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Author Topic: Night's Crimson Embrace: Chapter Two (GlamerinaLune)  (Read 2859 times)


Night's Crimson Embrace: Chapter Two (GlamerinaLune)
« on: December 07, 2024, 01:39:18 PM »
Night's Crimson Embrace: Chapter Two

It was close to midnight when a low rumble of thunder cascaded off in the distance, the sound echoing deep through the forest; The threat of a storm was quickly approaching. The calm winds picked up gradually, leaves rustling with ominous clouds blotting out the black velvet sky. A brilliant and sharp flash illuminated the area, revealing the large and imposing form of Sebastian’s castle, nestled high on a hill overlooking the dense treeline. The gray bricks of the walls became speckled with rainfall, slowly dampening to a dark color from the growing intensity. The wind howled around the awnings and towers, singing an eerie melody of whistles.

Inside, the master bedroom was quiet and still, the gentle flames of candles in the room giving an orange and red glow to the walls as they danced about on their stems. The murals of intense love making surrounded the room, looming down on the grand bed seated by the window. Angelina laid in the center, her chest gently rising and falling as her naked body slept between the silken sheets. She had been sleeping for the better half of the day, her energy thoroughly drained from her last intimate encounter with Sebastian. She had only been in the castle for three weeks, having surrendered not just to Sebastian, but to her own sexual desires and fantasies of being a vampire’s lover. She’d found herself enthralled by him, still finding it difficult to believe that vampires, dark creatures of fiction and one of her absolute loves, were real, much less that a vampire lord had wanted to take her as his lover. Angelina quickly discovered his devotion to her, coupled with an unyielding sexual appetite; These past weeks had been some of the most intense and passionate of her life; Every experience with Sebastian felt like the very first night he had brought her to the castle, and filled her with the most exquisite pleasure she’d ever known. His excellence as a lover was unmatched, unlike anything she’d ever experienced. She couldn’t fathom an understanding of this phenomenon; All Angelina knew was that every time his hands roamed her perfect curves and explored every inch of her body, she found herself desiring more, awaiting every touch from his cool and soft hands…

…Craving each thrust of his hips that made her cry out in pleasure…

…And moaning in orgasmic delight when his fangs burrowed into her soft skin as he laid claim to her.

A loud rumble of thunder vibrated against the thick stone walls, the large cathedral windows being plastered with raindrops. Angelina stirred, turning herself on her side as rain tapped against the building, the gentle howl of the wind muffled by the thick panes of glass. Her large breasts shifted to the side, pressing against each other with perky nipples straining against the soft silk sheet. Her beautiful brown eyes slowly fluttered open, carefully coming to focus on her surroundings. From where she laid, she briefly surveyed the room; Everything was still and quiet, save for the light pattering of rainfall and the soft crackle from the candles. Sebastian’s throne sat empty, the accent table home to a bottle of vintage wine and an ornate glass, some of the deep burgundy liquid still remaining.

Turning over to the other side of the bed, Angelina’s eyes met with a beautiful red rose resting on the pillow opposite her. The stem had been immaculately trimmed, stripped of thorns, and bore a vibrant dark red hue. The rose acted as makeshift paperweight to a letter beneath. Her fingers gingerly skimmed the petals of the rose, bringing it to her mouth and feeling the silkiness tickle her lips. It smelled beautiful, having a freshly picked scent. Taking the note from the pillow, she opened the stationary to find equally beautiful handwriting scrawled within.

Angelina, my love,

Nothing would please me more than to have you in my embrace as you read this; I regret not being able to wake you personally, but I have some business that I must attend to. I shall return soon, without delay. I trust you shall entertain yourself in my absence. Please ask any of the servants if you require anything, they answer not only to I, but you as well. I’ve left you something to wear by the window while what you had was taken with the laundry…Though I would much prefer to find you without any restrictive pieces  for my pleasures.

I look forward to having you in my arms again.

Angelina sighed, clutching the parchment against her chest. Re-reading the love note, her pussy ached at the thought of Sebastian’s return, desiring his embrace and touch. She wanted to hear his voice in her ears, feeling the chill that drove her wild with the sweet nothings that escaped his fanged lips.

I hope he comes back soon…

Her legs writhed under the sheet at the familiar feeling of fire building in her abdomen, growing restless. The opportunity to try to fall back to sleep was long gone now, and she hoped to not miss Sebastian returning. Sitting up in bed, she held the sheet to her body for a brief moment, listening to the rainfall pounding the windows, flashes of lightning streaking across the dark sky. Moving to the edge of the bed, she left the sheet behind, walking over to the window, her voluptuous figure on full display to the dark night sky and bolts of electricity that crashed down from above. The stone felt cold under her feet, the slight chill of the air causing her nipples to stiffen at the exposure. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the clothing Sebastian mentioned, a faint smirk upturning her lips.

Resting on the chair, neatly folded, was a silky blue negligee with matching blue thong. Complemented by white embroidery around the chest, the piece closed at the front and ended high on the thigh. The sheer material surrounded her torso, obscuring her soft skin with a cerulean veil. With a soft click of the front clasp, Angelina felt the smooth silk ruffle and drift against her midriff, a familiar love and comfort for a beloved piece from her collection of lingerie and evening wear. Sebastian had made every effort in these short three weeks together to ensure she was happy, and Angelina's thought back to a few evenings after their first encounter together.

“Oh my god…How?!”

Angelina’s astonished expression had spoken volumes to him once the large oak door had been opened, the light cutting into the hallway to reveal her own personal quarters. Beautifully decorated and furnished, she was rendered speechless at the sight of her personal belongings among the furnishings. Her bed, its deep forest green sheets pulled taut and orderly against the mattress, was now enveloped by a canopy, lending an almost fairy tale quality. Much of her furniture had been neatly arranged, coupled with some pieces picked by Sebastian to round everything out. The entire room felt like a miniaturized version of her home, made to fit the aesthetic of Sebastian’s castle. Further to her surprise, her computer and all her recording equipment was present in a corner of the room, already set up and powered on. The electronics felt alien here, in an ancient castle harkening back to centuries long since past. The room was accompanied by a massive closet, equal in size to the bedroom itself; Mahogany drawers and cabinets lined the walls, filled with clothes and lingerie of various kinds. Opening some of the drawers, Angelina squealed with glee at the sight of her own personal items nestled among dozens of other beautiful and mouth watering articles of nightwear in various styles and material. Bras and panties sat matched inside the drawers, babydolls and teddies lined the cabinets on racks. Upper body mannequins displayed beautiful corsets and underwear that looked unique, crafted from the mind of an individual whose fire burned only for her. A set of mirrors at the end of the room made sure that every angle could be admired.

“Everything is so beautiful…And you brought all of my things, too…” Angelina’s fingers came upon one of her favorite robes, the soft red material sliding through her palm. Everything was magnificent, and she couldn’t help but be overcome with elation at having her own personal things here. She felt Sebastian close behind her, his presence unmistakable. His arms enveloped around her, pressing his lips gently to her cheek. He had spent the better part of the day, and late into the evening, showing her parts of the castle, and introducing her to the servants and maids. While he had been amused by her curiosity at the sheer expanse of what was contained within the halls of this dark and forbidden den which was now her home, the look of pure emotion when she set her eyes on her room was satisfaction enough for him in that moment.

