For stories like this, I use celebrities in the roles for some of the characters. (Mostly female.) And for Patricia Lian, I used Chloe Bennet. Both her joking personality and her looks. And for Yanagita Namiko I used Yano Yuuka. Her looks mostly in this case. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 3
Patricia woke up a few hours later. And again she was alone. She got up found her clothes that I had thrown aside a few hours before. As soon as she was dressed she walked out of the bedroom. She was ready to yell at me if she found me training in the backyard again. But she found me in the kitchen cooking. "I am really bad at timing aren't I?" I said with a smile seeing her standing there.
"You wanted to cook for me?" Patricia asked with a smile. "And we could have breakfast in bed. Yes." I said with a little smile. She came up to me and gave me another kiss. "You are so much better then the douche I used to date," she said with a smile. "There is something I want to talk about with you," I said as I set out the food at the table. "What's that?" she asked with a smile.
"This morning was amazing. A could live a thousand years and I would never forget any detail of what we did." I said taking her hand as we sat at the table. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand. "I sense a but coming," she said with a smile. "The but is I don't want you to have done anything that we did because you think that you owe me for whatever reason," I said looking into her eyes.
"You saved my life. Twice. You took a bite from that...orthrus?" she asked looking at me and I shook my head yes. "All that is true and you do deserve a reward for that. But ever since I met you I have felt this attraction to you. When you carried me into that town. It was really some the happiest moments in my life." she said looking at me. "But when I saw you get attacked. I-I don't know how to describe it. It felt like I was watching my world come crashing down around me." she said trying to find the right words.
"It was far worse than when I walked in on him cheating on me. I hated him for doing that. I didn't know what I was going to do. But I knew I would be alright in the end. But when I saw you..." she said looking at me and started to tear up. I pulled her into my arms. "I didn't make love to you because I felt like I owed you anything," she said breathing in my scent. "I did it because I needed to make love to you," she said as she pulled away. "Because I love you," she said looking at me with a smile. "I love you too," I said smiling at her and gave her a kiss.
As we kissed there was a noise from the hallway to the kitchen like someone had dropped something. "Namiko?" I asked as I saw a young woman running from the kitchen leaving behind a basket of muffins on the floor with some of the muffins scattered around and they looked like they had been handmade. I went chasing after the young woman trying to stop her. "Please tell me I didn't do what was done to me to some other girl?" Patricia asked looking at me not sure if she should be mad or not.
"No Namiko isn't my girlfriend," I said looking worse than when I did when Groshan's men carried me away. "Then who is she?" Patricia demanded seeing how this affected me. "Yanagita Namiko, she's twenty years old. Seven months ago I saved her from bandits. She was born here. But here parents were born in Japan and came here the same way that we did. And like you I think we both fell in love with each other." I said looking down at my feet. "Then why isn't she your girlfriend?" Patricia asked me.
"She's a mage in training. She loves it here. But I want to go home. I can't take her from this place, her home. So I kept her at arm's length." I said to Patricia. "And that worked out wonderfully didn't it?" Patricia asked holding up one of the muffins that Namiko had dropped as she ran out. "She took it as a challenge. God, I didn't want her to find out about us like this." I said with a sigh looking to the heavens. "She must have...heard about the attack and came to be there for me," I said looking at the muffin sadly.
Patricia looked at me. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do but she couldn't stay here. "Please don't leave," I said not sure if I should reach out to stop her. "I have to leave right now," Patricia said looking at me. "But...I will be back." Patricia said grabbing her coat and throwing it on as she left the house. Leaving me alone and afraid that I was about to lose everything and everyone that mattered to me.
* * *
"You can't drink Namiko," Groshan said looking at Namiko as she reached out for a glass full to the brim with some type of liquor. "Watch me," Namiko said as she moved the glass to her lips. "Maybe you should listen to him," Patricia said placing her hand on the top of the glass before it hit her lips. "If you don't remove your hand from my glass you are going to lose it," Namiko said realizing who was talking.
