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Author Topic: In Through The Out Door (Maria Arreghini, Will.I.Am)  (Read 3707 times)


In Through The Out Door (Maria Arreghini, Will.I.Am)
« on: February 14, 2025, 08:27:46 AM »
In Through The Out Door
Starring: Maria Arreghini, Will.I.Am

Themes: Big Tits, Interracial, Comedy

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This story was written for Captain Planet Patreon request. The celeb choices, theme, and storyline was entirely his idea, so credit to him.

Tirano, Italy

White mountains hid the view of clouds in the distance. They were usually visible behind a blue sky. That was not the case today on a cold, fall day. The valley held the border of Italy and Switzerland. Beautiful scenery was thought to make it a tourist attraction. Or so that's what some locals believed over the years. Maria Arreghini wondered that herself as she walked down the sidewalk, enjoying the cool breeze. She had been to Tirano before, but not for business like this. The wind blew through several locks of her long, blonde hair. This trip had been made from her home of Milan across the country. She left during the afternoon to prevent a long trip in the cold of night. Several people walked by on the street, paying no attention to Maria as she strutted her hips. She didn't have a care in the world right now. There was something about wandering in the village city that brought her a much needed peace of mind.

The year had been one of ups and downs for Maria. Her job as a sports presenter and television host had become a struggle. The network opened a slot to give her a show. Low ratings over the past four months led her to a boardroom meeting with the executives. Her show was on life support, close to being cut off entirely. It was only from her goodwill with one of the producers who vouched to the studio heads to give her another chance. Maria had set up a Youtube channel under the name Mary's Place, where she did unfiltered interviews in English. It wasn't her native tongue, but no one complained about her speech delivery in another language. All of her guests spoke English, making the decision easier on her. Subtitles were offered as part of the options in the Youtube settings. The production costs and mini-studio set were paid for by the network.

It was there that Maria made connections with people across the world in the entertainment industry. One person who managed to keep her attention beyond the interview was rapper and music producer Will.I.Am. Maria had long been a fan of the Black Eyed Peas, making it easy for her to engage in an hour long discussion with Will. After the interview, he offered to take her on a date. That was the beginning of a friendship that lasted into the year. Will didn't tell her if he was single or not. He made his move, and Maria enjoyed what she believed to be a romantic affair. The nights they shared together were filled with wild times. Will proved himself with pleasuring her in the bedroom. He made up for her lack of time spent in relationships over the last two years. Before he left Italy, he told her that if she ever needed any kind of help, to give him a call. They spoke briefly in text messages and a few phone calls over the summer. Now that she was in a tough spot, it was time to reach out to him as a friend she trusted.

Will answered her call within seconds. Maria expected him to have a personal assistant or someone else answering his calls. When she heard his voice on the other end, it was a relief. They talked from across the world for two hours. Will was in L.A. while she was in Italy. He surprised Maria by telling her that he had recently bought property in Tirano. It was a vacation home that he acquired in a business deal. Maria didn't ask him if he bought the place with hopes of pursuing a relationship with her. If there was a chance with Will, she didn't want to blow it. He invited her to his villa, offering the chance for them to figure out some kind of plan to boost her ratings to keep her job. If it didn't happen, Maria was already considering how to branch off into a new career path. She believed Will would have better advice than she could give herself, but Maria thought about what she could fall back on in case the network decided to lay her off.

She had recently shot a new photoshoot for Guess. Her modeling career had yet to take off, despite her enormous natural breasts. Someone once joked to Maria that ten years ago she could've been a glamour model. She knew that to be true from the allure of her massive tits alone. Maria was proud of her assets, but not to the extent of a modeling career. She was selective in the contracts she took, taking great measures to avoid using FansOnly other avenues that could've made her a millionaire. If it was money she was chasing in life, she would've taken the chances. Maria didn't care, just so long as she could live comfortably. Since she wasn't a big name even in her home country, she didn't have to worry about all the negative aspects that came with being famous. Some of those things made for good discussions with Will. She trusted him as an older man who had more experience in life. Sometimes, it was comforting just to be told things would be okay.

Will's villa was situated in the mountains. The property sat on a flat piece of land with plenty of woods in the back. Two stories made up the home with all the bedrooms upstairs. The black paint covering the roof and building made the house blend in during nightfall. Maria wondered what it looked like on a full moon. The autumn weather made it ideal for going in the backyard and enjoying the view of large trees and the green wilderness. Colors had yet to change with the passing of seasons. A month from now, it would be orange before all the grass died away. As Maria walked through the streets, her cellphone started to ring. She stopped and reached into her purse to see Will's name and picture on the flat screen. He was likely calling to check on her since she had been out for a few hours enjoying the scenery. She swiped the screen and raised it to her ear.

"Hello Will."

"Hey there, babe. You enjoying your time without me?"

She chuckled as she replied.

"No, I wish you were right now. You're missing out on some beautiful sights. Have you walked around Tirano before?"

"A couple of times, yeah."

"I guess no one recognized you. At least I would have."

He laughed into the phone.

"Yeah, I know. You could probably pick me out from a crowd."

"I would at least try!"

"When are you coming back? I have a chef coming to cook for us. I've planned something fun for tonight."

"That sounds lovely. Is he already there?"

"Yeah. He hasn't started cooking yet. I'm waiting on you to get back first."

"Then I guess I'll be on my way right now."

"Good, bring that sexy ass over here!"

Maria blushed as she hung up the phone. Will knew how to flirt, making her more comfortable than she already was. As she glanced around the street one final time, Maria spoke to herself in her native language.

"Ho un buon presentimento per la giornata di oggi."



The fresh scent of food traveled beyond the doors into the dining room. The chef Will spoke of was an older man with greying hair and a big black mustache. He played his role as the hired chef, complete in a white uniform and hat. Pasta in tomato sauce, garlic bread, and egg rolls were on the menu. The man cooked enough to make multiple meals, giving a small hint to other guests whom were yet to arrive. Will told Maria that he had a surprise in store for her, as this dinner was to be more than just a simple date between them. She saw this as a good chance to discuss business with him. Upon arriving back, she changed out of her clothes into something a bit more satisfying for his eyes. Seduction wasn't the name of her game since they had already shared romantic evenings in the past. A white blouse and black skirt made for a simple outfit that teased well.

With one button undone, Maria's breasts looked as if they could pop out at any moment. She didn't think twice if they were in the view for food to spill onto. Will made that comment when he first saw her cleavage. Maria laughed at him, not embarrassed by his joke. Dinner began with just the two of them. Will informed her that his other guests would arrive within an hour. By that time, she expected their conversation to have completely shifted to one of business interests. The dining room was made up with long, dark wooden tiles painted in a heavy tint of gloss. It looked out of place compared to the stone walls and vintage style windows. The other areas of the villa had more modern designs in the architecture and choice of aesthetic. Will told her that he didn't care much about the overall look of the place since it was only a place for vacations.

"I've been thinking over your situation with the ratings and all that."

Will spoke as he lifted a fork close to his lips. A strand of spaghetti dangled, covered in sauce and tiny sprinkles of Parmesan cheese. Maria sipped on a glass of wine as their eyes met. After Will swallowed his food, he continued speaking.

"My friends coming over are producers. Myles is from England, and my other homies are from the good old US of A."

"Are those two from the US?"

He shook his head.

"I've never asked where they're from. Kendre and Derrick work at a management company that does podcasts. My other buddy Derrick helped me years ago with advertising."

