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Author Topic: Billie Eilish - Debt Collection  (Read 1280 times)


Billie Eilish - Debt Collection
« on: February 12, 2025, 03:30:52 PM »
Billie Eilish - Debt Collection

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Showing up at the door of her friend, well sort of, and business associate Rob felt like a huge step. Her hand trembled with nerves as she went to press the bell, hesitating a second.

She didn’t know what they were now as there was a lot of animosity between them, stemming for a business collaboration that had gone sour. Billie had known him quite a few years and they’d successfully partnered up on a range of music throughout it, but then it had all turned when she cut him out of a deal to move forward in her career. She figured it was just one of those things and had been disappointed with how it all turned out, but got on with it and left their partnership behind.

Or so she thought, until he suddenly told her he had legal claim over her work since she was using something he’d created for her...without paying or crediting him for it. She’d initially blown it off as bullshit but after he pressed her on it, threatening to take it further she started to look into it. With a few covert questions to legal people she knew and some reading she realised that he probably had a claim against her one way or another.

She’d asked him for more details, which he’d happily given her and upon reading them she’d been gripped by the cold fear that he had her on it. A brief talk with someone in legal she could trust confirmed it and that left her with a choice. She hadn’t spoken with her own lawyer, choosing to keep him out of it until she knew what she wanted to do and she tried to decide how to approach it all. He had a claim against her and that was bad news, because either she had to pay him off and admit it, or make him sue her and see what happened. She predicted the outcome was not likely to go her way.

So she thought about it and considered her options for a couple of days. Deciding she had to know more about it she asked to speak to Rob, sending him a message asking if they could. He agreed, but told her it was in person and in private. She figured that made sense, given the legal nature of things and so met him at his place. After some pleasantries they got into the discussion and he wasted no time in laying it out in detail, exactly how she’d wronged him, what he thought his legal position was and what he was owed by her actions.

It was worse than she’d thought, well at least it seemed that way and she was concerned she’d really put her foot in it. She’d questioned what he wanted to do, since he seemed set on getting a settlement out of her and making her pay him back for it. He reiterated that she could either financially compensate him, proceed with the legal case and pay him afterwards if he won it which he was quite confident of doing...or she could surrender her body to him to settle the debt.

She’d been stunned by the suggestion, blank for several seconds, then asked him to reiterate it as if she hadn’t heard it. He simply told her to grow up with a roll of his eyes, dismissing her shock, telling her she knew exactly what he’d proposed. Expanding, he told her if she didn’t want to go the legal route then she could fuck to settle the debt, he’d accept that. Billie had asked if he was serious, disgust growing with her rising anger as he’d told her he was dead serious, she could come and fuck to make it all square if she wanted, but it meant he was in charge to get what he felt was owed.

She’d snapped back at him that she wasn’t a whore and he was a pig for even suggesting it, met with a mere shrug from him. As she’d stormed out he’d told her to consider it, because otherwise it was going to be expensive for both of them. She was pissed he’d even suggested the idea, they’d never been anything beside friends and professional partners...even if she’d caught him sneaking a glance at her massive tits now and then. She figured he was a guy after all.

A couple more days went past however and she’d turned the idea over in her head. She still thought he was a prick for suggesting it...but it did represent a very direct, discreet way out of her problems. The bottom line was that either paying him off or letting him pursue it legally, likely to her downfall, was going to be expensive. She knew he had enough money to chase her and get a resolution and on top of the financial blow it would all be publicly recorded and against her forever. It might well make other people reticent to work with her, fearing potential problems down the line and that was hardly what she needed for her career going forwards.

She was well off but she didn’t want to hand over a chunk of that money, even if she was legally in the wrong. So the alternative was his other suggestion, to fuck him, with him in charge as he’d fleetingly told her before she’d left. Billie considered it and let her anger simmer, annoyed that he’d gone that way, but she also saw how it was a fairly easy way out of it. All she had to do was show up at his place, get fucked and then wrap it up. As long as she could secure a legal agreement out of it to make sure the matter was closed it was definitely something she could handle.

Deciding it was something she needed to know more about, wanting to explore the option she was now leaning towards somewhat, she’d called him up and asked him about it. He’d shut her down, refusing to talk on the phone and wanting it in person instead. He’d come to her place that time, and once he was there she’d steeled herself and told him she wanted to know what the deal was if she was to fuck him to settle things. He smiled and asked if she’d come around on it, to which she snapped she hadn’t, she just wanted the details so she could make an informed decision. They both knew it was bullshit otherwise she wouldn’t even have brought it up, but he played along and laid it out for her.

He said to settle it, he wanted to fuck her but she had to completely submit to him. Mentally and physically, she’d be his to do absolutely anything he wanted with. She’d stared at him with an offended expression that covered her trepidation well, heart pumping as he explained she would have to give herself up totally for him to enjoy. It was certainly going to be far more intense than she imagined as she’d expected a night with him where he just had some fun, but instead he was laying out her complete submission which was something she’d never done.

Still intrigued and tempted by the idea of settling the matter privately, she’d probed on whether he would sign things off legally to settle the matter should she go ahead with it. He assured her he was a man of his word and would sign off a legal document agreeing the matter closed, provided there were no details of what they’d agreed in the process. It made sense and she hardly wanted it written down either. He added however to do that he had to be completely satisfied, and that might take more than a single session. She’d grumbled at that, wanting it over and done with, but he pointed out it might take more than one depending what she could handle.

She wasn’t completely happy, it wouldn’t be all her way, but she figured that’s what deals and compromises were about. With a begrudging nod she agreed that should she agree to such a settlement he would have absolute carte blanche and be free to do whatever he chose with her. Billie asked if there were any other options, such as the promise of future work with him, but he refused her. He pointed out that they were hardly in a position they’d want to work together and a promise of future earnings weren’t a lot when she’d screwed him over in the first place, which she understood.

With the options on the table, Billie told him to leave and that she’d let him know, snapping at him that it was disgusting and some very dirty business. Rob had just shrugged and said she put herself in that position, reminding her that it was entirely her choice how to proceed as he left her to mull it over.

She took another couple of days to think about it, even though she pretty much knew how she was going to handle it. Handing the money over or getting sued for it was going to be expensive and public knowledge, which she simply didn’t want, which left her with just the one option. She’d never debased herself in such a way before, whoring herself out to settle something, but in her situation it was the only other option. His demand of complete submission worried her and it seemed her had something in mind for her should she agree to it, but it was also the cheapest and quietest possible option. Only they would know about it and one way or another the whole sordid saga would be closed.

A phone call was all it took.

“So, have you got an answer for me?” he said after a basic greeting. Knowing he wanted it kept clandestine, which made sense, she kept it brief.

“Yes, option three,” she replied quietly but firmly. They both knew what it meant, and frankly it was the only one she’d want to keep to just them.

“Excellent,” he replied and she was sure she could hear his smile over the phone.

“When and where do we do this?” she asked, needing the details.

“My place, Friday night, about eight,” he said coolly. Her heart was racing by comparison.

“Friday at eight, got it,” she said. There was a pause, silence that stretched before she felt the need to fill it.

