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Author Topic: Ariana's Sextraterrestrial Encounter (An Ariana Richards story)  (Read 3755 times)


Ariana's Sextraterrestrial Encounter (An Ariana Richards story)
« on: February 19, 2024, 11:42:20 PM »
        Ariana Richards comes to slowly, her head pounding. She's not sure if her eyes are open or closed, blinded by bright white lights. A loud ringing in her ears is the only sound she hears as she forces herself to try and remember before waking up...here? As if the physical disorientation wasn't bad enough Ariana begins to worry, unable to recall anything that's happened to her in the last... Panic begins to set in. How long has she been out? Minutes? Hours? Could she have been unconscious for even days? Memories slowly come to her, Ariana remembering that she had just left a party at her friend's house and was driving home. The last thing she remembers was a blinding white light...and then...nothing. She knows it couldn't have been alcohol related, since she only had two drinks at the party. Her earlier panic begins to build again as she tries to move her legs, finding them unresponsive. She quickly tries moving her arms, getting the same terrifying result, or lack thereof. Had she been drugged at the party? Did some guy slip something in her drink then follow her home? Was she locked in some pervert's sex dungeon, far from help?

        "Please try to relax. You're in no danger," a voice says. Even with the ringing in her ears Ariana hears the calm, almost friendly voice clear as day. "Where am I?! Who are you? Why can't I remember anything?!" Ariana exclaims. "Easy. I will answer all your questions but first you must relax. Everything will go much smoother if you aren't stressed," the voice replies. Ariana feels what she hopes are fingers on her temples, a wave of calm slowly washing over her. "Are you doing this? Why am I not as afraid as I was a few seconds ago?" Ariana asks. "Calming others is just one of my many...abilities," the voice replies. "What do you mean by abilities?" Ariana asks. "Hmm. This won't be easy for you, but I will explain everything. Years ago we picked up a broadcast, something called 'Spaced Invaders' and decided it required further study," the voice replies. "You mean that movie I was in, like three decades ago?! What does that have to do with me now?" Ariana asks, a hint of irritation in her voice. "Well, my people have tracked your development since that time and decided to investigate you a little more closely," the voice replies. "I still don't understand. And what do you mean by 'your people'?" Ariana snaps angrily.

        She hears a sigh. "I suppose I will have to take a more direct approach," the voice says, Ariana detecting a hint of sadness. The two hands touch the sides of her head again, her headache disappearing instantly as her vision and hearing return to normal. Quickly scanning the room, Ariana decides it looks similar to an examination room, the walls and floor a bright white color. Several lights beam down on her, and as she tilts her head Ariana finally realizes she's completely naked, her arms and legs strapped to what she can only assume is an examination table. "Usually you wouldn't have woken up until you were returned to your natural environment, but lately my superiors have decided that we need to use less sedatives with you. I hoped that you would've remained unconscious, but they told me that I still had to restrain you. They thought that you might...react poorly...if you woke up too soon," the voice explains, sounding even sadder than before. "Wow! You mean I WOULDN'T want to wake up naked, strapped to a cold metal table while you experiment on me?! Listen to what you're saying! What are you some kind of alien?!" Ariana snorts, voice full of anger and irritation. "I am. Well to be specific, I am a Martian. My name is Glorvax," the voice replies as the being walks into Ariana's line of sight.

        If she wasn't strapped down on face up on the table, Ariana's jaw would've dropped. Standing over her is a tall, green being, it's two large black eyes staring down at her. It...or Glorvax...as he called himself was built similar to a human. She doesn't see any nose or ears but knows that he can hear and smell her just fine some how. A small slit towards the bottom of Glorvax's face appears to be his lip less mouth. He's not wearing any clothing, completely naked with no visible genitals, his green, hairless body looking like rubber or maybe silicone. She wants to scream but finds she is unable to. "Please do not be alarmed. We mean you no harm," he says quickly, Ariana noticing his mouth isn't moving as he speaks. "I'm speaking to you telepathically, in case you're wondering," he adds softly. Ariana still can't believe it, a strange calmness coming over her again. "Are you doing this? Wait! Are mind controlling me?! Are you MAKING me calm down?!" Ariana shouts. "Not at all. You mind and body want to be calm. My abilities are helping you return to a calmer state. Even if I could control your mind I wouldn't," Glorvax explains. "Gee thanks," Ariana says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Exactly what kind of experiments do you do to humans like me?" She asks. "We take physical measurements, blood samples, tissue samples, as well as egg and sperm samples," Glorvax explains.

