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Author Topic: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]  (Read 12843 times)


Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« on: December 15, 2021, 08:42:28 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters are 18 years old or over. I do not own the WWE or any of its characters/wrestlers.

Featuring: Stephanie McMahon (WWE), Eva Marie(WWE, NXT).

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 1

A WWE erotic story

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, Oral, Anal.

*     *     *

In early 2016 professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene. And it's success of a mix of classic porn website themed films and scenes began almost instantly, the very first day of the company's operation...

Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

WWE Diva and WWE businesswoman Stephanie McMahon


PWF Casting Tapings – Stephanie McMahon

The video starts up with the view out into an office setting with a door being seen, a couch up beside the back wall and various pictures in frames and award certificates hung up on the side walls. The camera sat on the desk of the office, looking out as we hear a knock on the door and see a silhouette of a female form on the other side.

“Come in!” The male voice said from behind the camera, belonging to the experienced porn director, star, and owner of the Porn Wrestling Federation.

Walking into the office was one of his chief business partners representing the WWE in one of its principle owners, the stunning brunette MILF known as Stephanie McMahon. She was dressed professionally in a black, sleeveless top that hugged to her large fake tits and showed a hint of cleavage, high heeled shoes, and a bright red knee-height skirt that nicely showed off her shapely hips and backside.

“Good to see you again! Big day with the first official running of this operation.” She warmly greeted, approaching and reaching out a hand that he extended his to shake, and once they'd broken it off she moved to sit down in the chair in front of the desk, flashing her cleavage in the process. “What's… What's with the camera?” She questioned with a bemused smile.
“Well Stephanie, as you know we're in a delicate business here...” The man behind the camera starts to explain. “Keeping the TV and the porn completely separate, making sure all the talents know what they are in for… I just wanted to make sure than both you and I, since you are my direct contact to the WWE and all.”
“Well… I mean… Of course I'm on board, we've been through all the paperwork but at the end of the day, our WWE Divas have a job to do.” She says, still curiously eyeing up the camera she can see is filming her. “Some needed more convincing than others, I'll admit, but faced with losing their spot and being fired? They agreed to their new contracts with PWF and everyone signed, from Divas to the ring announcers...”

“To yourself!” He suddenly cuts in, his hand pushing a piece of paper along the desk towards her that she looks over. “You see Stephanie, the contracts that every female WWE employee signed just like this one, state that at any time they may be called upon to perform for PWF, be that as a Diva, as a porn star, make-up artist… You catch the drift. And I'm afraid Stephanie that you, since you are working for WWE… That also includes you, because you signed your name on the line more than a few times during the legal process of this all happening.” He says, his voice with a telling hint of pride at knowing what she's now a part of contractually.

“...You asshole...” Her tone turned cold and bitter as she glared across at him. “You piece of shit, son of a bitch!” She started to stand up but just as quickly so had he, bringing the camera with him to still film her.
“Now now Stephanie, rules are rules… You could back out and say no… But from the contracts that you've signed, you know what that means...” He taunts. “It means your family and the whole WWE is going to be left in an even worse financial state than it'd been before my company stepped in.”
“...What do you want from me...” She said, sounding somewhat reserved to her fate and indicating that everything he said is completely true. From that pissed off look on her face though, she's also far from happy about it.
“Well Stephanie, before we get to discussing your feature film debut… Have you ever heard of a “Casting Couch”?” He asks, moving around his desk towards her, and deliberately filming a long look over her stunning MILF frame as he stands in front of her.

“Oh great! It's not enough you can have any WWE Diva suck dick or get fucked up the ass on film at a click of your fingers, but you want me to do the same…” She says mockingly, glaring at him as he films her stunning face. “Getting your rocks off with me huh? You're not even close enough to being man enough to handle a real woman like me!”
“Is that so? Well, then handling me shouldn't be a problem then, right?” He states like he's giving her a challenge. “I mean, it's in the contract Stephanie… Just think of this as...”
“Shut the fuck up!!” She snaps with another piercing gaze shot at him, gritting her teeth as she folds her arms over her massive chest. “...Fine! Let's… Let's get this over with...” She says with reluctance, but actually starts to lower herself down to her knees in front of him willingly, knowing she has no choice but to go through with this just like all the other WWE Divas would have to. Instead for them it would be for keeping their job, while she has to do this to keep control of her company.

An edit in the film happens, and we've fast forward to a couple minutes later as Stephanie McMahon is now holding in her hand a rock hard and lengthy dick that's belonging to the at least bottomless man behind the camera as he points it down, Point-Of-View style to record the mature beauty as she strokes that fat length. From the look she's casting up at him, she's far from completely pleased about matters here, but this is all willing and it's led to a red hot sight of the most powerful women in sports entertainment kneeling down and about to go through a vintage porno “Casting” to see how she can handle a cock.

“Just so we're fucking clear? I'm doing this to protect my company, not for you… You bastard…” She said with defiance, but letting out a defeated sigh accepted her fate as she gave that cock a couple of pumps before she took him into her mouth, eyes narrowing as she wrapped her full lips around his meat, giving the head a slurp as she delivered a few more strokes to the shaft. If she'd hoped that would be enough to finish him off, the smirk on his handsome showed otherwise. “Fhhhhkkkkk yyyyhhhhuuuueee...” Her insult was muffled by all that man meat between her lips, so she was left with no choice but to start to properly blow him, lifting her mouth up a bit to half-way on that crown for a slurp, then pushing downward beyond the crown to take some of his inches, almost reaching the midway mark before she raised herself back up, and started the motion over again.

“Mmmmm!! Oh yes, that's really good Stephanie...” He encouraged, his moan heard from behind the filming camera as it points down to record the Billion Dollar Princess sucking on his lengthy cock, her head bobbing smoothly with already her long hair swaying a little from the motion as those lips stay nicely wrapped around his member. “Ahhhh… Yeah, get deeper on it Stephanie… I want to see how much of me you can get in...” He added with a chuckle, getting a glare from the beauty blowing him not just from his words but when he reaches down and brushes that long brunette hair back away over the shoulders, giving a clear show down at her gorgeous facial features as she moves in close towards his cock them smoothly moves back upward.

“Hhhhhuuuueeeee ffhhhhkkkknnnnnn bbhhhhssssstttrrddd!!” The most powerful woman in the WWE curses up at the man she's blowing, with little choice but to do as ordered as per the new contract agreement between her company and his, which sees her now sucking away on his cock despite being a happily married woman to another man. With another narrow-eyed glare, she gives in again and pushes her mouth gradually further down onto his pole, finding herself groaning as her pouty lips seem to be fighting now to stay tight around such a long and thick to match rod. “Mmmmphhh!! Hmmmmphhh!! Mmmmm mmmmphhh!!” She groans again, her hand giving occasional pumps now as she's touching her own chin sometimes when she pushes down onto his cock and she tries to stroke off the rest, still looking up with bitterness at the fact she's had to follow the terms of a business deal and willingly blow this hung man she's only just met.

“MMMM… Oh yeah… Fucking suck that dick Stephanie...” The hunky owner of Porn Wrestling Federation moans, keeping the camera steady like a pro as he records the sight of the stunning, busty MILF working over his cock with repeated, smooth sucks that are leaving his cock shaft nicely coated with her saliva from that motion. She might be clearly pissed off about having to do this, but it's also clear from how smoothly and briskly she's sliding her oral hole back and forth over his member than she's far from inexperienced when it comes to giving head. “Ahhhh… MMMM!! Yeah… Blow me good Stephanie… Show me how you test out those rookie Superstars in the WWE...” He adds, getting another furiously glare shot up at him, making her pause on his cock but thinking better of risking a company-ruining lawsuit, she goes back to sucking on him for another deep round of slurps, her fingers getting a little sticky now as her spit starts dripping down and seeping past her lips, and soon that saliva gets rubbed over the bottom few inches thanks to that slightly pumping hand.

“Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmmm!!” She groans, her eyes narrowed but not out of anger for once, more embarrassment as she feels her saliva starting to drool down her chin, having to use her free hand to scoop it up and wipe it away for fear of risking ruining her top. Even with this, she still doesn't halt her steady cock-sucking motion, looking far from the proud and professional businesswoman she's known to be as she keeps her head pushing down and then lifting upward over and over onto this big dick. “Mmmmm… Mmmmmphhh!! Mmmmm...” Again as she blows him, he reaches down to brush her hair out of the way from covering her face, ensuring the recording camera he holds gets all of that stunning sports entertainer as she slurps smoothly and swiftly on his shaft in a perfect POV-style shot to stare right down at her bobbing, pretty face with that dick deep in her mouth.

“Mmmmm… You suck dick real good Stephanie...” He remarks from behind the camera as she pulls her head up and off from his dick, letting the camera see all her saliva nicely coating his rod now.
“Was that supposed to be a compliment?” McMahon snaps bitterly as she glares up at him. “Can we just get this over with already?”
“Gladly… We need to see if all of you can handle being in porn after all…” He says, moving around her as she stands up from the office floor. “So how about you show off that body of yours for us, and we'll get things really going.”

Gritting her teeth, knowing she has to go through with this or else lose potentially millions of dollars, she hesitates for a moment before she lifts her top slowly up her body, letting her large enhanced tits bounce free in all their glory, the camera getting a close shot of those big MILF tits as she sets her clothing down on the desk. The undressing continues as she shifts her skirt down her long, smooth legs, now revealing her wonderfully thick ass along with her neatly trimmed pussy, a hint or irony in the fact she's mad at being made to fuck on camera, claiming to be a professional and above this all but isn't even wearing any underwear.

“Fuck, that's one hot fucking body… Get up on the desk Stephanie…” He directs, filming a long look over that curvaceous frame as well as the still pissed off look on her pretty face, but she again willingly goes along with this, moving and laying onto the desk, her legs handing off the end closest to him while she props herself up on her arms and elbows, causing her chest to stick out for an added visual treat. “This fucking MILF body is gonna make us both plenty of fucking money...” He comments as he tilts the camera down to he can record him lining his cock up with her snatch, and considering how not completely into this sex as she would be with her own husband it's a good thing his shaft is coated with her spit, allowing for a smooth entry into that snatch when he firmly pushes in.

“Ahhhhh… Just… Just get this over with damn it!” She snaps, biting down on her bottom lip and attempting to suppress a groan as her body reacts to having such a big dick start to push in and out of her tight snatch, a tell-tale sign that she might not be used to taking such a massive length up into herself even in a situation where she'd be more thrilled about some action than this one. “Mmmmm… Fuck… At least… Ahhhhh… You didn't blow your load within the first… Ahhhhh… First minute...” The stunning female half of the on-screen power couple known as The Authority taunts, finding her eyes widening as she moans, looking down between her legs and seeing that his dick isn't even half-inside her yet as he's testing her snatch, moaning himself as she smoothly pulls his shaft out before pushing back in at a slow pace.

“Mmmmm… Is that so huh? Maybe… Ahhhhh… Maybe I'll kick this up a notch then, see… Mmmmm… How you handle how the pros take it...” The hunk behind the camera comments, watching as he draws back to then force his dick deeper into that snugness, causing her to moan out clearly with an open mouth, those sounds continuing as he puts force behind his thrusts, giving it to the stunning WWE beauty and already making that curvy body jolt back away from him in a rocking motion when he drives in. “Mmmm!! Fuck… This is one fucking… Mmmmm!! Sweet as fuck pussy...” He comments to let the watching audience now how nice her tight folds feel all around his member as he sends his thick and long rod straight into that snatch, his arm able to be briefly seen once in a while as he holds onto her leg, keeping her in place so she doesn't rock too far away from his dick as he pumps himself now with more force and at a quicker pace than before.

“Ahhhhh!! Mmmmm… MMMM FUCK!! You… Ahhhhh!! You fucking bastard!!” She moans out, still cursing at the hunk she's having to willingly give her body up to but unable to deny the pleasure she's feeling from her tight fuck tunnel getting stuffed full with dick. The sound of tanned skin connecting is ringing out now as he's driving his inches all the way up into her, and all recorded by his filming camera along with the sight of course of her taking this ramming and how she's groaning out as well. “MMMM!! You fucker!! AHHHHH… Mother… Mother fucker!! MMMM!!” The former Women's Champion again spits venom but now that she's moaning out in seeming enjoyment at taking this cock her words don't have that much of an impact. All she can do is stare down, occasionally looking up at the camera recording this sinful act, bust mostly watching that big piece of man-meat driving in and out of her tight, and now becoming damp pussy that appears built for this kind of activity considering that she's taking all those inches in and out of her twat again and again.

“Mmmmm… Ahhhhh… MMMMM Yeah...” The clearly experienced porn star moans as he keeps his words short, letting the action speak for itself as he takes in long shots of his dick plunging into that wet and snug pussy, scanning up once in a while to show her moaning, pretty face and her large tits that are bouncing sexily in them with the motion her body is being made to do. He easily keeps this brisk and firm pace going with thrust after balls deep thrust, his nicely defined body smacking into her tanned and curvaceous mature body to cause that erotic smack of skin meeting skin to ring out and further make her rock back, only to be pulled back to take the next thrust he sends right into her.

“OH FUCK!! MMMMM!! AHHHHH!! OOOOOOOOOH FUCK!!” The Billion Dollar Princess squeals out, her arms slipping from the force of these relentless thrusts and the pleasure clearly overwhelming her, her body falling back and her head hanging off the other end of the desk but her big tits still jiggling away as the rest of body keeps on jolting as she takes this stiff to say the least fucking. “UHHHH!! AHHHHH… FUCK!! OH FUCK!! MMMMMM!!” She's heard to be moaning out, but the focus of the camera for now is on that tight MILF love tunnel of hers as all his fat cock stuffs into her again and again, slap after slap sounding out as their desirable bodies connect and for a women who was so against whoring her body out as part of a business deal, she seems now to have been quite broken into being a part of the porn industry.

“UHHHH… Mmmmmm… Yeah… Look at that… MMMMM!! Fucking body...” He groans as he keeps this swift pace up with effortless ease, showing not just that he's far from a novice when it comes to some on-camera fucking, but knows just how to give a woman with a stunning and curvy body likes hers the kind of treatment she deserves, as well as what the viewing fans of porn (and pro wrestling) will want to pay to witness. “AHHHHH… Got a real great ass as well… MMMMM… You're gonna be real popular in your scenes...” He comments between grunts, keeping his multi-tasking going as he slams his shaft into that snug and wet snatch all the way up to the hilt, and keeps filming that very same pumping that he's giving the woman who is suppose to be a business partner rather than being the latest woman to go through a porn “casting” treatment.

“OH FUCK!! OH GOD!! MMMMM!! OH FUCK!! FUCK FUCK AHHHHHHH!!” The stunning female of the McMahon family manages to tilt her head back up, beads of sweat rolling down her cheeks and her mouth hanging open as her loud and clear moans ring out, her eyes seemingly in a trance now as she stares across at that big dick that's been dominating her snatch since really the moment he pulled it out in front of her. “AHHHHH… OH SHIT!! MMMMM.. MMMMM FUCK!! FUCK FUCK OH FUUUUUUUCKKK!!” She gasps out again, tits bouncing away as she appears to lose control even further than before, making the hunk that's deep inside her snatch groan out in delight as well as she starts to suddenly cum all over his length, her head falling back with just a glimpse being caught of the way her eyes also seem to roll back into herself from the force of this unexpected and powerful sexual high.

“MMMM!! FUCK!! Usually… AHHHHH… Our stars just fake it… MMMMM… But hey, I'm not… UHHHH… Complaining...” He comments between his own moans, showing his skill again as despite these added sensations of her orgasming all over his cock, he keeps his control and continues to pump in and out of her box with thrust after deep and stiff thrust, but is slowing down the pace of his motion to allow both her to fully experience all that pleasure, and himself to savour the last few moments of being deep inside of one of, if not the, hottest MILFs in all of pro wrestling. “AHHHHH… MMMM!! Yeah… You're more… UHHHHH… Than fucking ready...” He adds, groaning as he films himself pulling out of her snatch and seeing the red hot sight of all her juices that now coat his rod, before he pans up and gets a good shot of her curvy and sweat-soaked form still laid out over his desk.

There's an edit in the film to perhaps a few minutes later and now Stephanie McMahon is on her knees again, staring straight up and now with come composure that look of bitterness has returned, knowing both what she's all been through has all been filmed, as well as the fact this isn't over yet for her. Indeed, as we also see the man who has been fucking her is now stroking off his dick, aiming it down at her gorgeous facial features and knowing how porn casting-style movies go, it's obvious what's next for her as his cock throbs and wisely she's brushed her hair back over her shoulders.

A few strokes later, and the first shot of spunk fires out and lands across her face, closing her eyes in time as the jizz splashes down over her right eye and up her forehead a little, the second blast landing more on her cheek and down to slightly drip from off her. As he keeps pumping the spunk keeps coming with him aiming and hitting the left side of her face now, almost reach the eye with a blast that goes up the cheek but mostly onto the middle, then the next to land onto the nose again up near that eye but hanging off the bottom, landing just onto her bottom lip. His deep groans can be heard as he strokes out the last drops, flicking them down onto her nose, lips and chin to leave her with a complete cum covering just like all rookie porn starlets should have, even if her clearly pissed off expression shows she's might have been wiling to go through with it, but the prim and proper beauty is far from happy with it all.

“Is… Is that it? Are we finally fucking done here?” Stephanie snaps, looking up with the clear eye and using a hand to wipe the jizz away from the other one so she can properly glare up at him.
“I'd say so… And goes without saying you passed with flying colours...” He answers with obvious pride in a job well done on her. “I'm looking forward to your proper film debut already...”
“Oh I bet you fucking will… And I'll fucking go through with it, but with a few damn stipulations first!” McMahon says, her pissed off look rather ruined by all the jizz that's covering her gorgeous face. “I'm gonna choose the film, the script, my co-star and the whole damn film crew! And you won't be allowed anywhere on fucking set when it's filmed!”
“I can go with that… I have to approve all the scripts and scenes anyway since I run this place...” He says behind the camera with a chuckle. “Besides, you and me are scheduled to have meetings a whole lot more now since we're doing business together, so this isn't the first time we'll be together...”

“That's just fine… Because now I know what I'm in for, and you won't be so fucking lucky with me next time...” She vows with another piercing glare.
“I think we're going to get along just fine in that case… Especially considering I haven't tapped that fine ass of yours yet...” He states, and with those teasing words the video starts to fade to black with a last look at the cum-covered face of Stephanie McMahon.

* * *

Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

WWE Diva and Total Divas reality TV star Eva Marie…


“All Red Everything Goes Black!”

* * *

The porno starts up with the very welcome sight of a juicy, tanned ass encased in tight red booty shorts with black trim, that shapely backside swaying from side to side as the camera pulls back as she walks into a living room area of an expensive looking home, with suitable furnishings in the far background. Approaching a fitting and lengthy couch the woman with bright dyed red long hair she turns around, letting the camera see all of her curvy and tanned body, the smirk on her lips that are coated with thick, bright red lipstick, her matching to her attire wrestling boots, and a tight fitting no sleeve top that criss crosses around her neck and under her large, fake tits that are showing off deep and sexy cleavage from the hole in the centre.

“Hello there ladies and gentlemen...” Eva Marie says with such a seductive tone that it's clear she's well up for getting down and dirty on film. “My name is Eva Marie. The star of Total Divas, of WWE and NXT, and I am All Red Everything. And now? Now I'm a porn star...” She takes a moment to brush back her long hair. “I'm not surprised that I was asked to be a part of this… I mean, I've gotten offers to film porn in the past but let's be honest, a star like me? I deserve a lot more than just any old skin flick. So since I'm the star of this movie? I deserve to be treated like a star, so I demanded something that I know I'm going to love… That you are all going to love… And after I'm done here? The other so-called stars of Porn Wrestling Federation will only be able to dream of doing better than what I'm going to do right here...” She smirks again before she glances to her left, and then to her right. “And that's fucking a couple of big… Long… Fat… Black cocks...”

With that, entering the scene are from both sides are two impressively muscular and built, handsome black men with shaved heads, and a couple tattoos on their arms. But the most important thing of these porn stars is what's hanging between their legs – each is packing a thick and lengthy piece of dark man meat just like the red headed white woman had described, and already both hunks are rock hard and ready for action. From the way she's gazing at both of them and their dicks, so is she.

“So gurl… Me and my boy here heard you were looking to fuck some real dick, huh?” The first stud says with a chuckle, openly eyeing her up just as the other man is.
“Yeah… We got what you need here baby… Couple foot longs ready to get all up into you!” The second confirms as he tilts his head to the side to check out her fine backside.

“Fuck yeah… All Red Everything is more than ready to go Black...” She states in quite a shameless tone, slipping herself down to her knees and that allowed both men to step in close to her, her hands already quickly reaching up so she can stroke off them both, glancing between them as she gets a feel of those meaty rods she's going to be getting extremely familiar with. “Two big black cocks… Mmmm… And they're all for me...” Eva purrs, turning to the cock to her left and giving it a lick up the underside and the head, her hands pumping both dicks as she staring up at the hunk she's licking at. Another lick around the crown, she turns to the right and does the same to the other stud to make him groan, working her tongue around his fat head before sliding down to give him a lick up the bottom of his tool, smirking for a moment as she pumps both men for a moment.

“Hope you boys can handle this...” She smirks before turning to the left and now taking this first dick into her mouth, making him moan as she wraps her bright red lips around his fat size, tellingly groaning herself around that dark man meat as she gets right to work blowing him, lifting her head upward and them pushing back down smoothly. “Mmmmphhh...” She raises upward, gritting her teeth for a moment before she spits onto his dick, then taking him straight back in for another couple of bobs, the other hunk that's she's also jerking off while she blows this dick making sure to keep her long hair brushed back as it falls forward so the camera gets that perfect shot of the WWE Diva sucking cock.

“Mmmmm!! Awwww yeah girl… Suck dat fuckin' dick...” The stud being blown clearly approves of this stunning, red headed white woman slurping along his big black cock, her lips gliding back and forth as we already see her saliva being left onto his pole from the repeated motion. She lustfully casts a gaze up at him as she blows him, still groaning herself around that tool to show she's getting off on just dishing out this blowjob, no doubt even more so due to how she's also stroking a similarly long and fat cock with her other hand while she easily handles this one.

“Mmmmphhh… Ahhhhh...” After a minute of steady sucks she pulls off, licking her lips and catching her breath for a second before she turns her head, a brief smirk given to the camera as her hand moves to stroke all her spit over the dick she'd just been sucking. “Hope you didn't mind waiting baby...” She sinfully says up to the second man, not letting him reply as she now dives down onto his member, her mouth pushing downward and impressive distance on the first push – showing she's more than just worked up from the first part of her cock sucking duties. Giving him now that same dirty look she'd given his co-star, the Total Divas reality TV star gets her mouth moving smoothly and swiftly up and down his length, letting him feel how good her full, bright red lipstick coated lips feel as they slide along his thick inches.

“Mmmmm!! Mmmmm shit girl… Damn… Gurl knows how to fuckin' suck a dick!” Was the rave review from this muscular hunk that was getting to feel that warmth and wetness of Eva Marie's mouth as she went down on his cock before soon raising back up to just the head, never actually pulling off from him during her bobs, and her hand giving pumps in nice timing with the motion of her head. At the same time she keeps her other hand working on the first hunk's dick, keeping him nice and hard while she works over this man, still groaning herself around this tool as the camera records her gorgeous face pushing downward and then raising back up over and over again, her co-stars there to make sure that signature dyed red hair is brushed out of shot as she delivers these already shameless and loud slurps onto another black piece of man meat.

After another generous amount of time, she lifts her mouth off from him to gasp and catch some air, smirking like a true she-devil as she glances between the two men, running her hands over their shafts to get her saliva more than nicely coated over them. “Mmmmm… Let's get nasty boys… This All Red Everything needs to fucking choke on these fucking black cocks!” Eva Marie says as a vow, turning to the left stud and opening her mouth, taking his dick in but letting go of his shaft, instead resting it on his strong thigh. He takes the cue, putting a hand on the back of her bright red haired head and starts to pump his dick in and out of her mouth, making her groan for a second before her eyes widen lustfully as she's made to gag, that dick going in deep to hit the back of her mouth and not just the one time, but over and over as he starts to stiffly fuck that oral hole.

“GAHHHHH… GAWWWWWKKKKK… MMMMMHHHHH… HHHHLLLLKKKK!!” She gags and loudly at that around this big black cock, the curvy white female already finding her eyes narrowing with the mix of the desire she's feeling as she's used like this, and the discomfort from having her mouth being banging as this mighty shaft pushes in and out between her bright red and pouty lips. “MMMMMPPPHHHHH… GAHHHHH!! HHHHHRRRLLLKKK!! GAAAAAHHHH...” Saliva is now seeping out of her mouth as she fights but fails to keep those lips wrapped around him, her gagging making her spit splatter around this meaty rod as these repeated and stiff thrusts continue to be given again and again by the moaning stud gripping onto her head and hair. As well as those dirty groans and gags from her, the visual effect is clear as her saliva is now starting to drip down off of his moving shaft, leaving her chin a mess and in turn falling from there down onto her wrestling top, making her deep cleavage even sexier than usual with this new glaze of spit.

“GAHHHHH… MMMMPHHHH!! HLLLKKKK… Awwwww FUCK!!” She's finally allowed to speak and breath when he lets go of her mouth, a loud gasp allowing her to suck in air with wide eyes but only for a second as while the first man had let go, the second now eagerly takes his place, turning her head and holding the dyed red hair so he can now force his dick into that already well fucked mouth. “HHHHRRRRLLLKKK… GAAAAHHHH!! GAHHH GAAAAHHH GAAAHHH!!” As she gags and starts to slobber now over this dick as it pumps in deeply up into her oral hole, she glares up with a look of part-lust, part-anger as she clearly feels the pain from having her mouth abused, yet from the muffled groans she's giving off in between those cries of discomfort it's also clear she's loving this, being used as a fuck-toy by these two hung, black hunks.

“Mmmmm shit!! Yeah! Yea yea yeah!! Uhhhhh!!” This stud grunts as he works his hips firmly back and forth towards her gorgeous face, feeding her his thick inches and causing her saliva to drip down his pole with every pump, able to change his grip on her so her can brush any strands of hair that fall out of place away from obscuring the view. Indeed, the camera has a perfect close up shot of it all – the big black cock firing into her mouth, all that spit seeping out and dripping off her chin and onto her top covered tits, and the way her smoking hot eyes cast the occasional glance to the watching audience, knowing full well this face fucking is being recorded and will be viewed across the world over and over again.

After another round of thrusts, she was allowed to catch some air for the briefest of moments but the oral onslaught didn't stop for her. Her head was again turned back to the left for the first hunk to slide his dick in deep, making her groan and gag again and again as he briskly pumped her oral hole that kept him moaning and that saliva seeping and dripping past the thick red lipstock she has coating her pouty lips. Then it was back and forth, after a couple minutes she was turned and made to pleasure the second stud, even though she was barely allowed to do any of the work here as the stud with his dick deep in her mouth was the one responsible for making her gag as he thrust away in and out of the WWE Diva's oral hole.

After countless gags and a filthy mess of her own saliva left over her chin, down her neck, and all over her tits and her top, the studs finally stepped back, letting her gasp and properly recover. However like a true pro, she was soon smirking seductively with a glance between them, using her hands to stroke their lengths that were more than generously coated with her saliva. “Mmmmm… Fuck, I'm such a nasty slut… Look at all this mess I've made over this big, beautiful black cocks… Myself as well...” She let go of their shafts, her hands now going onto her top in order to pull it up, off and over her head with a hairflip to finish off, her large fake tits bouncing free and not missing a trick, she takes the opportunity to put on a show for the recording camera as she rubs her saliva from her cleavage over her breasts, moaning as she plays with herself.

“So… Which of you fucking black studs is going to stuff my hot little pussy full first?” She asks, glancing between them as she turns around, letting the camera get the close up show as she bends over forward to show off that thick looking butt, slowly peeling her wrestling bottoms down off those cheeks to reveal her tight asshole, then her completely shaved, already moist looking pussy. She continues to tease, swaying her ass from side to side as the garment slips further down, off-camera the voices of the hunks giving their lusty approval of this fine white girl who is all too willing to be pounded by them both.

An edit in the porno film fasts forward a little to now show Eva Marie has disposed of her booth to leave her completely naked, and now she's positioned herself in the classic doggy style position on  the couch she'd just been in front of when she'd been blowing and getting face-fucked by both her co-stars. Speaking of them, the first stud of the two was now seen by her head, brushing her hair back from her face with his hand giving his cock a couple of pumps while the second was spreading her ass cheeks apart, allowing the camera to get the close-in shot of him pushing his dick into her snug looking pussy.

“Mmmmm!! Mmmmm fuck!! Oh yeah...” The red headed Diva moans as she looks back, already pushing her gorgeous white body back as that fat black cock beings to be pumped in past her slick folds, his groans being heard clearly as well as he begins to fuck her and not at a cautious pace either, needing little time at all to get thrusting at a steady and nicely firm pace into her. “MMMMM!! Oh fuck baby!! MMMM… Yeah… Fuck my hot fucking pussy good...” She says in a slutty tone, as if either of these men needed any further encouragement than to give it to this horny beauty. The stud behind her is already doing more than a fine job at that, showing he can stuff some tight pussy as well as her oral hole as he smoothly pushes his rod deeply forward into her twat as she rocks back against him, aiding that dick to go further up into her. No sooner has his dark skin meets with her smooth and tanned body with a smack of contact ringing out he pulls quickly backward a few inches but never enough to fully leave her, and soon is sliding back right into her to make them both moan out as another slap sounds out to signal that deep penetration.

“Oh yeah!! MMMM!! Mmmmm fuck!! Fu-UHHHLLLLKKK!!” She's cut off with her dirty talk when the first man takes advantage of that open mouth, pushing his dick into her already well used mouth and making her cheek bulge when his cock head pokes into her. Unfazed by the lusty action the Total Divas star just turns to face and gaze up at him, bobbing her head swiftly on his shaft to make him moan out, and impressively still manages to keep pushing herself back against the other dick she's taking right now. “Mmmmphhh!! MMMMMM!! Mmmmphhh!!! GAAHHHLLLKKK...” She moans out, and occasionally gags around the dick she's servicing with her damp oral hole, showing no issue with taking them on both at the same time as she's getting it in both ends now with one long black cock pumping away into her snatch, while she's slurping away at another with her bright red lipstick-covered lips.

This position continues for a minute or so more to keep her muffled moans going as well as both men's clear and deep cries of pleasure as they double team the lusty red haired beauty, and that sexy slap of skin bouncing off skin continues to ring out. The first hunk is the one to move first, stepping back and allowing her to groan out with a lick of her lips as she looks back, soon smirking as the hunks change places so now she gets to feel the other just as long and nicely thick to match cock inside her fuck tunnel. The effect is instant as she moans out without any shame at all, once again starting to work her curvaceous white body against that massive black shaft as it plunges deeply in and out between her wet folds, causing her large tits to sway as they hang down in this doggy style position and her nicely juicy ass to shake each time she takes a pump into that snatch.

“MMMM FUCK!! Oooooooh yessssss!! MMMMM!!” Eva Maire sighs her approval, showing no preference to either dick as both as more than built, just like the studs they belong to, to give her the kind of fucking she needs. Just as she's moaning along with the first hunk behind her as he fires off a steady round of deep and firm thrusts to stuff his man meat into that hot, wet snatch, her attention goes to in front as the other man has moves around, holding his dick temptingly in front of her beautiful face. “Ahhhhhh… Let me fucking taste my fucking pussy of your cock… MMMMM...” She purrs like a true cock-loving whore, flicking her tongue against his bell-end before properly pushing her mouth down onto him, making him groan as those bright red lips wrap hungrily around his meat as she starts to suck him off, now letting out muffled moans around that tool as she clearly enjoys both the taste of herself from this dick as she cleans him up, and still the feeling of the other cock ploughing into her needy twat.

The camera has a perfect shot of both sexual acts in one, seeing at the far end the WWE Diva whorishly bobbing her head with a swift pace up and down on the dick that's just come out of her snatch, replacing her light layer of juices with the familiar coating of her own spit. Nearest, the stud currently pumping his big black cock back and forth into her wet and still snug looking pussy is making sure to keep the closest of her rounded ass cheeks apart so there's a clear view of that hot snatch and how it is getting stuffed again and again by this big dick. Add in the moans that both hunks are letting out along with the muffled ones, mixed in with the occasional deep gag from her, and it adds up to a smoking sight that's even more red hot than the flaming dyed hair this stunning woman has.

“Mmmmmphhhh!! MMMMMM HHRRRLLLKKK… MMMMM...” Delivering another slurp, she pulls her head off from him, giving a smirk before she looks back and gives the stud currently banging her another filthy and sinful gaze, groaning out as she keeps her tanned and busty body working back and forth against his deep pumps. She eagerly watches as the two hunks switch places so the second stud is now back into her, going right to work with another series of deep thrusts that now plunge with such force that the slap of skin against skin seems to be louder than before, causing her booty to jiggle that little bit extra for an added treat. “MMMM!! OH FUCK… MMMMM!! Yessssss… MMMMM!! Give me those big fucking black cocks!!” She hisses her demand, giving the current hunk lodged inside her a steamy glare, having no issue with meeting his motion with a similarly stiff and lustful pushing back of her own, the perfect timing used so her sexy ass slaps back against his muscular frame every time he sends that dick straight forward into her wet love tunnel.

Her groans are soon once again silenced to a degree at least when the other stud moved up to her head, keeping her red hair brushed back before he feeds her his length between her pouty lips, soon rewarded as she begins moving her head up and down him, all too happy to clean off herself from this pole just like she's done before to him and to his co-star over and over again during this double teaming of the slutty WWE Diva. Said busty female is handling this all like she was destined to be more of a porn star than an in-ring performer, moaning and gagging away as she rocks both her tanned, white body back against the thick black cock being stuffed in and out of her pussy and still keeps her mouth smoothly running up and down the other dark man meat being offered in front of her.

“MMMMMPHHH!! MMMMM!! MMMMM MMMMM GAHHHHHHH!!” She slobbers all over the dick she's blowing, in such a horny state now she seems to be deliberately pushing her face down further onto that shaft than she knows she can take, making her gag shamelessly over it as her saliva drips down that length all the way to the nutsack. “MMMMM!! Mmmmmm… HHHHRRRLLLKKK!! MMMMMPHHHH!!” Speaking of going in to the balls, that's what's happening behind her as the other moaning stud giving it to her is sending in almost all his inches into that wet and still more than pleasurably tight pussy, letting the filming camera capture it all with a perfect angle and him still keeping her rear cheek spread so there's that unrestricted view of the pounding going on.

“MMMMM… Mmmmmm!! MMMMM FUCK!!” Eva Marie is allowed to groan out when that hunk she'd been blowing steps back, allowing the camera to get up close to her as she gives the recording lens a deep, dirty stare and licks her lips. “Mmmmm… I fucking love big… BLACK… FUCKING COCKS!!” She almost yells, still rocking forward as no doubt the stud behind her is still thrusting away into her. “MMMMM… But I want it all… MMMMM!! I want both this big dicks… AHHHHHH… Fucking wrecking my tight little holes...” She almost demands, flipping her long hair back to once again put on a show.

Another edit in the film, and back to “live action” Eva Marie is now mounted on top of the first stud as he's now laying horizontal on the couch, his cock buried in her pussy as she leans forward to both rest her hands on his chest and also stick out her booty, one of her feet planted on the ground in front of the furniture for positioning. Looking back over her shoulder, using a hand to brush her hair back, she bites down on her bottom lip as she watches the second stud approaching, the camera getting close in to briefly show the lube used (no doubt well prepared during the footage cut out from this porno) over that tight looking asshole, as well as over his rod. He spreads her cheek to side similar to before, letting a clear view be seen as he pushes his fat cock head against that hole, and rather easily is able to plunge in firmly to officially make her being double stuffed by big black cocks.

“OH FUUUUUCK!! MMMMM!! OH FUCK!! OH FUCKING HELL!! MMMMM!!” She moans out loudly, staring back almost in a trance at that feeling of her ass being taken, and those calls keep coming as that stud now in her booty begins to work himself into that no doubt even tighter hole than her twat had been at the start of this all. Showing that pressure, the hunk behind her is groaning himself as he slides his shaft back out of her, almost showing the bell-end of his tool as he does so but instead sends his dick forward with a smooth, almost testing motion. “OOOOOOOOH FUCK!! MMMMMM Yes yes YES!! Give me… MMMMM!! Give those fucking cocks!!” That slutty begging soon gets what she wants, as a moment later she now has to deal with not just one, but two thrusting black dicks firing into her holes as the stud she's impaled on underneath her begins to send his cock firmly up into her snatch, showing his experience of not just sex, but this kind of position as he lets the stud fucking her ass take the lead in terms of force being used to drive into her.

“MMMM!! Yeah gurl… UHHHH!! Gonna give this fine fuckin' ass… MMMM!! All mah fuckin' dick!!” The stud behind her vows between his deep moans, keeping those tanned and rounded cheeks apart specifically for the recording camera to get the great shot of both long rods moving back and forth into her snatch and her asshole, but also allowing him a smoother entry into that tight entrance so he can drive in now with a bit more speed and a more firmer motion now that both he and the beauty taking this are used to the invasion into her. She certainly appreciates it if her loud and filthy moans are any indication, not seemingly showing too much signs of discomfort from having her ass stuffed full with this mighty dick apart from the rare grit of her teeth as she glares back at the man tapping her ass.

“MMMMM!! OH FUCK YES!! MMMMM!! FUCK… FUCK ME!!” Eva Marie demands, despite her getting just that in both her lower holes as she's taking steady and smooth pumps up into her snatch from one of them, and getting a harder and quicker round of thrusts from the similarly muscular and hung black hunk who is pounding deeper and deeper into her juicy, built to be fucked backside. “AHHHHHHH… FUCK!! Give me… MMMMM!! Give me those FUCKING… BLACK… COCKS!!” She groans out, showing a clear desire for shameless, no strings attached interracial sex as now is able to rock her hips slightly against both men's pumping rods, grinding that hot and dripping wet snatch downward against the hunk she's on top of, and pushing her booty out a bit to meet the one driving into her from behind.

The former model turned sports entertainer, and now porn star, gasps out with every pump delivered between her plump ass cheeks, and moans with each thrust sent straight up into her soaking wet snatch, but still with enough wits about her to remember to keep brushing her bright dyed red hair away from her each when it falls back from the force of the pumps being sent into both of her holes.  She's making it look not just too easy, but like she's been a whore of big black cocks before with how deeply she's taking both members into both her moist twat and her shapely backside, the snugness of those holes despite how many repeated, stiff pumps each has taken still more than enough to make both these hung hunks moan out as they pound into her.