“Look should I...I mean…” she stumbled, struggling to speak a moment before getting her brain into gear.

“Do you want me to do anything for you? Wear for you?” she said quickly, figuring dressing up however he wanted her couldn’t do anything to harm her chances.

“I’m not gonna be interested in what you’re wearing, Billie,” he replied, damping her hopes a little.

“Just come ready to fuck, and you know what? Shave your pussy for me,” he said.

“Shave it?” she blurted out, just caught out by the sudden request, even though it wasn’t exactly outlandish.

“Yeah, completely smooth. Do it for me, your submission starts there,” he said and abruptly hung up. Billie was stunned at his rudeness after she’d just agreed to give herself to him, something plenty of people would want, leaving her simmering at how he was treating her. The anger niggled her but she figured she’d put herself into the whole situation and just resolved to do as she was told.

And that was how she found herself at his door. She’d shaved her pussy the night before, sweeping away her dark triangle of womanly pubic hair to leave her lips completely smooth as requested. Despite his lack of interest she’d still chosen to wear some nice underwear, a pair of black satin panties and a matching bra that held up her magnificent tits, concealed under her jeans and simple top, leather jacket over the top.

Steeling herself, the singer pressed the bell and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. After a moment she heard the lock click and Rob opened the door, standing back to hold it open for her.

“Come in,” he welcomed, letting her step into the hall before closing it, locking it firmly. She never remembered him being so tall but he seemed to tower over her 5’3” stature, all curves but no height. His vantage point let him look down her top between her huge tits, but she hardly cared given what was imminent.

“Want a drink?” he asked, heading past her to the kitchen, so casual when she was so tense.

“No, thanks,”

“You sure? Shot of something? Calm your nerves?” he said.

“That obvious?” she replied with an awkward smile, busted.

“Yeah, but it figures,” he said.

“Vodka,” she said, walking after him into the kitchen. He took a few moments to pour it for her, sliding it to her on the counter, the double shot full to the brim.

“Thanks,” she said and immediately necked it, Rob doing the same with his own.


“...Yeah,” she replied, figuring it would only help to calm her. He quickly topped her up and she downed another double, coughing at the second shot in quick succession, watching Rob smoothly drain his as she stood it aside.

“You good to go?” he asked. Billie took a deep breath, steeling herself.

“Yeah,” she said with finality, ready to get on with it.

“Good. You come and be my little whore,” he said, a sudden tone to his voice, turning it on in an instant as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along the hall, heading up the stairs to take her to the bedroom.

“Fuck, take it easy!” she complained, stumbling as he hauled her along. She was greeted by a firm slap across the face, Rob turning and delivering it perfectly, knocking the air from her lungs in a shocked gasp.

“Remember how it is, Billie. I’m in charge. I say, you do,” he growled at her, a tone that made her quiver.

“Ok,” she gasped quickly, realising what she’d let herself in for. Rob pulled her up the stairs and into his bedroom, shoving her towards the bed so she stood before him.

“Strip,” he ordered her simply, and with the feel of the smack across her face still fresh she instantly complied even as she felt a slight flush to her cheeks. She’d never been treated so abruptly in the bedroom and it was a step in a new direction, but she also couldn’t deny it made her tingle a little in a certain way. She wasn’t sure she should embrace that but either way pulled her leather jacket off and threw it aside, before dropping to the bed to pull her Converse off.

They took some undoing and his impatience with her was palpable, tapping his foot a little as she struggled at the laces and undid the high tops, wrenching them and her socks off in one motion to chuck them with the jacket. She stood back up to continue, a little unsure how far he expected her to go despite what she was there for...but he very swiftly confirmed it for her.

“Come on, Billie, get on with it,” he snapped, stepping forward and grabbing her top, pulling it straight up over her head. She found herself obediently raising her arms straight, making it easy for him to remove, to strip her to her bra. It was something he took a moment of his time to enjoy, throwing her top away as he gazed at her massive tits encased in the silky black satin, pushed up just a little as intended. She’d tightened the straps to pull them up more, knowing he’d want to see that given how she’d caught up ogling her previously.

“Nice rack,” he said, stepping back to her to grab at her jeans, “good to finally see them for real.”

“Enjoy it while you can,” she commented, a little snarky at being objectified even though she’d deliberately told him this was how she wanted to settle their deal.

“I’m gonna,” he said with a smile, deciding to let her little remark slide as he tugged at her jeans, making her resist him as he pulled her and unbuttoned them, yanking the zip down. He leaned down and wrenched the snug denim towards the floor, down her legs to reveal the matching black satin panties.

“That pussy better be shaved like I told you,” he said, standing back up as Billie stepped out of the jeans and kicked them aside.

“Find out,” she invited, figuring she may as well. She assumed he’d just pull them down like the jeans, but instead he stepped right to her, towering over her and making her feel incredibly small, dominated and powerless. Her breath caught as he hand pressed to her tummy, making her jump a little and tremble as he shoved his hand matter of factly down the front of her panties and straight onto her smoothly shaved pussy.

“Very nice, good to know you can follow orders,” he remarked, knowing she’d hated him telling her what to do before she even arrived at his place. His fingers lingered, stroking her far more softly than she’d expected, making her push herself into his hand a little, wishing his finger would stroke over her clit as he enjoyed rubbing against the grain to feel not the slightest hint of stubble.

In one motion he reached behind her and released her bra with a firm pinch of the clasp, making her tits drop as the bra gave way around her before he dipped down and pulled her panties to the floor to expose her. She knew what he wanted and didn’t try to refuse, shrugging the bra down her arms to throw it aside as she stepped out of the panties. Completely naked before him, she felt exposed and vulnerable, her body displayed for his gaze as he took a few seconds to drink her in, her massive tits finally revealed to him and the pussy she’d shaved just for this moment ready and waiting.

“This is gonna be fun,” he commented, as much to himself as her, then wasted no time in shoving his hand through her hair and pulling her to him, kissing her hard much to her surprise. She wasn’t sure she wanted to kiss him frankly but was swept up in the whole moment, their tongues roughly entwining before he shoved firmly down on her shoulders to press her onto her knees, his intention clear. Billie knew exactly what he wanted but still waited to be told, figuring she’d better await instructions.

“You know what to do,” he said as he swiftly released his trousers, pulling out his rock hard cock in front of her.

“And don’t be a prick tease like usual, just get on with it,” he added, tone firm and commanding. Billie knew she was on the edge of taking another slap if she messed around so got straight on with it, grabbing his cock to feel it strain immediately in her grip, so absolutely iron stiff and ready for whatever she was going to give it. Despite the situation it was somewhat flattering he was so rock hard for her, his erection the hardest she thought she’d ever felt and he was a good size to boot.

She immediately closed her mouth around him, starting as she might normally with a suck to his head, taking just a little of him in as she got used to it and let him feel her touch. He groaned a little, straining as he finally got what he wanted from her, just giving her a moment to get on with it and show what she could do. She knew the agreement and he figured she’d perform since she wanted to make a deal. Billie was well aware and knew she had to show him something, but still intended to build up to it and get into her rhythm. With slow, rather sensual effort she got giving him a blowjob, rocking her head onto him as she worked her tongue around his bulging cock, feeling him pulsing and straining against her, getting on her way.

