand pumped steadily along that size. Meanwhile, her mouth pushing downward onto the darker skinned of the two big dicks to get Ricky moaning as he got to enjoy that hot, wet and clearly far from inexperienced mouth. And the same sight happening as moments before as her gags were soon vibrating around this dick as she pushed down and stuffed herself full. Getting off on the mix of pleasure and pain as the poking nipples through her top were indicating.

“HHHHRRRKKK! MMMMMPHHH! GAAAAAAAHHH… MMMMMPHHH!!” The beauty who has competed in Stardom and countless indies across Japan was gagging once again now over some thick black cock as her lips fought to stay wrapped around this new fat slab of meat. A tough ask with how much she was choking whenever she pushed her gorgeous face down. Her free hand able to reach up and brush her blue hair away back into place when it fell across her features from the steady bobbing she was doing. “SHHHRRRLLPPP… GAAAAAAAAAHH!! MMMMMPHHH! SSSHHHRRRPPP…” Just making more of mess both on this dick and across herself as more spit drooled down to hit over her chest and soak her traditional-style top even more. Keeping a grin on the faces of both men as she sucked off one and kept stroking off the other. So already she was looking like this isn’t the first time she’s taken on too men at once as she pumped with her palm and lips back and forth to make moans echo around the mini bus.

“Gotta love these crazy Asian chicks! Just down to fuck like fucking freaks!” The Dirty One raved as he filmed Risa bobbing away on her second of the two big dicks on offer. Lowering her mouth down nicely towards Johnson’s crotch before smoothly lifting up, just to repeat the motion and make another loud but sinful choke sound out. Still her eyes not even watering like this was as natural to her as a wild bump in a deathmatch as she sucked away. Only lifting off so she could bring both her hands to the shafts and stroke them off all at once. Her tongue pushing out as she could swat away at the tip of Sean’s prick before moving back across to Ricky. Groaning herself in approval as she switched between the two and enjoyed the taste of two foreign hunks. Perhaps making the most of dealing with cocks far more well endowed than the one her husband is packing back in her homeland.

“That was a good start…” Risa stated the obvious as she let go of their dicks and shifted back, reaching down to loosen her skirt.
“No fuckin’ shit…” Ricky said with a grin as the two porn stars watched her remove the clothing, showing off already no underwear down below as her completely smooth and shaved pussy was put on display.
“And it’s about to get fucking better…” Sean chimed in as she continued to get undressed. Pulling off her top and showing those perky tits, topped off with rock hard nipples.
“Well? What are you two waiting for?” Sera said like a challenge as she motioned for the two men to move apart. “Show me what you can do!” She demanded, moving onto the back seats now and getting up onto her hands and knees with her face in the direction of Sean while her ass was pushed out towards Ricky.

“Hey! If this bitch is so Hardcore! Let’s really give her the works!” The Dirty One said as he tossed Ricky a bottle of sex lube. Risa more focused as she watched Sean move in front of her and guide his dick into her mouth but unlike before, he was the one thrusting into her than her only doing the work. Holding a handful of that bright, dyed blue hair of hers as he began to fuck her mouth and get her chokes going all over again as he sent his inches in deep. Staring up with not just a look of desire, but one of almost defiance as if she was saying without words that she could take even more than this already stiff pace. Not that speaking was currently on the cards with so much dick between her lips.

“GAAAAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHHLLLLKK!! MMMMMMPHHH!” The former multi-time singles and tag team Champion of Ice Ribbon gagged along Sean’s thick dick as she glanced back over her shoulder. Feeling the cool liquid against her skin as Ricky lubed up her backside. Letting the lubricant flow down her ass crack before he used a finger to push into her tight hole. Making her groan and shift back a bit as he fingered her and got her ready for the action to come. A sure sign that she didn’t object to her backdoor being used either as she worked her hips lightly against his digit. All while slurping away on the big cock in front of her as Sean pumped away back and forth to show himself that he could give as well as take as he enjoyed a second round between her lips.

“Yeah, let’s see what ‘dis fuckin’ slut can do when backin’ it up…” Ricky smirked after dropping the lube bottle after using some on his own cock. Moving behind her and spreading that tight but modest backside of hers. Her tightness more than making up for the lack of curves she had as when he pushed in, he moaned out louder than he’d been doing when between her lips minutes before. “MMMM… Nice and fuckin’ tight! Oh, this bitch is a real nice, nasty freak…” He gave a wicked compliment as he began to thrust into her ass from the back. Using a hand to keep her cheek spread to the side so that the camera got the shot of his long black cock starting to invade that rounded Asian booty. Her snatch, dampening as she got spit roasted by two studs she’s only just met, also seen as she got worked over already a lot harder than what most normal Bang Bus starlets have to go through to make some easy cash.

“MMMMPHH!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHRRRKKK…” Sera was rocking her nude body now back and forth between the two hung studs. Able to move her head a bit even with her hair held with a tight handful by the hunk in front of her, but plenty of space to push back against the cock spreading her ass apart as she got fucked from behind at the same time. Her anal tunnel super tight and making Johnson groan out from the grip as he had to work with stiff pumps just to gradually fit more of his inches between her tight cheeks. “HHHHHLLLKKK!! GAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! SHHHHHRRRLLLPPP… MMMMM!” The saliva drooling down once again, coating the shaft of Lawless and dripping now onto the seating she’s being fucked on. Up on all fours on the seats so that if any passing motorist or pedestrian peered in they’d clearly see an Asian stunner taking black dick from the back while gagging way on a white cock. Never mind this all being captured on camera as she’s willingly agreed to, alongside being paid to do this all.

“God damn! What a fucking slut! A full on spit roast right after giving head!” The glee was clear in Dirty One’s voice as he filmed the wide shot of the whole threesome scene playing out in front of him. And the dirty talk nicknames being tossed her way not exactly inaccurate from both the muffled moans she was letting out around the cock fucking her oral hole, or how moist her snatch was looking even without being touched. “We can’t pay double to make the usual rookie chicks do this kind of shit on the Bus! What a fucking steal this is!” He added as even while hearing how she was being talked about from this filthy running commentary, it wasn’t putting off Sera from shifting between the two fat dicks stuffed into her holes. Giving her throat and back passage the sort of stretching out treatment than even a pro porn star would need a day or two to recover from.

“HHHHHRRRKKK!! MMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!” The sounds escaping the member of the Prominence deathmatch faction/promotion were a near constant mix of loud groans and raspy chokes. The perfect blend of pleasure and pain from taking dick deeper than she’s had before in her ass and mouth. Ensuring all those thick inches at either end stuff right in as she rocks between the two moaning studs. “SHHHLLLPP… GAAAAAAAHHH… GAAAAAAAAHH HHHHRRRKKK!!” Saliva drooling off her chin as it layered over Sean’s shaft and balls, while juices were beginning to leak from her pussy as she got her asshole filled up with thick cock. She clearly wasn’t inexperienced with anal action but it was just as obvious anything she’s had before there couldn’t come close to this sort of thickness and length. At the same time, looking like she was built for this Size Queen action, never mind taking black dick as she handled this anal fucking like a pro to take those smooth, stiff strokes into her asshole.

“MMMMM… You two can last longer than my husband can...” Risa all too shamelessly admitted after she’d lifted her head off. Licking her lips as she glanced back at the hunk fucking her ass. “Switch over…”
“Shit, I’m down…” Ricky had no complaints as he pulled out of her tight backside.
“Hey, Sean my man! Get on the floor!” Dirty One cut in with an idea. “Get this slut riding and showing what she can do!”
“As long as it gets my dick back in this slut? It’s all good to me!” Sean said with a smile as he nodded. Taking a moment to snatch up the lubricant bottle from the floor and giving his cock a quick stroke with the liquid before he moved down to lay on the floor of the still moving vehicle they were all in.

“Good…” Sera followed him down, facing away as she lowered herself down and allowed him to line up his cock with her already nicely fucked ass. Making them both moan as she sank down and he began to thrust upward into that still tight tunnel of hers. Only needing to play catch-up for a short while before she was bouncing along with his pumps. Ensuring her cheeks smacked down into his body as he thrust up. Using plenty of force to make up for the lack of meat her backside had so the slap that rang out sounded like someone packing a far more juicy booty than she possessed. The position also allowing her to slip a hand down between her legs. Getting to rub across her wet pussy and moan out that extra bit more as she got off on being fucked up the ass once again.

Her moans however not being so clearly heard for too much longer as the beauty who has acted in dramas and TV shows back in Japan soon had her hair grabbed to make her lean downward a bit towards Ricky as he sat on the back seats. Her mouth happily opening up to take his dick as soon she was choking on his thick black cock all over again as started pumping between her lips. The difference this time was that she was showcasing a new form of her Hardcore ability as she engaged in ass-to-mouth. Sucking off the flavour of her own rear from those thick inches as she got her saliva over them. The gagging she was letting out only because of her throat getting stuffed, without any indication that she was even disgusted one bit by the taste of her own asshole from off this very familiar cock.

“God damn! If it wasn’t for all that wild light tubes and getting cut up shit? I might start checking this crazy deathmatch sluts out if they all acted like this!” Dirty One laughed as he watched the Prominence star once again get filled up at both ends. Still being fucked in her ass and mouth but with the colour tone of the dicks swapped around from the last time. Along with the advantage of her moving a little more freely with the open air to lift up and drop down with. One hand still busy working over her own snatch as she lifted her hips up and then sent them slamming down. Matching the timing of the thrusts being sent into her back passage by the hunk underneath her, and doing the same with the bobbing of her head along the just as thick and long shaft being plunged into her mouth.

“MMMMMPHHH! HHHHHRRRKKK! GAAAAAAAAAHH!! MMMMM…” Juices leaving her fingers slick while finally a shine of sweat was starting to appear across that already stunning body of the former Blast Queen Champion of Zero1. Her eyes closed to enjoy the moment even as her gagging was constant around the prick thrusting up into her mouth and beyond it into her snug throat. Her back passage filled up even deeper with her cheeks smacking off his crotch as she dropped down just to take the next stiff thrust up into her tightest of holes. Although from this display it seems like she’s more used to anal and oral action with her snatch yet to be sampled by either hunk yet. Even so, she didn’t look like she was ready to call it quits as she kept her smooth and swift riding and bobbing going much like these two seasoned porno hunks were ready for plenty more with her. Their rock hard cocks stuffed in nice and deep to their respective holes to give her a test even harder than any match she’s had before.

“GAAAAAAAAAAHH!! MMMMM… HHHHLLLKKK!! SHHHRRLLLPPP…” More drool left coating the dick that had minutes before been balls deep between her butt cheeks as she’d more than done a cleaning job across the darker skinned of the two dicks on offer. Again showing equal desire for both men as she slurped away between loud chokes and moans around this dick, while still bouncing away on the paler cock that was currently thrusting into her backdoor from underneath. “GAH GAH GAAAAAHH HHHHHRRRLLLKKK!! MMMMMM!! MMMMMPHHH!” Groaning away as her fingers kept on brushing away across her slick folds, and not exactly trying to hide the motion easier as she managed to keep that self-pleasuring going on while still servicing two hunks at once. A good thing, as the moving camera going around her captured every single moment from different angles when it settled on something to focus on for a few moments. Each one a winner from her bobbing mouth, drooling with spit to back to her rump as it slapped down to take a deep fucking with a nice jiggle from the modest flesh her rump possessed.

When she changed up her pace it wasn’t because she was worn out either. Settling down onto the stud underneath her while he was free to keep on thrusting into her ass. Her motion grinding down into him as she bucked up and down from the stiff force of those deep pumps. Lifting her head off from Ricky’s dick with a moan as she brought her slick fingers up. Showing she’d familiar with the taste of either of her lower holes as she sucked on her fingers to clean them off with a loud, deep slurp. Then promptly stuffing that black dick back into her mouth for another round of bobs with a lusty groan. Tasting herself along with that meaty prick at the same time as she got in another few rubs across her pussy for good measure as she gagged once more on one of these now very familiar dicks that have stretched out her oral and anal tunnels.

“Yo! My guys! We said we were giving this bitch the full works, right?” The Dirty One, directing things as always, caught their attention as he spoke up. “Well, this slut ain’t offered up her pussy yet!”
“MMMMM… I was fuckin’ gettin’ to that…” Ricky claimed with a smirk as his cock fell from her mouth with loud ‘Pop’ sound before he moved off the back seats.
“Like I’m gonna say no to any of these damn fine holes!” Sean bluntly said, easing his dick out of her ass as her sinfully gaping asshole was shown off.
“Only if you two can handle me…” Risa dared them, moving off of the stud she’d been riding just to turn around and mount him now while facing him.

This position allowed her to guide his fat white American dick up into her snug but already wet Japanese pussy. Making them both moan out as she lowered down while he took a hole of her toned waist. Not giving her much chance to adjust to this new penetration as he began to pump up. Looking to stuff his inches deep into this hole like all the rest, and seeing how she wasn’t bothered one bit by her now taking the cock that’s just come right out of her ass now into her other lower hole. That would be enough to handle on its own but she had to lean forward a little more as she felt her ass being spread once again. Another variation of the double penetration she’s already been going through just this time being the first dose of both her snatch and ass getting filled up at the same time.

“MMMMM FUCK! YES! MORE! MMMMM FUCK!!” Clearly no complaints from the deathmatch wrestler here as she began to rock her sweating body between the thrusts of the two studs. Filled up to the hilt in her read and her snatch soon approaching it as the two hunks weren’t giving the Hardcore (but usually in a different way) beauty any slack, knowing what she was clearly built to handle. “MMMM! FUCK! This is… MMMMM! A lot better than… MMMM! SHIT! What my fucking husband can give me! FUCK!! AHHHHH!!” Her blue hair swayed, falling a bit out of place as she rocked, leaving a couple of strands sticking to her cheeks from all the forming sweat. Her focus being on pleasure and showing she can handle what even some veteran porn starlets might struggle to take from two big fat dicks like this. Pushing her body back and forth with nice timing to take the thrusts in deep as the slap of their crotches hitting into her frame rang out around the van they’ve been banging in.

It wasn’t even that long before the cock thrusting up into her from underneath was also hammering in to leave Lawless’ balls slapping off her skin as she got both her snug holes stretched out and resized as she took stiff pumps in both lower holes. Helping to buck her back and forth against his thrusts and those driving into her ass from behind as she still managed to take as good as she was getting from them both. Keeping their loud moans calling out to mix in the air with hers as she rocked against them. Her snatch soaking wet and gripping the white dick that’s already sampled her mouth and ass with a perfect snugness as if it’s more like they’ve been fuck buddies for years rather than her love tunnel having been spread open by his intense thrusts. And all the while her back passage still nicely snug even after being hammered hard and deep, getting around round of a big black cock deep between her tight cheeks like it’s second nature for this Japanese beauty to engage in interracial.

“AHHHHH FUCK! HARDER! HARDER!! MMMMM YES! MORE! AHHHHH…” The former Ice Ribbon tag team and singles champion made more lusty demands even as she was almost sandwiched between two studs as she took their dicks deep and hard. Mounted on one to rock back and forth as her slick pussy rubbed away and took his pumps. Meanwhile her ass slapped back as she shoved herself back to handle the hard thrusts driving into her already pounded rear. Making it sound like she was possessing a lot more flesh to her cheeks than the loud clap suggested she had with the force of her jolts back and forth. A different level of Hardcore than the match style she’s become known for in recent years, yet at the same time looking like she’s a natural for this threesome action with how she’s taking a stuffing in both her lower holes at once. Something that even the female porn stars that appear on the Bang Bus rarely engage in but she’s making it look all too easy as she groans out and shifts against those stiff pumps.

“Fucking wild, freaky bitch! Fucking down to cheat on her poor chump husband, and with two big fucking dicks!” Dirty One almost cackled as this unfaithfulness was on full display as this horny Japanese stunner happily fucked two big cocks at once, and neither of them even being of men from her homeland. Showing off her lust as she continued to rock herself back and forth against those deep and stiff pumps. Giving them more than a testing workout as well as she bucked between them and kept them moaning and sweating while thrusting away. Like three parts of a well oiled machine despite having only met today. Even before taking into account her status as supposedly being a happily married to another man away back home.

“MMMMM! YES! I’m a bad, cheating wife! MMMMM FUCK! Taking… UHHHHH!! Two, big… MMMM! Foreign cocks! AHHHHH FUCK!!” She moaned out as she glanced to the camera, both revelling and being fully aware that she was being filmed having sex with two very well endowed studs as they near ravaged her tight holes. Keeping her snatch soaking wet with deep pumps while giving the thrill of her back passage getting stuffed to a limit she’s clearly never had felt reached before until now. “MMMMM! MORE!! FUCK! I need more… AHHHH!! Of these big cocks! FUCK!! Giving… UHHHHH! The best fucking sex I’ve ever had!!” She almost panted as her body started rocking more from the force of the pumps into her than her being able to shift back. The action starting to burn her energy now as this was taking more out of her than any deathmatch in any promotion that she’s been a part off. Yet she was still craving more as her snatch remained claimed around one cock and her snug ass continued to back up against the thrusts drilling her from behind.

“Now that? That gives me an idea, boys…” Dirty One’s wicked smile could be heard in his words from behind the camera as he scanned over the scene. “How about we give her a real two-for-one special now? Since she’s such the top hardcore bitch and all.”
“Nothin’ new for me! I’m down…” Ricky said, pulling out of her ass and stepping back.
“Works for me! This pussy is damn fine…” Sean said as he pulled out of her snatch but the two men just turning her around so Lawless remained laying on the floor.
“I can take on any challenge… Bring it on!” Risa just licked her lips as she stared down and watched the two men move her into position.

Sera was leaning back, able to put her arms back to rest on Lawless’ chest as his cock was pushed back into her wet pussy from underneath. But even with her Hardcore experience, this was something new as her eyes widened as Johnson moved in and pushes his equally long and fat dick also into her pussy at the same time. Leaving that dyed blue haired head of her tilting back as she moaned out. Taking a true double penetration now and this time in the one hole as her tight snatch got stretched out to truly test what a Size Queen she actually was. And neither stud inside of her having any issue with feeling their prick brushing against another man’s inside of her as they filled up her twat and felt her juices and snug walls pressing against them.

“AHHHHH FUCK! OH FUCK! MMMMM FUCK!!” The wrestler and actress of TV and theatrical drama was further showing how she would make a killing in productions of a more JAV nature as the two hunks began to thrust in and out of her snatch. Filling her up as deep as they could reach and showing their experience with this sort of position as while they eased up on the force of the pumps, they still used a smooth motion to drill her and make the most of a rare chance. Not just double fucking some tight wet pussy but getting to bang a happily married woman to drive her wild and clearly give her the sort of action she can’t get back home. “AHHHH SHIT! HARDER! DEEPER! MMMMM FUCK YES! FUCK ME!! AHHHHH FUCK!” The proof of how good they were banging her clear in the constant moans. Even getting stretched out wide by two dicks at once she wasn’t even hissing in pain for a moment. Handling this like she’d done the deep throating and hard anal in the lead up to a true two-on-one that even she’d never thought she could take before it actually happened.

“God damn! Talk about a mega slut! Two huge fucking dicks in one hole! I fucking love it!” Dirty One was seeing that his money to pay this beauty from the Land of the Rising Sun was well spent and then some. This portion of the scene alone the return of that investment to witness a beautiful Asian getting her tight, wet snatch hammered by a white and black American dicks at the same time. Making her body buck as she groaned out took those thrusting dicks. One prick working up into her at a time while the other slid back out before the roles were switched to make sure she was already stuffed nicely deep at any time. “This is my kind of fucking Hardcore! A cheating bitch, getting fucked silly by two big old fucking cocks! Ha! Put this for sale instead of your deathmatch shit! This is how the money gets made!” He said as he captured the sight of that snatch getting action from two shafts at the same time. The slight angle of Johnson’s body allowing that pussy to be seen as it got stretched to the limit by a double dose of thick, long cock. An opening up the likes of which even some pro porn stars might think twice about taking on.

“UHHHH! FUCK! FUCK!! AHHHHH MMMMM!!” No such worries for one of the top starlets of the wrestling promotion and unit known as Prominence as she put on a truly Hardcore performance of a more pleasurable kind. Not even able to buck down against them under her own power as she was held by the two men thrusting away into her, but the force of their pumps still making her rock a bit as she took their shafts. “MMMMM! SHIT!! FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUCK MMMM!!” She moaned out. Moisture dripping off that tight, slim frame as she was used not just by two experienced studs who were each well endowed alone to blow her husband out of the water, but getting banged in the same hole by them both. So that even if this tape never made it to the Internet, it would be obvious she’d been up to the hole wrecking time of her life by the gaping state of her pussy for at least weeks to come if not longer.

The sensation of their shafts brushing against one another inside this tight, dripping wet tunnel wasn’t putting either man off as both continued to drill into her to keep this interracial three-way going. Each hunk taking their wicked turn as one pulled a few inches back as the other stuffed their equally fat rod up into that still needy pussy. Drilling her like this was just another intense if not extreme shoot with a far more seasoned skin flick starlet than this actual first timer. Making not just full but perfect use of a body clearly made for this kind of Hardcore action than the usual in-ring kind she’s used to. Their own moans and the shine of sweat across their hunky bodies showing the effort needed to give this beauty the best fuck in her life as she clearly was far removed from the easily used and ditched random whores that usually step into this infamous Bang Bus.

“FUCK!! AHHHHHH FUCK! FUCK YES! YES!! FINALLY… FUCKING!! CUMMING!! MMMMM!!” Risa loudly moaned, insulting her husband once again whether she meant to from the confession of getting an orgasm through sex being a rare thing for her. But she was getting it here and intensely at that as her blue haired head hung back as she moaned out towards the ceiling. Her body shivering as her snatch clamped around the two dicks thrusting away into her. Coating them with more juices as she still could only just stay in place to be hammered by these men. Panting as her moans escaped from her mouth that was hanging open only a little bit less than the stretched out state of her snatch was. The sight of that gaping tunnel soon seen when first Ricky then Sean pulled out of her. Allowing the camera to move in for a sinful close-up of her slot left wide in a way the man she’s actually married to could have never done.

Thoughts of her love life back home were far from her mind right now as she was forced up to her knees by the two men as they leaned over her. Stroking their pulsing dicks as they played their part for the end of the action at least. Sera groaning out and closing her eyes as she got a double helping of hot, thick spunk as it rained down across her gorgeous face. Hitting over her nose, cheeks and across her mouth from lips to chin. That trademark dyed blue bright hair of hers getting even more messy however with the shots of jizz that hit over her forehead and at the sides of her face. Easily standing out as the ropes became matted through her locks so even if she wiped the mess from the face, the staining in her hair would be evidence of her cheating ways before this footage hit the Internet. Matters not helped by the vast amount of spunk dumped across her pretty features amounting to having been through almost a bukkake back in her homeland to really put the point on putting the pro wrestling through a different kind of Hardcore encounter.

“That’s how we do it! Fucking drown this freak!” Dirty One laughed in delight at the mess left over her. “All in her fucking hair! Worse than banging one of those emo sluts!” He taunted as the men moved away from her.
“Mmmmm… Feels good…” Risa moaned, still in the bliss from coming down from her peak. “So much all over me… Far much more than my husband could do…” She added, once again insulting her beloved without thinking it through.
“All in a days work for my boys here!” The cameraman said. “But just, uh, give us a moment or two and we’ll give you something to clean up with.” He lied, tapping the back of the Driver’s seat as he was already slowing down.

“Yes, thank you…” Sera said as she believed them as the van pulled up to a side-walk that was quite a distance away from where they’d picked her up at. “I just need a moment before I…” She started to say before she was cut off by feeling the men who had just been fucking her now picking her up by the arms. And even being a tough deathmatch wrestler, against two studs she was still overpowered as the Dirty One pulled open the door. “AHHH!!” She yelled as still covered in spunk, Sera was shoved out onto the pavement from the van. However, being familiar with taking rough bumps like that the blue-haired beauty was impressively quickly on her feet. The men prepared for that though, as tossing her clothing and bag at her was the distraction enough to allow the door to close up. Sera yelling in her native tongue with fury as she’d barely managed to slap the side of the Bang Bus as it pulled away and driving off. Leaving her screaming in the distance as they drove away for the ending that she should have known was coming from having signed up for the full experience, and a whole lot more, from the moment she’d stepped in.

“Guess she wasn’t as fucking Hardcore as she thought!” Dirty One mocked as he sat back and the two men exchanged a high five for a job well done. “Good fucking work, my dudes! You gave that slut the whole fucking works and some extra on top of that!”
“Just another fuckin’ day at the office…” Ricky bragged as he sat back.
“Didn’t expect to being doing a proper DP scene today though, but I’m not complaining!” Sean added with a wide smile.
“Of course you fuckers ain’t complaining! You got paid to slam fuck the shit out of some tight Asian slut!” The cameraman noted. “And well, she got paid too I guess… Not show her being a mega slut and cheating on her man gets her attention or whatever, but I’m sure the cash will help! As long she doesn’t get handed a divorce!” He said before letting out a laugh.

“But that’s all she wrote for today, right my man?” Dirty One panned the camera to the front seats, but just seeing the Driver raising a hand in agreement. “Yeah, you know it! My man!” He said pointing to the seats. “We all got what we came here for, so it’s time to hit the fucking bricks! I’m out!”

And leaving the camera zooming in on the back of the Driver’s seat, once again without even revealing who is actually up front, the video comes to a close as it fades to black before the legal notices play out.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2023, 05:16:39 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Stardom or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Momo Watanabe, Saki Kashima, Starlight Kid (all Stardom)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Odeo Tai

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.   

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, MFF, MFFF, FF, FFF, oral, inter.

* * *

“OK OK! Let’s get this show rolling!” The familiar voice of The Dirty One said from behind the camera as the video started up, but this time showing a quite unusual sight than usual for the Bang Bus.

Instead of a porn star being in the back seats, there was not one, but three stunning female Japanese wrestlers. All from the Stardom promotion and part of the villainous Odeo Tai faction, as further proven by each of the trio wearing matching purple shorts and zipped up purple hooded tops, branded by the Odeo Tai logo. On the left side, the slim and stunning fair haired Saki Kashima with a shade of thick red across her lips. In the middle, the pint sized beauty Starlight Kid, wearing one of her trademark tiger-like masks of black with silver design that covered her face but just left her mouth (along with a different shade of lipstick), chin and eyes exposed. And on the right, the more curvaceous of the trio in Momo Watanabe as her long hair was half swept over the side of her face as she lounged back. Just a travel bag down by the side of the van acting as belongings.

“Oi! About time!” Starlight Kid yelled, showing a perhaps unexpected grasp of the English language which was rather handy for this production. “You don’t keep the three of us waiting, understand? We’re Odeo Tai! The best that Stardom has to offer!” She said, while Momo just nodded in agreement.
“Easy now, girls! We’ll find you some fun to have!” Dirty One said with a chuckle. “So let’s cut to it! Why do you three fine ladies want to go cruising to find some good American dick to have?”
“We want to experience some foreign guys here while we’re over here…” Saki said with a seductive tone in her voice as she stared at the camera with a matching look. “They say things are bigger over here, right? Well, we want to be the judges of that… Since it takes a lot for any man to handle just one of us, as you can clearly tell…” She added to brag as she brushed her hair back.
“Well damn! As good a fucking reason as any!” The cameraman said. “OK then! Let’s just be on the look out and maybe we’ll spy a guy or two for you three to test out?” He said with a tone that gave a hint that there might be something more planned than what the women thought they’d agreed to.

Momo, seemingly being in the mindset of letting actions speak instead of words, got up from her seat as she moved across the van as the other women watched her. Momo using a hand to smack the back of the driver’s seat to get him to pull over and before the vehicle had even come to a full stop, she’d easily hauled the door open and jumped out. Startling a man walking back in shorts and a loose shirt who was wearing glasses, making him nearly drop what seemed like a bag of groceries.

“Oh yeah, he’ll do!” Saki smirked as she leaned out. “Hey… Wanna fuck, handsome?” She purred even as the man clearly was a bit below average.
“Wait, what? Me??” The unknown guy said, as Momo rather forcefully shoved him towards the van where he was hauled in by Kid and Saki. Momo showing little care for the bag as she dropped it down with a thud being heard as she closed the door up. Allowing the Bang Bus to start driving off with this new victim obtained.

“So… Big American? Got a big cock, huh?” Kid and Saki left the stunned man staring as they shoved his shorts down, and Momo leaned in from Saki’s side too to keep his shoulders pressed to the seats. “OI! What the fuck?? Call this a fucking cock??” Kid narrowed her eyes, glancing down to him and his lacking shaft which didn’t seem to be more than four inches.
“H-Hey! You were the ones inviting me in here!” The still unknown man protested before he groaned. Saki and Kid reaching down to grip his cock as it easily hardened.
“Let’s see what he can handle, shall we?” Saki kept up her seductress act as she began to pump.

“Oh shit! They aren’t even asking who this fucking guy is and they’re jerking him off!” Dirty One said as the man’s dick was barely seen as Saki’s hand moved up and down. Making him squirm and moan as he got a handjob from the slim and sex Japanese beauty at an already brisk pace. This small size perhaps being something she was very used to back at home so it was no issue for her to pump away and make him groan out. Momo’s eyes narrowed to keep him pressed back as she didn’t seem to impressed.

“If we wanted a small cock like this? We would have stayed home!” Kid snapped, folding her arms and not even bothering to take part. Leaving Saki to dominate proceedings with her smooth strokes as she teased the lucky (or is that unlucky?) guy by leaning on her side. Gazing over him with a well practised, fake look of seduction that alone made the below average man almost drool from the mouth. Moaning out at her firm strokes worked over the whole size and made a smack ring out as her hand hit his crotch. “Oi! This guy’s already sweating! We wanted action, not some… Whatever this is!” Kid openly insulted to contrast the fake act Kashima was putting on as she used the firm pace. Making him gasp once in a while as she tightened the grip and gave the odd twist around before going back to the firm pumps up and down.

“Oh fuck! Fuck that’s good…” The still nameless guy was having sweat go down his forehead as his hips bucked already. Saki rasing an eyebrow as she continued to stroke him off, feeling his member start to pulse in her grasp as she switched to just quick, brief strokes with a few fingers to show off that dick starting to throb. “UHHHHH!! FUCK!!” He basically whined as he couldn’t even handle a blowjob from this Japanese beauty. And perhaps fitting a pathetic few spurts of jizz shooting up and out, catching more back onto his crotch than anywhere else. Saki recoiling when a little hit her hand and she didn’t even finish him off as he sat back as his dick dripped with cum.

“Fucking pathetic…” Saki showed her true colours with a disgusted sneer at his lack of ability, as she used his shirt to wipe off the jizz from her hand.
“Yeah! Get the fuck out of here! Idiot!!” Kid yelled as hearing the commotion, the Driver pulled the van over. Just as well as Momo hauled the door open as the three women rudely shoved the dazed man out with his shorts still around his ankles. Humiliating him further as Momo tossed the bag of shopping out as well, slamming into his face and making him tumble over backwards before she closed the door shut.
“Well shit! Guess we won’t be getting that guy to sign off on the disclosure agreement!” Dirty One said with a laugh as the Bang Bus ruthlessly started taking off without a second look back at the first victim. “Well, guess that first one was a bust, right? But we can still… H-Hey! Easy! Watch the fucking camera!”

In classic Odeo Tai style, Kid grabbed the camera out of Dirty One’s hands, turning the video into a self-shot style one as she grinned from behind her mask and looked up. Filming herself, Momo and Saki as the other two gave cocky smirks. “Oi oi oi! This is Stardom’s Starlight Kid! Odeo Tai’s Sky Tiger, live from America! Alongside the Black Peach Momo Watanabe, and our friend Saki-Chan!” She said as the other two flashed double peace signs, being a lot more fun than the evil wrestlers they usually are. “Today we’re gonna find some good fucking dick! We wanna fuck! And see what these big Americans have! Real big porn cocks! Not the blurred out, tiny ones we get back home!” Kid grinned as she held the camera, while the Dirty One could be heard in the background complaining “This is my fucking show, ladies!!”.

“So let’s go find some good dick! I wanna suck some big American cock!” Kid shamelessly announced as she moved to the door of the van, but opening up the window as she rather fearlessly leaned out along with the camera. Much to Dirty One’s outrage as he yelled about watching the camera. “Hey! Hey! You!” She yelled out, seeing the first guy on the sidewalk as they rounded a new block. “Want your dick fucking sucked??” She boldly said, and that instantly got the attention of the man in jeans and a sports jersey with a matching snapback hat.

“Yo, say what? You offering?” The man looked around as the van slowed down to pull up. “What, this fucking Halloween or some shit? What’s with the mask?” He questioned as Kid pulled back in to allow Momo to open the door up.
“Oi! If you want your dick fucking sucked? Get the fuck in here!” Kid snapped, fired up after one disappointment already.
“Shit… I’m not gonna turn down some free fucking head.” The man wisely (or perhaps foolishly in this case) agreed, climbing in so Momo could close up the door. The vehicle pulling off again as he sat down this time between Watanabe and Kashima. “Yo, shit… This looks… Nah, this fucking looks like the damn Bang Bus…” He remarked as SLK passed the camera over to Saki to hold.