“OH! OH FUCK… MMMMM!! OH YES!! OH MY ASS… MMMMM my fucking pussy!! MMMM!!” Her voice is dripping with lewd sin with every word and moan she lets out, a sexy layer of sweat now coating her already beautiful face as she casts a gaze to the recording camera, clearly loving the fact she's being filmed getting fucked up the ass and in her snatch by two hung black men she's probably only met for a few moments before recording started. “AHHHHH… MMMMM… Ooooooooooh MMMMM… Black dicks!! SO… MMMM!! FUCKING GOOD!!” The WWE Diva groans as she continues to rock her hips back and forth as best she can in response to the powerful thrusts plunging deep forward into her back passage, as well as the steady thrusts keeping her snatch soaking wet as the stunning white babe with dyed red hair takes this double penetration from two big black dicks at the same time.

The camera shifts back to down at those stuffed holes, the stud who had been tapping that fine ass pulling out and letting the sight of her gaping asshole be seen, made even hotter by the fact that she still has a dick lodged into her pussy. However, this scene soon changes with an edit as once again Eva Marie is up on her hands and knees on the couch, with the stud she's been having in her ass now facing her as she's already got her bright red lips wrapped around her. Behind her, the first hunk is now getting his turn to feel how good that juicy butt feels, pushing his lube-readied prick between her rear cheeks to make both himself and her groan as he starts to pump himself in and out of the horny redhead.

“MMMM!! Awwwww shit… Fuckin' fine ass… MMMM!! On this damn white gurl...” The hunk “compliments” the stunner he's just penetrated the backside off, grunting as he feels how still erotically tight that back entrance of hers still is, even after the previous pounding she'd taken during the prior double penetration scene that could only have been a few minutes apart from this one. It does however let him push his thick dark man meat already deep into that hole, a stiff series of pumps used at a steady pace and showing her clear love of taking a big dick like this anally she's already rocking that tanned and curvy back against those pumps with enough force that those big fake tits of her are swaying in time with the rest of her.

“MMMMMPHH!! MMMMM!! Mmmmmmphhh!!” The WWE and NXT Diva lets out loud but muffled moans around the cock she's blowing, raising and lowering her flaming long haired head up and down that still stiff pole. There also doesn't seem to be a hint of disgust or shame at the fact that she's engaging in some ass-to-mouth action here, slurping deeply onto the cock that has just come out of her ass and had been pounding away into her. “MMMMMPHHHH… MMMMM… GAHHHHHH!! MMMMMPHHHH!!” Once again the whorish stunner is making herself gag on this big dick, in turning making the hunk taking this red hot blowjob moan out as she yet again is leaving his shaft nicely layered with her spit with those pouty lips gliding up and down onto him as she groans with every motion she delivers onto him.

As always, there's perfect clear views of the action going on at both ends of this spit roasting, with one black cock thrusting steadily and with force in and out of her already well slammed into asshole  as the stud tapping that stunning booty keeps her backside spread apart, and her hair brushed back over her far shoulder so the sight of her dick-hungry mouth can be recorded bobbing away on the other just as lengthy and fat shaft. As those two clearly experienced porn stars grunt and moan, the curvaceous white female sandwiched between them continues to move herself back and forth between them, sweat coating that tanned body as she pushes her butt towards every incoming pump into that rear to fit as much of that thick dick into herself as she can handle.

“MMMMM!! MMMMMPHHHH!! GAHHHHHH!! MMMMMM...” Despite the fact that her dripping wet pussy isn't even being touched right now the Total Divas star is still moaning in delight around the cock she's blowing, getting off on just having her ass tapped by this black stud and no doubt the fact she's dishing out some oral pleasuring to another just as hung man at the same time. “MMMMMPPHHH… MMMMM MMMM MMMMM...” She casts a well practised dirty look back at the camera that's filming her ass taking that big dick deep in and out of her asshole, her thick cheeks jiggling with each backward rocking motion she does, the rippling effect made more profound by that stud behind her driving his member right into that still ready to take more hole. Adding in the fact that she's still pushing herself between both men, then it's a wonder why she decided to try a career in sports entertainment in the first place rather than the porn industry she seems born to have been a star in.

As she's focused on working her stunning frame against both men's shaft, she's snapped to reality when the stud in front of her suddenly pulls back to make her gaze up with a smirk. “MMMM FUCK!! You ready… AHHHHH... To cum for me stud??” Eva asks as she watches him move, then a glance back at the grunting hunk giving her backside a couple more pumps. “MMMMM!! Give it to me… MMMMM!! I want… AHHHH FUCK!! All that fucking cum!!” She demands, groaning when the first stud pulls out of that well fucked ass, showing the effects as the camera gets another long look at her gaping asshole for a moment.

Soon though she's moving off the couch she's been getting fucked on, slipping down to her knees in front of it and brushing her long dyed red hair back over the shoulders, pouting her lips as she tilts her head back, the two hunks stepping back in and furiously stroking their shafts as they stand next to the sweat covered WWE Diva. Even after getting fucked so deeply in all of her holes, she's still wanting more from them, glancing at them both and down at those shafts being pumped, licking her lips as she knows what's coming, or more rightly cumming, next for her to properly finish this porno off.

“AWWWWWW FUCK!! MMMMM… Ahhhhhhh SHIT… MMMMM...” The second stud on her left is the first to blow his load first, a big wad of spunk landing across her forehead but going up for far it lands and stained that signature bright red hair, followed by a second up over her cheek and over the nose. The next shot flies out but lands on the cheek again, making it drip down and off her face onto her big fake tits, and as he pumps he sends more jizz onto that cheek, her thick red lipstick of her lips, and her chin.

“MMMM!! FUCK YEAH… UHHHHH… AHHHHH MMMM...” With perfect professional timing just as the one stud is finished and steps back, the first one now takes his turn, Eva Maire turning towards him to take his load as he sends a blast up the side of her face, also landing into her dyed hair and close to the eye, making her close both just in case of mis-spray. He continues pumping his seed out, sending shots of that creamy goodness over that cheek and close to her nose, much of it dripping off her jaw and also down onto her chest to all in all leave her looking a stunning, well fucked and now cum-covered mess.

With the last drops flicked out and that spent hunk stepping away, the camera can move in close as Eva Marie opens her eyes with the look of a true cum-slut, smirking with spunk coating and dripping slightly from her lips to go with that jizz falling gradually from her cheeks and chin. “Mmmmm… Fuck! That was so fucking good...” She purrs as she stares lustfully into the filming camera. “I'm All Red Everything… But when it comes to dicks? I'm always happy to be All BLACK Everything...” She states, lifting a hand up to blow the lens a kiss before she leans back, still smirking like the satisfied slut she is as the sight of her cum-covered face is taken in for a long, savouring moment. And it's with this image that the porn film ends, fading to black for another fine production from Porn Wrestling Federation.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2021, 08:49:56 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own the WWE or any of its wrestlers/characters. All characters are 18 years old or over.

Featuring: Lana (WWE)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 2

A WWE erotic story

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, Oral, Anal.

*     *     *

In early 2016 professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  The existing roster of WWE Divas however were willing to show their sexual skill on camera, but the talent roster wasn't limited to just active wrestlers… On screen personalities more known for being eye candy and a manager/valet were also ready to fuck for fame and fortune…

* * *

Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

WWE Diva and former film actress and model Lana


Sealing a Ravishing Deal… With some Russian ass!

* * *

The video starts with the interior of a nice and spacious looking bedroom with a large, king-sized bed in it as the main attraction, with a wardrobe and chest of drawers in the background. The door at the side opens and stepping with her high heels clicking on the wooden floor and holding a documents folder under her arm is the blonde and curvy Ravishing Russian, the WWE Diva known as Lana. With her hair up in her signature bun, she's clad in a familiar tight fitting dark business attire of a suit jacket that strains against her large, rounded tits, and a matching short skirt that nicely shows off those long, smooth and tanned legs of hers along with her thick, juicy ass.

“And this you can see, is the bedroom of the property...” Lana says in her thick “Russian” accent, playing the role of a real estate, home seller as she's leading in a client viewing this house – a handsome, desirably built young man with short hair who is smartly clad in dress pants and a plain shirt.
“I can see… Nice, very nice...” He says with a nod, playing his part as he looks interested in the surroundings. “Well, this all is really above and beyond what I was looking for! I love it!”
“Excellent!” She smiles as she looks to him. “Well then, if everything is in order, I have the paperwork right here, and we can sign it off and soon have you with the keys by the morning.”
“Well… There is, well, one thing...” He says, taking a moment to take a look over the blonde's stunning figure.

“What… What is wrong?” She asks, looking confused. “The property is in the price range you asked, and from what you've said every room more than meets your expectations...”
“Well, no actually… It's more about you.” He says, smiling as he steps towards her. “You've been the most professional home seller I've met yet, and by far the most beautiful...” He adds with a seductive tone.
“I pride myself on being a professional Russian woman...” She says, raising an eyebrow at his comments as she places a hand onto her hip. “Do every handsome American like you hit on the women trying to sell you a home?” She asks, flirting back with a smirk.
“Only the hottest ones baby… Let me put it like this… I'd be happy to buy this place, with cash as well… But I want to see how good of a… “Hard” seller you are...” He says with a not exactly subtle tone. “How “badly” you want to seal this deal.”

She lets out a seductive laugh, putting the folder she's carrying out of the way onto the nearest furniture before she moves back up to him, already giving an answer as she places her hands onto his shirt, giving a naughty smile as she starts to undo the buttons of his shirt. “I'm a woman who always get what she wants...” Lana states, locking eyes with this hunk as she undoes that top a little too easily and quickly, letting his muscular chest be shown off as her hands continue downward. “I always seal my deals… You want to see perhaps, my… “Hands on” approach to business?” She teases, already showing her decision as she slips down to her knees in front of the client as she willingly agrees to a completely indecent proposal in order to secure this sale.

“Fuck yeah I do...” He answers, removing his shirt and tossing it out of the way, the camera moving in as her hands do quick work to first undo his belt, and then lower his pants down, her eyes going wide and shock appearing on her pretty face as she sees the thick, long and already hardening piece of American man-meat hanging between his legs. “Show me all that you've got baby, and I'll gladly buy this place from you...”

“I think… This is a deal that will be mutually beneficial for us both...” The sexy blonde says, now casting a smirk up at him with already clear desire in her eyes as she takes a hold of his cock, starting to run both her hands back and forth along his size, causing him to lightly groan as his rod gets stiffer within her stroking palms. With the “magic” of video editing, a jump forward to a minute or so now sees her gripping his rock hard and lengthy shaft, giving a pump as she approving licks her lips, glancing to the recording camera with a saucy smirk before casting that gaze upward to her co-star in this porno flick.

“You have a wonderful cock Sir...” She says to confirm her approval, leaning in to give his fat bell-end a kiss on the top, followed by a lick over the tip, giving his shaft a couple of pumps as she teases the crown with her tongue. Soon though she parts those bright red lips, taking him into her mouth to make him moan as she sucks on the head, her hand giving a firm around of swift pumps before her lips part and we see her tongue swirling around him as she pulls back. “Mmmm… You like that? Like how my full fucking lips feel?” She asks with a naughty tone as she stares up, not waiting for a response as she takes him back inside but now sinks down, a slow slurp moving down to take half of his size into her mouth before she lifts back up all the way, pausing so she can pump her hand over his length and then pushing her oral hole back down onto him.

“Mmmm… Yeah… Suck that dick baby...” The handsome client encourages as the Ravishing Russian blows him, smoothly lifting her head upward to just the crown of his cock before she slides back downward and repeats the motion, keeping her pouty lips nicely pressed around his thickness as she shows this is far from her first time giving out a blowjob. The camera gets in nice and close, recording how that big American dick is being taken in and out of her oral hole at a steady pace, able to hear her muffled groans as she works him over, already starting to apply her saliva onto that man meat and making sure to keep her free hand stroking away at his inches not yet taken into her mouth.

“Mmmmphhh!! Mmmmm… Mmmmm mmmmphhh...” She moans around his dick, raising upward to the crown and twisting her blonde haired head from side to side, expertly grinding those soft lips against his rod to keep him easily moaning. That trick allows her to lift her hands from him, blindly reaching for the buttons of her suit jacket and undoing them, pulling the garment open and letting her large, rounded tits fall free, and even able to glance to the camera and giving a seductive look as she peels it off and tosses it away. “Mmmmm!! Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmm…” That task out of the way, one hand rests onto his thigh as she resumes the motion of bobbing her head along his stiff prick, going at a quicker pace and taking more of his dick into her hungry and talented mouth, but making herself moan with the other hand as she grabs a hold of her own breast in order to lift and squeeze it as she puts on another dirty show.

“Mmmmmm yeah!! Mmmmm… Nice and deep baby…” The moans continue to come from the hunk she's sucking off, his ability to take such a red hot blowjob obvious as he stands and lets her go to work on him, her saliva starting to drip from off those fat inches along with her own chin from the repeated slurping motion as her bright red lipstick coated lips flow back and forth along this big, made for staring in porn cock. As she rocks herself back and forth onto him, she continues to lock eyes up at him with a sexy glare, made hotter by how she's groaning around that tool and teasing both him and herself as she feels up and gropes her own big tits that are starting to glisten as her dripping saliva is falling down onto that gorgeous chest of hers.

“Mmmmphhh!! Mmmmm… Mmmmphh!! GAHHHHH!!” Showing all she can do as she looks to “convince” this client to buy this property she's sucking him off in, she pushes her pretty face all the way down into his crotch, causing herself to gag as she deep throats all of his length, eyes closed as she keeps herself held down all the way so her nose is pressing into his body. It's gaining the effect she was after, his moans a little deeper as he gasps in delight, and despite gagging again and saliva splattering over him she still stays down in place to take him in balls deep for a little longer. “GHHHLLLLKKK!! GAHHHHHH… MMMMPHHH!!” Letting out another raspy gag around that thick cock, she finally has to relent, pulling all the way up and off of him so she can gasp for air, the sight of his saliva soaked dick being captures before she hungrily dives back down, getting in another round of sucks along the majority of his length. The sloppy nature of this run only further causing her spit to seep past those pouty lips and drip down her chin as well as fall from that very rod she's servicing, as her large tits are doing a fine job of catching all that saliva to leave them looking even hotter than before.

“Mmmmphhh...” She groans as she gives a last suck, pulling her mouth off from him and shifting back, looking up at him with a seductive smirk. “That was a good start… To our negotiations, of course...” Lana says, moving to stand up off the floor. “I think that our discussions must continue futher, don't you agree?” She asks, but is already reaching for her skirt, turning around as she starts to slowly push it down her stunning, smooth legs to show off her fantastically rounding and juicy ass, along with a shaved pussy that already appears to be a little wet just from giving out that blowjob.
“Let's test out the bed baby… Get up on it...” The would-be buyer on the property she's trying to sell to him instructs, giving his dick a couple strokes for good measure as she steps out of her clothing, leaving her just with a pair of sexy high heels on.
“Of course… Anything for a good sale...” She shamelessly says, openly admitting to be whoring herself out just to seal a deal as she moves herself onto the spacious bed, laying on her side and using a hand to raise up her leg, stretching the other out with a slight bend so that the camera can get a clear view of her hot and tight looking pussy.

Stepping in, her co-star tapping her folds for a testing moment before he lines it up and with a firm thrust pushes it into her snatch, making her moan out as she get to experience being filled up just from that first pump before he draws back, almost completely pulling out but some of that fat crown still staying inside her. It isn't long though before he starts to give it to her, he body slightly turned but close up against her so he can also hold onto that extended leg and drape it over her sturdy shoulder, beginning to rock his hips back and forth so he can slide his dick into that wet and snug hole, and already liking what he's feeling if his moans are any indication.

“MMMM… Oh yes… Mmmmm… Fuck me… Fuck my tight little pussy!” The WWE Diva groans the demand, looking across with another intense and lusty stare at the hunk she's barely met, but has already sucked off all his dick and now is looking like she's going to be getting all of his rock hard rod deep into her snatch as well from the way he's steadily thrusting himself in and out of her box. “Ahhhhh… MMMM!! Mmmmm yes… Keep going… Give me… MMMMM… All of that big, American cock...” She moans out with the kind of tone no doubt hand picked for porn, all too happy to let him send his member deep into her snug and damp pussy as this “Russian” beauty groans out herself, shamelessly loving how she's getting filled up and being fucked on the bed of the property she's supposed to be showing off, not using as she attempts to give this hung stud extra incentive to agree to buy the place.

“MMMM!! Oh yeah… Fucking hot, tight pussy… MMMM!!” He grunts, his thrusts now getting swifter, his body up close to her and his crotch beginning to connect with her tanned and curved body, feeding the former model and actress turned sports entertainer more than a generous amount of his inches as that smack of his skin meeting hers sounds out to mix with both of their moans. “AHHHH… Mmmm… You're so fucking hot baby… MMMM!!” The obviously experienced at fucking hunk is able to groan out as he continues to send his length back and forth into her smoothly and with ease, her folds now nice and slick as she's more than turned on from this all, but still tight around his big dick to ensure he's getting plenty of pleasure from this as well.

“MMMMM… Oooooooooh!! And you… MMMM!! You are real… American stud...” She purrs with a sinful lick of her lips, her body beginning to jolt back a little from the force being put behind these repeated thrusts as she gets filled up, her tits jiggling for an extra visual treat for the filming camera to capture along with that clear view of the Ravishing Russian getting stuffed full with this long American dick. “AHHHHH… MMMM FUCK!! You fuck so good! MMMM… My pussy… MMMMM!! So full...” She sighs in delight, keeping her tanned body laying in place and staring down between her legs as she keeps them apart and out of the way both of him and that recording device, and for her own enjoyment as she's watching his shaft plunging back and forth into her snatch with no signs of stopping yet.

That desirably muscular man indeed keeps on pumping almost all of his length forward into that needy and damp pussy, that brisk and perfectly timed pace more than enough to keep them both moaning away, that smacking sound also ringing out to add to the mood as he takes full advantage of this indecent proposal that's seen this blonde beauty willingly agree to fuck in order to sell this house to him. Bringing his pumps to a stop, her leans in towards her on the bed, his dick sill buried into her as he gets almost nose-to-nose with the woman he's banging, she in turn biting down on her bottom lip seductively as she grinds her pussy back against his dick to make him groan. Flicking her tongue out at her, she takes the invitation as she leans her head up and the two begin making out, lewd open mouthed kisses with plenty of tongue seen, the two exchanging saliva and then moans as he sneaks in a couple more thrusts into her slot while their tongues smack against one another's.

After the kiss is broken off, the naked beauty gives the stud still with his cock deep inside her an intense, narrow-eyed glare. “Mmmm… I bet you fuck… Your American whores like this...” She hisses, groaning as he pulls that shaft out of her snatch.
Said muscular male just smirks back, moving around to the upper part of the bed as he lays down on it, his dick pointing straight up and looking to be slick from her pussy juices – another clear sign that she's been shamelessly loving this sexual activity even as indecent as it's been.
“On top?” Lana lets out a seductive laugh as she shifts herself, smirking as she crawls sexily up the bed over him. “I like that… I will show you how a real Russian woman fucks a man...” She vows, facing him with her back and that rounded booty facing the camera now as she raises her hips up, reaching under to line his cock up with her snatch as she lowers herself slowly down.

“MMMM!! Oh yes!! MMMMM FUCK!!” The stunning blonde groans, looking back over her shoulder so the camera can see her moaning and the expression of pure, sinful joy on that gorgeous face as she starts off by rocking her shapely hips back and forth, grinding her pussy down against his dick and causing his moans to be heard as a sign her action is more than doing the trick. “AHHHHH… MMMMM YES… I will fuck you… MMMM!! I will fuck you do good!!” She vows as she begins to do just that, raising herself up to above the half way mark on that fat shaft before she lets her tanned body drop down, the slap of her frame meeting his ringing out before she repeats the action, moaning herself as she rides that dick with a clear energy and not just to keep all the pleasure coming as she stuffs her own snatch full with all that man-meat.

The stud underneath her certainly appreciates her lustful efforts, groaning out in delight as he lays back and lets her show that she can not only take a good banging, but can handle a cock just fine herself as if her early red hot blowjob onto this same shaft wasn't proof enough of that but knowing his part in this skin flick, he only lets out moans and grunts to the focus can be on her using that fine and curved body to perfection. All he has to do is watch and let her have her turn taking the lead, feeling her wet and still tight pussy being raised and lowered at the impressively paced and forceful to match rhythm over his dick as this blonde bombshell shows that she's not only not a stranger to riding some dick, she can easily handle one of his great size as well.

“MMMMM!! AHHHHH FUCK!! OH YES… MMMM...” She continues to moan away with every bounce delivered onto that mighty length she's willingly impaled on top off, her juicy butt cheeks jiggling now each time she drops down and that booty slaps against his strong thighs, and each moment captured by the filming camera. Along with of course the main focus of the pussy of the Ravishing Russian taking the long American dick of this hunk deep up into herself, that snatch dropping all the way down to take him up to the hilt over and over again. “AHHHHH… MMMMM FUCK!! OH… OH MMMMM… MMMM… I just fucking love… AHHHH… American cock!!” She squeals in delight, once more looking back and deliberately biting down on her bottom lip for an added sexy show to be recorded, drops of sweat now starting to form and drip down her face and the rest of that stunning frame, the way she's working herself so smoothly and quickly up and down that big cock making it appear like she was destined to star in pornography rather than in sports entertainment.

“MMMM… Oh yeah baby… MMMMM… Fucking take that dick...” The client she's selling her body to in order to seal this money-making deal moans his approval, his hands reaching up to give her large tits a firm squeeze to make her groan, but showing his experience in porn it's also to bring her attention to him. He slides his hands down her body to her sides, pulling her forward so she's leaning over him now, that tanned ass sticking out towards the camera as she's now made to do a rocking motion, rolling her hips forward to slide her snatch up his big dick, before moving back and  in turn sending her pussy back towards the base of that shaft.

“MMMM… OH FUCK… MMMMM YESSSSS...” She hisses with sinful delight at this new pace and position, all too happy to do it as it still means she can stuff all that cock up into herself over and over again with a more steady and savouring pace, and one that the filming camera can clearly witness as we see that thick rod being taking in and out of her soaking wet love tunnel. “MMMM!! Big… UHHHHH!! American cock… MMMMM… Feels so good! AHHHHH!! Filling up my slutty… MMMMM… Russian pussy...” Those filthy words continue to pour out of her open, moaning mouth as she's fully embracing being recording fucking for a porn film as she once again looks back with a lusty stare at her own snatch, seeing the stunning sight of her working her damp twat up and down on a long and thick shaft with the kind of perfection that many a veteran skin flick starlet would struggle to maintain.

After filming her handling his cock like this for a couple more motions, the camera moves around the bed, getting a shot of those big breasts shaking from her body rocking back before focusing on her face, getting another saucy look as she gazes into the lens. “MMMM… I make sure to get my commission… MMMM… I do whatever it takes to seal this deal...” Lana states with a devilish smirk.

An edit in the film, and a few minutes later Lana is up on top of the bed, her face resting on the sheets and her tanned and thick ass sticking up into the air, her arms reaching back to hold onto her own legs with both those lower holes exposed for the camera to see, and in a sign of what's to come her asshole is shining along with the crack of her ass from lubricant that's been used during the “break”. Stepping up over her to mount her, the “Client” she's been fucking to try and sell this property to lines up his similarly prepared cock with that last of her holes he's yet to experience, letting out a groan as he presses the crown against that tight entrance before he sinks down, enough to make her gasp out and rock forward as her ass gets invaded.

“MMMMM FUCK… AHHHHH… MMMMM… OOOOOOOOOH FUCK...” The WWE Diva lets out deep groans, closing her eyes as she feels her thick “Russian” ass getting pumped by this suitably fat American dick, his motion steady and slow as he allows them both to adjust to this new sensation, showing that he knows full well how to tap some fine ass like this as he plunges his dick in and out of her rear hole. “MMMM!! MMMM FUCK… FUCK!! Fuck my ass!! MMMMM… Use me… AHHHHH… Like a FUCKING WHORE!!” She gasps out the demand, managing to open her eyes and stare back as he soon establishing a proper, focused rhythm to work his dick in and out of her vice-like asshole, his hands on his thighs for support so he can slide his shaft downward into that back passage as he lowers his sturdy frame downward, before lifting back up so he can soon repeat the action.

From the groans this experienced stud is letting out, he's certainly loving the feeling of that tight booty all around his thick pole as he sends himself steadily down and up from her ass, and he's squatting and mounted position also allows the recording camera a clear view of this anal action going on as he plunges that shaft straight down into the backside of the busty blonde underneath him. In turn, her own shameless cries of erotic delight indicate that even without her snatch being stimulated right now she's loving being used like this, keeping herself perfectly in this face-down, ass-up position, allowing herself to gaze back and not just witness her booty taking all this dick into herself, but let that filming device capture the pleasure all over her stunning face as this butt-fucking continues on.

“OH FUCK… MMMMM SHIT!! OH FUCK!! MMMM!! More… AHHHHH!! FUCK ME MORE!!” She moans out, as even with the great amount of thick dick being slid in and out of her tight back passage it's still not enough for the now slutty beauty who was supposed to be trying to sell this house instead of whoring herself out in an attempt to do just that. She grits her teeth, another intense stare back at the stud plunging his American shaft into the stunning ass of the Ravishing Russian to further make her demands clear that she wants even more of this anal domination of her. “AHHHHH FUCK!! OH FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” With the sounds of her loud yells, it's soon clear she's getting what she wants as he picks up the pace, adjusting his position back so he can grip her waist, now swinging his hips forcefully forward towards her booty, ramming his pole in deep before soon drawing back and repeating the motion to leave her squealing and moaning like a true cock-addicted slut.

“AHHHHH… MMMMM FUCK!! MMMMM...” That hunk above her grunts out with each inward and out motion he sends stiffly into that still snug back passage but his motion now unsurprisingly smooth considering how many steady, repeated thrusts she's taken into her rounded and tanned ass even before he turned things up a gear to pound into her as she's begged for. This increased level of pace might be making him sweat now as he groans out, but it's all for the benefit of this naughty to say the least scene, the camera getting in the whole sight of her backdoor getting deeply rammed as that fat and lengthy dick that's not just porn star-quality, bur more an equipped for giving her backside the kind of pounding it, and she, deserves.

“MMMMM… AHHHHH… AHHHH MMMM… OOOOOOOH MMMMM...” The curvy blonde is still holding herself with her booty raised right up so she can this pounding in and out of her tanned and thick butt cheeks, her pussy looking to be sexily moist even though she hasn't even been touching herself, keeping her hands gripping her legs so she can keep them and in turn her backside spread so she can get as much of that dick inside her than can fit. “UHHHHH!! MMMMMM!! My ass!! SO FULL!! MMMMM!! OOOOOOOOH Keep fucking my ass!!” She's still able to beg for more, looking far from the professional businesswoman she'd been at the start of this, now just a desperate, anal-loving, cock-drunk whore as she gasps for air and her sweat drips off her curvaceous frame to stain the sheets of the bed she's been getting fucked on as part of this indecent proposal with this potential property buyer who's ramming his cock into her stunning, tight ass.

Despite her cries showing she wasn't looking for a break in the action, she still sighs with some relief when he pulls his dick out from her backside, the camera getting a good look at that now gaping asshole of hers. The fun isn't quite over yet for her however as he shifts her over, now laying down onto the sheets and rather impressively considering the pounding she just took, she's got plenty of energy and strength in her to move herself, positioning herself over him with her back facing him. Gritting her teeth, she lowers her ass down onto his cock as he holds himself straight up for her as she eases downward with her legs spread for a squat, showing off her damp snatch in the process, and once lowered down enough she leans backward, her arms going back to arch herself off of both the bed and the hunk now underneath her.

“MMMM… OH YES… OH FUCK… So deep!! MMMM… Fucking my tight ass!!” She groans in joy as the stud she's been “convincing” starts to thrust his dick in and out of her asshole with a firm pace, his on her waist to help keep the sweating beauty in place as he once again taps that juicy backside, already putting enough force into the motion to make her rock back each time he sends that stiff rod up into her already well fucked backside. “AHHHHH… Don't… MMMMM!! Don't stop!! UHHHH!! Fuck that ass!! MMMMMM!! FUCK… FUCK ME!!” The Ravishing Russian continues to lustfully beg despite the fact she is getting all of that and then some as that pistoning American shaft swiftly and stiffly slams up into her tanned and rounded rear, the slam of his crotch meeting those cheeks being heard with every motion of his hips he sends towards her.

Making the most to say the least of this opportunity to deeply tap one of the finest asses in all of sports entertainment, this experienced stud underneath her keeps on pumping his big dick with speed and force into that juicy, built to be banged backside, grunting with every pump in and out of that still snug back passage of hers. Also like a true pro of the porn world, he's letting the action do all the talking, only grunts and groans being heard from the sweating hunk so the focus can be on how she's taking his dick so far up into her ass over and over again, along with all the sinful moans she's making that alone would be worth the price of this skin flick.

“AHHHHH… MMMMM!! OH… You're… MMMM!! You feel so good!! MMMMM FUCK!! Fucking my slutty… UHHHHH… Tight fucking ass!!” The horny WWE Diva moans out to state the obvious, her curvy body jolting back over him every time he sends all that fat man-meat deep up into her asshole, the motion making her big breasts erotically bounce in time with the rest of that tanned frame that now looks far more suited for this entertainment industry instead of pro wrestling. “UHHHHH!! MMMM… FUCK ME!! FUCK… FUCK MY ASS!! MMMMM YES YES YESSSSS...” She hisses her delight, her head tilting back as those moans pour out of her, the camera getting a clear, close up shot of her lower holes as the mighty, thick rod keeps on driving up into her booty from underneath before drawing back a few inches, only to repeat the motion, and the added treat of seeing her dripping wet snatch just above, showing just how turned on the beauty getting her ass fucked still is even without touching herself there.

As that stunning body rocks back and forth in response to every hard pump sent in and out of that now loosened up than before asshole, the beautiful sports entertainer and former model is showing off her own sexual ability to just be able to take this kind of anal pounding that would have rendered many a normal, red blooded woman a wreck long before this point of this wild, shameless ass hammering. Indeed, as her booty jiggles with every pump as the stud she's on top of sends his crotch slapping into those full cheeks, she's able to keep herself arched back in place, her large boobs bouncing away with every jolt back she does and a sinful lust in her eyes as she gives the camera recording every moment of the booty pumping the occasional stare to ensure this porno is extra memorable for those watching her getting fucking.

“UHHHHH… MMMMM FUCK… Get… Get off me babe! MMMM” The stud who has been expertly hammering that fantastic ass of hers suddenly grunts, no doubt the effects of keeping up such a deep and swift pace having its effect on him. Quickly reacting however she's soon lifting up from his dick with a groan, allowing the camera to get a good look at that well fucked asshole and her still dripping wet pussy.

Another edit in the skin flick, and now Lana is on her knees in front of the hunk who has had his big cock in all of her holes. Now though he's being made to groan as he thrusts that shaft up between her big, rounded tits as she presses them against his member to more than generously smother that rod with her mountains, his pumps more than forceful enough to make those boobs jiggle when she slides up between them even with her grasping her own chest to tightly sandwich that man-meat. From how deep his grunts are and the rather telling desperate way that shaft is being slid up and down between her tits shows that his peak is fast approaching, and the grin on her gorgeous face shows she's eager for it.

“Mmmmm… Your big American cock feels so good… Mmmmm! Fucking my dirty, big Russian titties...” She seductively purrs, staring with equal lust up at this stud who was left her a sweating but obviously satisfied mess after driving this long and thick rod of his into her mouth, her snatch, and her juicy ass with every moment having been documented in this red hot porn film, and it's getting quite a similarly steamy finish with some deep tit-fucking as that member pumps up and down into the cleavage she's created by pushing her breasts against and around his tool. “Mmmm… You going to cum for me, stud? Hmmmm? Going to spray my big, whore tits with all your cum?” She dares him, licking her lips with a hunger for that load as she all to eagerly lets him use another desirable part of him for his own pleasure as he sends his shaft thrusting smoothly and quickly in between her breasts, the feeling even making her groan but not surprisingly his deep moans are far louder than even the slap of his crotch hitting the bottom of her tits when he pumps into her.

She doesn't have to wait too much longer for it in fact, as Lana gasps when the first big spurt of his jizz fires out of his cock, hitting up onto the bottom of her chin and up her neck before he soon pulls out, gripping and stroking his cock and quick to react like she's a pro porn starlet she keeps her tits pushed up and together for him as an unmissable target. No surprise that he takes the offer, jerking his load out onto her breasts as he sends the warm, thick shots of jizz down onto both of her boobs, some landing down into her cleavage but the majority leaving a sexy glaze over her chest, making her groan with a sexy smirk as she watches her pump away, finally flicking the last drops down onto her tits.

Letting go of his spent rod, he steps back and out of shot with his job more than accomplished, leaving the filming camera to get in close, getting a shot of those now cum-covered tits before the Ravishing Russian uses her hands to rub all that creamy American cum over her breasts to really coat them, making herself dirtily groan in the process.

“Mmmm… The only thing I love more than sealing a deal? Is getting FUCKED by a big… American… Cock...” Lana states, smirking again she looks to the camera with another lusty glare, and it's on this smoking hot sight that the camera focuses on for a long moment before the pornography film starts fading out, and comes to an end.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2021, 08:50:50 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own the WWE or any of its characters or wrestlers. All characters are 18 years or over in this story.

Featuring: Becky Lynch (WWE)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 3

A WWE erotic story

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, Oral.

*     *     *

In early 2016 professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as their were re-branded as) being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  The existing roster of WWE Female Superstars however were willing to show their sexual skill on camera, no matter their existing in-ring skills or credibility. While the Divas Revolution failed to shake up the division then, one of the stars it introduced was more than happy to show off her talents than didn't involve any Lass Kicking...

* * *

Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

Irish WWE Diva/female WWE Superstar Becky Lynch


A Lass Kicking Closing Time!

* * *

The scene begins as we see a handsome and built-looking, short haired man clad in a stereotypical attire of a bartender with black pants, white shirt and a bow-tie. He's currently cleaning a glass with a towel, but looking to the side he's shaking his head with disapproval at what he sees.

The next shot we see a sight that's very pleasing to the eye. The stunning Irish sports entertainer of the WWE, the self-proclaimed Lass Kicker known as Becky Lynch. The tanned beauty with long, dyed bright flaming red hair is clad in her usual Steampunk-styled ring attire of green with black trim shorts with bronze criss-cross “belt” design that hugs nicely to her rounded backside, and a corset-like no sleeved top of black with green across her perky chest. To go along with this are thick black wrestling boots, black arm gauntlets that run from below the elbow to the wrist, and topping the look off with true Steampunk goggles that are resting on the top of her head.

Lynch smiles to herself as she raises up a glass that's still a fifth full of Guinness, and greedily finishes the drink off with a series of gulps, ending it with a happy sigh as she puts the glass down with a thud. “That hit the feckin' spot!” She says in her thick Irish accent with a smile. “Now fix me up with another will ye lad?”
“Are you serious?” The bartender says with obvious displeasure. “It's three minutes before closing time! Besides, you already ordered a couple of those when I said it was closing time. You have had enough.” He states, taking the empty glass away.
“That's a load of shite!” Becky says as she shakes her head. “I'm in here all the time, and you know I can drink everyone under the feckin' bar in this city!”
“Well not tonight you won't.” He says firmly, before putting the glass away under the bar.
Throwing her arms up into the air in frustration, she shakes her dyed red haired head again. “For feck's sake!! Whose dick do I have to suck to get a drink around here??”

Just as she puts her hands on her hips, looking annoyed, the bartender lets out a chuckle at that comment, drawing a raised eyebrow from Lynch. “What's feckin' funny?” She demands as she looks at him.
“Well… Was that just a statement, or was that a question?” He says with a distinctly flirty tone, taking a moment to look over her athletic and very desirable body.
“You dirty little fecker...” Lynch starts smiling, returning the look and clearly liking what she sees. “I always knew you were eyein' me up every time I walked in here...” She takes a step back from the bar, watching as he tosses the cloth away and moves around it to stand in front of her. “So let me guess… You've get the dick I need to suck in order for me to get me drink?”

“What do you think?” He challenges almost as he reaches down, unbuckling his pants and letting them fall to the floor. Her eyes widen with a big smile as she sees a lengthy, thick and already hardening cock now presented to her.
“I think I'm gonna enjoy this just as much as knockin' back a round of pints!” Becky says, rather too eagerly dropping down to her knees in front of him as he steps out of his pants and kicks them out of shot.

“Plenty of me nights out usually end like this...” Becky rather proudly states as she grips his cock with one hand, delivering a series of swift and nicely firm pumps to make sure his dick is rock hard for her before she leans down, flicking her tongue out against the head of his shaft, delivering a couple more pumps to his rod for good measure and easily making him moan from it. A brief smirk, before she runs that wet tongue now around his fat crown with a slow, almost teasing motion before topping it off with a brief kiss to that tip. “Mmmm… Usually it's either at their place or mine… But I'm needin' that drink lad...” She states before she takes him inside of her mouth, a clear groan heard from him as she places her lips firmly around his rod, keeping the head in as she delivers a long suck so the camera can see those cheeks bulging as she works him over, still pumping on the rest of the length as she does so.

With her googles still resting on the top of her head, the female WWE Superstar starts to push her gorgeous face down onto that meaty stick, making herself groan as she fills her mouth up with this bartender's cock, casting a saucy gaze up at the moaning hunk she's blowing as she lifts her head slowly but smoothly up until again just his bell-end is between her soft lips. With one hand gripping his dick by the base, leaving the other free to keep her long bright red hair out of the way from her face, she starts to bob her head up and down on that lengthy pole at a nicely steady and far from novice looking pace. The skill she has with this sex act becomes clear, making them both groan out within moments and with obvious enjoyment as she lets her mouth glide back and forth, the action made hotter to view from her noisy slurps onto that meat.

“Mmmmm!! Mmmmm fuck!! Yeah...” Her co-star encourages, casually unbuttoning his shirt more to keep it away from obstructing the sight being recorded by the camera as Lynch rocks her head up and down on his stiff prick, moaning as he gets to enjoy that nicely damp and soothing oral hole being moved smoothly along his size. “Mmmmm… Suck that cock baby… Mmmmm!!” As the clothing gets dumped aside, she takes the moment to slide a hand seductively up his muscular, made for porn midsection, stopping her sucks so she can grind her lips around the top of his tool, making him groan as she twists her head from side to side for a couple moments.

“Mmmmmphhh… MMMM!! Mmmm mmmmm...” The stunning Irishwoman groans around the big American dick she's got between her soft lips as she resumes the task of sucking him off, eagerly bobbing her head back and forth and pushing down further onto that member. Giving another lusty stare up at this stud, she grips his thighs for support as she starts to put more force behind her motion, sinking down deep and stuffing her hungry mouth full with cock. “MMMMPHHH… GAWWWKKK!! MMMMPHH!! GAAAAAHHHH...” She starts to gag, her eyes widening but still full with desire as she takes this dick so deep it hits the back of her mouth, but doesn't let that stop her from dishing out this blowjob as she keeps her head moving over him, fucking her own face now on this fat cock in a very willing and eager fashion.

