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Author Topic: A Draper Family Reunion (Kiernan Shipka and Jon Hamm)  (Read 4417 times)


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A Draper Family Reunion (Kiernan Shipka and Jon Hamm)
« on: August 25, 2022, 03:14:23 PM »
A Draper Family Reunion

Starring Kiernan Shipka and Jon Hamm

Tags: MF, cons, oral, car sex, roleplay, older man, younger woman, creampie, rimming

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictional and any similarities to real events are purely coincidental. Please do not share or repost this story anywhere without my permission.

As he stood on the staircase and gazed out across the dancefloor of Vanity Fair’s Oscars Party, Jon Hamm couldn’t help but think I’m too old for this shit. Although he was far from the oldest person at the party, he had always felt a little aged out of these sorts of things. After all, he’d only really become a star after he was cast on Mad Men, already nearing his 40th birthday, so his first forays into the glamorous life of Hollywood galas came at the age when most people already preferred to stay in on a Saturday night. But here he was, in a hotel ballroom, drunk and quickly getting tired, watching on as the nubile bodies of Hollywood’s young stars danced before him with boundless energy, wondering where exactly his place was.

He turned away from the dancefloor and moved his gaze back to the dining tables above him where the older crowd seemed to have gravitated. All across the room, he saw older actresses schmoozing, sipping champagne, giving each other pecks on the cheeks and telling each other that they really must do brunch soon, all of them laughing and knowing that they probably won’t. And next to them he saw their husbands, standing silently and smiling dutifully, looking a bit bored by the whole affair.

And I think I might be too young for that shit
he thought, or least too young at heart perhaps. Despite his age and classic movie star looks, he was still a bachelor after all, and he’d be damned if he was going to be stuck trying to make polite small talk with the other middle-aged men when he didn’t even have a wife he had to wait on.

So here he found himself wedged between the two crowds, both literally and figuratively, trying to decide where he belonged. As he finished the last of his drink, he accepted that he would probably feel out of place with either, but one more glance at all the sexy young starlets out on the dancefloor at least convinced him that it would be the more fun place to feel out of place in, so he made his way down the stairs.

As he entered into the dancefloor area, he immediately started to notice some of the young partygoers around him. Elle Fanning and Hailee Steinfeld were putting on quite a show, dancing sensually with a pair of young studs they’d seemed to take a liking to. At one end of the bar, Camila Mendes and Maya Hawke had taken some bottles for themselves and were pounding back shots with anyone who came by. At the other end, pressed against a pillar, Florence Pugh and Timothee Chalamet were caught up in a steamy make-out, their hands roaming around each other’s bodies as their tongues explored each other’s mouths. And over in a corner, he saw Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney, and Maude Apatow hovering over a table, taking bumps from a vial of cocaine that Sydney had been hiding in her ample cleavage. This was young Hollywood alright, in all its wild, uninhibited glory, and he suddenly felt like a school teacher chaperoning a prom that had gotten out of control. Not exactly the feeling he was hoping for, and judging from the way none of the young stars seemed to be paying any attention to him, he imagined they felt the same way.

Wondering if he should just head back upstairs and accept his fate, he took another quick scan around the room, seeing if there was anyone whose eye he could catch. Everywhere his eyes darted, they seemed to find some sexy young actress that was half as age. Maybe felt out of place, but the eye candy was nice at least.

As his eyes continued scanning, they landed on the form of a petite young woman standing between a couple of men, their arms on her shoulders, both clearly vying for her attention. She was clothed in a strappy black dress that showed off her tight, compact body well. It was open at the back and he was drawn in by the soft pale skin, the perfectly shaped curve of her lower back, and the defined muscles of her shoulders. Clearly she took care of herself. His eyes wandered a little lower and examined her legs, just barely peeking out of a few sheer segments at the bottom of the dress. Just as he began to take in her butt, the girl turned. She locked eyes with him almost instantly.

“JON!” she shrieked out as she ran toward him excitedly, drink in hand, barely giving him time to take in that it was Kiernan Shipka, his on-screen daughter for nearly a decade on Mad Men. As soon as she got to him, she reached up on her tip-toes and planted a kiss on him. The kiss was quick and friendly, but he still noticed that she went for the lips when his cheek would have been just as easy. He could immediately taste the alcohol on her breath.