“You didn’t have to go through all this trouble to get my things, though…I would have been fine with whatever you gave me.”

“Some of these delicate pieces were what captivated me when I first laid eyes on you. Being able to view your beautiful form in this lingerie time and time again is a treat I long for, so they are as important to me as they are to you. You need not feel guilty that I spoil you by bringing you your things, or providing you with gifts. You would have missed your things sooner or later, and I also do not want to see you unhappy.”

Sebastian cradled Angelina against him; the coolness of his body a drastic contrast to her warmth that never failed to send a shiver of delight down her spine. His hand cupped her chin, turning her to his gaze. His crimson eyes softened, softly brushing his lips against hers. “I want you to be content living here, my sweet. Your love and devotion means nothing if you are not happy within these walls. I do not wish for you to change the life you had before simply because you chose to be mine. You are my lover…You are not a slave to anything, except my passion and desire. These are your possessions; What kind of being would I be to take you away from your creature comforts, and deprive you of your free will to pursue your interests and what you love? That is not who I am… I wish for you to continue doing what makes you happiest, and I want you to have everything that pleases you. Besides…You cannot make your followers happy if you have nothing to show…”

Angelina found herself astonished at his statement. She had been prepared to accept a radically different life with Sebastian, one that did not involve the prospect of a fan page and creating content. Much like his physiology and existence defying every norm she’d expected of a vampire, once again she found herself mystified by his kindness and understanding.

“I would have thought you wouldn’t want anyone else to look at me.”

Sebastian chuckled, his hand sneaking down to her breast. He squeezed, massaging her perfect tits through her cotton blouse. Angelina’s cheeks reddened, a soft sigh slipping through her parted lips; She could feel his erection poking at her backside, his bulge thumping gently through his slacks.“Other men can gaze at you all they wish from behind a screen…I find it satisfying that mortal men lust for someone as enticing and seductive as yourself. They validate my claim that you are the embodiment of everything I want in a beautiful woman. They can stare and fantasize…But it is I who gets to feel the real thing.”  Glimpsing back at Sebastian’s face, Angelina observed his brow crinkle, a somber aura surrounding him.

“...But it is also a matter of appearance, and safety. I do not wish to brainwash countless men and women who know of you into believing you never existed; It causes issues. If you were to suddenly disappear, questions and concerns would arise that would eventually threaten us and our love. I have seen my kind hunted like animals all for the love of a woman. I will not make the same careless mistakes.” His voice was low, a melting pot of emotions behind his words; Angelina could feel the energy in his statement, the desire to protect her. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, gazing up at her vampire lover, a being willing to risk his centuries of existence for her, a human woman. He cradled her cheek, placing his forehead against hers for a moment. Once more, Sebastian’s emotions and mindset felt undoubtedly human, showcasing a tenderness and devotion to Angelina that threw all her conventional knowledge into oblivion.

“I’m…at a loss for words, Sebastian…” Her voice cracked, overcome by her feelings towards Sebastian. “You do so much for me, but I don’t know what else I can do for you.”

Sebastian’s hand drifted lazily from her cheek to the top buttons of her blouse, working them through their eyelets to expose her impressive cleavage. “My precious Angelina…You need do nothing more than enjoy the pleasure I offer you.”

A loud crack of thunder brought Angelina back to the present. Lightning darted across the sky, casting shadows of the treetops. Shivering at the cool draft settling throughout the room, she ambled over to the large ebony door, and let herself out into the corridor. The chandeliers above painted the stone walls with warm lighting, walking through the opulent hall to a small staircase leading to a single door. Trickles of steam seeped from the gap at the bottom, the aroma of scented oil and bath salt filling the air. A puff of condensation flooded the hallway with a push of the heavy wood, admitting entrance to the master bathroom.

The room emitted a decadent and regal feel, a stark contrast to the dark moody halls that made up the bulk of the castle. Polished marble and granite tile were saturated with moisture and dew from the steam of the bath; Hot water was continuously fed in through an underground hot spring, never needing replenishment. The shower stood separate, a large walk in affair that could fit a small family. Despite Angelina having her own private bathroom attached to her personal chambers which was no less luxurious, she had found herself venturing here after spending most of her evenings with Sebastian. He had nonetheless anticipated this, ensuring both bathrooms were supplied with everything she could want or need to relax and take care of herself.

“Maybe a hot shower will pass some time…I can always go to the library and find something to read, or make some new content…It would be a shame to not use this lingerie that he picked out!”

Stripping off her lingerie, Angelina opened the glass door, turning the faucet. The shower roared to life, a torrent of water crashing down from the spout. Steam rapidly filled the enclosed space, the temperature reaching a therapeutic level. Stepping under the water, she let out a breathy sigh of relief as the droplets cascaded over her shoulders and down her chest, feeling her muscles relax. Angelina felt the residual fatigue of her long rest gently wash away, beads rolling down her skin, the darkening strands of her red hair clinging to her shoulders and back.

"Ohhhh, this feels so nice..."

Wiping herself down with a soft sponge, Angelina's mind began to trail off, closing her eyes to blissful thoughts of Sebastian. His defined and sculpted physique materialized in her mind, his pale skin a beautiful ivory color. She felt a charge run through her at the thought of Sebastian's hands on her; Cold, yet soft... His finely manicured fingers emerging from dark shadows to probe her, squeezing and grasping while he listened to every moan that was caught in her throat, his deep crimson eyes lit with infernal passion. The sponge fell from her hand to the shower floor with a splash. Angelina’s palms glided over the ample, curved mounds of her breasts, her fingertips caressing the hardened peaks of her nipples. The Sebastian in her mind had his fangs around her, playfully nibbling at one of his favorite parts of her body.

"Mmm..." Angelina's mind focused on the chiseled form of her dark lover pinned against her, heat building between her thighs. Her free hand slid down her midsection to her folds, finding the tender button that desperately ached for attention. The touch of her finger was like a firework; Arousal roared through her, a loud moan escaping her parted lips. She traced circles around the fleshy pink of her sex, feeling her hips lurch against her hand.


Dipping inside the moistness between her legs, the sensations of her digits penetrating synced with the visions of Sebastian plunging into her. Waves of static rippled through her nerves. Angelina sucked in panting breaths, massaging her clit in earnest as the water continued to pound against her skin while her hips rocked violently against her hand. Every flick sent shivers coursing down to her toes, her aching desires mounting to the thought of Sebastian looming over her, his tongue tracing the sharp canines at the corners of his mouth. Her free hand grabbed at her breasts squeezing hard, matching the rhythm of her self pleasure.


Deep inside her mind, Sebastian spoke with a strange awareness; His voice was cool, and tinged with amusement.

"...Playing with yourself, my love? Do you long for me that badly?"

“Yesss, oh God, yesss…!!”

Angelina's cries grew louder against the torrential waterfall with each swirl of her fingers against her aching pussy,The heat within her abdomen swelled, her body going slack against the shower wall. She arched her hips, coiling her finger inside her center; Sebastian’s voice was  a sensual tease, playfully chastising Angelina’s lack of inhibition.

"...Such a naughty pet to not wait for my return…

Her mind was hazy with lust, his whispers tickling her subconscious. The feeling was not far removed from when she had her own sensual moans in her home that fateful night. She spared it no additional thought as a wave of intense pleasure washed over her, sensing her release was imminent.

His voice resounded in her head again, commanding her to finish, blood red eyes gazing at her from the abyss of her thoughts.

