Here's your question for the night: Pop Culture Predictions for 2024?
As few or as many as you want, btw.
My predictions are...
1. Revival of Grunge (if I say it every year, it's bound to happen...ok, it won't but still, I'm obliged to try!).
2. Things go fine for CM Punk, but fractures start to show at some point, setting up the inevitable blow up.
3. Deadpool does ok at the box office and everyone is confused as to what that means for the future of the MCU.
4. X-Men 97 helps get the younger generation interested in the X-Men, setting the stage for their MCU debuts.
5. Speaking of comics...Gambit will continue to be mishandled by Marvel, with only brief flashes of something worthwhile.
6. A lot of celebs are gonna embarrass themselves over the upcoming election.
7. An old form of media (I'm betting DVDs or something totally surprising like the radio) make a comeback.
8. AEW sign more wrestlers, causing people to get angry at them.
9. Selena Gomez faces a real backlash, seems like it's been building this year, wouldn't be surprised if it takes off next year.
10. The Bears will use the first pick for a QB that fails miserably...because that's how things are with The Bears.
and now, 1 post 2024 prediction.
1. If Travis and Taylor stay together, Travis eventually proposes to her on the 50 yard line after winning the Super Bowl.