Now the hunk getting blown takes over the task of making sure that dyed red hair stays out of the way, brushing it back when it falls out of place, allowing the former star of SHIMMER to focus on sucking his cock, her saliva splattering around and dripping down his length to his crotch and balls as she now repeatedly gags and groans onto his thickness. Even with her eyes watering now from the discomfort, she's not stopping the dirty display of servicing this shaft, making it look like she's more desperate for some dick rather than the drink this oral sex was going to get as a reward. Eventually though after a deep gag, she has to relent, pulling up and off from him with a gasp as a thick string of saliva hangs from her lips to the crown of his tool, seen just for a moment before she spits down onto him and uses both hands to rub her saliva all over the cock she'd just been choking all over.

“Feck me!!” Becky says with a laugh, catching her breath while she strokes his dick. “Not had a big one of these in a while...” She pauses, biting down on her bottom lip before she looks up at her co-star. “I know I said I'd suck ye off for a drink… But how about a little somethin' extra to pay off me tab?”
“What you got in mind?” He asks, smiling as she stands up and turns towards the bar.
“You can come stuff that big feckin' cock of yours right into me tight hole for a start!” Lynch says with a grin, reaching to her wrestling shorts to hook them, slowly sliding them down her shapely, tanned backside as she reveals a smoothly shaved pussy that already looks a little wet just from having sucked dick moments ago. She steps out of them, the man behind her sliding them out of the way as she hops up a little, bending a knee onto a barstool so she can lean over the bar, her ass sticking out invitingly and she flips her hair back so she can look at the stud approaching her.

“Mmmmm… Oh feck yeah… Mmmm… Stick it in there...” She moans out a little just from the feeling of him rubbing his cock-head against her holds, but soon has reason to let out a clear cry of sinful delight when he uses a firm thrust to penetrate her tightness to his similar groaning approval. Angling his body to the side to allow the camera to get the perfect clear shot, the sight of his big rod moving in and out of her snatch can be seen, her ass cheeks already jiggling sexily just from this pumping motion as he's wasting no time in getting down to proper business here. “MMMM!! Ohh feck!! Ahhhhh… MMMMM… Awwwww shite!!” The smoking hot Irish Lass Kicker moans out, her lusty eyes switching from looking right at the hunk she's now getting pumped from behind by as she feels that thick shaft ploughing in and out of her box, to looking right down at that very sight herself while keeping her upper body propped up with arms on the bar top.

“Ahhhhh… MMMM!! Yeah, you like that??” The hung bartender asks the obviously answerable question, her clear and continuous moans showing not just how good she's feeling to have her snug, wet pussy getting stuffed full of cock like this, but showing he's got plenty of sexual experience himself to match up with the sexy sports entertainment beauty he's getting to fuck. “Mmmmm… Mmmmm yeah!! Take it baby… MMMM...” He adds between his own groans, using a hand on the top of her ass cheek to keep it spread not just for his own benefit for a smooth, unrestricted entry into that damp love tunnel, but to give the recording camera that clear view to watch his thrusts as he slides his dick back and forth into that twat again and again.

“MMMM!! Oh feck… AHHHH… MMMMM Yeah...” The still partially clothed Steampunk-styled stunner groans out as she more than happily takes this fucking, tilting her flaming haired head back but still with her goggles resting in place to go with the arm gauntlets and her corset-like top still on, and from those moans of joy being dressed is the least of her concerns right now with such a long and thick to match dick being stuffed into her. “OOOOOOH FECK!! Mmmmm… Fuck me stud!! Stick that… UHHHH!! Big feckin' dick right up me tight little twat!!” Lynch demands even though she's getting just that, the cock of the stud behind her showing no signs of stopping as he pumps away in and out of her snatch, getting a nice covering of her forming juices to replace all the saliva that had been coating him from that BJ-turned-face fucking she'd given minutes ago.

Her co-star is showing his experience and not just in sex from the way he's smoothly and firmly pumping that dick almost completely into her pussy each time he thrusts forward, but the angle of his body meaning about an inch or so stays out so the camera filming this skin flick can keep getting that perfect shot of her snatch getting filled up over and over again. He raises his hand up, delivering a sharp spank to her nicely rounded booty, making her groan as she gives another lusty look back with gritted teeth, then nodding that flaming haired head when he gives her another and all the while still thrusting away into her to keep them both moaning out with every pump he sends deep into that wet box.

“MMMM!! That's it you fecker! AHHHH… Stuff me fuckin' full with that big feckin' dick!!” The former Rebecca Knox in the indies turned NXT and then WWE Diva is still making her sinful demands from the hunk who hasn't stopped pounding in deeply into her needy and tight snatch. As she takes the machine-like pounding, she makes sure to keep her desirable, semi-clothed frame in the right position with one leg bent over a barstool while she stays leaning over the bar itself, and uses a hand to keep brushing her hair out of the way so the pleasure all over her pretty face can be clearly seen and filmed. “AHHHHH FECK!! Mmmmm!! Yeah… MMMMMM Yeah you dirty fecker...” Her thick Irish accent seems to make this scene all the more hotter, shamelessly moaning out with every stiff thrust she's taking from behind as her ass jiggles when his body works in close towards her, before quickly and smoothly sliding back to repeat the motion as she takes this massive American cock repeatedly deep into her wet and snug pussy like she was made and built to be a porn star rather than a pro wrestler.

“Ahhhhh… MMMMM...” Lynch groans as the hunk behind her gives another thrust before he pulls out of her snatch and steps back so she can move off from the bar and stool to stand. “Hope ye don't think you're done just with that lad!” She says with a smirk, reaching back and removing her top, soon pulling it up and over her head to show off her perky and sexily rounded tits.

With the clothing cast aside to just leave her in Steampunk boots, gauntlets and her googles on the top of her head, Becky hops up to sit on the edge of the bar, spreading her legs as she leans back, hair hanging down behind and using both arms to prop herself up on the bar top. It's not long before the bartender comes back in, a hand used to guide his cock back into that wet and tight hole and once more they are moaning out as he resumes the task of giving her the kind of pumping she and her stunning, tanned body deserve. He grips her thigh, putting the smooth leg over his broad shoulder and once again standing so his body is at an angle towards her so he can still thrust his manhood deep into her snatch while not hiding a moment of this red hot sex from the camera getting that close view of his rod ploughing in and out of her damp pussy.

“MMMMM!! OH FECK!! Mmmmmm!! Ahhhhhh feckin' Hell!!” Lynch groans out, mouth hanging open from the pleasure she's getting as she's willingly selling her body in a way to get what she wants, but right now craving more sexual satisfaction from her snatch getting slammed than getting any drinks, which had been the purpose of her blowing, and now getting fucked by this handsome man who has his cock stuck deep into her twat. “Ahhhhh… MMMMM YES!! Mmmmmm FECK!! Keep… Keep it feckin' comin' stud!!” She grins before letting out a long moan, flipping her long dyed bright red hair back over her shoulder when it falls out of place, letting her gorgeous facial features be seen along with the rest of her stunning frame as she leans back, letting him do all the thrusting work to keep both of them groaning out with delight.

Indeed, from the way her co-star is using a series of nicely forceful, swift and smooth pumps to send his shaft right forward into her still tight but very wet now snatch it's clear he's got the experience and skill to make him perfect for porn, and that's to the WWE Diva's moaning delight as it gets her all that thick cock pushing deep into her love tunnel before he quickly pulls back just to repeat the pumping motion. His muscular body is connecting just enough with her tanned frame to make her rock back on the top of the bar she's getting fucked on, making her ripe tits bounce for an added treat for the filming camera as it moves in for a close-up view of her snatch getting stuffed with all this dick and able to record the sound of the sloppy smack of that shaft pushing into her moist hole over and over again.

“AHHHHH… OH FECK!! Mmmmm!! MMMMM… Feckin' fillin' me right up, ya dirty bastard!!” She moans out the dirty talk compliment as the former member of Team BAE in NXT and Team PCB in WWE stays leaning back and taking this repeated, stiff pumping into her tightness, gasping as well as groaning out in pleasure as sweat begins to form over her already hot enough looking body to go with the saliva still on her chin and down her neck from the earlier face-fucking she'd delivered when the action of this porno started off. “MMMMM… Fuck me!! AHHHHH… Feck me good, feck me hard!! MMMM...” She's able to demand between her moans, gazing lustfully at the hunk thrusting his lengthy rod in and out of her pussy and making it look almost too easy from how swift and smooth the rhythm being used is as he works his hips towards and then sharply away from between her spread legs and that wet but still pleasurably snug hole.

“AHHHHH… MMMMM… Mmmmm yeah… Take it!!” The bartender keeps his words short and sweet, letting the action being filmed speak for itself as he keeps on thrusting away almost balls deep into her twat, his balls almost touching her skin but his careful angle means he's just an inch away from being completely stuffed into her for the benefit of letting the camera get that unrestricted shot needed for the best possible porn film. “MMMM… Fuck baby… MMMM!! Love that tight pussy… AHHHHH...” He groans out, keeping a grip of her leg just to keep himself close to her, as the female WWE Superstar he's pounding is doing a fine job herself of keeping that stunning Irish frame up and her other leg out of the way, ensuring that he can pound in quickly and repeatedly with his fat and long American cock.

“MMMMM!! If ye fecking like that… AHHHHH… Just wait until I'm the one… UHHHHH!! Giving you the ride of your life…” Becky says with more than a hint in her seductive voice as the camera moves in to take a long shot of her moaning face as he stares at her co-star as the scene then fades out for a brief moment.

* * *

The porno comes back in just a couple minutes later with now the lucky and hung bartender laying on his back on the very bar top he's supposed to be serving drinks behind, but now has the stunning Becky Lynch mounted on top of him as she lowers herself down onto him, reaching between the legs so she can line that cock up and take him back inside her tight, wet pussy. Once he's between her folds she leans forward with hands on his chest, allowing to start bouncing her shapely backside as she moves her snatch up and down his still rock hard rod, easily making them both moan out with shameless approval as she already looks set on making her vow about giving a ride to remember come true and then some.

“MMMMMM FECK!! AHHHHH… Mmmmmm OH FEEEEEECKKKKK!! MMMMM...” The woman known as the Irish Lass Kicker is heard moaning out but the camera is currently recording her dripping snatch as she slides herself up that meaty shaft to just at the halfway mark before rather forcefully slamming right down. The effort put behind the motion made clear by both the slap of skin meeting tanned skin when their bodies connect and the sexy jiggle made by her ass cheeks each time she makes the downward motion as she fucks herself onto that big dick. “AHHHHH… MMMMM FECK… Feckin' love… UHHHHH!! Takin' a big feckin' prick right into me!!” She lustfully and honestly admits as she bounces her sweating and smoking hot body up and down on that thick dick she's stuffing herself full with as she shows she's not just able to take some top notch fucking action, she's more than able to dish it out herself to the groaning delight of the hunk she's on top off.

Flipping her long, dyed fiery red hair back, she's able to look back at it and show the filthy desire all over her sweat-covered face now as she watches herself riding that now familiar big cock she's already sucked off and been pumped by, and once more is enjoying every single fat inch of when she drops downward and takes him all deep inside her still needy and wet snatch. She's still keeping her booty sticking out as she dishes out this ride, letting her butt cheeks shake while the sight of her pussy taking all that cock straight up into herself can be clearly seen and her hair bounces wildly in time with the motion of her stunning body.

“FUCK… AHHHHH… MMMMMM OH ME FECKIN' DAYS!! AHHHHH...” She groans out loudly and without any hint of shame at all, each moment of this red hot action being recorded as the beautiful sports entertainer from Dublin, Ireland is doing more than just a fine job of handling this lengthy and thick to match American cock with another round of swift and firm bounces to make it appear she's more at home staring in skin flicks than she is stepping into a squared circle. “OH SHITE!! MMMMM!! Feckin'… AHHHHH… Feckin' love that big feckin' dick in me!! MMMM!!” She adds, a flash of a saucy grin being seen from her before she turns back around, letting the focus being again on the ongoing action as she continues to swiftly ride this big dick, the smack of her body dropping down against his desirable frame ringing out like a finely working machine to mix in the air with both of their deep moans of joy from this sexual encounter.

Giving credit where it's fully due, her co-star underneath her is showing off his ability to take as well as dish out as he just lays back and lets her take a turn of leading the action, his groans being heard but keeping his body still, not even thrusting his hips as she does all the work here with the sudden elevator-like movement of working her body up and then sharply down onto his lengthy fuck-stuck. That cock is still rock hard and ready for more as he gets taken all the way up into her still nicely snug and now very wet snatch before being slipped out just a few inches before she's racing back down towards his crotch with slap, but at this point neither of them are feeling any sort of sting from the connection, just the sinful pleasure of some hot and heavy dirty action.

“MMMMM!! Ahhhhhhh FECK!! MMMMM...” With a gasp, the former flight attendant and acting degree graduate comes to a stop on top of this hung hunk, keeping his dick stuffed inside her still needy after all this porno fucking snatch. Rather than taking a chance to catch her breath, she's instead grinding her pussy down against his rod, working her hips slowly and seductively back and forth in a rolling motion that easily has them both groaning out to show approval for the sudden but still sexy change of pace. “AHHHHH… MMMMM… Mmmmmm… Bet ya… Feckin' love that, ya feckin' stud...” The sports entertainer says with her thick Irish accent dripping with lust, letting her hands slide over his defined chest, that's now noticeably glistening from the sweat covering him now as she works over his huge American shaft with her pussy with another slow and savouring rather than teasing grind down against him.

“MMMMM… How's about… We see about payin' off that tab of mine altogether?”  Becky offers with another naughty grin as the camera moves around, getting a shot of her fine body as she stays mounted on him and his dick for a moment before we get another fading out of the film into the next scene.

* * *

Once again, it's just minutes later but now with a completely different camera shot that's overhead of the bar itself, with Becky Lynch now laying on her back on top of it, moaning out as the hunky bartender is pushing his dick back into her snatch as he stands between her spread legs, holding her by the waist as he starts to go to work on her. Within moments of him breaking out into a stiff and rapid rhythm she's reaching back to grab her own long, bright red hair from the pleasure she's feeling as her perky tits start bouncing in time with a jolting motion her body is being made to do each time he slams his dick all the way up into her pussy.

“AHHHHH FUCK!!! MMMMMM!! OH YES!! AHHHHH FECKKKKKK!!!” The former SHIMMER Women Athletes competitor as Rebecca Knox moans out loudly as she takes this deep pounding at a pace that's the most intense and clearly pleasurable so far during this porn filming, her head tilted back and eyes closed as groans and gasps escape from her open mouth no matter if it's a thrust in or out she's taking. “UHHHH!! AH FECK!! MMMMM YOU… YOU FECKER!! AHHHHH MMMMMM!!” She hisses out, the footage now switching to the normal ground-level camera that gets a shot of Lynch's rocking back and forth, sweat-soaked and tanned body as she's moves back with every balls deep pump she very willingly takes, her tits shaking and her hair swaying away but even with the level of pleasure she's taking she still remembers to keep it brushed away out of her face for the filming cameras.

A series of deep grunts and groans can be heard from her more than built in several ways co-star as he keeps a firm hold of her stunning body so she doesn't jolt back too far from him, allowing that rapid-fire motion of thrust after hard thrust to be slammed straight forward into her soaking wet twat which is still staying nicely snug even after all this intense action they've given each other. He's keeping himself stood up perfectly straight so the camera looking down at them can see his fat rod being slipped quickly in and out of her pussy, and his arms at a low angle so the filming being done at their level can also get clear close-up views of that big shaft hammering way into her love tunnel.

“UHHH!!! Don't!! DON'T FECKIN' STOP!! MMMMM!!! AHHHHH...” The beautiful but now more than just a little lust-drunk WWE Women's Division Superstar is still begging for this even hotter than her fire-red dyed hair action, loving the way her snatch is getting pounded over and over by a cock so huge that many a normal red-blooded woman would even struggle to handle half the size of. “FECKIN' WRECK ME!! MMMMM!! POUND ME FECKIN' DIRTY SNATCH… AHHHHH… YOU FECKIN' HUNG FECKER!!” She squeals out almost, mouth hanging open as her head tilts back again, her hands sliding up her tanned body as she gives her bouncing breasts a deep squeeze, her cries of delight and arching position giving the impression that she's starting to cum all over the cock being slammed in to the hilt into her dripping box. Either that, or she's doing such a fine job of faking an orgasm that many a porn veteran will be studying this film to take notes of how to do it and from how smoking hot it is to watch happen it's of little difference if this sexual high is real or not.

Meanwhile, even as sweat drips of his handsome face, the stud playing the role of bartender here keeps on doing a more than just a fantastic performance, keeping his hips thrusting away back and forth towards that moist hole that's left his cock coated with her pussy juices as he buries his American cock all the way into her very accommodating Irish twat again and again. Despite how long this intense fucking has been going on his shaft is all too easily still slamming in until his body is smacking off of hers, and his nutsack slapping against her pussy and ass as she's just hanging off the edge of the bar, both of them moaning out loudly as he enjoys being balls deep in the WWE Diva for a few thrusting moments more.

It's only a couple pumps more into her though before he has to pull out, gripping his rod and starting to stroke himself off. Quickly, and impressively for a woman who has been using up so much energy giving and taking perhaps the fuck of a lifetime, Lynch is shifting off the bar top and down onto the floor on her knees, licking her lips as she flips her hair back. As her co-star jerks his dick rapidly to reach his release, she reaches up and pulls those signature Steampunk goggles of hers down over her eyes, a dirty grin cast up in his direction as she sits up straight ready for the money shot to come.

The camera is right there to record it as he lets out a final groan before the first thick blast of spunk shoots out across Becky Lynch's face, landing down into her bright red dyed hair and her forehead, the next shot then covering the red lens of her goggles and more of the upper face to her groaning approval. She stays in place, not flinching for a moment as he shoots more spunk, now plashing across the left goggle as well as her nose and again making some land into her sexy hair as he gives her a load that's perfectly big and creamy for a skin flick like this. She fights to resist licking it up, a hint of tongue seen for a moment as he moves his dick in close as he strokes out the last drops, smearing her cheeks and staining her lips before flicking the last couple out to also hit her lips and chin for a more than generous glazing.

“Mmmm… Bet ye won't be refusin' me a drink in here again, well ye?” Becky says with a smirk as she lifts her cum-stained goggles up, further staining her flaming red hair as she looks up with a satisfied gaze up at the stud as he moves back out of shot. Letting the camera record a close-up shot of her spunk-covered and even hotter than she already is face, Lynch gives the camera a sexy wink and makes the rock-horns signs with her hands, smirking in a proud and completely shameless way as she knows she's just been filmed sucking dick, fucking, and taking a face-full of cum that's now dripping from off her cheeks, chin and Steampunk goggles. It's on this smoking hot sight that the porn fades out to black, drawing another fine Porn Wrestling Federation production to a close.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2021, 08:55:23 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters are 18 years old or over in this story. I do not own the WWE or any of its characters or wrestlers.

Featuring: Maryse Ouellet (WWE)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 4

A WWE erotic story

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, Oral, Anal.

*     *     *

In early 2016 professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as their were re-branded as) being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  The existing roster of WWE Female Superstars however were willing to show their sexual skill on camera, no matter their existing in-ring skills or credibility. In fact, one who was far more willing to use her looks and stunning body to use as eye candy was more than happy to put her body to a more lucrative use than any in-ring activity that she used to do...

* * *

Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

French-Canadian WWE Diva/female WWE Superstar Maryse


An Ass-sisting French Kiss!

* * *

The scene opens up with quite an exciting sight already – a close up shot of a pair of large, tanned tits straining inside a bra that are jiggling as the woman wearing them is struggling in quite an over-the-top manner to try and pull up a corset-like top that goes all the way around up behind the neck but open at the front so this massive chest and deep cleavage can be shown off. As the camera zooms and then steps back we see that it’s the stunning French-Canadian platinum blonde, the female WWE Superstar known as Maryse that seems to be having a wardrobe issue. Not that she doesn’t look stunning with white shorts and white, high-heeled boots to match her attire.

As she struggles, we see also in the room a smartly dressed, handsome and nicely built man in smart pants and shirt who appears to be her assistant from the other clothes he’s holding in his arms. The room they are in certainly appears to be a dressing or changing room of sorts with a clothes rack with several garments in the background, and a lavish, large sized chair as well close by.

“Hnnnnnnng!!” She whines, struggling it appears to lift the zipper up even a bit. “Non! Non non non!!” Maryse snaps, stomping a foot and placing her hands on her thick hips. “This is unacceptable! I am the Sexiest of the Sexy!! How can I possibly go out and dazzle the world, and make my husband the envy of all the men watching, if I can’t show off my body the right way??” She complains in a bitchy tone, even with her thick accent making it sound very hot regardless.

“I told you Miss Maryse, that top is just a size to small for you.” The “assistant” says. “It’s basically skin-tight!”
“Then we’ll make it skin-tight then!” She snaps at him, unclipping the zip at the bottom of the corset so she can pull it back and away, allowing her to reach back behind and with quick ease pull her bra off from her tits. Those completely tanned and delicious breasts bounce free, and the eyes of the assistant widen at the sight of them, even more as they jiggle when she tries again to reapply the zipper and pull it up, only finding herself struggling once more as her tits shake as the camera zooms right in.

“Fucking damn it!!” She curses, stomping her foot again before in anger taking off the top completely, turning and throwing it at her “assistant”, causing him to drop the clothes he’d been holding. “And you! Fucking useless! Why did my husband even hire you?? How hard is it to pick out some fucking clothes!!” She rudely snaps at him, turning to the side slightly as he composes himself. She pauses, looking him over, with narrowed eyes as it looks like she’s about to say something.

A different camera angle keeps us in the same “scene” but at a different angle – crotch height at his pants and now seeing a sizeable bulge there – clear arousal from seeing such huge tits on full display.

“Are… Do you having a fucking hard-on??” She questions after a long stare, but before he can answer she marches right over, her hand going right to his package and giving it a squeeze, causing him to groan. “You fucking are… Hmmmm… At least, you have good fucking taste...” She comments with a smirk as her hand runs over that bulge for a lot longer than she should be, considering how mad she sounds at him. It’s soon clear other thoughts have come to mind as she slowly lowers herself down to her knees, her hands going to his belt to undo them, and soon yanking down his pants for good measure. Finding out he has no underwear on, she’s greeted by a sight that makes her eyes widen and jaw drop in almost awe of the lengthy and thick shaft that’s now pointing right at her.

“Fuck!! It… It seems like you can be good for something, non?” The stunning French-Canadian says as a smirk soon appears on her face, taking a hold of and then stroking the big American cock that’s obviously to her liking, and the moans heard off camera from the hunk she’s jerking off show he’s enjoying it more than just a little. Raising an eyebrow to further toy with her “assistant” she leans her head in, giving the underside of this thick rod a long, slow lick all the way from her gripping fingers to the crown, giving the tip a light swirl around for good measure before she pulls back to smirk again.

“If you screw this up… I won’t hesitate to make sure my husband fires you!” She warns with a bitchy but still sexy glare as she gives his dick another round of pumps. With the teasing over with, for now at least, she gets to the proper task at hand as she brings her lips to that crown, giving a “French Kiss” of a different sort with a couple of smooches with quite audible slurps to that fat cock-head as she strokes him off. Moaning herself a little as she looks up at him, she runs her tongue against the tip, soon swirling around it for another warm-up as she dabs her saliva onto him before again shifting back a bit so she can use her stroking hands to work that spit all over his length.

The platinum blonde beauty parts her lips, taking that cock inside and keeps jerking away at the shaft even as her mouth slides down with noticeable effortless ease to the halfway mark, a glimpse of tongue seen by the camera that’s filming this oral action right up close, picking up her groans even as muffled already by this meaty pole. Her head moves back upward, teasing that she’s going to pull all the way off from him but instead pushing back down as she breaking into a smooth motion, her hand now stroking away at almost the same timing and pace as her mouth so that when her hand moves upward she almost touches her own chin as her sucking motion heads down.

As the former WWE Divas Champion bobs her head along that meaty prick, the pace is already making her sizeable tits jiggle sexily as she services this handsome hunk who is just as clearly built to handle such a red hot blowjob as her mouth is made to dish one out, already his cock getting visibly slick and coated with her saliva from the repeated motion. Indeed, as she even remembers to use her free hand to keep her long hair brushed back to the camera can capture every moment of this oral sex act, it’s apparent this is far from her first time sucking some dick, slurping without any sign of shame again and gain. Perhaps she’s not done this to a cock quite as lengthy and thick to match as this one from the way she’s groaning herself around this man meat.

“Mmmmmphhh!! Mmmmm… Mmmmm mmmmphhhh!!” She moans as she moves her mouth up and down over this rock hard tool, her jerking hand helping to further work her spit over his fat inches as she forces her oral hole down further onto this fuck-stick, her muffled groans seemingly getting louder with every extra inch she manages to stuff up into herself. Her eyes stay narrowed with an equally lusty but bitchy glare as she keeps those French-Canadian lips tightly wrapped around this American dick despite it not belonging to the man she’s actually married to. That fact seems far from her mind as the swift bobbing carries on, saliva seeping past those full lips as it’s now dripping off her chin, off of his length and even her own fingers from all the stroking, leaving a coating of spit now forming across those large, shapely tits for good measure.

Giving another round of slurps, she pulls her mouth completely off of him with a sexy gasp, using her hands to stroke his length while she smirks up at her “assistant”. “Mmmmm… You enjoyed that, oui?” Maryse teases before she lets go of him, standing up and moving over towards the luxury chair in this “changing room”.

With the camera up close, she slowly pulls down the white shorts, revealing her completely tanned and juicy backside along with her shaved and already wet looking snatch, putting on a show as she bends over completely to stick out that backside as the shorts reach her feet so she can step out of them.

“Now get the fuck over here and earn your job!” She snaps with a bitchy tone, positioning herself to rest one knee on the seat but her other high-heel wearing foot planted on the floor, allowing her backside to be pushed out as she bends over toward the back rest of the chair. This gives a perfect view as the hunk steps back into view, holding his cock by the base so he can push it forward into that snatch and with just the first push is able to sink forward deep into those wet folds to make her moan out immediately from the penetration.

“Mmmmm… Oh oui!! Mmmmm…” She encourages already, looking back over her shoulder to watch this stud thrust that meaty shaft in and out of her snug pussy, the force behind the steady motion already making her rock forward each time that pole slides into her twat, moans of approval escaping her as she takes this deep pumping from behind. “Ahhhhh… Mmmmm… Harder… Impress me… Mmmmm!!” She demands, slapping her hand on the back of the chair she’s being taken over to emphasise the point even though her moans are clear and quite loud for a woman being fucked by a man who isn’t the one she’s married to. That request is soon granted as he works more of his inches forward into the needy, busty beauty to make her gasp and groan, her intense gaze still locked back at him as she keeps up that bitchy attitude towards him, but cannot deny how well his thrusting his ticking the boxes for her lusty needs.

Behind her, the “assistant” is showing obvious experience in the porn business, just moaning out as he lets the action on display of his big American dick pumping in and out of this hot and wet French-Canadian pussy do all the talking along with both of their loud moans. His slightly to the side position allows the filming camera to capture every second of this smoking hot, not to mention shameless action as he keeps that dick thrusting back and forth into this gorgeous sports entertainment and reality TV starlet with a firm and swift pace. If he was fully positioned behind, no doubt he could ram every inch into her but playing his part he makes sure the enjoyment of the audience is the top priority, although from the way she’s moaning out in delight with every thrust, it can be argued she’s getting far more out of this than perhaps anyone watching this porno back ever will.

“MMMM… Ahhhhh… Oooooooh yes!! MMMMM… Mmmmm oh oui!!” The former in-ring competitor turned valet for the WWE groans out, pushing her desirable body backward against these stiff thrusts, getting him in as deep as she can as the smack of her ass meeting his crotch sounds out to just enhance the stunning action on display. “Ahhhhh FUCK!! Mmmmm… Yes, you fuck… Ahhhhhh… Fuck me good!!” She still demands, licking her lips slightly as she stares back, her big tits swaying underneath her as her body rocks back in perfect rhythm to his pumps, staying bent over as she grips this chair she’s getting fucked against, even putting on a show as she performs one of her signature hair flips to send those long locks over her shoulder and out of the way of her pretty, moaning face.

Those stiff pumps keep coming with far from any signs of stopping yet as that truly porn star-quality cock continues to slide in quickly and deeply into her wet pussy, his hand farthest from the camera used just to grip her thigh for a little extra support as his pace gets that bit harder in response to her needs, not to mention making it all the more hotter to be filmed. She stares approvingly, her gaze switching from up at his handsome facial features to lock eyes with the stud she’s “making” fuck her to “keep” his job, and down towards her rounded backside to watch that big dick pushing steadily and sharply in and out of her love tunnel that’s already more than just wet, but ready for plenty more from him.

“MMMM… Ahhhh… Yessssss… Mmmmm!! Such a good little… Mmmmm… Assistant...” Maryse purrs, licking her lips again as she watches him pull out of her pussy, causing her to groan. “Now sit down… Let the Sexiest of the Sexy show you how it’s done!” She orders, stepping off from the chair and quickly the “assistant” takes her place, sitting down it with that cock, visibly coated now in her juices, pointing straight upward.

Moving in with her back now to the camera, she swings a leg over and shifts forward into position above his lap, that juicy and tanned ass sticking out as she sinks down slowly for another teasing display, taking that cock back inside her and aided by him holding his manhood in position for her. With a groan, she moves all the way down to take his inches completely in, stopping to rest against his crotch as she places her hands on the back of the seating for support, and likewise her co-star grips her waist in preparation. With a gasp, she gets down to this dirty business, lifting herself upward before dropping back down, a slap of skin against skin accompanying their moans as she doesn’t hold back, never mind waste any time, getting right into the motion of riding this big cock that’s she’s already sucked off and had fucking her so far.

“MMMMM!! Oui!! Mmmmm… Oh fuck yes… MMMM!!” The French-Canadian stunner moans out as she bounces that curvy body up and down on that fat American cock she’s eagerly and happily taking up deep inside her tight and wet pussy, already showing that she can dish out some steamy action as well as taking it. “AHHHHH… Oh shit!! MMMM… So… So fucking big!! MMMM...” She gasps out, her long hair bouncing away in time with the motion her body is doing as she raises and lowers her body with a machine-like rhythm that’s more than a perfect fit for this kind of skin-flick she’s staring in, but far removed from the world of sports entertainment she’s famous for being a part of.

Underneath her, the hung stud getting one Hell of a fine ride continues to moan out, more than able to handle taking this kind of riding pace and making sure to not distract from that red hot action being recorded. His hands stay holding her toned midsection to keep her steady and in place, impaled on his thick member as she sharply rides him and sends her juicy booty smacking down against his thighs every time she drops down and takes all of his dick in to the hilt into her soaking wet snatch.

The camera has a stunning view to say the least, filming her slick hole shifting quickly right down to his heavy balls before sliding with a sexy squelch upward to the midway point before she sends that tanned body back down with a smack, causing her thick butt to jiggle for an extra visual treat as this sexual action continues on with little signs of letting up. The former two-time WWE Divas Champion groans out, just glancing back for a moment to check her position before she looks back, giving a toss back of the hair for good measure as she displays talents far removed from those required in a wrestling ring but perfect for something that’s as far removed from PG rated TV as it gets.

“Uhhhh!! AHHHHH… MMMMM OUI!! Mmmmm… MMMMM!!” She gasps out, drops of sweat now beginning to form on her beautiful frame that has been seen before in nude glory in Playboy (when it actually published nudity), but she’s never quite been seen in such a stunning state like this as she expertly rides this massive cock with bounce after swift and deep bounce. “OH OUI!! Mmmmmm!! Oui… MMMMM!!” The platinum blonde moans out, putting in a more intense performance than during any match she ever had before in the past, and showing no issue with getting a fuck out of a hunk that she isn’t happily married to if how loud and constant her moans are as she keeps on raising and dropping that snatch over and over onto this fat and lengthy tool.

“MMMM… Mmmmmm!! Ahhhhhh FUCK!!” Maryse lets out a groan as she gradually brings herself to a stop after another round of bounces, coming to a rest but not letting up exactly as she instead shifts her hips back and forth, grinding her wet pussy down against his crotch with all of his inches still stuffed up inside her. “Mmmmm… Not bad, oui?” She teases, looking back over her shoulder down at herself with an approving smirk as she keeps the grinding going for a moment more. “But if you want to really… Mmmmm… Keep your job… You still have to really please me...”

* * *

What Maryse meant by that becomes clear when the video footage comes back from a quick fading in and out edit to show her now positioned again on the chair but this time kneeling on the seating, her ass sticking right out and by the looks of things her asshole appears to have been lubed up properly, shining from the clear fluid that coats that entrance to the point of nearly starting to drip.

Stepping back into view now is that hung and hunky co-star, his cock now similarly “prepared” with lubricant as he uses a hand to spread her thick cheeks apart a little more, gripping his rod to line up and then slowly but firmly push into that tightest of holes, causing both himself and the beauty taking it to groan out. Her eyes widen, mouth open as she moans, hands gripping the chair she’s on as she grits her teeth, a sign that her desirable backside hasn’t ever taken a cock of this size before but as he starts to work himself in and out of her rump she can’t help but groan out, staring back to watch her ass getting fucked by this experienced stud,

“MMMMM!! FUCK!! Oh yes… MMMMM… Fuck my ass baby… MMMMM...” Her moans are truly shameless as she already begs for more, just moments into this anal action properly getting going as that big rod slides gradually deeper in between her tanned cheeks with every forward thrust he delivers. “AHHHHHH… MMMMM OUI!! Mmmmmm oui oui OUI!! MMMMM...” She gasps out, already finding herself rocking back and forth to meet his pumps and aid in getting those inches further into her tightest of holes and loving every moment of it, even though as she keeps herself in this almost doggy style position she isn’t even touching her own wet pussy as she takes it up the ass.

Despite the hunk currently pumping his dick in and out of her snug to say the least asshole is not the man she’s married to, he’s already experienced the delights of each of her erotic holes having gotten his dick sucked, and fucked her sweet pussy so far, all topped off with getting to tap that fine, French-Canadian ass that appears built to take some thick and long American meat like this. She’s putting on a fine performance herself to take this kind of ass fucking that would render most women not able to walk straight for several days, and yet as she moans away with every back and forth pump she’s still craving more of that rod in deep between her tanned, smooth and rounded rear cheeks.

“UHHHH!! Ahhhhhh FUUUUCKKK!! MMMM… MMMMM SHIT!!” She almost yells out when he delivers a firm, hard thrust into her backside, making her stare back with a red hot and burning with desire glare, another flip of the long, platinum blonde hair leaving her gorgeous, now sweat-coated face on full display for the recording camera. “MMMMM FUCK!! Oh OUI!! MMMMMM OUI! OUI OUI MMMMMM OUI!!” However currently the filming is focusing on her stunning backside and how she’s taking such a vast amount of cock with such ease, still pushing back firmly on her knees towards the stud behind her every time he thrusts towards to plunge deep into her still very tight but ready for plenty more back passage.

Still making sure to only let out slight moans and groans, he keeps his hips shifting back and forth smoothly but firmly, sending his dick in and soon sharply out of her snug asshole, but never pulling completely out of the ass of the stunning female WWE Superstar who stays kneeling on the same chair she’s been getting fucked over and been fucking on over the course of this sinful, recorded encounter. Even as he now also shows the effects of giving her the kind of pounding her and her gorgeous backside deserve as the sweat now appears on his muscular frame, he also isn’t planning on turning the action down a level, grunting under his breath as he keeps on sending his cock forward to ram deep into those full and jiggling butt cheeks.

“MMMMM YESSSS!! FUCK MY ASS!! AHHHHHH… MMMMMM FUUUUUUCKKK!!” The former WWE Divas Champion is putting on a performance worthy of several adult film awards with the way she’s so easily taking this anal pounding that sees her body sharply rocking back and forth against the onslaught of hard pumps, keeping her big tits swaying and her booty shaking, even more so now as her ass is smacking off of his crotch now when he thrusts forward. “UHHHHH!! OH OUI… MMMMMM OUI… AHHHHHH MMMMMM...” Her thick French-Canadian accent just makes her shameless, filthy words all the more hotter, beads of sweat dripping from her nose as she keeps looking back to watch that huge American cock being stuffed again and again into her rump in such a way that it seems like she’s all to used to some anal action, even with such a fat piece of man eat.

“MMMMM… FUCK!! Mmmmm… With a big… UHHHHH… FUCKING COCK!! MMMM… Like that???” The woman who has appeared in movies such as Sharknado 3 and reality TV like WAGs seems far more naturally suited for starring roles in pornography from this ass banging performance, still moaning out despite having not even touched her own snatch all the way through this position, just taking it from behind as this big dick slides deeply and swiftly in and out of her rear hole. “MMMM!! No fucking way… AHHHH… I’m going to fire you now!! MMMMM OUI!!” She groans out with a lusty grin, once again putting on an extra, sexy display with a signature flip of the hair even as she gets fucked from behind, gasping with each in or out thrust she takes from behind and the grin on her face showing she’s loving every moment of this steamy and dirty ass fucking even if it’s with this man who isn’t the one she’s happily married to.

* * *

Another edit in the film brings us to a new, but just as pleasing to the eye scene as Maryse is now sitting on the same chair she’s been getting fucked on and over over the course of this skin-flick. How however she’s in control, and is using another part of her stunning, sweat-covered body to full use as she has her large, tanned tits pressed against the thick and long cock of her “assistant”, a wide grin on her face as she gazes up at the hunk she’s pleasuring with her own tits.

“Mmmmm… Oui… Fuck my tits, you dirty man...” She purrs as she stares up at him, not even watching as he’s doing just as instructed, thrusting his member right up between her big breasts as she uses both hands to keep them sandwiching his man-meat between them, giving a very strong indication that this is far from her first time from using those mounds to pleasure a man before. She’s groaning a little herself though, turned on by the sensation of having her chest fucked, let alone by a man who she isn’t married to, and one who has already had this same cock deep into her mouth, her snatch, and her ass so far and is getting treated to a fine tit-fuck to top it all off.

His groans show that he’s loving that soft feeling of her more than ample tit-flesh against and around his cock as she keeps her boobs pressed tightly against his pumping member, the crown of his cock popping up out of the top of her cleavage before soon vanishing back downward to repeat the motion. The camera has a clear, close up shot of this, taking in the sight of her tits jiggling even as she holds them, such is the smooth and firm force of his pumps up into the valley she’s created with her own mountains.

