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Author Topic: Raw Satisfaction Ch. 2 (Nicola Cavanis)  (Read 2749 times)


Raw Satisfaction Ch. 2 (Nicola Cavanis)
« on: September 07, 2024, 07:17:04 AM »
Raw Satisfaction Ch. 2
Starring: Nicola Cavanis

Themes: Romance, Adventure

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This was a commissioned story for Angry Dutchman. If you would like to get your own custom story, check me out on Patreon.

Miami, Florida

The black surface of the coffee table became hidden with rows of white square photos lined in five rows. All of them were the same size, with a smaller picture in the middle. Polaroid instant film prints made for good souvenirs as evidence of successful photoshoots. Nicola Cavanis was seen in all the photos, modeling a different outfit in most of them. Axel stood in front of the table, studying the pictures. He recently purchased a better camera to take still shots without needing to rely on his trusty camcorder. Two weeks had passed since he met Nicola and began this new job as her photographer. She stayed in Miami to keep in close contact with him and the other man he lived with. The working relationship was blossoming into a friendship that Axel found himself wanting more of.

As his eyes scanned the photos another time, Axel thought about Marcel. None of this would've ever been possible without his guiding hand. What little he knew of Marcel's past was not in question, as Axel was now seeing how the man knew how to lead. In many ways, he was like a father figure to him. The past few weeks served as a solid reminder of why he looked up to him. Marcel spent much of his time with Nicola, leaving Axel to guess if and when they would announce a relationship to him. It would be slightly deflating to think about this newfound friendship and job he had with her. The feelings he had for her were growing each day. Axel wanted to be more than just a photographer and cameraman. His hopes of dating her were at an all-time low, seeing the way she looked at Marcel.

It would be an egregious assumption on his part if Marcel wasn't trying to date Nicola. Or so Axel quietly thought to himself. He wanted her. Some years had passed since his last longterm relationship. Nicola gave him better feelings than any of the girls from his college years. There was something about her that he felt made them a good match. Today was far from the only time he studied the finer details printed in her polaroid snaps. The better quality was on the screen of his laptop, but he still appreciated the view in smaller, dark lighting. While Axel was busy looking at the photographs, Marcel was in the bathroom combing his hair. His spirits were high, to the point where he saw no use in looking at the gray hairs he had earned in life. Normally, he would take a few glances at them while preparing for the day.

Not anymore. Whatever insecurities he had since retirement had washed away in the past week. A renewed purpose in life was the best motivation to forget the blues of yesteryears. After his retirement, Marcel struggled to find something to look forward to in life. He had something now with Axel and Nicola. He seen himself as a guiding figure to help both of them along the way. In his eyes, Axel was a young man who just needed some motivation and aspiration to enjoy life. Nicola was more than just a pretty woman. Without her, Axel would still be aimless in life. Marcel understood the value of having her around. While he had personally enjoyed intimacy with her, it was Axel he was more concerned about. Marcel wanted to see the young man do something with his future. He had the chance with Nicola, but he lacked the self esteem and motivation to go the extra mile chasing her.

It was clear to see from his perspective. All the years of working as a detective had given him the experience to read people. Everyone had problems they kept to themselves. Hidden beneath the surface of someone his own age, Marcel had his regrets and failures in life. The divorces were the last thing he cared about. Lack of family had made him a lonely man until he met Axel. This was the closest he would ever get to having a son. Two years from now, he would be fifty years of age and he believed it was too late. Nicola looked at him romantically. It was something he could clearly see in her eyes when they were alone together. Marcel knew better than to involve himself like that with her. It would be better for her to hook up with Axel if she was truly seeking a relationship. This was something he knew was better for her.

After getting dressed in the bedroom, Marcel thought more about the situation with Nicola and Axel. The past week had been productive with her modeling in various new outfits. She launched her FansOnly page and instantly gained the attention of several modeling companies she was already connected to. Marcel couldn't navigate the internet with much expertise. It was a young man's game, and in one area, Axel won in competition of the two. So far, Nicola trusted telling Marcel the finer details about how her social media accounts worked and the management efforts by her agent. All Marcel had to do was pass that information to Axel, making him more eager to outdo the person getting paid to help her. Money was not the only motivating factor for Axel, and that became clearer with each passing day.

The last photoshoot was two days ago. Nicola modeled in colored bikinis and crop tops sent to her by a fashion designer in the US. With her current location in Florida, the shipping times were faster than they would've been if she were still at home in Germany. She didn't have a hairdresser or someone to do makeup, leaving it all to herself. Nicola made use of her hotel room for one photoshoot. Marcel suggested that they mix up the locations to make decent background imagery. Axel had an idea to use a swimming pool as a proper backdrop. Nicola agreed, going as far as to say that some videos in the water would add variety to the content she was uploading online. The only problem was finding a pool that could be closed off to the public to give them privacy for an hour's worth of filming and photographs.

Those were the days Axel needed to be spending with her and no one else. One way or another, Marcel knew he had to figure out how to leave them alone together. If Axel had a boost of confidence, maybe that would motivate him more so. As the morning hours rolled by, Marcel thought more about it. He shared lunch with the young man without much conversation between them. They talked about the things that didn't matter: back pains, the weather, and their current dread for the blazing summer that awaited them. It wasn't long before his phone began to vibrate and make the dinging sound of a text notification. That could only be one person reaching out to him. Marcel knew it was her before he grabbed his phone. He kept it in the bedroom, but Axel clearly heard the sound and knew he would be leaving to see her soon.

"Another date with Nicola?"

Axel asked without hesitation. Marcel shook his head.

"Not today. I think she needs a break from seeing me. I'm going out to get groceries, you want anything special?"

He went to shake his head, then stopped and raised a finger.

"Actually, now that I think about it, a big bag of Cheetos wouldn't hurt."

Marcel smiled, nodding at his friend before leaving. Grocery shopping was a convenient lie to get out of telling him that he was indeed on his way to meet up with Nicola. Their dates were becoming every other day when they weren't consecutive. Marcel grabbed his wallet, keys, and phone before heading out the door. A pair of sunglasses waiting for him back in his car that sat nearby. His phone began ringing in the pocket of his pants as he walked to the shiny, metallic silver Pontiac. It was her calling.

"Hey, sorry if I'm bothering you. I just wanted to call in case you didn't get my text."

"I got it. I was heading out the door to meet with you."

A giggle was heard through the phone.

"Oh, that's just wonderful. Do you want to go out for lunch?"

"I just had lunch with Axel, but sure. Text me where you're at, and I'll meet you."

"Sounds like a plan."



