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Author Topic: Tokusatsu What If...?  (Read 2822 times)


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Tokusatsu What If...?
« on: July 06, 2022, 02:31:42 AM »
The multiverse is a large and weird place. A place where Rangers and Riders can live very different lives. Like Fossil Revice or harem Shinkenger...but who watches to make sure these worlds are not in over their heads? Kamen Rider and Super Sentai are owned by Toei Company, Ltd. Power Rangers are owned by Hasbro. I own nothing but the idea and any OC I create in this series.

Chapter 1

“It’s about time that you showed up,” a red figure said as he stood in a blank white void of a space. A female voice chuckled.

“Lonely red boy?” she asked.

“Not really,” another male voice said, stepping next to the first.

“Looks like I am late after all,” she said, sighing.

“Having trouble...Master Pink?” the first one asked.

The pink Morphin Master looked at the other two that were there. “Nothing that you can help with...AkaRed,” she said with a sigh.

“Trouble in paradise between the two lovers,” the third figure joked.

“We are not lovers Henshin Master. We just share powers of sorts,” AkaRed corrected.

“And if you must know bug boy...the knowledge we all bear is getting hard to deal with right now,” she said, thinking about it.

“What are you talking about with this bug nonsense? The current Kamen Rider is a T-Rex,” he said with a smirk you could hear.

“We now see where Tsukasa got his ego,” AkaRed said. Henshin Master looked at him.

The three that were gathered are three that have the powers of those that came after them. AkaRed is the embodiment of all the red fighting spirits of Super Sentai throughout the multiverse. Master Pink is a member of the Morphin Masters that oversee all Power Rangers in the multiverse. And finally the Henshin Master, the one that was overseeing all Kamen Riders in the multiverse.

“It is this mess with my charges,” Master Pink said, looking at them.

“The fact that, unlike us, your ownership keeps changing?” AkaRed asked, looking at her.

“In the words of Thanos: Why are we cursed with knowledge?” Master Pink asked.

“Because we see everything,” Henshin Master said, looking at her.

“Fine! But would someone fix the continuity problems we have?! Seriously it’s like they stopped caring and just throw stuff at the wall and see if any of it sticks with the times we are in!” she yelled.

“It will pass with time,” AkaRed said, patting her arm.

“I sure hope so,” she growled.

“Anyway, back to what we are gathered for,” Henshin Master said and waved his hand. Images of multiple things appeared before the three. A place where Luka Millfy was the Captain of the Gokaiger and was Gokai Red and Marvelous was Marvie-chan and Gokai Yellow. Another with a female Kabuto playing video games. A collection of female Power Rangers protecting a man that they were dating. And a team made up of Riders and Sentai, made by the tragic deaths of all their friends.

“Watching the multiverse,” Henshin Master said as they looked at one of the screens that showed a post-apocalyptic world. One where it was ruled by demons.

* * *

Igarashi Ikki looked on at the wasteland that was his life. It had been like this for as long as he could remember. His father, who had been a test subject to an evil organization, became the almost literal son of the devil. And he hated that fact. His father had met his mother shortly after his experiment. And tried to run from the demon inside.

He got married and had three kids. Ikki, his little brother Igarashi Daiji, and their sister Igarashi Sakura. They had a little bath house and were so happy. It was perfect. And thinking about it made Ikki take a swig from the bottle he was carrying. “Ikki you shouldn’t drink so much,” he heard.

“Shut up Vice,” Ikki said taking another swig. And then Ikki’s inner demon popped out and looked at him.

“Ikki...” he said, looking at him. He looked at the wasteland again. The mid-afternoon sun slowly sank.

“We better get moving. The demons in this area get really active at night and we have a journey to Sakura,” he said getting back on his bike not caring about a helmet. And took off heading toward his little sister.

* * *

He passed by the first sign of life he had seen in days. A man-made guard tower. Cleverly made in a way that you wouldn’t think that it was man-made but simply bits of debris. It looked like it was a school bus that was destroyed and spiked into the ground with pipes and rebars jammed through it. That was for the human lookout. Ikki only just spotted him.

Demons wouldn’t be able to see him unless they wanted to have a little fun. And going by the number of destroyed vehicles nearby they did every so often. Ikki rode past him knowing that he was near settlement Weekend. The name that Sakura had given it when she formed it.

He found the secret hidey-hole entrance to the settlement proper. And drove through it. To the guard and any demons that might be watching, it looked like he had just disappeared into the wrecks. And then he went back to watching for demons as night started to fall around them. Hearing roars and laughter all around them. Hoping that tonight would be a quiet night.

