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Author Topic: Nobody Gets Bliss Like Gaston! [WWE's Alexa Bliss]  (Read 2682 times)


Nobody Gets Bliss Like Gaston! [WWE's Alexa Bliss]
« on: May 28, 2023, 03:26:59 AM »
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and are no true reflection of the wrestlers, promotions, characters etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own WWE or any of its Superstars/Wrestlers or any other related characters or shows.
Starring: Alexa Bliss (WWE)
Nobody Gets Bliss Like Gaston!
An erotic WWE fan-fiction story.

Written by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

Codes: Cons, MF, oral, anal.
 * * *

“Yeah, the trip across the state is gonna suck for the gas cost, but a gig is a gig…” A very well-built, muscular man said, leaning in to speak to a woman in the driver’s seat of her car. “And if they’re paying for that amount as we set? We can at least get back across hopefully before it gets too dark. Don’t want to get stung like that one time at the motel on the other side of Orlando.” He said, giving a smack on the top of the car. “OK, catch you in a few days. I got to get home and get the meal prep done for this week.”

The car drove off to leave a man standing in a curious attire that matched that of the famous depiction of the cartoon character Gaston from the Beauty and the Beast movie. Complete with yellow gloves, brown boots, grey pants and a long red shirt which nicely showed off the man’s muscular build. Even having his dark hair set in a ponytail at the back for good measure. Clearly, the man along with the woman who had just driven off make a side earning to play parts at children’s parties and the like-to-delight occasions. As shown by the house behind him having balloons on the outside around the door and the sound of party music going off from the backyard on the other side.

And so this man was about to just head off, walking a little bit to his car also parked on the street a little bit down. But noticed a car slowly driving on the road beside him. Glancing to see and blonde-haired woman looking out from behind a pair of pink-rimmed sunglasses.

“Going Beast hunting there, Gaston?” The woman said playfully with a smile to match.
“All done for the day!” The man said, smiling back. “Just finished another kids’ party. Then back to the day job tomorrow of the good old fitness instruction.” He added. Perhaps too used to having to explain why he is dressed up like this without a theme park being close by.
“No way, for real?” She stopped the car, even as risky as it is in the middle of a street. “I’m like, a total nut for the classic films. Getting to play a princess would be a dream!”
 “Well, Gaston is a villain, to be honest, but I’ve done other outfits. This one seems to be the one that works well.” He added. “You need someone for a party or something?” He said, seeing a chance to earn a fresh gig. “I’ve got a friend or two who can be a Princess and the like if you need that too.”

“Hiring a Gaston for the day… Sounds like…” She was going to say more but stopped herself like a thought had just raced through her. “Yeah, sounds good. Real good. Got a number or something?”
“Even better…” He quickly moved from the sidewalk up to her car. Pulling a business card from his pocket and handing it in. “All the details there, Miss. Feel free to send me an e-mail and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
“Nice… And you don’t need to call me Miss.” She said, waving her hand after she set the card down on the passenger’s seat. “Just Alexa will do.” Alexa Bliss said, still with big a smile on her face as the avid fan of the ‘magical’ movies like the one this guy’s character was from was clearly enjoying this. “And I’ll send you a message when I get back home.”
“Thanks. Looking forward to it.” He said, nodding as he went back to the sidewalk. “Have a good day!” He said, giving a polite wave as he approached his car

“Yeah… You and me both looking forward to it.” Bliss remarked to herself, taking a moment to scan over the muscular man before she started her car back up. “Hiring a Gaston is exactly like that wet dream I fucking had a while back.” She adjusted her sunglasses before she started driving off.

* * *

A few days later…

“Odd that she only wanted to hire me… But a gig is a gig…” The Gaston cosplayer said, approaching the front door of the property he’d been given the details of. “And doesn’t look like or sound like there’s a party going either… Hope this isn’t a big mistake.” He said, checking over his attire – the same costume he’d worn when first meeting Bliss – before he pressed the doorbell and put on his best, well-practised expression of the character he was dressed as.

After a few moments, he got a clear idea of exactly what kind of ‘party’ he’d been fired here for when the door opened. His jaw dropped when he not only saw the gorgeous WWE Superstar and multi-time former Champion Alexa Bliss but saw her tight, toned and nicely curved body packed into one of her ring attires. A set of black with pink trim and silver studs shorts and sleeveless top combo with green design. Hugging her tight, rounded ass and straining against her large, enhanced chest. The look was topped off even with wrestling boots and pads as her long blonde hair hung down with the dyed pink tips resting at her tits.