Maria listened to him. She had a picture in her head that two of the men must've had experience managing online content. If the other one worked in advertising, then maybe he would know how to help her reach a larger audience.

"I think you need a bigger draw with interviewing celebs. There's other people out there besides me who could get you clicks and views."

After Will finished speaking, Maria replied.

"How could I get someone more famous than you?"

He silently sat down his fork, now done with the meal.

"Leave that to me. My friends will help you. They know how to get access to people like Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans."

She raised an eyebrow, smiling at him. It was easy to imagine higher ratings with A list actors. But she still had questions in regards to the actual platform she was hosting.

"I think that would be nice. Would I need to travel to America to make this work?"

"I don't know, babe. Maybe? Are you looking to move there?"

Maria shook her head.

"I'd rather work here, since this is my home. My problem right now is with the network. If I can't boost my ratings, I might end up looking for a job elsewhere. In that case, I guess I would be traveling to the US."

"If you don't want to move, don't worry. I'm gonna help you as best as I can. You mentioned something the other day that you were looking at a beach house to buy."

She nodded at his words.

"Yes. That was my plan before I got the news that I might lose my job. America is nice to visit, but I don't see myself wanting to leave home."

Will gave her an understanding nod as he got up from his chair. Since they were both done eating, he took the plates and placed them in the sink. Maria sat there, pouring herself another glass of wine. There was another bottle waiting to be opened on the table. She watched Will slip his right hand into one of the pockets of his leather pants and pull out his cellphone. It didn't dawn on her while they were eating that he chose them for his outfit. The leather revealed everything, even the outline of his growing cock that she could see when he turned back towards the table. A white, buttoned up shirt went with his pants. It was tucked in, almost giving Maria the impression that Will wanted her to see his bulging erection.

"Are you calling your friends?"

"They texted me twenty-two minutes ago, according to this. They said they're on their way."

With the time passing, that could be any moment now. Maria got up from her chair, her black high heel pumps stomped loudly on the floor as she moved to the doorway.

"Would you like me to welcome your friends?"

She didn't see the smirk on Will's face as he replied.

"Go right on ahead! You can be their welcoming committee."

Maria flipped strands of her long, golden hair as she glanced across her right shoulder. Will's line of sight was directed at her booty. She gave an innocent smile before stepping out of the door. A black hallway connected to the living room area. It was a large space made up of black leather couches on both sides. Two wooden tables were spaced out, fit with a few drinks and magazines. The walls were covered with paintings, but no television set. Will once commented that he preferred to watch TV in bed, so it made sense that he didn't have much of an entertainment center in the space. A doorway on the other side led down another small hallway and to the front door. No one had knocked yet, but Maria had a strong feeling that Will's guests would be outside. When she opened the door, a white taxi cab was sitting idle outside the gates. The doors opened, and she watched the black men step out of the car.


As she waved, three men left the car and shut the doors. One was wearing a black pinstripe suit without a tie under the unbuttoned jacket. His hair was made up with a low buzz cut. The other men were dressed in gray sweatpants. One wore a black hoodie, and the other was in a blue shirt. Their heads were nearly shaved in a buzz cut, with one sporting a trimmed black beard. As Maria stood in the doorway, Will stepped behind her and yelled.

"You guys came just in time to eat!"

A laugh was heard from the men as they approached the doorway, assembling a line with the blue shirted man up front. Maria stepped aside to give them entry. As each man entered, they slapped Will on the hand and then patted his back. It was a greeting that symbolized some kind of connection and friendship the men all had. Maria watched as she shut the door.

"Maria, I want to introduce you to my friends."

Will called out to her as the men stood shoulder to shoulder. Once he saw that he had her full attention, he continued.

"This is Myles."

The man in the suit extended his hand for her to shake. Maria grabbed his hand as she smiled back at him.

"Hello there."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard all about you from Will."

"I'm Derrick Washington."

Another man greeted her before Will had the chance to say his name. Maria shook his hand as she flashed her teeth in another friendly smile.

"And this quiet man is Kendre."

"Yeah, that's me."

The last man spoke in a deep voice. He didn't offer his hand for her to shake. Maria instantly caught his eyes drifting to her massive cleavage on display.

"Hello there, I see why you aren't much of a talker."

Will and Myles laughed as Kendre glanced away and then flashed his teeth in a grin. It was easy for her to make the man blush.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Arreghini, you just distracted me a bit."

"Oh, I know. I seem to have that effect on men."

She winked, openly flirting with him within seconds of meeting.

"Everything's ready in the kitchen if you guys wanna go ahead and start eating."

"I take it you and the lady have already ate?"

Myles replied with a question. Maria interjected, replying over Will.

"Please, just call me Maria. That's much easier. And yes, we just finished eating when you arrived."

"Ah, Maria it is then."

The men marched to the kitchen. The fact they didn't need to be directed where to go was enough to tell Maria that they had been in Will's house at least once. As they walked, Kendre leaned over and whispered something into Derrick's ear.

"You see those huge titties? If those things can't save any ratings, how the hell are we supposed to help her?"

Myles overheard his friend and laughed. Maria didn't hear them as she moved to sit on the couch. Will followed his friends but turned to give her a reassuring smile. He didn't say anything to her, but Maria could see he was making sure his friends were well accommodated with the food and wine. She leaned up on the couch, almost wanting to get up and join them. On second thought, Maria chose not to stand. Will returned seconds later and sat down next to her.

"Should we join them and discuss things?"

"Only if you want to. We have all night to talk about your show and other things."

Laughter was heard from the kitchen after Will's spoken reply. Derrick and Kendre had loud, booming voices. Maria leaned back on the couch and glanced down to see if the bulge in Will's leather pants was still visible. She could see the outline of his cock, but was unsure of the hardness. Several thoughts ran through her mind as Maria found herself unexpectedly attracted to the trio of men who were in the other room. Will could see from the look on her face that she was either in deep thought or confused.

"Are you feeling alright?"

Maria nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just... I don't know how to tell you this, but ummmm... I'm feeling a bit adventurous right now."

"What do you mean by that?"

Her eyes glanced over to his face as Maria tried to smile innocently. But she wasn't fooling Will with her cute face.

"You have guests that I believe I could be entertaining right now."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"Well, I could change into a more skimpy outfit to begin."

Just like the other men, Will had become distracted at the sight of her cleavage. He couldn't maintain eye contact. For him, the feeling had to be different, Maria thought to herself. Will had already explored her breasts on more than one occasion in the bedroom. She knew how much he couldn't resist her boobs or the feeling of pleasure she gave him when his big black cock was pushed between them. He loved it so much that she made sure to do it multiple times. Now she was thinking about three other dicks. How big were his friends? Would they be able to resist her busty body? Maria already knew the answer. There was no point in thinking too hard on it, except to flatter herself.

"If you wanna do that, it's up to you. But I think you look just fine in what you're wearing."

Will's answer made Maria reconsider the option of changing clothes. With a smirk, she rolled her tongue around in her mouth, making her left cheek bulge slightly. A subtle hint of what she was currently craving as she felt the urge to take her clothes off now.

"I believe I'd look fine even if I was naked."

He smirked, flashing his teeth before chuckling lightly.

"Now you know I'm not gonna say no to that."