"Namiko that doesn't sound like you," Groshan said shocked by this. "It's alright Groshan," Patricia said looking into Namiko's eyes. She saw something that she should have suspected by was still shocked by. But not as shocked as what thoughts started to go through her head. "You love David don't you?" Patricia said more than asked.
"Yes of course she does. That's why she wants to become a full-fledged healing mage so that she could travel with him. And you are so close Namiko if you drink any liquor it would undo all the work that you have done already." Groshan said looking at Namiko.
"How?" Patricia asked. "Healing magic is tricky to master. That is why there is only a few mages and wizards who even try. You have to maintain a body with no harm to it until she finishes training. No liquor. No sex. It is a life of purity until you finish your training. And she only has a few lessons left before she finishes tomorrow. And you are going to throw that all away Namiko." he said looking at her.
She got mad hearing the explanation. "It doesn't matter anymore!" Namiko yelled jerking the glass away from Patricia. "Don't you see?" Namiko asked the old wizard. "She has taken him from me," Namiko said throwing the glass at the wall shattering the glass and sending the liquor inside down to the floor in a splash. As she started to cry.
"Why should that bother you?" Groshan asked. Patricia looked at the old wizard. "Normal explorers have women that they make love to from many of the towns and villages that they go too. The women of this realm are attracted to them like flies to manure. Though David doesn't go for that type of thing. I could never understand why he doesn't." Groshan said looking at both girls. And Namiko collapsed on the floor crying with Patricia kneeling down in front of her. "Because he was a virgin. Like me." Namiko said crying.
"Excuse me?" Patricia asked. "He told me that he would only ever make love with someone that he truly loved. So he waited until the day he found that someone to make love to for the first time. And I thought that if I became a healing mage we could be each other's firsts as we tried to go to the Earth. But he doesn't love me. Oh god, I feel so stupid." Namiko said as she cried.
Patricia thought of something as she watched this. "Don't sweetie. He loves you too." Patricia said looking at Namiko. She looked up at Patricia angry that she would lie to her. "You lying-" she said angrily. "She's not lying Namiko," Groshan said looking down at her. "I have seen it in his eyes since he met you," Groshan said to her.
"Then why didn't he want to make love to me. I have been keeping what type of mage I am training to be secret so if he wanted to I would make love with him." Namiko said crying. "Because he doesn't want to take you away from this world. He thinks that you love it here more then you would love it on Earth." Patricia said looking at her.
"I want to go to Earth with him. I never really thought about where my parents were born until I met him. I want to see it. And I want to see it with him." Namiko said crying. "Namiko I have any idea. If you are willing to hear me out." Patricia said looking at her. "What?" she asked looking at her still crying.
* * *
I was in the backyard waiting for Patricia to come back. It was dark now and I was getting worried. I knew that she said that she was going to come back but she hadn't yet. All I wanted to do was cry after she left but I had to do something to get my mind off of things while leaving her alone for her to think, so I did some training. I was in love with both Namiko and Patricia with my whole heart. As I cooked the meal that I was going to serve Patricia in bed I was thinking about ways to tell Namiko that would be gentle.
But to have her come in with us kissing as she did. It already hurt that I tried to get back to Earth without telling her or Groshan that I was going. I just couldn't say goodbye to her. Then I meet Patricia and she became my world so quickly. I couldn't think of a life without her. "I want to be her 'horsey' forever," I said putting away the sword.
I couldn't just wait for her to come home any longer, I had to go and find her. So I went to the bedroom going to get changed and find her and bring her home. I walked into my dark bedroom and turned on the gas lights with a turn of the screw at the bottom. "It's about time that you came up to bed," Patricia said with a smile.
It took me a minute to register what I was looking at. Because no matter how long I stared at the bed I couldn't believe my eyes. Patricia was laying in bed naked like she had been waiting for me for some time now. And she wasn't alone. Namiko was laying next to her. Also smiling. And also naked. I stood in stunned silence like I was a statue that had been placed at the door of the bedroom.