“Kiki, it’s good to see you!” he said as he leaned in for a hug, genuinely pleased to see her after a few years apart. Although it didn’t feel like that long, with only the past couple years of the pandemic keeping them apart, it was clear she had done a lot growing in that period. She had lost a bit of her baby fat and now had the glow of a woman, and based on the pictures he had seen her post on her social media, showing off her tight tummy and posing with a seemingly endless succession of boys, she had the confidence of a fully grown woman too. But as she answered him with, “It’s been way too long,” he could still hear the slight lisp in her voice that reminded him of the young girl he’d always known her as.

“I didn’t expect to see you down here in the kid's section,” she teased as the hug broke off.

“Well, age is just a number. I’m young at heart. Besides, I had to come see about all the commotion down here.”

“Oh no, has Dad come to get us in trouble?” she asked with a giggle.

“No, no, my Dad cap is off for tonight. Dad Jon is just for TV.”

“Well that’s good, because we’re all being very bad down here,” she said coyly. He looked at her a bit surprised, not exactly sure how to take her comment, but she let out another giggle and he laughed along, taking it as a joke. She went to take another sip from her straw, only for it to make a loud slurping sound, the glass mostly just ice now. “Come on, let’s get another drink,” she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along with her. As they reached the bar, Camila and Maya were still handing out shots. Maya, clearly already having had a few too many, noticed them first.

“Oh my god, look, isn’t this the cutest,” she said with the kind of innocent astonishment that indicated she was a rather happy drunk. “Camila look, look, it’s a Draper family reunion!”

“Well isn’t that sweet,” Camila answered with a smile, clearly handling her alcohol better. Kiernan leaned in and gave her Riverdale co-star a kiss on the cheek. “Shots?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” replied Kiernan with enthusiasm, “Pour us two.”

“Kiki, I don’t know,” John butted in, “I’m already feeling a bit tired.”

“Booooooo,” she said turning back to him, “That sounds like Dad Jon. I thought Dad Jon was only on TV.”

“Well, it’s not about being Dad, it’s about being…” he trailed off.

“Old?” she answered, with a faux-innocent smile, knowing it would bother him.

“Hey now—”

“Come on Pops, what’s one more drink gonna do?” She held up two fingers to Camila, not caring whether he said yes or no.

“Just one and then I have to go,” he said, at least trying to seem like he had some say in the matter.

“Deal!” she answered. As Camila handed over the two glasses, she leaned in and whispered something in Kiernan’s ear. The two of them looked at Jon and let out a devilish giggle and Kiernan whispered something back to her. Kiernan took the glasses and handed one to Jon.

“I can’t let you two drink alone,” burst out Maya, straining to keep her eyes open. “Nothing sadder than drinking alone.”

“Oh, of course,” said Camila dryly, “nothing sadder than two people drinking alone, together.” She poured Maya a shot glass of water, knowing she was far past the point of being able to tell the difference. The four all took their glasses and raised in a toast before pounding them back. Jon noted how easily Kiernan took down the shot without a wince, while Camila had to suck on a lemon after. She’s a Draper alright he thought to himself.

“Alright, well you ladies clearly have more partying ahead of you,” he said before looking over at Maya. “Maybe not her… but this old timer will leave you to it.” He leaned in for another hug with Kiki and kissed the top of her head. “It was good to see you, Kiddo. Let’s do brunch soon.” Fuck, I am one of them he immediately thought.

“No, no, let me walk you out. I want to get some fresh air,” she said, grabbing her purse and phone off of the bar.

“Okay, but I’m not going far. Just to the parking lot.”

“That’s fine,” she answered with a smile. She turned back to Camila and gave her another quick peck. “I’ll see you,” she said before whispering something in her ear. Camila just smiled and nodded.

“Have fun,” Camila said, winking at them. Jon smiled back, unsure of what to make of the exchange. Kiernan wrapped her arm around his and the two headed towards the exit. As they walked through a lobby, a photographer stopped them.

“Look at this, a family reunion!” she said, “Can we get a snap?”