A drive across town in the middle of the day was nothing for Marcel. He had driven countless miles through the years over those paved roads. No GPS was needed in his old car, as he knew just where to go as if he were still sitting behind the wheel of a department issued undercover unit. Some things never changed as time went on. He wasn't a cop anymore, but Marcel still looked at things as if he were one. Nicola wanted to meet at a local mall downtown, where there was a Burger King on the upper floor. He found it amusing that of all the places to eat out, she chose fast food over an expensive restaurant. She was all smiles, walking around in a pair of denim shorts that showed off her lovely legs and a white crop top that exposed her stomach. The first thing she commented on when they met was that Marcel's white shirt and blue jeans were a match with her clothes. That was her way of saying this was officially a date without outright calling it that.

"You look a lot more relaxed since the first night I met you."

Nicola smiled, glaring her pretty teeth. When she showed joy in her face, it was in such a way that Marcel almost felt his heart melting. He sat across from her, watching as she twirled a French fry between the index and middle fingers of her right hand.

"I guess I am. I wasn't expecting to meet someone like you in town."

"Strangers come in high and low places."

She nodded, feeding the fry into her mouth and eating it. He grabbed his drink, sipping from the straw as she carried on the conversation.

"I've been wondering some things about you, Marcel. Can I ask you something personal?"

Pulling the straw from his lips, he swallowed his drink and replied.

"Sure. What's on your mind?"

"You used to be a cop, so I have a lot of questions I could ask you that I'm curious about."

Her eyes fell to the table, glancing over the fries at the end of the carton. Marcel sat there, waiting for her to look back at him with those gorgeous emerald hues. She played with another fry between her lips before carrying on.

"You were a detective, right?"

"That is correct."

"For how long?"

"Too long, you could probably say. I did twenty-six years for the MDPD."

Nicola raised an eyebrow, obviously impressed by his answer.

"Wow. I hope I can go that long modeling."

Marcel smirked.

"You'll make a lot more money than I did."

She smiled, holding back a laugh.

"I take it that you arrested people."

He nodded.

"Yeah. I was in uniform with a squad car for four years before I made it to detective. I arrested a lot of people before and after."

"So that means you know how to restrain someone before slapping on the handcuffs?"

Once again, he nodded at her. It was a funny question, Marcel thought to himself. He watched Nicola twirl the fry before eating it. When she dropped her eyes from him, he expected her to shift the conversation to another topic. The topic of his career brought up the chance for him to make up tall tales to fill her ears. There were a lot of former cops who liked to give people bullshit stories about the badge and glory. Honesty was harder to come by. The simple fact was that much of the job was boring day-to-day work that took a mental toll as the years passed by. Her eyes shifted back to him with a curious expression, and then Nicola had another question for him.

"What kind of detective work did you do?"

"I worked mostly in homicide. Before that, I was in the property crime unit."

"Oh, so you were the murder police."

"That's right. I saw way more death than a person needs to see. The last decade of my career, I worked in an organized crime unit. So the bodies I was getting to look at were usually of bad people."

She grinned, looking obviously impressed by his admission. For a moment, he had to wonder what was going through her mind. He wanted to believe that since she was not American, maybe she saw the honor in the work he used to do.

"I bet you could write a good book with all your stories. Something like the TV shows cops do after they retire. I've watched some of those shows when I've been bored in my hotel room."

He chuckled, holding himself back from laughing louder. She meant well in her words, but Marcel found it funny. The only time his name was ever in the news as a cop, it was the incident that forced his retirement. Just the thought of a disgraced detective on a true crime show made him laugh. Now was the time to change topics and shift their talk to something else.

"If I wrote a book, it would be pretty boring. The work we do isn't all that fun and exciting as they make it out in TV shows and movies. Those retired officers you see on TV? They usually had some big story to break. I didn't get lucky like that. No big fish. No drug lords or bank robbers for me to look at in the morgue, but plenty of other bad people. Besides, I doubt those guys are talking about all the paperwork and time spent riding a desk."

Grabbing his drink, he took another sip from the straw.

"Since you asked me some personal questions, I want to return the favor."

Nicola raised her left hand, holding up her index finger to stop him.

"Wait! Just one more question about you being a cop!"

"One more?"

"Yes, please!"

She grinned as if she were about to laugh, flashing her teeth at him. Marcel raised his eyebrows and nodded, giving in.

"Alright, just one more. What do you got for me?"

"Do you still have your handcuffs?"

That question caught him off guard. Marcel began to realize she was hinting at something more than simply asking about his life. The look she gave him was enough to tell.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

Giggling at him, Nicola shook her head.

"I'll take that as a yes."

All he could do was smirk back at her. She grabbed a paper towel and wiped her hands clean, then got up from where they were seated.

"Is that it? I don't get to ask you any questions back?"

"Not here. I'd rather we be alone if you're going to ask me something personal."

Marcel got up with the tray of their few leftovers and drinks. Nicola walked beside him as he disposed of it in a trash can near by. She used a hand sanitizer station near the wall to scrub her hands. Marcel followed after her. As he scrubbed his hands, she spoke again.

"Give me a ride back to my hotel, and I'll answer any questions you have for me along the way. Let's pretend you still have a police car."

"Cops usually don't do interrogations in the back of cars."

"But you're not a cop anymore, right? And besides, you were a detective, so that means you don't always do things by the book."

Raising her eyebrows, she smirked playfully at him. He loosened up, grinning back at her as she turned and began to strut out of the doors. Marcel studied the curves of her ass in the tight shorts she wore. As they stepped out of the doors, she glanced behind her right shoulder to see his eyes on her bum. A cute smirk ran across her lips, as if she knew just what she was doing by saying the right things to tease this man. It was a long walk out of the wall and back to the parking lot. The cool breezes felt inside disappeared instantly in the smoldering daylight heat. Nicola placed her hands behind her back, gesturing in a pose like she was under arrest as she pranced to the passenger side door of his Pontiac.

"Are you going to read me my rights, detective?"

"Not today, pretty lady. Get in the car."

Together, they opened the doors, climbed in, and fastened their seat belts. Marcel cranked the engine and shifted gears to pull out of the parking lot.

"So what do you want to ask me?"

Marcel waited until he moved the car into traffic, settling comfortably on the streets. Nicola sat back, patiently awaiting whatever questions he had for her.

"I was wanting to ask, what do you think of Axel?"

"Oh, Axel..."

She clearly wasn't expecting him to begin by asking about the other man in their friendship.

"He's very talented. My agent thinks he must be a Hollywood photographer with how he handles the cameras. Have you seen how he zooms in and does it without any shaky cam effects?"

"Yeah, I've seen it."

"I love working with him. He's a better photographer than he thinks. Much better than some of them with big jobs at studios, and he doesn't need a group of people to do the production work after he's done."

"Yeah, he's a one man show. He loves working with you too, I can say that. He likes you."