He found the parking for working vehicles pretty quickly. Found an empty spot and parked his bike. “You looking forward to seeing Sakura-chan?” Vice asked.

“Shut up, Vice,” he said, getting off the bike.

“Back again?” he heard from the garage entrance. He looked and saw Hana. Sakura’s girlfriend for what it mattered in this place.

“Where is my sister?” he asked her.

“With Komi right now,” she said, looking at him.

“I don’t care what their names are. Just say she is having sex,” Ikki said, walking passed her.

“Well, I care what their names are!” he heard. And they’re not far from the garage stood Sakura in a silk robe. A woman Ikki could only guess was this Komi kissing her neck. He looked at her. It had been a while since they had seen each other.

Sakura was always having sex with the people of Weekend. Men or women didn’t matter. She was always happy to explore their kinks too. When she formed this settlement right after her 18th birthday that was all she wanted from her people. Sex, sex, and more sex. Now she makes sure each member of her settlement is happy. Not just satisfied but happy. Encouraging them to date amongst themselves. Have children and live as best a life as they could.

Ikki admired her for that. Somehow she found a path away from the darkness. Thinking about the past made him want another drink. “Where do I get something to drink?” he asked her.

“Nowhere around here,” Sakura said to him.

“What?” he asked her.

“You heard me Ikki-nii. Komi sweetie could you go with Hana. I know that you had your eyes on her,” she said, with a smile. “If you ask nicely maybe she will indulge those fantasies,” she said in a whisper and a smile looking at her girlfriend.

“Only if you allow ‘Mommy’ to join us,” Hana said with a smile as she kissed Komi’s shoulder making her go red in the face.

“Oooo. Film it and you have a deal,” Sakura said with a smile and then kissed Hana lightly before she left with Komi.

“ ‘Mommy’ ?” Ikki asked her.

“Kiyo, a girl here, resembles Mama when she was young. I remember finding those files when I was a kid with her pictures in them. It gave me so much joy to see her face. So when I found her I decided to call her ‘Mommy’ when we have sex,” Sakura said, looking at her brother.

“Cute. Now drinks,” Ikki said, looking at her.

“I said no Ikki-nii,” she said, stamping her foot.

“Common Sakura,” he begged of her.

“Your other sources dry up did they?” she asked him.

“I have places to be,” Ikki said heading to his bike.

“NO, WE DON’T IKKI!! ” Vice yelled at him. He turned to face his inner demon. “ AND DON’T TELL ME TO SHUT UP! I HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE WATCHING YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF FOR ALL THESE YEARS!” he yelled. Sakura felt that he must have been talking to Vice right now and let Vice say his piece to Ikki.

Ikki then pulled out a stamp and stamped his chest. Vice became solid and his own man. “Now you don’t have to watch...Vice,” Ikki said getting to his bike and starting it up again and leaving Sakura and Vice standing there.

“IKKI!” Vice yelled as he drove off.

* * *

Ikki drove out of the base with nowhere to head to. Sakura was right all his other sources had dried up. He needed a drink to drown his memories. Even now he was remembering the day it all ended. The day his father’s inner demon Vail, found them at the bathhouse. Ikki was a five-year-old little boy, Daiji not more than 3, and Sakura was just a baby when he showed up.

Ikki was so scared when he showed up. He couldn’t even fight. That was also the night when he first saw Vice. Vail killed his mother and took his father away from him. If Vail hadn’t noticed Vice he might have killed Ikki and his siblings. But he realized that each of the three Igarashi siblings was part demon thanks to Vice. Thanks to that he took each of the three of them with him. To Gifu. For lack of a better word their grandfather.

There they watched as Vail using Gifu’s power destroyed the world. Taking everything from that world and wrecking it. The three were named heirs to the throne. Upon realizing what this meant Ikki escaped with his sister and tried to make a living away from the evil bastard that was Gifu. He would have taken his brother too. But...Daiji bought into all of that heir crap.

He stopped his bike and looked up into the starry sky. “Fancy meeting you out here...Ikki-nii,” he heard. He looked over and saw the face of someone he hadn’t seen in so very long.

Daiji was standing there in front of a small army of Gifu Junior with him. “Daiji...” Ikki said, looking at him.

“What no hug for your little brother, Ikki-nii?” he said with a smug smirk.

“Still with Gifu, I see,” Ikki said, seeing the army.

“Why wouldn’t I be? We are part demon,” Daiji said with a chuckle.

“Okaa-san was human,” Ikki said looking at him.

“So?” he asked.

“So you shouldn’t cut that part of yourself off asshole,” Ikki yelled. Daiji chuckled at this.