This left Saki to smile as she held the camera up to take the shot selfie-style. Showing Kid reaching up to loosen this also unknown man’s belt as he grinned, quickly getting with the programme. Even if when Starlight pulled down his pants she narrowed her eyes at what looked to be only an inch longer than the first cock they’d seen, and already hardening quickly. Saki raising an eyebrow too, watching the action while Momo stared with another unimpressed look as Kid, already down and kneeling, just went with it. Parting her thickly coated lips to guide his cock in right off the bat and instantly make him moan.

“Oh fuck! Damn! Yeah, suck that dick!” The random guy said as he moaned loudly as Kid’s mouth easily slid down to the base. No problem handling this below average size as her mouth smoothly worked up and down. Not even a groan escaping her as she stared up. All too happy to suck dick while still wearing her signature wrestling mask as if this was a mere fetish for her. The slurping noise as her mouth worked up and down clearly heard as she went to work with a brisk pace. Her lips not even having to stretch much either with the lack of true thickness this cock had. Even having the time to brush her hair back over her shoulders since this wasn’t testing her too much.

“Oh shit! This chick is good! Mmmmm fuck!” He continued to moan as he stared down, and to his credit at least wasn’t freaked out by a petite beauty blowing him while he couldn’t see all of her face. Perhaps the offer of getting some free head, something it seems he hasn’t gotten in quite a while, was more on his mind than knowing this was a talented pro wrestler sucking him off. Making him groan out as he was easily held in place to sit on the seats. Never mind that this was all being filmed as Saki moved the camera in, making it more of a Point of View-style shot so Kid could at least put on a show for the camera. Staring into the lens with a sinful look while dragging her soft lips up and down smoothly and slowly. Knowing just how to tease and not looking bothered herself about giving a blowjob and being recorded while doing so.

“Shhhrrrllpp… Shhhlllkkk… Shhhhrrrlllkkk…” The former Future of Stardom champion wasn’t even moaning around this slim and small dick as she worked over him hands free, and not even faking like this was a challenge with her own hands just on her hips. Working her mask-covered head up and down as the lower gap was just perfect for her mouth to be full exposed. Allowing her chin to touch his balls when she pressed down and took all of that prick inside to suck on. Not coming close to touching the back of her mouth as she repeated the motion to slide up to the crown and then push back in. Easily leaving a light layer of saliva from her oral talents even with his basic pace. Perhaps knowing there was no point going all out if this was all she had to work with.

A good call, all things considered as the man let out a deep grunt. Kid’s eyes going wide not in surprise but more anger as his cock pulsed before unloading a couple shots of spunk up into her mouth. Making her pull off as she didn’t even fully milk him, leaving the rest of his jizz to fire out and land over his crotch and the bottom of his jersey. But more humiliation to come as disgusted by him not being able to take a simple blowjob, Starlight didn’t swallow. Spitting back out his cum onto that softening dick before she rose to her feet along with the rest of Odeo Tai.

The van once again pulling over to stop just in time as Momo handled door duty so that Kid could toss the man out by the shirt. Sending him head over heels, landing with a thud on his back onto the sidewalk as he groaned out. “Fucking idiot!!” Kid yelled, even stomping on the man’s hat and kicking it out before the door closed and the Bang Bus moved off once again leaving the unknown guy downed with his jeans around the ankles.

“Can’t handle my fucking mouth?? What at the men in this country good for??” Kid ranted as Saki shoved the camera back into the hands of the actual cameraman for this production.
“Like I was trying to say before you girls cut me off…” Dirty One said as he filmed the three sitting in the back seats. “There’s plenty of fish out there to reel in, if you know what I mean.” He claimed as the trio looked unimpressed. “But hey, maybe you’ve just got bad luck? You’re new to this country, right? Beginner’s bad luck and all that. Right, my man?” The cameraman panned to the backseat before lifting a hand up, snapping his fingers. The Driver responding by lifting a hand to tap the side window as he drove. Something that was a clear, pre-planned sign between them to proceed onward with a plan that none of the women were aware of.

“So, how about this…” Dirty One kept their attention while the Driver made a turn, heading towards a different era in town. “You babes picked out two guys who ended up being a bust… Now I get to select out a guy who I think will give you gals what you’re looking for. How does that sound?” He asked. Saki and Kid looking unimpressed while Momo just raised an eyebrow and not one that screamed “I’m listening…” either. “Hey, don’t give me those looks! I’ve just been in this business a long damn time! I know when a guy walks in the door whether he’s got what I takes to please the ladies! And I don’t even need to do research and see his films either. Come on, ladies! What have you got to lose here?” He said, feeding them plenty of carefully thought out lines to lure them in to thinking they’re still in control of this all.

“You’d better not be wasting our time here…” Kid warned, glaring behind her mask.
“Or else, we might have to kick your ass out as well…” Saki added, while Momo just nodded to agree with her allies.
“I’ll take that as a yes then!” Dirty One’s smile behind the camera was obvious in his voice. “Let me just, uh, scope out the scene and see who me and my main man driving think will be the right co-star for you all…” He said, looking to out of the window but as the Bang Bus headed down the next road, both he and the man up front already knew not just the destination they were going to, but who they were picking up.

In true ‘reverse Bang Bus’ fashion they weren’t actually looking for another random guy off the street. Instead, the vehicle slowing down and coming to a stop as a face familiar to those who have seen plenty of porno videos moved from off a wall, putting away his phone as he approached the van. None other than J-Mac, a seasoned veteran of skin flicks but looking like a passer-by with a baggy T-shirt and shorts on. But a face that none of the women in the van could have possibly known was no stranger to fucking on film.

“Oh, hey buddy! Listen, quick uh, question for ya…” Dirty One faked like he’d never met this man before in his life. “Have you got some spare time for me to like, ask you some questions and stuff? I’m like, doing a documentary here about the…” He was about to say more lies before he let out a yelp. Now filming the top of the van after Momo had hauled him back without a word. Managing to sit up as she opened the door and hopped out to side up J-Mac as he, playing his part to act like a nobody, held his hands up like he meant no harm. Looking over him, Momo nodded to her friends before grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him in. Sending him to sit between Kid and Saki as she closed the door up.

“Can I help you ladies, or…?” J-Mac just sat back, completely willing here and knowing he was here to give them a proper fucking. Rewarded for going along with this as Saki and Kid started lifting up his shirt, their eyes locking down with approval at the muscular body he had.
“Oh yeah, you can help us alright…” Saki purred after removing his top, using her hand to stroke over his muscles as she leaned in to his side.
“We want to fuck some big… American… Dick!” Kid said as she went further, moving down to her knees and getting between his legs. “You got any problem with that?” She said, without even asking for Dirty One’s permission to get some of this guy.
“Damn… Guess not!” J-Mac said, smiling as he let Kid reach for his waistline while Momo moved up to keep him seated at the other side.

This time when this piece of lower clothing was hauled down, all three members of Odeo Tai’s eyes went wide in surprise but a lot more pleasant that disgusted. This white cock being thick and long, far surpassing not just the dicks they’d easily sent packing but those they were more used to seeing back home. Kid even unable to help herself from gripping him, and seeing that he wasn’t just popping an instant boner at the idea of getting some pussy. While Saki licked her lips with approval as Momo’s eyes gazed with silent approval at that big shaft.

“See, ladies? Can I fucking pick them or what?” Dirty One bragged, hiding the fact that this was no ‘random’ selection on his part.
“Nice and fucking big! Just what we are here for!” Kid agreed as her hand pumped up and down his rod to bring him to life.
“This looks a lot better… But can handle it?” Saki questioned with a deliberately seductive tone while Momo kept him sitting back with a hand. Not that he planned on moving away. “Better yet, can he handle all of us?” She challenged, looking at him.
“Not to brag, whoever you girls are…” Even J-Mac acted like he wasn’t in on this or had been briefed he was signing up to fuck three stunning Joshis. “But I think I can handle myself pretty damn well with the ladies…” He said as he lightly groaned from the round of strokes his thick shaft had gotten to bring up to being nice and hard while the Dirty One moved in to start filming from the side to get not just capture Starlight giving a handjob (already going past the time the first guy could last with them) but the women on the back seats as well.

“Well… Let’s see what big American can handle…” Kid licked her lips wickedly as she stared up, before leaning in to run her tongue up the underside of that fat cock. A swirl around the head for good measure delivered before she parted her thickly coated lips. Letting out a groan of her own at her lips having to finally stretch now from this size as she sunk down. Narrowing her eyes slightly, like she was a little surprised this ma didn’t blow a load right away as she took some inches in. Getting to actually bob now as she moved up to the crown and then pushed back down. The first proper taste of foreign dick and the chance to enjoy the feeling of it as she pushed up and down, getting moans out of him as he in turn felt that soothing if not wicked Asian mouth all around his thickness.

“This one can last? We might have some fun yet…” Saki remarked with a smirk, noting that this hunk was also able to last longer than the second guy had in Kid’s talented mouth. She and Momo were keeping the man pressed into the seats, exploring over his muscular upper body with roaming hands. “Someone’s bold… Better not disappoint us now…” She warned as J-Mac’s hands moved onto both the other women. Sliding not just onto their asses, but under the waistbands of their Odeo Tai shorts to get a good feeling of the skin. Momo responding with narrowed eyes, pressing her bust into his side like she was daring him to try some more. The porn star expertly moving down the clothing enough to show off the different backsides of the two, with one hand firmly grasping Saki’s more tight and toned rump while his digits easily dug in to the thick flesh of Momo’s booty. All as the two beauties rubbed against him, with Saki continuing to tease as she gave a wicked lick up the side of his groaning face.

“Mmmmmphhh! Mmmmm… Hmmmmphhh! Mmmmm!” After two doses of disappointment, Starlight Kid was all worked up to make up for lost time as she pumped her mask-covered face sharply up and down. Stuffing her mouth full with cock as she moaned around him. Both hands gripping the man’s thighs as she plunged her mouth right down before smoothly sliding up the shaft to repeat. Starting to smear a bit of her lipstick onto his prick for good measure along with a more than healthy dose of saliva. “Mmmmm! Mmmmmphhh! Mmmmm… Hmmmmphhh…” Her piercing eyes still staring up and not bothered by her teammates toying with their new plaything while she dished out a round of head. Her pace quick and steady to make it seem like this is far from her first time sucking some cock with how deep the still young beauty is handling him without even gagging yet.

“Oh shit! Miss ‘Down with the Thicc-ness’ is getting into this! Ha!” Dirty One raved as Momo moved back, just to be the first of the three to unzip her branded hoodie top, letting her nicely rounded and sized tits to be exposed. And being far more experienced than the three women were aware of, J-Mac knew to turn his head the moment she came back in. Clamping his mouth onto her tit and making her moan as she gripped the back of his head. Slurping on the nub as she pushed her chest against him. Even Saki licking her lips as she still stroked his chest, but soon her eyes widening when those ‘bold’ fingers of his slipped down. Rubbing across both her tight snatch and that of the beauty he was dining on the tits off. Both women getting with it, working their snatches down against his stroking fingers with slight bounces. “Yeah, our lucky, uh, ‘rookie’ here is a real quick learner!” The camera added to go along with the joke, knowing full well as the audience did that this stud would be able to give the trio all the action they could handle. Already taking on the three by pleasuring two while the third sucked him off.

“MMMMMPHHH… GAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! MMMMMMPHHHH…. HHHHRRRKKK…” Speaking of being into it, Kid was going all out even at the expense of making herself lustfully choke on the biggest cock she’s ever taken on. Those now smudged lips pushed down deep, heading towards the base before she gagged and lifted back upward. Narrowed eyes gazing up with approval rather than showing any signs of pain despite how much spit was now drooling down his thickness. “GAAAAAAAAHHH!! MMMMMPHHH… GAAAAAAHHHH HHHHLLLKKK… MMMMM…” Looking far removed from the once sweet and innocent poster-girl of the Stars faction as she face fucked herself along this meaty dick. Saliva dripping off her chin and down to stain her top as she plunged up and down. Making full use of getting a cock that could handle her warm and wet mouth, and having no issues with sucking dick while still clad in the signature mask that she usually wrestles in.

“Mmmmmm! Don’t hog him all, Kid… Ahhhhh! This guy clearly… Mmmmm! Wants a piece of all of us…” Saki stated the obvious as she worked her twat down against his stroking fingers while her own hand brushed over the top of his head. Encouraging him on not just to rub at her dampening pussy but to keep moaning into Momo’s bust as he sucked away on her tits. Watanabe hissing in approval as she stared down and keep pushing her breasts into him while lightly bouncing on his hand as well. Her eyes glancing down to sneak looks at Kid sucking and choking on that big dick as well to show she’s of the same mindset of wanting to test him out as well. “Hey! Are you even listening, Kid? We want some of him too!” Saki snapped slightly as she shifted back, moving down to the floor and having to grab Kid by the mask to pull her up and off. Missing seeing Momo give a smirk as she pulled away to and made her move to ease down from the back seats.

“Oi oi oi! I wasn’t done with him!” Starlight complained as she swatted her teammate’s hand away from her mask.
“Too bad! We’re allies, after all…” Saki just gave a sexy if not cocky smirk as she moved to kneel in front of him as Momo did. “We share everything… Including a nice, big cock like this…” She shameless added.
“Fine! I’ll see what this guy can do!” Kid said, giving him a smirk as she pushed down her shorts, showing off her tight Asian pussy as she kicked them off.
“Oh shit! We got a real three-on-one attack going on now! Watch out, dude!” Dirty One said with a chuckle as while J-Mac was still sitting back, Kid was now moving up and mounting him and his body, getting rather like she was behind held in a Tombstone position. Her knees bent back into the top of the seats with her pussy positioned over his face as she held his thighs with her hands so she could still gaze at his dick.

Thankfully like true pro J-Mac knew what to do as he gripped her waist, easily holding the pint-sized Joshi in place as he tilted her head up. Making Kid gasp out in approval as he began to lap his tongue at her folds. Already tasting the dampness there as she’d been getting off on just sucking his dick. Moans now escaping from that uncovered mouth of hers as the former High Speed Champion took an already brisk tongue lashing. Making Kid herself look back with an approving lick of her lips as she found out first hand this stud could not only handle some oral but dish it out as well.

The main event right now though was a double team going on as Saki and Momo were working their own devilish tongues against the sides of that already nicely sucked off cock. Groaning as they enjoyed the flavour of thick American dick as they licked along the sides. Noticeably not showing any worries about the brief smacks into the other woman’s tongue as they worked him over. Running up and down from base to crown as they stared up. Saki more interested though in putting on a show for the camera as she locked onto the lens while taking a moment to flick at his bell-end. Momo just gazing up, seeing the oral going on up above as she moved down to the balls. Using her tongue to swirl around one of those heavy nuts as the muffled moan from him was just about heard since he was stuffed in nice and deep into Kid’s twat.

The shift down to the balls by the former Queen’s Quest Leader allowed the ‘flash pin’ specialist to seize the moment. Wrapping her painted red lips around his thickness for her turn to make her eyes go wide as her lips had to stretch. A lot more size here than she was used to taking on as she began to work her gorgeous face up and down. Groaning around him as she smoothly bobbed but wickedly never broke off her ‘eye contact’ with the filming camera. Like she was not just teasing the  perverts watching a sexy women’s wrestler giving oral sex, but was getting off on being filmed in the act. Adding her saliva to the mix as her own lipstick started to smudge. All as Momo lapped away at his balls to keep the double team going.

“MMMMM… Now who are the ones… AHHHH… Hogging that cock now, huh? MMMM…” Starlight groaned out as she stared down to watch her friends working over the cock she’s been face down onto minutes before. Still wanting some more with how hungry her own stare was even as she was getting more than pleasured right now. Easily held in place like a trophy as she took a skilled tongue lashing from a man she had no clue was a seasoned porn star. Her legs flexing like her toes were curling as she got her pussy eaten out far better than she’s experienced before in her still young life.

“MMMMPHHH… SHHHRRLLLPPP… MMMMMPHHH… MMMMM…” Saki groaned around that big cock as she bobbed away with a smooth and savouring pace. Loving being the centre of attention as even as she pushed her mouth right down onto his length she kept on staring into the camera with a seductive gaze. Adding rings of her red lipstick to the darker shade Kid had already applied onto this slab of man-meat. Even knowing to use a hand to stroke back her long hair as it swayed, giving the camera that clear look of her stunning face easing up and down. “MMMM… HHHHLLLKK… MMMMMPHHH… SHHHHRRRPP…” Her slurps loud and shameless as she too got her fill of enjoying not just a huge cock but one that didn’t waste her time with an early finish. Shifting down as deep as she could, slightly gagging when the crown hit the back of her mouth, but still giving Momo enough space to keep lapping at his balls to ensure this stud moaned into the pussy he was munching away on.

“Mmmmmm…” Saki eventually lifted her head off with a sexy groan. Breaking off the strand of spit from the head of that dick to her lips with a lick of her lips as she sat back. “So, Momo? Think you can… Oi!! I was talking to you!” Now Saki’s stare was of annoyance as Momo took her chance by racing right up. Showing off a different kind of ‘Black Desire’ than the tag team she’s a part of as she plunged her mouth right down onto him. Groaning deeply as her nicely fully lips wrapped around him before she went right to work. A motion more driven by built-up lust than making up for lost time as she went wild on his dick. Straight into a wild face fucking as she drove his cock in deep, smacking into the back of her mouth as she sent her long hair flying about with the very eager motion.

“MMMMPHHHH! GAAAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHHHRRRKKK!! MMMMM!!” Staring up through her hair even though she couldn’t see his face thanks to him being between Kid’s thighs, Momo gagged loudly and hard as she feasted on his big cock. Saliva drooling down as she stuffed her mouth right full and made her tits jiggle from the intense rhythm. Saki even biting her lower lip as she had to reach in, grabbing her friend’s hair to form a makeshift ponytail in order for Momo’s face to be clearly seen. “GAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHLLLKK… MMMMMPHH!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” The former ‘super rookie’ and multi-time champion was acting like she was more of the seasoned porn star here as she plunged her gorgeous face right down stiffly and swiftly. More concerned with impaling herself on his shaft than the mess she was making not just with adding her saliva to the coating all over him. Applying her own lighter shade of lipstick to go along with the rings her former Artist of Stardom Championship-winning team mates have already applied onto him.

“Oi! What the Hell?? Where… MMMMM! Where has this side of you been hiding??” Even Starlight had to stare with some awe at the harder oral pumping than even she’d been doing. And Kid was more than being distracted with the pussy licking she was taking as she stayed in this upside down, held up position to grind down against the stud she’s on top of. “Oi! I’m speaking to you, damn it!” Kid clenched her teeth together as she too reached down with a hand, holding onto Momo’s hair for a double grip now but all that seemed to do was give Watanabe the free reign to keep going all out on this fat slab of dick.

“MMMMMMPHH! GAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHRRRKKK!! MMMMMMPHHH…” The former Cinderella Tournament winner wasn’t listening to the protest from her allies as she focused on this wicked cock sucking she was dishing out. Plunging her face not just down deep, but right into his crotch to keep him groaning out. Her lips pressing into his base as she held herself down for a long moment, and gagging around him in the process. “GAAAAAAAAAHH… HHHHRRKK HHHLLKKK MMMMMMPHHH! GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Her eyes even flickered open, looking rolling up like she was thrilled by the mix of sin and discomfort as she held the deep throat for as long as she could. Pulling up and lifting all the way so she could let out a loud, throaty moan once she was free from his prick. Only to spit a large wad of spit onto the crown and looking like she was ready to dive back in. Hissing as the other two women kept her held up and away.

“Enough! We all need a shot at him!” Kid announced as she dismounted his body. Missing J-Mac giving the camera a proud wink to show he’s got plenty more in the tank for them both.
“That’s right!” Saki said, letting go of Momo’s hair as she moved up to the back seats. “And I think I will be the first to really give him a test…” She announced, pulling down the zipper of her hooded Odeo Tai top to expose her slim and stunning upper body.
“OI!! Who gave you that right??” Starlight glared up and Momo had a similarly not too thrilled expression.
“I did!” Kashima smugly said, moving J-Mac as she pushed him down to lay on her back across the seating so she could shift over him, mounting his lap. “Any objections?” Her remark was cast at the man she, like the others, wrongly took for just being some lucky random guy as he, playing his part, just shook his head with a smile.
“Hey! Ladies, ladies! Fucking chill! There’s plenty of J… I mean, plenty of this guy to go around!” Dirty One laughed as glaring at one another Momo and Kid were trying to hold the other back as Kid grabbed the other woman’s hair while Momo returned the favour with a tug to the back of the mask.

That brief bickering left the five-time former Artist of Stardom Champion to guide that fat cock, already ‘branded’ by the trio of villainous women with the different coloured rings of lipstick, up into her stunning, tight Japanese pussy. Both she and the American hunk she was now on top of moaning out as she eased down. Her eyes narrowed to gaze down at him as she had to adjust to such a thick size along with his vast length spreading her open. Once again a sure sign that she wasn’t particularly used to taking members like this. Let alone getting surprised by the fact that even while being on top, he was the one who properly kicked the position off by bucking his hips upward. Having let the women do the work so far but now earning his pay check in more ways than one by thrust up, making his inches slide in deeper to her moaning approval.

“MMMMM!! This guy… AHHHHH! Has got some tricks of his own! MMMMM!” Saki purred with approval as she used a hand to grip the back seats for support as she joined his motion. Lifting her gorgeous, tight body up and down as his cock pumped firmly up into her box. Making her toss her hair back as she licked her lips, and once again even with the pleasure washing over her she found the time to keep making herself the star of the show. Locking onto the camera with an intense, teasing stare as she moaned and bounced on that big dick. “MMMMM! See this? This is how… AHHHHH FUCK… The finest of Stardom… MMMMM! And Odeo Tai handles such a cock like this! MMMMM! A perfect dick for a stunning woman like me, don’t you think? MMMM FUCK…” She bragged as she showed off some more than impressive timing in her own right. Managing to drop down as his cock thrust upward, ensuring she was getting his inches nice and deep into her dampening pussy as her hooded top hung off her arms, swaying along with her long hair as she rode that large shaft.

However, Saki’s seductive look had to be broken when Momo and SLK finally joined back in much to Saki’s clear annoyance. Momo managing to get up to mount his face, lowering her snatch down onto his mouth so she could soon moan out as well as he went to work lapping up at her noticeably moist snatch. Kid having to settle for sitting on the upper body of him as she reached for his hand to bring up up between her legs. Smirking as he took the hint and slipped his fingers up into her own wet box. So for a ‘rookie’ as the three believe him to be, he was able to take on three stunning Joshis at the same to make them grind down into him as they groaned. Fucking, licking and fingering all at once and best of all with each motion in nicely clear view of the filming camera to watch.

“What’s the matter, Saki-Chan? MMMMM… Not enjoying us joining in?” Kid teased, glancing back over the shoulder to share a long look at her ally while she rolled her hips back and forth against the curled fingers up into her snatch. The masked beauty soon gasping however as not to be beaten, Saki leaned in and reached around with her arms. Pulling down Kid’s zipper to show off the petite but desirable body the short beauty was packing. “OI!! I didn’t say you could just… MMMMM… Help yourself to me!” Starlight half-heartedly protested, especially as Saki’s hands gripped onto Kid’s perky, exposed tits to give them a grope. Adding to the former High Speed Champion’s pleasure more than the fingers rammed up into her were already doing. Saki impressively multitasking as well to fondle her friend while shifting her own body firmly up and down to keep taking the cock that was now driving in to the hilt up into her box.

“God damn! These Japanese sluts are wild as fuck! Imagine the post-win celebrations in their locker room!” The cameraman raved as the grin was clear in his voice as he filmed the action. Plenty to focus on as well from top to bottom. Momo staring down as she leaned back a bit, bucking down against the flicking tongue taking care of her wet folds as her rounded tits jiggled from her motion. Her hand similarly holding the back of the seats so she could stay nicely mounted. Again letting actions speak rather than words today as she kept her twat pressed down into his handsome face, getting the indication that she might have underestimated his talent at pleasing women. But still clueless, just like the rest of her team mates, that they were actually trying their luck now against a fully fledged porn star.

“And I didn’t say… MMMMM FUCK! You could ruin my mood!” Saki smirked at the masked woman as she kept on squeezing those small but nicely rounded tits. Kid not just letting herself be fondled as she turned her face and reached back with a hand. Surprising Saki with a pull in, pressing her own lips against hers as the two shades of already smudged lipstick crashed together. Moans soon shared between the two as they exchanged first narrow eyed glares before swapping some spit for good measure as their lips parted. Acting like this wasn’t their first time tasting the other as their tongues moved out to start slapping against one another. All as both women dropped down against his cock and his skilled fingers to keep up the ride on him that ensured their moans kept getting muffled into the moth of the other stunning pro wrestler.

All three of the members of the Odeo Tai faction shifting up and down with their own nicely smooth motion as without even strictly planning, each of them were in sync with the others. So that if there were any passing motorists or pedestrians able to sneak a look in they’d know that even without seeing any of the lower bodies, or even the lucky stud underneath them all, that some backseat was going on in that still moving vehicle. A light shine of sweat now starting to form across all three of them as they finally got the test that they were looking from with his fat cock. Saki getting perhaps the best of it as she was able to drop down to his base, filling herself up with every inch before raising up to repeat the motion. And all while keeping up the battle of tongue wresting with Starlight at the same time.

As red hot as this position and action clearly was for them all, it seemed that the Black Peach was wanting a lot more than just a tongue inside of her. Moving off of his face to get off the seating, before she pounced on her teammates being distracted with one another as she reached in. Making them groan as she pulled them off and down to the Bang Bus’ floor. “You. Fuck. Me. Now!!” Momo cast a stare at J-Mac, before she got down to all fours on the van. Sticking out that thick backside of hers as she looked over the shoulder.
“Guess I can try…” J-Mac said, and barely half-faking like he couldn’t handle her as he moved down to get behind her.
“Oi! We’re a fucking team here!” Kid complained as she got up. “Don’t think you’re getting away with this easily!” She announced, moving down to get on her back before she inched in, spreading her legs and presenting her wet snatch to Momo as she moved in.
“Now that’s a good idea, Kid…” A sly smirk was on Saki’s face as she waited until Kid had wrapped her legs around Momo’s head, before dropping down into a signature Odeo Tai squat above the face of the masked woman. So all three women were moaning out as mouths got pressed into slick folds, while at the end of this train a nice thick cock was being pushed into a dripping twat.

“Oh damn! I don’t know what’s fucking hotter!” The Dirty One stated the obvious about this unexpected but very welcome turn of events with some full on lesbian action thrown in to make this foursome an orgy. Tongue loving being exchanged from the members of a former Artist of Stardom Championship-winning trio. With Kid lapping up at Saki’s freshly fucked snatch, no doubt tasting the faint hint of dick that had just been balls deep up in there along with the delicious taste of Japanese pussy. While Kid herself got her snatch dined on by the woman she once held the Goddess of Stardom titles with as the other woman’s hungry, and not seemingly inexperienced tongue, was stuffed nicely deep inside of Starlight’s love tunnel. “Watching these hot Asian sluts going at it? Or seeing all this nice fat ass of this freaky bitch backing up into my man here! Uh, I mean our lucky rookie here!” He corrected himself with another snigger, knowing full well that none of the women here were particularly listening to anything he might have to say.

The juicy ‘peach’ of the beauty now known as the Black Peach was sharply driving back as Watanabe rocked back and forth. Matching the thrusts being sent into her snatch so that she could push into the motion whenever the next pump was driven in. Ensuring that in rather quick fashion her box was filled up so that her amply backside could start clapping loudly into the muscular body of the American hunk fucking her from behind. Her soaking Japanese pussy gripping his size so that even with this being the biggest prick she’s ever had inside of her, the former leader of the Queen’s Quest faction might have been a secret Size Queen all along. Clearly her skills not just limited to a very impressive in-ring list of accomplishments as she was able to not just take a fucking on all fours here. Dishing some sex out at the same time with her tongue lapping away at Kid’s damp snatch. Moaning into the folds as the juices smeared around her hungry mouth and starting to drip down her chin.

“MMMMM… Kid! You’re eating me so eagerly! MMMM… Is this the hunger of the Sky Tiger I’ve heard about? MMMMM FUCK…” Saki teased, smirking down as she rocked her slender hips back and forth. Grinding her slick pussy down against the exposed mouth provided by the signature dark mask that Starlight still had on. This was definitely not the first time even these two have experienced one another like this. Kid knowing just where to reach up to as slid her tongue up and in deep, exploring around to hit the sweet points. Pleasure so good that for once, Kashima’s attention was taken away from staring at the camera still watching her put on a display of bisexuality. All to happy to have gone from being fucked by a massive cock to now letting that same pussy be eaten out by not just a fellow woman, but another Joshi and member of the Odeo Tai faction at that.

“MMMMPPPHHH! MMMMM!! MMMMPHHH MMMM…” Momo carried on moaning out as her eyes gave a look back as much as she could look considering her head was being trapped between the legs of Kid. Sinful approval in her gaze for the stiff, quick way the hunk behind her was drilling her snug, wet pussy full with his now very familiar cock. Keeping her thick backside slapping off of her as the stinging smack rang out around the vehicle but neither of them feeling any pain from the stiff contact. “MMMMM! MMMMMPHHH!! MMMMM MMMMM…” Soon the former Wonder of Stardom Champion looking back to the front but closing her eyes. Focusing on munching away on the delicious pussy of the other half of the Black Desire tag team. Not even needing to grip onto Kid’s body as she dined on that pussy being rubbed across her groaning mouth as Starlight’s headscissors grip did the work for them both. Allowing Kid to ride that stunning face off this unusual position for a stunning show that would be worth the price of this porno alone.

“What do you say, my man? Ain’t this, uh, you’re luckiest fucking day or what, right?” Dirty One held out a hand, getting a high five from J-Mac who flashed another smile in response. Knowing as the cameraman and Driver up front did that he was no ‘random’ guy picked out like earlier on. Using all his experience to give Momo the kind of fucking that not only she deserved, but her and her thick curves could handle. Keeping her ass rippling away as he pumped in briskly in and out, matching her as she shoved her rump straight back into him. His moans loud and clear but still with plenty of stamina to give them all a good time and, more importantly, put on the best show for this skin flick as the action got filmed. From this classic doggy style fuck to the train of lesbian fun going on in front of him as he pumped away with his fat white cock into some tight, wet Asian pussy.

“MMMMMPHHH! MMMM! MMMM MMM MMMMMPHHH!!” In the middle of this all, Starlight groaned into the pussy she was munching away on while taking a brisk tongue fucking of her own. Keeping her body leaned off the floor of the Bang Bus so just her upper back and shoulders were pinned down but the rest of her arched up with legs still snugly gripping Momo’s head. Allowing her twat to stay pressed against the hungry oral hole of the woman she once held the Goddess of Stardom titles with. All as Kid made sure to keep lapping up at Saki’s dripping pussy above her to show she can give as good as she can take. Even at the expense of her trademark mask getting stained with the juices and sweat from another woman as she kept her exposed mouth pressed up.

“MMMMPHHH??” Momo’s moan sounded like a protest when she felt that big dick pulling out of her twat. Making her push Kid’s legs off so she could glare back, showing she hadn’t been planning on finishing with him just yet.
“Sorry, uh, babe?” J-Mac faked like he was still just a random guy as he shifted back. “But you babes said you all wanted some of me, right?” He claimed. As hot as this position had been, the porn star testing them all out wanted a full sample of them all, especially since that’s what the film required after all.
Slipping out from under Saki, Kid grinned as she sat up. “I know exactly what he means…” She assumed right as she moved forward, pushing him onto his back as she climbed up on top of him.
“OI!!” Both her teammates yelled out in outrage, seeing the masked beauty lower herself down onto his thickness. “Don’t think you can forget about us!” Saki added as the other two moved in but this time moving up to the sides of the Kid.

“That’s no challenge for the Tiger of the Sky…” Kid smirked as while the hunk underneath her reached up to grip her slim waist, her hands were going down under the thighs of her Odeo Tai allies. Making both women groan out as she didn’t just work her fingers upward, but went in knuckles deep. Glancing between the two as Momo and Saki reached in too. Saki again going for Kid’s perky tits while Momo went down to slide her fingers across the top and slides of that already stuffed snatch. “MMMMM! No challenge… AHHHH… At all! MMMMM…” She claimed as she started working her fingers in and out while getting groped and rubbed. The two women either side of her leaning in so their faces rested against the fur of that mask she had on, leaving Momo’s big tits sliding against Kid’s arm as she finger fucked her and the other Joshi rubbing against her.