“Finally, my heroic, handsome, hunky Hunter has arrived…” Alexa wasn’t even trying to pretend she wanted anything else other than some action as she scanned him over and purred those words seductively.
“I, uh…” He had to blink, taking in the stunning sight and revealing he might not be a fan of sports entertainment to not know who this woman was. “Well, t-the great Gaston never likes to disappoint!” He quickly put on the character accent and smiled. Wisely going along with this to see where it might lead.
“Oh, I bet you won't…” She reached forward, pulling him in by the shirt before closing the door. “I’ve heard soooooooooo much about the mighty man who slayed that evil Beast in the castle…” Bliss claimed. “And to be honest? Fucking a hunk from one of my favourite films is kind of a big fucking fantasy of mine…” She admitted, giving him a wink to spell out clearly what was happening. “I mean, fucking the mighty hunter of the village sounds like a just reward, doesn’t it?” She said, getting back into her own act to treat this like some dressed-up roleplay as her hands stroked over his broad chest.

“Well, I mean… It would be wrong of the great Gaston to decline such a polite offer…” The man said. Not foolish enough, even in such unusual circumstances, to turn down a babe like this. “But uh, won’t your husband object to this?” He questioned, seeing the wedding ring on her hand.
Smirking, she raised that hand up and deliberately used the finger with the band to place on his lips for a ‘shhh’ motion. “Nobody fucks another man’s wife like Gaston…” She seductively whispered before pulling back with another grin. “So I hope, anyway…” She added, before dropping herself down to kneel in front of him.
“T-Then be my guest, young Lady!” He smiled again, especially seeing not just her tits shown off by her top, but her hands already reaching for his pants.
Hauling them right down as her eyes went wide in delight seeing that matching his muscular build this hunk was also packing a thick, long cock that was already starting to get hard. “Mmmmm… Be my guest, be my guest in-fucking-deed!” She didn’t even pay attention to him stepping out of the pants as she gripped his cock, starting to pump away at him. “Way fucking bigger than my husband too… We’re really gonna party now!” She said, before looking up at him as her strokes and firm grip already made him groan. “I mean, I’m really going to properly reward you… Like a good maiden of the village should after all.”
“All in… Mmmmm… A day’s work for the great Gaston…” He kept smiling, as he wasn’t going to question why a married woman was so horny and down to fuck him just because of his costume of one of her favourite movie villains.

“Oh fuck yeah…” The tiny blonde gazed over that fat cock with a burning lust already, all as her hand stroked along the length from base to tip. “The big, bad hunter is packing a nice, lethal weapon, huh?” She grinned, glancing up as she clearly was having fun with the ‘roleplay’ with this dressed-up hunk. But not letting him get a word in as she leaned in and dragged her tongue up the underside of his crown. Keeping the groans escaping the lucky hunk as she pumped along the rod and slid her tongue around the bell-end. Groaning herself as she enjoyed the flavour with a round of slow swirls all the way around the head. “Mmmmm… And this weapon doesn’t feel like it can… ‘Fire early’… If you catch my drift…” She added with a saucy wink, before helping herself to lick again at his dick. Running her soft, wet tongue along the side from down at the crotch all the way to the head before reapplying her hand to pump while she swirled at the head.

“MMMM… A true hunter never disappoints…” Not quite with the usual well-practised accent of being in character, but considering he had one of the hottest women not just in the modern day but in all of WWE history, he could be forgiven for just barely managing to come up with a line to fit the moment. It worked, as Bliss rewarded him by going from mere, but still pleasurable, stroking and licking to some proper oral fun. Wrapping her nice soft lips around his thickness, groaning at the vast thickness that she wasn’t quite used to with her marriage, her eyes sexily narrowed with the combination of focus to do a good job on such a big dick and the sin of this moment. “MMMMM! God damn… MMMMM… God, that’s good…” He moaned out as her blonde-haired head began to raise and lower. The pink-dyed tips started to sway
 a little as she took those inches into her soothing mouth while her hand pumped away at the lower portion not yet inside her oral hole.