        "How many times have you done this to me before? You said you've been watching me since Spaced Invaders?" Ariana asks, starting to worry. "Don't worry. This is the first time we've brought you aboard our ship," Glorvax replies. "Humans were originally a genetic experiment we created millions of years ago," he adds. Ariana is quiet for a moment. "Can Martians and humans...cross breed? Are you using us as some kind of sex slaves?" Ariana asks, her eyes going wide. "No, no. Nothing like that. While a human and a Martian can have sexual intercourse neither participant could be pregnant. Perhaps several generations from now it could be different. Why do you ask?" Glorvax asks. "I thought maybe you brought me here to mate with me or something crazy like that" Ariana laughs nervously. Glorvax stares at her in silence for a moment. "Do you want to have sexual intercourse with me? I sense slight feeling of attraction coming from you," he says, staring intently at Ariana. The blonde blushes, realizing that Glorvax can not only speak to her psychically but can also read her mind too. "I apologize. I did not mean to invade your thoughts like that, but your mind is so strong. It's like you're screaming your wants at me," Glorvax says softly.

        Ariana can't believe this is really happening. Between the fact that aliens exist and now...the possibility of maybe having sex with one... It's almost too much to handle. But...she also realizes that she'll never have an opportunity like this again. "N-no. It's alright. I guess some part of me DOES want to have sex with you," Ariana giggles, blushing again. "If that is what you want. But I must get permission first. One moment please," Glorvax says. She watches as the Martian blinks rapidly, almost as if in a daze. Snapping out of it, he returns his gaze to her. "I have been granted permission to engage in recreational intercourse with you if I choose," he says. "You make it sound soooo romantic," Ariana says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "I am familiar with Earth sarcasm," Glorvax says, his mouth moving in what Ariana assumes is a smile. "But first I require a closer inspection of your body," he says. Ariana feels her body going stiff. Glorvax waves a hand, the restraints on her ankles and wrists releasing. She floats off the table, unable to move, as Glorvax moves his other hand, clearly using one of his abilities to bring her towards him.

        Ariana can only watch, unable to move, as Glorvax walks around her, inspecting her body. "Hmmm. Your body is thin yet toned. I see your breasts are sufficient size. I believe what you'd call B cup on Earth," he says, sounding impressed. Putting a hand under her chin he motions to her to open her mouth, Ariana obeying. "Your oral cavity is very impressive," Glorvax says. "We've seen how wide you can open it, and how much you can fit inside it," he adds, Ariana blushing.

         Suddenly she's lifted several feet in the air, her legs gently spreading. "Your anal orifice seems to be in satisfactory condition. Upon closer examination your female birth canal appears well used but still in acceptable shape, which is impressive. Especially considering how many well endowed males you've allowed to enter it. You seem particularly fond of the darker skinned humans, the ones with the larger sexual organs," he says, lowering her back to the ground. "As I said, we've been monitoring you for sometime," he explains, Ariana giving him a look when he mentions her preference for black cock. "For our sexual encounter we will go to my quarters. But there are a few things we must do first," Glorvax says, motioning with his hand as Ariana starts to levitate slowly across the room. As she approaches the corner of the room it begins to reconfigure itself, forming a small rectangular box around her. "Before we can mate I must put you through the decontamination process," he explains. Once the chamber fully closes around her Ariana sees Glorvax push a button on a nearby computer. She's suddenly blasted from every direction until she's coated from head to toe with a smelly brown, gel like substance. "Ugh! Gross!" Ariana cries. Just as quickly as she was sprayed with the gel a bright, hot red light illuminates the chamber, the gel drying out as it falls off her body.