Standing up, Maria began with her skirt. She pushed it down to reveal a white pair of panties. The front already had a wet spot, hinting at Will over how turned on she was. Maria wondered what was going through his mind at her sudden arousal. Did he think it was due to the other men? Or maybe he would believe she was a more daring risk taker from this. Maria bit her lower lip as she pulled her panties down, exposing the pink folds of her wet cunt. Will raised an eyebrow, but he didn't look as impressed yet. That was fine by her. She had something else that would truly wow him, as she had done many times before. Stepping out of the skirt and panties, she reached into her crop top. Rather than remove it completely, Maria decided to pop out her massive breasts. They flopped free, exposing her areolas to Will's view. His eyes got big as he gasped.

"You always give that look like you've never seen my boobs before."

Maria laughed as she sat back down on the couch. The end of her crop top no longer tucked into the skirt, had just enough edge at the end to cover her pussy if she wanted to conceal the view. It gave her plenty of ideas for teasing. Will leaned over, holding up his hands and extending his fingers. Before he could grab hold of her breasts, Maria gripped his wrists, leading his hands to her tits. She felt his warm palms pressing against her erect nipples. He squeezed her tits, making her purr soft moans.

"What made you want to suddenly strip down and start playing?"

Smiling at him, she pondered answering his question.

"Ummmmm, I don't know if you'd believe me if I told you so."

Will chuckled as he fondled her breasts. His black finger slipped across her lighter skin. He pulled them apart, exploring further as her nipples grew harder.

"If you're trying to make a deal with my friends, this is one way you could persuade them."

"That didn't cross my mind."

"Oh yeah? Then I guess you're right after all, cause I don't believe you when you say that."

That was all he said before burying his face between her tits. Maria moaned, moving her right hand to his head. Her fingertips ran through his short black hair, guiding him to smother his face with her breasts. Will pressed them against his cheeks and flubbed his lips, motorboating them. She giggled loudly without any care regarding the sound alerting the three men in the kitchen. Will pulled away from her boobs, kissing the left nipple before raising his head completely.

"I can't get enough of those titties. Doesn't matter how many times I've seen 'em, they are just that damn good."

"I think you're addicted to them. You simply can't get enough, so don't even try to deny it."

He tried to hold back his laughter, failing within seconds.

"Oh, yeah! I'm not denying that!"

More laughing was heard from the kitchen. The men had become louder from whatever they discussed. Maria didn't feel any tension from the trio of men walking in on what had become a foreplay session on the couch. Will's hands remained clutching her breasts until he moved the right one away. Maria thought he would go for her pussy, so she grabbed the ends of her shirt, tugging it to hide the view.

"Do you want me to stay focused on those titties or..."

"Or what?"

She teased him with a smirk. When his eyes shifted back down to the end of her shirt, Maria flashed him the sight of her pussy. Will squeezed one of her boobs, and then she raised the end of her crop top again. This time she didn't lower it, giving him full access to touch her vulva lips. His middle and ring fingers rubbing across them, feeling the sticky wetness of her moist heat. Maria looked into his eyes as Will let go of her other tit. She replaced his hands with her own, hiding the view of her nipples as he focused on her pussy. Will carefully slipped his middle finger inside, watching her lower lip fall as Maria gasped.

"How long have you been feeling frisky today, Maria?"

He slipped his finger in deeper, listening to her softly cry in pleasure.

"Was it before we sat down to eat?"

Studying the look on her face, Will grinned. He wanted to surprise Maria by twisting his finger as he thrust it deeper into her cunt. She gasped, then his other fingers rubbed her clit. Her moans became loud, undoubtedly echoing from the room.

"Or maybe it was after my friends arrived, huh?"

"Ohhhhhh, no. It was before that, darling."


After his question, he slipped his index finger into her pussy. As he thrust two fingers into her pussy, Maria squeezed her own breasts, pushing them together. The sight wasn't enough to distract Will from using his fingers to pleasure her.

"Ohhhhhhhh!! You know how to get me all hot and worked up, Will!"

Closing her eyes, Maria could hear footsteps in the distance. She paid it no attention, but she knew where the sounds were coming from.

"Oh shit, look at this."

Kendre's voice almost made her open her eyes. His words were followed by Will.

"Did you hear her?"

"I certainly did. You didn't tell us she was a kinky minx."

Derrick's words oozed in praise with a sharp tone to his voice. Maria blinked her eyes open to see the other three men standing around, watching as Will kept his fingers in her pussy.

"You look even better with your tits out."

Myles finally chimed in with a smile. None of the three men could maintain eye contact. Maria saw them scanning her body, surveying every inch while Will twisted his two fingers inside her. He made her gasp again, leaning forward as her hands moved away from her boobs. They bounced free, jiggling slightly before sagging. Despite being outnumbered four to one, Maria felt a high level of control in this situation. All of the men were lusting over her body, including Will. He pulled his finger out of her pussy, giving Maria the freedom to stand up. She finally pulled the crop top off her chest and discarded it to the floor to stand naked, only in the pair of heels that covered her feet. Will gazed at her ass while his friends were focused on her tits. Maria smiled as she placed both hands on her hips, modeling for them.

"I take it that you fine gentlemen see something you like?"

"Yes, indeed."

Myles spoke up as he reached to unbuckle his belt. Maria saw a chance to order them around now. She turned her back, showing them her booty as she marched back to the couch.

"When I turn back around, I want to see you all naked. There's no reason why I should be the only one standing here without any clothes."

Her eyes narrowed on Will grinning at her.

"That goes for me too?"

Maria shook her head at him. She could hear the sound of rustling clothes behind her as she replied to Will.

"This is your house, so I don't have a place to tell you what to do. Only your guests!"

Will laughed at her remark as he stood up.

"Fine, but I feel I need to get ready for this too."

As the center of attention, Maria was commanding this show. She hesitated, waiting another minute to turn around so her gaze would be met by the three black males standing naked. Her eyes glanced down, seeing the growing black cocks that awaited her hands and lips. This was going to be a wild night. Maria had no care anymore about conversations regarding her career and potential deals to be made with these men. Business would come later after the pleasure that was her main focus now. As Maria looked at the hardening black cocks, Will was busy stripping down to join them in the nude.

"Come a bit closer."

Maria called to the men as she sat back down. She flashed the front row of her teeth in a seductive smile, inviting them to approach her. Derrick stepped ahead of the other men. He licked his lips, giving the subtle hint that the food in the kitchen wasn't enough to quell his appetite. Maria knew what to offer him for dessert by pointing to her cunt with her right hand index finger. He dropped to the floor, crawling towards her. This made it easier for Kendre to move to her left side and get on the couch. His movement was followed by Derrick taking a seat on the right side. Maria was now stuck in the middle with the third man crawling forward until he reached her thighs. She felt Myles's warm breath blowing across the wet folds of her labia. Licking her lips, Maria moaned as her eyes found Will standing naked.

"Looks like you get to watch a show. You have the best seat in the house, center, front row."

Uttering those words, Maria reached with both hands to cusp the backs of Kendre and Derrick's necks. Their hands went to her boobs, both of them fondling a tit equally. Myles lapped his tongue across the pink, wet folds of her cunt. As Maria gasped, she suddenly felt both Kendre and Derrick's tongues licking her nipples. Her fingernails grazed across Derrick's skin as she closed her eyes.

"Ohhhhhhh, yes. Show me how much you want my boobs."