“Jesus Christ, just fucking suck it, you cunt!” he snapped, suddenly grabbing her head and hauling her down intently, catching her completely by surprise as his fingers twisted through her hair and yanked on her skull.

The surprise meant she couldn’t even react fast enough, let alone think about it as he drove his cock into her throat, every millimetre of it, making her swallow him deeper than any man she’d ever sucked before. He pressed her to him dominantly, completely in control exactly as he’d told her he would be but she never quite realised what it meant...until that moment as she choked hard on his cock. Her body heaved immensely, gagging hard and trying to pull back as he held onto her and made her take it as her eyes streamed, squeezed shut at the intensity. She choked hard and coughed through her nose, barely able to take it until she managed to find enough strength to shove off his legs and wrench back, his fingers yanking painfully at her hair.

She coughed hard and wetly hauled in a desperate breath, rearing up from the floor she’d tumbled to, just in time to catch a hard slap across the face that sent her tumbling back down. She braced herself on one hand as she let out a cry, the shock and sting of it hurting in equal measure as he physically reminded her of her place. He didn’t give her the chance to recover or refuse however, grabbing her hair and yanking her back up, directing his aching erection against her lips as she resisted him for a moment. She couldn’t help but notice how incredibly hard his prick was, absolutely like iron for her, telling her exactly how much he was enjoying treating her how he was.

“Come on you cunt, no breaks,” he spat, forcing it against her lips as she took a moment longer to blink the tears from her eyes and swallow, drawing a breath before opening her mouth to him. Rob immediately drove it back in, wasting no time and dropping all pretenses now; it was clear how it was going to go and Billie wasn’t sure she was ready for what she’d agreed to. It was too late by that point however and she gagged again hard as his bulging head shoved against the back of her throat, eyes pricking with fresh tears as he shoved into her. She was more ready second time around however and her body constricted, fighting him and holding him back as he ground into her.

He didn’t let up though and gave several hard, stabbing thrusts with his rock hard cock, her throat a penetrable barrier he only had to break through and she could tell he had no intentions of letting her get away with it. Rob did relent for a minute though, pulling back onto her tongue and picking up the pace to thrust hard and fast, fucking her mouth. He stayed off her throat however and Billie just fell into place, sucking firmly and quickly applying her tongue to please him, pushing it intently against his shaft as he pumped into her mouth, fucking her face and twisting his fingers in her hair as he reasserted his grip.

She’d just about recovered herself before he shoved in once more, fast and hard, breaking past her defences as her throat constricted a blink too late and he ploughed straight down her throat once more, bulging head stretching her out as it plunged right down and he wrenched her nose right into him as he forced her to swallow every inch. It didn’t help that was he was hardly the smallest guy she’d ever encountered, though she doubted it would have helped much if had been given what he was giving her. She twisted and gagged helplessly again, throat battling the thick shaft embedded in it until he withdrew, yanking out to generously give her a moment to breathe.

“That feel good, Billie?” he taunted her, watching her gasp next to his throbbing cock, eyes streaming and already a flustered mess, gagging again, a thick, gooey string of drool escaping to the floor as she whimpered her discomfort. She obviously didn’t reply, too embarrassed and humiliated to speak back, instead gagging hard as he pulled her back onto his cock, struggling badly as he tried to force it back down her throat again, resisting as he tried to drive himself into her, forcing him back out and pulling away.

“Fucking swallow it, bitch!” he shouted at her.

“I can’t!” she screamed back at him, knowing immediately what was coming before she felt it, the hard slap straight across the face. This was different however, much harder, much more serious, telling her he wasn’t playing with her as she tumbled to one side and almost fell over, restrained only by his hand twisted in her long hair.

“You will!” he shouted, a tone that made her shudder, never having head such a dominant, overpowering tone in her whole life. What made it worse was that she felt her vagina clench hard, a shiver of arousal coursing through her, body tingling in a manner that threatened to give her away.

She couldn’t complain, barely able to process everything that was going on as he shoved it back in her mouth and started fucking again, bouncing her head just as much as he thrust to maximise the power and pace of it. His cock shoved over her tongue as she found herself instinctively and obediently lapping at him, trying to drive it into him to induce maximum sensations and pleasure for him despite what he was doing to her. He pumped into her mouth, shoving to her throat a few times quickly but this time he kept it in rhythm with his pace, enjoying her sucking as he fucked her mouth before plunging deep. It made her gag but gave her a chance, his quick and sudden motions catching her out every time, body tiring already, unable to stop him, but the rapid pace meant he was in and out quickly enough that she was able to handle it.

Well, sort of; it still made her gag, tripping the frustrating and uncomfortable tickle in her throat to make her body surge in front of him but she was managing better. By the time he’d done it he was already thrusting into her mouth again, enjoying the skilful ministrations of her tongue and soft, wet heat she offered as she gagged in response. Several minutes of that made her wonder if she was getting on top of it, if it might be what he wanted and she’d be able to pleasure him to the deal she’d struck prior to that evening. Her hopes were dashed, pointlessly swept away as he shoved into her throat again only to hold it deep, her body going tight as she tried hopelessly to hold back the retch around him, twisting painfully again as he dominated her.

“Fuck…” she shuddered with a withering, gagging groan as she pulled back off his cock once more. She was met with another smack, expecting it and bracing herself for it, but she wasn’t ready for those that followed. Seeing her resist only made Rob eager to show her place, smacking her repeatedly, his pace and power accelerating over a few seconds as he landed blows on her face. Billie resisted it admirably, taking it with a grimace as his hand slapped her red skin harder and harder, holding her up by her hair until she was practically crying, whimpering as tears spread down her cheeks in a river of dark, slutty make-up.

He released her, then caught her with a backhand to the other cheek, knocking her the other way and making her catch herself again. Billie stayed there, shivering and gasping hard, steeling her nerves to restrain her tears, willing herself not to cry in front of him. She was aware she’d asked for this, chosen this seedy option to surrender herself to him despite his warning of how intense it could be, but she didn’t want to show how she was struggling. Another thing she was aware of was how wet her pussy was, absolutely drenched and ready to go, wetter than she’d ever been in her life and she hated how it was this that had caused that.

“Up,” he ordered her sternly, a command after a brief but generous moment for her to compose herself, to let the sting in her cheeks pass and give her a second to finish gagging. Billie took a deep breath and obediently pushed herself back onto her knees. For the first time she opened her mouth for him, showing brazen surrender to him and his thick cock, his hand sliding easily through her hair back to where it had been...where it belonged.

Rob enjoyed her open mouth invitation, sliding his cock slowly into her as she offered herself and relished the feel of her submissively sucking him, wasting no time in applying her firm vacuum and rubbing her tongue at the underside of his shaft. He gave her a chance to suck it, an illusion of control as worked on his cock and worked to pleasure him, but she still took it deeper than she might normally, tantalisingly close to her aching throat. Her abs ached as well, a symptom of the constant retching and heaving, body twisting and overwhelming her muscles.