"Cum, Angelina; Cum for your master."

She strummed at her warm, dark haven with increased vigor and pace. Angelina bit her lower lip, her breaths quick and shallow whilst she continued to pleasure herself, the build up becoming unbearable. Suddenly, she felt the flood of euphoria surge through her body at her peak, convulsions erupting from within her pussy.


Her hoarse cry of ecstasy echoed through the shower, explosions rocketing deep inside. Her fingers absentmindedly persisted rubbing at her clit, riding the continued aftershocks from her orgasm. Angelina’s mouth curved slightly upwards from the waves rippling throughout, her mind falling into a sea of sensual satisfaction. Sebastian slowly faded from her mind, a gaze of hunger set in his features.

Soon, my beloved…I shall return to take you once more…” His voice trailed off into the inky depths of her mind. The waves gradually calmed, her fingers slipping from her slick lips and combing across her soaked skin. She heaved a sigh; Brief satisfaction and content warmed her insides, but it paled to Sebastian’s attentiveness over her body.

Cutting off the water, Angelina collected herself and stepped out of the misty chamber, grabbing a towel from the shelves. Wisps of steam danced along the floor, wafting around her legs while she freshened up at the mirror. The heavy air seemed to display an eerie sentience contrasting with the steam from the bath’s water, accompanying Angelina to the basket where her lingerie rested. Reclasping her lingerie around her breasts, she ruffled her still slightly damp hair to shake out the last droplets of water, brilliant strands of red cascading down her neck and shoulders. A tug at the hem of her negligee brought her attention downward; The vapor trails lassoed around her waist, the shapes contorting and twisting. Threads of condensation encircled her thighs and arms, coiling around her like vines. The scent of sandalwood permeated her senses, the mist thickening around her middle to form a pair of muscular arms clutching at her. Despite her recognition of the situation, a brief moment of panic settled in her chest, her very human psyche still not comprehending the dark powers of a vampire.

“Did you enjoy your alone time, my dear?”

A familiar seductive tone teased Angelina’s ear, the steam’s metamorphosis completing its journey to corporeal form. Sebastian loomed behind her, his hands made real and drawing her underneath his dark cloak into his embrace. He hunched down, sweeping his mouth along her shoulder, his cool lips moving across her collarbone and to her neck, gently sucking at the skin. A quiet moan slipped out, Angelina turning her head to meet Sebastian’s lips with her own. His tongue, tasting faintly metallic, invaded her mouth, hungry for the sweet silky touch of hers. She felt the points of his fangs in her exploration of his mouth, reaching up to grab his head and pull herself tighter against his lips. Sebastian’s fingers crept upwards, cupping Angelina’s breasts; His palms wrinkled the fabric against her skin, a deep shuddering whine emanating from her throat.

“Ohhh Sebastian…” she murmured, her stomach fluttering at the sensation of his hands on her, “I didn’t think you’d be back so soon..”

Releasing her from his embrace, Sebastian turned Angelina to face him. His eyes locked onto hers, the color of molten rubies, filled with a fierce and ravenous hunger. The abyssal pools of his gaze drew her in, feeling the world fade around her. Excitement and yearning mingled in her belly; She hadn’t realized how much a brief time without absence could affect her so drastically.

“I did not expect my absence to linger on your mind so heavily...” His tone was tinged with satire, yet dripping with passion. "I finished my business much earlier than I anticipated. You appeared to be enjoying yourself, however, so I felt it impolite to disturb you..." Angelina's cheeks turned scarlet, her eyes going wide with realization that she’d been spied on during an intimate moment.

"Wait, you've been in here the whole time?!" Her face contorted in a show of embarrassment, but she felt her pussy heating up at the thought of a vampire voyeur watching her playing with herself.

Sebastian stifled a laugh, admiring Angelina’s attempt to feign shyness . "No, only for a few minutes. It was a coincidence as I enjoy returning from trips through here; I can slip in through the window and meld with the steam from the spring to refresh myself...Or did you believe vampires are afraid of water, like those other silly fairy tales I have shown you to be nothing more than farce?" He stroked at her fiery locks, feeling the slight dewiness of her hair on his fingertips. Angelina’s eyes trailed down, observing the pressing of his bulge against his pants, a noticeable throbbing shifting the black denim every few moments. Sparks lit deep inside her, subconsciously licking her lips with the anticipation of Sebastian upon her. Curling his arm behind her, he trailed down towards the small of her back, coming to rest against her buttocks. With a gentle squeeze, he rubbed his cold hand against her supple skin; A gasp caught in her throat at the feel of his hand pinching her.

"I hope you will forgive my intrusion on your private time…Although I did very much revel in telling you to cum for me, my sweet...I wonder how many more times I can make that happen this evening?"

"You could have joined me, instead of messing with my fantasies..." She gave him a pouty look, batting her eyelashes as she crossed her arms under her chest. Her breasts jiggled, lifted above her forearms to emphasize their large size and fullness. Sebastian's eyes flared,his lips parted into a crooked grin rapt with scorched lust.Burying his face into her neck for a moment, she felt him clutching her inside his cloak, his breath a quiet panting, warm on the canal of her ear.

"No, my sweet." He nipped at her ear, his fangs skimming the edge of her lobe. "It was just timing that I happened to arrive, and I could not help but be captivated by you to stay and admire. While I could have taken you on the shower floor had it suited me..." His hand brushed along the sheer fabric of her lingerie, running along the slope of her breast before cupping her chin, gazing into her brown eyes. "That would be a waste of picking out such a wonderful garment from your collection.”

Angelina felt a rush at Sebastian's declaration and his steady, raspy panting, hot inside her ear. He pulled back, drinking in her beautiful body: He noticed the subtle shift in her legs, her thighs gently rubbing against each other in vain to stave off the desire building. He gave a slight smirk, enjoying watching her start to writhe like she did with her fingers buried in her depths. He reached out, parting the silk material around her stomach. His fingers skimmed across her warmed skin, feeling her muscles tense from his touch. Angelina whimpered softly, the coolness of his hands eliciting a shiver down her spine. He saw the silent pleading in her expression, wanting to be fucked mercilessly by his cock, and to feel his fangs bite into her flesh again.

"What do you desire?" A feral tone undercut Sebastian’s words, his eyes glowing like hot coals. He gazed down at Angelina, her breathing irregular from excitement. She felt the dampness in her underwear, knowing she couldn't hold out much longer without him. Her hand extended to his crotch, rubbing at the restrained and massive bulge, feeling his swollen cock twitch through the pants. Her smirk was playful and mischievous..

"Please, Sebastian. I've missed your touch..." Her beautiful brown eyes smoldered, desire kindling with her words at seeing Sebastian's jaw clench at her fingers stroking him against the fabric.

"Come then; If you wish to offer yourself to me…" Sebastian grabbed Angelina by the wrist, leading her along through the door and into the large corridor.

“...I know of just the place.”

Thunder echoed throughout the large hall and lightning flashed across the windows while the chandeliers above casted long shadows on the stone. Angelina's bare feet softly slapped against the floor, while Sebastian seemed to hover, floating along with his beautiful treasure in tow. Passing some of the maids and servants busying themselves with their duties, Angelina caught notice of their giddy smiles and flushed cheeks. Believing they were elated in the presence of their master, it dawned on her their looks were directed to her, and the lack of clothing. Angelina realized she was being paraded for everyone to see.