"He likes me?"

"Yes, he does."

A red light halted the car behind a white van. Marcel took the momentary stop to glance over at her face. She appeared to be surprised.

"You can't see it? The way he looks at you shows strong feelings. It's the look a man gives a woman when they have a crush."

The light flashed green, prompting Marcel to resume driving forward. Nicola waited before responding to Marcel.

"I guess I never noticed it until now. How does it make you feel though?"

"What do you mean how I feel?"

Nicola sighed.

"You don't see Axel as competition to you?"

Despite driving, Marcel shook his head. He turned the steering wheel to move the vehicle down another street.

"No, I don't."

"He likes me, but I like you, Marcel. If I had to pick between the two of you, I've already made my choice."

"Nicola, listen to me. I'm old enough to be your father."

"You told me that the night we met."

"And I'm telling you again, cause it's a fact. I've already seen enough of life. You and Axel haven't lived as long as me. He's a better match for you than I could be."

"Maybe I like older guys. You know more than he does."

"I can show him a thing or two, just like I've done for you."

She laughed, shaking her head again. Marcel continued to drive as she sighed. He could sense the disappointment in her, but the way she was giggling told him something else. Maybe she would listen to his advice. Silence fell in the car, leaving Marcel to think that she must have been considering his words. This ride would soon come to an end, as the distance to her hotel was not far.

"I was thinking you would ask me something kinky since I asked about the handcuffs."

"You want a kinky question?"

"Yes, I do. I was hoping we could have sex tomorrow."

Marcel smirked before responding.

"Well, alright then. Tell me something, Nicola. I want to know what kind of wild fantasies you have. On a scale of 1 to 10, give me something close to a 10 that you've always wanted to do but have never tried. Don't be afraid to tell me something wild."

"That's a pretty big question for me."

"Yeah, but I'm still asking. Give me your wildest fantasy that you want to try."

Biting her lower lip, Nicola purred a soft moan. Another red light stopped the car momentarily. She still had not replied by the time Marcel sped away. Not until they approached the parking lot of the hotel did she finally begin to speak again.

"I've always wondered what double penetration feels like. I guess that's the dirtiest thing I can think of."

He blushed at her filthy confession. He hoped she was truthful, for this would be a grand opportunity for involving Axel in a way that didn't involve the use of cameras.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

She took a deep breath as he slowed down to pull the car into a space in the parking lot. Nicola carried on speaking.

"When I first started modeling, I stayed in a hotel back in my home country. I was in Berlin with another girl who was staying in a room across from me. She invited two guys back to her room. They were friends, I think. I remember stepping out of my room, and I could hear them going at it. You could hear it all the way down the hall. The way she screamed excited me. It wasn't just her. The men were moaning too."

Turning to look at Marcel, she bit her lower lip.

"I guess that's where I got the idea. My imagination can be quite dirty, and I could picture what they were doing. I imagined her taking both cocks at the same time."

"So that's your dirtiest fantasy?"

"Yes, are you disappointed?"

"Not at all. It's doable. The one man I would suggest bringing tomorrow is Axel. I could guide him and show him how to do it."

Nicola blinked her eyes in surprise at how he talked.

"Wait a minute. You've done threesomes before?"

With a smile, he nodded and saw the shocked look on her face.

"Oh my god. You and another cop? Or was it-"

Marcel cut her off.

"Yeah, me and a close friend in the department. It's a damn shame he isn't alive anymore. I knew the guy for a long time. He was good at what he did. Funny enough, the woman we fucked together was a model. You kinda remind me of her in some ways."

Blushing at him, Nicola giggled.

"Wow, I don't know what to say. Are you sure you don't want to write a book some day? This is what I mean. You have interesting stories, I'm sure."

"I do, but the other guy in that story is no longer here. I don't know what happened with that model. She had a big ass though, I can tell you that."

"I doubt it was as firm as mine."

"I'll give you that. So would you trust Axel to do it? I can coach him. I can make sure he fucks you the way you want."

Slowly nodding her head, Nicola smiled wide.

"I trust you. Since you said he likes me, I know if you're there, he'll try to really impress me."

"He will. I have no doubt about that."

"You're a man of your word. I'll take the chance with Axel."

She unfastened her seat belt and opened the passenger door. Marcel watched her climb out and turn to look at him. With a mischievous smirk, she raised her right hand to her head, gesturing with her thumb and pinky fingers.

"I'll call you tomorrow after breakfast and let you know when I'm ready."

"Be ready. I know me and him will be."

He watched her shut the car door and walk off, strutting her hips like before. Marcel sighed in relief. As much as he enjoyed the company she gave him, the last thing he wanted was a relationship with her. He was happy that she listened to his advice to give Axel a chance. Tomorrow would be the young man's big chance to impress her sexually. He was confident in Axel, even if he needed a short motivation speech beforehand. As he drove off, Marcel began to wonder about her fascination with threesomes. He expected her to mention something involving handcuffs, so the idea of a double penetration completely blindsided him from nowhere. It brought back precious memories that he shared with one of the few friends he had in the department. A man who was no longer in the living world by the time of his retirement but might as well had been.



A moment of silence was shared between the two men as they sat in the car. A pair of black sunglasses shielded Marcel's eyes as his hands gripped the steering wheel. A buttoned-up light blue shirt and black slacks made the casual outfit of the day. Next to him was Axel, wearing a bright orange T-shirt and white cargo shorts. He wasn't sure where they were going. The only thing Marcel told him before they went out the door was that today was going to be a special event shared between them as men. His face was clean shaven, unlike Marcel, who was sporting a fresh five o'clock shadow for the afternoon sunlight. After the date with Nicola, Marcel stayed true to his word by driving to a local grocery store. He came back with several bags full of stuff, including the big bag of Cheetos Axel wanted. Remembering the details came naturally over the years of memorizing written notes.

"So where are we going? I know this isn't just a joy ride in the heat."

Axel spoke as he gazed out the window at the passing cars and city streets.

"We're going to see Nicola."

"I knew it."

Shaking his head, Axel sighed.

"I heard you talking to her on the phone. I guess she called you for a day out, and you're just dragging me along."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't think it, I know it!"

Marcel laughed.

"I like your spirit. You think you know everything, but this is something you don't know. I'm going to let her tell you. If I tell you now, you won't believe me."

Another sigh was heard in Axel's voice. Marcel tried not to smile. He didn't want to appear smug after his words, but the fact remained that what awaited Axel would be a bombshell for him. He was curious to see how the young man would react to hearing Nicola tell him herself what they had planned for the day. When they pulled into the parking lot of her hotel, Marcel felt relaxed. He watched Axel climb out of the car, stepping into the sunlight. His chubby chest was hidden under the shirt he wore. Marcel motioned for him to follow along as they walked to one of the entrance doors of the hotel. This wasn't Axel's first trip to her hotel room, but for some odd reason, it felt different. They reached an elevator, and Marcel pressed the button for her floor. They stood side by side in the elevator, waiting patiently for it to stop.