Rob twisted and pushed into her cheek, feeling the velvet softness as he ran his thick head through the enveloping sensations of it, Billie just giving a slight wince and squeak of discomfort as he pressed hard and stretched it. He turned her back and pushed into her mouth, a slow push into her throat that made her cough hard around him, trying to calm herself even as her body fought back. She’d resigned herself to being used as he wanted but her body hadn’t, still instinctively fighting but throat was getting tired…nearing exhaustion.

He took the time to enjoy himself and stretched her other cheek, pushing his cock harder into it, making her wince a little as he rubbed his head into it before abruptly swapping back to what he’d been doing and jamming it into her throat, making her gag hard, throat hurting as he ignored her mumbles of discomfort and got what he wanted. Rob fucked her face hard and fast, working her head in unison with his hips as he pumped her aggressively up and down his cock, his free hand twisting into her hair to join the other so he could get maximum power on her. Billie just squeezed her eyes shut, tears streaming down her cheeks as she tried to hold on, being overwhelmed as he just took what he wanted from her...exactly the way he wanted it.

He started plunging it into her throat over and over, Billie trying to gag, struggling hard but her body wouldn’t resist it...couldn’t resist it, her muscles overwhelmed and completely exhausted. She was broken, unable and now rather unwilling to fight back as he plundered her throat, his immensely stiff cock slamming in and out of her much as he’d promised. She knew what awaited resistance and she didn’t fancy another smack in the face, especially when she stood to gain little from it. He gave one long hold down her throat, slamming as deep as possible into her to clutch her to him, Billie gagging hard again, body straining as he relished the feel of her muscles around him in their weak attempt to stop him before he pulled back out of her.

His still achingly hard cock stood up before her, springing up energetically as she sank onto her heels again and coughed deeply, spitting onto the floor as he held her up. His hand was still in her hair and he used it to pull her back out the way, reaching down to grope her huge tits hard with his other hand. Billie let out a groan, used to her tits being manhandled by men though not as hard as what Rob was doing, grabbing and squeezing her intently, fingers digging into her soft, feminine flesh to feel how firm and heavy they were on her chest.

“Fuck, these are better than I thought that’d be,” Rob breathed, holding her firmly and reaching down to grope her further, really compressing and crushing her tits in his grasp. Billie just gasped and grunted as her tits were treated rougher than they’d ever been; every boyfriend, and some girlfriends, she’d had were always obsessed by her massive rack and as a result she’d had them squeezed and played with practically every way she thought possible.

Until now, as Rob grabbed and groped her like she’d never felt, her nipples rock hard and dragging on his palms as he did so. And then he pulled back and laid a slap across her, her huge breasts jiggling in the wake of it as gasp turned to a sharp, short cry, the sting spreading through her. She’d always thought her huge tits were somewhat numb to such stimulation, having slapped them herself, but this was so raw, sharp and stinging, his fingertips just driving a sudden pain in her. Billie could only grunt and cry out in pain as he slapped her over and over, his intensity increasing, pace and power ramping up, ratcheted by his enjoyment at her soft body yielding to his abuse.

Her flesh was so nice, shaking and jiggling under his blows as he alternated side to side, getting both of her beautiful puppies with repeated strikes that made her cries harder, more desperate, more pleading as he knew she needed respite. She tilted back further as she tried to shy from the hits, only spurring him to smack her with a final flurry of hard, intense thrusts that made her shout in shock and pain, skin stinging in the wake of it as he stopped.

Billie felt the sting and rush of heat to her pale skin, tingling and tensing as the pain faded from her chest to leave her impressive breasts red and tender. Rob still held her, hand tightly in her hair, tilted back in his complete control as she knelt, where she’d writhed, on the floor before him and his rock hard cock. With a sudden pull that made her shout loudly he wrenched her backwards by her hair, tumbling under his evident strength as he yanked her back to the bed and fairly threw her against it as she tumbled back onto her rough ass, sitting against it and looking up at him as he loomed over her, cock waiting to punish her.

“Kneel,” he commanded and she knew better than to refuse, his strength demonstrated to her, a little unexpected and doubly as shocking, focusing her mind as she realised his blows could become even more punishing. She quickly pushed up onto her knees where he wanted her as he reached down to grope her tits again, just relishing her curves as he took them in fully, impressed by how big and heavy they were now he finally had his hands on them.

“Push them together,” he ordered, releasing her hair and stepping round in front of her.

“Like this?” she questioned, grabbing her massive tits and pushing them together, just showing them off really.

“Keep your hands out the way, push them up so I can fuck them. Don’t pretend you don’t know how,” he told her, knowing she must have done it for other men in the past.

He wasn’t wrong and Billie knew exactly what he wanted, men were always focused on her chest and she’d been tit fucked lots of times before. She wasn’t entirely sure the fascination but figured she just didn’t get it as it was a popular request.

“Got it,” she mumbled, dropping her hands a little and sliding them out, pushing her enormous boobs up for him whilst leaving ample space between for him to slide his cock, which he wasted no time in doing. Rob stepped over her and dipped down to push his achingly hard prick between her soft flesh, finding the pressure she held them with just perfect as he drove himself up between them with a growl of pleasure.

“Just like that, you cunt,” he breathed, voice edged with menace as he shoved against her, grinding his bulging head against her sternum and thrusting up so the thick purple head popped out from between her tits. Billie couldn’t help but look down, always doing so when guys tit fucked her, just strangely curious by how it all went, watching it retreated as he pulled back to thrust again. He took his time, the lack of lubrication making it more intense so he went slower and enjoyed the different sensations of her smooth, soft skin as it wrapped around him.

His hand pushed into her long hair again, taking a hold of her as she looked down at him, using her to crank himself harder against her and picking up pace. The easier start was short lived as he used her to stabilise his efforts and started shoving his hips into her much harder, cock plunging between her huge tits, completely enveloped by her as she pushed a bit more intently to ensure they stayed wrapped around him like she was told...like a good girl.

“You like that?” he asked, pulling her head back to make her abruptly wince, his thrusts never slowing, pumping intently as he shoved her back against the side of the bed. She didn’t answer, not wanting to, or frankly knowing what he wanted to hear. Another quick slap met her, swatting her across the cheek as she braced herself, closing her eyes in the nick of time to brace for it. The fingertips stung, something in his technique so practiced and perfect to flick them against her at the tail end of each swipe, drawing intense but fleeting pain to her skin. She wondered how many other girls had felt it before her.

“Yes,” she breathed hard through her teeth, body stiff as she pushed her chest out for him to enjoy.

“I bet, you fucking whore,” he murmured with a smile she could hear, feeling herself sear with humiliation. She hadn’t actually admitted to doing it, or liking it beyond their encounter, but she felt like she might as well have. It didn’t matter, her blush was disguised by her already red cheeks, warmed and punished by his hands.

“Come on, tell me how you like it,” he goaded, slapping her lightly side to side, with his open hand then the back of his fingers, making her flinch as she expected a much harder one to follow. She had to admit to herself that her pussy was absolutely soaked and the slaps weren’t as upsetting as they had been, figuring maybe she was just getting used to it. Worse, she was enjoying it, how he was treating and humiliating her.