“Okaa-san is dead Ikki-nii. Gifu and Vail are alive. Facts are facts. She was weak and frail. They are strong and in control. Now because Gifu is not yet willing to destroy the little deserter we have a mission to see to.” Daiji said as he and the army he was with started off. Ikki noticed it was in the general direction of settlement Weekend.

“What are going to do?” Ikki asked not sure he wanted to hear the answer.

“Not that it matters to a loser like you Ikki-nii. But there is a human settlement somewhere around here,” Daiji said a sinister smile creeping onto his face. “Want to stop us and fail again...Ikki-nii?” he asked and laughed and left him like that.

Ikki watched as he walked away. Knowing that Sakura was in that direction. And that the settlement Daiji was talking about was more than likely Weekend. Should he go back and help...or should he not and save himself the pain of failing again?

* * *

“Are you alright Vice?” Sakura asked. She had gotten dressed. Something she rarely did since she made this settlement. And took them to her private quarters. A place where she had had a lot of fun with everyone in Weekend. She made it not just for sexual gratification. But to learn more about love in general. That is why she named Hana her girlfriend. She found Hana to be something more than everyone here. Male or female. She found comfort in her love and trust. She thought she could understand how her okaa-san felt about their father.

But right now she couldn’t think about anything other than her brother. She never thought that he would more or less release Vice. His inner demon. If Gifu knew he would kill him for just being a human. That was the only thing that was keeping even her safe. She hadn’t met her demon yet. She learned that it will come to her when she is at her lowest point. Like when Vail came to the bathhouse for her brother. Right now if her brother was caught without Vice...he was nothing more than the humans she slept with.

“I-I don’t know Sakura-chan,” he said to her.

“Were things getting that bad?” she asked.

“I don’t know how to answer that. Ever since he was a child and unable to make the contract with me to protect you and the family...he blamed himself. As he learned more about demons and stamps. Seeing the world that they were making. He wanted to save his family this time,” Vice said.

“That was the night he brought me here?” Sakura asked.

“Yes...but Daiji wouldn't come. I think that was the final straw. He failed again to save his family. Daiji believes that crap that Vail has fed to the three of you,” Vice said slamming the table. “And he started drinking after that,”

“You don’t believe in that stuff yourself?” Sakura said with a smile.

“Sakura-chan...I am part of Ikki. I feel the same way as he does in so many ways. But I never felt as helpless as he felt twice in his life. Not until he started drinking,” he said. At that point, they heard an explosion from above them.

“SHIT!” Sakura said, knowing what was happing.

“What?” Vice asked. As more explosions and alarms went off causing the people to become very scared.

“You noticed the vehicles littered around up top, right? Well, a few of them are recent. I had a feeling that we might have to move in the next couple of days. But I thought we had more time,” she said, looking at a box in the corner of the room.

“What is that?” Vice asked as she grabbed it.

“Something I don’t know if it would work for me,” she said, looking at him. Knowing that if Ikki were here she might have a better chance to get everyone out safe. “Please for Ikki-nii’s sake get out of here safe. If they figure out you are his inner demon he is as good as dead if they find him,” she said.

“Sakura-chan, I am part of Ikki...which means you are MY baby sister too,” he said to her. “And there is no way I am leaving you.”

“Try not to get caught then,” she said placing a hand on his helmet. “Nii-san,” she smiled at him.

* * *

“Look who we find here. Sakura-chan this is a family reunion like the humans say,” Daiji said with a smile seeing Sakura as she walked out onto the field where she saw a few of her lovers hurt and injured. Lay on the ground moaning and hurt.

“Daiji...” Vice and Sakura said. Daiji couldn’t see Vice right now. But Vice was already thinking about stepping in and fighting for his little sister.

“No hug for the older brother that can take you back to where you belong?” he asked.

“Belong?” Sakura asked. “How dare you, you little pri-” Sakura said, trying to charge him. Opening the box as she went. But the Gifu Junior grabbed her sending the driver that was in that box skidding across the floor.

“SAKURA-CHAN!!!” Vice said rushing the Gifu Junior and fighting them off sending them flying. Freeing her from them.

“A demon?” Daiji asked, seeing Vice helping her to her feet. “Your’s Sakura?” he asked her.

“NO!” everyone heard a voice. Everyone turned to look at the source. It was Ikki. Standing there looking at his brother and the army he had brought to destroy Weekend. He had also bent down and picked up the driver. Remembering Vail had one like it. “He’s mine,” he said and clamped the driver to his waist.

Vice returned to his ghost-like body and was drawn back into his body. Which he didn’t expect. He pulled up the stamp that he had been given since he was a kid. The same one that he had used only a few hours before to free Vice. And pushed the button. “Fossil Rex,” it said he breathed on the stamp and then stamped it down on the pad on the driver. He then inserted it into the slot next to it.