But the moans the former High Speed Champion were letting out soon turned to loud, full on perfect for porn cries of delight when the stud underneath her began to thrust his fat cock straight up into her. Making her jolt up before settling back down to take the next stiff pump as he easily went balls deep into that dripping wet box. Gasps and moans coming from the beauty as her piercing eyes gazed down with approval. Still managing to finger bang the other beauties alongside her while now getting a stuffing of her own. Soon meeting his motion so she could lift up under her own power before dropping sharply down, ensuring she was filled up to a limit she’d never gotten to test before.

“MMMMM FUCK!! YES!! Give me that… MMMMM! Big, American cock! AHHHHH FUCK! SO GOOD! MMMM!!” Kid fittingly purred her approval as her rode that thrusting shaft. Beads of sweat rolling down her tight and tiny body while her long hair swayed behind her. Impressing in her own right not just matching the stiff pace of the thrusts driving into her, but making sure to keep darting both sets of fingers up into the other two Stardom wrestlers leaning into her. Finger fucking Momo as she stroked away at Kid’s snatch, while Saki enjoyed fondling away at Kid’s lightly bouncing titties as she got those digits in deep as well. Ensuring Kid’s hands were getting soaked from fingertips down to wrists from the dripping juices. “MMMMM! Show me how much… AHHHHH FUCK! MMMM… You need this ‘desire’ from me…” She added with a lick of her smudged lips. That same lipstick that had lift naughty rings, along with those from Momo and Saki, all over the same thick and long shaft that was currently driving up deep into her slot.

Still thrilled by this all, Momo wasn’t quite able to contain her lust as she used her free hand to grip the back of the mask, turning Kid’s face towards her in order to press a deep kiss against the fellow former Goddess of Stardom tag titles holder. This smooch instantly accepted as the two started making out while fingering and rubbing one another as they kicked off a round of tongue wrestling. In the process both women giving the other the faint taste of pussy as Kid gave the Black Peach the flavour of Saki, while the Sky Tiger got the sensation of her own snatch from off of Momo’s naughty tongue. All while Saki smirked, flicking her own tongue against the covered features of Kid to put on another show while she captured a hard nipple from Starlight to give a skilled rub.

Although not quite sweating as much as the women above, J-Mac was still putting on a very worthy performance as they laid back with a shine over his muscular frame and worked his hips up and down. Slamming his fat length straight up into that soaking, still tight pussy of the stunning Joshi mounted on him. Moaning out as she dropped down with a lusty hunger into his crotch whenever he sent a fresh, stiff thrust into her love tunnel. Her moans loud, even being muffled by the making out she was doing as she jolted along his thick shaft. Getting fucked, rubbed and groped all at the same time as she, just like the women grinding up into her, all put on a display to make it look like they all could make a lucrative career in his industry (and they still didn’t know they were being banged by an actual porn star here) if they quite the wrestling business.

However for Kid, having spent the most time either getting her pussy fingered, eaten out and now fucked. She was starting to reach her limit as her eyes started to roll upward as her moaning mouth hung open. Sweat dripping down from under the mask she still had on as she was raced towards her limit. More jolting on that stiff, thrusting dick than proper bounces and seeing this, along with feeling the mistiming of her fingers up into their snatches, her teammates seized on the chance. Reaching down as both Momo and Saki grabbed onto a breast each of Kid, slurping loudly on the nipples to double team her as the masked beauty’s head tilted back in delight. Easily making her shudder on that dick as her twat clamped around the thickness still driving up into her. Letting the camera see the extra flood of juices that dripped down as she got to ride out all of the intense pleasure as the stud under her made sure to do his job and finish her off properly with another round of thrusts.

“Oh shit! These bitches are in fucking heat! I love it!” Dirty One chipped in for the running commentary as Kid had barely finished her peak before Momo had hauled her off. Yet seizing the opportunity it was Saki who managed to climb on first and drive her tight, wet pussy down onto that fat cock. Moaning loudly as she took over to get bouncing along him up and down as her snatch slapped down into his skin. This time however unable to keep any sort of teasing look to the camera still filming her fucking so shamelessly. Her intense stare down at the hunk who is lasting with her and the rest of Odeo Tai as her hands stroked over her chest. Raising and dropping her twat with loud moans as he pumped away up into her to show he had plenty left in the tank to handle her.

If Saki was hoping to hog all that dick to herself, she was mistaken when she had to gasp out. A set of female hands roaming over her as Momo moved in from the side, once again using the method of stroking her experienced fingers along the top of that sensitive, wet pussy. To her credit, the five-time former Artist champion tried to counter by turning her face to lock on a well-practised seductive look to the Black Peach before leaning her face in, engaging with a lip lock as the two started to swap spit along with moans. But Saki’s eyes widening as Kid approached from behind, reaching around and copping a full feel of Saki’s own perky tits for a deep grope, almost making Saki break the kiss from her head tilting back from the pleasure. Momo’s grip on the long hair of the other woman preventing such an escape.

“MMMMMPHHH!!! MMMMM! MMMMM MMM MMMMMPHHH!!” Already Saki’s eyes were rolling up in delight as she not only had to handle getting her snatch stretched out and filled up deeper than she ever thought possible. She had two sets of extremely familiar hands working her over at the same time. Rubbing her already stuffed pussy and groping her tits as the sweat rolled down her slim and stunning frame along with her gorgeous face. Easily getting dominated, and not just in terms of the sexual three-on-one she was involved in. Barely flicking her tongue out as Momo controlled the making out session as drool dripped off Saki’s chin as she bucked between the two women groping her, along with slams down into the cock driving up into her box. Helped by that big cock still not even throbbing once despite not just the length of the action but the variety of their snug, wet snatches he’s gotten to enjoy so far.

“These Japanese babes are freaky as fuck! Show them some fucking good old American dick and you can just fucking smell the sex in the fucking air!” The cameraman delivered his unique brand of compliment as he filmed the latest wild ride in the back of the famous Bang Bus. Getting the clear shot of Saki’s tight, dripping box getting filled up with the brief glimpses of that thick shaft appearing out of her before ramming back in to disappear. The added bonus of the lesbian show going on adding to the fun as Saki’s arms were reaching back not to rub, but cupping the heads of her team mates in Odeo Tai as they played with her body in clearly familiar fashion. Making it little wonder that any of them have time for cock at all with how much they likely enjoy ‘bonding’ exercises in the locker rooms after matches or back at the hotel.

Those remarks from the man watching on proving true once again as Saki was finally allowed to break free from the lip lock, only to just let out a long and loud moan as her head tilted right back. Cumming expectedly hard on that thrusting dick as she jolted on his shaft. Rushed through the peak with the squeezes to her tits and the rubbing of her snatch to leave her getting bucked along that still pumping rod. Getting to enjoy the waves of pleasure much like Kid had done earlier on but not simply to ensure she was properly given the works. It made for red hot footage even if the tape ended right now to witness such a usually arrogant, gorgeous woman looking fucked silly in a state of pure delight. Something her fellow Joshis were well aware off as they smirked before pulling the spent beauty off of that cock that even at this very late stage was still nicely hard.

Just as well, as the man who was really no rookie to fucking on film didn’t get any chance to rest when the former leader of the Queen’s Quest faction moved on top of him but this time unlike the others facing away from him. Making that juicy ‘peach’ of hers stick right out as she dropped her wet twat down to take his prick in nice and deep. Leaning right forward as her tits hung down as she started to raise and lower her thick hips. Getting them both moaning as she bounced along his fat cock, plunging herself balls deep as he quickly matched her timing to thrust upward. Making sure she was filled right up to her groaning approval as she stared back over her shoulder with an intense, lusty stare.

Starlight opting to stay up at the other half of the Black Desire duo, slipping in underneath as Momo took advantage of that to put her hands on the other woman’s shoulders to use her as a human rest. Helping to keep bouncing herself up and down. But soon made to gasp when Kid’s intentions were clear as she grabbed a hold of those big jiggling tits of Momo, groping in deep before bringing that mask-covered face in. Capturing a nipple in her mouth to slurp away and help add in more pleasure to proceedings as Momo groaned, giving her ally and tag parter a narrowed eyed stare but this one burning with pleasure and approval. Saki meanwhile moving with a smirk down to that plump jiggling backside as she clamped on two hands onto the cheeks. Spreading them so the sight of that big cock thrusting into Watanabe’s twat was nice and clear as the slim beauty watched the jiggle without even feeling the urge to hog the spotlight and make bedroom eyes at the camera like she’d been doing earlier on.

“MMMMM FUCK! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!!! MMMMMM… FUCK!!” While Momo had been taking the role of a more sexy and silent, let the actions do the talking for her for this encounter at least her moans were loud, frequent and clear. Sweat dripping off of her and leaving strands of her long hair clinging to her face while she raised and lowered her rump with a wicked pace. Not even fazed by being groped by another woman as she found the energy still after all the fun so far to drive her wet, still snug twat right down over and over. Making herself groan out from the stuffing as that big cock pumped in like a piston in her built to be fucked pussy. Adding in her juices to that already well soaked prick which still had the branding of being used by all these Joshis thanks to the three shades of the rings if lipstick layered along those thick inches.

“God damn! You can’t even stop all that fucking ass from shaking even with that other chick’s fingers pressing right in!” Dirty One marvelled as Momo continued to drive her hips up and down even as she panted out between loud moans. Saki even able to lift a hand away and drive back in to slap onto that juicy rump but it didn’t even break the timing once as the former Wonder of Stardom Champion carried on putting on a performance worthy of adult film awards. All as Momo was still getting her jiggling titties sucked on as Kid moved over to the other breast to suck away on the rock hard nipple. Momo licking her lips with approval as she glanced down at the woman she former held the Goddess of Stardom titles with before again casting a sinful look back over the shoulder at the man she was bouncing away on.

J-Mac groaning out as he laid back and worked his huge white dick up into that still needy, dripping wet and pleasurably tight Asian pussy being bounced onto him. Feeling how even after all the action her walls were clinging to this thickness like she was built to be fucked nice and hard like this. Perhaps not even needing to do any work himself with how much she was going to town on him, but knowing he needed to put on the best performance he could to make the most out of getting to take on three horny beauties from another country at the same time. Plus, seeing the glimpses of the girl-on-girl going up ahead from the titty sucking was an added boost along with seeing Saki grope and spank that deliciously thick booty.

Just like the other rounds of sex however, this latest batch of fun had to reach a conclusion as well. Momo arching back as she slammed her ass right down and kept herself planted down, grinding against his cock and those firm thrusts as her head tilted back. A long, loud moan escaping her as she hit her own orgasm as well. Fucked through it as the stud underneath her held off to fire off another quick round of balls deep pumps to properly finish her off. Momo left to buck along him as the other women moved off of him and knelt down, eagerly awaiting a fitting reward by the time Momo finally eased up to show off her well fucked, soaking pussy before she, with a wicked smirk of her own, joined the rest of her fellow Stardom wrestlers to get on their knees and look up as J-Mac quickly got up, stroking his now finally pulsing cock.

Fittingly after all this red hot action that the three Odeo Tai members got a suitable finish of a perfect money shot for this skin flick. Staring up as he grunted, shooting out spunk across their groaning faces as they grinned naughtily. Well, at least in the case of Saki and Momo they got spunk across their gorgeous faces to hit over their cheeks, lips, chin and noses with a little catching into the hair at the sides and the loose strands over their features. For Starlight of course, the signature mask she’d had on all during this encounter got stained as the blasts of white stood out across the jet black and silver design of her mask even up over the S-symbol at the top of her mask. Even getting matted through the fur at the sides of her covering. But still enough seed to hit over her exposed mouth much to her smirking approval as even as she stroked out the last drips she was stealing a taste of him with a long lick around those smudged lips.

“Mmmmm… Finally, what we deserve…” Kid stated as she cast a sinful look up at the man now moving to the back seats. “Hey! Camera guy! Why couldn’t you just fine this guy right away? Instead of wasting our time with those losers before??” She rudely demanded, already slipping back into the usual mindset as expected of members of Odeo Tai.
“Hey! Not my fault you three picked out by choices before!” Dirty One claimed, still not letting on to the three that this guy they’d just fucked wasn’t any ‘random’ at all. “But it all worked out in the end, right?” He said, deliberately distracting the trio as behind them, the porn star scooped up their clothing from the floor.
“For your sake it has…” Saki said with a smug look, even with spunk across her features as Momo, in a similarly messy state, agreed as she nodded.
“See? I think though that, uh, we all need a break, right? Hey, Driver! Pull over for a bit so we can get some air!” He said, tapping on the back of the front seats.

Hearing that, the Driver (who had been just circling around a few blocks for quite a while now, pulled over to the side of the road in a completely different area compared to where they’d picked up J-Mac over an hour ago. Allowing Dirty One to lean over and open up the side door nice and wide to fake like this just needed to be a break from them all.

“A break! Oi! We don’t need a break!” Kid said, looking at the camera as Momo, buying this, moved to the edge of the van to dangle her legs out and take in the breeze. “What we need, is… OI!!!”

Kid was soon yelling out as shoving from behind, J-Mac caught Saki off guard to send her into Kid, before he and Dirty One unceremoniously booted the two forward to collide into Momo, as the three women tumbled down onto the sidewalk. Yelling furiously in Japanese as J-Mac tossed their clothing out, the ball hitting Kid across her cum-covered mask to likely stain their attire before Dirty One send their bag out for good measure. By the time the three had stumbled up to their feet the van had already slammed shut. Barely managing to slam hands on the side of the van as it took off and raced away, leaving the three rudely gesturing and cursing in their native tongue at realising they’d been fooled. Being the ones now dumped after being fucked as they should have known would happen if they’d seen how the Bang Bus episodes end.

“When you told me I was gonna be fucking three wild Asian sluts? You never told me they were gonna be that fucking wild!” J-Mac said as he sat back, already reaching for his shirt to slip back on now he’d finish with putting on the act of pretending to be some random guy.
“Hey, even I didn’t know how bad those bitches were going to be!” Dirty One said back. “But hey, thanks for keeping up the whole act and all that shit. Those sluts had no fucking clue who they were fucking with!”
“It’s all good! Any time! Well, if you think we can get away with me faking the act again I guess.” The porn star added with a smile.
“Hey if it ain’t broke, we won’t fix it! You never know with these freaky Asian babes! They’ve been fooled before and sometimes all it takes is flashing some cash!” The cameraman said. “But for now? We’re done! Those chicks can find their own way home and we’ve got to drop you off back at your place! So let’s get the fuck out of here!” He said, panning the camera to the front seats as the always unseen Driver just lifted a hand up briefly in acknowledgement as the video began to fade to black. Signalling another successful trip for the infamous Bang Bus.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas either for future stories to write, or for specific characters etc to use in upcoming fics. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2023, 03:39:57 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own WWE or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.
 Starring: Torrie Wilson (WWE)
 Bang(Bus)ing The ‘Indies’ – Torrie Wilson
 An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal.
* * *

“OK, let’s get this shit rolling…” The familiar voice of the cameraman only known as The Dirty One was heard as the footage started up, showing off the inside of the infamous Bang Bus as we got a look at the featured porn star for the day’s shoot. Johnny Love, clad in a pair of shorts and a loosely buttoned shirt to show off his muscular upper body. “Got my man Johnny here for the ride today and let me tell you, when I told this motherfucker we had a blonde hottie wrestling babe? This guy was almost paying me to get a piece of her before I could even tell her the chick’s name!”

“Hey, if it’s anything like the last time? I’m gonna be bragging for weeks about this shoot!” Johnny said with a smile.
“Well, you seem to be the damn fanboy who knows his shit about these chicks. All I know is I looked at some pictures of this babe and ho-ly fuuuuuuuck… Talk about fucking smoking!” Dirty One stated. “And I mean she’s even looking damn fine now compared to when she was showing off the goods in Playboy! The proper version of the mag, not the lame just bikinis and shit stuff they do these days… Do they still do them? Or did they go back to nudes?” The camera moved over to look at the front seats. The Driver lifting up a hand for a moment to make a gesture. “Yeah, thought so!” Dirty One said before going back to filming Love. “So yeah! I fucking figure we tease this chick about being one of those chicks who can flaunt their stuff but can’t back it up. Provoke her to getting wild before you give her the works and all that shit.”
“Sure thing. Just because she’s more famous than some of the babes you’ve had on here doesn’t mean we treat her differently.” Love confirmed. “Pump, drop a load, and then dump her.”
“That’s how we fucking roll on here! You fucking know it!” The grin was clear in his voice as the cameraman leaned forward to give the porn star a fist bump. “So let’s go pick this bitch up and we’ll make the magic happen!”

A little jump ahead in the footage thanks to the magic of editing, and we now see the Bang Bus stationary with the side door open. Johnny having moved to sit on the end of the seats as he looked over a very easy on-the-eyes sight. The former WWE Diva and before that star of WCW, now long retired and a member of the WWE Hall of Fame in Torrie Wilson. The still stunning and nicely curved blonde not exactly looking too shy with a set of jean shorts on and a sleeveless short top with a handbag. Smiling as she gave the man she knows will be her co-star an approving look over as she took a seat in the middle. Leaving Dirty One free to close up the door as the van started moving off.

“And here she fucking is! Torrie Wilson, everyone!” Dirty One said, picking the camera up to film her. “So, this is Johnny right here…”
“Oh, I know him alright…” Torrie had a gorgeous smile on as she gave the porn star another glance over. “I saw his ‘work’ shall we say in that video he did with Trish Stratus not that long ago.”
“Oh, so you already know the full deal about what we do here?” The cameraman questioned.
“Well, full enough!” Wilson said with a laugh. “I’ll admit, I didn’t watch through the whole video after, you know, the ‘end shot’ when the guys were done. But I saw enough to know what I was getting into!”
“So you didn’t watch all the way through to the end? It’s all good, no problem!” Dirty One’s voice had a knowing tone to it, one that Love reacted to giving a sly wink to the camera that Torrie didn’t notice. “I did wonder about how the big company, the WWE seemed happy to keep using the chicks we feature on here like that one Scarlett with the fat ass. Guess they act like none of what we film with them ever happened!”

“Oh trust me. With the PG-TV era? They act like my Playboy shoots from back in the day never happened.” Torrie said.
“And that? That leads me to a question…” Dirty One said, padding out the video with a sham of an interview. “Do you follow the traits that, you know, we hear about glamour models and the ones who act all sexy and shit for their snaps and shoots?” He asked, drawing a confused look from the blonde. “You know! Ones that act like they are ball drainers but when you get them in the sheets? They’re a boring as fuck lay?”
“I can’t speak for any other former Divas who did my kind of shoot, but I’ve never had some complaints. Including from my husband.” Wilson rather boldly stated, let alone admitting right off the bat that she was planning to cheat on her husband by taking part in this.

“You sure about that? I mean, saying you’re coming on here to be paid to fuck, and doing it behind your man’s back is one thing…” Dirty One continued, deliberately to provoke her.
“So, you want some proof, do you?” Torrie smirked, before turning to look at Love. “Drop the shorts, studs. Let’s show your friend here what a Covergirl can do.” She said before reaching down to grip her top.
“Hell yeah!!” Johnny had on a classic, over-the-top expression as before he reached for his shorts, he stared as Torrie hauled her top up and over her head to free her nicely sized and rounded tits.
“Hell fucking yeah is right! Let’s fucking go!” Dirty One chipped in when Wilson didn’t just stop there. Moving off the seats to turn around. Drawing from her WWE past for cock teasing with a little sway of her hips back and forth as she eased her shorts down. Showing off no underwear down there either to expose her rounded, tight ass along with a perfectly shaved pussy.

“Nothing the world hasn’t seen before, right?” Torrie shamelessly said, kicking away the shorts next to her handbag. “Besides, not like… Woah!!” Her words were cut off, looking over and seeing Johnny with his shorts now off as he sat back in the middle of the seats. Slowing stroking his fat, long cock to get hard as he scanned over her mature, stunning frame. “That’s… That’s way fucking bigger than it looked on screen!” She smiled as even with her married status clear, she was all too eager to move over and lower herself down to her knees in front of him. Especially with his legs purposely spread for an open invite.
“Damn! Getting right to business? I love it!” Dirty One said, filming as he moved over to the back seats as the bombshell took over to grip his dick and start stroking him off to make sure he was rock hard. “And here I was with a whole long list of questions ready for you…” He lied, as this was all going right according to plan.

“Well, I doubt that anyone is here watching this to just hear me talk…” She said, giving a sexy wink before leaning her blonde-haired head down in towards that thick length. Kicking things off with a slow, perhaps deliberately teasing and not just to the hunk she was doing it to, lick along the underside of that prick. Running from the base up to the tip before trailing around the fat crown with another long swirl around. Perhaps enjoying herself a little too much already with a shaft of this size as she worked around the mushroom head with that clockwise motion. Not even fazed when she looked up and saw the camera filming her move across to stare right down at her. Getting that classic Point of View shot so the viewers would get to pretend the timeless bombshell was actually lapping at their cock now.

Even better than just tongue work was a proper dose of oral. So it wasn’t long before her soft lips parted, wrapped around his thickness as she pushed down, and then dragged back up to just under the head. “Mmmmmphhh… Shhhhrrrkkk… Mmmmmm…” Groaning herself as her lips had to stretch, clearly not used to this kind of size from either her current or former husband and likely plenty of other past lovers along the way. Letting this hung stud moan out as she rocked up and down, pumping her mouth happily along his vast size as she stared up with that no doubt well practised sultry look. Even moving her hands off his prick to just pleasure him with her damp mouth and full lips. “Hhhhhrrrkkk… Mmmmmm… Shhhhlllrrrppp… Mmmm…” Getting the benefit of being able to brush back her golden locks as they swayed from the effort used to suck him off, keeping the view clear as she stared up to the camera recording her blowing a man she’s only just met.

“Hell yeah! Look at her go! Fucking going hands-free on my man already!” The Dirty One raved as he kept the camera steady. Capturing the moans from them both even as hers was muffled by the dick she was filling her mouth up with. Her slurps moving nice and deep along him for a display that easily was levels above what the usual random ‘one and done’ starlets who appear on the Bang Bus can pull off, and probably a good few veteran porn stars as well. “I think I might have to change my opinion about these Covergirls now at this rate! I mean, sure, she ain’t going all the way just yet on her, but it’s a damn good start!” He added. Deliberately provocative words were used to bait her and make the most of her. Seeing how into this she already was not just from the groans and deep slurps but the hard nipples on display. It seemed to work when she pulled off for a moment, shooting him a brief glance with lusty, narrowed
 eyes before staring up at her partner for this encounter. Spitting down onto the crown of his dick before using her tongue to spread it around over that bell-end.

Love was about to reach down and ‘encourage’ her to get back to business but he didn’t even need to. That soothing, experienced mouth of the former WWE and WCW wrestler soon back down around his length and sliding deep to make him moan out. “Shhhhkkkklllppp… Mmmmm… Mmmmmphhh!” Her bobs were smooth and steady as she, playing up to all of this, didn’t even look directly up at the man she was blowing. Her gaze went to the lens of the camera she knew was filming her performing this sex act as if it wasn’t just no problem to her, but maybe not even the first time she’s done a sex tape before. “Mmmmm! Shhhhhrrrkkk… Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmm!” That being said, this was still a large amount of dick then she was used to taking on. That was proven when her eyes went wide as his crown hit the back of her mouth as she slipped another fat inch between her slurping lips.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAH! HHHHHHHRRRKKK! MMMMMPHHHH…” Her cries were now a mix of those wicked groans and now sinful, but willing, choking as she went from just stuffing her oral cavern full to testing what her throat could handle too. A rarely ventured area of her from the tightness she had as those loud chokes proved. Even so, she didn’t even attempt to pull off from his dick as she let out fresh gags each time her mouth pushed down. Her hands gripping his knees for a bit of support and focus as her head bobbed away along him. “HHHHRRRKKKK! MMMMMPHHH! GAAAAAAAAHHH! MMMMMPHHHH….” The saliva drooling down as her lips fought to keep wrapped around his size while keeping up the pace. A beauty who never won any actual championships during her in-ring career putting on a performance worthy of some skin flick award titles as she slobbered away on some nice big fat dick.

It wasn’t just the cameraman who wanted to see her go all in with this. The grinning man getting blown reaching down as he stroked her blonde hair back, only to surprise her with a firm grip on her for a makeshift ponytail. Bringing her stunning face down right into his crotch to get her eyes going wide again as she groaned deeply. Stuffing her throat right full with his meat to his moaning approval, while leaving her gagging again around him as she stared up. Her head jolting but still kept in place when she choked but not even trying to pull back. Allowing her oral tunnel to be used for his pleasure and even squeezing his legs as if to say she was ready to take a lot more than just this. Which was just as well, as she got held down for several more moments to just let her spit drip down over his length and balls to treat her just like any other slut who took a ride in this infamous vehicle.

“GAAAAAAHHH HHHHHHRRKKK!! MMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” The chokes resumed as her head was pulled back, but just so he could shift his hips a bit while dragging her mouth back down along him. Almost fucking her mouth while seated as he used her soft lips like a living sex toy. Pumping along his fat cock as the drool kept dripping down with each moan he let out captured along with her sucks and chokes. “HHHHHRRRLLLKKK!! GAAAAAAAAHHH!! SHHHHRRRKKK!! MMMMMMPHHH!!” Leaving a mess over herself in the process of this face fucking. The spit falling off her chin and onto her rounded tits and already some strands of her hair falling out of place from the repeated, rough bobbing she was performing. All as she got the clear picture that this wasn’t going to be any mere five-minute suck-and-done job with this stud with how he was not just lasting, but now controlling the pace. Leaving her groaning when he finally let go of her hair and she took her time to slowly move along his length before pulling off with a loud ‘pop’ sound.

“Oh fuck!!” Torrie groaned out as she sat back on her knees. “Fuck me… I think that was a rougher time than I’ve had in some matches!” She joked with a gorgeous laugh as she moved off from the floor.
“So you’re down for some more, right?” The Dirty One said, moving away to the side.
“Oh absolutely! And I think this stud should call the shots… Since he enjoyed surprising me by making me fucking choke on that big fucking dick of his!” Wilson said with another smile.
“Then hop back up onto me, babe…” Johnny said, still on the back seat. “But face out to the camera. Gonna let the world see how a Covergirl takes a fucking!” He stated as if any position with her would be a bad one.

Tossing her hair back, the former WWE Diva moved onto the back seats and mounted her co-star with her feet on either side of him down on the van floor. Her chest facing out as her arms spread out along the backrests with an arch. Allowing that clear view of her taking that big dick coated in her spit bareback up into her snatch as she let out a gasp from the rather straight-to-business push he performed before a moan escaped her as his inches slid upward. His hands holding her more than toned midsection to keep her in place as he began to thrust into her. Moaning himself as fucked her from underneath and already got her body jolting along his shaft. Her hair swinging a bit and her shapely tits bouncing in time with his already firm thrusts.

“OH FUCK!! MMMMM… That’s… OH FUCK!! You’re not holding back, huh? MMMMM!!” She moaned her approval, glancing back over her shoulder at the younger man before looking back to the front as the camera ahead got the full view of the look of pleasure all across her already stunning enough as it is face. Her tightness having to spread quickly to accept this stiff invasion as he stuffed in without giving her too much time to properly adjust. “OOOOOOOOH… I guess maybe I should… MMMMM! FUCK… Make a joke about you being a really big fan of mine, huh? MMMM…” She was able to let out another sultry laugh before moaning again as she was all too happy to let him have his very wicked way with her tight pussy and that stunning tanned body now mounted onto him. Her body more being raised and lowered by his grip and that piston motion into her than any motion on her part. No problems there as her moans clearly proved. A slight show was put on by her as she tossed her hair back to get it out of her face while groaning out as her snatch was showing she could take plenty of dick just like her mouth has been certified to be able to handle.

“That’s the fucking shit, right there! Fucking a Covergirl, Bang Bus style, baby!” The cameraman stated with a grin evident in his voice. Able to zoom in and watch the thick length of the porn star pumping up into the WWE Hall of Famer’s slot before sliding back out a few inches just to repeat the motion. Plenty of sights to focus on from her jiggling tits, her moaning face and that action of her snatch getting stuffed full with the biggest dick she’s had in a long time if not all her life. “None of that tasteful nudes bullshit from the wank mags! Full-on blonde bombshell fucking! That’s what we fucking do!” He added as he captured the visual proof with his ever-steady camera aim. Just filming a deep throat from oral action would have been enough for the price of the footage, but when there was the chance to test out the other holes of this mature beauty it was too good to pass up. Moans too filling the air as she got filled up with a thick slab of dick and the hunk underneath her felt her snug, wet walls gripping his member.

“MMMMM FUCK! So good! MMMMM FUCK! That’s it, stud… MMMMM! Fuck that fucking pussy, baby! MMMMM FUCK!!” She groaned out in delight as her body kept shifting up and down along that pumping dick, again treating this lower hole like a high-end sex toy much like he’d done with her throat earlier on. Filling her right up too as that sinful smack of his crotch connecting with her tanned skin sounded out. “OOOOOOOOOH SHIT! MMMMM! God… My husband is gonna fucking know for sure… UHHHH! What I’ve been up to… With how… MMMM! FUCK… With how fucking stretched out my fucking pussy is gonna be! MMMMM!!” She admitted with another moan as if this sex tape she was happily being filmed in wouldn’t be proof enough. But indeed, with his thickness buried right up into her box it would possibly take a full week if not longer before her tight, wet snatch got back to being vice-like as she’d been at the start of this. Still providing plenty of pleasure for the man pounding her as she gripped his size perfectly like she was built for this kind of big dick action.

The former runner-up on the ‘I’m a Celebrity…’ reality show was so caught up in the action that she didn’t even care that as she was made to bounce along this huge shaft, her head and part of her upper body were constantly moving up and down in line with the windows of the moving vehicle she was being fucked in. Any passing pedestrian on the streets or a curious motorist alongside the Bang Bus would be able to tell, even if they weren’t a sports entertainment fan, what kind of naughty fun she was getting up to in the back seats. Especially as her already stunning body was starting to break out with some moisture from taking easily the best action she’s had in years, including that from her current and former husbands.

“MMMMM… FUCK… Oh yeah, this is… MMMM! Making me really put the work in compared to most matches I’ve had! MMMMM!!” Torrie grinned as she licked her lips. Groaning when she was brought down onto his fuck-stick to press her snatch down into the base. Allowing her the opportunity to move by herself as she worked her hips back and forth. Expertly grinding her snatch down into him to make them both groan out. “MMMMM… Hope you’ve got plenty left in you, kid… AHHHHH… You’re already lasting way longer than my former husband did…” She added with a sinful purr in her voice, and it didn’t sound like she was just tossing out dirty talk to give him some encouragement either.
 Shifting down against his prick for another few moments before she lifted up. Maybe thinking about bouncing under her own power but finding him using the motion to lift her up and off. Showing off how already nice and wet her slot was.

“Get on the floor, babe.” Love ordered, letting go of her waist.
“Doggy style?” She raised an eyebrow as she looked back over her shoulder at him. “Can’t beat a classic, right?” Torrie smiled as she didn’t hesitate to move forward, getting down on all fours in a perfect position.
“Nothing like a fucking busty blonde babe getting banged from the back!” Dirty One said with a chuckle, making said bombshell shoot him a curious look. “What? Not a fan of alliteration? Heh, can’t win them all I guess…”
“Are ‘jokes’ like that what I missed out on from not watching these vids until the end?” Wilson tried to question but got easily distracted when the porno hunk moved behind her to kneel down, pulling her back a bit as he lined his dick up with her snatch once again. “Mmmmm, never mind…” She said, licking her teeth again and swaying her toned ass invitingly as he pushed in and took a hold of her waist.

Thanks to the previous position, this time he was able to thrust in balls deep right from the get-go. Making them both moan out as the clap of her booty hitting into his muscular waist rang out around the van as he drove in before easing a few inches back. Driving back in and using his grip on her toned midsection to haul her back to meet his thrusts. Making her almost fuck his dick as much as he was stiffly doing himself. Easily making her tits jiggle as they hung underneath her while her hair shifted down the far side of her hair to flow in time with her movement. Not even thinking about how she was giving up a clear view of the expression of desire across her face as she looked back over her shoulder at the hunk nailing her from the back.

“MMMMM FUCK! Fuck yessssssssss… MMMMM! Fucking give it to me, stud! OH FUCK! MMMMM… Nice and fucking deep! MMMM!!” The former WWE Diva begged even as she was getting just that. Keeping her ass cheeks rippling from the stiff impact of her being pulled back to meet his pumps as he drove in. Neither feeling any pain from the strikes as the generous cushion of her butt met his chiselled body. All as her wet pussy stayed wrapped around that now familiar length of his as stroke after quick and deep stroke was sent into her love tunnel. “AHHHHHH… SHIT! FUCK!! MMMMMM… Yeah, fuck that pussy! MMMMM FUCK! Fuck it real fucking good! MMMMM FUCK!!” She moaned out as sweat began to roll down her face. Showing again, in a sure sign that the action she’s got from her husband and a former one can’t even come close to how expertly her snatch is getting stuffed right now. Although she was impressive in her own way by being able to stay up perfectly on all fours even when taking not just this vast length of a dick but handling such a stiff and swift rhythm as well.