Marcel asked.

"About what? Seeing her again?"

After that response, the older man chuckled.

"Nothing. You'll be excited real soon, trust me."

The metal doors slid open, and their eyes were greeted with a similar corridor they had walked several times before. Marcel stepped out first, but Axel moved ahead of him at a slightly faster pace. He didn't have to say he was excited, Axel was demonstrating it with his actions. As they reached the door, he made sure to knock before Marcel had a chance to.

"Hold on, just a minute!"

Her unmistakable voice was heard clearly on the other side of the door. Axel sighed before swallowing his breath, looking more determined than ever. The knob rattled before the door swung open. Nicola stood with her brunette hair split down the middle. A light amount of makeup with pink lipstick and eye shadow was visible on her face. The scent of raspberry perfume was strong, but the main sight was her outfit on display. She stood proudly in a black bra and thong. Silk stockings covered her slender legs, rising up to her thighs. The finishing touch to her outfit was a pair of black high heel pumps and small gold hoop earrings. This was by far the most revealing outfit the men had ever seen her in.

"Hey there, Axel."

Nicola looked behind him, raising an eyebrow at the other man.

"Hi Marcel."

She grinned at him before turning around. The sight of her booty made Axel gasp. Those firm, round cheeks were fully visible, with the thong barely visible between them. She stomped her heels loudly across the tiled floor.

"There's no need to stand in the hall, come in."

After they entered, Marcel shut the door behind him. The locks clicked in place, prompting Nicola to turn around and see the bewildered look of amazement on Axel's face.

"Do you like my new outfit?"

"Oh, yes. It suits you well. I didn't think you would wear something so daring."

"Are you complaining?"

"Of course not! You got it, so flaunt it."

She giggled before responding.

"Did Marcel tell you what we've planned for the day?"

"No, I didn't. He wouldn't have believed me, so I figured it was best that you tell him."

Softly smiling, she flashed her teeth at Axel. It was the first time she had ever looked seductive to him. All the times she modeled in outfits, she had a sense of innocence. This was a small hint of things to come. He would soon be discovering her dirty side.

"We're having a threesome today. Marcel isn't the only lucky man getting a piece of me. You're going to have some fun too. A lot of fun, actually."

With a wink, she turned around. Axel's eyes became large as he looked at her ass, then at his friend, and back to that ass again.

"This has to be a joke, right?"

Nicola turned again, giggling at him.

"Does it feel like a joke? Neither of us asked you to bring a camera today. We're going to make something that no one else needs to see in pictures or video."

She clapped her hands together, rubbing them as she looked at the men. Marcel could see the curiousity in her facial expression. There was something dirty under the surface of the image she projected with her good looks. Today would tell him more about how willing she was to explore things beyond showing off her body in sexy outfits.

"Do you want to get naked right now?"

Axel's question interrupted Marcel's quiet thoughts. Nicola laughed at him.

"You literally just walked in the door! But if you want to, go ahead. I won't stop you."

He went for his shoes first while Marcel stepped closer to Nicola.

"You want to get started right away?"

She answered with a quick nod.

"Sure, why not? You told me to be ready. I've been thinking about this all morning. I believe I've prepared myself."

The room was cleaned up, likely by Nicola herself, if not the hotel's own room service. The first time Marcel shared an intimate encounter with Nicola, it was on the couch. He wondered if she wanted to make another memory on that piece of furniture. When she turned to walk into the bedroom, he motioned for Axel to follow.

"Hey Marcel, you should take off your shoes too. I don't think you want them in the way once your pants are down."

Now it was his turn to see the playful wink she had given Axel. Nicola hurried to the bedroom, shifting out of sight of their eyes.

"I can't believe this is happening. I've been thinking about fucking her for weeks."

Axel pulled off his shirt, speaking again.

"Maybe we should both strip and walk in naked for her, give her a bit of a nude show. You think she'd like that?"

"Sure, why not? It'll save us some time."

This became an amusing moment of bonding. Axel never thought he would be taking his clothes off alongside Marcel like this. It took them less than five minutes to strip completely naked. Axel pulled all his clothes off, leaving them on the floor with no care at all. Marcel was slower, taking his clothes and placing them over the couch, where he could easily come back to get dressed later.

"I'm waiting in here. Marcel? Axel?"

"I'm coming!"

Axel blurted out a reply, but Marcel tried to hush him.

"Don't run in there. Make her wait a little longer."

"I heard that."

Nicola was quick to speak over Marcel. The men walked in, with Axel entering the bedroom first. Whatever stomps they could've made with their feet were completely muted by the beige carpet. White wallpaper with black lines was visible from behind the bed. Black blankets and white pillows made the interior design pop out in a strange way. Nicola was still wearing her lingerie set. She sat on the bed, legs crossed, dangling her left foot as if she patiently waited. Marcel was to her right and Axel to the left. She gazed over them for a few seconds before turning her eyes to Axel. When her eyes fell, he knew she was looking at his semi-erect pole. After smirking at Marcel, she got up from the bed and slowly fell to her knees. Her emerald eyes gazed up at them once more as she crawled forward. Her smile widened, flashing her teeth in the most devious but proud grin Marcel had ever seen.

This was her show. No matter what the men were thinking, Nicola knew they were here to satisfy her. She reached for each cock, grasping it in her hands and squeezing hard. Axel bit his lower lip to muffle the groan he made. She smirked while pumping her hand back and forth. Marcel wondered how she felt right now, as if she were the star of her own little show on the floor. She had the choice of which dick to taste first, but for now she stroked them. Her hands moved back and forth, wanking to make sure they were stiffened to their fullest lengths. She shoved them towards her face, hinting that she would make her decision soon. When her lips parted, Marcel guessed that she would go for Axel's cock first. His assumption was disproven when she turned to her right and shoved his cock between her lips. She gazed up as she began to sensually suck his cock.

'Mmmmmmmm,' a muffled moan was heard from her voice, sending vibrations into him. Marcel exhaled a deep breath as he stood there. Axel could feel her fingers twisting around his shaft as he watched her suck his older friend. Nicola's right hand gripped the base of Marcel's dick, squeezing it hard as she slobbered loudly. She quit sucking abruptly, pulling her lips away with a pop noise to resume stroking him with her hand. Finally, she turned her attention to Axel and grinned. He expected her to hear her voice teasing him. She could've said anything, he was already captivated by her beauty alone. He moaned loudly at the feeling of her tongue pushing against his shaft from inside her mouth. Nicola closed her eyes and unwrapped her left hand fingers from the base of his pole. She had proper room to bob her head up and down, all while using her right hand to stroke Marcel's pole.