“Shhhhrrrlllppp… Mmmmmphhh!! Mmmmm… Shhhhlllkkk…” Showing as much shame of sucking off a guy she doesn’t even know the real name of as she is starting to make a mess all over a nice big cock. Applying her saliva as it seeped past her lips, dripping down just to be stroked across his length by her hand. Her eyes locked up at the man she was blowing while groaning around his member to further show how much she was turned on by this sex act. “Hmmmmphhh… Shhhhrrrkkkk… Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmphhh…” A trail of spit fell off her chin, landing down across her pushed-up, fake tits as she bobbed up and down. A display that proved that even as she took on a far fatter, longer dick than she’d normally see, her mouth was far from inexperienced when it came to pleasuring cock. A smooth, steady pace that equally allowed her to enjoy a cock able to last between her lips as it did make sure he was moaning out with each slurp up and down she delivered.

“MMMMM! Shit… I mean… MMMMM! Most, uh… MMMM… Most impressive skill there, young Lady! MMMM…” Breaking ‘character’ with the cursing between his moans, he still had a wide smile on as any man would getting blown by a drop-dead gorgeous stunner. Watching her beautiful face sliding down along his prick before easing back up but never letting the crown escape from between her lips. “AHHHH… It seems like… MMMM… You’ve been looking forward to this… MMMM… A lot more than just after first laying eyes on me! MMMM…” He added, pointing out how it seemed like Bliss might have been on the prowl for any dick, let alone one from a guy dressed like a character from one of her favourite films. He’s getting to reap the rewards of it, as she didn’t exactly deny his claim from her constant sucking. Saliva coated his dick from the tip down to the base and left her fingers nice and sticky from stroking him off as she delivered the blowjob.

“MMMMPHHH… Shhhhrrrlllppp! MMMM! MMMMMPPPHHHH…” Rather than being offended by the teasing, she took it as another turn-on as her dazzling eyes stayed staring up at him as she pumped along his pole with her hot, wet mouth. Lifting her hand off his dick it seemed just to brush her hair back and out of the way, but instead of gripping the base, she went to clutch his strong thighs. Her eyes narrowed again with lust as she pushed down into him, just to make herself stare wide when that fat crown connected with the back of her mouth. “GAAAAAAAAAAHH!! MMMMMM… HHHHHRRRRRKKKK!!” The sinful stare returned as she pushed through, bobbing away but taking far too much of his length than she could handle. Gagging loudly as that mushroom head hit the back of her cavern. Resulting in even more saliva drooling down to soak herself and the wrestling top she had on.

The cosplayer receiving this dose of oral tilted his head back in delight at the unexpected but very pleasurable surprise of more face fucking than a simple blowjob. And he wasn’t going to stop a busty blonde from going wild on his cock. Letting her slurp and choke along his length as he enjoyed more of his inches vanishing between her lips before she pulled up, not even making it to halfway along his size before she plunged back down. Seeing, and feeling, first-hand the benefits of tough sports entertainers able to handle some pain as she stuffed her mouth full with his dick. The spit as much dripping down her chin and off his length as she pumped away with loud sucks, raspy chokes and clear groans of arousal around his rod.

“GAHHHHHHHHH!! HHHRRRRRKK!! MMMMMMM…” Choking away along his dick, making it look like a rough, face fuck porno as she drove her face sharply up and down. Her eyes did not even water up for a moment as she plunged her mouth right down. Slurping along him in between her gags as the woman who once appeared on The Masked Singer put her oral hole to much better use than singing or even the bitchy wrestling promos she cuts on TV. “GAAAAAAAAAH! HHHHHHRKKK! MMMMM… GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” Even making her newfound lover hiss out as her hands showed off the surprising strength of a woman of her height and size. Gripping his thighs firmly to show off more of her determination to not let the vast size of his weapon defeat her. Forcing her lips down further and making her eyes widen as she surprised herself. Taking him beyond just the territory of her mouth and stuffing her throat now to both of their groaning delights.