“Yes! Here, get one for me too,” Kiernan said, handing her phone over. They posed quickly and the photographer was gone as quickly as she’d stopped them. They looked at the photo on Kiernan’s phone. It was nice enough, although their eyes were both a little glazed over, their intoxication clear. “That’s cute, can I post it?”

“Sure,” he answered, thinking of all the pictures she posted of herself with much younger men. It was a rather exclusive club to be in.

They exited the ballroom and started strolling into the parking lot. Jon pulled a cigarette out of his jacket and lit it. Kiernan reached into her purse and pulled out a cannabis vape pen and took a few puffs from it.

“So how are you getting home?” she asked.

“I have a driver, I just have to call him and he’ll come pick me up.”

“I have a limo here already waiting for me, I rented it for the whole night. Why don’t you take it home? Then you don’t have to wait.”

“No, it’s okay, I wouldn’t want to take him from you. I have to get back to the hills, it’ll take a while. You might need him before he gets back.”

“I was thinking I might just go home now too actually.”

“Oh come on, it’s still early for you. Don’t you want to spend more time with Camila?”

“Ehh, we party enough.”

“What about those two boys you were with earlier? Did you come with them?”

“I came with one of them.”

“Well, you don’t want to leave him hanging then.”

“It’s okay, he won’t care. It’s not a serious thing.”

“I guess that’s why he doesn’t mind his buddy also putting his hands on you?” Kiernan gave a coy smile, not knowing he’d seen that. She took a moment to answer, taking another puff of cannabis.

“We’re not exactly exclusive,” she said, blowing out the vapour.

“Is that why I always see all those boys on your Instagram?” She gave a more knowing grin this time.

“I’m only young once,” she answered. Jon sighed, looking at the girl before him, already seeming to have grown up quicker than he was expecting.

“That you are. That you are.”

“So why don’t we just share the limo? He won’t care about making two stops.” He thought about her offer for a moment.

“You’re sure you don’t want to stay?”

“Positive. Besides, I can see all of them any time. I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“Well, lead the way then.”

He followed around to the side of the building where her limo was waiting. She’d clearly gone all out for the night, getting the roomiest one possible with plush, couch-like seating.

“Hi, Manolo!” she said as they entered the car.

“Done already, Miss Kiernan? You don’t usually leave until closer to sunrise,” the driver answered. Clearly she hired him regularly.

“Just wanted to take it easy tonight,” she answered as they settled into their seats. “Can you drop me off at my place and then take him home? He’s a bit further out.”

“Just the one boy coming tonight?”

“Manolo!” she shot back, clearly a little embarrassed.

“Sorry, sorry, I leave you to it!” he said as he rolled up the window between them. She really isn’t that little girl anymore Jon thought as he witnessed the exchange.

As the limo pulled out of the parking lot, Kiernan took off her heels and put her feet up on the seat, trying to get comfortable. She pulled up the bottom of her dress slightly as well, trying to air out her legs after being inside the stuffy confines of the party. She opened the sunroof a crack and let in a light breeze.

Despite the length of the limo and the long couch seats on either side, she had chosen to sit on the same side as Jon, her legs and bare feet now pointing towards him and almost touching him. He couldn’t help but notice how smooth and toned her legs were, but he tried to purge the thought from his mind.

“It’s actually kind of nice to get out of there at a reasonable hour,” she said, “I’m usually too tired to walk by the time I get out of those things.”

“And too drunk?”

“Maybe once or twice,” she responded with a wry smile.

“Well, I guess old age has made me wise about that much at least.”

“My feet are still killing me though. Can you rub them?” she asked, lifting them closer to his lap. He didn’t answer for a moment, trying to gauge the situation. Is this a weird thing to do? Would a father do this? Wait, I’m not her father. I kind of feel like I am though. He hesitated for a moment before settling on she wouldn’t have asked me if she thought it was weird and went to rubbing her feet. “Mmm, that’s better,” she said before falling silent. He continued rubbing but found the silence a little awkward. He tried to think of something to break it.

“So I take it you hire Manolo often?”

“Yeah, I get him for all the premieres and big parties. Not always the full limo, he has smaller cars too. He’s nice though. Discreet.”

“Discreet?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, I mean… he’s just good about getting me to places quietly, no paparazzi following him.”