Love meanwhile even as he groaned out was letting the action do all the talking for him as he made the most of being able to pound a two-time Playboy Covergirl. Never pulling out too much of his thick length so at least half the size was buried into her at any time. Allowing him to quickly drive back in to stuff her and keep them both moaning out. Showing off a bit of strength too on his part along with control as he kept a hold of her waist. Pulling her back along his dick when he thrust in, sending her jolting forward only to be hauled towards the next incoming pump. Giving her the works just like he would any other gorgeous blonde who was down to fuck. Just this babe is a lot more famous, and perhaps way more desirable, than even some of the more seasoned co-stars he’d had over his own veteran career in skin flicks.

“Oh yeah! Fucking look at her! Losing her mind over how good my man’s dick is! Poor hubby couldn’t make her sweat this hard if he took her to a sauna!” Dirty One continued with his lewd brand of running commentary as he moved around the timeless beauty. Able to take his pick of areas to focus, and zoom in, on as she got fucked doggy style. From her moaning face to back at her ass clapping off the porno hunk taking her from behind. Or just simply sitting back for more of a full view of her sweating frame to catch her swaying tits as well. “You had to know a chick like this ready to shed her clothes for a paycheck would make for a damn good fuck!” He said, knowing that this performance was a lot more XXX-rated than even a ‘tasteful’ nude shoot like she’s done twice in her past. A lot more entertaining it can be said thanks to the loud and shameless moans she’s letting out as she gets stuffed. Thinking nothing of being fucked by not just a man that she’s only met today, but isn’t even the one she’s actually happily married to.

“OOOOOOOOOH FUCK!! Don’t… MMMMM! Don’t fucking stop! OH FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM!!” The Boise, Idaho-born beauty continued to pant out as her head began to hang down as the pleasure built up from this stiff, intense action she was taking from the back. This round of sex lasting a whole lot longer than what she was used to being involved with. Leaving her juices not just layered over the dick pumping into her, but dripping from her slot to leave splats on the floor of the Bang Bus. “MMMMM FUCK YES! SO BIG… MMMMM!! SO FUCKING BIG!! OH FUCK!! MMMMMM FUCK!!” She groaned out, her fingers flexing while she kept herself up on all fours as if she was trying to claw for some purchase to keep her wits about her. That stunning, tight and toned body of hers still getting pulled back before shifting forward as the thrusts drove into her. All accompanied by the soundtrack of not just shameless moans but sharp smacks as her rounded backside collided with his muscular waist over and over again.

She might not have ever won a proper championship during her active career, but this was a title-worthy performance as her stunning body tensed up and her blonde-haired head tilted back slightly. Her body hauled back into his cock and kept in place, making her cum nice and hard around his dick as her body shuddered in place. Aided by him giving the odd extra thrust to fuck her through that strong peak as her arms gave way slightly. Sinfully leaving her ass raised up while backing right up into him. A long groan leaving her by the time he pulled out and the camera got to see the nicely spread wide state of her once tight snatch. More juices leaking out of her as she groaned in the aftermath of a well-deserved but long-overdue peak. Leaving a wide, rather sex-drunk grin on her already pretty facial features.

“Oh shit! I think you broke her fucking mind! Sex so good you fried this babe’s brain cells!” The Dirty One almost let out a cackle as he got in close to see her expression.
“N-No… I’m good! I’m really fucking good…” Torrie gasped out, pushing herself up a bit. “That was just… Holy shit! That was just really fucking good…” She stated the obvious as she let out another laugh.
“You say that like we’re done! My man is still rock hard and ready for you!” The cameraman pointed out, making her head raise up as she looked back.
“Fuck! Then he’s got to get back into me then!” Wilson almost demanded as she licked her lips again.
“Oh he’s gonna… And we’re gonna see what you can really handle as well…” Dirty One stated with another chuckle.

A brief jump in the footage to move ahead a few minutes. The action having returned to those well-used back seats of the vehicle with Torrie up on them and once again on her hands and knees. The camera back at her rump, able to show off the shining state of her tight asshole to show that some lubrication has been done ‘off screen’ for the next part of the fun. A matching glaze over Love’s cock as he moved in from behind, a hand around over her ass to keep the near cheek spread to show a clear view. His dick pushing against the third and final of her snug holes to test out as he made both of them groan from the slow entry. Her body tensing up from the penetration as her blonde-haired head raised from the sensation. Clearly, this was a hole very rarely offered up, even to husbands current and past.

“OH FUUUUUUUUUUCK… GOD!! FUCK… THAT’S… FUCK… FUCKING HUGE! OH FUUUUCK…” The loud groans left her as the former WWE Diva and WCW star felt that thick rod sliding in and out of her tight, rounded backside. Her pussy still dripping from the first orgasm and now getting fucked once again from behind. Putting that Playboy-quality body to the test as without holding her waist this time, she had to back herself up to take this latest round of stiff thrusts. Forcing another of her tunnels to spread and stretch from a thickness she isn’t used to taking. Let alone in a hole that most of her lovers can’t even last to come close to getting a piece off. No such worries here with a stud still rock hard and ready to deliver the action that she and that timeless body deserves to get.

“FUCK! AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMM… SO FUCKING BIG!! UHHHHH! DEEP… FUCK!! DEEP IN MY FUCKING ASS! AHHHHH FUCK!!” Her head lowering down as she took it from the back once again, but a lot more groans and grunts between her loud moans. Her ass clamped around this thick dick as it pumped between her jiggling cheeks but gradually slipping in deeper as he kept his motion stiff and steady. Showing off his experience to know how to properly treat a rounded backside like this of a mature stunner. “FUCK… MMMMM!! SO FUCKING GOOD! AHHHHH FUCK!! E-EVEN… MMMMM FUCK… MY FUCKING HUSBAND CAN’T FUCK ME THIS FUCKING GOOD! MMMMM FUCK!!” She admitted without even thinking twice about it. Sweat continuing to roll off of that tight and toned frame as she bucked back and forth. Managing to meet his pumps as his inches worked away into her. Her body leaning down as she moved one hand from keeping herself propped up to sliding it underneath herself.
 Dancing fingers across her still needy pussy as fresh waves of pleasure built from getting fucked up the ass.

As good as taking her face down and ass up might have been, the stud nailing her from behind had other ideas. Reaching forward with the free hand to grip a hold of that long blonde hair to give a firm tug. Forcing her head back with a tilt as she let out a throaty moan that alone would make many a red-blooded man, wrestling fan or otherwise, blow a load alone from the sound. Forcing her body to stay up doggy style to take this anal action. Allowing him to give a tug on her locks to make her shift back and take the next stiff pump into her cheeks. Not even a squeal of pain escaping her as this action took a rougher turn, let alone any objections. As clearly shown by how her hand still rubbed away over her dripping slot as she got further used like a living sex doll by this hung stud. A nice shine of moisture over his toned body to show the effort he’s needing to put in to match the lusty needs of a woman who has already cum once but is still down for more red-hot action.

“UHHHHH! FUCK! FUCK!! AHHHHHH FUCK YESSSSSSS… MMMMM… K-KEEP FUCKING THAT ASS! FUCKING FUCK IT! MMMMMM! FUCK IT REAL GOOD! FUCK!!” The WWE Hall of Famer begged between loud moans as her eyes were already rolled up in delight. Lost in the pleasure as she took care of her snatch with quick strokes back and forth. Her body getting yanked by thanks to her hair in perhaps a harsher way than she’s ever taken from any toss or tug by her golden locks she’s taken in a match. A whole lot more thrilling as each grip of her hair made her groan out again like this was a kink of hers she’s managed to keep hidden even from her current partner. “OOOOOOOOH SHIT!! FUCK!! AHHHHH FUCK!! FUCK MY ASS!! MMMMM! FUCK IT! FUCK IT SO… UHHHH!! SO FUCKING HARD! MMMM!!” She both called out for more and voiced her love of how stiffly she was getting banged as she got hauled back more than being able to properly move under her own power. No complaints there with one hand so busy on her wet pussy while the other kept her body raised up. Shifting back and forth as that thick length got buried deep into her asshole. Completing the hat trick of him sampling her holes, let alone going to the hilt into them all like she was really built more to be a porn star than she ever was a model or even a pro wrestler.

By no means did it mean the veteran skin flick star behind her was getting an easy time of things. Groaning out as he kept his thrusts stiff and quick into her shapely backside as it clapped back into his waist. More than a healthy shine of sweat over his body as he put the work in to give a two-time Playboy Covergirl a proper pounding, and one she was obviously built to take. Keeping a hold of her long hair like a set of reins as he directed that wonderful body, still stunning even after years of being retired from full in-ring competition, back and forth to meet his thrusts. Shoving his length into that snug asshole as he yanked her to meet the next pump. Groaning himself as her back passage, while spread now to accept the thick shape of his dick, gripped her tightly in a way that would make many a man unable to last for more than a minute with this kind of intense grip.

“She’s fucking losing it! I fucking love it! She’s getting off on that tight fucking ass being nailed harder than she was getting her slot stuffed!” Dirty One said as he got that close shot of her asshole getting drilled as her cheeks slapped back into the man behind her. Her ass was still being spread so there was a view of that shaft sliding in and out of her while she jolted back and forth. The bonus sight just below of those slick with juices fingers quickly brushing away over her folds to keep her well pleasured from the anal action. “Who said these Playboy bunnies were just all show and couldn’t go? Ha! This chick is even nastier than some of the real sluts we have for the regular trips!” He added as he captured not just the sights of this butt fucking but all the wicked smacks of her rump striking back into the stud nailing her along with all the loud, shameless moans echoing around the back of the mini-van.

It had made for red hot footage alone to see her already cumming once, but there was an extra dirty edge to the second time as Torrie hit another, perhaps even stronger orgasm thanks to being fucked up the ass. Making a mess not just over her hand but down onto the back seats of the Bang Bus thanks to not just hitting a peak, but a full-on squirt as her head tilted in delight even more than she’d been doing from him holding her hair. The juices hitting over the seating below as the porn star buried in her ass, having to grunt himself from the clamping of her back passage around his manhood, pulled out to leave her putting on the show of rubbing away at herself. Combined with the sight of her nicely gaping wide asshole. So by the time she finally rode out the high and he let go of her hair, she shamefully slumped down into the mess she’d made over the back seats. The camera moving around to get in the close-up of another fucked silly expression over her grinning face. Looking far from a happily married woman and more like a common used porno starlet as she stared through the lens recording her.

Of course, to be fully ‘inducted’ into the world of skin flicks she had to take something else. Groaning as she was hauled unceremoniously out from the puddle of sweat and juices on the seats and brought to her knees on the floor of the still-moving vehicle. Clueless after so much hole-wrecking action that they were well across town from where she’d been picked up. The only thing on her mind was gazing up as her focus returned, and seeing a cock furiously being stroked up as his other hand clutched her hair again but this time to keep her face raised as a target. Her instincts kicking in, whether she had them before today’s events or not, to make her close her eyes in anticipation.

Despite her status as a sex symbol, a Hall of Fame member in the WWE and a two-time Playboy Covergirl she got treated like a regular starlet in the back of this infamous Bus like all the rest. Taking a creamy money shot as the spunk rained down across her groaning face. Staining over her gorgeous features from cheeks to chin, lips to the forehead and even some catching into her golden hair at the sides and top of her head, along with the messy strands already stuck across her face. Leaving one eye having to stay closed shut when a rope went high over to brand her. The jizz dripping down by the time he stepped back and let go of both her wrecked locks and his spent dick, landing on her heaving chest for a couple of drips onto her bust.

“Oh… Oh fuck…” Torrie groaned out, finding herself slumping down to land on her side as she blindly reached out. “Guys… I seriously need a minute here… That was too fucking much!” She admitted between panting out as she rolled onto her back. Showing off her chest raising and lowering as she sucked in much-needed air. “I shouldn’t have let you fuck my ass… I don’t even let my fucking husband take me back there!”
“Well lucky us, huh?” The wicked smile was clear in the voice of The Dirty One as he panned the camera up briefly to show Johnny scooping up her clothes. “But sure! We can, uh, give you some time to recover. Let’s just pull over a second and open the door! Get some air in here!” He yelled out the last part of his fake lines, giving the signal as the van slowed down, pulling over at this random part of town while he put down his camera.

Clueless from not having properly watched any episode of the Bang Bus before signing up for it herself, Wilson just assumed they were being nice when she heard the door slide open. Barely feeling the rush of fresh air coming in as suddenly felt her legs being gripped by Dirty One while the man who had just blown a hot load over her face took a hold of her arms. Making her gasp before groaning as she was tossed in a literal sense from the van in a humiliating swing-like motion. Hitting the sidewalk down below with a dull thud for a harder ‘bump’ than any skin-showing match she’d been involved with before. Her clothing was then chucked down after being balled up, hitting her stomach before her handbag hit her legs and the van door slammed shut. Pulling off for another classic getaway before Wilson had even sat up, let alone opened her eyes to realise she’d become one more ‘pump and dump’ victim.

“Oh, man! I can’t believe that slut! Talk about another classic blonde!” Dirty One laughed as he picked the camera back up. “Not even watching through our vids until the end? I can’t believe these bitches don’t know what they’re in for!”
“Works out damn fine for me!” Johnny said with a grin as he rested in the back seats. “Bring all the fine pussy and tight asses you want! I don’t care if they’ve seen one minute or a whole hour of this stuff!”
“Yeah, well fucking said, my man!” The cameraman leaned forward to give the porn star a fist bump. “And as long as we’ve got the cash rolling in, we’ll keep bagging these babes for a good old banging!” He stated the obvious as he panned the camera to the front seats. “But what do you say, my man? Where are we gonna stop for the celebration feast today? Big old burg’? A hot slice?” The unseen Driver just raised a hand briefly, making a motion before focusing back on driving. “Oh shit! Good fucking call! God, that’s why I love that bastard right there!” Dirty One said, without actually revealing what that gesture meant. “Let’s fucking burn rubber man! I’m gonna order super size today!”

With that, the camera moved to film out the window at the latest random street section the van was passing through. Bringing another edition of the Bang Bus to a close with another wrestling hottie well and truly used.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for either future stories to write, or for specific characters etc to use in upcoming fics. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Supporters of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this fic, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2023, 04:09:50 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Stardom or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.
Starring: Mina Shirakawa, Waka Tsukiyama (both Stardom)
Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Club Venus
An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, oral, inter, anal.
* * *

After the intro logo and copyright text, the actual video starts up showing the infamous interior of the Bang Bus. Only on this occasion, there’s not one, but two handsome porn stars sitting in the back seats. The black hunk Ricky Johnson, clad in a shirt and jeans, and the white stud Oliver Flynn in shorts and a shirt of his own.

“OK! We are fucking rolling…” The familiar voice of The Dirty One stated. “And boys, we got a treat for you! I know you boys are down to fuck whatever rando bitch we get on here… But I also know you fucking love it when we get some of those freaky wrestler chicks on here!” He bluntly stated.
“Oh, I am fucking down!” Oliver already quickly agreed with a smile.
“Shit, it’s all good. Pussy is pussy, man!” Ricky just as shamelessly said.
“That’s the fucking spirit!” The cameraman said. “And this slut we’re getting? Ho-ly shit… The fucking tits on this girl? The fat ass? I mean, fuck me! I’m shocked this chick isn’t a fucking porn star already with a body like this! So you boys need to rail her something real good and put her to fucking work and then some!”

“This chick, she’s…” Dirty One was about to say more when he heard the Driver upfront tap onto the window at his side before making a gesture with two fingers. “What? Two of them?” He looked out the window. Spotting two Japanese women on the side of the road. “Well well! That’s the one I planned on picking up with the big fucking titties and the dyed hair… And she brought a cute fucking friend?” He let out a snigger, patting the pocket of his pants. “Glad I always carry some extra bucks with me… Maybe we’ll get some extra fucking for our buck today…” He said as the minivan came to a stop. Ricky opened up the side door to show off the two Joshi starlets properly. “Mina, right? Come on in! You and your friend!”

The first of the two was the busty stunner and the leader of the relatively new individual unit in Stardom of Club Venus – Mina Shirakawa. Clad in a pink skirt, nicely resting against her plump hips and a low-cut, sleeveless matching T-shirt that perfectly showed off her large, rounded tits. The beauty with dyed, purple-like colourful hair not even taking a seat as with a sexy smile she dropped down to her knees on the floor to perform a version of her signature in-ring pose.

Rather less enthusiastic but with a polite smile, the second of the two was the far more rookie wrestler in Waka Tsukiyama. The woman who has only recently started to win matches dressed a lot more casually with jeans on and one of her Stardom merchandise T-shirts which did no justice to her own impressively curved body, but nowhere close to the stacked body of the other woman. Taking a seat between the two men with slightly nervous glances cast between the two as the dark-haired stunner sat down a shoulder bag onto the floor.

“Club Venus is here!!” Mina proudly said, in English no less, with a smile as Waka behind her clapped her in approval while the van started up and began to drive for a usual random tour around the streets while the action unfolded.
“So it fucking seems!” Dirty One said with a grin clear in his voice. “And you sound like you’ve got a better grasp on the local language around here than some chicks we’ve had on here before!” He added, only adding further to Waka’s confusion as she didn’t notice that the men were checking her out and not just Mina ahead of them.
“Oh yes! We are worldwide!” Shirakawa said, before using a hand to make a motion back behind her. “My friend Waka here? She is the ‘Official Translator’ of Club Venus!” She announced as Waka nodded with a cute smile. “And she was actually born in New York! But, she is here with me on this trip to help me. We are recruiting… And we want only the sexiest female wrestlers to help make my group the best in all of Stardom!”

“Heh… Looks fucking sexy from the two of you right now!” Dirty One stated and from the sly smiles on the men behind her, they agreed. “But if you’re out here recruiting or whatever, not that I really give a shit what your reasons are… How come you’ve agreed to be on this kind of fucking website?”
Mina smirked, brushing her hair back. “Well, I have heard stories about how you had ‘fun’ with other girls from Stardom… Odeo Tai? Donna Del Mondo? Even one of the girls from Prominence?” She sounded like she’s heard plenty about former wrestling-theme trips of the Bang Bus. “So, I wanted not just to see it all for myself… But show that in all of the world? Mina-Chan is number one!”
“And I guess it doesn’t fucking hurt that I’m paying you a pretty damn penny to have some fun with two of my best guys back there, right?” The cameraman said smugly.
“Oh, that helps too!” Shirakawa smirked. “These trips are not cheap! Especially to this side of the United States!”

“Say, uh, Mina? Did you, you know…” He made a motion to Waka who was squirming a bit like she sensed everything wasn’t what it seemed, especially because of his choice of language. “Tell your cute friend there about what this was all really about?”
“Mina-Chan? What’s going on?” Waka finally spoke up with confusion obvious in her voice.
“Actually? Even though you girls speak English damn well?” Oliver said as he and the other thunk exchanged knowing looks. “I think it might make things easier if we showed this cutie what’s up…” He said, leaving a blush coming over Waka’s cheeks.
“Oh yeah… Come over here and show me what you’ve got!” Mina eagerly demanded with a grin.

Just as Waka was about to question this all again, she was left with her jaw dropping and eyes going wide as the two men dropped their lower clothing. Showing off nicely thick, long cocks that were already hardening as they stepped out of the attire. Already taking off their shirts as they moved over towards where Mina was still kneeling.

“M-Mina-Chan??” Waka stuttered out as she watched her Boss take hold of both cocks and start to stroke them.
“Sorry, Waka… But you can sit and watch!” Mina shamelessly said without even glancing back at her friend. “Besides… They are only paying me to fuck these big cocks… Not you, I’m afraid.”
“Well, you say that… I do have some extra cash on me you know…” Dirty One said, drawing a look from both women but while Mina’s was a hint of interest, Waka was still stunned. “But I think for now we can just let your cute friend watch and see what a fucking hot, big titty slut you are!”
“I t-think I’ll just stay here…” Waka cutely almost whimpered out that sentence as she stayed in the far seats. Seen in the background while Mina easily got those slabs of man-meat erect and ready for her. Not noticing how Waka’s gaze was shifting between the two dicks as well like she couldn’t believe she was looking at pricks of this vast size.

“So long and thick! These are the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen…” Mina purred in already shameless fashion and it didn’t sound like she was just telling them what they wanted to hear either as her hands eagerly ran up and down those two big dicks. Glancing between the two studs before leaning in towards Flynn’s shaft. Getting a groan out of him as she swatted her tongue against the tip. Pumping away as she licked before turning her head and flicking out against Johnson’s crown as well. No favouritism here as she switched between the two men. Getting a healthy dose of both different coloured dicks while letting out moans of approval at the taste. Stroking and licking while she moved back and forth not to tease, but to give a fair share of those big cocks. All as her teammate and friend sat in the back seats. Squirming a bit as she watched the top star of Club Venus lead by example and then some to effortlessly multi-task with these shafts.

“But you want all of Mina-Chan, right?” She gave a wink to the camera, fully aware she was being filmed doing this sex act. Happy to go further as she leaned in and took Oliver’s fat white dick between her full lips. The Japanese beauty groaned around that thickness as she sank before smoothly rising back up. Her hand gripped the base while her other palm stroked away at the other just as long dick while she focused on blowing this stud. “Mmmmmphhh! Mmmmm… Mmmmmm…” A sensual stare cast up at the man leaning over her so she could slurp on his big dick. Pumping along his fat inches and taking them nicely deep. Smooth bobs are more expected from a porn star than a professional wrestler and handling two meaty dicks all at once. A light sway of her dyed hair as she moved along his dick and kept her hand working over the other just beside her.

“Oh shit! Look at her fucking go! We scored a real cock-hungry slut right here!” The Dirty One raved as Mina swapped to lift from one dick, just to turn her head and take the other between her lips. Now stroking her saliva onto the paler of the two shafts as she got into an even more taboo round of interracial. Sucking on a big black dick to make the hunk moan while the Asian beauty groaned around that length. “Fuck yeah! Double dick action! You fucking knew this bitch could work a dick with tits that size!” He added as her breasts jiggled nicely while her hand worked over Flynn’s cock. Leaving her mouth to pump along Johnson’s length to deliver a similar treatment to take him in deep. Saliva began to drip from her lips and down her chin as she took turns blowing both hunks and enjoying having fun with both men. Proven by not just her moans let out around their dicks, but the sight of hard nipples poking through her top.

Waka watched on, her thighs pressed together to rub as she squirmed with a little bite of her lower lip. Unable to tear her gaze away from watching her fellow former Cosmic Angels member stroke and slurp on a couple of huge cocks. The smooth ease of Mina’s motion put more than a few seasoned actual skin flick stars to shame with how well she’s working over both with a nicely timed pace for both the movement of her hand and her mouth. All as the lewd, muffled groans from the busty woman were heard along with the moans from the hunks getting blown and stroked off. Both lengths getting generously coated in her spit as she continued to move back and forth for a far more erotic kind of Handicap Match than the sort either woman is used to in their proper line of work.

“Mmmmm… You like? Like how Mina-Chan takes care of you?” A seductive and no doubt well-practised tone as she glanced up at both men. Bringing their thick crowns in towards her mouth as she stroked away at the shafts. Swatting her tongue back and forth between the bell-ends with a groan of approval at the taste of fat black and white dick. “Mmmmm… I know I love it…” She smirked before putting her lips back to work. Applying a quick round of slurps onto Oliver’s prick before pulling off and doing the same to Ricky’s big cock. A quick succession of brief sucks on one dick before moving to the other dick and delivering the same treatment. Ensuring both men were moaning away while she kept working her spit along their tools. Making it look like this is far from the first time she’s taken on not just huge pricks like this but a couple of men at once for some filthy action.

“Fuck yeah! This busty bitch is a fucking freak! I fucking love it!” The cameraman almost cackled as he got in that nice close-up of her gorgeous face sliding down along a meaty dick before she lifted up and off, just to switch over and do the same to an almost matching, thick shaft. The saliva dripped off her chin, leaving a nice shine across the exposed flesh of those fantastic H-Cup tits of hers and the sinful evidence of her having been in fun from the splats across her top. “Hey! You? Yeah, the cutie in the backseats? Did ya ever think your hot friend here was such a fucking cock-sucking machine or what??” He called out, making Waka snap out of her stare at watching her long-time friend with a blush. Especially as Mina kept on slurping away between the cocks. Pulling off only to groan out and do another quick round of smacking her tongue from one bulbous head to the other as she pumped along the rods.

“I got a better fucking question…” Oliver said, looking over to Waka with a smile as he checked her out. “Maybe this babe wants in on this fun?” He said, making Waka put on a familiar wide-eyed, stunned expression at the idea.
“Yooooooo… Not a bad fucking idea!” Naturally, the Dirty One leapt at the chance to get some bonus action on film but having had that idea already since the moment he saw the potential for getting two babes on film at the same time. “What ya say, Mina? Can we get your cute friend there in on this or what?” He said, reaching down with his free hand into his pocket. Pulling out a few notes from the bunch he always had ready to ‘convince’ any guests on the Bang Bus to go a little further. “I’m sure I can, you know, properly compensate you both for the trouble…” He joked.
Mina sat back, glancing over her shoulder for a moment at her fellow wrestler before back to the camera. “Oh, you want some of Waka? Don’t underestimate her… She is the sexy Moonlight Fantasy!” She said, deciding for her ally.
“M-Mina! Don’t you think t-this is going too far??” Waka half-heartedly protested as she stayed blushing. Her wide eyes however told the real story as she glazed down as Oliver moved over to the back seats. “W-We… I mean, we…” She bit her lip as the smirking man, all too used to seeing a new beauty be in awe of his dick, put a hand on the back of her head to help guide her to lean over towards his length. “It’s… It’s so big!” She mumbled, not resisting being moved towards that dick.

The lean that the still rookie Joshi was doing gave a nice view of her rounded, more than ample chest from her hanging top as the camera moved across to get a look at this unfolding action. Waka was perhaps about to say something else to try and stall for time, but those parted lips soon filled up to make her groan as she had to stretch around a thickness she wasn’t used to. Her eyes stayed cutely wide, glancing between the lens now filming her with a fat dick stuffed into her and up at the moaning man enjoying her. Not even giving her too much time to adjust as she got the full treatment like so many other women before her in the back seats of this infamous van. Her head was pushed down before raised back up as she groaned around that vast size.

“Mmmmphhh!! Hhhhhmmmppphhh! Mmmmm!” It wasn’t too long before she started to move without any guidance to suck on that big white cock. Not quite the well-timed and paced motion that her friend has been performing moments before on this same cock, and Waka had barely the time to register that it was coated in the spit left by Mina as she now had to perform a blowjob to his hung hunk. “Hhhhhlllkkk!! Mmmmmphhh! Shhhhrrkkkk! Mmmmmphhh!” Slurping loudly but her head movement was a little more awkward to show inexperience and not just with handling such thick and plentiful inches like this. Causing the crown of his prick to bump into the corner of her mouth for a lewd bulge before going back to bobbing. Letting out groans as his hands roamed over her, enjoying a firm grope of her raised-up ass as she knelt on the seats to lean over his lap and suck on that meaty dick.

“Not too fucking bad at all, babe! Kinda reminds me of when we pick up the usual unknown sluts for the regular Bang Bus shows!” Dirty One gave quite the backhanded compliment. Not exactly helping matters either by tossing out the notes out at her, leaving them resting on her back and the top of her head to emphasise she’s been put up to fuck on camera by the leader of Club Venus. To her credit, even as she whined and stared out, Waka continued to work her mouth up and down. Applying her spit to add to the coating already over this big white cock. Her hair swayed in time with the motion of her head, as Flynn reached down to expertly help keep a clear view of this cock sucking by brushing her short locks back. “Heh… Kinda means that your buddy Mina-Chan is actually not just your Boss, but your pimp! Whoring you out to us to earn some extra bucks! Ha!” He pointed out. Adding extra shame to proceedings as she whined around that big cock. Reaching her limit of how much she could handle from a dick that was far longer and thicker than what she was used to.

“MMMMMPHHH! HHHHMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAHHHHH!!” Her eyes went wide again but this time because of the back of her mouth being struck by the fat mushroom head of this white dick. The New York-born beauty’s oral hole stuffed full, leaving her choking sinfully around his meaty inches. But much like in the ring, she refused to give up at this point. Still working her head up and down, plunging herself full even at the expense of saliva splattering about as she jolted on the seats from the reflex of her gagging. “GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK… SHHHHRRRLLLKKK… GAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Chokes and groans bounced off this dick while Oliver moaned out with a smile. More than enjoying himself and even slipping a hand under Waka’s skirt, groping her rounded ass as a means to keep her in place and bobbing along his prick. Her hands gripping the seating at the back and down at the edge for another show of how wickedly determined she was to show she could match up with what her team’s leader could do.

As if that sight wasn’t red hot enough, another was going on just along the van as Ricky was still leaning over with Mina kneeling in front of him. But rather than putting her mouth to work, she was using those infamous H-Cup tits of hers now that her top was dumped on the floor. Pressing those amazing, juicy tits against the sides of his big black cock as the Japanese stunner slid her rack smoothly up and down. The size of her bust left his dick hidden when she moved her mounds upward before the head just popped out as she dragged them back. A nicely loud slap was heard when she drove her tits down into his crotch before they both groaned with the next upward pump. Obviously from the steady motion and the timing, this was far from the first time she’s delivered a titty fuck to a lucky man but likely one of the few times someone had lasted between her breasts, especially right after a dose of head.

“Mmmmm… You like? Like Mina-Chan’s big fucking tits??” The soon-to-be Wonder of Stardom Champion licked her lips, gazing up with a proud smile as she used her curvaceous body to pleasure a man. Her titties were so big that even as her fingers dug in firmly into herself, there was so much flesh it still easily jiggled around her grip. Groaning herself as she enjoyed the hot feeling of a nice fat cock deep into her cleavage. “Mmmmm… A nice big, black cock… Feels soooooo fucking good between my big fucking tits! Mmmm!” She even had the dirty talk down perfectly to only add more evidence that if not for having a pro wrestling career, she would be a massive star in the porn industry on either side of the Pacific Ocean. Not even caring that she was smearing her saliva onto her skin as she pumped away along his dick and made him moan out from her skilled action.

“That’s what I’m talking about! A set of big fucking porno tits! Slamming up and down on a big fat dick!” The cameraman said, quite rightly focusing on this red-hot sight for a while of Mina putting her famed assets to great work. The sort of pace that would easily drain many a red-blooded male in a matter of minutes let alone trying to last between breasts of this vast size. Keeping the rhythm smooth and steady as the crown of his dick popped out of her rack again and again as she slid those ripe mounds along his thickness. “This fucking body is made for being banged! Those tits alone are fucking gold! Made for fucking draining dicks!” He raved as that slap of her mounds hitting his dark skin still sounded out when she ran her mounds down to the base. Just to slide them up to make his tool disappear before that crown briefly moved out from that deep valley. She gave a pretty smile and lusty look in her eyes as she looked up at the man she was servicing with her breasts and then to the camera that was now not just filming her fucking a man for money, but her friend as well in the background. Waka still slurped and gagged on a meaty dick not too dissimilar to the one Mina was stuffing between her tits.

“Mmmmm… Oh, I can do a lot more than just this…” The Tokyo-born beauty bragged with another big smile. Bringing her tits ups to make his cock hide between them before she did a version of the chest shimmy she’s done in the ring. Making her big titties jiggle away around that dark shaft as she held it in place between her mountains. A motion more than enough to make him moan in approval. “But it’s nice to finally have a man… Mmmmm… Who can fucking handle my H-Cups!” She stated with a sexy laugh. Going back to pumping along his rod with her mounds as her gaze returned to up at the handsome man she was pleasuring. And from his grin, he’d be more than happy to let her fuck his cock with that juicy rack for the rest of the day if she wanted to. No one watching this sex tape back would likely complain either with a set of tits that big and rounded being put to proper use.

“GAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!” Back across the fan, Waka was trying just as hard as she’d been in any match to finally get a victory as she attempted to handle the big white cock she was stuffing into her warm and wet oral hole. Her saliva coating him down to the crotch and balls from the repeated gagging as her awkward bobbing motion might be pleasuring him, but she was making a shameful display of herself in the process. “HHHHRRRKKK!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH…” She finally had to pull up and off. Spitting down onto his dick as she sat back with a gasp rubbing her throat. “Too big! It’s too much…” She admitted with a groan. Biting down on her bottom lip as she looked to the smirking hunk who wasn’t complaining too much about the action moving on.

“No worries babe… Let’s see what else this hot fucking body of yours can do!” He decided for her, leaning over as she gave a nod. Easing down her jeans and skilfully the panties too – a sign that, unlike Mina, she hadn’t been planning on fucking today. Showing off that nicely rounded Asian ass and a smoothly shaved pussy. Looking to be a little bit wet already, maybe showing a sign that a part of her was enjoying this a lot more than she was letting on.
“A-Are you sure? It’s so big…” Waka cutely said with concern, knowing how wrong this all was but unable to help herself with a cock this big to play with. Blushing as he continued to undress her (and for the camera’s benefit too) by lifting her top up and over her head. She only needed a few seconds to unclip the mismatching to her panties bra she had on to peel it off and expose the more than impressively sized and rounded breasts she had. Dwarfed by the set her leader possessed, but nicely big in her own right.
“Come here, babe… Let’s show your Boss what you can do with a big cock like mine…” He was more than happy to guide the inexperienced beauty (and enjoy plenty of her in the process). Using a grip on her waist to pull the nude woman over onto his lap. Reaching down under her to guide his cock up against her slot when she braced herself, gripping his shoulders while looking back over one of hers. Unintentionally giving the camera a look at her stunning face and the little bit of forming sweat she’s got on just from the effort she’d been using to suck him off.