“God… DAMN! MMMMM…” ‘Gaston’ grunted out, even forgoing keeping in character as he out of instinct grabbed the back of her head. Helping keep the deep throat going as she choked loudly around his rod. Her eyes rolled back for another display of wicked delight from the multi-time Women’s Champion in the WWE. Her tight, wet throat gripped the invasion of this fat dick as she tested how much she could take. A display of oral talent that would leave most normal women losing their voice for a whole day if not longer. Leaving her slobbering all over his length even as her body tried to catch a break. Shuddering as she stayed on her knees while the drool flowed down off her chin, leaving the exposed skin of her tits glazed with the saliva for more of a shine that she’d usually have after a lengthy match.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHHHHHHHRRRKKK!!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” As much as she badly wanted to keep offering her mouth up for this rough fun, even she hit her limit. Rather like in the scripted finish contests she’s a part of, her hand smacking his thigh a couple of times in defeat to show she needed out. The man she was letting use her was not foolish to ignore the request as his hand left her hair. That blonde head slid up before she pulled off with the kind of filthy groan a married woman shouldn’t have with another man. “FUCK!!” She groaned, hauling in air as she applied both hands to his prick and double-pumped him. Ensuring all her drool was well stroked along that big cock as she stared up again. “God, I fucking needed that… Filled my tight little mouth up like the fucking dirty slut I am…” She purred, spitting down onto his already-soaked dick as she glanced from up at him and down to the cock she was stroking. Clearly far from finished with him from the hungry gaze as she finally let go of his still rock-hard tool.

“Such language is unbefitting a lovely, young maiden as yourself!” The hunk smiled, playing up to what she clearly wanted to hear (and was getting off on).
“Well, it fucking fits…” Alexa licked her lips, moving up from the floor. “Because this ‘maiden’ is a bad fucking slut…” She forcefully said, stroking her hair back. “A nasty, cheating little bitch… Who needs this big, fat, fucking hunter’s cock deep in her tight little ass…” She added, using a grip on his shirt, even at the expense of getting her saliva on his shirt, to pull him away from the door to turn them around.
“I, uh, did you just…” ‘Gaston’ was about to question that statement when he watched her turn around. Facing the door into her and her husband’s home but reaching back as she eased down her tight-fitting ring gear shorts. “Fucking Hell…” He half-mumbled.

A reasonable reaction from not just seeing that tight, rounded, perfectly tanned ass of the WWE beauty. But seeing quite the filthy addition to it. Alongside her tight, smoothly shaved and already wet-looking pussy, a clear pink handle of a butt plug sex toy sticking out of her asshole. If not entranced by the sight of her hot, tight ass he might question why there was a very unofficial logo of famous ‘mouse ears’ on the handle top. A shine around that entrance gave the indication that she’d been doing some ‘preparation’ for herself before his arrival. More proof that she had only planned this on being a hook-up without any party at all. A wicked grin on her stunning features as she gazed back over her shoulder and bent over forwards. Both hands were on the door in front of her as she presented her ass. Spreading her legs as far as she could with her wrestling bottoms down above the knees.

“If I’d known my beloved, sexy, hung stud of a hunter was even bigger than I’d dreamed? I’d have bought a bigger toy…” Bliss kept smiling as she watched him step close. “So you can understand why I spent so long ‘warming’ you up there with my slutty fucking mouth… Although to be fair? A girl like me has been more used to just giving some head and making them blow in, you know, a few minutes…” She shamelessly said, all while swaying her ass invitingly as she watched him stare. “But I am a married woman after all… And being a TV star, a wrestler and all that… Can’t risk someone unloading into me… Got enough fucking problems in my life without having to deal with that shit…”

“Uh huh…” Barely listening to her excuses (and probably trying to justify herself as to why it was OK to cheat on her husband with a man she barely knows) as the man behind her moved up close. Reaching down and making her gasp as he slowly pulled the plug out of her rump. A hiss escaped her from her asshole tightening back up before the bull thud of the toy being dropped to the ground was heard. “Let’s hope you can handle it all, then…” He said, not even keeping up the accent at that moment but she had no complaints. Caught up with watching him press that fat crown against her lubed-up entrance as her body tensed up with anticipation. Even pushing her backside out towards him, grinding into his length before he gripped a cheek to spread her. Pushing in so that with the combination of her proper readying up of her back passage and his dick lathered in her spit, he got pushed into her ass to make both of them moan out.

“MMMMMM! FUCK!!!” Already the head of the Columbus, Ohio beauty tilted back in delight at the huge invasion into her backside. Just the head and the first few inches needed as her
 moans left that already well-used mouth of hers. Her eyes stared down at her backside, watching his fat length start to ease in and out of her as he moved to hold her slim waist. Having to get used to the pressure himself of such a tight ass. Her back passage clamped to once again show this was a size of dick she wasn’t used to from either her marriage or any prior relationship. “UHHHHH!! FUCK!! GOD!! So… MMMMM!! So fucking big! OH FUCK!!” She gasped out but in total delight. Another benefit of being in the sports entertainment business for almost a decade is that if she can handle hard moves in the ring, it stands to reason getting her backdoor stuffed would be a breeze for this stacked blonde. Especially as her pussy was slowly dripping juices without being stroked or touched, to again show how she was getting off on having her peachy ass fucked from behind.