“Mmmmm!! Fucking cum!! Cum for me… Cum all over my big fucking tits!” The former in-ring competitor and former Champion when she was a WWE Diva, and now ringside eye candy as a manager as a female WWE Superstar is still as lusty as ever even after all the fucking she’s taken during this hot and heavy action. She licks her lips, using her hands to rub and grind her own tits against this pistoning shaft, groaning as she feels him throbbing and approaching release but he continues to fuck her stunning breasts to savour the last few moments, lasting far long than most red blooded men would be able to last just from a titfuck from her alone, let alone after all the wild action that’s gone on before this point.

She soon gets what she wanted though when he suddenly pulls out from between her mounds, grabbing his cock and starting to stroke himself off rapidly and in quick response she cups her tits, pushing them up and together for an unmissable target. That does the trick, as a couple pumps of the hand later and he groans, shooting the first thick, hot spray of jizz out to splash down over the top of her left breast, soon followed by another that lands on that boob but down into her cleavage too. He keeps pumping and firing out his thick American load, giving both those French-Canadian breasts and more than generous share of his seed as it lands over the tops, down into that created valley between, over the front to glaze her rock hard nipples, and even landing on her hands that hold her mounds in place for him to flick the final drops of jizz down onto it.

“Mmmmm… Oh oui...” Maryse says approvingly as she looks down at her own cum-covered tits, using her hands to naughtily rub the spunk all over her big breasts and make herself gasp in the process. “You… You’ve kept your job… For this week, at least… But I think we must schedule another “performance review” soon, oui?” She teases with a sexy smirk, giving one last flip back of the hair before she looks to the filming camera and gives a last, devilish smirk as the sight of her sweat-coated body and her now cum-covered tits gets recorded before the film fades out to black, drawing another fine Porn Wrestling Federation production to a close.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2021, 08:56:15 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own the WWE or any of its characters or wrestlers. All characters are 18 years or older in this story.

Featuring: Nikki Bella (WWE)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 5

A WWE erotic story

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, Oral.

*     *     *

In early 2016 professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as their were re-branded as) being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  The existing roster of WWE Female Superstars however were willing to show their sexual skill on camera, no matter their existing in-ring skills or credibility. In fact, one who was controversial enough for using her real life relationship for, allegedly of course, sleeping her way to championship glory in the past, was willing to show exactly what she can really do… And she did mention something about doing it far better than her sister possibly could as well...

* * *

Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

Female WWE Superstar/Diva and reality TV star Nikki Bella


Fearlessly Earning an Easy A!

* * *

The film stars up with a slow panning shot, showing red sneakers then white, knee-high schoolgirl socks up smooth, thick crossed legs, leading to a stereotypical short, plaid uniform skirt. Then up a toned midsection to a straining, white tied at the front short sleeved shirt that barely fits in a set of massive, round tits that show off deep cleavage, then up to the dark long hair to reveal the pretty face of the “student” in question – WWE female Superstar and reality TV star of Total Divas and Total Bellas – Nikki Bella.

Pulling back, we see that the setting is a classroom with a blackboard behind a “Teacher’s” desk with the word “DETENTION” written in white chalk on it. Standing by the desk is a handsome and hunky looking man with a bald head, clad smartly in pants, white shirt and red tie. He however doesn’t seem pleased with the “student” sitting on the chair in front of him, while he holds up a piece of paper with scribblings and a large letter “F” written in red in the upper corner.

“Miss Bella, you understand why you are here don’t you?” The “Teacher” asks with a stern tone. “This is the fifth test you’ve failed this month… And I couldn’t even give you a mercy point for spelling your name right on the top of the page since you wrote “Best Fuck in Class” instead!”
“Well, it’s fucking true for a start...” Nikki says with a roll of her eyes. “Why the Hell should I waste time learning about boring history or science when I can go get my brains banged out by the jocks after practice?” She boldly states, leaning back in her seat so she can make her large tits stick out.
“Because young lady your education will get you far further than… Than any sexual activity ever will...” The “Teacher” says, but his eyes can’t help but take a long look at those fake tits making her shirt strain.

“You know what I think? It sounds like you’re just jealous...” Bella states, standing up from her chair and moving forward, boldly placing her hand onto his crotch and giving him a squeeze. “Can’t we just, come to an… Agreement about how we can fix up my grades?” She asks with a seductive tone, her hand roaming across his package and looking down with approval already at what she feels.
“M-Miss Bella… This is highly inappropriate behaviour...” He claims, but rather than pushing her away, is just staring again at her large tits.
“Damn right it fucking is...” Nikki says, letting go of him so she can take a hold of her shirt, paying tribute to her WWE entrance as she rips her shirt apart from the middle, letting her big, fake breasts bounce free as she tosses the garment aside. “And it’s about to get a whole lot more fucking better...”

Moving down to her knees in front of him, her hands quickly reach up towards his belt to undo them, and then undoing his pants so she can haul them down to his feet, her eyes widening as she lets out a gasp when a massive, long and nicely thick to match cock springs out to point at her gorgeous face. She licks her lips, taking a hold of his shift to give him a couple of pumps while he steps out of his pants, at the same time loosening his tie so he can throw it away before beginning to unbutton his shirt, letting out a groan as she tests his member with another round of short and smooth strokes.

“Look at this big fucking dick… Bigger than the boys on the football team...” She purrs approvingly, before leaning her head in forward and delivering a long lick around the head, her hand pumping away at the shaft as she services the crown with another work-around with that tongue. Letting out a moan of approval, she runs that fat head over her lips, pressing them together for a full pout and still stroking him off as she does so, easily making him moan in the process. Moving her head down, letting her hand hold him just by the base for a moment, she runs her tongue upward along the underside, reaching the crown for another swirl around it before pulling back, naughtily spitting down onto him before letting her hand stroke it into his meaty rod.

“Fuck… I’m such a dirty, fucking slut for a big hard cock like this...” She shamelessly admits with a smirk, delivering another pump before she leans her gorgeous face towards him, taking that cock between her full lips, making them both groan out from the pleasure as she sinks her head down, impressively taking about half of his size upward into her mouth to begin with. “I’m going to enjoy earning this “easy A”...” Casting a seductive glance to the camera that’s up close, filming her starting to service the cock of her “teacher”, she lets out another groan before she starts lifting her head back up to the top, keeping the crown inside her hungry oral hole as she gets the motion going, soon sliding back downward to that midway point so she can lift back up and repeat the sinful action.

“Mmmmm… Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmm...” The footage switches to a Point-Of-View style shot, seeing the studly “teacher’s” muscular and made for porn frame, the view looking right down at Nikki Bella as she smoothly and steadily sucks away on this fat and long dick. Her eyes are locked up at the lens she knows is recording her blowing a hunk she barely knows, but is playing her part as a slutty student all too eagerly as she continues rocking her long haired head back and forth along this vast size. Combined with her big, enhanced tits being on full display, it’s a red hot sight that isn’t ending any time soon as she works her hungry mouth up and down onto this fat fuck-stick, her hand delivering the occasional pump to those inches not yet being taken up between those clearly far from novice lips of hers.

Narrowing her eyes for a moment, the star of the Total Divas and Total Bellas reality TV shows switches her hands to rest on his thighs, her bobbing motion now more forceful but still as smooth as ever as she services this hung hunk with just that talented mouth. She continues to nosily groan and slurp around this huge piece of man meat, that pretty face pushing downward close to meeting his crotch before she raises back up to over the half-way mark just so she can do it all over again and again. As she keeps her sucking action going at this steady pace, she makes sure to lift her hand away every now and then, brushing back that long hair out of the way of her face so the recording camera captures every red hot moment of this cock sucking being carried out by the stunning sports entertainer.

The footage switches again now to a side view, again up close to her so we can see not just her saliva dripping off of the shaft she’s working over, but how it’s trickling past her lips, down her chin, and giving those large, fake breasts a generous covering from her spit and considering how she currently only has her far arm up to hold the stud she’s blowing, she knows the viewers will love the full sight of those tits looking even hotter than ever. There hasn’t been a hint of a gagging sound from her yet over the course of this oral action despite how nicely lathered in her saliva his pole is from the constant bobbing she’s delivered, another sign of her skill in this as she keeps her head swiftly moving along his thickness like she’s more trained in this art than any in-ring ability she’s famous for.

“Mmmmmphhh!! Mmmmm...” She groans as she gives another long slurp, this time lifting her head all the way up and off from him, her hand now taking over fully to stroke him off as she licks her lips, catching her breath briefly as she smirks up at her “teacher”. “I need this big fucking cock in me Sir...” She almost begs as she stands up, turning around so she can face the teaching desk, raising a knee-high sock covered leg onto the edge of the desk as she reaches back, lifting up her skirt to show off the fact she isn’t wearing any underwear downstairs either. “Mmmmm… I bet my tight fucking pussy will earn me some extra credit...”

Stepping up, her co-star moves behind her, his hand making sure that skirt his hiked up over her thigh, so her backside and that already wet looking pussy can be clearly seen, along with the sight of him lining up his cock, her slickness and her spit still covering his shaft making the moment of penetration easy and smooth, much to both of their moaning approval. The camera gets in close, taking it all in as that rod pushes in inch by fat inch, causing the slutty “student” to moan as she feels her pussy filling up as he eases in. Waiting until he’s just a quarter of the way from being all up inside her, he gets the action going with a pull of the hips back, waiting until just his crown and a couple inches remain between her folds before he firmly drives forward, causing her to loudly moan out, the first of many more to come as he shows off his own porn industry experience by effortlessly getting into a pumping rhythm within seconds.

“Mmmmmm FUCK!! Oh yes Teacher!! Mmmmm...” The former two-time WWE Divas Champion gazes back with wide, approving eyes and her mouth already hanging open to let her moans pour out, watching as the viewers of this skin-flick are as that massive dick pushes in and out of her wet and snug snatch and already making her thick, curvy body rock slightly forward each time he thrusts deep into her love tunnel. “Oh shit!! MMMMM!! Fuck… MMMM… Yeah, fuck my dirty little pussy!!” She encourages, even as from the moans he’s letting out himself indicate, he doesn’t exactly need any further motivation to stuff his member in and out of her snug, wet fuck-hole, making sure to keep his “speech” down to just groaning so the action being recorded can do all the talking, his cock smoothly sliding into and then right back out, but never all the way out of, this wet twat.

“Mmmmm… MMMM FUCK!! Oh yes… MMMMM...” Nikki grits her teeth for a moment, her hand raising up briefly to brush her long hair away from her moaning face, before she starts pushing herself back against the thrusts she’s taking from behind, showing off some sexual experience of her own as she keeps up this raised leg position against the Teacher’s desk but is still able to send her hips rocking back to meet him when the next pump arrives into her snugness. “AHHHHH… Mmmmm… I knew I liked your class for some reason...” She teases with a smirk, before letting out another long groan as her “Teacher” continues to expertly fill up her damp and tight pussy with now almost every inch of his prick, ensuring her moans are loud and constant with every in and out pump she’s given, the feeling for both no doubt even better thanks to her pushes back to meet him.

There’s another switch in the footage to now a front on view, the sight of her big fake boobs jiggling away as her body rocks back and forth against the stud behind her, and while the sight of his huge shaft sliding into her snatch isn’t seen right now, the sound of their bodies connecting rings sharply out each time he gives a forward thrust that in turn makes her moan out and jolt forward to send those tits swinging erotically. Tossing her long, dark hair back the stunning female WWE Superstar gives the recording camera another seductive look, her full lips open as she groans out, arms stretching out forward for the perfect position not just for showing off her enhanced chest, but so she can take this fucking from behind as deeply as possible.

After staying on this red hot sight for a few more moments, the footage changes to be again down at her getting filled up snatch, the wetness of that pussy making her look more delicious than she already is, and the fact she’s taking now almost every thick inch of his dick shows an equally impressive, Size Queen ability that perfectly matches her gorgeous looks. The sound of skin meeting skin continues to sound out when he thrusts forward and his crotch meets her body, his own position to make sure the camera can capture the sight of his rod plunging forward into her preventing him from going balls deep properly, but the moans both “Teacher” and “student” are letting out show they are far more than just satisfied with the current sensations they are feeling from this all.

“Mmmmm… MMMMM FUCK...” Bella moans, licking her lips as she watches her co-star pull out of her pussy, but from how rock hard he still is it’s clear he’s far from finished. “Get that huge fucking cock back in me...” She demands with another lusty glare, shifting position as she turns around, first quickly unclasping her plaid skirt to toss it aside before hopping up to sit on the edge of the desk, spreading her knee-high sock and sneakers clad-legs wide apart before leaning backward, propping herself up with her elbows to intentionally stick her large chest outward for an added sexy visual treat.

While not speaking verbally, his actions accept the dirty invitation as he moves back into shot, stepping between those legs as he easily guides that vast length back into her still needy and wet pussy, the resumption already making her tilt her long haired head back as she lets out a long, shameless moan even before he’s properly starting fucking her once again. It isn’t long before that happens, causing her to look back with an intense, desire-filled stare across at the stud deeply stuffing her love-tunnel full with his cock, his slightly side-on position once again preventing him from driving completely in, but doing his job to allow the camera to get the unrestricted view of this hardcore action.

“MMMM!! Oh fuck!! MMMM!! Yeah… Mmmmm… Fucking give it to me Sir!!” The stunning female sports entertainment starlet lustfully begs, her thick and curvaceous frame already rocking back and forth thanks to the hard and steady motion being used to pound deeply into her wet hole, but her having her long hair back over her shoulders means she need only briefly lift a hand up to brush a stray strand out of the way of her pretty facial features. This means the camera can focus quite rightly on the red hot action being delivered, filming her taking that thick and long cock again and again deep into her still tight snatch, plus the sight of her fake titties bouncing in time with the motion her body is being sinfully made to do in very pleasurable, moaning fashion again and again.

“Ahhhhh… OH FUCK!! MMMM!! Shit… You’re so… UHHHH!! Fucking big inside me!!” The former two-time winner of the Slammy Award for Diva of the Year as part of The Bella Twins continues to shamelessly moan out, putting on a performance worthy of many a XXX-rated award not just from her dirty talk, but how she’s still keeping herself in perfect position to take this ongoing rough and repeated stuffing of her soaking snatch. Locking eyes with her co-star to give him another long, seductive gaze to silently encourage him to keep on pounding her twat nice and deep, she lets her tongue run across her full lips, and in the next moment she’s letting out another groan of approval when he delivers a forceful thrust in response to her smouldering look.

Near silence, aside from his own grunts and moans, is the order of the day for this studly “teacher” who continues to show off his clear experience in the adult film industry as he continues sending his member deeply forward into the tightness of the beautiful sports entertainer and reality TV star,  holding onto her sexy body by her toned waist, using thrusts of the hips back and forth to plough his cock into that wet snatch. It’s to the approval of his co-star as she moans away with every in and out pump she takes, rocking back and forth with her butt still on the edge of his desk but remaining leaning back so she can deeply take this fucking, and all the while her large chest still bounces away in time with those stiff and swift thrusts.

“MMMMM… Oh fuck… AHHHHH… Fuck!! FUCK MMMMM!!” The San Diego, California born beauty moans out with a gasp, gritting her teeth as she takes another harder pump that forces her to toss her hair back behind her once again, letting the camera see that drops of sweat are now forming across her gorgeous face to show the effects of taking such a wild pounding for so long up until this point. However she’s looking far from ready to throw in the towel, still moaning away and watching the action unfold as she takes it as her eyes switch from staring across at her hunk of a “Teacher” having his way with her wonderfully wet pussy, and down between her legs as she keeps them apart to watch that huge cock stuffing her near completely full over and over again to both of their moaning delight.

“MMMMM… Mmmmmm shit...” Nikki groans as her hunky co-star pulls out of her snatch, showing the layer of dampness now coating him from the repeated stuffing of her he’s been delivering so far. “Stay right there you fucking dirty stud...” She now orders, slipping off from the desk, briefly checking that her hair is still back behind her shoulders as she slips back down to her knees in front of him with a sinful smirk on her pouty lips.

Using her hands to cup her tits, she uses them to capture that long and thick cock, squeezing it between them and making him moan with pleasure as she rubs those big, fake breasts against the fuck-stick that has been causing her to similarly groan out over the course of this red hot “classroom” encounter. Putting on a further show by biting down on her bottom lip while she looks up at him, she starts to slide her tits along his size, smoothly working them up and down his rod, causing it to be the man-meat of a sandwich created by her own chest, and from how already smoothly this action is being done it’s clear that this is far from the first time she’s put her own boobs to full, sexual use like this.

“Mmmmm… You like that Sir?” She teases, raising an eyebrow seductively as she pumps his still rock hard cock with her fleshy mounds, groaning a little herself from the sensation of rubbing her more than ample breasts against and over this big cock that’s just a perfect size and fit for stuffing full her snatch as it is for fitting between her round, enhanced breasts. “Mmmm… Like my big, fucking fake tits making your fat fucking cock feel so good?” She adds, playing the part of a slutty “student” all too easily, still clad in sexy knee-high socks and her footwear so the rest of her stunning body is on wonderful display as she works over this lengthy member with quick and steady pumps provided by her breasts that even jiggle away in her grip with every upward or swiftly back down motion she delivers against his dick.

Letting out another groan herself, but far from as loud as the cries the stud she’s giving this tit-fuck to currently is, she tilts her head downward for a moment, allowing her to spit down onto the crown of his tool when it next pops up out of her pushed together cleavage, a little extra lubrication that’s soon worked around that cock and her tits as she brings those mountains right up to make his shaft vanish deep between them. Gritting her teeth again with desire in her eyes, she sharply bounces her tits up and down against his dick, making sure her hands and arms are positioned so they don’t obscure the shot being filmed to document this steamy breast-play action, all in all making it look more like she’s a long time porn film starlet than the sports entertainer she actually is.

“Mmmmm… I can’t wait to take all your fucking hot cum all over this big fake tits...” She sinfully states, changing tactics as she goes from pumping his cock to grinding her boobs against his manhood, squeezing and rubbing her breasts against and around the shaft but keeping him somewhat in place so the head remains out in view from between her deep cleavage. “Not before… Mmmmm… I fucking really earn that A...” She adds with another naughty smirk, before once again tilting her head downward in order to spit onto his bell-end, following up soon after with another quick round of pumps from those fake tits to fully work over every inch of his cock that remains still at a mouth watering rock hard state.

Releasing his shaft from between those mounds, she shifts back in order to stand up, and her co-star is already on the move ready for the next “scene” of this already flaming hot skin-flick as he moves to climb up onto the “Teacher’s” desk, laying on his back with that big, long cock standing proudly pointing up at the ceiling of the “classroom” they’ve been fucking in. He’s soon joined by that sinful “student” as she moves up not just onto the top of the furniture, but to mount him as well as she swings a leg over, positioning herself above that cock and as she starts lowering herself down, he makes sure to guide his cock into that awaiting snatch with fingers gripping the base.

“MMMM!! Oh… Oh fuck YES!! MMMMM...” Nikki groans out, almost teasing herself by how slowly she moves down onto the stud she’s already now become very familiar with over the course of this filming. After her pussy touches his crotch, she takes another moment to enjoy the feeling of being filled up once again by his fat cock, grinding her snatch downward against him to make them both groan out and now taking a turn to tease him a little as she leans forward, resting her hands on his muscular chest. Shifting back, she brushes her long dark hair back behind her, and gets to work on his member, lifting herself upward enough so she can drop down with hard slap as her stunning body connects with his equally desirable frame, soon repeating the action again, and again, and soon enough rather effortlessly establishing the rhythm to properly service his cock with.

“MMMMM FUCK!! Oh shit!! OH FUCK!! MMMMMM!!” The busty beauty loudly moans out, eyes closing as she bounces swiftly away on the studly “Teacher” underneath her, taking his fat pole up into then smoothly back out of her soaking wet yet still very needy snatch but expertly never letting his prick completely leave her snatch, allowing her to keep on dropping straight down against him. “UHHHHH… AHHHHH FUCK!! I… UHHHHH!! I fucking love detention now!! MMMMM!!” The whorish “student” cries out in desire, her huge tits once again bouncing away as her body forcefully works against the big shaft she’s mounted on top of, her sudden and firm riding impressive considering not just how long this entire sexual encounter has been going on for, but how much energy she’s been using up if the layer of noticeable sweat covering her stunning frame is any indication.

“AHHHHH… MMMMM FUCK!!! UHHHH… Gonna… MMMMM… Gonna earn that fucking A… MMMM!!” The former WWE Divas Champion continues playing her part in this porno, showing impressive control despite how wildly she appears to be fucking the cock of her hung co-star who has the best seat, make that desk, in the house as he lays back and watches her do all the work with bounce after smooth, swift and stiff bounce up and down on his fat rod. “MMMMM FUCK!! I’m gonna earn it… AHHHHH… So fucking hard!!” She vows before she grits her teeth, the moans being released by herself and the man she’s impaled on top of mixing with the sharp slap of skin meeting sweat-coated skin ringing out every time she drops that stunning body right down onto him, taking his cock up into her dripping twat balls deep in the process.

The footage switches to a new camera angle – the reverse view to capture her nicely thick and rounded backside raising and lowering sharply as we see her snatch working over that same big cock which vanishes up into as her booty drops quickly downward with a sexy jiggle before soon raising up just to repeat the motion. Knowing where the recording camera is now, the woman delivering this clearly well practised riding motion looks back over her shoulder with a toss of the hair, watching her own ass work up and down and showing off the moaning look of shameless joy across her sweat-covered face.

The female WWE Superstar and reality TV star pauses her riding for a moment, coming to a full top briefly but soon making sure both she and her just as sexually talented co-star have reason to moan when she rocks her shapely hips back and forth, grinding that wet snatch downward against his crotch so they both enjoy the feeling of all his inches being held up inside her still pleasurably snug love passage. However it isn’t too long at all before she’s back at it again like a good horny “student” should be, lifting herself up and dropping back down again and again, her rear cheeks shaking from the sharp impact of meeting his body when she lets gravity do the work as she stuffs all that cook greedily up into herself and loudly moaning out with every bounce she uses.

“AHHHH!! OH FUCK!! FUCK!! MMMMM!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” She moans out as the footage switches again to the “front” view, seeing the beautiful Bella Twin squeezing her own fake tits while she works herself up and down on the cock she’s now all too familiar with since the start of this porn film recording, that wet pussy still nicely tight to grip that fat rod as she slides herself along his stiffness with bounce after horny and needy even after all this time bounce. “MMMMM… You gonna cum soon huh? Gonna… UHHHH!! Gonna cum??” Feeling him beginning to pulse within her snatch, knowing his limit is reaching, she brings her riding to a sudden stop, helped off by him with an urgency to silently answer that question as she soon climbs off from the mounted position all the way down to the floor.

“Mmmmm… Fucking do it, you fucking stud...” She demands, staring up as her co-star grips his cock, starting to rapidly stroke himself off and aiming downward at her. “Cover these fucking fake tits!! Fucking cover me!!” She adds, offering up a major target in the form of her own, large breasts as she cups them from underneath, squeezing them together to form some deep, sexy cleavage while her eyes lock onto his shaft as he strokes away with an almost desperate need for a release.

To her grinning approval, Nikki Bella soon gets that as he lets out a deep groan, the first blast of spunk hitting across her neckline and above the collarbone for a naughty “pearl necklace” that already starts to drip down her sweat-covered skin before the second load arrives. It soon does though, aimed rather more on target so to speak as it splashes across the top of her right tit, the trail end seeping downward into the valley she’s created but soon joined by the next shot that shits across the upper corners and front to really go into the cleavage. As he pumps away and moans, he makes sure to give both breasts a generous dose and in turn give her a very impressive amount of jizz that would be perhaps expected from a couple of men instead of one single stud who even now is making her groan just from the feeling of his seed landing onto her huge, fake tits.

“Mmmmm… I should give you detention for making such a mess in class...” Nikki says with a sexy smirk, looking up as he pumps out the final drops of his load onto her tits before stepping back and out of shot. That leaves her to put on a sexy show, letting go of her boobs with a bounce to show off all the cum across her chest before she uses her hands to grab them again, squeezing her breasts against each other to rub and toy with them, making herself moan from the action as she further rubs that spunk around her titties.

“So… How about same time, next week? I think I can earn another A for that test coming up...” Bella says, a glance to the side towards her “Teacher” before back to the camera, giving it a smirk and a seductive gaze as she uses her hands to slide the spunk more across her fake chest for a last visual treat to cap off this skin-flick, before the film fades out to black, drawing another fine Porn Wrestling Federation production to a close.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2021, 08:58:55 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own the WWE or any of its wrestlers/characters. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

Featuring: Noelle Foley (WWE/WWE Network)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 6

A WWE erotic story

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, Oral.

*     *     *

In early 2016 professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as their were re-branded as) being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  The existing roster of WWE Female Superstars however were willing to show their sexual skill on camera, no matter their existing in-ring skills or credibility. In fact, there ere even opportunities for those who had never even properly stepped foot into a ring to showcase their “talents”...

* * *

Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

WWE Network reality TV star and wrestling personality Noelle Foley


PWF Casting Tapings – Noelle Foley

* * *

The video opens up into what seems like an office setting, with a plant in one corner, a bookshelf against the wall at another, a chair, and a cleared off, sturdy looking desk. Currently seated is a very enjoyable sight for the eyes. The gorgeous blonde Noelle Foley, the daughter of Hardcore Legend and WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley. With her curvaceous body and pretty face, she has gained an online following through saucy social media snaps, and work as a hostess for Ringside Collectables and being part of the WWE Network reality TV show Holy Foley! She’s dressed in nicely fitting jeans, showing off her shapely hips, and a short and tight long sleeved top that’s low cut to show off both cleavage and those large, rounded tits that make the clothing strain.

“So, Noelle Foley!” The voice of a man holding and operating the camera that’s filming her speaks. “Welcome to the Porn Wrestling Federation Casting! You’re looking, just… Wow.” He states as he takes in all of her as she on the chair at the other side of the desk. “You’re just fucking stunning.”
“Why, thank you!” Noelle says with a smile, not too fazed by his blunt remarks as she brushes her long hair back.
“So, tell me and all the viewers Noelle – why do you want to start being in porn?” He asks.
“Well… Doing Holy Foley! Was fun and all that...” She starts to explain. “But trying to train to be a wrestler didn’t work out… And I can’t do hosting shows about action figures of WWE Superstars all my life… So, I figure, you know...” She shrugs, making her large breasts jiggle slightly in the process.

“Why waste time getting beat up, when you can get fucked on camera and make just as much, if not even more money?” He again bluntly asks, the tone of his voice showing he’s here to see how good she is in terms of being a potential porn starlet more than anything else.
“Yep!” Foley says with a sexy laugh. “I want to get fucked! Fucked and paid! I mean, watching the PWF stuff already? If those girls can do it, I just know I can!” She states with a nod of her blonde haired head.
“Is that so?” The “caster” chuckles. “Good to hear… Because this is where I find out, and all those watching, will find out if you do have what it takes.” He pauses, moving as he stands up, and moves around the desk. “So… Let’s see what you’ve got Noelle. Let’s get you out of those clothes...” He instructs.

“OK, here we go then...” Noelle says, standing up and facing the camera. Reaching down, she lifts her top slowly upward, letting her large breasts bounce and jiggle once free from the restraint as she doesn’t even have a bra underneath. Her chest only just settles when she flips her hair back, dropping the top onto the chair and posing with a sly smirk for the viewing audience.
“Look at those fucking tits… Those are fantastic...” The camera operator confirms the obvious, taking a long shot to capture those mounds before zooming back to take her all in. “Don’t stop there baby… Turn around and show off what else you’ve got.

Nodding, she turns around as instructed, unbuttoning before hooking the waistline of her jeans before she slowly starts to peel them down. Putting on a show, with the little sway of the hips, her tanned and rounded ass is exposed to again show she hasn’t got on any underwear. Fitting for the kind of “casting” she will be doing. She doesn’t stop there, pushing the pants down and showing off her completely shaved and tight looking pussy as she stays bent over, taking off her footwear before stepping out of her jeans.

“You like?” Noelle asks with a grin, standing up and slowly turning around for a little twirl to really show off that young, curvy body of hers.
“Like? How about you come over here and find out...” He orders as he pans up and down over that stunning frame. “A body is one thing, but I want to see… First of all at least, I want to see how good you can suck some dick.
“Sounds good to me!” Foley says as she steps towards him, her chest delightfully bouncing with each step, before she drops down to her knees in front of him, looking up through the lens of the camera at the stud she’s co-starring with. This confirms that this casting is indeed done in the Point-Of-View style so we will unlikely, if at all, actually see the identity of the man she’s going to be sucking off.

Reaching up, she unloops the belt with ease before hauling down his pants. She now discovers that she’s not the only one who hasn’t come to the “casting” without any under-clothing on. The blonde lets out a gasp when his long and thick to match, and certainly more than fitting for a porn film, cock springs out and grazes her cheek.

“Holy shit-balls!!” She exclaims, but soon grins as she takes a hold of that already hardening cock so she can start to stroke him off. “This, this is huge!!”
“Bigger than that “clown” you call a boyfriend?” He asks, already deliberately looking to get a reaction out of her he knows the audience will enjoy. As if the sight of a busty, naked blonde jerking off a big dick wouldn’t be that already.
Noelle narrows her eyes up at the camera for a moment, before gazing over that rod with a look of lust. “...Bigger. Way, way fucking bigger!” She confirms with a laugh, licking her lips slightly as she now hold his full, vast rock hard size.
“I think we all knew you’d be saying that...” The stud behind the camera chuckles. “But is it too big for you to handle? It’s only going to be like this, or even bigger from here on out you know...” He adds as a challenge for her.

“Oh, I think I can handle this...” She smirks up at him through the camera. Stroking his dick again, she brings it up to her lips, giving a little smooch to the head before a second, fuller kiss works over the head. Smirking for a moment she teases her tongue at the head, a brief lick before she kisses again while pumping away at that shaft. “Like this?” She asks, before those lips part and she takes his cock inside, causing the man behind the lens to groan out as she wraps those full, pouty lips around his tool. Groaning herself as she gets the first feel of that man-meat she pauses for a moment, letting her hand stroke off the rest of his size. It’s not too teasingly long though before she lifts back upward, letting the head be seen as she pulls completely off in a slow, deliberate manner. Licking her lips, she lets her tongue slide across the top, working over the slit and then around the crown. All the while, her palm still pumps his rock hard length as she continues the warming up.

“Mmmmm… Come on on, stick it in your mouth Noelle...” The hunk getting to “cast” this gorgeous blonde says with the kind of husky tone that makes it clear it’s not a request he’s just making.

Looking up, she doesn’t verbally respond but still lets her mouth do the “talking” as she does open wide and again sinks down to now let those inches vanish into her mouth. Her lips properly wrap around his member this time, a feeling more than enough along to get him groaning combined with her hand still stroking off his length at the same time. Following the order, already like a good porno slut should, her mouth starts lifting back up with another controlled but smooth motion. This time she stops just an inch or so before reaching the bell-end, her hand still working over just the lower portion to just about where her mouth had sunk down to. No pulling off this time as she moves back to where she’d been, and repeats the motion now, a slurp being heard as she keeps her full lips pressed against this cock belonging to a man she’s only just met. Yet minutes later she’s willingly, and a little too eagerly, sucking him off as she begins to bob her long haired head along his pole.

“Mmmmmphhh… Mmmmm…” The beautiful model moans around his prick, her eyes locked up to gaze at the camera that’s recording her whole face as she moves up and down onto his cock, easily handling half of his impressive size when she pushes down onto him. She keeps one hand wrapped around his base, delivering steady strokes that are nicely timed to match the sucking action she’s giving to the top part of him. The other hand stays busy, making sure her hair stays away from her pretty facial features so there’s a clear view of this blowjob she’s dishing out. Add into that the sight of her large, rounded tits that are jiggling ever so slightly each time she delivers a bob of the head? Already the viewers getting this POV-view of this oral sex are getting their money’s worth and there’s still plenty more to come, and to cum for that matter.

“Mmmmm… Fuck yeah… Suck that dick baby… Mmmmm...” The moans coming from the hunk filming the very blowjob he’s getting confirm the clear skill and experience the Holy Foley! Reality TV show starlet has. Even with her steady bobs and the pleasure he’s getting from her mouth, he’s keeping the camera perfectly steady for that red hot shot of the blonde sucking and stroking his cock over and over again. “Mmmmm… Come on Noelle… Let’s see you take some more of me into you...” He instructs, his hand coming into shot as he pulls her hand off from away from his member. That hand of his then moves to the back of her blonde haired head, the classic porn safe-guard in case the debuting skin flick starlet has seconds thoughts about how much of this big cock, already making her full lips stretch as it is, she can handle.

“Mmmmphhhh!! Mmmmm!! Mmmmmmphhh...” Her response is muffled by all that thick dick deep in her oral hole. However the still lusty look in her eyes and her lack of resistance at being pulled down further onto his fuck-stick shows she’s going with the sinful flow. “Mmmmmphhh!! Mmmm… HHHHRRRLLLLKKKK!!” Her eyes shoot wide open however when that fat cock head connects with the back of her mouth. A loud gag, and her hands going up to his thighs out of reflex but he’s already helping to lift her head back upwards, giving no time to compose herself as she is quickly introduced into sucking off the biggest cock she’s ever taken in her young life. “GAAAAHHHHH… Mmmmmphhh!! HHHHHLLLLKKKK...” She gags again, lips fighting to stay pressed against his tool as she’s half bobbing her head under her own power to keep him moaning as he enjoys her mouth. The other half is his hand, which only briefly lifts off from the back of her head so he can now make sure her hair is brushed out of the way.

The unrestricted view lets the camera record her saliva that now coats his cock when it pops out from those lips as she draws her mouth away from his crotch. No doubt the splattering of spit being done each time she gags is only adding to the sexy mess, along with the pleasure the still unidentified hunk is getting from her oral talents. Her saliva now covers her lips from the repeated grinding he’s been doing against that prick as she slurps away steadily on his thickness. Unseen right now, but there’s no doubt her spit is dripping down her chin too as this bobbing goes on. Unsurprising, as each time she pushes down she is made to gag when she takes in cock far deeper into her oral hole than not only has she even done before, but more than she thought she could ever take between those full, pouty lips.

“Mmmmm… Fuck yeah… You’re a great little cock-sucker Noelle...” The “caster” says in what could easily be seen as a back-handed compliment, but perfectly fitting for this kind of filming. He moans, lifting his hand away after capturing more than an ample amount of “evidence” of what she can do.
“Mmmmmphhhh...” Noelle gives another couple of bobs of the head, but tellingly just on the upper portion. No risks of gagging around his massive cock there. She lifts away, gasping loudly as she stares up at the camera. “Holy shit!!” She exclaims with a laugh. “Guess, guess I’ve got to work on that, or something...” She says, her large chest heaving as she takes in air.
“You’ll get plenty of uh, practice on that, believe me...” He says, stepping backwards but keeping her in the centre of the frame of the shot he’s filming. “Hop up onto the desk honey. Lay back on it and spread those legs for me.”

“OK.” She nods. Doing as ordered she moves up to stand, then walks over towards the desk in this “casting office”. A dainty hop up to rest her butt on the edge of the desk, she then leans back all the way. Her height is shown here as her shoulders and whole head aren’t on the desk, with her butt just on the other edge. That’s far from a problem, considering she indeed spreads eagle and shows off her delicious and already a little wet looking snatch. A sight the camera of course captures as the stud steps back in and moves close up to her.

“Let’s see how much you can handle then Noelle...” He states, his free hand seen as she grips his cock by the base. Lining up, he moves it against her folds with a single up and down rub, more than enough stimulation to make her gasp. That cry is heard off camera though, with the attention right now down at that snatch as he pushes his member in firmly to penetrate that stunning, curvy body of the blonde model. “Mmmmm… Fuck yeah...” He moans to confirm to the audience how good it feels already to have is inches inside her wet snatch. Both his own skill at banging beautiful babes like her and the lubrication from all her saliva coating his rod allow him to not just go in nicely deep already, but begin pumping smoothly in and out of her.

“Oh!! Mmmmmm!! Oh fuck!! Oh fuck!!” Noelle moans, staring across to between her own legs as she watches that thick and long cock she’s been blowing on moments before now working back and forth into another of her holes. “Ahhhhhh!! Oooooooooh fuck!! Mmmmm...” She groans, feeling her pussy walls being made to stretch to accommodate the vast size she’s being made to willingly take. She’d been wet down there before, getting off on sucking off this man she’s only just met – but that the viewers will never get to see the identity of. However taking him this way, actually getting fucked, was easily making her pussy noticeably more damper. That arousal was obvious both from her moans and those sexy, hard nipples topping her big breasts.

“Mmmmm yeah… I fucking love… Mmmmm… How tight this pussy feels...” He again confirms, making sure the audience knows how red hot and pleasurable it is to be deep within the snatch of the daughter of a WWE Hall of Fame member. He rocks his hips back and forth, sending his pole straight forward into her folds before soon drawing back, letting the camera see her slickness now covering his shaft. With one hand keeping the camera pointing down to record every increasingly shameless moment of this banging, he could easily use his other hand to grip or hold her. Instead, he’s making sure there’s no unnecessary distractions from the dirty action going on so all the focus is on that tanned and curvy frame jolting back and forth on the desk in front of him.

“MMMM FUCK!! Ahhhhh… Oh fuck!! FUCK!! Mmmmm...” The gorgeous hostess of Ringside Collectables moans away as she takes this pumping. Her arms are resting out wide on either side of the desk she’s getting banged on. This leaves her tits to freely bounce erotically in time with the rocking her body, another very pleasing to the eyes sight for the camera to film when the stud banging her pans up over that stunning frame of hers. “Ahhhhh… AHHHHH!! MMMMM… Mmmmm fuck…” She gasps, having to shake and toss her head back to get the hair out from her face. It unintentionally gives both her co-star and the viewers what they want – that clear shot of the look of shameless pleasure across her pretty facial features. For her, it’s so she has no distractions herself as she watches a hunk she’s only just met have his full, wicked way with her tight and now wet snatch with thrust after stiff and hard thrust.

“Mmmmmm… You like that baby? Huh?” The co-star asks between moans, no doubt looking to film a verbal reaction from her even though her moans already indicate her enjoyment of this pumping. It’s just part of his job, on top of the multi-tasking he’s already doing. He’s looking to put on the best show possible, and get a top notch performance out of the new to porn, but clearly not to taking a fucking, starlet in front of him. “Mmmmm… Like how my big… Ahhhhh… Fucking cock feels, filling you up?” He continues to thrust away, the slap of his skin hitting off of hers sounding out every time he sends his hips forwards to meet that curvaceous body. He’s easily now plugging her balls deep every time with his shaft, and only drawing back a few inches so he can quickly repeat the motion. All the while, he’s keeping the camera nice and steady to record every filthy moment of this “casting” sex he’s putting the sports entertainment personality through.