Will stood there, grasping his cock as he watched his friends pleasuring Maria. The expression on her face told the story for him. She was more than willing to go the distance to put on a show, as she proclaimed. But this wasn't just for Will's viewing pleasure. Maria wanted to be caught in the middle with these three men lusting for her body. She closed her eyes, moaning loudly as Kendre licked her left nipple. Derrick used his hands to help himself in sucking her swollen areola, all while Myles' tongue was venturing into her pussy. As her eyes shot open, Maria caught the sight of Will in front of her. He was completely naked, legs spread and right hand gripping his big black cock. It was a silent reminder of what awaited her after this foreplay session.

"Ohhhhhhh, yes..."

As she moaned, Myles shook his tongue in her cunt, slithering deeper. He raised his right hand, using two fingers to pinch her clit. Derrick and Kendre had pulled her breasts apart far enough for Maria to gaze down at the cock pointing upward. She planted her left hand palm down, encouraging the man to continue eating her out. Derrick's lips were embedded to a nipple that his teeth barely grazed, leading her to believe he was avoiding biting down on them. Kendre loudly slobbered all over her left breast.

"Get those titties all nice and wet so I can use them later."

Maria gave a hint of what she was planning to do once she was down on her knees. As Will stroked his own dick, he felt the temperature rising in the room. It could've simply been adrenaline, yet he felt the heat going up the longer he jacked himself off. Myles extracted his tongue from Maria's pussy and kissed her clit. As he gazed up, his eyes were met with Maria staring down at him.

"How did it taste?"

"Better than the food in the kitchen."

"Now that's what I like to hear!"

He climbed up from his knees, revealing that the entire time he had been tasting her snatch, Myles' right hand was gripping his cock. From where he stood, it blocked the sight of Will behind him. Maria moaned, feeling slobber develop on both her tits as Derrick and Kendre were still hard at work sucking her nipples. She wanted to reach out and touch Myles's huge black pole, but it only felt right to give Will the pleasure of her fingers first. Maria slid her hands down Derrick and Kendre's backs. What she thought would further persuade them to continue sucking her tits had only made Kendre stop. He pulled his face away from her left boob, smirking up at her. When he leaned in to kiss her, she leaned back. Kissing was only reserved for Will and no one else. He noticed this from her and saw it as the perfect time to lead them outside.

"Alright, alright. That's enough, guys."

Will's voice diverted his friends' attention away from Maria's body.

"It's getting hot as hell in here. Who wants to take this outside?"

"I could go for a walk."

Somehow, he must've known that she would speak up before the other men, Maria thought to herself. When Kendre and Derrick pulled away, she got up from the couch. The first thing Maria did was reach for Will's cock, wrapping her fingers tightly around it. She made sure that his was the first she touched, just as she planned to suck first. His hands roamed over her breasts, giving them a hard squeeze as she leaned in and kissed his lips. Maria wanted the other men to see her kissing Will, hoping that would be a quiet message to them that only he would be tasting her lips. Breaking the kiss, Maria squeezed his dick tightly, leading Will to walk on her right side after he let go of her tits.

"In through the out door we shall go!"

Her words were followed with laughter by the men. Maria was unsure if they were laughing at her or the fact she was guiding Will by his cock. From the living room was a short journey back through the kitchen. The men followed behind Will in a single file line, moving at the sound of Maria's heels thundering across the hard floor. They were slightly muted when she stepped across a few rugs as they went down the hall. The men did not utter a single word, something that surprised Maria on this short trip through the house. She expected at least one of them to compliment the view of her bum. The door leading outside had a stained glass interior, uncovered to allow sunlight to pour in. Will moved ahead of Maria, grabbing the doorknob to open it and breathe in the fresh autumn air. The cool breeze hit her bare skin, yet it didn't give Maria any discomfort. She finally let go of Will's cock as she pranced in front of him to exit the home.

Outside were rows of large green trees. The mountain view served as perfect scenery. Maria had no care in the world of any prying eyes from the distance. Will shared that same relief as he followed her out into the yard. Her heels were quiet as she stepped across the blades of grass. The space was large, leading into woods from the south and east. It was fenced off on the sides and around the trees, but Maria saw no need to venture into the forest. From behind her, Maria heard the door slamming shut as the final man stepped out. She spotted a patch of clematis flowers, almost shining in their purple color on the ground. The change of season had not made them fade in color yet. It made for a fine spot for her to turn around and face the men whom were now gathering around her. A circle formed with Will in the middle. Kendre and Myles were to the left and Derrick to the right.

Maria began by reaching for Will's long pole with both hands. She was still making sure he was served first. Her big brown eyes gazed up at him as she jerked her fingers back and forth. She twisted a few of them while Myles whispered something into Kendre's ears. Soon, her hands would find their place on other cocks. She could feel a vibration from Will's length. That made her lick her lips, ready to taste him. The cool air outside had made her feel more excited as she moved one of her knees in the grass. Enough of the teasing, the time had come to finally put her lips to work. Maria opened her mouth wide, bringing Will's cock beyond her lips as she squeezed them around the head. Her hands left his shaft, reaching around both sides to find Derrick with her right and Kendre with the left. Myles was the only one left out, as Maria was now multitasking with three big black cocks.

"Take it slow, baby."

Will groaned as she began sucking his cock. Maria twisted her left hand fingers around Kendre's pole. Her right hand was pumping up and down around Derrick's thick rod. Will placed his hand on the back of her head, guiding more of his dick into her mouth.

"I got the feeling this is going to be a wild time."

Myles spoke up as the lone man not receiving any attention from her. Maria closed her eyes and began bobbing her head up and down, slobbering on Will's shaft. She jerked her hands, making sure to keep her fingers pumping around the two cocks she held.

"How good does she suck it?"

Derrick asked Will, who answered him with a moan. That was the only answer he had for his friend. Maria didn't allow the question to break her concentration. She bobbed her head up and down, sucking Will's shaft as she pushed it further down her throat. Her hands remained pumping the two cocks she held as she shut her eyes tightly, trying to fit Will's entire length down her throat. She gagged, unable to properly deepthroat him. He tugged at her hair with his fingers, pulling his cock out of her mouth so she could breathe. She turned her head to the left, unwrapping her fingers from Kendre's cock and finally grabbing Myles. Maria's right hand found Will's cock, slick and wet from her own saliva. Her lips wrapped around Kendre's pole, and she resumed sucking as he moaned aloud.

"Ohhhhh, yeah! Suck on it!"

Wasting no time, Maria bobbed her head up and down. Derrick was the only one she wasn't touching now, as he resorted to wanking himself. Maria didn't stroke Will's dick for long. She let go, using it to aid herself at holding Kendre's cock from the base. This made it easier for her to shove it to the back of her throat and gag lightly. Maria bobbed her lips up and down a few times, pulling away with a pop sound. A string of saliva dangled from her lower lip, breaking away as she moved to Myles's cock. This time, she used her left hand to help herself push that cock between her lips. Her right hand reached for another cock, unknowing that she went back to Derrick's dry shaft. As she sucked on Myles's dick, she made muffled moans. 'Mmm, mmmmm, mmm,' the sounds were barely audible from all the heavy breathing by the four men.

"Can't wait to put those titties to work!"

Kendre blurted out what was on his mind. Luckily for him, Maria had plans to do just that. She just needed to make sure every cock was properly lubed in drool first. After sucking on Myles's shaft for a bit, she pulled it out of her mouth with a pop and turned. Derrick was smiling wide as she finally moved his dark cock under her chin, breathing across the sensitive skin.