“AHHHHHH… Feels… MMMMM! Real tight to me, my L-Lady! MMMMM! FUCK…” Trying to stay as one of the cartoon crushes of her dreams was a losing battle as he moaned out. Luckily able to make up for those slip-ups as he thrust his massive cock in and out of her vice-like asshole. Staring down at her backside to watch his prick vanish into that tightness before easing back out. Showing off a hint of his own sexual experience at knowing just how to treat a more than generously sized backside like this. Moaning out as he worked into her and getting aided by the backing up that nicknamed ‘Biscuit Butt’ of hers back into his thrusts with nice timing of her own. A clear desire to get this hole stuffed too as she pushed her cheeks back into him the moment his cock thrust in, helping to work another inch into her rear.

“MMMMM! Oh no, my sexy fucking hunter… MMMM! You’re the one… UHHHHH!! Who is soooooooooooo fucking big! MMMMM!!” Another lewd lick of her lips as she kept staring over her shoulder at this lucky (in more ways than one) stud. The scent of her arousal was in the air as her juices slowly dripped down her tanned thighs as her tight and toned body bucked back against him and his stiff pumps. “MMMMM… So much fucking bigger than my husband is too… MMMMM… Big, thick and so fucking long… Just what I fucking need!!” She groaned out. That insult cast to the man she’s actually in a relationship with is even more sinful considering one of her hands up on the doors she’s bending over against is clearly showing off her wedding ring like it’s a meaningless accessory to her. Or at least it is when there’s a huge slab of dick around to satisfy her and give her the proper seeing to that she and her stunning body not only deserve but can actually handle.

The dirty talk obviously working to get this man she’s only recently met all worked up to give her that kind of wicked action. Drops of sweat rolled down the side of his handsome face as he thrust in and out of her tight back passage. The force of his motion made her cheeks nicely shake as he drove in and made her ass was getting used to his vast size. Although from her petite frame to begin with, it was looking more and more like a nickname of a Size Queen might be more fitting than the wrestling gimmicks of Little Miss Bliss and The Goddess ever were for her. Add in how she was taking it up the ass while still half dressed in top and boots, and anyone who saw this might think she was more suited for a career starring in skin flicks than appearing in pro wrestling.

“AHHHHH! So… So fucking big! MMMMM FUCK!! Come on! MMMMM! Fucking fill me up! MMMMM! Right in my nasty, tight, slutty little ass! MMMMM FUCK!!” Begging almost before letting out a hiss. Tossing her long, blonde with dyed pink ends hair back so she could keep gazing back over her shoulder. Not feeling any discomfort from keeping herself bent over and presented, like this was an all too familiar position for her to be in. And still with both hands up on her the door, so her pussy was staying damp without any direct contact. “MMMM… FUCK… Come on! MMMMM! Fuck me like the slut I am! MMMMM… Nasty… Dirty fucking cheating little bitch! MMMMM!!” She was demanding now with another shameless look in her eyes, and emphasising the point with a smack of her hand on the door. A door that could potentially be opened at any time, and not even by her own husband, and the sight of her in such a state of lust, bent over and being pounded could be seen in an instant. No such worries on her sex-drunk mind now as she revelled in having her tight backside fucked.

“MMMM… The great Gaston… MMMM! SHIT… Never rejects a request… MMMM FUCK! From a loyal fan! MMMMM FUCK…” A little bit of credit for trying, despite the swearing and grunts, to stay as the character he was dressed as. But a lot more respect for his cock staying buried in her tight rounded booty and not coming close to an early end yet despite not just the intense grip of her passage around his dick, but her own shoves back to work over his length as much as his own thrusts were doing. Running her tongue across her upper lip showed she approved of the remark while letting out a low moan, but soon a full-on filthy groan escaped her when his hand moved off her waist. Striking down onto her rump for a spank harder than any strike she’d taken in a match. The thrill of that burst of erotic pain made her shove her cake right back. Slapping into his waist so they both moaned out as he went all in to give her the filling up she’s been craving since even before making her throat handle this same size.

“AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK YESSSSSSSS… MMMMMM GOD! FUCK…” Finally feeling his waist hitting her backside, Alexa’s head hung down as she moaned out. Still shoving herself back but showing the effects of this level of activity, even as it was everything she’d begged for, as the sweat began to form on all that tanned, exposed skin of hers. Her blonde locks swayed back and forth but with loose strands out of place, looking far from the pristine Goddess she usually is on worldwide TV. “UHHHH! FUCK… HARDER! COME ON! AHHHH FUCK! FUCKING… UHHHH! GIVE IT TO ME! FUCK!!” Even with being taken balls deep, she still was craving more. Not yet satisfied even with her snatch still leaking juices as her asshole got stuffed and stretched out. So not even that butt plug she’d had in at the start of this all would likely be kept held in until perhaps a day or two later with how resized her back passage now was.

“Fucking Hell… MMMMM! Real hot fucking freak this one is! MMMMM…” The cosplayer mumbled under his breath as the clap of her tight ass striking into his muscular body rang out alongside their loud, shameless moaning. Able to help himself to give that ass he’s buried into a sharp spank once in a while, without even needing permission or being provoked to deliver it, and each firm blow just gets more approving groans from the beauty bent over in front of him. “MMMMM… Is everything fine, young maiden? AHHHH… The mighty Gaston’s… MMMMM… Big weapon isn’t… MMMMM FUCK… Isn’t too much for you, is it?” He spoke out loud as she finally raised her head and already had his answer from that smouldering look as she stared through a couple of strands of hair to watch him. His cock worked like a piston into her rear that was clearly built, just like the rest of her, for this kind of hard, better than porno hammering. Putting her through even more of a workout than any wrestling training, let alone most of the matches she’s had over her lengthy career.

“MMMMM… Fuck no… I want fucking MORE! MMMMM!!” The multi-time former singles and tag team Champion in WWE moaned out her answer before hissing out as she enjoyed that huge cock thrusting away deep into her back passage. Bucked forward towards the door she was up against whenever the next powerful pump hit her rear before she gave back as good as she was getting with a shove of her own to meet the next stroke. Making sure all that tight ass was clapping over and over as the track for their filthy encounter. “MMMM… And I know… AHHHHH FUCK… The great Gaston won’t let a poor Lady in need down, right? MMMMM… Not when he can fuck her silly with that… UHHHH! Huge, fat fucking ass-wrecking dick of his…” She groaned with a wide smile. Stopping her own motion to be left shifting back and forth until he took the hint and brought himself to a stop. Allowing her to switch things up briefly to just push her booty up against him. Grinding her cheeks into him and making them both moan with the grinding action as she enjoyed that huge shaft balls deep into her. Making it seem like a regular occurrence for her despite the man she’s actually married to not even being half this stud’s size in length or width.

“AHHHH… It would surely ruin my reputation if I couldn’t deliver…” The Gaston-for-hire remarked as he pulled out of her ass. Admiring that lewd sight of her gaping wide asshole as he stepped back.
“Reputation? And here I am, being the one who is the nasty, dirty, cheating bitch…” Bliss smirked as she finally pushed her shorts down, stepping out of them and not even kicking them out of the way at her boot-clad feet. “I think we both know who is living up to the occasion here, right?” She gave a wink as she continued to perform her quick undressing show. Revealing her large, stunning, enhanced tits as she pulled her wrestling top up and over her head with a shake of her hair.
“And it would be a black mark on my name if I didn’t treat another man’s woman the right way…” He claimed with a grin as before she could turn around, he took a hold of her slim waist and raised her up and off the ground.
“Oh! Gaston! So forceful!” Alexa let out a sexy laugh, her smiling showing she was liking where this was heading as she lowered down onto his cock as he stood in place. Leaving her groaning as his fat cock easily not just entered her rump, but slid in until her rounded cheeks met his crotch. “MMMMM… Yeah, giving the kind of hard fucking pounding my fucking
 husband can’t…”

The old saying of being careful what you wish for soon came into play as the WWE Superstar’s eyes went wide as he didn’t just hold her up to be mounted on his huge cock. Reaching to grip her legs and pull them back. Putting the former fitness competitor and cheerleader’s flexibility to the test as she brought those limbs back against herself to make her groan from the stretch. Then gasping again when his powerful arms crossed over the wrestling boots she still had on, as his hands locked behind her blonde-haired head. A different kind of Full Nelson than the wrestling holds she’s used to leaving her big tits sticking out and her dripping wet pussy on full display. The pint-sized beauty looked more like a living sex doll now than the talented, title-winning sports entertainer she was supposed to be.