The calmness in the room was interrupted by Axel's scream. Marcel was happy to hear him end the quietness.

"Suck it, Nicola. Ohhhhhh, yes."

As he moaned, she sucked him harder. She devoured his cock, sucking it by the inch as she bobbed her head up and down. 'Mmm, mmmmm, mmm,' the muffled moans were joyful music to Axel's ears. He exhaled as she pushed it deeper down her throat. Her right hand was busy twisting back and forth over Marcel's cock, just to make sure he was still receiving some attention. She was focused on pleasuring Axel for the time being, sucking his fat dick while looking into his eyes.

"Yes, yes!"

She extracted his cock from her mouth with a pop. Nicola flicked her tongue across the head, twirling around it before pulling away. Her fingers wrapped around his wet dick again. She started stroking both of them, jerking one cock after the other. She moved the cocks towards her face, pressing the heads against her cheeks.

"Are you satisfied with having two?"

Nicola didn't answer Marcel with words. Only action was necessary as she enveloped her lips around his cock again. She continued her act of using a hand to wank the other cock that wasn't in her mouth while bobbing her head up and down.

"She sucks it so good..."

Axel moaned his words in a soft cry.

"Yeah, she knows how to use her mouth, but you haven't seen anything yet."

Marcel's words prompted her to stop sucking and pull his dick from her lips.

"You want to see something?"

She moved her hands away from their cocks, reaching behind her back to loosen her bra. It was almost ironic that, during all this time she was the only one wearing anything at all.

"Are you gonna give us a strip tease?"

With a giggle, Nicola replied to Axel.

"You know what? That's not a bad idea."

Raising her left hand, she pushed her palm into Axel's heavy stomach. Her fingers sank into his skin as she used them to raise herself up from her knees. Once standing, Nicola pulled her bra off to free her breasts. She moved left and right to make them shake around.

"Very nice."

Biting her lower lip, Nicola purred at Axel.

"You like my tits? How about this?"

Her hands moved to her thong, tugging it down to reveal her shaved cunt. The glistening folds were almost drenched as a sign of just how horny she truly was. Nicola turned around, stepping out of the thong as she leaned over the bed and shook her ass. Her cheeks almost clapped together as she rolled her hips. Marcel didn't think twice about reaching out and spanking her booty with one hand. She moaned an exaggerated cry at his touch. Axel followed suit, spanking her ass slightly harder.

"Ohhhh, you like this ass?"

"Yeah, your ass deserves more attention than it gets."

Not wanting to let Axel distract her, Marcel quickly spoke over him to take control of this situation.

"Get back down on your knees, babe. Show him how you use your tits."

He was certain Nicola would follow his instructions. She turned around, facing them again, before falling back down to her knees. Biting her lower lip, Nicola grabbed her breasts and squished them together. She rubbed them up and down to tease him.

"You want to fuck my titties, Axel?"

"Oh, yes. I'll fuck them real good if you let me."

That was the right reply to make her pull those breasts apart for him. Axel guided his dick to the narrow passage and moaned as he felt her soft tits squeezing around his dick. Nicola flexed her elbows and adjusted her hands as he began to buck his hips.

"Ohhhhhh, fuck."

She looked up at him with a soft smile. Marcel stood close by, grabbing his cock to give it a subtle squeeze as he watched Axel fuck her tits.

"Fuck these tits."

Nicola's voice changed slightly, reveling in a seductive flare. Axel couldn't look her in the eyes. His sights were focused on watching his dick disappear, with the head poking up with each thrust he gave those tits. Every inch of his cock pumped between them, allowing Axel to feel it all.

"Ohhhhhh, yes. That's it, keep going."

She turned her head after speaking, glancing at Marcel from her right side. Nicola grinned at him as Axel continued to drive his cock between her boobs.

"Bring me that cock. I can suck on it while he fucks my tits."

Marcel was surprised to hear her making demands like this. It showed she had a dirtier imagination than he originally suspected. He moved to her, watching as she opened her mouth for him to guide his cock between her lips. Axel slowed his thrusts, still moving his dick between her tits as she slobbered on Marcel's pole. A muffled moan was heard in her voice as she tried to moan.

"God damn it, she is so fucking hot. Those lips look even better when she's sucking dick."

Chuckling at Axel's remark, Marcel just had to answer back.

"Women are when they're determined. She knows what she wants and is willing to ask for it."

Nicola closed her eyes, savoring the taste of Marcel's cock in her mouth. She adjusted her right hand, sliding her index and middle fingers between the nipple so she could pinch it with every thrust Axel made between her breasts. This became a bonding moment not only for the men but for her as well. The pleasure was doubled, precisely how she wanted it. Marcel moved his right hand to the back of her head, holding it in place with a gentle grip of her hair. He was encouraged to thrust into her mouth while observing how well Axel was driving his cock between those wonderful tits.

"I can't believe we're doing this."

Once again, Marcel found himself chuckling at Axel's joyful words.

"Believe it. It's not a dream or a divine experience."

"No, but it's close to that, if you know what I mean."

She opened her eyes to those words. Nicola pulled back, releasing Marcel's cock from her mouth with a loud pop. If she was hoping to say anything, her thoughts were interrupted by Axel thrusting harder between her boobs. She turned her head, glancing down to see his dick poking up. Marcel knew at that moment the younger man had lost control of himself. Axel wasn't going to attempt halting his impending climax that had built up all this time.

"Oh my god!"

Nicola moaned her words, trying to prepare herself as quickly as she could. She squeezed her breasts tighter around Axel's cock. That only made him more determined to continue the hard thrusts. She didn't want to let go of her boobs and free his cock. If he was going to cum for her, she wanted a pearl necklace without telling him. Her eyes shifted back to his face to see his muscles scrunching up around his cheeks. Axel was trying to hang on to dear life, as if he could possibly prevent his orgasm.

"Are you gonna cum for me? Are my tits good enough to make you cum?"

Her voice had the effect of making him slip up and lose his train of thought. If there was pre-cum that already oozed out the head, she was unsure. What Nicola did know was coming was the warm feeling of his jizz. She was able to see his teeth clench together, making her giggle as his cock was still cradled between her boobs and began the eruption.


As he screamed and moaned, Axel didn't stop thrusting. Spurts of cum splattered over her neck. It dripped into her cleavage, running beneath his cock to make it even easier to glide back and forth. Marcel smiled as he watched Axel cum on her neck. One string of cum splattered with such a powerful force, it reached under her chin. Nicola giggled the entire time she received his hot load.