"I was starting to get worried you had forgotten about me."

"I would never forget!"

She winked before plunging his dick into her mouth. Will couldn't believe how fast she was working. He expected Maria to be overwhelmed by the many cocks, but she was proving herself to have the skills to handle them all so far. He moaned when she grabbed his dick again and resumed wanking while her lips moved up and down Derrick's shaft.

"Keep going."

He planted his hands on her head, slightly gripping locks of her golden hair, and began to buck his hips. Maria wanked Will's cock faster as Derrick was now thrusting his cock down her throat. She blinked her eyes before widening them. All the men got to watch Derrick fuck her mouth.


Her voice became incoherent from the sucking noises. Whatever Maria may have been trying to say was completely lost in her accent and the noises. Drool formed around her lower lip with a string dripping out of the right corner of her mouth. Derrick pushed his cock all the way down her throat, making her gag. Before her eyes had a chance to water up, he pulled his shaft out of her mouth entirely. Maria gasped, lips open wide as several strings of saliva dangled from her lips back to his cock. They broke when she glanced around to find Will. She licked her lips and spit on his dick. Rather than sucking it again, she was ready to move to the next phase of this gang bang fuck fest. Maria let go of the cocks in her hands and then grabbed her huge breasts. She raised them up as the men gasped and groaned.

"Bring those big titties to play!"

Kendre yelled.

"Hold 'em up!"

"Yeah man, we gotta fuck those tits before we're outta here."

Myles and Derrick spoke after him. All Will could do was smile knowing she was giving him special treatment to go first. Maria lifted her giant boobs and shoved them around his big black cock.

"That's gotta feel good, man."

Will laughed at Derrick as Maria squeezed her tits tightly around his shaft.

"You have no idea how good it's gonna get! You just gotta let her put those titties to work!"

Maria laughed at Will bragging about her busty chest. She started to pump them up and down, making the entire length of his long black shaft disappear between the folds, only for the head to push up.

"Ohhhhhhh, fuck!!"

Will groaned loudly. Maria gazed around to see the men broke the circle around her. Kendre and Myles were still to her left. Derrick's shoulder brushed against Will from the right. All three of them had a hand wrapped around their cock, stroking at moderate paces. She could've reached out to help them again, but Maria wasn't going to do that with Will's cock between her tits. He was the only one she would give complete attention to. She gazed up at him, gritting her teeth and puckering her lips as she worked her tits. His eyes didn't meet hers as he watched his cock poke up with each full thrust she gave.

"Mind sucking on this again?"

Myles grinned as he wagged his dick towards her face. Maria nodded without answering him in words. She opened her mouth wide, answering his call with action. Myles pressed the head of his cock against her tongue and watched as Maria enveloped her lips around it. She sucked the head while still fucking Will's cock with her titanic sized boobs. Closing her eyes, Maria sucked hard, making her cheeks sink in. She continued to work her breasts around Will's cock as he moaned.

"Ohhhh, man!"

"I can't wait to get a tit wank from her."

Kendre spoke up over Will's voice. Myles pulled his cock from Maria's mouth, making yet another pop sound. This one was loud, echoing through the air. A sunset formed over the mountains, but not from where Maria could enjoy the sight. Will spotted it when he gazed up, smiling at the beautiful scenery.

"Are all of you wanting to fuck my tits?"


"Oh, yeah!"

"You don't even have to ask, babe. Those tits NEED to be fucked!"

Myles's words were resounding as he spoke over both Derrick and Kendre. Their excitement couldn't be contained. She continued to pump her tits around Will's cock until he reached below and snatched it away from her. Maria was surprised to see Will step aside, allowing his three friends to choose who would go next. Just when she expected it to be Myles, Derrick stepped up, smiling wide at her.

"You gotta let me fuck those titties."

"Are you going to cum for me if I do that?"

"Yeah! I'll cum all over 'em if you let me!"

Maria pulled her breasts apart, inviting him to slip his black cock between them. As soon as he pushed it in, she pressed her tits together. Derrick immediately began bucking his hips, driving his cock between her tits. The head poked against her chin, causing Maria to moan as she raised her head.

"Them titties look so much better with a cock right down the middle of 'em."

He thrust harder, once again making the head press against her chin. Maria raised her head further, gritting her teeth as she moaned. She expected Myles or Kendre to move a cock towards her to suck, but they didn't. Her eyes focused on Derrick's face, but she could've easily guessed he had no intentions of looking at her face. The man fucked her tits with his mouth agape in the shock of pleasure from what he was feeling. He drove his cock forward as she felt every inch of it pumping between her tits. Maria broke eye contact to glance down, watching it pump up to flick her tongue across the head.

"I bet you have never fucked tits like that before, huh?"

Will laughed after asking Derrick the question. The man blushed, shaking his head.

"They're from a whole other world."

Maria watched Will walk around naked in the backyard. Her distraction was only temporary as the feeling of Derrick's cock thrusting between her tits brought her attention back to him. She didn't bother attempting to lick the head again, choosing to spit on it instead. It took her three attempts to land a wad of saliva on the head. When she finally got it, Derrick slowed down, making one final thrust where she licked the tip as it poked up. Then he pulled his shaft from her boobs and stepped away. Myles stepped up next, motioning with his hand at her.

"I got an idea. Let me hold your tits, and I'll free your hands."

"Oh, you're a creative thinker."

"I'm not the artist. That's Will's job. Let's just consider this a deal."

As she laughed, he pointed his big black cock towards her enormous chest. Maria pulled her breasts apart like before but stopped when she saw Myles bring his own hands down. He cupped her tits from underneath, pulling them apart and pushing his cock between them. With her hands free, Maria bent her elbows and extended her hands. Will stepped to her left side and Derrick to the right. She reached for both cocks, gripping them tightly as Myles began to buck his hips, aggressively fucking her tits.

"Oh my god! Someone is very excited!"

Giggling at Myles, she further encouraged him with her voice. The time had come to finally scream.


"Wooooo! You hear that, Will? She's got some fucking pipes!"

Myles laughed loudly as he pumped his cock between her boobs. Maria jerked her hands, moving her fingers up and down to wank off Derrick and Will. Kendre was standing close to Myles, patiently waiting for his turn to fuck her tits.

"You gotta get her in the studio. Even if you have to use a bit of autotune on her voice."

Derrick taunted Will with the gesture. He shook his head, replying.

"No need for that."

Kendre cleared his throat.

"But you gotta write a song about this!"

 All voices erupted in laughter, echoing with the wind blowing. Maria found herself giggling with them, all while she felt every inch of Myles's big black cock driving between her boobs. She twisted her hands around the two dicks she held, squeezing them tightly. So far, no one had managed to cum yet. She felt that would change by the time positions shifted and they were taking turns entering her. Soon that would come. Most likely within minutes, as she felt Myles slowing down his thrusts. He let go of her tits to free his cock. Maria kept her own fingers wrapped around the two in her hands, still wanking them as Myles poked the tip of his dick against her right nipple.

"Did you have fun fucking these tits?"

"Oh, yeah! They're fucking beautiful."

He pulled his cock back and smacked it against her hardened nipple. A subtle way of his black cock telling her big tits goodbye as he walked off. Maria watched Kendre step closer, his hand wrapped around the base of his shaft.

"You've been waiting a long time for this."

"Yeah, but you know what they say about saving the best for last."