"Sebastian…Everyone is staring…"

Sebastian cackled, his body halting mid air. He glanced back at his servants, who looked on at their master and his lady. "Does it bother you, my dear? Or does it thrill you perhaps, the idea of being watched? I could fuck you right here, if you wanted. The servants may have a hard time finishing their duties with your screams though..." Angelina shifted her feet, feeling the dampness in between her legs increasing. His words were not outside the scope of truth; There had always been a bit of exhibitionist in her, and there had been moments during these past few weeks she had wished for one of the maids to accidently walk in on them. It felt strange the servants and maids always seemed to know when to avoid the master bedchamber, though Angelina suspected Sebastian had his ways of letting everyone know not to disturb them.

"Let them look on...After all, they are merely admiring the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon in centuries of existence."

Angelina’s cheeks burned bright at his compliment, her heart fluttering. Before she could respond or react, he resumed their journey. Tugging her along through the moody corridor. Passing the door to the master bedchamber, Sebastian continued along, his hand interlocked with hers. Angelina found herself led through a section of the castle Sebastian had not shown her; The tapestries and architecture felt different, as though belonging to a forgotten era of time. The area gave off a feel of an ancient darkness long since past, though its legacy remained stained on the stones. Up a spiral staircase to one of the spires, Sebastian halted in front of a heavy door, the wood appearing splintered from age and use. The brass knocker in the center, tarnished and dull, appeared as if it had seen lifetimes of hands, banging against the once proud oak. Angelina could make out symbols embedded in the wood; Shapes of occult imagery branded or carved throughout. Sebastian pushed the heavy door with ease, the hinges screaming shrilly.

"No one will disturb us here."

Dozens of candles cast an ominous orange glow against the cracked stone walls of the high ceilinged chamber. Tall windows looked out to the bleak dark sky, stained with the torrent of rainfall smashing into the glass. The room offered little in decor: In the center stood a throne, similar to the one in Sebastian’s bed room, made from obsidian. Polished almost to a mirror sheen, it sported cragged peaks and deformities in its nature, visible within its abyssal black hue. To the sides of the room, pots of lilies and orchids in vibrant vermillion lined side tables overrun with books and scrolls dating back centuries. To the front of the throne was a long granite table, adorned with a deep red cloth, seemingly untouched by the wear of time.

“What was this room for?” Angelina felt the curiosity bubble to the surface, not quite able to discern the nature of where she had been escorted to.

“Centuries ago, there was a town that settled near the castle. The people went about their lives, ignorant of the knowledge their homes rested on the lands of a vampire. Inevitably, a group of hunters stumbled across the castle, and discovering me and what I was, word spread quickly. Understandably, the town grew terrified; They were faced with the unknown, trespassers to lands that were not theirs. Truthfully, I did not wish for conflict, only peace and quiet. There is more than enough land out there, ample wildlife…However, some of the more brazen, and foolish, men felt me to be too much of a threat. They attempted to end my existence. I will give credit to their spirit, but it was meaningless. It did not take long for them to realize nothing they knew worked.”

Angelina listened keenly to Sebastian’s story, excitement sparkling in her eyes with every word. Despite her desires of wanting Sebastian’s cold hands skimming her body, she discovered this a rare opportunity to know more of the enigmatic being whom she now shared a bed with.

“What did you do to them, the ones who tried to kill you?”

“I let them go. I was not bothered by their attempts to kill me, but rather found it amusing, But I allowed them to live with a warning: Attack me or anyone in my castle again, and I would wipe out their entire village. I know violence and bloodshed quite well; I was quite impetuous in my youth, and while I have mellowed with age, I will not hesitate to become what humans fear of my kind when threatened. Perhaps that is where the rumors and myths had started of me.”

With a soft metallic click, Sebastian rested his cloak on the back of throne, the deep inky black rendering the fabric almost invisible against the obsidian.

“Soon after, the townspeople would arrive at the castle bearing tributes: Fresh game from a hunt, wine, coin. I had this room furnished as an offering room, and my consorts would escort the townspeople before me to produce their gifts. This was likely their way of atoning for the mistakes of the group who attempted to kill me. Knowledge of my existence was not limited just to the town; People from distant lands would make a pilgrimage to the castle, and be brought before me with gifts and tribute. It seemed to become almost a tradition. This was centuries ago, however. Now, this part of the castle does not see much activity…The perfect place for us, tonight.”

Sebastian’s fingers worked quickly, shifting buttons through their eyelets to remove his shirt. Angelina felt her arousal kindling in her core at his perfect physique. A fanged smile, steeped in hunger, formed on the corners of Sebastian’s lips, his eyes aflame. Seating himself upon the throne, the dark lord of the night viewed Angelina with a ravenous gaze.

“Come closer, Angelina.” He commanded.

Extending his arm, Sebastian bade Angelina to the throne. She approached slowly, her gaze transfixed on him perched upon the elegant and foreboding seat. With every step, she felt molten inside, her pulse increasing as she approached him. Slipping her dainty fingers into Sebastian's palm, he kissed her hand, a gentle peck against her fingers.

Angelina giggled, feeling butterflies fluttering about in her belly. “You charmer…”

Sebastian’s lips curled upwards at her tease. “I remain in awe of your beauty, day after day. To have discovered you and found you willing to receive my love is truly beyond words. I shall make up for my absence."

Sebastian’s mouth covered hers as she fell into him, straddling the throne. She moaned softly into his mouth, a wave of euphoria radiating throughout from his touch. Sebastian's hands slipped inside the fabric of her lingerie, roaming her deliciously curvy hips, resting against the small of her back.. He squeezed his fingers into her skin, pulling away from her mouth before basking in the sight of her beauty with an ardent stare.

"You are truly a delight," Sebastian cooed, his voice low and husky. His face hovered on her cleavage, his smooth chin ghosting against Angelina’s soft and magnificent breasts. "Such an exquisite vision...Will you offer yourself to me, my beautiful pet?"

"Yesss, Sebastian..." Angelina moaned, feeling the heat of his breath against her sensitive flesh, her head swimming in a sea of lust and desire. She slid her way down Sebastian, laying passionately charged kisses with her pink lips along his pale skin. Her tongue flicked out against one of Sebastian's nipples, delighting in the hiss that escaped his lips. Nuzzling Sebastian's skin, she felt the chill against her cheeks, and the energy of his body as he leaned back against the throne. His eyes looked on with amusement, relishing in the sight of Angelina's breasts pressed against his body, her lingerie riding up ever so slightly as she shimmied lower to reach his pants.

Her fingers unfastened the silver belt buckle from his pants, watching his black leather belt loosen. She lifted her head to meet his piercing gaze, giving a coy smirk before returning to her task. She undid Sebastian's fly slowly, taking care to ensure she teased him with deft hands and hungry eyes rolling back up to meet him as the zipper's teeth released with a slight rasp of the metal. With a tug, Sebastian's cock sprang forth against his pale abdomen. The bulbous, angled head stood out, angry and violet, in contrast to the rest. The veins pulsating along the rigid shaft, the familiar size sending a charge of excitement through Angelina, feeling her aching pussy clench at the sight of his girth. It was only a brief moment before his cock stood erect, throbbing and beckoning for attention.