"That's it, mmmmmm. Every last drop of your cum is on me."

Giggling again, she finally moved her hands off her tits. Axel sighed, taking deep breaths as he pulled his depleted dick away from her boobs. Nicola looked at Marcel, noticing the grin on his face as he saw the glistening streams of cum flowing downward from her neck. She used her fingers to smear the cum into her skin while biting her lower lip. Marcel stopped stroking his cock to see if she wanted it now. She gazed away from his face, looking at his hard cock and licking her lips.

"Come on, I think we need to start using better positions instead of just standing around and having you do all the work."

Marcel reached for her left arm, pulling at her as he sat down on the edge of the bed. The height of the bed was not far from the floor, making it easier for her to be on her knees or on all fours and suck his cock.

"I want your dick in my mouth again, Marcel. You're not going to cum down my throat if I suck it hard enough?"

"How about I fuck your mouth?"

Answering a question with another question made her laugh.

"Only if you can make me gag on it!"

He ignored her for a moment, looking over at Axel, who was standing close by, still trying to gather his breath after the intense orgasm he felt.

"Hey Axel, do you think you can go another round?"

"Another one?"

Nicola flipped her hair to glance at him across her right shoulder.

"I know where you want your cock next."

"Do you?"

"Yes. You want to shove it up my ass, right?"

Axel raised an eyebrow, looking surprised.

"She knows what she wants. She knows you can give it to her."

Marcel remained the voice of reason, coaching the young man to let go of any nervous tensions he may have felt before doing this. Nicola moved, sinking her palms down into the carpet below to crawl on her hands and knees. She stopped between Marcel's legs, gazing up at his hard cock that awaited her wet lips. Her right hand reached for it, and he finally let go of his pole to allow Nicola full access to it. She twisted her fingers, squeezing his shaft gently. Axel stepped closer. His shadow loomed across her, as if he were a towering giant ready to give her ass the hard fucking it deserved. She was not intimidated by the thought of his cock stretching out her dark little hole. Her green eyes glared back at Marcel as she held his dick directly below her chin.

"Are you ready, Nicola? Can you handle this?"

"Yes, I'm ready to get my mouth fucked."

Taking another glance across her right shoulder, she ordered Axel.

"And as for you, I'm ready to get rammed in the ass. I want to feel every inch of your cock pushing as deep as you can."

When she turned her head to face Marcel's dick again, it was time. Nicola fed it between her lips, rolling her tongue across the head before squeezing her lips tightly around it. Her cheeks sunk in as she sucked only the head and moved her hands to press against his legs. Marcel moved both of his hands over her head, curling his fingers in some locks of her hair. As Nicola closed her eyes, she felt Axel's cold hands pulling her ass cheeks apart so he could witness the sight of her dark, tight hole.

"How does it look?"

Marcel asked as he pushed more of his cock into her mouth.

"Beautiful. Just beautiful."

Axel had no other words to say. He slid his dick up the crack of her impressive buttocks. The head pushed into her small hole. Nicola moaned a muffled sound due to her mouth being stuffed with a dick. Axel exhaled a deep breath, groaning as he pushed his cock inside her ass hole.

"This is fucking tight!"

He slowly thrust his cock in, watching the length disappear. His bulging stomach rubbed against her skin. Another deep breath, then he thrust again, pushing as deep as it could go. Nicola moaned on Marcel's cock as he too, began bucking his hips to fuck her mouth. Within seconds, she was making incoherent gagging and slobbering noises. It would've been the gentleman's way to go easy on her and only fuck her mouth gently. Marcel knew better. From the way Nicola carried herself with mannerisms, he was positive that she could handle a round of dominance. He gritted his teeth and bucked his hips harder, slamming his cock to the back of her throat in time for Axel to push the final inches of his dick up her ass.

"Ohhhh, man!!"

Axel moaned again. His hands found their place at her hips as he slammed his cock into her ass again and again. His chubby belly moved, swaying left and right almost in the same rhythm as her breasts were jiggling from underneath. Marcel gritted his teeth and snarled as his shaft drove to the depths of her throat. Nicola shut her eyes hard as she opened her mouth wider to accommodate the complete length of his dick.


The sounds of her mouth being fucked brought new sensations to Axel. He pulled began and began ramming his dick up her booty, making his balls smack against the undersides of her ass while his belly shook and wobbled against her ass from another angle. This made several loud smacking sounds echo louder than the moans shared between the two men.

"Ohhhhhh, FUCK!! YES!!"

Marcel's teeth were still barred, but he had to reply to Axel's groaning praise.

"Give it to her! She told you to ram her ass, so fucking do it! Fuck her in the ass!"

He felt that he was in complete control of this situation now. Nicola's eyes were still closed as she gagged on his cock. Marcel rammed it further into her mouth, watching her lips bury among his long strings of pubic hair. Axel continued to thrust, finding the right pace as his cock pumped into her ass over and over. Her eyes began to water up, as that was the only sign Marcel needed to see to know she needed a small breather. He yanked at her hair, pulling his cock out of her mouth with several strings of drool dangling back to it. She broke the strands and spit a thick gob of saliva on the head of his shaft. Axel's cock was still pumping in her ass when she looked up at Marcel, pleading with her green eyes.

"I want more. I need you both to fuck me at the same time."

Axel heard her and stopped thrusting, but kept his cock in her ass. Marcel motioned for her with his hands. She raised them up, and then he began to stand. He snapped his fingers to get Axel's attention.

"Take a few steps back. I need you to help me stand her up."

Nicola gasped.

"Did I hear that right? You want to sandwich me in the middle?"

She smirked, still knowing how to drive her dirty desires with such facial expressions. Marcel simply nodded at her.

"Yeah. This is your first time doing double penetration. I promise that you're never going to forget this. I want you to think about this any other time someone mentions those two words to you."

Standing tall, she kept her legs spread out, still feeling Axel's dick throbbing in her other hole. Marcel got up from the couch and grabbed her hips.

"Move your hands underneath her! Lift her up!"

He ordered Axel sternly. Nicola gasped as she felt her feet lifting from the floor. Her ass rubbed up against Axel's stomach as she felt his hands sliding beneath and gripping her thighs. She bent her knees, spreading her legs, while planting her hands on Marcel's shoulders. It was up to him to use one hand to guide his cock into her pussy. He accomplished it with his right hand.

"Ohhhhhhhh, yes... I can feel it..."

Nicola whispered a weak whisper that faded away into a cry of pleasure. Her eyes opened wide as she felt both cocks inside of her. As she gasped, Marcel looked at Axel, giving him the nod of approval.

"Let's do this. Come on, let's fuck her!"

Axel was the first to thrust forward, then Marcel met with an equal push. Nicola gasped, poking her fingernails into Marcel's flesh as she gripped his shoulders tightly.