“Just like you’re doing it,” she said, figuring he wanted her to submit and tow the line. She was wrong, she assumed, as a firmer smack caught her across the face to make her jolt and grumble aggressively.

“Don’t give me that cop out answer you fucking slut,” he snapped, wrenching her hair a bit harder and pumping more vigorously, “tell me what you like.”

Billie remained silent, well save for her harsh, gasping groans as he used her, knowing she hesitated for a moment too long. But instead of being met with a much more punishing smack his hand slapped her face but almost gently, making her jump as he stopped on contact and grabbed her, not uncomfortably but firmly nonetheless, making her open her eyes and stare directly into his.

“Billie, tell me how you like it,” he said, quite softly, almost a whisper as his eyes seemed to bore into her soul. He was giving her leash, wanting to hear her, wanting her to admit it, to tell him how she liked men using her huge tits.

“I like men going hard, like you are,” she said quietly but with a meaningful tone, seemingly unable to prevent herself admitting it to him.

“I like feeling how fucking hard they are for me, I love feeling them flex between my tits.”

“I like the long strokes so I feel them go all the way through top to bottom,” she continued, immediately feeling him add a bit more to his thrusts so she felt the head dip below her soft, feminine hold to push his bulging head more deliberately through it.

“I like them taking what they want, pinning me down, just taking what they want from me,” she breathed, somewhat lost to it all and letting herself spill out. He’d broken her somehow, made her submit to him and now she was giving into it, biting her lip as she knew some of what she was saying was for him...but some of it was entirely her own thoughts tumbling out.

“I fucking bet you do,” he growled, pumping hard exactly as she said she liked, shoving her back into the bed with renewed intensity, his strokes long and thorough so she could feel every inch of his thick, pulsing cock. She couldn’t deny she loved feeling him flex and jump against her as he fucked her tits, going really hard and yanking her hair aggressively as he pulled her back onto the bed, completely in control as he ground into her. His thick shaft drove against her breastbone as he slammed onto her body, breathing hard, gritting his teeth as he went as fast as possible whilst maintaining the long stroke she said she loved.

“So this is exactly what you want, isn’t it cunt?” he growled, Billie grimacing at the sear in her scalp as he wrenched her hair harder once more, making her submit completely again.

“Yes…” she managed, a strained reply that she forced out lest she meet another smack.

“Yes what?” he demanded, making her heart momentarily flutter behind her huge tits.

“Yes sir,” she replied, addressing him as she assumed he wanted.

“Good girl.”

Billie wondered where the hell this side of him had been hiding. Sure he’d been confident and cocky with her at times, it was part of him and his charm frankly even if she’d never been intending to fuck him. But it was so unexpected that he’d be this dominant, so confident and cocksure with her, treating her like another girl who’d crossed his path wanting domination. A fuck toy, to be used, trained and discarded perhaps, she didn’t really know but what she did realise was she’d fallen into the deep end.

“I just knew a cunt like you would love this,” he breathed, his energy on her impressive as he shoved her back.

“Stop calling me a cunt!” she snapped, fighting back suddenly surprising herself as she resisted, wanting to stop the voice inside her telling her she’d given up and let him have ownership of her. The retribution was swift and brutal as a hard backhander landed across her cheek and lip, making her cry out in anguish, real pain striking her in that moment as the sting didn’t evaporate from her skin, instead sinking in and spreading coldly into her nerves to make her shiver.

“I’ll call you whatever I fucking want to, that’s the deal, remember it? The one you asked for?” he shouted, reminding her exactly how she’d gotten into the situation at hand.

“Yes sir,” she breathed quickly, still feeling the lingering sensation on her face.

“So shut the fuck up. I get to call you whatever I want, and you will shut up and take it,” he told her sternly, taking full charge as his dominant side took over. Billie just kept her eyes shut, bracing herself for him, letting him do as he pleased.

“Fucking whore,” he added, doubling his efforts for a sudden flurry of short, hard strokes that made her murmur, shoving her tits together firmly to take it. Despite the smacks and degradation she’d never once let her hands slip, never given into her aching arms and let them sag, no she’d obediently kept her juicy jugs pushed together exactly as he wanted them which spoke volumes of her natural want to submit to him.

He fucked her chest hard and fast, grip on her hair the hardest it’d been all night, Billie just bent back for his ministrations without a hint of fight in her. His thrusts were a pounding whirlwind of energy and aggression, shoving himself in short, rapid strokes between her massive breasts to take a deep final gulp of their pleasures. It was just that as he suddenly stood back up from her and hauled her up by her hair, Billie screaming loudly as she was wrenched up from the bed and yanked forwards, Rob casting her to the floor before him, straight down on her gorgeous rack to collapse helplessly onto the carpet.

She was all over the place, struggling naked as the body she’d had braced tightly for him was suddenly released, aches and cramps bursting through her muscles as she stretched out on the floor. Billie struggled to get up, body just needing a break for a moment, Rob taking those few seconds to throw his shirt off and shove his jeans down, taking the shorts with them to leave him as naked as her. Just as she pulled herself together, hauling down a deep breath of air and shoving herself up onto all fours he was on her, dipping down behind her to aim his cock as his other hand dug commandingly into her waist as the singer pushed herself up into the perfect doggy style position.

Billie shrieked as he yanked her back and buried his cock balls deep inside her with a single thrust, slamming himself against her round ass as he cranked back on her to penetrate swiftly, splitting her in two in the blink of an eye. She was completely overwhelmed, stretched round him with ease due to how wet she was, her body physically ready even if she wasn’t, giving her away as he slammed himself completely into her, forcing her eyes shut as she shook, her shriek followed by a guttural, shuddering groan as he penetrated her.

She hadn’t been expecting him to fuck her, at least not at that moment, figuring he wanted to choke her with his cock more and to suddenly bury it into her was just like someone attaching jumper cables to her. It was impossible to handle but her body welcomed it, wanted it, letting him drive balls deep without restraint as her smooth pussy lips wrapped around his impaling shaft. It told him that she was liking the treatment he was meting out on her despite her protests, that his domination of her, the slaps to her face, her humiliation made her wetter than either of them could have expected and that only spurred him to keep doing what he was doing.

He loved that he got to full depth so easily, shoving hard against her cervix, loving the grunts and growls from the singer as he grabbed hold of her hair and twisted it up in his hands. He pulled back to make her shout and started riding her hard, ploughing most of his thick cock back and forth inside her as she gasped and growled desperately, completely overwhelmed by him as he just turned it straight up to eleven and got on with it. No hesitation, no pause, just going straight for it and fucking her like he wanted. It was exactly as he’d promised to do to her but she was still somehow surprised by how aggressively he took her, unable to handle it.

“Ugh...fuck…” Billie grimaced as he pumped deeper, changing angle just a little and pounding deep inside her to jam himself intently into her cervix, shoving at the entrance to her womb as he made sure her pussy swallowed every single inch of him with every thrust. Rob hadn’t been intending to fuck her for long, a quick pound to please himself before pulling out and making her get on sucking it again, but she was so completely dominated by it that he wanted to continue. He could tell she was getting off on it even as she struggled and whimpered and from the twitches of her pussy and little contractions of her muscles figured she was on course for an orgasm.

