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Author Topic: Camera Confessions (Georgia May Foote)  (Read 6382 times)


Camera Confessions (Georgia May Foote)
« on: June 22, 2024, 11:57:20 AM »
Disclaimer: This did not happen. Fantasy is legal.

Codes: MF, Oral, Creampie

Camera Confessions

Jack's heart leaped as he heard a knock on his front door. It was a warm summer morning, and the birds were singing outside. He glanced at his phone, realising he was already running late for work. Sighing, he opened the door to find his gorgeous neighbour, Georgia, standing there. The former Corrie actress was a stunning brunette with tanned skin, piercing blue eyes, and a body that could stop traffic. Her curves were accentuated by her slim figure, and her large breasts were practically spilling out of her tight top. She was shorter than him, giving her an even more alluring presence.

"Hey, Jack," she greeted him with a flirty smile, holding up the camera she had borrowed. "I finally got around to using it, and I just wanted to return it before you left."

"Georgia, hi." he said, flustered "I'm just on my way to work, but come in."

She breezed by him, and he smelt her perfume, a heady mix of jasmine and cinnamon.

"It's a really great camera. I might have to buy that model myself." she purred, as she handed to him. "I just have a couple of questions for you though."

"Georgia, I really need to go." he responded.

"It's just a couple of questions. I'll be quick." she smiled.

"Ok, have a seat." he sighed and closed the door, watching her strut sexily to the couch.

He sat down beside her, and she handed him the camera.

"It's a really great camera, and it was really easy to use. There are some...interesting pictures and videos on it though." she smiled coyly

Jack took the camera, his mind racing. He knew exactly what she had seen. The pictures and videos from their last holiday, where he and his wife, Debbie, had documented their passionate love life. The ones that were never meant for anyone else's eyes.

"Thanks, Georgia," he managed to say, trying to keep his cool. "I'm actually in a bit of a rush though."

She sat closer to him, closing the distance between them, and placed a hand on his chest. Her touch sent a jolt of electricity through him. "I just need to ask you something really quick. I saw the pictures on the camera. Your marriage seems so perfect, but..."

"Um, Georgia, I really need to get to work." flustered, he tried to get her to leave.

She leaned in closer. "I just need to know if your marriage is as perfect as it seems." Her voice was husky, and her blue eyes searched his face. "I mean, I saw those pictures and videos, and it looked like...like you were really into each other. But it can't be easy because you always travel apart for work."

Jack couldn't help but feel his cock twitch in his pants. He was desperately trying to focus on what she was saying, but all he could think about was the way she was sitting there, her breasts practically spilling out of her tight top, her hand on his chest.

"Uh, well, yeah, it's not always easy," he stammered. "But we make it work. Look, Georgia, I really need to go."

But she wasn't listening. Her gaze had dropped to his crotch, and she licked her lips. "Your wife is very a lucky woman," she murmured, her eyes flicking back up to meet his. "To have a man with such a...substantial gift."

Jack felt his heart race. He couldn't believe she was saying these things to him. He was desperately trying to think of a way to get her to leave, but all he could focus on was the way her hand was still on his chest, her breath warm on his skin.

"Yeah, she is lucky. Look Georgia, I have to go. I have a meeting to get to." he said, trying to sound authoritative, but it came out weak.

She fiddled with his tie a little "Oh, c'mon Jack! You're the owner of the company, surely you can be a little late."

He swallowed hard, unable to believe what she was saying. He wanted her to stop, to go away, but she seemed so confident, so sure of herself. Her hand was still on his chest, and it was making it hard to think straight.

"Look, Georgia, I appreciate your interest and all, but I'm happily married," he managed to say, his voice sounding strained even to his own ears. "And aren't you married too?"

"Married," she pouted, as she started stroking his thigh with her fingers. "But not satisfied. What I wouldn't give to have a man like you, Jack."