"I think we broke him," Namiko said with a smile looking at Patricia. "What's going on?" I asked not sure if the wound that I had suffered yesterday had actually killed me and now I was in heaven. "Do you remember what you asked me just before Namiko came to give you her homemade muffins?" Patricia asked as she got up from the bed and walked over to me seductively. Right now I was having trouble thinking more than short sentences looking at the two of them.
"Yeah. I-I asked you if-if you made love to me because you thought that you owed me something." I said struggling to remember. "And I said you did deserve a reward," she said kissing my neck. "Yeah," I said breathing heavily. "Well, here I am," Namiko said with a smile as she walked over to me stood on her tip toes and kissed me for the first time since we had met. "Why did I wait so long?" she asked herself with a smile as we broke apart from the kiss.
"B-But what about being a healing mage? Aren't you throwing all that away?" I asked looking at her. "You knew?" she asked with a smile. "Groshan has a big mouth," I said with a smile. Both Patricia and Namiko laughed at that. "When I went into town and found Namiko in the pub going to throw all her training away," Patricia said looking at her. "We had a long talk and I did the last training sessions one right after the other. And I am now a full-fledged healing mage." Namiko said with a smile.
"And we came here to give you my reward. Of her as your second girlfriend. And a reward for her of making love to you for completing her training." Patricia said. I put my arms around both girls still not sure if I had died or was alive. "But why are you for all of this? You walked in on your ex, and he was cheating on you with another woman. Now you are setting me up with one." I asked looking at Patricia.
Patricia smiled at Namiko and me. "When I went into that pub I had every intention of telling her to back off my man. But I looked into her eyes. And I saw love. She loves you so much. And I saw you when she found out about us. And I saw the same thing from you." Patricia said smiling at me.
"So I was just thinking about leaving it alone or even trying to get the two of you together somehow. Which surprised me. Then when Groshan told me about how healing mages work and about how explores have lovers in many of the villages and towns that they go to. I knew that she was going to be joining us in this bed." Patricia said looking at the bed. "But I don't want to ever see you as I saw you yesterday. So I wanted her to finish her training today and not tomorrow. So we could have a healing mage with us as we search for a way home." Patricia said with a smile.
"And before you say something I want to go with you everywhere. Including Earth," Namiko said with a smile. I looked at both girls. "Can I make love to you?" I asked. "Namiko first," Patricia said with a smile. I kissed Namiko. She practically dragged me to the bed with a smile on her face. I removed my clothes as fast as I could as she kissed me. I had wanted this for months kissing her about to make love to her. When I fantasized about this I was losing my virginity to this woman as I took hers. But somehow this was even better.
I had found a woman that was the love of my life, my soulmate. And she had helped me get past the fear of taking another woman that I was in love with away from home. Who had wanted to come with me all along. Now I had no fears that I was doing something that I would regret. I was going to be making love to a woman that I loved and that loved me. As she laid down on the bed with her legs spread waiting for me to be between them. I smiled as I took off my pants and climbed between those legs.
I kissed her as I lined up and entered my new lover. She yelped as I did that but then she smiled and kissed me as we started to make love for the first time. As we made love Patricia watched. She started to masturbate as she watched me make love to Namiko. She wasn't sure if she could watch the love of her life making love to another girl but not only did she watch she was getting turned on as Namiko started to moan.
And when Namiko came moaning my name I smiled at her kissed her and she nodded knowing what I wanted to do now. "Next," I said with a smile. As I approached Patricia and kissed her. As she pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me Namiko smiled as she watched Patricia and I make love. And before long she was masturbating like Patricia had been when she was watching her make love with me.
The three of us stayed lost in passion for the rest of the night. When I was done with one I would go to the other until none of the three of us had anything left to give. I kissed both girls on the forehead as they laid there heads to rest on my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around them both. The girls reached out and held each other's hands and we fell asleep like that with smiles on our faces and joy in our hearts.