Making her come would only add to her humiliation under him and he wanted to see it, to watch her explode on his cock so he gave another hard yank back on her hair and started to really pound her. Billie’s cries became instantly louder and more intense as he shortened his strokes to fuck her harder and faster, his hips slapping against her round ass as he grunted with the effort.

“Christ!” she winced, body surging as he immediately stepped it up and found power and pace she never imagined he’d have. Rob was motivated and obviously fit to fuck, far more than she’d expected and now she was on the receiving end of it. Had she known she might not have chosen this option, instead paying him out, but she found it hard to deny it was far more fun even as she struggled. Rob didn’t care though, loving her hot, succulent pussy wrapped around him as he plunged his thick cock in and out of her, slamming it into her cervix over and over again, loving how she tensed and cried out.

Billie was completely overwhelmed, her pussy clenching up tighter, unable to catch a break as he buried himself into her with an intensity she’d never been fucked with. She thought his cock was a good size when he’d been making her choke on it but now it was buried inside her it felt so much bigger, and combined with what he was doing with it she just found it way too much. He had her in a hard doggy style position, slamming himself against her booty to jam his prick into her, head cranked back by her hair but she had to get away, using her legs to push away and straighten herself out.

She pulled forward to get away from him, slumping towards the ground in a bid to escape a catch a moments rest but he just rode her, realising she had the strength to get away so instead choosing to just go with it. It all backfired on Billie as she realised all too late she couldn’t break away from him, Rob had her under his thumb and was going to ride her until he was finished...only now she’d let him pin her down on the floor underneath him.

He sank to the floor and held her down, hand on the back of her neck now rather than pulling her hair, his other on her shoulders as he hooked his feet over her legs to force them wider lest she try to squeeze them together to slow or stop him. With her pinned in a near perfect prone bone position he let loose and unleashed himself again, pumping hard to hammer his cock into her slick pussy and make her take it balls deep on every thrust. It had the added benefit that now he had a steeper, more pointed angle down against the front of her vagina and it meant his bulging head was probing hard at her G-spot with every pump with instant effect.

Billie knew she was fucked as the deep, soul gripping sensation of it immediately spread through her, his rock hard cock just slamming over and over against the rough, nerve laden spot inside her and she was powerless to stop it. Her orgasm took an immediate step up and she knew she was holding it back, trying to stop herself from popping, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of making her orgasm as he fucked her so roughly. Frankly she realised it was futile, he was going to make her come and it was going to be hard, and very soon.

“Fucking love that, don’t you cunt,” he growled, Billie able to hear the menacing grin he had, knowing he was absolutely loving it even as she was completely overwhelmed.

“Don’t stop,” she whined, thinking it might make him taunt her by backing off, but she misjudged that as he just gave a laugh and fucked somehow harder to drive her towards the precipice. A few final seconds of it, his hips loudly slapping her round ass, cock plunging effortlessly deep inside her, giving her the most unbelievable fucking of her life was all it took until she could withstand nothing further and suddenly shuddered. It was hard and powerful, a visceral reaction from her very soul as she let out a loud, ragged gasp into the floor and shook under him, climax breaking over it.

It then washed her away as the sensations completely gripped her body, Rob not slowing a bit even as he felt the exquisite squeeze of her pussy, muscles clamping firmly around him to accentuate the lovely sensations on his head as it continued to pump through them. Billie gave several hard, loud exclamations of pleasure to the room as her body tightened and clenched, twisting beneath him as he held her down and fucked her through it, the orgasm hard and intense like the point of a knife piercing her soul, letting it all out in one high pressure wave.

Even though she knew it was going to happen her cheeks were hot with embarrassment, humiliated as he made her climax like he had, pinned face down on the floor and fucked before she was even ready, taken completely by surprise the second she’d pushed up into position and made the invitation. He’d taken it and in frustratingly short order had fucked her until she burst, shaking and shuddering on the carpet for him, an endorsement of what he was doing to her. He continued to fuck her even as it faded, feeling every ridge and contour of him, sensitivity replacing pleasure as he pounded her dripping wet pussy.

She felt her body had betrayed her somehow by reacting so positively to what he was doing with it, completely out of control as he just used her as he pleased, whining in discomfort from the overwhelming sensations. He just held her down and made her take it for a moment longer, loving how she twisted and contorted underneath him as she tried to escape it before he suddenly gave one hard final shove into her. It was the deepest he’d managed to get, penetrating hard and shoving into her cervix just a little deeper to make her cry out loudly, holding it there for a second before wrenching it out of her to make her gasp, suddenly empty, knowing her pussy was loosened and gaping just a little.

“Up,” he commanded, already on his feet and grabbing her hair, pulling her painfully up from the floor. Billie tried to go with him as fast as possible, doing as she was told but it still resulted in her hair being pulled as she fumbled to stand up on her shaky, aching legs. He’d fucked her so hard she could barely control herself and she felt like a newborn fawn as she stumbled onto her feet. Rob towered over her and she really had no idea what to expect next, somewhat relieved as he shoved her down onto the bed.

It was more than a light push, making sure she knew she was there because he wanted it as he chucked her down. She figured he was going to fuck her again and laid back, gasping hungrily as she laid naked for him, just waiting as he stepped around the bed and went to a drawer. She was a little perplexed but then saw what he was finding as he turned back to her with his rock hard erection and a pair of handcuffs.

“Wait, I’m not sure…” she started but was cut off but a hard smack across the face, forgetting her place and rolling away from him, the sting feeling so much more raw now as it landed on her tender, already smacked cheek and made her wince. She hissed in pain as she shied from him, only to be grabbed and hauled up from the bed to a sitting position, barely able to realise as he yanked her hand behind her and snapped the cuff on.

“Fucking hell,” she grumbled, hating how he had such easy control and dominance over her, wondering where all her attitude had gone as he effortlessly took charge. Pulling her other hand behind her, he snapped the cuffs shut and let go, Billie almost overbalancing as Rob abruptly shifted and turned around on the bed, laying down with his hard cock sticking up as she eyed him, not daring to speak.

“Fuck!” she shouted as he suddenly reached up for her, pulling her towards the bed and his aching prick, aiming for her to suck him in 69-style position. He wanted her that way because it was best to let him force his cock right down her throat and he had every intention of making the singer swallow every inch once again. Billie tumbled down and fumbled around, struggling to stay on her knees, shuffling them under her as she tried to push back up. She pulled helplessly at her cuffs, desperate to use her arms as she tried to get control of herself and push herself to where he wanted her.

She wasn’t sure of his plan though she had a good idea, she just hoped he might lick her pussy at the same time to help her through it. The cuffs felt so constricting; she’d worn handcuffs in the bedroom before and played around with a little bondage but that had all been in some good sexy fun, but this felt so much more serious and risky, knowing it put her even more under his control. There was no time to question it though as he pushed her up by her shoulders and manhandled her over him, massive tits pressing down sensually onto him as he got her into position with his thick cock right in her face.