“Well that’s good, because clearly he isn’t so discreet about some things,” he said with a laugh.

“Hey, he’s– he was exaggerating before.”

“So you aren’t taking those other boys on limo rides with you? Non-exclusively of course” She stared at him for a moment, clearly a little annoyed. She pulled her feet out of his lap and sat up, meeting him at eye-level.

“Look now, I happen to know that you yourself did some things non-exclusively when we used to work together,” she shot back at him, clearly determined to one-up him. “I was young, but I wasn’t dumb.” Jon could only laugh. She had a point. When he was on Mad Men, he had certainly developed a reputation for his conquests with most of the female cast, all of whom were more than happy to partake.

For the entire run of the show, his on-screen wife January Jones had been a regular fuckbuddy, coming to his trailer for quickies during shooting breaks. Anytime Alison Brie was a guest star, she always made a point of asking him for a ride home where he’d inevitably take her for a ride of a different sort. In perhaps his most impressive feat, he found himself balls deep in Jessica Paré a mere 10 minutes after meeting her, giving her a memorable introduction in the bathroom of their rehearsal studio. And even at the end of the show’s run, he landed his white whale when Christina Hendricks gave him a farewell fuck for the ages, the sight of her otherwordly breasts bouncing atop him still permanently etched into his brain. He had made the rounds of the cast and then some, and while no one ever tried to hide it, they certainly didn’t go around telling his on-screen kids about it. But, much like her character, Kiernan was clearly a lot more perceptive than anyone had realized.

“You think I’m still that little girl, don’t you?” she said, leaning in closer to him now. “Well, even then I knew a lot more than you thought. I knew you were sleeping with almost every girl on that show.” She leaned in again, meeting him almost face-to-face. Her look of determination turned to a smile though and her voice got quieter. “But there’s one name you never got to cross off that list,” she asked, now dropping all pretence. She reached down and placed her hand on his crotch, causing him to shoot back a little. “But you’re in luck, because I’ve got news for you, Jon: I’m a woman now,” she said as she leaned in now just inches from his face, “And I like to fuck, and I will fuck whoever I please.”

As his penis began to harden under her grip, he grabbed her hand and pushed it away, leaning back so that her face wasn’t so close to his.

“Kiki, we can’t.”

“Why not? Haven’t you ever thought about it?” She tried to lean back in, following him along as he slid across the seat.

“Kiki, you are half my age.”

“Age is just a number.”

“And you’re–”

“I’m your what?”

“You know.”

“I’m not your daughter, Jon. Dad Jon is just for TV, right?” She kept prowling towards him. She clearly knew what she wanted. He slid over to the other seat, now seated across from her. She just sat there and eyed him up. She had been thinking about this since she first laid eyes on him earlier, and now she almost had him where she wanted him.

“Kiki, I’m telling you for the last time,” he said, taking on a sterner, fatherly tone. She bit her lip and kept looking at him. She looked down and saw that, in spite of his protest, his erection was getting harder.

“Okay, Jon,” she said. “You win.” She slid further away on the sit, back towards the sunroof. He tried to feel relieved, although his mind was still racing with a million conflicting thoughts all at once. “I think I need to cool off a bit more though if you’re going to leave me hot and bothered like that,” she said, reaching for the window controls and opening the sunroof completely now, a stronger wind coming in through it. Jon tried to compose himself.

“Look, Kiki, I–” he began, but was immediately cut off as Kiernan, in one swift motion, grabbed the bottom of her dress and lifted it up over her head, revealing to Jon that she had not been wearing any underwear. As soon as it was off, she lifted the dress up towards the sunroof.

“Whoops!” she said with a smile as she let go, the wind sending the dress flying out onto the road behind them. He found himself in a state of shock as she now sat there before him, completely nude. His eyes just wandered, taking in her body. Her petite frame, so perfectly toned, her perky little breasts, puffy nipples pointing out at attention. As she began to spread her legs for him, he took in his first glimpse of her pussy, tiny and tight and the perfect shade of pink with a thin strip of trimmed pubic hair above it. Without saying a word, she stepped towards him, eyes locked, and straddled his lap. She started gently rolling her hips, grinding slowly against his crotch and began to undo his tie and unbutton his shirt.