“Mmmmm!! O-oh yessssss… MMMMM!! I… Ahhhhhh!! FUCK!!” She gasps, the camera recording her open mouthed, moaning look of pleasure as the blonde continues to be made to jolt back and forth on the surface of the desk. “Uhhhhh!! Fuck… You’re… AHHHHHH… Fucking filling me up!!” She admits, finding her head falling back as she lets out another long groan, brought about when he co-star gives a deliberately extra hard thrust to really send her tits bouncing away.
“Mmmmm… There’s plenty more to come for you...” He says from behind the camera he’s using to record his cock as he pulls out of her snatch with a groan. Whether he means from just him in this session, or for her going forward in her new career path remains to be seen.

He keeps the camera focused on her freshly fucked pussy for a long moment. He pans slowly up her stunning body to those rounded tits, and then to her sexy face as she stares at the camera. She soon smiles, giving g a teasing lick of the lips to show she’s ready for a whole lot more. From this sight, there’s a quick edit in the footage, fading from that shot to the next portion of this skin flick.

* * *

The film continues just moments later. The scene is still the same of the “casting office” but now we’re down on the floor, getting a look along the clearly well toned and perfectly suited for porn body of the still unknown male “caster”. We’re also seeing Noelle Foley as she’s facing the camera, squatting down over his cock with her hole, stunning frame on display from her huge rack down to that wet snatch. She’s lowering herself down onto that already familiar cock, making them both moan out as she sinks slowly downward. Not stopping until she reaches the base, she grips her own thick hips, letting herself grind down against his member for a moment as she gets accustomed to his vast size.

 “MMMMM… Oh fuck… Fuck… So fucking big...” The blonde bombshell moans her thoughts aloud, but is certainly giving the viewers an extra treat in doing do. Raising her body upwards, she’s carrying out the instructions no doubt given by her “caster” during the break in the seen footage. She starts riding that big dick, letting her sexy, tanned and toned body drop down sharply to the base as a smack rings out as the two frames being filmed connect. “AHHHHH… FUCK!! Mmmmm… GOD!! AHHHHH SHIT… MMMMM!!” She groans out not just loudly, but without any hint of shame at all as she now fucks the dick she’d previously had been sucking on then had pounding her just moments before. Tossing her long hair back, she’s having a tough time deciding what she wants to focus on with eyes the most. Half the time it’s across to the lens of the camera she knows is recording every single moment of this sinful action as she bounces on the dick underneath her. The rest, it’s down at that same shaft to get glimpses of his member appearing from out of her snatch as she lifts up, before making him vanish up into herself the next moment as she drops fully down.

“MMMMM… Fuck yeah Noelle… Ahhhhh… Fucking ride that cock!” The hunk getting to enjoy this wild ride rightly encourages her, moaning with every motion regardless of upward or down in direction he gets from her. Not that from the steady bouncing that she’s doing she needs to much further fuel to keep stuffing herself full with the biggest cock she’s ever seen before in her young life up until now. “AHHHHH… Mmmmmm… Fucking take it… Bounce that fucking pussy on my dick...” Even his hands are out of sight, just letting her and that stunning body be the centre of attention as she shifts herself up to just below the mid-way point on his pole, before letting gravity do the rest of the work. In doing do, her huge tits are delightfully jiggling away in time with her stunning frame. Even her long blonde hair can be seen swaying from the energetic motion she’s using to take this dick in and out of herself again and again.

“Oh yeah!! UHHHHH… Big… MMMMM FUCK… Big fucking dick!!” The stunning daughter of the Hardcore Legend groans. She’s certainly showing she’s more than up for the hardcore action of a different, XXX-rated sort from how expertly timed and smoothly done her riding motion currently is. Again, she opts to use a flip of the hair to keep strands away from her face, keeping her hands on her full thighs for support as she keeps this steady bouncing going to make both her and the stud she’s giving this to moan out. “AHHHHHH… MMMMM FUCK… Oh fuck!! MMMMM FUCK!!” She adds, sweat beginning to form across that curvy, made-for-porn body of hers, the effects of this wild pace and the toll of the whole sexual encounter she’s taken up to this point becoming clear. Despite that, she’s showing no signs of intending to stop or even ease up. She’s so shamelessly enjoying the sinful pleasure she’s even closing her eyes, head slightly tilted back while she keeps on bouncing away on the stiff prick of the hunk underneath her.

“MMMM… Look at that… FUCK… That’s… MMMM… That’s the stuff right there...” The experienced porn star both taking this ride and filming every moment points out the obvious. She’s putting on an erotic display more expected of a seasoned skin-flick actress than just one making her debut of on-film fucking. That’s certainly no bad thing if his moans are anything to go by, and likewise to her he’s more than ready in more ways than one to keep this going for a whole lot longer. “Ahhhhhh… MMMMM SHIT… Yeah… You ain’t gonna be… Ahhhhh… Short of work in this business babe...” He adds, giving another somewhat back-handed compliment. He continues to keep the camera perfectly still to film her whole gorgeous body as she shifts up and down sharply on this meaty rod she’s willingly and eagerly impaling herself on time and time again. Each time she drops down to take him to the hilt, that loud slap rings out to further confirm that their desirable bodies have connected. Add in both their loud moaning, it makes a more than simply stimulating treat for both watching eyes and listening ears.

“AHHHHHH… MMMMM FUCK…. Oh… Oh fuck!!” The WWE Network reality series starlet gasps out, finally having to stop her riding motion. She pauses with her snatch right down against his crotch. Leaning back, she gasps out, unintentionally sticking out her large chest towards the camera as she catches her breath. Opening her eyes to gaze lustfully at the stud she’s mounted on, she licks her lips as she reaches up to brush her hair back over her shoulders. “I’ve never… MMMM… Been with a guy who has lasted this fucking long with me...” She shamelessly admits. If her words weren’t a show enough, she puts on another. Shifting position so she can rest her knees on the floor either side of him, she starts to grind her pussy down against his crotch. It quickly has the desired effect as they both moan out, with even her breasts shaking just a bit as she works herself against that still rock hard dick all the way up inside of her.

“Mmmm… Guess when you’ve been “clowning around” in the past, it’s not been for too long?” The hunk operating the camera asks with the kind of mocking tone that shows his words are meant to be actually answered, but just to take a shot at her boyfriend.
“Shut up!” Noelle says with a laugh, but stays mounted on top of him. “He’s… Well… He’s not on the same fucking league as this big dick...” She admits again, glancing down between her legs when she speaks.
“No shit…” Her co-star chuckles, “And we ain’t done yet here with you babe...” He adds, still keeping the shot on her stunning body for a long moment. On that image, we again see an edit in the film into the next part of this “porn casting”.

* * *

The next shot shows the action still within the confines of the “office”. We’re however once again back at the desk, but this time Noelle is bent over forwards over it, with her thick and juicy ass sticking out towards the camera. Her legs are spread, as any good porno whore should be. Her hair has been tossed back over to one side, allowing her to look back over the other shoulder at the stud operating the camera. He moves back up close to her, the free hand similar to before guiding his shaft into her pussy for a slow, but not deliberately teasing penetration.

Once all the way inside her though, the pace changes instantly. Placing a hand on her thigh to grip, he draws his hips sharply back before quickly slamming his cock home into her snatch. The busty blonde has barely team to squeal out before he’s already repeating the action. The thrusts this time are rapid, dominating and so hard they make her rounded ass cheeks jiggle wildly each time his crotch slaps off of them. There was no testing or grace period to let her adjust to the feeling now. This was raw sex with the purpose of using her, on top of showing the watching world how well she can be used. A mere glimpse of what her career in porn will look like from this “casting” start off.

“OOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUCK!! AHHHHH!! OH… OH FUCK!! FUCK!!” She yelled out in delight, eyes wide open and mouth hanging ajar as she gazed back in both lust and awe of the pounding she was now taking. Her hands were forward, gripping onto the edge of the desk she was once again being taken on but now at an extremely more intense, and in turn more pleasurable, pace than before. “UHHHHH!! Fuck… FUCK YES!! Fucking… MMMMMM!! FUCKING POUND ME!! AHHHHHH!!” She begged, her breasts squashed against the surface of the furniture, but so caught up in this desire she had no time to worry about the grinding of her nipples against the desk. She shifted back and forth, pushing her backside to meet those powerful pumps driving balls deep into her. Her snatch was already at this point more than just well fucked from the previous, testing positions. Yet even with his full and deep stuffing her wet vaginal walls were still nicely snug around that meaty fuck-stick being rammed in and out of her.

Behind her, the hunk pounding his cock in and out of her snatch just grunted and moaned as he took the stunning young model. His hips worked with a machine-like drive, perfectly timed and forceful as he showed off his obvious experience in on-camera fucking. A sharp stinging slap sounded out each time his shaft slammed straight into her slick and snug snatch. All the while, he kept the camera steady to record it all. From directly down to his crotch to see his cock vanish and then reappear from out of her pussy, to up her sweat-covered body to film her beautiful, moaning for more face. Then back down to witness her juicy booty shaking in time with the stiff thrusts driving in and out of her soaking twat for a fucking that she might not forget, but would soon be experiencing plenty more of in her future of porn shoots.

“AHHHHH!! OH GOD!! MMMMM FUCK!! UHHHHHH!! FUCK ME… MMMMM FUCK ME FUCCK ME FUUUUUUUUCK MEEEEEEEEE!!” She squealed out in delight, eyes becoming glazed over from the pleasure as she took it from behind. Such was the intensity of this pounding, unlike anything she’s ever experienced before, that it all too easily sent her moaning over the edge as she came. Not just orgasming, but unleashing such an amount of juices that the squelch of the fluids trying to seep out as they met that still pumping cock was clearly picked up by the camera. “UHHHHH!! AHHHHH… AHHHHHH… FUUUUUUUUCK… OOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUCK… MMMMMM...” She panted for air, head nearly slumped against the desk she was being fucked over even before her sexual high had properly subsided. All the while, the relentless motion into her dripping hole never stopped, making her ride out every moaning moment of the most powerful orgasm of her young life so far. That resulted in the recording camera getting even more of her jiggling curves as her body was made to rock forward when the hunk stuffing her slammed that cock balls deep into her tunnel.

“MMMM… God damn!! Came… Ahhhhh… Like a fucking dam just burst! MMMM...” The hunk who impressively lasted himself to keep fucking her during her orgasm commented. With a groan of his own, he pulled out of her snatch, filming himself to show off her juices dripping off of his cock. Then, shifted down to show that rounded ass still sticking out, along with those wet folds of her well fucked and left open now pussy. “Yeah… You’ll be seeing much more of this in the future...” He added with a chuckle before moving back upward, letting the camera take in all of the stunning body of the still worn out beauty laying across the “casting office” desk. This image would be a fine finish enough for this porno, but there’s one more scene to come as there’s another edit to the footage.

* * *

Back to the film and moments later, but yet again still in the same setting of the “office”. Now though, Noelle is down on her knees on the floor, her blonde hair back behind the shoulders and her sweat-covered face looking right up to the camera expectantly. The reason why is clear from the way the free hand of the “caster” is currently pumping away at his big cock, looking for not just release but the classic money shot. A suitable end for an already red hot, top quality piece of porn footage.

“AHHHHHH… MMMMM… MMMMM!!” He moans as he throbs in his own grasp. Soon enough, the first blast fires out across her pretty face, making her close her eyes as the first shot goes across the forehead and up into her blonde hair. The next lands downward, onto the cheek and over the eye before the third splatters the nose as she shifts his aim. He keeps pumping away, making sure to distribute his thick and sizeable load as evenly across her facial features as he can manage. Showing further his experience in the business, he’s able to do that wonderfully. Leaving her cheeks, nose, lips, chin and forehead with generous amounts of his spunk. The shots that stain her hair and eyebrow just add in to the sinful sight fitting for porn. It’s all finally topped off when he wipes the final drops of his jizz against her cheek as he strokes off with a last couple of slow pumps.

“Fuck… Yeah, look at that...” The spent stud comments with approval, getting that clear open shot of the cum-covered face of the woman he’d been fucking deeply and hard over the course of this “casting” session. “Fucking work of art!”
“Mmmmm...” Noelle groans as she opens her clear eye to look up to the camera. “So? Think I’m ready to do the real deal now?” She asks with the kind of sexy smile that shows she already knows what his answer will be.
“Shit, you call that not the real deal?” He questions, his own chuckle after showing he gets exactly what she was meaning.
“You know what I mean...” She replies as she reaches up to brush back her hair. “Oh fuck, you got it in my fucking hair! You dick!” Foley states with a laugh, showing after all she’s taken that’s hardly an issue now.

“Hey, you wanted a taste of a porn shoot, and you got it.” He states, keeping the camera recording her and her face-full of cum.
“That I did… And by Holy Foley! Do I want some more of it now...” Noelle adds with a smirk.

It’s with that stunning image of the blonde bombshell and the spunk beginning to slowly drip down her face that the film fades out to black, drawing another fine Porn Wrestling Federation production to a close.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low a $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2021, 09:04:27 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own Stardom or any of its current and former wrestlers/characters. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

Featuring: Utami Hayashishita (Stardom)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 7

A pro wrestling erotic story.

Commissioned by [Anonymous].

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MMF, Oral, anal, inter.

*     *     *

In the late 2010s and into the 2020s, professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as their were re-branded as) being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  And because of global situations creating a downturn in revenue and need to make quick cash fast and in large amounts? Those contracts that had been previously rejected from promotions outside of sports entertainment soon found themselves returned and this time signed. With the air mail postage indicating they’d travelled all the way from Japan...

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation is proud to announce an expansion! Following the success of titles and videos featuring women of sports entertainment, we can now reveal agreements and deals to bring the starlets of independent and international promotions to our catalogue of XXX-rated films. We look forward to bringing you new features with women from Japan and beyond in the future.

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

Stardom’s Utami Hayashishita…


DP Press Conference.

* * *

The video opens up with what looks like a standard but simple press conference with a table with some microphones on it along with bottles of water and chairs behind it. A banner across the background with the large logo of PWF on it and black curtains behind that. Playing on the audio was stock sound of chattering with the odd clicking sound of a camera taking pictures.

The sound effects of picture snapping increased as a trio walked onto the ‘stage’. Two of them being the male porn stars to help provide the action for this scene. One a white man, clad in a shirt with tie and dark pants, carrying a clipboard and wearing glasses that were simply for show. The second being a black man, clad in a suit with tie with black sunglasses on and a fake earpiece in one ear, playing the part of a bodyguard.

The main star was the Japanese woman with flaming red dyed hair. The ‘Red Queen’ of the World Wonder Ring Stardom promotion of Japan, Utami Hayashishita. The cool and quiet beauty of the Queen’s Quest faction was clad in a professional dark suit and pants, which fitted nicely but currently covered up the gorgeous body of the talented pro wrestler and multi time champion in Stardom.

Taking their places in front of the table, the man in glasses and Hayashishita took a wireless microphone each as the woman gave a respectful bow to the camera, pretending there was an assembled crowd of media there in the room as well. [Good afternoon, everyone.] Utami spoke but in her native Japanese tongue, so the handy subtitles on the screen translated what she said. [My name is Utami Hayashishita, the Red Queen of Queen’s Quest, from the Stardom promotion of Japan. I am here today to announce my participation in the ‘P-W-F project. I hope I can count on your support.]

The man in glasses then spoke. “Hello everyone.” He said, acting like a translator. “My name is Utami Hayashishita, the sexy, cool and confident beauty from Japan. You’ve seen me in the ring, now you will see me taking part in some red hot, dirty, skin flick films that make the bikini photo books look like old news.” He said, clearly taking extreme liberties with what she was actually saying.

Utami gave a side glance to the man, like she could tell even with a language difference that there was something up here. [Taking part in something like this is not something I’m used to. I usually let my wrestling skill do the talking. However, if this can show a new side of wrestlers like myself, and bring in new fans to support myself and my promotion, then I will do my best.] She said, respectfully bowing again.

“I’m looking forward to acting like a complete filthy whore on camera for you all.” The translator claimed while the bodyguard continued to fake like he was watching out for trouble. “I’m so excited to be taking on fat cocks, stretching out my holes and leaving me a cum soaked mess. I hope to show you all what nasty, dirty and naughty sluts us Japanese female wrestlers can be. In fact, I was selected because of my specific ability of being the Size Queen of Stardom, meaning that I can…”

Suddenly, Utami snatched the clipboard from out of his hand, scanning over the page. [Hey! What the Hell??] She exclaimed, seeing the page. [This isn’t even close to what I said!]
The bodyguard peered over. “Man, why did you leave the Japanese translation of what you’re saying alongside the English?” He pointed out.
“I used a translator online and just printed it off! I was in a hurry!” The translator claimed.
[So, you two think I’m just some dirty whore from Japan, huh?] Utami narrowed her eyes with a confident look as she took a hold of both men’s ties with her hands, looking between the two. [How about I show you what the Red Queen is capable of outside of the ring?]
“I think our guest of honour is ready to get the show on the road…” The bodyguard said with a smirk. “And I don’t need a translator to figure out what she needs.” He added as the other porn star nodded as the two men reached down to their belts in order to unbuckle and drop them.

Even with her cool and quiet personality, Hayashishita’s eyes had to widen when she got a look at the nicely fat and long cocks the two men were packing, already getting hard before she began lowering herself down to her knees with the men either side of her. [Everything’s bigger in America as they say, right?] She remarked, placing a hand on each shaft and starting to stroke. [This is the first time seeing such big cocks up close, never mind a black one… But this is no challenge for the likes of me.] She confidently said, glancing up between the porn stars. [You will soon see what Stardom’s true ace can do.]

She soon put words into action as she turned her head to the darker of the two cocks and slipped it into her mouth. Groaning around it as she began to bob up and down, sucking him off with her nicely soft lips stretching from such a vast size. Already her long red hair swaying, being stroked back over her shoulder by the man she was blowing as she worked over the upper part of him. Her hands stroking off the lower portion while her other palm slid up and down the other cock so both men were taken care off already just moments into this action beginning. That sexy look of confidence over her gorgeous face as she moved up and down the dick of the man she was servicing to make him moan out from the oral work.

“Mmmmmmphhh… Mmmmmm… Hmmmmmphhh…” She moaned around that black cock, showing no issue with getting into some interracial action as she blew him smoothly and steadily to run her lips up and down his size. Almost making her hand bump into her lips when she stroked up and her face plunged down for a nice double team. Coupled with her handling, in literal terms, two hunks at the same time with a handjob and this blowjob. “Mmmmm… Hmmmmmphhh!! Mmmmmm…” She groaned, bobbing away as she even sneaked in a brief look to the camera that had moved up for a close up of her sucking a long, thick dick. Unfazed by being recorded as she kept those nicely full lips working away. The saliva trickling down his pole as she repeated the motion that left her hair falling out of place to be pushed back again. Her co-star knowing to keep her features and the sight of his dick sliding into her mouth in clear view as he groaned out and took the already clearly superb oral talents the Asian woman had.

But she wasn’t forgetting that she had two dicks to work with here either. Lifting off from the black stud with a lewd groan, sucking in some air before her head turned and she pushed down onto that white, American dick. Giving him the feel of her wet and soothing Japanese mouth as she slid down. Delivering the same combo of stroking off the lower half with her hand while her lips pumped up and down onto the top part. More than enough to make him moan out two as she showed no favouritism for which cock to handle. She didn’t even mind when before she went back to stroking the other man off, he started sliding her suit jacket off, showing off the classy black shirt she had on underneath as she released her grip on the dicks. Letting the garment be pulled off before she went back to clutching and pumping their cocks.

“Mmmmmphh! Mmmmm!! Hmmmmm…” Her lips were now used to being stretched out, so fitted perfectly around another thick slab of man meat as she raised and lowered her pretty face onto this shaft. Getting her saliva seeping down as she bobbed away with a smooth pace, showing off the sort of skills that are far removed from the in ring ability she’s so famous for. Looking completely suited for this kind of sinful act as she jerked off one stud while blowing the other. “Hmmmmphhh!! Mmmmmm…” Occasionally looking to camera right up close to her, she eased that fat dick in between her lips as she slurped down a little further. Using her hand more to grip and twist around the base as she took in more of his length. Finding the crown of him hitting the back of her mouth to make herself gag for a moment before she lifted up and properly bobbed to recover.

Hearing that however, the hunk currently enjoying her damp enough as it is mouth pounded. Gripping a handful of that long dyed red hair to keep her head in place. Thrusting forward into her mouth now, feeding that cock in and making her gag again as she stared up. Not in a rage, but with that cool confidence that was a sign for him to try and do his worst. That happening as he plunged his prick back and forth into her. Using a pace a gear or more above the slow and savouring one she’d been using. Making the saliva continue to seep out over his tool as he fucked her pleasurable mouth. Yet even as she took his pumps, her hand was still stroking off the cock of the other hunk to show that she was built to take this sort of more intense level of action herself.

“HHHHHLKK!! GAHHHHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK!!” Her eyes closed, focusing on the task at hand which, aside from jerking off the dick not in her right now, was just to stay kneeling and take it. Getting her beautiful face fucked as that fat rod was used like a piston, quickly and smoothly ramming in and out between her lips. Little wonder that her saliva was drooling off her chin, landing onto her chest as the outline of her impressively sized bust was more clear now. Alongside the outline of hard nipples from the arousal of being used in such a filthy way. “GAHHHHHHH… HHHHHLLLKKK… GAHHHHHH!!” Even as she choked, no tears were forming in her eyes as she took the pumping to give an indication that the woman nicknamed the Red Queen of Stardom might have more than a shred of being a Size Queen to her. Taking this thick, long pornstar cock with ease as she easily endured another round of deep pumps into her throat to make her sinfully gag around the groaning man’s member.

Yet, when he pulled out of her already well fucked mouth she barely paused. Just quickly taking in air as she turned her face and opened wide, being rewarded with a big black cock stuffed between her ripe Japanese lips. Moaning, then gagging around that tool as the other stud had his turn to thrust into that oral hole. Her hand reaching back, finding that cock slick with her spit and starting to stroke him off. Caring little for getting fingers sticky from the pumps the same way any worries about her top getting soaked through from saliva were far from her mind. Just choking between her lusty groans as another slab of fat man meat was sent into her oral tunnel. Hair grabbed tightly to both be kept out of the way and work as an aid to keep her head in place to let the other stud enjoy her fantastic mouth.

“GAHHHHHH… HHHHHLLLLKKK!! MMMMMPHHH!! GAAHHHHHRRRKKK…” The eyes of the multi-time singles and tag team Champion in Stardom were sinfully narrowed as she looked up at man currently using her mouth for his pleasure. Saliva drooling off his dark toned inches and her own pale chin as her mouth slurped away along that thrusting pole. Barely even breaking out into a sweat as she took the sort of hammering that would leave any normal woman losing their voice for at least a week. “HHHHHRRRKKK… GAHHHHH!! GAAAAAAHHHHH…” The loud chokes continued on between muffled groans as she took this second face fucking just as well as the first round. Still running her hand back and forth along the cock that had just been pounding her face to pleasure the other man, while she let this one have some wicked fun with her clearly talented mouth. Even showing off a bit of her own arousal using her free hand to squeeze her tits through her shirt as she stared up and took another series of pumps.

When that cock was pulled away, she sat back and let go of the other man as she glanced between them with another smouldering, yet calm and confident expression. [So, you perverts are built to take a lot more than just that, right?] Utami teased, reaching down to her soaked with her own spit top. [Good. Because so am I!] She said, before ripping her shirt open as buttons popped off. Showing off her impressively sized and rounded tits, often held back and hidden by her wrestling ring attire, as she mounds jiggled a bit as she slipped off the top. [Oh? You men want to test me?] She wasn’t even fazed when the men moved her over to get onto her hands and knees, just for them to yank down her pants as they exposed not just her thick, rounded Japanese ass but her cleanly shaved and already wet looking pussy.

Hayashishita has barely lifted her legs one after the other so her pants could be properly removed, leaving her naked, before her head was turned back to the front as the ‘bodyguard’ porn star shoved his cock back into her warm, soothing oral hole. Letting her moan around his meat as she was the one who controlled the pace this time. Bobbing up and down smoothly and deep, making herself lustfully choke on the first black cock the Queen’s Quest leader has likely ever had in her life. Getting her saliva drooling down his fat inches again to make him groan out as she slurped along his size. Her flaming red hair swaying back and forth as she rocked her head along him, leaving him to do his tasks for the camera of not just sweeping those long locks back out of the way but to take and handle such a red hot blowjob from a stunning pro wrestler.

The magic of camera changes and footage editing moved things on a little bit as we were now behind Utami as she kept sucking off the other man. Her ass being spread by the white male in this threesome as he showed off her asshole which was shining from lubricant, clearly having been prepared off camera for the fun to come. That arriving when he pushed his cock, also slick with the sex aid coating his inches, and made them both groan when he forced the fat crown of his length into her tight asshole. Clearly she’d never taken something of this vast size before into her backside, but seemingly wasn’t a stranger to anal as there wasn’t a sound of pain that escaped her from the penetration. Even with her mouth being rather full with the dick she was sucking off as this was happening.

So already with her skin flick debut she was getting spit roasted by two hung studs from another country than the Land of the Rising Sun she’s a native of. Two fat dicks thrusting into her holes at the front and back as the two men again showed off their skill and experience at fucking hot babes as they worked their shafts in and out of her soothing, wet mouth and her vice-like asshole. Groaning themselves as the pumped but nowhere close to being ready to blow a load as they put the star of this film through her paces. Making her moan out around the dick she was slurping and gagging on as she began to shift herself against their motion. Pushing that rounded backside back against the cock sliding into her asshole from behind, before she rocked forward in order to send her face down towards the crotch of the hunk in front as she blew him.

“MMMMMPHHH… GAHHHHHH!! HHHHHHLLLKKK… MMMMMMPHHHH!!” Saliva dripped off the chin of the 2020 Five Star GP Winner, falling to the floor as she gagged loudly along the fat, black cock plunging into her mouth. Making the noise nasty herself as she willingly bobbed into every pump, ensuring that her throat was nicely stretched out by such a thick piece of man meat unlike anything she’s experienced before until today. “MMMMM… GAHHHHRRRLLL… MMMMMPHHHH!! HHHHHHPPPHHHH…” Between the choking, loud muffled gags were heard as she stared up with desire for this sex. Her snatch not even being touched as she used her other holes to pleasure these two studs. Getting her ass tapped from the back while keeping her mouth filled up. The heavy balls of the hunk in front of her coming close to smacking into her chin as she fucked herself onto that rod just as much as she was getting it pumped herself.

Behind her, that more than ripe booty of the Joshi was clapping against the toned waist of the white pornstar involved in this as he drilled her rump with a series of stiff thrusts. His pace nice and smooth, showing off his experience as well as he worked his cock deep into that tight back passage. The sort of pace that would leave a regular newcomer to skin flicks left gaping for a week if not longer. Yet, he was able to take advantage of the Size Queen talents that the Red Queen of Stardom possessed. Pumping her butt nice and full with his cock to keep them both moaning as he worked in and out. Making sure to keep his body at that slight angle so that the camera could both enjoy seeing his prick easing in and out of her asshole, but the motion of her body rocking back into his pumps. From the jiggle of that thick ass, to the swinging of her tits as they hung down, and even her flaming hair bouncing as she put on a performance of her own as she took on two toned and hung studs.

When the black of the two men pulled out of her mouth, she was free to let out a long, loud moan as she took that other dick deep into her ass for a couple of thrusts. [Hope… MMMMMM! You two aren’t getting tired yet…] Utami taunted as the other man pulled out of her rump. Seeing that they were switching places. [It will take more than just you two to defeat someone of my skills.] She confidently boasted, before silencing herself by taking that white, American dick between her lips when the ‘translator’ knelt down in front of her. Leaving the ‘bodyguard’ to then slide his shaft into that already nicely fucked ass. Taking advantage of the previous work done as he was able to get right to work tapping her from the back and pumping in deep.

“MMMMMPHHHH… GAHHHHHHH!! HHHHHLLLKKK… MMMMMM!!” Yet more muffled cries of delight escaping the woman who has won singles, tag team and six-woman tag team championships in Stardom. Yet again taking an interracial spit roasting as she began to shift her gorgeous frame back and forth to handle both cocks at either end. A sight sinful enough, but she was also engaging in, and without any hesitation, in some ass-to-mouth action as well. Slurping away on the cock that was just balls deep in her own asshole. Tasting her own back passage of those thick inches as she sucked away. Her gagging certainly not because of that flavour she was getting, just from having such a vast size into her throat despite how much she’s already taken cock between her lips over the course of this threesome.

Behind her, a sexy contrast was being filled up close and personal of a big black cock ploughing into a rounded, juicy Asian backside. Including the lewd slaps of her butt cheeks connecting off his crotch as she was butt fucked from the back. Getting stuffed to the hilt by this man and making sure to keep rocking back to meet his motion, so that he could get those inches deep between her ample cheeks along with heightening the pleasure for them both. Only now the sweat starting to form and roll off of that stunning enough already body of the talented Japanese pro wrestler. Although from this sort of performance it would make some wonder if she should have embarked on a JAV adult film career already instead of an in-ring one from how well she’s not just taking a fucking but giving back as good as she’s getting. Moaning out as she slurps and shifts against both thrusts in front and behind her.

“GAHHHHHHH… MMMMMMPHHHH!! MMMMMM…. GAAAAAAAHHHHH!!” The saliva continued to drip onto the floor, leaving a slight puddle from the amount created from the constant gagging down by her oral tunnel getting filled up and stretched out by thick pornstar dick. Her tits still swinging back and forth as she made her body rock in time with the pumps into her holes to keep the spit roast going strong. “HHHHHRRRLLLL… GAHHHHHH!! MMMMMMM!! GAHHHHHHRRRRRKK…” But even as she took a punishing pace, her pussy was still leaking juices to trickle down her inner thigh as she was fucked at both ends. Not even needing to rub herself to be turned on at being taken by two men from another country, as well as every sinful moment being filmed as she got banged front and back. Still looking ready to take plenty more as well as she continued to shift herself into each fresh pump between her thick cheeks and into her gagging oral hole as well.

The two experienced hunks involved in this were playing their nameless parts as well in this. Putting their stamina and fat, lengthy cocks to perfect use as they drilled this gorgeous Japanese wrestler in her juicy booty and damp mouth over and over. Having already taken the time between the camera focusing in on her holes getting filled up to shed the rest of their outfits so their own toned bodies and the sweat forming on them were shown off. But making sure that the red headed stunner between them was the focus of the action as they pumped her anal and oral holes with brisk, stiff rhythms just like they’d do to a woman with years more experience in doing skin flicks than this one is. Although if anyone was watching and didn’t know her career, they would think the Asian being spit roasted was just as much a veteran as the actual studs ploughing away into her with how almost effortlessly she’s handling this big cock banging on two fronts.

Once again, a sinful and long moan escaped Hayashishita when the men pulled out of her holes. The camera lingering for a moment onto her backside to show off the gaping state of her asshole. [Mmmmm… Is that all you’ve got?] She challenged, looking back over her shoulder to the closest camera recording her. A sly, confident smile on her face as the men, even with the language barrier, knew she wanted more as they pulled her up to her feet. [You two perverts will need to bring even more to try and dethrone this Queen.] She added as she didn’t object to being lifted up as the white stud took her into his arms and made her face him, holding her above the floor.

“Mmmmmm… Fuck…” No translation needed there as the leader of Queen’s Quest moaned out as for the first time during this threesome her tight, wet Japanese pussy was getting some treatment. Lowered down onto the fat white pornstar dick to spread those lips open as her final hole to get tapped was made to spread out. Groans from the hunk taking her as he felt her walls gripping him more than snugly even before he started to thrust. But before he began, the other man stepped in behind her. Introducing his thick, black cock back into the mix as he pushed up once again into her juicy backside to slide in deep into her ass. Leaving her suspended above the floor in their grip and double penetrated with both her lower holes filled up with meaty cock.

When they began to thrust into her, it made her flaming haired head tilt back as she moaned out in delight. Starting to jolt as the stiff pumps into her snatch and ass made her body shift up and down, leaving her body slapping down into them as they held her off the floor. Easily holding her gorgeous frame in their grip without her even needing to wrap arms or legs around the stud in front of her. Their hands on her thighs and waist also ensuring that the cameras recording this pumping got the clear views of meaty shafts ramming into needy, snug holes. That slap of skin hitting skin ringing out front and back as her thick rear began to clap again, and soon enough the meeting of one crotch hitting another from her snatch being drilled was heard as well along with all of their moans.

“MMMMM!! FUCK… AHHHHHH… YES…. FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMMM…” The multi-time singles and tag team Champion in Stardom licked her lips as she gazed back sensually over her shoulder. Getting a glimpse of the fat, long cocks driving up into her holes to make her moan and jolt. Even with the intense pleasure of taking not just her likely first ever threesome and double penetration action, she still had that famous calm and cool look on her face. Even with the desire burning in her eyes and the sweat dripping down that pretty face as she took two cocks at the same time. “AHHHHH!! FUCK!! MMMMM… AHHHHH… YESSSSSS… FUCK!! MMMMM…” Universally known curse words and moans of delight were all she needed to say as she was made to shift between the two pornstar veterans pounding up into her still snug holes from underneath. Making her ass jiggle and her tits bounce. Helping out in her own way by tossing her long, dyed red hair back to clear her face away as she kept her gaze down to see the action unfolding.

Grunting, the two hunks pounding away into her snatch and ass kept her held steady in place for them to use her holes. Showing off what a Size Queen that the talented Red Queen of Queen’s Quest really was to handle not just two fat, long cocks like theirs but to take them both at the same time. Her ass already stretched out to a limit she never knew she could handle before, and now her dripping wet snatch reaching the same point from the length driving up balls deep into her. A nice display of wicked colours now with a big black dick pounding her juicy Asian ass, while her slot got stuffed with a just as long white cock.

“AHHHHH!! MMMMM… YES… FUCK!! FUCK… MMMMM…” The sham of this setting being a press conference long forgotten now as the female pro wrestler got pounded while being held completely off the floor. The focus on her lower holes along with how her ass was rippling wildly from the deep, rapid thrusts she was taking. The cocks ploughing away with great timing so when the dark skinned hunk drove in from behind, the paler stud in front of her pulled out just to drive back up balls deep as the other started pulling back. Sweat dripping off them all and each of the three looking equally as impressive considering two were driving in and out of her booty and pussy like their lives depended on delivering a world class fuck. “FUCK… MMMMM!! YES! FUCK!! AHHHHH… MMMMM!!” The woman in the middle of this all handling such big cock action like it was second nature to her as she moaned out and continued jolting against those deep thrusts. A few loose strands of her hair left stuck to her face from the sweat soaking through those dyed locks just adding to the sinful sight as if her being filmed getting stuffed from the front and back at the same time wasn’t red hot enough already.

Gritting her teeth, Utami’s head tilted back as she let out a long, low groan of approval. About as close as it gets to the cool and confident beauty admitting this was better than she was letting on as she enjoyed a hard orgasm on this pumping cocks. Making the men hammering her moan in turn as her back passage squeezed the black dick tapping her and her love tunnel clamped around the white dick driving balls deep into her. No need to fake an orgasm here like usually seen in porn, and that in itself proof of the veteran experience of the hunks giving her this filthy double penetration action. Leaving juices dripping down the cock moving like a piston on rapid settings as the two studs ensured she got to enjoy and ride out, in more ways than one, every moment of her well deserved peak. The fact that they were giving the cameras filming this all a complete display of her at the height of pleasure no doubt getting them a bonus in their pay packet as well.

“Mmmmmmm…” She groaned when the men pulled their cocks out of her. Letting the camera come in close for a shot at two gaping holes for the price of one of her newly opened up snatch along with that more than just well fucked asshole. Not planning on giving her too much of a break however as even in her freshly fucked, sweat-coated state as they set her down on her knees on the floor. Stepping in close as they rapidly stroked off their pulsing dicks and with a confident smirk, she just brushed her hair back and tilted her face to offer herself up for a reward of a much more sticky kind.

A classic money shot, fitting for a porno. The white stud the first to blow as he grunted, plastering the left side of her pretty features with ropes of thick, hot spunk to make her groan. Some catching into those flaming locks of hers as he stroked out his seed onto her cheeks, nose, lips and her chin. A dose of spunk that alone was more than generous and was already dripping down off of her onto her heaving chest. Just as he stepped back, the black stud moved in and began to blow his load to give the right half of her face a splattering. More shots of jizz hitting up the side of her face, catching over the forehead and making her close her eyes when they went up and again just caught her hair. Pressing her lips together as the cum glazed them, using her tongue to play with it and push it out to drip down her chin as more of her cheeks and nose got blasted. The last drips flicked down onto her before he stepped back too to leave the camera focusing on on that soaked and coated face as the combined loads oozed down onto her chest.

[Mmmmm… Was that all you had to challenge me with?] Utami said with that sexy confidence, heightened by the cum-covered state she was in. [Next time, bring some friends if you want to try and dethrone the Red Queen…] She added, opening her eyes to give a sly smile to the camera. Letting that money shot be zoomed in on as she stayed kneeling. That stunning sight marking the end of the video as the scene faded to black and the final production and copyright notices aired.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2022, 04:39:54 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own TJPW or any of its current and former wrestlers/characters. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

Featuring: Sayuri Namba (ring announcer, TJPW)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 8

A pro wrestling erotic story.

Commissioned by [Anonymous].

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter.

*     *     *

In the late 2010s and into the 2020s, professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as their were re-branded as) being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  And because of global situations creating a downturn in revenue and need to make quick cash fast and in large amounts? Those contracts that had been previously rejected from promotions outside of sports entertainment soon found themselves returned and this time signed. With the air mail postage indicating they’d travelled all the way from Japan...

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation is proud to announce an expansion! Following the success of titles and videos featuring women of sports entertainment, we can now reveal agreements and deals to bring the starlets of independent and international promotions to our catalogue of XXX-rated films. We look forward to bringing you new features with women from Japan and beyond in the future.

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

TJPW’s Sayuri Namba –


Prize Fight Pounding.

* * *

The video started up by showing the inside of what seemed to be a standard locker room for any sort of sporting event, with the open lockers and rails in the back but with prop items of Mixed Martial Arts-style gloves, kick pads and the like in them. Generic posters with motivational slogans like ‘WORK HARD WIN HARD’ on the walls too. Along with a standard wooden bench with towels at the end.

The camera watching as the male porn star for this production took a seat on the bench. Dressed, for the little attire he wore, like he was a MMA fighter but not looking from the lack of bruises like he’d just been in a cage fight. A white American with shaved head, clad in shorts with knee pads and boots as he undid the gloves, taking them off and tossing one then the other across the room out of shot. “Another fucking easy win in the bag…” The muscular hunk said. Only wearing the shorts meaning his almost stereotypical body for a fighter, tattoos and all, were being nicely shown off. A loud knock at the door as he looked to the side. “Come in!” He called out as the sound of a door opening was heard. “Speaking of easy…” He remarked, a little rudely, as he smiled for a different reason as he watched.

