Here's your question for the night: Do you think the MCU can turn it around?
Given recent events, it seems like a lot of people are predicting doom and gloom for the MCU, it's been diminishing returns since Endgame and, even it Captain Marvel isn't a bad movie, it still failed at the box office.
Personally, I'm not all that sure about it, unless they really pull back on the tv stuff, which, I think, is a big source of the burnout.
It seems like the mutliverse stuff has left a bad taste in people's mouths.
Granted audience tastes change and nothing lasts forever, but the point stands.
That said, I do think there will be a bump in interest when the X-Men and Fantastic Four formally get involved, but it could be a short term thing, especially if the next F4 movie continues the proud tradition of Fantastic Four movies being fucking terrible.