“Henshin!” he said and flipped the stamp so that the stamp pad was showing to the crowd. Vice as a ghost holding a giant version of the stamp hovering around him. He then stamped Ikki as he waited for the finish of the henshin. He became a grey and white Kamen Rider...Vice also became a Kamen Rider. This was different then Vail. He possessed their father as Kamen Rider Vail.

“Two Kamen Riders?” Daiji asked them.

“No Daiji,” Vice said fist-bumping Ikki.

“ONE Kamen Rider Split in two, Kamen Rider Revi,” Ikki said.

“And Kamen Rider Vice,” Vice said.

“And we are KAMEN RIDER REVICE! ” they said together. And the two of them went after the Gifu Junior. Revi kicked one of them so hard that he face-planted into the ground. And Vice manhandling a bunch of them with ease. Before long they were all destroyed and they looked up at Daiji. Who just grabbed one of the people on the ground. Sakura recognized her as Namiko one of the women who were part of her security force. Sakura thought about her. Her laugh and the way she would stick out her tongue playfully when Sakura caught her flirting with someone else.

He stamped her and out popped a demon. “I’m not done yet Ikki-nii,” he said and grabbed another survivor. A man this time Sakura recognized him as Shiro a man who claimed every time that they were to make love he was going to make her love him more than any other man here at Weekend. And stamped him too. And another demon popped out.

“Ready Vice?” Ikki asked as flipped the stamp again and again so that he powered up an attack.

“Yahoo, you know it!” Vice said getting into it. And the two of them combined to make a skeleton of a T-Rex and they chomped down on one of them causing them to explode in their jaws. They split apart again.

“One more Ikki,” Vice said laughing a little.

“We can fix that Vice,” he said flipping his stamp again. Then both of their legs glowed as the two of them jumped into the air.

“Fossil Rex Stamping Finish!” the driver said as they both kicked the demon that had come out of two of the people of Weekend thanks to Daiji. And it blew up as they landed behind him.

Daiji looked at his older brother through the flames. And then he stamped the ground and a bike appeared and he drove off. “Daiji...” Ikki said as he undid the henshin.

“Great job, Ikki-nii...Nii-san,” Sakura said with a smile as she saw medical people treating everyone their Shiro and Namiko first to make sure having a demon summoned from their bodies didn’t hurt them any farther.

“ Nii-san ?” Ikki asked her.

“Me you idiot,” Vice said and tried to swat at Ikki but he was back inside of him and it phased through him. “THAT’S NOT FAIR! If anyone deserved to get a smack it is you Ikki,” Vice grumbled. Ikki smiled at this. For the first time in a long time, he didn’t want to forget something. He wanted to remember this feeling. The feeling of protecting someone he loved.

“I take it Vice is informing you he is my Nii-san?” Sakura said with a smirk.

“Yes,” he said with a smile.

“Sakura-sama,” someone said coming up to them.

“Hiromi,” Sakura said kissing his cheek.

“We are getting ready to move to the second site for Weekend. Should I alert George of our arrival?” he asked her blushing a little where she had kissed him.

“Nope. I always loved surprising that man,” she said with a smile.

“Got room for two more?” Ikki asked her.

“You had other plans?” she joked.

“Not anymore,” he said hugging her.

* * *

“The Hakaiger have a new member,” AkaRed said looking at the Hakaiger window floating in the air as Henshin Master finished checking in on this new world. Fossil Revice World.

“Who is it?” Master Pink asked as she watched a window of a Lupinranger/Patranger world where Tsukasa was a Lupinranger mole and Lupin Pink to boot. They had nicknamed it Lupin Pink Mole World.

“Kamen Rider Woz,” he said.

“That would mean that the Tojitendo had to face Ohma Zi-O,” Henshin Master said barely turning his head still watching as Ikki started to help the people of Weekend move to a new safe haven.

“Two in fact,” AkaRed said looking at him.

This caused him to look away for the first time since he saw this world today. “Plex Shujin again?” he asked.

“Yes. You think that we should step in?” AkaRed asked.

“I know Henshin Mistress does. She doesn’t like that we have lost as many female Riders as we have to the Tojitendo in general.” Henshin Master said and turned back to the world he had found today.

“Let’s wait a little while more. I like that team. And I think they are what is needed until their Zenkaiger finishes that version of those Tojitendo bastards,” Master Pink said.

“I agree,” AkaRed said.

“Agreed,” Henshin Master said with a sigh. “And see what I mean about not all of us are bugs? This one is a fossil rex,” he said with smugness about him causing Master Pink to audibly roll her eyes.


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