“Suck,” he ordered, as if it wasn’t obvious what he wanted, sliding his hands around her face and into her hair for a powerful grip, harder this time than before and she realised it was about to get serious. She had no more time to think about it as he shoved himself into her mouth, straight into her throat again to make her gag loudly, coughing around him as he tried to penetrate her. She forced back off him a little, Rob giving her just a moment before he drove himself into her again and his bulging head penetrating her throat.

Billie gagged but couldn’t stop him, realising the way he’d used her earlier had completely exhausted her muscles and that initial, restraining gag was the last resistance she was realistically able to manage. Her body was just completely broken by him and now he could have pretty much what he wanted from her, which he evidently intended as he yanked her head down and thrust himself up to bury his whole cock down her throat. She gagged, giving a loud, wet complaint but her body could do little to stop him, wrenching at her cuffs as her tummy tensed hard again, feeling his long prick delve right down her throat.

“I said fucking suck!” he shouted, pulling a hand from her hair to smack her face again. Billie elicited a loud mumble of discomfort even as she tried to stop gagging, eyes streaming and making what was left of her make-up run down her nose in dark streaks. Despite it all, she closed her mouth on him and started sucking as best she could, pulling a vacuum on his shaft as he held it deep before pulling back and starting to pump it into her mouth. Her throat closed up and she tried to instinctively fight it but there was little use, a token protest as he broke through whenever he wanted with concerted pushes so he could bury it into her all the way.

He picked it up and went fast, staying deep so she couldn’t force him out, gagging and coughing around him, her saliva running round him thickly as he held her exactly where he wanted and pumped himself aggressively into her for the most intense face fuck she’d ever had. She’d given some deep blowjobs before but never come close to anything like what he was giving her, just relishing his dominance over the curvy singer.

He eased off a little and went back to her mouth for a moment which let her regain her breath, making sure to take in deep lungfuls of air as she tried to compose herself a little. Rob still thrust into her mouth, bumping into her cheeks and taking in the talent of her still willing tongue as she tried to lick and stimulate him. He supposed it was her attempt to make him come, to finish it sooner, and whilst that was on the horizon it wasn’t happening yet and certainly not before he wanted it.

With a slower, deliberate effort he pushed himself into her throat again, more controlled to feel it slide into her as she gagged again despite her effort to refrain. Her whole body ached as she tensed again, muscles exhausted and unable to help her now as she choked on him, cock filling her throat once more as he pushed it deep until her nose pressed into his balls. He pulled back equally as slow, taking his time to withdraw as she escaped with a deep breath, a moment to take a breath before he thrust slowly in once more and inexorably drove it down her throat, Billie held over him with no way to resist.

Her hands pulled at the cuffs, digging them into her wrists and tugging at her skin as she shivered, giving another wet gagging sound as she choked him down. Rob was just enjoying using her for his ultimate pleasure now as he relished the smooth, silky sensations of her tired throat and made her swallow his cock. He wanted her to feel and experience every moment of it as he squeezed his cock down her still resisting but hopelessly weak throat, her eyes streaming and she shuddered in biting embarrassment at being used so flagrantly.

The sudden switch back to rapid thrusts caught her unaware, not that it mattered as Rob just plunged his thick cock into her and slammed himself deep. Billie growled as he fucked her mouth again, unable to stop him even though she tried, body tight and pulling against him but the soft bed beneath her made her efforts futile. She felt she was somehow managing to control the gagging, getting into a bit of a rhythm with him even as her body continued to tense but maybe it was just her being overwhelmed. The pull back gave her enough milliseconds to draw breath, which was going fine until he drove just a little harder and made her gag again, a guttural choking noise escaping round him as she shook intensely.

He only made it worse however as he used that opportunity, where she was just pulling back off him to get a breath and recover herself to suddenly leg lock her, pulling his thighs over her head and forcing her down as she gave a desperate, helpless whine before she was forced all the way back down him to the balls. She choked and snorted, saliva shooting from her nose in the sudden rush, writhing hard as she tried to escape his clutches but he had her held tight, keeping her right down for a couple of seconds as he relished the squeezes and constrictions of her sore, tired throat.

He suddenly released and Billie threw herself back, wrenching off him and hauling in a huge, hungry gasp of air, feeling light headed as she felt her heart racing in her chest. The panic of the moment soaked her with cold adrenaline, feeling numbed as his hands found her again to pull her  back into position. She was totally lost to him and everything going on, overwhelmed and at his mercy which he put to full use as he applied his strength to pull the curvy singer back to where she belonged – over his cock.

Without a moments hesitation he shoved it back into her mouth and buried it deep, Billie barely able to keep up with what was happening. She drooled helplessly around him as he started pumping hard and fast into her throat, getting deep and staying there as he wanted to enjoy every little sensation she had for him. He knew she was beyond the point of exhaustion and wouldn’t be much good for anything else after he was finished so he wanted to finish strong.

She just mumbled and choked around him wetly as his big cock thumped in and out of her throat, no patience or mercy with her now, just chasing his own pleasure. Hopelessly overwhelmed, Billie just took it as tears slid down her nose, mostly from choking but partly from emotions flooding out of her. The most intense and staggering fuck she’d ever been subjected to had worn her out completely and now she was just a toy for him to use to his own ends. She could feel how hard he was, stiff as iron as he forced himself down her throat.

“Fuck yeah, you little whore, just keep taking that,” he growled, pumping vigorously as she helplessly obeyed. Despite her tiredness, body aching from the whole session, she still kept trying to suck and tongue at him, doing her bit to bring on his climax. Her body shook and contorted, muscles still twinging and fighting her even though she was just resigned to seeing it through. She knew she must look a complete state, not looking forward to what she saw in the mirror but that would wait.

His hard cock, the stiffest she’d ever encountered, pounded into her wet, exhausted throat with sloppy sounds as she gagged weakly, body barely able to fight it. Her wrists hurt from yanking at her cuffs, unable to hold back her instinctive attempts to break free of her constrictions and flee the situation, not that she had a chance of that with how Rob was holding her. His hands were wrapped around the back of her head and into her long hair, driving her down vigorously onto his cock like he owned her, making her take everything he could give her in a furious face fuck.

Billie’s huge tits bounced and shook over him, rubbing and bumping sensually on his body to add to his enjoyment as he buried it in her throat. Her pussy was still soaking wet and it wasn’t just from the fucking he’d given her earlier, no, she was still immensely aroused even if she hated to admit that. She told herself it was just some instinctive reaction, that she didn’t really like it, she couldn’t possibly and she didn’t need to think about it. That’s what she told herself at least, but she knew she would struggle to put it from her mind.

He was slamming into her throat with short, intent thrusts that jammed himself against her lips. Her nose was buried into him every time, eyes squeezed shut as they watered, scalp hurting as he pulled and twisted at her hair. Rob used her like a cheap whore, getting every pennies worth of his spend from her as he forced himself to drive hard, applying all of his power and stamina for the final stretch as he felt a tingle inside himself. He knew it was time and wasn’t intending to hold back, aiming to give Billie the big finish to go with it all so accelerated as hard as he could manage to plough her throat with the hardest face fuck she’d ever had.