That was all even before the thrusts kicked off again. When they did, it was more howls of pure desire than just simple moans as her ass got hammered from underneath. The slap of her cheeks getting struck rang out as her body was held in place to get pounded as she’d begged for. Leaving her long hair and the pink dyed tips flying about and testing the jiggle that her fake tits had to offer as she got fucked. Yet even at the rough place, her hands gripped his strong arms to crave more from that touch alone. Never mind the loud moans escaping her open mouth and how her eyes were locked down along her tight, sweating body to see thanks to the curl her frame was clutched in as that huge dick drove up into her asshole, Only a few inches eased out before he rammed back in to deliver her the kind of action many a wrestling fan could only fantasize about witnessing, never mind give an arm and a leg to actual experience.

“AHHHHHH FUCK!! FUCK YESSSSSSSS! AHHHHH FUCK! FUCK!! MMMMM FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” Hardly poetic or fitting with the ‘roleplay’ but that loud moaning from Bliss summed up the delight racing through her already stunning body. That huge dick, already having resized her back passage, continued to ram in and out with a pace even more intense than when she’d been bent over and butt fucked against the door minutes before. “YES!! FUCKING WRECK ME! OH FUCK! FUCKING DESTROY MY ASS!!! MMMMM! DRILL ME! FUCKING BREAK ME! AHHHH FUCK! FUCKING JUST… FUCK! FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEE MMMMMM!!” Sounding almost like her mind was breaking from the pleasure, despite having asked for this all, and even worse still getting pleasure without her pussy getting even rubbed. Juices still leaking out from that snatch spread open and on display thanks to his grip, but just the sensation of a huge dick driving into her asshole, again and again, was the thrill.

Thankfully, the man getting to slam fuck a beauty who should be off limits because of the happy marriage she’s in doesn’t need to worry about keeping up a character any more. Just focusing on lasting inside such a wonderful, nicely rounded and tight ass of a beauty who has been not just a Women’s Tag Team Champion but the singles title holder of the Raw and Smackdown brands of WWE. Sweat leaving the clothing he’s still got on clinging to his body while his chest pressed against her back as he kept her clutched. Driving his cock all the way up into her rump and quickly pulling out just to slam back in and make a fresh clap ring out to join with their moans. Showing off his own more than an impressive selection of dirty skills to not just deliver this porn star level of pace, but keep her held off the ground and mounted on his dick at the same time.

“AHHHHH FUCK… FUCK! SHIT!! GOD YESSSSSSSS… FUCK!! FUCK!! MMMMM!! FUCKING BREAK ME! YES! YES YES AHHHHHH FUCK YESSSSSSSS MMMMM!!” Near delirious mumbling, as she moaned out and sweat dripped off her stunning enough already features. Leaving strands of her golden hair stuck to her cheeks as her locks bounced from the little movement her body has. Jolting up and down but still clutched in his grip of this erotic Full Nelson that would leave any normal woman struggling to walk straight for a full day just from being held in this position for so long. Even before taking into account how her backside is taking the kind of ravaging that even seasoned skin flick starlets might think twice about. “GOD! DON’T STOP! DON’T! AHHHH FUCK! DON’T FUCKING STOP!! AHHHHHHHH FUCK! FUUUUUUUUCK!!” A different kind of begging now as she felt a long overdue peak building. Her eyes stared to gaze blankly ahead but her hands still firmly gripping those muscular arms holding her in place. Showing no regrets as her wedding ring was still being displayed on one of those clutching fingers. Not that anyone if they walked through that unlocked door just ahead of them would be focused more on her band with the rest of her body on display like this.

At that moment, the man who has merely been picked out in a chance encounter just to be a fuck buddy probably couldn’t stop thrusting into that stunning ass of hers even if he wanted to. Grunting out as he pounded away, keeping her booty clapping loudly as he drove up. His balls met those tight cheeks but ignored the sting of the repeated contact. The pure pleasure of such a tight passage clamped around his dick, even with how much this hole specifically has been banged during this sex session, helping to keep him moaning out. Not needing to be a fan of WWE to know this is a beauty made to be slam fucked and he’s not just got the size of dick to use her, but clearly has the stamina to make sure she remembers this encounter more than any Championship victory past or future she’ll ever have.