The camera staying on him as a set of smooth, Asian legs walked in and showed off a nicely sized, tight looking ass in white with red shorts and the logo of RIZIN Fighting Federation, the Japanese MMA promotion. The camera panning up to show off a matching sleeveless, short red top to hug nicely on a set of perky tits. Topped off with seeing the thick, red lipstick that was worn by the dark haired Japanese beauty Sayuri Namba. More known for being the ring announcer for the Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling promotion, for this porno she’s reliving her time as a Ring Girl for RIZIN and still clearly wears the ‘uniform’ well. Her hair although in a ponytail which fitted both this look and her usual appearance in her dress when ring announcing.

“Congratulations on your win tonight…” Sayuri says, showing off her solid grasp of English as she gave a respectful bow.
“Thanks, babe… You got a name?”
“It’s Sayuri…” She said, as already she showed off her infamous, over the top facial expressions with a wide-eyed look over that chiselled body when he stood up.
“Well, babe… You know, actually out there for my fight? You almost cost me the match…” The fighter lied as he invited himself in, slipping an arm around her to pull her close as her hand went up to his chest. “Being such a sexy little distraction in that tight little outfit...”
“D-Did I? I’m sorry?” She blushed as she stared up at the American stud.
“It’s all good… But since you’re here, and I think you need to make it up to me? How about you come show me a good time right now… After all, I won the big fight tonight… So I deserve a real hot prize, don’t I?”
“O-Of course!” Namba nodded, biting down on her bottom lip as she all too eagerly slipped down to her knees in front of the muscular hunk. “I hope you are not too tired from that long, hard match you had…” She added, perhaps playing up the fact that clearly this ‘victorious fighter’ didn’t even have a drop of sweat on him.

Fittingly, when she pulled down his shorts, another of her signature wide eyed expressions appeared when she got a look at the thick, long, perfect for porn cock he was packing as he was already hardening as she knelt down. “...Not tired at all!” She stated the obvious as she reached up, gripping his prick and starting to joke. “Are you ready for a new fight?” She looked up, before sticking her tongue out and running across the head. Already applying a double team as she used her hand to pump along the shaft and her tongue brushed across the tip. Still looking up as she began to swirl slowly around that fat head for a couple of motions. Making him moan lightly as she made sure he was rock hard. Already giving the indication that she wasn’t exactly a stranger to handling some dick, even at a vast size like he was.

“If you’re gonna be my next challenger, babe? You’re gonna need to step up more than this…” The Fighter teased as he reached down, holding her ponytail in a commanding way already and taking the hint, Namba opened her mouth. Letting those full, red lips of her wrap around his thick meat as he slid in and made himself clearly groan from the first proper sampling of her warm and wet mouth. More moans of approval soon coming when she began to willingly bob along his prick, groaning herself as those thickly coated lips had to stretch around a thickness she wasn’t quite used to. Keeping her hand just holding his shaft straight as she moved her dark haired head up and down to start applying her saliva onto his inches as she got the blowjob portion of this interracial sex actually going.

“Mmmmmmphh!! Hmmmmmphhh… Mmmmmmm!” Sayuri showed off her technique with a nice smooth and steady motion to slide up and down on his shaft. The thick red of her lipstick gradually becoming smudged as she repeated the motion and her saliva started seeping down. Already a sexy little red ring left at the midpoint of his cock from where she’d slurped down to for most of the bobs. “Hmmmm… Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmphhh…” That colouring continuing as she moved down further onto his meaty dick, keeping him groaning as used his free hand to reach down, brushing her hair at the side of her face back behind the ear. Keeping a nice, clear view for the camera to film her sucking a fat dick. As well as capturing her own growing arousal from the hard nipples poking through her tight top. Showing that the TJPW ring announcer could certainly handle a ‘microphone’ of this far more sinful sort as she sucked away and groaned around his member.

“Mmmmmmphh!! GAHHHHHH!! HHHHHHLLLKKK… Mmmmmmphhh!!” Pushing down deep, another wide eyed stare of surprise (along with a hint of lust) was on her pretty face as she felt his big white cock hitting the back of her damp and soothing Asian mouth. Gagging from taking far much more dick than she’s used to yet not even trying to pull off from him as she kept on playing her part for this skin flick. “GAAAAAAHHHH!! MMMMMPHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK…” Her hand moved off his base, resting on his far thigh as she kept her lips gliding back and forth and leaving the trails of red from her lipstick onto his pole. The saliva dripping down as the hunk she was blowing moaned out, showing his own stamina as well to handle such a lewd act. Finally pulling up and off to draw in air as she took a moment to spit down onto his tool.

“That was a fight along to take all of that… AHHHHHLLLKKK!!” Sayuri tried to say, but her open mouth was soon filled with big dick once again when he pushed in. Using the hold of her hair to thrust his member back and forth into her. Causing her to sexily choke around his inches whenever he pumped in, and only withdrawing a few inches from between those smudged lips before he repeated the motion to drive in with a moan. “GAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHRRRKKK!! MMMMMM… MMMMMPHHH!!” She just kept staring up, allowing her oral hole to be used like this as her saliva dripped down her chin and fell off from his cock as his worked like a piston into her mouth. Leaving splats of spit onto her bright red top as she went from a deep blowjob to taking a face fucking. But even as she gagged away her eyes never even watered, allowing the hunk to enjoy her oral talents for a few thrusts more as he left his coat not just covered with her saliva, but stained wickedly from that thick red lipstick.

After that round of pumping, he pulled out from her and let go of her hair as she gasped, putting on another signature over the top stare as she looked over the dick she’d just been choking all over. “Amazing…” She purred before looking up. “You want more from me, of course?” Sayuri assumed right, even though she knew she was just playing a role in a porno here. Shifting back, she stood up. Firstly removing her red RIZIN branded top so show off her modest but lovely chest. Then hooking the shorts, sliding them down to expose her cutely rounded backside and an already wet, smoothly shaven pussy.

“Hop up here, babe…” The porn star instructed as he watched Namba move and take a seat on the edge of the bench before leaning back so her arms could stretch down as she held onto the sides of the seating. Spreading her legs invitingly wide as he moved in, positioning himself at an experienced angle so the filming camera could record him sliding his thick American dick into that tight Japanese pussy. Going in bareback as well as he made her keep that wide eyed, staring expression on of cock-shock as he started filling her up. “Mmmmmm… Nice and fucking tight… I can see why guys want to win around here…” He joked as he began to pump. Feeding his prick in and out of her snug box as he moaned out and kept her far leg spread, The other limb, still wearing the high white boot, down on the floor and still out of the way so she could take an already stiff motion. Clearly this hunk wasn’t going to be satisfied until he was fully inside of her, and even then he’d still have plenty more to give.

“MMMMMM! S-So big! MMMMM!! That’s so big!!” Namba marvelled, staring down to watch that thick pole sliding in and out of her tightness. Feeling her walls spreading to accept an invasion that quite clearly wasn’t of the smaller, slimmer size she was used to. Her hands gripping the bench she was leaning back on as her body was starting to rock back and forth from the pace being used to drill her. “AHHHHHH… Filling me up! MMMMMM… Stretching me out… It feels… MMMM!! It feels so good! MMMMM…” She moaned out, certainly remembering her part as she kept the dirty talk going. Not looking like she’s got any shame for letting a man fuck her just ten minutes or so after meeting him. Watching as that dick, covered in the smeared red rings from her lipstick, not pushing in and out of her twat just moments after she’d been gagging all over that cock.

“MMMMM!! Oooooooooooh! MMMMM! Fuck!! So good! MMMMM…” The moans pouring out from her mouth sounded sweeter, and hotter, than any ring announcing she’s ever done for TJPW as she shifted back and forth on the couch a bit as those thrusts drove into her. Her perky chest bouncing slightly while her ponytail swung from side to side as she kept herself in the angled position. “AHHHHH… MMMMM… Big fighter cock… MMMM!! Claiming me as a dirty prize! MMMMMM!! AHHHHH FUCK…” Her gaze switching from down at her crotch, watching herself being fucking nice and firmly, to up at the stud giving it to her as she cast a look of desire. More than enjoying that thick, long prick working into her snug, wet box. Looking herself already to be quite a secret Size Queen as she was only a couple inches away from handling him balls deep.

At the same time, the porn star getting to plough into that snug Japanese twat with his big white, American dick was moaning out too. Getting a workout of his own by enjoying how damp and snug her walls were all around his inches. Pumping in a little quicker now that they’re both used to the sensations as well as working in gradually deeper still into her love tunnel. The angle he’s using ensuring that he could keep pumping away into her box but still leaving a space enough for the camera to keep filming the sinful action. Soon enough also capturing the sound of his crotch meeting her thigh when he drove in, filling her up. Making not just her moans that little extra louder but the shifting of her slim and sexy frame a fraction more intense from the close action.

“MMMMM FUCK!! Oh fuck!! MMMMM!! So big! MMMMM!! YES! FUCK…” She gasped out, putting on a show again as she had her eyes rolling back for a moment for a fresh, exaggerated expression while genuinely moaning out in the clear pleasure from taking a big, long cock. Tilting her head back for a moment as she groaned out and let the action speak for itself as she got a steady, firm pumping. Impressing herself as she took a pace that was just like the sort actual skin flick starlets of far more experience than her would be taking just as easily on a regular shoot. “MMMMM… You like that? MMMMM!! I love it… So big and hard! MMMMM!! Filling me up! AHHHHHH!! It’s soooooooooo good! MMMMM!!” She looked back with another stare of lust as her body continued to rock against his thrusts. Still clutching onto the bench to keep herself in place as she took his cock over and over. Stuffed with almost every inch and in return keeping him groaning in delight too. Leaving his shaft with a light but visible coating of her juices from the repeated exploring into her tightness.

Namba bit down on her bottom lip when he pulled out of her snatch and stepped back. “This will be time for Round Two, right?” She said with a seductive tone as she moved off from the bench. Allowing the stud now now use it as he laid down on it with that cock pointing right up. “Ah, yes. The fighter should enjoy his prize for winning, after all.” She added as she then swung a leg over to mount him. Reaching down to guide his cock back into her twat as she lowered down, placing her hands on his muscular, tattoo-covered chest. Leaving her backside sticking out towards the camera with the focus being on her snatch getting stuffed all over again.

More than eager to show off her sexual ability once again, Sayuri wasted no time in getting into rhythm to work over that already very familiar cock with. Pushing up with her legs, still wearing the Ring Girl uniform boots, planted on the floor either side of the bench. Rising up just a few inches before she dropped sharply down. Making the clap ring out when her ass struck down against his body before she repeated the motion once again. Her ponytail swaying about as she worked up and down, stuffing her snug and wet pussy full with dick again and again. Making herself and the stud she was on top of moan out as she got to work on him. Caring little about the fact she was happily fucking him bareback or the interracial nature of this action as she glided her twat smoothly along his thickness.

“MMMMMM!! Yes!! AHHHHHH FUCK!! So good! MMMMM!! So big!! AHHHHHH FUCK!!” She groaned out in delight, making sure to stare back over her shoulder to watch herself. Even though she couldn’t actually really see his fat cock being taken in and out of her own snatch from her position, she knew that looking ‘back at it’ gave the camera already recording her willing fucking the bonus treat of her pleasured expression as she rode away. “AHHHHHH… MMMMM!! Yes, I love it! AHHHHH!! MMMMM!! I love big, fat… MMMMM!! Fighter cocks! OOOOOOOH!!” She even made sure to keep up playing the role she had for this, like she really was back being a RIZIN Ring Girl and now fucking a lucky, victorious fighter after a match instead of the lewd and shameless porno she’s taking part in that this actually is. Showing that, even with the intense pleasure she’s getting from stuffing herself full with dick over and over, that she’s still focused enough to keep putting on a sexy performance for the wrestling fans watching her getting fucked on camera.

The stud underneath her kept his hands on her slim waist, keeping her safely in place on top of him so she could put in all the work and show off her other talents than ring announcing (and for this production, great cock sucking too). Moaning out as he handled her bounces, enjoying her snug, damp twat sliding back and forth along his dick as she used a perfectly timed motion to ride him with. Her love tunnel nicely resized to take his dick in deep but still remaining snug around his thick inches as she moved up and down. A long, fat shaft like his looking like a perfect fit for a pussy like hers that has all the markings of being a Size Queen yet hasn’t seemingly ever had the chance before to take the kind of dick that she and her gorgeous body deserves.

“MMMMM!! OH FUCK!! SO BIG! SO GOOD! MMMMMM FUCK YESSSSSSSSS…” She kept another wide eyed expression on like she was still stunned she was handling all that massive dick in her tight hole, and perhaps deep down part of her really was which no doubt helped. Keeping her ass cheeks smacking down whenever she firmly dropped onto his crotch and took his member balls deep inside of herself. More than keeping his cock slick with her juices as she dragged her folds back and forth along his weapon. “MMMMMM!! Filling me up! AHHHHHH FUCK!! Making me sooooooooooooooo wet!! MMMMM!! I love it!! AHHHHHH FUCK!!” She groaned out as the sweat began to roll down her already pretty face as she kept the steady pace going. Only needing to raise up as few inches before she slammed firmly back down and took all of him inside, just to push back upward and do it all over again. Not even feeling a sting of pain from the repeated, hard times that her backside has crashed into the muscular frame of the man she’s impaled on. A further sign of how great the pleasure is she’s getting from enjoying some fun with a huge cock.

However, as good as taking the ride is the porn star here hired to get the best action possible out of her isn’t planning on just letting her do all the work. Using his hold on her midsection to pull her down against that hunky frame, stopping her bounces as she keeps looking back. His hands then gripping that cute booty of hers, spreading her cheeks a bit before he starts to thrust his cock upward. Making them both moan out all over again in this new way as he drives his prick firmly and quickly upward. Making his heavy balls slap up into her body as she jolts against him. Getting stuffed full to the hilt and if she wasn’t stretched out enough already, then this enhanced level of action would make sure she wouldn’t be back to her original tightness for well over a week if not longer.

“OH FUCK! OH FUCK!! MMMMMMM FUCK!!” Sayuri moans out as she jolts against the muscular body of the hunk she’s still on top off but now getting nailed by as her modest chest slides against his chiselled one. Still gazing back over the shoulder with desire but having to toss her ponytail back to the other side of her head when it slips out of place from the shifting she’s doing. “MMMMMM FUCK!! SO BIG! AHHHHH YES!! MMMMMM MORE! YESSSSSS…” She encouraged as she loved how that big white cock was drilling away deep into her wet and still snug Asian pussy. Despite now being an in-ring competitor herself, she was putting on a championship winning performance here as she handled the deep and swift pumping. Her ass rippling a little even in the firm grip of the man using her snatch each time he delivered a fresh and hard thrust into her box.

The moans she was letting out were just extra encouragement for the porn star hired to put this gorgeous ring announcer through her sexual paces. But the feeling of his cock still getting massaged by her slick inner walls was fuel enough to keep him working his manhood in and out like a piston as he groaned out. Sweating himself at last as he used plenty of pace and energy to send his pole balls deep into her slot over and over. Keeping them both groaning along with the sinful slap of skin hitting off of skin whenever he drove upward. Also making sure to keep her ass spread so that the recording camera behind them both could get that clear image of his meaty prod slamming home into her twat before sliding three or so inches out for that brief moment before unleashing a new stiff pump into her.

“MMMMMMMMM FUUUUUUUUCK!! SO GOOOOOOOOD!! MMMMMM…” Her eyes were once again rolling upward and perhaps this time not completely just to put on an over the top expression like she’s known for. Those still thickly coated in red but now smudged lips of hers hanging open in an O-shape as those shameless moans poured out. No objections to being used like the trophy prize she’s supposed to be in this scene as her body is almost being rag dolled back and forth on top of the stud clutching onto her by the booty. Keeping her moaning out as he rod slams into her again and again for a pace that even many a seasoned Joshi wrestler in the matches she announcers for might struggle to handle.

After delivering a stiff round of pumps, he brings his motion to a halt but leaves his prick still stuffed inside of her. Allowing her to shift her hips back, grinding her pussy against that fat cock to make herself groan. Not quite enough for his liking as he gave her butt a firm spank to make her gasp. Kicking her into action as she pushed more forcefully back onto his rod before sliding back along his body. Fucking his cock with an unusual position for a few bounces back and forth to make them both moan out. Still doing the job not just in terms of pleasure, but for putting on a wicked performance for the camera for plenty more red hot footage of her tight hole taking a huge cock.

“MMMMMM…” Sayuri groaned when he pulled out, his cock still rock hard and ready for some more as she brushed her hair back. “Still hard?!?” She managed to pull off once again a shocked expression which might have been far more truthful to her thoughts. “OK! Give me all you’ve got, fighter!” She demanded, moving off from him so he could stand up off the bench. But only to bring her back down, and make her kneel on the bench so she got into a doggy style position. Her hands once more gripping the edges of the bench as her body was facing along the seating as the muscular porn star moved behind her to stand. Sneaking in another spank of her to make her groan.

Once again the man being the victorious MMA fighter getting to fuck a RIZIN Ring Girl as his prize angles his body just right. So the sight of him sliding his cock deep into her twat with a single motion is recorded as his crotch meets hers. Getting right to work as he begins another piston-like pace to send his fat, long dick sharply in and out of her still snug but now dripping wet hole. Groaning out as he works in and out and gets the sweat dripping down his hunky frame. Even with his experience, being balls deep in such a snug piece of Japanese pussy takes a lot out of him and that thick and long American cock of his. Combined with how he’s not exactly taking it easy on her, putting her through her paces like he would any woman actually in the porno industry.

“AHHHHH FUCK! OH GOD! OH FUCK!! MMMMMM!!” The video switches to a front facing view, getting a close up look of that lusty expression as Sayuri looks ahead like she’s almost staring through the camera she knows is filming her being fucked hard from behind. Her body shifting back and forth as her ponytail sways down beside her neck while loose strands of her dark hair are hanging across her pretty face, sticking a bit from all the sweat. “OOOOOOOH FUCK!! MMMMM!! AHHHHHH YESSSSS!! FUCK!!” She moaned out as she took the sort of pounding that would leave most women, and perhaps even one or two of the roster of TJPW that she performs the ring announcer for, unable to walk straight for well over a week. Groaning each time that muscular body collides with her, sending her sharply forward before she pushes back, using the hold of the bench she’s being banged on not just to stay up in position. But to drive back and eagerly meet the next incoming thrust with her wet snatch.

Back to the view behind her, and her cutely rounded ass continues to ripple as the slap rings out as she’s drilled over and over. That long white cock easily making a home for itself in her snug, soaking wet Asian box. Sending his balls into her body each time he drives in and she rocks back to take it. More than giving back as good as she’s getting, and keeping the hunk moaning out so if someone tuned in for the first time and didn’t know any better, they’d just think she was just another experienced skin flick starlet with how well she’s taking it. Giving him plenty reasons to keep firing off pump after pump into her while he groans out. Letting all his actions speak as just lusty moans escape from him as he make sure to keep her ass spread just that little bit for the clearest view of his dick ploughing away into her.

“MMMMMM FUCK!! SHIT… FUCK!! FUCK!!” Feeling the pleasure building, Namba’s head starts to hang down as the hot and heavy fucking she’s taken begins to wear her down. Seeing her body slumping a bit the stud nailing her reaches over. Grabbing her arms to pull them back and this time forcing her body to stay up and kneeling with her head facing forward. In fact, using the grip on her wrists to forcefully pull her back sharply into his thrusts as he keeps sending them in stiff and swift into her dripping twat. “AAAAAHHHH FUUUUUUUUCK!! MMMMM YESSSSSS SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!! FUUUUUUUUUUCKK!!” She howls out in delight as her eyes roll back in delight and this time the fucked silly expression on her face might be over the top but it’s not once she’s forcing on for entertainment. Her ponytail flying about from side to side as she’s harshly pulled back to take that piston-like motion and the smack ringing out from her ass hitting his crotch sounding like a machine going out of control as she’s drilled nice and hard.

Sayuri almost resembles a character from a hentai movie with her eyes looking upward, her mouth open and moaning and her tongue slightly sticking out but then again, it’s not that unusual from her regular over the top facial expressions. Fitting for the moment however as she starts to cum hard over the still pumping cock of the porn star fucking her from behind. Keeping her held in place to take his hammering thrusts to leave her jolting and moaning out as the sweat falls from her body. Juices dripping down too, leaving his cock soaked as it trickles down her thighs too. Perhaps showing that being around pro wrestling as just a ring announcer has at least rubbed off onto her to be able to handle some hard, wild action like this as he groans out when he eases off the rough pace. Ensuring she’s rode out all the waves of pleasure before he finally pulls out.

Even then, the action isn’t quite finished with just yet. His hold on her arms then used to make her sit down on the bench so even as exhausted as she is, she can still be used in a different way as he stands up and moves up close to her. Making her gaze up and press her lips together as he furiously strokes his cock off. Getting a prize of his own from her as he lets out a deep grunt. Painting her stunning face with thick shots of spunk as the first few blasts hit high over the forehead, catching into her dark hair as well as at the sides of her features. Leaving her moaning at the hot feeling of the load splattering over her as it catches across her cheeks, nose and those already smudged with thick red lipstick lips of hers. The jizz dripping down from her cheeks and chin by the time he flicked out the last drops from his spent member and she put on a show of her own. Using her tongue pushing out the spunk from her lips so it oozed down the lower one and further dripped down onto her chin.

“Mmmmmm…” Sayuri groaned as she sat back, letting the camera get a good look of the money shot all over her face. “That was a good fight… Maybe we’ll have a rematch next time you’re on the card… If you can win, of course.” She added before she looked dead straight at the camera, intentionally breaking the ‘fourth wall’ to givea trademark stare that she’s known for, but the eccentric look more than shattered by the spunk dripping off her features.

But it’s with that image that the video footage fades out, and we get the production credits and notes to bring the latest film from the Porn Wrestling Federation to a close.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2022, 09:14:39 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own Stardom or any of its current and former wrestlers/characters. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

Featuring: AZM, Lady C, Saya Kamitani (all Stardom)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 9

A pro wrestling erotic story.

Commissioned by [Anonymous].

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, MMF, FF, MFF, oral, anal, inter.

*     *     *

In the late 2010s and into the 2020s, professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as their were re-branded as) being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  And because of global situations creating a downturn in revenue and need to make quick cash fast and in large amounts? Those contracts that had been previously rejected from promotions outside of sports entertainment soon found themselves returned and this time signed. With the air mail postage indicating they’d travelled all the way from Japan...

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation is proud to announce an expansion! Following the success of titles and videos featuring women of sports entertainment, we can now reveal agreements and deals to bring the starlets of independent and international promotions to our catalogue of XXX-rated films. We look forward to bringing you new features with women from Japan and beyond in the future.

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

AZM, Lady C and Saya Kamitani of Stardom faction Queen’s Quest


Dick-Taking Detention!

* * *

The scene opens up with a generic looking classroom scene, with a few desks and chairs set up and a main teacher’s desk at the front. A whiteboard behind it with ‘DETENTION’ written in marker, and various educational posters on the walls such as one of a map of the world.

Sat at the front two desks are two Japanese female wrestlers, known for being in the Stardom promotion, and in fact two women from the same stable of Queen’s Quest. AZM with very bright, shoulder length dyed purple hair. While next to her Saya Kamitani has longer, hard hair with dyed green tips and braids. Both ladies are clad in stereotypical schoolgirl outfits of white shirts and short black shirts with string bows at the neck.

Behind them, on a row of three desks, are three grinning Western males who are the porn stars for the shoot. Each more than nicely toned and handsome, and each dressed in their own school attire of white shirts with a jacket over it, and dark pants. One man an African American, another a Hispanic, and the other a white male with blonde hair. Each of them not looking too old, rather similar perhaps to the age of Saya.

All the ‘class’ sit up straight however when the sound of clicking heels on the floor is heard. The camera showing the ‘teacher’ of the class stepping in. An irony that the woman in question is Lady C, who herself was actually a school teacher before being a Joshi wrestler. Let alone the fact that in terms of Stardom, she’s actually still a rookie compared to Saya and AZM. However, Lady X is dressed for the part in a knee-length light skirt, a white shirt and a long sleeved jacket, with her professional look topped off with a set of glasses.

[I am very disappointed in you girls!] Lady C remarked, casting a scolding look across the two female ‘students’ as while speaking in her native tongue, the handy subtitles on the screen explain what she’s saying. [You are supposed to be setting an example for this school! And what do I catch you doing? Leading on, teasing and flirting with these foreign exchange students!]

[Senpai! That’s not fair!] AZM says, standing up. [They were coming onto us first!]

[It was all her fault, she dragged me into this!] Saya claimed, pointing at AZM who glared back at her. [I was just curious about what I’d heard about foreign men!]

[Enough!] Lady C said, shaking her head. [You’re been acting in a totally unacceptable manner, ill-fitting for this school. So I’m hosting this session of detention to get these shameful thoughts and actions out of your minds.] She said, before motioning with a hand towards the row behind the girls. [So if you’re so curious about these men? We’ll see if you can handle what these men from another land can do with a couple of troublesome girls like you. That should get it out of your system so you can focus on your educational endeavours.]

No translation was needed as AZM and Saya watched as two of the men approached them from the sides of the desk. Kamitani facing off with the white man, with the Hispanic going to AZM. Grins on the faces of the men as they, without any shame at all, unbuckled their pants. Making the eyes of the female wrestlers widen when they got a look at the thick, long and perfect for porn cocks the two men were packing. Already Saya moving back to sit, but turning to face him as she took a hold of his length to stroke. While AZM more eagerly pushed her chair back so she could lower herself down to her knees.

[Amazing! So thick and long…] Saya remarked as she pumped on that fat white cock in her hand. [It’s nothing like the men I’ve been with before!] She added, putting across the point that he was far more hung than any previous boyfriend or lover. Looking up at the man as she lowered her head in, using her tongue to warm him up as she brushed across the thick crown. Low groans escaping him as she swirled around the tip and got a taste of him herself. Using the hand to stroke off the shaft for a double team that easily left him rock hard as she stroked and licked at him. Dragging her tongue along the underside for a long, rather savouring lick before her hand resumed pumping away. Before she parted her lips, and really got him moaning when she sank down and took him inside as she groaned around his meat.

“Mmmmmph! Mmmmm…” Kamitani moaned around his meat as her pouty, full lips had to stretch around a thickness she wasn’t used to. Slowly and smoothly working up and down the top part while still using her hand to pump away at the lower half to ensure he was pleasured. At the very least, even with this vast size she was taking on, it was clear this wasn’t the first time she’d sucked on some dick from the smoothness of her motion. “Hmmmmphh!! Mmmmmm… Mmmm!” The Golden Phoenix kept her head moving up and down, fitting in a little more of his inches into her warm and wet oral hole. Staring up with a look of obvious lust as the man she was blowing did his part, and not just by handling this blowjob. Using his hand to brush her hair back into place when it fell across her pretty features from the motion of her head.

At the same time, AZM was well into dishing out some oral pleasure to the hung Hispanic hunk she’s been paired off with. Her hands onto his thighs as she bobbed her purple haired head along his meaty length. Slurping loudly with groans vibrating off his dick as her young, hot mouth was stretched to the limit by his size. Staring up with an intense look like she was treating sucking his cock like it was a challenge. Her dyed locks already swaying back and forth in time with her movement as she eagerly pumped her mouth up and down his size, handling half of his length with ease and not looking like she was going to stop at just that.

“MMMM… MMMMPHHH!! HHHHLLLKKK… MMMMPHHH!!” AZM began to gag around his pole as she pushed down deep and similar to her stable-mate showed that this was a length of dick she wasn’t used to. Not letting that stop her as the High Speed division starlet used an eager, swift motion to send her pretty face up and down onto his prick. Keeping him moaning as she bobbed smoothly as her own saliva began to seep past her lips and down her chin. Little drops landing on her school shirt being the least of her worries as she used a pace to fuck her face on that dick rather than merely just sucking on it. “MMMMM!! GAHHHHH… HHHHHHRRRKKKK…” Her eyes narrowed with lust along with determination as she fought through the gagging, continuing to slide along his meat as she showed that despite her young age, she had clear skill and experience in the art of sucking cock.

Meanwhile, at the front of the class, Lady C peered over the top of her eyewear as she held the rim, looking at the third porn star in this film as he stepped out of his pants and showed off a fat, long black cock. [Oh? You are ‘Hot for Teacher’ as they say in the West?] She remarked, slipping off her jacket and laying it across the desk. [I suppose it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t lead by example. As their Senpai of course, you understand.] She claimed as she lowered herself down to her knees, but having to lean over as her height difference to the other women meant she was noticeably taller than the other two Joshis.

That wasn’t stopping her from getting in on the action as she took a hold of his length and guided it into her mouth to make him moan out. Starting to suck him off as she worked her soft lips up and down to get into a steady rhythm. Pumping along his rod so that she could quickly get him hard, even at the expense of her own groaning as her lips had to stretch wide to tackle the thickest, longest of the cocks the men were packing. Not that the ones the other women were blowing were anything close to average of course. But Lady C showed off her own experience too as she bobbed up and down, using her own free hand to brush her dark hair back to avoid distracting herself (but perhaps knowing too a clear view of her servicing this big dick was expected from her).

“Mmmmmph! Mmmmm! Mmmmmphh…” The woman nicknamed The Human Tower worked her head up and down that fittingly long and thick slab of meat as she applied her saliva onto him. A smooth motion sliding up and down his size while her hand switched from jerking to just holding the base with a couple of fingers. Allowing her to stuff her mouth full with his tool as she groaned around him and pushed down gradually deeper as she got more used to such a thickness. “MMMPHHH! GAAAAAAHHH… MMMMPHHHH…” Her eyes widened as the fat head of his prick hit the back of her mouth, stuffing her far fuller than she’s ever taken in her life before. Sexily choking around his member as she kept bobbing away as her saliva dripped downward along his length. The former real life teacher now pretending to be one getting naughty with a man playing the role of a student being sinful enough. Let alone this all being recorded on camera with each muffled slurp and moan being captured.

Across the ‘classroom’ the desks have been shifted a bit so that Saya and AZM and both kneeling next to one another with their exchange student studs in front of them. A Point Of View-style shot allowing the camera to capture both women deeply bobbing away onto those thick cocks as the interracial cock sucking continued. Saya leaving a big, white dick coated in her spit while AZM choked away on a dark toned, Latino cock. Both women impressively going at this hands free, just using their soothing, talented mouths to dish out the pleasure. Perhaps even a little bit of ‘anything you can do, I can do better’ coming into play as once in a while the two Queen’s Quest members glance at the other, checking to see how well and how deeply they are sucking on their respective dick.

“MMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHLLLKKK!!” AZM was wickedly going at this. Clutching onto the hips of the Hispanic stud she was fucking her face on. Allowing her to drive her mouth down into the base, pressing her chin into his balls to further smear her own spit onto him. Caring not for how soaked her school shirt has been left, giving an outline of her perky tits underneath. Deep throating like she was a porno starlet of twice her age as she kept her face pressed into his darker toned flesh. “GAAAAAAAAHHHH… MMMMPHHH!! HHHHHRRRRLLLL…” She stared up through strands of her purple hair for a long moment as she kept herself held down. Her saliva splattering all over his length as she made him moan from the snug, hot feeling of her throat all around his thickness. Eventually pulling off as she lifted all the way up and off, gasping for air before she spat down onto his bell-end. Another narrow eyed look of desire before she went back to blowing him for another round of deep slurps.

“HHMMMMPHHH… HHHHHRRRLLL… GAAAAAAAHHH…” Saya too was choking sinfully around the fat white dick she was impaling her pretty face on. Brushing her hair back over the shoulders as she worked up and down along his pole. Keeping her saliva drooling down his tool as she bobbed along his vast size. Showing off a talent for cock sucking, especially going (fittingly) Queen-size with the kind of cock she can handle. “MMMMM! HHHHMMMPHHH… GAAAAAAAAAHHH…” Able to press her nose against his crotch as her chin connected off his balls to send more spit dripping down onto her top as she deeply took him in. Testing out what her throat could handle even as it made her choke loudly from the repeated gagging. Having to pull off for some much needed air as she used both hands to pump that spit all across his poles.

Back to Lady C, and the teacher behind all of this is feasting on that big, black cock with deep slurps as she leaves her saliva dripping off his inches. Her white shirt more than splattered from the drips as she keeps her mouth smoothly slurping up and down. Not objecting to the hunk she’s kneeling in front of holding her hair as he pumps his cock in past her pouty lips. Making her groan and gag as she dished out a steady pace to match the firm thrusts she was taking. Ensuring she let out a lusty choke when he pumped forward to meet her mouth sliding down onto his pole. Keeping her saliva drooling down as they both impressed with her being able to handle this oral pumping, while he stayed nice and hard in the confines of her wet and pleasurable mouth.

“GAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRKK!! MMMMMMPHHH!!” Lady C groaned in between her chokes as she kept her mouth sliding along that shaft. Sliding her hands along his legs to actively encourage this pumping as she stared up through her glasses at the younger man using her mouth for his moaning pleasure. Showing off a set of oral skills that shows she could transfer easily to a career in JAV films after already spending time as a real teacher and now as a pro wrestler. “AHHHHRRRKKK… MMMMM! GAAAAAAAAHHH!!” She didn’t let off, willing pushing her mouth down as his dark inches pushed forward between her lips. Making her moan out around his thickness as she slobbered away onto him. Her top sticking to her modest chest from all the dripping saliva and that shameful sight wasn’t affecting her in the slightest as she enjoyed his rod.

Meanwhile, the action of the porn is really getting going now with Saya having her schoolgirl skirt lowered down, showing no underwear underneath as stands on one foot, leaning over to the side so her hands can be on top of one of the desks. Allowing the hung, white man to step beside her as he slides his dick into her snatch from the side. Making them both moan out as he pushes in and starts to thrust. Holding her leg up so she keeps her balance on one limb as she starts to rock back and forth against his motion. Working his cock in deep into her tightness as she looks back and moans with approval.

“Mmmmmm! Ahhhhh… [So big! Amazing!] Mmmmm!” Saya moans out as she bites her lower lip, watching as that thick cock ploughed in and out of her snug box, stretching her nicely and making her even disregard any concerns of being taken bareback by a man she doesn’t even know the name of. Let alone one from another land as her tight Asian pussy takes his big, white American dick nice and deep. “Ahhhhh! [So good!] Mmmmm! [Don’t stop!]” Their bodies aren’t that far off from connecting as he pumps back and forth. Moaning out himself as he works in and fucks the talented, multi-time Champion in Stardom over and over with his dick. Keeping her in position across the desk as her hair sways behind her and her nicely sized tits bounce a bit in the saliva-soaked shirt she still has on.

Just across the way, AZM is moaning out too as she’s shed her skirt as she’s mounted on top of of the Hispanic porn star as he sits on her school chair. Allowing her to swiftly raise and lower her tight body up and down on his big cock. Her thick ass cheeks slapping down into his thighs as he holds onto her midsection to keep her supported and in place. Letting her focus on bouncing on his dick to take him in balls deep while she shows off a different form of High Speed talents in the form of energetic bounces. Making her dyed hair sway a bit as she drops sharply down onto his lap before lifting up to the halfway mark before repeating the motion over and over.

“MMMMM! FUCK… AHHHHH… [Fucking big!!] MMMMM!!” AZM groans, some swearing not needing translation as she shows off how much she’s loving getting her tight pussy filled up with this fat dick. Bouncing away as the slap of her body hitting off of the man she’s on top of rings out to mix nicely with their moans in the air. Firmly working up and down to pump her snatch nicely full with his meat despite not just the height different but the fact she’s taking on the thickest, longest cock she’s ever taken. “AHHHHH! [Come on! Give it to me!] MMMMMM!! [Don’t hold back against me!]” She demands between her groans as she glances back over her shoulder, showing the camera the lusty look across her face as she rides away on that big dick. Her ass cheeks rippling as she moved up and down smoothly and quickly like it’s second nature for her to handle some cock with her snug, dampening pussy.

Not being outdone, Lady C is also treating the hung, black stud to some of her snug Japanese pussy as she’s willingly bent over the teacher’s desk with her skirt lowered down to her ankles. Moaning out as she rocks forward onto the desk as that long cock slides into her twat from behind and he holds her waist. Making her shift back and forth on the smooth top of the furniture as he groans out. Showing his own approval for how tight the rookie wrestler’s snatch is all around his manhood. Keeping her staring back over her shoulder with a look of lust as she watches his prick move in and out of her slot. Her chest, still covered by her top, pressed onto the desk as she jolts back and forth, hauled into the motion to make it more sinful that despite her height, she’s the one being pulled about by a man younger than herself.

“Mmmmmm! [Is this how…] AHHHHH… [You treat your teachers back home??] OOOOOOOH MMMMM…” Lady C groaned as she tossed her hair back, getting the locks out of her face as she stared back to watch herself getting filled up with some big dick. Not objecting one bit to being almost rag dolled against the hunk as he pulled her back and forth. Making her nicely toned ass slap off his body as he pumped firmly in and out. Stretching her tight tunnel out nicely to accept the shape of his meaty length as he ploughed in and buried himself in to the hilt. “Ahhhhhh! [So shameful!] MMMMMM… [Cocks like these will only distract…] MMMMM! SHIT!! [My students from their studies!]” She claimed between moans, impressively staying in character despite getting banged from behind by some fat cock. Pushed and pulled onto his prick as her backside connected off his waist each time he fired a fresh, stiff pump into her box.

“AHHHHH… FUCK! MMMMM…” Saya groaned out as she laid on her side on the desk, still getting pounded balls deep by a big white dick as her crotch smacked off of the body of the pornstar nailing her as he remained standing. His balls slapping off her skin each time he pumped in and made her gorgeous, half-naked body jolt back and forth. “MMMMM… [So good!] AHHHHHH!! [Such a huge cock!] MMMMM!!” She groaned in delight, staring across to watch like she’s been hypnotised by the vast length sliding in and out of her. Her head even cutely nodding along in time with the thrusts as her wet, snug pussy handles every inch of him. The former Goddess of Stardom Champion moaning out as she showed she can handle a top level fucking to match with her more than impressive in-ring ability. Taking a thrusting that would leave a normal woman stretched out for a couple of weeks.

Back to AZM, and the short cutie of the three is groaning out as she’s still on top of the Latino stud but now she’s taking a fucking instead of delivering a ride. Clutching onto him while his arms are around her slim frame. Allowing him to jackhammer his fat cock up into her snatch as she moans out in delight. Her ass rippling away as she gets rammed at a steady and stiff pace, leaving her rocking against his body as she gets used almost like she’s a living sex toy. Gasping out as she takes this action hard but still manages to keep looking back and down at the cock firing up into her. Giving the camera the clear look at the look of lust across her face as she starts to sweat from eagerly taking this wild pumping.