Angelina sank to her knees, her fingers coiled around the base of Sebastian’s aggressive erection, stroking up the shaft with a slow and gentle hand. Deliberately pacing her pumps along his thickness, she stroked and squeezed, feeling the ridges rub against her palm. A bubble of pre-cum rose from the tip, gently oozing down the front; Bringing her lips to the head of his shaft, Angelina gave a slow and seductive lick of the clear fluid, swirling her tongue around the angular glans. The salty taste tingled on the back of her throat, her mind fogging with fervor as glanced up to see the flash of pleasure in his eyes.

"Yes…Offer your mouth to me, my sweet." Sebastian husked, his eyes never leaving the wonderful sight before him. Angelina's lips explored him, a moist sweep along the leathery skin while her hand continued to undulate along his shaft. Her tongue darting at his head again, she drew his length into her mouth, her lips stretching to accommodate the size. Angelina moaned, her tongue bathing the underside as the first inches disappeared. She slurped against his cock with eagerness, reveling in the feel of his rigid shaft twitching inside her mouth. Angelina took Sebastian as deep as she could, her throat relaxing to accept him. His hand came to the back of her head, holding her still for a moment, feeling the heat of her breath around him.

“Mmmffff…” Angelina gagged reflexively, feeling Sebastian’s cock tickling the back of her throat. She felt a sense of helplessness with Sebastian’s gentle but firm hand resting in her hair, his fingers tangled within the long red strands. He could grab her at any point, using her mouth as roughly as he pleased; She felt the heat at the apex of her legs intensify to the thought of her hair clenched in Sebastian’s steel grip, helpless white he guided her down his length. Instead, he gently stroked the delicate fibers, curling them between his fingers while he enjoyed the moans vibrating within her mouth.Angelina came up, gasping for air; Strands of drool and precum separated apart from her mouth, dripping down onto her heaving cleavage.With a deep exhale, Angelina licked her lips, brown eyes flickering with naughtiness.

 "So big...You taste so good..."

Her hand tightened around Sebastian’s glistening cock, the vicious throbbing stroking the fires of sexual hunger rousing inside her. Her tongue danced around the head, lips dark and wet with saliva. Angelina writhed between his legs, electricity coursing under her skin.

She needed him inside her, but not before she had some more fun.

Angelina worked the clasp of her negligee, unhooking it with a soft click. Her large breasts tumbled forth, the material separating away to her sides as she stripped it from her skin, nipples pink and swollen. Sebastian looked on quietly as she grasped her breasts, sandwiching his cock with their warmth and pillowy feel. His burning eyes betrayed his stoic nature; The feeling of her enveloping him in a cocoon of her lustful flesh was hellishly divine, his hardness throbbing and swelling between her tits. Angelina leveraged herself up and down, squeezing around him while she pumped his cock through the channel of her cleavage. Her tongue lapped at the head as it peeked out the top with each thrust, her breasts colliding with his thighs to a satisfying slapping sound. 

"Mmm...Does this feel good?" Angelina's eyes were drunk with lust, feeling a trickle of moisture sliding down the inside of her thighs. Precum continued oozing down Sebastian's length, lubricating her cleavage with a slick coating. She constricted tighter around him, feeling the ridges tickling her skin as his cock sailed effortlessly between her breasts. Sebastian's low, guttural growl sent prickles along Angelina’s skin, moaning deep in her throat while she continued her rhythm.

"Angelina, you are quite the temptress...Your body is a masterpiece of wonder." Sebastian’s praise felt like velvet in her ears; Giggling, she continued stroking, her mouth surrounding Sebastian's head to trace at the slit. She could feel him swelling in the cradle of her bosom, building to a release. His fangs gleaned from the candlelight with a hiss, a clear hunger to claim more of her evident in his face. Angelina was desperate for him to take her, and staring at his mouth, wanted the pleasure of his bite. She thrust her chest down, building friction between their bodies with her motions. Sebastian felt himself stir inside; His inner fires were at their breaking point.

"Take me into your mouth again, my love...I wish to reward you for your attentiveness..." his voice was low and tense, his cock slipping from her chest with a wet, soft plop. Angelina obeyed, reaching up to grasp his shaft again. She gave a soft pump up and down before planting her lips against the head, swirling her tongue up the underside with each stroke. Angelina’s moans echoed off the walls of the chamber as she took him deep, his girth choking her with every inch down her throat. Sebastian reached down, brushing her hair aside, his scarlet eyes drinking in the sight of his cock disappearing between her soft, puffy lips. He twitched in her wet warmth, dripping onto her tongue.

"You are a marvelous sight," Sebastian mused, "Kneeling before me, worshipping me. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into you and savor my offering…"

Sebastian’s words pierced Angelina to the core, tremors of pleasure shaking her body at the thoughts of what Sebastian would do to her. Drool spilled down her chin and the sides of her mouth as she continued laboring over his shaft with abandon. Angelina’s free hand coasted down her stomach, finding the moistened material of her underwear pressing against her folds. Her fingers massaged the fabric against her clit in circles, the friction coaxing along her body’s insatiable needs.

“Sooo good…I love your cock, Sebastian…”

Sebastian felt his insides stir, building to the climax. "I'm going to fill your mouth," he growled, Angelina’s knees ached from being on the hard stone, but she felt numb to everything but the pleasure, eyes glimmering with anticipation. "Please…Yess…" she moaned. She stroked his shaft steadily, sucking him back down as far as possible. Moans and wet slurps filled the air around them; Her tongue laved over the angry head with greater urgency as she felt Sebastian's cock swelling in her mouth, his climax imminent.

"Take it, my love," Sebastian rasped. "I'm cumming..."

With a roar from the depths of his throat matching the timing of a lightning strike outside, Sebastian stiffened on release, hot strands of cum unloaded into Angelina's mouth. A muffled cry of delight was lost in her throat as a wave of salty fluid poured out, the taste coating her tongue, sending ripples of bliss through her body.


Angelina’s throat tensed, swallowing eagerly around his throbbing shaft. She felt a release of her own, tremors of ecstasy emerging from deep within as Sebastian’s hot release coated her throat on its way down. Her tongue danced about, chasing the continued bursts of cum that spurted out. The tremors of Sebastian’s orgasm gradually waned, Angelina’s eyes glazing over with a passionate lust swallowing the final bit of his seed. With a husky sigh, her head found a brief respite on Sebastian's cool thigh, soothing her flushed cheek. She closed her eyes, basking in the gentle ebbing waves of her orgasm. Sebastian chuckled, brushing the strands of crimson hair that cascaded over her face.

"You’re always so skilled with your mouth, my pet…But now, you will offer the rest of yourself to me." Sebastian purred. Angelina opened her eyes to his still swollen and erect shaft inches from her face, her body aching for him. The fire in Sebastian’s eyes told her he was far from finished with her tonight. She gave a roguish grin, tracing the large vein on his length with her index finger. He silently pointed to the offering table, the black marble reflecting the flickering embers of the candles surrounding the room.

Sebastian aided Angelina to her feet, watching her slide her soaked thong to the floor. He stroked the smoothness of her thigh, her knees going weak at his chilling touch. Her pussy was dripping wet; Sebastian's eyes admired the sight of her bared and drenched womanhood. Before his fingers could explore more, she stepped back, her tongue playfully between her teeth as she crept backwards towards the offering table. Leaning against the stone, she tilted her head back, fingers running up her body. She let out a husky moan, flicking at her nipples before gazing back at the vampire seated in his throne observing his human lover teasing him. Rising to his feet, Sebastian stalked over to her, his cock bouncing with each step. Angelina felt herself quiver at the phantom sensation of his cock inside her, his intense eyes boring over her body like a hungry animal eyeing down a feast.