"Oh, god!!"

They thrust again, finding a rhythm as she now felt both cocks pumping into her holes simultaneously. The pleasure overwhelmed her into screaming loudly.

"Ohhhhh, god! Ohhhhhhh, FUCK!!"

She was getting exactly what she wanted now, in the act of double penetration. Marcel knew just what to do. He pumped his cock into her pussy, following Axel's thrusts. Nicola gritted her teeth, gasping, before screaming again.


The sound of her voice echoed throughout the hotel room, possibly heard by strangers out in the hall. She was now living out the dirty fantasy she confessed to Marcel yesterday. Her breasts shook with each thrust they gave her. Inch after inch of their cocks pounding into her was almost enough to send her into an orgasm this early. The cum that covered her neck had oozed down her stomach in a long stream, reaching her belly button.

"Is this what you wanted!? Do you fucking like it!?"

Marcel taunted her with his words. Nicola didn't answer him as she closed her eyes, only to reopen them within seconds of feeling Axel's cock push deep into her ass. He rammed the entire length, pulled back, and did it again.


At this rate, Marcel was unsure if she could handle such pressure before reaching an orgasm. He still gave her everything, pumping his dick into her pussy at a slow but hard pace, matching his friend. This became the bonding experience with Axel he was hoping it would be. They exchanged glances, smirking at each other while moaning. Nicola scratched her nails into Marcel's shoulders, poking the flesh with tiny holes. He could withstand such pain as he continued to thrust, overwhelming her into an ecstasy of pure, unfiltered lust. Her eyes widened as her inner walls tightened around his long shaft.


Her left heel fell off her shoe, falling to the floor to reveal her toes curled up as Nicola shook her legs. A powerful orgasm coursed through her body, flooding Marcel's dick with her love nectar. He gave her what she wanted with a few more thrusts, shoving her against Axel's bulky frame. Without telling the other man, Marcel moved to set her back on her feet, slipping his dick out of her pussy. Axel's cock finally exited her booty as Nicola stood for a second and stumbled forward, only wearing one heel on her right foot. She grabbed at the edge of the bed to prevent herself from falling.

"Oh god, that was intense!"

Nicola stammered out every word in a tired voice. At the height of her pleasure, she felt weak from the endurance, but she was not completely satisfied yet. She glanced to her right, looking at Marcel and smirking at him.

"You think you can keep going?"

She nodded, exhaling deeply as she gazed into his eyes.

"We're not done yet. I want another round of it."

"If that's what you want, I want to be the one to make you cum this time."

Axel spoke up to make his demands. Nicola turned to look at him, grinning with her teeth.

"That's only fair. Do you think you can make me scream like that?"

"I know I can."

Marcel cleared his throat, interjecting.

"Don't worry. The entire hotel is gonna hear you scream your fucking lungs out when I'm slamming your ass from behind."

She would've laughed at his remark if not for the uncontrollable feelings of lust she currently had. Axel plopped down on the bed, making the mattress squeak with his body mass. He sat up, pushing his hands down into the mattress. It didn't take Nicola long to understand the next position. She climbed onto the bed before Marcel could order her.

"Here we go. I'm going to take your cock for a ride. I bet you've always thought about me doing this to you."

He flashed the front row of his teeth, smiling at her with a nod. Nicola didn't see it, as she focused on his cock. Before she was ready to straddle him, she leaned down and flicked her tongue across the head. Marcel raised an eyebrow, noticing that she was going from ass to mouth, sliding Axel's cock into her mouth. She sucked a few inches and pulled away with a pop. Her hand slipped down to the base, holding his shaft upward. Marcel waited until Nicola had properly straddled Axel before he was ready to join them on the bed. She bent her knees, hovering her vulva directly above his hard cock.

"Go ahead and slam yourself down on it, babe."

Was he daring her? Marcel liked to see this newfound demeanor coming from Axel. The shyness he usually displayed was gone. He was being bold in how he looked and spoke to her. Nicola did as he told her, lowering herself to send his cock into juicy pussy.

"Ohhhhhh, yeah!"

A groan was heard from Axel's voice as he smiled wide at the warm feeling of his cock sliding inside her. She leaned forward, hovering her breasts over him as she pressed her palms into his chest. Now that she was in position, Marcel climbed onto the bed. His feet sank into the mattress with each stomp he made. Nicola glanced across her right shoulder to see him towering over her, similar to how Axel did earlier. She spread her legs out further, trying to widen the crack of her buttocks for him to enter. When he expected her to tease him, Nicola simply turned her head and faced Axel again. She didn't have to beg Marcel. Experience had already taught her that he knew what to do. Upon feeling his cock push into her ass hole, Nicola bit her lower lip and purred softly. Axel grabbed her hips, not giving Marcel the chance to hold them. That was fine with him, since her hair was much more suitable to grab in this position.


An all too familiar sound came from her voice. The cries of pleasure had become so common that Marcel was happy to hear them. He tugged at her tighter as he moved down on his knees. This was more comfortable, giving him better access to ram his cock into her tight ass. The hole had certainly been stretched out by the younger man.

"I'm ready for this! Come on, give it to me! Give it to me again!! Fuck me hard!!"

The effect of her words would surely send them into a frenzy. Nicola took a deep breath before feeling the entire length of Marcel's shaft slam into her ass. She gritted her teeth and then felt Axel spank her ass with one of his hands.

"Come on! Fucking ride me!"

Since she was on top of him, he wanted her to do all the work. Marcel tugged on several locks of her hair.

"You heard him! Ride that cock!"

Marcel's stern voice got the point across. Nicola began rolling her hips to push Axel's cock inside her. As she moved, Marcel began to ram his cock into her ass with hard, slow thrusts.

"Ohhhhh god!"

"You like that? You like taking two at once!?"

Axel was the one giving the taunting speeches now. He slapped her ass from behind with his right hand. Nicola closed her eyes, crying out.

"Do you fucking like it!?"

Her eyes shot open at his yelling voice. Nicola looked Axel directly in the eyes, gritting her teeth and snarling.


The sound of her voice deafened them. It was a cue for Marcel to begin thrusting faster. Each time, he drove every last inch of his cock into that ass until he felt his balls rubbing against her firm skin. Her body rocked, tits bouncing from the impact of his thrusts. This was a challenge for Nicola. For every thrust he gave her, she moved her hips faster, slamming herself down on him. Sounds of bodies smacking together were heard with the mattress creaking. All of it was the sound of pure lust.