“MMMMM!! [HARDER! COME ON!] AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMM!! [DEEPER! HARDER!!]” She snaps, showing the feisty nature similar to her in-ring style. Moaning out as she begs for more, as if getting pounded balls deep over and over isn’t enough yet for her and her wet, snug pussy. Keeping her rounded ass clapping down as she tries, even in his firm grip, to keep shifting her hips back to ride his prick as he pounds up into her. Making them easily both moan as he fills up her snug tunnel with the repeated, stiff thrusts. “AHHHHHH… [It will take more than this…] MMMMM FUCK!! [To defeat me! Come on!!] AHHHHH!!” She groaned out, slightly slipping out of the schoolgirl character she’s supposed to be as she gets pounded by a man she barely knows, let along can’t speak the same language as. That irrelevant now in her lusty state as she gets slammed over and over to make her ass cheeks smack off his legs when he pumps upward.

“AHHHHHH!! MMMMM!! [So rough!!] MMMMM!!” Lady C groaned lustfully as she wasn’t just getting drilled from behind by a hung, black stud. Her hair was being pulled, making her upper body arch up from the teacher’s desk she’s bent over with her eyes rolling upward in delight. The thrill of an edge of pain turning her more as sweat starts to form and roll down her gorgeous face. “MMMMM… [No respect for your teacher!] MMMMMM! [So shameful!] MMMMMM!” She purred out, further showing she was loving it as the pull on her hair was used to keep her jolting back and forth. Her ass smacking off his waist as he pumped in, keeping her twat filled up with his length as the glasses she still had on shifting a pit up her nose from having her head yanked back every now and then.

The tall beauty groaned as she got stuffed full with that meaty dick again and again, while the hunk behind her happily moaned out while he drilled her with a hard and quick rhythm. That clap of her rounded backside hitting off of him ringing out as he pumped in and out of her snug Asian pussy. Putting the still newcomer to Stardom through her paces of a different sort compared to any in-ring competition she’s had so far. His moans loud and shameless as he banged her from behind and kept her body shifting to meet this thrusts. Ensuring he was going into her balls deep each and every time he sent a new, sharp pump forward into her snatch.

Across the ‘classroom’ the action was changing as now Saya was bent over across the desk she’d been laying on. Her rounded, tight ass sticking out as her Japanese cheeks were spread apart and we saw that (with the magic of editing allowing prep work to be done off camera) her asshole was shining from some lubing out. Allowing the hung, white American stud to move up behind her as he pushes his fat pick into that snug hole. Making Saya gasp and moan out as she gripped the desk with her hands. Her head tilting back in approval as she groaned when his thick inches forced in deep to her clearly tightest of holes.

“MMMMM!! [OH FUCK!!] AHHHHH!! FUCK!! [SO BIG!!] MMMMM!!” Kamitani groaned as her body jolted in reflex when he began to pump between her sweet cheeks and moaned out himself. Showing off how vice-like her back passage was as he had to use a slow but firm pace to work his rod into that hole. Completing already a tour of all of her pleasurable holes after already being balls deep in her mouth and snatch already over the course of this porno. Now getting to tap that fine, tight ass of hers as he held her cheeks apart. Not just to get a smooth entry into that rump, but so the camera filming this action got that clear shot of his meaty, white cock sliding in and out of her backside from behind.

Not being outdone, not only is AZM engaging in some anal action but she’s swapped porn stars with her ‘Senpai’ to now take on the black stud of the trio of men. Laying on the floor with her leg raised up as she groaned out, her purple haired head tilting back as that long dark cock pushed forward into her asshole from the side. The angle not preventing the man entering her from holding back as he pumped firmly and smoothly in and out of her butt. Making her moan and jolt along the floor as she stared up with gritted teeth. Treating this again like another challenge even if her moans don’t match the glares and her defiant words as her schoolgirl top started to cling to her tight and sexy body from the forming sweat.

“AHHHHHH FUCK!! SHIT!! [T-THIS IS NOTHING! COME ON!!] MMMMM!!” The former High Speed Champion claimed between her loud moans as she got fucked up the ass. Looking across with a determined glare as if this wasn’t enough for her. Even as she groaned and shifted on her side to push back against his thrusts. Helping to work more of those fat inches of his into her rear. Showing off at least that going from being banged by a Hispanic stud to taking a black man, she has no issues with any sort of interracial action no matter from what kind of big cock. “OOOOOOOH FUCK!! MMMMM!! [YOU CAN’T BEAT ME WITH SUCH W-WEAK TECHNIQUE!] FUCK!!” She gasped out when he silenced her cries with a sharp slap to her tight, rounded ass as he pumped away between those nicely full cheeks. Pumping her firmly to keep her jolting on the floor as she moaned out. Her leg clutched to keep her in place so she can’t slide too far away and has to take that big cock leaving her moaning out.

“MMMMM… [A good teacher has to…] AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMM… [Lead by example!!]” Lady C moaned out as she now got to handle the Hispanic stud and his long, fat cock. Making him lay on top of the teacher’s desk while she put her rounded, sexy ass to work by taking his length up into her asshole. Groaning out as she faced away from him, using her long legs to ease her booty along his size with a slow and steady, up and down movement. Plenty effective as the hunk underneath moaned out as she worked him over and gradually took more of those inches up into her super snug back passage. Another sinful level to this for the woman reliving her past as she roleplayed as a teacher, fucking a young ‘student’ on her desk to make herself moan from going anal.

“MMMMM!! [Nice and big!!] AHHHHHH FUCK!! [I can see why my students…] AHHHHHH! [Are too distracted with dicks like this hanging around!]” She claimed between groans as she worked her backside up and down, sliding his rod into her snug asshole to keep them both moaning out from the bounces. Her top sticking to her upper body as she put her body to work as the woman known as The Human Tower pumped herself up and down on a fittingly long cock. Groaning out as she kept riding away so that the stud underneath her just had to lay back and take it while she did all the sinful work. “MMMM… [But this doesn’t mean you’re getting off easy!] AHHHHH! MMMMM… [I’ll fail you in an instant if you…] OH FUCK!! [Don’t keep up with your studies!]” She said, staying in character as she used a hand to push her glasses back up her nose as they slipped down from the repeated bouncing she’s been doing. Making anyone watching wonder if this might not be the first time the gorgeous former real life teacher has enjoyed some action on and over a desk like this.

“AHHHHH… AHHHHH! OOOOOOOH! MMMMMM!!” Saya groaned out, her eyes staring ahead like she was dizzy from the pleasure while her gorgeous, nicely curved body rocked back and forth to make the desk she was bent over shift slightly from how stiffly she was being banged from the back. Getting fucked up the ass just bringing pleasure to her despite the fact she wasn’t even touching her own wet pussy as she took this fat white dick between her cheeks. Her plump cheeks clapping back into the stud behind her when he drove in and she rocked back to meet his stiff motion. Giving back as good as she was getting, as only expected from one of Stardom’s top wrestlers who from this performance look like she was made to star in a lewd skin flick production like this.

“MMMMM!! [BIG COCK… FILLING ME UP!!] OOOOOOOHH!!” Kamitani groaned out as her position on the desk left her stomach on the surface with her chest hanging off from the other end. Allowing her to reach under herself and finally pull her soaked with sweat top off her body as her nicely rounded tits started swaying freely back and forth. Moaning as she kept pushing back, keeping her rear filled up with meaty cock as despite his vast size she was taking him in balls deep to make him groan as she met his thrusts. “MMMMM! [MORE! DON’T STOP!!] AHHHHH!! MMMMM FUCK!!” The talented grappler begged for more, even with her nicely rounded ass clapping back into his toned, sweat-coated waist over and over as he kept drilling her from behind. Her pushes smooth and steady to ensure he always drove into the hilt into her tightness as she took the sort of pounding that even a long term porno starlet would be left aching with from deep and stiff action.

Else where, AZM has had her top removed and would be showing off her perky tits if not for the fact that they were currently being pressed down into the floor as she got her ass fucked in a prone bone position. Her tight and tiny body sliding against the smooth floor as she was held down by the black hunk above her with his hands on her shoulders. His hips slamming down, making her ass clap sharply into him as he deeply drilled her ass. Making her howl in delight in between grunts as her ass stayed nice and tight around those thick dark inches. Her pussy slowly dripping juices down to the floor as well to show off how she’s been loving getting off on her toned booty getting stuffed as the sweat rolled down her gorgeous frame.

“AHHHHH FUCK!! SHIT!! FUCK… FUCK!!” She groaned out, resting her face on the floor as she jolted back and forth as her mouth was just open to let her cries pour out. Like she was being fucked silly from the pleasure of her ass being hammered. Strands of her dyed purple hair laid across her face as she groaned out and got slammed like she was a common whore. Not even able to find her usual defiant and feisty words to taunt with as her mind was lost in the pleasure. Groaning out as her tits rubbed back and forth on the floor while her ass cheeks smacked off his crotch whenever he drove in. Like he was claiming her ass in such a way that it would take several days before her asshole returned to the tightness she once had before this orgy had gotten underway.

Lady C meanwhile had a hand furiously rubbing over her wet pussy as she shifted her position on top of the Hispanic porn star still laying on her desk. Using her tall frame to lean back over him as he held her slender waist. Allowing him to drill her ass from underneath with a series of slow and stiff slams up into her backside. Making her groan out and jolt in response to the firm motion while she kept her legs spread and worked her fingers over her slick pussy. Her shirt looking more torn open than merely unbuttoned as her modest chest was shown off, bouncing in response to her body shifting thanks to those deep pumps as the hunk underneath her happily went balls deep up into her nicely rounded booty.

“MMMMM!! [DON’T STOP! IT’S SO GOOD!!] MMMMM!!” The rookie of Stardom and to the Queen’s Quest faction moaned out as the sweat gripped from her gorgeous body. Shifting slightly against the pumps up into her asshole as she worked over her own pussy while lowering her ass down onto that fat, long cock. More than into this wicked action even as she took that big shaft into her tightest of holes better and harder than far more seasoned porno starlets could possibly handle. Her long legs nicely used to keep herself leaning back while the stud underneath her kept her in position as she worked against his thrusts. “MMMMM! [If only you put so much effort…] AHHHH FUCK!! [Into your studies as you did sex education!]” She was able to tease, showing that even this deep into the action she was still able to keep up the roleplay. Perhaps well aware of how kinky it was to be a former school teacher herself, and now be acting out that role as she fucked a hung, younger student on the same sort of desk she used to use herself.

Meanwhile, the Golden Phoenix is getting a test of a different sort now as she’s sitting on top of the white hunk she’s become more than just familiar with since this porno started filming. Stuffed on his lap while he sits on the school desk as he works that fat dick in and out of her soaking wet but still nicely tight pussy. That would be a size of dick to take on its own, but moving up behind her the equally hung black man spreads her ass apart. Pushing his cock into her back passage to double team the stunning Japanese wrestler as both her lower holes get filled up. Making her head tilt back in approval as she rocks back and forth, working against both shafts as they begin to slide in and out of her still needy holes.

“OH FUCK!! FUCK!! AHHHHH!! AHHHHH FUCK!! MMMMM!!” The sweat is pouring off of Saya’s body harder than even in any title match she’s had as she bucks against the two thrusting dicks that were driving home into her ass and snatch. Her tits sliding against the chest of the hunk she’s on top of, handling his white, fat American dick balls deep up into her slot as she grinds down against his pumps. All as that thick, black cock pounds in and out of her already well fucked asshole  to really put her through an intense, sinful workout. Making her look like she’s more experienced as a porn star to be able to handle this all than the actual men pounding away into her from behind and underneath.

“MMMMM!! [MORE!!] AHHHHH!! [DON’T STOP!!] MMMMMM!! [SO GOOOOOOOD!!] MMMMM!!” Kamitani panted out as she double penetrated as her body rocked up and down. Sending her rounded cheeks slapping back into the dark toned waist of the stud behind her. In turn, making her drop against the crotch of the man she was on top of as he kept drilling her twat at the same time. Keeping her fully filled up so that one of her holes was always taking a big fat dick deep inside. Timing their motion so that when one pumped into her, the other pulled out before the roles were reversed. And all done with her ass cheeks spread and her body raised a little bit so the camera could keep getting the sight of her asshole and snatch being rammed over and over to keep all three moaning out.

That leaves the two other members of Queen’s Quest to get more familiar with one another as AZM is face deep between Lady C’s smooth thighs as the younger beauty happily flicks away with her tongue out at the older beauty’s twat. Eagerly drinking down juices while Lady C bucks her pussy against that hungry tongue. Both of them appearing to be not just familiar with one another, but far from inexperienced when it comes to lesbian action. Already juices dripping down AZM’s chin as she keeps a hand down underneath herself. Rubbing away at her own soaking wet twat to further show how turned on she is by getting to eat out a fellow pro wrestling and the feeling mutual by how Lady C is grinding back and forth to experience that tongue.

At the same time, the tall body of The Human Tower allows her head to tilt right back, hanging off the edge of her desk as her hair hangs down. Allowing the Hispanic man to push his cock in and out of her slurping lips as even while being eaten out, Lady C makes sure to pleasure him. Bobbing up and down along his rod even at the awkward angle as her saliva coats his rod. Showing no issue either at the fact she’s engaging in some ass-to-mouth action. Tasting her own tight ass off his prick as she sucks back and forth to make him moan out as she’s sandwiched in a way between his pumps and the rapid flicking tongue of her team mate.

“MMMMMPHH!! HHHHHLLLKKK!! GAAAAAAHHHHH!!” Lady C moans between her gags. Saliva seeping out from her pouty lips and drooling down her face from the unusual position and despite the discomfort from choking she keeps on pumping her mouth along that big, dark toned cock that she’s very familiar with. Just like the beauty currently eating her out is as AZM has gone from being fucked hard up the ass to now dining on some pussy like bisexual action is a regular occurrence for her. Groaning into the taller beauty’s twat when Lady C brings her legs up, wrapping them around that purple haired head to keep the High Speed starlet pressed up into her snatch to munch away.

Saya at this point has her eyes rolling upward, lost in intense pleasure as she gets stuffed full in both of her lower holes at the same time. Her ass drilled hard by thick, black dick while her twat is rammed balls deep by a nice, big white dick. So drunk in sin that she can’t even actively rock back against either of their hard pumps. More jolting now as she gets pumped from underneath and behind at the same time while sandwiched between the two studs. Keeping her tits sliding against the blonde American’s chest as he fills up that snug, soaking wet Japanese pussy of hers. All as her booty gets pounded over and over by the hunk standing behind her as they pump deep and keep her sweating hard. Leaving her gorgeous body looking even hotter than she already is as she takes this double team.

Kamitani’s head tilts back as she lets out a loud, long moan as her body shudders between the two hunks. Making them groan out as her holes clamp around their meaty dicks as she cums nice and hard on their thrusting lengths. A good thing she’s being held up by them as she likely would have collapsed down onto the man she’s on the lap of as she experiences a high that’s easily the most intense of her life. Leaving her smiling sinfully as she licks her lips, glancing back at the man who pulls out of her ass. The hunk in her twat doing the same as the camera moves in for a wicked close up of the gaping wide state of her pussy and asshole thanks to their big cocks.

Even as tired as she is, Saya shows her impressive ability as when he’s let go, she walks right across the classroom to where the other action is taking place. Smiling as she kneels down behind of AZM and spreads her gorgeous ass apart. Sliding her tongue up that well fucked asshole while inviting herself to push a couple of fingers into the purple haired woman’s twat for good measure. Getting an instant reaction as AZM starts pushing back against the thrusts, working her rump against that tongue along with the fingers as she quickly leaves her team mate’s fingers soaked in juices.

The cock being pulled out of Lady C’s mouth so she can moan out loudly and clearly. “FUCK!! FUCK!! MMMMMMM FUUUUUCK!!” She groans out as her body arches off of the teacher’s desk that she in her previous career used for far more professional, educational purposes than this. Unable to resist the wicked skill of the younger beauty’s tongue lapping at her already dripping wet pussy. Her hips bucking as she soon further coats AZM’s talented, and often bragging, mouth with more sweet juices as Lady C orgasms nice and hard. Making AZM gag a bit from the amount of delicious fluids she’s fed as it drips down onto the desk’s surface from off of C’s thighs and AZM’s own chin. The High Speed division competitor gulping down as much as she can though, showing once more than this is far from the first time eating out another woman from her eager slurps.

Drinking down one orgasm set AZM off, triggering one of her own and easily helped along by getting swiftly rimmed and finger fucked by Saya. The knuckles deep pumping leaving juices dripping down Kamitani’s wrist and arm while she leaves her asshole coated in saliva. More than happy to help her ride out an orgasm while AZM’s moans are muffled into the pussy she’s still eating out. A chain reaction of sexual peaks and helping to make one another ride out all the waves of pleasure. Saya lift with a rather proud looking smirk on her face when she stood back and Lady C finally unwrapped her legs from around AZM’s head.

Again, with the benefit of editing we move on to just moments later and with all three of the members of Queen’s Quest down on their knees as they stare up in anticipation at the camera which is taking a POV-style shot of them. Also seeing the three studs, stroking off their fat cocks as they groan out. Targets acquired with unsurprisingly the white male aiming right at Saya, while the black cock points at Lady C and last but certainly not least the Hispanic stud is locked onto AZM. Each woman dripping with sweat but with open mouths ready for a further well deserved reward.

That soon hitting when one after another, the men start to bust a nut across those eager, pretty faces. Thick spunk first hitting AZM as she groans, catching as much as she can into her mouth but some hitting her cheeks and catching into her dyed purple hair. Lady C up next to take a load over her nose, cheek and into her mouth for a more than generous filling. Saya it seems has to stop herself from instantly drinking down her dose of spunk when it hits across her mouth. The jizz staining over her face too with a bit dripping down onto her chest. The women waiting patiently with filled up oral holes as the studs stroke out the last bits, and even aim either of the other Joshis just to hit someone with cum. Before each spent hunk steps away so the camera can capture the women closing their lips up and gulping down all that delicious spunk with shameless swallows.

“Mmmmm… [Not let this be a lesson to both of you.]” Lady C said, putting an arm around both women as they all stayed down on their knees with spunk dripping off their faces. “Ahhhhh… [Just don’t ask me exactly what lesson it was we all just learned.]” She said, before groaning when AZM on one side and Saya on the other leaned in to her and helped themselves to lick up the sides of her face to steal some spunk off of her. Turning into Lady C moving her mouth so that she can stick her own tongue out for some lewd, three-way making out as they all groaned.

And it’s with that red hot image as three sets of tongues flicking against one another that another successful video production of the Porn Wrestling Federation comes to a close. The video fading to black for the production and copyright notices are played.

* * *

I am not currently accepting suggestions, requests or ideas for future stories to write. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

Subscribers of my SubscribeStar https://subscribestar.adult/daxg2001 got to view this story early before it was published elsewhere online. If you enjoyed this story, please check my page out and consider supporting me for as low a $1 a month, with options to decide future stories and even get a commissioned story from me! Thanks for reading!
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2023, 05:33:37 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own AEW or any of its current and former wrestlers/characters. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

Featuring: Hikaru Shida (AEW)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 10

A pro wrestling erotic story.

Commissioned by [Anonymous].

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MMF, Oral, anal, inter.

*     *     *

In the late 2010s and into the 2020s, professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as their were re-branded as) being “sold” to an established porn website and film maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights of the match-based programming, and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene.  And because of global situations creating a downturn in revenue and need to make quick cash fast and in large amounts? Those contracts that had been previously rejected from promotions outside of sports entertainment soon found themselves returned and this time signed. With the air mail postage indicating they’d travelled all the way from Japan...

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation is proud to announce an expansion! Following the success of titles and videos featuring women of sports entertainment, we can now reveal agreements and deals to bring the starlets of independent and international promotions to our catalogue of XXX-rated films. We look forward to bringing you new features with women from Japan and beyond in the future.

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

All Elite Wrestling’s Hikaru Shida


Mile High Club? Holy Shida!

* * *

The video started off with a stock photograph of an aircraft in flight, with a photoshopped logo of the PWF put over the plane’s logo at the back and sides. The next scene then of the inside of a rented aircraft with the usually seen rows of seats across the craft. Nothing out of the ordinary aside from in a middle row at the back were the two male porn stars for the film. Both men hunky and white, looking to be in their early twenties and playing the park of cocky ‘Jocks’ with them clad in shorts, snap back hats and loose T-shirts. Joking with one another with some pushing and shoving as one motioned with a point down to the front of the craft.

The camera pulling back to show that alone in her own row down the craft was the lead female star for the production. Talented and beautiful Japanese professional wrestler Hikaru Shida of All Elite Wrestling. The tight bodied, slim and sexy woman dressed casually in comfy pants and a short sleeved top like she’s pretending to be ready for a long flight, with her short hair a mix of jet black and dyed red. Shida busy as she has a smart phone out, holding out and enjoying the space of being at the row next to the escape door as she films a selfie-style video with the phone. Acting like she’s recording a new vlog for her personal channel on a far more family-friendly website.

The footage cutting to that video filmed by Shida herself as she gives the camera a smile. “Hello everyone!” She greeted in Japanese, as the helpful subtitles on the screen explained what she was saying. Giving a cute wave as she talked. “So, once again I’m taking another long flight back home to Japan… And this is perhaps the most boring and empty that I’ve ever seen… I don’t think that there’s even a new film on the line-up that I haven’t seen before.” She sighed with a shake of her head. “And it’s going to be a long few hours before the next meal is served… So I think this is going to be a boring flight… The only other people on this flight are, well…” She held her phone up, showing the two younger than her, white men in the back of the plane. “Two noisy Americans… Although I wonder if they’re those kind of guys you hear about who chase after girls to give them a good time? It would certainly spice up this boring flight…” She boldly pondered out loud, perhaps thinking she can get away with it since she was speaking a different language than they understood.” Noticing that she was filming them, the two men shoved one another again before they moved out of their seats and started heading down towards the row she was in. “I guess we’re going to find out…” Hikaru smirked to the camera for a moment as she turned off the video.

The footage now switching to the usual camera as we saw Hikaru put her phone away just as the two men invited themselves to sit either side of her. “Hey, babe…” One of the men said as each man invited themselves to put an arm around the back of her. “What you doing all here alone by yourself? A sexy babe like you needs to be hanging out with a couple studs like us…” He boldly said.
“Yeah! We’re heading to the good old Land of the Rising Sun to go score with some hot Japanese babes…” The second man bluntly said, before casting his eye over her. “And fucking score, we found one right on our flight over!”
“Very confident of you both…” Shida stated to them as she glanced between the two, speaking to them in a broken style of English. “But me? I am not… Any normal woman from Japan.”
“No fucking shit, babe! You’re like, a total mega hottie!” The first man said with a grin. “But me and my bro here? We ain’t no ordinary guys either!”
“Yeah! We can totally rock your world and make you scream, you feel me?” The other man chipped in.

“I have heard that before… From men in my home land and yours…” Hikaru said, raising an eyebrow. “This flight? Is boring, right? Too long, too empty…” She mused, glancing again between the two men but her tone having a hint that she wasn’t objecting to their blunt advances.
“Babe? Wanna talk about something long?” The first stud chuckled as he and his buddy exchanged nods. The two standing up and showing that they weren’t bluffing when they, as shamelessly as it should be for a porno, pushed their shorts down. Making Shida’s eyes widen when she got a close up look at the fat, long cocks both men were packing.
“I see… Very long…” Hikaru stated the obvious as her hands reached up, taking a hold of their lengths. “Perhaps… You two can be the, how you say… In-flight entertainment for me?” She offered as she already began to stroke their cocks and get them hard.
“Babe, we’re gonna fucking make sure you get fully fledged membership into the damn Mile High Club before we touch down…” The second man said as her pumping hands easily got those big dicks nice and hard within seconds as she worked over them both.

“We shall see… If you’re ready for me…” Shida glanced between the two young studs as she stayed seated before she leaned towards the one on her left. Guiding his cock between her lips and starting to rock her head up and down on him. Instantly getting him moaning as she eased her mouth down nicely deep on his thickness. Her other hand working over the other cock to stroke him off and keep him hard while she showed off what her mouth could do on the just as sizeable shaft her lips were tightly wrapped around. Already her short, dark and red hair starting to sway as she worked up and down smoothly. Slurping along him as her own groans were heard. Happily filling up her mouth with man meat and already making it seem like this is far from her first time sucking dick.

“Mmmmmphhh! Mmmmmm… Shhhhrrrlllpp… Mmmmm…” Certainly the Asian beauty was showing zero fear at the task of taking on two younger studs and such large cocks as she bobbed and stroked in equal measure. Getting her saliva layered over one prick while her palm glided along the other to make both men moan out. Even so, she knew that it was going to take more than a blowjob and handjob to finish off either hunk. “Mmmmm… Mmmmmphhh! Mmmm! Shhhhrrrlllpp mmmmppphhh…” All the more time to enjoy herself and feast of some fat white dick as she stroked and sucked. Filling up her mouth with the first cock as she made his fat crown hit the back of her talented mouth, without even gagging for a moment as she cast a sexy, narrowed eyed glare up at the grinning stud she was blowing. As expected with him enjoying her saliva all along his inches as it began to drip down from her chin as she repeated sucked.

Even so, she knew that she had two dicks to service here so she pulled away. Taking just a brief moment to take in some air before her head turned and she pushed her lips right down onto the other length. Now her other hand moving to stroke away on that freshly blown cock so that she could work her spit all along that vast size with her fingers getting sticky in an instant from the jerking. Her mouth now busy pumping up and down as she pushed her gorgeous face down deep onto the second rod. Certainly no favouritism here to give an equal slow and steady pace to just as much test what this porno hunks could handle from her wonderful, wet and soothing mouth as she was just showing off her fantastic oral talent. Not all that surprising from a woman who stared in teasing ‘Gravure’ videos in the past.

“Shhhhrrrlllppp… Mmmm! Mmmmphh mmmmphh mmmm…” Keeping her soft lips nicely wrapped around this cock, she steadily moved up and down without that dick leaving her mouth once. Keeping the pace moving to go up to just below the crown before going back down and slurping deep. Just to repeat the motion again as she got her saliva coating this shaft as well to match the mess she’d already made on the other just as fat and long cock. “Mmmmphh! Mmmmm! Hhhhhlllpppp… Mmmmmphhh!” Her sucking loud and shameless as she knew full well she was being filmed sucking and stroking cocks in this interracial fun, but acting like the cameras weren’t there as she kept her gaze locked up at the man she was currently blowing. Rocking her head back and forth while her hand pumped away at the other big cock. Making it seem like she’s more familiar with handling big weapons like this than the Kendo Stick she’s known to wield in the ring.

Another firm round of slurps before Shida lifted away. Using both hands to stroke away at the meaty cocks as she brought them towards her face. The tips almost touching as she used her tongue to swat between the two. Quick licks for the tops of each, brushing over the slit before moving to the other. All while her palms still stroked away at the rods to slather her spit onto both. Another glance up between both men as she returned their cocky grins with a confident smirk of her own. Using her hands to grip the shafts so she could smack the fat heads into her cheeks. Groaning herself at the sensation but not feeling a sting of pain as the slapping sound rang out from the toying. Not even bothered by smearing her own spit onto herself in the process.

“Mmmmm… Not bad…” Hikaru remarked as she let go of the men. “But I can handle more than that…” She said, giving both men a confident look over.
“Babe? We ain’t even fucking gotten started with you yet…” One of the men stated as they brought her up to stand. Tossing her jacket aside to down along the plane seats,
“We shall see…” Shida didn’t object to being moved around as they made her get onto all fours along the row of airplane seating. Allowing one man to stand in front of her while the other moved to kneel behind her. Easing down her pants and showing off that, ready for her role in a skin flick, she had no underwear on underneath so her rounded backside and shaved pussy were on full display.

The former long-reigning AEW World Women’s Champion tried to glance back to see what the guy behind her was up to, but soon had her hair gripped to make her look forward as the hunk in front slid his cock into her mouth. Her gaze with a fiery stare up at him as if to say ‘do your worst’ as she didn’t move her head back from his motion. Getting rewarded as he began to thrust forward and filled her mouth up once again with his already slick with spit shaft. Hitting in deep as the crown connected with the back of her mouth to make them both moan out. Again, no gagging at all coming from her even as he fucked her stunning face with a much quicker and firmer motion than the sort she’d been doing when just blowing him minutes before.

This was still a double team however as the younger man behind her spread those nicely plump ass cheeks of hers. Diving in right for the tightest of her holes with a lean up. Flicking his tongue against her asshole and not just to return the favour of being blown just before this position. Squeezing her cheeks as he kept them apart and dined on that sexy Japanese rump. His grip allowing the camera to see the rimjob being delivered as he tongue lashed out and similar to the pace she was taking at the front wasn’t going easy on her either. The pro wrestler in the middle of these two men clearly enjoying it not just from the muffled moans she was letting out, but the slight sway of her ass as she got eaten out from the back. A sure sign already that this isn’t the first time she’s engaged in some anal play before.

“Mmmmmmphhh! MMMM… Shhhhlllrrrppp… MMMMMPHHHH…” Shifting herself between the two men, she delivered light bobs of the head along the cock being thrust into her mouth while backing her ass up against the face of the other hunk. Not just taking the action front and back but encouraging more of it as she moaned away around the dick filling her oral hole up. More saliva dripping down her chin and off from those thick inches as she pushed her lips down right as the cock was sliding forward to stuff her full. “MMMM! Mmmmmphhh… Shhhhrrppp shhhhlllppp shhhrrlllpp… MMMMMPHHH…” Even as she was getting face fucked and having her ass eaten out at the same time, she still made sure to lift a hand up from the doggy style position in order to brush her red and black hair back and out of the way. Fully aware still that this threesome was being captured on film and already putting on a red hot show as she got rimmed from behind and got her mouth stuffed at the front. Making it seem like she was just as much experienced in sex as the two hung men she was handling.

“Shhhhlllppp… MMMMMPHHH! MMMM… MMMMMPHHH…” More approving moans escaping her to vibrate around the dick between her lips as she felt the man behind her raise a hand up just to slap down onto her butt. Making the nicely generous meat she was packing jiggling deliciously from the spank but her look back was just a raised eyebrow as if to say ‘is that all you’ve got?’. Even if the stare was a little ruined by the bulge of her cheek from the cock she was being fed pushing into the side of her mouth. Soon turning back to the front so that dick could keep moving swiftly and firmly in and out of her lips. The tongue work applied to her asshole carrying on too as the man behind her pushed in to get a taste of her back passage with finally being able to penetrate her tight hole.

Saliva dripping down onto the seating she was up on as she kept moving her half-clothed body between the two men. Feasting on an already familiar dick at one end while getting to experience a far from novice tongue sliding and twisting around in her ass. Her tightness an indication that while not a virgin to backdoor action she wouldn’t just be offering up such a hot piece of ass to just any man. It would take thick, long shafts like this to really earn the right to pound her and from how the one between her lips was still rock hard after being in her damp, soothing mouth for so long? She was sure to be in for a good time with these hunks. As they were with her tight lower holes too as the man rimming her groaned with approval into her backside as he darted his tongue in and out.

“Mmmmm…” Lifting his head away, the porn star kneeling behind her rose to his feet with a grin. “Tasted damn better than most airline food you get…” He joked as he took the moment to pull his shirt up and over his head to show off his muscular upper body.
“Was wondering when… Mmmmm! You were gonna be done hogging this babe’s fine ass…” The other man said as he pulled out of her mouth.
“Ready for me now?” Shida teased, reaching down and pulling her top off. Showing her own toned body along with her perky tits.
“Hey, bro! Get her over here… I got an idea…” The man who had been blown said, as the two brought Shida not just up to her feet, but moved her out into the aisle between the seats.

“Interesting…” Hikaru remarked as she saw the men bringing the food and drink trolley down then aisle toward her. “Ah, I see…” Again, she didn’t object to being man-handled as she was lifted up onto the top of the wheeled case. Her head hanging off from one end to face the guy who’d just been rimming her. The other with his freshly blown cock now pointing at her raised up, sticking out backside. The magic of editing of this porno managing to skip ahead from the time taken by both him and the stunning pro wrestler to ready for the anal action as we now see the shine of lubrication that was across not just his big shaft but over her tight asshole as he stepped forward. Spreading her cheeks and pressing the crown of his shaft against her backdoor while at the other side of the trolley she opened wide to let the other man slide into her already well used but very talented oral hole.

“MMMMMPHHH!! MMMMM… MMMMPHHH!!” No issues of language barriers here when her mouth was gagged by a fat slab of man-meat. Allowing her moans to be muffled to an extent at least as she dealt with not just her mouth being filled up yet again with a big white cock, but now her tight, rounded Asian ass getting fucked as the man behind her eased his prick between her cheeks. Having to go slow and steady at first as even with all the lubing done and the rimjob before, it was clear how vice-like this rarely offered up hole of hers was. Plenty of pleasure though as all three of them were moaning out as the thrusts started at either end. A quicker and stiff to match pace at her head as she began the work to bob along the cock being fed into her at the front. Her hands gripping the sides of the food cart and finding the handles for support. Allowing a bit of movement so her to back her ass up as much as she could. Bent over and at the willing mercy of these two hung studs.

“MMMMM… SHHHLLLLRRPPP… MMMMMPHHH!! MMMMM MMMM!!” The beauty who held the Ice Ribbon Tag Team Championship at the same time as the Pro Wrestling Wave Championship moaned out loudly around the dick being pumped briskly between her lips. Already showing that she’s as skilled at taking on two cocks at once just as much as holding two titles at the same time. No signs of pain at all as her back passage was being spread open by that thick cock thrusting in and out of her ass, even with him being of a far longer let alone wider size than she’s used to handling. All coupled with bobbing away on a dick just as meaty so she got spit roasted between the two men. The cart she was on top off rolling just a little bit as she shifted between the two shafts. That brief movement allowing her to give back as much as she was taking as she got filled up front and back to keep both men moaning out for the ‘Mile High Club’ membership to carry on.

The pumps into her ass gradually getting deeper as her anal tunnel got used to the feeling of thick white cock driving in and out. Most normal women, including those familiar with starring in pornos, would be left struggling to walk straight for a week trying to handle this sort of stiff ass fucking. This Japanese stunner was taking it like anal sex was second nature to her. Without even having herself being touched her snatch was already clearly moist, dripping a bit against the back of the airplane cart she was bent over. Just the odd glance back to see the progress of fitting all that man-meat into her nicely juicy, rounded rear before looking back to the front and bobbing along the other prick she was taking on.

“MMMM! MMMMMPHHH!! MMMM!! SHHHLLLRRPPP… MMMMMPHHH…” The man in front of her having to use a hand to keep the short, dark and red hair of hers brushed back and out of the way. Giving the clear view of her gorgeous features being down deep into his crotch as he face fucked her deep. The spit drooling down over his balls and off her chin from the repeated thrusts and slurps as she still took as good as she was taking. Never gagging at all even with his bell-end hitting into the back of her mouth again and again. The beauty being double teamed not even sweating yet as she took on both sets of thrusts even while being held up basically off the ground on the cart.

It was only when the crotch of the man behind her finally connected into her backside that her eyes rolled upward in approval with a sinful moan to match being let out to vibrate around the dick she was still blowing. Getting stuffed nice and full with that big dick into her tightest of holes to her obvious approval. Still shifting between the two as the slap of her ass being clapped now rang out as she got filled up balls deep at both ends. Even so, nothing but moans escaping her between the loud slurps as she handed it with ease. Rocking herself back and forth to make the trolley under her rattle as it wheeled between the two men and their pumping dicks. So even with this being a two-on-one and her held off the ground she looked to still be as in control of things as the two men thrusting away into her snug, pleasurable holes from the front and back.

“Yeah! This babe… Mmmmm! Can fucking take it, am I right?” The man fucking her mouth said before he pulled out with a groan.
“No shit… I ain’t mad losing this bet…” The other stud said with a chuckle as he eased out of her backside with a similar moan.
“Mmmmm… Not tired yet, are we?” Hikaru teased as she moved off the cart. Allowing the men to step back as the cart was pushed away back up the aisle and out of the way.
“Not even close, babe.” The first man said as he moved to lay down on the floor between the seats now they had the free space.
“Good…” Shida smirked as she followed him down, mounting him and facing towards him as the other man now knelt down behind her.

The AEW wrestler only briefly reached down to line up the cock had just been stuffed up her ass now with her snatch. Sliding down and making them both moan out as he felt how tight and wet her slot was, clearly with the arousal from behind had her mouth and ass used so often so far. Her cries of delight from getting her last hole now stretched open as even with how wet she was, this was still a tight fit as she began to shift up and down onto him. Her hands reaching out as she inventively grabbed the airplane seats at either side of the aisle for support as she kicked off the riding motion. So the stud underneath her didn’t even need to hold her as she did all the work for them by gliding her tightness along that thick length as it completed the tour of all three of her holes.

She did find herself being gripped but from behind as the other man got to test out her already well fucked ass. Able to push his dick nice and deep between her cheeks before kicking off his own thrusting motion to fill her up. The moans from the Asian stunner getting louder than before as she took the double penetration to leave her lower holes stretched nicely wide and filled up far deeper than she’s had before. A grit of her teeth as she glanced over her shoulder at the smirking hunk now tapping her fine, rounded ass. Showing off the sweat now forming across her pretty features before she looked back down at the similarly, and well deserved, cocky look on the face of the man getting ridden by her tight, wet pussy.

“MMMMM! FUCK! Ahhhhhh… YES… MMMMM! So big… MMMMM…” Shida’s short, dark and red hair swung about as she shifted herself between the two hunks. Rising and dropping onto one cock while taking the other from the back. The timing of her lifts matched by the thrusts going into her back passage so that when her rump was backing up towards that cock, he was sliding into her rear to help stuff his dick nice and deep into her. All as she did the work to make sure her snatch was similarly stretched out by the fat dick she was mounted on. Occasionally breaking off her bounces to just settle down onto that length with her twat and grind down into him. Letting the stud behind her get in a quick round of pumps to work in deeper into that already fucked backside of hers as his crotch began to smack off of her skin.

“AHHHHH… Come on! MMMMM… Give it too me… MMMMM!! I want… AHHHHH! FUCK… I want those big… MMMMM! Fat cocks…” Shida dared them to do their worst as she licked her lips, glancing between the two younger, foreign men. The taunting easily working when in the next moment both sets of their hands held her toned waist. Moaning loudly falling from her open mouth when the thrusts didn’t just thrust up into her holes but slammed home into her. Making her body more jolt than actively bounce between as she got it good from underneath and behind at the same time. One cock sliding up to fill up her lower hole while the other moved back to ensure not just that she was filled up all the time, but getting it constantly good like she really was built to be better suited for a career fucking on camera than performing in a wrestling ring.

“MMMMM! YES! FUCK!! AHHHHH… HARDER! MMMMM! DEEPER! MMMM!! MORE!!” The loud moans escaped the tight bodied Asian as she got what she wanted and then some. Two big dicks slamming in and out of her pussy and ass to keep her rear cheeks jiggling and clapping from the impact of taking it from the back. Her snatch nice and wet, dripping down to coat the crotch of the man she was on top off as she focused on more grinding back and forth against him than trying to ride. Her motion working enough as both men she was taking on moaned out as they worked their pricks in and out of those tight, needy holes. “AHHHHH FUCK! MMMMM… COME ON! FUCK ME! AHHHHH YES! FUCK! FUCK… MMMMM…” Hissing between her groans as she bucked back and forth between the muscular frames of her on-screen lovers for this ‘Mile High Club’ membership. Her hands still clutching the seats at both sides of her so she could keep herself up to be used by these fat dicks. The perfect size and length not just to put her through the full works but show off her ability to handle such rough and swift action. The kind of pace that many women would struggle to handle even up to this point alone, and a body like hers would have easily finished off far lesser man long before getting into a double team position like this.