        Ariana is startled as the chamber opens suddenly, making a loud banging sound. Before she can walk out she's lifted off her feet and levitated out of the chamber by Glorvax. He approaches her, a circular piece of metal in his hands. "Normally we don't let humans roam the ship but my superiors are making an exception for you. Even still there are certain protocols we must follow. I'm embarrassed to do this, but I must put this device on you," he says.  "Is that some kind of dog collar?" Ariana asks, a hint of anger in her voice. "It is an obedience collar. It will shock you if you go too far from me. Once again I apologize, but it is required," Glorvax says, sounding a little upset. "Fine. Just do it," Ariana sighes, gathering her shoulder length hair as she tilts her head to one side. Glorvax closes the collar around her neck, a loud click letting them know it's operational. He leads Ariana to the door as it automatically opens, pointing into the hallway. As they walk to their destination Ariana can't help but notice how the other Martians move to one side as they pass, eyes wide as they watch her walk naked through the corridors. "Oh my God! This is so embarrassing," Ariana groans, rolling her eyes. "Odd that you feel that way, considering your past sexual encounters. Don't forget that we've been watching you for years," Glorvax says, getting another exasperated groan from Ariana.

        They finally reach their destination, Glorvax opening the door to his chambers and motioning  Ariana to enter. She obeys, looking around the large room, taking everything in. There's a small desk and computer against one wall on the far side of the room. On the other side of the room is a door that she can only assume leads to a bathroom. But it's the large object in the center of the room that catches her eye. There, in the middle of the room, is a large square shaped...blob? It reminds her of a huge, clear square of Jello with some blankets and a couple of pillows on top of it. "Please sit down and make yourself comfortable," Glorvax says, pointing at the bed. Ariana approaches the bed slowly as she tries to figure out the best way to sit on the jiggling blob of gel. She turns around and sits down awkwardly on the edge of the bed, surprised that the gel is warm to the touch as it presses against her bare skin. "Can you please take this off now?" Ariana asks, pointing at the collar. "I'm afraid I cannot. I must be fully honest with you Ariana. Millions of years ago my people created your people to be our sex slaves. That is why we Martians cannot impregnate humans and vice versa. We now reproduce in laboratories using genetics to engineer the next generation. Over the centuries my people needed a way to release their pent up sexual tension and that is when we created your species," he explains. "It's why you received so many strange looks in the hall way. My people think of humans as second class citizens at best, sex slaves at worst," he continues, disappointment in his voice as he sits down next to her on the bed.

        "Hey. It's not your fault. I can tell you don't feel like that," Ariana says, taking his hand in hers. "What can I do to cheer you up?" Ariana asks, giving the Martian a sly smile. "Hmmm. This is my first time with a human female. How about you start by pleasuring me with your oral cavity?" Glorvax says, standing up. As he turns to face her, Ariana watches as a long slit opens between the Martian's legs, a long, muscular green appendage sliding out. "Sure. Why not? There's nothing I love more than pleasing my partner with my oral cavity," she says, kneeling down in front of him. "I am aware of human sarcasm," he replies with a chuckle as Ariana lets out a giggle.

        Looking at the nearly foot long green penis before her, Ariana realizes it's already rock hard. "Is it going to get bigger as I suck on it?" Ariana asks nervously. "No. Back when our race reproduced sexually we engineered our bodies to make us more efficient during sexual encounters. As a result the males' reproductive organs are always fully erect. No need for what you humans call foreplay," Glorvax explains. "I guess that makes sense," Ariana says softly, opening her mouth as she leans in towards Glorvax's hips. Wrapping her lips around the tip of Martian's cock, Ariana begins to slide her head up and down, deep throating her first alien cock like a pro. GWAH! GWAH! GWAH! She speeds up, hungry for more, desperate to get as much of Glorvax's cock down her throat as humanly possible.  "Mmmm. You ARE very skilled with your oral cavity," Glorvax says. "Perhaps my people made a mistake when we gave up on foreplay," he adds quickly, groaning as Ariana runs her tongue up and down his shaft.

        "I think you deserve a reward after that," Glorvax says, waving his hand. An unseen force pushes her onto her back, then lifts her straight up in the air. While anyone else in this situation would be panicking, Ariana knows it's just Glorvax using his abilities. Suspending in mid air, she exhaled as her legs spread open, her body floating towards the Martian's head. "I hope you enjoy this. Obviously I've never done this before but I'm hoping the fact that I'll be using both my tongues will make up for my inexperience," Glorvax says. Before Ariana can react to the fact that her Martian lover has two tongues, the two aforementioned tongues run across her clit and asshole simultaneously. "Oh fuck! That feels amazing!" Ariana moans, her body writhing in midair as she's eaten out. The Martian's two tongues explore every last nook and cranny between her legs, focusing mainly on her clit. Suddenly both tongues slip inside her pussy, moving along her tight walls in a circular motion. "Ugh! Ngghhhh! Yeah baby! Just like that! Eat my human pussy until I cum all over your Martian face!" Ariana whines.