Her boobs shook wildly, tempting Axel to finally move his hands and grasp them. The only thing that prevented him before was not wanting to touch cum, but that could be avoided. He let go of her hips and used both hands to slap her breasts, making them clap together in the middle. Axel did it again, then a third time, just to see those tits clapping against each other again. While he played with her boobs, she continued to move her hips, forcing his cock to drive in and out of her tight cunt, all while feeling Marcel's thick shaft slamming in her ass.


She gritted her teeth with that last word, struggling to get it out. Only Marcel knew how close Nicola was to her second orgasm of the day. It would be another for Axel, giving them something else to share together. Marcel planned to unleash a torrent of cum for her. Over and over, he continued to pound her in the ass. All of them were close to reaching the point of ecstasy in pleasure. Axel closed his eyes and moaned, knowing that at any moment he would be filling her pussy with his seed. The inevitable breaking point approached each and every thrust, second by second.


Nicola's eyes widened before rolling to the back of her head. She collapsed on Axel as he got to experience the thrill of her orgasm. Marcel could see his eyes grow big for a moment. Axel wrapped his arms around Nicola as she screamed. Their orgasm was shared together inside her while the more experienced man carefully pulled his cock out of her ass hole. Quickly, he wrapped his fingers around it to begin stroking. Without any care of where his cum would end up, Marcel grunted and aimed at her back. His grunts and screams were incoherent. Nicola opened her eyes when she felt his hot cum splattering on her back. Her soft moans were drowned out by his roaring cries of pleasure. Wads of cum splattered on the left side of her back, dripping down the middle of her perfectly chiseled muscles. Puddles of his cum formed along her curves. Marcel stood proudly, still moaning as he forced out the final drops of cum that fell onto her right ass cheek.

Not a single word was necessary to interrupt this silent moment. Heavy breathing was all that could be heard in the room as a fitting conclusion to this display of lust. Nicola gazed into Axel's eyes. Sweat poured from his forehead as they gave loving glances back at each other. He didn't know what to say to her while Marcel's shadow was cast over him. The older man succeeded in making a sticky mess on her that neither of them could see. But for Axel, he had the real achievement of sharing a climax with her. That made it all the more special, as a blissful moment shared with her that he would never forget. Marcel exhaled deeply. The exhaustion was heard from his breathing alone, while they all felt a level of fatigue. He climbed off the bed, leaving Nicola and Axel atop each other like star-crossed lovers.



Sunlight brightened the entire bedroom. The heat of the afternoon had already set in to the point of futility to cover the window. Nicola stood in her black lingerie outfit, directly in front of the window, to make it appear as if the light was cast behind her head. This was one of Axel's ideas for a few creative photo snaps. The raw photos would be stripped of color and made black and white once they were loaded into the photo editing program on his laptop. Only then could the shadows and textures come out in her slim figure. It was Axel's idea to snap these pictures, revealing the new outfit as something of a teaser for things to come. Nicola curved her lips into a smile as she raised her arms, posing as she flexed them out. In the distance, Marcel watched and noticed her legs and arms spread into an X position. He grinned, remembering something from his past. Even when she wasn't trying to, she made him have flashbacks to his old life.

She turned around, only to be blinded by the rays of natural sunlight peeling out of the window. Nicola glanced down while pressing her hands against her knees and pushing her ass out. She didn't have to tell Axel what to do. The clicking sound of the camera told her that he was quietly snapping multiple pictures of her ass. Her reflection was slightly visible across the glass surface. Outside the window, Nicola could see the blue water stretching out from the bay and the city in the distance. The boats looked so tiny as they moved across the water surface at slow speeds. From the right corner, she could see Marcel's face. If only he could see the grin on her face in return. She lowered her head, leaning down further to the point that her hair draped down in front of her face. Axel continued to snap pictures, zooming in to get the finer details of her impressive ass.

"Very nice. This is gonna look even better when we get the color out. It might darken the crack of this fine ass, but that will just make people sign up to see if you're really wearing anything."

Nicola giggled at his words. She leaned up and turned around. She was happy to be wearing this outfit on more than one occasion. This would be her most tempting photo set to be uploaded to her FansOnly account in the near future. Marcel saw it as a step forward but refused to call it 'the big one'. From what he was seeing from her in this short amount of time, he felt there would be much larger barriers she would cross in due time with this new business model. Nicola had an adventurous side within her that showed how daring she could be in exploring her sexuality. The clothed photo sets were only the beginning of something that would become much more dirty in due time. She stepped away from Axel, brushing her shoulder against Marcel, before entering the personal bathroom in her hotel bedroom.

"We've shot just thirty six photos. You want to do some more before changing?"

Axel asked, knowing she could still hear him from another room.

"I think that's a fine amount. You should have plenty to work with on your computer now."

"I can never have enough pictures of you. We could take over a thousand today, and I'd still want more."

Nicola laughed. The smile on her face made Marcel blush. She stood in front of the mirror, turning around to watch his eyes scan her body. Nicola crossed her arms over her boobs, just to tease him by squishing them together in the bra.

"So, how was it?"

He blurted out the question, ready to see her facial expression change. That was just one of the many ways Marcel knew how to read people.

"How was what?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Are you still sore from it?"

As he elaborated, she raised an eyebrow. Nicola's cheeks flushed red as she blushed, knowing he was referring to the threesome they enjoyed days ago.

"I'm not sore at all."


"Yeah. I think I handled you and him pretty well."

Marcel smirked, looking as if he was going to laugh.

"Come on! You have to give me some credit!"

"You took us both like a champ, I'll give you that. I knew you could handle it though. The real question is, did you have fun?"

She huffed, almost looking offended by his question. Marcel smirked, just to get under her skin a bit.

"Are you kidding?"

Biting her lower lip, she gazed into his eyes. Several seconds passed before she began speaking in a low tone.

"That was one of the best things I've ever done. I guess now is the right time to tell you about a decision I made."


Flashing her teeth in a grin, Nicola continued.

"I'm extending my stay in Miami, so now you're stuck with me. I'm going to blow up your phone and Axel's too every chance I get. There might not be a day you don't hear from me."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"I was just teasing."

Marcel smirked as she giggled. Since she was staying, he could only assume she meant for the remainder of the summer. It was a relief to know she wouldn't be leaving any time soon. Nicola confirmed something he already believed. This was more than a job to her. A relationship had formed between the three of them, and there were still plenty of things for them to explore together.

"It sounds like you've made up your mind about all this. It's going to be a long, sexy summer."

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Angry Dutchman

Re: Raw Satisfaction Ch. 2 (Nicola Cavanis)
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2024, 07:19:51 AM »
Fantastic! Thank you so much.

Looking forwards to chapter 3  ;D
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC

Blocboy VC

Re: Raw Satisfaction Ch. 2 (Nicola Cavanis)
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2024, 01:16:57 PM »
This was amazing. You actually do really good at writing romance.


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