“It’s n-not like that! I’m just doing this to… OOOOOOOOH!!” Waka’s stunning body tensed up as her tight Japanese snatch got penetrated, bareback no less, by that fat white dick. Sliding in nicely deep already before easing back, keeping the head in before he thrust upward. His firm grip on her waist ensured she wasn’t going anywhere except to take his cock as her eyes were wide and mouth open to gasp and moan. “AHHHHH! Big!! MMMMMM!! So big! AHHHHH! It’s s-stretching me already! AHHHHH!! H-How did I fit such a cock into me?? MMMMM!” She groaned out as her body didn’t exactly bounce along his pumping dick, but more just jolting forward out of reflex from the firm way he was driving up into her. Giving him a nice view of her big tits jiggling in front of his handsome, grinning features. Allowing the camera to get a clear view too of his rod moving up into the tightness before sliding back down. Never fully leaving that pussy, and from the moans he was letting out there was no plan of pulling out and missing the pleasure of a snatch this tight and good all around his thickness.

“Fuck yeah! That’s a way to earn a couple more bucks! Look at her!” Dirty One said, tossing a couple more notes over onto her clothing dropped on the floor to further treat her like a stripper. Or more accurately an escort here since she was fucking for money despite only coming along for this trip to support her friend. Now being made to moan out as she was held on a man’s lap to buck and jolt against his stiff thrusts. Spreading her love tunnel wide as he worked his length into her and kept them both moaning out. “That’s one Hell of a fine fucking ass too! Whatever this Club Venus stuff is? It must be full of fucking hot slots down to fuck!” He said with a laugh, showing that he was far more of a fan of women with stunning bodies built to take huge porn star dicks than he was about Joshi wrestling. Capturing the more than generous shaking that Waka’s rump was doing as her body shifted back and forth in response to these deep pumps into her twat. Along with the conflict of the shame of this all and the pleasure building in her starting to sweat frame as she still looked back over her shoulder to watch herself being banged.

“MMMMM! So big!! AHHHHH! B-But… MMMMM! It feels so good! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! MMMMMM!!” No longer staring with wide eyes, but a bit more of a lusty, focused gaze down at herself to get glimpses of the huge dick she was riding. Having gone from slobbering all over him to now giving a coating of her forming pussy juices as her arousal grew as the minutes passed. Impressing in her own right by handling such an amount of this thick white dick so deep even with being even more of a rookie to this than she still is in the pro wrestling world. “MMMMM! Ooooooooooh! Don’t stop! MMMMM! More! AHHHHH! It’s so good! MMMMM…” There was nothing like a thick slab of man meat to turn a blushing woman into an eager, horny slut as was being showcased here. Not just the pussy of the woman nicknamed the Moonlight Fantasy getting moist, but her pussy willingly spreading to take his length in deeper. Leaving those rounded ass cheeks now starting to smack down into his thighs as she showed off a pleasantly surprising ability to take such a huge shaft into the hilt. Perhaps a sign that she would have better off switching to porn to make a living with a body this good than the struggle of over a hundred matches she had to do just to get her first win in Stardom.

The building lust sparked her to put in a showing here as well even as the stud she was on top of could easily ram away and do all the work for them both. Using the grip on his shoulders to ease herself upward, almost lifting off from his dick as her eagerness meant she didn’t match his timing before she dropped down. Trying to compensate for her lack of experience in this position with energy and effort as she bounced up and down. The motion was not quite smooth and skin flick star quality to resemble more like awkward jolts. Yet even so, it was more than enough to keep them both moaning out as Flynn made sure to keep driving his thick weapon straight up into her needy, wet box. His crotch smacking up into her skin to ring out around the Bang Bus as he kept her stuffed and enjoyed seeing how horny he and his massive dick had left the beauty who earlier on in the day didn’t even think that she’d be mounted like a prize on such a length like this and loving every moment of it.

Yet that wasn’t the only reason why the slap of skin meeting different coloured skin was ringing out around this still-moving vehicle. Down on the floor, Shirakawa was now fully naked and down on all fours. Moaning as behind her Ricky was thrusting his thick length in and out of her her wet, snug pussy. Resulting in her plump backside crashing into his muscular frame as she showed off her clear experience and not just at being taken from behind. Matching his pace perfectly with both timing and force so that when he sent all those inches into her wet slot, she backed her thick cheeks up to collide with him. Leaving her big tits swaying underneath her as she gave as good a fuck as she was taking from this moaning hunk.

“MMMMM! FUCK… Yessssssssss! MMMMM! Give me that big fucking dick! MMMMM…” The beauty who once held the Artist and Future of Stardom Championships at the same time moaned her approval and begged for
 more as she rocked back and forth. Not satisfied with being filled up with every thick inch of that black cock while her juicy Japanese ass clapped back into his crotch. Only now starting to sweat as she drove herself right back to take that cock even with the stiff, quick pace he was using. “AHHHH… Nice and deep! MMMMM! Feels sooooooooooo fucking good! Filling my fucking pussy up… MMMMM…” Her dirty talk continued, as fitting for this lewd production as the sound of their moans and the smack of her rump meeting his waist was. Just as impressively switching her gaze from back at the man stuffing her from the back, to locking onto the camera filming her being banged to give a lusty stare that would make many a man blow a load in an instant.

The hung stud buried balls deep into her tight, wet slot showed his experience as he thrust away into her. Groaning out himself for quite the workout as he found out the former model turned pro wrestler’s sexy look and the in-ring gimmick wasn’t just for show. Handling his length far better than not just many of the usual one-and-done Bang Bus starlets could dream of, but many an experienced porno star has done. At this point, he might not even need to thrust at all and just let her eager shifts back and forth do the job of working that soaking twat along his meat. However, he knew that to match the lusty needs of such a curvy stunner like this, he needed to go all out and bang her nice and full with that big cock. That kept her ass rippling and her juicy tits swaying underneath her as she easily stayed up on all fours to get this red-hot action.

“You like that, huh? MMMMM! Like Mina-Chan’s fucking wet pussy… MMMMM! Taking that big, fat fucking black cock… MMMMM! Soooooooo fucking deep… MMMMM!” Mina continued to purr in delight as her snatch left his length coated from tip to base with juices thanks to the bareback nature of this action. Her love tunnel was perfectly snug to grip his dick and make him moan, but with no friction so that both of them can work smoothly against the other’s motion. The perfect combo to make sure she got stuffed balls deep every time he thrust forward to meet her ass backing up against him. “MMMM! Mina-Chan loves big fucking cocks like this! AHHHHH… Only the fucking biggest are good enough… MMMMM! To me so fucking wet! MMMM FUCK!!” Another lick of her lips as she was getting off not just on having a huge dick working like a piston into her slot, but putting on a show for the filming camera. Casting more than an occasional glance at the lens as it recorded her moaning features and the flow of her hair shifting in time with the rest of her stunning body. Before the lens moved back to record her twat getting drilled along with the ripple of that booty as she carried on giving as good as she was taking.

Over at the back seats, the eyes of Tsukiyama rolled upward in delight as she was getting taken on her back. Laying along the seating with her legs spread wide so the sight of her tight, soaking pussy getting railed was seen as Oliver pumped away. Going into the hilt and making her slide as her rounded tits bounced deliciously before he used the grip on her limbs to haul her back onto his dick as he delivered the next thrust. Leaving the New York-born Asian moaning loudly as her frame had a shine of moisture all over from the kind of hard, pussy-stretching action she wasn’t used to. Let alone from a huge size of dick the likes of which she’s never experienced before. Strands of her dark hair left across her face and stuck from the sweat as she panted out. Getting used more like a common rookie porno whore than the talented, up-and-coming wrestler she’s supposed to be.

“AHHHHH! OH FUCK! OH FUCK!! MMMMMM!!” Her mouth open and gasping out between curses and moans, the nicely curved beauty was showing that while it took her many months to finally get a victory in Stardom if she made a switch to this sort of adult career she’d been a winner many times over. Showing that her stunning body was built to be banged as she handled every fat inch of that long white cock deep into her dripping pussy. The sweat rolling off those nicely desirable curves and her juices already trickling to add to the mess on the back seats of the infamous minivan she’s being screwed in. “MMMMMK FUCK! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM!!” Not even registering the dirty moment of the cameraman once again tossing an extra few notes out onto her as she lay back and got pounded. The bills left over her stomach stuck a bit against her as she jolted back and forth and her nice, big tits jiggled away deliciously.

“That’s why I always keep an extra stack ready! You never know when there’s the chance to bag an extra hot slut to get fucked!” The Dirty One bragged as he captured the sight of the Moonlight Fantasy of Club Venus getting stuffed balls deep and hard over and over again. That slap of Flynn’s crotch hitting her skin rang out to mix in the air with her moans. Even while this act was being filmed, the fact he was shifting forward and smoothly back along with one of her legs being held up meant that if anyone peered in from a passing car or the sidewalk they’d know some dirty fun was being had. “And look at her! She’s fucking cock drunk! I don’t fucking think I even needed to pay her to get her creaming over my man’s dick right here! Look at her!!” He raved as he watched her hands grip the seating as her body sinfully arched off the seating. Her moans got that extra hint louder as the pleasure built. Getting a crash course in taking Size Queen action from a huge cock made to give beauties like her not just a good time, but most likely the best sex she’ll ever have compared to the lacking, smaller dicks she’s used to back on the other side of the Pacific.

“OOOOOOOOOH FUCK! FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUCK AAAAAAAHHH!!” Waka’s tongue almost dangled out of her mouth to match the shameful expression across her pretty face as her eyes stayed rolled back. Cumming hard over that fat cock as it continued to drill deep and quickly into her soaking box. Just leaving more juices to drip down and add to the forming mess as she got fucked through that intense, to put it mildly, peak. Not simply getting nailed to ensure she was up for more action, since even with the added grip from her snatch as she came and the sight alone of her in a state of delight he was still rock hard and ready for more from her. Flynn knew to put on the best show possible for the cameras which meant banging her not just through the orgasm but plenty of thrusts after she slumped back onto the back seats. “UHHHH! M-MORE! OOOOOOOOH FUCK! DON’T… MMMMM!! DON’T STOP! P-PLEASE!” She moaned out with a far more sinful tone compared to her timidness earlier on before she got in on the fun.

Across the way, Shirakawa was once again showing why she should have been even more destined for a porn career than one as a Joshi. Effortlessly bouncing straight up and down on top of Johnson as he lay on his back on the van floor. Her huge rack shook in time with her stiff rhythm as she eased her wet pussy up along his fat, dark cock before dropping sharply down to make the slap of her ass hitting his body ring out along with their loud, shameless moans. Staring down with still a burning desire even at this late stage of the action and showing little concern that as she rose, her moaning features and that sinful expression would be seen through the windows of the van she’s been sucking and fucking in. That along with the repeated bounces would make clear what she was up to, even if those outside couldn’t tell it was a black stud she was riding away on to show she’s as built for interracial as she is filthy sex in general.

“Holy shit! This fucking bitch doesn’t stop! She’s a fucking machine built to fuck!!” Even with his vast experience in watching whores getting railed in the Bang Bus, the Dirty One was impressed with the skill on display from the woman who would go on to capture the Wonder of Stardom Championship. She wasn’t even fazed by the lewd remarks, just locking onto the camera while bouncing away on a fat dick. Licking her lips while running her hands through that dyed hair, now messy from all the swaying and the forming sweat, she flaunted her body while delivering a steamy ride. “Huge tits, fat ass, a pretty face and holes made to be slammed! God, if only I could clone this slut! I’d be a fucking mega zillionaire!” He added, moving around the action to capture her thick cheeks shaking as she dropped down to stuff herself full with his rod before lifting quickly up. Not even reaching the mid-point of his length before dropping sharply down to make the clap ring out just to repeat it eagerly all over again.

“MMMMM… Oh yessssssss! MMMMM! Mina-Chan is the best! AHHHHH! Just like Club Venus is number one! OOOOOOOOH FUCK! MMMMM…” She was still able to boast in between her moans, despite only making a case that she was at a top level of fucking rather than any real proof her wrestling faction was the best. In too much of a high state of lust as her wet pussy still gripped the thick length she was burying into herself. Even with the sweat rolling off her curves and down that gorgeous face she showed no signs of stopping quite yet as she bounced away. Fortunately for her, the stud she was mounted on was the same. Able to show his ability to handle this wild ride and let her shift away on his rock-hard length as he moaned out. “MMMMM… But if you want to see… AHHHHH! The full Mina-Chan experience? MMMMM… You need to make sure my friend Waka… MMMM! FUCK!! Feels real good too…” She said, giving more than a subtle hint about what she wanted to see. Even as she kept on pumping that fat shaft with her snug and slick snatch to enjoy more than just one extra round in this position.

“Oh shit! This bitch is more of a freak than I thought! Whoring out her friend all
 over again!” The cameraman laughed as he kept on this current red-hot sight of Mina jolting up and down. Filling up that clearly made-for big cock action pussy repeatedly with her swift and hard bounces. Keeping her huge tits jiggling just as much as her plump ass was driving down into that muscular body as Ricky groaned in delight. “Well if you get off my man for a fucking second, I’m sure he’ll rail your hot slut of a friend silly before my boys do the fucking same to you!” He said, and that remark made her look across at him with a very wide, shameless smile. Showing she loved the sounds of that and it was exactly what she was hinting at. Only now finally stopping her bounces but even then, she couldn’t help but give a last dose of pleasure – while posing on that shaft as she was mounted with another brush through of her hair with her hands as she stuck her tits out. Grinding her twat down into Ricky’s crotch for a few moments before eventually, and with quite a clear groan of disappointment, dismounting his dick.

“H-Huh? But I wanted more…” Waka gasped with a matching sigh of sadness at the empty feeling between her legs when Oliver pulled out of her slot. But just so he could move her off the back as now Ricky moved to take a seat. Her eyes widened when she was positioned now to be on top of her. “I’ve never been w-with a black man be-BEFORRRRRRE MMMMM!!” She was cut off by being lowered down pussy-first onto that thick length. The previous fucking she’d taken leaving her stretched wide so he could stuff in balls deep right from the start and not let her consider that the juices of the other Club Venus member involved in this were coating the dick she now had rammed into her. “W-Wait! T-Two at once?? I’ve never!!” Her stare went over her shoulder as Flynn moved back in but spread her nicely plump backside to invite himself in to try out her other, and last to be tested out, lower hole. Positioning himself with a leg up over her and a foot planted on the back seats not just to be raised, but to allow a clear view of both her snatch and asshole. “There’s no way it could fit in m-MEEEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!”

A howl of unexpected, but pleasantly surprising delight left the Japanese beauty as she got filled up with a double dose of cock. A fat black cock thrusting up into her soaking snatch while she got a just as long and thick now pumping into her ass. Never mind the fact that the only sort of lube being used to tap her ass was her pussy juices including from the first orgasm she’d enjoyed all over this same dick earlier on. Putting her body through a wicked workout as the hunk under her gripped her waist while the man taking her from behind gripped her arms to pull them back. Ensuring that they made proper use of the inexperienced beauty by leaving her bucking between the two of them and their meaty cocks. Leaving her tits bouncing nicely from the jolts as the stunner who has yet to even win a title in Stardom, let alone having won few matches so far in her career, was performing right now something worthy of a good many adult film awards as she took this two-on-one battle.

“AHHHH FUCK! OH FUCK!! SO FUCKING BIG!! AHHHHHH FUCK!! GONNA FUCKING… MMMMM!! FUCKING SPLIT ME OPEN! AHHHHH FUCK!!” Waka panted but in loud delight, as she couldn’t even focus her gaze on either stud drilling her lower holes. Her eyes rolled upward and almost drooled from that open, groaning mouth as she was bucked back and forth between the two groaning studs and their big cocks. The sensations shattered her mind so much that she couldn’t even process taking a huge dick into her ass for likely the first time, never mind the experience of a threesome being new to her. “UHHHHH!! FUCK! OH FUCK YES! YESSSSS!! AHHHHHH! SO FUCKING GOOD! MMMMMM FUCK! MORE! FUCKING MORE!! AHHHHHH!!” It was like being used by these grinning, sweating hunks had unlocked something new to even more certify not just her nickname of the Moonlight Fantasy even more, but cement her status as being made for interracial. Handling those two cocks more than nicely even if she was being pushed and pulled between them and their deep, hard thrusts. The sort of pace that would easily finish off any of the usual random cash-chasing porno sluts that usually feature on the Bang Bus.

“Oh yeah! Let’s go Waka! Show the world that Club Venus is here!!” Mina wasn’t just watching her friend, the woman she’d almost pimped out to get fucked on camera for cash like she’d agreed to, taking a double team. She was actively encouraging it with a wide, proud smile. Getting just as good a view as the camera was of the two thick, long cocks stuffing away into Waka’s tight, nicely plump backside and that dripping wet snatch. “I didn’t just pick her to join my Club just so she could be the ‘Official Translator’ after all!” Mina added, giving the lens a naughty wink before her gaze and that of the cam returned to the double penetration action going on. Stiff pumps in and out, making sure that the New York-born wrestler was always filled up in one of her tight holes at any one point. Getting it deep in them both as the added sound of her ass smacking against Oliver’s skin was being heard too along with the constant loud moans from all three, although hers was easily the highest and even the most filled with lust at this point.

“You Japanese wrestler chicks are fucking freaky as all Hell! I fucking love it!” Dirty One added his own more sinful commentary to the proceedings. Focused on that rippling ass of the Joshi and the sight of her tight holes getting stuffed full. Constant thrusts in and out from two still rock-hard lengths ready to drill her like she was just a personal fuck toy for them to use. A fact looking certainly true with how easily her snatch and asshole were now handling their cocks thanks in part to the stiff, resizing pace both hunks have been doing to ram her full. “Never get fucking tired of seeing a hot Asian slut looking like a bitch in fucking heat! I mean, look at her! She’s losing her fucking mind again! Haha!!” He pointed out, moving around and getting another look at her nicely curved frame dripping in sweat as she took a hammering from the back and underneath. To her credit, lasting a whole lot longer than many women possibly could against two dick of this huge thickness and length, and perhaps taking it better than a good few experienced porno starlets would be able to either.

“AHHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK AHHHHHHHHH!!” Waka still hit her limit with a near scream of a loud moan as her body shuddered between those thrusting dicks. Driving her into an even harder orgasm than the first she’d taken earlier on from just one big cock. Now coating the darker toned of the duo of dicks with her juices while both those lower holes clamped around the pumping lengths to make the studs groan out and give them a test of what they could handle. “FUCK… FUCK! FUCK!!” She panted and even as impressive as the wrestler who has only recently started to win matches has been if it wasn’t for the men holding her up in place to take their hard thrusts? She would have slumped in exhaustion by the time her peak subsided as her head hung down. A look of cock-drunk bliss across her face as she stared off through strands of hair to not even register the camera getting a close-up look at her. Only returning to planet Earth when those cocks were eased out of her, showing off the shamefully gaping state of not just her soaking twat but her once vice-like asshole.

“Ready for more of Mina-Chan now?” Shirakawa licked her upper teeth as she watched the hunks leave her team-mate sprawled out on the back seats. “You! Lay down…” She pointed to Oliver and he wisely agreed to quickly move down and get on his back. “I want you deep in my fucking ass…” She glanced at Ricky while she swung a leg over to mount on top of Flynn. Already guiding his cock into her snatch while the other hunk was moving to squat behind her as he gripped the top of her ass to spread them. “Let's see if you can make me cum fucking hard as you did to my friend…” Her tone made it sound like a challenge before she began to moan. Feeling not just one thick length sliding into her, but too as Ricky pushed his fat cock into her tight ass from above as the position allowed the camera to see her getting the double stuffed, interracial treatment.

While these two experienced porn stars had been able to have their wicked way in a one-sided fashion with the more of a rookie when it came to both sex and in-ring competition of the two Japanese beauties, they didn’t get off so easy this time. Even while moaning out, Mina was shifting her body back against those two long cocks. Forcing the men to match her still-needy pace so that when she pushed her juicy ass backwards they had to thrust into her tight holes. Her snatch soaking wet so easily able to take the thick white dick in deep with ease. Yet her tight asshole showed that this might not be her first time enjoying some anal with how smoothly she was able to handle those black inches driving into her. Even more impressively considering how this was dry anal with only the pussy juices from her friend Waka’s orgasm acting like a sort of lube easing off the friction.

“MMMMM FUCK! FUCK YES! FUCK ME!! MMMMM! FUCK ME NICE… UHHHHH! NICE AND FUCKING HARD! MMMMM FUCK!!” Despite already giving back as good as she was taking, the former holder of the Future of and Artist of Stardom Championships was demanding even more from the two familiar hunks. She went from sucking them off to now taking both deep into her tight holes to get her juicy ass and her soaking pussy filled up beyond a limit not just most women could handle but many of her fellow wrestlers, never mind a good many actual porn starlets. “MMMMM FUCK! DEEPER! HARDER! COME ON! MMMMM! GIVE MINA-CHAN… UHHHH! THE FUCKING HARD FUCK YOU KNOW I CAN TAKE! MMMMM FUCK!” It was sounding as much of a lusty order as it was shameless begging. Making those big tits bounce, brushing against Flynn’s chest as she leaned forward to keep her ass raised to be fucked as she shifted between those stiff thrusts. Sliding her pussy and asshole along the dicks as they worked deep into her tightness above and below. She showed off the sort of talent that would turn her into a surefire megastar in the adult film world rather than bringing her to the glory of the Wonder of Stardom title she’d win in the future.

“Fuck me! This bitch is crazy! I should have brought in an extra guy or two for this one!” Dirty One laughed as he saw that the two hunks were having their work cut out for them giving to the leader of the Club Venus stable. Stiff thrusts filled up her dripping pussy and tight asshole that would otherwise render most women into a quivering mess from multiple orgasms. Making it seem here that this was a standard workout for this busty beauty. Her already stunning frame was coated in sweat, leaving strands of her dyed hair stuck to her cheek as she stared through them to glance back at the man squatting over her to drill her rump, or down at the hunk pumping away into her twat. “Fuck it, I should have broken open the vault and signed this slut up to come work for us! Instead of whatever wrestling shit she’s doing instead of fucking like a damn demon!” He added as he still got a clear view of both meaty dicks sliding away into her rump and snatch while those still eager for more holes got backed up into those pumps.

“MMMM! MORE! DON’T FUCKING STOP! AHHHHH FUCK! YES! MMMMM FUCK! FUCK!!” Although the double team, and not the kind she was used to in any match, was finally starting to chip away at her as the pleasure built up. Still slamming her thick backside back and forth while those big dicks drove into her snug holes. Filling her up to drill balls deep so that the loud slap of two different toned bodies connecting with her thick curves rang out along with the loud moans. “FUCK!! SO FUCKING CLOSE! YESSSSSSSSS! FUCKING FINALLY!! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK ME! FUCK! FUCK!!” Her huge tits still swaying in time with her jolts back into those long shafts as she continued to fuck them just as well as they were drilling that soaking pussy and thick backside. Not even caring at this point that her already well-fucked friend Waka had just rolled off from the back seats with a thud. So focused on enjoying these huge shafts and getting the kind of action that she and her stunning body deserve.

Perhaps due to her lust making her push back so aggressively into those big dicks, she might have drained herself as much as these hunks did with their stiff pumps alone. Her teeth clenched together as her body tensed up, going from actively shifting back to now being rocked forward as these two sweating hunks pounded away into her box and booty. Keeping her tits shaking as her eyes began to gaze upward as the pleasure finally overwhelmed her. Never the less looking like she was truly built in more ways than one to have a career of getting railed hard like this, let alone by cocks black and white driving away into those snug Asian holes of hers. A sight alone that could make anyone think that the Club Venus she was recruiting women for might be some sort of seedy sexy den if their leader can perform to such a wicked, high level like this.

“FUCK! FUCK YESSSSSSSS!! FUCK FUCK AHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCK MMMMMMMMMM!!” Finally, her head tilted back as she moaned out the loudest yet as her body bucked in time with their hard thrusts. Soaking Oliver’s cock as it drilled her twat as she came hard, and in the process made the two hunks grunt as they felt her holes grip their still thrusting shafts thanks to her orgasm. Unlike her friend though, Mina impressively stayed awake and aware as she even licked her teeth with approval. A last lusty stare to the camera while the hunks fucked her through the peak. “MMMMMM… FUCK…” She purred as Ricky pulled out of her ass and dismounted her, showing off the sinful, gaping state of her asshole before the man under her did the same to show off her spread wide, soaking wet pussy. “So good… Made Mina-Chan cum so fucking hard!” Her seductive tone further voiced her approval as she moved off of Flynn to kneel, impressing again to not be spent after not just taking the banging of a lifetime but having equally fucked both studs just as hard as they’d hammered her.

“But we’re not done, right?” She smirked, before seeing Mina and reaching down, pulling her friend from off the floor. Waka panted as she was made to kneel beside her teammate, or more accurately was being held up with Mina having a handful of the dark, sweat-soaked hair so their faces were not just close to one another, but tilted upward. In prime position to gaze up as the two hunts who had screwed each of their holes stroked off and aimed down with Ricky aiming at Mina’s grinning features while Oliver took Waka’s panting face and wide-eyed stared as his target.

The suitable reward, aside from all the cash they’ve been paid to fuck on film, soon arrived as the grunting men shot thick loads across the stunning features of the two Club Venus beauties. Thick ropes splattered across the cheeks, noses, lips and chin of both groaning women with some catching high up over their foreheads and into their hair to stand out against Waka’s dark locks and the dyed hair of Mina. By the time the last drops were being flicked out onto both, leaving each Joshi looking like they’d taken the spunk from a trio of more men individually, the spunk was dripping from Mina’s face to land down nicely onto her large, heaving tits. Waka slumped in, exhausted and ended up smearing some of her cum off her cheek onto her friend’s as she held her close.

“Mmmmm! What a mess!” Mina said with a still seductive laugh. “But all worth it, right?” She glanced at her panting friend.
“S-So… So good…” Waka groaned, barely staying awake here. “C-Can’t believe… I t-took all that cock…”
“Worth every fucking buck to get your fucking friend in on this as well!” Dirty One said as he got the attention of the one woman of the two who was still able to think straight. This allowed the porn stars to move behind her as they scooped up her clothing. Ready for the classic finish as the minivan began to make a last turn, slowing down to come to a stop.
“Well, it would be wrong for me to just hog the spotlight… We are a club of friends! And we share everything… Success! Fame! Beauty! And even big fucking cocks!” Shirakawa shamelessly said.

“Well, babe? You know what else you two share?” Dirty One said as suddenly Ricky hauled open the side door of the Bang Bus. Right after, Oliver used his hands to shove the freshly cum-coated wrestlers from behind and thanks to the way Waka was clutching onto her friend, it easily sent both women tumbling out of the van. Almost knocking over an innocent bystander who was passing by as a tan-skinned woman with dark hair jolted back in shock. “You share the same fucking exit!” The cameraman yelled as Mina got up to her feet, but she was left stumbling back when the men tossed out the women’s clothing in two bundles at her. Shortly followed by the shoulder bag and some stray notes being tossed out from the ones Waka had been tossed during the ‘shoot’.

“What the fuck?? Are you two OK?” The concerned voice of the woman who would become known as Jessie competing in Stardom asked, kneeling to check on the two as the door was slammed shut as the engine roared to life. “Hey! HEY!! What the fuck?? Get back here!!” Jessie yelled out but the minivan was already driving off from the scene of the crime as Mina stumbled up, yelling in Japanese in this distance.

“Sorry lady! Maybe we’ll pick you up next time!” Dirty One cackled out before sitting back down. “Score another one for the good guys, am I right or what??” He bragged, dishing out a high five each to the men before they moved to sit down on the back seats.
“That was the fucking shit!” Ricky said with a grin. “That bitch was fucking all over me… Those big fucking tits! Fat fucking ass! Damn… Almost a fucking shame I ain’t gonna nail her again! Almost!”
“And her cute friend? Talk about being in fucking awe once she saw this big fucking dick.” Oliver bragged. “Damn good fuck too! Well worth getting a piece of her.” He said as Ricky nodded in agreement.
“Right? Two for the price of fucking one! I ain’t gonna be mad having my wallet drained a little more when that’s the outcome!” The cameraman stated. “Like I said, these fucking crazy wrestler sluts are fucking killer! Expert ball drainers every fucking one of them so far! And they’re too fucking eager to come on here and get nailed, even when they should know what happens to them!”

A tap on the side window at the Driver’s side as the man up front raised a hand briefly to make a motion with his finger. “Yeah, no shit? Guess yeah, that explains why that chick was your favourite out of those two, sure.” Dirty One said like he understood the gesture without explaining it to the audience. “But speaking of two… We gotta go drop these two guys off after a good day’s work!” He said with a laugh. “And then get this video all edited up… Can’t wait to see how much of this double fucking I managed to capture!”

And with that, he turned the camera to look out of the window and film the passing streets as the footage and another successful Bang Bus road trip concluded with a fade to black.

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas for either any future stories/chapters to write, or any specific characters etc to use in upcoming fics. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Supporters of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2023, 07:41:13 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Stardom or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.
 Starring: Utami Hayashishita (Stardom)
 Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Utami Hayashishita
 An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.
 A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].
 Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
 Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter, anal.
 * * *

While the inside of the infamous ‘Bus’ was familiar, the sight of not the usual porn star or stars was different. Instead a very pleasing, easy-on-the-eyes sight of a Japanese pro wrestler from the Stardom promotion, and of the top competitors of The Red Queen, Utami Hayashishita was on the back seats. Clad in a pair of dark pants and a black shirt with her dyed red and black hair shown off as she sat back.

“OK, we are rolling!” The Dirty One operating the camera said as he captured the Joshi. “And we got another edition of… What are the viewers calling this? Bang-Bus-ing The Indies? Heh, works for me.” He said. “But today we’re doing another ‘reverse’ trip since the last one with those three freaky badass rule breakers went down so well. And we’ve got the lovely Utami-Chan here!” He said as Utami confidently raised a hand as she smirked. “So, Utami-Chan! Gotta tell us! Why are you here, and why did you ask to be on our lovely show here?”

“I am on tour… Wrestling in the United States…” Utami said in her cool, badass tone as she used some broken English. “But… I’m not just here to wrestle… Or find myself… I want to fuck!” She said bluntly with a smirk. “I want some American cock… Fuck some big, nice dick!”

“Haha! I love it when a babe is fucking open about what she wants!” Dirty One cackled. “Coming over here for business and pleasure? I like it! Sounds like a win-win! Which is why we’re gonna go cruise around, maybe find a lucky guy or two who can satisfy Utami-Chan and make some of her hot friends back home real envious about the good time she got over here in the good old US-of-A!” He said to hype things up a bit. “So, who are you looking for? You’re a fairly young girl, right? Maybe some hunk your age? A little younger? Someone…”

“Him.” Utami cut off the speech as she knocked on the side window that she was looking out of. Hearing that along with her voice making The Driver up front slow down the mini-van he’s been driving to pull up alongside the sidewalk as Dirty One also pulled down the window next to him.

“Yo, dude! Hey!” He called out to make a decent-looking guy in some shorts and a sports jersey stop and look over from his phone. “Yeah yeah, you got a second?” He said to catch the college-age-looking man’s attention. “Listen, I got this girl here…” He started to try and tell a lie but Utami invited herself to open the side door and step out to get the guy’s attention.

“Yes, you!” She decided, nearly making him drop his phone as he grabbed him by the jersey. “Come here! We gonna fuck!” She announced, making him go into the van.
“Oh shit! What the fuck!” The lucky guy said with wide eyes but not objecting as she hauled down his shorts and the Y-fronts he had on. Not exactly packing the porn star size of dick however from the less than average size as Utami took a grip of him just as the door was closed up. “Yo is this the fucking Bang Bus or some shit? I’ve seen this before… Mmmmm!”

The young man moaned out as Utami briskly pumped along his cock to make him hard within seconds as she stroked away. Raising an eyebrow as she maybe hoped he’d increase in length after getting hard but she barely had to work her hand to pass over his full size. Firmly stroking over his cock to make him groan out and gasp as she easily stroked him off with a quick pace. “This all? I heard so much about American men…” She remarked, not too impressed but still testing him out with a firm series of quick strokes. Not looking like it was taking much effort for this basic handjob as she pumped away at the manhood of this decent-looking man.