“You’re quite the playful minx, this evening.”

Sebastian grasped the side of her neck, pulling her into a searing kiss. Angelina moaned into his mouth, welcoming the intrusion of his tongue. Sebastian ravaged her with a hungry passion, devouring every moan and breath that escaped from her trembling and swollen lips. He kissed his way down her neck, his hands capturing her breasts.

“Magnificent, like the rest of your body, my dear.” Angelina’s cheeks flushed at Sebastian’s honeyed words. His claws sunk in, squeezing and massaging her tits with slow, methodical movements; She felt her breath hitch in her throat as he attended to her body. Rolling the stiff peaks of her nipples between his fingers, his mouth claimed one, suckling with slow strokes around her areola, flicking the perky nub with his tongue. Angelina heard a low growl rumble inside Sebastian's throat, his fangs pinching into her flesh.

"Ohhh, Sebastian!! Fuck....I need you inside me..."

Arching into him, exposing more of her ample bosom, Sebastian labored greedily at her tits, slathering his tongue about her, his feral growls drowned out by Angelina's moans of delight. Traveling down his voluptuous lover's curves, he explored her skin like it was the first time again, his lips tracing across her stomach, planting moist, sensual pecks across her skin. Every touch of his lips upon her sent a jolt through Angelina, a trickle of wetness slipping down her lef. Sebastian’s fangs gleamed in the candlelight as he fully lowered to his knees, hovering in between her thighs, engulfed in the heady scent of her sex. Teasing up her inner thigh, Angelina felt a rush of heat between her legs when she realized what he intended.

Sebastian's mouth enclosed on her, the sharp pincers of his fangs puncturing Angelina's skin. He sucked hard at her leg, the venom mingling with her blood, oozing waves of euphoria into her body and mind.

"Ah!! Ohhhhhh god...."

Her eyes shut tightly as the stimulants coursed through her, heightening her pleasure tenfold. Angelina shuddered, Sebastian’s face dangerously close to her slit while he slowly drank from her. She could feel herself winding inside to sweet release, her nails massaging at his fine silver hair.

"Oh god, I'm gonna cum again..." she moaned.

Hearing her cry, Sebastian’s sucking grew more intense, finding himself unable to resist not only the sweetness of Angelina's blood, but the desire to push his lover over another peak. She braced herself against the edge of the table; Sebastian's grip tightened around her upper thighs, not allowing her to wriggle free. Releasing his fangs from her thigh, he licked his lips clean before his tongue traced up to her pussy, flicking at her clit. He swept around her folds with the ferocity of a ravenous beast, delving his tongue deep inside.  Angelina melted from the sensation, pressure mounting inside her. A swirl of his tongue was the final nail, her breath rushing from her lungs as she felt time slow around her.

"Unnhhh...Oh my god!!!" she cried out, riding on a wave of overwhelming spasms within her core. The tablecloth was bunched in her hands, crumpled and wrinkled with her grip. The ripples of ecstasy floated throughout her body as she came, her breathing shaky. Angelina’s juices spilled into Sebastian’s awaiting mouth, savored like the finest wine. She steadied herself against the stone, her body slightly flushed from Sebastian's passionate attention. He slowly rose to his feet with a toothy smile, kissing back up her stomach and chest. Their mouths crushed against one another, tongues rolling together heatedly. Angelina could taste herself mingling with his saltiness from earlier.

"Always a delectable taste…" Sebastian husked, his cock pressing against her inner thigh, still tender from his bite. “I believe you are more than ready to receive me, now.”

Angelina grinned, wrapping her arms around Sebastian's neck. Thunder cackled outside, but her mind was only focused on one thing: She wanted to be owned and filled by him, laid bare as he claimed every inch of her body again. Every moment with him was a dark fantasy brought to fruition; She found herself aching for more as the days had passed, her libido in a state of overdrive. From the realization that she was this vampire’s lover, or his own dark machinations, she didn’t know…And she didn’t care. Tonight, she truly felt like a maiden being given up to a dark power, and the fantasy made her gush. Her breasts pressed into his chest, hard nipples poking at the skin. "Please, Sebastian…Take me.." she pleaded, playfully nipping at his shoulder.

Breaking their embrace, Sebastian pivoted Angelina around by the hips, her ass pressing into his groin as he pushed her down against the table.

"Do not turn around." He ordered, his voice low and stern.

"Y-Yes, Sebastian..." she stammered out, his hands brushing away her hair, cascading it past her shoulders. A soft gasp escaped Angelina’s throat as his lips found her shoulder blades, kissing slowly down the length of her spine. He took his time, lingering on spots of her back, his breath hot against her clammy flesh on his descent.

"Such a fine woman..." Sebastian murmured as he explored her. Angelina wriggled her hips at his compliment, her thighs growing slick again from her juices.”Such smooth, creamy skin, and a wealth of curves. I say it often, but you, my love, are truly an exquisite masterpiece beyond words. How I wish to lock you in my bedchamber for a full day and evening…Yet I do not wish to be selfish…”

The sensation of his fangs tickling at the small of her back made Angelina's nipples harden underneath her, hands tightening against the edge of the table. Being blind to what Sebastian was doing drove her mad with excitement, resisting the urge to look back. Sebastian bit into the soft flesh at the top of Angelina's buttocks, her fingernails dragging against the tablecloth with the torturous and arousing sensation.


A low chuckle echoed in the chamber; Sebastian was a cruel tease, Angelina realized, but damn if she wasn't loving every moment of it.

The angled head of Sebastian’s cock brushed against Angelina’s wet lips as he stood upright, adrenaline surging through her as she readied to receive him. Sliding against her wet and awaiting entrance, Sebastian let out a low hiss as he slowly eased himself into her. She whimpered, feeling the thick, angled head breach her aching sex. Her pussy gripped around him immediately, her body having yearned for this moment all evening. His hips inched forward, slowly, his shaft being squeezed as he embedded himself fully into Angelina warm, wet depths.

"Ahhhh...It feels so good..." Angelina groaned. The fullness of Sebastian's cock inside her sent goosebumps up her spine. Her walls stretched to accommodate his girth, then coiled back around him like a vice. Her hands grasped desperately with clenched fists at the cloth. Sebastian's strokes were slow and rhythmic, pushing and pulling with an increasing tempo.  Angelina continued to mewl, bucking against his thickness rubbing deep inside. He slid out of her for a brief moment, a damp sheen of fluid coating his shaft. Thunder rolled across the forest outside, Sebastian standing still for a moment, watching. Angelina turned back curiously at the sudden loss within her warmth. Sebastian’s eyes flared wildly, a snarling grin on his lips.

Angelina realized too late; He was testing her to see if she would listen to his earlier warning…And she fell into his trap.

“You were told not to turn around…” He chuckled, gently shaking his head. His fingers dug into the curves of her pelvis. “Now, you must be punished for being a naughty pet.” Sebastian braced her hips, driving his rigid length back into her tightness with a thunderous slap of his groin against her.