Her touch was like a fever, burning through him. His cock twitched in his pants, growing harder by the second. He tried to focus on his breath, to calm himself down, but she was making it impossible.

"Georgia, I love Debbie." he stammered, trying to regain control of the situation.

She knelt up on the couch, and moved her hand to his crotch, squeezing it.

"And I love Kris." she said, her voice low and husky. "But sometimes...sometimes I need more than he can give me. And when I saw you...saw those pictures and videos...I just...I couldn't help but wonder."

Her hand moved to his fly, undoing the button and zipper with practiced ease.

"Georgia, I can't..." he started to say, cut off by her lips kissing his.

"This isn't about love, Jack. It's just about sex." she fished his cock out of his pants.

He couldn't believe what was happening, but he couldn't deny the heat that surged through him at the feel of her hand on him. He gasped as she slowly stroked him, her grip firm and sure.

"Mmmmm, I can see why Debbie always looks so happy when I see her." she giggled.

Jack couldn't believe what was happening. He wanted to stop it, to make her stop, but he couldn't seem to find the strength. Her touch was like a drug, and he was helpless to resist.

"You won't tell, Debbie?" he blurted out.

"If you don't tell Kris, I'll keep my lips sealed," she kissed him gently, tugging at his pants, he stood up and she pulled them down freeing his large erection. "Well, I might put my mouth on something else, but…"

He groaned as she leaned forward and took him into her mouth. Her warm, wet mouth engulfed him, sucking him deep and hard. His groaned, holding her close as he felt her tongue swirl around the head of his cock. He arched his back, unable to believe the pleasure she was giving him.

He unbuttoned his shirt, and her hand moved up to his chest, stroking him gently as she bobbed her head up and down. He closed his eyes, lost in the sensation of her lips and tongue on him.

"Does Debbie suck your cock as well as I do?" she breathed, her hand squeezing him rhythmically as she sucked and licked. He couldn't answer, couldn't even form a coherent thought. All he could do was moan and arch his back, his hips thrusting forward into her mouth.

"She stopped after we got married..." he finally groaned. "Fuck, I've missed this..." He gripped her hair tightly as she took him deeper, her throat working around him.

"That's such a waste." Georgia moaned around his cock, "She should be worshipping this big cock."

Her hand moved down, gripping his balls, squeezing them as she sucked harder. He cried out, arching his back, helpless to resist the pleasure she was giving him.

"You like that, Jack?" She looked up at him, her blue eyes sparkling, as she licked his cock.

"Yes...fuck, yes..." he moaned, cupping her breasts through her top, wanting to have them in his hands.

Her mouth worked on him, her lips and tongue sliding up and down his shaft, her breath hot against him.

"Oh fuck," he groaned "I need to see you."

He pulled her away from his cock, and she immediately missed the heat and the taste of him. He guided her to her feet and kissed her passionately, his hands groping her breasts. He helped her out of her clothes, until she stood before him naked. He was awestruck at how perfect she was; a pint-sized, heavenly creature with the body of a goddess. Her breasts were incredible, large and perky, the nipples small and erect. He leaned down and took one in his mouth, sucking and licking it, as he held her close.

"Oh god, Jack," she moaned, her fingers running through his hair. He switched to the other breast, teasing her, before finally moving up to kiss her lips again.

Georgia's hands slipped down to cup his erection, stroking him slowly. "I need you inside me," she whispered, her hips moving against him.

"After I taste you." he whispered, guiding her back onto the couch.

Georgia lay back, spreading her legs wide, and Jack knelt between them. His hands gripped her thighs, spreading her further, exposing her wet, swollen folds. He lowered his head, taking in her scent, the softness of her skin. He ran his tongue up and down her slit, tasting her, feeling the wetness of her arousal.

"Oh Jack..." she moaned, her hips jerking up off the couch. He slid a finger inside her, feeling her tight, hot muscles grip him, and her wetness coat his finger. He pressed another finger against her opening, stretching her further, and she arched her back, her eyes closing in pleasure. He licked and sucked at her clit, whilst he fingered her, causing her to shiver at his touch.