“Did you know I was thinking about you the first time I ever touched myself?” He just sat there silently, unsure of how to respond but enjoying the feeling of her rubbing against him, so wrong and so right at the same time. “I didn’t really know what I was doing, I just remember hearing some of the make-up girls on set talking about this website where some fans had been collecting pictures of you. Pictures that showed off certain… assets.” The website had become something of an infamous joke among Jon’s friends, but its contents weren’t a lie, he was exceptionally well endowed. “I used to just sit and scroll through it, and then one night, one thing led to another…” She opened his shirt and leaned down, kissing along his chest. She started grinding harder now, feeling his penis rock hard underneath her.

“Do you know how many times I’ve fantasized about your cock?” She pushed his shirt and jacket back over his shoulders now, removing them. “Thought about how much I’d love to see it, touch it, play with it.” She leaned in now and began kissing his neck. Letting himself go to what was happening, he finally reached around and grabbed her ass cheeks, giving them a good squeeze and guiding her movements. “Mmmmmm,” she let out, excited that he was getting into it.

“I bet you’ve thought about me too, haven’t you? I bet you’ve looked at those pictures I post, showing off my body. I bet you’ve liked the way little Sally Draper looks all grown up.”

“Kiki, I–”

“It’s okay if you’ve thought that, it’s all just pretend, right? Daddy Jon is just on TV.” He stayed silent, afraid to admit what he was thinking in that moment. “I know I certainly don’t feel like your daughter when I think about stuff like that, but sometimes it’s fun to pretend.” She leaned in close to his ear, whispering, “Fun to think about how much I want Daddy to fuck me.”

She finally broke him and he grabbed her head, bringing her in for a deep kiss. Their breathing grew fast and heavy as she started grinding faster. He reached forward and squeezed her tits, feeling them move in and out with each of her heavy breaths. Her hands roamed lower, grabbing his belt and opening it up. He pushed her forward off his lap as he began to kick off his shoes and slide down his pants, noticing her pussy had already left a sizable stain on them. She helped pull them over his feet and pulled off his socks as he went for his underwear. He reached into the waistband but hesitated.

“Wait, what about the driver?” he asked, suddenly remembering where they were.

“Oh please, this isn’t the first time I’ve fucked in Manolo’s limo and it won’t be the last.”

After spending her many years growing up imagining what his cock would look like, Kiernan wasn’t going to let anything stop her now. She found herself already in ecstasy just knowing that she was about to lay eyes on it. She reached up and helped him with his waistband, pulling them down. She gasped as it popped into view. It was so perfectly long and thick and hard, as if sculpted by a master, with some equally impressive testicles hanging below it. She couldn’t resist immediately gripping it in both hands, taking in the feeling of his skin and his hardness as she stroked. She smiled with genuine glee, struggling to take her eyes off of it but also not wanting to go another second without feeling it inside her. She looked back at him with a look of excitement as she climbed onto his lap.

“I need to feel your cock inside me. I can’t wait any longer.”

“You are a very bad girl,” he answered as he grabbed her ass and lowered her down.

She immediately let out a loud moan as she felt his cock enter her, sliding in remarkably easy thanks to her pussy already being soaked. With all the built-up tension of the night so far, he wasted no time, immediately pounding hard up into her. She began to meet his thrusts, slamming back down onto him and rolling her hips so that her clit rubbed against him. Even after spending half of her life fantasizing about his cock, the feeling of it somehow exceeded her expectations.

She could barely get a word out, just exclaiming a repeated, high-pitched “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” as he let out low groans. He could barely make sense of what was happening. He figured it had to be a bad idea, but as he felt the tightness of a 22-year-old pussy wrapped around his cock, gripping it and trying to drain it of everything it was worth, his worries were pushed to the back of his mind.

As Kiernan quickly felt the orgasm building within her, she picked the pace even further, slamming down onto his cock relentlessly as she hungrily leaned in and made out with him. As their tongues met, he could feel the vibrations of her moans, growing faster and more intense. He knew she was getting close. He grabbed her hips and held her down, pounding his cock up into her with a force he didn’t know he was still capable of. Her moans quickly turned to a sustained yell and finally to a scream. He felt her pussy contract around his cock and he saw her abs tighten and toes curl as the orgasm rippled through her body. He gradually slowed down his thrusting until he just held her still.