“AAAAAHHH! AHHHHH! FUCK! FUCK!! AHHHHHH!!” Looking far from a Goddess known with her eyes rolling upward, her mouth hanging open with some drool escaping and her bent inward body drenched in sweat to match the messy state of her long hair. A disgraceful sight alone but more to come as one of her eyes twitched like her brain was shattering from the pleasure. A long, loud moan as Alexa Bliss didn’t just orgasm from this Full Nelson anal sex, but unleashed a full-on squirt. The spray of her juices hitting the door she’d been bending over earlier on, left even more evidence of her unfaithfulness than the smell of sex in the air and the mix of pussy juices and sweat on the floor. “AAAAAAAAAAHHH… FUUUUUUUUCK…” Panting now as her eyes flickered, struggling to stay with it as while the squirt might have finished, she still was getting banged hard and deep to make sure she was pumped through that intense orgasm. A groan not of relief, but satisfaction when his grip behind her head finally loosened and her legs were able to slump and dangle when he lifted her up and off from his cock.

“Fuck… I… Need a fucking minute…” Alexa gasped out, feeling the ache now of her gaping wide asshole now she didn’t have that huge dick filling her up. Sucking in some air as she was lowered down, but found little time to recover as she was positioned down on her knees similar to how this session had all begun. “God, I’m not gonna get back to being tight for a fucking week now after that...”
“I think the great Gaston deserves a just reward, don’t you?” The man grinned, pumping his cock as he used his free hand to grip the sweat-soaked hair and make her head tilt up.
Her eyes lit up, seeing him as that filthy smile returned to her. “Oh yeah, he does! He needs to fucking drown me in hot fucking cum…” Bliss agreed now, sex back on her mind again seeing his dick. “All over my slutty fucking face, like the nasty, dirty, cheating fucking bitch I am!!”
“Good! Mmmmmm! Because here it fucking cums!” He warned, stroking off rapidly and feeling his dick pulsing in his grip.

So the WWE beauty had barely time to close her eyes before she groaned out. Feeling the hot streaks of spunk landing across her stunning features. The thick ropes splattered over her cheeks, nose, lips and chin and a shot went over one closed eye up to the forehead. Making the facial nice and messy with some stray shots catching into her blonde hair both at the sides of her head and over those loose strands already clinging to her cheeks. Leaving her moaning as she got used just as she’d begged to be. With so much jizz over her that by the time he flicked out the last drops, the seed was dripping off her groaning face to land down onto her heaving chest for an extra mess to certify her own insults about being a cheating wife to be more than just dirty talk.

“Oh fuck… Fuck…” Alexa moaned, having to clutch his leg blindly when he let go of her hair and not just collapse over on the floor. “That… Holy fuck… So fucking good…” She stated the obvious with another big smile over her now cum-glazed lips.
“You expected anything less from the great Gaston?” The cosplaying man quite rightly allowed himself a moment to brag as he looked over the messy state he’d left her in.
“Oh fuck no! Exactly what I wanted!” Bliss let out a laugh. Using a hand to reach up and brush the spunk away from her eye. Not caring that the finger she used showed off her wedding ring as she then brought that digit to her lips. Sucking the cum off it with quite an approving moan before finally looking up at him. “Not mad I tricked you into this ‘private party’ of mine now, are you?”
“After all that? Not fucking mad at all.” He wisely answered, not having to try and keep up the character accent any more.

“Good… Because after slamming my ass like that? I’m gonna need to ‘hire’ you again…” Alexa licked her lips, glancing at his cock before back to him and seeing his grin to show he liked that idea as well. “And maybe I’ll be the one who busts out an outfit or two the next time my husband is out of town…” She added with a wink. “Because while no one gets a Moment of Bliss like Gaston? Nobody fucks better than Little Miss Bliss…” She bragged, and after an encounter like that? She’d more than prove that fact right the next time and plenty more after that.

* * *

I am not accepting any requests, suggestions or ideas for any future stories/chapters to write, or for any characters etc to use in upcoming fics. However, feel free to leave any feedback as a reply to this thread.

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« Last Edit: May 28, 2023, 06:38:06 PM by daxg2001 »
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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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