Will pulled his cock from Maria's hand, prompting her to let go of the other one. Since Kendre was the last man up, she was going to focus on him entirely. The wind was blowing, moving strands of her blonde hair into her face. Maria swiped it aside as she leaned up, hands pressing her massive boobs together. She rubbed them as a way of teasing him as Kendre stroked his own dick. Only after he stopped did she pull apart her tits, offering him the tight passage between her gigantic mounds. Kendre slipped his cock between them and watched as Maria squeezed her tits together. Never had she tittyfucked this many cocks all at once. By now, she felt that she had more experience using her breasts to pleasure men opposed to a single man.

"Look at me, babe. I want to see those eyes while I fuck your tits."

Kendre proved to do something the other men couldn't, including Will. Maria was impressed that he locked eyes with her as he began fucking her tits. She had to reward him with some dirty talk.

"Ohhhhhh, yeah! Fuck my titties with your big black cock!"

She bit her lower lip, purring at him as he managed to keep eye contact with her. Maria didn't pay attention to the other men standing around. She could hear Will's voice and Myles laughing, but was unsure of what they were saying. The sound of friction from her boobs and Kendre's cock were much louder to her ears.

"Fuck! Your titties are so fucking big!"

"Ohhhhhh, yeah! Tell me about it! I know you can't resist them!"

He thrust harder and faster, driving every inch of his cock between her boobs. Maria bit down on her lower lip, humming moans while flashing the front row of her teeth.

"Fuck those tits, man!"

Myles cheered on their friend, clapping his hands. That only served to make Maria blush further until she burst out laughing. Kendre didn't let the voices distract him from thrusting. Over and over, he pumped his dick between her marvelous breasts. The cool air prevented any of them from breaking a sweat, but Maria still had to wonder how close they had come to unloading some cum for her. She couldn't fight off the craving taste of a hot load. If no man offered, she would have to demand their creamy cum in her mouth.

"Are you gonna cum for me, Kendre?"

"No, not yet. I haven't even got to fuck you yet."

Kendre grunted his words as he continued to thrust.

"Oh, what's that? Did you say you wanna fuck me?"

"I know you heard me right!"

Loosening her grip on her boobs, Maria allowed his cock to freely flap out. Her pussy was soaking wet. To go all this time without touching it and only having to rely on the grass below had almost driven her mad in lust. Will stepped closer, motioning with his hand for her to rise from her knees. Once Maria stood, she exhaled a deep breath.

"So how do you want to do this, babe? What positions are you thinking?"

"Ummmm, I'm not sure. I guess I wouldn't mind being down on all fours to start out."

"You guess?"

Nodding her head, she quickly reassured him.

"Yes! Let's start that way and then move to another position later on. But know this, Will, you are the only one I want to cum inside me. None of the others, just you."

Her words made him smile. Maria's trust was something Will held dearly. He nodded, seeing that he needed to take control and guide the men.

"Go ahead and get down on all fours, baby. I'll do it last for you."

Maria pointed a finger at Myles.


She waved her other hand, directing it at Kendre.

"And you!"

Once they both looked at her, Maria fell to her knees again. Her palms pressed against the cold leaves of grass, rustling between her fingers.

"I want you both. One from behind, the other up front."

"But who goes where?"

Myles asked the question. Maria didn't have an answer for them.

"That's for both of you to decide. Who wants another blowjob, or who's in the mood to finally fuck my pussy? You can change positions, just so long as neither of you cums yet."

The men looked at each other, Myles nodding at Kendre. The other man ignored his friend to gaze down her back. A silent agreement among the two men led to Kendre stepping behind her. Maria grinned at Myles as he gripped his cock, pointing it towards her face again.

"I think you loved it when I sucked you off."

"Oh, yeah. You know how to use those lips."

"Don't forget my tits. I know how to use those too."

She winked playfully at him, causing the man to lighten up, smiling as he moved his cock into her face. Maria parted her lips wide, moaning as she felt Kendre's cock brushing against her thighs. Her thoughts wandered to Will, but she didn't bother glancing around to search for him. She looked at Myles's dick, hungrily licking her lips and blowing her breath across it with another moan. Her voice became muffled as Myles inserted his cock into her mouth. He placed his hands on both sides of her head, holding her in place as he began to fuck her mouth at the same time Kendre drove his cock into her tight cunt. Maria closed her eyes, gagging on the cock as she made incoherent moaning sounds. She felt his balls smacking against her chin. Her noises were drowned out by the sound of Kendre's balls slapping across the undersides of her thick booty.

"Give it to her good, guys. But remember, don't blow a load."

Will reminded them who was in charge as he stood close by. Maria's huge boobs shook and jiggled from underneath. Her fingertips became dirty as they pushed into the grass, rubbing against the brown dirt below. Kendre slapped her ass and grabbed her hips, thrusting even faster. Maria's eyes opened wide as she slobbered on Myles' black dick, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the two of them. Derrick approached from the right side and reached for her wrist. She turned her head, making Myles's hard shaft bulge one cheek of her face. Derrick brought her hand to his cock and she squeezed it hard. Using her other hand to hold herself up, Maria stroked away while Kendre and Myles thrust into her on both sides. Now it was Will as the only man left out. He clapped his hands, groaning in excitement.

"Damn! I knew you guys would know how to fuck her!"

Will was still clapping his hands as Maria felt both cocks thrusting into both sides of her. Kendre took his time with slow thrusts, but Myles jammed his dick to the back of her throat. She gagged and choked, yet still managed to pump her fingers up and down the length of Derrick's long black shaft. She increased speed, pumping her hand so fast that it became a blur. In a panic, Derrick pulled her hand off his cock and moved away. This made Myles abruptly stop thrusting in her mouth and extract his cock from her watery lips, letting Maria squeal.

"Ohhhh! OHHHHHH, YEAH!!"

Her voice echoed into the wilderness. Will couldn't help but wonder if there were any hikers climbing the mountains who may have heard her screams. Kendre nearly halted his movement completely. He made two final thrusts, then carefully pulled his cock out of her pussy. Maria whimpered at the absent feeling of no longer having a black dick inside her. As she shut her eyes again, she heard footsteps in the grass. Myles made his way behind her and greeted Maria by smacking his palm against her bare ass.

"Ready for more?"

"Yes I am. I was starting to get frustrated and a little impatient."

Derrick and Will laughed at her reply. Maria sighed before taking a deep breath. As she closed her eyes, Myles pushed his dick into her.

"Ohhhhhhh, yes. Get it in there..."

Biting her lower lip, her moans faded into soft purrs.  Will and Derrick stood there, stroking their cocks and watching as Myles pushed in. Maria wouldn't have been able to see them had she opened her eyes since they moved to her left side. When she did reopen her eyes, she was met with the vision of the wooden fence in the distance, tall trees high, and a fading orange sky. Time was lost on her as the only thing she cared about now was indulging herself to satisfy her own lustful obsessions. Maria was reminded of that as Myles grabbed her hips and began to thrust his cock in her juicy cunt.

"Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh, god! Yes! Fuck me!!"

Maria felt the momentum of her huge tits swinging around beneath her. She wished one of the men would reach for them, knowing that they were standing around and watching. Myles's skin slapped against hers, creating a rhythm of smacking noises.

"Ohhhhhhh, YES!! Fuck me!! Ohhhhh, GOD, YESSSSSS!!"

Smack. Smack. Smack. Maria whimpered, then gasped as she felt a hand snatching several locks of her blonde hair from behind. She giggled excitedly as Myles pulled her hair.