As she started to come back to earth and her breathing normalized, she wrapped her arms around him and leaned in for another kiss, this one less aggressive hungry and more passionate. She was just enjoying the high of the moment, the feeling of a longtime fantasy fulfilled, and enjoying the feeling of his hard cock resting inside her. After a moment of kissing, she gently lifted herself up off his cock, leaving it slick with her juices. Kissing down his chest, she got down onto her knees on the floor of the limo and began stroking it, feeling her wetness on it.

“I made such a mess, Daddy, do you want me to clean it up?”

“You’re going to be in big trouble if you don’t.”

“Mmmmmmmm.” Without hesitation, she leaned down and began licking up along his cock.

“Tell me how you taste.”

“I taste so fucking good,” she answered as she continued sensually licking the underside of the head.

“Now find out how I taste.”

“Yessssssss,” she said with a smile as she took his cock into her mouth and immediately began sucking it with vigour. Although she was far too tiny to take such a big cock very deep, she put everything she had into it regardless, sucking as far as she could, building up a steady rhythm and using her hands to cover the ground that her mouth couldn’t. With both hands wrapped around his cock, he stroked at a pace matching the movements of her mouth, twisting in opposite directions with each one.

“That’s my girl,” he said as he reached down and grabbed her head, helping to guide the pace of her bobbing. Like mother, like daughter he thought, thinking of the similar technique that January Jones used to use on him. He grabbed her head more forcefully now and pushed it down, seeing how deep she could take it. She opened her throat as best as she could but still couldn’t quite make it halfway. He let go after a few seconds and she popped off his cock with a cough but a big smile, eager just to try and please him.

Giving her throat a rest, she ventured a bit lower and took one of his testicles in her mouth, sucking it hungrily as she continued jerking him off. She moved back and forth between each ball, sucking it for a few seconds, adding a few licks up the base of his shaft in between for good measure. He leaned back a bit and relaxed, enjoying the lead she was taking. She put his cock back into her mouth and went back to sucking, now trying to push herself deeper and deeper without needing his encouragement. She looked up at him with her cute doe eyes and he was taken aback again by how a girl that looked so sweet and innocent could be doing this to him. After letting her get her fill of his cock, he leaned forward and pushed her back.

“Now it’s my turn to taste you.” He reached under her arms and lifted her up, her featherweight frame requiring almost no effort to handle. Feeling how light she was, he grabbed under her legs and quickly lifted her higher again. Much to her surprise, he lifted her top half up and out of the sunroof, bringing her pussy to his face level. As they both tried to find balance, she grabbed onto the roof for leverage and he steadied his grip on her ass from below, burying his face between her legs.

The sweet smell of it hit him immediately and he wasted no time in bringing his mouth to her pussy. He tried to remember the last time he had eaten a pussy this young, or one that tasted this good for that matter, but he decided he really should do it more often. He licked her pussy wildly, circling around her clit and sucking on it. She was already soaked, but he somehow seemed to be making her even wetter. She moaned deeply, taking in the feeling of his tongue along with how nice the cool breeze of the open air felt blowing against her face and tits. He started to feel her body writhe and shake in his hands and she quickly started rotating her hips to match the movements of his tongue. As her moans turned to yells, he felt her body tense up once again and a new wave of wetness hit his tongue. He lowered her back down into the car and brought her in for a deep kiss, making sure she got another taste of her juices that now covered his mouth.

“I want to lick you now,” she said, breaking off the kiss. Not immediately sure what she meant, he let her take the lead as she turned him around and pushed one of his legs up on the seat. Reaching between them, she grabbed his cock with both hands and started stroking as she buried her face into his ass.

“Oh fucking christ,” he exclaimed, taken aback by her actions. She reeeeaaally isn’t that little girl anymore.

“Anything for Daddy,” she said with a smile as she got to work licking his asshole, pushing her tongue in as far as she could while stroking his cock in time with her licks. He reached back and grabbed her head, trying to push it even further in. She started moaning wildly, the sounds of her breath muffled each second as she burrowed in and then momentarily came out for air. Based on the sounds she was making, she seemed to be getting off on just the thought of pleasing him. After a minute or two, he pulled her head out and raised her up onto the seat.