“Ahhhhh shit! Fuck! Fuck!!” The college guy groaned as he had his hands up to hold the roof of the vehicle as it was driving. “Hold up! Slow down! AHHHH! It’s way too… MMMMM!” Rather pathetically, she’s only just really warmed up to stroking his cock before he started to throb in her hand. Making her recoil a bit as she just held him with fingers at the base as he started to already shoot a load, sending a couple of spurts out onto the floor to show it would take more than just some below-average random guy to please her.

“The fuck, man?? You couldn’t last a handie with her?” The Dirty One was sharing the same annoyance as Utami’s glare. “Pull over! You’re getting out!” He announced as the vehicle had only driven about a block before pulling over to stop.
“Yo, not my fault! I was buzzing from the party from last night!” The guy claimed, barely getting his shorts back up before the door was opened. Utami shoved him with ease to send him tumbling out to hit the ground. “What the fuck!! At least give me a free sub!” He whined as the door was slammed shut and started to drive off once again.

“Hey, don’t give me that look, babe!” Dirty One now protested as Utami gave an unimpressed, narrow-eyed stare. “They can’t all be winners. Sometimes guys can’t last with a woman this good like you!”
“I came to fuck…” Utami said coldly, looking back out the window again. “We will find me a big cock…”
“Oh, I’m sure we will…” Dirty One said, knowing that he had a ‘backup’ plan ready and this was all planned out just like any other ‘reverse’ pick-up trip they did.

A couple of minutes pass, but only appears to be seconds thanks to some video editing. The ‘Bus’ slows down again to pull up and see another college-age man walking with a backpack looking to have some training gear in it. “Hey, hey man! Got a second?” Dirty One calls out to get his attention but the man, probably thinking he was going to get scammed, just ignored him. “Want your dick sucked?” That question made the other man stop and look over with an ‘Ayo?’ questioning look. “Not from me, don’t worry! Got my friend here who is looking to suck some dick!” The cameraman explained as the side door opened.

“Shit… I’m fucking down!” This second guy eagerly said, climbing in to dump his bag on the floor as the door was closed up. The van pulled away just as he sat down. “Hey babe, what’s… Yo!” He grinned as Utami quickly moved to kneel in front of him and yanked down his workout pants. A slight raise of the eyebrow as she saw that his cock wasn’t that much bigger than the last one she’d had.

“Let’s see if you last…” Utami remarked as she pumped his hardening cock. Not wasting too much time after the first failed pick-up as she took his white cock in between her lips. Slurping loudly and making him moan out as she started to bob. Easily pushing her face down into him as his below-average size wasn’t a challenge for her to handle. Probably about the same sort of size as what she was used to back in her homeland as she smoothly worked up and down. Not even groaning around him compared to the loud moans he was letting out as she put those soft lips of hers to work.

“MMMMM! Oh fuck! MMMM! That’s some… MMMM! Fucking good head! MMMMM!” He groaned out with a wide grin as he sat back and stared down. Not even caring that he was being filmed as this Asian beauty sucked away at his cock at a steady pace. Easily lifting to the slim head of his rod before easing back down to the base and repeating the motion. “Ahhhhh fuck! Hold up! Slow down, babe! MMMM! Let me… AHHHH FUCK! Fucking enjoy it! MMMM!” He groaned, not used to getting a dose of head this good for this quick. Leaving his prick throbbing between her soft lips as she made her red and black hair sway from the quick motion. Just leaving her staring up with narrowed eyes like she was furious about him lasting for not much longer than the last.

Proving that by pulling off from him just as he hit his limit. Leaving his spunk shooting up and not with much height to drip back down over his softening cock to leave a mess over his crotch as he couldn’t handle a blowjob from this Japanese beauty. “Hey! What the fuck??” He complained as she hauled his pants back up so the mess he’d made was shamefully staining the inside of his clothing. “You said to just take a blowjob! Nothing about lasting!” He whined as the door was opened up as the van once again slowed down to a stop.

With a grunt, Utami almost tossed the man over his head to make him tumble to the sidewalk. As he stormed up, she tossed his bag like a lawn dart, sending him back down onto his ass as she slammed the door shut so the vehicle could drive off once again.

“Woah! Hey! Hey there!!” Dirty One exclaimed as Utami turned around and reached down to grab him and make the camera look like it was zooming in as she hauled him up with that less-than-impressed look. “Look, relax! We can get you some dick! I swear!” He promised as she glared. “You just made some bad picks! How about we make this three strikes and you’re out?” He suggested. “Let me pick out the next guy for you to try! I’ve got an eye for these things! I’m way more experienced than you at this stuff after all!”

“...Fine.” Utami agreed, letting go of him. “You get one pick. Just one.” She said, moving to sit down in the back as she folded her arms.
“Phew…” Dirty One said, thankful his story was bought. “Hey, Driver! Let’s uh, go to that ‘one spot’ where some real studs are. Know what I mean?”
Picking up the code to head to where an actual porn star was, the Driver just raised and hand as he changed the route to head to a more familiar part of town.

Another edit in the footage, and this time the ‘Bus’ pulls up outside a mart-like store as the side door is opened up. A face familiar to those who watch porn and likely not to Utami as a seasoned veteran and mature hunk Filthy Rich approaches the vehicle. Dressed casually in jeans and a buttoned shirt open at the top.

“Can I help you guys out with something?” Rich pretends like he doesn’t know what’s going on as he looks into the van.
“Hey, man! Listen, my friend here is from Japan and she wants to, uh, sample the ‘culture’ here in the States.” Dirty One lies to play along with the plan they’d formed.
“That so? Well, I got the day off so I can give you guys some time.” Rich claims as he climbs into the van to close it behind him.

“This man?” Utami arches an eyebrow like she suspects something is up about this but still looks over Rich as he sits next to her. “Much older than the other two…” She remarks.
“Age comes with experience, babe…” Rich smiles handsomely as he checks her out. “So, what kind of ‘experience’ are you looking for here?”
“...Show me your fucking cock.” Utami bluntly demands. “I need some fucking good dick.”
“Oh, really?” He smirks, having not expected that so suddenly but isn’t against getting right into the action. “Fine by me, babe…”

Utami’s expression soon changes, her head raising with approval and eyes going telling slightly wide when he undoes his pants. Letting her see the thick, long white cock he’s packing as he pushes his clothing down. “Fucking finally!” She smirks, and without even being provoked follows his lead. Loosening the buttons on her shirt and peeling it off to show off her nicely sized and rounded tits as she tosses her shirt away. “Let’s fuck…” She said, pushing her pants down as well and showing off that nicely thick backside of hers along with a perfectly shaved pussy.

“Hold on there… I like my girls eager, don’t get me wrong…” Rich chuckles as he takes off his shirt as well. “But a girl like you? Seems like you can handle a rough time, never mind a good one.” He remarks, seeing her eyeing up his hardening cock as he strokes himself.
“I can handle anything…” Utami confidently replies.
“In that case? Lay down on these seats…” He says, moving off them. “And I’ll show you what us American guys can do with a babe like you.”
“We shall see…” Utami smirked, but took the offer as she moved to lay on her back on the seating of the ‘Bus’. A chuckle was heard from behind the camera as The Dirty One’s plan was working perfectly.

“We’ll see if this ‘pick’ is worth my time…” Utami made it sound like a challenge as she tilted her head back off the seating. Rewarded with that thick, long porn star cock sliding between her lips as she groaned, finally getting her lips stretched. The sound was muffled as Rich began to thrust, feeding his cock in deep to test her oral skills right off the bat as he began to moan from the hot feeling of her wet mouth around his pole. “Mmmmpphhh… Shhhhrrrlllppp… Mmmmm…” Sucking away as she bobbed her head a bit, making her signature black and red hair sway as it hung down. Moaning not just from the feeling of a big old dick in her mouth but from Rich reaching down and giving her chest a grope as she stayed on her back. Only minutes into this encounter and taking a firm face fuck like she had a fairly good idea this man wasn’t just another random plucked from the streets.

“Now this is more fucking like it! Nice big fucking dick for our sexy fucking Asian hottie star!” Dirty One raved, getting in real close to capture the sound of the slurps nice and loud along with the sight of that pretty face being filled up with dick even at the upside-down angle. A slight twist from her head made her cheek bulge for a moment as he kept pumping before she moved back to take the smooth strokes straight on. The action already lasted longer than the first two doses she wasted time on before as she sucked and got her saliva lightly layered over this fat shaft. “Don’t go easy on this babe! She’s got to be one of those nasty Asian hotties who are down for a hard, rough time!” He encouraged her as he captured the sight of those slow and steady thrusts from this veteran hunk as he ploughed between her nicely soft lips.

“Mmmmmphhh… MMMMPHHH! GAAAAAAAHH!!” Utami started to lustfully choke as Rich didn’t need much more encouragement to pound that stunning face as he slid in deeper. Going beyond just the pleasurable confines of her oral cavern to test out her tight, warm throat much to his moaning approval. The former multi-time Champion in Stardom felt the same way from the groans she was letting out between her gags as she didn’t even make a move to pull away or push him off, and not just because of the position she was in with her head still upside down. “GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! MMMMMPHHH! HHHHRRRRKKK…” The saliva started to trickle out from the corners of her mouth as she kept on moving her head along that thrusting member as it went in deep. Her thighs squirmed a bit with a telling rub while her tits still got felt up as this stud showed he knew all the tricks to get the best out of a co-star even if she was a first-timer. Despite looking like she was handling this oral pumping a lot better than many starlets could on their debut at fucking on camera.

“GAAAAAAHHH… SHHHHRRRKKKK… HHHHHRRRKKK…” The thrusts kept coming and so did her chokes and groans. Showing off how horny she was for some good dick as one of her hands moved up and gripped her other tit that wasn’t being fondled by the hunk fucking her mouth. Pinching the nipple to tug on it while her head rocked against his motion. Keeping his dick buried into her oral tunnel while her spit drooled back down over her stunning face. Dripping to catch into her swaying dyed hair in the process. “HHHHHRRRKK… GAAAAAHHH!! HHHRRKK HHHLLLKK GAAAAAAHHH HHHHRRRKKK…” The thrusts quickened and got a hint stiffer as Rich experienced and saw first-hand how built to be railed this Japanese beauty was to take his big white cock so deep and hard. Moaning from the snug feeling of her windpipe around his weapon and getting the vibrations of her moans against those thick inches.

“Holy shit! Talk about a fucking freak! We hit another jackpot with this slut!!” The Cameraman remarked and didn’t put up the act of trying to be a shred respectful to her any more after seeing her fully at work. Not even looking lightheaded despite the hard pumps she was taking or keeping her head upside down off the back seats to fight through the blood rushing to her. Nothing like a cock far bigger and not just in length than what she was used to back home to motivate her more than any title match as she slurped and gagged away on him. “Bet we don’t even need to offer to use rubbers in this bitch, she’s that down to fuck!” He added, moving along her so that he could capture her gripping her tit while in the background Rich rammed his dick nicely deep to groan out as her saliva soaked him to help make more of a mess over the talented pro wrestler’s features.

“MMMMMPPPHHH… GAAAAAAAAHHH!! SHHHHKKKK… GAAAAAAAHHH!!” Utami was acting more like a seasoned deep-throat porno actress as she handled this slab of man-meat right into her tight, wet tunnel. His heavy balls smacked off her forehead from the close contact but the sensation didn't faze her one bit as she kept moving her lips along him even as they fought to stay pressed. “GAAAAAAHHHHH… MMMMMM…” She got the chance to suck in air when he pulled out and showed how drenched in spit his inches were. Not using it to get a break as she stuck her tongue and allowed him to enjoy her. The heavy crown of his dick smacked off that soft tongue first a few times before moving down. Making a sinful smirk appear when the strikes hit her cheek a couple of times and then her forehead like it was another test to see what she could handle.

“That was some damn good head, babe…” Rich smirked, moving back. “Now spread them. Let’s see what else you can handle.” He instructed as he watched her swing a leg to move up to sit straight.”
“I can handle anything…” Utami boldly said with a gorgeous smirk to match. Not objecting as he moved to lay on her side and put her leg up high to show off that tight looking and now, unlike at the start, wet from arousal pussy. “Bring it…” She said, even making the motion with a hand.
“I’m gonna make you wish you moved over here full time…” He claimed as he moved back in. Putting that raised limb over his shoulder to get in nice and close. Tellingly not stopping to put on any protection first as he lined his cock up with her entrance. Making them both moan out as he pushed in and got to feel that her snatch was even tighter than her throat had been.

“MMMMM… That’s big! MMMM…” Utami groaned, staring across and nodding with approval as she watched that big cock push into her tightness without even taking a moment to wipe the saliva from her face from that throat fuck. The language barrier not being an issue here as her moans made it obvious how much she was loving taking a prick of this size. Her inner walls spread to accept him as the nice combination of her drool all over that dick along with how wet she already was allowing for a nicely smooth motion. “MMMM… Yes… Impress me! MMMM… I can… Ahhhhh! Handle it! MMMMM…” She encouraged with a glance up at the hunk she’d just met and is letting bareback pump her tight pussy. Already letting him sample two of her holes but both of them loved it as they both moaned out. The motion made her slide a little along the back seats she’s now quite familiar with as she finally got some more than decent dick even if she didn’t fully know this ‘random’ guy with a porno veteran built to give her and her stunning body the action she deserves.

“See? Fucking called it! Bareback bitch all up in the Bus today! Haha!” Dirty One raved as her side-on position with one leg raised gave a full view of her tight Japanese pussy taking that big white cock as her other limb dangled as she rocked against his stiff motion. Taking him in deep as they both moaned out and Utami’s nicely sized and rounded chest jiggled nicely while her hair swayed. “These Asian wrestler chicks have been fucking dimes each time! Dirty freaks the fucking lot of them!” He added more backhanded compliments as he filmed the action in full view of the beauty getting railed. She was more than aware of that fact, having signed up for it, but was acting like the camera wasn’t there as her eyes were focused back along herself to stay glued at her crotch to watch that big dick plough in and make her groan in delight.

“MMMMM! Yessssss… AHHHHH! More! MMMMM! Deeper!” The former World of Stardom Champion encouraged as while she wasn’t doing too much work with this position she was still impressing by being able to handle a fuck from a huge cock that would otherwise make many a newcomer to skin flicks easily cream long before this point. She lay back and jolted as those thrusts rammed in and the smack of skin hitting skin soon rang out as he buried his member in to the hilt. “AHHHHH… Is so big! MMMMM… So, so much bigger… MMMMM… Than back home…” She admitted with a filthy lick of her lips like she knew how to encourage a lover to give their best. Having rarely had some fun last this long so she wanted to make the most of it even as her pussy was getting damper with each new stiff and deep pump she took. And without even sweating yet it seemed obvious she would be ready to handle a lot more as well.

Rich was a man who could deliver that sort of action she was made for as his cock rammed in deep and stiffly to enjoy the slap of her frame meeting his. Keeping a hold of her leg so she couldn’t jolt too far away so he only pulled a few inches out before driving back forward to stuff her and make them both moan. A tight wet pussy perfectly gripping his prick thanks to the quick resizing she’s taken from his pole. Letting the recording camera see it when he pulled out and rubbed the fat crown of his weapon against those slick folds. About to drive back in but seeing her lick her lips again he smirked. Letting go of her to move up and approach her as she quickly changed to sit up on those back seats and he leaned over a bit from the low headroom.

“Mmmmmpphhh… Shhhrrrlllppp… Mmmmm…” Allowed to control the pace, Utami moaned around that fat shaft as she took him between her lips. Smoothly bobbing at a steady pace but not pushing so far down that she choked along him. More than enough that she got the taste of her pussy from off that dick fresh out of her so another sinful sight more expected from a cheap Brothel whore than a top female performer in Joshi. “Mmmmm! Mmmmmphhh…” She even looked to the side, staring right at the camera recording her sucking dick as she worked along him and made him moan. Cleaning off the flavour of her snatch with more saliva as she looked up at him with a smouldering look as the first drops of sweat formed across her forehead.

“Someone fucking likes the taste of themselves!” Dirty One chuckled as he let the action play out as Utami showed off some more of her oral skills for a hint that she can deliver a good time as well as just take one as has already been proven. Whether it was planned or not, she even helped keep a clear view of her sucking dick as she brushed her bright red with black hair back as she bobbed along that prick. “Nasty little freak! Bet she can fucking ride like a dream with a nice little fat ass like hers…” He added as Utami got in another slurp before pulling off. Spitting onto the head of that dick and using her tongue for a rapid swat at the tip as she used both hands to stroke him. Making sure he was all lathered up with her saliva for the next position before she finally let go of him.

“What did you say? Ride?” Utami looked to the cameraman with another confident smile. “I like… Queen’s Quest is always on top.” She stated as she turned to lock onto her co-star.
“Not gonna say no to that, babe!” Rich said with a big grin. Moving down to lay on his back on the floor of the still-moving van. His cock was rock hard, shining with her spit and pointing upward ready for more just like she is.
“Good…” Utami moved across, swinging a leg and mounting him as she reached under to line his dick up with her snatch as she faced him to stare down. Both of them moaned as she eased down and took him back into her twat as he took hold of her nicely thick hips for support.

“MMMMM! Bow down… AHHHHH! To the Queen’s! MMMM!” Utami moaned once she had dropped right down to touch his mature, muscular body. Now properly showcasing her ability to fuck as she lifted upward to make his dick be revealed before causing him to quickly vanish as she dropped down. As predicted, her rounded backside made a naughty slap ring out around the van to mix with their moans as she delivered the ride. Her tits bounced and her hair swayed from the energetic motion as she got quickly into a smooth and flowing pace. This a fairly strong indication that this is far from the first time the 2020 winner of Stardom’s Five Star GP has been on top in this kind of erotic way from the steady way she was working over that fat and long cock.

It wasn’t just her loud moans that made this so shameless or the fact a camera was locked onto her to capture each bounce as she stuffed herself full with the biggest dick she’s ever taken in her life. As she moved up her head and some of her upper body passed over the bottom of the mini-van’s windows before she sank back down to repeat it. Meaning that if passers-by on the street or those in cars driving by looked in they’d know some filthy action was going on even if they couldn’t see all of it. The look on her face too showed how aroused she was by this all and the muffled sound of her cries of delight barely drowned out by the vehicle or the motoring engine still driving around to film this latest episode of the Bus in action.

“MMMMM! FUCK!! AHHHHH… SO GOOD! MMMMM…” The former multi-time singles and tag team Champion in Stardom moaned away as more sweat formed to roll slowly off her stunning enough as it is body. Keeping the quick and sharp pace going with fresh, loud slaps ringing out when she dropped down and collided with that ripped body of the mature stud she was now extremely familiar with. “AHHHHH… Big fucking cock! MMMM! So fucking good! MMMMM YES! FUCK!!” Picking the words in broken English perfectly, as if she needed to say anything more other than just the shameless moans escaping her mouth. The hunk underneath her not exactly catching a break with having to survive and show off his talent to last against a wild ride that would easily finish off a lesser man within a few minutes. But he didn’t even need to thrust once up into that soaking pussy as she did all the work for them both to grant them some supreme pleasure.

“Oh shit! Look at her fucking go! Fucking hot freak!” Dirty One said, moving around the action to film the view from behind as the nicely meaty rump of the Japanese beauty jiggled deliciously each time she dropped right down and stuffed her slot with every thick inch of his white dick. The ripple was almost constant with the way she was quickly working up and down while her dyed red and black hair hung down her back with a sway. “Those poor fucks from earlier would have blown in seconds trying to even take this! God damn! This bitch is made for fucking porn, not some wrestling gig!” He claimed as he zoomed in to show the brief reappearance of that long shaft from out of her twat before she made him stuff back in with the next drop-down. Another display that would make anyone question if she had a set of deluxe sex toys to practise on back home if she was this good at handling a porn star but hasn’t gotten this size of a dick back across the Pacific.

“MMMMM… This babe says she’s in Queen’s Quest or something? MMMM… Sounds more like… AHHHH! She’s more of a Size Queen if you ask me! MMMM…” Filthy Rich commented with a moan as he played his part perfectly to last even against this fantastic skill on display of bareback riding. His hands moved from her thighs to slide up, getting her moaning an extra bit louder with a grope of her tits before going back to gripping her. Letting her work away on his prick as she handled every fat inch of his extremely experienced shaft that has been balls deep like this in countless porno starlets over the years. And from his moans now this piece of tight wet pussy ranks not just among those with a lot more experience than her, but very high up in the list.

“AHHHHH… Size Queen? MMMMM… Maybe I am…” Utami didn’t object to the filthy nickname considering she was the Red Queen of Stardom and wasn’t exactly proving that term false here with how much cock she was taking. Taking advantage of being in control as she lifted from that dick just to shift back. Keeping him laying as yet again she invited herself to clean up the mess she’d left over his member. “Mmmmm! Mmmmmphhh…” Sliding his prick back between her lips and slurping away for a quick round. Like she’s got an addiction to the taste of her sweet juices from off a delicious slab of man-meat as she sucked him off. Another side glance to the camera as it got up close to film her bobbing away for a good few minutes to make the hunk moan out but still not come close to throbbing yet even with how good her lips feel after being stuffed into her snatch.

“You know, Utami-Chan…” Dirty One spoke up as she lifted away from that dick with a groan. “If you really want to prove you’re a Size Queen? I know a way you can do that.” He said to direct things without even needing to break out some extra cash.
“I like a challenge…” Utami purred, sitting back.
“Heh… Well just let my man here… I mean, let this lucky guy we picked up…” He corrected himself to keep the act up that he didn’t know Rich was a porn star. “Let him lube up and we’ll see how good you are at taking some big fucking dick!”

The video footage changes with the magic of editing to go minutes later in the drive. Utami is on her knees and almost in a doggy-style position but her upper body leaning up as she has her elbows propped up on the back seats as she looks back over her shoulder with a challenging expression across her sweat-shining face. However, the main attraction here is her shapely, nicely juicy rear that’s sticking up and out. Her asshole glistening from some lubing up that’s been performed off-camera and there’s a matching coating across Filthy Rich’s fat dick as he moves down. Taking up a squatting position over the wrestling beauty as he pushes his cock downward. Deep groans of lust escape them both as he pushes his rod into her tightest of holes to ease in at the start before he grabs her waist and starts to thrust.

“MMMMMM! OH FUUUUUUCK!! MMMMM!!” Utami’s hand slaps onto the seats as she clenches her teeth for a moment. Even a talented Joshi like hers feels the sting as her back passage gets split open by a huge cock but she was in such a horny state that she didn’t care about the discomfort. Even proving that by moving a hand down underneath her body and starting to rub away at her snatch as the hunk above her starts to dip that fat cock into her asshole. “AHHHH! YES! MMMMMM… SO BIG! FUCK! MMMM…” She begged for more and still gazed over her shoulder as she got fucked from behind. Making it appear that this isn’t the first time she’s let her ass be tapped as she moaned and fought through the pain. Already taking far more cock in her backdoor than the vast majority of porno newbies couldn’t ever possibly try to handle.

“Fuck yeah! I knew when I first saw that ass that she was a fucking freak!” Dirty One said as he got a great view as that white cock plunged in and out of that juicy Japanese ass to make her cheeks jiggle even before some skin-on-skin contract occurred. Getting the bonus shot of Utami’s fingers sliding away over her slot to get slick from the juices as she got even more aroused now that her ass was being fucked. “Perfect amount of fucking meat right there to take a drilling! Talk about a damn Size Queen!” He added to enjoy the shake of her cheeks. Filming the scene as gradually more of that meaty shaft was stuffed into her asshole as she not only took this sex bareback just as she had since the fun began, but she was letting this mature hunk complete the full trip to sample all of her stunning holes like she was truly built more for skin flicks than the action in a wrestling ring she’s known for.

“MMMMM! FUCK! Come on! AHHHHH FUCK! MORE! FUCK!!” The beauty who has held titles ranging from the Future of Stardom title to the prized red World belt groaned as she kept staring back. Doing her best to rock against the incoming thrusts as she felt that big cock sliding into her anal passage as she moaned out. Her tightness having allowed access but still tightly gripping to make this stud groan and sweat now from the effect of delivering this sort of action. “HARDER! DEEPER! FUCK… FUCK!! MMMMM! SO BIG… SO FUCKING GOOD! FUCK!!” She groaned as her fingers still rubbed away over her soaking pussy. Her head tilted a bit when she felt the first impact of his muscular body driving down and colliding with her raised ass as the clap of their frames striking now mixed with the moans in the air. Even so, it wasn’t enough as she kept on shifting to make sure that cock was plunged into her needy backside.

Rich, like the true pro he is, just focused on doing his job here to make sure she was put through the works just as he would to any other porno slut he took on. Using his cock like a piston to drive in deep and stiff into that tight asshole of this nicely curved beauty to keep them both moaning out. Now having his turn to make his desirable upper body pop up to be viewed at window level before moving down a bit for that telling rocking motion. Anyone from the sidewalk or a vehicle alongside this moving mini-van would easily tell what he was doing even without directly seeing the act, never mind the pleasured expression on his handsome face and the shine of sweat over him.

“MMMMM! FUCK! FUCK… MMMMM! Fuck that ass! MMMMM FUCK! Fuck it hard! FUCK!” Utami demanded between moans as her free hand clawed at the back seats a little bit like she was getting it so good she needed something to grip onto. All the while working her hips back and forth and making her ass clap back into his downward thrusts from that angle as he kept the squat over her held. So her hand was free to rub away at her pussy to leave a forming stain of her juices on the floor between her legs. “MMMMM… I’ll fucking show… AHHHH FUCK… Show you… MMMM! I’m the fucking Size Queen! MMMMM FUCK…” She vowed with a moan as she even gave her snatch a quick slap while shifting on her knees to back her rump up and take those stiff thrusts. Already handling a pace that would render a normal woman gaping wide for close to a week just from trying to handle this amount of dick.

She let out a groan of disappointment moments later though when he pulled out of her ass and she felt that empty feeling in her rump. But her look soon turned to another wicked but confident smirk when he moved to sit down on the back seats as she moved back to let him take the central spot. Soon moving to her knees up on them at the side as she leaned over, allowing him to grope at her freshly fucked ass as he invited himself to stuff a finger into her asshole to keep working her over. While she moved her head down and guided that big cock back into her mouth while her hand still rubbed away at her snatch to prove how horny she was for this action.

That fact is proven by her willingly engaging in ass-to-mouth without even being provoked to do so. Sucking off the flavour of her juicy ass from off that big cock as she bobbed slowly along his inches to yet again apply her saliva. The moans she let out to be muffled by all that thickness might be written off as just the pleasure from the fingering action going on at her lower holes. However, she wasn’t gagging one bit as she got the taste of her back passage from off his dick so at the very least she wasn’t disgusted by it. The camera got a close look at this latest break for some oral fun and saw the loose strands of her red and black hair stuck to her cheeks from all the sweat as she slurped along the dick that had just been balls deep in her ass. She was enjoying it so much that he had to stop fingering her asshole to use the hand to pull her head off his cock as they exchanged some lusty smiles.

But the multi-time Champion in Stardom couldn’t even get another lusty word out in any language as he used the grip of her hair to pull her over and onto his lap but facing outward. A groaning left her as her plump ass was shoved back down to take his cock up into her until her cheeks squashed against his lap. Perhaps making her think she was going to get a chance to ride him but before she could try to he reached down to grip her legs. Making her groan as those limbs were pulled back against her body to test her flexibility. The hands crossed under her knees and made her upper body bend in as he clasped his hands behind her dyed red and black-haired head to apply a different kind of Full Nelson than what she was used to taking in the ring.

“AHHHHHH FUCK! FUCK! OH FUCK!! AHHHHHH!!” Howls of delight escaped Utami as she was clutched in place to be used like a living sex toy on that huge dick as Rich proved his Filthy name to be very true with the rough, swift way he drove his big white dick up into that nicely thick ass of the Japanese beauty. Making her jolt as her ass clapped into his crotch over and over while her tits jiggled away. “YES! FUCK! FUCK!! SO GOOD! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!!” She panted as more sweat rolled off her and even without being touched, her on-display pussy was dripping with more juices to show she was in such a horny state she was getting off on this anal pounding without even needing to touch her slot. Further proving that calling her more of a Size Queen than the Red Queen was quite the fitting nickname.

“That’s what I’m fucking talking about! Fucking wreck her! Split this hot fucking slut apart!” Dirty One encouraged with a wide grin clear in his voice as he filmed the action. Capturing her entire body shaking as she got her ass hammered, along with the expression of pleasure on her face and able to zoom in at her lower holes as her snatch was soaking and her asshole got ploughed stiffly and swiftly. “We’ll fucking see if this tough wrestling bitch can even walk after getting this kind of railing!” He cackled. Knowing that this footage was well worth the money paid for her to appear in this production and he didn’t even need to bribe her to go this far to get used harder than most newbies to skin flicks would for their first time taking a massive shaft like this.

“UHHHH! FUCK! FUCK! AHHHHHH FUCK! MMMMM!!” Loud cursing along with some mumbles under her breath in her native tongue as the leader of the Queen’s Quest was loving every moment of having her ass pounded in such a shameful way. Her body clutched to leave her on full display for a different kind of being ‘on top’ than what she’s used to. “FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM!! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUCK!!” Hissing in delight as she jolted in his grip as the stud underneath her grunted and drove his cock forcefully up into her asshole to keep that loud clap ringing out when he drove in. The sort of punishing pace that would render most women, and a good many experienced in porno, into a sobbing, cumming mess long before even half the time it took to reach this lusty point in the action.

As only to be expected from not just one of the hottest women in all of Joshi but a supremely talented multi-time former Champion, she was taking each hole stretching thrust like she was the more experienced pro here. Her dyed red and black hair was a total mess with several loose strands stuck across her pretty features as she shuddered in the grip of this mature hunk as he pounded the young stunner over and over again. Showing off his skill to still be hard at this late and give her the proper railing she was built for. Knowing that even when her holes finally got back to being vice-like as they’d been at the start of the day she wouldn’t likely be able to so easily get off on any regular round of sex again after this. Never mind without having a solid ten inches or more of meat to play with.

“FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK!! CUMMING! GONNA CUM! GONNA FUCKING CUM!!” It wasn’t exactly a warning but more a cry of delight like it was the first time she’s hit a limit in months or perhaps even years. Giving the Cameraman barely enough time to move out of the way to the side as Utami didn’t just orgasm but disgracefully squirted to show how highly horny she’s been from this intense sex. The spray blasted out to soak the floor of the van as she shuddered and got her ass fucked through the peak. “AHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHH!” She panted as she came hands-free with a lewd expression as her mouth was hanging open, almost drooling as her tongue flicked out and her eyes were staring upward at the roof of the mini-van she’s been fucked in. Only snapping back to reality when he released the grip at the back of her head and pulled out of her now gaping wide asshole.

Lacking the energy now to help herself to suck that big dick, she was moved to the floor of the van to get on her knees as Rich used one hand to grip her sweat-soaked hair. The other pumping furiously along his cock as he aimed down at her gasping face. Giving her a new reason to groan when she felt the thick, hot streaks of white splash down across her to stain through the strands of red hair over her along with painting her cheeks, nose, lips and chin. More spunk hitting those dyed locks as he emptied his balls over her. Giving the camera a perfect money shot as she took it without even flinching once. Moaning in approval by the time he let go of her and she was left slumped back to rest against the back seats with her chest heaving and a very satisfied smile on her now cum-stained lips.

“Hehe! I think we fucking broke the slut! She’s never had it so fucking good before!” Dirty One said as he scanned over her. “Well, fuck it… Might as well dump her now she’s been pumped! Yo Driver! Let’s ditch this bitch!” He called out as the man up front threw up a quick thumbs up as he pulled over to the side of the road.

With Utami trying to recover and half blind from the spunk, she offered no resistance as Rich reached down and scooped the exhausted beauty under her arms to drag her over. While the Cameraman skilfully with one hand opened up the side door as they showed a random sidewalk in the city and a few unknown bystanders nearby. Gasps were heard when Utami, despite having taken a fuck like a true champion, was unceremoniously shoved out of the Bus to hit the sidewalk with a thud to make her groan. Cursing was heard in Japanese as her bundled-up clothes and her bag were tossed down at her as well as the pedestrians cautiously approached as the van door was closed shut and started to race away up the street. Showing that even the Red Queen isn’t given any special treatment for agreeing to be in this porno production as she got ditched like all the rest.

“And that’s another one in the can!” Dirty One laughed as he sat back down. “Ahhhhh damn it! Sat in the fucking squirt!” He recoiled, moving back. “I need to fucking bring a mat or some shit to sit on with how much this fucking happens.”
“Wish I could say I was sorry… But that babe’s ass was fucking fine! A damn good fuck!” Filthy Rich stated the obvious with a smile as he sat in the back seats.
“Well, I told ya these wrestler freaks are top-notch shit! Even if they’re fucking clueless about what they’re in for… Or maybe they ain’t!” The Cameraman said. “But hey man, you delivered as always and we got your number if we ever need ya for one of these again. Pick up or otherwise!” He said, reaching out to give a fist bump to the porn star. “And with that? We are fucking out of here! Let’s get you back home… And get this fucking mess back here cleaned the fuck up! God damn these squirting freaks! Nearly drown me every fucking time!”