"You like to eat pussy?" she groaned, looking down at him "Fuck, you're the perfect husband..."

He looked up at her and their eyes locked. He pushed his fingers deeper, curling them, searching for that spot that would send her over the edge. Her hands gripped the couch, nails digging into the leather, as he began to move his fingers in and out of her. She was close, so close, and with every stroke of his fingers, she felt herself slipping further and further away from reality.

"Oh fuck...Jack...fuck..." she cried, nearing the peak of her pleasure.

His fingers moved faster inside her, his thumb finding her clit and rubbing in small circles. Her body arched off the couch, her back bowing, as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. She gripped the couch, nails digging into the leather as her orgasm consumed her, her body shuddering as she came.

Jack watched her, his breathing ragged, as she surrendered to her release. He withdrew his fingers, his gaze never leaving her, as he positioned himself between her legs.

"You want it inside of you?" he looked down at her, his eyes burning with desire.

"Please," she breathed, her eyes locked on his. "I need it."

He lowered himself between her legs, guiding his erection to her opening. With a swift motion, he thrust inside her, feeling her tightness engulf him. He groaned, his hips moving in time with hers as they began to rock together. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him close. Her moans filled the room as they moved together, their bodies wrapped around each other.

Jack's thrusts grew deeper, harder, his breath becoming more laboured as he felt the pressure building inside him. He could feel her body tensing, preparing for another orgasm, and with each thrust he pushed her closer to the edge. Her hips moved up off the couch as she met his thrusts with equal force.

"It feels so big," she groaned "So good."

He pounded into her, his hips slapping against her ass, her body moving with his. clung onto him tight, as she arched her back, meeting each thrust with equal force. The couch creaked beneath them as they moved faster and faster, lost in the heat of the moment.

His breath was hot against her ear as he growled, "You feel so good, so tight..."

His hips pumped harder, faster, and she could feel the force of each thrust sending shockwaves through her body.

"Oh Jack, oh fuck..." she moaned, as she felt her orgasm building inside her.

"Come for me, Georgia. Come on my cock." he rasped, his hips still thrusting wildly, his body covered in sweat.

She sobbed as she felt the first wave of pleasure wash over her, her muscles tensing around him. He groaned, feeling her pussy clench around him, and drove into her harder, faster, his own orgasm building. He thrust deeper, hitting a spot deep inside her that sent sparks of pleasure through her entire body. She gripped him tight, her eyes shut, as she cried out his name, her second orgasm crashing over her.

Jack felt her body tighten around him, her muscles squeezing him with incredible force. He threw back his head, his hips bucking wildly as he came, filling her with his seed. She felt his cock, hot and thick, pulsing deep inside her, spurting wave after wave of his cum into her.

He buried his face in her neck, her skin warm and soft against his cheek.

"Fuck, you feel incredible," he groaned, his hips still moving, though the frantic pace had slowed.

She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him closer, needing the contact.

"I can't..." she murmured, her cheek pressed against his chest.

He lifted his head to look at her, their eyes meeting. "What's that?"

"I just..." She swallowed, her voice thick with emotion.

"You don't have to say anything." he said, leaning down, kissing her gently on the lips.

He lifted his weight off her, moving carefully so as not to disturb their intimate connection. He pulled her up, turning her around so that she was facing him, and then lay down behind her, their bodies still joined together. His cock still buried inside her, his arms wrapping around her, holding her close. They cuddled together, enjoying the warmth of each others bodies.

"Don't you have to go to work." she murmured, shifting slightly in his arms. "You have a meeting?

"Yes," he replied, kissing the back of her neck. "But I'm the boss, remember? Besides, I'm enjoying the meeting we're having here."

She laughed softly, taking his fingers in hers.

"Me too," she murmured.
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