"Ohhhhh my god!!" Angelina cried out, jerking forward against the table. He thrust into her with  animalistic savagery; Ripples of pleasure crashed throughout Angelina with each loud clap of their hips. Her breasts bounced wildly with each motion, smacking into each other in tandem with her rocking against the table. Sebastian pulled her harder against him with each pump, driving deep into her with reckless abandon. She arched her hips to meet his movements, panting and moaning loudly with each surge. Sebastian slowed his pace, reaching around to thumb her clit while he pumped shallowly. Fire pooled low inside Angelina, the sensation of another release imminent.

"Yessss! Ohh!! I'm gonna c-cum again...Ohhhh god!!" she wailed, sparks firing off inside as she came around Sebastian's embedded cock. Grunting with quiet satisfaction at her cries, Sebastian wrapped a hand into Angelina's tousled red hair and yanked, pulling her body flush to him. His lips found her neck, pulling at the skin and laying a series of sloppy, passionate kisses. Angelina tilted her head on instinct, sensing Sebastian’s need and desire. His hand brushed her chin, trailing down the length of her neck before he caged her breast, molding the pillowy mound in his fingers. Razor sharp canines slowly sank in, piercing tender flesh and injecting her with rapturous euphoria.

“Ohhhh fuckkkk…Sebastian…” Angelina gasped, her body still writhing from her orgasm. Sebastian greedily partook, a thin trickle of blood oozing down her neck and on to her chest from his fervent drinking. His hips continued to gyrate against her in slow insistent circles. Angelina’s body was on fire, her mind trapped in a thick smoke of lust and carnal passion. She felt the pull of her blood into Sebastian’s mouth, hearing the low rumbling in his throat as his natural urges were sated. Releasing her, Sebastian turned Angelina to face him, his cock slipping out of her drenched folds. His mouth danced along the trail of blood that had marked her upper chest, cleaning her skin.


Angelina gazed at him, eyes glassy with want. His lips skimmed hers before plundering her mouth, the metallic taste of her blood assaulting her senses. Without warning, Sebastian lifted one of her legs, anchoring his arm around her knee. He entered her again fully, with one deep thrust. Angelina’s breathing grew short and labored, feeling his powerful fullness penetrating and filling her so quickly.   

“You feel so divine. I hope you are ready for more…”

She nodded, accompanied by a quiet whimper of approval. Placing her arms on his shoulders to support herself, Sebastian began pumping in and out of her, the rhythm intensifying with each stroke; He began to slam his hips against her, pounding her aching center furiously with his girth. The sounds of slapping flesh and wet squelching drove Angelina deeper into the frenzy of ecstasy.

“Oh Jesus, Sebastiannnn!” Her moans became a scream of pure ecstasy, her tits bouncing hard with every slap of his groin against hers. Sebastian's grip around her leg tightened while he surged upward repeatedly, continuing to impale her on his straining shaft. The ridges of his cock tickled her g-spot, her body melting into his embrace as another glorious rush of splendor washed over her.

"Oh my goddd!! Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!” Angelina let out an explosive cry, her body spasming to sweet satisfaction. Moisture sluiced down the inside of her leg, her chest heaving to grab quick and shallow gasps of air. With a throaty grunt, Sebastian released her leg, allowing her a moment to steady herself. She smiled as though she’d found nirvana, her body sparkling in the dim candleglow of the room. Her tongue traced slowly over her lips, staring up at Sebastian. He smiled, his eyes alight with a depraved hunger and need.

“I wish you had been born centuries ago so that I could have spent until now indulging in you like this…But now I have the time ahead of me to devote my love and desire to you, my dear…To worship and taste you time, and time again…” He cooed softly into her ear. Sebastian’s words carried a seductive thrill; Angelina felt her body yearning for more.

With a shove of his hand, the red cloth of the offering table was flung away, candles crashing and snapping on the stone floor. Sebastian lifted Angelina to the table, placing her carefully down across. Climbing above her, he knelt between Angelina’s legs, savoring the beautiful woman beneath him. Her body was so deliciously naked and vulnerable, her creamy skin vibrant against the black marble. Her red hair was matted and slightly damp, her body flush from their intense passion; Her breasts rose and fell with each unsteady breath, the chill of the stone against her hot flesh spawning goosebumps. She was completely at Sebastian's mercy, his for whatever he wished. She felt his raw sexuality as he towered over her, his unworldly aura that always captivated and aroused her emanating around him.

“Please, Sebastian…” she murmured, “I’m forever yours...”

“Yes, my dear…You are.”

With a fanged smile, Sebastian lowered himself, finding her ankle. Slowly and softly, he tasted her skin, claiming every inch with his mouth. He slithered up her calf to her thigh, licking at the trail left behind. FInding himself at her damp, warm entrance, his tongue made moist sweeps between her cleft, tracing the hood before his lips encircled her clit. Sebastian gently plucked the tender nub with his mouth, Angelina’s legs wiggling to the languid, and tortuous foreplay.

“Mmmm….That feelsss so good…Please, don’t stop…” She twisted slightly, the succulence of his fluid motions on her pink pearl being almost too much to bear.

Sebastian uttered not a sound, continuing to explore Angelina’s body. His mouth quested up her abdomen, feeling the clammy warmth of her skin against his cool lips. He paid tribute to her tattoo, a kiss against the fanged lips inked on her pelvis. His tongue danced around her stomach, savoring the smooth, silky feel of her midriff. Sebastian nipped lightly here and there, small red bite marks appearing across Angelina’s skin, each pinch sending a jolt through her down to her toes.

“Mmmmmmmm….”Angelina sighed, her hands rummaging Sebastian’s hair. He stopped at her chest, turning his attention to her breasts once again; Sucking the wonderfully soft orb into his mouth, he twirled at the hardened bud in the center, his tongue lashing against it. He kissed and sucked feverishly at Angelina’s luscious flesh, twisting the nipple of the other as he worked her. His fangs grazed her as he dragged his mouth away, a subtle bounce of her skin with the tug. Sebastian’s cock throbbed viciously against her thigh, waiting impatiently to be buried inside again. Her body ached with need of its own, her mind hazy with passion.  He pressed his lips against the pulse point in her neck, teasing her with a hiss and fangs scraping the skin. A lingering, erotic sweep of his tongue found him at her swollen pink lips, hovering a mere thread from them. Sebastian’s breath exchanged with Angelina’s, invading her lungs with air dripping in dark and sinful pheromones. She could sense the carnal frenzy from him, growing slightly dizzy and sticky with bliss.

“So soft, warm, and smooth. Such perfection…I find myself smitten every moment I am with you. Eternity may not even be enough for everything I wish to experience with you…But for now, I shall take what you have offered me, my beautiful Angelina…”

Sebastian lined his pulsating shaft up with Angelina’s dripping sex, lifting her thighs to rest against his pelvis. Gently rubbing between the folds, his head grew shiny with a coating of her juice as Angelina surrendered to him, his cock sinking into her tight softness. She was soaked, her pussy clasping around his intense girth plunging inch by inch in her depths. He rocked his hips against her slowly, bracing his arms on either side of Angelina as he pressed down on her.

“Sebastian…You feel so good….” She moaned, her body tensing and relaxing around Sebastian's cock burying to the hilt. He stilled for a moment, feeling the throbbing ache of his length pounding against her walls, her insides stretching to accommodate him again. He started with long, slow strokes, making her mewl loudly in response at the feel of his flesh against hers within. He drew out his every move, tantalizing her pussy with the feel of him pumping.