“Now I need a taste,” he said, getting her down on her hands and knees so that her ass was sticking up and out for him. He went in and gave her asshole a deep lick, amazed by just how small and tight it was. She giggled as he licked, seeming to be a bit ticklish in that spot, but she started working her ass, moving with his licks and getting into it.

As much as he was enjoying the taste of her ass, he couldn’t help but also be drawn to her glistening pussy, also sitting there popped out and ready for use. He gave her asshole one last kiss before standing up and lining up his cock with her pussy. She scooched in a bit, putting her arms over the top of the seat and pressing her chest against it so that she was steady. Still as slick as earlier, his cock slid in with no effort and her moans came out fast and furious.

“Yeeesssssss,” she let out as he grabbed hold of her hips and started fucking her from behind. After how quickly and furiously he had brought her to her first two orgasms, he wanted to stretch this one out a little more, especially as he felt how nicely her pussy gripped his cock in this position. Getting a good grip on her hips, he started pulling them back as he thrust forward, their bodies meeting together in the middle. He wanted to pace himself but she was starting to push herself back into him, clearly hungry for a harder fucking than he was giving her. He took her cue and started picking up the pace, slamming his cock into her.

“I love your cock so much, Daddy,” she said with laboured breaths between moans. “It’s even better than I had always imagined.”

“I bet you’ve been imagining it for a long time, haven’t you?”

“Yes, I’ve been such a dirty little slut imagining it.”

“Have you now?”
“Yes, Daddy, yes!” she answered, her words almost coming out as cries now as his pace picked up even more.

“You know what I have to do to my girl when she’s been a dirty little slut?”

“Yes, Daddy. Punish me, I’ve been so naughty!” As he started pounding into her even harder, he gave her left ass cheek a sharp, hard spank. She let out a sharp cry of pleasure.

“Yes, yes, I’ve been so bad!” He spanked the other cheek now, alternating back and forth as she moaned louder and louder. Both cheeks now turning red, he took a grip of her hips with one hand and reached forward with the other, grabbing the back of her hair, pulling on it as pounded his cock into her. He wasn’t holding anything back now, slamming into her with a drive he hadn’t felt in years.

“Fuck me, Daddy– fuck me, Daddy– fuck me, Daddy–” she repeated as he drilled into her until her moans of pleasure grew so intense that she couldn't get any words out. For a couple minutes, the only sounds in the limo were her cries of ecstasy, his low guttural grunts, the squeak of the seat as it rocked, and the loud slapping sounds of their sweaty bodies colliding with one another. As the windows around them began to fog up from their heated breath, Jon could feel himself getting close. His grunts turned to moans now, and Kiernan could sense it too.

“Wait, wait,” she interrupted, “Don’t cum yet. I want to be looking at you when you cum.” She pushed him back off of her and quickly flipped herself over on the seat, raising her legs up. Although he was on the verge of busting, the momentary respite was just what Jon needed to extend their pleasure just a little longer.

He grabbed her ankles and spread her legs apart, guiding his cock back into her. As he started pumping again, he kissed along the insides of her calves, working his way up and kissing along her ankles and the soles of her feet, leading to some giggles from Kiernan that could almost be mistaken for innocent if she didn’t also have his massive cock filling her up. Realizing he had not taken any time to fully appreciate her tits yet either, he bent forward, wrapping her legs around his waist, and took her nipples into his mouth, sucking on them as picked up the pace of his thrusts.

“Mmmmm, that’s nice,” she said, seeming to enjoy the gentle approach he was taking to their finale, although he didn’t plan to keep it gentle for long. He kissed up her neck and made his way to her lips, both of them leaning in for a deep, passionate, loving kiss. He immediately increased the intensity of his thrusting and he could feel her moaning into his mouth. He picked up speed with each thrust; he wasn’t going to stop now. Her moans grew in such intensity that she had to break off their kiss, but the two of them stayed with their faces just inches apart, looking into each other's eyes. They were both moaning loudly now as his cock went in and out of her rapidly, stretching out her tight pussy and rubbing on her clit in just the right way. They could both sense that the other was about to burst, but the rush of pleasure started to hit Kiernan first. Using her last bit of breath before her screams took over, she looked at him with a smile and said, “I want your cum inside me, Daddy.”