And with that, the camera moves to look out the window at the passing streets before the footage fades to black. Another successful edition of this wrestling edition of the infamous Bus coming to a close.

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas for either any future stories/chapters to write, or any specific characters etc to use in upcoming fics. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2023, 03:37:30 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc. depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own AEW or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Skye Blue (AEW)

Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – Skye Blue

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.

A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter, anal.
* * *

“OK, and we are rolling…” The unmistakable voice of The Dirty One said as the footage began to play. The inside of that infamous Bang Bus shown with the lucky porn star brought along for this production is none other than handsome, toned and black veteran Anton Harden. Dressed in jeans and a loose T-shirt, he lounged in the back seats. “We got our man Anton here for the ride and he’s gonna help us pound some fine, fat ass today! And I mean for real… This slut we got lined up has this pure PAWG booty that you ain’t gonna get tired of tapping!”

“Shit… Sounds good to me…” Anton said with a smile. “But I thought you said this was, you know, one of the classic cruise around and pick-up deals?” He pointed out.
“Ah, right! Well, here’s the thing… This chick is signed to one of these rich wrestling companies. Like the kinds we’ve had on here on the Bus before. But I guess either she doesn’t want to get in trouble if they know she contracted us to get some good dick in her, so she wants it to look like she was just plucked at random…” The cameraman explained. “Or Hell! Maybe this bitch is one of those freaky chicks who gets off on the idea of being picked up a dumped after she’s been fucked! The Hell if I know!” He states with a laugh. “All I know is she’s being paid, and you’re gonna earn your money to pound her fat ass.
“That’s all I need to hear…” Harden said with a nod and a smile. “Let’s do the damn thing… And get those thick cheeks clapping!”

“Huh? Is that her?” Dirty One looked over as The Driver tapped on his side window to make the camera be moved to gaze out as the van slowed down to pull up. Seeing the stunning AEW wrestling in Skye Blue sat on a bench as she checked her phone. Clad in a trademark snapback black hat with her long hair black with dyed light blue highlights down at the sides of her chest. She also wore white sneakers with a set of tight jean shorts on that clung to her huge, juicy ass and a baggy T-shirt that hid her nicely sized chest.

“Hey! Hey there, Miss? Yeah, you on the bench!” Dirty One called out to fake like this was a usual pick-up style video as Skye looked up. Her eyes went wide as she smiled to show she had been sat there just to wait for them to arrive and get her. Her phone was tucked into a bag before she got to her feet and approached the van. “Hey, can we talk to you for like a second? We’re uh, an amateur film production company doing a short documentary about the area! Could we, like, get a few minutes of your time just to ask some questions and we’ll give you say a couple hundred bucks for your trouble? We’ll even drop you off after we’re done if you need to get to someplace.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, I was kinda trying to hail a car to pick me up but every fucking app just cancels on me!” Skye played along with the story as she smiled. “So sure, I’ve got some spare time! And getting paid! Sounds almost too good to be true!” She said with a wink to show she knew what she’d signed up for as the door was slid open so she could walk in. “Oh wow… I mean, hey there…” Blue had to hold back her approval when she locked onto Anton who, in return, had a grin on his handsome face when he checked out who he’d be getting balls deep into today as she sat down next to him. The door closed up so the van could drive off as she sat in place and got a look over her soon-to-be co-star for this porno as he checked her out with a similar look.

“OK, thanks again, Miss!” Dirty One faked this was a proper interview as he focused on the two in the back seats. “This is Anton, he’s just helping me out with this in case I stumble over my words.” He lied. “So, first thing, Miss… So we can uh, get on friendly terms and all that. What’s your name and what do you do?” He asked as if he didn’t already know who she was with the money ready to go into her bank account once this sex tape was filmed.
“Well my name is Skye Blue, and I hail from Chicago, Illinois.” Skye smiled to go along with the scene. “And I work, well my job is as a professional wrestler! I’ve been for a few years now and I’m signed to, like, one of the world’s biggest promotions called All Elite Wrestling! AEW for short.”

“Damn, we’ve got a major league celebrity on here! Forgive me, I didn’t know about you beforehand!” Dirty One lied and the smile was clear in his voice as he spoke. “Hope you don’t get in trouble for being on here…” He teased as usually a sex tape, especially one that had been consented to, would be a career ender for a current line of work.
“Oh, I’m sure they’ll be fine with it!” Blue said with a laugh along with a wink to show she understood what he meant. “I think some friends of mine from the roster had been ‘interviewed’ like this before anyway.
“Good to hear! Must be a tough job, travelling around the country and all that? Body on the line every night and all that.” Dirty One said to pander to her.
“No pain, no gain! But I’m proud of what I do in the ring and getting to meet all kinds of awesome fans all around the States.” Blue said with a big smile. “And hey, I get to be on TV, meet some childhood heroes of mine, got a couple of boyfriends too…” She said before she covered her mouth for a second. “Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that bit?” She laughed as Anton just smirked and gave her a look over.

“Oh? You got a man in your life right now?” Dirty One pounced on that.
“Well, yeah… And I might not have told him I was gonna be on this before today… I mean, not that I knew I’d be picked up at ‘random’ of course.” Skye lied about the last part to keep the act up.
“Sounds like you aren’t as sweet and innocent as you seem!” The cameraman stated. “Maybe you’re one of these chicks who are a bit damn freaky in the sack! Act all nice in public or on TV but as soon as you’re behind closed doors you get down and dirty!” He accused with a grin in his voice.
“Oh, you have no fucking idea…” Blue said with a laugh as she stroked her hair back. “Maybe it’s why I date wrestlers… I need some guys who can ‘take it’ if you catch my meaning to be able to keep up with me!” She said with a naughty brag that made Harden smile a little wider.

“Fuck yeah! You sound like my kind of woman!” Dirty One put it mildly. “But you know what? It’s one thing to talk about that kind of stuff… But it’s another to be about it! Know what I mean?” He said to challenge her.
“Hey, I’m not as innocent as I look… I’ve even got my own ‘exclusive content’ site where I post bikini pictures and stuff to make an easy buck!” Skye said with a smirk.
“Oh, you want some cash, huh?” The Dirty One let out a chuckle as he used his free hand to fish out a couple of notes from his pocket. “Well, I’ve got a couple of cold ones here that have got your name on them babe if you show us what’s under that baggy shirt of yours!” He said to far more rapidly move things along past the fake interview point than he probably would for the usual random, one-and-one sluts that are on the normal Bang Bus videos.

“You want me to strip? On camera? For a couple of guys I’ve only just met?” Skye glanced between the camera and the man next to her with a smile. “Sounds like a good fucking deal to me!” She laughed as he used a hand to pluck her snapback from her head for a moment. Her T-shirt then pulled up and over her head, as she showed she didn’t have a bra on so her nicely rounded and sized tits, often overlooked because of her booty, were exposed to make Anton nod in approval. “Double it and I’ll let you get a look at this fat fucking ass of mine!” She bluntly said while she popped her hat back onto her head with the rim pointed back.
“Sold! Let’s fucking see that big fucking ass, bitch!” Dirty One eagerly tossed a couple more notes down onto her shirt that was now on the floor of the van.

“You guys are as shameless as some of my followers online…” Skye laughed as she moved off the seats to turn around. Anton doing a lean over to watch as those tight shorts were eased down and her thick, rounded and tanned ass cheeks were exposed along with her smoothly shaved pussy. “Like what you see, stud?” She smirked with a glance at the porn star as he checked her out, while she stepped out of the shorts to shove them away to the pile before she stayed bent over for a bit more.

“Fuck yeah, I do…” Anton said as he moved a hand onto that plump butt and helped himself to a squeeze. “Big fucking fat ass… Looking made to take some big fucking dick!” He bluntly said and gave her ass a firm slap to make a crack ring out as he felt her up.
“Oh it’s built for that and a lot more…” Skye said with only a groan let out from her as he got in another spank. “You gonna just slap this ass all day? Or are you gonna get your big fucking dick out and let me suck you off?” She got to the point in her own right with a grin to match.
“Damn! And I didn’t even get to the point where I usually bride the slut on here to get sucking!” Dirty One said with a snigger.
“Works fucking fine for me…” Harden stated as he began to push his Jeans down.

“Oh fuck yeah…” Blue’s eyes went wide when the thick, long black cock sprung free, already nicely hard as he shoved his clothing down. He barely got the time to pull his shirt off when she invited herself to drop to her knees and get between his legs to take hold of his member. “This is fucking huge! Biggest fucking dick I’ve seen in a long damn time!” She claimed, and that didn’t exactly make for a good review of her current and former boyfriends either.
“Not too big for you and your fat, slutty ass to handle, right?” Anton teased as he let her pump his rod and make sure he was rock hard. All the while, the camera moved around to get in close to capture the action as it got underway.

“Oh, you fucking know it! I’m more than just a gal with a big, fat ass, after all!” Skye said with a grin while her palm worked over that thick length. A more than naughty wink was cast to the camera that was now angled to film directly down at her as she was on her knees with that big cock. The first proper move was done as she brought her tongue up along the underside of that shaft for a loan groan out of Harden. That frisky tongue soon swirled around the bulbous crown as the pro wrestler let out a moan at the taste of him. The hand pumped along the base a bit but more to just keep him steady as she teased. “Mmmmm… I got a dirty fucking mouth as well…” She boasted with another wide smile as she even gave the crown of this dick a smooch before she flicked her tongue out at the tip. A display of her tricks when she then stuck out that tongue and smacked the bell-end off it for a few slaps to make herself groan before her lips formed a pout to do the same taps with his heavy dick off her lips before the same slaps were done to her cheek as she grinned again.

“God, so fucking big and heavy… Way fucking bigger than any boyfriend I’ve had…” The AEW wrestler purred and she didn’t seem from her tone to just say it for mere dirty talk. The tease was done as she opened her mouth and finally make this lucky porn star properly moan as her full lips wrapped around his prick. A low groan muffled as she got those lips stretched for a red hot sight to begin with of that dark cock stuffed into the pretty, pale face of a young beauty. Still with a hand around his base for now at least. She got used to being filled up as she eased her still snapback hat-clad head along towards the tip before she smoothly moved down. Groans from them both as she stared up with her eyes full of lust. Being shameless with how she just looked right at the camera she knew was recording her sucking dick, instead of at the stud she was blowing.

“MMMM… Mmmmmphhh… Shhhrrrrlllppp… MMMMPPPHHH…” Her long, dark with dyed blue highlights hair swayed to make her free hand come up to stroke the locks back as she eagerly slurped along this big cock. Smooth pushes up and down to show this isn’t the first time she’s sucked some dick but just never with this kind of vast size. “Shhhhlllkkk… MMMM… Shhhhrrlllppp… Mmmmmppphhhh…” Muffled moans bounced off his dick and the odd flick of her tongue at his underside as that thick meat passed between her lips as the loudly slurped. The saliva gradually dripped down from the repeated motion as her tits jiggled a bit. The eyes of the young beauty briefly narrowed like she understood this hunk wasn’t going to have any early finish like she was mostly used to with a mouth this good. The warmth and dampness of her oral hole made Anton groan out but his cock was rock hard for her to bob along and fill herself up to the point where she at this early stage had to lift her hand from his base to stroke his thigh as she took more inches in.

“Oh fuck yeah… I could fucking tell there was something real fucking slutty about this cutie!” The Dirty One commentated as he filmed from that Point-of-View shot to capture that stunning face as she slid deeply along that fat member. The extra sight of her juicy ass stuck out at the back from the angle of her body as she knelt to suck this big cock. Her mouth pleasured Anton hands-free with her lips still snugly applied around his thickness. Her soothing mouth plunged up and down at a steady pace to make them both groan even if her cries were half-silenced by all that dick. “A fat ass like that? No way this bitch wasn’t gonna turn out to be fucking freak!” He added a familiar back-handed compliment as he let the action play out. Loud slurps to make her spit drip down as she began to quicken the pace. The clear knowledge that this hunk could handle what not just many a red-blooded man wouldn’t be able, but what some present and past boyfriends couldn’t either.

“MMMMMPPHHH… GAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHLLLKKK…” So much dick slipped between her lips that it made his crown connect with the back of her hungry and horny mouth. Loud gags now accompanied the motion when her gorgeous face slid down towards the base before she groaned in delight as she eased back. Her eyes just narrowed with desire and didn’t show the pain that many a newcomer to skin flicks would with their mouth being rammed full of dick. “GAAAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHRRKKKK! MMMMM… GAAAAAAAAHHH!!” The chokes just made the sight sloppy and red hot as her drool poured down while her lips fought to stay pressed around his size. No complaints from the stud who smirked and took this. All too happy to let her get wild on his huge dick to make his moans echo around the moving van she was performing this sex act in. Even as good as this was, he was nowhere near close to being made to cum so she could carry on to choke and slurp as much as she wanted.

“GAAAAAAAAAAHH! HHHHHRRRKKK… SHHHLLLRRRPPP… GAAAAAAAHHH!!” She did just that with loud sucks and lusty chokes without her eyes even watered up once from how she was eagerly and repeatedly face fucking herself on this huge prick. Only a brief lift of her hand to stroke her hair back so she could drive her stunning face right down towards his crotch. A sinful display far removed from the cute and sweet character she plays on TV. “HHHLLLKKK!! GAAAAAAAAAHH!! MMMMMPPPHHHH…” That long cock was left soaked by this curvy white beauty as she sucked away at the sort of pace that would leave a normal woman with a sore jaw for a week. Eventually, she pulled back to let out a deep groan and sucked in some long overdue air. “MMMMM… Oh, I’m gonna ride the fucking Hell out of this big fucking black dick!” She grinned with her words more a promise than just a request to do so before she spat onto the crown and swatted her tongue to finish off the oral.

“Shit, girl… Ain’t nobody gonna stop your fine, slutty ass from havin’ a good time…” Anton said with a cocky smirk as he didn’t make a move to leave the back seats.
“Good!” Skye grinned as she inched back from between his legs, just to get up and then mount over his lap to reach underneath and line his cock up with her slick and tight entrance.
“Oh, the fucking bounce of this fat fucking ass is gonna be sweet…” Dirty One moved down to behind them to watch that juicy rump lower.
Blue let out a laugh at that. “Just wait until you hear the fucking backshots! Later, that is…” She teased with a smirk. A look cast over her shoulder to let the sight of the pleasure over her face be seen as she eased down and took that huge cock into her snug pussy.

“OOOOOOOOOOH FUCK!! MMMMMM!! That’s fucking big!! MMMMM FUCK!!” The hands of the AEW and ROH wrestler went onto the shoulders of her co-star for this skin flick as she started to bounce on that thick cock. Another sign of how filthy she is compared to her act on TV with how she didn’t object one bit to this sex being bareback. Her shifts on that thick length made her PAWG backside jiggle even with just being halfway down on that rod. A smooth motion but she still needed to take some time to adjust to being stretched out quite unlike anything she’s been used to in any relationship before. “MMMM! Oh fuck yeah!! MMMM! Fucking stretch me out, babe! MMMM! Get that big… AHHHH! Big fucking black dick in me! MMMMM FUCK…” She begged with a broad smile as her long, dark and fittingly blue-coloured hair swayed while her trademark hat remained on the top of her head even with this pace of eager bounces. So even with the massive amount of dick she had to take it looked again like this wasn’t her first time being mounted on a lucky guy to dish out a red hot ride.

Likewise, this was far from the only rodeo that Anton had been a part of, but his loud moans showed this round of sex ranked very high with the many scenes and hot babes he’s sampled over the years. His hands clamped onto her slim, tanned waist to ensure she was perfectly impaled on his dick as he smoothly thrust his cock up into her wet and tight pussy. Her remarks before about not being used to his vast size not a mere bluff to tease. Able to enjoy how her slick walls were clamped around his member. His motion timed expertly so that when her snatch dropped down his cock was sent firmly up to help stretch her some more and stuff those thick inches up. The force also helped to keep her stunning, much lusted-after ass in a constant state to ripple away no matter if she bounced down or shifted back up. That motion made her upper body from that snapback-clad head to her tits as they shook nicely raise and lower back down from the level of the windows of the van as it continued to drive around. So anyone who peeked in would be able to tell that some filthy fun was going on inside the vehicle.

“AHHHH FUCK! MMMMM!! So fucking big!! AHHHH FUCK! MMMM! Yeah, come on! MMMM!! Fuck me, stud!! AHHHH FUCK!!” The native of Chicago, Illinois moaned with a wide smile as she still gazed back over her shoulder to watch her ass shake while she more than enjoyed the feeling of her tight and moist pussy being filled to a limit no other man has managed to reach inside of her. Drops of sweat now started to form across her as she gave back action as good as she took from this hung hunk. “MMMMM FUCK!! I’m so fucking wet right now! MMMM SHIT!! Keep fucking that pussy, babe! MMMMM FUCK! Get that fat damn dick ready… AHHHH! To fuck my fat fucking ass… MMMM!” She groaned to show that with a cock this big and good she didn’t want to miss out on being properly used like a porno whore. Even though this sight of her plump butt cheeks, as they struck down hard into his body, would be more than worth the price of the footage alone.

“What did I fucking say?? Fat assed bitch and a fucking freak!” The Dirty One said with a cackle as he got a great view of her juicy cheeks as they shook wildly from the combination of her quick drops up and down along that meaty dick and the hard pumps being sent up into her love tunnel. That dark shaft is now nicely slick with juices to replace her spit from the face fuck earlier on. The pace was quick and stiff so that the loud slap of her booty when it met his toned frame rang out around the Bang Bus along with their moans. “And a fat ass like that has got to be built to be fucking wrecked too!” He stated the obvious as he filmed this position to make her plump rump almost more of a focus than the fact her pussy was being drilled balls deep by a huge dick. Never mind the fact that either of the two people engaged in this shameless fuck could stop and easily leave the other to do all the work. The eager and energetic ride that Skye delivered along with the stiff and swift pumps the porn star underneath her sent up into her soaked but still nicely snug snatch.

“MMMMM… FUCK!! So fucking good!! MMMMM FUCK!! So good… MMMM! SHIT! To have a guy… AHHHH… Who can fucking last in me! MMMM!!” A rather wicked lick of her lips with a look in her full-of-desire eyes to match while she carried on to bounce away on that fat cock as it rammed in deep into her love tunnel. Like she was a completely different woman to her in-ring character once a big slab of man-meat was presented to her. As shown by the rapid, lusty ride she was all too happy to deliver onto a man she’s only just met today. “MMMMM! Let’s just fucking hope… AHHHHH! You can fucking handle my fat fucking ass too! MMMM FUCK… With all this… UHHHH!! FUCK!! Big fucking dick!! MMMMM!!” She added with a groan before she switched the pace. Bringing her curvy body to a halt on his lap to then roll her hips back and forth. A skilled grind of her wet snatch against his dick while she carried on to slam his big black cock in and out of her tightness to make her thick white ass still jiggle away. That booty left to ripple away while her long dual-coloured hair swayed and even with the stiff jolts she now did on that dick her signature turned to the back hat on the top of her head remained in place.

“Mmmmm… I can fucking see why… Ahhhhh… Your fine ass can make some guys blow real early…” Anton said with a chuckle as he eased her up and made them both groan from the feeling of emptiness once his cock left her nicely pumped pussy.
“What can I say? I know what this fat butt of mine does to guys…” Skye laughed with a naughty smile as she moved off his lap. “Speaking of which… Pass me my bag over! I’m gonna lube my ass up real good to get this big fucking dick in it!” She boldly said as she sat on the seats.
“Oh shit! She came fucking prepared!” Dirty One said with a grin evident in his voice. “We got you, bitch! We always bring some lube to make sure our ‘guests’ get railed like the sluts they are!”
“Fuck yeah… And I’ll be as big of a slut as you fuckers want if I can get that huge black dick  deep in my fat fucking ass!” Blue grinned again as she looked over and then easily caught a bottle of lube that was tossed by the cameraman to her.

However, the magic of video editing took the scene to a few minutes later to show Skye now laid on her side with her back out towards the camera along with her more than shapely rump while her legs were pressed together and curled in to rest against the back of the seats. The glistening sight of her asshole seen as Harden moved in with his cock similarly with a shine over him, but still no protection on, to show they’d both spent some time to properly lube up for this next round of action. Skye’s head tilted with her hat still on and her hair hung down as she looked across with a lick of her lips to watch this dark-skinned hunk push his fat dick into her stunning booty to make her first gasp from the invasion before a deep and lusty moan left her as she took the penetration.

“MMMMMMM… FUUUUUUUCK…” Her body tensed up while she bit down on her lower lip. The mix of pleasure from such a huge cock being pumped into her tight asshole and the thrill of pain from her rarely used back passage being stretched wide that would be more than most women could even handle a minute off. Let alone the repeated smooth and steady thrusts she now took as she stared across and groaned as her ass got fucked with a massive dick. “MMMMM! FUCK!! Oooooooooh! So fucking big!! MMMMM!! YESSSSSSS… Fuck that ass, baby! MMMMM FUCK! Get that big fucking black dick in there… MMMM! Deep in my fat fucking ass…” She encouraged with a wide and dirty smile to show that even with the discomfort of her anal passage being spread out unlike what she’s used to, it was only the wicked pleasure that was on her mind. Her eyes locked down, much like the camera was, on her juicy rear as her cheeks began to shake once again but this time just from his stiff pumps as he made her body slide a bit along the back seats.

The groans from Harden seemed to be that extra hint louder now from being stuffed into this thickly curved white beauty’s world-class booty. His long black cock used smooth thrusts to gradually fit more of those thick inches into a backside made more for his line of work than any competition in a wrestling ring. That was shown by how he’s completed the tour of her pleasurable holes even at this still early stage of the fun. His body only now slowly showed the effort needed to treat this young beauty as she and her fantastic frame deserved while the sweat began to form over him. Vast amounts of energy were still left in the tank to use up as he started to make his pace a little bit firmer and quicker now that he was used to her back passage being clamped so tightly around his rod. The same was said for her with being adjusted to the kind of huge cock that could leave a normal woman left gaped wide for a full week just from this size being rammed in, never mind the repeated thrusts she’s taken so far.

“OOOOOOOH FUCK! MMMMM FUCK!! So fucking big!! AHHHH! Stretching me out!! MMMMM FUCK!!” The former Women’s Champion in indies promotions like AAW and ZERO1 USA moaned like she was a title winner in some adult film awards as she stared and watched her thicc ass being pumped. Her body stayed on the side position while her cheeks jiggled and her long black and blue hair swung as she shifted thanks to his firm thrusts into her snug asshole. “MMMM! Don’t stop, stud! MMMM! Fuck that fat ass… MMMM! I fucking love how that… MMMM! Big black dick of yours… AHHHH FUCK! Fits soooooooooo fucking deep in me! MMMMM SHIT!!” Her look across to watch her ass being rammed allowed the camera to capture her expression of pure pleasure like this was the best action she’s had in her life and it wasn’t even close. Even though the focus of the film was, once again, more on that juicy booty as it shook and took stiff pumps deep and quick. That delicious smack of her cheeks as they jiggled fitted nicely with the moans from them both.

“Fucking fat assed slut! This bitch must be the kind to have like ten or so foot-long sex toys at home to keep her busy to take dick this fucking good!” The cameraman claimed as he kept the close-up view of Blue’s thick rump to record the wild jiggle her cheeks did with each deep thrust she took. Her asshole showed the same sinful ability to handle a huge dick as her mouth and snatch had done with the vast amount of cock she took. “An ass like this is fucking wasted in a wrestling ring! This bitch needs to be twerking those cheeks on a stripper pole at the very least! If not taking big fucking dick like this every damn day and night!” The back-handed compliments continued as the contrast of her plump, tanned cheeks and the dark shaft that rammed in and out of them was filmed. Along with that lewd clap of the contact of skin against sweat-coated skin from how Anton got nicely deep into that booty.

“MMMMM FUCK!! If you think my fat, nasty ass… AHHHH FUCK!! Is good so far?? MMMMM FUCK! FUCK!!” The stunning pro wrestler still had her wide and shameless smile on as she glanced back at the camera. Able to lay on her side and take the kind of hard pounding that would render most one-and-done newbies who took a trip on this Bang Bus with a limp for the next week. At the stage here where the pain from her back passage being stretched out was lone gone to just leave the thrill of pleasure so that her pussy, without even being touched right now, was wet enough to drip onto the seats she was on. “MMMMM FUCK! FUCK!! Just wait… MMMM! SHIT!! Until I drive back for some nice… UHHHH!! Loud fucking back shots…” She said with the kind of hint in her voice to make it sound like another wicked promise rather than just a mere suggestion. Still eager for a lot more from this huge cock even with the shine of sweat across her fantastic enough as it is body of hers.

“What the Hell are we waiting for then, slut??” Dirty One said with a snigger. “Get that fat ass into the position and let my man go to town on you!” He said as Anton pulled out of her tight asshole with a deep groan.
“That is if I don’t go to town on him more…” Skye teased with another dazzling smile as she moved from the seats without even a break needed despite the hard ass fucking she’d just taken. All too eager to assume the position and get down on all fours with her much lusted-after cheeks stuck high and out with her back arched perfectly to show this wasn’t the first time she’d taken it like this.
“Promises, promises…” Harden said with a smirk as he moved down behind her to spread her juicy cheeks and push his fat dick back into her needy asshole. Able to slide in deep with how her rump was now more than familiar with his huge size so he could take hold of her slim and tanned waist to thrust in while she quickly backed up to meet his pumps.

“MMMMM FUCK… OH FUCK YESSSSS… MMMM! That’s fucking it! OH FUCK!!” Just as Blue has promised, the sound of her juicy rump as it hit the toned, dark midsection of this porno stud was louder than ever to ring out around the van. Her cheeks were driven back hard to ripple like a thundering ocean as she easily handled the firm pumps being sent deep and stiff into her asshole. “MMMM… Like that, huh? MMMMM… Like my big, fat fucking ass… UHHHHH!! FUCK… Taking all that big fucking dick?? MMMMM… Feels real fucking good to me! MMMM FUCK…” More sweat rolled down her gorgeous face to leave some strands of her two-coloured hair stuck to her cheeks as her locks swayed from her eager motion. The shifts back and forth made her often overlooked tits sway in time but even with these hard pushes back, her trademark snapback hat remained in place on her head.

Not that from how the camera was positioned behind her there was any place else other than that massive booty for the attention to be on. The sexy ripple of her tanned flesh as it smacked into darker skin along with that loud and wicked clap as she drove back without any hint of pain felt despite the rough pace both used to meet the other. Her back passage is now perfectly stretched to fit the shape of this long shaft like she’s been an anal queen for years despite her claims that this is by far the biggest dick she’s ever had in her life. Her moans were constant and loud even without her pussy being touched once as she stayed up on all fours to get fucked up the ass from behind. The sight of juices that slowly dripped down her inner thighs as they shook captured along with the shake of her booty with each deep pump she took and drove back to take in equal horny measure.

“MMMMM FUCK! HARDER! COME ON… AHHHHH FUCK! More! MMMMM FUCK! Give it to me, stud! MMMMM FUCK…” The AEW starlet begged even as she got the kind of hard action that some seasoned skin flick performers might think twice about trying to take. Her head turned to stare back over her shoulder and watch her booty slam back into the hunk buried balls deep into her asshole. Still able to drive back and forth into his pumps while she stayed in the classic doggy-style position to take this big cock deeper than any previous lover she’s had been able to reach. “MMMMM FUCK! YESSSSSSS… AHHHHH FUCK… MMMM! Fuck my ass… MMMM! FUCK IT… FUCK MY ASS… MMMMM! Nice and… FUCK! Fucking hard! AHHHHH…” Not even a firm slap to her rump as it jiggled could throw her off from the swift and stiff clapbacks she eagerly sent into this stud to make him moan. Her back passage clamped around his fat shaft as he drove in and out without any care that it could be over a week before this hole got back to being as vice-like as she’d been at the start of the day.

“Ho-ly shit!! Maybe I should have called up another guy to handle this slut’s fat dump truck!! God damn!” Even with all the countless whores Dirty One has seen fucked on the Bang Bus, including the increasing amount of wrestlers like this one, this was footage that ranked very high with how good it was to watch. The sound alone would likely be enough to make plenty of men just cum without seeing those fleshy, tanned cheeks shake as she delivered a hard fuck as good as she took. “And look how fucking soaked this whore is! Not even a damn finger down there and her pussy is leaking like a damn leaking faucet!!” He added to point out how fired up this big booty beauty was to get railed deep and hard to moan so loud and drip juices without a single moment of self-pleasuring from this anal action. The question perhaps is how any man beforehand, never mind those who packed even less than half the length or thickness this stud was, was able to come close to satisfying this woman with the high needs that matched her wonderful curves.

“MMMMM FUCK! MORE! AHHHH FUCK! HARDER! COME ON! MMMM FUCK!!” Skye hissed as her eyes gazed over the hunky frame of the stud behind her. While his muscles glistened from the effort needed to give her the red hot action she and that fat ass can handle. Her plump cheeks only now turned a slight shade of pink from the hard, repeated contact and not just from his stiff thrusts alone into her back passage. That loud crack as she drove all that ass sharply back for a motion that could have easily pleasured the both of them alone. “FUCK! WRECK MY ASS! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK ME! FUCK ME… MMMMM! FUCKING HARD! MMMMM FUCK!!” She demanded with another lick of her lips before she let out another sinful hiss when his hand spanked her rump once again but even with that stiff shot her rocks back and forth never missed the timing. Another sure sign that away from international TV cameras and in-ring matches she’s far removed from the sweet girl if she can get a thrill from rough slaps and hard anal like this.

“MMMM… Damn, girl! Looks like… MMMM! I’m gonna have to put you through the fucking works at this rate…” Anton said with a groan. The sight of her gaped-open asshole was soon seen when he pulled out of her.
“Mmmmm… Maybe try a fucking Full Nelson on me, stud…” Skye offered with a sway of her ass before she moved back to sit on her knees for a moment. “And no, I don’t mean the wrestling hold either!” She added with a naughty grin and a wink that matched.
“God damn! This slut takes freaky to a whole new damn level!” Dirty One raved as he filmed Harden move back to sit on the back seats.
“Fucking right I am!” Blue just let out a sexy laugh as she moved as well to mount Anton’s lap but this time to face out. “I’m so worked up right now I think I might fucking squirt if I take any more of this!” She admitted while she eased her fat backside back onto that big cock to stuff herself to the hilt.

“MMMMMM! OH FUCK…” Despite being the one who asked for just this, Skye still let out a deep groan when her thick legs were pulled back to make her body curl as Anton’s arms crossed over those limbs to make them dangle with her sneakers just above his arms. His hands even made sure to clasp behind her head but underneath that snapback she still wore so it stayed in place he trapped her to make her sizeable tits stick out. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKK!!”A loud and lusty howl soon left her when the porn star she was mounted on didn’t just thrust up into her well-fucked at this stage back passable, but hammered her without any care if she could walk straight after this. His crotch slapped into her plump ass while his balls smacked off her skin to pound her ass like his life depended on it.

“AHHHHHH FUCK YESSSSSSS! MMMMMM FUCK! FUCK!! AHHHHHH FUUUUUUCKK!!” She groaned in delight as she took the deep, rather ruthless pumps that left the clap of her ass against his skin sounding like a machine engine on overdrive. Her tits bounced and her legs dangled from his firm grip so even her hair shook a bit but still, that hat stayed on her head to make the sight a little extra hotter as she got her ass rammed hard and rapidly. “YES!! FUCK YESSS!! AHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Every moment of the brutal butt fuck was loved with a wide, sex-drunk smile across her face as sweat dripped from her. Her eyes darted from up at the ceiling just to stare from the intense pleasure, even though she still wasn’t able to even stroke her moist pussy once with this Full Nelson she was locked in, to down between her spread wide and pulled back legs. In a lusty trance to see that huge black cock ram in and out of her juicy white ass like she was built not just for porn but to be Blacked hard.

“This fucking bitch puts the A in AEW all fucking right! And that’s a big fucking A for anal from how this slut takes it!!” The Dirty One said as he just filmed the piston action Harden’s meaty length performed to devastate her juicy rear like this was an attempt to resize her for life. She certainly wouldn’t be able to feel any cock a few inches less, never mind half as thick, as this dick was for over a week after this position alone. “Something about this big booty bitches and fat black dick! Just a match fucking made in heaven! Heh, or at least ‘Sky’ high in this slut’s case!” He chuckled at his joke but everyone’s attention would be quite rightly on that juicy rump being hammered hard like she’s way more suited for rough and wicked sex than a career in pro wrestling. The hunk she was on top of grunted with each slam of his shaft into her backside as the sweat dripped from his toned frame to again show the effort needed to properly pound this one-of-a-kind ass.