"You are an amazing fuck, my sweet,"  Sebastian groaned into her ear.

Desperate filthy noises trickled from Angelina’s lips, her body writhing in pleasure under him. Her hands found his shoulders, attempting to pull him to her with every stroke. The sound of wet skin slapping echoed off the walls, her tits bouncing furiously as he slowly increased speed and pressure, ripples of pleasure roiling through Angelina nerves. Lightning arced outside the windows as the rain continued to batter the old castle, every boom of thunder harmonious with an equally measured thrust in the midst of his rhythm. She was lost in his eyes, the ruby rimmed black depths swirling with a furious lust. She’d never felt more wanted, more desired, by anyone in her life, but Sebastian had demonstrated his desires for her, evening after evening.. Now she laid across a stone offering table in a castle, his cock spearing into her, feeling the world fade away.

"Ohh Sebastian," Angelina groaned, her pussy tightening as she neared another orgasm. She lifted her hips ever so slightly to meet him, locking her legs around his lower back; He leveraged himself, rocking wildly against her. Her body twisted and writhed beneath him, feeling every subtle movement and shift inside her. The ridges of his shaft gently rubbed against her insides, hitting every tender spot, sending sparks of electricity rippling to her core.

"Fuck! Sebastian...Oh fuck!!!!!" Angelina screamed as a wave of pleasure hit, her pussy spasming around his impaled cock.The harder he fucked her, the louder she became, her hips bucking wildly against him with every rocking stroke. Her nails dug into Sebastian’s pale skin, deep scratch marks appearing down the length of his biceps.

“Yes, scream for me, my beloved. I want to hear the sweet sound of you crying out my name.” Sebastian hissed. He lauded over her body, surging and ebbing into her. His movements. His strokes. His touch. Everything was beyond anything she'd ever experienced; Tonight felt more intimate, yet more feral than any of their nights before this. His pace increased, calculated and stirring as he delved into her with each surge forward. He fucked her furiously, her body bucking restlessly beneath his attentions.

“Oh my god, Sebastian…Annhh!!”

Driving his cock inside her pussy again, Angelina cried out, drowning out the wet slopping sounds of their bodies against one another. Her pussy spasmed around him, squeezing down on his thick shaft. Her breath came in ragged gasps, feeling the familiar fire beginning to burn hot inside her abdomen. Sebastian tensed for a moment, sensing the buildup slowly approaching to his release.

Their gazes held each other as they rocked together in pure bliss. Angelina gasped as Sebastian lowered his head, his fangs sinking into her throat once again, feeling nothing but the gentle squeeze of his mouth on her tender neck. Sebastian’s hand found Angelina’s, tearing it away from his scratched shoulder and pinning against the marble. His fingers interlaced with hers as he continued to press into her center. He moved as far as he could into her with each push, heavy and forceful. She was a slave to his desires, her body yielding to his fiery passions. Her screams of rapture came in sequence with the rotation of his hips, Sebastian finding satisfaction at the cries of ecstasy slipping from her parted lips. He tasted the warm flow of her blood, drinking in the sweet nectar as her moans grew hoarse and heavy.
“Annhhhh Sebastian….Oh my godddd!”

Sebastian’s body tensed, the flood of heat overflowing deep inside to an aggressive twitch in his length. His mouth broke free from Angelina’s neck as a loud roar erupted from the depths of his throat. The white hot eruption of his orgasm surged forth, his seed spilling into her. Angelina was breathless, feeling his cock twitch and jerk with each stream of cum that shot deep inside her womb. Her fingers clasped tightly around Sebastian’s as a scream lilted from her throat, feeling the heat of his cum fill her insides with a delicious, sinful warmth that coursed through her aching body.

“Fuckkk, Sebastian!!! I’m gonna cummm!”

Angelina's legs twitched, the frenzied explosion of ecstasy igniting deep inside. Her orgasm hit with a soul shattering intensity, her head falling back off the edge of the table to the feel of his  juices mingling with her. Sebastian’s cock continued to pulsate violently inside with slower thrusts, spurts of cum dripping out at a measured pace as he slowly calmed from his titanic climax.

His orgasm subsiding, Sebastian pressed his lips to Angelina’s chest, his hand still entangled with hers in an iron grip. Laying his head against her breast, he listened to her heart hammering away inside, a wild sensuous beat that was a harmonious melody to his ears.

“Hearing your heartbeat…The excited race of your pulse…Is something I never wish to be without. It is a wonderful sound, knowing I get you so worked up like this.”

They remained locked together for what felt like forever, time having slowed around them. The rain continued outside, the storm still raging about, but Angelina only cared for the now calm abyss of Sebastian’s eyes, watching her breathing slowly return to normal. There were no words to be said in those moments of quiet, feeling the weight of Sebastian’s body upon herl.

Sebastian slipped his drenched shaft out of Angelina, their collective juices oozing from her onto the dark table. His eyes lingered across her body, damp with a sheen of sweat. His teeth marks on her had slowly begun to heal, her skin flushed. She was panting, but a large radiant grin had formed across her face, her need for Sebastian sated thoroughly  He inhaled the heady smell of sex that permeated the room, letting out a sigh of content.

“Come. I think you deserve a rest.” he teased, his thumb brushing against her swollen lips. She took his thumb into her mouth, gently nibbling with a giggle.

“I’m a bit of a mess, though; I could use another shower…” She sat up on the table, looking down at the trail Sebastian had left on her body. While she was disappointed to see the marks quickly fading, the experience of the last few hours was branded into her brain, hers to remember as often as she wished in her daydreams.

“It cannot be helped with a woman so arrestingly beautiful and enticing.” Her cheeks burned scarlet again with his charmed words. “We can bathe together before we retire for the evening.”

Sebastian moved to the throne, retrieving his cloak. Angelina stretched, gingerly getting off the table to retrieve her underwear; Her legs felt a bit like jelly, making her all the more giddy and satisfied. Before she could put her negligee on, however, the long midnight black cloak was draped over her nude body, the clasp fastened securely. It was enormous on her, a sizable length dragging on the floor. Before Angelina could protest, Sebastian suddenly wrapped his arms under her knees and around her shoulders, hoisting her up. He had his pants back on, but his shirt remained crumpled in the corner.

“I will have one of the maids fetch your things and take care of the room; Your clothes should not be soiled after this wonderful evening.” She felt butterflies in her stomach at his chivalrous demeanor, her head resting against his cool chest.

“...But your cloak…”

“...Will be marked with your scent, which I shall carry with me wherever I go.”

The rain lessened against the windows, the boom of thunder echoing further in the distance. With a soft kiss to her forehead, Sebastian carried Angelina out of the chamber and back down the staircase. The halls were quieter now, maids and servants having moved on to other duties or retired for the evening. She felt no footfalls or bounce, his body drifting along as they made their return to the showers. She snuggled herself close to him, closing her eyes to the delicious comfort of the satin she was wrapped in, the scent of sandalwood still strong in the fibers. The gentle ache of her insides and across her skin left Angelina with a content reminder of the wild, passionate love Sebastian had once again graced her with. She didn’t know what dark, sinful, and erotic surprises were in store for her..

…But she was excited to find out where this vampire’s desires would lead her, and where his fangs would mark her next.

To be continued…

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