"Mmmmmm, yeah! That's how I like it! Fuck me harder!!"

Moans and soft groaning were heard from the voices of the other men. A sign for Maria to believe they were standing around jacking off as they looked on the current event. Myles grunted as he slapped her ass, pushing his cock deeper in her pussy. She gasped as he managed to thrust faster, making her tits jiggle and bounce faster.


The screeching sound of her voice caught Will's attention. He feared at this rate Maria would reach her orgasm before he had a chance to fuck her, so he clapped his hands in a vain attempt at capturing Myles' attention. The man slowed down without the need of being alerted. Maria then felt his cock exiting her pussy, leaving her to exhale deep breaths as she prepared for the next one.

"Who's up next?"

"I'm ready for my turn to fuck you."

Derrick spoke up as he walked behind her. Myles let go of her hair and stepped away, joining the other men off to the side.

"You best make this quick, cause I'm ready to give Will's cock a nice ride."

"Damn, she's got her mind on something."

The men laughed at Derrick's response, leaving Maria to sigh at them. She didn't know if he was teasing her about the affection she had for Will or if he was gesturing at him. Those thoughts disappeared from her mind upon feeling his cock slip inside her moist pussy.

"Ohhhh, shit! You're fucking tight!"

Lowering her head, Maria moaned as she felt another cock pumping inside her. The men cheered and clapped as their friend was now fucking her. Myles whistled.

"Give it to her! Fuck her harder!"

Encouraged by their words, Derrick found a rhythm, picking up the pace to thrust his cock into her cunt. Maria maintained herself. She was saving all her inner strength to ride Will in what she assumed would be a reversed cowgirl position.

"You guys enjoying this show!? Are you having a good time watching me get FUCKED!?"

The men cheered, clapping their hands, and Myles whistled again. Maria could hear her voice echoing with the wind. The air was getting colder, yet it didn't make her feel uncomfortable. Derrick growled through his clenched teeth as he was now pounding her pussy. Bucking his hips, he pumped inch after inch of his hard cock inside her. Maria screamed for him.

"Ohhhh, OHHHHHHHH YES!! YESSSSSSSS!! FUCK ME!! That's it, that's it!"

She moved her right hand, slipping it down below to find her clit.

"You like that? You like getting fucked out here while all the other fellas stand there and watch!?"

Maria moaned as her finger rubbed at her clit in sync with Derrick's thrusts. She ignored his filthy, taunting words. She quit playing with her clit and pressed her dirty hand back into the grass. Derrick slapped her left booty cheek, hollering loudly as he started to thrust faster.

"Ohhhh! Fuck! Fuck!! Yessssss!!"

As she cried out, Will became concerned that Derrick was fucking her closer to an orgasm. He waited to intervene, seeing his friend slow down. But not without delivering three more hard thrusts into her pussy. After the final one, he let his cock sit in her for a few more seconds before slowly extracting it. Will stepped around Maria and sat down on the grass.

"Damn, this is cold."

She smiled, crawling towards him.

"Don't worry, honey. I'll warm you up."

Maria heard Myles and Kendre chuckling in their British accents as she straddled Will. Turning her back to him, she bent her knees and gripped his black dick. The other three men gathered around, watching as Maria carefully lowered herself down on Will's cock. It was remarkable that throughout all this time, she had yet to watch the beautiful sight of a black cock sliding into her wet pussy, until now. It was made funnier with the fact that Will had to wait all this time to finally be inside of her. The best had indeed been saved for last. He was the only man she would allow the honor of cumming inside her. Their orgasm needed to be shared as one with his friends serving as witnesses. Maria gazed forward to see Kendre in front of her with Myles to the left and Derrick off to the right. She licked her lips, gazing at the hard black cocks that had yet to explode for her.

"Ride it, baby! Bounce on me!"

Will's hands found their place at her hips, leaving her boobs free. They shook and jiggled all around as Maria rolled her hips, riding his cock. She looked at Kendre since he was facing her and then grabbed her tits, holding them up.

"Come on! Fuck my tits again! I know you can't resist them!"

He stepped forward as she adjusted her hands, using them to cradle her boobs. The large size almost made them spill from her tiny palms. Will began to buck his hips, meeting her own movements while Kendre positioned his big black cock between her tits. This position made for good use as Maria was able to get her pussy and tits fucked simultaneously.

"I ain't stopping this time. Gonna give you some hot spunk all over those huge titties."

Maria was moaning as she tried to listen to Kendre. She kept her breasts pressed together, feeling every inch of that long black cock pump up and down. The wind blew some hair in her face, but she couldn't wipe it away this time. It was the least Kendre could've done for her as a kind favor. Turning her head, Maria tried to blow the hair from her face as she closed her eyes.

"Bounce, bounce, bounce!!"

Will was encouraging her, though he might as well have been singing to the sound of skin smacking together. It made for good, quickly paced beats similar to what he produced in studios. Maria could feel his cock pulsing inside her, knowing he had some time to go before blowing his climax. The same couldn't be said for Kendre. He was busy pumping his cock faster with each thrust between her breasts. It was an easy guess that he only had seconds to last by this point. Gritting his teeth, he grunted and began screaming.

"Ohhhh, fuck! Ohhhh, FUCK!! Here it comes! Gotta cum all over these huge fucking tits!"

He didn't pull his cock out from her tits. Maria was anticipating him to stop thrusting, but Kendre proved otherwise. The explosion turned his cock into a fountainhead, gushing wads of cum onto her neck and around her breasts. He made another thrust, burying his dick between her tits as he continued to cum. It wasn't much of a pearl necklace, but when Kendre did pull his cock away, Maria had a wet of cum sticking to the inner sides of her breasts. She broke a long string, watching it drip down her stomach as he pulled away. She was somewhat disappointed that he didn't give her a bigger load. The scent of his fresh, creamy seed made her want to taste it. A reminder of how she wanted one of them to fill her mouth with cum.

"I'm fucking those tits next!"

Myles spoke as Will was still slowly thrusting in her pussy. Maria quit moving her hips, choosing to focus all her efforts on tittyfucking the other two black cocks.

"You can fuck 'em, just so long as you let me swallow your load."

"Ohhhh, so you're not a spitter. I like that!"

Maria blinked her eyes in relief as Myles swiped the hair from her face. He guided his cock between her tits where she quickly wrapped them around the dark pole. The cum stuck between them made his shaft glide easier, pumping swiftly. She moaned at the feeling of Will's dick pulsing inside her.

"Maria, I think I'm gonna cum, are you ready?"

"Ohhhh, yes! Yes, Will! Make me cum with you!!"

With every word she spoke, Myles thrust faster between her boobs. Maria closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide. Will didn't get to witness the look of sheer blissful pleasure on her face as she felt his cock exploding inside her. Her fingernails dug into the firm skin of her breasts, clutching them tightly as her insides tightened.


The grip on her boobs loosened, almost causing Myles's cock to slip out. Maria never thought she'd experience an orgasm while having another cock lodged between her tits. She remained sitting on Will, not bothering to change positions so she could feel his rod in her. Myles continued thrusting, pumping every inch back and forth. Maria didn't have the time she would've liked to recover from her orgasm. She swallowed her breath, watching the cock poke forward between her breasts.

"Yes, yes, yes!! Fuck my titties!!"