        Unfortunately for Ariana, her body pulls away from Glorvax, floating down to the gelatinous blob of a bed. She gives the Martian a sad look, disappointed that he didn't get her off on his two tongues. "I know you're upset but I will not let your first orgasm with a Martian be a result of foreplay. You'll definitely have the orgasm you're craving, but it will be from penetration," Glorvax explains, waving his hand. She slides across the gel until she's dead center in the middle of the bed. "Please put your arms above your head," he tells Ariana. She obeys, Glorvax once again waving a hand. The gel mattress beneath seeming comes alive, thin tendrils of gel wrapping around her wrists while two others grab her ankles as they gently open her legs. "I thought we were done with the prisoner stuff," Ariana asks, irritating. "We are. However the gel beneath you becomes very slippery when human sweat and other human secretions mix with it. I don't want you slipping off the bed while we have intercourse," Glorvax explains. "Oh ok. I was just messing with you anyway," Ariana laughs. "It's not like I've never been tied up during sex before," she adds quickly, giving the Martian a sly grin.

        Ariana watches, full of anticipation, as the Martian climbs onto the bed. He's so close that she can feel the heat radiating off his body. She can lift her head high enough off the bed to see his cock moving itself into position, as if it has a mind of it's own. The tip brushes against her pussy lips, running up and down her gash, before it runs a couple of circles around her aching clit. "Ugh! Please stop teasing me! I want you inside me so badly!" Ariana moans. "As you wish," Glorvax says, his cock sliding into her pussy. "Uggghhh! Oh fuck! You feel so good inside me!" Ariana groans. She can feel his cock stretching her pussy as the Martian thrusts his hips against hers over and over again. Ugh! Mmm! I see why you enjoy intercourse so much. I find this quite enjoyable," Glorvax says, staring into Ariana's eyes as he fucks her. An idea pops into Ariana's mind, totally crazy but she decides to give it a shot anyway. "Talk dirty to me," Ariana begs, her eyes burning into Glorvax's eyes. "For you I will give it a try," he says, sounding a little unsure of himself.

        Glorvax gives her a few more fast, hard thrusts before letting her really have it. "How does that big Martian dick feel?" Glorvax growls, his tone catching Ariana off guard. "It feels so fucking good! I love it!" Ariana groans. "I bet you do! I know how much you love cock. That's why you're a good little sex slave! You don't care what I do to you! You'll just take it and beg me for more! I'm surprised you have asked me to put both my cocks in you yet," Glorvax says. Ariana's stunned by what she's hearing. "Whoa! Stop! Hold on! Did you say you have not one but two cocks?!" Ariana exclaims. Glorvax stops mid thrust, looking down at her, a confused look on her face. "Yes. That's correct. Did you not know all Martian males have two penises?" Glorvax asks. "No I didn't know that! That's not even something I would've even thought to ask!" Ariana exclaims, grinning at the Martian. "Would you like me to use it?" Glorvax asks. "What do you think?" Ariana laughs. The Martian just stares back at her. "Oh my God! That's a yes! Whip it out and let's do this," she exclaims, exasperated.

        Glorvax pulls out of her, standing up. Ariana's eyes go wide as a slit in his body opens, under his cock, as a second penis slides out. It's identical to the one she's already seen, but as far as Ariana is concerned two dicks are always definitely better than one. "Where am I putting the second one? Are both going in your reproductive canal or is one going into your rectal cavity while the original goes back into your reproductive canal?" Glorvax asks. She has to admit it's a good question, but for Ariana the answer is simple: both. "Let's start with both in my pussy, then we can do one in each hole after that," she replies. Ariana braces herself, arms and legs still held in place by the gel like substance, as Glorvax moves his hips towards hers. The tips of his dual cocks press against her pussy lips, Ariana nodding to him to proceed. As if they have a mind of their own, the Martian's cocks thrust inside the blonde with one quick, powerful motion. "Uggghhhh! Oh fuck! Oooh fuucckkk! I've got two big Martian cocks inside me, stretching my tight human pussy!" Ariana moans as the cocks pump her pussy in unison. "Just like that! Please don't stop! It's been too long since I've had two dicks in my pussy! Uggghhhh!" Ariana groans, her restrained body writhing in pleasure.