As he felt her body quickly tensing up and her pussy contracting tightly around his cock, he didn’t have time to consider her request. With a few final pumps, a torrent of cum shot out of him and filled her as they both let out loud yells of ecstasy. Jon could feel shot after shot erupting out of him, unable to remember the last time he had produced a load quite like this. A big smile came over Kiernan’s face as she felt the warmth of it inside her and she pulled him in again for a deep kiss as they came down from their orgasms.

As their kiss broke off, he sat down on the seat next to her, completely spent and soaked with sweat. It seemed to bring a certain glow to Kiernan’s body, but he just felt like a sweaty, old mess, trying to process what had just happened and wondering if he had made a mistake. Kiernan was clearly pleased with the outcome though, laying down across the seat on her stomach and taking his cock into her mouth again, cleaning off the mess that was left as her feet kicked up behind her. After the mess of their fluids had been taken care of, she just held it in her hand as it started to go flaccid, smiling and admiring it and giving it soft kisses. She still just couldn’t believe she’d finally had it for herself.

“Miss Kiernan,” Manolo said, his voice coming through an intercom, “We are coming up to your house.” She looked up at Jon and smiled.

“You know, Jon, we really must do these sorts of family reunions more often.” She got up and started gathering her bag and shoes.

“You know, I think I’d like that,” he said, accepting the situation. If this is a mistake, I’ve already made it he thought. Might as well make the most of it.

“Maybe next time we can invite January too.”

“Good lord, what happened to that girl I used to know?”

“Hey, you raised me!” she said with a laugh and leaned in, giving him a perfectly daughterly kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight, Jon,” she said as she went for the limo door. With her dress long gone, probably sitting somewhere in a ditch now, she took her purse in one hand and her heels in the other and wandered naked up her lawn towards her house, Jon staring as her cute little ass shook behind her. The driver’s window in the limo began to roll down.

“And where to for you, Mr. Kiernan’s Friend?” Jon, a little taken aback as he sat there naked, gave Manolo his address. Manolo didn’t seem to be bothered by any of this. John pulled out another cigarette and lit it as he started gathering his clothes and sliding his pants back on.

“I take it this must be a normal sight for you?” he asked Manolo.

“Yes, Miss Kiernan likes to have her fun, she’s a good kid though.”

“Yes, yes she is.”

“Her friends are usually a bit younger though.”

“Yeah, I figured.”

“She doesn’t seem to usually have as much fun with them though. Tonight she was more… enthusiastic you could say.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, very loud tonight! And they are usually done long before we get to Miss Kiernan’s house.”

“Well, age is just a number I guess.”
The following users thanked this post: Slyguy, Alaire, pixidragon, Calibur009, Dexter07, Pike, Garlic, moppel


Re: A Draper Family Reunion (Kiernan Shipka and Jon Hamm)
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2022, 01:51:10 PM »
Loved this story and if this was your first, then I am in awe as your skills in describing both the build-up and the actual sex was superb.

Also, I am glad that you chose to feature Kiernan Shipka in this story of yours as there can never be enough of her, in my opinion.

Now, while I personally prefer stories that feature an original main character, I didn't mind that you chose Jon Hamm as the male protagonist as the "daddy kink" aspect was hot.

I also appreciate that you featured some female on male rimming in this story, a kink that is surprisingly rare when it comes to celebrity fiction.

Anyway, let me end this with saying that I really enjoyed this story and I hope to see you write more as you have talent!  :Y:


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Re: A Draper Family Reunion (Kiernan Shipka and Jon Hamm)
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2022, 03:42:55 PM »
Thank you for the kind words, Alaire. This is actually my second story, although there was over a year-long gap between my first and this one, so I don't imagine anyone remembers it. I am unfortunately not very prolific, but I'd like to try and do more in the future. I have a few I've started and got stuck in the time between that I'd like to try to return to.
The following users thanked this post: Alaire


Re: A Draper Family Reunion (Kiernan Shipka and Jon Hamm)
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2022, 07:10:44 PM »
Great story. I loved it


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