Myles kept going, pumping repeatedly. The slickness of his rod made it easier, pushing him close to his orgasm already. After another minute, he stopped and reached for his cock. Maria opened her mouth for him. He pressed the head of his black shaft against her tongue, watching as she enveloped her lips around it. She sucked until he exploded, filling her mouth in a few gushes of cum before pulling it away. Maria quickly swallowed what cum he gave her, then watched as he pointed his cock down to her breasts. She pressed her tits up, keeping them pushed together to make a valley for him to rain his creamy seed onto. The man groaned as he jerked his cock, howling loudly as it erupted, firing thick strings of semen that splattered onto her skin. All she could do was smile wide at seeing her tits caked in dripping cum.

He stepped away without saying a single word, not even a thank you. That was fine by her. She leaned up, slowly easing Will's cock out of her pussy. Maria focused her eyes on Derrick, and she was willing to eagerly crawl towards him. Her brown eyes gazed up, showing him that she was still hungry for more. It didn't matter if cum was dripping from her cunt or her boobs, Maria was determined to make the final man cum, and hard enough to scream. No words were exchanged between them as she sat up on her knees, presenting her tits to him. She guessed that he would want to finish with a titfuck, knowing how irresistible the power of her boobs had been to these men. Derrick responded to her actions by shoving his dick between the folds of her tits before she had the chance to pull them apart. Maria gazed down at the head of his cock and spit on it.

"I'll give you some more cum on those titties!"

From behind her, Will moved to stand on his feet. He sighed in relief as he walked around with Kendre. The two men stood close by, watching as their friend began fucking her tits again. Maria moaned, looking up at Derrick to see the expression of satisfaction on his face as he pumped away.

"This is the most tittyfucking I've ever done before."

"Oh, yeah! I can believe that!"

As he thrust, Maria matched his movement by pumping her chest up and down. Will laughed at the sight in front of him.

"Go, girl! You want it, go get it!"

"Why don't you sing something for her? Tell her to bounce, bounce, bounce dem titties!"

They all laughed at Derrick's reply, but Will just shook his head. Kendre stepped close to him, whispering something. Maria could hear some giggling, but she ignored it while focusing her sights on Derrick's face. He continued to thrust, pumping away between her tits, knowing this was the last time he would be fucking them.

"Keep going. Just keep fucking my titties."

"I can't hold back much longer."

His face scrunched up as he kept thrusting. Maria bit her lower lip, purring softly.

"Mmmmmmmm, I want your cum dripping off my tits. I want your big black cock to explode and cover my tits."

One more thrust and he slowed to a halt.

"Oh, I can't hold back. Your tits are too much! They're so fucking big!"

Reaching down, Derrick gripped his shaft from the base and pulled it from her boobs. Just like before, Maria maintained the same position by pressing her boobs together. She raised her head, just to be on the safe side to prevent any cum from splashing onto her face.


The pitch in Derrick's voice elevated as ropes of cum splashed across Maria's neck and her breasts. She laughed, satisfied with the gooey mess he made all over her chest. Licking her lips, she glanced down at the wads of semen running between her tits and off to the side. Some lines fell to her fingertips with her right nipple covered. The men gathered around her now that she had successfully depleted the final black cock of cum. Whatever final drops Derrick had fell to the ground, lost in the grass. Derrick was out of breath, stepping away to try and catch himself. The final titfuck had given a new erection to Will, making him even harder. Maria didn't notice that he had been standing close by, stroking his cock all this time. His faint groans caught Maria's attention. She smiled at the sight of his fingers gripping that beautiful, big black dick.

"Are you hard for me again, Will?"

"Yeah! Just stay right there and hold those titties up! I wanna cum all over 'em!"

Lines of cum were already dripping from both sides of her tits. She wondered just how much of a load Will would give her since he had already filled her pussy with his seed. His eyes were fixated on her boobs.

"Cum for me, Will. Give me one last hot load. Mmmmmmmmm, I want your cum dripping down my titties."

Bolstering him with dirty words, Maria rubbed her tits together. She spread her fingers across them, feeling a line of cum trickle down her left hand. It didn't bother her, as she watched him continuing to jack himself off. Will bit his lower lip, grunting.

"I'm already close!"

"Oh yeah? How close?"

He replied with grunts as he stepped a bit closer. Maria raised her head, just to make sure the cum he was about to unload for her would indeed splatter across her chest. When he tilted his cock downward at her tits, she knew he only had seconds to go.

"Ohhhhh, yeah! Your titties bounce, bounce, bounce! And my cum is about to fly, fly, fly ALL OVER 'EM!!"

Will yelled as his cock jerked and his cum shot out like silly string before landing on her chest. One, two, three and a fourth splattered across her breasts. A droplet of cum slathered across her right tit, adding another layer of the sticky semen dripping between the folds. He was out of breath and spent. Maria was happy to see Will went the extra mile to cum twice for her. That was one of the many reasons he was special to her. As he caught his breath in deep exhales, he offered his right hand to pull her up from the ground. The three men watched the finale with Derrick smiling wide. He waited until Maria fully stood, then he spoke.

"This was one hell of a time, I gotta tell you that."

"Yeah, this was a great day. No business deal, but that's fine. We should talk about that later."

Myles offered her a hand after speaking, helping pull Maria up from the ground.

"That would be nice. We should go back inside, it's starting to get cold."

Kendre grinned at Will.

"Is she staying the night with you?"

He nodded with a smile.

"Yeah! You guys gotta bounce, bounce, bounce back inside and get dressed!"

All of them laughed at his joke while Maria blushed. She giggled too, feeling at ease after the wild evening they shared. The sunlight was fading with the orange sky turning dark that illuminated the tiny stars in the sky. Moonlight from afar glimmered, making the cum on her tits glisten brightly. Maria glanced down to see the sparkling cum. She used her right hand fingers to smear some of it, giving her skin a shiny coat of polish.

"I'll be looking forward to talking business with you wonderful gentlemen tomorrow. I think we've skipped several parts and become more acquainted in a much better way."



Bum-bumba-bumba-da-na, bum-bumba-bumba-da-nun. Bass beats echoed, drenched in layers of reverb and delay effects. The instrumental version of Will's song 'Mind Your Business' played as the new intro for Maria's rebooted talk show 'Mary's Place'.  The single originally with Britney Spears proved to be a flop in the charts, so he reworked it for a better project. Now streaming from Peacock and given a multi-million dollar budget. Ten seconds of the intro played while flashing photos of Maria to begin the show. It ended when her images faded to a black screen that showcased the logo in a stylish font of silver letters with a blue glow. The final credit to roll was executive producer--Will.I.Am.

No longer bound by the network, Maria had more freedom and the backing of her new friends to fall back on at a new studio. She was able to keep her residency at home in Italy while Will's agents and managers made the deal with Peacock. Her career was safe, for the time being. As time moved on, Maria wondered if this would lead to something more than simply business decisions with Will. Something more tender, involving the path of passion.

Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


Re: In Through The Out Door (Maria Arreghini, Will.I.Am)
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2025, 01:27:26 AM »
I have no idea who she is, but she seems lovely!!

Lucky Will  :Y:
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Re: In Through The Out Door (Maria Arreghini, Will.I.Am)
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2025, 02:28:17 AM »
I have no idea who she is, but she seems lovely!!

Lucky Will  :Y:

Italian social media star. She was a Patreon request from a new reader I picked up last year. Glad you liked it. He had some interesting ideas that made for this unique story.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
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