        Glorvax speeds up his thrusts, causing the intensity and volume of Ariana's cries of pleasure to increase simultaneously. The Martian is pumping her pussy so hard and fast that one of his cocks slip out of Ariana. Rushing to get it back inside her Glorvax misses his target, the second cock plunging into Ariana's puckered asshole. She's so distracted by the pleasure washing over her that she doesn't notice for several thrusts. Glorvax moves his hand to the cock in her ass. "No! Leave it in! It's fine! Fuck both of my holes with those thick Martian cocks!" Ariana cries. She watches the two cocks drilling her holes, eyes full of lust, when she catches Glorvax staring at her bouncing breasts. "What are you waiting for? You know you want to man handle or...Martian man handle...my tits! Go on! I want you to," Ariana begs her Martian lover. Reaching down between them Glorvax cups a breast in each of his hands, squeezing them tightly. "Fuck that feels great! Why don't you play with my nipples?" Ariana says. Leaning down Glorvax lets his tongues go in either direction, one flicking all over the nipple on Ariana's left breast, his other tongue doing the same to her right breast. "I think you're about to have an orgasm," Glorvax's voice says, the Martian speaking to her telepathically.

        As if on cue, Ariana feels her body tensing up. Like an erupting volcano, wave after wave of unbelievable pleasure washes over Ariana, the blonde screaming at the top off her lungs. "Agggghhh! Ugggghhhhh! I'm cumming all over two big Martian cocks!" Ariana shrieks as she climaxes harder than she has in awhile. Her body is still trembling as Glorvax gently pulls his dual cocks out from between her legs. With a motion of his hands, the gelatin tendrils release Ariana's wrists and ankles. She forces herself off the bed, gingerly kneeling down in front of Glorvax, still a little unsteady from her orgasm. Ariana closes her lips tightly around the Martian's lower cock, sucking him off hard as she uses both hands to jerk off the other, higher cock.

        She's so focused on his cocks that Ariana barely hears Glorvax moaning in pleasure. The first drop of Martian cum squirts into her mouth, dead center on her waiting tongue, as the other big, green cock in her hands tenses up. Too late to stop Ariana lets Glorvax cum in her mouth with his lower cock, as the higher cock sprays its' load of warm Martian cum all over her face. She already knows that she'll think of this moment later, when she's back at home masturbating, getting a cum facial from a Martian as he also cums into her mouth. Ariana swallows hard, the whole load of Martian cum easily sliding down her eager throat. It doesn't taste all that different than any other load she's swallowed before. She smiles up at Glorvax, his other load plastered all over her face. "That...was...fucking...amazing!" Ariana exclaims as she tries to catch her breath. "Yes. It was an encounter I won't soon forget," Glorvax laughs.

        A computer panel on the wall begins beeping, Glorvax hurrying over. He reads the message on the screen several times, a look of amazement on his face. The screen is covered in strange symbols that Ariana can't make heads or tails of, clearly some kind of Martian hieroglyphs. Glorvax hurries over to the dresser, pulling out a small towel and tossing it to Ariana. "Please hurry and get yourself cleaned off," Glorvax tells her, a look of panic on his face. "Is everything ok?" Ariana asks as she wipes her face. "I'm not sure. I've just been instructed to bring you to our Queen immediately," Glorvax explains. He pulls what looks like a small remote control from the dresser. Pressing a button on the remote a thin beam of light travels from the remote, connecting with the collar around Ariana's neck. "Are you really going to walk me like a dog on our way to meet the Queen?" Ariana sighes, rolling her eyes. "Once again I do apologize. However we must follow security protocols, especially since it involves the Queen," Glorvax says. As he leads her naked out of the bedroom Ariana has a feeling that her Martian adventure is just beginning...

The End...for now
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, pixidragon, Dexter07


Re: Ariana's Sextraterrestrial Encounter (An Ariana Richards story)
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2024, 12:48:05 AM »
I'm loving this so far It gives a fresh spin on the alien abduction genre I'm really curious how this plays out as things develop the sex was plenty hot  with some wiggle room down the road solid effort now that I see this I have my own alien story with Ariana that will be vastly different from this
The following users thanked this post: Cptnstrwrs


Re: Ariana's Sextraterrestrial Encounter (An Ariana Richards story)
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2024, 01:33:26 PM »
Interesting story. There used to be stuff like this on CSSA years ago with aliens.
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