“AHHHHH FUCK!! FUCK!! YES! FUCK! FUCK ME!! FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK MEEEEEE MMMMMM!!” The hair of the AEW star was a total mess with sweat through it and strands stuck to her face and down her back. Curled up and fucked hard like she’s a living sex doll to take this big cock hard into her stretched-wide asshole. A round of sex that made her previous deep action into her mouth and snatch look like a walk in the park compared to this roughness. “FUCK!! UHHHHH! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUCKK!! AHHHHHH MMMMMM!!” Her body began to tense up as the pleasure built up in a way she’d never gotten from previous lovers in her still young life before. Her head along with that snapback still somehow perfectly placed on her jolted up and down as her body bucked a bit in the grip of the Full Nelson she was trapped in to take the thrusts into her rear. So the bobs of her head along with her feet raised to dangle would be proof enough if anyone looked in through the windows of the moving van to know exactly what was going on even before that look of shameless pleasure across her face.

While Skye had yet to win any Championships in AEW, let alone put together a solid win-loss record to boast about, this sight proved that she could easily make a change of career and be a major money maker in skin flicks. Able to handle the kind of rough action that some of the even most deprived porno whores might demand a double payday before they agreed to a scene like this. Her tits jiggled while her juicy white ass clapped loud and hard down into his crotch when he thrust up to stuff that still nicely snug back passage over and over with his fat black dick. A sight more suited for a fuck doll slut than a pro wrestler but the wide smile on her face as she dripped with sweat showed she had no regrets about how intense the pleasure was. That was proven as her gasps and moans got raspy and her body began to tense up as she took that drill-like pace from underneath into her asshole.

“FUCK!! CUMMING! FUCK!! CUMMING!! FUCKING… CUMMING!! AHHHHHH MMMMMM!!” She only gave that yell of a warning to allow the cameraman just seconds to shift back before she, as true to her word from before this Full Nelson got locked in, didn’t just cum hard from the best sex in her life. She unleashed a full-on squirt that left her eyes rolled back and her tongue dangled from the corner of her wide, sex-drunk smile. The blast of juices splattered over the floor of the Bang Bus as she got that fat ass hammered to drive her through every intense moment of that peak. “FUCK! FUCK… FUCK!!” Stuck in place to shiver in this hunk’s grip as he gave her ass another round of balls deep pumps to properly finish her off before he loosened the hold to lift her by the waist. The camera made sure to come back in and get a close view of her asshole in the gaped wide state she’d been left in from that harsh, to say the least, banging.

“Mmmmmm… C-Cum on me… Cum all over my fucking face, stud…” Skye groaned as she was put on the floor to kneel. Still with an impressive bit of energy left to stare up with a tilt back of the head to stare as Anton leaned over and stroked his cock as it pulsed in his grip. A naughty moan left her when the hot streaks of spunk began to splash across her gorgeous face. The first shots when so high over the forehead they stained the back of that trademark snapback she’d had on throughout this encounter. The rest of that big load painted over her cheeks, nose and lips as she pouted to take the proper porno facial as some got caught into that blue and black hair of hers from the clumped mess at the sides of her head and the loose strands across her features. A more than generous facial that meant spunk dripped from her onto her ripe tits even as he flicked the last drips out onto her.

“Mmmm! Holy shit!!” Skye let out a sexy laugh as she looked up with a smile across her stained lips. “And I thought I was backed up to fucking squirt! You nearly drowned me, stud!” She said with a more than happy tone despite the cum in her hair and over her hat.
“That’s just how we do it here on the Bang Bus!” The Dirty One said. “I mean, how we do on this ah, ‘documentary’ that we film…” He lied to pretend this was a usual pick-up-and-dump edition of the porno.
“You guys at least pay a girl for a good time…” Blue teased to play along as she gave a wink. “I just need a towel now rather than a paycheck!”
“Oh, I think we can provide that…” Another twist of the truth as the cameraman looked to the front. “Yo, Driver! Think we can, uh, pause for a bit and I can get the towel out from the glovebox there?” He claimed as the unseen Driver just raised a hand to follow their plan as he slowed down to pull over at the first clear spot on the street where he could park.

“Yeah, I could do with some fucking air right now…” Skye, still in a blissful state from the high of the hardest orgasm of her life, forgot what it meant to be on this particular production. So she thought nothing of it when the side door opened up as she knelt towards it to catch a breeze. “Ahhhhh!! What the fuck???” She yelled when she got shoved with hands on her back to send her with a stumble forward and out of the van. “Hey!! We had a fucking deal!” Blue’s voice now had outrage in it, made worse when her clothes and bag then got flung out towards her, to finally knock her hat off her head as she brought her hands up to block the toss while stray notes she’d ‘earned’ extra fluttered about as well. “Get fucking back here!!” She was barely able to slam a hand on the door when it shut as the vehicle revved up to drive away. “This ain’t even fucking close to where you’d promised to leave me!!” Her yell was heard in the distance as another successful getaway was performed to leave her cum-coated and ditched like any other Bang Bus whore.

“God damn… That fat fucking ass was something else!!” Anton said with a big smile. He checked out the stain of Skye’s squirt as he sat down on the floor of the van.
“Oh, I fucking bet! If traditions weren’t traditions I wouldn’t have maybe dumped her with an ass that good!” Dirty One claimed with a chuckle. “But we know the deal! Sluts are sluts and we can’t make exceptions even with an ass that fat!”
“Heh… It’s all good… Just sign me up the next time you need some bitch with cake like that fucked!” Harden said as he reached over to accept a fist bump for a job well done.

“Oh we will! We ain’t gonna be short on whores that’s for sure!” The cameraman said. “But we gonna get out of here and get this video checked out. Never mind getting the damn carpet cleaner in for this fucking squirt that bitch left! God damn! Nearly took my fucking eye out the way she came!” He said with a laugh. “Back to the office, my man! The day is still young and we can get this shit uploaded to edit in time to order some good Deep Dish!”

The Driver merely raised a hand to flash a thumbs up before he went back to the wheel to drive and focus on the road ahead. The sight of this still unseen man and just the back of his head was the final sight for this video as the footage faded to black before the final credits and copyright notices played out.

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas for either any future stories/chapters to write, or any specific characters etc to use in upcoming fics. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Supporters of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low as $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Bang(Bus)ing The Indies [Women's Wrestlers ride the Bus]
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2024, 08:10:29 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Stardom or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.
Starring: AZM (Stardom)
Bang(Bus)ing The Indies – AZM
An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.
A Commissioned story by [Anonymous].
Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)
Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, oral, inter, anal.
* * *

“OK, then! Let’s get this shit rolling…” The footage starts up with the familiar voice of the unseen Dirty One behind the camera. The inside of the infamous Bang Bus was shown off and in the back seats were not just one hung black pornstar hunk, but two of them - Anton Harden and Rick Johnson. Both studs in casual Jeans and shirts but with smiles on their faces, knowing some hot pussy was coming their way.

“So, like I said back at the office…” Dirty One explains. “This chick is from Japan, and yeah, another one of the freaky, hot wrestlers who wants some good dick like she can’t get back at home.” He states and that makes the men grin in front of him. “This one was like, I think, friends with one slut we’ve had on before? Utami or some shit? I had to translate the e-mail with a website so fuck knows. She wanted the same treatment but I guess wants to one-up her buddy and get it good from not just one dick, but two at the same time! So you two know what that means, right?” He states with a chuckle.

“Fucking some slut real hard until she loses her mind…” Anton says with a smirk.
“And then still fucking her even when that happens!” Rick adds and has a similar look on his face.
“Damn fucking right!” Dirty One agrees. “You boys will have plenty of fun with her. And don’t go easy on this slut either! Chick looks like one of those tiny Size Queens who is built to be used like a fucking fleshlight!”

He’s about to say some more when he hears a tap on the side glass on the Driver’s side before the minivan starts to slow down thanks to the Driver having spotted the day’s target. “Right on time…” The Dirty One remarks and aims out a window with his camera. Seeing a pint-sized Japanese woman with long blonde hair with dark roots. She’s clad in a snugly fitting merch T-shirt of the Queen’s Quest faction from the Stardom women’s wrestling promotion in Japan along with some tight shorts that cling to her juicy ass. Topped off with sneakers and a shoulder bag that she wore.
“Come on in!” Dirty One says after he opened up the side door to allow the tiny, young beauty to step in before he closed up and the van began to pull away from the sidewalk to start driving around the city. “Please, take a seat…” He says while Anton and Rick, both with big smiles, shift to the sides so their target has to sit between them in true porno fashion. “Let’s do a little bit of an interview, shall we? You, ah, can speak English? Yes?” He only now checks. A language barrier wasn’t as much of an issue as it should be when his focus was on getting a sex tape filmed.

“Ah…. Me… How you say? Not speak… English, well!” AZM smiled and laughed a bit while she put down her bag. “But… My friend? Utami-San… She had… Been here, before! Yes?” She spoke in broken English. “So I come here… Because… I want… To be… Star, in America! To wrestle… And enjoy America!” She attempted to explain. “But… I saw, Utami-San take on… One guy, right? So… I take on two! I beat Utami-San!” She said with another confident laugh.

“Yeah, so you saw your hot friend get fucked and wanted to double your pleasure for the same money, huh?” Dirty One smirked. “You know what, boys? Let’s not make her think too hard with that broken English of hers… Get those fucking dicks out and let’s see what this little Size Queen-looking slut can do!”
With smirks and nods, both Harden and Johnson reached down and gave AZM something to stare at. A wide smile when she saw the thick, long, black cocks that both men had to offer while the hunks ditched not just their Jeans but the shirts they had on as well to get right to business.

“Yes! Good! So big!!” AZM happily says and follows the lead of the men. Her top pulled up and over her head to show off her modest, perky tits. An even better sight when she eased her shorts down to expose a smoothly shaved pussy and that very impressively thick and rounded ass for a pint-sized beauty like her.

“Hell yeah, this slut is ready for it!” Dirty One chuckled, especially when she moved to kneel on the floor and reached up to grip the big dicks of the hunks who stood, or at least leaned over her from the low headroom of the Bang Bus, either side of her. “Don’t go easy on this bitch! Fuck her up and let’s break this tiny slut!” He ordered and got grins from both dark-skinned hunks. And it didn’t take long for her soft hands to get their pricks rock-hard and ready for her.

“So big! So thick! Just what I… MMMMM…” AZM’s tone of approval was cut off when her mouth got turned with a handful of her hair and Anton stuffed his member between her soft and nicely pouty lips. Her eyes went wide briefly before they sinfully narrowed and she began to bob along the rod while he thrust in and out. “MMMMMPHHH! Mmmmmm!” Her hand went to work on the other big dick with pumps up and down. Her mouth was stuffed full to not show any mercy for the babe who demanded to be Blacked and get a double dose of it. Never mind the fact these studs were all too motivated to rail a young hottie like this to enjoy her soothing mouth and soft palms on their rods.

“MMMMMPPHHH! GAHHHHH! GGGGHHHRRKKK!!” The High Speed Bomb Girl began to gag when Harden’s length went deep and hit the back of the pint-sized beauty’s oral hole. Far more cock, never mind thicker to stretch her lips, than she was used to back in her homeland. The saliva drooled down his size while the grip of her hair made sure she couldn’t pull back. Her gorgeous face fucked stiffly to make him moan and keep her spit escaping thanks to the fight her lips put up to try and stay pressed around him and only half able to keep that up. “GAHHHHH! HHHHLLLKKK! MMMM! GAAAAAAAAHH!!” She briefly closed her eyes while she got pistoned and used like a living sex toy. Still able to work her hand on the other big cock but not in control of things like she’s just another hot, young porn slut to these two hunks. The look of lust in her eyes showed she loved it along with the moans, muffled as they were, that she let out in between the lewd gags on this thick dick.

AZM barely got time to draw in air when Anton pulled out of her mouth. Just so Rick could grip that long, blonde with dark roots hair of hers to turn her face to him and have his turn to stuff her mouth. Similarly, no mercy was shown to drive his prick deep into her pleasurable mouth and make her gag. Now her hand left his dick so he could go into the back of her cavern while the other hand gripped Anton’s shaft to pump and work her drool along that vast size. More chokes on this dick while her eyes stared up with a fire. Slobbering away over this prick to soak him with the repeated, stiff thrusts she took.

“GAAAAAAAAAAH! HHHHHRRRKK!! MMMMM!” The chokes from the former Stardom High Speed Champion were loud and lusty. Her head got pulled along that big black cock in time with the firm thrusts to send the fat crown into the back of her mouth. That ensured her saliva dripped from her chin and off that length to stain her perky tits. Hard strokes made her face tense up with discomfort from the repeated stuffing, but her eyes didn’t water up yet to show that even with her small size, this Size Queen could handle rough action outside of the ring alongside the moves in it. “GAAAAAAAAH! HHHHHLLLK! GAHHH GAHHH GAHHH!!” She gagged and groaned while her hand gripped and pumped the other dick. Barely able to slurp on this big cock from the controlling grip on her hair but she never objected to it one bit. Even with the mess of her spit left on both cocks and over herself from the face fucks she’s taken better than many a porn star could.

“Hot little cock puppet! Look at this little slut take it!” Dirty One raved while he filmed the action. AZM got yanked off of one fat dark cock just to moan, barely get enough time to suck in some air, and then have that hot and tiny mouth slammed back down onto the other big dick. Another round of hard thrusts accompanied by loud and raspy chokes that showed even with a language barrier they could have a filthy time. “Bitch is only a few years legal and can take dick like a demon! They build the jailbait something different over in Japan!” He joked and made sure the camera got a good look at AZM slurps and gags with all the drool along one meaty dick before she got yanked off one and shoved back to the other to give both members equal, lusty and slobbery treatment. Her hands kept busy with the quick switches from one to the other to pump along whichever wasn’t drilling her mouth to make sure both were layered with her spit.

“HHHLLLKK! GAHHH GAAAHH GAAHHH HHHHLLLKKK!!” The Joshi star’s top is soaked with her spit down her chin and neck, and only now her eyes watered up from the pain of being drilled so deep in a mouth that might not be virgin but isn’t used to this vast size. Another round of deep bumps to slam the thick bell-end of a big dick into her mouth before, and not out of mercy, Rick pulled out. “FUCK!! MMMMM…” AZM purred before she was made to gasp. Those heavy dicks smacked into her gorgeous, young face to smear more spit onto her as the slaps rang out when the fat dicks and their crowns hit her cheeks. A hiss while she made her lips pout and got those dicks slapped into her to further treat her like a sex doll.

“This little bitch is a fucking freak…” Anton smirked. The two hunks allowed her to catch a brief break and pump their cocks with her hands.
“Yeah… Let’s put her through the fucking works.” Rick agreed. “Spit roast this little hottie and make her lose her mind.”
“Well, don’t wait for my approval!” Dirty One laughed. “Get to work and wreck this little Size Queen!”

“Ahhh? More fun?” AZM smiled and didn’t object to being moved to go from just on her knees to down on all fours. Anton behind her and Rick at the front. She knew what they wanted so she opened her oral hole invitingly wide to let Johnson’s now very familiar dick slide into her still cock-hungry mouth. Her lips wrapped around the thickness as her blonde-haired head began to bob along him and get moans from one stud. The other soon followed when Harden’s fat black rod eased forward and went into the snug, wet pussy of the Japanese beauty. A muffled moan was heard before her plump ass shifted back just when he delivered a firm thrust. Filled up front and back and right off the bat she was giving back as good as she got to work her tight and tiny body between the two hung hunks and those meaty shafts.

“MMMMMPPHHH! MMMMM… GAAAAAAAHHH!!” Once again the former High Speed Champion was made to gag all over a dark slab of man-meat but this time alongside muffled moans from her twat being stretched out and filled. Her tightness once again proved she wasn’t used to cocks of this huge size but at the same time had a natural ability to handle them. She happily slobbered all over the dick in front of her and took more inches deeper into her snatch from behind. “GAHHHH! HHHHRRRKKK! GAAAAAAAAHHH!!” The lusty chokes continued while her eyes stared up at the smirking, groaning expression on Rick’s face to enjoy her fantastic mouth. The same was said for Anton’s moans to enjoy how snug and wet her pussy was. A firm grip around his member to match the stiff pace to make sure that she wouldn’t get it easy. As any young whore would when they got banged bareback by a couple of studs she’s only just met.

“Fucking hot, Japanese freak! Little fuck rocket getting spit roasted like a fucking champ!” The cameraman said with a smirk clear in his voice. Able to pick and choose the choice to focus on and film from her fat ass when it jiggled thanks to the thrusts from behind to stuff her pussy, or at her front to film the way she drooled and gagged on a matching big dick being fed between her pouty lips. “Queen’s Quest? More like Size Queen’s Quest! Ha! Fucking tight bitch!” He taunted but the Stardom wrestler wasn’t exactly disproving it from how well she took both lengths along with the stiff pace being used to drill both holes. Plus, the fact she actively shifted between the two porn star hunks to crave both this hard pace and the size of their dicks. Even if she’d be left stretched out so much it would need to be more than a week before she got back to being vice-like.

“GAHHHH! HHHHRRRKKK! MMMMM… GAAAAAAAHHH!!” Sweat formed to slowly drip from that pretty, young face to go with the mess of droll off her chin that hit the floor of the Bang Bus she was being nailed in. She might be hidden from view from the height of the windows of the moving vehicle but the men behind and in front could be easily seen so anyone who peered in would be able to tell someone was getting Blacked by them. “GAHHH GAHHH GAHHH GAHHHHH HHHLLLKK!!” The tears from the discomfort of the repeated face fucking also rolled down, and that only continued when her eyes went wide from a grip of her hair. Those pretty features shoved down into Rick’s crotch to go from just filling her mouth to invading her throat for the first time. More spit fell from her lips that ached and fought, but failed, to keep pressed around him. No choice but to take it and stay on all fours for a rough and sloppy throat job.

Filled up at the back as well when Anton’s muscular waist crashed into her impressively juicy backside. Going balls deep in that tight and hot pussy of the Japanese beauty that’s built for big black cocks like his. The clap rang out with each pump she took to go with the moans from both hunks and those half-silenced groans that she let out between her chokes. Harden’s dick was nicely coated with juices to show that even with the discomfort of the deep throat (let alone the harsh face fucking she’s gotten from both men) she was getting off on being railed expertly by these experienced studs. While they found out the fun way that just because of her young age it didn’t mean she wasn’t able to give up a good time.

When Rick pulled out of Harden’s mouth, it gave AZM the chance to draw in some air before he coughed and spat down onto his big dick. “MMMMM! MORE!!” She begged with a hiss, just as Anton eased from her wet twat.
“Hahaha! ‘Atta girl!” Dirty One raved. “Don’t go easy on this living fleshlight! Rail her silly!”
“Damn right we will…” Anton says before he and Rick move upward and pull AZM up with them before they turn her around. “Fucking little Size Queen needs these big dicks to show she’s made for taking dick!” He stated and from Rick’s grin, he agreed.

AZM let out a groan when she didn’t get the chance to bend over. Instead, her petite frame was easily lifted by Rick who was now behind her. Bridging the wrestler between the two black studs who leaned over from the headroom of the van. AZM’s limbs out of instinct moved against the men with her legs back to wrap as much as she could around Johnson’s body while he slid into her snatch and gripped her waist. Her arms went around Anton’s midsection to grip him so he could stuff her mouth with the cock fresh from her pussy. Barely able to taste her juices from that length due to how he drove beyond her cavern and straight into her throat with a handful of her blonde with dark roots hair.

“MMMMPPPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRRKKK!!” Once again, loud chokes mixed with deep moans around one big cock while another drove in and out of her snug, wet pussy. The difference this time was that she couldn’t work her tight and tiny body between the muscular studs. Pumped at both ends like a deluxe sex toy and suspended off from the floor of the van. “GAHHHH! GAHHHHKKK! GAHHHH RRRKKKK!!” Made to slobber all over one dick and be rammed balls deep and bareback by another from behind. So her body jolted between the men who held her with ease to make her sweat and moan. Being put through a harder test here than during any title or tournament match she’s ever been in over her already veteran career despite her young age.

“Oh shit! Oh shit!! She’s a bigger freak than I thought! God damn!” The Dirty One says with a laugh at the suspended sex going on in front of him. Her status as a Size Queen had been proven by being able to take two long, fat cocks like this at both ends so easily, but this took things to another level with being held and pumped front and back. Juices dripped from her snug pussy and saliva from that gagging mouth added more of a mess to the floor along with the sweat. “These freaky Asians, man! More built for fucking dick than any wrestling bullshit they do!” He back-handedly said. Able to lean his camera in to either capture her pussy being rammed deep and hard or the same being done to her mouth and either sight was red hot, along with the wide shot of the entire bridged position.

“GAHHHHHH!! MMMMMPPPHHH!! GAAAAAAHHH HHHHLLLKKK…” With how much she’s choked and slobbered away over these big dicks, it would be a wonder if she had any voice left after this encounter. Her throat stretched out by Anton’s length while his balls smacked off her chin and her spit left his manhood soaked from tip to base and all over those heavy nuts. At her back, her plump ass cheeks jiggled away with each clap back against Rick’s waist while he drove in and out of her snatch. Able to keep her held in place to ram her and keep her in line with the other stud’s hard pumps. Filling her up with more dick than not just most porn stars could take, but ones with a vast amount of experience too. The moans from the hunks and the sweat that formed over them proved that, especially with her young age, she could easily make a switch from Joshi to JAV and become a major star.

The former High Speed and Artist of Stardom Champion slurped, moaned and choked while she got drilled front and back. Little mercy was shown to either her gorgeous face and her snug, once virgin throat or her tight, wet pussy by these hunks and their fat cocks. Her blonde hair was a mess from the grip on her locks and the constant swaying, and tears down her face to ruin her make-up from the discomfort of repeated face fucking she’s endured since the start of this encounter. Yet she never asked for either man to let up on her once. Only moans let out between raspy gags while she got bucked between both shafts and held up from the floor like she was only good as a living sex toy instead of the talented pro wrestler she was supposed to be.

“OK, boys! As red hot as this all fucking is?” Dirty One eventually spoke up. “We need to give that fat little ass on this hottie a workout! Give it to her with a good old DP!” He directed.
“Hell yeah…” Rick said before he set her down and pulled out of her twat, while Anton did the same with her mouth.
“Ahhhhhh! FUCK…” AZM gasped and stroked her throat from the near abuse-level fuck her throat had just taken. “Mmmmm! Yes! More…” She grinned however when the men moved down to the floor with her. Anton on his back so that she could swing a leg across her and mount his cock. Moans from the both of them when she took him deep into her snatch and eased back to stick her plump backside out to the camera and the other hunk.

A brief break the in footage with an edit a couple of minutes later so that the lubing up of Rick’s big dick and AZM’s tight asshole wasn’t shown, but the glistening state of those body parts showed they’d made themselves ready for this position. So Johnson could push his dick into that supremely tight hole to make her gasp and jolt while she stayed mounted with her snatch down deep onto Anton’s dick. A loud moan soon left her when Rick penetrated her tightness and got to work with firm thrusts in and out of her rump to make those fantastic, nicely thick for a woman of her size, butt cheeks shake while he pumped away. And Anton didn’t just rest back. Hard thrusts of his own up into her soaking and tight pussy that was well used to big black cocks by now so he could ram into the hilt while the other shaft eased more inches in to stretch out this hole too.

“Oooooooh FUCK! MMMMM!!” AZM’s head tilts back in delight with a lusty smile. Her Size Queen status, and perhaps that of a bit of a pain freak too, solidified to handle two hard, long and black cocks in her super tight Japanese holes. Now able to properly work that tight and tiny frame between the hunks to shift and work her backside against the thrusts from behind. At the same time, her pussy could grind down into the pumps from underneath to enjoy both stiff pumps. “FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM!! AHHHHHH…” Loud moans and mumbled cursing in her native tongue while she jolted and rode to take both dicks. Moisture all across her gorgeous body while her long hair was a mess from the prior grips done and now the regular sways back and forth in time with how she handled these shafts.

The two men grunt and sweat, putting in the effort to match the supreme sinful needs of one of Stardom’s top in-ring competitors. Stiff pumps into her tight and soaking pussy along with the work done to her back passage to slide more fat inches in and stretch her in that hole just like her throat and love tunnel have endured so far. A telling thing was that she moaned and pushed back to not show the signs of pain that most women, especially of her young age and being new to anal action, would feel with a cock of this huge size splitting their asshole open. She’s built for dick and a whole lot more and proved that with her shifts back and forth to give back as good as she got from the stiff and deep thrusts into her pussy and booty.

“Yeah! That’s the fucking shit, right there! Dirty little slut!” The cameraman both compliments and insults the woman who has been paid to come on this porno production and be fucked on film. Just able to handle it a whole lot better than the usual random one-and-done whores who usually take a ride on the Bus. “Maybe I should have gotten more guys to pound the shit out of this cutie! Hot damn! Fucking tiny freak!” He added and kept the action filmed. Able to see her ass jiggle from the strikes back into the stud behind her before she shifted down to keep her twat filled up with dick and show no favouritism to either stud or which hole she preferred being stuffed. Another sign that she’s been up to some dirty fun outside of wrestling shows and training since she hit legal age not that long ago.

“MMMMMM! AHHHH! MORE! AHHHHH! MMMMM!!” AZM continued to buck back and forth while the moisture left her stunning body looking hotter than ever, even with loose strands of her hair now stuck across her cute face. Her asshole rammed deep with dick to go along with how stuffed her pussy was at the same time. Sharp rocks back and forth to match the timing from these experienced hunks to work her plump booty towards the dick thrust into her asshole before she shifted down towards the prick being worked like a piston up deep to her love tunnel. “FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMMM! AHHHHHH…” She moaned and glanced between the two hunks. Her hands raised for a moment to squeeze her perky tits before they went back to resting on the stud she was mounted on. Still able to work between both hard motions for a display more suited for a slutty porno slut than the talented Joshi and the leading talent of Stardom she’s supposed to be.

“Ahhhhh… Don’t stop!” AZM whined with a groan when she felt the hunks ease their dicks from her snug lower holes.
“Nah, girl… We just wanna wreck your shit up on the seats!” Rick claimed before they moved her off from the floor, and got up just to move her to the back of the Bang Bus.
“Come get on this big fucking dick…” Anton said after he’d taken the seated position so the tight Asian could be moved up onto him. Her back to his chest so her lower holes faced out, and the sight of her fat butt being lowered deep down onto his prick was seen. Little time to adjust to that before Rick moved in and kept her legs spread so he could drive his big dick into her tight pussy for another round of black dick DP that’s a lot harder than the usual pick-up-and-dump whores on the ‘show’ usually get.

“AHHHHHH FUCK! FUCK! MMMMMM!!” AZM’s head tilted back from the moment the hard, deep thrusts began. More made to jolt from the grip the men had on her with Anton’s hands clasped on her slim waist while Rick kept her legs spread to both dangle and ensure there was a clear view for the camera of the hole wrecking being done. The slap of different coloured skin colliding rang out to mix with their moans and the cursing and mumbling the wrestler did in her native tongue. When her head did look back, a wild expression of desire was across her that would make many a man cum just from that sight alone. But these men had plenty in the tank to give her what she and her stunning, tiny body deserved. Even at the expense of her holes not being tight again for well over a week at this point alone.

Both dark-skinned studs moan and grunt while they pound away into her still snug but at this moment resized holes of the tight and petite pro wrestler. Her holes were stuffed deep to be filled up to a limit she probably didn’t even know she had before today. The member of the Queen’s Quest faction looked more and more like the title of Size Queen suited her with how expertly she took not just the rough pace but the sheer size of these dicks. One cock alone might be enough to send any normal woman into a screaming orgasm even halfway before they got to this point in the fun. Experienced hunks like these two wouldn’t be at risk of any finish yet so they could demolish her like she, her snug pussy and that thick ass truly deserve.

“AHHHHH YES! FUCK! YES! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Her loud moans and how soaked her snatch was proved she loved every moment of it, even though being Blacked on film might be a one-way ticket to a skin flick career instead of any title match she’d hoped to earn in the future. Her hair was a clumped mess with a few strands across her pretty face and more sweat caked her body from forehead to toes. Her legs still dangled like she was a living sex doll. Jolted and dropped against the fat cocks of these hunks who pounded away. “UHHHHH! FUCK!! MMMMM! YES! FUCK!! FUCK!!” A sex-drunk smile on her face and she didn’t mind one bit that she wasn’t able to properly bounce on these thick shafts. The pleasure sky high like it might be too much of a challenge for any lesser man, especially ones from back in her homeland, to come anywhere close to giving her the kind of mind-wrecking pleasure that currently flowed through her.

“Oh shit! She’s gonna break! She’s gonna snap!!” Dirty One laughed and got a fine view of the double penetration on the go thanks to Rick’s body being angled so that the gap was clear to see his dick plough into that snug Asian pussy while her plump ass got speared by Anton’s big black cock. “Ruin her! Let’s see this bitch fucking lose it and squirt!” He demanded and with a nod, Harden moved a hand from her waist to lower down. An attack of furious rubs across the top of her pussy to heighten the pleasure even more than before. The thrusts into her twat and ass never eased off to make sure all three were in states of dripping sweat and going at it like their lives depended on it, never mind their careers in either industry they worked in.

“AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHHH!!” AZM’s eyes were now rolled back to stare up at the roof of the still-moving vehicle. So even if she wanted to, she was so lost in the pleasure that she wouldn’t be able to ride these huge dicks under her own power. Bucked up and down like she’s been done for what feels like an eternity in just this position alone. Drilled deep and hard in her pussy and ass, and now the addition of skilled fingers to stroke across her twat to race her to a peak. “FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK AHHHHHHH!!” Her teeth pressed together and her head tilted along with how her body tensed up. The telling clamp of her lower holes to signal her peak approached real fast but the two hunks still got in another round of thrusts into her snatch and ass. Before Rick pulled out and stepped away to leave the Joshi starlet mounted on Anton’s dick while he drove up into her booty and rubbed away at her slit.

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKK!!” AZM’s expression went full ahegao with eyes rolled back and crossed, her mouth open with a grin and her tongue flicked out at the side. Her orgasm was not just the hardest in her still young life, but a full-on squirt that made the cameraman back up to not get caught by the spray. The shot of juices splattered out across the floor of the Bang Bus for even more of a mess than all the sweat, drool and fluids before made. Even after the squirt had stopped, Anton still drove into her ass and played with her pussy perhaps to make sure when she eventually came back to Earth from such an intense high she’d be Blacked for life and perhaps beyond repair. The fact that fucked silly look was still over her face that dripped with sweat even when he pulled out showed that mission might have been accomplished.

But her time on film wasn’t done yet, not without a fitting money shot across her. So AZM soon found herself moved from the backseats and down to her knees in the mess she’d just made from her squirt. A handful of hair by Harden to make her stare up and barely close her eyes in time before he and Johnson began to unload across her features. Thick, hot ropes of spunk coat her cheeks, forehead, nose and mouth along with getting stuck and matted through her blonde hair at the sides and top of her face as well as the strands across her features. Plastered majorly to make her groan and smile before she was let go, just to slump only her back in a defeated but satisfied state with gaped wide holes to match.

“Oh shit! We broke her!” Dirty One laughs and doesn’t sound like that fact bothers him one bit. “Well! Just makes our job easier!” He states and glances back. “Driver! You know what to do, my man!”

With just a nod given back in response, the van slows down to pull over to the nearest sidewalk which in this part of the city is far removed from where they’d picked the pro wrestler up earlier on. And at this point AZM was exhausted, let alone too outmatched in terms of numbers and strength, to put up any fight when the side door was opened up. The two porn stars able to grip her limbs and like a swing, used some momentum back and forth to just rudely toss her out and make her hit the ground hard in broad daylight with a grunt. AZM was only able to squirm and mumble in Japanese before the clothes and bag were tossed down at her for an even more harsh ditching than most women receive on the Bang Bus. The getaway was still the same when the door was closed and the vehicle quickly drove off to leave the freshly fucked and spunked-on beauty down and out without any care of what might happen to her reputation if she was found in such a state.

“Not gonna lie? Sometimes it’s hotter when they cuss out and yell and try to chase after the van…” Dirty One chuckles while Anton and Rick sit back in their seats and exchange a high-five. “But damn if it ain’t hot to see a bitch so fucked senseless she can’t fucking move! Never mind remember she got paid for that to happen to her!”
“Then shit, if she got paid? She deserves everything the fucking slut got!” Anton said with a smile.
“Whores are whores, man… Don’t matter where they’re from!” Rick added. “She knew what she was in for and if she didn’t? Then introduce me to more of her dumb friends and I’ll give them a good time too!”

“Every hole is a goal, right?” Dirty One laughs. “No matter what country they’re from! But hey, that’s this shit done for the day. We fucked that slut, left her cold and out of it, and now we can get on out of here!” He said with a look back front. “Back to the office, my man! Let’s get this stuff uploaded and ready to edit! Before that slut we just used warns her friends about what really happens to any hot slut wrestler we have on here!”

The Driver just briefly raised a hand to acknowledge the request, since he was on that planned route anyway. The camera just left to look out the side window at the passing streets before the footage faded to black, and the final copyright notices played out to bring another successful production to a sinful close.

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas for either any future stories/chapters to write, or any specific characters etc to use in upcoming fics. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


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