Changing her look to glance behind at the man tapping her fine, tight backside and then returning to the man under her as she jolted on his thrusting dick into her twat, she made sure both cameras capturing the action at either end of her got a fair share of seeing the look of lust and pleasure across her pretty face. A few loose strands of her dark and red coloured hair now left clinging to her cheek from all the sweat over her. Still making it seem like she could even take on double or triple the amount of men with how well she’s able to take both huge dicks into her lower holes like this. Her tightness making sure they both kept moaning out as she rocked against the hard, deep thrusts as she took it balls deep into her snatch and ass. Another display that if someone didn’t know about the Joshi career of this woman they’d just think she was another experienced porn star with the level of ability she’s showing here.

“AHHHHH! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK… MMMMM FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Although even with this great skill, she was still a woman with her own lusty limits. As shown when her head titled back as her body began to shiver with delight. Enjoying an already well earned, in more ways than one, orgasm over the cock thrusting up to the hilt into her twat from underneath. All as the dick kept ploughing into her rump from the back to keep the double team going. Ensuring she rode out every moment of that peak thanks to their combined thrusts. Giving them a test of their own with how her holes tightened to grip their shafts as she came. Yet in the end they showed off the as expected skill when they lifted her off after she finished off her high, and showed both cocks were still rock hard and ready for more. Much to her smirking approval as she licked her lips and glanced between the two.

“Still ready for more?” Hikaru asked the question she already knew the answer too. Especially when she was once again being moved into the position they wanted her in.
“You fucking know it, babe…” The man who had been deep in her pussy said. This time taking a seat in the middle of the row so that Shida and her tight, shapely ass could be lowered down onto his shaft much to both of their moaning delight. Gripping her waist to let her get used to the new position as her arms went out to the sides, gripping the tops of the airplane seats either side of her.
“Gonna pound you so good you’re gonna cream your brains out!” The other hunk bragged as he spread her legs apart to make them dangle as he shoved his own fat cock into her soaking pussy. Fresh off an orgasm and dripping wet so he could also slide in deep into her. Hitting in basically balls deep with just a gap left from his body being angled to the camera could see the position and her being double penetrated all over again.

“OH FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM YES! ROUGH! HARD! AHHHHH FUCK!!” No objections either to getting right back into the action or the rough nature of the fun as their thrusting cocks started off at a brisk, stiff pace. Making her body jolt upward as she took a hard pumping from underneath up into her ass while handling a similarly long and thick dick pounding into her pussy. Her legs shaking and hanging free as her frame shifted up and down in time with the pumps of those big white dicks to make the sweat continue to roll off her tight Japanese body. “AHHHH FUCK! SO GOOD! MMMMM YES! BIG… BIG FUCKING COCKS!! MMMMM!!” She panted out as her perky tits jiggled a bit with how stiffly she was being moved up and down to get impaled on these lengths. The slap of her rounded ass striking down into the lap of the hunk underneath her ringing out along with the smack of the other man’s crotch hitting into her thigh as her pussy got an equal stuffing to match the hammering her ass was taking. And either round of thrusts alone would be a lot more than many women, and even some seasoned porn starlets, could be able to endure.

It wasn’t like the two younger men were getting it easy though. A more than noticeable shine of moisture across their own muscular bodies as they got a workout from keeping up with the lusty needs of this Asian beauty. Their thick white lengths having to stiffly pump away into both of her lower holes, keeping her filled up with at least one of their rods at a time so she kept moaning away to put on a performance far hotter than any on-screen or stage that she’s done in the past. Groans escaping the two men as they drilled her soaking pussy and tight ass in equal measure. Having fucked her across and around the aircraft from seats to the aisle and then back but all the while she’s more than kept up with the two of them.

However at this late stage of the action she’s looking close to hitting an even stronger peak than before. One hand now off the seats and down at the top of her pussy even as she’s getting filled right up with a big cock. Rubbing furiously over her twat and working over the clit to heighten her pleasure and it didn’t seem like from the expression across her already gorgeous face like it was just to put on a show like she really was a full on porno starlet. Moaning out as she took the deep, hard and constant thrusts from both her co-stars as they made full use of her tight frame and snug holes. Her frame jolting away against them to stay impaled on the man underneath her and shifting in time with the thrusts into her slot. Leaving her just to be bounced between their members without even getting much of a chance to grind against either shaft.

There was no issue from the moaning studs at having to do all the work here and they drilled away into her lower holes. The sort of pace that would leave her holes needing a full week if not more to recover before she got fully tight once again. The sight of her going to town on her own pussy just spurring them both on to keep ramming away up into her ass and pussy and make sure she hit an orgasm even harder than the first one. The force used to make her jolt up and down on the dick in her ass even making the seat they’re on creak from the bounces as this motion was far harder than even the worst turbulence to fly through. The only focus on the minds of these three was on getting the best out of this wild round of sex, with a side order of putting on one heck of a show for the cameras still filming every moment of this shameless fucking.

“FUCK! FUCK! AHHHHH FUCK!! FUCK!!” The former AEW Women’s Champion was near panting out as her eyes were rolling upward to stare at the aircraft roof. Her hand working like, fittingly, she was on autopilot to rapidly brush across the top of her already soaking wet pussy. Just encouraging more thrusts from that white cock deep into her slot as that snug Japanese hole stayed tight around it even after all the repeated thrusts she’s taken. “UHHHH! YES! YESSSSSSSSS!! AHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUCKK MMMMM!!” She groaned out, head rolling a bit before her mouth opened up. Her tongue hanging out as the pleasure overwhelmed her and she slightly drooled. Such a lewd expression looking more fitting for a filthy hentai than on the face of a proud, talented pro wrestler as her brain seemed to get fried in delight from taking two big cocks at once.

More proof of that coming when, seeing the signs of a hard peak coming, the man pounding that pussy quickly pulled out and moved out of the way. Just in time as Shida furiously stroked away at herself while still getting fucked up the ass. Not just cumming, but full on squirting hard from a mind blowing orgasm. The spray firing out from her snatch as she moaned out and still bucked as her legs dangled away as she rubbed away onto herself. The camera edits showing almost a replay at the back of the seating in front at the other side of the escape door as the squirt coated the back to instantly stain the chairs opposite. Just more mess to add with the rest of the sweat and juices but no regrets from the filthy smile that was on her face when she finally slumped back and her hand left her twat.

But of course, there was still one more big mess to come as Hikaru was lifted off the throbbing cock that had deep up her ass. Set down onto the floor of the airplane as both men moved up close to be either side of her. Gripping their pulsing lengths as they aimed down and furiously stroked off at the sort of rhythm she’d been doing to her own snatch moments before. Just giving the chance to tilt her head back and close her eyes expectantly as she got her own thick reward from the men who had been using her.

Groaning as she felt the hot ropes of spunk raining down across her stunning face. A double helping of jizz to ensure that both sides of that face were glazed as the streaks of white stood out deliciously on her pretty Asian features. Hitting over her cheeks, nose, chin, lips and forehead with one shot even hitting across one eye. Some catching into her black and red hair at the sides of her head and up at the top. More than enough jizz that by the time both men were done unloading onto her, the cum was starting to drip off her face down onto her perky, heaving chest.

“Mmmmm…” Shida groaned, having to look up with just the one clear eye as she smirked with jizz staining over her lips. “If only… Every flight I took… Had this kind… Of enjoyable… In-flight Entertainment…” She remarked with a lusty tone as the camera focused on her cum-covered face.

The post-sex moment of joy only shattered when the sound of a tray clattering was heard. The camera turning to the aisle behind and seeing another Japanese woman filling out a flight attendant uniform nicely with her thick curves. Hands on her hips, shaking her head with a cameo appearance of fellow wrestler, the Oriental Doll, Makoto looked at the mess on the seats from the squirting and then that all over Hikaru’s face. “Again?? I’ll get you banned from flying with our airline, I swear Shida-Chan!” Makoto complained with a stomp of her foot before she turned and stormed off. The fellow Ice Ribbon wrestler clearly furious with having to clean up the mess made by another Joshi’s fun.

And it’s on that not exactly bad sight of a sway ass going up the aisle that the skin flick ends on as another fine production of the Porn Wrestling Federation comes to a close as the footage fades to black.

* * *

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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Re: Porn Wrestling Federation [Women of Wrestling do porn!]
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2023, 04:37:14 PM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, wrestlers, events, promotions etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own TJPW or any of its current and former wrestlers/characters. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

Featuring: Maki Itoh (TJPW, AEW)

Porn Wrestling Federation – Volume 11

A pro wrestling erotic fan fiction story.

Commissioned by [Anonymous].

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MMMF, oral, anal, inter.

* * *

In the late 2010s and into the 2020s, professional wrestling, and to be specific sports entertainment giant WWE was in a crisis. Bad deals, lawsuits, falling ratings and questionable booking decisions led to the world giant having to make tough decisions with personal and professional consequences. For a long time, the WWE had been a proudly PG-friendly company… But when they were approached with a very non-PG offer from a very XXX-rated business, they were left with little choice but to accept.

The formation of the Porn Wrestling Federation was a joint wrestling and pornographic promotion based initially around the entire roster of WWE Divas (or Female Superstars as they were re-branded) being “sold” to an established porn website and film-maker who working with the WWE would create a weekly TV show of in-ring action for worldwide, in fitting with the general PG way of the rest of Raw and Smackdown's broadcasts. The PWF would also however create pornographic films and scenes staring the Divas for sale, download and on-demand streaming through its adult-only website. The WWE would retain all the rights to match-based programming and would receive part of the profits from both sides of the PWF's productions.

As PWF grew in popularity (no guesses as to which side of the business was consistently making far more money than the other), so to did it start to expand with additional talents drawn from NXT, and the global independent wrestling scene. And because of global situations creating a downturn in revenue and need to make quick cash fast and in large amounts? Those contracts that had been previously rejected from promotions outside of sports entertainment soon found themselves returned and this time signed. With the air mail postage indicating they’d travelled all the way from Japan...

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation is proud to announce an expansion! Following the success of titles and videos featuring women of sports entertainment, we can now reveal agreements and deals to bring the starlets of independent and international promotions to our catalogue of XXX-rated films. We look forward to bringing you new features with women from Japan and beyond in the future.

* * *

The Porn Wrestling Federation presents…

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling’s Maki Itoh


A Squirting Simp Signing!

* * *

The video starts with a close-up of a sign on a wall, reading AUTOGRAPH SIGNING. Panning down from the brick wall to show a rather bored-looking Japanese beauty in pro wrestler and famously ‘Fired Idol’, Maki Itoh. Resting one cheek in a hand and tapping the other on a table that’s adorned with her merchandise and promotional pictures. The TJPW star and former International Princess Champion who has appeared in AEW in the past clad in a version of her signature red and black coloured sparking, Idol-themed ring attire of sleeveless top with a black bow and white trim, and a skirt with plaid-style design. Complete with wrestling boos, wrist coverings and even black bows in her hair, dyed with one half of her locks jet black and the other red, while set into big pigtails at each side of her often weaponised head.

Itoh lets out a sigh as a picture is slid towards her as she glances down, using a marker pen to sign it before looking up. A man, clearly dressed up to ham his small part in the production up, wearing oversized glasses and looking like he’s stuffed a pillow into the white shirt he has on. “T-Thank you, Miss Itoh-Chan!” The fanboy said, deliberately slurring his words to make himself appear to be one of the more unsightly members of the wrestling fanbase. “I-If you’re not doing anything a-after this signing, Itoh-Chan? Maybe I could take you out on a date??” The man grinned, looking like coming close to drooling. “I know a burger place with a good dollar menu just down the block…”

“GET FUCKED, SIMP!” Itoh yelled, slamming the picture down and making the man scramble to grab the pic and run off out of sight of the camera. “Fucking ugly Simps! Assholes!” She sighed, tapping the pen on the table again. “Nothing but fat wallets and fatter guts! Hitting on me all fucking day!” She complained in broken but foul-mouthed English to ‘herself’ but was well aware this was being filmed as she played a part. “Gonna lose my fucking mind if another of these fucking Simps tries to hit on me…” She added with a grumble, pushing herself to sit up straight as she motioned for the next person in line to approach.

The camera changes, like a proper production, to show a brief moment of a ‘Point of View’ shot to show what Itoh was seeing. A far more impressive sight for her as she saw not just one, but three handsome, well-built men now moving to stand on the fan side of the table. The trio of her male co-stars shows a selection of different backgrounds too with one being White, one Latino and the other Black. And with each man packing their toned frames into custom cut T-shirts of her mech, it was obvious they aren’t just here to fill up bit parts either.

Returning back to the front camera, Itoh smiled broadly as she looked over the three men. “Hey… You guys fucking Simps for me too, huh?” She said, standing up from the signing table.
“Heard the Cutest in the World was in town…” The White man said with a smirk as he and the others eyed her up.
“Yeah. Looking even hotter in the flesh than she does on TV…” The Black stud chipped in as the men flattered her.
“Damn fucking right! Cutest in the World is Itoh-Chan!” Maki boasted, moving around the table and putting herself in the middle of all three. “So, you Simps want a fucking autograph or something?” She shifted her gaze between all three.
“Oh, we want something more than just an autograph, babe…” The Latino hunk said with a smirk. “We want to make you fucking airtight and bang your brains out as none of those fanboys you’ve been signing autographs for could…”

“I don’t just fuck any guy I met, you assholes…” Itoh smirked, narrowing her eyes as she pushed the Latino guy in the chest. “I got fucking standards. I’m not a fucking slut.” She claimed, before breaking the fourth wall for a brief moment to give a wink to the camera. Fully aware of what she was about to do on camera.
“So, what’s it gonna take to get a piece of your fine ass, then?” The Black man questioned as the men still gazed over her.
“Get your fucking dicks out!” Maki demanded, folding her arms. “Show me you ain’t like all those other shithead Simps who ain’t got even half of what I can take!” She boldly said.

Exchanging smirks, the three men did as asked. Pushing down their pants and showing off that each man was packing a clear fat, long and made-for porn cock that would give any woman a challenge to handle just one of them alone. Never mind taking on all three at once. Even pulling off the T-shirts too, tossing them away off-set and out of the way.

 “FUCK. YES.” Itoh grinned, giving them something to smile about as she quickly pulled her wrestling top off and over her head, exposing her modestly sized but perky tits. “You are big fucking Simps!” She said with approval. Continuing to strip by pushing her skirt down, stepping out of it and showing no underwear on either so her cutely rounded ass and tight-looking, smoothly shaved pussy were revealed as well. “Well? What you assholes waiting for, huh?” She challenged, checking out their hardening dicks. “Come show me how big you Simps are for me… Fucking show me how the Cutest in the World should be treated!” She said as the men circled in as she licked her lips, showing no fear about not just taking on fat cocks of their size, but taking on three at once.

Getting her wish instantly when the tiny Asian was easily lifted all the way off the ground, and her legs were already spread wide even before she was lowered down onto the White man of the group who had quickly moved to kneel down. One limb draped over his shoulder as his mouth pressed against her snatch, making her moan out as he started to lap at her pussy. But having her tight ass spread, the Latino hunk leaned in from behind and pressed his tongue against her tight entrance there. Making her hiss in approval as she looked over her shoulder to watch him start rimming her asshole. Her backside pressed out as much as she could as he had one hand on her cheek, and the other on the far leg to ensure she was getting both lower holes licked while completely held off the floor. Already treating her like a living sex doll to be used in whatever position they wanted. Her moans showed she already approved of the sudden start to the action as she shifted as best she could between the lapping tongues while clutched in their grip.

“Oi! Simp! Come give me that big fucking black cock!” Itoh grinned, seeing the last but not least of the three bring the signing chair over. Using it to stand on so his thick, long and made-for-porn shaft was pointing at her stunning face. “It’s not just fucking singing and cursing this mouth is good for!” She bragged, before letting actions speak as she leaned in. Making the hunk moan as she shoved her mouth right down. A loud choke escaped her as she took him in so deep the crown hit the back of her mouth before she let out a sinful, muffled groan as she dragged her lips back. Already making the dual colours of her pigtails swing as she bobbed her head up and down. The stunning contrast of her pale skin and the dark tone of the dick she was blowing was clear to see as she raised her head up to the crown before pushing right down and deep to make another gag escape her.

“GAAAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHHHHHRRKKK!! MMMMMMPHHHH!!” A mix of raspy chokes and lewd moans bounced off the dick she was blowing as the former singles and tag team Champion of TJPW showed off her oral skills. Slurping along a huge dick that seemed to be a lot longer and fatter than what she was used to back home. Her eyes narrowed with desire as she drove her mouth quickly up and down, even as she made herself gag by taking far too much cock than she can handle. “HHHHHRRRRKKK… GAAAAAAHH!! GAAAAAAHHH HHHHRRRKK…” Saliva drooling down this thick mean, keeping the lucky guy taking it moaning out but with no signs of being finished off yet. Allowing her to make a wicked display of herself with the repeated, loud sucks. Not having any problem with leaving a mess over herself as the spit dripped past her lips as they fought to stay wrapped around this shaft, drooling down her chin to land onto her perky tits.

All the while as she showed off some clear experience at cock sucking, she was on the receiving end of some oral pleasuring as well. Both her tight ass and dampening pussy getting eaten out for a two-for-one special. Leaving a nice shine from the forming juices across the lips and around the mouth of the stud munching away on her twat. While her vice-like rear was getting readied for more fun to come as the man behind her pushed his equally hungry tongue in past her asshole to properly dine on her. Both men were able to lick away at her and still hold her up, leaving her boot-clad feet dangling above the floor as they used her like she was far more suited for a career in JAV films not too dissimilar to this than any Idol performances.

“MMMMMPHHH! GAAAAAAHHHH!! HHHHHLLLK HHHHRRRKK GAAAAAAAHHH!!” Certainly, the Japanese beauty was enjoying being able to feast on a massive slab of dick. Twisting her head a bit as the pigtails swung about while making the bell-end of the Black cock poke to leave a bulge in her cheek while bobbing slightly. Before soon turning back to properly plunge her mouth along that prick. More slurps and chokes left her as she left his length coated down to the base with her drool. “GAAAAAAAHHH!! MMMMM… MMMMPHH!! GAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Yet even as she gave herself this face fucking, her eyes weren’t watering up for a moment. No doubt used to enduring a lot more punishment thanks to her pro wrestling day job, so pushing through the discomfort of gagging each time she guzzled down all this dick was looking like a breeze to her. Further shown by how she was able to pull off from him and gave a wicked, sexy smile as she swatted at the mushroom head for a moment to show off her own tongue work.

“MMMM… You fuckers must be hungry…” Itoh smirked, reaching down and showing her own confidence to pat the top of the heads of the two men eating her out. “Don’t worry… The Queen of the Simps… MMMM… Will make sure you bastards are well fucking fed!” She bragged, before groaning when the man reacted by pulling away from her lower holes.

If she thought she was going to be set back down on the floor, she was surprised when they kept her lifted up, but just to make her lay on her back on the signing table without even properly sweeping off the marker pens or merch from it. “Oh? You dirty, pervert Simps wanna fuck now, huh?” Maki grinned as the position left her head hanging upside down off one end, while her legs were dangling off the other side. “Show me how you treat your Queen, you fucking assholes!” She dared them as her hair and pigtails hung down. Seeing the dicks of the White and Latino men approaching her as she licked her lips. Leaving the Black hunk, without even pausing to slap on any protection first, stepping between those legs and lining his shaft up with her box. “If you don’t treat me fucking right, I’ll… MMMMMMPHHHH!!”

Her taunting working, but cut off when the Latino hunk shoved his cock first into her already nicely used mouth. Thrusting in and out before she could try and move her head against his motion as he filled her up. Showing as much mercy as not just as she’d demanded to be done to her, but as the Joshi had been doing when sucking the other dick moments before. Her eyes narrowed not in pain but with lust as her throat began to bulge as that cock went right into her. Ensuring she not just choked loudly with each pump in, but the saliva was once again seeping past her lips. Her upside-down position meant it was slowly dripping down her stunning face along her cheeks. All as that half-black, half-red hair of hers swung back and forth as her head not so much bobbed this time, but jolted thanks to being pumped.

Of course, the former International Princess Champion was once again getting it at both ends as this trio of porn stars used her like a fleshlight. That fat Black cock she was already familiar with now pushing into another of her tight holes as he started to pump her tight Asian snatch. Already nice and wet from getting eaten out, but still proving a clear tightness to again show she’s more used to cocks far less than half this size and thickness. At the same time, showing that there’s a Size Queen quality about her at being able to handle it as the man pumped smoothly to work more inches into her box. Keeping her legs spread wide with a grip on the wrestling boots she still had on. Allowing a clear view for the cameras to watch her being stuffed on her back as she kept herself held in place with her arms out to the sides, gripping the edge of the table she was being banged on.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHHRRRKKK!!” More hoarse choking as Itoh got her gorgeous face fucked with the sort of stiff pace that many women would struggle to handle in their snatch, never mind their oral hole. Laying back and taking it with her head dangling down, rocking back and forth as that shaft pumped nicely deep. Even groaning when the other man at her front end smacked her cheek with his other cock to remind her there was more work to be done. “MMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAHH!! GAAAAAAAAAHH HHHHHLLLLKK…” Her eyes still not watering but having to close and blink as her own spit dripped down her features. Getting caught in that dual-coloured hair as the constant swinging of her locks was making strands fall out of place from her head and the signature pigtails. A messy appearance far from her worries as she got used front and back to having her mouth stuffed full while her snatch got stretched out to keep her moaning away around the cock ravaging her oral hole.

“MMMMMM!! MORE! FUCK!! MMMMMPHHH!!” Rather than sucking in air, she just called for more in the short gap as the Latino man pulled out of her talented for more than just singing mouth. Allowing the White hunk to take his turn to shove his fat cock into the horny Asian’s oral tunnel. The same sort of rough pace to ram in deep beyond just her mouth and into that tight, wet throat. Her reaction was the same to just groan in delight around him as she choked away and didn’t even try to pull her head away from the rough motion. “GAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHHHRRRKK!! MMMMMM… GAAAAAAAAAAHH!!” Those muffled moans between her chokes showed she was loving being fucked even while upside down with her head still hanging off the table's edge. Not even able to properly slurp along this latest cock but still got a thrill from being used. A fact helped by her slot getting rammed at the same time to make her slide a bit over the signing table she was laid out on. Not even fazed by the Latino of the three helping to make her face even messier by slapping his fat shaft against her cheek to smear more spit onto her.

The trio of hunks let their pleasure be known too from the loud moans as they put her through a more rough but pleasurable sort of three-on-one than the sort of ‘Handicap’ Matches she might be used to. The smack of skin hitting skin also rang out as the Black hunk getting to be the first to sample her twat was making full use of the chance to ram deep into some tight, wet Japanese pussy. Filling her up balls deep to properly resize her and make it seem like she might be more used to dicks of this vast size than she’s used to. At the very least built more like a Size Queen than a mere Queen of the Simps to be able to get railed like this. The force of those pumps stuffing her snatch even making her perky tits shake a bit as she took every thick inch. Helping to keep her shifting on the table while her head hung off the other end to jolt along the cock thrusting into her at that end.

“MMMMPPPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHHRRRLLLKKK!!” For her credit, she wasn’t showing any favouritism to any of the dicks in this interracial foursome. All too happy to choke away on whichever dick was offered to her as her hot, wet mouth now left the White dick of the three soaked in her drool. Almost matching the lathering she’d left over her own face and forehead from her saliva dripping back down herself. Even falling down to the floor below from the drips that didn’t end up catching in her hair. “HHHHHHRRKKK!! GAHH GAAAHHH GAAAHH HHHHRRRKKK!!” Just constant choking without showing any signs of hard pain as she allowed her mouth to be used like a living fleshlight to take those inches nice and deep in a way that would leave even seasoned Idols without a voice for a solid week. She was just looking like she was getting warmed up as drops of sweat began to form on that tight body of hers from taking it at both ends deep and hard.

When the White guy pulled out of her mouth, she just loudly groaned. Grinning broadly as the two dicks were
 presented to her as she, even while upside down, swatted her tongue between them in between gasps of air. “MMMMM… Come on! More! FUCK!!” She demanded, groaning as the man who had been fucking her pulled out. “I want all these big fucking cocks in me!!” She almost growled as she impressively showed how tough (or was that just how built to be fucked?) she was by pulling herself up. Wiping her spit from her eyes as she hopped off the table. “Show me how bad you fucking shithead Simps wanna break me the fuck apart!” She dared, glancing between the three rods that were still rock hard and as ready for more as she was.

A slight edit in the film as we now go minutes later. Seeing the Latino of the trio of co-stars now laying on the table lengthways but with his legs half off the edge of it. Allowing the other two men to lift the tiny Asian beauty up and onto his cock. Impaling her and not just down onto his thickness, but making her tight, rounded ass be stuffed as she was eased down before he reached up to grip her waist. Those playing back the footage would see from the brief sight of her asshole and the shine over his dick that some lubing up had been done ‘off camera’ to make sure that even with how filthy and shameless she was, her tight booty was well prepared for more rough fun. That was proven by how she not only leaned back to grab the edges of the table on either side of him for support but spread her legs invitingly wide for the other studs.

That offer was taken up as the White man moved up to between those limbs, able to slide his big dick in nice and deep into her already soaking pussy to take advantage of the prior pumping her pussy had so expertly taken. Allowing him to get in balls deep in just a few thrusts before both men in her lower holes timed their motions just right. One thrust in to fill up their targeted hole right up while the other eased a few inches out, just to slam up firmly as the other stud pulled back but never fully from her. So she was already getting filled up at one point to go from these men having licked these same holes earlier to now fucking her for some interracial double penetration. The sort of action that most normal women, let alone plenty of singing Idols or pro wrestlers would struggle to take.

But the woman nicknamed The Cutest in the World barely had the time for her shameless moans to be properly heard before her remaining hole got filled up too. The dark-skinned stud used that signing chair to make sure his dick was in line with her head as he reached over and grabbed both swinging red and black pigtails to turn her face towards him. No objections and she was even able to stick her tongue out as his cock once again enjoyed her talented and wet mouth. Not allowing her to bob under her own power though, but her groans showed she didn’t object, as he used the grip of her locks to pull her mouth down along his prick whenever he thrust in. Not matching the timing the other porn stars were doing but using her mouth for some more fun as he made her gag and groan around his inches once again. In the process making her taste not just delicious cock, but her own sweet pussy juices from off that thick man-meat as well.

“MMMMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! HHHHHHRRRLLKK!! MMMMMM!!” A lot more loud, but still muffled, moans here as she got each of her tight holes filled right up to make her stunning Japanese body become airtight. The plunge into her mouth now made sure she was being put through the works to keep her sweating and she moaned out and bucked between their thrusts. Her already saliva-wrecked hair was now tightly clutched to make her bob along one fat cock, leaving drool all over it. While her snatch and ass got stuffed with a similarly stiff and smooth pace. A rather merciless pace from the three men, as fitting for the infamous foul-mouthed beauty who can clearly handle it. “HHHHHRRRKK!! MMMMM! GAAAAAAAAHHH! HHHHRRRRKKK!!” Taking this ramming in her snatch, ass and mouth all at the same time as once again saliva was dripping from off her chin. A mess being left on herself far from being a concern as she focused on taking all three of these hung hunks all at once. Best (or could that be worst?) of all not even needing to do any work as she was letting her body and holes be used for their pleasure like she was just a hired slut here to get them off.

It was working from the grunts and groans each man was letting out as they pumped away deep up into their selected hole. Her ass might lack the cushion compared to other Joshis but the tightness of a clearly rarely offered-up hole was more than making up for it. Being able to handle such a massive slab of dick inside her was a bonus too as her cheeks were made to clap when the stud underneath her stiffly thrust up into her asshole. Matching how her pussy was getting claimed balls deep by another dick to keep her spread legs dangling from the jolting her frame was doing against these two hunks ravaging her lower holes. Her mouth got a similarly hard workout too as the man who had been blown already by her made sure to get the same fill the others had. Pounding not just into that soothing oral hole, but invading her throat for good measure. Ensuring that his prick was coated in her spit to match the soaking from her juices the man buried into her twat was getting.

“MMMMM! MMMMPHHH!! GAAAAAAAAHHH!! MMMMMPHHH!!” More muffled groans and raspy gagging as the former Princess Tag Team and International Princess Champion in TJPW showed off a talent of a different sort that could easily win her plenty of adult film awards. Getting almost rag-dolled between these three men as they pounded her tight, pleasurable holes to leave her perfectly stretched. Her passages from oral, anal and her love tunnel gripping the thick lengths thrusting away into her but resized right now to a point that if she let anyone, Simp or otherwise, get a piece of her she’d not feel anything even half the length of thickness of these big cocks for well over a week. “MMMMMPHHH! HHHHHHRRRRKKK!! GAAAAAAAHH!! HHHHHRRRLLL…” Saliva dripped off her chin and from the dick thrusting between her lips, leaving splats hitting over her bouncing, modestly-sized tits. Her pigtails were still firmly gripped, looking quite a mess themselves just about held in place by the Idol bows in her hair and more than a few strands across those black and red locks now out of place.

No worries about any language barrier here, even as filled with cursing as Itoh’s grasp of the English language is. Just loud moans filling the air and the constant slap of skin hitting different toned skin as the beautiful ‘Fired Idol’ got made nice and airtight from the combination of three huge cocks. One for each of her snug holes to drill in deep to leave her ass, snatch and mouth stuffed. Yet even as she was bucked back and forth against all these shafts and with a shine of moisture all over her, she didn’t look even close to being ready to call this action off. Her eyes burned with lust as she glanced between the three men, not even caring who their names were, as she let them give her the kind of action that some of her Simps in the wrestling world could only dream of seeing, never mind being a part of.

“MMMMM…” Maki groaned out, gasping to take in air when the cock was pulled from her mouth. “FUCK YES! MORE! COME ON, YOU FUCKERS! ASSHOLES!! MMMM!! BIG COCK FUCKING SIMPS! YESSSSSSSS!!” She yelled out as for a moment the sight of her just being railed with some double penetration action was shown off. Her messy pigtails swung away as her body jolted up and down as she took those pumps into her lower holes. “MMMMM! I’M NOT… AHHHHH FUCK! SHIT! FUCKING DONE WITH YOU… MMMMM FUCK!! SHIT HEADS YET, YOU FUCKS!! AHHHHHH FUCK!!” Licking her lips as she took those balls deep pumps. Her ass was still nice and tight around the dick underneath her while her twat left the cock thrusting into her at the front soaked down to the base with her arousal. A long groan left her when the two men finally pulled out of her but kept her held up with spread legs for a moment so that the camera could capture the wicked sight of both her gaping snatch and asshole.

“Not done yet, right Simps?” Itoh grinned. Not objecting again as she was lifted off the table, and not even set down on the ground as she was yet again held completely off the floor. Moaning when the Black stud of the three held her from behind. Pushing his big cock up into her already well fucked ass to leave her mounted as he even gripped her legs by those wrestling boots she still had on. “What? Two dicks in the one hole?? You nasty, fucking dirty Simps!!” She remarked as the two other men didn’t even go for chairs as one moved in from the left side, the other the right and their target was to not just fill up her snatch, but go for a two-on-one for a DP of a different sort than she’d shown. Her teeth grinding together as even with how filthy she is, this seemed to be a new experience for her to watch not just one fat cock, but two get pushed against and then into her soaking pussy.

“AWWWWWWWWWWWW FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” That dark and red coloured hair of hers swung back as her head tilted in lewd delight as she took three dicks at once, but only filling up those lower holes in the process. Leaving her mouth free to unleash even more filth than usual as she cried out in pleasure from being made airtight in a whole new way. Really getting used like a living sex doll now as she got held up in place and now had to take their stuff thrusts. One cock pounding into her tight ass, with the other two pumping in and out of her dripping, stretched to the limit pussy. “FUCK! FUCK!! AHHHHH FUCK!! YES! FUCK!! MORE!! AHHHHH FUCK!!” She panted as her head finally tilted back, leaving her eyes staring through strands of hair to watch the two cock ravaging her pussy. One eased back as
 the other pumped in before the roles were switched, and each got her juices dripping down as her arousal got turned up to a whole new level with this position.

“FUCK YES! FUCKING YES!! MMMMM!! FUCKING RUIN ME! BREAK ME, YOU ASSHOLES! COME ON! FUCK THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME!!! AHHHHH FUUUUUCK!!” The former member of the LinQ Idol group was even begging for more as she took the kind of triple team that even seasoned skin flick stars would think twice about. Her tight Asian body getting bucked up and down once again but now on a trio of dicks that entered her from underneath. One fat Black cock slammed to go balls deep up into her ass, while the White and Latino ones settled (like there was any true second place with this encounter) for stuffing as much of their inches as they could fit into her overfilled pussy. And neither of them cared that their manhood was pressed and grinding into another man’s inside of this hot wet pussy as they double fucked that hole. Sweat dripped off her nose and the rest of her exposed body as she showed off skills far removed from any singing or dancing performance but looking like she was far more suited to be railed hard like a sex addict than any other career path.

This kind of triple team (and nothing to do with the kind she’s used to performing during any wrestling match) would easily render any normal woman unconscious from just trying to take three huge dicks like this, let alone from this level of thrusting pace and the length this action has gone on for. But she’s taking it like a true pro, and giving this trio of studs more of a workout than perhaps they were even expecting. A healthy shine of sweat on their different toned frames as they grunted out between moans. Filling up her lower holes with those meaty dicks, ensuring her snatch was double stuffed and her back passage rammed balls deep. Giving the sort of performance needed to satisfy the woman who has competed across the Pacific for TJPW in her homeland and AEW in the United States.

“AHHHHHH FUUUUUUUCK!! FUCKING YES!! FUCKING FUCK ME! BREAK ME!! AHHHHH FUCK!! YOU FUCKS! BRING IT! FUCKING RUIN ME! FUCK ME WITH THOSE FAT FUCKING COCKS!! AHHHHHH!!” She was still yelling and demanding even at this late stage. Hair clinging to her face and her pigtails flying about as she was rammed up and down to take three cocks at the same time. Her snatch stretched to a limit she never knew she could handle thanks to two equally thick lengths pounding into that dripping love tunnel. All while her cutely rounded ass took a hammering to leave her cheeks slapping against a dark-skinned crotch over and over again. “UHHHHHH! FUCK! DON’T STOP! FUCK! MAKE ME FUCKING CUM! MAKE ME… AHHHHH! FUCKING CUM YOU FUCKING BASTARDS! SHIT HEADS!! AHHHHH! YOU ASSHOLES!! MMMMM!!” Her unique brand of compliments for getting the hardest action of her life was working as all the men did as she demanded. Pumping away briskly and firmly to keep her getting triple stuffed, and one of her holes getting a double team in its own right. Not even getting to freely bounce on any of these dicks as they used her and that gorgeous body like their own personal fleshlight. Pumping her up and down as they thrust as far into her slot and back passage as they could get with those fat inches.

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!” Even more filthy than her usual social media posts, and sounding a whole lot hotter with the burning tone of lust in her voice to sound even better than the Idol song she’s done. Certainly from the sweat rolling off her this was more intense and energy-sapping than even title or tournament matches she’s been a part of. Now reaching the point of trying to keep her brain functioning against the building, intense pleasure as her eyes began to gaze upward. Her mouth hung open to pant out with a flick of her tongue for a lewd, shameful expression. The telling signs that even with how far from pure she is, even a wicked beauty like her has her limits. “FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUCK!! AHHHHHHH! AHHHHHH!! FUUUUUUUUUUCKKK!!” She almost howled out. Thankfully her co-stars were well experienced at knowing when a babe was about to cum. The two men in her snatch groaned as they pulled out of her, moving to the sides and taking over to hold her legs far apart as they turned her slightly, making her deliberately face the signing table.

That allowed the Black man, still fucking her ass with stiff, balls-deep pumps, to reach his hands around and work over the top of her pussy with quick strokes. The combination was perfect even at this late stage as Maki Itoh’s ahegao expression stayed plastered on her sweat-dripping face. Made to not just cum, but show how mind-blowing this best action of her life was, but a full-on squirt. Making a big mess with the spray shooting out of her twat, splattering onto the merchandise and T-shirts all over the table she’d been fucked over earlier on. No regrets from her as the wide smile on her face showed while her tongue dangled out the side of her mouth. Left held up and panting for a while as the cock was pulled from her ass, and needing the grip of all three as she nearly slumped forward when set down on the ground, having to be helped to her knees as she sucked in air.

“FUCK… You fucking Simps!!” Itoh stayed grinning, able to push up and stay on her knees as she looked up. Seeing the three men gripping their cocks and stroking off as she brushed back some of her messy hair. “I guess you assholes deserve a reward… Do it!” She dared, glancing between the shafts. “Fucking drown me! Wreck me with your fucking cum… Like your cocks ruined my fucking holes!” She demanded with another sexy but lewd smile.

Fitting for a woman who was looking like she should be starring in JAV productions than pro wrestling, this film would end with some bukkake treatment. Turning to the left as the Latino man was the first to blow. Grunting as he stroked off and painted that side of her face with thick ropes to coat her cheek, nose, chin and mouth. Spunk caught into her pigtail at that side as well as the rest of her hair. Before just about turning to the right side as the White man took his turn to shower the other hand of her face with more spunk even as the other man wiped the last of his onto her pigtail. Groaning as she took more jizz across her features, having to close an eye when a rope landed up across it and into the fringe of her hair across her forehead.

Resisting the urge to lick her mouth clean as the Black stud moved in to finish the already messy job left over her. Deliberately aiming up high, shooting spunk over the hair at the top across both the dark and red side, even hitting into one of the bows holding her pigtail in place. Aiming the rest of his spunk down to add to the coating over her nose, cheeks, lips and chin. So much jizz that even before he’d started unloading it was dripping off her features to land across her chest. His load left her groaning on her knees when he stepped away and the camera moved in to capture that triple covering. Proof perhaps that it would take three men (and possibly more) to properly satisfy a woman like her.

“Not fucking bad, Simps…” Maki said, lifting up a hand to use a middle finger to wipe away the cum from her eye so she could look up directly at the camera, happy to break the ‘fourth wall’ now the action was done. “So, how about that fucking autograph now, huh?” She said, before sticking out her tongue. Doing a far more lewd version of her signature in-ring, middle figure pose to the lens. Made even lewder with not just her digit being coated in cum, but her face as well as she did the pose. A fine sight to bring this Porn Wrestling Federation production to a close as the scene faded to black before the final notes and copyright notices were played.

* * *

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.


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