Billie could barely comprehend anything and his step up in pace, slight as it was, made little difference to her. She was broken and depleted, needing only rest and her body could do nothing to resist any more he wanted to give her so she just kept choking and taking it, feeling him full depth in her throat, the bulbous shape of his head moving deep inside her. His cock twitched and jumped, on the brink, Rob holding on tight for a few final seconds of pounding himself against her face, loving pinning the singer down on his cock to make up for what she’d done.

With a final hammering, strokes that stimulated him the final furlong and pushed his orgasm to breaking point, Rob held until the final moment then thrust his legs up and over her head. Billie gave a loud, muffled gagging sound and cry of protest as his thighs pressed down on her and forced her deep, really deep, as deep as she could go and held her there in time to feel his cock buck hard and eject a thick rope of his salty load down her throat.

He held her down hard as he exploded, growling and grunting in intense satisfaction, the release having been building all evening and now he let it go into her throat. His thick cock pulsed as he shot his load deep into her, aggressively tightening his abs to force every drop from himself into her, wanting Billie to swallow every possible bit of his thick load. Not that she had a choice, even as she gagged and tried to wrench away he held her tight, making her take it as she was helpless to escape him. His leg lock was intense, far more so than when he’d done it to her earlier and she was completely at his mercy, unable to breathe or breakaway as he enjoyed his moment of pleasure.

Her panicked writhing became more pronounced, desperate to escape, denied oxygen and feeling her heart racing desperately, yanking at the cuffs behind her back and giving muffled protests as she tried to escape. Her vision went spotty even as she felt him still erupting in her throat, shooting his thick come into her stomach and growling with pure release as she felt tingly, blood oxygen running low in a moments before she could fight no more and sagged onto him, passing out on top of him.

She was so completely overwhelmed by it all she’d just given up, body finally having enough, the oxygen starvation the cherry on the cake to make her lose consciousness. Rob took a few more seconds to enjoy it, making sure to empty every last bit of his thick load into her and strain his cock to that effect, giving her everything as he shuddered in completion before sagging back to the bed. His own heart raced, thumping in his chest as he drew in deep breaths and let his legs sag back down to release the singer.

Rob pushed her up off him, his softening cock sliding from her throat silkily before he shoved her off him to tumble onto the bed beside him. She was still unconscious but her chest and huge breasts were rising and falling as her body drew in the air it needed, leaving Rob to flop back onto the sheets, hands behind his head with a smile on his face. He just wanted to enjoy the moment, feeling the immense satisfaction spreading through him, so relaxed and chilled out in the wake of it all. It was the best climax he’d had in ages and he basked in the glow as he took a minute to enjoy it.

Billie didn’t stir, obviously just washed out by it all and she needed a few to recover, which suited him as he just laid back to take it all in.

He stirred, feeling sated after a few minutes rest and stood from the bed. Billie was absolutely trashed and still out of it, but he knew he wasn’t finished with her. It would have to wait for another time however as there was no way she could stand more after what he’d just done to her and besides, it’d be more fun to have her come back for another session. He reached over and slapped her face, instantly jolting her awake as the pain stung, slaps landing on the already tender, swollen flesh of her cheek.

“Wake up, Billie,” he said as she coughed hard, retching again, pulling in an irritated breath and coughing again. Her throat was sore and felt tight, she knew she needed a drink and some rest to recover as she felt her abs twinging from the pain.

“We’re done.”

“That’s it? Settled?” she asked, wiping her eyes, trying to get the mess of make-up out of them.

“No, we’re not. I want more than just this, but you can’t handle it right now,” he said. Billie looked at him angrily, pouting, desperate to say something but she knew he’d warned her it might be more than one fuck session and she’d agreed.

“Bullshit, I think this makes it square,” she grumbled, pulling herself up to sit on the bed.

“I don’t, and that’s final,” he replied, tone firm and dominant as it had been all evening. Billie knew it was a lost cause to argue and stayed silent instead for a moment. Rob took a chance to drink in her body; her massive but quite perky tits, the complete mess he’d made of her face and hair, and the defeated look on her face.

“So what now?” she asked.

“Now? You get dressed and get the fuck outta here.”

“...What?” she questioned, shocked as she stared at him with wide eyes.

“Get your shit and go home,” he said.

“What, that’s it?” she said, looking affronted.

“Yeah, what you wanna fucking cuddle or something after that?”

“...Not really,” she conceded.

“Exactly, we’re done for tonight. So get yourself together and go home,” he said.

“Can I get a shower first?” she said, pointing vaguely to her messy face.

“You can wash up quickly in the bathroom, have a shower on your own time,” he said.

“Christ, you’re a fucking asshole,” she retorted, finding some attitude again as she pulled herself to the edge of the bed and stood up, turning to him on shaky legs for him to unlock her cuffs. Rob did as she wanted, releasing her at which she walked as purposefully as she could to the bathroom even as her legs threatened to collapse underneath her.

She looked in the mirror and winced, seeing the state of herself, her visage a complete mess courtesy of the hardest face fuck she’d ever endured. She’d never been treated the way he had and it showed, her face streaked with black make-up and reddened from his slaps, but she couldn’t waste time on that as he wanted her out...and frankly she was happy to go home to her own solitude. She quickly washed her face and did the best she could, coughing and feeling the soreness to her throat, knowing it would take days to fade away. Billie also wiped her pussy, shivering a little at the wetness as she tidied up, still unsure what to think as she tidied herself in the wake of how he’d treated her.

Walking back out of the room, she found Rob dressed, her clothes thrown on the side of the bed. With her marching orders clear she wasted no time and quickly got dressed, pulling on her sexy satin panties and the bra to match, tucking her massive puppies away before she found her jeans. She yanked them on as he watched, standing to quickly find her top.

“So what next?” she asked, wanting him to spell it out for her.

“Another performance to settle this debt, that’s what.”

“Yeah but what do you want me to do? Just so I know.”

“All I’ll say is you better bring your A game, this was just a warm up,” he said with a rattlesnake smile.

“Seriously?” she blurted out, stunned he wanted to unleash more on her when he’d wrung her out with this session.

“Yeah, I’m getting my money’s worth. You wanted to settle it this way so you can pay up,” he replied.

“Fuck, alright,” she said, quickly shrugging her top on and pulling it over her magnificent tits, “whatever you say I guess.”

He watched as she hurriedly pulled her Converse on, lacing them rapidly and pulling her jacket on. She grabbed her bag and headed for the door, Rob following her down the stairs to show her out. With the first part of their deal completed there was no point sticking around for anything else and she let herself out, heading down the steps as he lingered in the doorway.

“Goodnight, Billie,” he said sweetly, tauntingly as she retreated. She paused, stopping as she reached the bottom and looking up at him.

“Call me when you wanna fuck me again,” she said bluntly, not a hint of a smile, their eyes meeting a moment before she walked off down the street into the night, hearing the door lock behind her retreating feet.


The End.

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.


Re: Billie Eilish - Debt Collection
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2025, 01:24:17 AM »
And now I want Billie to have debts for me!

What a story :Y:
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